Xuchang shangke Chemical Co., Ltd
Everything You Should Know About Urolithin Supplements
What is urolithin? Urolithin is a human microbial metabolite of ellagic acid derivatives in the diet, such as ellagitannin. They are produced in the human intestine, after absorbing foods containing ellagitannins (such as pomegranates, strawberries, red raspberries, walnuts or wine aged in oak barrels) in the form of urolithin B glucuronic acid Found in urine. During the metabolism of bacteria through the intestine, ellagitannins and punicalagins are converted into urolithins, and their biological activity in the human body is unknown. The urolithin metabolites of pomegranate juice ellagitannin are exclusively located in the prostate, colon and intestinal tissues of mice. Ellagitannin shows low bioavailability and is converted into ellagic acid and its microbiota metabolites in the intestine. Urolithin is mainly found in low concentration of glucuronide in plasma. The production of urolithin depends on the intestinal type of the intestinal microbiome. Individuals that produce urolithin are much more abundant than the clostridia group of phylum bacteria or Facticutes phylum.
Some potential benefit of urolithin Urolithin is a human microbial metabolite and has potential benefits for human health: -Urolithin A induces mitophagy