November/December 2016

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Volume V olum o me 54 | Issue 10 | N November/December ovember/December 2016

Solar S olar thermal thermal industry industry sseeks eeks clarity clarity about about RHI RHI

WIN WI N ADE ADEY’S DE EY’S Best B Be es st Practice Pra actic cttiice c Bu B Bundle und dlle

An open An open letter letter signed signed by by more more than than 20 20 organisations organisations from from the the solar solar thermal thermal industry industr y is is asking asking the the Government G overnment to to end end uncertainty uncertaint y about about proposals proposals to to remove remove RHI RHI support support for for the the technology. t hnology. tec 21 o 21 organisations rganisat ions rrepresenting epr p esent ing tthe he U UK K have backed ssolar olar tthermal her mal ssector ector h ave b acked a lletter etter tto o B Baroness aroness Ne Neville-Rolfe, v ille-Rolfe, M Minister i n i s t er o off State S tate ffor or E Energy nerg y a and nd IIntellectual ntellectual P Property, roper t y, urging u rg ing h her er tto o rretain etain ssolar olar tthermal her mal w within it hin tthe he R Renewable enewable He Heat at IIncentive ncent ive ((RHI). R HI). T The he group, which local governments, g roup, w hich iincludes ncludes lo ca l g over nments, manufacturers, m anufact urers, housing housing pr providers, ov iders, lland and owners, o wners, a and nd e environmental nv ironmental c campaigners, ampaig ners, argue energy a rg ue tthat hat tthe he e nerg y ssaving av ing ttechnology echnolog y sshould hould n not ot b be eu unfairly nfairly y disadvantaged disadvantaged by by being and b eing removed removed ffrom rom tthe he sscheme cheme a nd tthat hat off ssolar tthe he diverse diverse application applicat ion o olar tthermal her mal sshould hould b e ffully ully rrecognised. e c og n i s e d . be Paul P aul B Barwell, ar well, C Chief hief E Executive x cutive o xe off tthe he S Solar olar Trade T rade Association, Association, comments: comments: “The “The industry industry was w as sshocked hocked in in March March when when tthe he G Government overnment proposed pr oposed removing removing solar solar thermal thermal from from the the RHI, R HI, w whilst hilst rretaining etaining ssupport upport ffor or h heat eatt p pumps umps and a nd biomass. biomass. Now, Now, six si x months mont hs later, later, the t he iindustry ndustr y is is still st ill in in limbo limbo as as iitt w waits aits ffor or tthe he Government’s We are confident G over nment’s rresponse. esponse. W ea re c onfident we made compelling case tthat hat w em ade a c ompelling c ase tto o ssupport upport ssolar olar thermal t her mal and and hope hope the t he Government Gover nment proposal. However urgent rrethinks ethinks ttheir heir p roposal. H owever iitt iis su rgent

t hat w e get get a decision decision quickly quickly tto oe nd tthis h is that we end uncertainty.” uncer taint y.”

Proven P roven ttechnology echnology The Association The Association a argues rg ues that that solar solar thermal ther mal iis s a pr proven roven ttechnology echnolog y w with ith tthe he p potential otential tto o play p lay a m major ajor rrole ole iin nd decarbonising ecarbonising tthe he U UK’s K’s domestic d omest ic a and nd c commercial ommercial ssectors. ectors. U Unlike n l i ke other heat o t her rrenewable enewable h eat ttechnologies, echnolog ie i s, ssolar olar has h as n negligible eglig ible rrunning unning c costs o st s a and nd c can an b be e combined c ombined w with it h e existing xist ing h heating eat ing ssystems, ystems, making m aking it it particularly particularly well well suited suited for for homes homes iin n fuel fue el poverty. poverty. It It works works e effectively ffectively y iin n builtbuiltup u p a areas, r ea s, o on n sm smaller aller rroofs, oofs, a and nd iin n a areas r ea s where an London w here air air quality qualit y iis s a n iissue. ssue. IIn n L ondon

ssolar olar thermal ther mal is is the the dominant dominant technology technolog y RHI ffor or R HI applications. applicat ions. off c cutting IInstead nstead o utting solar solar thermal thermal from from tthe he RHI argue R HI the the organisations organisations ssigning igning tthe he lletter etter a rgue Government expand tthat hat tthe he G over nment sshould hould e xpand tthe he number off a applications off ssolar n u m b er o pplicat ions o olar tthermal her mal allowed. a llowed. The The letter letter points points out out that t hat the t he UK UK currently well behind other countries c ur rently llags ags w ell b ehind o ther c ountr ies use off ssolar 44th iin n iits ts u se o olar tthermal her mal – rranking ank ing 4 4t h according capacity a ccording tto o tthe he IIEA E A ffor or iinstalled nstalled c apacit y per capita. also argues hot water p er c apita. IItt a l so a rg ues tthat hat h ot w ater demand an off d emand rrepresents epresents a n iincreasing ncreasing sshare ha r e o use buildings, means tthe he energy energ y u se iin nb uildings, which which m ea n s tthat hat ssolar olar tthermal hermal rrepresents epresents ‘‘a a ttechnology echnolog y off p particular o ar t icular strategic st rateg ic iimportance’. mpor tance’. The T he letter letter sstates: tattes: ‘If ‘If the the proposal proposal to to remove remove ssolar olar thermal thermal from from the the RHI RHI is is implemented, implemented, tthe he ttechnology echnolog y will w ill be be at at a competitive compet it ive disadvantage and every prospect d isadvantage a nd tthere here iis se ver y pr o sp e c t tthat hat the the current cur rent supply supply chain chain will will atrophy, atrophy, valuable UK and ttogether oget her with w it h v aluable U K sskills k i l ls a nd tthe he manufacturing where UK has m anufactur ing iindustry ndustr y w here tthe he U Kh as cutting edge capabilities’. c utt ing e dge c apabilit ies’. The was Minister off S State T he letter letter w as ssent ent tto o tthe he M inister o tate on 25th October. o n2 5t h O ctober.

Scotland S cotland tto o ffund und n new ew fuel fuel poverty poverty initiative initiative The Scottish The Scottish Government Government is is making making £10 £10 m illion available availab ble to to tackle tackle fuel fue u l poverty poverty in in the the million w ake of of its its failure failure to to e radicatte tthe he pr oblem. wake eradicate problem. The T he Government Government h had ad p planned lanned tto ow wipe ipe o out ut ffuel uel p u overty iin nS cotland b y2 016, b ut 8 45,0 000 poverty Scotland by 2016, but 845,000 h ouseholds ((35%) 35%) a re sstill till a fffected, a fi gure tthat hat households are affected, figure has h as rremained emained sstable table ssince ince 2 2009. 009. Councils C ouncils a and nd h housing ousing a associations ssociations w will ill b be e able ab ble tto o access access a share share of of £9 £9 million million tto oh help elp vulnerable v ulnerable h households ouseholds iin n ttheir heir a area rea k keep eep warm. w arm. The The remaining remaining £ £1 1m million illion will will be be used used tto o provide provide iinterest-free nterest-free loans loans to to those those making mak king energy en ergy efficiency efficiency iimprovements. mprovements. MSP M SP and and Housing Housing M Minister inister Kevin Kevin Stewart Stewart announced a nnounced the the funds funds at at Energy Energy Action Action

Scotland’s Scotland’s national nattional conference, conference, Fuel Fuel Poverty Poverty Matters, Matters, h held eld iin ne early arly No November. vember. He e ssaid: aid: ““Since Since 2 2008 008 over over one one m million illion e energy nergy e efficiency fficiency measures measures have have been been installed installed in in almost almost one one million million households households across across Scotland. Scotland. Over Over the the next ffour our y ears w ea re m aking h alf a b illion next years we are making half billion pounds available available to to tackle tackle fuel fue u l poverty poverty and and pounds improve improve e energy nergy e efficiency. fficiency. T This his m means, eans, b by y tthe he end end o off 2 2021, 021, w we ew will ill h have ave c committed ommitted m more ore tthan han £1 b illion tto om aking o ur h omes a nd b uildings £1 billion making our homes and buildings warmer warmer and and c cheaper heaper tto oh heat.” eatt.” The T he Government Government is is also also looking looking to to develop develop Scotland’s Scotlan and’s E Energy nergy E Efficiency fficiency P Programme rogramme (SEEP). (SEEP). This This initiative initiattive will will help help local local authorities authorities to to investigate investigate new new a approaches pp proaches tto oe energy nergy e efficiency. fficiency.

There T here are are currently currently y 11 11 pilot pilot projects proje j cts in in the the works works tto o test test different different ways way ys of of saving saving energy. energy. M Mrr S Stuart t ua r t a announced nnounced iin n O October ctober tthat hat tthe he Government Gover nment will w ill also also carry car r y out out an an iindependent ndependent rreview evie i wo off tthe he d definition efinition o off ffuel uel poverty, p over t y, which which currently cur rent ly states states that t hat any any home 10% off iits on heating h ome sspending pending 1 0% o ts iincome ncome o nh eating iiss ffuel uel poor. poor. The The Fuel Fuel Poverty Pover t y Strategic Strateg ic Working W ork ing Group Group has has concluded concluded this t his view v iew broad’ and may be efforts iiss ‘‘too to o b road’ a nd m ay b e iimpeding mpeding e ffor ts most vulnerable households. tto o rreach each tthe he m o st v ulnerable h ouseholds. S Scotland’s cotland’s d definition efinition o off ffuel ue u lp poverty overty d differs iffers ffrom rom tthat hat n now ow u used sed iin n tthe he rrest est of of the t he UK, U K, which partially high figure w hich p artially accounts accounts ffor or tthe he h igh fi gure iin n Scotland. Scot land.

See page 51

Wood W ood b burner urrner e in n ttree ree to tops ops

A ttreehouse reehouse iin naD Devon evon w woodland oodland iis sa an n unlikely u nlikely setting setting for for D Dean ean F Forge’s org ge’s q quirky uirky D artmoor B aker wood wood burner, burnerr, but but owner owner Dartmoor Baker Phil P hil Hamlyn Hamlyn wanted wante ed a stove stove that that would would fitt iin fi nw with ith the the holiday holiday hideaway’s hideaway’s unique unique ccharacter. haracterr. V Visitors isittors sw will ill be be able able to o rent re ent tthe he modern ttreehouse re eehouse as a getaway getaway ffrom rom m odern llife, ife f , warming w arming themselves th hemselv ves by by the the fire fire e and and using usin ng the built-in oven and warm th he b uiltt-in o ven tto o ccook ook a nd dw arm food. food. Simon Chew, off D Dean Forge, S imon C hew, cco-owner o-owner o ean F orge, says: were s ays: “We “We w erre delighted delighted to to hear hear that that one one of of our Bakers was destined o ur Dartmoor Darttmoor B akers w as d estiin ned tto o warm warm m and wonderful a nd provide provide sustenance sustenance ffor or th tthis his w onderful We ttreehouse. re eehouse. W e are are e rather rather taken taken with witth it it ourselves, and we’re toasting o urselves, a nd w e’re e imagining imagining to oasting fishing orr w walking.” ccrumpets rumpets after afte er a day’s day’s fi shing o alking.”



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