April 2017

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Volume 55 | Issue 4 | April 2017



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PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 31/03/2017 08:58 Page 3

Volume V olume 55 | Issue 4 | A o April pril 2017

CO C O alarms alarms in in short short supply supply iin np privately rivately rrented ented h homes omes A report report o on nh houses ouses iin nE England ngland h has as rrevealed ev vealed tthat hat jjust ust o over ver 2 20% 0% o off h homes omes iin n tthe he p private rivate rrented ented ssector ector have h ave a CO CO a alarm, larm, raising raising cconcerns oncerns a about bo out tthe he s safety afet y o off o occupants ccupants a and nd ccalls alls ffor or rrevised e ised rregulation. ev egulation. T he Government’s Gover nment’s llatest atest annual annual English English The H ousing Survey Sur vey ((2015-2016) 2015 1 -2016) h as rraised a i sed Housing has c oncer ns ab out tthe he ssignificant ig nificant llack ack o concerns about off c arbon m onoxide alarms alarms in in privately privately rented rented carbon monoxide h omes. Figures Fig ures from from the the Survey, Sur vey, published published homes. iin n March, March, revealed revealed that t hat four four in in every ever y five five rrental ental properties proper t ies did did not not have have a CO CO alarm a la r m a nd are are therefore t herefore n ot pr otected ffrom rom tthe he and not protected rrisks isks of of CO CO poisoning. poisoning. IIn n 2015, 2015, only only about about a quarter quar ter (28%) (28%) of of all all tthe he dwelling dwelling types types considered considered in in the the survey survey h ad a carbon carbon monoxide monoxide a larm. P rivatte rented rented had alarm. Private d wellings came came out out on on bottom, bottom, w it h jjust u st dwellings with 2 1% h av ing a na la r m . S ocial rented rented homes homes 21% having an alarm. Social rranked anked next, next, at at 28%. 28%. Owner-occupied Owner-occupied homes homes w ere m ost llikely ikely to to have have an an alarm, alar m, at at 31%. 31%. were most W hen iitt c ame tto od wellings w it h a ssolid olid When came dwellings with ffuel uel b ur ning a ppliance, ssuch uch as as a c oal fi re burning appliance, coal fire o ood burning bur ning sstove, tove, tthey hey w er e m ore orr w wood were more llikely ikely (33%) (33%) to to have have a carbon carbon monoxide monoxide a lar m tthan ha n d welling s w it h n o ssolid olid ffuel uel alarm dwellings with no a ppliance ((28%). 28%). H owever, o nly 2 5% iin n appliance However, only 25% tthe he p pr ivate rrental ental ssector ector w it h a ssolid olid ffuel uel private with

a ppliance h ad a C O alarm. alar m. This This is is despite despite appliance had CO tthe he Smoke Smoke a nd C arbon M onoxide A la r m and Carbon Monoxide Alarm ((England) England) R egulations 2 015 ffor or pr ivate rrental ental Regulations 2015 private h omes, w hich rrequire equire llandlords andlords tto o fi O homes, which fitt a C CO a larm in in rooms rooms containing containing these these appliances. appliances. alarm A ccording tto o tthe he G as IIndustry ndust r y S afet y According Gas Safety G roup (GISG), (GISG), the t he latest latest English English Homes Homes Group S ur vey sshows hows a sslight light iincrease ncrease iin n tthe he u se Survey use o O alarms alar ms over over the t he pr ev ious rreport epor t b ut off C CO previous but b elieves m ore pr og r e s s n eeds to to b em ade. believes more progress needs be made. G ISG would would llike ike to to see see the the use use of of CO CO alarms alarms GISG

o np ar with with smoke smoke a larms, w hich iis sc urrently on par alarms, which currently g reater tthan ha n 8 0%. greater 80%. ““It It is is good good to to see see some some improvement improvement in in the the n umber of of homes homes protected protected by by CO CO alarms,” alarms,” number ssays ays Chris Chris Bielby, Bielby, Chairman Chairman of of GISG, GISG, “but “but it it iis sd isappointing tthat hat tthe he fi gures d on ot sshow how disappointing figures do not h igher llevels evels o use. GISG GISG would would like like to to see see higher off use. m ore pr otection of of tenants, tenants, so so with with the the Smoke Smoke more protection a nd CO CO Alarm Alarm Regulations Reg ulations for for the the private pr ivate and rrental ental sector sector being being reviewed reviewed in in October October 2 017, 2017, tthere here is is an an immediate immediate opportunity opportunit y for for an an a mendment tto oc over a ll ffuel uel types.” t ypes.” amendment cover all B ar r y Sheerman Sheer man M P, C o-Chair o he AllAllBarry MP, Co-Chair off tthe P arty Parliamentary Parliamentary Carbon Carbon Monoxide Monoxide Group, Group, Party a g rees that that tthe he time t ime is is due due for for a c hange iin n agrees change rregulations: eg ulat ions: ““There There iis sag reat o ppor t unit y great opportunity tthis h is y ear ffor or W estminster tto o b r ing tthe he year Westminster bring E nglish landlord landlord regulations reg ulat ions more more closely closely English iinto nto lline ine w ith tthose hose in in Scotland Scotland a nd No rthern with and Northern IIreland, reland, where where CO CO alarms alar ms are are required required for for rrented ented properties properties with with gas, gas, oil oil or or solid-fuel solid-fue u l a ppliances. T h is w ould b e a ssimple imple c hange appliances. This would be change tto o make make to to the t he existing exist ing regulations.” reg ulat ions.”

Vocational V ocational eeducation ducation to to take take a new new tack tack Vocational training Vocational training in in the the UK UK was was given g iven a boost b oost last last month month when when C Chancellor hancellor Philip Philip Hammond H ammond a announced nnounced £ £500m 500m tto od develop evelop a new n ew ‘‘T TL Levels’ evels’ programme. programme. He said said backing backing vocational v ocational ttraining raining w was as c crucial r ucial tto o ttackling ackling tthe he U UK’s K’s p poor oor pr productivity oductivity rrates ates a and nd b bringing ringing tthe he c country ountr y u up p tto o tthe he sstandards tandards sseen een iin n Germany G er many a and nd tthe he U US. S. T The he c changes hanges are are expected expected to to come come iinto nto effect e ffect ffrom rom 2 2019 019 a and nd a are re d designed esig ned tto og give ive ttechnical echnical subjects subjects equal equal status status alongside alongside ‘‘A’ A’ llevels evels sso o tthat hatt students students pursuing pursuing a vocational vocational rroute oute a are re n not ot disadvantaged disadvantaged in in the the eyes eyes of of potential p otential employers employers or or dissuaded dissuaded from from taking taking an on-academic p ath b y ttheir heir p arents. non-academic path by parents. T The he new new T L Levels evels will w ill encompass encompass 15 courses, sstandalone tandalone c ourses, including including engineering, eng ineering,

constr uction and construction and manufacturing, manufactur ing, among among others, current o thers, and and will will replace replace tthe he c urrent ssystem ystem where pick 13,000 w here students students p ick from from ssome ome 1 3,0 0 0 different d ifferent qualifications. qualifications. Students Students will w ill also a l so benefit more b enefit ffrom rom m ore teaching teaching time, time, with w ith an an extra e xtra 900 900 hours hours per per year, year, which which is is said said to to be be 50% 5 0% more more learning lear ning than than currently cur rently y offered. offered. BESA’s B ESA’s Training Training Director Director Tony Tony Howard Howard welcomes move w elcomes tthe he m ove and and says say ys it it will will help help to to underpin u nderpin tthe he w work ork the the Association Association iis sd doing oing tto o help h elp building building engineering engineering employers employers address address sskills kills shortages: shortages: “T “T Levels Levels fit fit neatly neattly y with with the the Government’s G overnment’s o ongoing ngoing ssupport upport ffor o or T Trailblazer railblazer apprenticeships,” a pprenticeships,” he he says. says. “Apprenticeships “A Apprenticeships are a re a natural natural progression prog ression from from T Levels.” Levels.” He added added tthat hat a apprenticeships pprenticeships d delivered elivered proven business benefits p roven b usiness b enefits tto o employers, employers,

quoting rresearch quoting esearch c carried ar r ied out out by by BESA’s BESA’s department, ttraining raining d epar tment, which which rrevealed evealed tthat hat 70% off e employers believe productivity, 7 0% o mployers b elieve ttheir heir p roductivity, and business growth, a nd ttherefore herefore b usiness g rowth, iis s iimproved mproved by b y ttaking aking o on na apprentices. ppr p entices. Pimlico Plumbers boss Charlie Mullins has P imlico P lumbers b oss C harlie M ullins h as also a lso welcomed welcomed the the new new T Levels Levels initiative. initiattive. He comments: c omments: “We “We need need a complete complete overhaul overhaul of of our methods off ttechnical young o ur m ethods o echnical ttraining raining ffor or y oung people. Countries US and Germany p eople. C ountries llike ike tthe he U Sa nd G ermany and a nd sso om many any others others have have been been showing showing us us way years and we’ve been tthe he rright ight w ay to to do do iitt ffor or y ears a nd w e’ve b een ways. We need sstuck tuck in in our our old old w ays. W en eed tto o ffollow ollow iin n nations’ and provide tthese hese n ations’ ffootsteps ootsteps a nd p rovide sstudents tudents with and clear both w ith a rroute oute tthat hat iis s sstructured tructured a nd c lear – b oth employers and young on ffor or e mployers a nd y oung people people – o n tthese hese qualifications.” q ualifications.”

Win over £800 worth of Bosch tools! Turn to page 59 to find out how

Old mill Old mill is is eco-friendly ec o-friendly

A rruined uined 19th 19th h century century windmill windmill in in Cambridgeshire C ambridgeshire h has as b been een g given iv ven a s smart mart eco-makeover e co-makeover with witth the the help help of of efficiency effficiency specialists s pecialiists s Eco Eco IInstaller. nstaller. T The he G Grade ra ade IIII li listed iste ed Tower T ower Mill Milll in n Little Littlle eD Downham ownham has has been been reredeveloped de eveloped iinto nto a modern, moderrn, eco-friendly eco-frie endly home home with att iits w ith energy energy efficiency efficiency a ts ccore. ore e. It It has has s been been designed de esigned with with a biomass biiomass b boiler, oile err, a rrainwater ain nwate er harvesting h arvesting system, system, and and a mechanical mechanical ventilation v en e tilatiion with witth heat heat recovery re ecover ery y system syste em that that k eeps the the house house warm warm in in the th he winter winte er and and keeps the summer. also ccool ool iin n th he s ummerr. IItt a lso features fe eature es ttripleripleglazed g lazed windows, windows, h heavily eavily insulated insulated walls, walls, and a nd an an array array of of 10kW 10kW photovoltaic photovoltaicc ro roof oof p anels llinked inked tto o a storage storage battery batte ery system, system, panels m aking this th his relic relicc from from the the past past a state-ofstate-ofmaking the-art th he-art rrenewable e enewable h home. ome.



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PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 31/03/2017 10:59 Page 5

April 2017

NEWS N EWS SR Review eview


Campa paign targets targ gets Editor’s IInside nside this this issue issue Campaign Editor’s iillegal llegal gas gas fitters fitters Viewpoint V iewpoint Exhibition Review

Some of the highlightss from the recent ISH exhibitio exhibition on – the biggest show in th the he industry

Starts page 15

Energy Efficient Efficie ent Products Advice on making the most of a boiler -led led hea ating boiler-led heating system and other energ energy gy saving ideas

Starts page 31

Showers & Enclosures Advances in digital g showering technology and the latest trends in n enclosure designs

Starts page 45

Test T est e & Measur Measuring ring Instruments How tto make H k th the b bestt us use se off thermal imaging techno technology ology and developments in flu flue ue gas analysers

Starts page 54

T he T The Technical echnical M Magazine agazine for for the the Plumbing, Plumbing, H eating & A ir Movement Movement IIndustry ndustr y Heating Air

Incorporating: Incorporating: Plumbing & Heating News News Plumbing & Heating Equipment News N ws Ne

As part As part of of a new new c campaign ampaig n tto o rraise aise public public a wareness awareness ab out tthe he d angers of of using using about dangers unqualified u nqualified gas gas fi fitters, tters, tthe he G as S afe R eg ister h as Gas Safe Register has rev ealed re search that that revealed research sshows hows tthat hat a lmost fi ve almost five m illion people people across ac cross the the million UK U Ka are re p putting utting themselves themselves att rrisk isk ffrom rom c arbon n mon m oxide carbon monoxide p oisoning a nd g as lleaks. eaks. poisoning and gas T he g as reg istration The gas registration sscheme cheme has has rreleased eleased four fo our years y ears worth worth of of data data from from iits ts iinvestigations nvestigations team, team, which which ssearches earches out out unqualified unqualified and a nd u unregistered nreg istered gas gas fitters fitters across a cross tthe he U UK. K. T The he tteam eam ffound ound tthat hat 6 5% o as jjobs obs 65% off g gas carried c arr ied out out b by y iillegal llegal fi fitters tters were w ere unsafe, unsafe, and and one one iin n five fi ve gas gas appliances appliances w were ere so so dangerous d angerous that that they they had had tto o be disconnected b ed isconnected iimmediately. mmediattely. Gas G as Safe’s Safe’s iinvestigations nvestigations 2300 tteam eam has has inspected inspected over over 2 300 iillegal llegal gas gas jobs jobs o over ver tthe he p past ast ffour our y years. ears. Si Significant gnificant d disparispariity ty between between different differ e ent regions regions a nd cities cities across across tthe he country country and can c an be be found found w when hen iitt c comes omes tto o tthe he n umber of of dangerous dangerous number g as jobs jobs c arried out out b y iillegal llegal gas carried by fi tters. For For example, example, 5 2% of of fitters. 52% jjobs obs iin n the the South South West West were were ffound ound to to be be unsafe unsafe compared compared tto o 77% 77% o obs investigated investigated off jjobs iin nY orkshire & Humberside. Humberside. Yorkshire C oncerns about about a lack lack Concerns o ublic a warene ess about about off p public awareness g as safety safet y issues issues have hav ve been been gas rraised aised b ye arlier rreports eports tthat hat by earlier

by C Chris hris JJones one es

Why W hy it’s it’s time time tto og et iinto nto lline ine get The G The Gas as Safe Safe R Register egister h has as produced p roduced a map map showing showing w here m ost o he u nsafe where most off tthe unsafe iillegal llegal g gas as w work ork iiss ffound ound

one iin n fi ve p eople ((19%) 19%) w ho one five people who employed a tradesperson tradesperson to to employed work on on a gas gas appliance appliance did did work not c heck ttheir heir IID D c ard or or not check card qualifications. qualifications. study has has found found tthat hat A study people a re m ost llikely ikely to to people are most employ a tradesperson tradesperson based based employ recommendations from from on recommendations fr iends o amily y members members friends orr ffamily (53%), and and trust tr ust them them (53%), based on on ttheir heir personal personal based presentation ((41%) 41%) o ow presentation orr h how offi ficial tthey hey lo ok ((30%), 30%), rrather ather official look than on on qualifications qualifications (11%). (11%). than Jonathan S amuel, C hief Jonathan Samuel, Chief Executive o as S afe Executive off G Gas Safe Reg ister, says: says: “We “We are a re Register, calling on on p eople tto o ‘‘trust tr ust calling people the triangle’ triangle’ by by checking checking for for the the Gas Gas Safe Safe Register Register logo logo on on the gas fitters’ fitters’ ID ID cards, cards, and and help help gas keep ttheir heir ffamilies amilies ssafe afe b y keep by only e mploying re g istered only employing registered engineers w ho a re q ualified engineers who are qualified to work work on on the the appliance appliance in in to question.” question.”

O ne of of the the obvious obvious and and often often desirable desirable consequences consequences of of One devolving power Westminster different d evolving p ower away away y from from W estminster iis s tthat hat d ifferent parts p arts of of the the UK UK will will ssometimes ometimes w work ork tto od different iffer erent rrules ules a and nd rregulations. eg ulations. A After fter a all, ll, tthere’s here’s n not ot m much uch p point oint iin nh having aving different d ifferent legislative legislative bodies bodies if if we’re we’re all all going going to to agree agree on on every e ver y minor minor rregulation eg ulation a and nd w where here tto o pr prioritise ior itise p public ublic Sometimes, Herr M Majesty’s sspending. pending. S ometimes, tthough, hough, He ajest y’s ssubjects ubjects might be heads as why m ight b e fforgiven org iven ffor or sscratching cratching ttheir heir h eads a s tto ow hy ssome ome p parts arts of of the the Kingdom Kingdom sseem eem tto oh have av ve m more ore c concern oncern about ab out ttheir heir wellbeing wellbeing than than others. others. England E ngland and and Wales Wales have have been been slow slow to to follow follow the the example when e xample of of Northern N rthern Ireland No Ireland and and Scotland Scotland w hen it it comes protect private c omes tto o iintroducing ntroducing rregulations eg ulations tthat hat pr otect pr ivate ttenants enants against against faulty fault y heating heating appliances. appliances. So So in in some some parts off tthe p ar t s o he UK UK landlords landlords are are required required to to fit fit CO CO alarms alarms properties with gas, oil orr ssolid ffor or rrented ented pr operties w ith g as, o il o olid ffuel u l appliances ue ap ppliances and when a nd in in others others they they are are necessary necessar y only only w hen ssolid olid ffuel uel iiss the the primary primar y source source of of heating. heating. It’s It’s a strange strange anomaly anomaly which appears w hich a ppears to to be be hard hard to to justify justify but but one one which which could could very easily be corrected. v er y e asily b ec or rected. Research off ex exposure R esearch ssuggests uggests tthat hat tthe he llikelihood ikelihood o posure greater privately tto o carbon carbon monoxide monoxide iis s tthree hree ttimes imes g reater iin np r ivately rrented ented homes homes than than that thatt in in other other housing housing types, types, so so there there seems be seems tto ob e a clear clear justification justification to to address address this this part part of of the housing market which continue grow the h ousing m arket w hich iis s llikely ikely tto oc ontinue tto og row as young people get on property as more more y oung p eople sstruggle tr uggle tto og et o n tthe he pr opert y ladder. The Survey ladder. T he llatest atest English English Housing Housing S ur vey sshows hows tthat hat just over 20% off ssuch have CO just o ver 2 0% o uch homes homes currently currently h av ve a C O alarm alarm (see news (see this this month’s month’s llead ead n ews sstory) tor y) so so it’s it’s equally equally clear clear that are number off v vulnerable households that tthere here a re a llarge arge n umber o ulnerable h ouseholds that are being put att u unnecessary So what’s that a re b eing p ut a nnecessar y rrisk. isk. S ow hat’s tthe he argument against doing about arg ument a gainst d oing ssomething omething ab out iit? t? Follow F ollow u uss on

@PHAMNews @ PHAMNews

Overflowing O verf lowing b bath ath

Published by: by: Pinede Publishing | 16/18 Hawkesyard Hawkkesyard Hall, Armitag Armitagee PPark, ark, Nr Rug eley, Staf Staffordshire fordshire WS15 1 1PU Rugeley, T eel: 01889 577222 | Fax: Fax: 01889 9 579177 Tel: info@phamnews.co.uk Email: inf o@phamnews.co.uk www.phamnews.co.uk www w.phamne . ws.co.uk Managing Manag ing Editor Editor Chris Chr is Jones Jones Assistant EEditor ditor Carol Car ol Hitchcock Hitchcock Publisherss Publisher Chris Evans Chr is Ev ans Russ JJackson ackson

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A plumbing plumbing sstudent tudent ffrom rom C Cardiff ardiff h has as won won P Plumb lumb Center’s Center’s competition c ompetition which which invited invited installers installers to to come come up up with with £1000 £1000 w orth o izes which which w ould fi ll a N abis b ath. E ntries tto o tthe he worth off pr prizes would fill Nabis bath. Entries #FillANabis # FillANabis competition competition ranged ranged from from beanie beanie hats hats to to baked baked beans, b eans, but but Richard Richard Stone Stone b bagged agged tthe he ttop op pr p prize ize w when hen h he e ttweeted: weeted: ‘I’m ‘I’m a plumbing plumbing sstudent tudent llooking ooking ffor or a an n ap apprenticeship, ppr p enticeship, sso o II’d ’d # FillANab bis with with a ll tthe he ttools ools I w ould n eed ffor or tthe he jjob’. ob’. #FillANabis all would need Richard R ichard was was presented presented with with a bath bath full full of of Rothenberger Rothenberger ttools ools at at his his local local Plumb Plumb Center Center showroom showroom and and said: said: “I “I can’t can’t believe b elieve I actually actually won won – this this iis sg going oing to to be be really really l useful useful tto o help h elp m me ek kick-start ick-start m my yc career.” areer.” ENQUIRY EENQUIRY NQUIR RY

305 303 3 03

PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 31/03/2017 10:59 Page 6

April 2017

NEWS Review


Bringing oil tank Beware of generic components In brief safety to the fore Installers are being urged to take extra caution over their choice of boiler components and accessories amidst a growing number of flue systems being sold on the internet as compatible with certain manufacturers’ boiler models. The warning comes from Martyn Bridges, Director of Technical Communication and Product Management at Worcester, who says installers could run the risk of compromising their customers’ safety by fitting flue plume redirection kits which haven’t been tested,

approved or certified for use with their boiler. “It is important for installers to realise that the absence of a CE mark means there is no proof that they meet the UK’s safety, health and environmental requirements,” says Martyn. “The generic alternative may be cheaper, but buying one is a risky move for something as critical as a flue system – and it may also invalidate the boiler’s warranty. The sheer number of unknowns surrounding these products should be reason enough for installers to be very wary.”

UK distributor goes Italian Tank Safe is the name of a new campaign launched by OFTEC (Oil Firing Technical Association) and the FPS (Federation of Petroleum Suppliers) to urge the 920,000 oil-heated homes in England, Wales and Scotland to make sure their storage tanks are fit for purpose. The campaign aims to highlight this issue and will see OFTEC technicians working alongside FPS distributors to raise consumer awareness about the importance of looking after their oil tanks. Research from OFTEC suggests that some tanks in use today

may be close to or at the end of their serviceable life of 20 years and should be replaced with bunded models which comply with environmental standards. OFTEC CEO Paul Rose comments: “Tanks are often the forgotten part of an oil heating system, but it is vitally important their condition is maintained to ensure safe oil storage. Our new Tank Safe campaign aims to get across the importance of having a safe, secure and regularly checked tank. This will not only help protect the environment but also the reputation of the industry.”

Designer radiator distributor company UK Heating Group has been acquired by IRSAP Group, a major Italian heating and air conditioning manufacturer. Commenting on the deal, UK Heating Group MD Marcus Orchard says: “We are delighted to have become part of such a forwardthinking and well respected group. IRSAP is now Italy’s leading manufacturer of designer radiators and has over 50 years of experience in this sector. “The combination of our experience and longstanding history in the UK



“There still aren’t enough women plumbers,” says founder Hattie Hasan, “and their businesses are mostly too new or too small to take on new plumbers and mentor them. We’ve been doing this in the wilderness for years. Now we are calling on the industry, investors and collaborators to help, too.” Any women interested in becoming a Stopcocks plumber are encouraged to email mica@stopcocks.uk

r In a move to better serve its operations in the North, Essexbased Guardian Water Treatment has opened a new office in Leeds. r "JS DPOEJUJPOJOH BOE energy solutions provider LG Electronics has appointed Space Air Ltd as a new distributor to its business in the UK.

Italian manufacturer IRSAP acquires UK Heating Group

radiator market and IRSAP’s manufacturing strengths means that our customers can be confident of continued high levels of service and product excellence. Becoming part of the IRSAP family will help us

develop our range of product lines even further and expand into new markets.” UK Heating Group will continue to operate from its base in East Grinstead but will change its name to IRSAP UK.

Female franchise opportunity Product evenings

The female-led plumbing firm Stopcocks Women Plumbers has launched a new franchise scheme. It is open to qualified female plumbers wanting to run their own business as well as trainees coming to the end of their training. The company’s announcement aligns with its aim to raise the profile and numbers of women plumbers, while encouraging qualified female plumbers to support Stopcock founder Hattie Hasan new entrants.

r Bosch Commercial and Industrial has extended its promotion which rewards heating engineers for every GB162 boiler they install, enabling them to earn money for purchasing a variety of Bosch home appliances.

Offering installers a first-look at new plumbing and heating products, Plumbase is running a programme of ‘Innovation Nights’ at venues around the country. Plied with food and refreshments, attendees will be shown the latest water treatments and filter systems from Fernox as well Polypipe’s underfloor heating offering. Attendees can also benefit from KD Navien’s exclusive preview of its new to the UK market boiler range, while Redring showcases its instantaneous electric water heating solutions. The Innovation Nights kicked off last month and will continue to run throughout April and May. To see the full list of scheduled dates, visit the PHAM News website: www.phamnews.co.uk/5040-2

r With the aim of fulfilling orders more efficiently, the Geberit Group has expanded its logistics centre in the German town Pfullendorf, investing €40million in storage, order picking and dispatch operation. r )FBUSBF 4BEJB JT OPX offering installers a double cashback deal by extending both its Mega Cash promotion and its G3 training cashback incentive until the end of June 2017. r Electric heating and hot water specialist EHC has won the Lanarkshire Business Excellence Innovation Award for the second year in a row. r 8BUFS NBOBHFNFOU specialist Graf UK has been named a winner in the first ever Waterwise UK Water Efficiency Product Awards for its Platin rainwater harvesting package.

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PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 31/03/2017 08:58 Page 8

April 2017

NEWS Review


New board to oversee apprenticeships Search for the UK Plumber of the Year

A new Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician Apprenticeship Board has been established. The board is made up of six qualified and experienced employers from the industry. Following Government approval of its assessment plan, the Board will be responsible for ensuring industry compliance with the approved quality assurance processes. The newly assembled Board is to be administered by the APHC and CIPHE. The organisations will continue the development of the assessment plan, which covers

(l-r) Kevin McCallister of CIPHE with Board members Edward Padgett, Jeffrey Lee, Paul Hull, Gerald Mack and Nigel Davies

apprentices’ knowledge and skills, applied knowledge and practical skills, and their general behaviour and

attitude. Additionally, the Board will ensure that the assessment specification is robust enough and that

the correct equipment and procedures are being utilised by training providers. Graeme Dryden, APHC’s Technical Services Manager, says: “The Board will now play a key role in continuing the work of the previous Employer Group, working in conjunction with BPEC, City & Guilds, EAL, Baxi Heating, JTL, Leicester College and NAPIT. It will ensure that apprenticeships are able to deliver the key skills required whilst also helping safeguard the long term development of the plumbing and heating industry.”

Smart heating controls surge Ecobuild in 2018 A new report from Deltaee has found that 3million homes in Europe are equipped with smart thermostats or connected room heating controls. That number is expected to grow to 9million by the end of 2019, indicating that the market is developing rapidly. “There are two key trends

in this space today,” says Arthur Jouannic, Senior Analyst and Connected Home expert at Delta-ee. “Firstly, the market has clearly taken off with over 50 players offering connected heating controls in Europe, with those like Centrica, Eneco, Bosch and EQ-3 securing more than 100,000 new customers a

year. Some companies have already equipped 20% of their customers with smart thermostats. “Secondly, these players are working hard to cross sell additional devices like smart plugs or connected lighting and to provide additional services such as remote boiler diagnostics.”

Dates for 2018’s Ecobuild have been announced. The exhibition, recently aquired by Futurebuild Events, will take place from the 6th to the 8th of March at ExCeL London and will continue to focus on sustainability, with a special focus on wellbeing. The Conference arena will remain at the heart of the show. Commenting on the future of the event, Martin Hurn, MD of Ecobuild, says: “For next year’s event we’re focusing both on innovation and the materials that can be used to create a more sustainable built environment, while also showing live installations and demonstrations of the ways in which we use them. We have plenty more features in the pipeline.”

2016 UK Plumber of the Year, Shaun Scott from Aberdeenshire

Now in its third year, the UK Plumber of the Year competition launches this month (April) with the search now on to find 2017’s winner. The competition’s sponsors, JT – the UK manufacturer of shower trays and accessories – Plumb Center and Bristan, will supply the prize fund.

Best job To enter, plumbers simply need to detail the one job that shows the full extent of their plumbing abilities and sets them apart from the rest. A judging panel made up of experts from the sponsoring companies will then shortlist 15 of the best in the field based upon their application. The public will then vote for who they believe deserves to be the winner. After several strong entrants last year, it was Shaun Scott from Insch in Scotland who triumphed. Speaking of his win, Shaun says: “Being named 2016’s Plumber of the Year was a genuine surprise as there were a number of outstanding plumbers in the running who are out

there plying their trade perfectly day-in, day-out, so to be recognised in this way was a real honour. The prize fund and title has made a huge impact on the success of my business, allowing me to take my trade to the next level and given me an amazing platform to work from with many new opportunities thanks to the widespread media exposure.” Shaun, who works for Derek Scott Plumbing Ltd, impressed the judges in a variety of ways, particularly demonstrating a recent bathroom restoration project, where he was able to refurbish a challenging 90-year-old bathroom for a client who had been told it wasn’t worth the effort. Paul Crossley, MD of JT, adds: “We love running this competition and are thrilled to be making it bigger than ever this year. It’s hard to believe we’re about to launch our third Plumber of the Year competition and we’re very proud of the prestigious award it has become.” To enter, register for free at: www.ukplumberoftheyear. com

Powerflushing video tutorial A two-part step-by-step powerflushing video has been released by Sentinel. The videos go through all the essential stages of a best-practice powerflush and show how to demonstrate the benefits to customers. The first part of the video addresses how to tell if a system needs a clean – which includes instructions on how to use a turbidity tube – and how to set up a powerflushing machine. The second video ENQUIRY


is a comprehensive guide to conducting a powerflush, from the first time the

machine is switched on, through cleaning each radiator effectively, to the final flush. There are also a number of practical ideas that can help installers win customer confidence, including tips on how to use visual aids such as infrared thermometers and Sentinel’s homeowner leaflets. The two videos can be viewed on the PHAM News website: www.phamnews. c o .u k / h o w t o /s e nt i n e l powerflushing-tutorial

PHAM APR17 GRUNDFOS:Layout 1 27/03/2017 13:16 Page 1



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 30/03/2017 08:50 Page 10

April 2017

10 NEWS Review Electric heating New look, new commitment Dimplex boosts the profits pre-sales service As part of a new branding strategy, Calor has unveiled a fresh logo, along with a commitment to work more closely with rural heating installers. The new look represents the company’s plan to enhance the support and incentives it offers. This means there are now a range of tools and services available to incentivise businesses to work with Calor LPG. This includes a payment of up to £250 every time installers successfully recommend Calor LPG to their customers. Matthew Hickin, Head of Sales and Marketing, says: “As we focus on meeting the future energy needs, it seemed an appro-

priate time to refresh the brand and shake up the perception of Calor in the off-grid market. By choosing to work with Calor, installers not only benefit from the support and incentives available, but they have the strength of the Calor brand name.”

Prizes for piping creativity Heating products manufacturer Stiebel Eltron UK has reported an 8% increase in profits on 2015 due to the strength of its electric space heating and water heating divisions. MD Mark McManus credited the growth to the expansion into the private rental and student accommodation sector, with increasing demand for electric space heating and instantaneous hot water products.

“We have been very busy with large scale projects in the residential market, with our electric heating range proving particularly popular for multi-storey developments,” says Mark McManus. “Private rental and student accommodation is thriving in cities across the UK, with a demand for high quality products which can meet modern demands for heating and hot water.”

In a competition open to both installers and stockists, JG Speedfit’s #FlexYourPex gives the chance to win up to £300 worth of prizes or a VIP BSB race ticket for two. Running until 6th June, participants are asked to make a video showing how many Speedfit connections they can make in under 60 seconds, or how creatively can they use the Speedfit


technology in 60 seconds. With winners to be announced fortnightly and a star prize at the end of the competition for the most interesting entry overall, bonus points will also be given for creativity, humour and nominating a friend. The competition is part of a wider campaign highlighting the benefits of Speedfit technology and to challenge


any preconceptions around its reliability, durability and ease of use. To be in with a chance of winning prizes, which range from Speedfit goodies and Love2Shop vouchers to VIP tickets to a British Superbike race event, entrants should tweet their videos to #FlexYourPex or submit via email at: competition@ johnguest.co.uk

Installers looking for assistance in purchasing and installing the right heating solution can now get specialist support from a dedicated pre-sales team set up by Dimplex. The team offers assistance to anybody looking to find the right heating product, whether for their own project or on behalf of a customer. Hayley Edwards, Pre-Sales Manager, comments: “We know that incorrect specification or installation of heating appliances can lead to a poor customer experience, so we are here at the end of the phone to help all customers seeking advice.” The pre-sales service enables Dimplex to work with customers to identify solutions to specific challenges before the point of purchase.

PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 28/03/2017 10:31 Page 11

April 2017

PEOPLE on the Move BDR Thermea Group, parent company of Baxi Heating UK and Ireland, has appointed Bertrand Schmitt (pictured) as its new CEO. He succeeds Rob van Banning, who led the company for a decade but had to step down for health reasons. Bertrand has held senior management positions at Bosch and at the Hager Group, where in 2008 he was appointed Chief Operating Officer. Viessmann UK has made three new appointments to its senior staff. Richard Cooper (pictured) will fill the newly-created role of National Accounts Director, while Phil Jones is set to take the position of Regional Sales Manager covering the South. Finally, Martyn Lockwood becomes Regional Sales Manager – North with a view to providing greater regional support. The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) has welcomed Tim Sainty to the role of Membership Director. Tim joins the Institute from the British Veterinary Association, where he spent seven years as Head of Membership and a further 10 years within the organisation in various positions. Tim will be responsible for communications and growing the membership. The new UK Sales Director at Hansgrohe UK is Liam Ryan. This is a brand new position and is part of Hansgrohe UK’s growth and restructuring plan. Liam will be responsible for leading the UK sales organisation and driving sales strategy through all channels to deliver profitable share growth. Previously, Liam was the Group Sales Director at Coram Showers Limited. Intergas Heating has welcomed three heating engineers to the team: Gary Creegan (pictured), Dean Sacco and Louis Croome. Their duties incorporate warranty and outof-warranty repairs as well as servicing. All three have a wealth of experience, with Gary and Dean previously having worked for housebuilders, while Louis started life as a BT engineer before retraining to be a heating engineer. A new Training Manager has been appointed at Salamader Pumps. Ken Vance has 13 years experience as a qualified plumber and will be tasked with developing the company’s UK-wide training framework for installers, merchants, support staff and college students. Ken joined Salamander in 2010 on the technical help desk and completed a twoyear HNC in Manufacturing Engineering at the same time. Smith’s has announced the appointment of Peter Anthony as its new Regional Sales Manager. Peter brings 20 years experience to the role, with a background in sales focused mainly in the construction industry. In his new job, Peter will have responsibility for the consultants and contractor markets. He will be tasked with growing the company’s trench heating business. Leonardo Maschietto joins the QRL Radiator Group as the company’s new International Sales Director. Leonardo will oversee international sales across QRL’s panel radiator and Design by QRL ranges. In addition to building and strengthening key relationships in countries where QRL already operates, his role will see him supporting the manufacturer’s international growth strategy. A new Area Sales Manager for the South East has been appointed by Grant UK. Alan Brooke takes on the role following 25 years of working in the heating industry, including over two decades working with oil boilers. Alan will be available to provide onsite advice to installers and respond to any questions on Grant’s growing range of energy efficient heating solutions.



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 30/03/2017 08:50 Page 12

April 2017

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Sponsored Sponsor ed b by y

More M ore courses courses Spotted on nott always always Twitter tthe he answer answe er F u r ther to Further to NICEIC’s N ICEIC’s response response to to Brian Br ia n P en ny’s letter letter in i n PHAM PH A M News News (March ( M a r ch Penny’s [[]M 1 Ă… Ă…VL \PM K KWUUMV\[ [WUM_PI\ Z]LM Q[[]M 1 Ă…VL \PM KWUUMV\[ [WUM_PI\ Z]LM a nd insulting. insu lting. M n ny’s lletter etter w as sspot pot and Mrr Pe Penny’s was o n. At At no no time ti me did d id he he say say that that training t ra i n i n g on. wass irrelevant. wa i r releva nt. There do es h owever sseem eem tto ob e ttoo oo m uch There does however be much e mpha sis placed placed on on training tra i n i n g as a s we we are a re emphasis c onsta ntly b ei n g b omba rded with w ith one one constantly being bombarded ra i n i n g course cou rse or or a nother. training another. Paul Paul Collins Collins from from NICEIC NICEIC seems seems to to think th i n k hat ttraining ra ining iis s tthe he b est w ay fforward or wa rd a nd that best way and hat anybody a nybody can ca n be be trained tra ined to to do any a ny job job that _ PI\M^MZ \PMQ Z [[\I Z \Q V O I OM _P QKP 1 Ă… VL _PI\M^MZ \PMQZ [\IZ\QVO IOM _PQKP 1 Ă…VL n onsensica l. nonsensical. This T h is is is partly pa r tly w why hy tthere here is is a skills sk i l l s sshortage hortage a nd p artly w hy tthe he w ord ‘‘cowboy’ cowboy’ and partly why word c omes u p ttime ime a nd a gain w hen tthe he b uilding comes up and again when building rade is is referred refer red to to in i n conversation. conversation. trade ave llost ost ttrack rack o he n u mber o i mes Ih have off tthe number off ttimes that h at I h have ave b been e en a asked sked tto o rrecommend ecom mend a ZILM[UIV _PQKP 1 Ă…VL ^MZa a LQĐ…K]T\ \ \W LW \ZILM[UIV _PQKP 1 Ă…VL ^MZa LQĐ…K]T\ \W LW Inde d ed the the star sta r letter letter in i n the the same sa me issue issue Indeed rreferred eferred tto o a sskills kills sshortage hortage w hich a nyone which anyone n tthe he ttrade, rade, a nd ssome ome o utside iit, t, a re w ell in and outside are well aware a wa re of. Training doesn’t doesn’t seem seem to to be be a solution solution to to Training hese problems problems a nd iin n iitself tself do es not not equip equip these and does a nyone for for a life li fe iin n tthe he b u i ld i ng industry. i ndustr y. anyone building Ih have ave encountered encou ntered some some of of these these soso c a l led trained tra i ned people people along a lon g the the way way and a nd called q u ite frankly f ra n k ly I w ou ld b e nervous ner vous asking a sk i n g quite would be ssome ome of of them them to to sweep sweep out out my my workshop. workshop. To think think that that training training someone someone without without To any previous a ny p revious experience experience and and then then handing handing PMU I I KMZ\QĂ…KI\M MVIJTQVO \PMU \W O OW W]\ \PMU I KMZ\QĂ…KI\M MVIJTQVO \PMU \W OW W]\ V\W \PM _WZSXTIKM I[ ÂťY]ITQĂ…MLÂź Q[ TT]LQKZW][ QV\W \PM _WZSXTIKM I[ ÂťY]ITQĂ…MLÂź Q[ T]LQKZW][ a s ttrained ra i ned as a s an a n apprentice apprentice from f rom I w was sschool chool o ver 50 50 years years ago ago by by people people who who had had over experience and a llifetime ifetime of of e xperience iin n tthe he iindustry ndustry a nd ogether w ith d ay rrelease elease a nd n ight sschool chool together with day and night h is method method of of starting sta r ti n g out out is is certainly cer ta i n ly this n ot antiquated, a ntiquated, because because it it works. works. not ;ILTa a aMIZ[ IOW W \PM QVÆ]` WN IXXZMV\QKM[ ;ILTa aMIZ[ IOW \PM QVÆ]` WN IXXZMV\QKM[ diminish point where sstarted ta r ted tto od i m i n ish tto o tthe he p oi nt w her e v i r tua l ly dried d r ied up, up, probably probably due due to to the t he itt virtually p ursuit of of money money a nd e mployers n ot willing willing pursuit and employers not tto o iinvest nvest iin n tthe he ffuture. uture. T he w idespread u se The widespread use o sub contractors contractors also a lso has has a part pa rt to to play. play. off sub Ic can understand an u nderstand Paul Paul Collins’ Collins’ response response b ecause of of the the need need to to justify justify the the burgeoning burgeoning because ttraining ra i n i ng iindustry ndustr y o h ich h e iiss p a r t, b ut off w which he part, but p lea se n o insults. i nsu lts. please no Mr W Mr W.. Whitworth W hitwor th West W est Ha Harrow r row

InfusionPlumbing @infusion_andy )LUVW WLPH ,œYH ZRUNHG 6DWXUGD\ LQ D ORQJ ORQJ time. Will someone show me how to get out of EHG SOHDVH" ZHHNHQGZDUULRU Mike Jarvis @jarvisplumbing Just had a call to give a quote to service a combi DQG JDV ¿UHV 6KH VDLG ,œYH DOUHDG\ KDG WZR quotes and they were £100. Becky Bates @Becky_BBPlumb 7RS WLS :KHQ QHZ WDSV KDYH EHHQ ¿WWHG NHHS WKH SDSHU ZRUN .QRZLQJ WKH PDNH DQG PRGHO FRXOG save money if cartridges need to be replaced. Vietec Heating @VietecHeating So in 2007 I had been using OpenTherm for a number of years and yet in U.K. it’s still rarely used today. Twin_e1 @FixingIsTheGame 7LPH LV WLFNLQJ IRU P\ ¿UVW FXVWRPHU Agreed to 7am, still no sign. P R Hull ltd @PRHullltd Full apprenticeships are the way to ensure the future of our industry. I have been campaigning for a long time for this! Astral Plumbing @AstralPlumbing , QHHG WR NQRZ LI ,œP PLVVLQJ RXW $IWHU D ERLOHU or heating install, do you polish your pipes and PDNH WKHP VKLQH" P B Plumber @pbplumber Customers: Contrary to popular belief, good plumbers aren’t sat in a lay-by anxiously awaiting your call, ready to come straight round. @PHAMNews

Not quite Not quite ssmart mart enough enoug gh Ik keep eep rreading ead i ng about about the the growing g row i ng demand dema nd ffor or smart sma r t controls controls and a nd connected con nected devices dev ices around a round tthe he h home, ome, b but ut m many any o off m my yc customers ustomers sstruggle truggle tto om make ake a c call all o on n ttheir heir m mobile obile p phone hone and a nd I sshudder hudder tto o think think of of them them trying trying to to use use an a na app pp tto oc control ontrol ttheir hei r do domestic m e s t ic h heating e at i n g ssystem. ystem. The T he technology tech nolog y m ay b e ssmart, ma r t, may be b ut I’m I’m not not so so sure su re about about the the people people b ei n g but being asked a sked to to use use iit! t! not energy II’m ’m n ot convinced convinced about about tthe he e nergy saving saving JMVMÅ\[ J MVMÅ\[ MQ\PMZ MQ\PMZ *MQVO *MQVO IJTM IJTM \W \W \]ZV \]ZV aW]Z aW]Z heating on an hour before you get home may h eating o na nh our b efore y ou g et h ome m ay well make nice and w ell m a ke the the living liv ing room room n ice a nd ttoasty oa s t y before your arrival, but how going b efore y our a rrival, b ut h ow iiss tthat hat g oing tto o rreduce educe your your heating heating bill? bill? There’s There’s something something be keeping tto ob e ssaid a id ffor or k eeping tthings h ings ssimple. imple. E. P Price r ice V ia email em a i l Via

Let us know what you think... The Editor Editor welcomes welcomes letters letters from fr from readers readers on on all aspects a spects of of the the iindustry. ndustr y. Letters Letters can can be be sent sent by by email e mail or or post post but but must must have have a return return name, name, phone phone number and n umber a nd address address (not (not for for publication). publication).

Please P lease address address your yo our letters letters to: to: The Editor, The Editor, PHAM PHAM News, News, 1b 1b Station Station Square, Square, Flitwick, F litwick, Bedfordshire, Bedfordshire, MK45 MK45 1DP 1DP

or o re email mail tto: o: eeditor@phamnewsedit.co.uk ditor@phamnewsedit.co.uk

PHAM APR17 POTY:Layout 1 28/03/2017 10:18 Page 1



PHAM APR17 FIREBIRD:Layout 1 27/03/2017 15:29 Page 1



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 31/03/2017 08:58 Page 15

April 2017


Getting into show business With over 200,000 visitors, ISH – the biennial Frankfurt based trade show for the bathroom, heating and ventilation industry – has become a ‘must attend’ event for anyone who wants to keep abreast of market trends and advances in technology. For those too busy to make the trip, we offer a glimpse of just some of the thousands of new products unveiled during last month’s five day exhibition, with more details to follow in future issues.


f you thought that trade shows and exhibitions no longer hold the appeal that they once had, then a trip to Frankfurt in the middle of March would have been something of an eye-opener. Hotels and restaurants are booked solid as the city tries to accommodate the thousands of visitors from Germany and around the world who flock to attend the ISH trade fair every two years. Unlike most trade events in the UK, visitors are asked to part with some money before entering the halls, but this does nothing to diminish demand for tickets. This year’s show recorded a record number of visitors (200,114) and

exhibitors (2482), with 40% of visitors coming from outside Germany (a 5% increase in the number of international visitors compared to two years ago). “ISH is growing and becoming increasingly international,” says Wolfgang Marzin, President and CEO

of show organisers Messe Frankfurt. “The indices are outstanding and the mood in the exhibition halls was excellent. We are extremely pleased with the results of the event.” As with previous shows, water and energy were the two main themes with

exhibitors showcasing a range of solutions aimed at both conserving resources and improving comfort levels and wellbeing.

Bathrooms Sustainable sanitation and innovative design provided the focus for many of the

stands in the bathroom halls, with the emphasis on helping customers to individualise their bathroom with products designed to meet a variety of needs and requirements. Under the strapline of ‘bathrooms for the people’, a number of manufacturers

showcased new products which address consumer concerns about health, comfort and convenience. Toilets that do more than simply flush away ‘deposits’ were prominent on many stands. The shower or ‘smart’ toilet is yet to have been embraced by many UK households, but if manufacturer investment is anything to go by, when we visit the small room in the near future we’re as likely to be looking for the remote control as reaching for the toilet paper. Roca’s In-Wash smart toilet is said to offer advanced technology and a userfriendly interface, but at a price point that won’t break the bank.



April 2017

16 Exhibition Review Packed with features, Roca’s In-Wash smart toilet comes with a remote control and with six customised settings can be preset to respond to the needs of different users, . Adjustments can be made to the temperature of the heated seat, an aerated water flow for personal hygiene, an auto flush feature and deodorising technology. The seat can be programmed to open and close automatically and an automatic nightlight will help to ensure that visibility is never going to be an issue.

Roca’s In-Wash smart toilet

Acclaimed as the ‘first toilet with a brain’, another smart WC had pride of place on the Siamp stand. The result of a joint venture with Vitra, this toilet saves on water by automatically adjusting water flush volume and power by responding to whatever is deposited in the toilet bowl. The technology is self-learning and won’t flush unnecessarily and also provides a regular record of water usage. Automatic cleaning technology is something that has also been applied to other areas of the bathroom. Vitra’s newly developed AutoClean washbasins offer an auto clean function that makes cleaning quick and easy and improves bathroom hygiene. Cleaning agents dispensed from a concealed detergent tank are flushed into the sink with water to clean the washbasin, ensuring a good clean and releasing a refreshing scent. A concealed water outlet in the AutoClean washbasins also prevents dirt buildup.

Taking control of showering – Hansgrohe’s RainSelect system

Improved hygiene is also Not every bathroom in the primary motivation the UK will have the space behind Ideal Standard’s new to accommodate some Intellimix system – a touch of the more substantial free tap that delivers soap showerheads now available, and water at the same time to but there are many solutions deliver a new hand-washing for those who require creative experience. Intellimix guides solutions for limited living users through the wash cycle spaces. Among them is the with an intuitive interface innovative shower and bath that allows them to see combination from Duravit, when soap is released, and displays a countdown of the rinse cycle. Removing hands midcycle simply pauses the count-down and water until washing resumes, with no water wasted. As well as cutting out contaminat ion from traditional soap dispensers and tap operation, Intellimix improves hyg iene standards by ensuring all users use soap when they wash their hands. Duravit’s two-in-one bath/shower

Making rain Of course, one way to encourage us all to keep clean is to enhance the bathing and showering experience and that’s something that Hansgrohe has always endeavoured to do. The company’s new RainSelect system introduces a control unit for overhead showers with adjustable spray modes. The intuitive controls are encased in a space-saving panel in a glass or metal finish. The Rainmaker Select shower and other models in the range all feature generously sized showerheads to provide that extra touch of luxury.

Combining soap and water – Intellimix from Ideal Standard

Addressing the issue of potential flooding in homes, Grohe has launched an app-controlled system that detects leaks and alerts homeowners instantly when there is a problem. Grohe Sense is a smart water sensor that monitors humidity levels, while Sense Guard is a device that can be fitted to the main water pipe and will switch off the water supply in the event of a burst pipe. Multiple sensors can be placed in different areas of the home, such as by a washing machine or beneath a bath, to ensure that homeowners are alerted well before costly damage is done. For those who want to monitor their water usage, the app also has a feature that enables users to track their consumption.

Visitors discover what’s new on Viessmann’s extensive stand

contracting – from quick, online tender preparation to support during the installation phase through to ongoing operations. The German manufacturer’s stand was used to demonstrate innovative technologies Digital growth with a high degree of Advances in digital tech- energy efficiency for nology and its potential to different fuel sources, better control and monitor including condensing building services has also boilers in combination dominated developments in with solar heat, biomass Zeparo G-Force from IMI Hydronics the heating sector in recent heating systems, heat smart heating control and years. pumps and also as hybrid fan convector were unveiled, Marking its one hundredth systems. product lines which will anniversary year at ISH, Energy efficiency was make their debut in the UK Viessmann used the event also a major theme for Elco later this year. to herald a new digital and Heating Solutions, with the carbon-neutral century. company inviting visitors Switched on The company says that to view its latest range of Also exhibiting at ISH for the digitalisation offers the commercial boilers, hot first time was UK underfloor opportunity to create an even water generators and CHP heating and controls better customer experience units. Standout products manufacturer Warmup, with predictive maintenance included the new Trigon XL looking to promote its latest and the control of heating floor standing boiler and the innovations including its 4E systems by mobile devices. Varion C-Power CHP unit, control system. The energy featuring a two-in-one walkViessmann believes that both of which have been saving smart control learns in shower and bathtub. digital services are key to launched in the UK in recent and responds to the user’s An integrated glass door the future of professional months. The company’s use routine and can be used to transforms the bathtub into of stainless steel for all automatically switch to the an accessible open shower. of its heat exchangers best energy deal. A cushioned seat is also an was highlighted by Other familiar names option, which can be moved a dedicated wall to UK visitors to the show along the bath for seating displaying its complex included Fernox, there purposes or positioned at heat exchanger designs. to promote the latest in the edge of the bathtub for Making its debut chemical water treatment additional shelf space. at the show, Grant and filter technology. The Engineering took the company promoted the latest Flood defence opportunity to put addition to its TF1 range – the The efficient and effective its renewable heating TF1 Omega Filter – and its use of water is something products and oil boilers new Filter Fluid+ Protector that would be welcomed on display, including Express, developed to prolong by most householders, but the Vecta biomass the life of a domestic heating water is not always popular – boiler, Grant’s latest system. especially when it’s wetting condensing wood The energy saving benefits t he car pet s or coming pellet boiler available of clean HVAC systems is Energy saving on the Elco stand through the ceiling. in internal and external also of primary concern for models, and the Aerona³ IMI Hydronic Engineering, inverter driven air source and the company took the heat pump. The innovative opportunity to launch its new Grant VortexAir Hybrid Zeparo G-Force separator. system was also on the stand. Using cyclonic separation A number of new products technology, it is claimed to were also revealed by Grant be the most efficient system at ISH, including two new on the market and is the condensing oil boiler ranges only dirt separator of its size set to be launched into the that can be mounted both Grohe’s protection against burst pipes – the Sense Guard European market. A new vertically and horizontally.

PHAM APR17 WORCESTER:Layout 1 27/03/2017 12:57 Page 1



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 28/03/2017 10:31 Page 18

April 2017

18 ENERGY Matters

Why new Green Deal is good news The Green Deal scheme has been relaunched following the take up of private investment companies. John Davidson, MD of Eco-energi, explains why he thinks that this is good news for UK homeowners and should also mean good business for installers too.


n January 2013 the Government launched the Green Deal scheme. Its mission was to provide an affordable retrofitting loan scheme to thermally upgrade housing stock. Instead of having to lay out a large sum of money all at once, homeowners could apply for a Green Deal loan through the Green Deal Finance Company (GDFC). The loan would cover the total cost of the work, but repayment would be made through the homeowner’s electricity bill. The scheme had one golden rule: the total energy bill would never exceed the savings made through the improvements. This was an inspired approach to tackling the energy inefficiency of the UK’s ageing housing



John Davidson, Eco-energi

stock. My company was an approved Green Deal Provider (GDP), Assessor and Installer back then, and I was genuinely looking forward to getting involved in helping homeowners improve their properties without the offputting upfront costs. I knew that the scheme would be

popular, as who wouldn’t want to start lowering their energy bills and stay warm? It really should have been a situation where everyone wins. Unfortunately, the implementation of the scheme didn’t match its mission – there were initial red tape issues along the way – but, just as demand was growing, there was a change of government, the funding was withdrawn and the Green Deal was effectively closed. Well, now it’s back and in rude health, thanks to two private investment companies, Greenstone Finance and Aurium Capital Markets. They have bought the GDFC’s business and will begin financing new Green Deal loans from this April. Over the past year,

the investment companies and Green Deal Providers have all been working together to ensure the glitches associated with the former Green Deal have been removed.

Quick work One of our objectives is to make the whole process faster and less cumbersome; we’re going to try to have funding approved within 24 hours (basically we’re aiming for ‘Green Deal in a day’), and everything will be electronic, including signatures on documentation, so there will be no need for anything to go by post. With the scheme in private hands, bureaucracy minimised and no government involvement, I’m expecting uptake to be high and steady.

This is good news for installers as there’s a vast market for thermal home improvements. As before, the installer gets paid promptly, in line with the Green Deal Code of Practice, and the homeowner has no large upfront costs, as repayments are made through the electricity bill. All work is fully insured by the Green Deal Provider, so if anything should go wrong, the homeowner is completely protected. The ‘homeowner’ includes the private rented sector, and landlords have a very real need to ensure all their properties have an EPC rating of E or above. Any property that fails to comply with the Government’s Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) legislation

by April 2018 cannot legally be rented to tenants. If you know any landlords, you should be talking to them now!

Get on board Any installer who wants to get involved in working on Green Deal contracts, and is PAS 2030 certified, a condition of being a Green Deal Installer, should contact Green Deal Providers like ourselves – Eco-energi. If you need to become PAS 2030 certified, we can help and advise on the process. And we’re happy for qualified installers to join with us, because there’s never been a better time to increase your order book with more regular and larger contracts. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



PHAM APR17 FORD:Layout 1 27/03/2017 13:14 Page 1



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 28/03/2017 10:31 Page 20

April 2017

GADGETS ADGETS & Tools Tools 20 GA Communicate C omm municate w with ith y your our p power ower ttools ools A new new rrange ange o off c connected onnected and ttools ools a nd measuring measuring devices devices work with phone orr tthat hat w ork w ith a p hone o ttablet ablet via v ia Bluetooth Bluetooth for for ssending, ending, receiving receiv ing g and and has been sstoring toring information info ormation h as b een developed by Bosch. d eveloped b yB osch. A sm ssmall all connectivity be c onnectivity module module can can b e bought connected b ought with w ith a c onnected power orr p purchased p ower ttool ool o u r c ha se d sseparately eparately a and nd ssimply imply Connected sslotted lotted iin n llater. ater. C onnected ttools ools a and nd ttheir heir users users w will ill b be e able communicate ab le tto oc ommunicate via v ia a downloadable ffree ree do wnloadable Bosch Bo sc h Toolbox app, which accesses T oolbox a pp, w hich a ccesses growing ag rowing range range of of time time and and effort-saving ef for t-sav ing aids. aids. Planned key capabilities P lanned k ey c apabilities off tthe Bosch connectivity o he B osch c onnectivit y include asset ssystem ystem include a sset management and tool m anagement and tool location, lo cation, tool tool registration reg istration and personalised settings, a nd p ersonalised se ttings, ffault ault alerts, alerts, condition condition and and usage u sage reports, reports, with with additional additional ass ffunctionalities unctionalities integrated integrated t a tthey hey evolve. evolve. Marketing Ma rketing Director Director Steve Steve Hillier H illier explains: explains: ““Bosch Bosch connectivity not only puts c onnectivit y n ot o nly p uts users ahead off ttheir u sers a sstep tep a head o heir

competitors ttoday, oday, b ut ffutureuturecompetitors but proofs businesses by proofs their their b usinesses b y equipping equipping tools tools to benefit benefit from from continuing continuing advances. advances. The The range range of of functions functions offered by Toolbox app offered b y tthe he T oolbox a pp will will go go on on expanding expanding and, and, looking looking ffurther urther ahead, ahead, the the connectivity module will be connectivity m odule w il l b e easy orr rreplace easy to to upgrade upg rade o eplace if developments require if d evelopments req uire iit.” t.” Four new power F our n ew p ower tools tools with connectivity with c onnectivit y are are now now available: GSB 18 available: tthe he G SB 1 8 V-60 V-60 and and V-85 V-85 C Professional Professional

Combi C ombi Drills, Dr ills, GSR GSR 18 18 V-85 V-85 C Professional Drill Driver and P rofessional D rill D river a nd GWS G WS 18 18 V-125 V-125 SC SC Professional Professional Angle A ngle Grinder. Grinder. Each Each features features brushless b r ushless E EC Cm motors, otors, a along long with protection and control w ith p rotection a n c nd ontrol KickBack ssystems. ystems. K ickBack control, control, precision clutch and LED pr ecision c lutch a nd L ED afterglow a fterglow are are among among the the which can be ffunctions unctions w hich c an b e adjusted, personalised a djusted, p ersonalised and and memorised via app. mem or ised v ia tthe he a pp. Ass an A an added added incentive, incentive, anyone one off tthese a nyone buying buying o ne o hese connected c onnected power power tools tools

complete with connectivity complete w ith c o nectivity on module 30 can use module before before 3 0 JJune une c an u se the claim Withings the app app to to c laim a W ithings ‘Activité ‘Activité Steel’ Steel’ activity activ i ity tracker, tracker, worth over £135. worth o ver £ 135. Also Also a available vailab ble a are re ttwo wo new new connected levelling devices, connected le velling de vices, the the GCL GCL 2-50 2-50 C and and CG CG Line Line Lasers, each featuring Lasers, e ach fe aturing a sstrong trong green and green llaser aser llight ight a nd a useruserfriendly fr iendly design. desig n. They They offer offer remote angle remote a ngle adjustment adjustment as as one off ttheir key connectivity one o heir k ey c onnectivity advantages. advantages. “These connected “These c onnected tools, tools, and and the the comprehensive comprehensive rrange ange that will offer that w ill ffollow ollow tthem, hem, o ffer a new way off w working new w ay o orking tthat’s hat’s faster, efficient faster, smarter, smarterr, more more e fficient and and future-proof,” future-proof,” Steve Steve Hillier Hillier adds. adds. “Together “Together with with our Toolbox app, will our T oolbox a pp, tthey hey w ill allow allow you you to to upgrade upgrade yourself yourself as well as your equipment.” as w ell a sy our e quipment.”

Competition Compet C ompet iition t ion

For F or a chance chance to to win win the the new new cconnected onnected G GSB SB 18 18 V-60 V-60 C p rofessional ccombi ombi d riilll a nd professional drill and tthe he GCL GCL 2-50 2-50 C lline ine llaser, aserr, a long w itth o ther e g oodies, along with other goodies, page 59. tturn urn to op age 5 9.

Sound S ound on on site site jjust ust g ot some some updates updates got M Makita akita has has made made a number number of of u pgrades tto o iits ts jjobsite obsite rradio, adio, upgrades iincluding ncluding tthe he a ddition of of a addition D DAB AB d digital igital b broadcast roadcast ssystem. ystem. also 76mm IItt a lso ffeatures eatures ttwin w in 7 6mm d diameter iameter sspeakers pea e kers tthat hat g enerate 3.5W 3.5W from from each each generate sspeaker peaker w when hen p powered owered b by y aM akita 1 8V Li-ion Li-ion b atter y. Makita 18V battery. T his rradio adio c an b e m a i ns This can be mains p owered with with the the AC AC adaptor adap ptor powered jjack, ack, b ut most most p ractically for for but practically ssite ite use use it it will will operate operate on on m ost o he M akita b atteries, most off tthe Makita batteries, ffrom rom tthe he 7.2 7.2 and and 10.8V 10.8V Li-ion Li-ion sstick tick b batteries atteries tto o tthe he 1 10.8, 0.8, 1 14.4 4.4 a nd 1 8V sslide lide ttype ype b atteries. and 18V batteries. IItt iis s n ot compatible compatible with with not tthe he older older N i-Cad, N i-MH o Ni-Cad, Ni-MH orr G G-series -ser ies batteries. batter ies. T The he Makita Makita DMR109 DMR109 DA DAB B rradio adio w with ith d digital igital tuning tuning h has as an an FM FM frequency frequency range range off 8 87.5 and uses o 7.5 - 108Mhz 108Mhz a nd u ses tthe he 1 111 11 5A 5A - 13F 13F frequency frequency band. band. T The he tuner tuner has has an an easy-to-read easy-to-read L LED ED display, display y, and and the the flexible flexible a antenna ntenna c can an be be removed removed ffor or sstorage torage iin n tthe he b attery cover. cover. battery T The he rrobust obust housing housing h has as

bumpers on sstrong trong elastomer elastomerr b umpers o n ffront ront a and nd back back for for protection protection against a gainst rough rough handling. handling. The T he ssoft oft g grip r ip h handle andle ffolds olds fl at d ow n a gainst tthe he b ody flat down against body iin n u use. se. A m micro icro U USB SB p port or t iis s pr provided ov ided ffor or ssoftware oft ware upgrades u pg rades a and nd a an n A Aux-in ux-in jjack ack enables enables external external audio audio ssources ources to to be be played. played. PHAM P HAM N NEWS EW S E ENQUIRY NQUIRY N No. o.

www.makitauk.com w ww.makitauk u .com

105 10 5

Phone P hon ne tto o phone phon ne ccharging harging There’s n There’s nothing othing llike ike llooking ooking d ow n at at your your phone phone and a nd down sseeing eeing the t he dreaded dreaded ‘‘low low battery’ b at ter y ’ notice, not ice, ju just st w when hen you y ou need need it it most. mo s t . B But ut if if you y ou have have the t he Phone Phone Po Power w er Share S hare c cable able – a and nd a g generous enerous ffriend r iend tto o h hand a nd – y you ou c can an ffeed eed ssome om e p power ower off of f y your ou r mate’s m ate’s mobile. mobi le. So S o when when you you h have ave a access ccess tto o another a nother fully fully charged charged phone phone ((or or one one tthat’s hat’s c charged harged tto oa att lleast east 5 50% 0% p power) ower) you you c can an ttransfer ransfer some some of of your your friend’s friend’s

c charge harge tto oy your our dying d ing mobile. dy mobile. F Fixed i xe d u up pw with it h ttwo wo m micro ic r o U SB p or t s a nd a lightning l ig ht n ing USB ports and a adapter, dapter, tthe he Po P Power wer Share Share a allows l lo w s y you ou tto o ttransfer r a n sfe r

b battery attery power power from from Android Android Android orr A Android an tto oA ndroid o ndroid tto oa n iO iOS S smartphone, smar t phone, iideal deal ffor or when w hen you’re you’re out out and and about. about. F For or some some reason, r e a s on , y you ou c can’t an’t u use se tthis h is ffor or iO iOS S tto o iO iOS, S, sso o jjust u st m ake ssure u re y ou h ang make you hang a around round with with A Android ndroid u users. sers. This T h is llittle it t le cable cable is is handy handy e enough noug h tthat hat y you ou c can an loop lo op iitt ttogether oget her a and nd ttransport ranspor t iitt ab out o nak ey c hain. IItt c osts about on key chain. costs lless ess tthan han fi five ve q quid u id a and nd iiss av vailable o nline: w ww.red5. available online: www.red5. c co.uk/power-share.aspx o.uk /powerr-share.aspx

Bucket B ucket bag bag P Pen en p powers owers Completely Completely yw watertight, atertight, incredibly incredibly y versatile versatile and a nd very very durable, durable, tthe he Red Red Bucket Bucket in in a Bag Bag holds 11 but down h olds 1 1 llitres it res b ut collapses collapses d ow n tto oa flat fl at 4cm 4cm for for sstoring toring iin n iits ts o own wn d drawstring rawstring bag. b ag. Use Use iitt o on n tthe he jjob ob ffor or c cleaning leaning u up p after a fter m messy essy w work ork o orr u unexpected nexpected lleaks, ea k s, b but ut iitt works works just just as as well w el l ffor or tthings hings llike ike a wine w ine cooler co oler on on the the beach beach o portable orr a portable pet p et w water atter b bowl. owl. Flashy, F lashy, c compact, ompact, co nvenient, w h hy convenient, why wouldn’t w ouldn’t you you w ant one? one? want G et it it on on Get w w w . fr uugo. c o.uk co.uk ENQUIRY


The T he Tech Tech Tool Tool Pen Pen is is a gadget gadget pen pen e that that provides provides you y ou with with th a selection selectio on o off h handy and dy ttools. ools s. IItt g gives ives y you ou a black black ballpoint balllpoint pen, pen, spirit spiriitt le level, evel, rrulers, ule ers s, as w well ell a as as small mall fla flatt h head ead a and nd P Phillips hillip ips s screwdriver cre ewdriv ver all a lll in in one one o object. b bject. N Need eed tto ou undo ndo oo orr ttighten ig ghte en s some ome small s mall screws? screws? Perhaps Perrhaps you you need need to to measure measure something s omething b but ut d don’t on’t h have ave a s small mall ruler ruler tto o hand? h and? Well, Well, with with this this nifty nift y tricked tricked o out ut p pen en you y ou ccan an do do itt all! all! It’s It’s sold sold by by online online re retailer etailer www.findmeagift.co.uk w w w.findmeagift.co.uk ffor or £ £6.99. 6.99.

PHAM APR17 CALOR:Layout 1 27/03/2017 13:10 Page 1



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 28/03/2017 10:31 Page 22

April 2017

22 BUSINESS Matters

Guide to successful job costing Successfully pricing work can be a difficult balancing act. Giving a reasonable price is key to winning work, but you still need to make a decent profit. Mark Krull, Director at Logic4Training, explains how tradespeople can avoid selling themselves short.


ricing work involves working out the cost of the materials and the time required to complete a project. Sounds simple, but in reality getting a handle on these components is the source of many a headache for many small businesses. Giving a standard price for goods and services can be impossible as no two jobs are the same, and each job must be assessed carefully on a case-by-case basis. Being organised with your pricing will also help you prepare for upcoming expenditure by recording ongoing weekly, monthly and annual costs, allowing you to keep money aside to pay tax and ensure a healthy cash flow. Visiting the site is a crucial first step in successfully pricing (and winning) a job, allowing you to take a really close look at what needs to be done. Site visits and estimates are often provided free of charge, but they do present an opportunity to make a good impression, communicating your professionalism and expertise. Simple drawings and a survey form that outlines the basic requirements of the job will help you put a quote together and provide a record that can be referred back to. The price of a job consists of three key elements: labour, materials and profit, with a little left over for unknowns, or ‘contingency’.

Labour costs Work out your hourly rate and then apply that to the amount of time you think a job is going to take. This can be hard at the start of your career but should come easier following experience of similar jobs. Make sure you consider all elements of the job – remedial tasks, such as removing rusty screws, could rack up the hours, for example. Also, include time spent travelling to and from the job, site accessibility and the time it will take you to tidy up afterwards. Don’t forget the other people/services you may have to call on to complete the work – asbestos removal, scaffolding, electrical and building works, for example.



away with you. For marketing specifically, try to keep a track of where the cost has been rewarded with a new customer, thus justifying the expense.

Writing up a quote

Check what other tradespeople working in your area are charging, just to make sure you’re not wildly off the mark.

Material costs You need to show your customer what materials you are using to complete their work and how much they cost. Keep an accurate record on a spread sheet, including delivery costs. Comparing your estimated materials to what you actually used will help you improve your quotes in the future. Many tradespeople mark-up the cost of materials to cover the time spent sourcing, buying and transporting materials; this is worth considering, particularly for larger scale projects. Of course, if you are VAT registered you need to add it to the cost of goods and services you provide. Look out for VAT saving schemes that allow you to charge a reduced rate for energy saving products.

Stay profitable The final figure in the pricing equation is profit. There are many costs involved in running a thriving building services business that need to be factored in to keep your business ticking over. For example: r 3VOOJOH B WBO r "DDPVOUBODZ GFFT r 5JNF TQFOU PO BENJOJTUSBUJWF UBTLT r 5FMFQIPOF r "EWFSUJTJOH BOE NBSLFUJOH r 5SBJOJOH GFFT r 5PPMT BOE DMPUIJOH These costs need to be added into your overall profit, so keep a record throughout the year and subtract accordingly. Do so on a monthly basis so these costs don’t run

Ideally, we’d all like to estimate the work, leaving the final figure open depending on how long it takes. Unfortunately this is not how most customers want to do business, requiring a definitive quote so they know how much they will be paying at the end. For very large jobs, with unforeseen circumstances, it may be possible to provide an estimate or quote for some of the work, leaving areas that haven’t yet been set in stone open to estimation and agreement as you go along. Quotes should be provided in writing. How much detail you include is up to you, but bear in mind that it needs to be meaningful to your customer – too much information and it might be confusing; too little and they might think you’ve plucked the figures out of thin air. Focus on describing the tasks and make sure you include extras, such as preparing an area for work, making good, clearing rubbish, commissioning, flushing and handover. This will help the customer understand what’s entailed and give them reassurance that you are providing a complete service. A thorough quotation containing a detailed breakdown of costs serves several purposes. Apart from allowing your customer to make an informed decision, having the details written down will also help you remember everything about the job and, in the event of any dispute, can be used to ‘cover your back’.

Helping hand To assist with the dreaded admin, there is a range of software available designed to help small businesses and sole traders with quoting and invoicing. These programs will allow you to create formatted documents, helping you to look professional and save you some time. Examples designed specifically for the trades include the Smarttrade app, and there are also some free apps available.

The subject of costing work culminates in actually getting paid, so make sure you state your terms of payment (usually 30 days) clearly on your invoice together with your bank details. There are also apps available to turn your smartphone into a card payment machine so you can get paid straight away (the Smarttrade app does this). For new clients, always ask for a deposit upfront.

Know your worth When costing jobs, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is to get into a price war with a competitor. Believe it or not, a cheap price is not the biggest selling point for most customers; they would prefer to employ a trustworthy tradesperson who will do a good job, on time, within the agreed price. Take the time in the initial meeting to sell yourself – when they get the quote back they should be sure they want to use you, regardless (almost!) of the price. Attitude, professionalism, expertise, reliability and quality of work are very valuable traits, so be proud of the service you provide and don’t undersell it.

Free business guide Logic4Training has launched a series of business guides for tradespeople, covering everything from setting up a business to job pricing and marketing. To get your free copy, please visit: www.logic4training. co.uk/blog/business/logic4trainingbusiness-guides

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PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 30/03/2017 08:50 Page 24

April 2017

24 BUSINESS Matters

National living wage questions This month sees the National Living Wage rise from £7.20 to £7.50 per hour for those aged 25 and over – but it is not as straightforward as it might seem. Here, Bryony Goldspink, Employment Solicitor at law firm Gordons, examines what you need to know about the changes.


hen Chancellor Philip Hammond announced an increase to the National Living Wage in his first Autumn Statement last year, it was less than eight months since the scheme was first introduced. Some argued it was too soon for employers still assessing the impact of increased staff costs; others said the increase was still Bryony Goldspink not enough. Here are the key points that those in the plumbing and heating trade need to know ahead of the changes this month. What is the National Living Wage? The National Living Wage replaced the National Minimum Wage for workers aged 25 and over in April 2016. It states that eligible employees are entitled to £7.20 per hour, rising to £7.50 from 1st April. It is worth pointing out the National Living Wage is separate to the voluntary Living Wage, which is set by the Living Wage Foundation and calculated based on what people ‘need’ to live. Currently this is set at £8.45 for employees outside London and £9.75 for those in London.



So all employees aged 25 and over will be entitled to the new rate from 1st April? Not necessarily. Workers are entitled to receive the minimum rate which applies at the start of their relevant pay reference period. This means if employees are paid monthly and their pay period runs from the 29th of each month, they will not be eligible for the increased rate until 29th April. The same principle applies for all workers who reach the age of 25 – their new minimum rate will only apply from the start of the new pay reference period. Is there anyone not covered? What about apprentices? If they are in the first year of an apprenticeship, regardless of age, apprentices are entitled to £3.40 per hour, rising to £3.50 per hour from April. Of course, this means you could have apprentices over the age of 25 who are not entitled to National Living Wage. Once they have completed their first year, an apprentice’s minimum rate is calculated in line with any other employee. Therefore second and third year apprentices aged 25 and over will be entitled to National Living Wage, whilst those aged under 25 are entitled to the National Minimum Wage rate appropriate for their age. Do I need to maintain existing pay scales? Not by law, but you should consider employee satisfaction, motivation and staff retention. If, for example, you have a set of semi-skilled workers earning £7.20 per hour under

National Living Wage and another set of workers earning £8.20 per hour in a higher pay band, then this gap will reduce in April from £1 to 70p. Unless an individual’s contract states that they must be paid at a rate that is calculated according to other rates within the organisation, there is no legal obligation for you to increase any other pay rate. What else do I need to be aware of? Some employers may be tempted to avoid further increases to staff costs by employing people under the age of 25, who remain eligible for the National Minimum Wage (set to rise to £7.05 from 1st April for those aged 21 to 24). Based on a 37 hour week this could mean a difference of more than £860 per year, but remember this is likely to be unlawful under age discrimination legislation.

The key facts about the National Living Wage 1. The National Living Wage, which applies to workers aged 25 and over, rises to £7.50 per hour from 1st April 2. Workers are eligible for the increased rate from the beginning of their first relevant pay reference period after 1st April 3. First year apprentices are entitled to £3.50 per hour from 1st April, regardless of age 4. There is no requirement by law to maintain existing pay scales

PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 28/03/2017 10:31 Page 25

April 2017

BUSINESS Matters Cut the administration time With the aim of helping its installer customers spend less time on admin and paperwork, Baxi has joined forces with Expert Trades – a website and app designed to help small businesses manage their affairs and grow their customer base. Installers can set up an online profile on the Expert Trades website to showcase their qualifications, skills and past work to prospective customers who, in turn, can leave reviews to rate the work done for them. For installers looking for a more substantial marketing platform, Expert Trades offers a low-cost, fixedprice website builder and search engine optimisation to ensure their website is picked up in internet searches. In addition, Expert Trades

has an app for installers to help manage quotes, invoices and electronic payments. Baxi installers registered with Expert Trades will get additional benefits such as regular updates on new products and offers, extra customer support, and a one-click function to add Baxi events or training to their calendars. Dave Cook, Sales Dir-

ector at Baxi, says: “The partnership with Expert Trades is very much a way for us to add value to our installers and make their lives easier. We understand how busy they are and how marketing their businesses and doing the paperwork is not always the thing they look forward to most.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



Insurance for members only The Chartered Institute of Plumbing & Heating Engineering (CIPHE) has formed a partnership with United Insurance Brokers (UIB), a Lloyd’s of London insurance broker. The agreement reached with UIB is designed to ensure that members are offered a wide-ranging number of insurance services, including: public liability, professional indemnity, personal accident, van and tools cover, breakdown cover, private medical and life insurance.

Christopher Bates, Associate Director UIB, says: “We know that CIPHE members have a reputation for professionalism and hold the relevant qualifications and experience to do a good job. Because of this, we are really excited to be able to offer advantageous rates on products such as liability insurance – so far we have seen members make approximately 2030% savings, while also achieving an excellent level of cover.”

Tim Sainty, CIPHE Membership Director, adds: “Our members are dedicated to raising standards and protecting the public interests. High quality insurance on work delivered is just one more way that the public can have confidence in members of the CIPHE.” CIPHE members can get a quote for business or personal insurance by visiting the website (http:// uibdirect.co.uk) phoning 0330 159 6211 or emailing direct@uib.co.uk.

New apprenticeship scheme Employers who want to know more about the new apprenticeship funding rules can turn to JTL, which has designed three guidance packages that explain how it works for employers of varying sizes. The package includes a dedicated section on its website, leaflets, an explanatory booklet, videos and a customer hotline. Chief Executive Jon Graham says: “There are three main target audiences for the information, and we have developed a way of explaining the changes very succinctly to each of these individually. We know that

smaller companies can be easily put off from taking on apprentices if they feel the burden of paperwork and cost makes taking on young people too onerous. So, we’ve developed a simple-to-understand way of explaining the process after May 2017.”

JTL has created guidance for large employers, who are obliged to pay the apprenticeship levy; large employers who have 50 or more staff but are not required to pay the levy; and small employers with less than 50 staff. Each of the three videos has been developed to explain the implications of the new rules, providing a simple explanation for each target audience. Employers in the building services engineering sector can access the materials on the JTK website: www. jtltraining.com ENQUIRY


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PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 30/03/2017 08:50 Page 27

April 2017

TRAINING TR RAINING Update Update 27 Keep K eep hold hold o off y your our C Get et up up to to s speed peed ommercial st ake G Commercial stake o ld ccertificates ertificattes w ith o il b urne ers old with oil burners I n s t al l e r s Installers are are being b ei ng rreminded eminded b y the the Association Association by off P Plumbing Heating o lumbing & He at ing Contractors C ontractors (APHC) (A PHC) about a out ab tthe he v value alue iin n rretaining etaining ttheir heir plumbing p lumbing and and heating heat ing qualification q ualificat ion c certificates. er t ificates. Whilst W hilst APHC APHC accepts accepts that that a llarge arge proportion proportion of of plumbing plumbing and a nd heating heating en engineers g ineers m may ay have qualified h ave q ualified 20 20 or or 30 30 plus plus years ago, y ea r s a go, having hav ing proof p oof pr off a City o Cit y & Guilds Guilds Craft C r af t Certificate orr N NVQ Level C er t ificate o VQ L e v el 2 equivalent e qu iv a lent demonstrates demon st r at e s tthat hat ssuch uch experience exper ience has ha s been gained b een g ained after after achieving achie eving an a n industry industry proven proven sstandard tandard off practical and o pract ical a nd ttheoretical heoret e ical ttraining. raining. John Jo hn T Thompson, hompson, A APHC’s PHC’s C EO, c omments: ““There There a re CEO, comments: are many m any instances instances throughout througho h ut a career c areer in in the the industry industry where where y ou will w ill need need to to produce produce you q u a l i f icat ion certificates, c er t i f icat e s, qualification ssuch uch a s iiff you you are are tendering tender ing as ffor or work work or or applying apply ing to to be be on o n an an approved approved supplier supplie er list list ffrom rom a L Local ocal Authority. Aut hor it y.

John J ohn Thompson, Thompson, APHC APHC CEO C EO

““Should Should tthere here b e a be sit uat ion w here tthere here iiss a situation where complaint o here a ffault ault complaint orr w where may may occur occur in in your your work, work, being able able tto o p roduce being produce your c er t ificates can ca n h elp your certificates help demonstrate demonst rate that t hat you you are a re competent and and qualified qualified to to competent have have carried car r ied out out the t he work work in in tthe he first first place. place. If If you you ever ever have have to to make make a claim claim on on your your public public lliability iabilit y policy, polic y, you you may find may fi nd tthat hat tthe he iinsurance nsurance company will company w ill rrequire equire tto o ssee ee proof off y your qualifications proof o our q ualificat ions before before settling.” sett ling.”

Ass part A part of of its its commitment commitment tto o the the commercial commercial market, market, Bristan has developed B ristan has d veloped de RIBA ttwo wo new new R IBA Approved A proved Ap Continuous C o n t i n u o u s Professional P ro f e s s i o n a l Development D evelopment ((CPD) CPD) sseminars. eminars. The T he new new sseminars, eminars, ‘‘A A Leisurely L eisurely Education Education on on Brassware Specification’ B rassware S pecification’ and and ‘‘A A Clinical Clinical View View on on Brassware Brassware Specification’, provide an S pecification’, p rovide a n overview of o verview of specifying specifying brassware b rassware for for the the education education a nd healthcare healthcare sectors. sectors. and The T he seminars seminars will will cover cover key k ey considerations considerations such such as as

legionella legionella and and Pseudomonas Pseudomonas infection control, contro ol, building building infection regulations and regulations a nd sstandards, tandards, BREEAM a nd BIM, BIM, and and BREEAM and legislative legislative requirements. requirements. This addition This iis s iin na ddition tto o tthe he existing Bristan CPD existing B ristan C PD sseminar, eminar, ‘Thermostatically Speaking’, ‘Thermostatically S peaking’, which covers which c overs the the different different types off tthermostatic types o hermostatic water water controls controls as as well well as as key key product product selection considerations s e le c t io n c o n s i de r a t io n s such ass duty such a duty of of care care and and temperature temperature extremes. extremes. PHAM P HAM N NEWS EW S E ENQUIRY NQUIRY N No. o.

www.specifybristan.com w ww.specifybristan.com

107 10 7

With significant With significant rregulatory egulatory c changes hanges rrelating elating tto o o oil-fired il-fired burners Riello encouraging b urners in in the the pipeline, pipeline, R iello iis se ncouraging iinstallers nstallers tto o opportunities. ttake ake advantage advantage of of available available ttraining raining o pportunities. Riello R iello Sales Sales & Marketing Marketing Director Director Paul Paul Sharp Sharp explains: explains: “A “A major ssustained ustained drive drive to to reduce reduce NOx NOx emissions emissions iis s lleading eading tto om ajor off o oil-fired burners. As manufacturers we have rre-development e-development o il-fired b urners. A sm anufacturers w eh ave ensure our products are compliant, and a responsibility responsibility tto oe nsure o ur pr oducts a re c ompliant, a nd also a lso to to assist assist installers installers through through training training and and product p oduct design.” pr design.” From September F rom S eptember 2018 2018 NOx NOx emissions emissions from from oil oil boilers boilers should should not exceed with expected n ot e xceed 120mg/kWh, 120mg /kWh, w ith ffurther urther rreductions educ ctions e xpected 2022. will blue flame ffrom rom 2 022. Meeting Meeting these these requirements requirements w ill rrequire equire b lue fl ame burners combined b urners with with re-designed re-designed combustion combustion heads, heads, c ombined with with tthe he latest lattest digital digital control control technology. technolog y. PHAM PH A M NEWS NEWS ENQUIRY ENQUIRY No. No. www.rielloburners.co.uk/training www .rielloburners.co.uk/training 108 10 8

Fault F ault ffinding inding videos videos now now u updated pdated Mr Combi Mr Combi T Training raining h has as rrecently ecently re-filmed re e-filmed and and updated updated its itts Fault Faultt Finding F inding DVD, DVD, which which means means the th he version available high llatest ate est v ersion iis sa vailable iin nh ig gh definition on an and d efinittion o na n iPhone iPhone a nd iPad iPad ((requires requires iOS iO OS 8.0 8.0 or or llater). aterr). Users access all 21 Users ccan an get get a ccess to o a ll 2 1 cchapters, hapte ers, totalling to otalling 77 77 minutes, minute es, explaining e xplaining all all about about multimeters, multimete ers, how h ow to to carry carry y out out the the electrical ele ectrical safety s afety tests tests in in full, full, how how to to test test stats, s tats, fans, fans, sensors sensors and and pumps. pumps.

It It also also addresses addre esses diverter div verte er valves, valves, expansion vessels, expansion v essels, the the sequence sequence of operation and more. of o peration a nd m ore. The new The DVD DVD is is suitable suittable e ffor or n ew entrants, entra ants s, as as well well as as those those moving moving from from installation installation to o repairs, repairs s, and and existing breakdown The existiin ng br reakdo re own engineers. engin neerrs s. T he format help learners form mat is s designed designed tto oh elp le earners use material att ttheir own pace. use the th he m ateriial a heir o wn p ace. The The Mr Mr Combi Combi DVD DVD can can be be downloaded iTunes downloaded ffrom rom tthe he iT unes app app store £19.99. store ffor or £ 19.99.



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 30/03/2017 08:50 Page 28

April 2017

28 TRAINING Update Improving ventilation skills Online info on pumps

With the aim of helping customers keep abreast of developments in ventilation technology, Xpelair offers BPEC accredited training courses and CPD seminars. Installers and contractors seeking to develop their skillset can now benefit from three different BPEC courses. Through both theoretical and practical training, attendees can learn about the main types of domestic ventilation systems, including mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR), and how to install them safely and efficiently. In addition, Xpelair is also offering a free, industryapproved CPD seminar which covers the principles of heat recovery, meeting Passive House standards and best practice for domestic heat recovery. The BPEC course is housed within Xpelair’s purposebuilt training facility in Peterborough, whilst the CPD seminars are delivered across the UK. Both courses are



run by a team of ventilation experts who provide support and guidance to attendees beyond the four walls of the classroom. Lee Stones, Category Manager, says: “As one of the UK’s leading manufacturers and developers in ventilation systems, we feel it’s only right that we share our expert knowledge with the industry and our customers. “As we all know, the ventilation category has changed drastically in recent years; amid legislation reforms, the rise of the green

agenda and a shift towards MVHR systems – which many installers still have little-tono experience of. “As such, we’ve developed these courses specifically to cut through the confusion, helping them to stay fully up to date with industry changes and best practice. We’d encourage all customers to take advantage of this opportunity to ensure they have the right skillset to meet future demand and grow their business.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



The online learning tool, the Grundfos Ecademy, has been enhanced with a number of new topics. Designed to improve knowledge on pumps, applications and their theory, the digital training platform is available to use at any time of day and provides users with up-to-date information on a range of subjects. The new topics include modules relating to the company’s new Scala2 variable speed water booster pump – designed to deliver better water pressure around the home. Installers can access the Ecademy via a smartphone, tablet or computer and, once registered, can access all topics and other Grundfos web platforms. To register, please visit: www.grundfos. co.uk/ecademy.

Two new centres added to network

Extending its network of training facilities, Baxi has recently opened two new venues: the Crawley training centre, a partnership with Central Sussex College, and a standalone Baxi training centre in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire. The company now operates a total of 16 training centres across the UK and Ireland. Designed using feedback from customers, training sessions offer the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and benefit from insider knowledge, tips from the company’s expert trainers and professional advice on products and troubleshooting. Customers can choose to participate in a range of courses including free Baxi product training, repair and maintenance courses, system wiring and controls, and accredited courses such as G3 Unvented cylinder training and assessment. For more information on Baxi’s training centres please visit: www.baxi.co.uk/trade-area/training.htm

PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 28/03/2017 10:31 Page 29



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 28/03/2017 10:32 Page 30

April 2017

CIPHE CI PHE viewpoint viewpoint

The T he ffuture uture ffor or green g reeen n ttechnology ech chnolog ogy With uncertainty With uncertainty surrounding surrounding green gree e n policy policy in in the the UK, UK, what what does does tthe he future future hold hold for for renewable renewable technologies? te echnologies? asks asks Martin Martin Orrill, Orrill, l fformer ormer H ead o nergy, T echnology a nd IInnovation nnovation a ritish G as. Head off E Energy, Technology and att B British Gas.


ollo ollowing owing tthe he c he closure losure o off Green tthe he G reen Deal Deal and an nd tthe he Government’s G overnment’s d decision ecision not n ot to to pursue pursue carbon carbon neutral neutral all new homes, ttargets argets ffor or a ll n ew h omes, it it is is clear c lear tthat hat tthe he ffuture uture o off g green reen p olicy in in the the UK UK is is uncertain. uncertain. policy However, H owever, is is the the state state of of our our rrenewables enewables p lan, o ack o t, plan, orr llack off iit, purely p urely the the fault fault of of a series series of of llegislative egislative failures, failures, or or d do ow we e rreally eally need need to to start start asking asking whether w hether a as san nation ation w we ea are re rreally eally committed committed to to going going green? g reen? IIn n tthe he U K, iitt iis se stimated UK, estimated tthat hatt a around round 8 80% 0% o off a all ll properties pr operties w were ere built built prepre1960 1 960 and and are are therefore therefore llacking acking tthe he building building design design finesse finesse to to be b e u ultra-efficient. ltra-efficient. T The he best best example off tthis much e xample o his iis s tthat hat m uch off our ageing o our a geing housing housing stock stock was built walls, w as b uilt with with ssolid olid w alls, making cavity wall m aking c avity w alll iinsulation nsulation iimpossible. mpossible. However, However, this this can can be b e overcome overcome by by insulating insulating via via other means and o ther m eans a nd iinstalling nstalling rrenewables. enewab bles. While While e the the he upfront upfront cost c ost might might seem seem high, high, the the long long off tterm erm savings savings and and comfort comfort o occupants o ccupants is is well well worth worth it. it.

Viable V iab ble o option ption Installing renewable Installing renewab able e energy nerg y ssources ources for for home home h heating eating iis sa viable v iable option option in in comparison comparison associated tto o tthe he costs costs a ssociated with with rretrofitting etrofitting home home insulation. insulation. So S ow we em must ust b be e rrealistic ealistic a and nd work w ork w with ith c consumers onsumers tto og get et tthe he most most o out ut o off ttheir heir home, home, and a nd thankfully thankfully renewable renewable energy e nergy ssystems ystems allow allow for for tthis his tto o happen. happen. For F or tthe he U UK’s K’s n new ew b build uild ssector, ector, tthere here iis sh huge uge p potential otential tto o c create reate h highly ighly e energy nerg y efficient e fficient h homes omes a and nd learn learrn from from tthe he construction construction a and nd h heating eating woes w oes o off the the p past. ast. H However, owever, tthe he n new ew b build uild m market arket iis sn not ot a rreliable eliable g growth rowth a area rea ffor or because we rrenewables enewables b ecause w e only only build around 130,000 homes b uild a round 1 30,000 h omes year Although a y ear iin n tthe he UK UK A lthough has aimed tthe he Government Government h as a imed tto o increase increase tthis his tto o 2 00,000, 200,000, has come att tthe cost off tthis his h as c ome a he c ost o putting p utting the the zero zero carbon car arbon homes homes policy on hold. p olicy o n hol d. The T he future future of of heating heating and and hot water UK has h ot w ater iin n tthe he U K h as a very different sseemingly eemingly v ery d ifferent outlook other ou tlook compared compared tto o o ther ENQUIRY


Martin M artin Orrill, Orrill, voluntary voluntary m member ember off the o the CIPHE’s CIPHE’s External External Affairs Affairs Marketing M arketing G Group roup

countries are embracing c ountries tthat hat a re e mbracing For rrenewable enewab ble technology. technolog y. F or example, Germany e xample, iin n G ermany gas gas prices double pr ices can can be be up up tto o d ouble off tthe UK and tthat hat o he U K a nd tthis his encourages en courages demand demand for fo or rrenewables enewab bles and and efficient effi ficient houses. The h ouses. T he architecture architecture in in Germany also better built G ermany iis sa lso b etter b uilt tto o accommodate accommodate renewables, renewab bles, with floor often w ith tthe he fl oor plan plan o ften more ffactoring actoring m ore sspace pace tto o house h ouse things things like like a boiler boiler and and cylinder, c ylinder, in in addition addition to to other other equipment eq uipment rrequired equired to make make rrenewables enewab bles a rreality. eality. Heat pumps, are He at p umps, which which a re powered by electricity, p owered b y e lectricity, have an h ave played played a n iimportant mportant number off y years. rrole ole ffor or a n umber o ears. This T his is is particularly particularly true true for for countries c ountries like like France France that that can c an access access a vast vast amount amount of of nuclear However, n uclear electricity. electric city. Ho wever, here h ere iin n tthe he UK UK electricity electricity iis s mostly derived either m ostly d erived ffrom rom e ither coal orr g gas, c oal o as, which which renders renders g reen heating heating systems systems as as green counter-intuitive norm. c ounter-intuitive tto o tthe he n orm. Additionally, with A dditionally y, w ith over over 85% 85% of of our homes grid, o ur h omes on on tthe he g rid, it it is is no no wonder most consumers have w onder mo st c onsumers h ave llittle ittle incentive incentive to to disconnect disconnect ttheir heir property. property. While we gas W hile w e know know tthat hat g as boilers b oilers are are an an efficient efficient and and rreliable eliable way way y to to heat heat our our homes, h omes, what what isn’t isn’t so so definite definite is is gas prices will jjust ust how how stable stab ble g as pr ices w ill over rremain emain o ver time. time. Therefore, Therefore, homeowners att lleast be h omeowners sshould hould a east b e open off iinstalling o pen tto o tthe he iidea dea o nstalling heating which will h eating ssystems ystems w hich w ill rreduce educe the the reliance reliance on on a gas gas powered boiler. p owered b oilerr. With finite off W ith fi nite rresources esources o waning, ffossil ossil ffuels u uels w aning, tthere here also question iis s a lso no no q u stion tthat ue hat rrenewables enewables will will come come to to the the

off h heating ffore ore in in the the ffuture uture o eatting homes UK. h omes iin n tthe he U K. There There are are now n ow ttalks alks tto o ssuggest uggest tthat hatt iin n next years, we tthe he n ext 15 y ears, w e will will no be using gas n o llonger onger b e u sing g as iin n ourr homes. Whether ou homes. W hether tthis his will yet w ill become become a reality reality is is y et tto o be be seen, seen, but but the the truth truth is is while possibility tthat hat w hile tthe he p ossibility iis s tthere, here, w en eed tto ob e ttaking aking a we need be more proactive approach m ore pr oactive a pproach to to uptake. rrenewables enewables u ptake. Key Key to to tthe he success success of of any any new new green green will also on iinitiative nitiative w ill a lso rrely ely o n not being burdened iinstallers nstallers n ot b eing b urdened with w ith too too much muc ch bureaucracy bureaucracy will tthat hat w ill be be unbeneficial unbeneficial tto o businesses. ttheir heir b usines sses.

Planning P lanning a ahead head Businesses b Businesses both oth llarge arge a and nd sm all need need c ertainty tto op lan, small certainty plan, grow g row and and prosper. prosper. Unwittingly Unwittingly tthe he Government Government has has created created a ‘‘boom boom a and nd b bust’ ust’ market market ffor or rrenewables enewables w with ith a range range of of c omplex a nd b ureaucratic complex and bureaucratic iincentive ncentive sschemes. chemes. I am am p ersonally h appy to to see see personally happy m any o these come come to to an an many off these e nd a s I fi rmly b elieve they they end as firmly believe a ctually d amage m arkets iiff actually damage markets tthe he iincentive ncentive sschemes chemes a re are p oorly d esigned. A nd g iven poorly designed. And given tthe he current current environment, en nvironment, iitt is is difficult difficult tto o ssee ee a ny any g overnment h av ving the the government having courage c ourage to to launch launch a new new rrenewables enewables incentive incen ntive scheme. scheme. Making M aking renewables rene n wables in in the the ho me w ork w ithout iincentives ncentives home work without iiss possible possible a and nd tthere here is is a plethora p lethora of of ne new ew ttechnologies echnologies on o n tthe he h horizon orizon which which g give ive me great great encouragement encouragement for fo or tthe he future. future. One One example example o off tthis his is is home home battery battery storage storage can ttechnology echnology which which c wh an control control PV, P V, heat heat pumps pumps and and electric electric vehicles v ehicles iin n a ‘‘connected connected h home’ ome’ environment, putting en nvironment, p utting the the customer control. c ustomer iin nc ontrol. Ultimately, U ltimately y, w while hile tthere here ahead, iiss a llong ong rroad oad a head, ttrying rying keep conversation on tto ok eep tthe he c onversattion o n alive rrenewables enewables a live is is the the only only way w ay to to avoid av void tthe he impact impact of of harmful and h armful emissions emissions a nd ffuture uture higher prices. h igher energy energ y p rices. If you woulld like to be a memberr off the CIPHE, please conta ta act th the te team via email inf nfo fo@ @ciphe.org.uk or call 0170 08 472791 7

April 2017


Getting the best from a domestic boiler A well-sized and regularly maintained boiler-led heating system remains the most effective way to heat the majority of properties – so argues Martyn Bridges, Director of Technical Communication and Product Manager at Worcester, Bosch Group.


ith declining support for alternative heat ing technologies, the condensing boiler is set to retain its position as the prevailing method for heating UK properties for some time to come. Thanks to recent developments, the latest generation of gas boilers are more efficient than ever before but are also as efficient as they are ever likely to be. Martyn Bridges, Worcester Such appliances are helping homeowners to keep comfort levels high and their energy bills low, but it’s also important to consider the multitude of options that will improve the efficiency of a domestic heating system and serve to achieve optimum performance.

Better control

A magnetic filter will help to ensure a system stays clean

Evidence still suggests that millions of domestic properties in the UK are fitted with just a basic level of control – or in some cases, without any at all. Although a simple entry-level control is suitable for some users, smart internet-connected controls are the preferred and growing option for many to maximise efficiency and comfort. Whether internet connected or not, many controls now include built-in elements such as load and weather

The Wave internet connected programmable control system

Regular servicing can ensure efficiency levels are maintained

compensation, which allows the boiler to automatically adjust its performance when conditions inside and outside the property fluctuate. However, it’s important to remember that not every user is the same, so it’s vital that heating engineers identify the needs of their customers. With such a wide range of controls available, the key is for installers to look out for features that their customer feels comfortable using and in turn help save them money. It’s also a common mistake to believe that all elderly people will not be able to cope with sophisticated controls that are perhaps internet connected. Our research indicates that many of the retired and elderly customers we spoke to would welcome this type of control, particularly when it can be voice activated from a smart phone or a home management system.

Once the pipework has been flushed, it’s recommended that a magnetic/ cyclonic cleansing filter is added to the system filter. This will complement the process by assuring the long-term protection of an appliance by collecting any contaminates that may not have been removed during flushing.

Flush and filter Power flushing or gravity flushing a system, then using a corrosion inhibitor is vital to keeping the boiler running as efficiently as possible, the ongoing checking of the water quality is highly recommended through the years just to ensure no corrosion is taking place. A full system cleanse will also help to prolong the life of the boiler.

Making the most of green technology When the homeowners of a bungalow decided to renovate into a large four bedroom house, they needed help to create a system suitable for the growing property with minimal running costs. To solve the problem, the homeowners approached Richard Broad Plumbing & Heating in Merthyr Tydfil. Although the building already had gas, the environmentally aware owners were looking for a way to incorporate renewable technologies to achieve a fuel efficient heating system.

As a result, the installer replaced the existing boiler, cylinder and tanks with a Worcester Greenstar 30CDi System boiler, internal diverter valve, Greenstar

system filter, Greenstore 300 litre unvented solar cylinder, Greenskies Solar Lifestyle two panel in-roof kit and a Greenstar Plus Hybrid air source unit.

Richard Broad (pictured) of Richard Broad Plumbing & Heating comments: “This installation was one of the most interesting projects that I have worked on since starting out on my own ten years ago. Although the customer wanted to keep the gas boiler, they liked the idea of reduced running costs through renewable technologies. Having recommended Worcester as the most reliable brand, I worked with my local Worcester technical sales manager to design the system that is in place today.”

Heat recovery Easy to install and maintain, flue gas heat recovery systems work by extracting the energy from waste and gases leaving the flue, using it to pre-heat the incoming cold water entering the combi boiler. Heat recovery systems make it possible for Worcester’s flue gas heat recovery system typical domestic properties to achieve savings of between 300-400 kWh of gas per year, as well as reducing CO2 emissions by around 6%. It’s safe to say that boiler efficiency extends well beyond the main heating appliance. For energy conscious customers, installers should now look to maximise the range of different accessories on offer, which can all help to make a positive contribution to a homeowner’s energy bill.

Regular servicing Although a boiler may be widely regarded as a distress purchase, regular servicing should be considered a vital part of the whole-house approach to warmth and efficiency. While annual boiler servicing is not currently a legal requirement for homeowners, the long term benefits of undergoing this process should not be underestimated, and many manufacturers now stipulate that an appliance must have a yearly service in order for any warranty to remain valid. By carrying out frequent check-ups, heating engineers can proactively change any component of the boiler which looks like it is wearing, thereby extending the life span of the appliance and helping to mitigate ever-rising energy bills by ensuring optimum efficiency. www.worcester-bosch.co.uk



April 2017


Talking about heating controls Getting the heating controls right first time could be the difference between a satisfied customer and potential complaints. Installer Alex Robinson, of Halesowen based Robinson’s Central Heating, talks about the importance of communicating with customers.


ainstream media has really helped to put heating controls and smart or connected home technology on the map and homeowners are more aware than ever of the options available to them. This has made the installer’s job more complex in terms of specifying heating controls for their more informed customers, however it doesn’t mean we can be any less of the expert when it comes to advising them what is and isn’t right for their property. Just because a customer has a certain heating control in their mind which they want for their property, it isn’t always the most efficient one, and taking time to talk to them about their heating and lifestyle habits is crucial. Not only will this mean they essentially end up with the best heating control solution for them – which needs to be long lasting and sustainable – but it also elevates you as the expert in their mind and goes a long way to building good business relationships. Although customers may be more informed, they still want to be advised about certain elements, whether it’s the material of their pipework or the type of boiler or heating controls which will suit them best. I recently specified a Honeywell evohome heating system for a 1930s property in the West Midlands which needed an entirely new heating system, but it wasn’t before I had spent time talking to the homeowners and studying the property’s characteristics. One thing I think some installers miss is that yes, the boiler is the ‘hub’ of a central heating system so getting the right one is incredibly important, however, the heating controls – the drivers of comfort and how that heat and energy is used – are equally as important. In this case, the homeowners were fairly tech-savvy and understood the concept of heating different rooms at different times – essentially zoning. They also work full time, some days from home, so needed a system which would give them the flexibility to change the heating easily and quickly when required. The age of the house also meant it is quite cold with original wooden floors and high ceilings, so the ability to be able to quickly turn the heating up or down, room by room, with a quick result was also important. As the house was also going through a renovation, another key factor for the homeowners was energy efficiency and the

Alex Robinson, who founded Robinson Central Heating in 2002, with his son Dan who he employs as an apprentice

The Honeywell evohome system, featuring a touch screen control, enables the creation of up to 12 heating zones

ability to ‘shut off’ the heating in the rooms or areas of the house which aren’t yet functional or used. As smart phone users – and taking into account their lifestyles, and the floor plan and number of rooms in the property – Honeywell’s evohome was the perfect option in this instance. However, that wouldn’t necessarily be the case for all other homeowners in this situation. The key is to really know your customer.

controls to choose from – sophisticated, intelligent and highly efficient – whether connected to the internet or not – all thanks to the advances in technology and manufacturer R&D. There is a heating control to suit every homeowner, home and application and it’s my job to know about each one, their benefits, the technology they use and how they work. It’s about putting myself in the customer’s shoes. One customer recently asked me “what would you install if this was your home?” and to me that sums up what homeowners want from their installers and was reassurance I had done my job properly. It’s about giving genuine, trusted and professional advice as the expert and knowing your audience. It’s a really good time to be an installer in the heating industry. We have better products available to us than ever before and more tools in terms of support and training at our fingertips. We all just need to learn to use them wisely and to our advantage.

Not for everyone Not every homeowner wants remote access or internetconnected heating controls, and what’s more, they also wouldn’t be suitable for everyone. Granted, they are the future of domestic heating controls alongside a fully connected home where all appliances integrate together, but it’s no good installing them for everyone, as all you will end up with is an unhappy customer who doesn’t feel the benefits in terms of comfort and energy efficiency. Price point also still plays a large part in the specification process. Homeowners really caring about their heating controls and actually having a demand for them is still a relatively new concept which hasn’t yet reached every consumer. So, for the homeowner who isn’t quite there yet, specifying the all-singing, all-dancing connected heating control system probably isn’t the best option. Today as an installer, we have the benefit of a large range of heating

Find out more To learn more about the range of Honeywell heating controls, please visit www.honeywelluk.com/getconnected or enter the number below on the freepost reader enquiry and registration card inside this issue. www.honewelluk.com/getconnected



Extra comfort, less energy Energy saving on the quiet The growing range of heating, cooling and dehumidification units from Xpelair includes the energy saving Digitemp Inverter. With the help of inverter technology, the speed of the compressor motor is continuously monitored and controlled in line with the heat requirement of the room – claimed to provide a reduction of up to 30% in power consumption compared with traditional technology systems. The Digitemp Inverter is equipped with a multifiltering system with a combined electrostatic filter, preventing the buildup of small particles such as smoke, dust, pollen

and pet hair in the home. The activated carbon filter also helps to eliminate bad odours and gasses that may be harmful to health. Category Manager Lee Stones says: “Our latest addition to the Digitemp range goes one step further than climate control in the

home and actively helps eliminate contaminants that may be contributing to poor indoor air quality. The ability to regulate temperature helps to ensure both high comfort and delivers energy saving benefits.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



The new Enviroair air source heat pumps from Firebird are said to combine impressive energy efficiency with ultra-quiet operation. The MCS approved units are available in single phase outputs from 7.5 to 16kW and are suitable for both newbuild and refurbishment projects, either retrofitted alongside an existing heating system or used as stand-alone. The Enviroair product range incorporates a screed drying function and also includes heat pump compatible hot water cylinders, both standard and pre-plumbed. DC inverter technology keeps temperature fluctuations to a minimum and ensures heat output matches the heating load of the property. The system comes with a wireless programmable thermostat and the controller automatically runs the entire heating system, including any pre-existing boilers, and has a built-in weather compensation feature. UK Director David Hall comments: “The benefit to the homeowner is twofold, as installing an Enviroair air source heat pump

can significantly reduce heating costs and at the same time allow full advantage to be taken of increased RHI payments.” ENQUIRY No. 113 www.firebird.uk.com

PHAM APR17 GLOW WORM:Layout 1 28/03/2017 13:15 Page 1



April 2017


How magnetic filters can help cut down fuel bills An inefficient heating system will have an impact on a domestic household, but there are ways to guard against the resulting problems. Here, Craig Worth, National Sales Manager for BoilerMag system treatment products, discusses the benefits of boiler filters as an effective way to save energy.


tatistics show that more than half of the money spent on fuel bills in a typical UK household goes towards providing heating and hot water. With fuel costs on the rise, it’s never been more important to have an efficient and cost effective heating system, both from a financial point of view and when thinking about reducing energy usage and carbon dioxide emissions. When boilers are operating at peak performance, they Craig Worth, BoilerMag can be economical and highly efficient to run. Boiler breakdowns are commonly triggered by corrosion of the iron and steel components within a central heating system, caused by the combination of heat, water and oxygen in the system acting as a catalyst. The reaction of these elements creates magnetite, also known as black sludge, which builds up in the system with potentially damaging consequences.

Black sludge Magnetite can cause a number of serious problems for a heating system. In addition to damage to the pump and the boiler itself, the effects of galvanic corrosion can cause pin holes and leaks in radiators, and damage to the thermostatic valves. Blockages are also a common side effect, both in the pipework itself and the heat exchanger on a combination boiler.

Alternative stat The RT Thermostat range from Salus has been updated with the release of the RT310 and RT510, which supersede the RT300 and RT500 ranges. The RT310 is a simple digital thermostat, while the RT510 offers programmable capabilities. Both thermostats are available with or without wiring, and all models come with a five-year warranty. A new smartphone thermostat, RT310i, is also available. New features on the RF wireless models include an RF test function and 16 amp switching receiver with manual override, which are pre-synced to plug-and-play. Both the RT510RF and RT510 models offer manual mode

to disable the schedule, together with heating boost and holiday modes. Salus MD Dean Jepson says: “Despite the rising popularity of smart heating controls, it’s important that installers offer customers a choice of alternative controls. This latest range will significantly help homeowners manage their heat and hot water, improve energy efficiency and reduce running costs.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



The contaminated core of a boiler filter shows the system needed cleaning

In turn, the efficiency of a heating system can be dramatically reduced. Blockages can result in significant energy efficiency losses and fuel wastage, as the boiler inevitably has to work harder when trying to reach and maintain the desired temperature. Debris blocks the flow of water around the system, heat transfer efficiency decreases, and the ability of radiators to provide even heat distribution throughout the rooms of a property reduces. As the system struggles to perform correctly and the boiler is unable to heat water efficiently, homeowners inevitably turn up their thermostats, therefore increasing heating bills.

Transfer boost One of the best ways to save on energy costs and lower carbon emissions is by ensuring the optimum efficiency of a central heating system. By boosting the transfer of heat from the boiler to the central heating system, the system will become more efficient. Keeping corrosion and the build-up of the dreaded black sludge to a minimum is, therefore, an important part of the battle to keep a heating system healthy. It’s widely recognised that magnetic filters help to maintain the efficiency of a central heating system, reaping benefits for installers and homeowners alike. High performance magnetic filters are the most effective way of preventing the build-up of magnetite or black sludge in domestic heating systems, keeping them working at their full potential. In turn, the homeowner benefits from lower energy bills, a reduction in maintenance and call outs for repairs, and increased boiler life. With the dreaded black sludge being removed from the heating system, the system itself is able to work more efficiently, therefore using less energy. Householders can also benefit from the increased life of their boiler and heating system, meaning a significant reduction in maintenance costs.

Clean and protect The latest update of Part L of the Building Regulations (April 2014), provides a good practice blueprint for measures that need to be taken in order to maximise the energy efficiency and circulation of hot water systems. It’s highly recommended that a sensible approach to cleaning and protecting heating systems is adopted to ensure that the health and efficiency of hot water systems is maintained and protected in the long term.

The BoilerMag ensures that virtually 100% of ferrous oxide and scale is removed on the first pass

Existing systems should be correctly cleaned and flushed before testing the water and using an inhibitor chemical to prevent scale formation and the corrosion of metals. Finally, a filter should be fitted into the heating circuit to maintain the efficiency of the system and prolong its life. Even for new systems, it is good practice to install preventative measures such as filters to ensure that systems remain clean and efficient.

Inhibitors The use of inhibitor chemicals in central heating systems is a very effective method of optimising the efficiency of domestic central heating systems. Inhibitor chemicals slow down the reaction between the system parts and the water running through them. This oxidisation process is the primary cause of sludge formulation, so by using an inhibitor the rate of the reaction can be slowed down dramatically. A good quality, high performance inhibitor formula maintains heating efficiency by preventing scale formation and metal corrosion, without having any damaging effects on plastic or rubber components such as seals.

Take a dip Dip test strips are an easy, cost effective way of checking for levels of inhibitor chemicals in a system. Engineers can simply dip the test strip into a sample of water from the heating system to check whether the concentration of inhibitor chemicals is at the optimum level, at both pre and post dosage stages. The strips typically display a colour coded reaction which can be compared to a chart, indicating whether more of the chemical needs to be applied.

Electrolytic units Part L of the Building Regulations also states that where mains water hardness exceeds 200 parts per million, the water in the hot water circuit must be treated to reduce the rate of limescale deposition and, in doing so, maintain energy efficiency. As specified in the Domestic Services Compliance Guide, an electrolytic scale reducer is the most cost effective treatment method. The combination of good quality water treatment chemicals, careful testing, and the installation of a magnetic filter is essential for the maintenance and energy efficiency of heating systems. ENQUIRY No. www.boilermag.com 115

PHAM-APR17-GRANT:Layout 1 31/03/2017 16:45 Page 1



April 2017


The benefits of low water content Low water content is a key feature of fan and natural convectors, making them an ideal partner for renewable heating sources as well as high efficiency gas and oil boilers. Simon Butcher, Technical Services Manager at Smith’s Environmental Products, explains more.


restraints and required he low water content controls options. At Smith’s, of fan and natural we offer products available convectors is not in both to offer greater always something that is customer choice, depending celebrated as the height of on the drivers of any single energy efficiency. Yet this project. EC motors offer simple, no-fuss feature is of more economical running enormous benefit to its users. costs for the end user, even When installed in combination if the initial investment with the right controls, seems higher than its AC they can create heating counterpart and can be up solutions that significantly to 30% more efficient overall. enhance a building’s energy The most intelligent use efficiency. The flexibility of of EC fan convectors is fan and natural convectors – Simon Butcher, Smith’s EP to employ them with the compatible with all forms of heat source, from heat pumps and biomass appropriate controls. EC motors allow you boilers to domestic gas and oil boilers – makes to use master/slave operation and works them a prime candidate for heating projects seamlessly with any BMS. Using the right where energy efficiency is high on the agenda. controls will provide you with the greatest energy savings because you can programme Low water content the heating to come on and off as required, Fan and natural convectors have 5% of the using the minimum energy and achieving water content of a standard radiator. This the maximum comfort levels. advantage means that whichever heat source Fan convectors can be controlled using is available, it does not have to heat as much proportional heat output controllers as well as water as it would with other heat emitters. a BMS; either will allow for a more economic This can mean in some new build projects running of the whole heating system. You that a smaller boiler might be possible merely can accurately model the temperature by selecting fan and natural convectors as of each room to prevent overheating and part of the solution. On larger commercial under heating. There is a real issue currently projects this would be influenced by the surrounding the fact that many buildings overall design, but on smaller domestic or are being overheated, and the EPC regime light commercial jobs this could contribute is highlighting this situation. A commonto cost-savings and energy efficiencies over sense approach is required to resolve this the long term. challenge for building owners and users. Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) must now be on display in commercial buildings Heat pumps over 500m2, where there are frequent visits We regularly make the case for the pairing by the public and where it has already been of fan convectors with heat pumps. The MCS produced for the building’s sale, rental or Temperature Star Rating sees fan convectors construction. In these types of projects, the score five stars, just behind underfloor heating focus on energy savings is keen and selecting (UFH) with six and ahead of radiators, which a heating solution using fan convectors can score four. Fan convectors have a much lower make a valuable contribution to a lower rating. water content than radiators, and to achieve optimum efficiency, heat pumps should Motors and controls produce heat at the lowest possible difference Fan convectors are available with both between the source (the temperature of the air EC and AC motors, depending on budget or the ground) and the sink (the heat emitter).

The smaller the difference, the more efficient the heat pump is. Fan convectors do not need to be excessively oversized to achieve this optimum efficiency and provide a more compact solution – unlike radiators, which can create several financial and aesthetic issues. We would expect to see fan convectors specified in retrofit projects where heat pumps are replacing a previous boiler, and in fact they can work well in combination with UFH in new build because their greater controllability can be a real asset when trying to score lower EPC ratings.

This image shows the difference between a comparable fan convector (front) and a radiator on a low temperature system, based on the fan convector being 400x1210x95mm and the radiator being 600x1800x180mm

Efficient solutions It is also possible to pair heat pumps with natural convectors. Ideally a heat pump should be run on a longer operating period than the stop/start twice a day programming typical with a gas or oil boiler. Heat pumps work well on low water temperatures and a natural convector can be employed to work all day long to create a comfortable background temperature rather than be used to bring a home up to temperature within half an hour as a boiler might be expected to. The low water content of the natural convector makes it a more energy-efficient product in standard installations too, and they can be an excellent companion to fan convectors in light commercial settings. For example, we have a current light commercial project in the north of England in a church. The old pipe heating was sunk in 2ft2 trenches underneath the floor, and we’re replacing it with an adaptation of our natural convector perimeter heating to create a solution that will deliver background heating at a temperature of about 11°C. Alongside, the contractor has selected fan convectors from our Caspian range to provide boosted heat during services and other times

that the church is being actively used. The output will be raised from the background temperature of 11°C to 18/19°C when more heating is required. The low water content of both the natural and fan convectors makes them highly energy efficient and they will be controlled with proportional heat output controllers and RF room thermostats. Once the room is warm enough the fan speed can modulate down to a lower speed as the temperature draws near to the desired temperature. This heating solution will raise the ambient background temperature quickly to the desired temperature. The fan convector creates significant air movement to distribute the heat much more evenly than other styles of heat emitters.

Even heating Natural and fan convectors should be regarded as a favoured energy efficient heating solution. Very simply, they force air to move around a given space, using a low water content which provides better efficiencies for the boiler or other heat source, and the chosen controls allow each fan convector to be more efficient in each room, achieving a more even spread of heat around that space. ENQUIRY No. www.smithsep.co.uk 116

Hybrid for replacement jobs Improve thermal contact Providing a solution for off-mains properties, Grant offers the VortexAir oil boiler and air source heat pump hybrid. The system combines the VortexBlue oil fired boiler with an Aerona³ inverter driven air source heat pump. Designed to help off-gas homeowners

introduce renewable technology into their properties, the VortexAir Hybrid is described as a replacement heating system that can be easily installed on a retrofit project. The Grant VortexAir can be installed in two stages, with the VortexBlue oil boiler being installed first, providing immediate heat to the property when replacing the old boiler. The Hybrid’s heat pump can then be installed in the following weeks, once the necessary system updates have been completed. Consequently, the homeowner benefits from having their heating quickly restored while also installing renewable technology into their property and enjoying the long term benefits an air source heat pump can deliver. ENQUIRY No. www.grantuk.com 117

EndoTherm is an energy saving central heating additive that is claimed to save up to 15% on heating bills. The product is said to improve the thermal properties of water to increase the performance of boilers whilst allowing systems to be more reactive in changes in heat demand. It works by increasing thermal contact area on the inside of systems. EndoTherm is suitable for any wet system, including those with radiators and UFH, as well as with gas,

biomass, LPG and electric systems. A 1% solution is all that is needed, so one litre of this product will treat a 100 litre system. The product is produced in the UK and has

been succcessfully used in a large number of commerical and domestic locations around the world. PHAM ENQUIRY No. www.endotherm.co.uk


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April 2017


A lower carbon alternative Hot water heat pumps can help to minimise carbon emissions and reduce electricity use. Christian Hadley, Product Marketing Manager at Dimplex, puts the case for their wider use in the UK.


s Building Regulations have evolved in recent years, there has been a greater emphasis on carbon reduction. Housebuilders, architects, facilities managers and the rest of the specification chain are now tasked with sourcing sustainable products which deliver on performance and cost too. In fact, the Target Emission Rate is now less than 60% of what it was in 2002. Great strides have been made by developers to improve fabric and ventilation rates, but it is no longer cost effective to continue reducing carbon emissions by reducing heating loads or putting more solar PV on the roof. Instead, the challenge is to look at new ways to improve the SAP rating of a property through innovative electric hot water appliances, an area where there has previously been very little reduction in carbon emissions. As a result, manufacturers such as Dimplex have focused on the development of hot water heat pumps – a lower carbon alternative to electric immersion heaters. Already a proven technology in France and other EU countries, hot water heat pumps can



significantly reduce the dwelling emission rate compared to a direct electric cylinder. It means installers can help to achieve Part L compliance whilst still specifying electric panel heaters and/or off-peak electric heating appliances, which can be cheaper to install than a wet radiator system.

How they work Hot water heat pumps use a highperformance compressor to extract energy for hot water production from the external air using insulated duct work. It consists of a ducted system to supply fresh air to a small refrigeration circuit mounted on top of the cylinder. The refrigeration circuit transfers the energy from the air into heat, which is then transferred to the cylinder. Depending upon the refrigerant type and the requested hot water cylinder temperature, an immersion may need to be used. Using up to three times less electricity than direct acting water heaters, they can provide an energy efficient hot water solution for smaller, electrically heated properties such as apartments, social housing, student

accommodation and retirement living. And with a growing trend for smaller properties, there is a huge opportunity for H&V installers. In fact, there were almost 39,000 new apartments registered last year, according to the NHBC. Hot water heat pumps use a mixture of air and electricity to provide domestic hot water for a property. Typical carbon emissions from a SAP Appendix Q approved product show that they will deliver around 40% less carbon emissions than a hot water cylinder powered by gas. Spread across multiple properties the carbon savings are even greater.

Making the grade Crucially, installing a hot water heat pump can help to improve the EPC rating of a property, potentially moving it up by one whole band. From 1st April next year, private landlords will not be able to rent out a domestic or non-domestic property with an EPC rating of E or below and figures show around 45% of social housing tenants living in England in properties with an EPC band of E, F, or G are fuel poor. It’s important to find a hot water heat

pump that is approved for use in the UK market. Many models made overseas are not WRAS or KIWA approved – a legal requirement that all installers must comply with before fitting an unvented cylinder. An easy way to tell (as well as the approval number being listed on the datasheet) is to look for a factory fitted T&P valve, like those on the Dimplex EDL200 and EDL270 models pictured above. www.dimplex.co.uk



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PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 28/03/2017 12:07 Page 40

April 2017


Find solutions beyond the boiler With modern condensing boilers having reached a point where they are as efficient as they can get, how can an installer do more to increase the system’s efficiency? Neil Mattock, Marketing Director at Vokèra, explains why controls might be the next step.


uch research and development investment has been put into boiler technology over the years and it has certainly paid dividends. Modern condensing appliances, especially those with wide modulation ratios, are extremely energy efficient. We’ve got to a point where it’s worth asking the question: how much more efficient can the gas boiler become? It would appear that the most productive route for installers to drive efficiency lies outside the boiler. Controls and bolt-on technology offer an effective solution, but you must install products that are compatible with the boiler and the application. For example, weather compensation control can align the heating system flow temperature to



Neil Mattock, Vokèra

the outside temperature, where the flow temperature increases or decreases in response to external weather conditions.

Extra options Alternatively, passive flue gas heat recovery (PFGHR) could improve the performance of a combi boiler. PFGHR units are highly efficient and enable

wasted heat to be captured and used to pre-heat the incoming cold water mains supply to a combination boiler. As a result, the boiler uses less gas to heat water to the desired temperature, so reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions and improving the domestic hot water flow rate. A PFGHR is part of the flue system so care must be exercised when choosing one suitable for the appliance in question. Traditionally, controls have been used to simply turn the boiler on and off, but advanced technology means this no longer has to be the case. The latest thermostats can talk directly to the boiler and instruct it on the required warmth for the flow temperature. Modulating thermostats use a protocol to

communicate with the boiler and are not simple ‘go-stop’ controls. Instead, they ‘talk’ to the boiler and instruct it on the required warmth for the flow temperature. Vokèra utilises an established protocol called OpenTherm (OT). In appearance, an OT room control is very similar to a standard on/off thermostat. The key difference is that it will control the boiler flow temperature precisely to match the load required. For example, if the target and actual room temperatures are far apart, the unit will run the boiler at a higher temperature. Once the target and actual temperatures are closer, the OT will reduce the boiler flow to a level low enough to match the heat being lost from the building, but no more. As a result,

the boiler runs cooler and in condensing mode more frequently. The recent revolution in wi-fi enabled smart thermostats is also paving the way for more efficiency savings and the great thing about them is that they can work with the majority of central heating systems and boilers. This type of device is easy and quick to install, making installers’ lives much easier as they have wi-fi connection and no need for extra wiring. They can often be installed anywhere in the home and simply connect to the home’s router, which allows for control via an end user’s mobile device or desktop computer. Homeowners also have the power to control a number of different heating

zones, meaning they can adapt the room temperatures in downstairs rooms compared to the bedrooms. Internet enabled controls can also improve the ‘package’ (here the boiler and control type) efficiency rating under the Energy-related Products (ErP) legislation.

Go further The addition of controls and bolt-on technology to a heating system can bring significant energy savings and a reduction in costs for homeowners. It also gives installers a business opportunity as they can sell more to their customers when fitting a new boiler. Energy efficiency does not need to stop at the boiler. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 29/03/2017 13:28 Page 41

April 2017

ECA gives a good reason to invest The Stratton mk2 compact wall hung boiler range from Hamworthy Heating, launched last year, is now part of the Government’s Energy Technology List (ETL). Products on the list offer financial advantages for purchasers through the Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) scheme, designed to encourage businesses to invest in energy-saving equipment. The ECA scheme allows property owners or facilities management companies that pay business or corporation tax to write off the costs for ETL energysaving equipment against their taxable income. The scheme provides 100% tax relief on ETL-energy saving equipment in the same tax year as the purchase is made.

All six models in the Stratton mk2 range (from 40 to 120kW) are eligible and the energy saving design means that they exceed the strict minimum compliance criteria. With a gross seasonal efficiency of up to 96% and a heat exchanger made of stainless steel, the boiler provides a robust solution for those looking for high performance with long-term reliability. Keith Thompson, Hamworthy Heating’s Chief Commercial Officer, comments: “The Stratton mk2 boiler range has been developed to be compact but also offer great power and efficiency. A quality engineered stainless steel heat exchanger resistant to tough water conditions means customers can buy in

confidence. That’s why we give a five year warranty on it. “The inclusion on the ECA scheme will bring the advantages of energy saving for businesses at an affordable price.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. www.hamworthy-heating.com


Commercial circulators Commercial HVAC users can reap additional energy saving benefits with Xylem’s expanded range of ecocirc XL and ecocirc XLplus range of commercial wet rotor circulator pumps. The expanded range includes two new product groups for hot and cold HVAC applications. The 4 and 6m head models, group one, featuring the light commercial models, and are now available in cast iron pump housings for heating applications and stainless steel pump housings for domestic hot water systems.

Group two comprises additional twin circulators in both a threaded and flanged connection with the addition of 8 and

10m head models. With a variety of different configurations available, the extended range focuses on greater flexibility and interchangeability

with other products on the market, further simplifying replacements and installations. Other benefits to the newly extended range include an automatic night setback mode, which works to improve performance levels by reducing motor power consumption when the demand is low. This not only generates further energy savings but also ensures operational costs are minimised. PHAM ENQUIRY No. www.lowara.co.uk


All-in-one controls pack The Danfoss TPOne room thermostat is now available in the upgraded Danfoss Heating Efficiency Packs (HEP) – a handy way to buy high efficiency domestic heating controls. In the new range of HEPs the existing TP5000 programmable room thermostat has been replaced by the user-friendly TPOne, which offers all the functionality of current TP

models, including easy installation, in one all-new range. As part of the HEP upgrade, Danfoss has also swapped the RAS-C2 thermostatic radiator valve (TRV) for the stylish RTW bi-directional TRV featuring an accurate liquid-filled sensor. Marketing Services Manager Gareth Ash says: “Packs are available in a choice of eight product combinations, perfect for either new installations or upgrading existing. They include six TRVs and a choice of room thermostat to suit different applications and budgets. It is convenient for installers to pick a single pack of controls off the shelf, plus end users could reduce their energy consumption by as much as 40% by choosing to upgrade their controls with HEP.” www.heating.danfoss.co.uk




April 2017

42 Products in Action

Cascade install

Varian Medical Systems, a manufacturer of medical devices and software to treat cancer, has chosen to install Remeha boilers at its Crawley offices. When the time came to replace its four failing boilers, Varian put the refurbishment project out to tender, with the key requirements to improve heating efficiency and reliability, completed within a tight, fixed time frame. Airtech Air Conditioning Services Ltd won the competitive tender and the company recommended replacing the old boilers

with three Remeha Quinta Pro 115 high-efficiency condensing boilers on a cascade system to meet the building’s heat demand. Ease of installation was the first advantage for the Airtech team, who were able to install the cascade system quickly and easily to meet the tight refurbishment schedule. The small footprint of the Quinta Pro boilers also overcame the space limitations within the small plant room while providing easier future maintenance. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.


Student project Almost 200 Purmo Vertical Product Manager for Purmo. radiators will be installed in “The Purmo range has been Powis Place, a new student designed not only to provide accommodation in the heart ample warmth, but also to of Aberdeen. Work has now enhance the aesthetics of its begun to transform the site surroundings, and with the into a six-storey student huge range of sizes available block for 196 students. there is always a suitable The bespoke building will option. When creating a provide en-suite and studio home away from home units for students attending for students it is the finer Aberdeen’s two universities. details, such as the look of Apartments will range the accommodation, that from two to nine bedroom set the Powis Place project apart and makes residents clusters. “This is a terrific project feel settled and comfortable.” for us to be part of,” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. 125 www.purmo.co.uk comments Kelly Smith,


Little touches enhance homely feel Geberit Sigma and Geberit Omega frames and flush plates have added style and functionality to the washrooms at Bentley House, a care home in Hertfordshire. Specified with a white back-plate and chrome buttons, Sigma and Omega dual flush plates create a stylish look, save water and are easier to use for those with impaired vision. Sue Dee, Interior Designer for Leisure Concepts, who created the scheme at Bentley House, says: “It is

an essential factor in our interior design to provide the functionality and ease of use required by the end

user, without compromising on the quality or style of the interior presentation. We do not believe it is necessary to

make this type of interior look institutional and, whilst there are demanding circumstances, we do not want the residents to feel as though they are in a hospital, but a well-thoughtout, attractive and homely environment. “It may seem like a small thing, but the elements that people touch and feel, those that they use every day, such as a flush plate, can reinforce the noninstitutional message.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.


timely supply of pipe and b e s p ok e, pr ef ab r ic at e d sections. Sandy Fairley, Sales Director at Flexenerg y, explains: “The flexibility of prefabricated pipe helped to speed up the installation process and allowed for a reduction in the amount of on-site jointing required. In addition, the use of fusion welding enabled the pipework to be moved

around the site without fear of joints breaking or leaking once buried in the ground.” The Camden Road project was also the first project to use Flexenergy’s V-Flex valve system, which transforms the ability of operators to control and service polybutene networks by delivering zonal control via pre-insulated valve technology that can be fusion welded directly to the main network.



Home safety supplier Sprue Safety Products has teamed up with Humberside Fire and Rescue Service to trial connected home technology, installing a number of smoke, carbon monoxide (CO) and cold alarms which feature enhanced remote functionality in the homes of those who are most at risk. The project was first launched in December 2014 and focused initially on temperature sensing and protection from the cold for those who are most vulnerable. Phase two of the trial is now underway, as James King of Sprue Safety Products explains: “This project has already demonstrated the value that connected home technology can deliver, and the next phase will see smoke, heat and CO alarms installed in up to 300 properties. Humberside Fire and Rescue Service is working with local partners including housing associations, social services and charities to identify vulnerable residents who would benefit most from the real-time support that networked home safety systems can provide.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. www.sprue.com 126

Fan convectors are well hidden


Prefabricated pipe helps to cut the installation time Barratt London has selected a number of prefabricated components from Flexenergy for a new district heating network, installed to service 164 new homes being built in Camden Road, London. A complex building layout and a constrained site presented the project team with multiple challenges, but Flexenergy was able to respond to customer requirements through the

Connected homes enhance safety


The M&E team at Liverpool City Council has selected 20 Smith’s Caspian Concealed fan convectors for its Town Hall, a Grade I listed 18th century building. The Caspian Universal Concealed was developed especially for this project and is now regularly specified as part of the heating solution for listed buildings such as churches, hotels and commercial premises. The 20 Caspian Concealed units were installed behind panels in the walls of a number of rooms, enabling visitors to feel the effects of the heat without having to see the products. Four Caspians were

installed in three reception rooms, one ballroom, two dining rooms and a meeting room. The ducts were able to be positioned so that the heat could be effectively distributed around the building. The concealment of the fan convectors has been done without compromise to the internal fabric of the building or to the fan convection heating. The Caspian Concealed is suitable for heritage restorations and projects where the physical appearance of the internal building is essential to the overall appeal of the building. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 28/03/2017 10:32 Page 43

April 2017

PRODUCTS in Action 43 Ventilation units keep the noise down

Boilers in control A collection of apartments in a Victorian mansion in Edinburgh is benefitting from the specification of 20 Ariston Clas HE evo boilers, complete with the Ariston NET smart control system. The historic properties have been refurbished to the highest specification with modern fittings throughout, including new heating systems. Nine of the boilers have already been fitted as part of phase one of the project, while the remaining 11 will be installed this year. Euan Marshall, Director at Square and Crescent, says: “We’ve fitted Ariston’s boilers for a couple of years now and always found them to be reliable and well-received by customers. The company has an impressive product range, so when we learned about Ariston NET we didn’t hesitate to use it on this project. It offers excellent functionality, while its high level of controllability vastly improves the options available to end users in terms of managing their heating systems.” www.ariston.co.uk



A new development at Kingstone Grange in Barnsley has been fitted with 575 Sonair acoustic (sound attenuating) filtered air supply units from Titon. The Titon products were fitted by Doncaster-based contractors South Electrical. Richard South, MD at South Electrical, says: “Titon’s Sonair is compact and easy to install, while it adheres to necessary building and sound attenuation requirements. The units have been designed to let air into a property for ventilation while shielding

occupants from unwanted outside noise. This means no noise from the road outside can be heard inside the houses.”

Mark Lyon, Senior Commercial Manager at Taylor Wimpey, adds: “We have fitted Titon ventilation units on other developments,

with no issues. For the Kingstone project, we opted for the Sonair products as they met all the requirements outlined in the noise impact assessment, which took into account the level of traffic noise, as well as ambient sound from other nearby sources. “The mechanical input ventilators also ensure the properties comply with the indoor ambient noise levels as recommended in BS 8233 (Residential).” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



Fan convectors suit science centre




Dunham-Bush BM Fan convectors have been installed at Stowe School, a boarding school in Buckinghamshire. They have been fitted within the ceiling voids at the new Science Centre to provide a comfortable working environment for the students. Mrs Devanthi Weerakoon, Senior Engineer at Hoare Lea LLP, was tasked with providing a heating system which would not only work to the maximum efficiency within the sound power levels demanded by the requirements of the laboratories and lecture theatre, but also provide heating to the various areas when required. To achieve this, a ceiling void mounted heating system was designed, capable of responding quickly and efficiently to the demands of the individual areas.



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April 2017

SHOWERS & Enclosures 45

Digital technology is the smart solution Digital showers have been slow to take off in the UK, but with the growing use of smart technology around the home more consumers are likely to be receptive to their features and benefits. Aaron Bourne, Design and Innovation Manager at Aqualisa, argues that it is time to embrace an opportunity to help grow this sector of the market.


igital showering accounts for around 10% of the UK mixer shower market at present, excluding electric. While the benefits of digital are well known, including ease of installation and userfriendly features, growth in this sector has been slow, if steady. Why aren’t more people buying digital showers? The answer is that consumers don’t understand what a digital shower is and Aaron Bourne from Aqualisa the name doesn’t help. If someone says ‘digital’ to me, I think of a 1980s Casio watch. It sounds old-fashioned now, not a term that people associate with cutting edge technology. At Aqualisa, we are now describing our digital showers as ‘smart’ mixer showers. We believe that ‘smart’ more accurately describes the proactive benefits of the category, such as automatically checking water temperature 100 times per second.

We commissioned research that showed both owners and installers already viewed digital technology as smart, and the personalisation features of our new Q smart mixer enhanced this view. Consumers understand that smart offers a personalised experience, finely tuned control and the ultimate in safety and convenience; the installers we’ve spoken to have welcomed the move.

Smart thinking Some of our R&D team recently attended a trade presentation at Batibouw, Belgium’s home renovation show, where one of Europe’s largest bathroom suppliers told us they’re predicting a 60% growth in the European smart home market over the next year. We can expect similar growth in the UK, but while our bathrooms have traditionally been the poor relation to the rest of the house in terms of design and technology, this is also another opportunity. Bathrooms are playing catch-up. Personalisation is a significant trend globally and a key element of the smart home. Smart showers, such as the new Q model, tap into this with the option to select and save the precise temperature, flow, choice of outlet and duration for a personalised, perfect shower. The personalisation of style is part of this trend, as consumer interest in design continues into the bathroom. Kitchen design has developed rapidly over the past five years with more options for worktop materials, colours and lighting and the incorporation of smart gadgets. These trends are being adapted into the bathroom space, but crucially, consumers also want the option for individual style – one design no longer fits all.

On demand The millennials, the iPhone generation, are having an impact on the wider market place with their on-demand culture and that’s spreading to a wider demographic. Think Netflix and Spotify – it’s about having exactly the experience you want, when you want it. This is the audience we want to introduce to the world of smart showers – pre-set experiences, one touch controls and no-effort water and energy saving. Once this happens there will be no going back to adjusting the temperature on a bar valve or having a shower with no remote control. Consumer confidence is returning post-recession. Both homeowners and renters are becoming more demanding and are no longer driven purely by the lowest price, so we’re seeing more of a spend. This will speed up the evolution of the smart home and the demand for smart products, also likely to be driven by legislation and government targets, such as Smart energy meters.

Voice recognition

Aqualisa’s Quartz smart shower comes with a remote control that can be operated up to 10m away

As to the future, voice recognition is likely to be a feature of smart showers. As products like Amazon’s Echo make it more normal for us to verbally interact with our homes, we can start to see opportunities within the bathroom become viable. We’re also starting to be able to trust that our spoken intent will be accurately represented.

The new Q shower enables the user to select from a range of preset options to deliver the ideal showering experience

The bathroom is a place where for reasons of hygiene, safety or risk of damaging our gadgets, voice recognition technology will be particularly useful. Factoring in and offsetting normal bathroom background noise, such as the running shower, will play a big part in this becoming widely adopted.

Growth opportunity The integration of different systems into single points of user interface is the holy grail of the smart home; it has been for a while and a solution is unlikely any time soon. Meanwhile, competition within each smart home sector – security, energy monitoring, entertainment, bathroom and kitchen products – will be vital to drive performance and reliability to create the best possible user experience. There’s clearly a major opportunity for growth here. Not just in terms of market share for manufacturers, but for growing the size of the whole digital/smart shower market to a broader audience. We think there’s potential to double the size of the market within three years – and we’d like to encourage our competitors to bring out the best product they can to help achieve that.

Key features of Aqualisa Q • Pre-set experiences: Eco, Family, Sport • Option to create and save personalised shower experiences, based on outlet, temperature, flow and duration • Proximity sensor reduces flow when the user steps away from the shower, activates the power-on mode and greets the user with a friendly ‘hello’ • Full colour 2.4in display screen, protected by thermally and chemically resistant glass • Touch on/off switch, believed to be unique for a wet environment • Single or dual outlet, fixed and adjustable heads • Wireless remote with magnetic docking point and micro USB charging • Available with a choice of coloured trims (round the temperature control bezel) www.aqualisa.co.uk/q



April 2017

46 SHOWERS & Enclosures

How to ensure hot water safety Keeping hot water stored at a temperature that lowers the risk of Legionella means there is a risk of scalding when that water reaches taps and showers. Craig Baker, Marketing Director at Mira Showers, explains how fitting the right valves can ensure safety for users.

Incidents of accidents


The risks associated with hot water are so serious that two specialist charities – Age UK and the Children’s Burns Trust (CBT) – are backing the Hot Water Burns Like Fire campaign. The CBT says nearly 300 people a year are so badly burnt that they have to be admitted to an NHS specialist burns service with severe scalds from hot water in their bath, sink or shower, and that two thirds of these are children. Figures from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) show that an average of 15 pensioners die each year because of such accidents. Accidents can happen anywhere but the main areas of risk are the bath and the shower. Here, hot water can burn, scar and kill. At temperatures of 50°C it will cause ‘full thickness’ burns to children in less than two minutes. Raise the temperature and the effects are far more rapid – 1.5 seconds at 60°C, and just 0.27 seconds at 70°C. Adults have thicker skins and so – if they are able-bodied – have more time to escape unhurt, but not so older adults as the skin becomes thinner and loses its protective moisturising barrier in the superficial or upper epidermis layer of the skin. But hot water must be heated up and stored at temperatures of not less than 60ºC to stop micro-organisms like Legionella breeding and spreading in the hot water system. This bacterium rarely hits the headlines in the UK unless there is a rash of deaths but there are several hundred cases of Legionnaire’s disease every year. There eg were four cases of the disease in Grimsby io ne in July 2014, for instance, but everyone l la ba c teria recovered. The victims of an outbreak near Barcelona in September were not so lucky, as eight of the 40 affected died. So it is important to guard against a disease that can break out so easily and which is so virulent – the mortality rate is around 10-15%. Legionella bacteria is dormant at below 20°C, thrives at temperatures between 20°C and 45°C and dies off in less than five minutes at temperatures above 60°C. So the Department of Health and the UK Health and Safety Commission recommend keeping water temperatures above 50°C and below 20°C.

Lifesaving devices But it is important to make sure that the water does not actually come out of the tap at that temperature, a point demonstrated by the case of 86-year-old Evelyn Cowley. A decorated RAF officer, Evelyn died in 2011 after being scalded in her bath at the De Vere Royal Bath Hotel in Bournemouth, Dorset. The inquest heard that hot water had warmed in the hotel’s boiler at 60°C and came out of the hot tap at around 50°C to reduce the chance of spreading Legionnaires’ disease. A thermostatic mixing valve (TMV) would have saved Mrs Cowley. All TMVs offer vital protection to people against scalding when showering, bathing and hand washing by controlling the blend of hot and cold Safe delivery of domestic hot water can be achieved by retro-fitting a TMV2 device water that comes out of the tap. TMVs This study provided yet more compelling evidence that enable water to be stored at a temperature that is high enough the TMV is the simplest and most effective way of ensuring to kill bacteria but deliver it at a safe temperature, even if the that hot water is both sanitary and safe. But only valves flow rates or incoming water pressures change. that have been tested and approved to the TMV2 scheme Safety in homes should be fitted in homes. BuildCert launched the TMV2 On the domestic front, this is now compulsory for baths in scheme back in 2003 to provide independent verification all new build, extensions of buildings or buildings with a that valves certified at TMV2 are specifically designed, material change of use following the revision of Building built and tested for the domestic market. Regulations Part G3 in April 2010. Section 3.65 Setting the standard covers the prevention of scalding and states: The European standards BSEN1111 ‘The hot water supply temperature to a bath and BSEN1287 provide the basis should be limited to a maximum of 48ºC for performance testing but the by use of an inline blending valve or other TMV2 standard also imposes other appropriate temperature control device, requirements such as audit testing, with a maximum temperature stop and instructions and marking. Using suitable arrangement of pipework’. valves accredited under the TMV2 The difficulty is there is no such scheme to control the bath water compulsion to retro-fit this sort of device in existing properties, and that is why there temperature guarantees that they have are still so many scalding injuries and why been independently verified to comply campaigns such as Hot Water Burns Like Fire with the requirements of Part G. are necessary to limit water temperatures in all By fitting the correct controls to the hot water homes to 48°C. supply we can combine safety and hygiene, so that water is free from potentially dangerous bacteria, and less Scholarly findings likely to scald – and save the NHS a considerable cost. Researchers at the University of A study by the Manchester Burns Service in 2013 found Nottingham came to a similar that bath/shower/sink scalds cost a total of £480,000 conclusion as long ago as 2011. They in that region alone, meaning that these injuries cost called for thermostatic mixer valves millions in the UK as a whole. Predictably, children (25) to be fitted as standard after their were the majority of the 37 to be injured. Prompt action research showed that the valves to upgrade taps and mixer showers would avoid both significantly reduce the risk of the cost and the trauma. scalding. The University’s Division of Primary TMV2 scheme explained Care carried out a study in partnership The TMV2 Scheme is very similar to the TMV3 version with Glasgow Housing Association — one but with one big difference: where the TMV3 scheme is s o of the UK’s largest social housing providers. intended to be used to certify valves for use in the high risk cr i am healthcare sector, TMV2 valves are specifically designed, The study recruited more than 120 families under built and tested for the domestic market. with children aged under five and split them into In April 2010, England and Wales joined Scotland in two groups, one of which received a TMV for the bath requiring, as part of the Building Regulations, the control set at a maximum temperature of 45ºC. of hot water temperature to a safe maximum at the bath The result was that families with a TMV fitted to the hot outlet in domestic bathrooms, which can be achieved by the fitting of a thermostatic mixing valve. The revisions and cold water pipes in their bathroom had bath water to Part G of the Building Regulations (Hot water supply temperatures that were up to 11ºC cooler than those and systems) include the requirement that baths in new without and their baths were within the recommended homes are fitted with a protective device (i.e. a thermostatic temperature of 46ºC. As a result of the study, Glasgow mixing valve) to limit the temperature of hot water. Housing Association has fitted 24,000 new bathrooms PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. www.mirashowers.co.uk 134 with the valves and retro-fitted another 12,000. co pe


obody w ou ld a r g u e against the proposition that hot water is dangerous, potentially lethally so, yet safe access to hot water presents a problem – deliver hot water too hot and it scalds; store it too cool and it could breed bacteria. Water at temperatures of 50ºC and above is likely to scald, but if it is stored at a temperature of any less than 60ºC then deadly organisms, such as legionella, can breed. The danger posed to the Craig Baker, Marketing Director at Mira Showers aged and the young is all too apparent and places a particular responsibility on those in charge of housing and facilities for these age groups. That ranges from social housing, where the several generations may share the same accommodation, through to sheltered accommodation, hostels and hotels.

PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 31/03/2017 08:59 Page 47

April 2017

SHOWERS & Enclosures Push button control system The Rainshower system from Grohe features SmartControl technology which enables the user to select on-off and volume control at the push of a button. The wall mounted control panel has separate buttons for the head shower spray and hand spray and features anti-slip edges so that water flow can be adjusted even with wet hands. A thermostat handle allows for quick adjustment of water temperature, while a SafeStop button limits the temperature to a maximum of 38°C unless deliberately overridden. Grohe’s CoolTouch technology also prevents the surface of the shower from heating up to prevent any risk of scalding. Measuring 360 x 220mm, the lozenge shaped shower head has been designed to produce a wide-bodied spray. As well as a ‘rain’ spray, the head shower also offers a TrioMassage spray, which combines two powerful massage jets. As an alternative to the exposed installation, the head shower can also be mounted directly to the wall with a concealed valve. www.grohe.co.uk



Time saving easy fit shower system Flexi-Fix wall-mounted shower sets from Croydex are said to combine fussfree fixing with watersaving features. The Flexi-Fix Contour three function shower set and Flexi-Fix Contour comfort large four function shower set are both included in the Water Label and meet the growing demand for no mess, easy-to-use fixing methods. The range features a patented ‘X’ plate which can either be fitted using existing fixing holes or

screwed to new ones. Alternatively, it can be glued to most surfaces, including uneven walls or shiny surfaces, avoiding the need for drilling. Upon removal, the adhesive can be easily scraped away. “Since its launch five years ago, Flexi-Fix has revolutionised the accessories market by offering a simple, costeffective means of bringing bathrooms up to date without damaging décor,” says Product and Procurement Director Peter Pegden. “Whether you screw it or

glue it, Flexi-Fix makes light work of installing new bathroom accessories.” Wall-mounted accessories also include towel rails and rings, glass shelving and toilet roll holders, tumblers and soap holders. ENQUIRY No.



Former takes the weight Wetroom specialist AKW has enhanced its TuffForm wetroom former which is now able to support up to 60 stone in weight. The level access solution offers a trimmable single piece construction

for ease of installation and features an offset waste position to avoid joists and pipework. Available in nine sizes and suitable for wooden and solid floors, TuffForm features flat

edges to ensure a good seal between former and screen. They come with preformed fixing holes and a choice of gravity wastes. Other shower products in the AKW range include trays, screens, grab rails, shower seats, pumps, wastes, and bathroom furniture. Wendy Ryley, Group Product Director, says: “We refuse to rest on our laurels. Working closely with occupational therapists, housing associations, care homes and leading research institutes, AKW has a laser-like focus on developing the products and services that our customers need most.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.




April 2017

48 Showers & Enclosures

When one solution doesn’t fit all The increase in the number of showers in UK homes, coupled with the decrease in floor space in most bathrooms, calls for bespoke solutions that create a minimal, high-end finish. Simon Boocock, MD at CRL, looks at some of the options available to installers.


here once us Brits were a nation of bath lovers and wouldn’t dream of sacrificing our beloved tub in favour of a shower, today around 86% of households in the UK have at least one shower. On average, Britons shower 4.4 times a week, and take just 1.3 baths. There are several reasons for this change in attitude towards showering, which has come about in the Simon Boocock, MD at CRL last couple of decades, not least of which is that bathrooms are getting smaller and showers are seen as a space-saving option. More and more consumers are adding a second bathroom on to their property, often without extending the floor space at all. En-suites are being created from a spare corner of a master bedroom, and second bathrooms are also being squeezed into a converted loft-space under the eaves. Consumers want to maximise on space in compact bathrooms with showers being planned in to fit under sloping ceilings or even in an alcove.

Non standard This all makes perfect sense in terms of design and the outcome for the homeowner but can be a headache for the installer facing an awkwardly shaped bathroom project. Conventional shower solutions such as ‘standard’ shower enclosures simply won’t work in bathrooms that are anything but ‘standard’ in shape. In bathrooms situated under the eaves in a loft or between an alcove where space for an en-suite has been taken from an adjoining room, a standard hinged shower enclosure of around 800 x 800mm or thereabouts is not going to fit. Even pre-cut frameless screens could still result in problems with fitting a shower into a specific space. Ultimately, what is required in such spaces is a bespoke solution, designed to fit seamlessly into the bathroom regardless of its shape or size. Even in bathrooms where

Frameless shower hardware available from CRL makes it easy to fit a shower in virtually any living space

A sliding shower door, such as the Hydroslide from CRL, is a versatile option and helps to save on bathroom space

space isn’t so much of an issue, the trend is towards a minimal finish that is neat, uncluttered and creates a high-end look and feel. Frameless glass enclosures with as little in the way of hardware on show as possible is the current direction of the shower market, where less is most definitely seen as more. All well and good, but this is a look that until now hasn’t been without its fair share of installation challenges.

An alternative solution which works particularly well in the smaller bathroom is to opt for a sliding shower door. This offers maximum versatility, with our own Sliding Shower Door Systems able to accommodate a wide range of shower designs, as they are available in several lengths and finishes. This option keeps architectural hardware to an absolute minimum for a really neat finish, with only the header support bar and track holder being visible. Where support bars and brackets are on show, ensuring they fit with the overall style of the bathroom is key, and again less is more. We offer a square support bar, for example, that responds to the trend for geometric design, while our extensive range of brackets includes a slimline option, measuring just 15 x 15mm. Such solutions make installing frameless glass showers far easier, while leaving the consumer with a neat, uncluttered and bespoke finish that installers can charge a premium for.

Bespoke solution Designed specifically with this trend in mind, at CRL we are able to offer a wide range of frameless shower hardware, enabling installers to create a minimal, high-end and bespoke shower area in literally any space. Providing a clean-looking alternative to U-channels, CRL Glass Clamps help to maintain the frameless appearance of a contemporary shower enclosure, with square cornered and bevelled edge hinges that can be matched for a sleek finish. Suitable for use with 8 to 12mm thick toughened safety glass, this is an easy-to-install solution that provides a robust fit.




Less can sometimes be more Meeting demand Minimalism is the key feature of the new Design Solutions range from Aqata, with a reduced design that provides uninterrupted spans of 10mm toughened glass, creating a feeling of space and luxury. Models from the Design Solutions range can be almost entirely customised to suit individual preferences, with a choice of wall fixings and glass colour options available to create a personalized design. Every shower enclosure and screen comes with a lifetime guarantee and is supplied with ClearShield Eco-Glass protection as standard. The DS400 shower screen and DS405 model (pictured) are said to represent the ultimate in luxury showering and are ideal for walk-in

for bolder design

wetroom style showering spaces, providing a secure water barrier and a sleek look. Aqata is a family owned British company that has over 30 years of experience in the bathroom industry.

The company specialises in the design of hand-built luxury shower enclosures and screens and also offers an in-house etching service. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



Recently added to the Bristan line-up is a range of maxi valve showers, designed to meet demand for bolder, chunkier styling. Boasting a selection of classic and contemporary designs, in both concealed and exposed options, the range includes Quest (pictured), Prism, Trinity and Flute. All of the exposed maxi valve versions come with shower kits, with options including smooth silver hoses and chrome handsets. The valves have been designed to provide a consistent high flow performance, ensuring customers have an exhilarating shower experience. The range

is suitable for all water pressures and comes with optional flow regulators as standard. Adjustable elbows, with a centre selection between 136 and 158mm, help to ensure an easy installation in retrofit applications. Lisa Ward, Product Group Manager for showers, says: “We continue to make new improvements to our shower portfolio based on end-user insights. As such, our new maxi shower valve has been designed to meet the increased market demand for more prominent, exposed shower design, enabling homeowners to create a much bolder style statement

in their bathroom. Coupled with a high-flow for a great showering experience and ease of install for time efficiency, the result is the go-to product for installers looking to make the most of this emerging shower trend.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 29/03/2017 08:48 Page 49

April 2017

SHOWERS & Enclosures 49 Switch over to spray selection The Mira Switch is a contemporary handshower that enables users to change spray patterns at the press of a button. The handshower delivers four spray modes which are chosen simply by pressing a button at the base of the showerhead. With each press changing the pattern, users can be invigorated by ‘stimulate’; get drenched by ‘saturate’; luxuriate in ‘soak’, or relax in ‘soothe’.

In soothe mode, the Switch has been independently accredited by the Skin Health Alliance for users with sensitive skin. Switch is available in either a white or chrome finish and comes with a generously-sized 130mm spray head. Easy to fit, it works on all systems pressures and features a rubclean silicon face. Mira says that research shows that head size is

Modern style at the right price

crucial to most consumers’ perception of shower performance. The Switch should therefore provide installers with a great opportunity to ‘sell up’ – either in retrofit or new shower applications – while providing the consumer with a ‘custom’ shower experience, depending on mood or preference. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



Enclosure offers a tinted glass option The new Sphere collection of shower enclosures is the latest addition to the Aquaglass+ range from UK bathroom d i s t r i b ut or F r ont l i ne B at h r o om s . Available in either clear glass (from £535) or a luxurious tinted glass (from £645), the Aquaglass + Sphere Slider also comes as a quadrant, offering a functional showering space designed to enhance any bathroom. The Sphere Slider is power

It comes complete with a lifetime guarantee plus Aquashield coating for fussfree cleaning. With 8mm toughened glass panels, minimalist frameless design, luxury chrome handle and concealed fittings, the Sphere is said to provide an elegant hotel-inspired look, adding a splash of indulgence to the daily routine. shower suitable and wetroom compatible, and features

adjustable wall profiles for more flexible installation.




The Amore electric shower is part of the new Affordable Style collection from Triton, said to offer a contemporary aesthetic without a premium price tag. With a focus on minimalist good looks, the unit is available in three finishes: white gloss, brushed steel and black gloss. The shower also benefits from touch screen controls combined with an easy-toview backlit display. Other features include an array of accessories such as a large, multi-spray pattern shower head with a removable spray plate and rub clean nozzles. For added convenience, a retainer is supplied for the 1.5m anti-twist hose, as well as a clip-fit bottle tray. www.tritonshowers.co.uk




New YOUNG bath screen collection from Novellini. Designed and manufactured in Italy. All Young bath screens are fitted with rise and fall metal hinges, double seals and chrome optional anti-splash trim 339 for a secondary seal. Available nationwide. ENQUIRY


PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 31/03/2017 14:34 Page 50

April 2017

50 SHOWERS & Enclosures

Addressing the needs of an ageing population Ease of use and safe hot water delivery are factors that need to be considered with any shower installation, but even more so when products need to address the needs of an ageing population. Martin Walker, CEO of Methven UK, discusses the role played by technology in the development of showers that are suitable for all members of the family.


s a result of better healthcare and technological advancements, the UK’s population is living longer than ever before – more than 11 million people are currently aged over 65, with one in three of us aged 55 and over. Despite being positive news, this development nonetheless presents a host of challenges, not least to bathroom manufacturers Martin Walker, Methven UK and designers. In a recent survey on housing options for the elderly, conducted by Shelter, more than 50% of respondents stated that their current bathrooms would require modification in order to make them more accessible and easy-to-use. This need for change is backed up by recent NHS statistics which revealed that £16million is spent annually on treating elderly patients for injuries associated with bath-related falls.

Thinking ahead Manufacturers have been working hard to develop products that improve safety and accessibility, helping to create bathroom spaces which are usable for the duration of a person’s life. For example, product enhancements such as longer, more ergonomically designed lever handles and/or looped lever handles can make showers and taps easier to operate, positively impacting on the overall bathroom experience. Aside from design, the development of new technologies






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Many other standard and bespoke design variations are available

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Cool touch

The Satinjet shower (right) delivers a more immersive showering experience compared to a conventional spray

to future-proof bathrooms is also important. Often, the requirements of the aging population are dismissed simply as mobility challenges which can be resolved with the creation of walk-in showers or baths. Whilst providing some assistance, these methods fail to address many of the more serious issues facing the elderly in the bathroom. Showering, for instance, presents a much broader set of challenges. Temperature, flow and spray pattern can all affect an older person’s showering experience and these considerations have all helped to shape recent technological breakthroughs in showering products. And, because of the rise in multi-generational living, these breakthroughs will benefit the whole family, including small children. So, where possible, installers and specifiers need to know as much as possible about who will be living in a property and using the bathroom. When designing products for the elderly, safety is extremely important, as hot water can cause a serious scald injury within seconds. Indeed, severe

Complementing this, elderly customers can benefit from cool-totouch bar shower technology which ensures that the temperature of the valve never exceeds that of the mixed water. Because it is safe to touch, users won’t scald themselves if they accidentally come into contact with the shower body, particularly where shower space is limited. When specifying for the older customer, installers will find it helpful to refer to products conforming to BuildCert’s TMV scheme that minimise the risk of scalding. Elderly users also often have sensitive skin, so showers with a softer flow – such as our own Satinjet – can be helpful. Unlike conventional showers, Satinjet technology creates an optimum water droplet size, providing greater softness, warmth and coverage, in addition to an immersive full body experience. Inclusivity and versatility will be imperative in shaping the future of the bathroom, with products being required to address the needs of the ageing population without alienating users from a design perspective. The bathroom should always be a safe, user friendly place to be. www.methven.com/uk



Waterproof panels offer a natural look

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scalding is the second most common cause of household injuries, with over 500 serious bath water scald injuries occurring in the UK every year. Ther mostat ically cont rolled products can be the answer here as they contain valves that maintain a pre-set temperature even if the water pressure varies when other appliances are used, enabling users to accurately control the water temperature and significantly reduce the risk of scalding.

Cool touch technology means that users won’t be scalded if they come into contact with the shower body



Responding to the continuing popularity of stone and marble-based looks in the bathroom, IDS has extended its Splashpanel PVC wallpanelling range with the addition of four new panels: Silver Travertine Matt (pictured), Silver Travertine Gloss, Travertine Matt and Sand Marble. Silver Travertine Matt is said to mirror the natural beauty of a creamy grey marble in a fashionable matt finish, while offering the advantages of easy and fast installation and a fully waterproof finish at a price-point that delivers good value, design and quality. Splashpanel PVC waterproof panelling is available in 12 designs in two panel sizes of 1000 and 1200mm to suit larger shower trays. Smooth and easy to clean, with no grout lines, Splashpanel’s hygienic, non-porous surface provides protection against bacteria and stains, and is mould resistant. Suitable for showers, bathrooms and wetrooms used in both the commercial and domestic sectors, the Splashpanels are easy to fit and come with a five year warranty. The tongue and groove panels can be cut to size and fitted directly over tiles or bonded directly to a sound, flat and plumb

sub surface. A full range of accessories, including trims and Splashpanel antibacterial cleaner, are also available. www.splashpanel.co.uk



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 31/03/2017 10:59 Page 51

April 2017

SHOWERS & Enclosures 51 Making it easy

Glass like look with extra durability The glass-effect acrylic wall panels from Lustrolite are suitable for shower wall applications and bath surrounds. It has the appearance of back-painted glass but is less than a quarter of the weight of a traditional glass sheet. It is also claimed to have 20 times the impact strength. Lustrolite is easy to work with and can be installed over new or existing wall finishes. The panels can be cut and drilled with normal power tools. The durable hard coating means the panels are highly scratch resistance as well as easy to clean. The colour is permanently fused to the clear layer and is highly resistant to harsh chemicals. It’s available in nine colours, including Blue Atoll, as pictured. www.lustrolite.co.uk



New to the range of shower controls from Ideal Standard is the Concept Easybox Slim, designed to fit into drywall partitions with an internal cavity depth of 43mm. It comes with a built-in thermostatic mixer and is delivered as a pre-assembled box construction. Concept Easybox Slim is available as either a shower mixer or bath shower mixer with the option of a round or square faceplate. The faceplate features separate flow and temperature controls with a safety stop set at 40ºC with manual override. Additional adjustable maximum temperature stops can be set at installation to limit temperature at points between 40 and 50ºC. The shower mixer is suitable for high and low pressure systems and incorporates a ceramic disc flow control to maximise flow rate. The pre-assembled box construction provides quick installation. The first fix is protected with a shroud whilst plastering, tiling and painting is completed. Final fix includes fitting a water tight front plate, temperature and flow control handles and the round or square concealing plate. www.idealstandard.co.uk



Quadrant cubicle The Kinedo Moonlight shower cubicle from Saniflo is now available as a quadrant version. Previously only available as a corner unit, the new versatile design can be fitted with any shower. The shower cubicle is available as a 900 x 900mm unit and comes with a sliding door. Installation is easy, as there is no need for grouting or tiling. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.





PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 31/03/2017 08:39 Page 52

April 2017

52 SHOWERS & Enclosures

Available in all shapes and sizes Made-to-measure shower enclosures and glass panels can provide a solution when a standard product isn’t going to fit the space available. Coram Showers offers advice on how to deliver a customised shower experience that will enhance any shape of room.


s extending into attics, lofts, basements and garages has become increasingly popular, the necessity to offer products that will fit into these often unusually shaped rooms has become more important. But, of course, creating an extra showering space in a potentially awkward location can create unforeseen problems. In upper floor rooms, like loft or attic locations, roof angles and trusses mean that the installation of a standard sized shower enclosure can present something of a challenge. A cellar or basement conversion can also incorporate reduced ceiling height or oddly shaped rooms. The good news for installers, though, is that bespoke sizes of enclosure, glass panels and shower screens are available to meet the needs of those specialised conversion jobs. Among options for bespoke shower enclosures (bath screens or glass panels) is the possibility to specify a product to your own precise measurements. And in an environment where customer service is paramount, being able to offer additional choice, customer service and flexibility can help to set your business apart.

Made to measure When it comes to the specification of bespoke showering solutions the possibilities are vast, with designs to suit virtually every situation or space. Here’s some information about bespoke enclosures and glass panel options and where you might want to use them: (1) An angled enclosure. An angled enclosure, with angles taken out of either side (or both sides), can fit into a space incorporating a sloping ceiling. It is an ideal choice when you’re installing an enclosure in a loft or attic conversion, or creating a wetroom room in an under-stairs recess, where a standard option won’t fit. (2) A reduced or extra height enclosure. A reduced height enclosure can be reduced from a standard height to your required specification. Reduced height is particularly useful in areas where a standard height cubicle is too tall to fit comfortably into the space, for example a basement conversion with low ceilings.

An ensuite showering facility installed in the attic space of a converted vicarage (left) and an example of an angled enclosure

Incorporating extra height into an enclosure can also be useful to create a polished look and feel to a design in a room with higher than average ceilings. At Coram we offer extra height enclosures up to a maximum of 1900mm (glass wetroom panels are available up to a maximum height of 2m). (3) Reduced or extra width enclosure. If you are creating a shower space in a compact area, for example a small bathroom reconfiguration where you are short of space to fit in both a bath and a regular sized enclosure, a reduced width enclosure can help by incorporating the enclosure into a smaller space. Alternatively, a wider shower space can be specified to offer a more luxurious showering experience. The maximum width can be tailored to specific needs by combining an enclosure with tailor-made panels.

(4) Notch cut enclosure. It is possible to specify an enclosure or glass panels with a notch cut option to accommodate an unusual shape room. Notch cut options are particularly useful if the proposed shower space has protruding walls or to fit around a dwarf wall feature which may have been built into the shower space as a seating option. (5) Bespoke glass options. It is also possible to order bespoke enclosures and wetroom panels/screens with alternative glass finishes. For example, our Optima enclosures can now be ordered in five new glass options to enhance a design theme and coordinate with tiling or flooring choices. Available in bronze, low iron, grey or green tints, or mirrored glass, Optima enclosures are made to order and delivered within four to five weeks. www.coram.co.uk



Feels like rain DallFlex shower channels award winning designs from Europe's acknowledged leaders

Dallmer Ltd. T 01787 248244 W www.dallmer.com/en



Unveiled at the recent ISH exhibition in Frankfurt, the new Croma 280 overhead shower from Hansgrohe features a generously sized 280mm spray disc that is detachable for easy cleaning. It is designed to deliver an air-enriched spray that splashes less than conventional shower jets yet covers the whole body with a rain-like shower. The Croma Select 280 showerpipe comes in two additional versions: one with a single-lever mixer for bathtubs and a renovation model for use with existing taps and mixers in bathroom renovation projects. An integrated Ecostat Comfort thermostat ensures the selection of precise hot water temperature, and customers can also opt for models equipped with the

Adjustable frame speeds installation

company’s EcoSmart water saving technology. At around 9 litres per minute, these use half the water used by the same showerheads without EcoSmart. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



With the aim of enabling a quicker and easier installation of shower floors, Kaldewei has launched the new ESR installation system frame and FR Flex leg frame. The FR 5300 Flex floor frame can be used for virtually any type of installation for enamelled shower surfaces, whether floor-level, placed on a tiled floor or a raised solution. Thanks to an optional expansion system, the installation frame allows for additional built heights of up to 250mm. With the use of a new 3D leg system and additional guide markings, it is possible to adjust lengths and heights to suit any installation. Easy-to-follow assembly instructions and QR codes that link to step-by-step videos further help to aid the installation process. www.kaldewei.co.uk



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PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 29/03/2017 08:57 Page 54

April 2017

54 TEST & MEASURING Instruments

Quick checks and full investigations Whether you need a quick temperature measurement or want to identify gaps in insulation or moisture leakage, a thermal imaging camera can help solve a wide range of problems – and they won’t break the bank – says Andrew Baker, Sales Director at Flir Systems.


lthough thermal imaging has always been an appropriate technology for plumbers and heating engineers, cost has been an inhibiting factor. In recent years, however, the entry level cost has steadily fallen and the technology has been continually developed to provide the trades with a much greater choice of temperature measurement devices than ever before. As a result, thermal imaging is fast becoming standard practice. Plumbers now have access to a wide choice of

From smartphones to sophisticated cameras, thermal imaging is now available to meet the needs of a diverse range of users

troubleshooting thermal cameras that are affordable, increasingly sophisticated and very easy to use. They come in various shapes and sizes and can be as small as a smart phone. There is now the option to choose from of a growing range of test and measurement instruments with imaging capability. Indeed, the development of a thermal micro core, the size of a mobile SIM card, has allowed the technology to be repackaged to meet the needs of a number of trades. So, what are the options and what’s new? The choice of device for temperature measurement essentially depends on the job, whether you simply want to confirm temperature or investigate a wider problem. Another consideration is value for money. Are you best served by a basic device or one whose cost can be justified across a variety of tasks? All thermal imaging instruments work on the same principle – they are non-contact devices that detect infrared radiation and translate it into a temperature reading. Indeed, a spot thermometer can be considered a thermal camera with just one pixel and it can be very useful for a wide variety of tasks. But it is still simply a tool that measures temperature in one spot, nothing else. This may be sufficient for some jobs but it does not allow the full potential of thermal measurement to be explored.

Troubleshooting Sitting between a spot thermometer and thermal imaging camera is an imaging thermometer, a new breed of instrument that combines the two for fast troubleshooting. It provides a non-contact temperature reading while the thermal imaging device will show the relative thermal properties of a subject or targeted area in the context of its surroundings. Needless to say, an imaging thermometer doesn’t have the sophistication of a dedicated thermal camera, but it allows the user to see heat patterns, measure temperature accurately and store measurement data for reporting. To create this functionality, we have combined our Lepton micro longwave detector with a resolution of 160 x 120 active pixels with new technology called Infrared Guided Measurement (IGM). It allows maintenance professionals to work smarter and more efficiently by visually guiding them to temperature problems that are invisible to the naked eye. In this way, IGM elevates test tools to a whole new level of functionality, saving valuable maintenance time. ENQUIRY


Imaging meters Indeed, the introduction of the micro core and IGM is paving the way for a range of combined technologies. Imaging moisture meters can capture moisture readings below the material surface, either in a non-destructive way or with a wired pin probe. IGM dramatically reduces the time required to assess an area of moisture as it allows the user to scan for problems using thermal imaging and a laser pointer to target the right spot, then confirm and quantify the moisture levels with pin or pinless measurement. In a similar way, clamp meters and multimeters with IGM allow electrical overheating to be investigated quickly and safely without the need for any direct contact with the test object.

Smart additions Lightweight devices that plug into smartphones to convert them into thermal imaging cameras were introduced a couple of years ago, but recently the technology has moved on again. The world’s first smartphone with fully integrated thermal imaging camera is now on the market, a development only made possible by the cost-effective micro radiometric core. This smartphone is also a great example of how devices that are entrylevel from a thermal imaging point of view now come complete with highly sophisticated functions, once only the preserve of high-end professional thermal imaging cameras. A typical technology is multi-spectral imaging, developed to make it easier to interpret thermal images and diagnose problems. MSX instantly generates a definitive, all-in-one thermal picture that provides as much detail as possible, whether the thermal image appears on the camera screen, a PC, mobile device, smartphone or in a written report. It captures visual data from the builtin digital camera and radiometric data from the thermal camera. Internal software then analyses the image and superimposes key elements from the visual image as a high-contrast ‘skeleton’ on the thermal output. This all happens in real time and without compromising temperature measurement accuracy or minimising visibility. With thermal imaging available at the touch of a button, quickly identifying gaps in insulation, electrical faults and monitoring the performance of machinery, it is fast becoming an essential tool for a wide range of users. www.flir.com



PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 28/03/2017 10:32 Page 55

April 2017

TEST & MEASURING Instruments 55

The essential role of FGAs in safe work If you are a heating engineer, you’re probably using your flue gas analyser nearly every day, but have you ever thought about the ways it ensures you work safely? PHAM News spoke with Anton Sales Director Damian Cairns to explore the latest advancements in FGA technology.


eating engineers who have been in the industry since before the advent of condensing boilers will remember the days when you could judge the combustion performance of an appliance by observing the flame picture and making adjustments accordingly. But with modern appliances the flame picture is usually hidden from sight. Therefore the only effective way to understand the combustion performance of a modern appliance is to measure and record precise readings on emissions such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxygen, with an electronic flue gas analyser (FGA). Damian Cairns, Sales Director at Anton, says that FGAs provide vital information to allow engineers to adjust appliances to ensure that a boiler is operating efficiently, i.e. making best use of the fuel, but they also allow engineers to ensure the appliance they’ve worked on is operating safely and within the manufacturer’s guidelines, and critically can provide evidence of this fact.

Benchmark The HHIC released Technical Bulletin TB143 in April 2014 to try to reverse the trend of an increasing number of CO incidences relating to new installations. This new guidance made it mandatory for the CO levels and CO/ CO2 ratio in flues to be tested with an FGA to ensure these hazardous gases were below manufacturer’s guidelines when commissioning a newly installed appliance. “Until TB143 the use of an FGA was best practice, but this was the first time it was mandatory,” says Damian. “Evidence of this testing needs to be submitted with the HHIC Benchmark The Sprint Mobile Commissioning Checklist. Modern FGAs app transfers FGA can print reports that can be attached readings directly to to the form, proving compliance and a PDF file safety of the installation. “TB143 is very clear that the evidence provided needs to be recorded on an FGA that must be within calibration,” he explains. “We regularly provide presentations to students at colleges and training centres on how to get the best from their FGAs, and the importance of only using an FGA when it’s within its annual calibration period is one of the most important bits of advice we provide. If you are servicing appliances with an FGA with an expired calibration, then the readings you are taking are effectively worthless, dangerous even, and putting you and your customers at risk. The FGA provides evidence that you left the appliance in safe operating condition. In the worst case scenario of a CO incident related to a boiler – an injury or even a fatality – the following investigation would view the use of an uncalibrated FGA as damning evidence, even if it wasn’t the cause of the accident.” Because a heating engineer effectively can’t service, repair or commission a modern appliance without an FGA, suppliers know that providing a convenient calibration service is essential to their customers. Many now offer a fixed annual fee that covers servicing, calibration and sensors. Anton’s fee is £99 + VAT. “We know how important turn-around time is, so we introduced the fixed fee annual servicing to give customers clear annual service costs but also to allow us to return the calibrated FGAs to the engineer as quickly as possible,” says Damian. “The fixed fee has really sped things up. Engineers can drop their FGA off at a merchant, who send it to us. We do the work, and it gets sent straight back without the

delay of raising and approving quotes. There are even some merchants who will let you hire an FGA while yours is away so you can carry on with business as usual.” To help ensure customers are not at risk of using analysers with an expired calibration, Anton has introduced a new lock-out feature to its Sprint V and eVo ranges. The FGA displays a message 30 days in advance warning that the calibration expiry is imminent to give engineers time to organise its calibration. After the calibration has elapsed, the FGA will stop taking readings. “This safety initiative protects everyone,” Damian explains, “and we have been overwhelmed with positive feedback received from large contractors and sole traders alike. It removes the temptation to use an FGA out of calibration, which everyone knows they shouldn’t be doing. It’s about improving safety, and we’ve been really pleased with customers’ response to this.”

Enhancing safety Another safety-focused reminder that appears on Anton’s eVo range is a message to replace the inspection cap in the flue terminal after you’ve taken your sample. If the cap isn’t replaced, there is a chance of dangerous flue gases entering the property. “It’s a very simple thing,” says Damian, “but very effective. You’d be surprised how many engineers I talk to who say they have gone to service a boiler that someone else serviced last year, only to find the cap wasn’t replaced. The risks to the household occupants is obvious.” Anton has also designed a special app that works with its Bluetooth-enabled Sprint eVo3 model. The Sprint Mobile app can directly record the readings straight to a PDF that can be emailed to the customer. The major benefits here are the time saved compared to writing reports on pads and the better traceability of recordings. “The system provides absolute traceability, proof if you like, of the tests performed – for example there’s no chance of putting the decimal in the wrong place on the CO/CO2 ratio or writing your data illegibly. It’s absolutely 100% traceable, referencing the time and date of the readings and the serial number and calibration expiry date of the analyser used. It’s a lot more efficient as well. You can create landlords’ certificates, warning notices, advice notices, let-by and tightness test and many more safety-critical reports,” says Damian.

Professional image The ability to send your gas reports by email also conveys a more professional image to your customer, with your full company details on it, including company logos, your signature, your Gas Safe and/or OFTEC registration number, email address, website, etc, all appearing on the PDF report. The free-to-use Sprint Mobile app is useful for any engineer, whether you have an Anton eVo3 or not. “The app has lots of features like access to a comprehensive list of boiler manual PDFs, gas rate and pipe size calculators, plus you can create quotes, receipts, invoices, and credit notes, and then email them directly to your customer. Nobody likes paperwork, and this app takes a lot of the burden away. Don’t be surprised if you find you have a lot more free time at the end of the working day,” says Damian. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. www.anton-group.com 154 ENQUIRY


PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 28/03/2017 10:32 Page 56

April 2017

56 TEST & MEASURING Instruments

How to interpret thermal images If you think it’s a straightforward process to produce accurate thermal images, then think again. Here, Testo MD Daniel Auer looks at some of the causes of false readings and suggests using ‘smart’ cameras that can eliminate these potential problems.


rices for thermal imagers have decreased significantly in the last few years, and this shift in cost has seen a change in the profile of a typical thermographer. This technology was once the preserve of a handful of dedicated engineers specialising in thermal consultancy, but the wider availability of these cameras means many users have a more basic understanding of how they work. With this technology now widely available, the risk of wrong interpretations and unnecessary cost of repairs and maintenance has risen significantly. Let us delve into some of the typical causes for misinterpreting thermal images.

Emissivity matters All objects emit thermal radiation, and this is the general principle behind thermography. The thermal imaging camera can detect this radiation and convert it into a temperature reading. Understandably, one would expect this detected radiation to be coming from the object being measured. What many aren’t aware of is that this can also be affected by the reflection of surrounding objects. In general, you can say that the emitted and the reflected radiation add up to 100% of the measured radiation. Every material has a different emissivity factor, and this needs to be entered into the thermal camera so that the

Image 1

Scaling too small shows false problem areas, as in Image 1, but correct temperature settings (Image. 2) give an accurate picture

reflection can be compensated for in the temperature reading. For example, plastic surfaces normally have a very high emissivity of more than 90%, whilst shiny metal surfaces have a very low emissivity of less than 20%. This means, for example, 90% of the radiation received from a plastic surface might be from its own emitted temperature, and 10% could be reflections. If you don’t know about this effect, your temperature reading in a thermal image could end up being significantly wrong. The example on the left shows a radiator with painted tubes (high emissivity) and metal fittings (low emissivity). Without emissivity correction, the thermal imager would show a temperature of 30˚C for the metal fittings, even though we know that this part will have the same temperature as the radiator. Only by changing the emissivity of this measurement spot to a typical iron value of 0.30 will we be able to measure the correct temperature of 50˚C.

Setting the scale

This thermal image was taken without emissivity correction, resulting in a correct reading for the painted pipes (50ºC) but an incorrect reading for the metal fittings (30ºC)



Image 2

Another aspect of thermography is the temperature scale of your thermal image. The scale defines the upper and lower temperature limits of your image and the distribution of colours between those two values. Like the colour and brightness settings of a standard photography camera, a thermal imaging camera does this scaling automatically. In most applications, this is sufficient and does not need

changing. In some environments like building thermography however, you will need to manually adjust your settings or you will miss important problems. Image 1 and Image 2 (at the top of this page) show a typical building analysis. Whilst Image 1 looks clearer initially, suggesting potential issues on the first floor windows, you might suspect insulation problems at the top of the lower windows too. With the correct scale setting in Image 2, it becomes obvious that the small temperature differences in the lower row are not significant. Only the upper right window is a potential issue, and therefore needs a closer look from the inside.

Geometric resolution Geometric or spatial resolution is an aspect that is not very relevant in standard daylight photography. Since the wavelength of infrared radiation is 20 times higher than that of visible light, the sensors are much larger than those of digital cameras, and we have physical limitations on resolution. Manufacturers try to offer the best balance between cost and field of view. This automatically results in an iFOV (instantaneous field of view) of one pixel. The smaller the iFOV, the smaller an object can be exactly measured. Lower cost thermal imagers typically have an iFOV of 4 to 10mrad which has the ability to see objects of 4 to 10mm at 1m distance. iFOV too large - temperature wrong Better thermal imaging cameras can resolve objects of less than 2mm at 1m distance. As a rule of thumb, the smaller the iFOV, the better the camera. If your iFOV is too Smaller iFOV gives accurate reading large for a certain object, your measurement value might in fact be an average of the object’s temperature and the surrounding background. In the images above, the wire is more than 60˚C, which could result in a fire risk. A camera with a too large iFOV might only measure 40˚C (top pic), as it is averaging all values in the measurement square. This illustrates why it is so important a thermal camera can warn the user of a potential iFOV problem. Entering into thermal imaging has never been better than today, but you need to ensure users are properly trained. When choosing a thermal imaging camera, users may want to consider a ‘smart’ thermal imager, with support features included, such as auto-emissivity, scale assist, iFOV indicator or Super Resolution. With the dramatic price drop of high quality thermal imagers, everyone can now benefit from this valuable technology, improving the quality of their services and generating additional business. It remains very important, however, to understand the technology. By using modern thermal imagers with smart support features, this can help users avoid common mistakes. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. www.testolimited.com 155

PHAM APR17 EDIT:Layout 1 29/03/2017 08:48 Page 57

April 2017

TEST & MEASURING Instruments 57 Find out what’s behind the wall The D-tect 120 Professional from Bosch is a radar detector with only five buttons to make it easy to use. The on/off switch allows the user to set each of the modes (drywall, universal and concrete). There is also a button for switching the audible signal on or off. All the user has to do is take a quick look at the wall and choose the appropriate mode. The user can also check

whether the wall contains ferrous or non-ferrous metal objects, electrical cables and network cables, as well as

wooden substructures or water-filled plastic pipes. Additionally, the detector recognises where an object is

located in the wall to protect against damage when drilling or chiselling. The maximum depth is 12cm and depends on the mode selected. The D-tect 120 Professional features a spot measurement and a centre finder function. Spot measurement enables precise detection in tight spaces. The centre finder reveals the exact centre of an object. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



Smart meter app aid Aimed at installers of smart meters, the new TPI Stream is an app that helps to document tests for let-by and tightness testing when installing these devices. The app guides the installer through the complete let-by and tightness test as defined by IGEM/UP/1B Edition 3. TPI Stream automatically takes the user through all the timings and pressure checks as well as creating a report that can be emailed or printed straight from a smartphone, logging the exact time, date and GPS coordinates with the test results. Originally designed for use with TPI’s 716 Flue Gas Analyser, TPI Stream can now also be used with the 608BT single input digital manometer. It is currently available free for Android smartphones, with the iPhone version in development. www.tpieurope.com



Telescopic level for many applications

The new TPI Stream app records the results of let-by and tightness testing

The Stabila Telescopic 80T from Brian Hyde is described as a single spirit level that can do the work of several. It can be easily extended to the length needed, effectively doing the job of up to three fixed-length levels in one. A lock system fixes the level securely to the required length. With a marking and cutting edge running along its entire edge, the Telescopic 80T

allows for simultaneous measuring and marking, while integrated anti-slip stoppers give a firm grip to make marking with one hand a simple task. Inner dimensions and clearances can be easily marked out with the level’s printed metric scale, while a horizontal and vertical vial ensures the highest levels of accuracy on every job. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.





April 2017

58 WHAT’S New Whole house approach to ventilation Heat-only models deliver on benefits

Designed for domestic properties, the Natural Air 180 from Xpelair is a mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) unit offering an easy, efficient and flexible approach to whole house ventilation. Offering consistent performance, the unit continuously extracts stale air and moisture from wet rooms while resupplying other rooms with filtered air, transferring heat from the internal air during the process. With the use of ultra-fine G3 filters, the result is significantly improved indoor air quality and the elimination of condensation and odours – all while saving on energy. The MVHR unit ensures a consistent performance

whatever the weather. A 100% summer bypass and winter defrost functions ensure a comfortable temperature, avoiding draughts or cold spots all year long. A distinguishing characteristic is its level of flexibility. From NOx filtration for opti-

mised safety through to PIR sensor activity for enhanced efficiency and cold-climate pre-heating, each unit can be customised with a wide range of Xpelair add-ons and integrations in line with each user requirement. Ease of installation is

another benefit. The unit comes in two lightweight sections for hassle-free handling. Also, easy front access means maintenance work can be completed in just a few minutes. The Natural Air 180 system features Xpelair’s Ghost Air Movement technology to deliver near-silent running. It also boasts an active humidistat to protect against sudden increases in humidity. Lee Stones, Category Manager, says: “Our Natural Air 180 gives more built-in flexibility for customisation, and its compact design and suitability for whole-house ventilation means it is ideal for virtually all small domestic builds.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



Snug fit Updates across the range without the mess

PipeSnug is an innovative product from Snug Solutions which offers a simple and time saving solution when installing waste pipes. It provides a neat finish when pipes exit a wall and avoids the need to point mortar around the pipes. Described as quicker, cheaper and cleaner than other methods of sealing, such as expanding foam, PipeSnug can be used in all weathers and is suitable for new builds, extensions, loft conversions and kitchen or bathroom installations – giving the job a quicker, smarter finish. The product’s snug fit also means that it helps to maintain the energy efficiency of the property by tightly filling in any gaps where heat would otherwise escape, helping installers to comply with Part L of the Building Regulations. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



A raft of new products are set to be launched by Saniflo. The hassle-free plug and play range of macerators and pumps is designed to offer ease of installation and maintenance, with new and improved noise and vibration reduction. Items from the domestic range that have undergone improvements include Saniflo Up, Sanitop Up, Saniplus Up, Sanivite, Sanishower, Sanipro Up, Sanipack Up and the Saniwall Pro, designed with Grohe cistern technology. An extra bonus

across all new products in the domestic range is a threeyear extended warranty

period – on top of the twoyear standard warranty, once the product is registered.

For the commercial sector, there are new and improved versions of commercial sector essentials: Sanispeed+, Sanicubic 1, Sanicubic 2 Pro, Sanicubic 2 Classic, and Sanicubic 2 XL Single Phase and Sanicubic 2 XL Three Phase. Saniflo says its range is now the most comprehensive to date, with improved technology and quieter units with easier access than ever before. The outlet pipes remain identical. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.


Following the launch of its 200 and 400 combi boilers, Baxi has added heat-only models to the range. Weighing in at just 19.5kg, the Baxi 200 and 400 Heat boilers are lightweight and include a number of time-saving features. Available in outputs from 12 to 30kW, these boilers are compact enough to fit into a kitchen cupboard and are suitable for most property sizes. An easy-fit wall mounting bracket, along with a 1m lead which removes the need to access the control box, allows installers to fit these models quickly. Front and side access means servicing is quicker and easier, with no special tools required. These heat-only models also have a number of other benefits. For example, there is no need for a pump overrun or permanent live, so any disruption is kept to a minimum and time saved on installation. And for extra flexibility, a wide choice of flue lengths means they can be sited anywhere.

Jon Phillips, Baxi’s Head of Product Management, says: “The entire Baxi 200 and 400 range has been designed to make life easier for our loyal Baxi installers – and these new lightweight, heat-only boilers are no exception.” For additional peace of mind, the Baxi 200 Heat comes with a three year parts and labour warranty, whilst the Baxi 400 Heat is available with a five year promotional parts and labour warranty. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.




From furniture to ceramics

The bijoux look From Geberit comes a new collection of ceramics, furniture and mirrors to form the Geberit Bathroom Collection. The new product lines offer solutions for spaces large to small and include a wide choice of standard and short projection washbasins, toilets, bidets, mirrored cabinets and furniture. The collection includes the Acanto series (pictured) where the furniture can be combined in any number of ways to create a truly individual solution, and is offered in a trend-setting mixture of materials and

surfaces including glass, metal, painted and wood finishes. “With the launch of the Geberit Bathroom Collection we can offer our customers a comprehensive range of products both in front of and behind the wall that meet the brand’s exacting quality standards,” says MD Mark Larden. “All the sanitary solutions for creating a customer’s dream bathroom can now be obtained from a single, inspirational source.” ENQUIRY No. www.geberit.co.uk 164

Maximise the space in small bathrooms with the Space Saver collection from Lecico. This range incorporates products in smaller measurements to encompass a modern feel with functional, space-saving solutions to make the most of the smallest spaces. The range consists of ceramics for WCs and basins, as well as furniture solutions

such as vanity, basin and backto-wall units. John Brooks, Product Manager, comments: “We’re delighted to add the Space Saver collection to our range. It maximises functionality without comprising on design. The new range will appeal to both commercial and consumer users alike.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



April 2017


WHat’s New Bluebrain behind ventilation Following the launch of its ceiling/void mounted HRXaQ Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) appliances with intelligent air management, Domus Ventilation, part of Polypipe, has introduced this same advanced ‘Bluebrain’ control to its wall mounted MVHR units. The new Domus HRX-D

and HRX-2D wall mounted MVHR units intelligently match ventilation rates to the internal environment and occupants’ requirements. This is achieved through advanced AMIE (Air Management for Indoor Environments) technology, including features such as digital humidity control, automated summer bypass and accurate system balancing. By accurately measuring air humidity, the HRX-D’s extract speed automatically

changes from background to boost as the level of humidity increases, thereby providing optimal ventilation performance. The thermal (summer) bypass feature operates in a similar manner, automatically activating when the air temperature reaches a pre-set level, allowing in cooler, fresh, filtered air. At the heart of this intelligent air management is Domus Ventilation’s compact Bluebrain control, which also provides homeowners with helpful maintenance reminders for cleaning and replacing filters to ensure performance of the unit is maximised and air quality maintained. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



Developments in Vogue’s evolution Following consultation and feedback with its installer customers, Ideal Boilers has launched the next generation of its Vogue range of combi and system boilers. The Vogue GEN2 boiler features the latest technology, with premium components and a fullcolour display. The new boiler is a single piece, lightweight unit which is 2.6kg lighter than its predecessor. It features an easier-to-use customer interface with a fully backlit 3.5in screen and rotary controls. Cool burner door technology allows for servicing even if the boiler has been running, and the pressure gauge has an easier-to-read font. Also new is a low energy, modulating Grundfos UPM3 pump, designed to improve

efficiency levels and featuring a more compact design to save space. “The Vogue is a sophisticated and intelligent boiler, engineered with quality in mind,” says Tim Broadhurst, Chief Commercial Officer. “It was already an award winner but we wanted to go one better and enhance it further to deliver an even greater premium performance coupled with superior reliability. We listened to feedback from our customers, making sure we kept what they valued and making enhancements suggested, such as simplifying the customer operation.” Alongside the launch of the Vogue GEN2 is the introduction of a new magnetic system filter.

Win over £800 worth

of Bosch tools! Upgrade to connected tools To celebrate the launch of Bosch Professional connected tools, we’re giving away an exclusive prize bundle worth over £800. Connected tools and their users communicate via the free downloadable Bosch Toolbox app, which accesses a growing range of time and effort-saving aids. Key capabilities of the Bosch connectivity system include asset management and tool location, quick tool registration and personalised settings, fault alerts, condition and usage reports, and remote control. Importantly, the system has been designed to integrate new functionality as it evolves.

The prize package

The forged brass Ideal System filter is described as small, smart and simple and will fit onto vertical or horizontal pipework. The Vogue GEN2 comes with an eight year warranty which can be extended by a further two years when installed with an Ideal System Filter. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



Single reel goes even further Henkel’s Loctite 55 is now available in a 160m dispenser, meaning that a single reel will seal up to 405 joints with a half-inch thread size. The company claims that its product takes half the time to create a secure seal on threaded pipes compared to traditional tapes or hemp and paste combinations. The product is suitable for locking and sealing both metal and plastic pipes and fittings. Loctite 55 needs no cure time and results in an immediate, full pressure seal. It also allows reliable re-adjustments and can be backed off by up to 45 degrees without leakage. This is a single component product suitable for all pipework – both water and gas – and carries WRAS approval. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. 168 www.loctite.co.uk

The prize bundle includes a GSB 18 V-60 C Professional Combi Drill and battery pack, plus you will be one of the first to get your hands on the company’s new GCL 2-50 C Line Laser. Also included is a stylish ultra-modern Withings Activité Steel activity tracker, worth over £135.

How to enter Read the question below and write your answer on the freepost reader enquiry and registration card inside this issue. So, for example, if you think the answer is ‘Blackbox’, enter 101 on the card. The winner will be drawn from all the correct entries received by 3 May.

What is the name of the Bosch app? Blackbox 101

Hatbox 102




April 2017

60 WHat’s New New build boilers App connects customers to MVHR help to meet SAP requirements A lightweight heat only product has joined Potterton’s portfolio. Described as highly efficient and cost-effective, the Potterton Ultra Heat boiler has been specifically designed to meet the needs of the new build market. It is also suitable for refurbishment projects. Fully modulating, the Ultra Heat qualifies under the SAP calculation framework to help housebuilders comply with Building Regulations in a cost-effective way. Available in outputs of 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24kW, there’s a model to suit most property sizes. Compact and lightweight (just 19.5kg), the unit can be installed discreetly into a standard kitchen cupboard. The boiler does not require a pump overrun or permanent live, saving time during installation. With a wide array of flue lengths, bends and compatible accessories, it can be sited virtually anywhere in the home, with front and side access enabling quick and easy servicing and maintenance. The boiler comes with a two-year warranty, as well as access to customer support and technical guidance from Potterton’s customer service team. The company is able to provide a complete heating

Now available from EnviroVent is a ventilation app to give users control over their home ventilation system. Myenvirovent is compatible with the energiSava 200, a lightweight, compact and versatile mechanical ventilation heat recovery (MVHR) unit delivering up to 90% thermal efficiency. The app allows the installer to set up the ventilation rates and enables the end user to access certain settings on the unit from anywhere in the home. It allows multiple user access from both Apple and Android devices and provides instant access to the unit’s

and plumbing design service for residential developments, working with SAP assessors and other technical parties to help housebuilders meet carbon reduction and energy efficiency targets. Marc Hipkin of Potterton’s new build team says: “We are dedicated to understanding the changing needs of housebuilders and property developers. So we have designed the Ultra Heat boiler to effectively tick every box on the specifier’s list: it’s cost-effective, compliant with legislation, and helps to achieve the required SAP rating. “Specifiers can rest assured that our boilers and the service we provide will be totally dependable from start to finish.” PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



current status at the touch of a button. As part of the app, homeowners can access user guides, technical documents and can provide feedback and future product requests to the EnviroVent R&D centre. Installation of the unit is

dispenses both filtered steaming hot water and filtered cold water. Instantly dispensing filtered water up to 98°C, the taps eliminate time lost waiting for a kettle to boil, while the readily available steaming hot water contributes to many other tasks from cooking to cleaning. The Showroom Collection also includes InSinkErator’s Evolution 250 food waste disposer and the 3N1 J Shape and L Shape steaming hot water taps, available in satin black and brushed gold finishes. PHAM ENQUIRY No.





Easy connection

Steaming taps The Showroom Collection from InSinkErator has been enhanced with the addition of the Tuscan taps, GN2215 and HC2215. These steaming hot water taps come with a two year, inhome, limited warranty on the tap, and a two-year full warranty on the tank. They are available in polished chrome or brushed steel finish. The 360° swivel spout makes these taps handy and versatile, with an easy-to-use lever control. The GN2215 supplies steaming hot filtered water, while the HC2215

made simpler with the use of an intelligent commissioning feature, which saves time for the installer on site. They can connect directly to the unit through the app without the need for a wireless internet connection. This

allows them to access the dedicated installer mode to commission the airflow rates and select additional options in the unit’s ventilation settings page. Other practical benefits for the homeowner include notifications when filter changes are due and a secure connection from the unit to the app through the homeowner’s router. The app also offers the user access to EnviroVent’s technical support team should they have any questions or queries.


Redesigned to make fitting water softeners easier, the new Tapworks EasyFit allin-one kit features a clip-on integrated bypass and push-fit hoses. The new bypass connector fits straight on to copper pipe and fits all ¾in valves on the Ultra 9 Easyflow, AD11 Easyflow, and Infinity Easyflow softeners in the range. For larger homes with 28mm plumbing, the Tapworks NSC4OUD1 offers a solution where this high flow softener is normally sited in a utility or boiler room. Its 1in valve and high capacity means it can handle the most demanding homes. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No. www.tapworks.co.uk 172

Spectre mirror is a fine spectacle

Extra comfort and improved efficiency Claiming to set a new industry benchmark for energy efficiency and continuous heating, Toshiba has launched the three-pipe heat recovery VRF air conditioning system. The SHRM-e has achieved 8 ESEER (European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) in most capacities. Development in key technologies, such as the compressor and intelligent control system, mean the unit can be claimed to deliver improvements across the board in terms of occupant comfort, ease of installation and breadth of building application. The new rotary compressor uses a two-stage process for improved efficiency and performance. Wear surfaces on compression vanes are treated with a high-tech DiamondLike Carbon (DLC) coating, giving

outstanding hardness, wear resistance and reliability. It enables a significant increase in compressor rotation speed. The SHRM-e is able to provide continuous heating, with no

requirement to stop during defrosts. The intelligent operation is based on dual set points, giving improved comfort and greater energy efficiency. Toshiba’s new wireless commissioning and performance validation tool enables engineers to read and write data to the condensing unit using a smartphone. It also enables testing and commissioning to be carried out without taking the covers off the unit. Performance data and status reports can be automatically emailed to the end users or engineer, enabling remote diagnosis and even system optimisation. Maximum pipework length for SHRM-e is 1000m, double the previous length, with the maximum actual length between an FS unit and a fan coil unit now 50m. www.toshiba-aircon.co.uk ENQUIRY No. 173

Spectre is the name of HiB’s newest mirror collection, featuring a mirror-onmirror design complete with chamfered LED lighting between the mirrors. A soft-start touch switch makes it easy to use, and by holding the button the user can select the desired

colour temperature from the full range of warm to cool white light. It is also fitted with a heated pad to de-mist condensation from the centre of the mirror, ensuring vision is crystal clear. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



April 2017

WHat’s New



Boosting the water pressure Designed to deliver the best water pressure to wherever it’s needed in the home, the Grundfos Scala2 is a compact variable speed water booster pump. WRAS approved, each unit is a fully integrated water booster pump that will provide the desired water pressure to up to eight water outlets – even with multiple taps and showers running at the same time. The Scala2 combines the pump, motor, tank, sensor, drive and non-return valve in one neat package. The units also offer

intelligent pump control as they adjust their operation to ensure perfect water pressure at all times. Their compact size means a minimal footprint and enables them to be fitted into a small space. With a noise level of 47 dB(A)

in typical use, Scala2 is said to be one of the quietest boosters in its class, with just one variant that is suitable for all domestic applications. Scala2 comes equipped with intelligent pump control, and the integrated sensor detects if the inlet pressure varies or if there are several taps open and immediately tells the pump to boost the pressure. The transition happens so fast that there is no noticeable change in water pressure. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



Addition to Caspian range The Caspian range of fan convectors from Smith’s EP has been enhanced with the addition of the Caspian FF, designed to deliver practical and high performance heating in commercial applications. Available as standard in white, the Caspian FF is also available to special order in any colour and a matching black or white plinth can be purchased as an accessory. The Caspian FF can also be ordered with anti-microbial or anti-bacterial paint finishes for high traffic areas where hygiene is of the upmost importance such as schools,

hospitals or doctors’ offices. Sales & Marketing Director Jim Bennett says: “The Caspian FF is a great addition to the Caspian fan convector

product range, which is our most popular commercial range because they are so versatile. There really is a Caspian product

to suit any commercial application and, in the unlikely event that there isn’t, we will custom make a fan convector to suit the project requirements.” Available in five models the Caspian FF is hydronic and plumbs into any wet central heating system. Equipped with either AC or EC motors for optimum operational efficiency and compatible with all BMS, there are also a range of additional controls and accessories to support a variety of installation projects. PHAM NEWS ENQUIRY No.



Extra peace of mind on tap Get active! ActivFlo is the name of Inta’s range of domestic and commercial water conditioners. ActivFlo and ActivFlo Pro provide an efficient solution to hard water issues and limescale build-up, without requiring the addition of a chemical limescale inhibitor, the removal of any waste product, or regular maintenance. Conforming to Part L Building Regulations, the WRAS-approved ActivFlo catalytic water conditioner is available with 15mm to 2in connections and comes with a 15 year warranty. For commercial installations, the ActivFlo Pro is available with connections from 22mm to 10in and boasts a lifetime warranty. ActivFlo Pro also features optional building management system (BMS) connectivity. www.intatec.co.uk



An extended warranty offer is now available from Heatrae Sadia on its service plans for drinking water units. When customers purchase a service plan for the Aquatap or Supreme drinking water products, they can also extend the two-year manufacturer’s warranty for up to five years. The warranty protects against unexpected repair, parts and labour costs, and also provides access to Heatrae Sadia’s dedicated customer care team, as well as specialist engineers who have an in-depth knowledge of the product. In addition, Aquatap also comes with the added benefit of free product commissioning. Customers need to register their product and take out a basic or premium service plan. This will automatically extend the warranty for 12 months, with the option of extending it for a further two years. www.heatraesadia.com/protect ENQUIRY No. 178

KEEPING IT CLEAN Installers know that domestic boilers and systems should be kept clean to function correctly, but the benefits go far beyond that. Here, Jonathan Kidner at Alpha Heating Innovation explains why and gives a step-by-step guide to cleaning a heating system.


ow much time do you dedicate to the overall health of the heating systems when you install and service boilers? Whilst local cleansing of a new boiler at the time of installation is standard practice, it pays to know about the state of the entire system, no matter what the job at hand. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, and most importantly, there are legal requirements to meet. In the case of a new central heating system and new boiler installation, the system should be cleaned and dosed with corrosion inhibitor to comply with Part L of the UK Building Regulations for England and Wales. Also, for the warranty to remain valid, most boiler manufacturers require new central heating systems to be cleaned and flushed in accordance with the Benchmark Scheme and British Standard BS7593:2006. Where a new boiler is being installed on an existing central heating setup, the system should be cleaned and flushed prior to installation – this protects the new boiler and complies with its warranty.

Extended coverage Some boiler manufacturers will extend a boiler’s warranty if it is purchased in conjunction with a system filter. Alpha’s Premierpack Plus adds two years to a warranty as it incorporates the Alpha Cyclone – a device that uses magnetic and centrifugal force to remove debris from the heating system. Remaining on top of existing heating systems running alongside existing boilers is equally paramount as over time debris and sludge can lead to an accumulation of issues. One of the first noticeable problems for a homeowner can be cold patches on radiators, potentially followed by the system taking longer to heat up, as well as the need for frequent radiator bleeding and noisy boilers, culminating in the boiler or pump breaking down completely. Whatever the size or age of a heating system, internal cleanliness can extend the system’s life, as it leads to fewer repair bills as well as higher energy efficiency, with the overall result being homeowner comfort.

Gravity or powerflush? To ensure that a central heating system is cleaned to the highest possible standard, you should ascertain which cleaning method to follow. For new or lightly contaminated systems a gravity flush will often suffice; powerflushing machines are more conducive to older, heavily contaminated systems. First you must decide upon suitable cleaning chemical for the age of the system, ensuring it’s compatible with boiler heat exchanger material. For existing systems, establish any problem areas or cold spots with your customer first to help when showing the clean has been successful.

Key steps to success (1) Turn off all electrical controls and electrically isolate the system; isolate the cold water that supplies the central heating system. (2) Manually close automatic air vents. (3) Fully open all radiator valves (noting the settings so they can be left as found upon completion). (4) Manually open motorised zone control valves. Note: if a new boiler is being fitted, to prevent damage or contamination, cleaning should either be done before boiler installation or with the new boiler isolated from the rest of the system. (5) If powerflushing, connect the machine to the central heating system as per manufacturer’s instructions. (6) Fully fill and vent the heating system. (7) Add the cleaning chemical into the central heating system as per manufacturer’s instructions. (8) Gravity flushing method: circulate the chemical as indicated by the manufacturer. Note: timescales range from two hours to several weeks depending on the system’s age or contamination level. Powerflushing method: follow the cleaning procedure according to machine manufacturer instructions. (9) On completion of either cleaning method, test a sample of system water to ensure the procedure was effective. (10) Following successful cleaning, add a high quality corrosion inhibitor. Note: typically one standard dose will protect a system with up to 10 radiators. (11) Bleed radiators, open radiator valves to their original positions, open air vents, and return all motorised zone control valves to automatic operation. (12) Switch on the boiler and allow the system to come up to temperature. (13) Return boiler and room thermostats to normal operating temperatures. (14) Carry out demonstration to show the homeowner that cleaning is completed. (15) Fill in Benchmark booklet to indicate the cleaning and inhibitor used. Note: this is important as it may be referred to during any subsequent warranty claims.


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62-63 Pham APR17:Layout 1 31/03/2017 17:15 Page 63

April 2017

INFORMATION Centre 63 Danfoss & Honeywell Book of Wiring

Central Heating combination boilers fault finding & repair

For years electricians and heating engineers have commented that wiring heating controls is a difficult subject to learn, existing diagrams are not always easy to follow. Mr CombiÂŽ Training has developed a fantastic set of easy to follow coloured wiring diagrams for Danfoss and Honeywell Controls, 2 / 3 port systems, Faults, Frost stats, testing components, everything you need in one handy A5 book.

John Reginald has released his easy to read, easy to understand book that takes the reader through the background and operation of each major component within combi boilers past and present. The comprehensive fault ďŹ nding logic guides provide professional solutions helping you to achieve professional standards. Priced at ÂŁ26 this Industry leading book is available from all High Street and Online Book Stores. COPPER JOB


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