PHAM NEWS JULYAUG17 EDIT:Layout 1 06/07/2017 15:37 Page 1
Volume V o olume 55 | Issue 7 | J July/August uly/August 2017
Debate h Debate heats eats u up po on n tthe he ffuture uture of of oil oil installations installations
Armitage Arm A rmittage age Sh Shanks hanks h anks
bicentennial b icentte enn nnia nia al g giveaway iveaway
OFTEC, the OFTEC, the UK’s UK’s oil oil heating heating body, body, has has issued issued a document document which which sets sets out out its its vision vision for for the the future future of of off-grid o ff-grid h heating, eating, b but ut h has as rreceived eceived cr criticism iticism ffrom rom ccompanies ompanies p promoting romoting rrenewable enewable a alternatives. lternatives. OFTEC’s new vision document puts O FTEC’s ne wv ision do cument p uts fforward o orward tthe he oil oil heating heating industry’s industry’s view view on on how how the the off grid market might develop over o ff g rid m arket m ight d evelop o ver the the next next five Presented by CEO Paul fi ve years years and and beyond. beyond. P resented b yC EO P au ul Rose R ose att the the trade trade association’s association’s recent recent annual annual conference c onference and and AGM, AGM, it it contains contains proposals proposals to to energy efficiency and carbon iimprove mpr p ove e nergy e fficiency a nd c arbon rreduction eduction homes England and Wales. ffor or h omes iin nE ngland a nd W ales. The on approach, T he vision vision ffocuses ocuses o n a ttwo-stage wo-stage a pproach, llooking ooking at at improving improving the the efficiency efficiency of of existing e xisting systems systems in in the the short-term short-term with with the the off o older oil boilers and wider rreplacement eplacement o lder o il b oilers a nd w ider use use off c controls and o ontrols ttechnology, echnology, a nd tthen hen iintroducing ntroducing a low low carbon carbon liquid liquid fuel fue u l as as a replacement replacement to to kerosene k erosene by by the the year year 2022. 2022. and carbon ““Improving Improving energy energ y efficiency efficiency a nd c arbon off-grid homes an rreduction eduction ffor or o ff-grid h omes iis s a n iissue ssue which must be addressed,” w hich m ust b e urgently urgently a ddressed,” ssaid aid Paul has P aul Rose Rose at at the the launch. launch. “OFTEC “OFTEC h as ttaken aken tthe he lead lead and and developed developed what what we we believe believe is is a practical, practical, affordable affordable and and effective effective solution solution which addresses Government’s key w hich a ddresses tthe he G overnment’s ffour our k ey keep energy bills cost rrequirements: equirements: tto ok eep e nerg y b ills llow; ow; c ost effectively carbon emissions; ensure e ffectively rreduce educe c arbon e missions; e nsure a secure, secure, resilient resilient energy energ y supply; supply; and and avoid avoid
unreasonable upfront costs consumers u nreasonab ble u pfront c osts ffor or c onsumers iin n process.” tthe he pr rocess.” The T he conference conference also also provided provided an an opportunity o pportunity to to highlight highlight the the recent recent growth g rowth oil boilers, with iin n demand demand ffor or o il b oilers, w ith tthe he current current cost being key rrelative elative llow ow c ost of of oil oil ffuel ue u lb eing a k ey factor. factor. Last 10 year high, L ast year year saw saw sales sales reach reach a 1 0y ear h igh, iincreasing ncreasing by by 15% 15% on on 2015 2015 and and 25% 25% on on 2014. 2014. With W ith oil oil currently currently cheaper cheaper than than mains mains gas gas and and ssignificantly ignificantly cheaper cheap per than than LPG LPG and and electricity, electricity, market conditions are predicted remain m arket c onditions a re p redicted to t re main positive p ositive ffor or o sometime. sometime. OFTEC acknowledges needs do more O FTEC a cknowledges tthat hat iitt n eeds tto od om ore address concerns about carbon emissions, tto oa ddress c oncerns ab out c arbon e missions,
but off b ut its its campaign cam mpaign to to promote promote tthe he rreplacement ep placement o older o lder oil oil boilers boilers with with more more efficient efficient condensing condensing models has m odels h as received received criticism criticism from from some some ssources, ources, including including NIBE, NIBE, the the manufacturer manufa acturer off h heat o eat pumps. pumps. The The company company argues argues that thatt the the UK U K sshould hould resist resist calls calls to to maintain maintain the the status status quo q uo and and that that the the encouragement encouragement of of further further oil oil heating would promote h eating iinstallations nstallations w ould ssimply imply p romote tthe he use off an u se o an unsustainable unsustainable and and limited limited resource. resource. oil with oil will not address ““Replacing Replacing o il w ith o il w ill n ot a ddress tthe he higher h igher carbon carbon and and air air pollution pollution emissions emissions from from tthese hese heating heatting systems systems in in the the off-grid off-grid market; market; will continue iinstead nstead tthese hese ssystems ystems w ill c ontinue tto o sspout pout out pollution next 20 years,” o ut p ollution ffor or tthe he n ext 2 0y ears,” argues argues Phil MD off N NIBE UK. off-grid areas P hil Hurley, Hurley, M Do IBE U K. ““In In o ff-grid a reas are alternatives as heat tthere here a re ssustainable ustainab able a lternatives ssuch uch a sh eat pumps p umps which which provide provide clean, clean, green green energy.” energ y.” The European heating T he E uropean oil oil h eating iindustry ndustry iis s concerned about prospect off llegislation c oncerned ab out tthe he pr ospect o egislation might but hopes tthat hat m ight rrestrict estrict ffuture uture ssales, ales, b ut h opes governments might be dissuaded tthat hat g overnments m ight b ed issuaded ffrom rom ttaking aking action action rrecently ecently rreceived eceived a setback setback when when Norway announced proposals ban use No rway ya nnounced p pr oposals tto ob an tthe he u se off oil heating by 2020 o oil h eating b y2 020 – the the first first European European country c ountry to to do do so. so.
Disappointment D isapp p ointment a about bout delayed delayed decisions decisions The He The Heat at Pump Pump Association Associat ion ((HPA) HPA) h has as expressed e xpressed iits ts d disappointment isap ppointment a and nd ffrustration rustrattion ffollowing ollow ing news news tthat hat tthe he delay delay iin nb bringing r ing ing iin n the the proposed proposed reforms refor ms to to the the Renewable Renewable Heat He at Incentive Incentive (RHI) (RHI) will will now now extend extend b beyond eyond tthe he ssummer. ummer. The The overdue overdue reforms refor ms h have ave off d delays and ssuffered uffered a number number o elays a nd ssetbacks etbacks due d ue to to procedural procedural formatting for matt ing iissues, ssues, and and tthe he snap snap general general election elect ion a and nd subsequent subsequent changes c hanges to to Government Gover nment have have a altered ltered tthe he delivery d eliver y time t ime frame frame once once more. more. Mike off tthe HPA, M ike Nankivell, Nank ivell, President President o he H PA, comments: c omments: “This “This prolonged prolonged process process of of reform reform could c ould potentially potent ially damage damage the t he renewable renewable heat creating uncertainty and h eat iindustry, ndustr y, c reat ing u ncer taint y a nd
confusion over c onf usion o ver tariffs tar iffs in in both bot h domestic domest ic and markets. a nd non-domestic non-domest ic m arkets. ““Although Although we we are are once once again ag gaiin left left frustrated frustrated by by delays, we changes tthe he d elays, w e recognise recognise that that when when tthe he c hanges are will be a re finally finally implemented implemented tthere here w ill llikely ikely b e off ssignificantly a ssilver ilv ver lining lining in in the the form form o ignificantly iimproved mproved tariffs. tariffs. In In addition, addition, any any installations installattions December rregistered egistered ffrom rom 12th 12th D ecember 2016 2016 up up until until are tthe he new new regulations regulations a re introduced introduced will will not not be but will be b e ssubject ubj b ect to to heat heat demand demand llimits imits b ut w ill b e eligible any e ligible ffor or a ny iimproved mproved tariffs, tariffs, allowing allowing operators maximise potential off ttheir o perators tto om aximise tthe he p otential o heir changes come ssystems ystems until until tthe he c hanges c ome iinto nto fforce.” orce.” Designed D esigned to to promote promote tthe he use use of of renewable renewable heat and h eat a nd help help the the UK UK reduce reduce its its carbon carbon
emissions, RHI was e missions, tthe he R HI w as iinitially nitially iintroduced ntroduced non-domestic November ffor or n on-domestic iinstallations nstallations iin n No vember 2011, 2 011, ffollowed ollowed by by the the domestic domestic scheme scheme in in April April 2014. Energy 2 014. The The Department Department for for Business, Business, E nerg y and a nd Industrial Industrial Strategy Strateg y (BEIS) (BEIS) is is expected expected to to provide pr ovide an an update update on on the the proposed proposed reform reform after a fter tthe he ssummer. ummer. The HPA, part T he H PA, which which iis sp ar t of of the the Federation Federation off E Environmental Trade Associations, o nvironmental T rade A ssociations, ssays ays iitt will w ill continue cont inue e to to support suppor t the t he overall o v er a l l objectives o bject ives of of the t he RHI R HI and and is is on on hand hand to to advise a dv ise BEIS BEIS when when needed. needed. For comment about RHI and F or further f ur ther co m m e nt a bout tthe he R HI a nd tthe he UK U K renewables renewables market, market, see see this this month’s month’s feature feature which page 45. w hich starts star t s on on p ag e 4 5.
Page P Pa ge
Serving at Serving at Wimbledon W imbledon d
With the With the occasional occasional downpour downpour a feature feature e o most Wimbledon Wimbledon tournaments tournaments you you off most wouldn’t w ouldn’t h have ave tthought hought tthe he a availability vailability y of of water w ate er would would d be be too too much much of of a problem, problem, but but b eing able able tto od eliver the the required re equire ed amount amount being deliver off w o water ater tto ow where here iitt iis sn needed eeded m most ost ccan an sometimes prove The s ometimes p rove a cchallenge. hallenge. T he rrecent ecent arrival a rriv val of of a s six-pump ix-pump G Grundfos rundfos Hydro Hydro MPC-E M PC-E booster booster set set has has helped help ped to to ensure ensure tthat hat tthe he 3 39,000 9,000 s spectators pectators w who ho v visit isit tthe he g rand slam slam e vent e ver y y ear w ill b ew ell grand event every year will be well ccatered ater ered ffor. or. W With itth a an na average vera age cconsumption onsumptio on off 330,000 o 330,000 ccups ups o off ttea ea a and nd 140,000 140,000 s servings errvings off s o strawberries trrawberriies a and nd cream, cream, it’s itt’s one one s service ervicce game g ame tthat hat cclearly learlly w wins ins o over verr tthe he ccrowds. rowds.