PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 17:08 Page 1
Volume V olume o 56 | Issue 2 | F February ebruary 2018
Industry w Industry weighs eighs u up p tthe he costt o off C Carillion collapse cos arillion co llapse A poll poll o off e engineering ngineering s sub-contractors ub-contracttors indicates indicates that that many many companies companies in in the the sector sector are are facing facing huge huge ffinancial inancial losses losses following following tthe he well-publicised well-publicised collapse collapse of of UK UK construction construction group group Carillion. Carillion. New data obtained by Building Ne w d ata o btained b y tthe he B uilding Engineering E ng ineer ing Services Ser v ices Association Associat ion (BESA) (BESA) and a nd the the Electrical Electr ical Contractors’ Contractors’ Association Association demise off C Carillion ((ECA) ECA) ssuggests uggests tthat hat tthe he d emise o ar illion will have damaging w ill h ave d amaging rrepercussions epercussions ffor or a llarge arge number off ssub-contractors. n umber o ub-contractors. estimated Carillion owes around IItt iis se stimated tthat hat C arillion o wes a round £75 80 engineering £ 75 million million tto o around around 8 0 e ng ineer ing firms, who provide sservices er v ices fi r m s, w ho pr ov ide sservices er v ices ssuch uch as electrical, plumbing, gas, fire and a se lectrical, p lumbing, g as, fi re a nd ssecurity, ecurity, and a nd heating heatting and and ventilation. ventilation. IItt iis s tthought hought tthat hat overall are be higher, tthe he o verall llosses osses a re llikely ikely tto ob e ffar ar h igher, given g iven there t here are are thousands t housands of of businesses businesses operating and o perat ing iin n tthe he iindustry ndust r y a nd tthat hat tthe he engineering e ng ineer ing sservices er v ices ssector ector iis s tthe he llargest a r g e st part off tthe construction by value. p ar t o he c onstr uction iindustry ndustr y b yv alue. The ECA and BESA T he E CA a nd B ESA ssurvey ur vey sshows hows tthat hat contractors off a all have been affected c ontractors o ll ssizes i ze s h ave b een a ffected by The b y Carillion’s Car illion’s demise. demise. T he ttotal otal value value of of ongoing contracts with Carillion worth o ngoing c ontracts w it h C ar illion iis sw or t h £47.2 most off w which are now att rrisk. £ 47.2 million, million, m ost o hich a re n ow a isk. Micro businesses 10 employees) M icro b usinesses ((less less tthan ha n 1 0e mployees) are off a re owed owed on on average average £98,000 £98,0 0 0 and and one one o
SMEs owed tthese hese S MEs iis so wed over over £250,000. £250,0 0 0. Small firms employees) are owed S mall fi rms ((10-49 10-49 e mployees) a re o wed £141,000 £ 141,000 on on average average and and one one of of these these contractors owed £800,000 by Carillion. c ontractors iis so wed £ 800,0 000 b yC ar illion. Medium-sized M edium-sized businesses businesses (50 (50 – 249 24 49 employees) employees) are a re owed owed on on average average £236,000 £236,0 000 and and large large businesses b usinesses (250 (250 employees employees +) +) are are owed owed on on average £15.6 million. a verage £ 15.6 m illion. knew ““We We k new tthe he ffall-out all-out ffrom rom tthis his sseismic eismic episode but e pisode would would be be extremely ext remely y sserious, er ious, b ut tthese hese figures figures give give us us a clearer clearer picture picture of of just just how h ow hard hard our our sector sector is is going going to to hit hit in in terms terms of of
off p pounds off u unsecured debt tthe he thousands thousands o ounds o nsecured d ebt tthat hat will w ill be be lost lost by by ordinary ordinar y hard hard working work ing businesses, ssmall mall b usin nesses, jjeopardising eopardising ttheir heir ffuture utur u e and off ttheir BESA a nd tthe he ffuture ut ure o heir sstaff,” taff,” ssays ays B ESA President P resident Tim T im Hopkinson. Hopk inson. Both ECA and BESA have called B ot h E CA a nd B ESA h ave llong ong c alled ffor or unfair practices within rreform eform tto ou nfair payment payment p ractices w ithin construction. Carillion was widely known c onstr uct ion. C ar illion w as w idely k nown months pay tto o ttake ake over over ffour our m ont hs tto op ay ssuppliers, upplie er s, despite d espite 30 30 day day payment pay ment being being industry indust r y good practice. To g ood pr actice. T o ttackle ackle tthis his sslow low payment, pay yment, bodies are calling tthe he two t wo trade trade b odies a re c alling on on the t he Government pay small and mediumG over nment tto o p ay sm all a nd m ediumssized ized businesses businesses directly, direct ly, using using ‘project ‘project bank b ank accounts’. accounts’. The associations are also Bill T he a ssociations a re a lso ssupporting upporting a B ill by Peter Aldous MP, ttabled abled b yP eter A ldous M P, which which is is currently currently going Parliament. The Bill will g oing tthrough hrough P arliament. T he B ill w ill prevent pr event clients clie ents and and main main contractors, contractors, such suc u h as Carillion, using own accounts a sC arillion, ffrom rom u sing ttheir heir o wn a ccounts held back tto o sstore tore money money h eld b ack ffrom rom ssuppliers uppliers iin n case c ase of of defects defects – ring-fenced, r ing-fenced, independent independent accounts would be used a ccounts w ould b eu sed iinstead. nstead.
Cold C old homes homes linked linked to to m mental ental health health issues issues A new new rreport epor t p published ublished b by y tthe he E Energy nerg y a and nd U tilities Alliance Alliance (EUA) (EUA) highlights highlights the the scale scale Utilities o uel poverty pover t y in in tthe he U K, w it h m illions off ffuel UK, with millions cold homes and lliving iv ing iin nc old h omes a nd ssuffering uffer ing ffrom rom a rrange ange o off p physical hysical a and nd p psychological sycholog ical iissues ssues ass a rresult. a esult. The The research research also also sheds sheds light light on on how h ow insufficient insuf ficient policy polic y is is not not only only failing failing tto o help help tthe he ssituation ituation o off tthe he ffuel u uel p poor, oor, b but ut in in ssome ome c cases ases actually act ually worsening worsening it. it. S Statistics tat ist ics reveal reveal that t hat every ever y year year cold cold homes h omes k kill ill o over ver ffour our ttimes imes a as s many many people people ass road a road a and nd rrail ail a accidents ccidents a and nd n nearly early ffour our ttimes imes as as many many people people as as drug drug misuse. misuse. Each Each winter, w inter, there t here are are around around 28,500 28,50 0 excess excess winter w inter deaths deaths the the majority majority of of which which can can be be attributed cold homes estimated a ttributed tto oc old h omes – iit’s t’s e stimatted tthat hatt an a n older older person person d dies ies e every ver y seven seven minutes minutes
during winter months; again can d ur ing tthe he w inter m ont hs; a gain tthis h is c an be b e attributed att r ibuted to to the t he inability inabilit y to to heat heat their t heir homes h omes ssufficiently. uf ficient ly. The T he EUA’s EUA’s report, repor t, entitled ent itled ‘Fuel ‘Fuel Poverty: Pover t y: Ending E nding the t he vicious v icious cycle c ycle of of vulnerability’ v ulnerabilit y’ aims provide an perspective a ims tto o pr ov ide a n iinformed nfor med p er s p e c t iv e on and offer off pr practical o n tthe he iissue ssue a nd o ffer a rrange ange o act ical ssolutions. olutions. It It highlights highlights a range range of of issues issues such such as digital divide, off grid households, a s tthe he d ig ital d iv ide, o ff g r id h ouseholds, heating iinefficient nefficient h eating ssystems ystems and and inability inability of of poor access ffuel uel p oor households households tto oa ccess iinitiatives nit iat ives help One off tthe main iintended ntended tto o h elp tthem. hem. O ne o he m ain rrecommendations ecommendat ions is is to to provide p ov ide more pr more ffunding unding to to aid aid the t he installation installat ion of of efficient ef ficient and boilers which viewed as a nd functional f unct ional b oilers w hich iis sv iewed a s key k ey to to alleviating allev iat ing problems problems in in some some of of the the most m ost vulnerable v ulnerable homes. homes.
Mike Executive off tthe EUA M ike Foster, Foster, Chief Chief E xecut ive o he E UA policies being ssays: ays: ““It It is is clear clear that, that, despite despite p olicies b eing iintroduced nt roduced and and mechanisms mechanisms put put in in place, place, ffuel uel poverty u poverty remains remains a devastating devastatting reality reality for for around million households a round 4 m illion h ouseholds living living in in the the UK UK who find heat w ho fi nd tthemselves hemselves struggling struggling tto oh eatt ttheir heir homes. We have heard anecdotes h omes. W eh av ve h eard sshocking hocking a necdotes of of people p eople sself-disconnecting, elf-disconnecting, facing facing the the ‘heat ‘heatt or eat mental health e at dilemma’ dilemma’ or or experiencing experie i ncing m ental h ealth problems orr ssevere as pr oblems o evere iisolation solat ion a s a rresult esult of of organisations ttheir heir ffuel uel poor poor status stat us ffrom rom o rganisat ions working w ork ing on on the t he ground. g round. ““Fuel Fuel poverty pover e ty is is a complex complex issue, issue, and and our our off pr proposals rreport epor t ssuggests ug gests a range range o oposals tthat hat can needs be an urgency c an combat combat it. it. There There n eeds tto ob ea nu rgency amongst policy makers because a mongst p olicy m akers b ecause tthis his rreally ea ally iiss a life life or or death deat h scenario.” scenar io.”
WIN! S ee page 45
Made M ade to to last last
Workwear W orkwear m manufacturer anufacture e D er Dickies ickies iis s ccalling alling on o n tradespeople tradespeople e to to reveal reveal their their oldest oldest and and most m ost reliable re eliable items ittems of of workwear workwear in in a ccompetition ompetittiion tto ow win in n£ £100 100 w worth orth o off v vouchers. oucherrs s. ““We We know know our our products products are are built builtt to to last last and a nd this this competition competition is is a celebration celeb brration of of tthat,” hat,” said Whitaker, s aid JJames ames W hittaker, Marketing Marketiing Director. Dire ector. ““Whether Wheth her it’s itt’s a sturdy sturdy pair pair of of comfortable comfortable boots b oots o orr a m much uch lo loved oved jjacket, acket, w we ew want ant tto o know which products have really k now w hicch p ro oducts h ave re eally y stood stood off ttime.” tthe he test test o ime.” To T o enter, enterr, follow follow Dickies Dickies on on Twitter T wittter (@ (@ DickiesEurope) orr F Facebook and share D ickiesEurope) o aceb e ook a nd s hare a photo off y your how p hoto oo our cclothing lo oth hing iitem, te em, iincluding nclu uding h ow you’ve had and orr tthe extreme llong ong y ou’ve h ad iitt – a nd / o he e xtre eme which been used cconditions ondittio ons iin nw hich iit’s t’s b een u sed – using using tthe he hashtag hashtag #builttolast. #builtttolast. The The competition competittion 12 25th February. rruns uns ffrom rom 1 2 tto o2 5th F ebruar y.
PHAM FEB18 FORD:Layout 1 29/01/2018 13:10 Page 1
PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 13:41 Page 3
February 2018
NEWS N EWS SR Review eview
See the the benefits benefits of of E IInside nside this this issue issue See Editor’s ditor’s g ood ventilation v ntilatio ve on good
Viewpoint V iewpoint
Exhibition Preview
by C Chris hris JJones one es
Lesssons Lessons need n eed tto o be be llearned earned
A brief guide to what visitors can expect to see s at this year’ year’ss Ecobuild exhibition
See page 19
Oil Heating The latest development developments ts in the UK oil heating industry and opportun opportunities nities for installers
Starts page 25
Pipes, Fittingss &V a alves Valves Why y press p fitting g systems continue to gain popularity with installers
Starts page 35
Biomass Boiler Boilers rs & Stoves Why it’ Wh it’s s important i t t tto ensure that wood burn burning ing appliances are working g to their full potential
Starts page 40
T he T The Technical echnical M Magazine agazine for for the the Plumbing, Plumbing, H eating & A ir Movement Movement IIndustry ndustr y Heating Air
Incorporating: Incorporating: Plumbing & Heating News News Plumbing & Heating Equipment News N ws Ne
As p As part art of of its its ongoing ongoing ‘‘My My Health He alth My My H Home’ ome’ c campaign ampaign tto o raise raise awareness awareness of of the the health poor h ealth iissues ssues llinked inked tto op oor iindoor ndoor air air quality, quallity, B BEAMA EAMA h has as llaunched aunched a new new video video that that highlights h ighlights tthe he iimportance mportance off good o good ventilation. ventilation. The has been T he video v ideo h as b een produced pr oduced to to inform infor m homehomeowners o w ners of of the t he benefits benefits of of ventilation helping v ent ilat ion iin n h elping to to achieve good a chieve g ood iindoor ndoor air air quality, warning q ualit y, as as well well as as w ar ning off tthe health associated o he h ealth rrisks isks a ssociatted with w ith poor poor indoor indoor air air quality quality asthma, allergy, – including including a sthma, a llerg y, and exposure a nd llong-term ong-ter m e x p o su r e – iiss linked linked to to heart hear t disease d i s ea s e and a nd respiratory respirator y problems, p oblems, pr lung cancer. iincluding ncluding lu ng c ancer. BEAMA camB E A M A has has long long c ampaigned p aigned for for improved improved indoor indoor air quality a ir q uality and and hopes hopes to to raise raise public p ublic awareness awareness of of poor poor air and iindoor ndoor a ir a nd iimproving mprov ing education e ducation o on nh how ow tto oc combat ombat use off pr properly iitt tthrough hrough tthe he u se o operrlly iinstalled, nstalled, e effective ffective a and nd w wellellm aintained ventilation. vent ilat ion. maintained A rrecent ecent poll poll of of UK UK h omeowners, c ommissioned homeowners, commissioned
by BEAMA, BEAMA, h as sshown hown that: that: by has 65% 65% had had experienced exper ie i nced the t he sig ns of of poor poor indoor indoor a ir signs air qualit y in in their t heir home home and and quality t he ssame ame n umber would would the number be willing w illing to to pay pay a small small be premium premium ffor or a h house ouse w with it h effect ive v ent ilat a ion that t hat effective ventilation maintained good good iindoor ndoor maintained air quality. qualit y. air Colin Timmins Timmins of of BEAMA BEAMA Colin comments: comments: “Poor “Poor indoor indoor air quality qualit y is is an an issue issue air t hat could could have have serious ser ious that health healt h c consequences onseque u nces if if we we do do not not a act ct ttogether oget her – as as homeowners, homeow ners, industry indust r y and and g government. over nment. W While hile w we e are a re w working ork ing with w it h industry industr y and and government gover nment tto od deliver el iv er better better ventilation vent ilat ion systems systems in UK homes, householders in U Kh omes, h ouseholders also also n need eed to to be be aware aware of of the the impact impact tthey hey are are having hav ing on on their t heir own ow n indoor indoor air, air, what what this t h is c could ould mean mean for for tthem hem and and tthe he ssteps teps tthey hey c can an ttake ake to to improve improve it.” it.” To view view the the video, video, visit: visit: To indoor-air-quality-explainedindoor-air-quality-explainedin-beama-video in-beama-video
The words The words stable stable doors doors a and nd h horses orses sspring pr ing to to mind, mind, b but ut history being tthere here is is a long long h istor y of of legislation leg islat ion b eing driven dr iven in in rresponse esponse to to events events that that were were rreally eally n not ot ttoo oo difficult difficult to to The fforesee. oresee. T he rrecent ecent demise demise of of the the Carillion Carillion construction construction group has g roup h as sshown hown that that the the Government Government would would have hav ve been been wise w ise to to respond respond to to warnings warnings that thatt many many of of its its construction construction projects pr ojjects were were over-reliant over-reliant on on major major contractors. contractors. Those Those w ho have have been been campaigning campaig ning for for measures measures that that would would who ensure e nsure greater g reater security secur it y of of payment pay ment a along long tthe he ssupply upply chain c ha i n w will ill also also take take no no pleasure pleasure in in being being able able to to say say ‘‘II ttold old y you ou sso’. o’. With W it h m millions illions of of pounds pounds likely likely to to be be lost lost by by small, small, medium m edium a and nd llarge a rg e c companies ompanies a as s a rresult esult o off C Carillion ar illion going g oing to to the t he wall, wall, any any reforms refor ms will w ill come come too too late late to to provide any kind off pr protection but hoped pr ov ide a ny k ind o otect ion b ut iitt iis s h oped tthat hat will be about how calamities llessons essons w ill b e llearned ear ned ab out h ow ssimilar i m i la r c alamit ies might be avoided m ight b ea voided iin n tthe he ffuture. ut ure. major IIss it it time t ime for for a m ajor rreview ev iew of of how how contracts contracts are a re drawn and public projects? As d raw n up up a nd awarded awarded ffor or p ublic ssector ector pr ojects? A s well w ell as as the t he favouritism favour it ism shown show n to to larger larger construction constr uct ion businesses b usinesses and and concerns concer ns about about payment pay ment tterms, er ms, the t he current encourage quality c urrent ssystem ystem appears appears to to do do little little tto oe ncourage q uality work and w ork a nd good good practice. practice. In In order order tto o compete compete with with their their over-sized competitors, smaller operators are often o ver-sized c ompet itors, sm aller o perators a re o ften under-price when contract fforced orced tto ou nder-pr ice w hen ttendering ender ing ffor or a c ontract and may have find ways cut corners any a nd tthen hen m ay h ave tto o fi nd w ays tto oc ut c or ners iiff a ny money m oney iiss to to be be made made out out of of the the work work undertaken. undertaken. How How can good outcome? c an this t his be be considered considered a g ood o utcome? The ultimate T he u ltimate goal goal is is have hav ve a system system in in place place that that both both rraises aises standards standards and and ensures ensures that thatt the the rewards rewards for for success success are among all parts off tthe chain. a re ffairly airly sshared ha r e d a mong a ll p ar t s o he ssupply upply c ha i n . There T here may may not not be be any any easy easy answers, answers, but but one one option opt ion continue business as usual. ssurely urely cannot cannot be be to to c ont inue b usiness a su sua l . Follow F ollow u uss on
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The C The Chartered hartered IInstitute nstitute o off P Plumbing lumbing & He Heating ating E Engineering ngineering ((CIPHE) CIPHE) is is looking looking tto o rrecruit ecruit n new ew m members embers b by yh highlighting ighlighting tthe he b benefits enefits o off jjoining oining tthe he IInstitute. nstitute. A As sw well ell a as sb benefiting enefiting ffrom rom tthe he u use se o off tthe he C CIPHE IPHE llogo, ogo, m membership embership p perks erks iinclude nclude preferential pr efer e ential rates rates on on selected selected training training courses, courses, and and discounts discounts on o n a range range of of services ser vices including including insurances, insurances, accountancy, accountancy, pensions, p ensions, llegal egal a advice dv v ice a and nd v vehicle ehicle p purchase urchase and and leasing. leasing. Membership also provides access M embership a lso pr ov ides a ccess tto o ffree ree ttechnical echnical iinformation, nfor mation, iincluding ncluding p& p p&he he JJournal our nal a and nd tthe he C CIPHE’s IPHE’s e-learning e -lear ning p platforms latfor ms – ttechtalk, echtalk, sm smarttalk ar t tal k a and nd rrevision ev ision packages p ackages for for a apprentices. pprrentices. IIff iits ts recognition recog nition a and nd c career areer progression pr og ression y you ou w want, ant, y you ou c can an ffollow ollow y your our e engineering ng ineer ing dreams d reams with with access access to to the the CIPHE’s CIPHE’s Apprentice, Apprentice, Journeyman Journeyman a nd Master Master Plumber Plumber e schemes. schemes. To To find find out out more, more, c all 01798 01798 and call 4 72 7 91 or em ail m mem 472 791 email
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PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 12:53 Page 4
February 2018
NEWS Review
Lack of detectors Campaign highlights gas safety risks is cause for alarm
Members of Parliament backing the Project SHOUT campaign (l to r): Eddie Hughes, Caroline Spelman, Stephen Kerr, Eleanor Smith and Andrew Lewer
Nearly 50% of people renting a private property in the UK have not had a CO alarm installed by their landlord, research by campaign group Project SHOUT has found. Project SHOUT argues that this is a huge cause for alarm as ‘generation rent’ is set to swell over the next decade, with half of those under 40 predicted to be living in properties owned by private landlords by 2025. Current legislation for England and Wales demands that landlords fit CO alarms in properties where solid fuel burning appliances are present, but (unlike in Scotland) the legislation does not cover gas appliances such as a gas boiler or gas hob. In Northern Ireland there is no private landlord legislation to install carbon monoxide alarms, but Technical document L of the Building Regulations states ‘Where any combustion appliance is installed, reasonable provision must be made to detect and give warning of
the presence of CO gas at levels harmful to people’. Launched in September 2015, Project SHOUT is a national campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. The campaign not only focuses on the life threatening dangers of CO, but also the importance of regular maintenance of all fuel-burning appliances and how a CO alarm provides valuable extra protection.
The Gas Safe Register has launched a new brand awareness campaign to remind people not to ‘cut corners’ when it comes to gas safety and only use a legally qualified engineer by checking that they’re on the Gas Safe Register. The campaign is now live across various media channels in Gas Safe Register’s recognisable yellow and black colours, including digital marketing, advertising billboards and radio adverts on selected stations. As part of the ‘Don’t Cut Corners with Gas’ campaign, the intended target audience of household decision makers
will see and hear that it is their responsibility to ensure that their gas appliances are working safely and efficiently by only using an engineer who is on the Gas Safe Register.
Blow the whistle
Ignorance is bliss In a separate survey by online electrical retailer Reichelt Elektronik, 9% of UK householders said that they are unaware of what a carbon monoxide detector is and why they would need one. The same survey also suggests that 36% of households in Britain don’t have CO detectors installed and a 52% of those without a detector say they are aware of what the detector is but don’t feel that they need one at home.
An anonymous whistle-blowing service has been set up by HETAS for use by its registered installers and consumers to notify the registration body for biomass and solid fuel appliances of non-compliant work. Registration Manager Jo Courtney-Wiggins will runs the helpline from the head office in Tewkesbury. She says: “We always want to hear about businesses falsely claiming to be registered, who appear to be misusing the HETAS brand or those who do not comply with standards and regulations. We would implore anyone with any concerns about rogue traders or non-compliant installations to get in touch. The HETAS complaints process is available on www. To contact HETAS directly, call 01684 278170 or email
Gas Safe Chief Executive comments: “With so many things to juggle in this day and age, it’s understandable that some people may look for quick and easy solutions, but when it comes to gas safety our message is clear – you cannot cut corners. “Our new campaign highlights Gas Safe Register as the trusted source to find a qualified and legal engineer to work on gas appliances to make sure they’re working safely and efficiently.” Gas Safe says that the campaign theme was trialled at various focus sessions, to ensure that it was able to
deliver the most striking and memorable campaign messaging for the intended audience.
Installer meeting This month will also see registered engineers given the opportunity to meet with representatives of the Gas Safe Register for a debate on issues facing the heating industry. The first in a series of events organised by installer group ‘Installers First’, the meeting will take place on 20th February at the offices of the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council (HHIC) in Kenilworth.
Growth in demand for bathroom taps A recent report revealing that the bathroom taps market is set to grow by 7.25 per cent by 2021 has been welcomed by Bristan, the tap and shower manufacturer. According to WiseGuyReports, this growth will be driven by the large-scale popularity of eco-friendly faucets such as sensor taps, which are expected to be the fastest growing product during the projected time. The bathroom taps market is mainly dependent on the growth of the global construction industry. Although most forecasts predict a slowing of the economy as the UK prepares to leave the EU, it is projected to bounce back in 2019. Matt Hicks, Head of Product at Bristan, comments: “This latest report is great news for the bathroom taps
market which, like the rest of the economy, has been in a period of uncertainty following Brexit. The next few years look set to be an exciting time for the market and we as a brand can’t wait to see what lies ahead. “At Bristan we pride ourselves on offering customers as much choice as possible and in the coming years we’ll continue to develop and invest in new innovations to help grow this range further.”
PHAM FEB18 NEST:Layout 1 29/01/2018 13:12 Page 1
PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 09:07 Page 6
February 2018
NEWS Review
Long warranties drive sales CIPHE calls for ďŹ re News sprinkler consensus in brief
The length of warranty on a product plays a key part in purchasing decisions for the majority of installers, a survey by electric water heating specialist Redring has shown. 86% who responded said the terms of a warranty influences their purchasing choice when buying an electric shower, with 84% stating the longer it is, the more confidence they have in the product.
70% of installers said they believed the length of the agreement related directly to the quality of the purchased item – the longer the warranty, the better the buy. Feedback from installers was supported by the findings of a second poll conducted among end users, which also underlined the value of a warranty. According to the consumer research findings, 75% of adults said they would use
a brand that they hadn’t used before if it came with an extended warranty package and 55% of consumers said they had a product repaired under guarantee. Lee Stones, Senior product Marketing Manager for Redring, says: “Introducing an extended warranty on our new shower models, Bright and Glow, demonstrates our complete confidence in both the quality product and performance.�
Prize day As part of its new College Refresh Scheme, Graham Plumber’s Merchant has announced that it will be giving away £10,000 to a winning college to refresh its plumbing and heating training area. For more information, please visit the dedicated website: w w w. g r a h a m c o l l e g e
r With the aim of streamlining the business to deliver a more seamless and improved customer experience, Grundfos has announced the merger of Grundfos Service Ltd with Grundfos Pumps Ltd.
Responding to the current Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety, the CIPHE has expressed concerns about the installation of fire sprinkler systems and issues such as installer competence. Kevin Wellman, CEO of the CIPHE, says: “The current regulatory system for ensuring fire safety in highrise and complex buildings is not fit for purpose.� The CIPHE supports the formal accreditation and regulation of installers and is urging a collaborative
approach with other professional institutions in exploring such solutions. “As we have seen within our own and other industries, there will be untrained and unskilled individuals and companies taking advantage of a sudden leap in demand for sprinkler systems. We urge the Government and regulatory bodies to take decisive action to avoid the risk of incompetent installations increasing the likelihood of threats to the safety and health of the public in future,� adds Wellman.
Gas chat tour a big success Last year’s nationwide ‘Gas Chat’ tour has succeeded in raising over ÂŁ50,000 for children’s cancer charity Candlelighters. The initial aim of the tour, which visited 12 properties spanning from Land’s End to John o’ Groats, was to raise ÂŁ25,000, yet over double this amount was eventually achieved. As main sponsor of the tour, Ariston offered a free boiler installation in return for a donation to the Candlelighters charity. Local heating engineers and tradesmen then gave up their
time to volunteer and assist with each installation. Allan Carrick, National Technical Sales and Quality Manager for Ariston, says: “Seeing so many installers come together from all over
the UK to join forces for such a worthy cause was absolutely brilliant. All the engineers that took part were incredibly professional, delivering a series of high quality boiler installations to be proud of.�
r Armstrong Fluid Technology has completed the acquisition of the Circulator Pump Business Unit of HALM Motors + Systems GmbH in Germany, a provider of circulator pumps for heating, solar, geothermal and DHW applications. r 3JOOBJ UIF NBOVGBD turer of hot water heating units and systems for commercial and residential sites, has announced that it is holding its price for the second year in succession. r Ingersoll-Rand has announced the acquisition of ICS Group Holdings Ltd (ICS Cool Energy). ICS Cool Energy will now form part of the company’s commercial heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) business. r 8JUI UIF HSPXJOH USFOE for district heating systems in the UK, the BPF Pipes Group has launched useful new guidance to promote best practice among design consultants, specifiers and installers. The guidance is available at
Prices slashed for fuel cell boiler Viessmann has announced that its Vitovalor 300-P fuel cell boiler has been reduced in price from £18,000 to £9990. The price reduction is largely as a result of Viessmann’s participation in the new European PACE project (Pathway to a Competitive European Fuel Cell microcogeneration) which is designed to facilitate the installation of at least 2500 fuel cell micro-cogeneration units in Europe by 2021. It is hoped that driving up manufacturing volumes should bring economies of scale which should further reduce production costs. The fuel cell boiler has also gained MCS certification, entitling owners to claim approximately £6000 over 10 years from the UK feed-in-tariff. Viessmann says that the 45% price ENQUIRY
reduction makes the world’s first mass-produced fuel cell boiler as affordable as a heat pump, but it has the additional benefit of producing electricity as well as domestic heat. Viessmann Marketing Director Darren McMahon comments: “The Vitovalor 300-P is one of the most efficient heating systems available today and its futureproof technology offers independence from rising electricity prices. Low carbon emissions make this technology desirable for environmental reasons, and now it makes even better sense for financial reasons too. There is no better time than this to be involved in fuel cell mCHP and we therefore expect to see a natural increase in interest from heating engineers and architects.�
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PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 11:12 Page 8
February 2018
NEWS Review Key trades in short supply
Free jacket Any installer who purchases an Amptec or Electromax electric flow boiler before the end of March can look forward to receiving a free branded jacket from Heatrae Sadia. Products must be purchased from a participating wholesaler or merchant and claims made via a dedicated page on the company’s website. “We hope this promotion will help lighten the winter blues and give a little something back to installers who fit our products all year round,” says Neil Thompson, Sales Director. For more details, please visit: www.heatraesadiacom/ jacketpromo
Two-thirds of those running small and medium-sized (SME) construction firms are struggling to hire plumbers and electricians as skills shortages hit a ‘record high’, according to the Federation of Master Builders. Key results from the FMB’s latest State of Trade Survey include: Nearly half of firms (48%) report difficulties hiring plumbers and electricians and nearly two-thirds (61%) expect salaries and wages to increase in the next six months. Fewer construction SMEs predict rising workloads in
the coming three months (down from 41% in the previous quarter to 38% in Q4 2017) and 87% of builders believe that material prices will rise in the next six months (up from 82% in the previous quarter). Brian Berry, Chief Exec. of the FMB, comments: “Skills
shortages are sky rocketing and it begs the question who will build the new homes the Government is crying out for. Wages for these increasingly scarce skilled tradespeople continue to rise sharply and that’s a simple consequence of supply and demand.”
Online portal makes it easy With the aim of making life easier for participants of its G1 approved installer scheme, Grant UK is set to launch a new online portal and app. The G1 portal will be a place where installers will be able to register installations, activate extended guarantees and
also access marketing and technical support. A new G1 Click app, which will work in both online and offline mode, will include a handy serial number scanner which will enable installers to register products onsite. By using the app, G1 installers
can submit a new registration in full or complete a partial registration, save it as a draft and finish it at a later date. In addition, G1+ Points will reward loyal installers with points which can be used to make purchases from a revamped online shop.
Grand Prix prizes Water softener specialist BWT is inviting installers to win a VIP guest ticket at this year’s Sahara Force India’s Partner Party. UK MD Jon Wicks says: “BWT is committed to sharing the benefits that TV advertising and high profile sports sponsorship brings with the people who are promoting the brand on a daily basis. Many of these people have been supporting us for a number of years and it is fantastic to be in a position to say thank you in such a fabulous way.” BWT’s Grand Prix challenge, which runs until the end of April, also includes other incentives and associated competitions such as the chance to win Grandstand tickets and exclusive clothing. More details can be found on the website
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PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 11:12 Page 10
February 2018
10 NEWS Review Live demonstrations of smart controls Free FGA incentive with Vitodens
The heating controls manufacturer Honeywell has announced it is taking to the road again with a team of experts to showcase its full range of smart heating solutions and security products. Visiting plumbing and heating merchants across the UK over the next few weeks, visitors to any of the 55 events will be able to board the Honeywell exhibition vehicle and take a closer look at the company’s products, including the recently launched T6R Hot
Water thermostat, C1 Wi-Fi Security Camera and the W1 Wi-Fi Water Leak and Freeze Detector. The Honeywell team will also be on hand
Fuel promotion UK radiator manufacturer Stelrad is helping heating installers and plumbers to reduce their fuel bills in a special promotion that will run until April. Installers who purchase Stelrad radiators from participating merchant branches will be able to pick up £5 or £10 vouchers for products bought between now and
the 31st March 2018. The promotion covers purchases of Vita Deco, Vita Compact K3, Softline Deco and Softline Compact K3 with £5 vouchers for each radiator purchased. The £10 fuel voucher applies most models in the Vita range, apart from the Vita Value, Vita Compact, Vita Eco and Softline Compact.
to answer questions, offer advice and demonstrate how to use each of the products. Andy Mansfield, Market-
ing Communications Manager, comments: “This tour gives installers the perfect forum to get live product demonstrations, advice on our latest smart controls and receive exclusive offers first-hand from our team of experts.” The tour started on 15th of January and will run until the 2nd March. For more information about the tour or to find a venue near you, please visit https:// HoneywellonTour.
Viessmann has launched a special promotion for installers of all Vitodens range domestic and commercial boilers. Until the end of June, installers purchasing 10 Vitodens boilers will be entitled to claim a free domestic flue gas analyser worth £707, and installers purchasing 15 Vitodens boilers will be entitled to a commercial flue gas analyser worth £911. Both hand-held flue gas analysers, made by Delta Smart, come in a robust ABS case. This also contains a lithiumion rechargeable battery, IRDA fast printer, USB charger and lead. The analyser features a Bluetooth interface for use with a free app which can control analyser functions With new figures showing that UK manufacturing is and add notes and pictures expanding at its fastest rate in decade, Newport based to a set of measurements. radiator manufacturer QRL is hoping to encourage more Marketing Director Darren customers to buy British. McMahon comments: “This is Production Director Geraint Roberts: comments: “Not an opportunity for installers only do we manufacture our Barlo panel and design to obtain free-of-charge a radiators on UK soil, but we do so using British steel, useful piece of equipment that sourced locally - and we pride ourselves on being a usually costs a lot of money. major local employer too. We firmly believe that buying To qualify, all that’s needed British is the right thing to do – not only commercially is to purchase the required and politically, but economically and environmentally to” number of boilers.”
Waving the flag
PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 09:07 Page 11
February 2018
NEWS N EWS W R Review eview 11 Responding tto Responding o tthe he C Commercial omm m ercial kitchen kitchen guide guide updated updat ated ttrends rends in housing housin i g The Building The Building Engineering Engineering g Services Services A ssociation ((BESA) BESA) h as rrevised evised a nd Association has and u pdated iits ts guidance guidance document document for fo or updated v entilation iin n c ommercial k itchens. ventilation commercial kitchens. T he Specification h Specification for fo orr K itchen V e en ntilation The Kitchen Ventilation S ystems (DW/172) (DW/172) which which w as fi rst Systems was first p ublished b y tthe he A ssociation iin n1 999 published by Association 1999 a nd h as ssold old m ore tthan han 6 000 c opies and has more 6000 copies ssince ince its its last last revision revision iin n 2 005. The The 2005. n ew 2 018 version version includes includes c hanges tto o new 2018 changes rrelevant elevant legislation legislation and and helps helps ventilation ventilation e ngineers cope cope with with the the latest latest cooking cooking engineers ttechniques echniques and and changes changes to to the the design design o atering e quipment. off c catering equipment.
UK boiler man manufacturer nufacturer Potterton Residential P otterton Reside ntial has rresponded esponded posit positively tively to rrecent ecent Go Government vernmen nt pledg pledges es to allocate e xtra mone y extra money to social housin housing ng and a rrecognition ecognition of the t need more affordable to build mor e affor a dable houses. ““As As A more mor e ho homes omes ar are e built ther there e will be e gr growing owing pressure pr essure for councils cou uncils and developers keep de velopers to ke eep initial costs do down, wn, but b also focus on sust sustainability tainability efficiency,” and efficienc y,” say ssays ys Sales Director Dir ector Bill JJones. ones s. “Heating area which they is one ar ea in whic w h the y considerable can make con nsiderable progress.” pr ogress.” suggests JJones ones also sugg gests that increasing number an incr easing n u umber of means CO incidents me eans that housing associations associattions will having look how be ha aving v to loo ok at ho w they protect the y can betterr pr otect tenants and rregular egu ular boiler should maintenance sh hould be considered crucial consider ed a c rucial to minimising risks. access “Gaining acc cess to has always service boilers ha as al ways engineers been difficult for eng ineers visiting social housing properties, many pr operties, as man ny tenants invasion see it i as an iin vasion i off privacy. their pri vacy. In fact, the Gas Access C Campaign every year, calculates that e very y ear, housing providers providers spend public £50 million in n pub lic money ways mone y on finding g w ays to tackle problem. tac kle this pr oblem m. “However, modern “Ho wever, mode ern boilers now feature technology no w featur e te echnology that is designed to make entire maintenance the entir e mai intenance procedure and servicing pr p ocedure easier and fasterr for both gas engineer the rregistered egistered g as s eng ineer tenant.”” and tenant. Potterton’s Assure P otterton’s Assu ure boiler features optional featur es an option nal Safety facility.. If installed, Assist facility will this module wi ll rreduce educe boiler’s performance the boiler boiler’ s per rformance months, thereby after 11 months s, ther eby encouraging problem encour aging pr oblem contact tenants to cont tact their landlord, landlor d, who can c then
Amendments A mendments iinclude nclude a ssignificantly ignificantly e xpanded a nd m odified c oefficient expanded and modified coefficient sschedule, chedule, w hich p rovides v entilation which provides ventilation ssystem ystem designers designers w ith a ffuel uel coefficient coefficient with
ffor or a rrange ange of of gas gas or or electric electric appliances. appliances. T he revised revised publication publication a lso c ontains The also contains a new new section section o n ssolid olid ffuel u uel equipment. equipment. on T he iincreasing ncreasing u se o smart’ The use off ‘‘smart’ ttechnologies echnollogies h as lled ed tto o tthe he de velopment has development o new section section o n ‘‘demand demand controlled’ controlled’ off a new on k itchen v entilation. T here h ave a lso kitchen ventilation. There have also b een several several modifications modifications made made to to been tthe he guidance guidance on on pollution pollution control control to to rreflect eflect n ew tthinking hinking o n iindoor ndoor a ir quality quality new on air a nd the the level level of of permissible permissible toxins toxins in in and b reathable a ir. breathable air. F or more more details details on on DW/172 DW/172 ((2018) 2018) For g o tto: o: w go
Bill J Bill Jones, ones, S Sales ales D Director irector a att P otterton R esidential Potterton Residential
instruct the eng engineer e ineer to carry work carry out rrequired equ uired w ork and rreturn eturn the boiler b to full power. To safeguard power. T o safe gu uard tenant wellbeing, wellbeing, this s rreduction eduction in performance only e will onl y reduce levels reduce the boiler boiller to le vels which uncomfortable which are are unc comfortable but won’t them won’t put th hem at risk.
Small S mall spaces spaces Potterton also sugg Potterton ssuggest est that trends tr ends for sm small mall homes have implications will ha ve im mplications for the boile boiler er market. number ‘microThe n umber of ‘micr oapartments’ has risen significantly significantl y ac across cross major such cities suc h as London L and Manchester Manc hester an and nd the UK smallest by has the smalles st homes b y floor area area in Europe, Eu urope, with the a average verage ne n newly wly built home just 76m m2 compar compared ed to 137m2 in Den Denmark. nmark. “There “Ther e is e every very indication that ne new w hom homes mes will g get et smaller in 2018, 2 2018,”” say says ys Bill JJones. ones “Th ones. “The Th he heating industry industr y is rresponding esponding by making more to this b y ma aking mor e compact boiler boilers rs that can fit in tight spaces s and rrestricted estricted positi positions. ions. “Ha “Having more re options ving mo flue-run run makes with the fluethings easier fo for or installers. Things like eas easy sy access to piping under or ar around ound the boiler boiler,, or sp space pace behind the br bracket acket ar are e useful in helping to spe speed eed up the pr ocess of insta allation.” process installation.” ENQUIRY
PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 09:58 Page 12
February 2018
12 YO YOUR Y UR Views Views ÂŁ100 er Lett
Sponsored Sponsor ed b by y
Not N ot all a ll students students are are keen keen or or capable off b being apprentices c apable o eing a pprentices
IItt w was a s iinteresting nteresti n g tto o read read Nathan Nat ha n . +- ,) **** //) )
', ) ..- ./ ) . +- ,) ) ) ', ) .- ./ ) iissue) ssue) regarding rega rd i n g there t here being bei n g too too many ma ny p lu mbi n g sstudents tudents w ho c a n not g et plumbing who cannot get a pprenticesh ips. apprenticeships. O ne o he m ain pr oblems iiss tthat hat c olleges One off tthe main problems colleges ttake ake on on ttoo oo m any full full time time students students who who are are many k een to to get get out out of of main ma i n stream strea m education education keen * . / )-%*)+-* ) -%* + -* / ,* ,* )%/) %/ #.*+%-. ) #.*+%-. ) *)./ %* ) *%) *%) .-) . - .## . ## *. ) ,,*.- ./ ) *. - . / ) . - -%*) *. .- ) h ave also also not not been been interested interested iin n any any form form have o el f d evelopment . off sself development C ol leges a re v er y k een tto o ssupport uppor t Colleges are very keen tthese hese students students as as it it is is a very very good good source source o u nd i ng. And A nd parents pa rents are a re glad glad to to have have off ffunding. tthem hem d oi n g ssomething! omet h i n g! doing 0 & + ,) ,.+ ) , . + ) ,,% % ) ,,* * *, . 0&+,) -*,) .// ) " -)) a nd p r o v e tto o b e v er y c omp e t e nt b ot h and prove be very competent both p r a c t ic a l ly and a nd technically t e c h n ic a l ly and a nd it it is is practically tthese he s e sstudents t udent s that t h a t deserve de s er v e all a l l the t he
en ncou ragemen nt to to find f i nd a pprenticesh ips. encouragement apprenticeships. W hen tthis h is h appen s iitt iiss v er y rrewarding ewa r d i n g When happens very ffor or tthe he le cturer a nd tthe he a ssociated c ollege lecturer and associated college sstaff t a f f tthat h a t ssupport upp or t tthe he a p p r e nt i c e s h ip apprenticeship sschemes. c h eme s. s S om e o y e x sstudents t u d e nt s Some off m my ex h av e a l s o progressed pr o g r e s s e d through t h r ou g h level le v e l 2 have also L e v e l 3 and a nd tthrough h r ou g h h a rd w o rk h av e Level hard work have u nde r t o ok C er t E d q u a l i f ic a t ion s tto o undertook Cert Ed qualifications b ecome Associate A ssoci at e Plumbing Plu mbi n g Lecturers. L ect u r er s. become %' ( // ) ) *+ *+ ) %( %( ,) %-) %- .- ) . - ) ,%#+. ) ,% #+ . %' m ed i a p lays a n iimportant mpor ta nt p a r t iin ny ou n g media plays an part young p eoples’ llives ives b ut w e sshould hou ld n ot lloose oose ssite ite peoples’ but we not tthat hat the the plumbing plu mb bi n g a nd h eati n g iindustry ndustr y and heating n eed the the right right calibre ca libr b e of of sstudent tudent with w ith the the need rright ight a ttitude e n rol li ng o n tthese hese ccourses ou rses attitude enrolling on tto o le a r n a ttrade rade iin na n industry i ndustr y that that is is learn an ttechnically echnically a dvancing a very q uick p ace advancing att a very quick pace tthrough hrough n ew p roducts a nd iinnovation. nnovation. Y ou new products and You o n ly have have to to look look tthrough h r ou g h P H A M News News only PHAM tto o see see this. th is.
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Fake F ake news news on on recruitment recruitment
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Is it Is it worth wor t h insuring i nsu r i n g your you r tools? tools? Let Let me me tell t el l you y ou m my ye experience. x per ience. I had had a raised ra ised roof roof F Ford ord 0 /. -,+* (.-) (. - '+*&) ' +*& /%%$) /%%$ /.#") /. #" !** !** ) -%*&+- ) -%*& + - ) 0/.-,+*) unusual u nusual in in that that you you might might say say – tools tools and and van van iinsured nsured fully fu lly comp. comp. One One night night all a ll ttradesmen radesmen village had iin n tthe he v i l lage h ad ttheir hei r vehicles veh icles broken broken into i nto and a nd all a l l power power tools tools stolen. stolen. I discovered d iscovered my my att a about 7-30am lloss os s a bout 7 -30a m and a nd ‘phoned ‘phoned police. pol ice. I was not w a s ttold old n ot to to touch touch anything a ny th i n g and a nd SOCO SO C O would be along w ou ld b ea long tto o ttake a ke sstatement tatement and a nd check check ).//+( )) $$%/)!- %/ !- //) /+-*, ) +( /+-*, +( )&% /,) .* &% /,) .* //)*& *& ) .//+( and gave a nd g ave me me a Crime Cr i me Number Nu mber and a nd that that was wa s #").- )%- ),*.* -*) ++*) )-%)!- * )-% ! - // /+-*)#& /+ -*))#& # " . - )%- )),*.* *) was off sstolen articles half w a s a list l i st o tolen a r ticles ttaken. a ken. I llost os t h alf a day day waiting wa iti n g ffor or tthem hem to to turn tu r n up. up.
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The who had my premiums T he IInsurer nsu rer w ho h ad ttaken a ken m y pr em iu ms years had never had claim) asked ffor or y ea rs ((II h ad n e v er h ad a c la i m) a sked iiff vehicle was garage. off c course tthe he v eh icle w a s iin nag a ra ge. I ssaid a id o ou r s e -%* ) % )"-%')'&.*)*& %* % " -%') '&.*) *& )(.-)'.,)'+*&)&+ &) (. -) '. , ' +*& & + &) and and you’d rroof oof a nd rroof oof rrack a ck a nd y ou’d iinsured nsu red it it ffor or years. Was compound? y ears. W as iitt iin n a llocked ocked c ompound? I replied replied % )"-%')+*)'.,)%-) ) /+( '. ).,) )&. ) % ) " -%') +* '. , %- ) / +( ' . . , &. ) declared Well your are not covered d eclared that. that. W ell y our ttools ools a re n ot c overed **& & - )'.,)*& - )'. ,)*& )/ ) ) What W hat a complete complete waste waste of of ttime ime and and money! money! ),%%-)#&.- ),%%- #&.- ) )+-, / +-, / /).- )$/% )*& / .- $/% *& -)%- ) - %- ) ') %' )(.-) / )) **%%") )%%") ) - ' %' //)*%% ,)% )*& )*%% , % ) *& )( .- ( / night. n ight.
Poetry Poetry for fo or plumbers plumbers In o In our ur J January anuary iissue ssue w we ep published ublished a p poem oem b by y tthe he President President of of the the Gas Gas Analysis Analysis and and Sensing Sensing Group G roup (GASG) (GASG) and and invited invited other other readers readers to to ssend end in in their their o wn c reative w orks. Many Many own creative works. tthanks hanks tto oC Cameron ameron McIntyre, McIntyre, ffrom rom C County ounty Down, D own, N Northern orthern IIreland, reland, w who ho g got ot iin n ttouch ouch tto o ssay ay that that he he has has recently recently published published his his ninth ninth book b ook o off p poetry! oetry! W We eh have ave rreproduced eproduced on one eo off h his is poems below and we hope have p oems b elow a nd w eh ope tto oh ave tthe he sspace pace tto o publish publish further further examples examples of of his his works works in in ffuture uture issues. issues. IIff y you ou a are re iinterested nterested iin n rreading eading more, m ore, please please visit visit Cameron’s Came eron’s website: website: (www. (www. w where here b books ooks c can an b be e purchased p urchased for for £5, £5, w with ith all all proceeds proceeds going going to to Northern N orthern IIreland reland Children’s Children’s Hospice. Hospice.
Toolbox T oollbox Myy father M father would wou ld dig d i g me me out out of of the the mire m i re with w itth a spade s p a de sshield h ield me me from from the the cyclone, cyclone, typhoon ty phoon or or earthquake. e a r t h q u a k e. would IIff hhee hhad ad hhung ung aabout bout llong ong eenough, nough, hhee w ould hhave ave lloved oved me me bbut ut hhee let let me me inherit inherit the the gift gifft of his his gab, gabb, his hiss character, character, his his skills. skills. And Ulster A nd hhis is U lster vowels vowels and and stories stories were were driven driven into into my my ears ears aass he he tip-toed tip-toed over over the the dry dry docks docks of of Belfast Belfast for for a meal meal hour, hour, uuntil ntil he he became became a captive captivve at at 65 65 to to nicotine nicotine and and asbestos asbestos a ship ship wreck wreck to to the the ssystem, ystem, hhis is llungs ungs ddrowning. rowning. ““Did Didd m ather jjust ust ssay ay ggoodbye oodbye ttoo m or tthe he llast ast ttime,� ime,� myy ffather mee ffor aass tthe he guillotine guillotine ccame ame ddown own oon hhalf alf hhis is bbody, ody, TThat hat ruddy ruddy Harland’s Harland’s those those Embassy Embassy Regal Regal rrobbed obbed hhim im ffrom rom sseeing eeing hhis is ggrandchildren. randchildren. I can can still still hear hear him him m saying sayin ng “depot “depot with with that that death death malarkey, malarkey, yyou’re ou’re m making aking a ppig’s ig’s eear ar ooff iit.� t.� But B ut I kknow now iiff tthere’s here’s ppipework ipework rrequired equired iin n hheaven, eaven, tthat hat hhe’s e’s pr promised omised iit. t. B allcocks to to it, it, death death more more than than a smudge smudge of of life life Ballcocks ssomething om mething tthat hatc t creeps reeps iin, n, ffragments ragments sslabbering labberin ng ttootthe heeddoorstep oorstep SStill till you you left left us us with with a promenade promenade of of memories, memories, C ameron McIntyre McInty re Cameron
Spotte Spotted ed on Twitter Twit itte er PB Plumber @pbplumber We need #sustainability for the sake of the planet, but when they drop legislations such as Boiler Plus on us they need to be properly enforced or will become another reason decent installers get priced out of work by cowboys and customers who bypass it to save money. Vietec Heating @VietecHeating a clean system, that’s how I do it anyway.
G.A. G .A . Pitchford Pitchford Winterton-on-Sea W inter ton-on-Sea
Let us know what you think... The Editor The Editor welcomes welcomes letters letters from from readers readers on on all a ll a spects of of the the iindustry. ndustr y. Letters Letters can can be be sent sent by by aspects e mail or or post post but but must must have have a return return name, name, phone phone email n umber a nd address address (not (not for for publication). publication). number and
Please P lease address address your yo our letters letters to: to: The Editor, The Editor, PHAM PHAM News, News, 1b 1b Station Station Square, Square, Flitwick, F litwick, Bedfordshire, Bedfordshire, MK45 MK45 1DP 1DP
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PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 09:07 Page 13
February 2018
PEOPLE on the Move The Flamco Group has announced the appointment of John Lynch as Sales Director – Domestic. Previously Sales Director with Sentinel and most recently at Gledhill, John is well known in the UK domestic heating sector and will be based at the company’s UK office in St Helens. The Flamco Group is a member of Aalberts Industries and has production facilities in Europe and the USA. The growing Brand Specialists team at Stelrad has been enhanced by the appointment of Declan Bell who joins the radiator manufacturer after six years in the finance sector. Based in Newcastle, Declan graduated in 2011 from Northumbria University with a degree in psychology and will look after a territory that extends down to York, across to Barrow and up to Carlisle. Vokèra has expanded its commercial sales team to keep up with demand for its growing range of products for commercial heating systems. Scott Foster (pictured) and Martin Fletcher have joined the company, part of the Riello Group, as Commercial Sales Managers for the North and South respectively. The Vokèra by Riello commercial team is headed up by Sales Director Peter Diamant. The sales team at Methven has been enhanced with the appointment of Patty Taylor and Jeremy Wilmot. Patty fills a newly created role with her overseeing the company’s sales activity across the key locations of the South West and Wales. Jeremy joins as National Specification Manager for Housebuilders and will be responsible for influencing the products which are selected by housebuilders. Commercial heating manufacturer Remeha has expanded its sales team with the appointment of Vic Wheeler as Area Sales Manager for the South West and South Wales region. With over 10 years experience in the commercial heating sector, Vic joins Remeha from Gregor Heating where he was Operations Manager, having previously worked at Mitton Mechanical Ltd. A new Southern Sales Manager is the latest member of staff at Sontay, the manufacturer and distributor of field control devices. Ben Johansen joins the company having worked within the compressed air and pneumatics industry for the last eight years. His main focus at Sontay will be to generate sales and grow business within the South East of England as well as support existing accounts. Kitchen sink specialist Astracast has appointed two new Regional Sales Managers: Tom Lanaway (pictured) and Neil Whitaker-Johnson, looking after the north and central areas, respectively. Tom joined the company three years ago as a sales coordinator after graduating from university, while Neil has 25 years experience in the sector, including working with independent retailers and merchants. Having joined Grant UK last summer, Kevin Ellis is now the company’s Renewables Manager and will looking to provide support for merchants, architects and specifiers throughout the mainland UK. Kevin has over 17 years experience in the renewables industry and will be promoting Grant’s growing range of air source heat pumps, biomass boilers, solar thermal and hybrid systems. The design software specialist Virtual Worlds has welcomed Natalie Franklin to its sales team. Natalie joins after a three year spell with Travis Perkins and will be operating as a Sales Representative for the London area. A large part of her remit will be to promote the company’s 4D Theatre system which allows customers to move around a computer generated bathroom using a virtual reality headset.
PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 09:07 Page 14
F February 2018
14 E ENERGY NERGY M Matters atters
Secondary S econdary heating heating with with solar solar PV PV Following a 1 Following 12 2m month onth ttrial, rial, the the Electric Electric Heating Heating Company Company ((EHC) EHC) has has announced announced the the results results of of its its solar solar PV PV secondary secondary heating heating solution, solution, which w hich showed showed that that PV PV self-consumption self-consumption increased increased by by an an average average of of 42%. 42%. Here, Here, EHC EHC provides provides the the details details of of the the installation installation and and trial trial rresults. esults.
ssolution olution iis se effective ffective and and provides provides a benefit. benefit. The The participants participants wide iincluded ncluded a w ide rrange ange of of tenants tenants spread spread across across tthe he UK: U K: ffuel uel poor, poor, elderly, elderly, low low income income families, families, and and tenants tenants who who had h ad previously prev iously y expressed expressed a desire desire to to increase increase the t he selfselfconsumption off ttheir PV generation. c onsumpt ion o heir P Vg enerat ion. W We e believe believe that t hat it it is is vital v ital an an independent independent third t hird party pa r t y ssupport uppor t the the analysis analysis and and evaluation evaluation o off the the ttrial r ial rresults esults so so w we e chose chose an an independent independent tthird hird p party ar t y sspecialist, pecialist, Delta Delta EE, EE , and analyse tto o monitor monitor a nd a nalyse tthe he ttrial r ial rresults esults over over a 12 12 month mont h period. p er iod.
n e early arly 2 2016 016 EHC EHC was was approached approached b by y sseveral e v er a l R RSL SL ((registered reg istered social social landlord) landlord) customers customers who who installed installed PV arrays across housing They ssolar olar P Va r rays a cross ttheir heir h ousing sstock. to ck . T hey ttold old uss ttheir u heir tenants tenants wanted wanted to to get get more more savings sav ings out out of of the the PV PV ssystem ystem since since they t hey did did not not benefit benefit from from the t he Feed-in Feed-in Tariff Tar iff paid The RSLs asked us provide cost p aid to to the the llandlords. andlords. T he R SLs a sked u s tto o pr ov ide a c ost effective would PV ef fective solution solution tthat hat w ould iincrease ncrease P V sself-consumption elf-consumption and a nd provide prov ide ‘‘free’ free’ heating heat ing for for ttenants, enants, particularly par t icularly the t he elderly and e lderly a nd fuel f uel poor. poor.
The T he ttechnology echnology We designed We desig ned a solution solut ion u using sing solar solar PV PV ready ready radiators radiators working w orking in in conjunction conjunction with with an an intelligent intelligent controller. controller. This This ensures e nsures that that the the tenant tenant is is using using all all of of the the solar solar PV PV energy energ y being b eing generated generated and and minimising minimising what what generation generat ion is is sent sent b ack to to the the grid. g rid. The The system system will will operate operate in in a manner manner that that back will w ill not not affect affect the t he Feed-in Feed-in Tariff Tar iff received received for for generation generat ion sso o it it can can still st ill be be received received by by the t he appropriate appropr iate party. par t y. Our O ur solar solar PV PV ready ready radiators radiators have have a ceramic ceramic core core which which benefit b enefit from from p partial ar t ial storage storage and and can can operate operate from from a as s llow ow as a s a sm small all trickle t r ickle o off c current ur rent b being eing ffed ed tto o tthem hem u up p tto o tthe he ffull ull current cur rent required required to to heat heat the the radiator radiator to to its its maximum maximum output. o utput. T The he iintelligent ntelligent c controller ontroller ensures ensures that that the the tenants’ tenants’ power p ower demand, demand, e.g. e.g. for for the the kettle, kettle, vacuum vacuum cleaner, cleaner, television tele l vision etc, e tc, iis sm met et fi first rst by by the t he solar solar PV PV generation generat ion and and only only the t he excess e xcess P PV V generation generat ion not not otherwise ot her w ise used used is is sent sent to to the t he PV The can be programmed ssolar olar P V rready eady rradiators. adiators. T he ssystem ystem c an b ep rog rammed ffor or u up p tto o three t hree appliances, appliances, for for example example to to operate operate with w it h
Final F inal analysis ana alysis EHC’s E HC’s solar solar PV ready ready radiator radiator provides provides background background heating heating
tthree hree ceramic ceramic radiators radiators or or two t wo ceramic ceramic radiators radiators and and a hot h ot w water ater cylinder. c ylinder. T The he pr priority ior it y o order rder o off tthe he appliances appliances can c an also also be be programmed prog rammed and and changed changed seasonally. seasonally. The off tthese PV not T he intention intent ion o hese ssolar olar P V rready eady rradiators adiators iis sn ot tto o provide prov ide a w whole hole h heating eat ing ssystem ystem ffor or a pr property oper t y b but ut to to provide background heat during day until main pr ov ide a b ackg round h eat d ur ing tthe he d ay u nt il tthe he m a in central c entral heating heating system system in in the the property propert y is is required. required. Where Where h eat ing during dur ing peak peak times t imes is is unaffordable unaffordable for for the the tenant, tenant, heating will be beneficial both comfort and cost. tthis his ssolution olut ion w ill b eb eneficial ffor or b ot h c omfor t a nd c o st . Since we customers Si nce w e were were approached appr p oached by by several several RSL R SL c ustomers tto o develop customers agreed provide d evelop tthis his ssolution, olut ion, tthese hese c ustomers a g reed tto op rov ide minimum number off ttrial participants prove a m inimum n u m b er o r ia l p ar t icipants tto o pr ove tthe he
The fin The final al trial t r iall rresults esults proved proved to to be be significantly sig nificant ly better better tthan han a any ny prior pr ior predictions predictions m made ade b by yD Delta elta E EE. E. The The solution solution iincreased ncreased P V sself-consumption elf-consumpt ion o na verage b y4 2% . T he PV on average by 42%. The a verage e stimated a nnual b ill ssavings av ings ffor or pr p oper ties w ith average estimated annual bill properties with g as central central heating heat ing was was £42, £42, and and £185 £185 for for properties p oper t ies with pr w ith gas all a ll electric electr ic h heating. eat ing. T The he pr properties oper t ies a also l so b benefitted enefitted ffrom rom a n average average room room ttemperature emperat ure increase increase of of 3°C. 3°C. an A ll tenants tenants who who participated par t icipated in in the t he trials t r ials found found the t he All ssolution olut ion tto o be be a benefit benefit and and said said that t hat it it ‘makes ‘makes sense sense for for o thers tto ou se’. Specifically, Specifically, some some tenants tenants commented commented the the others use’. difference d ifference in in room room temperatures temperatures was was noticeable noticeable and and rooms rooms n ot pr ev iously l heated heated were were n ow ‘‘a ap leasant temperature.’ temperature.’ not previously now pleasant S ome ttenants enants a lso c ommented that thatt the the financial financial savings savings will will Some also commented c ont inue to to increase increase if if energy energ y tariffs tar iffs continue cont inue to to rise. r ise. continue w
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PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 09:07 Page 15
February 2018
ENERGY Matters 15 Biocoal facility ready for production The potential use of new technology known as Hydrothermal Carbonisation (HTC), which mimics the long-term natural process of coal formation, is being evaluated by a joint project by smokeless coal manufacturer CPL Industries, the University of Nottingham and the Energy Research Accelerator (ERA). The technology will convert high-moisture biomass, including food waste, into next-generation solid fuels with coal-like properties. The process, which will
be managed by CPL at its manufacturing plant in North Lincolnshire, takes just a matter of hours, thereby allowing for the
mass production of a highenergy, low-carbon biofuel. Production is scheduled to begin this summer. Speaking about the new
facility, Tim Minnett, CEO of CPL, says: “The technology has the potential to revolutionise the treatment of highmoisture organic waste streams, producing valueadded products that displace fossil fuels and promoting the circular economy. CPL and the rest of the project partners stand ready to engage with local authorities and waste managers to source suitable waste material, conduct trials and develop the wider commercial and environmental benefits.”
Responding to energy consultation Energy performance measurement specialist Elmhurst Energy has responded to what it is calling the most important Government consultation for decades. The ‘Building a market for energy efficiency’ addresses such as issues as whether there should be a link between energy efficiency and stamp duty or council tax. Elmhurst Energy, which operates the UK’s largest Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) accreditation scheme,
argues that the Government needs to create a catalyst for change with appropriate ‘carrots and sticks’ and that homeowners need to be ‘motivated’ to understand the importance of energy efficiency in their home. “We have taken our time to respond to this vital consultation as it has wide ranging suggestions and concepts for an energy efficiency market in the years to come,” explains Stuart Fairlie, Elmhurst Energy Technical Director. “It certainly is
the first time ever that UK Government have asked industry what we think about linking EPCs to council tax or stamp duty. The EPC needs to be at the heart of all good energy efficiency policy moving forward. We all want families to live in warmer, cheaper to run homes that produce less carbon emissions.” The consultation another Government consultation on streamlining energy reporting, which Elmhurst Energy also responded to on behalf of its members.
Wasted opportunity Big Energy Saving Week, which this year took place between 22 and 28 January, is a national campaign organised by the Energy Saving Trust (EST) that aims to help people cut their fuel bills and access any financial support they might be entitled to. Peter Thom of Cambridge based Green Heat Ltd says he was surprised to learn that the focus of the week was led by fuel switching rather than energy saving and wrote to the EST suggesting that they should reconsider. “Why rebrand Big Energy Saving Week into Energy Switching Week?” asks Peter Thom. “Lets all use more energy and then just switch provider to find a cheaper deal instead of saving energy, saving carbon and spending less on our bills? “Our homes are still among the least energy efficient in Europe and it saddens me to see that the Government is wasting this opportunity
Peter Thom, Green Heat Ltd
to properly promote energy efficiency. “There are still millions of inefficient gas guzzling zombie boilers emitting large volumes of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide emissions into the environment. Replacing these with high efficiency boilers and smart heating controls will provide vast long term savings in energy, money and carbon while fuel switching provides a possible short term gain in money alone. It is about time the Government woke up to this and stops wasting money on misleading campaigns.”
PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 09:07 Page 16
F February 2018
16 GA GADGETS ADGETS & Tools Tools Line L ine lasers lasers give give error-free error-free calibration calibration Now available Now available from from Bosch Bo sc h iis s a new new rrange ange of of line line llasers asers which 360Âş with w hich iinclude nclude 3 60Âş llines ines w ith high visibility: entry-level h igh v isibility: tthe he e ntry-level GLL G LL 3-80 3-80 Professional Professional model, model, connected GLL tthe he c onnected G LL 3-80 3-8 0 C Professional, and GLL 3-80 P rofessional, a nd G LL 3 -8 0 CG Professional models. C GP rofessional m odels. These can be T hese lline ine llasers asers c an b e controlled c ontrolled using using an an app app and and Bluetooth Users B luetooth iinterface. nterface. U sers can on c an switch switch the the laser laser line line o n and a nd off off individually individually using using the the llevelling evelling remote remote app ap pp without without ttouching ouching the the tool tool and and altering altering ssettings ettings accidentally accidentally when when handling h andling tthe he device. device.
Additionally, A dd it ion a l ly, operating o p e r at i n g with w ith the the app app makes makes it it easier easier tto o set set up up and and work work in in hard hard to to The brightness rreach each places. places. T he b rightness
off the o the laser laser lines lines can can also also be be conveniently c onveniently adjusted adjusted by by tthe he user better visibility u ser for for b etter v isibility or or to to ssave ave battery batter y power. power.
The T he connected connected models models also also give g ive a calibration calibration warning warning which user off w hich iinforms nforms tthe he u ser o possible calibration p ossible c alibration influences. infl flu uences. There external T here are are various variou us e xternal which can iinfluences nfluences w hich c an n iinterfere nterfere with w ith the the calibration calibration of of the the lline ine llaser aser and and are are not not always always apparent att fi first glance, a pparent a rst g lance, ffor or example e xample iiff tthe he ttool ool has has been been heavily The h eavily sshaken haken iin n a ffall. all. T he displays events ttool ool d isplays tthese hese e vents via via a rred ed LED LED light light that that warns warns the the user off c calibration errors, u ser o alibration e rrors, tthus hus ensuring precise e nsuring pr ecise rresults. esults. PHAM P HAM N NEWS EW S E ENQUIRY NQUIRY N No. o. b
105 10 5
Microscope M icroscope ffor or tthe h p he phone h ne ho n When you When you need need to to take take a much much closer closer look att tthe fine whether lo ok a he fi ne detail, dettail, w het her iits ts a h hard-to-read ard-to-read serial ser ial number number or or dodgy paper MP d odg y llooking ook ing p aper money, money, tthe he M P Power P ower Universal Universal digital dig ital microscope microscope macro m acro lens lens c can an help. help. Providing Prov iding a magnification off X X200, product m ag nificat ion o 20 0, tthe he pr oduct works w orks w with ith an an app app that that delivers delivers a range range off ssoftware o oft ware functions: f unct ions: taking tak ing photos, photos, rrecording ecording videos, videos, zooming zooming in in and and out, out, complementary c omplementar y c colour, olo our, sshifting hift ing le lens ns
and a nd turning t ur ning on on and and off off the t he LED LED light. light. T This his n nifty if t y llittle it t le d device e v ic e w works ork s w with it h m most ost smartphones, sm mar t phones, including includ ing Apple Apple iiPhones, Phones, iPads, iPads, Samsung, Samsung, HTC, H TC, Sony, Sony, LG, The package comprises L G, and and tablets. tablets. T he p ackage c omprises o one ne d digital igital m microscope icroscope and and one one manual manual d ow nload tto o iinstall nst al l tthe he sspecific pec ific a pp download app ffor or tthe he op o optimal t i ma l m magnification ag nificat ion e effect. f fe c t . T The he M MP P Power Power Universal Un iver sal digital d ig ital llens ens iis sa available va i lable ffrom r om o online nl ine ssellers, e l le r s , iincluding nclud ing Amazon A mazon for for ÂŁ8.99. ÂŁ 8.99.
Cordless tools Cordless tools with with h igh p erformance high performance Machine M achine tool tool provider prov ider p Trumpf has 18V T rumpf h as added add ded 1 8V Li-ion Li-ion and brushless, ttechnology echnolog y a nd b r ushless, motors llow-wear ow-wear m otors tto o iits ts rrange ange off battery-driven o batter y-dr iven power p o w er ttools. ools. The The new new cordless cordless TruTool models T r uTool m odels – sshears, hears, nibblers, sslitting litt ing shears, shears, n ibblers, profile p rofile nibblers, nibblers, seam seam lockers lockers and power also a nd p ower fasteners fasteners – a l so iincorporate ncor porate the t he company’s company’s battery-optimised b atter y-opt imised aluminaluminiium um gear gear head head which, which, iin n combination with c ombination w ith the the other other
The Th he quick, quick, c clean lea n and a nd effi efficient cient w way ay tto o fflux lux pi p pipes pes
Work smarter, not harder. A tool for plumbers that makes flux application simpler, cleaner and more efficient. Approx 500 Applications COPALUX Self $leaning 'Mux Less $ontamination & 8aste Manageable Click System Suitable for (as & 8ater Available in 15mm & 22mm ENQUIRY
new provide up n ew ffeatures, eatures, pr p ovide u p tto o 60% after 6 0% longer longer rrun un ttime ime a f t er e ach ffull ull c harge. each charge. The TruTool 18V T he T r uTool 1 8V rrange ange provides off pr ov ides a selection select ion o welding and paint ttools ools ffor or w elding a nd p aint preparation, pr eparat ion, cutting cutt ing and and ffastening. astening. These These models models are also first a re a lso tthe he fi rst tto o ffeature eat ure brushless a new new b r ushless motor motor tthat hat provides contactless pr ov ides c ontact less drive d r iv e with no wear. w it h almost almost n ow ear. PHAM P H A M NEWS NEWS ENQUIRY ENQUIRY No. No. www
106 10 6
PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 09:07 Page 17
February 2018
TRAINING Update Vouchers help with the cost Training reward vouchers, worth up to £150 each, are available to plumbing and heating companies in England and Wales, thanks to registered charity APHC (Training) Ltd, the sister company to the Association of Plumbing & Heating Contractors. The vouchers can be used for a certificated course with a recognised training provider such as APHC, BPEC, City & Guilds and all UKAS approved ACS providers. The programme of oneday courses from APHC includes water regulations, legionella risk assessment & disinfection, sanitary and above ground drainage, and wetroom installations.
The courses are delivered at APHC’s offices in the West Midlands and are open to all plumbing and heating businesses in England and Wales. If there is a requirement for a group of employees needing to attend a course, then APHC may be able to deliver the courses off-site at a suitable local location. APHC’s CEO John Thompson says: “Keeping up to date
and developing existing skills is important to help ensure you are working compliantly and safely. Our one-day courses can not only help with this, but also help plumbers gain skills to access new markets such as wetroom installation and legionella risk assessing.” The £150 training reward is available to all plumbing and heating companies in England and Wales regardless of whether they are members of APHC. Further information on the training reward scheme, including APHC’s 2018 programme of one-day plumbing courses, can be found at training_information.asp
Building control know-how Sontay, the field control device specialist, says that it will be offering new and improved Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA) courses this year. The courses will be taught by a BCIA trainer and will include new course material provided by the association. Sandy Damm, MD at Sontay, comments: “The industry is moving forward rapidly and changing all the time. So, it is fantastic to be able to offer people new and refreshed courses that provide the very latest in terms of systems, ways of working and important legislation changes. “The BCIA does great work in training all those
involved in the building controls industry and we are delighted to support and promote the new courses.” There are six new courses (BCM01-BCM06) covering a range of topics and incorporating the latest technical information from
the building controls sector. All courses are held at Sontay’s training facility in Edenbridge, Kent. For more details on availability and dates, please visit the website below. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Essential knowledge on bathroom pre-wall systems Now available from Viega is a new RIBA approved CPD on designing pre-wall bathroom systems. When used in bathrooms, pre-walls allow designers to easily conceal cisterns, pipework and drainage, enabling them to create the clean and modern look demanded by homeowners, hoteliers and commercial developers. The hour-long presentation explores the professional approach to designing, specifying, constructing and operat-
ing a modern bathroom and washroom. Designed for architects and interior designers, the new CPD, which is presented by a member of Viega’s technical sales team, starts by providing an introduction to pre-wall systems and an overview of the legislative and regulatory landscape. It then gives a detailed overview of different elements relating to designing bathrooms with pre-wall systems. This covers the look and feel of a bathroom
as well as its functionality. Other elements such as environmental considerations, installation and maintenance are also covered. The presentation provides essential knowledge for anyone managing an existing washroom, planning a refurbishment or designing a new build. Viega offers a range of pre-wall systems including Eco Plus, Steptec, Mono, concealed flushing technology and flush plates. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
February 2018
Ant Continuing his regular column, Ant Provan – the man behind Gas App Uk – highlights how a thermal imaging camera can help to avoid a lot of unnecessary disruption for customers.
The camera never lies! When I worked as a gas engineer in the not-too-distant past, I had one customer who was faced with taking up the entire tile floor in her kitchen to fix a leak that she hadn’t been able to identify the source of. Fortunately, I had recently invested in a FLIR ONE camera, which slotted on to my iPhone, and I was able to use that to get to the root of the problem. The camera identified a cold spot where, it turned out, water was springing from an old fitting. Using the kit, I was able to pinpoint exactly where the leak was. All of this meant that the customer, to her relief, didn’t need to fork out thousands of pounds to pull up her entire kitchen floor. In the end, she only had to take up two tiles and I was then able to fix the leak. Thanks to my FLIR thermal imaging camera, my customer saved a lot of money and avoided considerable stress and disruption. Basically, the camera gave us a total view of the situation and an instant diagnostic. It located the problem, even though it was out of view under the floor, and showed the extent of the problem.
Get the picture There are various infrared cameras on the market. They work by detecting infrared energy (heat) and converting it into an electronic signal. This is then processed to produce a thermal image on a video monitor and perform temperature calculations. Heat sensed by an infrared camera can be very precisely quantified, or measured, allowing you to not only monitor thermal performance, but also identify and evaluate the relative severity of heat-related problems. Thermal imaging cameras are not the same as Infrared thermometers, which are reliable and useful for single-spot temperature readings. However, for scanning large areas, it’s easy to miss critical parts like air leakages, areas with insufficient insulation or water intrusion. A thermal imaging camera, on the other hand, can scan entire buildings, heating and HVAC installations. It won’t miss a potential problem area no matter how small this might be. For other customers, I was able to use my camera to identify problems with their radiators. Historically, figuring out the problem has tended to be a bit of a guessing game – you’d touch the radiator to see if it was cold, guess at the problem,
The importance of compliance Any ventilation system needs to be installed and commissioned correctly to work effectively. John Kelly, Marketing Manager at Airflow Developments, explains why training is vital.
F Ant Provan – founder of Gas App Uk
then take it from there. Your customer would then have to take your word for it, unless they got a second opinion. With a thermal imaging camera, you can prove to your customer with one simple visual that there is a problem. You can see, for example, that black sludge has settled at the bottom of the radiator and you can explain to your customer, while showing them the picture, that heat won’t flow properly until the radiator is flushed. I used to win so much work from showing my customers a clear thermal image of their radiator and explaining to them what might help – such as powerflushing. Once the system has been flushed out, you could even then fit a magnetic filter as a preventative measure.
No more guesswork In my view, these cameras are a really important tool for our trade. They allow engineers to see through even concrete floors and walls, review underfloor heating, identify blockages in heating systems, and identify that valves are not opening and shutting correctly. They remove the guesswork and help you do your job more effectively and efficiently. The best thing is that you don’t have to have deep pockets to buy this kit. The FLIR ONE, which connects to any smart phone, costs around £330 + VAT. If you are interested in buying one of these cameras, get across to the Essentials section of Gas App Uk and click the Heating Parts icon supplied by Sterling HPC. At Gas App Uk, we also run a monthly competition with great giveaways. So don’t be surprised if we’re giving away a FLIR camera in the near future!
To join the Gas App community simply visit the Apple or Google store and search for Gas App Uk and get a 7-day free trial.
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Training Update
or a new home to meet the latest Building Regulations there must be a ventilation system installed as prescribed in Approved Document F1, Means of Ventilation. This is to ensure that excess moisture, created through every day living, like cooking and showering, is properly extracted. Furthermore, indoor air pollutants from textiles, furniture and aerosols, which are potentially harmful to occupants and the fabric of the building, also need to be removed.
Performance Installers should be aware that while some ventilation manufacturers claim that products comply with the minimum standard of air flow in the regulations, in some cases the performance might only be achieved in a free air environment. Therefore a fan may not perform to the required standard when installed as part of a system, which can lead to a build-up of moisture and pollutants over time. The Domestic Ventilation Compliance Guide provides detailed guidance to help installers comply with requirements in the regulations and avoid an incorrectly installed system that can severely impact the performance of a fan. For example, if flexible ducting is being used, it needs to be pulled taut to 90% of its
Installers must meet F1 standards of Building Regulations
maximum length and cut to size. Squashed and crushed flexible ducting creates increased system pressure that a fan cannot overcome, meaning the required installed ventilation rates are not met. By establishing that ducting is clear of dust and debris and that the exterior grille has the required 90% free area, installers can ensure that a fan will achieve the required installed performance – an undercut of 10mm on all internal doors will also enable effective air circulation.
Getting qualified Installers can learn more about effective supply, design, install, commission and handover of domestic ventilation systems outlined in Part F of the Building Regulations by completing the NICEIC ventilation installer ‘Competent Persons’ training scheme – the only scheme of its type in the UK – at Airflow’s Air Academy. The course is completed over two days and educates
installers on how to correctly design, install, test and service the four types of ventilation systems outlined in the Building Regulations. After successfully completing the training course installers can then apply on behalf of their company to join the Competent Persons register. NICEIC approved ‘Competent Persons’ are also supported by the NICEIC Platinum Promise, which means that in the event of a poor installation by one of its members, the householder is guaranteed remedial work of up to £25,000 by a Competent Installer.
Ensuring trust The credibility of being an NICEIC certified installer will help ensure that customers view installers’ services as reliable and trustworthy, providing effective indoor air quality, which will reduce long-term building maintenance costs for the end client. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
More affordable gas courses Newcastle based Kier Gas Training has announced that it will introduce a 0% interest finance package to help installers manage the cost of training. Last year also saw the company introduce a special low cost offer for engineers to take their reassessments. “We take our social responsibility very seriously, and this was one way to demonstrate it,” says Gas Training Manager Vicky Wood. To find out more or to book a gas course email or call 0800 999 5427.
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PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 11:17 Page 19
February 2018
Sustainability in the spotlight More than just an exhibition, this March will see Ecobuild return to its home at London’s ExCeL to bring together the big names in the built environment. What follows is a brief guide to the main attractions for professionals in the heating and plumbing industry.
Opening Times in March: Tuesday 6th 10.00 – 18.00 Wednesday 7th 10.00 – 18.00 Thursday 8th 10.00 – 16.00
eturning to the ExCeL London in March and under the new ownership of Futurebuild Events Ltd, Ecobuild is set to be different to the shows that have gone before. The event has been designed and built around the industry, giving visitors the opportunity to experience the latest products while learning more about changes to legislation and market trends. The event will also be a chance for professionals to join the industry’s conversations and network with hundreds of suppliers and sector experts. Martin Hurn, MD of Futurebuild Events, explains: “New ownership
offers a unique opportunity to completely overhaul the event. We believe that to be as relevant and valuable as possible, we need to understand and act on what built environment professionals want to see at Ecobuild. We see our role as facilitating the agenda, rather than dictating it.”
District line New for 2018, the organisers have introduced a series of Futurebuild districts for the event. The districts will showcase industry innovations across key sectors, including: Energy & HVAC, District Energy, Building Performance, Offsite, Infrastructure, Green &
This year’s show is expected to attract over 25,000 visitors and will play host to more than 450 exhibitors
Blue Infrastructure, Timber, and Concrete. The Energy and HVAC district – supported by the Carbon Trust, CIBSE, GSHP Association, RECC and the Renewable Energy Association – is where visitors can explore how the requirement for energy performance and efficiency is at the heart of all modern construction. Here, leading companies from within the sector will showcase new technologies, the latest
innovations and best practice across renewables, smart buildings and HVAC. The district is also home to the CPD accredited energy and HVAC seminar theatre, which will explore policy and deliver mechanisms for driving carbon reduction. It will also look at the key priorities between energy generation, demand management, decarbonisation of heat, delivery of smart energy storage, and more.
Conferences Central to the event will be the conference programme. Conferences taking place in the Energy and HVAC district will address issues relating to energy efficiency and the decarbonisation of heating, with seminars addressing such issues as domestic energy storage, the RHI, smart technologies and the future of heat in the UK.
PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 09:19 Page 20
February 2018
20 E EXHIBITION XHIBITIO I N Preview Preview Stands to visit To help you make the most of your time at Ecobuild, we’ve compiled a list of some of the exhibitors you may want to put at the top of your agenda as you plan your visit.
Aquabion A quabion (A174) (A17 74) As a sspecialist As pecialist in in water water conditioner conditioner ssystems, ystems, Aquabion A quab bion is is looking looking tto o sshow how v visitors isitors h how ow iits ts p roducts b attle llimescale imescale iin nh eating ssystems, ystems, products battle heating b oth d omestic a nd c ommercial. both domestic and commercial. IItt is is guaranteed g uaranteed tto o ssafely afely a nd and e ffectively remove remove a nd p revent effectively and prevent llimescale imescale b uild-up. This This fit fit and and build-up. fforget orget ssolution olution iis sa lso ssaid aid tto ob e also be m oney-sav ing, a s tthere here is is no no money-saving, as need n eed for for maintenance, maintenance, power, power, c hemicals or or salt. salt. chemicals
Delabie D elabie (B122) (B122) The T he manufacturer manufacturer o off w water ater controls c ontrols a and nd ssanitary anitary fi fittings ttings ffor or commercial c ommercial e environments nvironments w will ill display products offer water d isplay p roducts tthat hatt o fffer w atter savings, sa vings, h hygiene, yg iene, accessibility, accessibility, ssafety, afety, d durability urab bility a and nd rreliability. eliab bility. Especially Es pecially designed designed ffor or iintensive ntensive use, u se, D Delabie’s elabie’s w water ater c controls ontrols a are re continually tested c ontinually te sted to ensure ensure tthat hat tthey hey m eet tthe he d emands o meet demands off public p ublic p places laces ssuch uch a as sh hospitals, ospitals, care homes c are h omes and and schools schools ((see see also advertisement on a lso a dvertisement ffeature eature o n opposite page). o pposite p age).
Delabie’s D elabie’s water water controls controls for for commercial commercial environments environments
Flir F lir Systems Systems (C164) (C164)
Claiming to Claiming to provide prov ide a thermal t her mal iimaging mag ing ssolution olut ion ffor or e every v er y a pplicat ion a nd b udget, Flir Flir application and budget, rreturns et ur ns to to Ecobuild Ecobuild w with it h its its widest w idest every ever y choice choice of of c cameras ameras and a nd imaging imag ing meters. meter e s. T The he sstand tand will w ill ffeature eat ure pr product oduct examples examples ffrom rom every ever y range, range, starting starting with with tthe he p professional rofessional T T-Series, -Series, w which hich iincorporate ncor porate F Flir’s lir’s U UltraMax lt raMax and a nd MSX MSX technology. technolog y. MSX MSX is is also a lso a standard standard feature feat ure of of the t he Flir F lir E Exx-Series, x x-Ser ies, tthe he p pistol-grip istol-g r ip tthermal hermal cameras cameras with with detector detector up rresolutions esolut ions u p tto o 320 320 x 240 24 0 and and iinterchangeable nterchangeable lenses. l n s e s. le A lso ffeaturing eat ur ing a he sshow how Also att tthe Flir’s professional iis s F lir’s p pr ofessional tthermal her mal iinspection nspect ion using using unmanned unmanned An A n iinside nside v view iew o off A Aquaq ua aircraft a i r c r a f t f for o r a aerial er i a l t thermography h er mography b ion’s w ater cconditioner on nditioner bion’s water iin n building building analysis. analysis. product pr oduct
Thermal Thermal imaging imaging is is the the focus focus on on Flir’s Flir’s stand stand
Intatec’s Intatec’s Hiper Hiper HIU HIU on on B130 B130
Flexenergy F lexenergy ((E184) E184)
Innasol In nasoll ((B120) B120)
The thermal The thermal efficiency efficiency and and eco eco advantages advantages off polybutene o polybutene pre-insulated pre-insulated pipe pipe in in district district heating will be highlighted by h eating sschemes chemes w ill b e h ighlighted b y F lexenergy a he sshow. how. T he llow ow c arbon p ipe Flexenergy att tthe The carbon pipe delivers de livers significant sig nificant heat heat loss loss benefits benefits and and energy e nergy efficiency efficie ency g gains ains tto od district istrict heating heating and and ssustainable ustainab ble energy energy pr projects, ojjects, ssuch uch as as biomass, biomass, CHP, C HP, g geothermal eothermal a and nd h heat eatt rrecovery ecovery n networks. etwork rks. Also A lso on on stand stand will will be be the the pre-insulated pre-insulatted valve valv l e ssystem, ystem, V-Flex, V-Flex, which which offers offers new new levels levels o off control c ontrol to to district distr ict and and community communit y heating. heating.
Making its ei eighth ghth appe appearance earance at the sho show, w, its Innasol will highlight it ts rrenewable enewable energy energy and efficient po power wer solutions. W Working orking closely closel y with pr professional ofess sional installation companies, Innasol has h a full fully y tr trained ained network netw ork of 2500 pr professional ofessional partners, own academy Essex. certified at its o wn aca ademy in Ess ex.
Go Geothermal Geothermal (C170) (C170) The T he iindependent ndepen ndent h heat eat p pumps umps ssupplier upplier w will ill b be e d emonstra atin ng iits ts llatest atest in novations in cludin i g demonstrating innovations including tthe he chamber chamber manifold manifold ssolution, olution, p re-insula atted pre-insulated p ipe, and and heat heat transfer transfer fluids. fluids. Visitors Visitors can can pipe, a lso fi nd o ut h ow G oG eothermal w orks a sa also find out how Go Geothermal works as o ne sstop top sshop hop ffor or a ll tthings hings g round ssource, ource, one all ground a well as as being being a supplier supplier of of products products for for air air ass well ssource, ource, biomass biomass and and UFH. UFH.
IIntatec ntattec (B130) (B130) plumbing umbing equipment The heating and plu manufacturer showcase man ufacturer will sho owcase a selection of its pr premier emier pr products, odu ucts, including its extended Hiper ActivFlo e xtended rrange ange of Hi iper HIUs, Acti vFlo water and expansion w ater conditioners, an d Zilmet e xpansion vessels. v essels. Other products productss on displa display ay include magnetic filter,, Intamix the IntaKlean2 ma gn netic filter thermostatic mixing v valve allve and Intafil sealed incentive system y equipment. q p A further f incenti ve to company visit the stand is that the t compan ny will be running a competition to win win a BBQ BBQ made made expansion vessel. out of a Zilmet e xpansiion v essel.
February 2018
Exhibition Preview 21 Advertisement Feature
Marley Plumbing & Drainage (G24) This manufacturer of plastic plumbing and drainage systems for commercial and residential projects will be showcasing a range of offsite services, including its HDPE service. Discover how its team will pre-build the HDPE soil stacks in a controlled factory environment, to project specifications, with pressure testing on each stack as standard. In addition, Marley will be launching a new HEATING SOLUTION. product range to theINNOVATIVE market, so come to G24 to find out more.
flexible and responsive, providing an energy efficient heating option. Solo’s radiators are designed to provide precise control of conditions, resulting in optimal comfort whilst minimising energy consumption.
Accessible design for commercial washrooms
At this year’s Ecobuild, the sanitary fittings specialist DELABIE will be promoting its Be-Line range – a selection of products designed for safe and easy use in the public sector and commercial washrooms. FAN ASSISTED LOW TEMPERATURE RADIATOR Visit stand D143 to see the fan convectors Irish firm,fan Solo Radiator Solo from Radiator’s intelligent convector radiators delivers a truly innovative heating solution. Our low temperature radiators promises to deliver a more stylish, flexible, responsive and energy efficient heating option. We understand the users need to have control of their environment. Solo Radiator is designed to provide precise control of conditions, resulting in The main feature hereenergy will consumption. be Uponor’s preoptimal comfort whilst minimising
Uponor (G184)
Marley Plumbing & Drainage offers prebuilt HDPE soil stacks
Minus 7 (A112) The star of this stand will be the hybrid renewable heating system designed by Minus 7 to provide a complete energy solution for buildings. Come to find out how the company has integrated solar thermal, solar PV, heat pump and energy storage technology all into a single system. This is managed by proprietary control methodologies contained within the Solar Energy Processor. The core of the system is a long-life roof composed of solar thermal panels with embedded high performance PV cells. Independently Tested by BSRIA
insulated Ecoflex pipes and its Wehotherm Flexible Heating Solution Instant Heat Designed integrate Solo be Radiator 5% range oftosteel pipes. Visitors will ablecontains to effectively with low of the water volume of a see a project overview highlighting the way temperature systems such conventional radiator geothermal, heat pumps, resulting in much more inas which the steel and pre-insulated nonsolar, condensing gas and rapid rate of convection. oil boilers. Solocan Radiator steel pipes be used in combination to also operates efficiently Capacity Control deliver complete district heating solution. alongsideaother heat Each space can be emitters. individually zoned allowing Visitors will also be able to examine product precise control while No Thermostatic comfort samples, including examples ofenabling Ecoflex pre-and Radiator Valves energy savings. Solo Radiatorflexible requires nopipe connected directly insulated thermostatic radiator valves Compact & Stylish totoWehotherm steel pipe usingSignificantly Q&E (Quick prevent heat emission smaller than not required. conventional radiators, Solo &when Easy) fittings, highlighting the speed Radiator’s slim and stylish Energy Efficient design compliments and ease of installation of Uponor district all Consume 40% less energy décor in private or heating systems in any configuration. than conventional radiators commercial spaces where making it a more
space is at a premium.
cost-effective heating Wavin (E141,F142) option.
Low Surface Temperature
This specialist in plastic pipe systems Maintains low surface Temperature Control temperature regardless of Adjustable heating levels to for residential, non-residential and civil water temperature. maintain comfort in step engineering projects will use the show to with fluctuating weather conditions. tell visitors about its systems, including the Osma above and below ground drainage, Hep2O hot and cold plumbing, and underfloor heating, Hepworth Clay drainage products, as well as a wide range of Wavin drainage and stormwater management solutions.
Independently Tested by the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory
Manufactured by Aubren Ltd.
As Featured on Grand Designs
CE Certified
Windhager (B105,B110)
The Solar Energy Processor is the control centre of Minus 7’s hybrid system
Propelair (C167) Drop by this stand to find out about a toilet that uses 84% less water than a standard one. The Propelair WC system uses only 1.5 litres per flush, compared to the UK average of 9 litres. The water and cost saving potential of this toilet make it suitable for public facilities and has already been installed in hospitals, college campuses, restaurants and government buildings.
Solo Radiator (D143) An ideal partner with renewable heating sources, Solo Radiator will present its intelligent fan convector range at the show. These low temperature radiators are
21.indd 1
Biomass is the theme here, where Windhager will promote its comprehensive range of biomass boilers. Whether its pellet, log or wood chip boilers, Windhager has a solution for projects large and small. Come by to ask about the PuroWIN, which is said to burn wood chip with almost zero emissions. Other products to discover include the BioWIN2 and FireWIN.
Be-Line grab bars and shower seats provide a new aesthetic for adapted washrooms
ELABIE will showcase its new range of grab bars and shower seats at Ecobuild. Adapted washrooms tend to promote function over form. To challenge this, DELABIE has launched the Be-Line® range with design at its core to remove the institutional feel of public sector washrooms. However, there is no compromise on functionality since the Be-Line® range combines aesthetics with ergonomics, providing user safety for accessible washrooms in the public and commercial sector.
Well-being The clean lines of DELABIE’s Be-Line® grab bars and shower seats provide a new aesthetic, replacing the institutional aspect of adapted washrooms. Concealed fixings and an ergonomic design heighten the impression of comfort and provide a necessary level of discretion. The facilities can be used by any user, at any life stage and regardless of their level of independence, promoting a sense of well-being. This makes the shared use of sanitary spaces more agreeable for everyone.
Safe Public facilities accommodate all users, so DELABIE tests its grab bars and seats to over 200kg, guaranteeing stability and safety for all. Made from extruded and injection– moulded aluminium, the Be-line® range is durable and can withstand intensive use. The smooth, homogenous surface is easy to clean and the lack of joints minimises niches where bacteria proliferate.
Ergonomic Featuring a flat front face, Be-line® grab bars fit the hand’s natural curve perfectly. The ergonomic design prevents the hand from rotating, providing a comfortable and secure grip. This, combined with a minimal gap between the wall and the bar, reduces the risk of fracture since the hand cannot slip between the wall and the bar. The Be-line® range of grab bars and seats is available in two finishes, white aluminium or metallised anthracite, providing a good visual contrast, yet coordinating well with any style of washroom.
Visit DELABIE at Ecobuild on stand B122 to find out more
29/01/2018 16:33
February 2018
22 Business Matters
Cost-effective ways to drum up business However well your business might be doing at the moment, it always pays to plan ahead and there are some easy ways to promote your services to existing and future customers. Marketing expert Roger Wilson offers some ideas to ensure your work diary remains full.
hat does the future hold? Imagine if we had been able to predict the 2009 recession in advance and even Brexit too. Could we try and think about what the next two to four years might hold in store for us all? It’s unlikely that we will see the rollercoaster of a rising boom period followed by deep recession like we did in the noughties, however we will surely see ups and Roger Wilson downs. The stock market saw good performance to the end of 2017, but we also saw declining consumer confidence and reducing retail sales month after month. So, the following 12 months and beyond could become a leaner period with consumers putting off changing that bathroom suite or boiler and also making do with patching up plumbing and heating problems to ensure they keep costs to a minimum. This means that to sustain strong business into the future, a little pro-active marketing could be a useful thing to consider. Even if you believe you’ll never be short of work, could it be that there is a need to ensure you get the right type of work which earns you more return for your labours? A full boiler or bathroom suite installation, for example, could be more lucrative than three call-outs for a leaking tap. So, what should you do? I have suggested four options, two from the ‘easy-peasy’ list and two from the ‘I need to think about this’ list, but even these harder ones could turn out to be some good fun for someone with an inquisitive mind.
Eye-catching business cards are a simple way to promote yourself
Card giving From the easy list, do you always make sure you hand out three or four cards to your customers once a job is complete? Sure, they pop them straight in that drawer in the kitchen with the batteries, string, Chinese menus and rubber bands, but that’s exactly where they will know to get them when their family and friends ask if they know a great plumber. It’s easy and cheap and, most importantly, it could help to generate some work one, two and three years from now, just when you really might need it. And as always, satisfied customers are the best people to refer you to other people.
22.indd 1
Make sure your cards have a good visual impact by using strong colourful graphics. Using a company like VistaPrint ( makes generating impactful cards, specifically with lots of designs for our industry, really easy online, generating hundreds of cards for just a few quid. Triple check the card for errors before you hit that enter button, though, as it’s frustrating to have to go through the cost twice, or worse, hand out cards that just are not correct! Second in the easy list is to ensure you advertise in the freely distributed local magazine that’s delivered door to door. It might be worth marking your calendar a few days before the copy deadline to ensure you get a last-minute advertising rate, which can often be a terrific deal.
Social media
little square box? Sure, ‘ad’ does stand for advertisement and the owner of that site will pay if you click it, but it’s not really an advert. The reasons it’s there is because of AdWords. ( Google has crafted a very carefully honed software algorithm that compares a series of key words that the site owner has provided to the searches made by the millions of users. If you were doing this for your business you could select the types of words enquirers would use if they were looking for your services. Appropriate words for your business might be: ‘bathrooms’, ‘reliable’, ‘fullservice’ and ‘quick’ whereas someone else may be looking to connect with enquirers asking for more information about ‘heating’, ‘boilers’, ‘maintenance’, ‘repair’ and ‘controls’. Better still, you can ensure you don’t appear to people who enquire about things you don’t do using ‘negative words’. If you don’t want to service or repair oil boilers or gas fires you would add these as negative words. The usual locality, age, and gender profiling is all available here too.
The more involved, but potentially more lucrative marketing solutions include, no surprise, social media and the web. Whether or not you are active online or are a regular personal user of Facebook, this is today the most direct and powerful way to get to your customers. It’s important to keep up to speed with who is using what. It’s an ironic fact that currently Facebook is now generally favoured by an older audience, while Instagram (also now owned by Facebook, by the way) is the app of choice for the Tracking response younger crowd. As for the analysis and There are two major benefits of marketing via It doesn’t take long to create a Facebook page for your business feedback, well that’s where the fun really starts, as Google lets websites and social media. Firstly, it gives you the ability to really target your audience you know exactly how your AdWords are performing. You (such as by gender, age, locality or type of household) and, see how many times your ‘ad’ appeared in the top searches secondly, it doesn’t present a huge cost considering the and you see how many clicks you had. You even see what number of people you can have see your company name customers actually keyed in, and then Google recommends blazoned in an advertisement. Even better than this, in additional words that can really hone your campaign and many cases you actually only pay when someone clicks get an even tighter handle on who will see your company on your advert. In other words, you will get exposure to info. If you have an enquiring mind, you’ll love this process. your brand and service to people who see it and this will Don’t worry about getting carried away – you can control cost you absolutely nothing! You don’t even need to have your spend by setting a budget. When you get your AdWords a website to make some of this marketing work, just a right you can get hundreds of clicks for around just £10. telephone number is needed to advertise on Google for This can be quick, easy and rewarding but you can also example. get deep into this fascinating marketing tool. Google even offers online courses where you get a diploma, but you Up and running don’t necessarily have to get that involved! Starting with Facebook (or Instagram), if you have a current Perhaps you have already adopted some of these marketing personal Facebook account you can create a second page for ideas and perhaps the others may not be quite right for your business and start advertising this within 30 minutes you. But hopefully you are stimulated by knowing there maximum! This also includes making selections as to the sex, age and locality of the audience and also their interests are many marketing ideas and tools out there and that and type of household, etc. You can also set the amount of right now might be just the right time to step-up your time or money you would like to invest and, of course, this activity and try something new to ensure you maintain a allows you to start small. It is a good idea to trial some pilot healthy stream of the business you ideally want to have, adverts and audiences, and then develop over time your whatever 2018 brings. advertising plans. This is made so much more effective as you are provided with excellent detailed analysis of how your advertising is working. Despite the explosion in web offerings, social media and apps, Google remains the outright dominant player when it comes to people searching for products and services online. A web search is generally more known as a Google search. So have you noticed those few results up top with ‘Ad’ in a
About the author Roger Wilson runs Stradivarius Consulting, a business growth and people engagement support consultancy for the home products industries. Roger previously worked for Glow-worm, Armitage Shanks and was Managing Director for Mira Showers. Visit
30/01/2018 09:09
February 2018
Business Matters
Tips on hiring the right person
Getting to know you Each month, PHAM News shines the spotlight on installers around the country to get a picture of what life is like for them at work and at play.
NAME: Robert Jamison
Continuing his series of articles on how to grow a business, Martin Jones, MD of TradeHelp, files his second report about how to attract candidates so that the right person is taken on for the right job.
COMPANY: RAJ Heating Ltd
s mentioned in my 4 Interview previous column, Once you have shortlisted once you have made your candidates, the next the decision to grow your thing is to interview them. An business, naturally you will interview is very much a twoneed to recruit employees, way conversation where the candidate can make informed which can be daunting. Where decisions on whether the role do you start? How do you is suitable for them, as well as get the right people? If you you determining the fit of the don’t invest time and effort interviewee. It certainly should into getting this part of your not be an interrogation, but business right, the cost and equally it’s important that you disruption can be massive. ask them some challenging Some of the biggest positive questions so that you can impacts on my business Martin Jones, TradeHelp evaluate their response! were when we got this right Ensure that you read the candidate’s and recruited the right person into the right position. Well, here are some simple tips when application thoroughly ahead of the interview. The more you know, the easier it will be to it comes to employing staff: get questions and conversation flowing. Once 1 Job description you’ve asked a question, listen carefully to the Here you will have to outline the exact reanswers. If it’s for a technical position such quirements of the position – delineating the as a breakdown engineer, I found it to be well key responsibilities, outlining any qualificaworth setting up a practical assessment of their tions that you feel are necessary and also the competence through the creation of faults on behavioural characteristics you feel would fit a boiler that they must identify and resolve. into your business. This does not have to be a The candidate will also be evaluating you long document (one side of an A4), but it has and your company too. Some may even have to be relevant and reflect what you expect. questions to ask you, so make sure you are 2 Salary prepared – be open and candid. Before the The next thing you will have to think about interview comes to a close, explain the next is how much to pay your employee. When it steps of the process, and even if you don’t comes to determining salary, you will need end up hiring the candidate you must provide to ensure that it at least meets the National closure and thank them for their time. Minimum Wage, which can be found on the 5 Pre-employment checks Government website, not to mention being No matter whom you want to hire, you able to guarantee that you will actually be will always have to run certain checks on able to afford to pay this amount. It’s also a the job applicants, such as looking at their good idea to benchmark your salaries against criminal record, health checks (if required) and competitors, and what you are already paying making sure that they have the legal right to staff within your organisation, to ensure that work in the UK. On the Government website you make an informed and effective decision. there are handy tools to help you with these It also ensures that you don’t find yourself checks. For example, there is a tool to find in a position where you have to increase out which documents need to be produced salaries across the whole business to reflect by the candidate to prove that they’re eligible a high ‘one-off’ salary for a person you have to work in the UK. recruited. I found that paying a big salary 6 In writing did not guarantee that I got the best person Select the candidate and provide a written for the job. The selection process was more statement of employment. When you have important than the salary. officially chosen your future employee and 3 Advertising offered them the position, it is vital that you There are many ways that you can advertise provide them with a ‘written statement of your vacancy, but the most popular is to employment’ if the employment contract lasts promote it online, either via job sites or social at least a month or more. This will need to media. Posting online will help you to find include the main conditions of employment the right candidates quicker. However, it’s such as working hours, holiday entitlement, important to remember that if you advertise salary, etc. on recruitment sites, this will incur a charge. If you can generate interest yourself from social About TradeHelp media or other methods, this often delivers the best value for money. Recruitment consultants do have a part to play but, in my opinion, more for specialist roles. I would always recommend having a minimum of three candidates for each position.
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FROM: Swansea
At work...
At play...
How is business at the moment? “I’ve been self-employed since my early twenties and 2017 was my busiest year yet, by far. As a small company, you don’t ever want to turn work away, but we’ve been turning away about ten jobs a week, reluctantly. Customers seem to have confidence and are spending their money again.”
What do you get up to in your spare time? “I get very little spare time at the moment. I used to do quite a bit of surfing and I enjoy walking the dog with my wife and son, but the majority of my time is currently taken up by work. When I get back in the evening, I tend to listen to a lot of music to relax. I’m a big Radiohead fan, and went to see them in Manchester last year.”
Do you have any plans for expansion? “Where I’m based, in South Wales, there’s a mixture of gas, oil and LPG. I got my OFTEC qualifications last year, so I’m hoping to add about 20% oil installations this year. It’s just me and an apprentice at the moment, so I’m also planning to get another van on the road.” What are your predictions for the next twelve months in the industry? “Connectivity’s going to be a massive thing in the coming years, and I think 2018 is going to reflect that. How controls and appliances connect to each other is becoming more and more important, and lots of customers are asking about internet-enabled products such as heating controls, security cameras and smoke alarms. I’ve heard whispers of new products on the horizon, and it’s quite exciting as a heating engineer to get to grips with this side of the technology.” Is there too much regulation in the industry? “No, I don’t think you can ever get too much regulation – especially when it’s related to safety. As long as everything’s put in place to safeguard the customer and the installer, then I don’t have a problem with it.” Does the industry have an issue with installers who aren’t Gas Safe registered? “That is quite a big problem around my way. I come across quite a lot of jobs done by cowboy installers and see some pretty shocking sights. We get called in by customers who might be a little concerned by the person who’s installed their boiler, and it’s down to us to make it safe and bring it up to regulation. You can’t often trace who’s done it, but occasionally you do have to get Gas Safe involved if things are very serious.”
What did you do over the Christmas period? “We were in New York just before Christmas. We’ve been a few times, and it’s somewhere we really enjoy going. I did a couple of days’ work once we’d got back, and then managed to take a week off with the family, which was much needed.” How did you ring in the new year? “I’m not really a fan of New Year’s Eve. There’s a lot of pressure of having to do something spectacular. We just had a quiet evening in, watching Jools Holland – and that was fine by me!” Any holiday plans for this year? “No plans yet, but we do like a holiday so watch this space! We went to New York, Portugal and India last year. When I’m thousands of miles away, there’s nothing I can do about work back home, so that’s the main time that I’m able to relax.” How savvy are you with a smartphone? “Yes, I’m pretty good really. I’m quite active on social media and went up to a course at Worcester Bosch about driving business through Facebook and Twitter. I’d say I’ve had about a dozen jobs directly from Facebook, which is great – although I do think the success of it depends on your location.”
29/01/2018 15:50
PHAM FEB18 FIREBIRD:Layout 1 29/01/2018 13:21 Page 1
February 2018
OIL Heating 25
Addressing the needs of the off-grid sector Oil heating remains a popular choice with many UK households who live in off-grid areas, but it’s important for the industry to address concerns about low carbon solutions. Paul Rose, CEO at OFTEC, brings readers up to date with recent developments.
he UK oil heating industry has entered 2018 in a strong position. Last year proved a positive one with boiler sales remaining buoyant and the consistent low price of kerosene ensuring that consumer support for oil heating products and services remained high. But there is no room for complacency and it is likely that this year will be more challenging for off-grid heating and in particular, OFTEC CEO Paul Rose for oil. Since summer 2017, the price of heating oil has crept up and whilst it has been widely predicted that costs will remain low for the foreseeable future, it looks as if we have seen the end of ultra low prices. Heating oil will undoubtedly remain very competitive on price, but the huge cost advantage we have enjoyed over competitor fuels for a number of years now may well lessen and competition grow fiercer. However, of greater concern looking ahead is the possibility that government may further intervene in the off-grid heating market as part of efforts to meet its decarbonisation obligations. This could create a situation where those technologies favoured by government enjoy an unfair advantage, stifling competition and dramatically increasing costs for homeowners.
Fair competition OFTEC is 100% behind the need to decarbonise domestic heating but we strongly believe that all practical, low carbon solutions should enjoy government support. Offgrid housing stock varies greatly and there is no one-sizefits-all answer. Homeowners must be able to select the right solution for them from a range of options, not just the one or two government prescribes. Choice, low prices and fair competition are all vital to a healthy, low-carbon future marketplace, for both home and commercial heating. With government set to make many of the key decisions on decarbonisation over the next two years, OFTEC has been working hard on behalf of industry and consumers to help ensure policy makers come to the right conclusions. At the end of last year, we put forward strong concerns over the viability of plans to decarbonise heating from the 850,000 oil-using homes in England, outlined by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in the ‘Clean Growth Strategy’. BEIS appears likely to focus on moving rural households currently using oil heating to electrically driven heat pumps as an early phase of efforts to cut carbon emissions from the heating sector. However, we were encouraged by a constructive response to OFTEC’s letter from the Minister of State for Climate Change and Industry, Claire Perry MP, which indicated that BEIS was still willing to consider other decarbonisation options and expected ‘to see a mix of technologies into the future’. It is positive our voice has been heard and our efforts to champion the interests of our industry and liquid fuel users have made an impression. OFTEC’s letter summarised the trade association’s
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OFTEC will continue to listen and respond to the changing needs of OFTEC registered technicians and members
concerns about government plans and made a strong Low carbon liquid case for other possibilities to be considered. Drawing on Our correspondence with Claire Perry has also provided extensive knowledge of the off-grid heating sector, OFTEC encouragement for the continuation of OFTEC’s work to believes BEIS’s current plans are: bring to market a low carbon liquid fuel as an alternative • Ill-considered – because the heat solution proposed to kerosene for a decarbonised off-gas grid heating sector. (heat pumps) is expensive and difficult to implement in The Clean Growth Strategy states that ‘decarbonising many existing rural homes; heat is our most difficult policy and technology challenge to • Unfair – because it unreasonably imposes a financial meet our carbon targets’. We agree it is certainly a challenge burden on oil-using rural homeowners; but remain convinced that a reduced carbon liquid fuel • Anti-competitive – it is not for government to stipulate presents a viable solution. how consumers heat their homes, nor to compel them to We will continue to work with members, the oil distribution purchase a particular energy source; sector and others to make an alternative ‘green’ fuel available • Premature – because that strikes a balance of appropriate solutions for affordability, practicality, “Choice, low prices and fair competition off-grid homes are not yet carbon reduction and are all vital to a healthy, low carbon future” available and; sustainability. Industry will • Inconsistent – because also continue to develop the the collectively much higher carbon emissions from the next generation of appliances to ensure they meet the rest of the domestic heat sector are not yet being addressed. increasingly stringent standards for efficiency and emissions. We are particularly concerned that the Government Registration growth appears to have already decided on its preferred solution for decarbonising England’s 850,000 oil-using homes Boosted by last year’s strong industry performance, without fully considering the practicalities and impact individual technician registration numbers for OFTEC’s Competent Persons Scheme (CPS), which now also covers on homeowners or the other options available. solid fuel and renewable technologies, have reached the Get real highest level since 2013. BEIS’s plans fail to address the reality of the situation. Part of this rise has been seen across Ireland where we While suitable for some, electrification is currently not a have been working with government and key national practical heating solution for many rural homes unless organisations to highlight the importance of compliance wholesale and expensive energy efficiency improvements and maintaining high industry standards. are made. The installation cost of a heat pump is also much The Affordable Warmth grant scheme in Northern Ireland higher than a typical boiler replacement. now requires an OFTEC registered technician to inspect oil Without considerable government support to meet these boilers with advice on repair or replacement. Gas Networks high up-front costs, proceeding with this expensive approach Ireland has also amended its notice of hazard form and could have serious financial implications for many families. is now referring off-gas grid consumers to OFTEC to have This becomes even more of an issue when you consider their heating appliances checked following a huge rise in the higher proportion of rural households currently living reported CO incidents, mainly from solid fuel appliances. in fuel poverty compared to urban areas. It’s difficult to Looking ahead imagine how families who are already struggling to make ends meet can be expected to find the money to fund As 2018 progresses, we will continue to listen and respond to the changing needs of OFTEC registered technicians and expensive new renewable heating systems. We fear this would also in turn further increase the members across Great Britain and Ireland to ensure their already scandalously high number of elderly and vulnerable interests are fully supported in this constantly evolving people who die each winter because they can’t afford to heating market. The ride may prove a little rougher than keep warm. Decarbonising the off-gas grid heating sector it has in recent years, but we remain committed for the is a must – but it can’t be at the expense of people’s health long haul. or financial well-being.
29/01/2018 15:51
PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 10:35 Page 26
February 2018
26 OIL Heating
Get on course for success in oil With around four million homes in the UK off-grid, the majority of which rely on oil heating, and low oil prices, engineers operating in rural areas have an opportunity to get involved in this thriving market. Griff Thomas, MD of GTEC Training, explains more.
ased in Yorkshire, GTEC Training serves the North East and West, as well as Scotland. Installers in our region, particularly those outside of the major cities, need to view oil heating as a staple of their business – the same is true of any heating engineer operating in rural communities. While the fortunes of oil fluctuate, with the record low prices steadily creeping up Griff Thomas, MD of GTEC again, overall the oil market is expanding; the latest boilers boast A+ ratings, and kW for kW oil is more efficient than gas. Existing oil customers will always need their boilers servicing and there are many older style boilers that need replacing. In fact, OFTEC put forward plans last December to introduce a short-term boiler replacement programme between 2018 and 2022 in order to upgrade the estimated 400,000 older, standard efficiency boilers still in use – something that will provide another important business stream should it be approved by government.
Getting started For new entrants to the sector, i.e. candidates with no previous heating or plumbing qualifications, OFT50 is the starting point. As with any practical role, experience is important, so suitable trainees are likely to be working in related trades alongside qualified installers. It’s a good option for training any junior staff. OFT50 provides the groundwork to go on and complete the other training and assessments required to become OFTEC registered. Our OFT50 course takes four days to complete in total. For existing plumbing and heating installers with existing qualifications in gas, the move into oil can be a relatively easy one as the fundamentals of combustion
As a new entrant to the oil industry, Darren Jones turned to GTEC for Logic Certification OFTEC approved oil courses
are the same, whatever the heating source. Experienced trainees in related trades, or candidates that have already completed OFT50, are considered ‘Category 2’ and therefore eligible to undertake the qualifications required to gain OFTEC registration. r OFTEC-101 – covers the servicing and commissioning of pressure-jet appliances. The vast majority of household boilers fall into this category. r OFTEC-105E – covers the installation of oil-fired appliances. r OFTEC-600A – covers the installation of oil tanks and associated pipework and equipment. Some training providers offer these courses separately. Individually, they take around two days each to complete. We have combined the three elements, covering everything over a four-day course. All of these units are necessary to become a fully competent oil installer and are a requirement of OFTEC registration. In the same way as Gas ACS, these qualifications must be re-assessed every five years. Once qualified, you are considered a ‘Category 1’ installer, and eligible for the re-assessment programme. Depending on your customer base, you may also consider: r OFT10-102, which covers vaporising appliances such as AGAs, traditional range cookers and room heaters, with options for ‘dry’ appliances, such as cookers, which are not connected to a central heating system and ‘wet’ appliances, which includes boilers. r OFT10-201 – Multi stage pressure jet servicing and commissioning, for technicians who wish to service and commission two and three stage pressure-jet burners, such as those fitted to some large domestic and light commercial boilers and warm air heaters.
Positive experience GTEC delivers the full selection of Logic Certification OFTEC approved domestic oil qualifications, with all training taking place on the latest boilers and burners from leading manufacturers, including Grant UK. A recent GTEC candidate, Darren Jones, says: “As a new entrant into the oil industry there was so much information out there, I was struggling to get my head around it until I found GTEC. GTEC made this information easy to understand and I have found the process of training easy and stress free.”
Safe installation What’s key for any installer is that they’re trading safely and legally. Meeting the requirements of OFTEC registration is therefore essential – a badge of competency that will also help you win work. We are all well-versed on the dangers of CO poisoning, and the unsafe installation and maintenance of any heating appliance can be life threatening. Other benefits to OFTEC registration include the fact you’ll be able to self-certify your work and your business will be included in OFTEC’s free company listings database. Like Gas Safe Register ID cards, to promote OFTEC and get across that you are a competent and qualified installer, make sure you let your customers know you are registered.
Find out more For more information on the range of courses available at GTEC, visit the website or enter the number below.
GTEC’s top 10 recommendations to ensure your training goes smoothly 1. Talk to several training providers – choose the one that you feel comfortable with and offers you a course timetable that suits you best (some offer weekends). 2. Take advice from your chosen provider – There are many different qualifications in oil so make sure you choose the package that’s right for you. 3. Get your books early – Any good training centre will be able to source these for you. 4. Give yourself time to read through the books – Knowing where to find the information is the biggest challenge for most engineers! 5. Ask questions – There is no such thing as a stupid question. Most people ask the same questions during breaks or after the session, so don’t be afraid that you are the only one. ENQUIRY
6. Use the opportunity to learn from the other candidates – there is such a range of appliances and techniques and when shared these can be invaluable. 7. Book well in advance of your certification expiring or when you want to do the course – avoid disappointment of there being no space on the dates that suit you. 8. Make sure that you can focus on your course whilst there – try to avoid taking calls and dealing with customers during your time at the training centre. 9. Book early so you can plan your work around your course dates – a candidate under pressure is not a good candidate. 10. Come prepared – although most centres will provide pens and paper, it may be useful to have a ‘training book’ for you to refer back to when revising for your assessments.
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PHAM FEB18 ELCO BURNERS:Layout 1 29/01/2018 13:24 Page 1
PHAM FEB18 EDIT:Layout 1 30/01/2018 10:19 Page 29
February 2018
OIL Heating 29
The rise of the cascade solution Cascade boiler systems offer an effective way to meet the space heating requirements of larger buildings, but efficiency levels could be compromised without the use of a low loss header. Stuart McWhinnie, Engineering Manager at Firebird Products, explains more.
driven demands such as the istorically, heating use of plate heat exchangers requirements in and the increasing uptake light commercial of renewable technologies. premises or larger domestic Furthermore, the inclusion properties have been met of a low loss header also by installing the highest gives the flexibility to output boiler possible. retrofit alternative heating The major disadvantage technologies, such as an air of this type of approach source heat pump or biomass (in certain applications) is boiler, to create a bivalent the inability of the boiler system at a later date. to adapt to changing heat If installed vertically, loads, thereby making it less low loss headers have the efficient and consequently added benefit of helping less cost-effective. By to collect sludge from the installing multiple lower Stuart McWhinnie, Firebird system. Due to the low flow output boilers, which can adapt to changing heat loads by turning velocity through the low loss header, the on and off according to demand, higher debris from the system has time to fall to levels of efficiency are achieved whilst the bottom of the header and can then be safely removed via a drain valve. Also, as delivering the same output. A boiler, particularly the heat exchanger, less pipework is required, the use of a low will only function at its optimum efficiency loss header can significantly reduce the when the water flow passing through it cost of the installation. is maintained within the prescribed Why size matters parameters. If these parameters either exceed or are lower than those specified When installing a low loss header in by the boiler, performance and consequently conjunction with a multi boiler cascade system, what is not always taken into efficiency can be compromised. In a cascading heating system, where account is the importance of installing the the boilers are connected directly to the correct size of low loss header to adequately loads, there is no way of ensuring that meet the demands of heating system. This minimum boiler flow rates are maintained. is an important consideration, both to the This can result in irregular boiler flow installer and the property owner. The low loss headers should be specifically rates and water temperature, which can put unnecessary strain on the heating designed to match the output of the boilers system and ultimately reduce the life of and take into account minimum boiler flow the boiler. A simple way to prevent this is rates and the temperature differentials on by hydraulically separating the primary the various circuits. To ensure optimum and separately pumped secondary circuit boiler performance it is also important that via the incorporation of a low loss header the volume of water circulating through the boiler loop is correct for the output of into the heating system. By separating the two systems with a low the installed boilers. loss header, boilers are able to In order to achieve maximum operate at a constant flow rate operating efficiency from a in the primary circuit, whilst cascading boiler system it is flow rates and temperatures imperative that it is controlled may vary in the secondary by a management system, such circuit (for example, mixed as our Firebird Management temperature heat emitters such Controller, which manages as low temperature underfloor the boilers to deliver heat to heating and high temperature the low loss header depending radiators). Incorporating a low on demand. Boilers can be loss header into a cascading sequenced to come in and out heating system regulates flow of operation when required, to rate and pressure, which in evenly spread their usage. turn improves efficiency Easy to set up, with clearly and performance. As such, a marked electrical connections, constant temperature supply of the Management Controller water to multiple (or low flow) allows timed control rotation heating circuits downstream of of master/slave function the low loss header connection together with built-in weather is maintained. compensation. These cascade Achieving maximum boiler units can provide an output of performance and efficiency is up to 600kW with the ability something that will continue to reduce overall output down The Firebird Low Loss to increase in importance, as to a ratio of 1:4. This ensures Header hydraulically boilers will need to meet the separates primary and efficiency is maintained, even ever-diversifying market- secondary circuits when the heating demand is low.
As we manufacture our own low loss headers, they are specifically designed to match the performance of our boilers and take into account minimum boiler flow rates and the temperature differentials on the various circuits. Available in 100, 200 and 600kW max inputs, the Firebird low loss header is easy to install with four mounting points and convenient tapping points for expansion provision. This offers the flexibility Multiple lower output oil boilers in a cascading arrangement to retrofit additional heat sources at a later date and eliminate any but also includes an effective management flow rate issues. system. In the never-ending drive towards Based at the company’s UK headquarters achieving maximum efficiency, the use in Plymouth, the Firebird Technical Hub is of cascading boiler systems to meet the available to provide advice on designing and installing cascade heating systems with space heating demands of larger buildings low loss headers. The Hub can be contacted looks set to increase. However, for the full on 01752 691 177. potential to be realised, it is essential that ENQUIRY No. 112 www.ďŹ it not only incorporates a low loss header
February 2018
30 OIL Heating
Old reliable now Savings from advanced technology has more to offer
As one of the most established boilers within Worcester’s Greenstar range, the Danesmoor oil-fired boiler brand has proven itself as one of the most reliable on the market. The latest Greenstar Danesmoor features a new primary heat exchanger, which not only improves efficiency levels but is also smaller than its predecessor. Heat distribution has also been enhanced by a more energy absorbing combustion chamber and an upgraded secondary heat exchanger. A new single piece primary baffle, made from high temperature stainless steel, is capable of gathering more energy to be distributed to the heat exchanger, and can also be removed or replaced with ease – limiting time
spent on installation and maintenance. The Greenstar Danesmoor boiler can also run a low temperature system, with heating flow and return temperatures significantly below the normal radiator operating temperature. Its efficient operation under low temperatures means that is is fully compatible with underfloor heating systems. Also available from Worcester is the Greenstar Heatslave II which features an electronic control system for precise temperature control, as well as reducing unnecessary cycling of the burner. It is also equipped with an intelligent two way protocol, enabling connection to weather compensation control.
Pioneers of condensing technology in the oil heating market, Grant launched its first Vortex boiler 16 years ago, well ahead of any change to legislation. The Vortex was the most popular selling oil-fired boiler of 2016 in the UK (source: EUA). With over 60 model variations, the Vortex range is still growing and last September Grant introduced new red cased boiler house models, increasing the number of model variations on offer, with outputs ranging from 15 to 70kW. Continuing to invest in product development, the company has launched cleaner burning appliances as well as hybrid options which combine oil boilers with heat pumps. Grant’s R&D team has produced a new generation of clean
burning, low emission and high efficiency boilers that exceed European emission changes planned to come into force later this year. The resulting ‘VortexBlue’ range incorporates the latest Riello blue flame compact burner, with outputs from 15 to 36kW available across a variety of models. The Blue Flame burner differs from
“Ensuring our customers receive the highest level of service and support after they have purchased our products is of the utmost importance,” explains Brian Beattie, Head of GB sales. “Our customers, especially those who have invested a considerable sum of money in a new boiler, want the
Don’t forget to check out the hose UK burner manufacturer and distributor EOGB is reminding heating engineers of the importance of replacing oil hoses during their annual servicing to maintain efficiency and prevent avoidable accidents. While most oil hoses are manufactured from high quality rubber and plastic, like all materials these are
affected by environmental, operating and site conditions. Left over time, they can become damaged and brittle. Even if no external damage is apparent, OFTEC guidelines stipulate that hoses should be changed during every annual service and no more than one year after the product warranty expiry date.
Long warranty as standard The latest launch from Warmflow is a new range of oil boilers which come with an extended warranty included within the price. The new Titanium range prolongs the standard warranty period from two years to a maximum total warranty period of five years for parts and labour.
that of a Yellow Flame burner in that the combustion gasses are re-circulated through a specially designed blast tube, allowing them to mix with atomised droplets of fuel and oxygen drawn in through the burner, to produce a cleaner flame with far lower NOx emissions. Dimensions of the VortexBlue models are the same as
the existing ranges, making for easy replacement of older products, and the boiler is currently available with a a 10 year guarantee when installed by members of its G1 accredited installer network. “Over recent years, oil prices have remained extremely competitive, providing lower annual fuel bills for households using this fuel as their main heating source,” says Anna Wakefield, Marketing and Communications Manager. “With an estimated 400,000 older inefficient standard efficiency boilers still installed, upgrading to a new modern high efficiency condensing boiler will in many cases result in even greater fuel savings.”
Martin Cooke, Technical Director at EOGB, warns: “If a hose is not replaced, or recommended to be replaced, at an annual service and an oil leak occurs, the engineer can be held liable.” EOGB manufactures the biogreen long life flexi oil hose and has supplied over half a million of these to the industry since 2009.
No fear from fire
extra protection of an extended warranty period.” Last year, in a move to further improve product quality and durability, the company also introduced a new 5mm steel heat exchanger to all its oil boilers. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Midlands based Tuffa UK has developed a patented fire resistant material for its range of tanks, with every fireprotected tank delivered complete with LABC Certification. Terms and conditions apply. For more information visit Tuffa oil tanks meet the Code of Practice for Oil Firing standards to BS5410. A physical fire barrier, built-in The new two-stage models will cover a around the inner tank, provides either 30 or 60 minutes of range from 12 – 100kW in ErP compliant protection, giving time to safely evacuate a building while versions and in three models from 12 – any fire is controlled and extinguished. This means there 75kW in blue flame. The company says is no additional brickwork, fire barrier or building work that these will represent further energy required, making the tank quicker and easier to install. saving and also overall carbon reduction All Tuffa fire-protected oil tanks are also bunded, with as they are able to better respond to the the outer tank at 110% capacity of the inner tank to prevent heat demand of the system. Two stage spillage. They are fitted with a lockable, hinged cover for burners can also be perfectly matched to additional security and to prevent rainwater and debris combination boilers with their changing collecting in the outer bund. heat and HWS demands. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. 118 PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. 117
Burners in advance of legislation Working with the appliance manufacturers, burner specialist Riello has started to phase in new RDB Low NOx combustion technologies in advance of this September’s ErP deadline. In addition to single stage RDB, Riello has developed multi-stage versions of the ErPcompliant kerosene models and also includes blue flame variants designed to meet anticipated and more demanding NOx legislation in the future.
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February 2018
MERCHANT & Distributor News 31 Extra spares stock Bathroom supplier expands to meet demand
In-store parts stock has been increased by 35% at City Heating Spares, as the merchant aims to provide faster turnaround times for its trade customers. The addition of up to 150 new heating and shower spares across the company’s network of branches has been customised according to local demand, ensuring installers can quickly source the parts they need. Ian Caufield, Commercial Director, says the move
represents the latest step in a drive to provide ‘gold standard’ customer service: “We’re always looking for ways to save installers valuable time, and increasing our stock will inevitably mean they spend less time sourcing, waiting for and collecting parts. In turn, that will increase their customer satisfaction levels.” The company has also expanded its specialist distribution centre in Chorley to help meet demand.
Marking its fifth anniversary this year, Leeds based bathroom supplier Easy Bathrooms has recently opened its 17th showroom in Rotherham. The showroom will employ four people, and represents a £100,000 investment by the business. The trade supplier currently employs 100 people and plans to open eight more shops in the south of England during this year. Head of Retail Neil Bell says that the company prides itself on its level of customer service: “We encourage our
trade clients to invite their own customers in-store to create a 3D plan of their bathroom with our design experts. This means that they can choose their own layouts and visualise how
their project could look. “It’s this level of service, alongside benefits such as trade discounts, next day delivery and our unbranded brochures that impress clients.”
Big brands and better deals Featuring price cuts on over 1000 products, the latest catalogue from Plumbfix includes over 15,000 items, with a further 6000 products available online. All products are supported by the company’s Click & Collect service, which means that trade customers can order products online or over the phone and then pick them up from their nearest counter. Marketing Director Graham Smith comments: “With every new catalogue, we offer qualified plumbers more leading products from the best brands in the business. The latest edition features everything from the latest workwear and power tools, right through to offering a wider range of high quality products at low trade prices. And with 554 counters nationwide, and more set to open in 2018, qualified plumbers are never too far from their nearest trade counter, making it even easier for them to pop in and purchase everything they need for the job.”
Latest Flame Fast growing north east heating and plumbing merchant, the Flame Heating Group, plans to open an additional six branches before the end of this year. The Gatesheadbased firm, which currently operates eight sites across the region, is planning to increase its branch count to 14. Launches in Glasgow and Ayr have already been confirmed, with Edinburgh and Yorkshire in the company’s sights. There will also be further openings in the North East. MD John Savage says: “As the company has grown I have continued to set the bar even higher, and I am confident we will be able to extend the Flame brand into new areas and regions.”
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February 2018
32 PRODUCTS in Action Church service
Customised HIUs in retirement homes Uponor has supplied customspecified heat interface units (HIUs) for two retirement living developments in Southsea, Hampshire, and St Albans, Hertfordshire, as part of a solution jointly developed by the company, McCarthy & Stone and the plumbing contractor, GP Plumbing. The units will help deliver maximum energy efficiency from the four 150kW and three 120kW gas boilers installed as a central plant, helping to maximise
comfort for residents while minimising operational costs and service charges. The HIU units were supplied customised to the requirements of each project, with isolation valves situated at the top of the unit ready for connection to the centralised plant heating network. The hydraulic controls on the units also help to simplify commissioning, as there are no electronics to deal with. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Apollo infrared heaters from Tansun have recently been installed at St John the Baptist Church in Kinlet, Shropshire as part of an ongoing renovation project. The infrared heaters were chosen for the church as they were powerful enough to heat large buildings with high ceilings. Tansun offers a range of bracketry so the heaters could be mounted at the appropriate angle to warm those below. “We used Tansun’s infrared heaters as a result of a referral after it proved impossible to repair or replace our existing infrared heaters,” explains John Harrop, the Churchwarden. “If our congregation was to increase and we needed to heat other areas of the church we would consider using Tansun again in the future as we have been pleased with the results.” The Tansun Apollo A1C is one of the infrared heaters
Titon ventilation in latest high-rise
in the Apollo range which is best suited for corner mounting due to flexible positioning of the heater and bracket combined. The heater comes with a swivel bracket as standard, allowing flexibility on installation which in turn offers directional heat where required. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
A combination of highly efficient HRV Q Plus units and ducting from Titon has been installed throughout 514 newly-built one, two, three and four-bedroom apartments, penthouses and townhouses in The Residence high rise in London. The development comprises nine multistorey buildings. The ventilation products fitted include a range of HRV1.25, HRV1.35, HRV2 and HRV2.85 Q Plus Eco HMB MVHR units, as well as Titon’s straight and flared ducting covers. All the units also benefit from low specific fan power (SFP) and this, combined with up to 92% heat recovery, ensures there is an MHVR unit within the range suitable for most residential units. The Eco version of the ventilation products benefit from a summer bypass, which diverts 100% of the airflow, and is recognised and listed in the UK Product Characteristics Database.
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February 2018
PRODUCTS in Action
Boilers deliver SAP for house builders Nine new two-bedroom houses in Syston, Leicestershire are benefitting from 24kW Clas boilers, complete with eight-year warranties. The Directors at DM Construction Ltd, David Graves and Mohamed Moti, managed the project, while Wigston-based Meadows Plumbing & Heating fitted the boilers. Commenting on Ariston’s products and involvement, Mohamed Moti says: “When looking for the right boilers for these properties, we con-
sulted our local merchant for advice, who suggested the Clas from Ariston, as
not only did the units offer exceptional outputs, they also complied with
Switching to condensing Clifton College in Clifton, Bristol, has improved the efficiency and reliability of its heating system with the installation of three Quinta Pro 90 boilers on a cascade system in its East Wing boiler room. For the last 40 years, the East Wing had relied on an old cast iron sectional boiler for its heating.
Consultant Steve Carroll specified three Quinta Pro 90 boilers on a Remeha cascade system. These condensing boilers deliver high gross seasonal efficiencies of 95% for greater than average energy savings combined with ultra-low NOx emissions that qualify for maximum BREEAM points.
“I always specify Remeha due to the quality and reliability of the products and the service,” says Steve. Switching to condensing boilers meant that flueing needed to be considered in the design. This was achieved using an existing chimney. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
the necessary SAP requirements. As we had not used Ariston before, we met up with one of their representatives, who explained the many features and benefits of the boilers – and we were very impressed. “We were particularly interested in the warranties. We originally thought these would be five-year war rant ies and were delighted when Ariston were able to organise eight.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Ventilation system in open plan design Air movement specialist, Gilberts, has developed an advanced, draught-free solution to the refurbishment and refit for Uber’s European Centre of Excellence. Architects Healy & Partners designed an open plan for the software house’s premises in Limerick. Gilberts delivered a ventilation strategy that would ensure adequate airflow with a comfortable, draughtfree internal environment. Some 160 of Gilberts’ circular GSFE fixed swirl diffusers specially fitted with coanda plates have been installed throughout the four-storey building. The diffusers use radial vanes behind a perforated face to allow the introduction of high levels of air horizontally across the ceiling with rapid entrainment and intermixing. The addition of coanda plates further encourage the incoming cooler air to track along the nearest surface, gradually dropping into the room below.
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February 2018
PIPES Fittings & Valves 35
It’s time to embrace the power of the press Press fitting is fast becoming the installation method of choice for a growing number of installers and contractors. Antony Corbett, Product Manager for Geberit, outlines why press fitting is gaining such positive traction and addresses some of the most commonly asked questions about press fit pipe systems.
s the famous phrase says, ‘the seven most expensive words in business are ‘we have always done it that way.’ In an increasingly competitive market, plumbers and heating installers must evolve their working practices as much as any other business. And that means adopting smarter, leaner processes that can improve productivity and profitability. So often the key lies in the simplicity of the innovation. Take pipe Antony Corbett, Geberit fittings, for example, where an increasing number of forward-thinking installers are switching from traditional screwed or soldered connections to press fitting, attracted by its simplicity and time-saving potential.
Changing habits Traditional jointing methods can be cumbersome and difficult to implement, in many cases simply unsuitable and impractical for the job at hand. Of course, many installers still use solder and screwed pipe – ‘because I always have’. The requirement for hot works is often an inconvenience at best, an impossibility in some cases due to the site conditions or safety regulations, not to mention the cool down period which can add unnecessary time to any soldering job. In contrast, pressing solutions like Geberit Mapress can deliver a host of installation benefits, with no hot works, and no cooling down period. Coloured pressing indicators also offer easy identification of both material and unpressed joints during the installation process, with reduced flushing time and a cleaner installation process. If that’s not enough, there is also no need for lubrication and joints will leak until pressed to show incomplete pressing during pressure testing, so no need to drain the system as it can be fixed wet.
Geberit provides practical training for installers who want to get to grips with the company’s Mapress system
Crucially, press fit systems have been proven to take 30% less time to install than their traditional counterparts according to a BRSIA report, helping reduce the cost of jobs by approximately 27% compared with screwed steel pipework. It’s no wonder so many plumbers and heating installers are changing the habit of a lifetime.
Training solutions However, despite its simplicity, pressing is by no means a job for the unskilled tradesman. As with any installation method, comprehensive training is vital to ensure that installers get the most from every application and to protect the standard of installations. Which is why leading manufacturers continue to invest in their training programmes for the benefit of those in the trade. Our market leading training provision, for example, is a best-in-class demonstration of what can be achieved by working in partnership with your chosen manufacturer. Much more than a product sell, our programme combines best practice methods with the specific product knowledge required to maximise the quality, speed and integrity of every single installation. A good training course will cover both the supply side and drainage side, giving installers the opportunity to see for themselves the benefit of press fitting over
Some frequently asked questions Isn’t press fitting more expensive? How are we expected to pass that cost onto our customers? It’s true that the initial upfront cost is more expensive when buying press fit systems over pipe for soldering, but it’s important to consider the project cost – and to get your customers to think the same. With press fit there are fewer additional materials, you can get
the job done quicker so it saves on labour and it’s also a cleaner, tidier, less disruptive job. In virtually all cases the overall job cost benefits will outweigh the material and even tool costs. If the pressing tool needs calibrating, won’t I be left unable to work? The pressing tool needs calibrating after an initial two years, then every year after that. We like to think it’s similar to a service
on your car – essential to maintain performance and quality. Geberit works proactively to mitigate the impact for installers, with links to hire companies for example that can provide short-term solutions. It’s all about forward planning – think ahead and you can often keep disruption to a minimum. Soldering is a craft – isn’t press fitting just deskilling the industry?
Quite the opposite. Despite its simplicity, press fitting remains a highly skilled process and that’s why we continue to invest in our training programmes. When people start to think that anyone can do it, that’s when corners are cut and mistakes are made. This innovation isn’t about deskilling, it’s about saving plumbing and heating installers time – which means more profit.
soldering. Often this provides the insight they need to make the leap and change their method of installation. Ask your manufacturer about the tools required, including ways you can mitigate the inevitable cost of new equipment, as well as the maintenance and calibration requirements to make sure those tools remain fit for purpose. Once you see the benefits for yourself, it becomes clear why press fit systems are gaining such traction.
Find out more For more details about the Geberit Mapress system please visit the website below or enquiry card on the freepost reader registration card inside this issue.
Email: • ENQUIRY
February 2018
36 PIPES Fittings & Valves
Press on with your investment The purchase of a press-tool many seem like a daunting investment, but it could prove to be money well spent. Dan Wild, UK Business Unit Director for Conex Bänninger, highlights the key advantages of buying a press-tool and how it can profit your business.
ress fitting techLess tooling nologies are finally Don’t forget that if you do making major infavour braze and solder, roads in the heating and you will need to invest in ventilating market and it’s the right equipment for that a trend that is set to continue process anyway. So there is across other installation a direct financial cost either disciplines, including the way. ACR sector. The word is A big benefit of a press-fit getting out, and more and installation is the fact that more engineers are cottoning you require minimal tooling on to the reliability of pressto complete the job. No flame, fit joints and the speed at no nitrogen, no heat resistant which they can be installed. mats and the like. These However, one major items all require regular stumbling block that can top ups, which affects your deter installers from making Dan Wild, UK Business Unit bottom line too. the transition over to press- Director at Conex Bänninger Access and safety fit systems is the investment of a press-fit tool. This initial resistance is Whilst the actual work on the joint itself in the main part due to the initial outlay takes less time when comparing a pressof cost, which varies depending on the size fitting to a braze or solder fitting, this doesn’t of the tool and the brand that is opted for. take into account how much time is saved With this in mind, there are so many due to easy access without a flame and advantages that the press-fit tool can give not having to work out the best method your operation, a purchase that will enable statement for a job in a confined space. you to carry out a job both more effectively No-one enjoys filling out endless and efficiently. Let’s look into these and why paperwork, ensuring that hot works investing in a press tool could be the best permits are maintained, carrying out risk business decision you’ve made in a while. assessments and in many cases getting Costs recovered additional insurance due to working with Yes, there is a cost for the engineer or firm a naked flame. The investment in a press-fit to be able to follow the press-fit route, but tool will eliminate this from your workflow, considering it enables you to complete a saving you both time and money in the fitting in often less than half the time it long run. Also, the health and safety benefits to does to solder or braze, the price of a pressfit tool is easily recovered as the volume using a flame free solution are very apparent. of work achievable is increased. Once the Additionally, with the smaller tools available pressing tool is paid for, you can press on you have a lot of flexibility in tight corners to better profits. or with obstructed pipework.
Conex Bänninger offers a range of press-fit solutions, including its >B< Press 3-point system
Quality control Some press-fit systems boast a 3-point press design, with two mechanical presses either side of the bead and one hydraulic press crimping the O-ring. This is considered to provide the most secure joint. Also, due to the removal of human error, the joints have excellent levels of quality control, reliability and durability, reducing the risk of a callout further down the line or a refit whilst on the job. Because there is no use of braze or
solder installers don’t have to worry about carbon deposits or flux, so there’s less risk of corrosion or subsequent issues arising relating to system flushing. There’s also no localised annealing from high-temperature working and the pipework does not need to be dry for effective jointing. Of course there is a time and place for solder or braze fittings, but don’t be left behind as others press on to more secure joints and higher revenues. A press-fit tool could well be the best investment you make.
Press-fit system designed for air conditioning market The most recent addition to the Conex Bänninger range of press-fitting systems is the >B< MaxiPro, aimed at installers who work in the ACR market. Specially designed to manage the demands of air-conditioning and refrigeration applications, the copper >B< MaxiPro is a mechanically strong and resilient press-fit system that is quick and simple to use, providing a secure, permanent and leak-free joint and available in sizes 1/4 to 1-1/8in. With the ACR market currently dominated by traditional braze fittings, the company is confident that the >B< MaxiPro will significantly reduce installation time and cost. The flame free press-fit solution also has significant health and safety benefits, eliminating the requirement of hot work
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permits and risk of fire, whilst removing the need of nitrogen purging. >B< MaxiPro utilises Conex Bänninger’s three-point-press technology, whereby three presses are made one each side of the bead and one compressing the O-ring, ensuring a permanent leak-tight joint every time. The product is available in a wide range of fittings types including,
Straight C oupler, Reducing Coupler, Fitting Reducer, 90° Bend, 90° Street Bend, 45° Obtuse Elbow, Equal Tee and Stop End variants. Bill Barlow, Business Unit Director, UK – OEM & ACR at Conex Bänninger, says:
“With the success of Conex Bänninger’s >B< MaxiPro launch in other international markets, we firmly believe that we have developed an innovative product that
provides a bestin-class solution for UK contractors and engineers in air-conditioning and refrigeration applications. “As a revolutionary press-fit product, we are confident that >B< MaxiPro will further establish IBP Group’s UK ACR market presence, ensuring that Conex Bänninger seen as the trusted brand in the industry, consistently delivering product excellence and value to our customers and end users.”
> B < MaxiPro fittings can be used with annealed, half hard or hard copper tube that conforms to EN 12735-1 or ASTM-B280 in air-conditioning and refrigeration applications. The system is also approved for use with the most commonly used refrigerants. Conex Bänninger recommends the use of Rothenberger’s tried and trusted press tools and jaws for press installations. >B< MaxiPro jaws are easily identifiably by their pink label, logo and jaw size. >B< MaxiPro carries a certified training course and when professionally installed and used in accordance with these guidelines, >B< MaxiPro fittings guarantee would be increased to five years against manufacturing defects. ENQUIRY No. 126
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February 2018
PIPES Fittings & Valves 37
Why copper tops the lot The use of copper for conveying clean drinking water goes back centuries, but the material still has a vital part to play in plumbing and heating applications, says Nicholas Hay from Copper Initiative.
pecifying the right material for any plumbing or heating job is fundamental to the success of every project. You want the products you use to meet the highest standards of quality and, more importantly, you need materials that you can trust. Since the 1940s copper has become the preeminent plumbing material in many countries around the world. A correctly designed and properly installed copper system will be virtually maintenance-free for the lifetime of the building, giving you, and your customers, peace of mind and confidence. Copper tube, available in sizes from 6 to 219mm, can be used in a wide range of domestic, commercial and industrial pipework services, including domestic hot and cold water supplies, sanitary waste water drainage, chilled water systems, fire sprinkler systems, solar thermal systems and gas and oil services.
Nicholas Hay, Copper Initiative
Copper can be recycled without any detriment to performance
Tube can be supplied in many lengths and sizes
Looking the part
offers complete impermeability to oxygen. The recycling of copper is well established and plumbers have always sold off-cuts, decommissioned pipework and cylinders that have reached the end of their lives into the recycling chain. Recycled copper is totally comparable to new copper, therefore no copper need ever go to waste. Recycled copper can be used for exactly the same applications as newly mined copper and recycling helps to preserve natural resources. Recycling uses 15% of the energy that would be used to mine and produce the same copper, and in Europe 42% of the copper demand is satisfied by recycled material.
in pipework services are manufactured to the European Standard EN 1254 and include capillary, end-feed and integral solder ring, braze fittings and compression fittings. The introduction of copper push-fit Coil or straight Manufactured in accordance with the and press fittings have given installers yet European Standard EN 1057, copper tube is more jointing options, providing a flameproduced in a number of tempers, including free solution to meet modern construction soft (annealed), half-hard and hard, and it techniques. Wherever you source your tube and fittings, is available in coils and straight lengths you can be sure that individual components depending on size and temper. It is also of a copper system will be interchangeable available with a factory applied plastic with those of other manufacturers. Quality covering and with a chrome plating for control systems are covered by European decorative applications. Standards and British product quality Copper and copper alloy fittings are available in a similar size range and in a standards, which are arguably the highest number of configurations. Fittings for use in the world. Products that carry the BSI Kitemark, undergo regular audits by BSI’s Quality Assurance Division. Copper tube offers excellent flow rate benefits. The flow rate through pipework is dependent on the bore, fluid pressures and friction factors. The inherent strength of copper compared to other materials means that, for a given tube outside diameter, you can have thinner walls and a larger bore size. Hence the flow of water through the tube is greater than for Fittings are manufactured to European Standard EN 1254 comparable non-metallic systems.
Copper’s neat and attractive appearance cannot be surpassed by any other pipework material, an important factor as surface mounted pipework is common in many buildings, especially when retrofitting work is undertaken. When hot water passes through copper, the low level of expansion that takes place is barely noticeable. A key factor is that copper is able to handle extremes of heat with no problems, side effects or long-term degradation. In fact, copper and its alloys maintain acceptable physical, chemical and mechanical properties between –196°C and 205°C! It offers excellent resistance to heat and does not generate toxic fumes when subjected to fire. As a result, copper is one of the materials that can be used for domestic and residential fire sprinkler systems. Pipework systems constructed from copper offer high levels of safety and reassurance due to its ability to withstand high working pressures, such as those occurring in pressurised hot water and sealed central heating systems. Central heating systems are vulnerable to corrosion in steel radiators and iron boilers caused by oxygen ingress. Oxygen is known to pass through other materials and into the circulating water with highly corrosive results on ferrous components. Copper is the most commonly used pipework material that
It’s only natural Copper is also well known for its natural antimicrobial properties as well as being essential for human health. Copper is a micronutrient, vital for all forms of plant and animal life, ensuring soil fertility and productivity, and we all need a daily intake of copper in our diets to maintain good health. Chocolate and nuts are two good sources of copper. With so many positive attributes, copper will play a key role in the development of sustainable buildings and one of its main applications will continue to be in plumbing and heating systems.
February 2018
38 PIPES Fittings & Valves
New grooved system has multiple benefits With the launch of a large scale mechanical grooved piping system, Pegler Yorkshire is able to offer customers a fully integrated pipework solution. Eleanor Johnson, Fittings Market Manager, outlines some of the key benefits of a new type of jointing technique.
rom large mechanical systems, down to ½in. domestic installations the traditional method for joining metals and fabricating piping systems was to weld or thread. A butt weld, the most common jointing welding technique, required chamfering of the pipe and fitting to accommodate the weld bead and ensure a strong joint. Flux would then need to be removed and the system cleaned to ensure a smooth transition of materials and no contamination. Other implications of using this method in today’s environment often include the need for hot works permits, additional health and safety checks, possibilities for liability due to heat damage and not to mention the increased time required onsite due to the nature of the installation method. Alternative methods and the projects these have been used on, speak volumes about a real viable solution that addresses the needs of those challenged with providing a high performing and sustainable building.
In the groove For the mechanical services fabrication in large applications the most all round efficient installation method, that not only addresses the challenges faced but can also support more overarching economic, social and sustainable issues, is a mechanical grooved piping system. This form of jointing involves a roll grooving tool that forms a radial groove on the pipe end to allow a grooved mechanical coupling to engage with it. There are numerous benefits associated with this type of jointing technique, not least is that it can address the requirements of sustainability assessment certifications, such as BREEAM, whereby elements such as reduction of CO2 emissions, thermal
comfort, air quality and noise attenuation are recognised metrics within the framework. Any system that requires the need for a flame or torch to seal a joint poses increased risks onsite and to the individual. Using heat free pipe jointing methods such as a mechanical grooved piping system eliminates any risk associated with naked flames plus offers additional benefits in terms of reducing labour time on the job. This can involve duties such as administration surrounding the need to apply for a hot works permit and the actual fabricators more time onsite. In terms of BREEAM objectives a mechanical grooved piping system supports greater air quality in the fact that welding emits toxic pollutants into the atmosphere and can have an impact on human safety and the immediate environment. It also results in a cleaner installation, as this form of system fabrication does not require welding and therefore ensures that no welding slag and burrs are trapped inside the pipe. As touched on earlier, this system is also hugely beneficial when it comes to minimising labour costs on a job. It is proven that by using a grooved piping system it can actually be installed up to 10 times faster than welding and six times faster than installing a flanged joint. Therefore, significant time on site can be reduced not to mention the additional benefits this poses such as a reduced transportation and the impact this has on CO2 emissions.
System compatibility Once the installation method is adopted and benefits realised, the system specifics should be scrutinised for optimum payback. So, choosing a system that for example allows
Plastic plumbing systems for a range of applications To meet the needs of various applications, Polypipe has designed four different plumbing systems. Available in 10, 15, 22 and 28mm diameter, each range allows the right solution to be specified for almost any domestic plumbing project. PolyPlumb is the company’s original, durable push-fit grey plumbing system. High performance stainless steel grab rings ensure joint integrity with a time-efficient, one-step jointing process. PolyMax is a streamline push-fit plumbing system, ideal for surface mounted applications and retrofit projects. Easy to use and easy to install, the white fittings can only be removed with the
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a handy release tool. PolyFit (pictured) features a one step jointing operation for quick and easy installation and can be quickly demounted by hand, or by using the release tool. PolySure, featuring tamper-
seamless integration with other pipework jointing methods, such as press or push, will provide even greater benefits to complete installations and offer longevity and assurance which comes with fabricating compatible systems. This will also address building performance challenges such as thermal comfort and efficiency – something that BREEAM also emphasises within its framework. A system that can be easily integrated with user controls that allow for independent adjustment will support user comfort objectives whilst ensuring greater efficiency of the complete system and building as a whole. As future proofing our buildings becomes ever more prevalent, compatibility will become a key consideration for all system designers. That’s why, as a manufacturer of integrated piping systems, Pegler Yorkshire has announced the launch of VSH Shurjoint mechanical grooved piping system. It will be incorporated into our existing product portfolio and will complement our XPress and Tectite systems. This means that designers, specifiers and contractors have the ability to use just one manufacturer for their complete piping system, providing a myriad of benefits from initial system design and technical support to onsite training.
Making bigger connections
proof jointing technology, is designed for use in buildings with high levels of public access, where security and jointing technology are paramount. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Demonstrating Pegler Yorkshire’s new VSH Shurjoint system
Designed for larger thick walled steel pipework, the Megapress XL system from Viega is claimed to deliver time savings of up to 80% when compared with traditional welding. The cold applied press connection system allows thick walled steel tube with diameters between 2½ and 4 inches to be press connected. It features a specially engineered sealing element within the connector that ensures a leak proof seal on a range of materials including seamless, welded, black, galvanised, epoxy-resincoated and industrially painted tube. The zinc-nickel coated steel connectors are suitable
for applications including heating and cooling systems and is rated for operating temperatures up to 140°C. A wide range of sleeves, elbows, adapters, reducers, T-pieces and flanges is also available. Viega’s compact Pressgun
makes installation easier, even for overhead pipework or where space is limited. A Pressgun booster, for use with larger Megapress XL connections is compatible with existing Viega tools. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
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February 2018
PIPES Fittings & Valves 39
Pipe repairs that are made to last Burst pipes, whether caused by a drop in temperatures or accidental damage, always need a quick fix but how can you ensure a long lasting repair? Jon Clark, Area Sales Manager for Philmac, discusses the different options for repairing pipe in water supply applications.
ith the cold weather still biting, freezing conditions have been causing burst pipes up and down the country and, while it is keeping plumbers busy, it is important to ensure the correct fitting is used to repair damaged pipe. Careful consideration is always given to the fittings used in new installations, however the products utilised in repair and Jon Clark from Philmac replacement projects are often not thought about enough, with ‘quick fixes’ often undertaken, which may not always ensure reliable, leakfree joints are maintained in the long term.
Hidden problem Repairs in small diameter water pipes, used between the meter and the property, are commonplace, and, while freezing weather is the cause of lots of damaged pipes during the winter, there can be many different causes of damage resulting in repairs being needed throughout the year. Construction work is one of the biggest causes of pipe damage, as it is more difficult to detect smaller diameter pipe when new construction work is being undertaken. Any new building project, which requires digging into the ground, will utilise specialist monitoring equipment to ensure no large bore water mains pipes are disturbed. However, this cannot identify pipes below 63mm diameter, increasing the chance of hitting a small diameter pipe. It is also possible for pipes to sustain damage almost immediately after installation, with stones, that can be present in backfill material, having the potential to damage pipe, while growing tree roots can push against pipe causing it to break. While below zero temperatures can cause bursts, other extreme weather conditions, such as drought, can cause ground movement, which will have a greater effect on surface pipes, compared with the large bore pipes that have greater protection.
Robust repair If the damage is caused on the customer’s side of the meter then it will be the task of a plumber to repair the pipe, but Philmac is warning that there cannot be a ‘one solution fits
Construction work is one of the biggest causes of pipe bursts
Philmac UTC can connect virtually any pipe material
all’ approach. The most appropriate repair solution will depend on the type of damage, the pipe material and age of the system, with each repair needing to be considered on an individual basis. With lots of ‘quick fix’ solutions promoted for repairing damaged pipe, such as external tape wrap, it is important to acknowledge that many of these will be short-term fixes. While they may initially be a cost effective and quick resolution, they could result in further costs in the long term as the pipe begins to leak again. If the pipe has sustained limited damage and suffered a split, a specialist repair kit including a metal clamp that goes around the split would be effective and relatively quick to fit, with minimal disruption to the customer. However, this would not be suitable if the section of damaged pipe needed removing, resulting in two ends of pipe joining together. For severely damaged pipe that cannot be repaired, the damaged section would need cutting away, and the two exposed ends of pipe joining together, which is when a compression fitting would be the ideal solution, to provide a reliable and robust repair that should last the life of the pipe system.
offers valuable time savings on-site. However, while this a straightforward process with standard PE surface water pipe, which is typically used within new installations to connect water from the mains utility distribution pipe to the internal water supply pipe, problems can occur when older pipe is damaged. If aging water supply pipe, which can often be in lead or copper materials, becomes damaged, there is a common misconception that it will need to be replaced with new PE pipe in order to be able to repair the pipe.
Longer lasting With both metal and plastic options available, it needs to be noted that while metal versions are more compact, so can be easy to fit in confined spaces, they will corrode over time, affecting the performance of the fitting. In comparison, Polyethylene (PE) compression fittings are corrosion resistant, ensuring the performance of the fitting will remain throughout its lifetime, while the quick and simple installation process
Mixed materials Most manufacturers offer a compression fitting that can connect PE to another pipe material, which will require a section of the aging network to be replaced in PE pipe. However, if the pipe system is still performing to expectation, it would be quicker and more cost effective to simply repair the section of damaged pipe. This is possible with a fitting that connect dissimilar pipe materials, such as the Philmac UTC, which has the ability to connect virtually any combination of pipe material including PE, PVC, copper, stainless steel, ABS, galvanised iron and lead. While damage to a surface water pipe may seem like a simple problem to fix with an ‘off the shelf’ repair solution, it is important that more consideration is given to the specific application, pipe material and future needs of the system. Every leak cannot be treated in the same way and it is important that a reliable and robust solution is put in place that will remain effective over the lifetime of the pipe system.
February 2018
40 Biomass boilers & Stoves
Ways to up efficiency when burning wood Wood burning remains a popular choice for householders, but there is growing concern about the environmental issues associated with particulate emissions. Here, Bruce Allen, CEO at HETAS, looks at how the industry is adapting to meet higher standards.
or HETAS, the only specialist organisation approving biomass and solid fuel heating appliances, fuels and services, it is crucial that our registered installers are kept up to date and understand how our industry can be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Scientific evidence shows that burning dry, clean wood-fuel in modern clean burn appliances significantly reduces emissions Bruce Allen, HETAS CEO and therefore reduces environmental impact on both the carbon and pollution sides of the equation. We are currently writing a Technical Guidance document, available to registered installers, that will help them answer consumers’ questions and help consumers and wood fuel users to understand how they can help themselves and the environment. HETAS’s role is to ensure the safe and effective use of appliances and fuels, giving confidence and instilling trust for both consumers and industry professionals. With backing from leading manufacturers and key organisations including the BFCMA, SFA, SIA and sweep associations (APICS, The Guild and NACS), HETAS provides the most up-to-date information and informed advice for registered installers, HETAS approved retailers, and sweeps.
Efficiency assurance This past year has seen HETAS work with Defra and scientists at SuperGen Bioenergy project at Manchester, Leeds and Newcastle universities to support developments within the solid fuel industry and help improve air quality. The team has set up a project where they have a standard combustion and test rig enabling them to carry out multiple and repeat testing on various fuels under the same conditions. The research project is well underway. Early findings have been shared with Defra and key stakeholders to look at future solutions to current air quality problems. Defra is leading a great deal of pragmatic and effective work in this area. The latest advancements in appliance design technology and the introduction of the Woodsure ‘Ready to Burn’ wood fuel assurance scheme demonstrate that the solid fuel industry is very much part of the solution to better air
The Woodsure Ready to Burn scheme provides assurance that wood fuel contains no more than 20% moisture content
quality, and not the problem. Along with future EcoDesign regulations and clean burn appliances, the Ready to Burn scheme has been key this year in raising awareness of the importance of burning the right fuel for heat efficiency as well as for the environment.
Reason for the season Research into wood stove emissions is being led by Dr Amanda Lea-Langton from The University of Manchester, who says that both particulate matter and gaseous emissions are significantly reduced by using good quality seasoned wood in comparison to wet wood. This reduction has implications for both air quality and climate change. As an independent body, HETAS brings together all the different elements of the supply chain to ensure consumers benefit from best practice service and a consistent message around safety and efficiency when it comes to stove and boiler usage. What does this mean for the average consumer? The noticeable benefit of burning dry wood is fuel efficiency and effectiveness. For consumers, one of the most compelling arguments for burning drier wood fuel (up to 20% moisture content) is the economic argument. If we imagine a 2kg log with a moisture content of 50% (often 60% or more for fresh logs), there will be around 1kg of water in that log. To burn the log efficiently most of the excess water must be boiled off. The fuel cannot give out the right heat – nor can the appliance reach maximum efficiency until most of the water has boiled off. Imagine pouring a kilogram (1 litre) of water in to a kettle to boil dry. The amount of money that would be recalled on the smart metre would be phenomenal. These are the reasons for Woodsure introducing the Ready to Burn scheme, so that customers can see the Ready to Burn logo and feel assured that they are buying the right fuel for themselves and the environment.
Appliance damage
HETAS training includes courses for chimney sweeps
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It is also true that burning wet wood and waste increases tar and other emissions that can damage an appliance and flue/chimney, increasing maintenance costs. Using Ready to Burn wood fuel is a no-brainer once you have heard the arguments for it. In a laboratory test HETAS found that burning wet wood in an open fire produced almost five times the weight of particulates that burning dry wood produced in a similar open fire.
Next is to ensure that the right fuel is burnt in the correct appliance. Most of our cities and larger towns are designated smoke control areas where consumers may only burn authorised smokeless fuels or use a Defra exempted appliance with one of the fuels specified by the manufacturer of that appliance – often dry wood fuels. Most of the very worst reports on pollution are as a result of people unknowingly burning wet wood or waste materials in open fires in our cities. These users are unaware that if they produce dark smoke, they are breaking the law and damaging our environment. Ben Bowers, who started his own business eight years ago and is HETAS registered, comments: “Customers know to look for the HETAS logo on installer vans and appliances and are definitely becoming more environmentally conscious when it comes to the fuel they burn. It’s good to be working in a regulated but helpful environment and we’re proud to be associated with an organisation like HETAS that is all about raising industry standards.” There is a lot of work to do making sure that registered installers can remain up to date with a changing industry and to give installers the information they need to make the right choices of fuel and appliance. On-going chimney sweeping and appliance maintenance will ensure that the combustion environment remains effective and efficient for years to come.
Training opportunities The latest training from HETAS includes courses for chimney sweeps as well as newly qualified installers. Over the years, HETAS has developed comprehensive programmes of training courses for solid fuel, wood and biomass installations for newly qualified installers to build on their skill set and bridge the skills gap in the industry. For chimney sweeps, HETAS collaborates with recognised Chimney Sweep Associations – including The National Association of Chimney Sweeps (NACS), The Association of Professional Independent Chimney Sweeps (APICS) and The Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps (GoMCS) – and developed the H009 course. Registered HETAS installers can also access the HETAS guide to products, technical helpline and online shop, which offers a range of products and workwear. For more information on HETAS training courses visit:
29/01/2018 16:04
February 2018
Biomass Boilers & Stoves 41
Energy savings are clear to see The Energy Labelling Directive was introduced for wood burners at the beginning of the year. So what are its implications and what does the future hold in terms of regulation of the sector? Ian Sams, Commercial Director at Specflue, explains more.
ost people are familiar with the European energy label system, with labels now commonly fixed to many white goods, such as fridges, freezers and washing machines, providing a colour-coded rating which denotes the energy efficiency of the product to which they are affixed. Boilers and water heaters have had to adhere to a similar rating system since September 2015. The labels have been Ian Sams, Commercial Director introduced under the Energy at Specflue Labelling Directive scheme which identifies products and services with a reduced environmental impact with an A++ (best) to G (worst) scale. And now, since the start of the year, it is a requirement for wood-burning stoves to display such a label in order to make clear the efficiency levels of solid fuel equipment.
Highly rated Given the recent furore over ‘dirty’ wood burners and their apparent negative impact on outdoor air quality, you might think that these appliances are pretty low down the energy label scale. In fact, most modern wood burning stoves are expected to come in at the A and A+ level, with pellet-burning stoves achieving A++. The average efficiency of a modern stove is in excess of 70%, with the best stoves achieving 80% plus. Wood burning appliances offer other environmental benefits too. While it’s true that wood burners produce particulate matter, its volume in the atmosphere depends on how wood is burnt because particulates are produced by the incomplete burning of fuel. The latest stoves are exceptionally efficient at burning wood or pellets and are effectively carbon neutral because their fuel comes from a sustainable source and consumes as much CO2 (as trees grow) as it emits (when burned). ‘Ah’, you might say, ‘But none of this matters because we’re leaving the European Union in March next year so energy labelling legislation will no longer apply in the UK after that date.’ Wrong – Brexit will have no effect on the Energy Labelling Directive because the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) – which was involved in shaping them – has already confirmed its intention to bring it into UK law through ‘the Great Repeal Bill’.
Better understanding While the Energy Labelling Directive has been introduced primarily to make consumer choice on appliances easier, installers will also need a solid understanding of the requirements to ensure commissioned installations comply. As well as the physical labels stuck to appliances, electronic versions of the label and fiche will also be made available to dealers. The information shown on the energy label includes the supplier’s name or trademark and model identifier, the energy
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HETAS accredited solid fuel courses are available from Specflue at the company’s training facility in Sudbury, Suffolk
efficiency class and the direct heat output of the appliance in kW. To help ensure the new regulations are met, the European Commission has created an ‘Energy Label Generator’ which manufacturers and installers can use. They simply fill in the relevant performance details of the appliance to generate the applicable Energy Label in a PDF format which can be printed and passed on to the consumer (https://ec.europa. eu/energy/eepf-labels). HETAS (the official body that approves biomass and solid fuel domestic heating appliances, fuels and services) has also developed a range of calculator tools and guides which can be found in the members’ technical area on its website (
Emission targets But the Energy Labelling Directive is not the only environmental legislation affecting wood burning stoves. Complementing this scheme is Ecodesign, a Europeanwide measure that the European Commission has brought in to improve efficiency of appliances and lead to lower emissions. Ecodesign covers a wide range of emissions from particulate matter to CO2, NOx, other carbon gases compounds and carbon monoxide. It is due to come into force in 2022 for all solid fuel stoves and will apply nationally across the UK. However, the main manufacturers – members of the Stove Industry Alliance (SIA) – have decided to start releasing stoves that will meet the lower emission limits now. And, from 2020, they will only produce new fireboxes that satisfy Ecodesign. The SIA’s ‘Ecodesign Ready’ scheme is supported by Defra and overseen by HETAS. An Ecodesign ready stove will reduce emissions by 90% compared with an open fire. Open fires basically give off 100g of particulate for a kilogram of smoke; in an eco-design ready stove the level of particulate is less than 10g making them a clean source of heat for urban as well as rural environments. A list can be found on the HETAS website. Of course, wood burning equipment must be installed in accordance with the Building Regulations and manufacturers’ installation instructions. Having the right skills is therefore
Available from Specflue is the MCZ Curve, a ductable pellet stove which is already compliant with the Ecodesign 2022 directive
essential, and stove installers should have undertaken appropriate training and be registered with HETAS.
Technical support Selecting the right supplier also plays a large part in a successful stove installation with its after-sales support and delivery performance being important selection criteria. At Specflue, for example, we have more than 8700m2 of warehousing and hold over £2 million worth of flue and chimney products. Nearly all stocked products can be delivered next day anywhere within the UK mainland. Our technical team can also provide a full and free CAD design service and offer advice on all domestic and commercial installations.
Wood burner benefits As well as adding an extra string to the installer’s bow, wood burning stoves also offer big advantages to consumers. A modern stove will reduce emissions by 90% compared with an open fire and by 84% compared with a stove manufactured 10 years or more ago. Furthermore, wood burners are: • Very reliable – even if there’s a power cut, a solid fuel appliance can offer a constant heat source at any time. • Cosy and aesthetically pleasing, offering a focal point in any room. • So clean that, in many cases, they are eligible to be burned in designated smoke control areas. • Reduce heating because, unlike central heating, they heat a single room rather than the entire house. • Good for the environment – burning wood is pretty much carbon neutral (the carbon dioxide given off during combustion is similar to that absorbed by the tree providing that wood during its growth).
29/01/2018 16:06
February 2018
Stoves and flues Boiler company branches out to wood join the line-up The range of stoves and chimney products available to merchants through F&P Wholesale has been enhanced with the addition of new models from Trianco and Dura Flue. F&P’s latest Fires & Stoves brochure features Trianco’s Newton stoves, which are supplied in a variety of colours and fuel outputs, while the Dura Flue products include multi fuel and gas liners, cowls and a new gas vent that enables end users to have a gas fire or gas stove without a chimney. Suited for smaller rooms, Newton stoves have the flexibility to burn almost any fuel type, and come in traditional black as well as royal blue, cream, green, pewter, and claret. All stoves are backed by a five-year body and two-year component part guarantee.
Wood burning stoves are now part of the range of heating solutions available from Worcester. The heating and hot water specialist has unveiled two new models, featuring two very different looks. The Greenstyle Hanbury and Greenstyle Bewdley wood burning stoves can work in modern and traditional homes alike. And with three outputs available for each range, both are suited for cosy snugs through to larger open-plan spaces.
Clean burning Dura Flue provides a strong yet flexible chimney liner. They are made by forcing two sheets of stainless steel together rather than folding, so the strength is not compromised. And because the liners have no opening flaps, there is no wrong way to fit them. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Both models incorporate clean-burn technology for a higher heat output and minimal emissions. The stoves are between 74% and 86% efficient – said to be amongst the highest levels possible for a woodburning stove. Given their low emissions, the Worcester stoves are also DEFRA exempt.
The contemporary designed Greenstyle Bewdley is crafted in steel and features a modern, square glass front. The thick, hightemperature resistant steel provides a rapid heat up time whilst an optional integral wood store also acts as a base. When installed with the store included, the additional height turns it into a freestanding stove. The Bewdley is available in
3, 5 and 8kW models. The traditional Greenstyle Hanbury features curved Cabriole legs, cornice top and matt-black, cast-iron finish. The benefit of cast iron is that, although it may take longer to heat up, it naturally retains the heat and gives off warmth long after the logs have burned down. The Hanbury also features a convenient hearth ash catcher, which increases
protection from hot embers and makes the stove quicker and easier to clean. The Hanbury is available in 4, 5 and 8kW models. Both Greenstyle models come with a no quibble five-year guarantee for the main body, handles and core components, plus one-year cover for the glass, grate and seals. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Smart control will enhance efficiency Smoke exempt for urban locations The QW2 is a smart control for a solid fuel stove that helps maintain an even room temperature. Comprising two parts – a hand held remote control unit and an airflow control which moderates the primary air supply – the device enhances the combustion of stoves, improving efficiency by more than 40% and reducing emissions and particulates. It has been designed to meet the new minimum efficiency standards under Lot 20 of the Energy Efficiency Directive. Julian Furbank, MD of Bemasan, part of Teddington, which manufactures
the QW2, says: “The remote control allows the homeowner to boost the volume of air going into the stove on initial start-up, speeding up the ignition process, bringing the stove
up to its optimal temperature faster and reducing the time when the fire produces most of its emissions. “When the stove is up to temperature, the booster fan switches off and the primary air control takes over, moderating the airflow to the fire. The result is that rooms heat up faster and users can be guaranteed their stove is always operating at its highest efficiency.” The room temperature can be set on the remote control and the temperature maintained until the wood or coal needs replacing. ENQUIRY No. 136
Technology behind Ecodesign ready In anticipation of the tightening of regulations on stove efficiency, Charlton & Jenrick has designed the Purevision range of Ecodesign ready stoves. The range comprises six models – three freestanding and three inset – with stand and log store options available for the freestanding versions and three or four sided trims for the insets. Commenting on the preparation required to meet the new standards, MD Peter Mintoft says: “As any stove development eng ineer w ill test if y,
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achieving all the Ecodesign criteria simultaneously for log burning fireboxes is a very difficult task indeed. For example the objective of
0.12% average CO or below during three consecutive burn cycles is a reduction of 88% from current permitted levels, and every aspect of a
firebox from the details of the tertiary air inlets to the air wash and even firebox shape itself has an influence on the burning performance and must therefore be optimised. “This is time consuming work taking many hours of thought, design, iteration, samples and hundreds of further hours of testing and modifications to perfect. The results for the environment and the stove user are great news, but it is definitely not something to be taken lightly!” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Aimed at urban homes, Esse’s smoke exempt collection of 550SE stoves are suitable for operation in smoke control zones nationwide. The new 550SE features cleaner lines, new longer legs and an oversized clear glass window for a better view of the flames. The new door design plus longer stove legs – inspired by Esse’s Ironheart cook stove – combine to create a minimalist look that fits in an urban, industrial style. Whether heating an open-plan living space or cosy lounge, the 550 has an energy rating of ‘A’, and clean burn technology enables it to be fired in smoke exempt
zones throughout the UK. With a maximum output of 5kW – ample to heat a large family room – the 550SE is economical to run and has both primary and secondary air wash controls for precision adjustment of the burn rate and keeping the viewing screen clear. Sales Director Mark Blewitt comments: “We have been conscious of the effect multifuel stoves can have on air quality for several years. Because we export Esse products worldwide, when it comes to emissions we need to be ahead of the game – not just in the UK but around the world.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
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February 2018
WHAT’S New 43 Radiant panels to save on floor space As part of its product expansion plans, Smith’s Environmental Products UK (SEP) has introduced a range of radiant panels, called Sargasso, to its product portfolio. The Sargasso range comes in two designs: Sargasso A and Sargasso S. Forming part of a wet heating system, they are designed to be installed in a ceiling grid in place of traditional ceiling tiles or can be suspended from the ceiling, and are supplied with hot water from a heat source. Key benefits are that the system uses approximately 85% less water than a radiator system and also heats up much quicker. Further energy savings are possible through zone controls so that only
occupied areas are heated. As a discreet heating solution that enables the maximum use of valuable floor space without the need for traditional radiators, the Sargasso is said to be an ideal heating solution for many commercial applications such as offices, schools, hospitals, and restaurants and hotels. Smith’s MD Gary Haynes comments: “Since our acquisition by the Swan Group, it has been our strategic intent to increase the Smith’s range of domestic and commercial heating solutions, providing greater choice for our customers and clients across the UK. The addition of a range of Radiant Panels to the Smith’s product
Storage heaters upgraded
range is an exciting move for us, broadening our offering to deliver a stylish solution for a host of applications.” The Sargasso comes with a free five-year parts and labour guarantee. For specialist projects, the Smith’s technical sales team are available to offer free, no-obligation advice and the company is happy to deliver bespoke commercial heating and cooling solutions for more individual requirements. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
A new range of XLE slimline electric storage heaters has been released by Dimplex, to meet the requirements of Lot 20 of the EU’s Energy Efficiency Directive, which sets a minimum efficiency standard for all local space heaters. Said to raise the bar for conventional storage heaters, the XLE heaters offer dynamic storage capacity which automatically adjusts according to the user’s requirements. As a result, they can save energy by smartly calculating storage of off-peak energy and providing users with greater control of output throughout the day. There are five models in the range, available in white with
an anodised grey finish, with varying size/output options (from 580 to 1067mm and up to 1.5kW). All models feature an integral digital controller with an electronic thermostat for seven-day time and temperature control, together with quiet, fan-assisted heat output. Each model has
also been designed to cover the footprint of existing Dimplex storage heaters. Christian Hadley, Head of Product Marketing, says: “When specified correctly, electric storage heating remains a viable source of heating in thousands of homes in the UK, but too many homeowners and tenants are left paying more than they need to because of outdated technology. “Lot 20 of the Energy Efficiency Directive will raise the standard of electric heating appliances and Dimplex has been leading the industry in redesigning our products to meet the new requirements.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Get smart with voice control option Pumps get it right In addition to updating and expanding its Vanguard range of aluminium electric radiators, Electrorad has launched a new Vanguard Eco-smart range that is one of the first to have voice control compatibility with the Amazon Echo. Both ranges are fully compliant with Lot 20 legislation. Vanguard and Vanguard Eco-smart offer a wide choice of outputs (750, 1200, 1500 and 2000W) and feature a number of energy saving controls. These include virtual open window sensors, which ensure that the radiators stop heating when they sense a draft and restart when the window has been closed, and adaptive start control that
helps radiators learn when to switch on in order to achieve optimum household comfort. All models also boast an inbuilt energy monitor. In addition to wireless control via a control hub and app, the new Vanguard Eco-
smart features a geo-location option that automatically reacts based on the homeowners proximity to or from the home. All Eco-smart models can be controlled from anywhere in the world. Both ranges come with
nine pre-set programmes and additional user settable options to suit a variety of lifestyles and preferences, all models also incorporate Triac thermostats to ensure accurate temperature control and silent operation. MD Richard Brown says: “By installing radiators such as Vanguard that drive efficiency through intelligent and adaptive controls, contractors and developers will not only be on the right side of the new compliance regulations, they will be able to give homeowners a better quality product, and one that will help save even more on energy bills.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
To reduce noise levels, as well as enhancing strength and reliability, Salamander Pumps has re-engineered its centrifugal range of shower, bathroom and whole house pumps. The new Right Pump collection features the RP50PT model – claimed to be the quietest shower pump in the UK. Other benefits include the use of ‘crossover’ technology throughout the whole range to allow the former ‘shower only’ pumps to now power the whole house. The inclusion of a ‘spiders’ web’ design has also strengthened the plastic end caps to enhance strength, rigidity, and the pressure vessel now sits on the top of the pump rather than the side to make the product more compact Technical Director Gareth Richards says: “Our research and development team has spent more than five years overhauling the entire product range, developing cutting edge technologies that are new to the pump market.”
February 2018
44 WHat’s New
Electric heat, Scandinavian style Smaller packages Norwegian heating brand, Mill, has unveiled its first products for UK retailers and wholesalers. Available through Benross Marketing, the new models include an LED display convection heater, a new generation plug-in oilfilled radiator, and two wifi enabled panel heaters. The Mill SG2000LED is a 2000W electric convection heater with an integrated fan and sleek LED display. It combines eye-catching, modern design and curved edges with impressive functionality, delivering three heat settings, rapid heating and silent operation.
Taking a fresh approach to the traditional oil heater, the Mill AB-H2000DN is a 2000W output oil heater designed for larger rooms. It has an advanced day/night program, which enables the user to
lower the temperature when not using the room. Unlike traditional oil heaters, Mill has created integrated boost technology, which involves using a closed structure around the normal oil filled
fins, forcing hot air to rise through the fins, increasing the speed of the hot air and delivering faster and more efficient heat distribution in the room. For a heating solution with wifi capability, there is the Mill NE800L wifi with 800W output. For larger spaces, the NE1200 wifi heater offers 1200W and, like the smaller model, offers the bonus of ‘vacation mode’ which allows the user to deliver a low level of heat whilst on holiday. Both models are compliant with Lot 20. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Rose tinted gold
Compact chassis New from Mitsubishi Electric is a single-fan air conditioning unit that offers all of the benefits of variable refrigerant flow (VRF) in the company’s smallest ever City Multi chassis. Known as mini-VRF, these systems provide multi-room heating or cooling for projects under 20kW and offer better efficiency, flexibility and controllability when compared to multi-split systems. Available in 12.5, 14 and 15.5kW, up to 12 indoor units can be connected to the R410A models, which are claimed to be 10% cheaper than the equivalent double-fan PUMY, and offer a 27% reduction in both height and weight.
The latest entry to Vogue’s collection of metallic finishes is rose gold. It is available on a variety of products, including the Ballerina (pictured) and Quadrate towel warmers. The period style ball joints and capstan style crosshead valves on the Ballerina offer traditional refinement. Shown in a floor-mounted version, the Ballerina towel warmer is crafted from high quality brass and measures 1538 x 525 x 138mm. Designed with five practical hanging rails, Ballerina is suitable for dual fuel and sealed electric systems and offers a 30-year manufacturer’s guarantee. Also available in rose gold is the Quadrate,
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vanity unit include widths of 500, 600, and 800mm, with single and double drawers available as well as a twodoor option.
Choices continue with an integrated ceramic or counter-top vessel basin. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
To reduce the size and weight of its water treatment chemicals packaging, Sentinel Commercial has launched Triple Power formulations of Sentinel X100 Inhibitor, X300 Cleaner (for new systems), and X400 Cleaner (for older systems). This means smaller or fewer drums are required for bigger jobs, which can save on costs, waste and storage space, and makes for easier transportation, handling and dosing. The new Triple Power chemicals are available in 10 and 20 litre drums, and a newly introduced 5 litre drum. As an example of the benefits offered by the new range, an engineer who would previously have used a 10 litre drum to dose a 1000 litre system can instead pick up a 5 litre drum to treat a system up to 1667 litres – that’s a system which is 66% larger, treated by a drum half the size and weight. Commenting on the larger drums, Chris Shelton, Sales Director at Sentinel Commercial, says: “The 10 and 20 litre drums might be the same size as before, but with a more concentrated dosage rate the contents provide much greater value to the customer. A Triple Power chemical 10 litre drum treats
a system volume of 3333 litres compared with 1000 litres, while a 20 litre drum now doses a 6666 litre system instead of a 2000 litre system. “Sentinel X100 inhibitor and our X300 and X400 cleaning chemicals have long been favoured by installers dedicated to delivering best practice system cleaning and protection services. We’re proud to offer a range of chemicals that will make jobs easier, faster and more efficient.” Other benefits of using Triple Power chemicals include technical support and resources from Sentinel Commercial and the option to use SystemCheck, a service that provides independent confirmation of correct system cleaning and protection. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
More ways to treat water
Both modern and modular The Premier Collection from bathroom specialist Ultra Finishing now includes Athena, a range of contemporary modular bathroom furniture manufactured in Britain. Available in a choice of six finishes (including driftwood, pictured) the Athena range offers both floor-standing and wall hung cabinet options. Supplied rigid with soft close doors and drawers as standard, the modular Athena furniture range is available in a variety of cabinets, including vanity units, a 500mm WC unit, 300mm tall units and mirror units, as well as coordinating bath panels. Options on the
manufactured from mild steel and designed with bold 50mm vertical tubing to maximise the hanging and drying space available.
go much farther
Three new formulations have been added ADEY’s range of MC and MC+ chemicals, ensuring that installers will always have the best solution to any system performance problem they’re trying to solve. The range now includes the new MCZERO+ to help protect pipework in homes where the system is not often used, such as holiday homes. MCZERO+ is a new strength formula developed by ADEY to include a dual biocide to protect against bacterial contamination for underfloor and renewable systems. Another addition is MC40+
Cleaner and Descaler that can be added to the system as a powder and uses a blend of citric acid and other organic acids to dissolve limescale, which can be an issue for household heating systems in hard water areas.
Running the heating at full system temperature accelerates the reaction process. MC40+ can also be used for descaling heat exchangers. The specially-formulated MC10+ Biocide is an improved performance, dual-acting biocide. It prevents bacterial contamination and algae formation in all underfloor and heating systems. “The three new additions ensure that installers are prepared for every eventuality,” says Dr Neil Watson, ADEY’s Chief Technical Director. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
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February 2018
WHAT’S W HAT’S New Ne ew Technology T echnology h hidden idden b ehind tthe he w all behind wall Freeing u p sspace pace iin n tthe he b athFreeing up bathGrohe’s room, G rohe’s SmartControl SmartControl room, Concealed C o n c e a l e d system s y s t e m and a nd Rapido R apido SmartBox SmartBox allows allows users control u sers tto o c ontrol tthe he sspray pray patterns, p atterns, water water v volume olume a and nd ttemperature, emperature, with with all all the the ttechnology echnolog y hidden hidden behind behind wall. tthe he wa ll. The SmartControl Concealed T he S martControll C onc ncealed rrequires equires just just one one rrougho ghou and mounting kit iin n a nd one one m ount ing k it ((instead instead o off tthe he u usual sual ttwo) wo) ne eded for for tthe he operation operat ion needed off a hand o h a nd sspray pr ay and a nd a sshowerhead howerhead with w it h two t wo
t y pes of of spray spray modes. modes. This This types allows tthe he c ont rol o p tto o allows control off u up three orr b bath filler t hree sshower hower o at h fi ller functions with with only only one one trim. trim. functions The T he Rapido Rapido SmartBox Smar t Box offers offers three t hree outlets out lets for for a wider w ider rrange ange o off sshowering hower ing options, options, for fo orr which which p previously reviously two two rough-ins rough-ins w were ere n necessecessary. ary. It It has has ½in ½in outlets outlets which which all all sstandard tandard c cables ables c can an b be e connected connected to. to. It It is is equipped equipped with w ith inlets inlets to to be be connected connected from below, below, which which a llow a from allow direct direct connection connection to to the the hot hot and water and cold cold w ater ssupply. upply.
149 14 9 w
No N ob bugs, ugs, bacteria bacteria or or b backflow acckfl kflow T he G rate S eal d rainage The Grate Seal drainage rrange ange ffrom rom A ustralian fi rm, Australian firm, Gentec, G entec, iis sn now ow b being eing d distribistributed u ted iin n the the UK UK exclusively exclusively b y Sanitaryware Sanitaryware Supplies Supplies by C ompany (SSC). (SSC). Company The sself-fitting elf-fitt ing sseals ea l s The c an b e rretrofitted et rofitted can be tto o a ny existing exist ing fl oor any floor d rains, providing prov iding odour odour drains, pr event ion a nd ‘pest‘pestprevention and proofing’, pr oofing’, m making ak ing iitt ssuitable uitable ffor or a c commercial ommercial kitchen k itchen en environment. vironment. IItt iis s ssaid aid tto ob ee asy tto o iinstall n st a l l be easy a nd c an be be fitted fitted to to new new and can and a nd e existing xist ing ffacilities. acilit ie e s. Grate Seal Seal is is m anuGrate manuffactured actured from from a single single p iece piece off rubber, o r ubber, incorporating incor porat ing a ssilver-based ilver-based bactericide, bacter icide,
which which prevents prevents microbes microbes from from rreproducing eproducing and and avoiding avoiding b biofilm iofilm b build-up. uild-up. IItt also h elps tto o pr event vermin, vermin, also helps prevent fruit fruit flies flies and and infection. infection.
The rrubber-composite ub b er- c omp o s it e The construction construction also also makes makes the the Grate Grate S Seal eal fl flexible, exible, c closing losing as as soon soon a ass the the flow flow of of water water
has stopped has stopped to to prevent prevent any any backflow b ackflow or or bugs bugs escaping. escaping. T he removal removal of of multiple multiple The e lements m akes tthe he G rate elements makes Grate Seal S eal a durable durab ble ssolution olution a and nd iis s iin n line line with with SSC’s SSC’s p hilosophy philosophy to to pr provide ovide llong-lasting ong-lasting products. products. Andy D ukelow, M D of of Andy Dukelow, MD SSC, S SC, ssays: ays: ““II am am delighted delighted to to be be able able tto o b bring ring ssuch uch quality and a q uality a nd innovative innovative product tto o the the UK. UK. G entec product Gentec Australia iis s c ommitted tto o Australia committed the the continuous continuous development develop l ment of of b better, etter, m more ore e efficient fficient products, produ ucts, which which means means better better value value a and nd durability, durability, and and Grate Grate S Seal eal e embodies mbodie es this.” this.” PHAM P H A M NEWS NEWS ENQUIRY ENQUIRY No. No. s
150 15 0
IIdeal deal la llaunches aunches BIM BIM app app With tthe With he BIM BIM mandate mandate a approaching pproaching its its second second year, y ear, IIdeal deal C Commercial ommercial B Boilers oilers rrecently ecent ly llaunched aunched a n augmented aug mented rreality ealit y B IM a pp tto o an BIM app ssupport uppor t heating heat ing engineers eng ineers a and nd sspecifiers pecifiers iin n choosing c hoosing products products and and digitally dig itally mapping mapping projects pr ojects iinto nto b building uilding plans. plans. The T he Ideal Ideal Commercial Commercial Eye Eye is is available available tto o download dow nload ffree ree and and allows allows users users to to view v iew ttheir heir c condensing ondensing c commercial ommercial b boiler oiler rrange ange iin n 3D 3D before before installation installat ion using using their t heir phone, phone, iincluding ncluding d different iffe erent configurations, config urations, triggered tr iggered by b y images images in in their t heir brochures. brochures. Additionally, Addit ionally, B IM objects objjects can can also also be be downloaded dow nloaded from from BIM tthe he IIdeal deal Commercial Commercial website. website. Darren D arren F Finley, inley, C Chief hief C Commercial ommercial O Officer fficer a att IIdeal deal Commercial Commercial Boilers, Boilers, says: says: “We “We developed d veloped de tthis his ap pp iin n rresponse esponse tto o tthe he c onstantly e volving app constantly evolving ttechnology echnolog y in in our our iindustry ndustr y and and to to work work w with ith tthe he d digital igital transformation transformation w we ea are re n now ow sseeing eeing iin n tthe he U UK Kb built uilt environment. env ironment. ““We We ssaw aw a need need tto oo offer ffer o our ur pr products oducts iin n a BIM BIM format, for mat, a allowing llow ing our our customers customers to to document d ocument ffull ull h heating eating ssystems ystems w within ithin b building uilding p lans a nd c heck ttheir heir ssuitability uitability b efore b eing plans and check before being iimplemented. mplemented. W ew ant tto om ake it it easier e sier for ea for We want make sspecifiers pecifie ers and and heating heating engineers engineers to to collaborate collaborate with w ith building building m managers anagers or or consultant consultant tteams eams iin nc construction onst r uct ion pr projects.” ojects.” w
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