What benefits can we get from J-147 powder?

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Xuchang shangke Chemical Co., Ltd


What is Nootropic J-147 Powder? J-147 powder derives from curcumin and Cyclohexyl-Bisphenol A. The smart drug has both neuroprotective and neurogenic properties. Unlike most nootropics, J-147 anti-aging supplement enhances cognition without affecting the acetylcholine or phosphodiesterase enzymes.

Curcumin is an active constituent of turmeric and it is beneficial in managing neurodegenerative diseases. However, this polyphenol does not cross the blood-brain barrier efficiently. As a result, J-147 nootropic became the ultimate sub as it crosses the blood-brain barrier with ease.

How Does J-147 Work? Until 2018, the J-147 effect on the cell remained mysterious until the Salk Institute Neurobiologists decoded the puzzle. The drug works by binding to ATP synthase. This mitochondrial protein modulates the production of cellular energy, hence, controlling the aging process.

The presence of the J-147 supplement in the human system prevents age-related toxicities that result from dysfunctional mitochondria and overproduction of ATP.


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J-147 mechanism of action will also augment the levels of various neurotransmitters including NGF and BDNF. Besides, it acts on the beta-amyloid levels, which are always high among patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

J-147 effects include slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s, preventing memory deficit, and augmenting the production of neuronal cells.

What are the benefits of J-147 powder? Boosts Cognition J-147 supplement enhances spatial and long-term memory. The drug reverses cognitive defects among the elderly who are struggling with cognitive impairment. J-147 for sale is available as an over-the-counter dose and the younger generation is taking it to boost learning capacity. Taking J-147 anti-aging drugs will also enhance memory, vision, and mental clarity.

Management of Alzheimer’s Disease

J-147 benefits patients with Alzheimer’s by slowing down the progression of the condition. For instance, taking the supplement trims down the levels of soluble beta-amyloid (Aβ), leading to cognitive dysfunction. Besides, J-147 curcumin modulates neurotrophin signaling to guarantee neuronal survival, hence, memory


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Xuchang shangke Chemical Co., Ltd


formation and cognition.

Patients with AD do have fewer less neurotrophic factors. However, taking J-147 Alzheimer’s supplement boosts both NGF and BDNF. These neurotransmitters aid memory formation, learning, and cognitive functions.

Neuroprotection J-147 nootropic prevents neuronal death that is due to oxidative stress. This supplement also blocks the overactivation of NMDA (N-Methyl-D-aspartate) receptors, which is responsible for neurodegeneration.

Taking J-147 drug will augment the brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF) and the nerve









neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. What’s more, BDNF is significant in neurogenesis.

Improves Mitochondrial Function

Taking the J-147 drug will indirectly improve the ATP levels by boosting the mitochondrial functions.

Aging is responsible for a decrease in mitochondria due to dysfunctionalities and an 3

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Xuchang shangke Chemical Co., Ltd


increase in the reactive oxygen species. However, J-147 supplement combats this mechanism by inhibiting ATP5A synthase. Countless studies count on the drug for lengthening the lifespan of man.

J-147 and Anti-aging According to Salk Researchers, J-147 anti-aging supplement makes aging cells to appear youthful.

Dysfunctional mitochondria accelerate the aging process. Cellular homeostasis will reduce, hence, a decrease in physiological activity. Besides, cell damage and mitochondrial deterioration will ensue due to the production of ROS (reactive oxygen species). Taking J-147 powder will counter this effect, hence, slowing down senescence.

Aging is also associated with cognitive decline and neurodegenerative disorders. However, several J-147 experiences confirm the drug’s efficacy in reversing memory loss, improving cognitive abilities, and treating dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other age-related diseases.


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