PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 06/07/2017 15:37 Page 1
Volume V o olume 55 | Issue 7 | J July/August uly/August 2017
Debate h Debate heats eats u up po on n tthe he ffuture uture of of oil oil installations installations
Armitage Arm A rmittage age Sh Shanks hanks h anks
bicentennial b icentte enn nnia nia al g giveaway iveaway
OFTEC, the OFTEC, the UK’s UK’s oil oil heating heating body, body, has has issued issued a document document which which sets sets out out its its vision vision for for the the future future of of off-grid o ff-grid h heating, eating, b but ut h has as rreceived eceived cr criticism iticism ffrom rom ccompanies ompanies p promoting romoting rrenewable enewable a alternatives. lternatives. OFTEC’s new vision document puts O FTEC’s ne wv ision do cument p uts fforward o orward tthe he oil oil heating heating industry’s industry’s view view on on how how the the off grid market might develop over o ff g rid m arket m ight d evelop o ver the the next next five Presented by CEO Paul fi ve years years and and beyond. beyond. P resented b yC EO P au ul Rose R ose att the the trade trade association’s association’s recent recent annual annual conference c onference and and AGM, AGM, it it contains contains proposals proposals to to energy efficiency and carbon iimprove mpr p ove e nergy e fficiency a nd c arbon rreduction eduction homes England and Wales. ffor or h omes iin nE ngland a nd W ales. The on approach, T he vision vision ffocuses ocuses o n a ttwo-stage wo-stage a pproach, llooking ooking at at improving improving the the efficiency efficiency of of existing e xisting systems systems in in the the short-term short-term with with the the off o older oil boilers and wider rreplacement eplacement o lder o il b oilers a nd w ider use use off c controls and o ontrols ttechnology, echnology, a nd tthen hen iintroducing ntroducing a low low carbon carbon liquid liquid fuel fue u l as as a replacement replacement to to kerosene k erosene by by the the year year 2022. 2022. and carbon ““Improving Improving energy energ y efficiency efficiency a nd c arbon off-grid homes an rreduction eduction ffor or o ff-grid h omes iis s a n iissue ssue which must be addressed,” w hich m ust b e urgently urgently a ddressed,” ssaid aid Paul has P aul Rose Rose at at the the launch. launch. “OFTEC “OFTEC h as ttaken aken tthe he lead lead and and developed developed what what we we believe believe is is a practical, practical, affordable affordable and and effective effective solution solution which addresses Government’s key w hich a ddresses tthe he G overnment’s ffour our k ey keep energy bills cost rrequirements: equirements: tto ok eep e nerg y b ills llow; ow; c ost effectively carbon emissions; ensure e ffectively rreduce educe c arbon e missions; e nsure a secure, secure, resilient resilient energy energ y supply; supply; and and avoid avoid
unreasonable upfront costs consumers u nreasonab ble u pfront c osts ffor or c onsumers iin n process.” tthe he pr rocess.” The T he conference conference also also provided provided an an opportunity o pportunity to to highlight highlight the the recent recent growth g rowth oil boilers, with iin n demand demand ffor or o il b oilers, w ith tthe he current current cost being key rrelative elative llow ow c ost of of oil oil ffuel ue u lb eing a k ey factor. factor. Last 10 year high, L ast year year saw saw sales sales reach reach a 1 0y ear h igh, iincreasing ncreasing by by 15% 15% on on 2015 2015 and and 25% 25% on on 2014. 2014. With W ith oil oil currently currently cheaper cheaper than than mains mains gas gas and and ssignificantly ignificantly cheaper cheap per than than LPG LPG and and electricity, electricity, market conditions are predicted remain m arket c onditions a re p redicted to t re main positive p ositive ffor or o sometime. sometime. OFTEC acknowledges needs do more O FTEC a cknowledges tthat hat iitt n eeds tto od om ore address concerns about carbon emissions, tto oa ddress c oncerns ab out c arbon e missions,
but off b ut its its campaign cam mpaign to to promote promote tthe he rreplacement ep placement o older o lder oil oil boilers boilers with with more more efficient efficient condensing condensing models has m odels h as received received criticism criticism from from some some ssources, ources, including including NIBE, NIBE, the the manufacturer manufa acturer off h heat o eat pumps. pumps. The The company company argues argues that thatt the the UK U K sshould hould resist resist calls calls to to maintain maintain the the status status quo q uo and and that that the the encouragement encouragement of of further further oil oil heating would promote h eating iinstallations nstallations w ould ssimply imply p romote tthe he use off an u se o an unsustainable unsustainable and and limited limited resource. resource. oil with oil will not address ““Replacing Replacing o il w ith o il w ill n ot a ddress tthe he higher h igher carbon carbon and and air air pollution pollution emissions emissions from from tthese hese heating heatting systems systems in in the the off-grid off-grid market; market; will continue iinstead nstead tthese hese ssystems ystems w ill c ontinue tto o sspout pout out pollution next 20 years,” o ut p ollution ffor or tthe he n ext 2 0y ears,” argues argues Phil MD off N NIBE UK. off-grid areas P hil Hurley, Hurley, M Do IBE U K. ““In In o ff-grid a reas are alternatives as heat tthere here a re ssustainable ustainab able a lternatives ssuch uch a sh eat pumps p umps which which provide provide clean, clean, green green energy.” energ y.” The European heating T he E uropean oil oil h eating iindustry ndustry iis s concerned about prospect off llegislation c oncerned ab out tthe he pr ospect o egislation might but hopes tthat hat m ight rrestrict estrict ffuture uture ssales, ales, b ut h opes governments might be dissuaded tthat hat g overnments m ight b ed issuaded ffrom rom ttaking aking action action rrecently ecently rreceived eceived a setback setback when when Norway announced proposals ban use No rway ya nnounced p pr oposals tto ob an tthe he u se off oil heating by 2020 o oil h eating b y2 020 – the the first first European European country c ountry to to do do so. so.
Disappointment D isapp p ointment a about bout delayed delayed decisions decisions The He The Heat at Pump Pump Association Associat ion ((HPA) HPA) h has as expressed e xpressed iits ts d disappointment isap ppointment a and nd ffrustration rustrattion ffollowing ollow ing news news tthat hat tthe he delay delay iin nb bringing r ing ing iin n the the proposed proposed reforms refor ms to to the the Renewable Renewable Heat He at Incentive Incentive (RHI) (RHI) will will now now extend extend b beyond eyond tthe he ssummer. ummer. The The overdue overdue reforms refor ms h have ave off d delays and ssuffered uffered a number number o elays a nd ssetbacks etbacks due d ue to to procedural procedural formatting for matt ing iissues, ssues, and and tthe he snap snap general general election elect ion a and nd subsequent subsequent changes c hanges to to Government Gover nment have have a altered ltered tthe he delivery d eliver y time t ime frame frame once once more. more. Mike off tthe HPA, M ike Nankivell, Nank ivell, President President o he H PA, comments: c omments: “This “This prolonged prolonged process process of of reform reform could c ould potentially potent ially damage damage the t he renewable renewable heat creating uncertainty and h eat iindustry, ndustr y, c reat ing u ncer taint y a nd
confusion over c onf usion o ver tariffs tar iffs in in both bot h domestic domest ic and markets. a nd non-domestic non-domest ic m arkets. ““Although Although we we are are once once again ag gaiin left left frustrated frustrated by by delays, we changes tthe he d elays, w e recognise recognise that that when when tthe he c hanges are will be a re finally finally implemented implemented tthere here w ill llikely ikely b e off ssignificantly a ssilver ilv ver lining lining in in the the form form o ignificantly iimproved mproved tariffs. tariffs. In In addition, addition, any any installations installattions December rregistered egistered ffrom rom 12th 12th D ecember 2016 2016 up up until until are tthe he new new regulations regulations a re introduced introduced will will not not be but will be b e ssubject ubj b ect to to heat heat demand demand llimits imits b ut w ill b e eligible any e ligible ffor or a ny iimproved mproved tariffs, tariffs, allowing allowing operators maximise potential off ttheir o perators tto om aximise tthe he p otential o heir changes come ssystems ystems until until tthe he c hanges c ome iinto nto fforce.” orce.” Designed D esigned to to promote promote tthe he use use of of renewable renewable heat and h eat a nd help help the the UK UK reduce reduce its its carbon carbon
emissions, RHI was e missions, tthe he R HI w as iinitially nitially iintroduced ntroduced non-domestic November ffor or n on-domestic iinstallations nstallations iin n No vember 2011, 2 011, ffollowed ollowed by by the the domestic domestic scheme scheme in in April April 2014. Energy 2 014. The The Department Department for for Business, Business, E nerg y and a nd Industrial Industrial Strategy Strateg y (BEIS) (BEIS) is is expected expected to to provide pr ovide an an update update on on the the proposed proposed reform reform after a fter tthe he ssummer. ummer. The HPA, part T he H PA, which which iis sp ar t of of the the Federation Federation off E Environmental Trade Associations, o nvironmental T rade A ssociations, ssays ays iitt will w ill continue cont inue e to to support suppor t the t he overall o v er a l l objectives o bject ives of of the t he RHI R HI and and is is on on hand hand to to advise a dv ise BEIS BEIS when when needed. needed. For comment about RHI and F or further f ur ther co m m e nt a bout tthe he R HI a nd tthe he UK U K renewables renewables market, market, see see this this month’s month’s feature feature which page 45. w hich starts star t s on on p ag e 4 5.
Page P Pa ge
Serving at Serving at Wimbledon W imbledon d
With the With the occasional occasional downpour downpour a feature feature e o most Wimbledon Wimbledon tournaments tournaments you you off most wouldn’t w ouldn’t h have ave tthought hought tthe he a availability vailability y of of water w ate er would would d be be too too much much of of a problem, problem, but but b eing able able tto od eliver the the required re equire ed amount amount being deliver off w o water ater tto ow where here iitt iis sn needed eeded m most ost ccan an sometimes prove The s ometimes p rove a cchallenge. hallenge. T he rrecent ecent arrival a rriv val of of a s six-pump ix-pump G Grundfos rundfos Hydro Hydro MPC-E M PC-E booster booster set set has has helped help ped to to ensure ensure tthat hat tthe he 3 39,000 9,000 s spectators pectators w who ho v visit isit tthe he g rand slam slam e vent e ver y y ear w ill b ew ell grand event every year will be well ccatered ater ered ffor. or. W With itth a an na average vera age cconsumption onsumptio on off 330,000 o 330,000 ccups ups o off ttea ea a and nd 140,000 140,000 s servings errvings off s o strawberries trrawberriies a and nd cream, cream, it’s itt’s one one s service ervicce game g ame tthat hat cclearly learlly w wins ins o over verr tthe he ccrowds. rowds.
PHAM JULAUG17 FORD:Layout 1 03/07/2017 10:46 Page 1
PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 06/07/2017 13:33 Page 3
July/August 2017
NEWS N EWS SR Review eview
Report r highlights highlights Editor’s IInside nside this this issue issue Report Editor’s n eed tto o rrecruit ecruit need Viewpoint V iewpoint Training T raining r from wider afield f r o m w i der a f i e l d Update by C Chris hris JJones one es
A new course for heat pump installers and oth other her news from colleges and d training providers
Starts page 18
Bathroom Design An insight into what consumers are looking g for and bathroom trends fo for or the future
Starts page 23
Light Commercial Commerc cial Heating The development p of district heating system systems ms and products designed for larger-scale larger -scale projects
Starts page 37
Renewable Technology T echnology e The potential Th t ti l for f the th sola solar lar thermal market, plus installer views on the RH RHI HI and other issues
Starts page 45
T he T The Technical echnical M Magazine agazine for for the the Plumbing, Plumbing, H eating & A ir Movement Movement IIndustry ndustr y Heating Air
Incorporating: Incorporating: Plumbing & Heating News News Plumbing & Heating Equipment News N ws Ne
New research New research from from tthe he N NHBC HBC F oundat ion has has found found that t hat Foundation tthe he U K’s house-building house-building UK’s iindustry ndust r y must must do do more more to to attract a ttract w women omen a and nd y young oung p eople tto o av void a sskills kills c risis. people avoid crisis. T he report, report, ‘‘The The g ender a nd The gender and age a ge profile profile o off the t he househousebuilding b uilding ssector’, ector’, warns wa r ns off a ssignificant o ig nificant shortfall shor tfall iin n w workers orkers c caused aused b by y a an n o ver-reliance o na na geing, over-reliance on an ageing, male-dominated workforce m ale-dominated w orkforce and a nd potential potential restrictions restrictions to to migrant m ig rant labour. labour. With W it h estimates est imates showing show ing tthat hat the t he sector sector needs needs to to rrecruit ecruit 700,000 700,000 more more people people tto o replace replace those t hose retiring ret ir ing or or moving on, plus an extra m ov ing o n, p lus a n e xt ra 120,000 Government’s 1 20,000 iiff tthe he G overnment’s aim a im to to build build one one million million new by 2020 n ew homes homes b y2 020 is is to to be be achieved, calls a chieved, tthe he rreport epor t c al ls on government and house o ng over nment a nd h ouse builders b uilders tto o rrecognise ecog nise tthe he sseriousness er iousness o off tthe he p problem roblem and a nd to to act act now now to to address address tthe he sshortfall. hor tfall. The T he fi findings ndings a are re b based a sed on o nd data ata ffrom rom tthe he O Office f fice o off N at ional Statistics’ Stat ist ics’ Labour Labour National Force F orce Survey Sur vey and and detailed detailed iinterviews nter views w ith c ompanies with companies a nd ssenior enior iindustry ndust r y and c ommentators. The The NHBC N H BC commentators. 12% off tthe UK’s ssays ays tthat hat jjust ust 1 2% o he U K’s h ouse building building workforce workfo orce house iiss female, female, tthe he m ajor it y majority working orr w ork ing iin n ssecretarial ecretar ial o
Fu Future utur u e of of oil oil rremains emains uncertain uncerrtain
administ rat ion jjobs, obs, with w it h administration less less than than 4% 4% having hav ving a skilled skilled trade The also trade rrole. ole. T he rreport epor t a l so finds young finds tthat hat y oung people, people, especially girls, are put off especially g irls, a re p ut o ff working work ing iin n the t he industry industr y because negative, because of of tthe he n egat ive, stereotypical stereot y pical image image of of a male-dominated housemale-dominated h ousebuilding building iindustry. ndustr y. One findings One of of the t he main main fi ndings of women of tthe he rreport epor t iiss tthat hat w omen are are still st ill seriously ser iously underunderrepresented represented in in skilled, sk illed, technical managerial technical and and m anager ial roles house building. roles iin n h ouse b uilding. It number It identifies ident ifies a n umber of of challenges need be challenges tthat hat n eed tto ob e tackled tackled by by the the sector sector that that are are deep-rooted deep-rooted and and endemic, endemic, such as ongoing such a so ngoing sstereotyping tereotyping and and antiquated antiquated rrecruitment ecruitment practices. and pract ices. Uninformed Uninfor med a nd outdated outdated careers careers advice adv ice in in schools also schools is is a lso ffailing ailing tto o make aware make young young people people a wa re of variety off jjobs and of tthe he v ar iet y o ob s a nd roles on offer. roles o no ffer.
For a For an n iindustry ndustr y w widely idely c considered onsidered tto ob be e iin n a sstate tate o off managed m anaged decline, decline, tthe he U UK Ko oil il h heating eating sector sector appears appears tto o be be in in rude r ude h ealth o ate. A prolonged prolonged p er iod o health off llate. period off rrelatively elatively benign benig n oil oil prices pr ices have have seen seen oil oil boiler boiler sales sales years, with iincrease ncrease ssignificantly ig nificantly iin n rrecent ecent y ears, w ith tthe he llatest atest figures fi gures 25% 25% up up on on two two years years ago ago (see (see this this month’s month’s cover cover sstory) tor y) – iimpressive mprressive g growth rowth figures fig ures that that other other parts parts of of can dream of. Low tthe he heating heating ssector ector c an only only yd ream o f. L ow rrunning unning costs costs have h ave clearly clearly persuaded persuaded many many oil oil users users to to stick stick with with know explore possibility tthe he ffuel uel tthey hey k now rrather ather tthan han e xplore tthe he p ossibilit y off iinvesting more eco-friendly alternatives. And o nvesting iin nm ore e co-fr iendly a lternatives. A nd iit’s t’s hard put an economic case as why h ard tto op ut fforward or ward a ne conomic c ase a s tto ow hy tthey hey might m ight do otherwise. othe h r wise. Despite make D espite the the temptation temptation tto o ssimply imply m ake hay hay while while the the carbon emission ssun un iis s sshining, hining, OFTEC OFTEC rrecognises ecognises tthat hat c arbon e mission and ttargets argets a nd potential potent ial legislative leg islat ive moves moves to to limit limit the t he use off ffossil u se o ossil fuels f uels mean mean that t hat continuing cont inuing success success can ca n hardly The association has h ardly be be taken taken for for granted. g ranted. T he ttrade rade a ssociation h as unveiled which hopes presents u nveiled a document document w hich iitt h opes pr esents a rrealistic ealistic picture off h how might evolve, with p ict ure o ow tthe he iindustry ndustr y m ight e volv l e, w it h tthe he potential off m more eco-friendly bio-fuels p otent ial development development o ore e co-fr iendly b io-fuels iin n the t he near near future. f ut ure. With concerns about energy prices and W ith c oncerns ab out rrising ising e nerg y pr ices a nd ffuel uel poverty p overt y in in rural r ural areas, areas, the the replacement replacement of of older, older, less less efficient e fficient boilers boilers with with condensing condensing technology technology and and modern modern controls c ontrols makes makes perfect perfect sense sense and and deserves deserves government government backing. b acking. But, But, with with echoes echoes of of moves moves by by the the gas gas industry industry to to off tthe ‘‘green green tthe he gas gas grid’, grid’, the the long-term long-term ffuture uture o he iindustry ndustry off a b bio-fuel also rrests ests on on tthe he ssuccessful uccessful llaunch aunch o io-fuel tthat hat a lso blessing off W Westminster decision makers. rreceives eceives tthe he b lessing o estminster d ecision m akers. Progress Progress to to date date has has been been frustratingly frustratingly slow, slow, so so we we can can only hope only h ope tthat hat it it gets gets off off the the ground ground before before tthe he industry industry starts starts to to run r un out out of of ffuel uel to to get get out out of of tthe he ground. g round. Follow F ollow u uss on
@PHAMNews @ PHAMNews
Box B ox to to b box ox players players
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Heat ing iinstallers Heating nstallers a are re b being eing iinvited nv ited tto o sshow how o off ff ttheir heir ffootball ootball or or rugby r ugby skills sk ills and and take take part par t in in Worcester’s Worcester’s Boiler B oiler Box Box Challenge. Challenge. T The he m manufacturer anufact urer iis sa asking sk ing ffor or tthe he most m ost iimpressive mpressive ways ways engineers eng ineers c can an get get chip chip a football football orr tthrow o hrow a rugby r ugby ball ball into into an an empty empt y boiler boiler box box – with w it h a host h o st o off ssigned ig ned b balls alls tto o give g ive away away ffor or tthe he m most o st c creative reat ive clips. c lips. Two Two ex-England ex-England internationals inter nationals have have h helped elped tto ok kickickoff o ff the t he c campaign ampaig n and and show show how how it’s it’s done done – ffootball ootball sstar tar Wayne W ayne B Bridge ridge ((pictured) pictured) a and nd rrugby ugby pr pro oK Kyran yran B Bracken. racken. Y You ou can c an watch watch Wayne Way ne and and Kyran Ky ran taking tak ing on on the t he challenge challenge on on Worcester’s W orcester’s ssocial o c ia l m media ed ia c channels, hannels, tthen hen p post o st y your our o own wn attempts a ttempts on on Twitter. Tw itter. Use Use #BoilerBoxChallenge #BoilerBoxChallenge for for your your chance c hance tto ow win in a ssigned ig ned ffootball ootball o orr rrugby ugby b ball. a l l. ENQUIRY EENQUIRY NQUIR RY
303 303 3 03
PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 06/07/2017 11:58 Page 4
July/August July y/August 2017
NEWS N EWS R Review evi v ew
ECO E CO boiler boiler cap cap hits hits C Customers ustomers lowball lowball boiler boiler replacement replacement ffuel ueell poverty po over e ty homes homes The T he Government Government sshould hould sshift hift iits ts focus focus ffrom rom iinsulation nsulation tto o boilers b oilers under under tthe he E ECO CO scheme sche h me tto ob etter address address fuel fu uel poverty, poverty, better a ccording to to Mike Mike Foster, Foster, CEO CEO according o he E nerg y a nd U tilities off tthe Energy and Utilities Alliance A lliance ((EUA). EUA)). Mike M ike F Foster oster m made ade h his is comments c omments in in light light of of new new BEIS sstatistics tatistics ffrom rom B EIS sshowing howing between 2014 and 2015 tthat hat b etween 2 014 a nd 2 015 number off ffamilies tthe he n umber o amilies lliving iving iin n fuel fuel poverty poverty in in England England iincreased ncreased from from 2.3 2.3 million million 2.5 tto o2 .5 million. million. According A ccording tto o the the EUA, EUA, the the off tthe ECO has ffocus ocus o he E CO scheme scheme h as sshifted hiftted towards towards insulation insulattion as as capping number a rresult esult of of c apping the the n umber off boilers ECO o boilers fitted fitted under under E CO at at 25,000 18 months. This 2 5,000 over over 1 8m onths. T his rrepresents epresents a ssubstantial ubstantial decrease prior yearly d ecrease ffrom rom tthe he pr ior y early allowance off 1 130,000. a llowance o 30,000. Mike Foster M ike F oster comments: commen m ts: ““Replacing Replacing ‘zombie ‘zombie boilers’ boilers’ is is key number k ey to to reducing reducing tthe he n umber off h households o ouseholds living living in in fuel fu uel poverty. The p overty. T he iinstallation nstallattion of of a new n ew condensing condensing boiler boiler can can an cut cut energy bills e nergy b ills by by around around a tthird.” hird.” EUA E UA statistics statistics have have shown shown has been dramatic tthat hat tthere here h as b een a d ramatic
Mike M ike Foster, Foster, C CEO EO o off EUA EUA EU
decline number off n new d ecline iin n tthe he n umber o ew boilers b oilers being being fitted fitted under under the the ECO E CO scheme. scheme. IIn n March March this this year, 7037 new boilers were y ear, 7 037 n ew b oilers w ere fitted, whereas by April fi tted, w hereas b y Apr il only 1211 were o nly 1 211 w ere installed installed – a monthly decrease off 8 83%. m onthly d ecrease o 3%. “Given estimated “Given tthat hat iitt iis se stimated are around tthat hat tthere here a re sstill till a round boilers 9 million million iinefficient neffi ficient b oilers being UK, costing b eing used used iin n tthe he U K, c osting consumers and emitting c onsumers more more a nd em e itting higher off C CO2, ECO h igher llevels evels o O2, tthe he E CO consider sscheme cheme sshould hould c onsider boiler llifting ifting the the cap cap on on new new b oiler order iinstallations nstallations iin n o rder tto o combat poverty,” c ombat ffuel u uel p overty,” ssays ay ys Mike M ike Foster. Foster.
Van V an theft theft iiss rising risin ng A ccording tto o tthe he llatest attest figures figures from from Tracker, Tracker, the the stolen stolen vehicle vehicle According rrecovery ecovery e xpert, light light commercial commercial vehicles vehicles made made up up over over expert, h alf a m illion p ounds o he o verall rrecoveries ecoveries iin n2 016. T he half million pounds off tthe overall 2016. The F ord Transit Transit was was the the most most frequently frequently stolen stolen van van last last year year Ford a nd accounted accounted for for o ver half half of of the the LCV LCV recoveries recoveries made made by by and over T racker. M ercedes S printers w ere also allso pr ime ttargets argets ffor or tthieves. hieves. Tracker. Mercedes Sprinters were prime T he figures figures reveal reveal the the average average value value of of vans vans stolen stolen and and The rrecovered ecovered was was £19,333, £19,333, with with 44% 44% being being stolen stolen u sing tthe he o wner’s using owner’s k eys. Furthermore, Furthermore, L ondon w as tthe he h ot sspot pot ffor or v an tthieves hieves keys. London was hot van iin n2 016, as as 44% 44% were were stolen stolen iin n tthe he c apital. 2016, capital. A ndy d Barrs, Barrs, Head Head of of Police Police Liaison Liaison at at Tracker, Tracker, comments: comments: Andy ““The The ttheft heft o an c an hit hit companies companies really really hard hard regardless regardless of of off a v van can ttheir heir size, size, so so van van operators operators really really need need to to consider consider protecting protecting ttheir heir vehicles vehicles with with stolen stolen vehicle vehicle recovery recovery technology.” technolog y.”
E.ON has A ssurvey ur vey from from E .ON h as found fo und that that homeowners homeowners are are drastically dra stically underestimating underestimating cost broken tthe he c ost of of replacing rep placing a b roken orr iinefficient boiler. The 2000 o nefficient b oiler. T he 2 000 rrespondents espondents estimated est imated on on average cost be a verage tthe he c ost tto ob e jjust u st under u nder £700, £700, when when in in reality realit y cost more iitt iiss llikely ikely tto oc ost m ore tthan han tthree hree times t imes as as much. muc u h. Nigel N igel Dewbery, Dewbery, Head Head of of Energy E nerg y Efficiency Efficiency at at E.ON, E.ON, ssays: ays: “Homeowners “Homeowners are are hugely underestimating hu g ely u nder e st i m at i ng tthe he cost cost of of upgrading upgrading their their boiler. budget b oiler. Many Many don’t don’t b udget
for expense for this this kind kind of of e xpense so are so when when homeowners homeowners a re
unexpectedly with u nexpectedly ffaced aced w ith tthese hese off c costs can be ssorts orts o osts iitt c an b e a rreal eal
Campaign C ampaign b backs acks g gas as ffires ires In a move In move to to promote promote tthe he use use off g o gas as fi fires, res, tthe he He Heating ating a and nd Ho t water IIndustry ndustr y C ouncil Hotwater Council ((HHIC) HHIC) has has llaunched aunched a guide guide tto o educate educate the the public public on on the the b enefits a g as fi re c an bring. bring. benefits gas fire can ““A Ag as fire fire is is an an efficient, efficient, gas a spirational a nd e con o omical aspirational and economical m ethod ffor or he ating y our method heating your h ome, p articularly l w hen home, particularly when u sed as as a secondary secondary source source of of used h eat,” says says Stewart Stewart Clements, Clemen nts, heat,” D irector of of the the HHIC. HHIC. “The “The Director llatest atest g as fi res c an o ffer h eat gas fires can offer heat
o utputs u pwards of of 6kW. 6kW. outputs upwards T he consumer consumer campaign campaig n The w ill pr omote tthe he b enefits will promote benefits o as fi re s a s tthe he pr actical off g gas fires as practical a nd attractive attractive solution solution for for and ssecondary econdar y h eating iin n U K heating UK h omes tto o consumers consumers off off homes a nd on line.” and online.” T he g uide, ‘‘Why Why c hoose The guide, choose g as for for y our fi res a nd sstoves’, toves’, gas your fires and iis s a vailable o n tthe he E UA available on EUA w ebsite ( ( Click Click website o n tthe he ‘‘resources’ resources’ ttab ab and and on ch oose ‘‘Gas Gas fi res e campaign’. campaign’. choose fires
Growing G rowing interest in nterest IInterest nte ere est in in apprenticeships appren nticeship ps is is at at an an all-time all-time high high according according tto o tthe he B uilding E ngineering S er vices A ssociation ((BESA), BESA), Building Engineering Services Association w hich s ays iitt h as s received re eceiv ved a record record level level of of enquiries. enquiries. which says has B ESA iis sw ork king w itth b uilding en gineering em ployers to to BESA working with building engineering employers d evelo op ‘‘Trailblazer’ Traillblazer’ apprenticeships apprentiicceships in n key key ttechnical echniccal sectors, sectors s, develop iincluding ncluding h eating a nd p lumbing, a nd h as also also started started work work heating and plumbing, and has o nd eveloping a pprenticeships a igher and and degree degre ee level. level. on developing apprenticeships att h higher T raining D irector T ony H oward s ays: ““We We a re e working working Training Director Tony Howard says: are cclosely losely w ith employers employers in in our our sector secto or to to develop develop and and deliver deliver with a ppre enticeships a ll llevels evels – ffrom rom iinitial nittial ttechnician echnician g rades apprenticeships att a all grades rright ig ght up up to o degree degree equivalence equivale ence – that that will willl meet meet the th the industry’s industry y’s ffuture uture skills skills rrequirements.” equirements.” B ESA is s also als so providing providin ng free free Apprenticeship Apprenttiiceship and and Levy Le evy Funding Funding BESA C linics tthroughout hro oughout E ngland a nd h as ccreated reated a d edicated Clinics England and has dedicated T railblazer section section on on it ts website websitte e ( ( Trailblazer its
challenge find money c hallenge tto o fi nd tthe he m oney tto o pay p ay the the full full amount amount up up front. front. That’s why we’ve our T hat’s w hy w e’ve llaunched aunched o ur 0% 0 % boiler boilerr finance finance offer offe err which which gives g ives homeowners homeowners the the option option tto o be be able able tto o upgrade upgrade ttheir heir boiler without having pay b oiler w ithout h aving tto op ay y ffor or iitt sstraightaway.” traightaw way.” The The offer offer is is available available to to homeowners h omeow ners rregardless egardless off w whether energy o het her ttheir heir e nerg y iis s ssupplied upplied by by E.ON E.ON and and has ha s been offer b een llaunched aunched tto o o ffer people choice when p eople more more c hoice w hen iitt comes paying boiler c omes tto op aying for for a b oiler rreplacement. eplacement.
Best B est of of British B ritish Celebrat ing the Celebrating t he 25 25 year y ea r anniversary a nniversar y of of its its LifeLifesstyle t yle L P pr og rammer LP programmer and a nd tthe he T TRV4, RV4, B British r it ish manufacturer m anufact urer D Drayton ray ton has h as llaunched aunched a prize prize winwinning n ing competition. compet it ion. The ‘Best ‘Best o ritish Gi iveThe off B British Giveaway’ aw way’ ssees ees tthe he c company ompany offering o ffering u up pan number umber o off quintessentially q uintessenttially B British ritish p rizes, including including a driving driving prizes, e xperience d ay a nd c lassic experience day and classic H unter w ellies, alongside alongside Hunter wellies, L ifestyle L P pr ogrammers Lifestyle LP programmers a nd TRV4s TRV4s with with personalpersonaland iised sed branding. branding. g Both Bot h tthe he L Lifestyle ifest yle L LP P and a nd T TRV4 RV4 w were ere fi first rst iinnttroduced roduced in in 1992, 1992, and and D ray ton h as ssince ince sold sold Drayton has over o ver 16 16 million million o off tthese hese products pr oducts – all all of of which which have h av ve b been een m manufactured anufactured Britain. in B r itain. To To enter enter Drayton’s Dray yton’s ‘Best ‘Best off B British Giveaway’, visit: o ritish G iveaway y’, v isit: www.draytoncontrols. w w w.d r ay y t onc ont r ol s . c Winners Winners will will be be announced a nnounced on on 31 31 August. August.
PHAM JULAUG17 WUNDA:Layout 1 03/07/2017 09:45 Page 1
PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 06/07/2017 08:44 Page 6
July/August 2017
NEWS Review Support for Help for Heroes Vitodens rewards
Customers make price the priority In a survey of tradespeople more than half (56%) report that the most common question asked by customers is based on the cost of their services. The poll reveals that just over a fifth of customers were most interested in availability (21%), with the range of services they provide being the third most common enquiry (6%). Other common questions asked by customers include whether the tradesperson could provide references (5%), the source of their
materials (5%), if they are a family firm (4%) and if they used apprentices (3%). The research was conducted by HaMuch, a new comparison service designed to help the trades become clearer on price so they can secure work. The website is also a platform for tradespeople to showcase their services. Tarquin Purdie, founder and MD of HaMuch, is pictured above with Rory O’Neil from West London plumbing company My Plumber Man.
A three-year partnership has been agreed between Polypipe and the Armed Forces charity Help for Heroes to help raise funds to support those with injuries and illnesses sustained while serving in the British Armed Forces. Polypipe will raise funds for the charity through a variety of initiatives, including making it the main beneficiary of funds raised through this year’s Polypipe Sailing Regatta. Staff, merchants, and customers will be encouraged to join in with the fundraising efforts with a series of sponsored events and donation opportunities already in the pipeline.
As well as raising money to support Help for Heroes, Polypipe will be helping veterans to re-enter the workforce, with access to the company’s Doncaster based Professional Development Centre for those interested in pursuing a career in plumbing.
Protector prize promotion ADEY has launched a new promotion to celebrate its recent win of the Queen’s Award for its range of chemicals. Running until the end of September, installers who purchase a 500ml bottle of MC1+ Protector, MC3+ Cleaner or any of the company’s Rapide range could instantly win one of more than 1500 prizes and be entered into a
monthly prize draw to win a £2000 holiday.
Instant prizes include vouchers for Cineworld, Starbucks, Pizza Express, Hal fords, Gas AppU k membership, as well as ADEY Water Test Kits and discounts on parts and spares orders. All you need to do to find out if you’re a winner is enter the serial number from the bottle on checkmychemicals
Installers of Viessmann products can now earn rewards following the launch of two promotions. Purchases of any Vitodens domestic boiler up to 60kW will be rewarded with Love2Shop vouchers as follows: 10 boilers will fetch £500 or a Vitodens 050-W boiler while five boilers will get £200 in vouchers. To take part in this promotion, all boilers must be installed after the 1st July and registered before the end of the year. In another promotion, which runs until 30th September, purchases of any Vitodens 111-W storage combi boiler will come with a wireless programmable room thermostat and standard horizontal flue kit. Marketing Director Darren McMahon says: “We’re always looking for new ways to show our appreciation for our loyal installers.”
PHAM JULYAUG17 GRANT:Layout 1 03/07/2017 09:48 Page 1
PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 06/07/2017 11:56 Page 8
July/August July y/August 2017
NEWS N EWS R Review evi v ew
Conference C onferen nce looks looks N ew Presidents Presidents sset et a gendas New agendas a mart Future Future att a S Smart
The Institute The Institute of of Domestic Domestic Heating H He ating & Environmental Environmental E ngineers (IDHEE) (IDHEE) held held its its Engineers a nnual c onference in in June June annual conference with w ith a focus focus on on tthe he ‘Smart ‘Smart Future’ F uture’ of of the the industry. industry. The The aim a im was was to to gather gather industry industry views v iews o on n h how ow sm ssmart art ttechnology echnolog y iis s a ffecting tthe he affecting way w ay products products are are specified specified and a nd applied applied iin n tthe he real real world. world. David D av vid Matthews, Matthews, Chief Chief Executive off tthe E xecutive o he IIDHEE, DHEE, o pened tthe he day’s day y’s events events with with opened a broad broad look look at at the the heating heating market m arket and and how how smart s art sm ttechnology echnolog y is is influencing influencing its its development. d evelopment. H He e ssaid: aid: ““People People a re getting getting more more are comfortable c omfortable with with smart s art sm ttechnology, echnolog y, but but do they they understand u nderstand h how ow tto o u use se iit? t? M any turn turn to to their their smart sm s art Many control c ontrol tto o sswitch witch the the heating heatting on before beffore they they get get home, home, which means are w hich m eans tthey hey a re rrunning unning ttheir heir systems systems for for longer. longer. They They may m ay be be getting getting better better comfort comfort but cost iin n ttheir heir homes, homes, b ut tthe he c ost ssavings avings claimed claimed are are highly highly questionable.” q uestionable.” The first T he fi rst topic topic of of the the day day addressed Smart Buildings. a ddressed Sm art B uildings. Sam S am Dawson Dawson Smith, Smith, Product Product Manager and M anager Smart Smart Home Home a nd Connected C o n n e c t e d Products P r o d uc t s at at
Wo rce s t e r B os ch , spoke sp oke Worcester Bosch, about ab bout the the Internet Internet of of Things Things (IoT) and and how how its its growing growing (IoT) popularity iiss helping helping people people popularity creatte automated automated homes. homes. to create “Smart stats stats are are the the main main “Smart connected pr oduct in in the the UK,” UK,” connected product he ssaid, aid, ““and and iit’s t’s u sually tthe he he usually first tthing hing tthat hat people people eg et.” first get.”
System Sy stem s smarts marts Other O t h e r speakers s p e a k e r s ttook o ok a more m ore ttechnical echnical look look at at the the equipment e quipment being being used used a as s part p art of of a smart smart heating heating ssystem. ystem. Ross Ross Haffenden Haffe enden e from from Chameleon C h a mele on T Technologies e c h no olog ie s pr ovided a presentation presentation on on provided S marrt M eters, saying saying that that they they Smart Meters, h ave tthe he p otential tto oa llow have potential allow ffor or predictive predictive maintenance maintenance tthrough hrough use use of of real real time time data. data. N ic W incott ffrom rom m tthe he Nic Wincott G round S ource He at Pump Pump Ground Source Heat A ssociation ttalked alked a bout tthe he Association about w ays heat heat pumps pumps are are being being ways m ade sm arter b ye xpanding made smarter by expanding ttheir heir applications applicattions tto o tthermoh rmohe e lectric c ooling a nd in ntegratelectric cooling and integratiing ng them them w ith solar solar energy. energ y. with D avid Matthews Mattthews concluded concluded David tthe he d ay y w ith: ““We We n eed tto o day with: need e mphasise h eating design. design. emphasise heating W e a re not not designing designing our our We are ssystems ystems right, right, so so let’s let’s get get b ack tto om aking iitt a pr riority.” back making priority.”
T he CIPHE C I PH E and a nd APHC A PHC The rrecently ecent ly held held ttheir hei r annual annual ev ents w here tthey hey yw elcomed events where welcomed ttheir heir ne west Presidents. Preside d nts. T he newest The C IPHE saw saw Geoff G eof f Westall West al l CIPHE ttake ake tthe he reigns reig ns from f r om o utgoing P residen e t P aul outgoing President Paul W i l l iams, to to whom whom Geoff G e of f Williams, sserved er ved as as Vice Vice President P resident iin n the the previous previous year. year. Tracey Tracey Richardson R ichardson w was as v voted oted iin n as as tthis h is year’s year ’s Vice Vice President. P resident. IIn n his his address, address, G Geoff eoff sspoke poke of of a number number o off iissues, ssues, iincluding ncluding h his is involvement involvement with w ith tthe he C CIPHE’s IPHE’s E Education ducat ion and a nd T Training raining G Group roup a and nd tthe he importance impor tance o off tthe he n new ew Plumbing P lumbing & Domestic Domestic Heating H ating He Technician T e c h n ic i a n Trailblazer Tr a i l bl a z e r Apprenticeship A p p r en t i c e s h i p Scheme. S c h eme. He also also spoke spoke of of his his desire desire off tto o ssee ee the the establishment establishment o a Building Building S Services er vices & W Water ater Management M anagement degree degree course course
Geoff G eoff W Westall, estall, C CIPHE I PH E
M Mark ark A Antrobus, ntrobus, A APHC PHC
in plumbing plumbing and and heating heat ing in engineering. eng ineer ing. Mark Mark A Antrobus ntrobus llaunched aunched his his tenure tenure as as APHC APHC President President at tthe he recent recent President’s President’s Dinner. Dinner. In In his his inaugural inaug ural speech, speech, Mark Mark outlined outlined his h is key key priorities pr ior ities for for iimproving mproving the the quality qualit y of of new new entrants entrants and c hanges in in how how the the gas gas and changes registration body operates. reg istration b ody yo perates. He also also explained explained h how ow he he
believes believes the the industry industr y needs needs to p ut an an end end tto o ffull-time ull-time to put college college based based training. training. Mark M ark a also lso said said that that the the demand demand ffor or training training needs needs to by number to be be led led b y tthe he n umber of of placements available available from from placements employers. employers. He e added added tthat hat the the Government Gover nment ne needs ed s to to d do o more more to to properly properly incentivise incentiv ise employers em mployers to to train apprentices. apprentices. train
Get G et support sup upport by going Pro b yg oin ing P ro
Nine N iine shows shows in one o ne b big ig eevent vent
Installers Installers off Netatmo Netatmo smart smart home home products pro oducts can can now now join join the the company’s company’s installer installe er loyalty lo oyalty scheme, Pro. scheme, Netatmo Netatmo P ro o. Registered Registe ere ed plumbers, plumbers s, electricians electricians and and heating heating specialists specialists will will get get support support a and nd g guidance uidance th through hro ough the the initiative inittiative to to install install the the Netatmo Netatmo smart smart thermostat. thermostat. To be by Netatmo, To b e ccertified ertified b y N etatmo, iinstallers nstallers will have on website and w ill h ave to to register register o n tthe he w ebsite a nd take online about Netatmo take a short short o nline ttest est a bout tthe he N etatmo Thermostat. Sign-up and available Thermostat. S ign-up iis s ffree re e a nd a vailable through website: through the the w ebsite: e
UK U K C Construction onstruction Week W eek iiss set set to to rreturn eturn tto o the the NEC NEC in n Birmingham Birmingham ffrom rom 1 0th tto o1 2th 10th 12th O ctober. B illed October. Billed a the largest largest ass the gathering g athering o off the the UK’s U K’s built built environenvironmentt c m men community, ommunity, tthe he e event vent w will ill h host ost nine n ine sspecialist pecialist shows s hows under under one one roof, ro oof, co consisting nsisting of of H VAC 2 017, Build Build HVAC 2017, Show, S how, T Timber imber Expo, Expo, Civils C ivils Expo, Expo, Plant Plant & Machinery Machinery Live, Live, Energy Energ y 2017, 2 017, Smart Smart B Buildings uildings 2 2017, 017, Surface Surface & M Materials aterialls Show S how ((featuring fea e turing Kitchens Kitchens & Bathrooms Bathrooms Live), Live), and a nd G Grand rand Designs Designs Live. Live. F For or more more iinformation nformattion a and nd ffree ree rregistration egistrattion visit v isit w w w.ukconstr uct
IIn n brief b ief br r Boiler Boiler m manufacturer anufact urer B axi has has won won B e st B 2B Baxi Best B2B Loyalty L oyalty P Programme rogramme att tthe he L oyalty Magazine Magazine Awards Awards Loyalty ffor or iits ts o online nline iinstaller nstaller sscheme, cheme, B Baxi axi W Works. orks. r The r T h e Mira Mira M Mode ode digital d i g it a l s shower h o w er h has as rreceived e c e iv e d the t h e 2017 2 0 17 Red Red D ot Product P r o duc t Design De sig n Dot A w a rd , br r i n g i n g the t he Award, bringing ttotal o t a l Red R e d Dots D o t s held held b y M ira S h o w er s tto o a by Mira Showers ttotal o t a l of of s six. ix. r )F r )FBUSBF BU S BF 4BEJB 4BE J B JJT T extending popular e x t end i ng iits ts p opu l a r Mega M eg a C Cash a sh and a nd G3 G3 ttraining r a i n i ng cashback ca shbac k propr o motions m ot ion s u until nt i l the t he end end off S o September ept emb er 2 2017. 017. r Burner r Burner manufacturer manufacture er and a nd distributor distrib ibutor E EOGB OGB Energy E nergy P Products ro oducts L Ltd td h has as rreported eportted a successful successful first first half h alf o off 2017, 2017, w with itth to total otal b urner s ales up up by by 1 0%. burner sales 10%. rr &OFSH & O F S H Z Z FGGJDJFODZ F G G J D JF O D Z sp ecialist R obin T hom specialist Robin Thom off G o Green reen Heat He H at and and SAP SAP R has has been been named n amed E Energy nerg y Efficiency Efficiency Consultant C onsultant o off tthe he y year ear iin n tthe he 2017 2017 West West Midlands Midlands Regional R egional E Energy ner e gy Efficiency Efficiency & Healthy Heallthy Homes Homes A Awards. wards. rr The The G re een nstar R ewards Greenstar Rewards promotion p romotion h has as b been een enhanced en hanced as a W Worcester orceste ter adds some off iits most a dds s ome o ts m ost widely-installed w id dely-installled boilers boile ers s tto o its it ts s scheme: cheme: tthe he G Greenstar re eenstar Compact C ompact a and n G nd Greenstar reenstar Classic. C lassic. r #BYJ r # B Y J )FBUJOH ) B U J O H IBT )F I B T acquired a cquired Packaged Packaged Plant Plant Solutions S olut ions tto o ssupport uppor t its its packaged p ackaged plant plant room room offering, o ffer ing, joining joining the t he Andrews A ndrews Water Water Heaters, Heaters, P otter ton Commercial Commercial Potterton and a nd R Remeha emeha b brands. rands.
PHAM JULYAUG17 ARISTON:Layout 1 03/07/2017 09:46 Page 1
PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 04/07/2017 09:16 Page 10
July/August 2017
10 MERCHANT & Distributor News Sudbury plumbers Right refrigerant have a new outlet A new trade counter in Sudbury, Suffolk, has been opened by PlumbStock, part of the Ridgeon Group. Serving plumbers and heating engineers on the Suffolk/ Essex border, it is the 18th PlumbStock counter to be launched and will operate within the existing Ridgeons’ branch on the Chilton Industrial Estate. Staff are on hand to offer their expertise and product advice on industry leading brands and there are plans to host supplier and manufacturer events, which will give customers an opportunity to see product demonstrations and learn about the latest heating and plumbing technology. Area General Manager Chris Gavin comments: “It’s exciting to see PlumbStock expanding across the region. We are now able to offer our plumbing and
Climate Center, the air conditioning and refrigeration equipment supplier, has announced that it is now stocking R448A – the lower GWP alternative to R404A – at all of its 55 branches. The company aims to help customers comply with a ban, which comes into effect in 2020, on using new refrigerants with a GWP higher than 2500 for servicing most commercial refrigeration
systems and in new stationery refrigeration systems. “We have been working extensively to assist customers through these changes,” says Robert Franklin, Sales Director at Climate Center. “If companies don’t act now, they run the risk of not being able to access the higher GWP refrigerants, as quota reductions limit availability of high GWP blends.”
Go commercial heating customers a more specialised and tailored service, with the excellent levels of customer service and product knowledge that people have come to expect from Ridgeons.” PlumbStock Sudbury is open Monday to Friday from 7am – 5pm (excluding Bank Holidays) and Saturday 8am – 12pm. For more information visit branch/sudbury
A dedicated commercial plumbing and heating section has been launched on the Plumb Center website. The site, which features more than 2500 products, will feature regularly updated advice on working in industry sectors such as education, healthcare, hotels and leisure, office and retail, security, and sports and fitness. Installers and contractors can log on to view technical details, sector specific information and access their closest commercial branch and account manager. Customers will also be able to benefit from online ordering of products from leading brands, including Armitage Shanks, Bristan, Geberit, Rada and Fluidmaster. Visit for more information.
Distribution centre to speed delivery Bedford is the site of the new Southern Regional Distribution Centre for F & P, Primaflow and Connections. The facility is scaled to serve customers in the Midlands and South of the UK and has over 3000 products available for next-day delivery. MD Jed Kenrick comments: “The facility means that we can make thousands more products available via next-day delivery and every one can be delivered by our own drivers, rather than by carriers. This means
that customers anywhere in the country can now access 11,000 plumbing, heating and bathroom products from Primaflow and F&P, delivered carefully by one of our specialist delivery colleagues on one of our own vehicles. Not only does that give customers access to a wider range, it makes their lives easier and us simpler to deal with.” The opening of the Bedford facility created 20 new jobs, with 100 staff expected to work on site.
Advertisement feature
July/August 2017
PEOPLE on the Move
Water softeners – the installer’s view
Boiler manufacturer ATAG Commercial has appointed Nick Underwood as Area Sales Manager for the South of England. This field-based role sees Nick looking to increase growth and awareness of the brand as well as drive sales through distribution by working with merchants, contractors and specifiers. Nick has over 15 years experience in the plumbing and heating industry. The combined heat and power (CHP) sales team at Remeha has been strengthened with the appointment of Mark Gibbons as Technical Sales Manager. Mark has worked in the engineering industry for over 40 years and has held sales roles for the last 20. He joined SenerTec in 2010 before moving to a HIU sales role in 2016. This latest move sees his return to the CHP sector. Field control device specialist Sontay has named Leo Coghill as the new Sales Manager for the Midlands area. Leo has over 12 years of sales and account management experience in the B2B market, and has previously worked at Mira Showers and Makita Power tools. In his new role, Leo will be supporting existing accounts as well as growing the business through developing client relationships. The Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA) has welcomed Andrew Keating (pictured) as its new President. Andrew is Baxi Heating’s UK and Ireland Marketing Director and was voted into office by members of the EUA. He will play a key role in deciding overall strategy, policy, direction and service provision for the organisation over the coming 12 months. Andrew replaces outgoing president Bob Murray. Burner manufacturer and distributor EOGB Energy Products Ltd has announced the appointment of Phil Pett as Technical Sales Manager. Phil joins the company with over 14 years experience in the combustion industry. Phil is based in Portsmouth, and in his new role at EOGB he will be responsible for all industrial and commercial burner sales across the UK. With continued growth year-on-year, Electrorad has appointed Clive Haley as the new Commercial Manager to take the business to the next level. The company will benefit from Clive’s experience of over 20 years with wholesalers, most recently with Schneider Electric. He brings a wealth of commercial knowledge to ensure high levels of customer service and sustained growth. Two new Area Sales Managers have been appointed at Phoenix Bathrooms. Clive Moore (pictured) will cover Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, Dorset and Hampshire while Caroline Goldsmith will look after Birmingham and the West Midlands. Clive previously worked for Eco Bathrooms and Claygate Distribution, and Caroline offers knowledge of both customers in the area and products. Pump manufacturer and pumping system supplier Wilo UK has announced the appointment of Ian Moore as Sales Director Building Services. Ian joined Wilo in 2002 as Area Sales Manager for Northern Ireland and was promoted to Northern Regional Sales Manager in 2008. During his time in that role he has overseen sales growth of 60% in the region. The new Director of Customer Service and Relations at Alpha Heating Innovation is Richard Geldard, who brings with him extensive knowledge and experience. Richard previously worked in a similar position at a luxury bathroom manufacturer. In his new role, Richard will head the customer service team to support both homeowners and installers and help build brand loyalty.
Installers who attended a recent BWT training day. To book your place call: 01494 838 100.
Water softeners are proving increasingly popular among homeowners, with installers around the UK regularly being asked to fit them. With this in mind, Europe’s No.1 water technology company, BWT is offering free training and access to its Best Water Professional programme. This provides an array of benefits which help installers grow this side of their business. These include practical installation training, advice on dealing with customers’ questions, prestigious Best Water Professional status, access to special offers worth over £250, an enhanced web presence and customer support.
Catching the trend Chris Raymond, owner of rapidly growing CRS Plumbing and Heating in Southampton, is a member of the Best Water Professional Programme. He’s convinced water softeners will play a significant role in his business. “Two years ago I didn’t fit any water softeners – they just weren’t popular. Now I’m fitting a BWT product roughly every other month and that interest is growing.” Another programme member, Gary Hamlin, owner of Olympic Heating & Plumbing, which employs five engineers plus office staff and operates in the Weymouth and Dorset area, agrees. “We’re currently installing one water softener a month,” he says, “but BWT is helping us to grow this further still. We’ve even undertaken a commercial installation with them in a local restaurant.” With an estimated 70% of the UK suffering from hard water, its unsurprising that the water treatment industry is experiencing growth. BWT Water Softeners remove the hardness minerals in the water supply, resulting in major benefits around the home – from sparkling glass, taps and ceramic surfaces and reduced use of cleaning chemicals through to softer towels and shinier hair. Plus of course, limescale deposits are prevented from building up, saving energy costs and extending the life of boilers and appliances. Indeed, the benefits are so significant that many consumers feel that once they’ve lived with BWT’s Luxury Water®, they don’t want to live without it. Chris Raymond agrees: “Many of my customers are house movers. They’ve had a water softener in their previous home and have got used to the benefits – so it’s the first thing they want to sort out in their new home.”
Training & support The Best Water Professional programme gives installers access to a wide range of resources, providing them with the support they need to capitalise on this growing market. The free, in-depth training programme delivers practical installation information plus training on the lucrative business opportunities available to those equipped to install water softeners. Installers are then also given an enhanced listing on the BWT Luxury Water® website. Chris Raymond elaborates: “The training was really informative. It gives you everything you need to provide customers with sound advice. BWT also has a great after-sales service. Once you’ve installed the product, they offer a guarantee and will even come out to the customer’s premises after installation if you have any queries.” Gary Hamlin agrees: “We’re looking to install purely BWT products because of the support they offer and the help they give throughout the process. They even offer an engineer to commission every install, and they give the best warranty on the market.”
Future opportunities Backed by such support, Chris sees his partnership with BWT as providing real opportunities to grow his business: “As a Best Water Professional fitting water softeners, I get recommended to people buying new-builds, actually in their welcome packs! This instantly separates me from other plumbers and puts me and my business in front of new customers.” He also feels the literature is a big help: “BWT provides you with a pack of information and a really professional looking brochure which contains loads of great facts and figures. It’s good to be able to share these with customers.” And what do those customers think? “People notice the Luxury Water difference straightaway,” says Chris. “I get great feedback after I’ve fitted a BWT water softener because customers just think it works really well! “Water treatment is definitely an area of growth for my business and it’s something I’m looking to expand further. I’d recommend other plumbers look at BWT and its Best Water Professional programme.” Find out more about the Best Water Professional Programme by visiting:
PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 06/07/2017 09:33 Page 12
July/August July y/August 2017
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We all all now now know know about about the the dangers dangers of of We hot h ot water water in in storage storage tanks. tanks. The The powers powers tthat hat b e sseem eem tto ob ep eople w ho h ave llittle ittle be be people who have knowledge apart what iindustry ndustry k nowledge a part ffrom rom w hat tthey hey rread ead iin n books. books. End of of rant. rant. Don’t Don’t get get me me started started on on gas gas End ssafety! afety! Richard G Richard Gawen aw wen Via V ia email email
'& ' '! !* & Air A ir quality quality needs needs attention attention '& ' '!* & off experience o experience We W e welcome welcome the the recent recent calls calls by by the the Clean Clean Air A ir London campaign an agreed iin nL ondon c ampaign ffor or a na greed sstandard tandard off IIndoor o ndoor A Air ir Q Quality uality iin nn new ew buildings. buildings. T imed to to coincide coincide with with National National Clean Clean Air A ir Timed Day D ay ((15 15 J June), une), tthe he c campaign, ampaign, b backed acked b by y tthe he B uilding Engineering Engineering Services S vices A Ser ssociation Building Association ((BESA), BESA), iiss u urging rging tthe he M Mayor ayor o off L London ondon tto o tturn urn the the capital’s capital’s buildings buildings into into ‘safe ‘safe havens’ havens’ against a gainst outdoor outdoor pollution. pollu ution. Att W A Waterloo, aterloo, w we eu understand nderstand the the impact impact of of good g ood a air ir o on nL Londoners. ondoners. W We e have have supplied supplied grilles, grillles, " ) '( &+ " ) '( &+ & * '(&+"(&*'(," +$& & * '( +"( *'(," +$& ' " ' &" * & ' " ' &" * & ssome ome of of tthe he c city’s ity’s m most ost n notable otable n new ew b buildings, uildings, Gardens iincluding ncluding Embassy Embassy G ardens and and the the Francis Francis Crick Cr ick IInstitute. nstitute. $'+ &+"(& ' '!* &* '& '+$* $'+ &+"(& ' '!* &* '& '+$* &+ &+ &&%'$$ '" & & %'$$ '" & & tthe he people people u sing a building, building, which which also also means means using iit’s t’s g good ood ffor or b business. usiness. IItt iimproves mp proves c concentration oncentration and productivity, helps a nd p roductivity, and and it it h elps to to maintain maintain the the ((" *&' "( ,' *& (& "*+$& "' *"! &(' '+( & " *&&' "( ,' *&& (&& "*+$&& "' *"! (' '+( & orr h o healthcare ealthcare provision. provision.
The off p pollution huge. An EU T he iimpact mpact o ollution is is h uge. A nE U rreview eview estimated e stimated six six million million working working days days a year year a are re llost ost a across cross tthe he U UK K ffrom rom p pollution-related ollution-related Asthma off iillnesses. llnesses. A sthma UK UK says says that that two-thirds two-thirds o ' $'&%"* &+ * ,+& ) '(&% ( '& , * , & ' $' '& %"* + * ,+& ) '( % ( '& , * , & and chance off a an attack. a nd an an increased increased c hance o na ttack. We W e welcome welcome anything anything that that further further ssupports upports existing Approved Document e xisting regulations. regulations. s A pproved D ocument F out number off a air ssets ets o ut tthe he rrequirements equirements for for tthe he n umber o ir changes per hour, c hanges p er h our, with with guidance guidance for for everything everything ffrom rom h hotel otel rooms rooms to to underground underground car car parks. parks. We’re asked give advice on W e’re often often a sked tto og ive a dvice o n sspecifying pecifying best tthe he b est air air terminal terminal devices devices to to deliver deliver the the volume off a air building. We also work rright ight v olume o ir iinto nto a b uilding. W ea lso w ork with w ith trade trade associations associations like like BESA BESA to to achieve achieve best practice b est p ractice iin n tthe he iindustry. ndustry. We conversations W e welcome welcome c onversations with with anybody anybody who w ho would would like like to to discuss discuss how how air air quality quality in in buildings can be b uildings c an b e iimproved mproved. Rick Rick kE Edmondson, dmondson, C Chairman, hairman, Waterloo W aterloo Air Air Products Products
Ih have ave read read letters letters in in this t h is p publication ublication w where here ,+*)('&%'$$&#)+$"!' , +*)(' %'$$ #)+$"!' & && $), '( & + '&+ $"' $), '( & + '&+ + $"' & ffor or ttraining ra i n i n g p posts os t s w without ithout ssuccess. uccess. T This h is gives g ives me me the the impression i mpression that that the the people people rresponsible esponsible ffor or ssetting et t i n g u p tthe he a ppl ication up application fforms orms h have ave little little or or n no o knowledge knowledge about about how how tto o ttrain ra i n p lumb bing a pprentices. I took took a llook ook plumbing apprentices. a thei r application appl ication forms for ms o n l i ne a nd iitt iiss att their online and quite q uite clear clear that that they they have have got got the the application application process pr ocess all a l l wrong. w ron g. The plumbers T he most most important i mpor ta nt thing th i n g for for p lu mbers who are going help w ho a re g oi n g tto o h elp lads lads become become good good $), '( &" &* +*&* ' &+('&!( *&+ $), '( " &* +* * ' &&+(' !( *&+ & (', *& (', *& damn good and widely experienced, and d a mn g ood a nd w idely e xperienced, a nd tthat hat are who has managed tthey hey a re ssomeone omeone w ho h as m anaged llabour abour off a all ages att lleast years. Educational o ll a ges ffor or a east tten en y ears. E ducational #)+$"! +*" &+ # )+ $ " ! +*" &+ & &+ "$"* & ,'&$+ * & & &+ + " $ "* & ,'&$+ * I sstarted ta r ted iin n tthe he iindustry ndustr y w with ith n no oG GCSEs, CSEs, '( ' '( ' &+&! '& '+(&+ (' *" ' " & +" ' & + ! '& '+ ( + (' *" ' " + " ' & a full f u l l tech tech City City & Guilds Gu i lds a and nd pr progressed og r e ssed rright i g ht u p to to senior sen ior management ma na gement level level in in up tthe he industry. i ndustr y. I have have w worked orked a ass a rregional eg iona l Engineering E ngineering Manager Manager for for a major major British British PLC PLC and ass a rresident a nd a esident engineer/Clerk en g i neer/Clerk of of Works Works ffor or ssome ome o off tthe he b best est consultants/architects consu lta nts/a rchitects iin n tthe he c country. ou ntr y. R Retired et i r e d n now, ow, I a am m ssad ad tto o ssee ee the the way way standards s t a nd a r d s h have ave sslipped l ipped a and nd knowledge k nowled ge is is being bei n g lost. lost.
IIss there there rreally eally a ffuel ue u lp ove erty poverty p roblem? problem? I read read with w ith interest i nterest last la st month’s month’s cover c o v er off p people sstory tory about about the the rise rise in in the the number number o eople considered c onsidered to to b be e iin n ‘‘fuel f ue l p poverty’. over ty’. IIn n tthe he wider w ider media media we we are a re also a lso regularly reg u la rly treated treated ** & * ("' &+ )*& ' $'&% & + *&+ ( & * ("' &+ + )* ' $'&% & + * + ( &* & &* & ffeed eed ttheir heir ffamilies amilies a and nd o others thers who who generally generally ends meet’. have no doubt sstruggle truggle tto o ‘‘make make e nds m eet’. I h ave n o do ubt tthat hat there there are are people people who, who, for for one one reason reason or or another, paying a nother, have have real rea l problems problems p ay i n g ttheir he i r monthly bills but wonder m onth ly bi l ls b ut I w onder ssometimes ometimes just just how h ow much much the the numbers nu mbers are a re exaggerated exa ggerated attention. tto o gain ga i n a ttention. &%' '' &+& '**'(& + '**'( '! "*" & & '(* & '! "*" '(* & &%'& '' S ome people people ttoday od a y c onsider tthemselves hemselves to to Some consider b e ‘hard ‘ha rd done done by’ by’ if i f they they haven’t haven’t got got two t wo be + ( + * + ( &&* '&$+*' *&, "$'& '& * '&$+*' * , " $'& ' +( & + *&+ ( o tr u gg le tto o ttreat reat ttheir he i r k ids tto oa n ot h e r orr sstruggle kids another g a m i n g consul. consu l. W e’ve n ow a l so c ome tto o gaming We’ve now also come b el ieve that that w e have have got got a God God given g iven right right believe we tto o escape escape abroad abroad for for a couple couple o eeks in in off w weeks ** '& ) " ' & & %& ,' '& & ' '!* & ' ) " ' %& ,' '& & ' '!* & w ho ssomehow omehow manages ma na ges to to stump stu mp up up the t he who c a sh to to go go skiing sk i i n g every ever y year! yea r! cash Energy Energ y prices pr ices are a re going goi n g up, up, and a nd I’m I’m going hit many people ssure ure tthat hat iiss g oing tto oh it m any p eople iin n tthe he pocket, p ocket, but but if i f it it means mea ns one one lless ess ttakeaway a keaway meal cinema, m ea l or or ttrip r ip tto o tthe he c i nema , well wel l so so be be it. it. When W hen I was was young young such such ‘treats’ ‘treats’ were were a yearly yearly event att best and was no e vent a best a nd tthere here w as n o ssuch uch tthing hing ass central a centra l heating, heati n g, so so perhaps perhaps ‘the ‘the fuel f ue l poor’ and how p oor’ sshould hou ld sstop top a nd tthink h i n k jjust u st h ow well wel l &* ' &('+$$ &+('& , +(' & * ' & ('+ $ $ & + (' , + (' &* & (' " ) & * (' " ) & generations. g enerations. S.Price, S .Pr ice, V Via ia e email ma i l
Spotted d on Twitter Twit itter r Gastech @bunnyman Told old customer last year her boiler is 21 next year, she should have a party. Turn up this year she remembered and made cake! Heatbase Worcester @heatbaseworc
time ever. Boilerman @B0ILERMAN It’s so true we deal with a lot of day to day crap that’s just part of dealing with front line customers. P R Hull ltd @PRHullltd The reason I joined Twitter was to make new connections & help installers. We need to raise standards & improve the image of our industry.
Brian B r ian Penny, Penny, via v ia email em a i l
Let us know what you think... The Editor Editor welcomes welcomes letters letters from fr from readers readers on on all aspects a spects of of the the iindustry. ndustr y. Letters Letters can can be be sent sent by by email e mail or or post post but but must must have have a return return name, name, phone phone number and n umber a nd address address (not (not for for publication). publication).
Please P lease address address your yo our letters letters to: to: The Editor, The Editor, PHAM PHAM News, News, 1b 1b Station Station Square, Square, Flitwick, F litwick, Bedfordshire, Bedfordshire, MK45 MK45 1DP 1DP
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PHAM JULAUG17 WORCESTER BOSCH:Layout 1 06/07/2017 14:42 Page 1
July/August 2017
Gadgets & Tools Greater visibility
In the start of a new series of articles, Antony Provan – the man behind Gas App Uk – talks about working with co-founder Matt Stonehouse and provides an update on what’s new in the app.
Training Centre goes from strength to strength I’ve had some really positive feedback from the article in last month’s PHAM News. Every day more members are coming on board and more manufacturers and decision makers are expressing interest in getting involved. In this first column, I’m keen to give a shout out to my former business partner and Gas App Uk’s co-founder, Matt Stonehouse, who worked with me on researching and launching the app over the course of about a year. After meeting at a plumbing merchant, Matt and I worked together on a few gas engineering jobs and became drinking Antony (left) with co-founder Matt Stonehouse buddies and friends. This was around the time I had my app eureka moment – I realised there was a gap in the market for a one-stop-shop app offering all of the information gas engineers need. The app wouldn’t be what it is today without Matt’s expertise. Having been in the game for more than 15 years, and as a trainer in plumbing and gas engineering for the last five years, Matt’s technical knowledge is second to none. His knowledge, time and entrepreneurial mind-set has helped to make the app the success it is today. Unfortunately, entrepreneurs never sit still for long. After about a year, Matt had to stop working on the app to focus on setting up his new training centre. There just weren’t enough hours in the day for managing the renovation of the centre, never mind working on the app. Fortunately, Matt’s hard work is paying off. Earlier this year, he opened Elements Training and Assessment Centre in Stourbridge to provide training and assessment in a range of areas such as gas, plumbing and heating, renewables and oil. Since then, it has become a BPEC approved centre and is going from strength to strength as a hub of training excellence. I look forward to hopefully working with Matt again in the future and I can’t recommend his centre highly enough. For more information about Elements Training and Assessment Centre, visit
Talking dirty – taking steps to clean the system I have come across too many central heating systems where the boiler is just a year or two old but has already broken because all the pipework and radiators are full of black sludge and magnetite. In this situation, a small percentage of engineers simply swap the boiler. They’re interested in securing the job, earning some dosh and quickly moving on to the next job. They’re not interested in offering best practice advice. This is a personal bugbear of mine because the system remains filthy. It’s like buying a brand new car, taking the engine oil out of your old banger, and putting it into your lovely new car. You
wouldn’t do that in a million years. So why do it with a heating system? Our partner ADEY has implemented the ADEY Best Practice™ approach to cleaning and maintaining heating systems. This includes a six-step process using products, chemicals and water testing to optimise a system’s performance and efficiency. I recommend this approach and think it’s vital to take the time to explain to clients the benefits of cleaning their system. They can cut heating bills by 6% year on year, increase the lifespan of the boiler, reduce the need for maintenance call-outs, and help prevent costly boiler issues and breakdowns.
Points make more prizes with pumps promotion Gas App Uk recently announced a partnership with the UK leading pump supplier Grundfos, which supplies pumps and pump systems for domestic, commercial building services and process industry applications. There are now even more reasons to purchase Grundfos pump products as the company’s WIN & EARN loyalty
scheme is currently offering a whopping 2000 extra points – worth £10 – if you register your first product by the end of July. And the benefits don’t end there as each month there is a draw where you can win some great gifts such as a satnav and a Roberts radio… look out for the stickers on participating products or visit
To join the Gas App community simply visit the Apple or Google store and search for Gas App Uk and get a 7-day free trial.
Mighty mini drill can pack a punch The new 10.8V BL rotary hammer drill (HR166D) from Makita is a compact machine for use in confined spaces. It features brushless motor technology and has the appearance and features of its 18V ‘big brother’ version, but is a third smaller in overall dimensions. The drill will run up to 680rpm and generate up to 4800 impacts per minute. With 1.1 joules of energy, this machine will punch a 16mm hole into concrete, 13mm in wood, and 10mm in steel.
The overall body design delivers excellent machine balance, with the brushless motor and driveline positioned directly above the battery, with the rear anti-vibration handle and side-handle providing good working control. Weighing just 2.0kg with a 4.0Ah battery fitted, this compact and lightweight machine has electric brake, variable speed trigger and a constant speed control, plus LED job light. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Designed to make it easier to identify laser markings in brightly lit environments, the GreenBeam LAX 300G laser from Stabila uses green laser lines for optimum visibility. Green laser lines are four times more visible than red ones, ensuring greater accuracy and fewer marking errors. Operation is simple, with a single-button operation for easy changeover of functions. The laser can be used all day without needing to be recharged, while a handy belt pouch means the tool can be kept conveniently close to hand. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
No need to search for keys With the Knipex TwinKey, there is no need to keep track of a bunch of keys when you want to access standard cabinets and shut-off systems. This small, multifunctional key allows you access to cabinets, lockers, and cupboards and can be used when controlling heating and ventilation systems, air conditioning, or gas and water supply and shut off valves. It’s a challenge to find something it can’t open!
The lightweight 8-arm version has two 4-way spider keys, which are connected with a powerful magnet to save space. A reversible bit is joined to the key by a stainless steel wire. This tough little tool is designed to meet the highest demands. Pop it on your tool belt and waste no more time searching for keys – this handy little device does it all. ENQUIRY No. 107
Easier lifting and levelling This multi-purpose inflatable shim wedge is perfect for fixing, levelling and lifting windows, doors, appliances and other equipment. With Coreplate technology to restrict buckling, and a load capacity of 120kg, the Hedgehog Easy Air Inflatable
Wedge can lift heavy weights with ease. It is designed to be inflated or deflated so that the unit is held in just the right position. A bulb pump and release valve is attached for easy inflation and deflation. The wedge itself is slim enough to slide into narrow gaps before being pumped up. Created by Easy Innovations, the Easy Air Wedge is a fully tested and certified product made from durable materials. It is available online, including from Amazon, which sells it for £12.40.
PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 04/07/2017 09:16 Page 15
July/August 2017
GADGETS GA ADGE ETS & Tools Tools 15 Remote R emote app app control control of of floodlight f loodlight New from New from B Bosch osch iis s a cordless cordless LED worklight can be L ED w orklight tthat hat c an b e controlled c ontrolled rremotely. emotely. The The GLI G LI 18 18 V-1900 V-1900 C Professional Professional Floodlight enables users F loodlight e nables u sers tto o control off iits features c ontrol a rrange ange o ts fe atures via v ia an an app, app, which which llets ets y you ou sswitch w itch iitt o no ff, c ont rol on orr o off, control llevel e v el o r ightness, and and off b brightness, check c heck battery batter y status. stat us. All A ll of of tthis h is c an b ea chieved o ver a can be achieved over distance d istance of of up up to to 15m. 15m. T he floodlight floodlight o ffers a The offers brightness b r ightness o off 1 1900 90 0 llumens umens and a nd a dimmed dimmed m mode ode o off
1 0 0 0. U sing a n1 8V5 .0 A h 1000. Using an 18 5.0 Ah battery, b atter y, runtime r unt ime is is eight eight hours h ours in in dimmed dimmed mode mode
and four and four h hours ours a att ffull ull power. p ower. The The angle angle c can an b be e adjusted a djusted up up to to 120°, 120°, with w it h off fi five a choice choice o ve different different positions, p osit ions, and and a thread t hread is is provided p rov ided for for a attachment ttachment to to a sstandard tandard 5/8 iinch nch tripod. tr ipod. The also T he rrobust obust frame, frame, which which a lso acts a ct s a as s a carrying car r y ing handle, handle, withstand iiss designed desig ned tto o w it hstand harsh Suited h arsh conditions. condit ions. S uited both and outdoor tto ob ot h iindoor ndoor a nd ou tdoor applications, a pplicat ions, tthe he llighting ight ing u nit’s cover c o v er o ffers IIP P 5 4 unit’s offers 54 rresistance esistance tto ow atter a nd dust. dust. water and
The T he new new fl floodlight oodlight is is part part o Bosch’s c onnected ttools ools off Bosch’s connected rrange, ange, w which hich a also lso iincludes ncludes a c ombi drill drill and and angle angle grinder. grinder. combi Bosch B osch is is currently currently y offering offering a ffree ree W Withings ithings ‘‘Activité Activité Steel’ Steel’ ttracker racker watch wattch worth worth over over £135 £ 135 on on purchases purchases of of selected selected connected c onnected pr products. oduc u ts. T To o fi find nd out o ut ab about out tthe he rrange an nge o off b bonuses onuses and a nd discounts discounts available, available, v visit: isit: w w w.b os ch-p r ofes s ion a l. c /bonusbang PHAM P H A M NEWS NEWS ENQUIRY ENQUIRY No. No. b
108 10 8
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PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 04/07/2017 09:16 Page 16
July/August 2017
16 BUSINESS Matters Skin protection an overlooked matter
Accounting ease Version 5 of Powered Now’s software for trade businesses now lets users record everything they need to get their accounts done. All expenses can be recorded in the app and full support for the HMRC Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is also available. Contractors and subcontractors using Powered Now can send CIS invoices electronically to each other. New financial reports also provide detailed analysis, helping users understand exactly where they are with
profits and how the current year compares with the last. CEO Benjamin Dyer says: “We have been answering some of the biggest issues our customers face. This new release tackles the thorny issues of expenses, costs and CIS.” The Powered Now app works on iPhones, iPads, Android, PCs, laptops and Macs. Ease of use is a major aim and everything is optimised for trade businesses. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Safety expert Arco is urging UK businesses to do more to protect their employees against the dangers of the sun this summer, following a recent survey that suggested only 5% of workers receive UV protection from their employers. Although UV rays are damaging to the skin and can cause health problems, the risks facing those who work outdoors are often overlooked. Arco says employers should
encourage employees to use protection when the UV Index level, which is
available online, reaches three or above. According to HSE guidelines, UV radiation
should be considered an occupational hazard for people who work outdoors. Arco’s Darren Williamson says: “Sun safety is an incredibly vital subject as it’s often an afterthought, or entirely forgotten. We believe sun protection is one of the most important items of PPE, which is why we supply Deb Stoko’s Sun Protect range.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Platform for trusted tradespeople Centrica has launched a new on-demand service, Local Heroes, providing a digital platform to find trusted local tradespeople to carry out work in the home. The service currently connects people with local plumbing, heating, electrical and drainage experts. Local Heroes links the
customer-tradespeople journey, from searching for a job and providing a price estimate, through to confirmation and online payment. All work that is undertaken via Local Heroes is backed by a 12-month British Gas guarantee. For those who are successfully vetted and
approved to become Local Heroes, the business model opens up a new stream of work opportunities available within their local area. Mark Hodges, Chief Executive at Centrica Consumer, says: “Local Heroes is a perfect example of how we see innovation and new technologies
flourishing at Centrica. It is the first online platform that offers a complete start-to-finish experience, introducing customers to local tradesmen – crucially, all backed by the peace of mind of a British Gas guarantee.” To find out more, visit the website: www.localheroes. com
PHAM JULAUG17 FIREBIRD:Layout 1 03/07/2017 09:50 Page 1
July/August 2017
18 Training Update
Proudly sponsored by
Comprehensive course in heat pumps Centre of Excellence status for Sentinel NIBE Energy Systems has launched the British Plumbing Employers Council (BPEC) heat pump course, an industry recognised qualification required for installers to become or retain MCS accreditation. The course addresses installation and maintenance on a variety of heat pump systems, including ground source and air source for domestic and commercial applications. Candidates should ideally have in excess of five years experience in an associated field and a qualification
which equates to NVQ Level 3 in plumbing, heating or engineering. However, the
course is also available to those that are currently working towards such
qualifications to allow them to gain specialised training in this sector. The three day course will take place at NIBE’s Chesterfield facility and is suitable for existing BPEC holders who need to renew and also new installers seeking the qualification for the first time. The latter is subject to qualifying conditions. The course costs £360 per person. Available course dates are 12-14 September, 17-19 October, and 14-16 November. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
CPD covers combined heat and power The new CIBSE-approved CPD module offered by Elco Heating Solutions has been designed to help building services engineers maximise the benefits of combined heat and power (CHP) when incorporated within a commercial heating system. The module considers all major aspects of commercial CHP installations, including: how
to size a CHP unit and the different design approaches for optimum running times and efficiencies; fundamentals of a thermally-led CHP installation, including correctly sizing a buffer vessel/ thermal store; followed by details on combining a CHP with gas condensing boilers. The new CPD is delivered alongside a worked example
in a hotel application, allowing attendees to apply the key learning objectives in a typical commercial environment. The module also covers the benefits of using CHP in commercial installations, as well as the considerations for achieving ‘Good quality’ CHP status. Ian Bradley, Elco MD, says: “Building services
engineers attending this module will be supplied with the tools to deliver the best possible CHP heating system, while being led through the principles of a worked example that will no doubt apply to projects they plan on a day-to-day basis.” To register, visit www.elco.
(l-r) Daniel Cheung (Sentinel UK Trade Marketing Manager), Matt Haines (BMF Regional Manager) and Neil Davies (Sentinel Trade Marketing Director)
Centre of Excellence status has been granted by the Builders Merchants Federation (BMF) to Sentinel’s training facility at its HQ in Daresbury, Cheshire. The modern space will be used to host builders merchants, including specialist plumbing and heating merchants, attending regional BMF events that deliver support in areas such as training and development, business advice, and policy representation. “Sentinel is proud to partner with the BMF, an
organisation that works so hard to deliver tangible and effective support to builders merchants across the country. “As a Centre of Excellence, we have greater opportunity to strengthen our awareness of the market and undertake initiatives, such as research and product surveys, with its members. Ultimately, the partnership enables Sentinel to deliver enhanced services to our customers,” says Neil Davies, Marketing Director. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Learn the basics OFTEC approved course in oil heating of air distribution To get a better understanding of how air distribution works in buildings, Waterloo Air Products is offering a course on Wednesday 19 July at its HQ in Aylesford, Kent. The course introduces the key science used in HVAC applications, looking at how aerodynamics, temperature and acoustics affect the distribution of air. Trainers will mix theory with practical demonstrations so everyone can see firsthand how air distribution works. Book a free place on the course by emailing: rachel.roots@ For more information, visit: www.waterloo.
Investigate fumes Barnsley based ECS Gas Training has recently introduced the CMDDA1 qualification – Investigation of Fumes reporting. ECS points out that local authorities and landlords are being driven towards carbon monoxide checks in their properties and the demand for this type of work is increasing. The qualification can be achieved in two to three days. Classes are limited to six people for a personalised programme delivered in a stress-free environment. Call 01226 741800 to book a place on the course.
Steve Willis Training recently unveiled a new OFTEC approved oil heating training and assessment facility at its Portchester training centre. CEO of OFTEC, Paul Rose, was on hand to perform the official opening, noting that out of 84 OFTEC approved centres in the UK, Steve Willis Training is in the top five in terms of technician throughput. At the ribbon cutting ceremony, Paul commented: “This is a fantastic facility. It is well laid out with latest tech, and the investment shows the level of confidence that remains in the oil heating market.” The new oil centre has been created with the support of Worcester Bosch as part of a long standing partnership between the two companies. Worcester has provided all the boilers for use in the training and assessment.
(l-r) Nick Fothergill, Paul Rose, and Steve Willis at the opening
Aico rolls out new facilities for alarms The training and support services provided by Aico have been enhanced with the addition of two new mobile training and demonstration units as well as an extended Centre of Excellence in Oswestry, Shropshire. The manufacturer of fire and carbon monoxide alarms developed the mobile unit to deliver detailed product and alarm technology information, plus its CPD-accredited expert installer training, directly to the customer. Information boards for Aico’s RadioLINK+, AudioLINK, and alarm ranges – with fully
functional product attached – are installed within the units, along with a virtual tour of the company’s manufacturing process in Shannon, Ireland. The internal layout is flexible
and can be configured to meet different requirements, be it a hands-on training session with Aico alarms and technologies, a product demonstration, or working
on bespoke specification projects. In addition to the mobile units, Aico also provides training, product demonstrations and much more at its Centre of Excellence, in Oswestry. Opened in 2015 as part of Aico’s 25th anniversary celebrations, the Centre has been expanded to twice its size to meet the demand for its use. The workshop allows for 20 people to attend a hands-on training session and view alarms in action with the use of a smoke chamber. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
PHAM JULAUG17 PEGLER:Layout 1 03/07/2017 09:49 Page 1
Sponsored column
Getting to know you Each month, PHAM News shines the spotlight on installers around the country to get a picture of what life is like for them at work and at play. NAME: Vaughan Maule COMPANY: Vaughan Maule Plumbing & Heating In today’s age of fake news, no matter how good a product is, there’s always the odd misconception circulating about it. So PHAM News has teamed up with Geberit to separate fact from fiction regarding the company’s Mapress press fitting systems.
Myth: You have to use a spray to lubricate the fitting. Geberit Mapress fact: Not with Geberit Mapress – there’s no lubrication needed.
sing lubricants to help connect pipework fittings is often thought of as a necessary evil. They can be messy to apply and slow down the job, but impossible to do without. That’s not the case with the Geberit Mapress press fitting system – no lubricants are required and you won’t be left in a sweat trying to secure the connection. That’s because all Geberit components are designed to fit together perfectly for a completely integrated pipe system. So not only is no lubricant required, installers can also ditch the need to weld or solder too. In fact, the only tools needed to form a reliable, tight and durable connection are a cutter, deburrer and press tool. This means that secure connections can be made in half the time compared with conventional methods such as soldering. Connecting pipework in tight spaces is easier with this method too, making Geberit Mapress particularly suitable for retrofit projects and complex installations. With Geberit Mapress, the pipe is pushed into the press fittings to the
necessary insertion depth and then pressed using the pressing tool to achieve the required mechanical stability. The permanent hydraulic tightness is obtained through the resilience of the O-ring, with the established connection between the press fitting and pipe being permanent. The pressing tool, which has been specially designed to suit Geberit supply pipes, ensures a precise, simple and reliable pressing operation. The absence of any lubricants not only means that there is less mess left behind, it also reduces health and safety risks that many installers may not even be aware of. Many such solutions are chemical based and therefore potentially harmful to your skin, not to mention your lungs if the fumes are breathed in. Geberit Mapress is available in four materials (copper, stainless steel, carbon steel and CuNiFe) and in dimensions 12mm right up to 108mm. The pressing process reduces labour times considerably compared to traditional methods, meaning costs are also reduced.
FROM: Gloucester
At work...
At play...
What would you say is best about the job you do? “Every single bit of it, it’s just brilliant. It’s interesting and you get to meet lots of different people. I work for myself so I can come and go as I please – I might work 12 hours one day, but then I know I can make up for it another day. It’s a great job. I’d recommend it to any young person starting out now.”
What are your main interests outside of work? “Football is my main hobby. I’m a Manchester United fan, but I also follow Watford because my wife is a Watford fanatic – she followed them from the fourth division up to where they are now. I also sit on the committee for our local club, so that keeps me busy with everything from mowing pitches to fixing toilets. Watching kids’ football is the best thing in the world, to be honest – it makes you realise the professionals aren’t quite as good as they are portrayed.”
How did you get into the industry? “By sheer accident! I was working on a dairy farm and got made redundant when the milk quotas came in. I went to the job centre looking for a job but there was nothing about. Then when I got home there was a plumber there who needed a hand, so I helped him out for a couple of hours. Those couple of hours turned into a couple of days, a couple of days turned into a couple of years, then I went and got my qualifications and here I am, 30 years later, still doing it.” What’s the worst part of the job? “I very much prefer installing than servicing. It’s not that it’s bad, and I enjoy the problem-solving element, but my preference is not to do service work as frequently as installation work.” What makes up the majority of your work? “I do heating systems and particularly oil boilers 99% of the time, whether that’s unvented cylinders or combis. The rest of the time I do bathrooms and other general plumbing and heating. I don’t do gas – there’s not enough of it out here for it to be worthwhile.” Do you get involved with any renewables? “We do some renewables, but I just don’t think the money’s there at the moment. So unless somebody really wants to be green because they can afford to be, there’s not much incentive. The thing that annoys me most about renewables is all the red tape. You have to do so much paperwork and so many calculations before you get the job.” Where does most of your work come from? “Mostly word of mouth. When you’ve been going for 35 years, as I have, you get a big clientele. The phone rings and I turn up and do the job – it’s as simple as that. People recommend you, and if you look after people they look after you.”
Do you manage to take time out for lunch? “My lunch hour doesn’t exist. I don’t do lunch. I have a good breakfast – a couple of pieces of toast with marmalade, or some porridge depending on the time of year – and then I just drink tea during the day until I come home at night. I have about 5 or 6 cups a day, but how many of those I actually drink depends on how busy I am!” Who’s the cook in the family? “The wife’s the cook, definitely! We have all sorts, but we’ve got a massive allotment so we live off of that most of the time with what we’ve grown. I’m not very good at that either, so I just do the manual bit – the digging, the grass cutting – whatever I’m told really!” Have you got any holidays booked this year? “We always go to Cornwall, it’s a family tradition. If you offered the kids to go anywhere in the world, they’d choose Cornwall. Aside from that, we do sneak off for the odd weekend here and there. I think we’re going to the South of France this year, and we sometimes go to London. It’s great to have a bit of a break and see different parts of the world.”
PHAM JULAUG17 SPIROTECH:Layout 1 03/07/2017 09:51 Page 1
PHAM JULAUG17 GEBERIT:Layout 1 03/07/2017 09:53 Page 1
July/August 2017
BATHROOM Design 23
Keeping tabs on the key trends in design Any bathroom installer needs to stay on top of design trends and changes in consumer lifestyles – so what’s around the corner? We asked Ideal Standard International designer Robin Levien to provide an insight into some of the bathroom trends of the future.
he bathroom continues to be a key element of our homes, playing a much greater role beyond that of being just another part of the daily routine where you start and end your day. It has become both multi-purpose and multi-functional, from somewhere to get energised and inspired to a space where you can relax and unwind. This only looks set to continue in coming years Robin Levien, designer as we address the trends, lifestyle, issues, sustainability and demographics of the future.
Space saving With ever smaller spaces allocated to bathrooms, making the maximum use of available space will become ever more important. With the need to maximise space, floor standing pedestal basins are truly becoming a thing of the past and could soon be extinct. Wall hanging vanity basins make cleaning simpler and save space and it’s likely in coming years we’ll see a proliferation of these on the market. They are a saviour especially in small bathrooms, as a clear expanse of floor below creates the illusion of space. Walk in showers, with the entrance to the showering space at floor level, are set to become ever more popular. The principles of accessibility, sustainability, adaptability of layout and the modular potential are important aspects of the design strategy.
Demographic trends Demographics are an inescapable reality. The bathroom industry is yet to wake up to this big opportunity. There will be an increase in multi-age households due to the on-going lack of affordable housing and ever increasing
Ideal’s Concept Air suite features a stand alone bath
Space saving ideas and natural finishes remain popular
population. Bathrooms will have to be ‘inclusive’ to meet the needs of young and old. Most bathrooms are bought by either younger people (millennials) or older (baby boomers). It is interesting to note that the boomers spend three times more on their bathrooms than the millennials.
It’s often been avoided in bathrooms, but light wooden furniture and surfaces are going to be a big trend. Thanks to a range of new finishes and treatments, woods that once wouldn’t have survived in such damp environments are now hardwearing enough to withstand wet conditions. Great for adding a rustic theme to a bathroom, think less polish, more salvage and rough-hewn finishes.
Stand alone baths Once the preserve of the enormous bathrooms of the rich and famous, standalone baths continue to go from strength to strength. New developments mean that stand alone baths can be fitted in a more normal bathroom for a truly glamorous, spa-like finish. Smaller versions of popular bath designs are being introduced – and the advent of the spacesaving freestanding bath means no longer compromising on bathing comfort, or style.
Natural materials Bathrooms have to last for a long time, an average of 16 years, so more neutral designs that don’t go out of fashion are important. When asked what style people wanted for their bathroom the preference was for contemporary and neutral. This fits with the growing interest in sustainability as a neutral design will last longer than a trendy one.
Taking control There’s an increasing use of technology in the bathroom from LED lighting to indicate when the water has reached your pre-set temperature to setting water limits in your bathtub without worrying the water will overflow. The digital bath and shower controls help to reduce water consumption – that’s good for the planet and household bills.
Time saving Busy lives mean we’re less inclined than ever to install a bathroom product that is going to take up our time with cleaning. Thankfully, rimless toilets, which provide a more powerful flush without splashing, are set to become ever more popular and provide easy cleaning as well as a pleasing aesthetic. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. 116
Making the most of advances in technology Alan Dodds, MD at Roca UK, takes a look at how bathroom design continues to evolve over time. Bathrooms have always been a functional space, but homeowners are increasingly looking to create a design-led room with new materials, styles and technologies capable of substantially improving comfort, well-being and hygiene for homeowners. For installers, this provides the opportunity to create functional but also more attractive feature rooms for their customers, meeting current trends while offering a better margin for their business. Sanitaryware design has changed dramatically in recent years. The development of smooth, rimless toilets where there are no edges
for germs and bacteria to build up are extremely hygienic as well as easy to clean. The new water distributor within this type of toilet enables a strong flush, spreading water more consistently around the bowl for greater hygiene. A rimless toilet is also a much more aesthetically attractive design piece for the bathroom. Product innovation has created not only a demand for designled bathroom products but also an opportunity for quicker and easier installation. Systems that conceal the cistern behind the wall offer an alternative to traditional ceramic cisterns and are ideal for
saving space in the bathroom and preserving the integrity of the design scheme. Compact options are also available when space is at a premium as well as low height variations to help with concealed installations beneath windows.
Water saving Another factor that has grown in significance is the drive to save water. For example, our latest systems feature dual flush valves which can be set to 6 or 3 litres, or at a water saving level of 4.5 or 3 litres, offering reliable and consistent performance, proven for over 200,000 cycles. There are
also taps available with flow limiters to restrict the flow to a specified maximum number of litres per minute, increasing water saving and efficiency for homeowners. Another evolution in bathroom technology is the development of smart toilets, sometimes referred to as shower toilets. The latest products are easy to use and incorporate intuitive controls, with functions being operated via a remote control. They are also easy to install. For example, the Roca InWash Inspira (pictured) has hidden fixings and requires only one inlet and a conventional power supply. The bathroom continues to evolve.
There’s plenty to talk about with customers and, as Roca marks its centenary year, there has rarely been a better time to be selling and installing bathrooms. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
July/August 2017
24 Bathroom Design
Why it’s important to plan ahead Before fitting any bathroom, it’s important to understand the customer’s needs and potential design limitations. Mark Cham, Category Manager – Bathrooms & Showering at Plumbase, highlights some of the considerations that need to be made at the planning stage.
n the past, bathrooms have been seen more as a utility rather than a living space and were, as a result, often overlooked when it came to investing in the home. Thankfully, the bathroom has now been given its rightful position as a room worthy of attention. As a result, end users are increasingly looking to spend more time focused on the design, look and feel of their bathroom, something which installers are unlikely to have the time to fully investigate. Mark Cham from Plumbase With limited product and installation knowledge available in high street retailers, merchant showrooms are becoming increasingly popular thanks to a thorough understanding of likely plumbing issues and access to a large product range.
Space aware Key to being able to offer the best product advice is having a thorough understanding of the space. This will include the room dimensions, but also the position of the soil pipe for the WC – is it through the wall or in the floor? Will it have to turn left or right inside the bathroom or behind the pan? Is the floor solid or suspended? This could dictate whether pipework will need to be above the floor and boxed in or channelled into the floor and hidden. Are there any skeiling
Style now comes at a lower price A new range of premium electric and thermostatic mixer showers has been launched by Triton, aimed at consumers seeking fashionable, welldesigned products at the right price. The Affordable Style collection includes the Amore electric model plus the Eden and Kensey thermostatic mixers, each available with a wide choice of accessories. The Amore electric shower features a bright digital display which confirms power selection and a separate stop/ start button which retains the previous temperature setting. A 1.5m durable anti-twist hose comes as standard, as does a 110mm multi-spray pattern shower head. Ideal for family use, the new WRAS approved Eden mixer (pictured) offers several all chrome alternatives, including exposed or built-in variants, with TMV2 control. Fast, push-fit fixings and brackets make installation quick and easy too. With a smart cross handle aesthetic, the Kensey will suit both modern and period homes. Any Eden or Kensey valve, shower head and arm can be mixed and matched, allowing customers to select their personal style.
A bathroom showroom can help to provide some inspiration
Our designers can offer advice to end users and installers
ceilings and what are their heights? This could dictate the position of the tallest items like shower enclosures. What kind of domestic hot water is present? Is it high or low pressure? A good bathroom designer will know exactly what questions to ask the end-user in order to gather all of these facts and develop an understanding of how to achieve the result they are looking for.
room. Acrylic baths also generally offer better slip resistance than an enamelled bath under wet feet, however, some customers will prefer the more substantial feel of a steel bath.
WCs and basins
Once the largest item(s) in the room have been established and positioned on a plan, the bathroom designer will then look at the WC and basin. Does the homeowner want a Showers and baths conventional close coupled WC with a basin and pedestal or With the key spatial questions covered, product choices do they desire wall hung items? Have they got pipework to can be tailored to the end user’s objective. In the case of a hide and do we need to include any storage under the basin shower, the size of the shower area will dictate the style of or additional cupboards? This is an important question as enclosure. If it’s an average square tray, a pivot or bi-fold door it could be dictated by the current pipework situation or in with or without a return side panel is likely to be the best itself dictate the position of first fix plumbing if it’s a brand new room in an extension. option. For larger areas, the Any wall hung or boxeddoor could become a slider, or in sanitaryware will require be removed entirely to create either prefabricated units or a walk-in shower. bespoke boxing on site that Likewise, if the waste pipe may need to include support can be run below floor level frames. Prefabricated units then a low profile tray can could form of a ‘run’ of be used, which can now be furniture that not only hides as low as 25mm. These can pipework but incorporates even be ‘let into’ the floor to some storage cupboards create an almost level access. and usually a decent run of At this point a ‘wetroom’ worktop as well. could be considered where Recently, modular furnithe tray former is under the ture has become much more tiled bathroom floor creating popular – utilising standa fall into a waste gully and alone basins and vanity units therefore a seamless look which can also be wall-hung to the bathroom floor and Installers should make the most of available product options for a ‘floating’ look. These are shower area. If the waste pipe cannot go below the floor, however, then a low profile 40mm often paired with a ‘fully back to wall’ close coupled WC, high tray on legs may be the solution, but care must be where the china on the pan is sealed against the wall so taken at this stage when choosing the enclosure as these that no pipework can be seen, albeit floor or wall soil pipes have become increasingly tall and can present a problem would need to be a given for this style to work. when dealing with low ceiling heights. As all of these aspects come together on the plan it is Walk-in shower enclosures have become very popular vital that their layout remains practical, so it is important in recent years especially if they are replacing a bath. They to maintain adequate floor space to use and move around will often use the same footprint that the bath would have these items. It’s very easy to fall into planning traps by occupied and are merely a piece of glass mounted on the overfilling bathrooms, making the components too large front edge of a large shower tray. It is even possible now for the room, or positioning them without proper thought. to create a walk-in enclosure in a space as small as 1100 These planning and design aspects are just a snapshot of x 800mm by using a hinged deflector panel to keep the the expert and professional advice that Plumbase bathroom water spray within the shower area. designers are able to offer the end user when they are For customers looking to have both a bath and shower the introduced by installers. Ultimately, it is essential that endkey questions to ask is will it be used more for showering users, installers and bathroom designers work together or bathing? This will likely dictate the shape and material at the planning stage to achieve the best possible result. used, a ‘P’ or ‘L’ shaped bath is a good candidate for those PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. 119 used mostly for showering, as they provide extra elbow
PHAM JULAUG17 KOHLER MIRA:Layout 1 03/07/2017 09:54 Page 1
July/August 2017
26 Bathroom Design
Simple steps to fit an open plan shower area Wetrooms and open plan shower areas can sometimes present a challenge for the installer, but manufacturers have come up with a number of ways to make life easier. The new Setaplano system from Geberit has been designed to enable an even-surface shower tray to be fitted in just a few steps.
ot so long ago installing a floor-even shower area would have been a labour intensive process. As the trend towards open plan showers and wetrooms continues apace, the good news for installers is that the latest innovations in product design make it possible for a surface-even shower tray to be fitted in just a few short steps. With Geberit Setaplano, the new solid surface for floor-even showering, installation is made as simple as possible. With the main components pre-assembled and the sealing foil integrated at the factory, customer safety is assured, along with the long lifetime of the surface itself. The material is made up of a resin mixture with mineral filler, creating a non-slip matt finish. The solid surface is very forgiving, with any small defects and scratches simple to buff out. Available in various sizes, from 80 x 100cm to 120 x 120cm, the surface’s edge-free design leaves nowhere for dirt to collect, while the drain cover is simple to lift off, revealing a comb insert that prevents clogging, making maintenance as straightforward as the initial installation. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
1 The feet are simply clicked into the frame
3 Adjusting the height of the frame
2 The feet can easily be locked and unlocked
4 The trap is then fixed to the frame
The open plan installation is completed
5 The shower surface fixes onto the frame
Hardware helps to complete the look Available from CRL is a range of hardware specifically designed for frameless shower doors, from support bars, hinges and U-channels, through to door knobs and towel bars, making it easy to achieve a coordinated finish, with a complete range of hardware supplied by one source.
Frame-free Frameless shower enclosures are easy to customise according to the specification of a customer’s designs. This is good news for installers tasked with fitting a shower into a relatively small space or one that is awkwardly shaped. En-suites are increasingly being created from a spare corner of a master bedroom and second bathrooms are also being squeezed into a converted loft-space, under the eaves. This means showers need to be planned in to fit under sloping ceilings or even in an alcove. With the glass cut to size and modern hinges and brackets available in different shapes and sizes, and with adjustable options, installers can make the shower fit the space.
On the slide
Oil dynamic hinges offer an effective solution for creating a minimal look
One solution which works particularly well in the smaller bathroom is to opt for a sliding shower door. This keeps architectural hardware to a minimum, creating a neat finish with only the header support bar and track holder being visible. Solutions such as the Compact-X sliding door system (pictured right) make it simple to install a bespoke showering area to fit
any space or size of bathroom. Suitable for glass panels of 8, 8.76, 10 and 10.76mm in thickness, with a minimum width of 635mm and a maximum weight of 80kg each, Compact-X conceals all its sliding components within the top track, while an enhanced double soft brake system provides a comfortable sliding action that cushions the glass panels when opening and closing the glass doors.
Hinging on design Enabling installers to create a minimal, highend and bespoke shower area in literally any space, glass clamps provide a cleanlooking alternative to U-channels. Helping to maintain the frameless appearance of a contemporary shower enclosure, these can be specified with square cornered and bevelled edge hinges in a variety of finishes. Hinges with a bottom and top mount design also allow for more of the glass to show, enabling the desired minimal finish to be achieved.
Well oiled Oil dynamic hinges for shower doors are an equally effective solution for creating a minimal aesthetic and high-end finish. These also offer many practical advantages, such
The Compact-X sliding door system helps to save space in smaller bathrooms
as allowing for an adjustable closing speed. Where support bars and brackets are on show, ensuring they fit with the overall style of the bathroom is key. CRL offers a square support bar that responds to the trend for geometric design, while its range of shower door hardware is available in a choice of finishes. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
PHAM JULAUG17 REDRING:Layout 1 03/07/2017 09:54 Page 1
July/August 2017
28 BATHROOM Design
Made with the installer in mind What do installers want most from an electric shower? Before launching its latest range, Redring brought together groups of installers to hear their views. Richard Braid, the company’s Head of Showers and Water Heating, sums up some of the key findings.
omeone once said ‘it’s good to talk’. That’s okay, but it’s better still to listen. And then react. While the householder is the all-important enduser, they’re not the only customer. Merchants, specifiers, contractors and, of course, installers are key influencers in the supply chain and their opinions matter. That’s why we took time out to speak in-depth to groups of installers to find out what they’re looking for Richard Braid, Head of when it comes to choosing Showers and Water Heating at Redring and fitting showers. From the installer’s perspective, our focus groups told us when it comes to electric showers they want not just good products but are looking for ‘a solutions provider’. And to meet that aspiration installation engineers are looking for five essentials: • showers that are easy to install • ready availability so the task at hand can be completed • products that perform well and will last • first class after sales service • a good warranty, which will offer peace of mind both for the installer and the householder. Let’s have a look in more detail at what the installers said on each of those five essentials.
Ease of installation
Ready availability
With 80% of purchases being for replacement installations, the advent of multi-entry showers has been a boon for installers. As well as saving time when it comes to buying and fitting the shower, it means you can now purchase one shower unit to s u i t virtually every replacement job, whatever the brand. A retro-fit installation will typically require drilling to line up the new plumbing and wiring connections, but with multi-entry the need to re-engineer the plumbing, drill through tiles and amend the electrical wiring of the mains feed is much reduced. The higher the number of entry points for pipes and cables Redring’s the better, anything from new Bright four to eight, depending on electric shower the shower in question. The (see below) ability to easily connect to the offers multiple connections shower with either, push-fit – six cable and eight or compression fittings, using water entry points a simple removable adaptor offers further choice and flexibility. A lower removable back plate is also really useful, while left and right-hand pre-wired terminal blocks are also hugely beneficial, our installers said.
The installers in our focus groups told us they prefer to shop at merchants or wholesalers as they can get all the parts and accessories they may need for an installation in one go at one location. Being able to get replacements immediately was the main reason installers prefer merchants over online channels. It also avoids having to shop around on the internet for different parts and fittings, leading to potentially frustrating and profit-reducing delays while components are delivered at different times. Should there be an issue, merchants will swap a faulty item straight away so the installer can finish the job rather than having to wait for a new delivery.
Showers shaped by customer feedback
Made to last The vast majority of showers will last for a length of time considerably longer than the warranty that they come with. From the consumer’s point of view this is a big plus. But also for the installer, the more durable and reliable the shower will reflect well on the contractor who put it in. It is good that the warranty is there as back-up should anything go wrong. But should this happen it may reflect negatively, even though he did nothing wrong. A householder is far more likely to recommend an installer, be they plumber or electrician, if there are no issues associated with the installation or product.
After sales service From the installer’s perspective, particularly in categories where products are similar, good after sales service with a personal touch will have a positive influence on who they want to work with. If they feel the people they are dealing with are approachable, flexible and trustworthy, that will reflect well on the brand’s reputation. They are also looking for a quick response, should any issues arise, and that the person dealing with their enquiry has the right technical know-how. It is better that person is a technician rather than a customer services advisor.
Extended warranty
Redring’s new electric shower line-up (from left to right): Pure, Bright and Glow, featuring a digital temperature display
The new range of electric showers from Redring represents the culmination of 18 months of research and has been designed as a direct result of feedback from numerous installer and stockist focus groups. The three showers – Pure, Bright and Glow – address three key concerns: ease of installation, an extended warranty and competitive pricing. The entry level Pure instantaneous electric shower is simple to operate and attractively priced. It comes with three power settings, an easy-to-use start-stop button, and is ‘A’ rated for
energy efficiency. A two-year warranty comes as standard. Described as the ‘ultimate replacement shower’, the Bright multi-connection model features Redring’s ‘SmartFit’ technology, including twin terminal blocks, six cable entry points and eight water entry points. The shower also comes with an extended three-year warranty for added reassurance. Fully loaded with features, the top of the range Glow shower includes a digital temperature display which shows the user the water temperature
when the shower is in use. For protection against scale in hard water areas it also features a phased shutdown to flush out preheated water when the shower is switched off. Glow also comes with a five-mode showerhead and chrome accents and offers the flexibility of a longer shower hose. Like Bright, it has an extended 3-year warranty as standard. All three showers come with a choice of power options (7.5, 8.5, 9.5 and 10.5kW), and Redring says that a thermostatic range will be launched later in the year.
A warranty offers the installer and end user peace of mind and is a reflection of the confidence the electric shower maker has in the product as well as its quality. It is a valuable guarantee in terms of reliability, ease of installation and performance. Following the feedback we received from installers on the benefits of a good warranty, the new generation of Redring showers that will be introduced later this year – which will include the Bright and Glow models – will carry an industry-leading extended three-year warranty package.
Solutions provider So, after our focus group sessions, it’s clear that today’s installers are looking for more than just good products. What they expect is an all-round solution. This will include a high performing quality electric shower, ready availability of parts and fittings, good technical advice and support and, increasingly, a warranty that underlines the faith a manufacturer has in its brand and which gives them and the householder who engages them lasting peace of mind.
PHAM JULAUG17 AQUALISA:Layout 1 03/07/2017 09:56 Page 1
PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 06/07/2017 14:03 Page 30
July/August 2017
30 BATHROOM Design
Finer details make the difference The popularity of simple, minimalistic design in the bathroom means that there has been a greater focus on the intricate design details of taps and showers. Matthew Hicks, Product Manager at Bristan, suggests how installers can make the most of the minimalist trend.
ccording to the Office for National Statistics, approximately £7.4 billion was spent on home improvements between 2015 and 2016, with bathrooms being the second most popular room to renovate. This level of spending has continued throughout this year, presenting a key opportunity for installers to offer product recommendations and demonstrate their industry expertise. However, to make the most of this continued appetite for bathroom updates, it’s crucial to stay well-informed of the latest trends in order to recommend fittings which are likely to suit your customer’s design aspirations. For many, it will come as no surprise that minimalism is continuing to rule British interior design, but for 2017, there are fresh new takes which focus on understated design flourishes. These intricacies are subdued enough to remain minimal, but add a little character to otherwise low-key fixtures. When it comes to bringing this into the bathroom, taps and showers are a great place to start. Whatever the budget, the right tap or shower can make a big impact on the overall look.
Turned on Whilst taps may not be the first feature that springs to a consumer’s mind when planning a bathroom, they are the fixture that the user will interact with most often and what visitors to the home are likely to notice first. In light of this, it’s a good idea to have a few stand-out products in mind when speaking to customers for an instant style inspiration starting point. Luckily, designers are bringing increasingly sleek taps to market which offer a subtle extra element, perfect for this year’s biggest trend. One such example is our Ebony tap. The simple curved lines which form the body and spout create an elegantly minimalist shape which is slightly more feminine than many of the ultra-industrial options on the market. An understated sense of luxury and individuality is added by the distinctive diamond shape faceted on the top face of the tap for a show-stopping overall look. For homeowners searching for a splash of drama that is compatible with a minimalist environment, open spouted
Bristan’s Ebony taps offer an understated sense of luxury
Keep things simple with the Sonique valve from Bristan
taps are a great recommendation. Our Hampton tap features an unusual front facing water outlet with an open spout, which produces a striking waterfall effect. This, paired with the geometric square shape of the body and rectangular lever, produces the ideal balance of minimalism and eyecatching detail.
there is 17-30mm of inbuilt adjustability to provide further flexibility. Therefore, an installer can purchase any Bristan dual control concealed shower valve knowing that it will fit within the cavity walls of any UK property. Installers can recommend concealed dual control options that incorporate small but impactful ornamentation for a shower, which will set the tone for the whole room and exceed the expectations of the customer. Digital showers are another easy way to provide a minimalist shower solution. A digital valve does not necessarily need to be fitted in the showering area and can be positioned up to 10m from the controller. This means that the valve can be installed in an airing cupboard or loft, for example, providing a smooth, unbroken wall effect in the shower area. Digital units with white or black fascias are particularly eye-catching, adding a touch of Art Deco glamour that brings the bathroom to life. Although minimalism is not new for 2017, it is a trend that has continued to evolve, and this year is no different. With customers on the lookout for beautiful design details, installers should ensure they keep an edge on the competition by staying abreast of developing trends and selecting product recommendations to suit.
Hidden talents For most bathrooms, the shower is the centrepiece of the room, which means that the model selected needs to be perfectly representative of the desired theme. When working with customers who want a modern minimal look, the latest generation of dual control concealed shower valves are a winner for both homeowner and installer. A firm favourite with consumers, the flexibility of their design means they can be teamed with fixed heads, handsets and body jets – with concealed versions being the preferred option. Traditionally, however, they can be challenging to install, as it can be difficult for an installer to judge how much space is available behind a cavity wall, which has led to many installers recommending exposed dual control shower valves instead. To reduce this issue, our dual control concealed shower valves can be fitted into a cavity as small as 35mm, and
Getting in the right frame of mind DallFlex shower channels award winning designs from Europe's acknowledged leaders
Dallmer Ltd. T 01787 248244 W
The benefits of support frames and wall hung sanitaryware are highlighted by VitrA The growth in demand for wall hung fittings has been described as the biggest revolution in British bathrooms since we all went mad for colour in the 70s. Wall hung only became viable in the UK when valve flushing was allowed in place of the siphon. Initially products were only available at the upper end and were very expensive, but now wall hung – and the frames needed to fit it – can be found at all price levels. Wall hung makes sense, especially in the typically small UK bathroom. The fittings hang free of the floor, giving an illusion of space and a wall hung WC occupies a smaller area
than a conventional low level pan. Cleaning is easy – most wall hung pans are a clean simple shape with no visible pipework and places
for dust and dirt to linger. Mopping the floor is also faster when there are no obstacles to clean around. Because the cistern is hidden away inside the frame with just a sleek flush plate visible, the look is clean and uncluttered. Finishes available from VitrA include gloss white, chrome, matt chrome, gold and glass black. Our Loop–T infrared flush plates operate at the wave of a hand – an ideal feature for less able users. Our frame systems are all WRAS approved and are quick and easy to install. Maintenance is simple as the flush plate can be removed, giving access to internal fittings. The panel
gap on the body of the flush plate is designed to provide optimum opening space for maintenance of the filling and flushing units – which should overcome any fears that repairs are a problem should the valve develop a fault. Flushing mechanisms include an overflow pipe that channels excess water down into the WC pan, preventing the risk of flooding. The frames will support up to 60 stone and vary in heights, including a reduced height model, suitable for solid, stud and double stud walls, and in slim and regular sizes to suit the space available. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 06/07/2017 17:49 Page 31
July/August 2017
BATHROOM Design 31 Walk-in shower screen solutions The new Design Solutions range from Aqata includes luxury shower screens and walk-ins styled to help create contemporary wetroom style shower spaces. Designed by an in-house team of skilled craftsman, the new shower screens feature spans of uninterrupted 10mm glass and can be made to measure to fit exact specifications, with a choice of wall fixings, glass type, etched design and handle option to create a personalised solution. The range includes the Design Solutions DS440 model, pictured here with a modesty panel, which features a double entry shower screen and is secured by polished chrome bars. It is also available with a choice of tinted glass or modern etched designs.
Tile-in system for discreet drainage The new Tile-In drainage system from On the Level (OTL) is described as the perfect solution for customers who want to see more tile and less drain when they stand in the shower. Available in linear and square options, the new drain covers have a minimalist stainless steel finish on one side or can be flipped and completely tiled in to create a seamless wetroom floor. The Tile-In linear channel
(pictured) is available in a variety of standard sizes from 600 to 1200mm lengths and is available for bespoke projects on request, while the 15 x 15cm square grating option provides a more traditional look and is particularly suited to mosaic floors. Manufactured from stainless steel, both the linear and square options are available in a brushed or polished finish and can cope with a flow rate of up to 50 litres per minute.
Easy to operate taps and mixers
Extending its range of bath shower mixers and tapware, Methven has introduced two new additions aimed at the UK market. The new Kiri lever pillar taps incorporate paddle lever handles for easy operation and include quarter turn ceramic disc valves for smooth operation. Lever handles and ceramic disc valves also feature on Methven’s new Kiri thermostatic pillar mounted bath shower mixer. It includes a 38°C default safety setting to prevent scalding and comes
complete with the company’s Kiri Satinjet handset, designed to help reduce water consumption while maintaining a luxurious showering experience. The new bath shower mixer works with water pressures between 1.0 and 5.0 bar. It comes with a 9 litre/min flow regulator, wall bracket and a double interlocking 1.5m hose. It is also TMV2 accredited, making it suitable for use in both the social housing and domestic sectors. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 04/07/2017 09:17 Page 32
July/August 2017
Advertisement Feature
32 BATHROOM Design
Accessible design in public areas A
ccessible washrooms are not known for their aesthetics. To comply with the Disability Discrimination Act (2005), function often takes precedence over form. However, Delabie, the leading European manufacturer for water controls and sanitaryware, has launched a range of grab bars and shower seats with design at its core.
Wellbeing The clean lines of Delabie’s Be-Line® grab bars and shower seats provide a new aesthetic, replacing the institutional aspect of adapted washrooms. Concealed fixings and an ergonomic design heighten the impression of comfort and provide a necessary level of discretion. The facilities can be used by any user, at any life stage and regardless of their level of independence, promoting a sense of wellbeing. This makes the shared use of sanitary spaces more agreeable for everyone.
Safe to use
Be-Line® grab bars and shower seats, with concealed fixings and an ergonomic design, provide a new aesthetic for adapted washrooms
Public facilities accommodate all users, so Delabie tests its grab bars and seats to over 200kg, guaranteeing stability and safety for all. Made from extruded and injection-moulded aluminium, the Be-line® range is durable and can withstand intensive use. The smooth, homogenous surface is also easy to clean and the
lack of joints minimises niches where bacteria is likely to proliferate.
Be-Line® shower seats have been designed for intensive use
Ergonomic design Featuring a flat front face, Be-line® grab bars fit the hand’s natural curve perfectly. The ergonomic design prevents the hand from rotating, providing a comfortable and secure grip. This, combined with a minimal gap between the wall and the bar, reduces the risk of fracture since the hand cannot slip between the wall and the bar. The Be-line® range of grab bars and seats is available in two finishes, white aluminium or metallised anthracite, providing a good visual contrast, yet coordinating well with any style of washroom.
Video guide Find out more about Delabie’s solutions for adapted washrooms by visiting the website and watching the video: ergonomics-accessibility
PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 06/07/2017 17:49 Page 33
July/August 2017
BATHROOM Design 33 App provides extra convenience convenient way, eliminating the need for potentially awkward additional work when trying to align with existing pipework, as outlets can be nominated subsequently via the app. There are 12 Mode product options on offer with either ceiling or rear fed fittings, and a choice of valves – a high pressure valve for mains pressurised or combination boilers, or a pumped valve for low pressure or gravity fed systems. Eight valve-only options are also available.
The digital shower range from Mira includes the recently launched Mira Mode, described as an accessibly priced mixer that offers the added convenience of app control. The app allows on/off operation while enabling the user to programme maximum temperatures and shower duration, as well as up to 10 personalised bath-fill settings. For the commissioning installer, the app allows for maximum temperature setting and easy troubleshooting. A chief benefit is the ability to configure feeds and outlets with the app. This means pipework can be installed in a
Think big in the smallest room
With the aim of helping installers meet their customer’s design brief for small bathrooms, N&C Tiles and Bathrooms offers a variety of solutions to make the job easier, from intelligent storage to space saving bathroom suites. The Life Bathroom Suite (pictured) is specifically designed for the smallest bathrooms, featuring an unusually shaped corner bath that maximises space. There is a choice of toilets, seats, and basins as well as a matching mirror to add the finishing touch. The toilets feature a short projection to ensure that less space is taken up. For small WCs, N&C supplies the Drift Cloakroom. It offers a spacious basin area in comparison to most cloakroom wash basins, and they can be combined with wall-hung furniture with intelligent storage solutions and soft close doors.
Hip to be square with Rosewood The new Rosewood bathroom collection from Bathrooms to Love by PJH is an elegantly modern suite featuring square designs. The ceramics include a basin with full pedestal as well as a semi-recessed basin. Close coupled, wall mounted and back-to-wall WCs, all with soft close seat, are available in the Rosewood collection, as well as a semi recessed
basin (535 x 370mm) and a full pedestal basin (560 x 450mm). Pictured here with the Sloane freestanding bath and Ricco floorstanding bath shower mixer, Rosewood presents a modern and simplistic look. Like all ceramics from Bathrooms to Love, Rosewood comes with a lifetime guarantee. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 06/07/2017 09:20 Page 34
July/August 2017
34 BATHROOM Design Versatile sanitary frames The sanitary frames available from Multikwik come in a range of heights to suit a variety of installations, including those under windows and in commercial applications. They are also capable of supporting loads in excess of 400kg (63st) and are designed to last for at least 25 years. The company supplies everything from sanitary frames and concealed cisterns to flush valves and flush plates. Andy Cairns, Category Manager at Multikwik, says: “With sanitary frames being the backbone of any professional plumbing project, our focused range
Quick fit panels
ensures us to have the right product offering for our customers. For example, it includes a variety of hidden bathroom parts, such as new sanitary frames, that are guaranteed to be reliable, versatile and fit perfectly into any bathroom.” Multikwik is also offering four more concealed cisterns equipped with a top and side access facility and a choice of 6/3 or 4/2 litre flush concealed configuration, which provides up to 33% in water saving. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Basins conserve space in small WCs Developed specifically for fitting out small bathrooms or guest WCs are the Cono (pictured) and Puro product families from Kaldewei. With taps fitted to the side, either on the left or right as needed, space is saved and there is adequate room for small accessories. The basins are made from steel enamel, making them robust, easy to maintain and hygienic. The Cono hand washbasin has a square waste
cover made of steel enamel. The Puro range of basins also includes family sized models. Customers can choose from a washbasin with one large hollow – either as a single or double washbasin for two sets of taps – or with two individual hollows. The surface between the two hollows provides additional storage space and is made entirely of steel enamel. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
The Nuance bathroom panelling system from Bushboard can be fit in under three hours. Nuance is suitable for both domestic and commercial bathrooms, and the panels are inherently waterproof. They do not require any extrusions to fit, and are backed by a 15 year guarantee. The 2420mm high tongueand-groove panels available in a range of widths can be fitted from floor to ceiling, resulting in large expanses
of decorative surface where joins are virtually invisible to the eye. The 25-strong Nuance range is available in a choice of five panel sizes with complementary work surfaces and upstands. This gives the design flexibility to quickly and easily create luxurious looking bathrooms with guaranteed quality, style, high performance and cost-effectiveness. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Period style in vogue
Seeing the light Light and Mirrors is a new product series from Duravit that includes a modular range of mirrors that meet a host of requirements in terms of comfort and practicality. The light profile, switch system, size and mirror heating can be individually selected. The entire mirror portfolio is compatible with all Duravit products. There are three light profiles to choose from: ambient light on all four sides, an illuminated area at the top edge of the mirror, or two areas at the sides for optimum lighting scenarios. The ‘Good’ model, offers a wallmounted switch. The ‘Better’ variant is supplied with a sensor switch on the lower edge of the mirror. The ‘Best’ has sensor switch, ambient light at the lower edge for washing-area illumination, and mirror heating. ENQUIRY
The Waverly collection from Ideal Standard has been inspired by the interiors of Victorian and Edwardian homes. Traditional pieces have been recreated to provide any home with an elegant finish. The range features four toilet configuration options along with washbasins for the family bathroom or the cloakroom, all incorporating distinctive, period-defining features. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
PHAM JULAUG17 BMA:Layout 1 05/07/2017 10:57 Page 1
July/August 2017
36 Products in Action
Safe and clean hot water for the kids A new 30-litre Andris Lux Eco unvented electric water heater from Ariston has been fitted at St. Francis’ Catholic Primary School, Kent, providing clean and efficient hot water to the Year 3 students. The unit has been installed in an outbuilding comprising two classrooms and two toilet washrooms, each with their own sink. The water heater is connected to all four sinks, providing additional pupil safety thanks to its built-in anti-legionella function. The new Andris Lux Eco replaced
the old electric water heater which had worn out over time. Neil Dinsmore, Caretaker
at St. Francis’ Catholic Primary School, and Kerry Wotton, Assistant Caretaker,
fitted the unit. Commenting on the installation, Kerry, who is also a qualified engineer, says: “The new Andris Lux Eco water heater is wonderful, it has so many more features than its predecessor, plus it has a very futuristic looking front panel! We are particularly impressed with the antilegionella function – it is reassuring to know that the water will be clean and healthy for everyday use.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
A Hero in district heating scheme Hero, the flushing bypass manifold solution developed by Danfoss, has saved significant man hours on site during the installation of a new biomass district heating system at an independent co-educational school in Dorset by energy experts, Flogas Britain. In a bid to lower heating costs and improve security of supply, the school has replaced its old oil and LPG heating system on a number of circuits with a new centralised energy centre
with two biomass boilers and multiple oil boilers as back-up, with a district heating system serving the
main school campus. A total of 37 Danfoss Hero units are installed in satellite plant rooms across the campus,
connecting the district heating system to meet end user demand and provide optimal balance and control in the heat network. As well as ensuring balance in all load conditions for increased user comfort and energy efficiency, Hero simplifies system flushing to the required BSRIA BG29/2012 standards and also allows measurement of water flow to detect problems such as blockages in the system. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
School application Equipment from Stokvis, installed as part of a refurbishment contract carried out by Trinity Heat Care Ltd, has helped Westley Middle School in Bury St Edmunds to improve the energy efficiency and reliability of its heating system. Two Stokvis R605 boilers have been installed by Trinity, along with one of Stokvis Energy Systems’ C3Ai Econoplate plate heat exchangers and a 500 litre buffer vessel, providing the school with all its heating and domestic hot water for the washrooms, showers and catering facility. Dave Goble of Maverick Consultancy, responsible for the M&E design and specification of the equipment, says: “I cover not just the Midlands but projects nationally, working in the education as well as commercial and other sectors, so I am frequently involved with the installation or replacement of large commercial boilers. In the case of Westley Middle School, I specified the Stokvis R605 boilers together with a plate heat exchanger based on my past experience of working with Stokvis, and the reliability and the technical support the company offers.”
Press system gets Modular set-up to heat large areas on with the show Viega has supplied its Megapress press connection system for the National Theatre of Scotland’s new Rockvilla centre in Glasgow. Specified by design consultant and engineering company Atelier Ten, the technically advanced system was an ideal solution, allowing the contractor team to quickly, easily and reliably install the thick walled steel tube heating system. Installed by Moffat Mechanical in just five months, the system saves up to 60% of assembly time compared to traditional tube connection methods such as welding or threading. The Megapress system also provides a clean connection due to its pressing function, meaning there is no excess cutting oil, metal swarf, hemp residue or jointing compound. The installation at the Rockvilla centre required 500 connections of the thick-walled steel fittings ranging from 15 to 54mm, which was easy to achieve from Viega’s comprehensive selection of fittings ranging from ½ to 2in.
When the boilers at Lound Academy Trust infant school broke down, it was an opportunity to overhaul the entire heating system and ensure the school’s needs would be better met. Alpha Heating Innovation’s Ares Tec 200 boiler was installed, its modular setup suited to heating large areas and its compact design occupying less space, making access for maintenance and servicing much more straightforward. Lound Infant School in Sheffield is a 992m2 single storey building for over 170 children.
Commenting on the installation, Ian Wood at Signum Facilities Management says: “The Ares Tec 200 is a boiler I would choose to work with, as in addition to its extensive heating capabilities, it is conducive to fitting into confined spaces. “There are three flue position options as well as reversible water and gas connections equating to greater flexibility when installing the boiler into an existing plant room, further helped by the compact nature of the boiler itself.”
Interim package in heating upgrade Temperature control specialist Aggreko has provided an interim heating and hot water system for the University of St Andrews during the shutdown of its existing heating infrastructure for a major upgrade. Aggreko provided three separate bespoke heating packages totalling 2000kW to different areas of the campus. Four 250kW boilers provided heating and hot water to the United Colleges and Irvine
building, while two additional 250kW boilers were situated 50m from a second boiler room at the Arts Building. Two others were installed in an extremely limited space at the Psychology Building, which houses critical facilities that require a consistent temperature. Aggreko provided a compact solution to make effective use of limited space and was able to speedily design, install and operate a full heating package.
July/August 2017
Light commercial Heating 37
Efficiency gains from community heating District heating schemes, also known as community heating or heat networks, are becoming more widely used, especially in high rise developments. Ian Lock, Special Applications Manager at Heatrae Sadia, considers the benefits and some key considerations.
ccording to estimates released earlier this year, the market size for district heating will exceed £216 billion by 2024, in response to a strong demand for efficient and cost effective systems. This is reflected here in the UK, with the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) predicting that heat networks could deliver up to 18% of heating demand by 2030. In April of this year, the Government awarded £24 million for nine district Ian Lock, Heatrae Sadia’s heat network infrastructure Special Applications Manager projects across the country, an investment which represents the first round of £320 million funding for heat networks. So, not only are community heating schemes becoming more prominent, they are likely to continue to rise in popularity, with the Government firmly behind them. Most often, these systems are found in multi-occupancy high rise schemes, such as apartment blocks. In developments such as these, a centralised scheme is generally a much better alternative to the traditional approach of installing separate heating systems (which would typically comprise gas fired combi boilers or a form of electric heating) in each individual property.
individual properties, with the householder controlling their use of heat with either a room thermostat, a separate programmer or individual thermostatic radiator valves. Importantly, metering devices are incorporated into the HIU which allows the user to record the heat consumed for accurate energy billing. Further guidance on metering can be obtained from The Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014.
HIUs vs boilers
Installing individual HIUs rather than individual boilers reduces installation costs, as total heating load can be optimised, thus reducing the issues associated with oversized individual heat sources. HIUs can be installed within each individual dwelling, or in the dividing wall between each dwelling and the ‘landlord’ space – the latter providing easy access for inspection and maintenance. When using central boiler plant and HIUs, cascade systems can be considered within the design, supporting more efficient systems and lower return temperatures. In all cases the boiler plant must be capable of delivering peak space heating load, but HIUs incorporating a plate heat exchanger for domestic hot water require special Heatrae Sadia’s Hi-Max Instant ID features two large plate heat consideration, as generally there will be a significant exchangers: one for heating and one for domestic hot water difference between heating and hot water loads. For example, heat loads for each dwelling could be in the third party approvals to ensure that products comply region of 3 to 5kW, whereas 35kW or more is likely to be with industry standards and regulations. For example, required for peak domestic hot water. For an economical the NEMKO mark demonstrates that a product has been and energy efficient solution to be achieved, appropriate assessed for conformity to electrical safety legislation by a competent body, providing reassurance coincidence factors need to be adopted to the specifier and assisting compliance so as to realise the benefit from the “The success of under CDM regulations. Meanwhile, diversified load when determining plant Fuel conservation communal heating independent testing for water fittings One key benefit lies with efficiency and reduction of fuel capacity – in most cases this will involve depends on it being guarantees that products are safe to use consumption. In comparison to alternative solutions, consideration of the occupants’ lifestyles and will guard against the contamination and typical use profiles. sized and designed centralised plant systems are particularly well-positioned of potable water supplies. Here, the to meet required targets for facilities managers and Size matters appropriately” industry standard third party certification developers in a cost-effective way. Using centralised The success of a communal heating is provided by WRAS or Kiwa. plant also decreases the risks linked to gas distribution scheme largely depends on it being sized and designed The Hi-Max Instant ID from Heatrae Sadia has a compact pipework, and eliminates the need to fit numerous flue appropriately for the demand of the building, and whether design that can fit into a standard kitchen cupboard and terminals and plume displacement and condensate both the peak and base loads have been comprises two generously sized plate heat exchangers – drainage systems, potentially reducing capital properly considered. one for the hot water and one for the heating system. It is installation costs, depending on the size If oversized, it won’t just be the designed to ensure that the primary return temperatures of the development. going back to the centralised heating system are very low central plant that is too large; Furthermore, if the dwellings are to to maximise the operating efficiency of the system. A PID inevitably, other elements such as be rented rather than sold, it makes (Proportional, Integral, Derivative) controller modulates the pipework, distribution pumps, servicing and maintaining the heating flow to the unit in order to optimise performance, working expansion vessels and inhibitor equipment much easier for the landlord with the room thermostat. It is suitable for single and volumes required to protect the and removes the need for legally dual zone heating systems. system (to name just a few) will required landlord gas appliance checks increase – to the detriment of the to be carried out in each individual Regular checks system. property, providing there are no other Communal areas often fall victim It’s worth mentioning that while the use of HIUs eliminates gas appliances installed. Another to overheating caused by such heat the need for individual annual gas boiler checks, responsible benefit is that a number of different losses in the pipework. This problem manufacturers will always recommend regular services fuel sources can be used – and if low can be exacerbated by a lack of natural to check the system is still functioning correctly. carbon technologies are adopted, With the trend towards district heating schemes set to ventilation, additional waste heat from energy costs and carbon emissions continue, it’s worth staying abreast of the progress of this lighting, and the opening and closing can be reduced even further. technology. With benefits including increased efficiency, of doors to individual dwellings where reduced maintenance costs and simple installation, Individual control the heat is turned up high. As a result, communal heating schemes not only have the backing effective insulation of the distribution Heat interface units (HIUs), also Individual HIUs of the Government, but industry professionals too, from known as heat boxes, will generally in each property allow the network is a must. installers to developers. be used to provide the heating, or householder to control their heat When selecting HIUs for a scheme, PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. 142 heating with domestic hot water, to with room thermostats or TRVs specifiers should look for independent
July/August 2017
38 LighT COMMERCIAL Heating
Step up with familiar technology With the right training, the light commercial sector can offer lucrative new business opportunities for domestic installers. Steven Evans, National Sales Manager at Potterton Commercial, explains about some of the most important considerations of a typical installation.
will use a minimal amount or installers looking to of hot water. Being mindful grow or diversify their of the occupier’s needs business, making the and specifying products move to light commercial accordingly will result in installations could be seen peak boiler performance and as a natural progression. efficiency. With heating being required in a cross section of small, Bottom line non-domestic buildings – Securing that initial sale such as doctors surgeries, is the first port of call for hairdressers, restaurants installers. As business and shops – it makes sense owners always have their for domestic installers bottom line in mind, being to capitalise on the light able to fit an efficient boiler commercial market. that can provide swift return While most installers Steven Evans, National don’t need any additional Sales Manager for Potterton on investment (ROI) is a strong sales incentive. qualifications, it is still Commercial Thanks to the Energy advisable to brush up on the Labelling Directive (ELD), a system which particulars before starting work on any new should be familiar to domestic installers, light commercial project. For example, there comparing the energy efficiency of are some substantial differences between light commercial boilers is relatively domestic and commercial installations, straightforward. The Energy Labelling such as pre-installation checks, hydraulic Directive applies to boilers of up to 70kW separation, flue options and controls – this and dictates that products should display is where training comes in. a colour-coded energy label with a rating Whilst a single boiler with an output of ranging from ‘A++’ to ‘G’ according to their around 50kW can still deliver energy savings, efficiency. This labelling system provides there are a few things to bear in mind when transparency for installers, enabling them selecting the right one for the job. to compare the energy credentials of all Peaks and troughs products on the market, based upon EU Unlike residential buildings, non-domestic wide test standards. However, whilst the energy efficiency premises do not have common peak periods of demand for heating and hot water. For information tells installers the best possible example, a community centre may need to performance of a boiler, maximum efficiency heat one or two large spaces a few times a won’t be achieved unless the boiler has been week and provide a small amount of hot correctly sized for the job. Another factor to consider is the boiler’s water for handwashing and food preparation. On the other hand, a convenience store will modulation ratio. In short, this is the boiler’s need constant daytime heating all week, but ability to adjust its output in accordance with
demand. For example, our Sirius two 50kW boiler has a modulation ratio of 9:1, meaning it can operate on as little as approximately 5.5kW. This is important as it reduces on/ off cycling and the resulting strain on components and additional energy usage.
Space saving Unlike larger industrial units, many light commercial properties often do not have a dedicated plant room, therefore product selection is heavily dependent on the amount of space available. Wall-hung boilers can therefore represent a popular option. Weighing in at just 61kg, and with a width of 480mm, our Paramount four 50kW is a light, compact boiler that is easy to manoeuvre and install, while the Sirius two 50kW and 60kW models are comparable with domestic boilers in terms of size. However, wall hung boilers do have certain limitations particularly in older buildings such as listed buildings or those with unstable walls. In these instances, a floor standing boiler provides a great alternative and modern floor versions are compact, both in terms of size and carbon footprint.
Regular service
The Sirius two looks like a domestic boiler
Once an installation has been commissioned, installers should talk to the customer about establishing a maintenance schedule – including servicing and water treatment – to ensure the optimum performance for the life of the boiler and protect the validity of any warranty offered. Securing ongoing maintenance work is another way of expanding your revenue and establishing a light commercial business. For many businesses, boiler downtime can result in
loss of revenue, so keeping on top of boiler maintenance has benefits for both the engineer and customer. With the market for light commercial expanding, the demand for installers to branch into the light commercial sector is not only a way to broaden their customer base, but also develop and diversify their skillset and service offering. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Efficient heating and hot water production The HeatMaster TC range from ACV is claimed to represent the perfect solution for heating and hot water production from one combination unit, which can also be used as a direct-fired water heater to deliver high and continuous volumes of hot water. Based around the company’s Tank-in-Tank technology, it’s a commercial storage combi boiler with a built-in passive flue gas heat recovery unit that offers ‘A’ rated efficiency in both hot water and heating. TC stands for ‘total condensing’, as it is the only storage combination boiler to fully condense in hot water and heating modes. The tank-in-tank technology,
combined with the heat recovery unit, means the HeatMaster TC can achieve efficiency levels of over 98%. Available in six models ranging from 25 to 120kW, the floor-standing units are capable of delivering up to 120kW of heating and 2000 litres of hot water in an hour at 60°C, or over 3000 litres at 45°C, in a physical footprint of just half a square metre – so if space is an issue there is no need to have to compromise on performance. This not only addresses plantroom space limitations for the commercial market, but also in the domestic arena for large homes that require high volumes of heating and hot water.
All HeatMaster TC units come with the company’s ACVMax Control system, which presents an intuitive control panel via an easyto-use LCD display. As well as monitoring the boiler to ensure optimal efficiency, the ACVMax features EZY setup which can be used in over 90% of installations taking just minutes to set up, and an integrated manometer. The ACVMax offers many advanced control options and is compatible with open protocols such as OpenTherm and Modbus, enabling easy integration to BMS. For larger applications, the installation of more than one HeatMaster TC in cascade offers increased
energy savings and more flexible performance than comparable systems, whether in new build or renovation. They can also be installed alongside ACV’s Prestige heat only boilers or Smartline cylinders to provide multiple solutions for heating and hot water requirements. With a stainless steel hot water tank and selfcleaning stainless steel heat exchanger, the HeatMaster TC has an ‘A’ rated integral charging pump and is suitable for vented or unvented use. Each unit comes supplied with an LPG kit for easy on-site conversion if needed.
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July/August 2017
LIGHT COMMERCIAL Heating 39 Improved comfort for apartment living Compact solution to save floor space Designed to provide a heating and cooling solution for multi-occupancy buildings, the new Zeroth Energy System from Glen Dimplex Heating & Ventilation (GDHV) replaces conventional high temperature systems with a cool, low pressure system, maintained by the building’s central plant room. The system works by having low temperature water flow around the building’s main loop to each apartment, which all
have their own ‘mini loop’ where an individual heat pump produces heated or
chilled water. The water can then be passed to fan coils, which deliver warm or cold
Extended commercial offer Extending its commercial boiler offering, Sime is launching three new boilers to complement its existing, Murelle, R and Estelle ranges, together with a new range under the ALU commercial boiler brand (pictured). The Murelle HE 70kW wall-hung boiler features brass and stainless steel components and can be
installed in a cascade system if higher outputs are required. The new cast iron floorstanding condensing boilers in the 1R, 2R and Estelle ranges come with stainless steel recuperators. With outputs of up to 192kW, they can facilitate both light commercial and more substantial commercial heating applications.
The new ALU brand comprises HE and Plus HE options, which are high power floor-standing aluminium condensing gas boilers with six different versions from 115 to 280kW (in the ALU HE option) and 360kW to 1.1MW in the ALU Plus HE option. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
air into a room through vents in the ceiling or wall, or to underfloor heating or other heat emitters. Key benefits include more comfortable temperatures for occupants and reduced overheating in communal areas. The cost of heating system losses is also no longer spread across all residents, which means they only pay for the heating or cooling they use. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
The Upton is the latest modular commercial boiler from Hamworthy. Said to be one of the most compact units in its class, it is able to deliver 1MW output from under 1m² of floor space. The 6bar rated f loor standing condensing boiler range is available in 18 different models with outputs ranging from 100 to 1050kW. A modulation of 5:1 per module allows closer control of the output, saving further on fuel bills and reducing emissions. The vertically stackable design allows flexible options where space is a challenge, such as in city centres and packaged plant rooms. With less than 60dB(a) noise output, it also makes a good choice for plant rooms adjoining quiet areas such as hospitals, offices and classrooms. To aid with design, the Upton boiler has water and gas connections in the same position across the range,
regardless of output. This means that even if a project’s requirements change, models can easily be swapped with minimal effect to pipework and plant room design. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
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July/August 2017
Make the most of flueing options When it comes to replacing non-condensing models with their modern equivalents, getting the flueing right can be a challenge. Paul Martin, National Sales Manager for ATAG Commercial, looks at the extensive range of flue options for commercial projects.
ractically every boiler installed these days will be a condensing model, replacing non-condensing units in retrofit applications. The vast majority of these condensing boilers are either room sealed or fanned, with numerous flue options available, depending on the application in hand. Boilers such as our XL series are equipped with connections for both flue gas and air inlet (parallel tubes), which allow both open and room sealed arrangements. In an open system arrangement, combustion air can be taken from a ventilated plant room via an air filter, with the flue discharge connected together into a cascade header. A room sealed system, by contrast, sees combusted air ducted into the boilers via a cascade
ATAG Commercial Q60 boilers come with extensive flue options
header system, with the flue discharge connected together into its own cascade header. Now, let’s look at a wider range of more specific flue options, starting with concentric communal flue systems. These see boilers linked into a communal flue using either a twin or concentric pipe arrangement on the various branches to the main chimney riser.
Communal flue systems are excellent for new multi-storey apartments, as they provide space saving benefits.
Arrangements There are also conventional and bespoke flex liner arrangements, allowing for the boiler exhaust to be passed through a flexible liner to a terminal and then on into the atmosphere. For conventional
flex liner systems, the combustion air must be supplied from the room; for bespoke arrangements, the combustion air to the boiler passes through the intake vents of the terminal before supplying air to the boiler using the existing chimney cavity as a natural source of air supply. A room sealed flue can also be used with a flex liner. This is similar to the conventional flex liner arrangement previously mentioned, but instead of high and low level ventilation, combustion air is supplied via a single air inlet pipe to the boiler. Of course, not every application requires a complex flue system. Conventional twin pipe flue arrangements allow the boiler exhaust to pipe to atmosphere at roof level, while supplying
combustion air via a single pipe at low level. Alternatively, the boiler exhaust and air intake can be provided by a vertical concentric flue arrangement. That’s not forgetting there is always the option of a standard concentric vertical or wall flue arrangement, which provides both exhaust and combustion air. When boilers have been fitted in cascade, there are two flue options available. Firstly, the single pipe cascade flue arrangement sees multiple boilers connected to a single flue header, with combustion air provided via high and low level ventilation. Then there is a twin pipe cascade flue arrangement which mirrors the single pipe version but has an additional cascade flue header for combustion air supplied from outside.
Whatever type of system is fitted, the quality of the flue remains paramount. All metal flue products are required to carry CE certification, in accordance with the necessary European Standard, to ensure they perform to the specifications of the system. So, while boiler components are a frequent discussion point, flue options should not be overlooked. After all, they are vital in terms of both the safety and effective operation of a heating system. Installers and system designers should liaise with manufacturers at the earliest possible stage of a project to help identify the most economic and efficient flue option. Doing so will ensure long lasting and effective heat throughout the system’s lifecycle. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
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July/August 2017
LIGHT COMMERCIAL Heating 41 Hot water system works out at gyms
HIUs to meet different needs A number of heat interface units (HIUs) are available from Giacomini, offering heat only, hot water only, and heating and hot water solutions. The G5 single plated HIU is designed to provide direct domestic hot water (DHW) to apartments where cylinder storage is preferred or where a cylinder is already in place. The DHW is generated within
the heat exchanger, and then supplied in a sealed system that includes a pump, expansion vessel, 3 bar safety valve and low pressure switch, to an indirect hot water cylinder and heating system. As this HIU is not required to produce instant hot water, it requires a low nominal power of 17.4kW. The G5 hot water only unit, supplied in 44 and
58kW versions, has been designed for multi dwelling properties that need to produce instant DHW in individual apartments. To control both DHW and central heating, G5 twin models come with two heat exchangers to supply the central heating system and generate instant domestic hot water. There is the option of 56 and 67kW models.
High hot water volumes made easier The SUPAflo EVO range is the latest generation of high volume commercial water heaters from Andrews. The new line-up retains all of the popular features of the original SUPAflo with a smaller footprint and built-in wheels as standard. More compact and easier to manoeuvre, the SUPAflo EVO has been designed to help reduce installation time. Suitable for commercial premises which require a large, continuous supply of hot water, such as launderettes, manufacturing plants and health clubs, the SUPAflo EVO has a recovery rate of up to 9230 litres an hour, a higher output to size ratio, and lower NOx levels compared to its predecessor.
All models in the range – from 145kW to 550kW – now have a smaller footprint and can fit through a standard doorway, making it an suitable choice for plant rooms with limited space. Chris Meir, Sales Director at Andrews Water Heaters, says: “For any business, extra time spent fitting heating equipment means money lost. To reduce installation time and cost without compromising on quality or efficiency, we’ve made our SUPAflo water heaters more compact and easier to install so you can focus on the bigger project at hand.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Described as a new concept of economical and efficient hot water delivery for gyms and fitness centres, Rinnai has designed a system that brings together all necessary components in one handy, bespoke pack. The Rinnai total gym solution includes water heaters, flues, scale protection, unvented cylinders, valves, prefabrication racks, advanced BMS controls, and even water sampling. The heat generator on the system is Rinnai’s HD1500i which regulates water temperature to within +/- 1ºC via a ‘smart’ digital controller. All models have full electronic ignition, no pilot light, and operate on demand only, so there is no gas consumption when the unit is idle. The system can accommodate as many HD1500i units as necessary (depending on the size of the gym/hot water need) on a bespoke cascade frame, complete with a bespoke common header flue and an electrolytic scale prevention device.
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July/August 2017
Maximise space for better design To make the most of space within commercial applications, it is useful to have a wide range of heat emitters to choose from. Andrew Lowery, Marketing Manager for Myson UK, explains more.
ften when specifying heat emitter solutions for commercial projects there’s a wide variety of factors which need to be considered. This can be anything from the size of the building, its construction, ceiling heights, walls and floors to insulation levels and the building’s use. Performing a heat loss calculation can help determine the heat outputs needed. However, one factor that may have been overlooked in recent years is that of space within a building and how best to specify solutions to deal with this issue.
Space saver In hospitals and care facilities there has been an increase in the number of beds and the amount of equipment installed. This results in limited space for heating solutions. However, with the introduction of a slimline low surface temperature radiator (LST) at 420mm in width, it makes specifying for such projects easier. The Myson LST complies with NHS Estates Health Guidelines, meaning that the temperature of the radiator does not reach above 43°C. It also provides a smooth casing, lowering risk of injury if a patient was to fall onto it. Its slim width also means that it fits neatly between patient beds and medical equipment. In other areas such as retail outlets and restaurants, it is typical to see high level wall mounted fan convectors, such ENQUIRY
as our Hi-Line range, as they free up valuable lower to midlevel wall space. These can be placed above doorways to ensure there’s enough wall space for a more profitable use, such as display areas for the retail sector and dining areas within restaurants. Fan convectors provide high heat outputs, while making clever use of space. Underfloor heating is proving to be a successful space saving solution within the commercial sector. It is sometimes specified in school classrooms and assembly halls, or even within large office spaces such as meeting rooms and open plan offices. Installed under the floor, it emits heat and is totally invisible. UFH ensures a 100% space saving solution, giving total design flexibility. In schools it gives the children and teachers an open plan floor space for curricular activities and in office spaces it enables users to have more space for desks, other office equipment and even storage. As underfloor heating generally works at lower water temperatures, this can help drive heating system efficiency.
Combinations In a range of commercial projects there has been an increase in not just one space saving solution being installed but a number of them. A growing percentage of the design enquiries we receive
now ask for a mixed system design that includes panel radiators. Recent projects that have made use of a mixed system approach include the renovation of a church hall where high heating performance at low water temperatures was required. In this instance underfloor heating was specified, delivering the majority of the heat requirements, while our Ulow-E2 radiators were also installed to give supplementary heat. The result of the project was a heating system that could cope with the demands while saving much needed space for seating as well as community activities.
More choice Of course, in some cases space isn’t always an underlining factor, but pressure is growing to get the most out of commercial projects, especially within the public sector. It is certainly a consideration which is growing in demand. With that in mind, a mixed system design to deal with the issues of space is proving very popular. This is why having a wide variety of heating solutions to hand is not only practical, but it gives the specifier a versatile choice when deciding which solutions fit effectively within their project. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
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July/August 2017
COMMERCIAL Heating Floor standing boiler meets the demands of schools Schools and offices with limited plant room will benefit from Viessmann’s new Vitocrossal 100. It features a small footprint and a stainless steel heat exchanger, plus Lambda Pro technology. The Vitocrossal 100 sits inside a new shape casing (680mm in width and 1459mm in height, with length varying from 660 to 1010mm). An all-new stainless steel InoxCrossal heat exchanger makes it possible for the new boiler to combine its compact dimensions and light weight with high performance and efficiency. There’s a choice of seven models, ranging from 80 to 320kW, plus the option of a twin cascade within a single casing for up to 640kW. The option of two boilers in one
casing means that heat supply to classrooms (or offices) can continue uninterrupted when one boiler is offline for maintenance. Because the Vitocrossal 100 is floor-standing, its flow temperature is not restricted to 75-80°C – a particular advantage for schools where the existing system requires a high flow temperature.
With its high volume heat exchanger, the boiler has a maximum flow temperature of 95°C and maximum operating pressure of 6bar. Its modulation range of up to 1:5 guarantees a long burner run time and economical energy consumption, with efficiency of 109% (98.2% gross). PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Take control of fan heaters Available from the UK manufacturer Consort Claudgen is a new receiver unit that enables commercial fan heaters and large air curtains to be wirelessly controlled by a separately purchased CRX2 controller. With the RXREC unit installed, the CRX2 controller replaces the existing remote switch, expanding the heating control options to include seven-day time control with up to six
temperature settings per day. Additionally, the time/ manual mode in a CRX2 controller takes advantage of the RXREC long range performance to allow heaters
to be controlled from a different room. The RXREC can be retrofitted to existing compatible products from the company and multiple heaters can also be controlled by a CRX2, provided each heater is connected to an RXREC. For more details, email or visit the website below. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
For well insulated buildings The Thision S Plus is Elco Heating Solutions’ range of advanced boilers which offer low NOx and CO emissions thanks to a specially configured heat exchanger which optimises flue gases. Available in three models – 34, 45 and 53kW – each boiler has an A/A+ energy efficiency rating. The compact units have been designed for simple installation and maintenance, with the control board mounted on a hinge-open enclosure. This range also features a heat exchanger configuration that ensures continuous automatic de-aeration. In addition, there is a downfiring premix burner system constructed from ceramic plaques capable of modulating from full output to as low as 1:6. This low turndown ratio
makes the Thision S Plus particularly suited to well insulated buildings where the heating demand is likely to be low throughout the year. All boilers in the range benefit from an over-pressure of up to 90Pa at the flue connection, allowing the appliances to be exhausted over considerable distances, with or without a room sealed air supply. In addition, these boilers are supplied with a weather compensation kit built-in to the boiler, boosting efficiency and comfort levels. Another feature of note is the inclusion of a thermostatic room unit, designed to provide optimum comfort control, as well as time and temperature scheduling. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
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July/August 2017
RENEWABLE Technology 45
Solar thermal makes energy saving easy Solar thermal technology may have been overshadowed by solar PV systems, but it still attracts substantial tariff support and offers an effective and relatively simple way to save on energy, says Finbarr McCarthy, Kingspan Solar Technical & Customer Service Manager.
n recent months, solar and wind energy have garnered some very impressive headlines. Together, these two renewable technologies helped meet half the country’s electricity demand on one day early in June this year. For the renewables sector, this was a triumphant moment and vindication for the effort and investment made by businesses (and countless others) to bring the fledgling technology to this point. The sheer number of renewable systems now installed across Britain and Ireland bears witness to the confidence that people feel in its efficacy. More than one million microgeneration installations have been installed since 2010, with wind and solar leading the surge in the commercial sector and on homes across the country. It may be premature to say we’ve reached a tipping point, but we’re clearly in a transition period as power generation shifts from the old to the new.
Out of the shadow There are certainly challenges ahead, particularly given the well-publicised restructuring of renewables subsidies and planning policies in recent years. But there are still great opportunities for the sector, and if we consider solar thermal specifically – previously seen in the shadow of PV but now becoming ever-more attractive – we can see where these opportunities lie. Solar thermal technology still attracts substantial tariff support, a point that may have been missed by some. This, combined with the commensurate financial savings, means returns remain attractive for property owners wanting to invest, even in the short to medium term. It’s also worth pointing out that solar thermal is not a complex technology. Installation is demonstrably simple and solar thermal in particular integrates very well with other renewable energy systems.
Free and easy Solar energy is free, clean, inexhaustible and safe. Every year, the sun provides more than 8000 times as much energy as we consume worldwide. It is a rich resource,
which is environmentally-friendly and (unlike fossil fuels and the nuclear industry) solar energy produces no waste or pollution. Solar thermal technology transforms solar radiation into useful heat for hot water and space heating using a solar collector. Systems are normally roof-mounted and integrated into an existing traditional boiler or electric immersionheated hot water system. It’s a simple installation, and takes no more than a day. When sunlight hits the solar collector it heats thermal transfer liquid passing through it. A pump then circulates the heated thermal transfer liquid from the solar collector to the water tank coil, where its heat transfers to water within the tank. The pump returns the cooled thermal transfer liquid to the solar collector for reheating. Solar thermal works particularly well for a building that has a heavy, constant requirement for hot water, such as swimming pools, care homes, hospitals, university halls of residence, and in large family homes. And it’s very good for process heat, for example, on dairy farms, where farmers use hot water for pasteurisation and cleaning pipework. Indeed, solar thermal is so effective at providing domestic hot water that property owners can turn off their boilers in summer. Obviously this enables them to make significant financial savings, added to which will be payments from the RHI. A solar hot water system can therefore be cash-flow positive from day one. Its ability to support space heating is perhaps less well known, but provided a building is wellinsulated then solar thermal works very well, particularly when used in conjunction with underfloor heating. The heat it produces – around 35 to 40ºC – creates a very comfortable ambient temperature for building occupants and users. What’s more, solar thermal works extremely well as part of a suite of renewable installations, including heat pumps, and in tandem with air conditioning systems.
Attractive returns The benefits solar offers extend beyond its environmental creds. A well-designed solar thermal system can provide up to 70% of a building’s annual hot water needs, which brings with it financial rewards as well – and not just in lowering heating bills. While tariffs for other renewable sectors have dropped off, owners of solar thermal systems continue to receive substantial payments from the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). For domestic solar thermal installations, this amounts to 19.74p/kWh over seven years while the non-domestic tariff for solar thermal (up to 200kW) will continue at 10.16p/ kWh with a payment period of 20 years. We would advise the domestic RHI is deemed (estimated), based on a simple calculation which we can prepare, and the commercial RHI is metered. But as this indicates, solar thermal technology is durable and time-tested. In essence, a domestic solar hot water system can last in excess of 25 years and will pay for itself many times over.
Whatever the weather There is no need to worry about the impact of the UK’s somewhat unreliable summers on efficiency and effectiveness of solar thermal systems. Our own Thermomax solar thermal collectors (pictured) are specifically designed for Northern European climates. They work from dawn till dusk, producing usable heat even on a cold, overcast, wet and windy day, and delivering an unrivalled transfer of solar energy into heat – a co-efficient of performance (CoP) for domestic hot water provision of 20.9:1 compared to a heat pump which has a CoP of 1.5:1. But before a system is fitted, it needs to be sized correctly to predict the overall system performance and ensure there are no longer term issues such as stagnation. Our engineers use T*SOL computer software which combines data on the weather, the load patterns and tank sizes to accurately size a system. Collector performance is predicted using data taken from the Solar Keymark ratings that are used in Europe. All this gives a good picture of how a system is going to perform during a typical year.
July/August 2017
46 Renewable Technology
Installer views on going green Encouraged by incentive schemes and publicity, many heating installers have been persuaded to invest in renewables training and qualifications. But has it been worth the effort? Assistant Editor Carol Hitchcock seeks the views of a select group of installers.
hen the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) for was announced in 2011, Government Ministers predicted a new era of low carbon technologies that would help the UK meet its CO reduction targets while encouraging businesses and homeowners to make the switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy. It was hoped that the UK would lead the way with a world-first subsidy scheme that paid people for the heat they produced using heat pumps, biomass boilers and solar thermal systems. But it didn’t go quite to plan. The Government’s ambitious goal of 750,000 renewable installations by 2020 would have required 10,800 installations completed each month yet, as of May of this year, total installations for the commercial arm of the RHI was 17,038 while the domestic scheme totalled 56,100. Despite not meeting initial expectations, the RHI is still considered vital for continued growth of all low carbon technologies. For installers, the advent of the RHI simultaneously presented a case of opportunities and barriers. On the one hand, they had the chance to redirect their engineering skills to new technologies supported by a generous government tariff. On the other, they have had to clear the hurdle of achieving MCS accreditation, an expensive and laborious undertaking that kept many small companies out of the game. The installation companies that have waded their way through the certification process were then faced with a number of bumps along the way, including the protracted delay of the domestic RHI launch, the collapse of the Green Deal and a Government austerity programme that saw households and councils tightening their budgets. The companies that have survived these disruptions represent the resilient ones that have carefully targeted their markets and provided a high standard of work to ensure ongoing success.
Early adopter
and they could have done more to try and mitigate that. The sort of caps they are finally putting into place should have been there from the get-go. The domestic biomass installation cap of 25,000kWh should have been fixed from the beginning.” While the RHI has been the main driver behind renewables, one problem many legitimate businesses must contend with is the fly-by-night entities that are looking to milk the system. “I think a lot of people got burnt, particularly on the domestic RHI,” Ben says. “Installations were put in by cowboys, and this challenged companies like ours who had invested in the technical expertise and wanted to get it right, even if there was little or no additional profit to it. Bone fide companies were competing with cowboys, who were taking the business that rightfully should have been to the serious installers.” source specialist is Wigan-based Ground Heat, which has the majority of its turnover from social housing providers. MD David Thompson says the RHI is important when it comes to securing contracts, but he believes there should be greater emphasis on using the subsidy to address fuel poverty and carbon reduction. “We need legislation where council new builds and retrofits are required to use renewable technology, not gas,” argues David. “Some of them are doing that now because of the RHI – they want the money. But landlords don’t get any praise for reducing fuel poverty. There are hundreds of thousands of council properties and too many of them can’t afford to turn on the heat. Ground source heat pumps can drastically cut their fuel bills, and it can also go a long way to cutting carbon.” With fuel poverty in mind, David believes there is an argument for limiting the RHI to social landlords. “Restricting it to social housing projects would ensure the RHI goes to the people who need it most,” he argues.
One company that has smoothly navigated its way through the Wood work ups and downs of the renewables market is Nottinghamshire The RHI has also played an important role in the development based Trimark Future Energy Systems, owned and operated of the biomass market. Oxford Renewables is an example by Mark Karoly. Mark has been in the heating industry for of a company that started out as a biomass specialist, some 40 years and involved in heat pumps for the last 15. As but has adjusted its expertise to suit market forces. Ben an early adopter of the technology, Mark and his company Carter, Commercial Director, explains how biomass has were in a good position to take advantage of the opportunities gone from the most installed technology under the RHI presented by the RHI, transforming his to one that is more niche: business into a ground source heat pump “There was a three year period of good “Colleges need to take specialist targeting self-builders and those activity for the non-domestic RHI. The on board where the involved in extensive renovations. domestic RHI kicked off around 2013, and “These are the types of customers that provided 18 months where there was industry is going in who are going to benefit the most from a big benefit for customers. By the end the next decade.” the RHI,” Mark explains. “Because they of 2014, there was no domestic subsidy have large properties, they are going to left. Now biomass is very much for new have a high heat demand, and meeting it with oil or LPG is builds that need the large amount of heat that biomass an expensive proposition. The RHI was an effective way to can deliver. With the oil price relatively low, the people get these customers looking at ground source and taking it who want biomass now are the ones that have a sizeable seriously. Once they understood the significant savings they new build project along with their own access to wood. could make on running costs, along with the RHI revenue, They get free fuel and they get the RHI.” for most it was an obvious way to proceed.” A few years ago Oxford Renewables added air source It is probable that customers like Mark’s might have needed heat pumps to its area of expertise. “We’ve always been a bit more convincing to invest in ground source heat pumps a technically centric company, and we understand the were it not for the RHI. While running a GSHP can save the technical aspects of any given solution. Our priority is to customer 50% or more compared to oil, the up front cost is design it properly,” says Ben. “Now we find our domestic considerable. customers want multiple renewables. That’s the way “Without incentives, we would have to prove that the numbers to get the best value for money, to integrate. So we are stack up financially,” explains Marks “People aren’t going to educating customers on the advantages of installing PV install a £30,000 system without a reasonable payback period. and air source heat pumps together because they are Otherwise, why not go with a cheap oil boiler? It would be a complementary technologies. People doing new builds or sad thing if the RHI incentives started to drop dramatically. significant renovations are thinking along those lines – to If the incentives went all together, it would be a big shock get two or more technologies in one project.” for everyone in the supply chain and a lot of installers would As for the RHI, Ben says the Government has done well fall by the wayside.” to introduce it, but it could have been better designed. “It Another company that has found success as a ground seems to lean in favour of people who already have money,
Sun block The one category of approved technologies under the RHI that has never had its heyday is solar thermal. From the start, this has been the least popular measure, mostly due to its limited ability to cut household bills. It is difficult to arrive at an average universal savings, but YouGen calculated that solar thermal could in most cases save something in the region of £75 a year. David Matthews, Chief Executive of the IDHEE, says this is why solar thermal is not well supported by the Government: “Government economists have never liked solar – so it’s not funded very well and the market is dropping. The economists do an analysis on the cost of installation and how many kWh they get in return. Under that analysis, solar thermal doesn’t do very well.” Mark Karoly says that solar can be a hard sell to customers, and that given the choice, they will opt for PV instead: “Unfortunately people won’t install solar thermal. They say, why should I pay another four or five thousand pounds for solar when I’m getting very little gain from it? I think this technology would be far more popular if Ofgem would allow it to be linked with the heating system as well as domestic hot water under the RHI. That would be a very good carbon neutral use of the technology, but for some reason they won’t encourage it. In my view, ground source, solar thermal and PV together represent best of all the technologies in combination.”
Looking ahead Despite the highs and lows that beset the renewables market, the companies that continue to thrive agree that low to zero carbon technologies are the future. Their concern, however, is that the installer base is not being prepared for the changes to come. David Thompson describes the current heat pump market as being in a boom and predicts enormous growth over the next five to 10 years, but he also worries about the skills shortages. “One of the challenges as the industry grows is finding the right talent and introducing them to renewable technology,” says David. “Colleges need to take on board where the industry is going in the next decade. The problem is they don’t teach difficult subjects like heat pumps. They will go with something easy like rainwater harvesting to tick that renewables box on the syllabus.” Mark Karoly agrees that skills are an issue, arguing that the current system is not bringing up installers prepared to deal with the growing use of renewables. “Young lads coming into the market aren’t getting that breadth of experience that the older plumber had, and they are not embracing renewables,” he says. “There are a lot of good installers out there, and they can progress into the technology and make it work, but they have to be prepared to do the training. This job is a lot of hard work, but it’s hugely rewarding.”
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July/August 2017
RENEWABLE Technology 47 Gas powered heat pumps for homes
Ground source range evolves The ErP ‘A++’ rated Evo series of ground source heat pumps from British manufacturer Kensa Heat Pumps has received full MCS accreditation and is now available via Kensa and its installer network. The series is currently available in 7, 9 and 13kW models, with a 15kW model anticipated for later in the year. Designed for larger new builds and renovation projects, the Evo supplements Kensa’s
Shoebox 3 and 6kW models, which are designed for use in smaller new builds. The ergonomic steel casing on the Evo range has been designed to ensure durability and ease of access. The heat pump has four rear water connections, two for the ground collectors and two for the property’s heating distribution system. The connections consist of four 28mm straight brass fittings designed with tight tolerances, ensuring
compatibility with easy-toinstall push fittings. Kensa has developed its own control board which features an intuitive touch screen that facilitates commissioning and parameter settings and provides live status readings supported by LED light indicators.
Extra benefits MD Simon Lomax comments: “The Evo series is a natural evolution of our award-winning product range and delivers enhanced benefits to both installers and end users. Installers benefit from substantial discounts and unrivalled technical support and will discover that Kensa has created a simple-to-install product, which has been central to our offer since 1999. “End users benefit from 15% efficiency enhancements over the Compact range, which results in higher Renewable Heat Incentive
income and lower running costs, whilst the new models are not only ultra-quiet but also feature an aesthetically pleasing design. “We have involved expert installers in the development phase and have experienced a massive surge in interest: this is a long-awaited product which should ensure Kensa remains at the pinnacle of the GSHP industry in the UK.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Powered by natural gas, but benefitting from renewable energy from air, the Robur K18 is said to offer exceptionally low running costs, at least 38% below the cost of a modern condensing boiler, but can still provide water up to 70°C, just from the heat pump. Supplied by Robur importer ESS, the K18 has an 18kW output and is intended for use in larger or older properties with a high demand. The capital cost is described as substantially below that of a ground source heat pump and the performance is better than an equivalent electric heat pump. Robur says that the K18 is the only gas heat pump that can be used in residential accommodation. It is also suitable for use in small-scale commercial applications, such as schools, church halls and care homes. The system can be installed by any Gas Safe heating engineer as it uses
ammonia, exempt from F-Gas regulations, within a factory sealed circuit as its refrigerant. With gas burners replacing compressors and inverters, the Robur K18 is significantly quieter than equivalent electric heat pumps. A new ‘Hybrigas’ model from Robur, with a 37kW output, will be available later this year. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
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July/August 2017
48 RENEWABLE Technology
The outlook for biomass in the UK With uncertainty regarding government incentives, the market for biomass heating systems appears to have stalled in recent months. We asked Charlie Lamb, Sales Director at Windhager UK, about current levels of demand and the prospects for growth in the near future. How do you view the state of the current UK biomass market? “The biomass sector has definitely seen a decline in sales over the last 12 months. There is still a very healthy interest from end users but converting this to a sale is very difficult at the moment. “Recent political decisions and the continued low cost of oil are probably the main reasons for indecision. The proposed reforms to the RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive) announced in December last year were welcomed and probably overdue. The spring implementation date however was missed due to the announcement of the General Election and as a result the market, particularly the domestic sector, has dropped off considerably. “The medium sized com-
Charlie Lamb, Sales Director for Windhager UK
mercial sector is still active even if at lower numbers but this sector will be effected most severely by the proposed reforms which, we believe, will now be implemented in October.” What do you think most motivates customers to invest in biomass? “The RHI is vital for the continued growth of all
low carbon technologies. The small but significant steps that we have taken in recent years need to be encouraged. The RHI has undoubtedly been the main driver in attracting customers and needs to be continued. “The consumer interest in low carbon technologies is there, and there is a desire to ‘buy in’, but this desire is not at any price and therefore the support of RHI and potentially ECO funding is needed to maintain the momentum. “The main driver has historically been to reduce fuel bills, particularly those customers living in rural areas without access to the natural gas network, but we also see a number of clients looking at biomass for the environmental benefits as well – people who are willing to ‘do their bit’ for the planet.”
If the Government withdraws its support, will that kill off renewables in the UK? “Having been involved in the heating sector all of my working life and seen how easily condensing gas boilers were introduced, we need the Government to lead and combine incentive with legislation to further increase the use of low carbon technologies. “With strong incentives in the short term (five to 10 years) and a target date for legislation to enforce the installation of low carbon technologies, we are hardly reinventing the wheel. ECO funding is now becoming an option and, with support from the utilities, we will hopefully see some of their rural customers benefitting rather than all of the funding being spent chasing gas boiler replacements.”
Where would you like to see the market in five years? “The next five years will be a testing time for the UK in every way – that is mainly down to the politicians to sort out, however. The global effects of climate change have generated mass awareness of the need to change the way we use fossil fuels and live our lives. We firmly believe that the growth in the use of low carbon technologies will continue in the short to medium term. Unless and until the electricity we use is carbon free and readily available at a competitive price, we must accept that there will be a mixture of technologies used to provide our homes and businesses with warmth and hot water. “The Government is now encouraging district and communal heating schemes, and this has to be applauded.
Maybe they will revisit the zero carbon homes targets recently abandoned? It will be interesting to see if the new build sector takes this on board and adopts more communal heating systems – or will the accountants have their way as always?” What is going to happen to MCS? Has it been a good scheme? “MCS has been the biggest single barrier to installers being interested in and installing low carbon technologies. There are over 100,000 heating engineers in the UK who are Gas Safe registered. As of today, there are 394 MCS registered biomass installers in the UK – the figure at its peak two years ago was over 800 – need we say any more?” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
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July/August 2017
RENEWABLE Technology 49 Space saving option is easier to install
Wood gasification log boilers As the sole UK distributor of wood burning boilers from CRANP–Kovo, Eco Angus offers a gasification log boiler range to provide central heating and domestic hot water for homes and businesses. These boilers are suitable for retrofits or new builds, usually positioned in an outbuilding, and can be linked into an existing heating system. Eco Angus supplies two ranges of wood gasification
log boilers: the Angus Super (pictured) and the Angus Orligno 200. There are seven kW outputs available in the Angus Super range, between 18 and 130kW, and five in the Angus Orligno 200 range, between 18 and 80kW. Using the latest downdraft technology, the Angus Super gasification boiler burns all the gasses produced during the normal burning process, therefore allowing minimal CO2 to be released into the
atmosphere. The secondary burning chamber burns gasses at up to 1200ºC. These boilers qualify for both the domestic and nondomestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). Eco Angus says that in both instances, the capital investment for the boiler installation can pay for itself in just a few years. Both ranges are held in stock and are ready for delivery. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
High performance for small roofs New from LG Electronics is the NeON R, a solar module featuring a front panel completely without electrodes to maximise light absorption and yield an output of 365W peak. Thanks to increased efficiency, the NeON R is suitable for use on small roofs. The new modules perform better on sunny days due to improved temperature coefficiency, as well as on cloudy days due to low energy reduction in weak sunlight. A completely black version is also available for improved aesthetics.
The usual start-up loss of conventional modules has been eliminated in the new models by the use of modern N-type cells, which do not require any boron. The NeON R comes with an extended product warranty of 25 years as well as an improved performance guarantee, which now promises at least 87% of the original output after 25 years. The reinforced frame construction means it withstands extreme weather conditions.
A new version of Stiebel Eltron’s WPL air source heat pump has been introduced. The WPL Classic has been designed as a cost effective and space saving solution that is highly integrated and easier to install. The original WPL with inverter technology was launched in 2013, and Stiebel Eltron has worked with its customer base to create this new model, enhancing this product in line with direct user feedback. The new Classic version still features key elements
such as active cooling, electronic expansion valve, quiet running and modern design, while meeting the requirements of most modern family homes by using inverter compressor technology to provide heating and hot water. MD Mark McManus says: “The WPL remains one of our strongest products in terms of performance and sales, and by introducing the Classic we are offering a highly efficient product without the high price.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
July/August 2017
50 WHat’s New Meeting the needs Preventing infections in hospitals of social housing The new Assure range from Potterton has been designed with the input of over 50 local authorities, housing associations and contractors, and is specifically designed for the social housing sector. Focus was given to simplifying the installation process, so the Assure has a light lift weight of 29kg and fits into a standard kitchen cupboard. An optimised pipe layout ensures the boilers can be hung quickly in place. A full void at the rear allows pipes to be easily run up the back of the appliance and access to all components is straightforward for ease of service and maintenance. Another special feature enables the installer to select and fix the correct levels of heating and hot water comfort for vulnerable tenants, which cannot then be altered by mistake. The Assure also has a facility which encourages tenants to allow landlord access to properties where carrying out mandatory annual service safety checks can be difficult. Boilers in the range are available as a combi (pictured) with outputs of 25 and 30kW, as a system boiler with outputs of 15 and 18kW,
and as a heat only model offering outputs from 13 to 30kW. Bill Jones, Sales Director, says: “By involving over 50 housing associations with a combined portfolio of 250,000 properties in the design process, we’ve been able to create a range of boilers that answers the needs of the social housing market. “Our customers asked us to help speed up installation and maintenance, protect vulnerable tenants and find a way to support annual servicing. Specifiers can rest assured that this range ticks every box.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
With the aim of helping the fight against infection in hospitals, Armitage Shanks has teamed up with leading scientists to develop two new healthcare solutions. The new Markwik 21+ fittings and Contour 21+ clinical ceramics ranges have been developed in response to the evolving threats in hospitals and push forward bacterial prevention. The new designs achieve this by addressing pooling and water stagnation, reducing splashing and the amount of static water in the system, working with materials that limit the opportunity for bacteria to feed and providing a flexible maintenance system for improved cleansing. Innovations include the HydroFin – a fin moulded
into the base of the Contour 21+ basin that deflects splashing and reduces it by over 90%. The range also includes integral SmartGuard antimicrobial protection to reduce the threat of crosscontamination and help keep surfaces clean and hygienic across their lifetime. The Contour 21+ basin features advanced drainage to
ensure water drains instantly through a smooth pipe system, while outer surfaces feature thinner, more angular rims, steeper slopes and a smaller back area to avoid water pooling and facilitate easy cleaning. Markwik 21+ mixer taps are almost entirely free of polymers, and contain glass, brass and antimicrobial
copper components to minimise the likelihood of Pseudomonas infection and other growths. Waterways have been reduced in size to reduce the amount of water left in the tap by 34%, and auto-flush technology ensures fittings are flushed with water every 24 hours. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Providing a vision into the future 4D Theatre is the latest development from the CAD technology company Virtual Worlds, which is claimed to bring a new level of spatial awareness and immersion for the housebuilding industry. The virtual reality design software allows customers to walk around their dream bathroom or kitchen, via a
specially-designed headset. This tracks their body and hand movements and relays them onto the screen, making customers feel like they have jumped into the room created by the designer. Products from more than 100 different manufacturers, including Ideal Standard, are represented within the system, increasing the level of immersion. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. 165
Oil combi boiler improves efficiency Digital controls make it easy A new high efficiency combi boiler range has been launched by Firebird. The Combi HE range is said to combine energy savings with a sleek and stylish new design, which features a hidden control panel. At just under 600mm in width, it should be easy to incorporate the new boiler into new or existing room configurations, and models are available for both internal and external applications. The Enviroblue Combi HE and Enviromax Combi HE both feature Riello RDB burners, in blue and yellow flame options respectively, and the two product ranges come with a choice of outputs: 20, 26 and 35kW. Energy efficiency levels are boosted by the use of a single, high efficiency Grundfos circulation pump and an upgraded heat exchanger which affords a more efficient and rapid heat transfer. Incorporating a robust positive shut-off filling loop and check valve, together with the latest digital burner control, the Firebird HE Combi range also features electronic diverter valve technology. The diverter valve technology provides an instant switch
water draw-off. Under the Directive legislation, this water heating energy efficiency is the essential parameter for indicating the efficiency of hot water generation.
Looking ahead
over from the direct hot water or central heating function. A compact hot water store design meets the Ecodesign Directive requirement for combination heaters by achieving a load profile of XL. Firebird states that it also provides excellent hot water performance and flow rates, together with a rapid reheat after
Commenting on the launch, David Hall, UK Director, says: “It is testament to Firebird’s ongoing commitment to provide the industry with innovative heating solutions that not only meet, but exceed present and future legislative requirements. The stylish new design and outstanding performance should position the Firebird Combi HE ranges as the number one choice for installers and homeowners alike.” Featuring multi-directional flue options for ease of installation, all of the company’s boilers provide a low maintenance option. As well as oil-fired boilers, Firebird is able to offer a complete heating solution, with air source heat pumps, biomass boilers and solar thermal systems also part of the company’s product portfolio.
A new easy-to-use smartphone digital thermostat, RT310i, is the latest heating control to join the Salus range. Designed to connect to an existing router, the new thermostat enables homeowners to control their heating from their smartphone, tablet or PC, and via the RT310i app that is available on both IOS and Android. Easy-to-use functions make it simple to add heating or cooling schedules including 5/2, and individual days. Pre-synced to ‘plug and play’, the thermostat can run in either manual or schedule mode, and comes complete with a holiday function, together with geo location that sends alerts when the homeowner is a set distance from their home.
July/August 2017
What’s New Warmer is a Pearl of wisdom The latest design from Vogue is the Pearl towel warmer, a classic ladder-style model with generous horizontal hanging space. Made from high quality polished stainless steel, Pearl’s practical landscape orientation naturally increases capacity by allowing towels to hang and dry side-by-side. This heating design is useful when working with a wall with limited free height, for example beneath a window or above a bath. Making use of its height and width, Vogue says that its chic styling will enrich any room. It also benefits from a depth of only 100mm, so whether it is mounted next to a basin vanity unit or beside a WC, the slender profile makes it
a versatile heating solution. Suitable for all hot water, dual fuel or sealed electric systems, Pearl is shown here with Vogue’s recommended
VL003 Arne valve. Other colour options and finishes are available. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Steaming water tap finish The metallic portfolio by InSinkErator has been enhanced with the launch of the Rose Gold J Shape 3N1 steaming hot water tap. The Rose Gold adds a soft pink hue to the kitchen that works equally well in both modern and traditional kitchen settings. Warm metallic tones continue to be popular in the home, with kitchen accessories and decorative items widely sought after by consumers. As a top-of-the-range product, the Rose Gold J
Shape 3N1 has a premium finish in a contemporary curved design, with a solid,
high quality, low-lead brass composition. This product extends the recently launched Showroom Collection, boosting the portfolio to five 3N1 steaming hot water taps. It dispenses filtered steaming hot water up to 98°C, as well as regular hot and cold options, and comes with a 2.5 litre NeoTank that takes up little cupboard space. The tap comes packaged with a full installation kit. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Tackle difficult damp proofing Drybase Flex Membrane from the damp-proofing specialist Safeguard is the latest product in the company’s Drybase Damp-Proof Coatings range. It is designed for direct application to floors and walls that have been
affected by dampness and salt contamination and it is also suitable for when it is not possible to stop the damp at its source. This range offers a wide choice of practical solutions and applications when it is
200th birthday giveaway!
difficult to create or reinstate damp-proof courses, or tackle penetrating damp because of, for example, access issues. As a watertight, lowprofile sheet membrane solution to the problem of persistent damp, Drybase Flex Membrane is described as a highly durable and flexible means of protection against moisture ingress which can be quickly and easily applied to walls using specially-formulated Drybase Flex Adhesive. Safeguard says that the adhesive offers an easy to use alternative to the manual fixing of pegged membranes, avoiding the need for power tools and the health and safety concerns of noise, dust and vibration associated with them. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Sandringham basin and bath sets up for grabs
Iconic sanitaryware brand Armitage Shanks is celebrating its 200th birthday with a giveaway of its best-selling bathroom range, Sandringham SL 21. Armitage Shanks has been providing quality bathrooms since 1817, and the Sandringham 21 range showcases the latest innovative technology, leading edge manufacturing techniques and engineering excellence.
The prize To mark the historic milestone of 200 years of British manufacturing experience, FIVE lucky readers are in with the chance to get their hands on an Armitage Shanks Sandringham SL brassware basin and bath mixer set.
How to enter Simply read the question below and then write your answer on the freepost reader enquiry and registration card inside this month’s issue. So, for example, if you think the answer is George II, you should write 101 on the card. The five winners will be drawn from all the correct entries received before the closing date of 31st August 2017. Only one entry allowed per person. There will be no cash alternative.
Which monarch was on the throne in 1817? George II .....101
George III ....102
George IV .....103
To find out more about Armitage Shanks, visit
July/August 2017
52 WHat’s New
Warranty includes screed Energy efficient Following a partnership with a leading screed manufacturer, Giacomini UK has announced that is it now able to provide a combined ten year system warranty. The company’s underfloor heating systems already comes with a ten year system warranty, but until now this had not extended to the screeding. The combined warranty is available on Giacomini’s new Spider low profile UFH system, which can achieve a total system height of between 25-31mm. This results in a significant reduction in floor weight and therefore structural loads as well as saving valuable space. Reduced screed level also allows for quicker reaction times when adjusting room
water heaters
temperatures. This not only boosts system efficiencies, but is also useful on a practical level as it can be used in wet areas, such as changing rooms, to dry floors and reduce trip hazards. MD Matt Lowe comments: “Due to the nature of the work involved, screed warranties generally do
not span to ten years so we are delighted to be able to offer this in conjunction with our UFH systems. There is nothing like this on the market so we are very pleased to be able to offer this new level of reassurance to customers.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
A range of continuous flow, gas-fired condensing water heaters for residential and small commercial buildings is the latest addition to the wide choice of water heating solutions from Lochinvar. The new Impetus range comprises three wall-hung models providing flow rates from 13.7 to 25 litres per minute at 35°C temperature rise. Key features include a rapid response time, low water content and a fully modulating pre-mix burner with 8:1 turndown. The modulation means that output closely matches demand, thereby improving energy efficiency and keeping carbon emissions to a minimum. All three
MVHR systems for any application Working in partnership with Stiebel Eltron, Go Geothermal is now able to offer full bespoke MVHR (mechanical ventilation and heat recovery) systems. A range of units is available, designed to meet different requirements and varied applicat ions, including apar t ments, detached houses and commercial properties. “For practical thermal insulation purposes, modern homes are often so airtight that virtually no energy is lost,” explains Sean Sowden from Go Geothermal, “but this also prevents any natural air change
and makes mechanical ventilation essential. “Ventilation is also an issue in older homes. As a result of subsequent insulation measures, there is often no longer an adequate supply
of outdoor air through gaps and other previously air permeable spots. This creates a conflict of interest between practical thermal insulation and the need for fresh air, which can be resolved with mechanical ventilation systems. “Ventilation via windows is not very practicable as the sole means of ventilation. To ensure an energy efficient and hygienic minimum air change, ventilation via windows would have to occur four to six times a day for about five minutes each time. Heating would have to be turned off and windows fully open,
to be the only one of its kind in the student accom modat ion sector, and promises to give customers greater flexibility and ease of installation, allowing them to ventilate larger clusters with just one heat recovery system. The casing design of the UNI-X range boasts internal profiling and external acoustic cladding to ensure ultra-low noise levels. The range also benefits from
pressures up to 10bar. To ease installation, they can be supplied with multiple flue options and can also be adapted to work as part of an unvented system, and a condensate neutralisation kit can be fitted if required. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
Circulators now updated The Lowara brand of residential circulators from Xylem has been updated with an improved cast iron pump housing which is fully resistant against corrosion. The ecocirc Basic and Premium pumps are designed to reduce electricity and water consumption. Both models come fitted with an internal temperature sensor as standard. If overheating occurs, the pump reduces speed accordingly and will only resume when adequate cooling levels have been met. Thanks to the patented anti-block technology, the pumps are also protected from blockages caused by magnetite and sludge. The Premium pump (pictured) features a digital display that highlights power consumption, pump head and flow rate, as well as flagging errors and warning messages to give users total transparency over their pump’s performance.
Time saving self-seal pipe
Heat recovery for student homes Uni-X is a new heat recovery range from Nuaire which has been specifically designed for use in student accommodation, offering high efficiency and low noise levels to help create the ideal environment for studying. The range includes options for studio, 4, 8 and 12-bed clusters, making it a versatile multi-occupancy solution. With a maximum depth of just 295mm, the range fits neatly into low ceiling voids. The 12-bed clusters system, UNI-X580, is claimed
making this virtually impossible. Mechanical ventilation systems reliably safeguard the necessary supply of fresh air, as well as energy efficient central heating.” GoGeothermal points out that ventilation without heat recovery results in 50% of the heating energy being lost through windows and infiltration. MVHR systems such as the wall-mounted 180/280 model (pictured) can recover up to 65% of moisture and up to 90% of thermal energy in the extract air.
models are ‘A’ rated under the European Eco Design Energy Label rating system. The water heaters are claimed to be extremely quiet in operation and, because they produce very low NOx emissions of 29mg/kWh or less, they are very well suited for applications subject to BREEAM assessment. They work particularly well when installed alongside solar thermal installations to provide ‘top up’ hot water when solar input is low or at times of peak hot water demand. A 316 titanium stainless steel heat exchanger provides extra durability, and the heaters are capable of working with water
three speed settings and an automatic 100% bypass facility, which will deliver fresh, clean air in the summer months. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
A new pre-slit, flexible pipe insulation has been introduced by nmc (UK), which features a self adhesive fixing to enable a simple and fast installation. Climaflex XT self-seal has been developed for fast, easy, clean and precise pipe insulation installation without the cost, mess or wastage of traditional adhesives. The selfadhesive strips are especially beneficial for application in inaccessible areas or on pipe bends where a neat and seamless finish can be easily achieved. Following trials of the pipe insulation across a range of
applications, the company says that time savings of up to 50% could be made on a typical 60m installation. Available in 2m lengths, Climaflex XT self-seal is suitable for use within a temperature range of - 40ºC
to + 105ºC. The product is said to be ideal for any area where condensation control, frost protection and energy conservation are important factors. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
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July/August 2017
WHAT’S New 53 Ideas for easier pipework placement New products have been added to Gripple’s line-up of piping to add more solutions for easier and quicker heating installation of all pipework applications. The new Universal Clamp range for the suspension of pipe from 15mm copper to 6in steel replaces more than 13 pipe ring sizes with one product. This improves functionality and robustness, as well as adding new variants for better suitability using larger diameter pipe.
A new acoustic Universal Clamp has been developed specifically for projects where noise reduction is key. The rubber pad component,
quick twist attachments and Universal Brackets which adds depth to the company’s pipework solutions range for non-suspended applications. The Wall Bracket is supplied pre-assembled to a Gripple Universal Bracket as a complete system. They enable pipework to be installed and supported close to a wall or soffit, cantilevered or parallel, using traditional mechanical fixings.
together with the replacement of the nylon sleeve with precut rubber tubing, achieves a 23dBa noise reduction. The new Wall Bracket uses
Variable speed drive for booster sets The Hydrovar from Xylem is a plug-and-play variable speed drive, which is universally compatible and can be retrofitted to any existing booster set. The Hydrovar system will communicate electronically to ensure that the amount of water being used does not exceed the demand. With just the right amount of energy
being consumed, the bill payer is no longer covering the cost of the original fixed
which reduces the in-rush current when the pump is turned on and protects the unit from hydraulic shock. If the speed of the water flow from the opened outlet is instantly at its maximum, it will eventually cause cavitation in the joints which will lead to leaks and bursts.
speed system, which used a continual amount of pressure, even when demand was low. The device is an additional unit which is affixed to the top of each pump in order to communicate throughout the booster set and determine how much pressure is needed to meet the demand currently being experienced. It offers a soft start function
Condensate from AC no problem The Saniflo range of air conditioning pumps comprising the Sanicondens Clim Pack, the Sanicondens Clim Mini and the Sanicondens Clim Deco are specifically designed to expel the condensate from air conditioning units in a quiet and efficient manner without any dripping and with trimmable trunking for a neat finish. Ann Boardman, Saniflo UK Head of Marketing & Product Management, says: “We encourage industr y professionals involved in specifying and fitting
commercial and domestic air conditioning units as part of new builds and retrofit projects to not be limited by issues of gravity drainage units. The Saniflo Sanicondens range offers a simple and safe option for air conditioning, whilst increasing the options for unit installation. “With Sanicondens you can put the units exactly where you want them without being restricted to outside walls. I would suggest that Sanicondens units are absolutely essential for any type of timberframed building.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.
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ACV UK Ltd Aqualisa Products Ltd Ariston Heating ATAG Commercial BES Ltd BWT Bathroom Manufacturers Association CMR Controls Ltd C R Laurence of Europe Ltd Dallmer Delabie UK Ltd Drayton Controls Firebird Heating Solutions Ltd Ford Motor Company Geberit Sales Ltd Go Geothermal Ltd Grant Engineering (UK) Ltd KSB Ltd (Smedegaard) Kamco Ltd Kensa Heat Pumps Ltd Kingspan Environmental Ltd Kohler Mira Ltd MV Fluids Handling Ltd Novellini NuAire Group Pegler Yorkshire Group Ltd Potterton Commercial Protean Software Ltd Redring Xpelair Group Spirotech UK Ltd Stiebel Eltron UK Ltd Talon Manufacturing Ltd Twyford Bathrooms UK Construction Show Viessmann Ltd Worcester, Bosch Group Wunda Group plc
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54-55 Pham JULYAUG17:Layout 1 06/07/2017 16:18 Page 55
July/August 2017
INFORMATION Centre 55 Danfoss & Honeywell Book of Wiring
‘Central Heating fault finding & repair’
For years electricians and heating engineers have commented that wiring heating controls is a difficult subject to learn, existing diagrams are not always easy to follow. Mr Combi® Training has developed a fantastic set of easy to follow coloured wiring diagrams for Danfoss and Honeywell Controls, 2 / 3 port systems, Faults, Frost stats, testing components, everything you need in one handy A5 book.
This 200 page book written by John Reginald, is designed to help the reader understand central heating and hot water systems. Offering a stepby-step guide to the fault finding and repair process of systems and components enabling the reader to achieve professional solutions to professional standards. Priced at £26 this Industry leading book is available from all High Street and Online Book Stores COPPER JOB
Abode Pronteau 3 in 1 Steaming hot Water Taps The latest innovation from Abode is PRONTEAU 3 IN 1, steaming hot water taps in two symmetrical designs and five ‘on trend’ different finishes, plus a new, compact two litre, UK manufactured PROBOIL2 boiler which sits neatly in the cupboard under the sink, all at value-formoney, affordable prices. With a solid brass construction and an insulated body and spout which is 360º rotational for ease of use. The PROSTREAM has a distinctive swan neck spout and the PROSTYLE a quad style spout and both come in five exciting up-to-date, modern finishes, Chrome, Brushed Nickel, Graphite, Matt Black and Urban Copper. For more information visit or enter the PHAM No ABODE
Please order from or enter the PHAM No. CIBSE DBSP
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The innovative new fabric in these working clothes makes them a must for the summer months. The newest Snickers LITEWork Trousers, Shirts, Shorts, T-shirts and Jackets are super-light, quick-drying garments – with Mechanical Air Flow™ and moisture transport features that keep you looking good and feeling cool wherever you are on site in warm weather. Find the right garments from Snickers to fit your workday. Download a full product range brochure or for more information visit Alternatively, call the Snickers Helpline on 01484 854788 or enter the PHAM No. SNICKERS
Graham Plumbers’ Merchant has launched a handy new guide dedicated to smart and connected technology – including heating controls, smart lighting and security systems. The products featured can be used alone or integrated into a whole house solution depending on the needs of the homeowner. The Smart Technology Guide is designed as a useful tool for installers to help their own customers to choose the right smart technology products for their lifestyle and needs. It also details the advantages of smart technology and includes case study examples to demonstrate the benefits. To find out more about smart technology and to pick up a copy of the guide visit your local branch or or enter the PHAM No. GRAHAM
Conquer all with the Scruffs Victory Boot
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Providing easy access to up-to-date product information, a new app from BLANCO UK makes downloading and sharing the company's kitchen sink, tap and appliances brochures easy. The free, simple-to-use app gives instant access to BLANCO's extensive range of kitchen taps, kitchen sinks, induction hobs, extractor hoods and accessories. Once downloaded within the app, the product brochures provide detailed up-to-date information, specifications and inspiration, allowing additions to be made to customers' kitchens based on the latest innovations and cutting-edge design. Individual pages can easily be accessed and, if required, shared via Twitter, Facebook or by e-mail. For further information on BLANCO UK, please call 01923 635 200 enter the PHAM No. or visit
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