February 2017

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PHAM NEWS Feb17 ad2edit:Layout 1 02/02/2017 15:45 Page 1

Volume V olume o 55 | Issue 2 | F February ebruary 2017

Green G reen Deal Deal programme programme now iin np private rivate h hands ands

3 tto ob be e wo w won! o on n! Electric E lect ctr tric riic UFH U EC M Mat at

Green Deal Green Deal fi finance nance lloans oans a are re s set et tto o rreopen eopen b by y tthe he e end nd o off M March arch ffollowing ollowing tthe he G Government’s overnment’s d decision ecision tto o sell sell the the scheme scheme and and the the existing existing loan loan book book to to private private investors investors for for a fee fe ee of of £40m. £40m. The G reen D eal programme, programme, launched launched b y tthe he The Green Deal by Government iin n2 013 but but scrapped scrapped by by former former Government 2013 Energ y Secretary Secretar y Amber Amber Rudd Rudd 18 18 months mont hs Energy ago, h as b een ttaken aken o ver b yp rivatte iinvestors. nvestors. ago, has been over by private Greenstone F inance a nd A ur ium C apital Greenstone Finance and Aurium Capital Markets have have a cquired the t he b usiness a nd Markets acquired business and assets of of the the Green Green Deal Deal Finance Finance Company Company assets for £ 40m. T he n ew o wners will will continue continue to to for £40m. The new owners service existing existing loans loans and and plan plan to to commence commence service financing new new Green Green Deal Deal loans loans by by the the end end financing Ma rc h . off March. When fi rst llaunched, aunched, tthe he G reen D ea l When first Green Deal scheme w as ssaid aid tto ob e tthe he Government’s Gover nment’s scheme was be flagship energy energ y efficiency eff icie i nc y iinitiative nit iat ive a nd flagship and was hailed hailed by by Ministers Ministers as as the t he biggest big gest was home iimprovement mprovement o perat ion ssince ince tthe he home operation second world world war. war. It It was was designed desig ned to to offer offer second loans ffor or iinsulation, nsulation, rrenewable enewable e nerg y a nd loans energy and ot her e nerg y ssaving av ing m easures, ssuch uch as as a other energy measures, new b oiler, which which would would then then be be repaid repaid as as new boiler, par t of of the the customer’s customer’s e nerg y b i l l, b ut w as part energy bill, but was eventually ab andoned b y tthe he G over nment eventually abandoned by Government follow ing llow ow ttake-up ake-up by by the t he public. public. following

Greenstone Finance, Finance, a pr ivate c ompany Greenstone private company backed by by a consortium consor t ium of of investors, investors, is is a backed holding c ompany w hich iinvests nvests iin na nd sstarts tarts holding company which and companies focused focused on on financing financing rrenewable enewable companies energ y a nd energy energ y efficiency efficiency pr ojects. The The energy and projects. company believes believes that t hat homeowners homeow ners can ca n company st ill be be attracted attracted to to the t he scheme, scheme, despite despite still t he d isappoint ing n umbers attracted attracted b y the disappointing numbers by t he Government. Gover nment. the

“We believe believe that that the the concept concept of of repaying repay ing “We your loan loan as as you you save sav ve on on your your energy energ y bills bills is is your an excellent excellent one,” one,” says says Killan Killan Pender, Pender, founder founder an and CEO CEO of of G reenstone Finance. Finance. ““With With tthe he and Greenstone significant pr ivate iinvestment nvestment tthat hat w eh ave significant private we have secured, we’re we’re looking look ing forward for ward to to rolling rolling secured, t he Green Green Deal Deal finance finance scheme scheme o ut a c ro s s the out across the c ountr y. We We will w ill provide prov ide homeowners homeowners the country. w it h a c ost-effect ive w ay tto o iimprove mprove ttheir heir with cost-effective way homes a nd quality qualit y of of life.” life.” homes and The company company says says that t hat it it will w ill focus focus on on The improving access access to to and and awareness aw wareness of of Green Green improving Deal fi nance b y iinvesting nvest ing ssignificantly ig nificant ly iin n Deal finance by its website, website, customer customer services ser vices and and training training its of Green Green Deal Deal providers. prrov iders. of One of of the t he key key aspects aspects of of the t he scheme scheme iis s One thatt it it allows allows consumers consumers to to meet meet the the upfront upfront that costs of of installing installing energy energ y ssaving av ing measures measures costs by providing prov iding a fixed fi xed interest interest rate rate over over tthe he by lifet ime o he plan. plan. L oan repayments repay ments are a re lifetime off tthe Loan attached to to the the property, p operty, not pr not the the individual, individual, attached so consumers consumers are are not not be be left left with w it h money money so to rrepay epay if if they t hey leave leave tthe he p pr oper t y. to property.

Open O pen letter letter to to PM PM slams slams added added regulations regu g lations Some of Some of tthe he recommendations recommendations m made ade iin n tthe he recently recently published published ‘Each ‘Each Home Home Counts’ Counts’ Bonfield B onf ield Review Review have hav ve come come under under fire fire from from Peter P eter T Thom, hom, e energy nerg y e efficiency fficiency c campaigner ampaig ner and a nd M MD Do off C Cambridgeshire ambridgeshire b based ased G Green reen Heat Heat. t. IIn n an an open open lletter etter tto o tthe he P Prime r ime Minister, Minister, he he has h as expressed expressed frustration fr ustration a att pr proposals oposals tto o put p ut “yet “yet more more b barriers” arriers” in in the the way way of of heating heating iinstallers nstallers who who deliver deliver the the energy energ y efficient efficient ssolutions olutions a advocated dvocated iin n tthe he R Review. ev iew. ““The The B Bonfield onf ield Review Rev ie ew shows shows that t hat little litt le h as been been learnt learnt from from the the failure failure of of previous previous has iinitiatives,” nitiatives,” Peter Peter Thom Thom a argues rgues iin n tthe he lletter. etter. ““The The v valuable aluable e experience, xper ience, a advice dv ice a and nd k nowledge from from tthose hose who who have have tried tr ied to to knowledge make m ake these these schemes schemes w work ork and and who who are are on on has not been considered.” tthe he ‘front ‘front lline’ ine’ h as n ot b een c onsidered.”

Peter p Peter points oints o out ut tthat hatt tthe he Green Green Deal Deal failed failed because on b ecause of of the the burdensome burdensome regulations reg ulations o n iinstallers, nstalllers, including including PAS2030 PAS2030 for for management management ssystems, ystems, additional addit ional accreditation, accreditat ion n, inspecinspecand ttions ions a nd ssurveillance. ur veillance. ““II was was somewhat somewhat surprised sur pr ised that t hat the t he B Bonfield onf ield Review Rev iew is is suggesting sug gest ing more more of of by tthe he same same b y rretaining etaining all all these t hese barriers. bar r iers. Clearly, view not being C learly, tthe he iinstaller’s nstaller’s v iew iis s n ot b eing llistened istened tto oa and nd tthey hey were were probably probably y not not well well rrepresented epresented a att these t hese meetings,” meet ings,” he he wrote. w rote. ““We We are are already already highly highly regulated reg ulated with w it h a rrequirement equirement tto ou undertake nder take costly cost ly y training t raining a and nd examination examinattion e every very fiv five ey years ears tto o maintain maintain g gas as accreditation.” ac ccreditat ion.” Peter P eter e a argues rgues that thatt the the heating heatting industry industry does does not n ot need need any any more more regulation, regulattion, as as it it is is a wellwell-

tr usted group trusted g roup of of professionals professionals delivering deliver ing best b est practice practice and and energy energy efficient efficient ssystems ystems to to customers’ homes. ttheir heir c ustomers’ h omes. ““Removing Removing the the red red and costs off rregularly-changing ttape ape a nd added added c osts o egularly-changing policies p olicies a are re k key ey to to making mak ing tthese hese sschemes chemes work w ork – for for everyone,” everyone,” Peter Peter ssaid aid in in the the letter. letter. The T he letter letter concludes concludes with w it h Peter Peter urging urg ing tthe he PM PM to to recommend recommend a w working ork ing p party ar t y of of professional heating engineers and pr ofessional h eating e ngineers a nd installers installers work tto ow ork with with policy policy makers makers to to look look at at ways ways iin n which which iindustry ndust r y and and Government Gover nment c can an collaborate c ollaborate to to improve improve the the efficiency efficiency of of UK UK housing h ousing sstock. tock. This This has has worked worked well well in in the the past, argues, p ast, he he a rgues, rresulting esulting in in the the introduction introduction off ssuccessful measures. o uccessf ul energy energ y efficiency ef ficienc y m ea s u r e s. For F or another another iinstaller’s nstaller’s opinion opinion on on the the Bonfield Bonf ield Review, please R eview, p lease seee page page 10. 10.

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Water Wa ater boost boost

Part o Part off a £ £3 3 billion billion regeneration regenerration p project roject ffor or L London’s ondon’s E Elephant lephant a and nd Castle Castle a rea, a recently recently completed completed h igh-rise area, high-rise p roject is is delivering delivering 4 50 m uch-needed project 450 much-needed ‘‘reasonably reasonably priced’ priced’ homes. homes. s Supporting Supporting the th he development, development, a and nd en ensuring suriing tthat hat w water ate er will w ill b be ed delivered eliverred tto ow where here e itt iis sn needed eeded a and nd when w hen itt iis sn needed, eeded, a are re a range range o off G Grundfos rundfos H ydro M PC-E en erg y ef fficient b ooster Hydro MPC-E energy efficient booster pump sets. These solutions were delivered p ump s ets s. T hese s olutio ons w erre d eliiv ve erred to os site itte eo on ns skids, kids, rready eady ffor or iinstallation. nstallatio on. B Built uillt m manufacturing nufacturin ng att the a the company’s company’s 10,000m 10,000m2 ma plant p lant in in Sunderland, Sunderlland, G Grundfos rund dfos says says that that this th his le level evel o off o offsite ffsite e engineering ngin neeriing a adds dds v value, alu ue, providing pro oviding customers custo omers with witth a design, design, build, build, assemble, ttest est a nd d istribution s er v ice assemble, and distribution service from from u under nder one one rroof. oof.



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