Xuchang shangke Chemical Co., Ltd
Is BPC-157 Really Effective In Relieving Joint Pain?
1. What is BPC-157(137525-51-0)? BPC-157, also called PL 14736, PL 10, and PLD-116, is one of many peptides available on the supplement market. However, what sets it apart from its competitors is the fact that it’s extracted from a gastrointestinal protective protein. BPC-157 is a pentadecapeptide which is a composition of 15 amino acids found in human gastric juice. It has been discovered that BPC-157 plays a significant role when it comes to healing various wounds suffered by the body but mostly it has shown noticeable results in healing tendon. This is a protein booster that was initially made to help with inflammatory bowel disease as well as gastric ulcers. However, with consistent research it has been established that the healing properties of BPC-157 are not limited and they can also help with intestinal re-sectioning in addition to reattaching muscle to tendon.