PHAM NEWS ad2edit:Layout 1 01/09/2016 15:13 Page 1
Volume V o olume 54 | Issue 8 | S September eptember 2016
Proposals tto Proposals o cut cut number number off n o new ew b boilers oilers u under nder E ECO CO
The number The number of of boilers bo oilers installed installed under under the the Energy Energy Company Company Obligation Obligation scheme scheme could could be be significantly significantly rreduced educed b by y proposals proposals tto o streamline streamline E ECO CO b before efore iitt iis ss superseded upersed e ed b by y the the Fuel Fuel Poverty Povert y O Obligation bligation 2 2018. 018. G over nment proposals Government proposals to to reform refor m the t he Energy E nerg y Company Company Obligation Obligation (ECO) (ECO) may may y see see ffewer ewer boilers boile l rs installed installe l d under unde d r the the h scheme sche h me designed d esigned to to h help elp h homes omes iin n ffuel ue u lp poverty. overty. E ECO CO iiss due due to to wind wind u up p at at tthe he end end o off M March arch 2 2017, 017, however h owever tthe he sscheme cheme w will ill b be ee extended xtended u until ntil by Obligation iitt is is rreplaced eplaced b y the the Fuel Fue el Poverty Poverty O bligation ((FPO) FPO) in in 2018. 2018. Within Within this this one one y year ear ttransition ransition period, p eriod, the the Department Department for for B Business, usiness, E Energy nergy and Strategy a nd IIndustrial ndustrial S trateg y ((BEIS) BEIS) iis s llooking ooking tto o iimplement mplement me measures asures tthat hat will will streamline streamline delivery and d elivery of of energy energ y efficiency efficiency upgrades upgrades a nd better b etter target target those those most most in in need. need. T he Government Government launched launched a consultation consultation The earlier e arlier iin n tthe he ssummer ummer sseeking eeking v views iews o on n a rrange ange off pr o proposals, oposals, w with ith tthe he p policy olicy o on ng gas as b boilers oilers iidentified dentified as as a potential potential source source for for revision. revision. IIndustry ndustry stakeholders stakeholders were were asked asked whether whether tthey hey would would ssupport upport a cap cap on on tthe he n number umber o off gas g as boiler boiler replacements. replacements. The T he He Heating at ing and and H Hotwater ot water IIndustry ndust r y Council cutting boilers C ouncil (HHIC) (HHIC) believes believes tthat hat c utting b oilers would have an adverse on w ould h ave a na dverse iimpact mpact o n rreducing educing poverty. Government, ffuel uel p u overty. IIn n iits ts rresponse esponse tto oG overnment, tthe he HHIC HHIC pointed pointed out out that t hat to to date date some some 400,000 gas boilers have been 4 00,000 g as b oilers h ave b een ssuccessfully uccessfully under ECO, describing measure iinstalled nstalled u nder E CO, d escribing tthis his m easure ass amongst most cost-effective ways a amongst tthe he m o st c ost-effect ive w ays off delivering o deliver ing savings. sav ing s.
number off b boilers can be ““Cutting Cutting the the n umber o oilers tthat hat c an b e delivered via ECO big deliver e ed v ia E CO is is a b ig mistake,” mistake,” says say ys Isaac Isaac Occhipinti, Head off E External Affairs att tthe Occhipint i, He ad o xter nal A f fa i r s a he HHIC. homes poverty, having HHIC. ““For For h omes iin n ffuel uel p overt y, h aving a new boiler with associated heating controls new b oiler w ith a ssociated h eating c ontrols could £350 per year, not mention could ssave ave £ 350 p er y ear, n ot tto om ention tthe he social and health benefits derived social a nd h ealth b enefits d erived ffrom rom lliving iving in warm house. Replacing orr iinstalling in a w ar m h ouse. R eplacing o nstalling a new boiler new b oiler often often acts acts as as a catalyst catalyst for for other other changes, changes, and and we we believe believe tthat hat tthey hey sshould hould be be recognised recog nised as as a lead lead ttechnology.” echnolog y.” Proffering different view, Energy Saving P roffering a d ifferent v iew, tthe he E nergy S aving Trust has agrees with proposal Trust h as ssaid aid iitt a grees w ith tthe he pr oposal to boiler Writing to cap cap gas gas b oiler iinstallations. nstallations. W riting iin n iits ts response, EST response, tthe he E ST said: said: “As “As energy energy inefficient inefficient boilers boilers are are iincreasingly ncreasingly rremoved emoved ffrom rom tthe he stock, stock, replacing replacing old old gas gas boilers boilers with with newer newer ones ones does does not not necessarily necessarily achieve achieve a significant significant
energy orr d do much e nerg y efficiency efficiency iimprovement mprovement o om uch iin n tterms erms of of ffuel uel poverty poverty alleviation.” alleviation.” However, qualified H owever, the the EST EST q ualifie fi d its its response response by by arguing whose boilers break a rguing that that householders householders w hose b oilers b reak k and a nd who who cannot cannot afford afford a replacement replacement sshould hould not be without help. The Trust n ot b ew ithout h elp. T he T rust ssuggested uggested that that any a ny cuts cuts to to gas gas boiler boiler replacements replacements should should be be vulnerable ssupported upported by by a new new scheme scheme for for v ulnerable owner occupiers. o wner o ccupiers. It It also also advised advised tthat hat tthe he rrented ented ssector ector needs needs a more more rrobust obust enforcement enfo orcement of of housing health and oblige h ousing h ealth a nd ssafety afety llaws aws tto o o blige broken boilers. llandlords andlords tto o rrapidly apidly rreplace eplace b roken b oilers. Latest have L atest government government sstatistics tatistics h av ve sshown hown tthat hat the t he number number of of households households in in fuel f uel poverty 2.35 2.38 million. p overty has has risen risen from from 2. 35 tto o 2. 38 m illion. Martyn Reed, MD off E Elmhurst Energy, M ar t y n R e e d, M D o lmhurst E nerg y, behalves figure underlines need b ehalves tthis his fi g u re u nderlines tthe he n e ed programmes ECO. ffor or pr og rammes llike i ke E CO. must ensure homes are ““Our Our ssociety ociety m ust e nsure tthat hat h omes a re warm can afford heat w arm and and people people c an a fford tto oh eat them them adequately,” he a dequately y,” h e ssays. ays. ““Government, ay Government, tthrough hrough B EIS, is is funding funding the the Energy Energ y Companies Companies BEIS, Obligation poverty. However, O bligation to to ttackle ackle ffuel uel p overt y. H owever, while policy, we w hile we we welcome welcome tthis h is p olicy, w e note note tthat hat ECO tthe he pot pot of of money money iin nE CO has has been been reduced reduced £870m £640m. We are campaigning ffrom rom £ 870m tto o£ 640m. W ea re c ampaigning off m money tto o ensure ensure tthat hat tthe he rreduced educed ssum um o oney ECO directed iin n tthe he E CO policy policy iis sd irected ttowards owards tthose hose greatest need.” ffamilies amilies in in g reatest n eed.”
Plumbers P lumbers jjailed ailed ffor or rripping ipping o off ff ccustomers ustomers Birmingham b Birmingham based ased p plumbers lumbers w who ho c charged harged a W arwickshire rresident esident o ver £ 5000 tto ou nblock Warwickshire over £5000 unblock a toilet toilet have have b been een jailed. jailed. T Two wo p plumbers lumbers tturned urned up att a rrate off £ £672 per hour VAT unblock u pa ate o 672 p er h our + V AT tto ou nblock tthe he ttoilet. oilet. T They hey tthen hen rreturned etturned tthe he ffollowing ollowing day d ay y to to d do on non-emergency on-emergency w work ork o on n a ssoil oil p pipe, ipe, and a nd an an emergency emergency rate ratte was was again again charged. charged. The T he total total cost cost for for ‘unblocking’ ‘unblocking’ the the toilet toilet came c ame to to £ £5642, 5642, o off w which hich £ £2474.70 2474.70 w was as p paid aid before Warwickshire County Council Trading b efore W arwickshire C ounty C ouncil T rading Standards S tandards w was as alerted alerted and and intervened intervened to to stop stop
any any ffurther urther p payments. ayments. T The he p plumbing lumbing fi firm rm advertised advertised iin n tthe he Y Yellow ellow P Pages ages a as se emergency mergency local local plumbers plumbers tthat hat o offered ffered O OAP AP d discounts. iscounts. Duane D uane Linton, Linton, a aged g ed 3 34, 4, w was as c company ompany director director o off P Plumb-Tech lumb-Tech P Plumbing lumbing a and nd He Heating ating Ltd, Ltd, and and Plumb-Tech Plumb-Tech P Plumbing lumbing a and nd He Heating ating 1 Ltd. Ltd. He pleaded pleaded g guilty uilt y tto o ffraud raud b by y ffalse a l se representation and and was was jailed jailed for for two two years years representation and and eight eight months. mont hs. Subcontractor S ubcontractor O Otis tis W Wray ray w was as jjailed ailed ffor or nine nine m months onths a and nd o ordered rdered tto op pay ay y£ £2000 2000 c costs osts
a nd c ompensation tto ov ictims o 1113; P eter and compensation victims off £ £1113; Peter Hawketts H awketts was was jailed jailed for for 16 16 months; months; an and nd P Patrick atrick Th awe was was sentenced sentenced to to 20 20 months months in in jail. jail. Thawe P Paul aul Harmer, Har mer, Technical Technical Director Director of of the t he Chartered C hartered Institute Institute of of Plumbing Plumbing and and Heating Heating Engineering E ng ineer ing (CIPHE), (CIPHE), comments: comments: “This “This is is a sshocking hock ing case. case. Unfortunately, Unfor t unately, tthis his ttype y pe o off criminal c r iminal behaviour behav iour damages damages tthe he iimage mage o off plumbers p lumbers g generally. enerally. M Members embers o off tthe he p public ublic need n eed tto ob be e ab able le tto o ttrust rust tthe he p person erson they they are are iinviting nviting iinto nto ttheir heir h home ome tto oc carry ar r y o out ut w work.” ork.”
£200 Five lucky readers to win a £200 gift card See page 36
Installers u Installers up p and a nd away! away!
When Bristol Br istol hosted hosted its its International Inter nat ional When Balloon Balloon Fiesta Fiesta last last month, mont h, G Grant rant U UK K sponsored sponsored tthe he b basket asket o occupied ccupied by by one one of its its G -One Accredited Accredited iinstallers, nstallers, D uggan of G-One Duggan Plumbing Plumbing and and Heating. Heat ing. With Wit h the t he bright br ight Grant Grant c colours olours on on sshow, how, tteam eam D Duggan uggan stood stood out a mong tthe he 1 40 b alloons iin n fl ight. out among 140 balloons flight. “It “It was was great g reat to to be be a p part ar t of of an an event event which which a attracted tt racted o over ver half half a million million visitors,” v isitors,” comments comments C Craig, raig, ffrom rom D Duggan uggan Plumbing. Plumbing. “I “I want want to to thank thank Grant Grant UK UK for for t heir sponsorship sponsorship o ur b asket a sw el l their off o our basket as well as as supplying supply ing tthe he tteam ea m w with it h sshirts.” hir ts.”