PHAM NEWS JUNE17 edit:Layout 1 01/06/2017 17:48 Page 1
Volume V olume 55 | Issue 6 | J o June une 2017
Government G overnment ccan’t an’t af afford fford tto o iignore gnore ffuel uel po p poverty verty With concerns With concerns about about rising rising energy energy prices, prices, more more voices voices have have been been raised raised in in a b bid id tto o persuade persuade the the Government G overnment to to devote devote more more time time and and resources resources to to addressing addressing the the issue issue of of fuel fuel poverty. povert y. Fuel poverty charity Energy F uel p overty c harity E nergy Action Action Scotland Scotland has called Government make h as c alled on on tthe he G overnment tto o m ake affordable energy key a ffordable e nerg y a k ey priority. priority. The The group group believes b elieves tthat hat too too many many people people across across the the UK UK are basic off a re sstruggling truggling tto o rreach each a b asic sstandard tandard o heating and are having h eatting and and energy energy efficiency efficiency a nd a re h av ving make tto o m ake sacrifices sacrifices in in other other areas, areas, such such as as economising e conomising on ffood. ood. The T he charity charity argues argues that thatt action action needs needs to to be be ttaken aken in in three three essential essential areas: areas: improvements improvements energy efficiency, more effective tto oe nergy e fficiency, m ore e fffective ssupport upport tto o vulnerable and wider v ulnerab ble households households a nd w ider rrecognition ecognition off tthe cold homes on health. o he iimpact mpact of of c old h omes o nh ealth. Stepping S tepping up up the the Energy Energy Company Company Obligation Obligattion viewed as essential ((ECO) ECO) iis sv ie ewed a se ssential to to raising raising standards standards off e energy and o nerg y efficiency, efficiency, a nd the the organisation organisation ssays ay ys tthat hat this this needs needs to to be be brought brought back back up up previous activity. tto o pr evious levels levels of of a ctivity. IItt also also argues argues tthat hat smart smart meter meter rollout rollout across across the the country country will bring change w ill help help tto ob ring about about behavioural behavioural c hange iin n energy energ y use. use. Energy and Energy E nergy Action Action Scotland Scotland da nd National Nattional E nergy Action England, Wales and Northern A ction ((NEA) NEA) iin nE ngland, W ales a nd No rthern IIreland reland believe believe a joint joint ministerial ministerial summit, summit, with all parts w ith representatives representatives from from a ll p arts of of the the
UK, U K, should should be be held held before before the the next next winter. winter. The off tthis T he outcome outcome o his sshould hould iinclude nclude a jjoint oint public commitment p ub blic c ommitment fformally ormally y rrecognising ecognising tthe he off c cold homes as key determinant iimportance mportance o old h omes a sak ey d eterminan nt off ill ill-health. o -health. The T he NEA, NEA, working working with with the the Royal Royal British British Legion, has also up new Forces L egion, h as al lso sset et u pan ew iinitiative nitiattive – F orces Warmth aimed att h helping ffor or W armth – a imed a elping vulnerable vulnerable ex-service energy bills. e x-service people people ttackle ackle ttheir heir e ne erg y b ills. by charities 2014 A ssurvey urvey conducted conducted b y tthe he c haritie es iin n2 014 ffound ound that that a significant significant number number of of the the exexcommunity sservice ervice c ommunity over over the the age age of of 65 65 had had experienced difficulties paying energy e xperienced d ifficulties p aying ttheir heir e nerg y bills, below b ills, often often due due to to receiving receiving an an income income b elow
average. also tthe he national national a verage. IItt a lso ffound ound a quarter quarter off tthose off w working age were o hose o orking a ge w ere in in debt debt and and pay bills. sstruggling truggling tto op ay ffuel ue u lb ills. Backing calls off c commitment B ac cking c alls to to raise raise the the level level o ommitment ECO, tto oE CO, the the Energy Energ y Saving Saving Trust Trust says say ys that that ffunding unding for for energy energ y efficiency efficiency in in low low income income homes needs be doubled country h omes n eeds tto ob ed oubled iiff tthe he c ountry iis s tto o meet meet the the Government’s Government’s target target of of getting getting poor an Performance ffuel uel p u oor homes homes up up to to a n Energy Energy P erformance Band by 2030. B and ‘‘C’ C’ b y2 030. need go ““We We n eed tto og o back back tto o funding funding llevels evels ffor or energy were e nerg y efficiency efficiency tthat hat w ere in in place place before before 2013, ECO 2 013, when when David David Cameron Cameron slashed slashed tthe he E CO programme,” David Weatherall, ffunding unding pr ogramme,” ssays ays D avid W eattherall, Head off P Policy att tthe EST. boost He ad o olicy a he E ST. ““A Ab oost iin n iinvestment nvestment energy efficiency will ffor or e nerg y e fficiency w ill ttackle ackle ffuel u uel poverty poverty and off ttonnes off c carbon.” a nd also also save save millions millions o onnes o arbon.” Meanwhile, Energy Utilities M eanwhile, tthe he E nerg y U tilities Alliance Alliance has best h as rreiterated eiterated its its argument argument tthat hat tthe he b est way w ay to to tackle tackle fuel fue uel poverty poverty is is to to extend extend the the gas network. Speaking att U Utility Week Live g as n etwork. S peaking a tility W eek L ive Executive iin n May, May, EUA EUA Chief Chief E xecutive Mike Mike Foster Foster said: said: ““Households Households are are 50% 50% more more llikely ikely y to to be be in in fuel fue u l poverty aren’t connected gas and p overty iiff tthey hey a ren’t c onnected tto og as a nd tthat hat is is a fact fact that that can can no no longer longer be be ignored.” ignored.”
Win W in with wit with Xpelair! Xp Xp pela lair ir! r Five F ive G GX6 X6 X 6 axial a ax xial x ial fans fans fa a and a an nd n d£ £65 65 o off high hi hig g street gh street vouchers v ou o uche hers rs to be to be w won! on! Turn T ur tto o page pag ge e5 54 4
Heatting for Heating fo or Stt P S Paul’s aul’s
New N ew apprenticeship apprenticeship funding funding explained explained A guidance g uidance package package for for employers employers tthat hat explains e xplains tthe he iintricacies ntricacies o off n new ew ap apprenticeship pprenticeship ffunding unding rrules ules h has as been been put put together together by by workworkbased b ased training training specialist specialist JTL. J TL. The The package package iincludes ncludes a d dedicated edicated section section o on n iits ts w website, ebsite, leaflets, le aflets, an an explanatory explanator y booklet, booklet, videos videos and and ac customer ustomer h hotline ot line n number. umber. U Under nder the t he Government’s Gover nment’s new new funding f unding sstructure t r uct ure (which (which apply apply l to to England England only) only) different d ifferent F Frameworks rameworks a and nd S Standards tandards h have ave been b een a allocated llocated tto od different iffe erent funding funding bands. bands. The Plumbing Heating Framework T he P lumbing & He at ing F ramework llevel e v el 2 has has been been moved moved into into a new new band band with w it h a maximum maximum value value of of £5000 £50 0 0 for for the t he full f ull apprenticeship, ap pp prenticeship, w whilst hilst Plumbing Plumbing a and nd H Heating eatting
Framework llevel Framework e v el 3 n now ow h has as a m maximum aximum value v alue e of of £9000. £90 0 0. But But anyone anyone w who ho sstarted t a r ted an apprenticeship before 1st May 2017 a n a pprent iceship b efore 1 st M ay 2 017 will w ill continue cont inue under under the t he same same financial financial arrangements a r rangements agreed ag reed at at the the outset outset of of their their apprenticeship a pprent iceship and and will w ill not not be be affected affe f cted by by tthe he new new rules. r ules. JJTL TL suggests sug gests that t hat employers employers p pick ick u up p tthe he phone phone ttoday oday a and nd sspeak peak to to one one o off iits ts ttrained rained a advisers dv isers w who ho w will ill b be e ab able le tto o sspell p el l out o ut tthe he b best est way way y forward forward ffor or ttheir heir p particular articular circumstances, c ircumstances, or or they t hey can can talk talk to to their t heir existing e xist in i g local local training t raining officer. of ficer. ““Traditionally Tradit ionally JTL J TL has has been been able able to to help help smaller sm aller c companies ompanies tthat hat llook ook tto o ttake a ke o on n
perhaps orr ttwo apprentices each year,” p erhaps one one o wo a pprentices e ach y ear,” Chief Executive Graham. ssays ays JJTL TL C hief E x cut ive JJon xe on G raham. ““We We know k now that that these these are are the the companies companies that that can can be b e easily easily put put off off from from taking taking on on apprentices apprentices iiff they they feel feel the the burden burden o paperwork and and cost cost off paperwork makes m akes taking taking on on y young oung people people ttoo oo o onerous. nerous. So, developed S o, we’ve we’ve de velop ped a ssimple-to-understand imple-to-understand way process after May w ay of of explaining explaining tthe he pr o ce s s a f t er M ay 2017, 2 017, which which we we believe believe will w ill be be extremely ext remely helpful small h elpful for for sm all employers employers in in particular.” par t icular.” Any building A ny employer employer iin n tthe he b uilding services ser v ices engineering e ngineering sector sector that that has has concerns concerns about about tthe he new new funding f unding rules r ules is is invited inv ited to to visit v isit website tthe he JJTL TL w ebsite ( (w w w.jt tto o access materials and advice. a cce s s m ater ials a nd a dv ice.
An new ew m modular odular boiler boiler system system has has been been provided p rovided by by Hamworthy Hamworthy Heating Heating for for St St P aul’s Cathedral. Cathedral. T he ccompany’s ompany’s W essex Paul’s The Wessex ModuMax M oduMax mk3 mk3 condensing cond densing m modular odular boilers b oilers w were ere iinstalled nstalled by by Bunton Bunton M&E M&E Services S ervices as as part part of of a replacement re eplacem e ent system syste em tthat hat iis s d designed esigned tto o iimprove mprove en energy erg y ef fficiency w hile m eeting h igh d emand efficiency while meeting high demand ffor or h heating eating a and nd h hot ot w water. ater.. T The he ccomplete omplete plant p lant room room was was fabricated fabricated and and built built offoffsite, dismantled s itte, tthen hen d ismantled and and delivered deliv vered to to St St Paul’s, P aul’s, reducing reducing the the on-site on-site installation installation weeks. tto o jjust ust ffour our w eeks.