Everything You Should Know About Urolithin Supplements

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Xuchang shangke Chemical Co., Ltd


Everything You Should Know About Urolithin Supplements

What is urolithin? Urolithin is a human microbial metabolite of ellagic acid derivatives in the diet, such as ellagitannin. They are produced in the human intestine, after absorbing foods containing ellagitannins (such as pomegranates, strawberries, red raspberries, walnuts or wine aged in oak barrels) in the form of urolithin B glucuronic acid Found in urine. During the metabolism of bacteria through the intestine, ellagitannins and punicalagins are converted into urolithins, and their biological activity in the human body is unknown. The urolithin metabolites of pomegranate juice ellagitannin are exclusively located in the prostate, colon and intestinal tissues of mice. Ellagitannin shows low bioavailability and is converted into ellagic acid and its microbiota metabolites in the intestine. Urolithin is mainly found in low concentration of glucuronide in plasma. The production of urolithin depends on the intestinal type of the intestinal microbiome. Individuals that produce urolithin are much more abundant than the clostridia group of phylum bacteria or Facticutes phylum.

Some potential benefit of urolithin Urolithin is a human microbial metabolite and has potential benefits for human health: -Urolithin A induces mitophagy




Xuchang shangke Chemical Co., Ltd


-Antioxidant properties -Anti-inflammatory properties -Anti-microbial effects -Inhibiting protein glycation -Neuroprotection -Ameliorates metabolic syndrome

Different forms of urolithin powder Urolithin is divided into three types: Urolithin A, Urolithin B and Urolithin A 8-Methyl Ether. Urolithin A is produced by the intestinal flora and is a natural metabolite of Ellagitannins, a compound found in pomegranates and other fruits and nuts. (1)Urolithin A Urolithin A is produced by the intestinal flora and is a natural metabolite of Ellagitannins, a compound found in pomegranates and other fruits and nuts. In the journal Nature Medicine, an innovative life science institution published a collaborative paper with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), confirming that urolithin A can improve mitochondria and muscle function and improve the aging process. Muscle strength and endurance. As we age, the mitochondrial autophagy in cells decreases, and the decline of mitochondrial function in the muscles of the elderly is considered to be one of the main causes of age-related muscle damage. As a potent intestinal metabolite that can restore mitochondria and reverse muscle aging, Urolithin A can improve mitochondrial function by stimulating a process called mitochondrial autophagy (mitophagy), bringing new hope for reversing muscle aging. (2)Urolithin A 8-Methyl Ether Urolithin A 8-Methyl Ether is the intermediate product during the synthesis of Urolithin A. It is a significant secondary metabolite of ellagitannin and possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. (3)Urolithin B Urolithin B is an urolithin, a type of phenolic compounds produced in the human gut after absorption of ellagitannins-containing food such as pomegranate, strawberries, red raspberries, walnuts or oak-aged red wine. It is the last product after all the other urolithin derivatives are catabolized. Urolithin B is found in the urine in the form of urolithin B glucuronide. It has some protential benefits on health:




Xuchang shangke Chemical Co., Ltd


-Anti-cancer potential -Can help fight against oxidative stress -Urolithin B in memory enhancement -Prevents muscle loss -Urolithin B fights against inflammation -Synergistic benefits of urolithin A and B

Urolithin foods source The precursors of urolithin, ellagic acid and ellagitannins, are naturally present in certain foods such as pomegranates, guava, tea, pecans, nuts and berries such as strawberries, blackberries and blackberries. Urolithin in plasma exists in the form of a combination of glucuronic acid and sulfate.

Can urolithin be used as a supplement? After drinking pomegranate juice, the compound called ellagitannins is broken down in the stomach and then converted into urolithin A by intestinal bacteria. Studies have confirmed that this kind of biotransformation varies greatly between individuals. Some people show high or low conversion rates, while others have different microbial composition and cannot complete this transformation. Therefore, allowing individuals to supplement some products/supplements to deliver standardized doses of urolithin A and urolithin B can overcome this natural diversity in the intestinal flora of the general population. Urolithin A supplements and urolithin B supplements are easily found on the market as food source supplements rich in ellagitannin. Urolithin A supplements are also easily available. Mainly pomegranate supplements have been widely sold and successfully used. These supplements are synthesized from fruits or nuts and made into liquid or powder form.

The side effects of urolithin Safety studies in older adults have shown that urolithin A is well tolerated. In vivo studies have not determined whether there are any toxicity or specific adverse effects of dietary urolitin A intake. Also, long-term safety for supplementation of Urolithin A and pomegranate is not known, though short-term treatment with pomegranate extract is safe. Urolithin A supplement have been regarded as safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Where and how to get urolithin supplement?




Xuchang shangke Chemical Co., Ltd


At present, urolithin on the market mainly comes in the form of supplements (capsules, tablets or drinks) and raw materials. You can find urolithin produced by different vendors. So, when you consider using urolithin A to buy or urine When Shisu B, please read the label carefully to collect enough information to purchase with caution. Due to the variation of the concentration of ellagitannin in different foods, customers who purchase urolithin should also consider the food source. Choose a reputable, quality-assured supplier to get the best results from the selected urolithin supplements.



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