Natural Supplements-COENZYME Q10: What do we know About CoQ10?

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Natural Supplements-COENZYME Q10: What do we know About CoQ10? Reproduce from:

What to know about COENZYME Q10 (CoQ10)..................................................................................................................... 2 Why our bodies need CoQ10?................................................................................................................................................ 3 How does CoQ10 work?......................................................................................................................................................... 4 COENZYME Q10 supplements–potential health benefits...................................................................................................... 5 Heart health improvement..........................................................................................................................................6 Reducing muscle pain caused by statin use................................................................................................................ 7 Migraines treatment....................................................................................................................................................8 Protection from age-related illnesses......................................................................................................................... 9 High blood pressure treatment................................................................................................................................. 10 Blood sugar control improvement............................................................................................................................ 11 Fertility boost..........................................................................................................................................................12 Healthier and more youthful-looking skin.................................................................................................................14 Exercise performance improvement.........................................................................................................................15 Cancer prevention..................................................................................................................................................... 16 Lung protection......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Where can we get CoQ10 and how much CoQ10 we need?............................................................................................... 19 Is there any risks after we take CoQ10 supplements?......................................................................................................... 22 More questions about COENZYME Q10(CoQ10): ................................................................................................................22 (1) Can CoQ10 supplements fight aging?.................................................................................................................. 22 (2) Does CoQ10 supplements can help us to lose weight?....................................................................................... 23 (3) Can I take COENZYME Q10 supplements during pregnancy?..............................................................................24 (4) Is CoQ10 approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?.................................................................26 (5) How is CoQ10 given?............................................................................................................................................26 (6) When should you take CoQ10?............................................................................................................................27 (7) How long does it take for COENZYME Q10 to work?...........................................................................................28 Conclusion................................................................................................................................................................. 28



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What to know about COENZYME Q10 (CoQ10) Coenzyme Q10 (CAS 303-98-0), which is also known as CoQ1 or ubiquinone, refers to a fat-soluble antioxidant compound that’s naturally produced by the human body. Although it is a naturally occurring compound in the body, CoQ1 is also found in the food that we eat. Besides, there are supplements that are rich in this antioxidant. In fact, research shows that approximately 25 percent of Coenzyme Q10 in the blood of a human being is supplied by dietary sources. Nearly every cell in a person’s body contains Coenzyme Q10. In the cells, the fat-soluble antioxidant is mostly concentrated in the mitochondria. While in the cells, the coenzyme is able to help the body in various ways, including energy production and protecting the cells from oxidative damage. Although this is not to mean that it’s the cause, scientists associate Coenzyme Q10 deficiency with different health issues such as cancer and heart disease. In such a case, Coenzyme Q10 supplementation is recommended. CoQ10 exists in two distinct forms in the human body. These forms are ubiquinone and ubiquinol, the latter being the active form of the former. Ubiquinone is converted into ubiquinol to enable absorption and utilization by the body. 2


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Why our bodies need CoQ10? As earlier mentioned, CoQ10 is present in nearly any cell in our bodies. The antioxidant is not only important in a person’s body but also plays an important role in the well-being of most living things. Our body cells need energy to perform their functions. That’s where CoQ10 comes in. The coenzyme does not only help our body cells to process energy but also supports their normal functioning. Particularly, CoQ10 assists the cells in converting the energy that we take in from carb diet sources into adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the energy form that our cells normally use to perform various crucial functions in our bodies. These functions include muscle functioning, bone functioning, neurological processes, as well as a healthy metabolism. Additionally, CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that protects our cells from potential damages by free radicals. When free radicals are in excess in the body, they can lead to oxidative damage to the cells.



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As a result, the cells fail to perform their intended functions as some are killed while others are incapacitated. This puts one at risk of various health conditions such as cancer. That explains why researchers associate some chronic illnesses and conditions with low CoQ10 levels.

How does CoQ10 work? To understand how CoQ10 works, you need to bear in mind that it is fat-soluble, and its molecule resembles that of a vitamin. The CoQ10 molecules are concentrated around the membranes of body cells. This helps them to perform their key role in mitochondrial bioenergetics effectively. These molecules play a crucial role in the right transfer of electrons in the synthesis of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as well as in a mitochondrial oxidative respiratory chain. As a result of its participation in the process of ATP synthesis, CoQ10 affects how all the body cells work. The effect is particularly highly significant on the cells of organs that require high amounts of energy for their functions. Such organs include heart, kidneys and lungs Being a lipid-soluble antioxidant, CoQ10 is synthesized within body cells. As such, it is quite effective in preventing DNA, lipids and protein oxidation.



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When it comes to protein oxidation prevention, CoQ10 achieves this by boosting the production of the most crucial antioxidants. The antioxidants include an enzyme called superoxide dismutase. Studies show that the enzyme can reduce lipid peroxidation levels by reducing the levels of pro-oxidative compounds. Besides, CoQ10 promotes the preservation of nitric oxide. As a result, the blood flow improves and blood vessels are safe from potential oxidation damages that could arise due to unregulated or excess nitric acid in the bloodstream.





benefits Although you naturally have coenzyme 10 in your body, their levels could be insufficient to serve the intended normal functions. In such a case, taking coenzyme Q10 supplements becomes very crucial. CoQ10 supplements are available in different forms, including tablets, oral spray as well as capsules (hard-shell and soft-shell). There’s some significant level of evidence showing that the supplements can offer various health benefits. According to research, such coenzyme Q10 benefits arise from the fact that the coenzyme plays a crucial part in the production of ATP, the primary source of energy in the body. The major possible coenzyme Q10 benefits include: 5


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Heart health improvement One of the body organs that has the highest CoQ10 concentration is the heart. This insinuates that the heart requires a high amount of the compound for its optimal performance. Scientists relate this suggestion to the research findings showing that low CoQ10 levels are most prevalent among people with heart disease. That’s why researchers hold the opinion that low levels of CoQ10 are an indication of the seriousness and long-term impact of different heart conditions. In 2018, a pilot study was done to establish if a person’s heart health can improve the take CoQ10 supplements. Tens of children participated in the study, and ten of them were supposed to take CoQ10 supplements. The ten were given a Coenzyme Q10 dosage of 110–700 mg, in the form of liquid ubiquinol, every day. The researchers noted that the children who received the coenzyme Q10 supplement had remarkably higher levels of CoQ10 plasma, and their heart function had improved significantly from the 12th to 24th week of coenzyme Q10 treatment.



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Reducing muscle pain caused by statin use Statins are a commonly prescribed treatment for cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD is a collective term referring to heart or blood vessel conditions. The drugs (satins) helps in the treatment of such conditions by lowering the production of cholesterol. Considering that high cholesterol is a possible cause of CVD, lowering cholesterol production, therefore, translates to reduced chances of experiencing such conditions. Also, lower cholesterol contributes to the improvement of cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, apart from reducing cholesterol production, satins also reduce CoQ10 levels. When the CoQ10 levels drop beyond the standard level, mitochondrial dysfunction is likely to occur. Mitochondrial dysfunction is normally characterized by muscle pain. This is where a dose of CoQ10 supplement comes in handy-for the pain relief. A randomized controlled study was conducted in 2019 to investigate the impact of CoQ10 supplement on the pain caused by the use of satins. 60 people experiencing



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muscle pain as a result of satin use participated in the study. Some of the participants were put into a CoQ10 treatment course whereby each of them received a Coenzyme Q10 dosage of 100mg per day. The rest were put on placebo. The researchers noted that the participants who were on the coenzyme Q10 supplement course experienced significant satin-related muscle pain relief after some weeks of taking the supplements. On the other hand, the placebo group didn’t experience satin-related muscle pain relief.

Migraines treatment In some cases, chronic migraines occur as a result of neural and brain cell inflammation, particularly in the trigeminovascular system. Migraines refer to severe and painful headaches that keep on recurring. Coenzyme Q10 supplements can also help in the treatment of this kind of pain. In one study conducted in 2018, researchers wanted to find out if coQ10 supplements could minimize neural and brain cell inflammation in people. 45 women experiencing episodic migraines participated in the study. Some of them were put on a CoQ10 supplement course and others on placebo.



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After several weeks of the study, researchers noted that women who received CoQ10 supplements had less frequent and less painful migraines than those who were on placebo. Better still, the women who were on coQ10 supplement treatment demonstrated reduced levels of particular biomarkers for inflammation. In case you don’t know, biomarkers refer to blood substances that show the availability of inflammation in the body. In a meta-analysis conducted in 2018, researchers were re-examining five studies that were assessing the possible effect of CoQ10 supplements on migraines. After the reexamination, the researchers concluded that the effectiveness of CoQ10 is higher as compared to that of placebo in minimizing the length of migraines. Nevertheless, the researchers could not find sufficient evidence showing that migraine can reduce the severity or the rate of occurrence of migraines.

Protection from age-related illnesses As you advance in age, the CoQ10 level in your body reduces naturally. The low CoQ10 level contributes to a decrease in the function of your cells’ mitochondria, a scenario usually referred to as mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondrial dysfunction puts you at a higher risk of getting neurodegenerative diseases that are associated with advanced age.



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Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases are some of these diseases that you are likely to get as a result of mitochondrial dysfunction. Researchers suggest that these illnesses occur due to cellular damage by free radicals in the body. In one study conducted in 2015, researchers wanted to investigate the impact of a combination of CoQ10 supplement with a Mediterranean diet on elderly adults’ metabolism. The researchers observed that the combination triggered an increase in antioxidant biomarker levels in the urine of the research participants. Therefore, the researchers come into the conclusion that eating low-saturated fat foods and taking CoQ10 supplements may help a person stay away from diseases resulting from cellular damages by free radicals. Another study was conducted in 2015 to assess the effect of CoQ10 on the health of older adults. Some of the participants were given selenium and CoQ10 supplements and others placebo for 48 months. The findings show that the group that received selenium and CoQ10 supplements experienced a significant improvement on their vitality, the general quality of life as well as physical performance.

High blood pressure treatment Studies show that your high pressure can reduce if you take CoQ10 Supplements. Chronic high blood pressure, which is also referred to as hypertension, exerts



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excessive pressure on your heart and other parts of your circulatory system. This pressure causes cardiovascular disease. One study review analyzing eight studies on the effect of CoQ10 on high blood pressure showed that systolic blood pressure could reduce by an average of 16 points as a result of CoQ10 supplementation. Besides, the 2003 systematic review shows the diastolic pressure reduced by roughly 10 points.

Blood sugar control improvement People with diabetes might also experience relief of the disease’s symptoms if they take CoQ10 supplements. Normally, people with diabetes have low levels of CoQ10. The low CoQ10 levels predispose the body cells to oxidative stress, which leaves many of them damaged. As a result, one suffers from metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Besides, scientists have gathered enough evidence to link mitochondrial dysfunction to insulin resistance. Therefore, one of the treatment approaches for diabetes is to raise the CoQ10 levels of the victims. This is where CoQ10 supplements come into play. Scientists have



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found out that taking CoQ10 supplements can increase CoQ10 concentrations in the blood of diabetic patients by as much as three times. There’s also sufficient scientific evidence showing that CoQ10 supplements can increase the body’s insulin sensitivity. As such, the supplements can help in keeping the body’s blood sugar levels in check. In one study, researchers used two patients with type 2 diabetes. The patients were put on CoQ10 supplements for 12 weeks. The research findings showed that a remarkable decrease in fasting blood sugar levels as a result of the supplementation. There’s also another way in which CoQ10 can help in diabetes treatment and prevention. This is by promoting fat breakdown and minimizing fat cell accumulation that could cause type 2 diabetes. This position is supported by a University of Western Australia’s study that suggests that CoQ10 supplementation can improve the way your body deals with sugar. Additionally, according to a European Journal of Clinical Nutrition paper, CoQ10 can enhance long-term glucose control among people with type 2 diabetes.

Fertility boost If you are a female, the more you grow older, the more your fertility decreases. That’s why most women who are beyond the age of 50 can’t conceive. The quantity 12


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and quality of reproduction eggs in such women are lower as compared to younger females. The level of CoQ10 in the body has a key role to play in a woman’s fertility status. As a woman gets old, her level of CoQ10 production gets lower and lower. As a result, her eggs become more exposed to oxidative damage. The more her eggs are damaged by oxidative stress, the more her fertility deteriorates. Therefore, one approach to maintain or reclaiming your fertility as a woman is ensuring that your body has sufficient CoQ10. If you already have fertility issues as a result of low egg quality and quantity due to advanced age, taking CoQ10 supplements might help in improving your fertility. If you want to get pregnant, taking the supplements as recommended might see you conceive. When it comes to men, their sperms are also vulnerable to oxidative damage effects. The oxidative stress associated with low levels of CoQ10 in the body may cause low sperm count, low-quality sperms as well as male infertility. So, taking CoQ10 supplements may reduce oxidative stress and when that happens, the body cells and sperms get healthier. As a result, the sperm quality, quantity and activity improves due to the boosted protection from oxidative stress.



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Healthier and more youthful-looking skin Struggling to get a more beautiful and youthful looking skin? CoQ10 supplements could help you achieve that. Considering that your skin is like a casing covering all your body parts, it is highly exposed to various harmful substances and conditions that promote aging. Some of these harmful substances and conditions are internal while others are external. Hormonal imbalances and the damage of body cells are among the internal factors. On the other hand, environmental agents like ultraviolet rays are among the external factors. Whether internal or external, these harmful substances and conditions can cause skin moisture loss and thinning of skin layers. However, you can avoid or reverse this effect through direct application of CoQ10 on your skin. Having done that, the coenzyme will boost skin cell production and promote skin cell protection possible damages by harmful internal and external agents.



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Several studies show that if applied directly on the skin, CoQ10 can lower UV oxidative damage. Besides, the use of CoQ10 in such a way can reduce the appearance of skin wrinkles. Another benefit of CoQ10 as far as skin health is concerned is that it minimizes skin cancer risk.

Exercise performance improvement In some cases, oxidative stress gets so intense that it adversely affects the normal functioning of muscles. When muscle integrity and function are compromised, the effected muscles aren’t able to contract well and endure an exercise for a long time. This is because the involved oxidative stress causes damage mitochondrial dysfunction that causes a decrease in muscle energy. When muscles aren’t able to perform optimally or as expected, taking CoQ10 supplements can improve the situation. CoQ10 has been found to enhance exercise



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performance. It achieves this by reducing cellular oxidative stress, thus promoting mitochondrial functions. In one study involving the assessment of CoQ10 impacts on physical activity, the researchers noted that the antioxidant had a remarkable effect on oxidative stress. They noted that participants who received a daily CoQ10 dose of 1,200 mg for two months demonstrated reduced oxidative stress. Another benefit of supplementing with CoQ10 as far as exercise performance is that it can boost exercise power. Additionally, the supplementation can minimize fatigue, thus enhancing exercise performance.

Cancer prevention Considering that scientists associate oxidative stress with cell damage, thus their dysfunction, your cancer risks are high when your body when your body can’t counteract oxidative stress effectively. The counteraction inefficiency is majorly contributed by lack of enough CoQ10 levels in the body.



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When a significant number of your body cells are damaged, your cancer risks increase. This assertion is supported by one study whose findings show that cancer patients who participated in the research had lower CoQ10 as compared to people without cancer. Another study links low CoQ10 levels by increased cancer risk by up to 53.3 percent. According to the study, the low levels are also an indication of poor prognosis for different cancer types. Taking CoQ10 supplements translates to increased levels in the body, and this enhances the body’s protection against oxidation stress and damage. The body cells get healthier due to improved protection against stress and are able to produce enough energy to support various body systems, including the immune system. Another study suggests that CoQ10 supplementation can play a remarkable part in lowering cancer risks.

Lung protection Considering that lungs are the most exposed internal body organ to oxygen, they are highly susceptible to oxidative damage. So, when the level of CoQ10 is low in your body, the vulnerability increases even further, because the body lacks enough energy to withstand oxidative stress. 17


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When the lungs are significantly affected by oxidative damage, it gets highly vulnerable to diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma. Studies show that people with either of these conditions exhibit low CoQ10 levels. Research shows that taking CoQ10 minimizes inflammation among asthmatic people. Besides, the supplementation helps them to minimize their reliance on steroid drugs for the treatment of the lung condition (asthma). In another study, researchers observed a significant improvement in exercise performance among individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a result of taking CoQ10 supplements. Their heart rate as well as tissue oxygenation improved following the supplementation.

Other coenzyme Q10 benefits include: 

Immune system improvement among individuals with HIV/AIDS

Chronic fatigue syndrome symptom improvement

Gum disease treatment

Alzheimer’s disease symptom relief

Parkinson’s disease treatment

As a remedy for hair loss



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However, there’s limited evidence to support the above bulleted Q10 benefits. Further research is needed for confirmation of the benefits.

Where can we get CoQ10 and how much CoQ10 we need? You can obtain CoQ10 303-98-0 from foods that are high in it. Such foods include beef sirloin, beef heart, chicken, chicken liver, pork, pork liver, mackerel, rainbow trout, sardines, salmon, boiled soybeans, oranges, broccoli and avocado. However, CoQ10 concentrations in the aforementioned foods aren’t as high as in CoQ10 supplements. At an average, an adult person’s body requires a daily CoQ10 intake ranging from 100mg to 200mg. while you can easily get that amount from CoQ10 supplements, as for the food sources, you need high amounts of the relevant foods to get even the minimum daily requirement-100mg. For instance, 100 grams of beef steak supplies 3.06 milligram of CoQ10 to your body. This means that if you are an adult, you need to eat more than three kilograms of beef to supply your body with 100mg of CoQ10 per day. When it comes to beef liver, 100 grams of it provides 3.9 grams of CoQ10. As such, you need to eat about 2.5 kilogram of it to achieve the minimum daily CoQ10 intake require for an adult. 19


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Beef heart is richer in CoQ10 than beef steak and beef liver. 100 grams of it can offer about 11.3 milligram of CoQ10. Therefore, you’ll require about a kilogram of it to get 100 milligrams of CoQ10. As for chicken, a 100 gram serving of it can supply approximately 1.4 milligrams of CoQ10. Therefore, you’ll have to eat about 7.1 kilogram of it to achieve 100 mg CoQ10 intake. When it comes to chicken liver, every 100 grams of it can provide you with 11.62 milligrams of CoQ10. For that reason, you’ll need 0.86 kilograms of it to get 100 mg of CoQ10. Evidently, chicken liver is the richest in CoQ10 of all food sources containing the compound. Pork and pork liver provides approximately .227 milligrams in every100 grams of their servings. Therefore, you’ll have to consume approximately 4.4 kilograms of either of them to supply your body with 100 milligrams of CoQ10. Red flesh mackerel contains about 6.75 mg of CoQ10 in every 100 grams of it. Therefore, it means you have to eat around 1.4 of it to provide your body with 100 milligrams of CoQ10. On the other hand, in every 100 grams of rainbow trout, you stand to get approximately 0.85 milligrams of CoQ10. As such, you’ll need about 11 kilograms of rainbow trout to get 100 milligrams of CoQ10.



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As for Sardines and salmon, you’ll require around 20 kilograms and 23 kilograms, respectively, to get 100 mg of CoQ10. When it comes to boiled soybeans, oranges, broccoli and avocado, you’ll need to eat 8 kilograms, 100 kilograms, 17 kilograms and 10 kilograms of them, respectively to achieve 100 mg of CoQ10. Several studies recommend a daily Coenzyme Q10 dosage ranging between 50 milligrams and 1,200 milligrams in adults. However, a typical Coenzyme Q10 dosage for an adult ranges between 100 and 200 milligrams per day. Therefore, from the CoQ10 food source analysis above, it is difficult to achieve even the bare recommended minimum of CoQ10 intake. Considering this, CoQ10 supplements are the better option. However, this is not to mean that you replace the above foods with the supplements. Instead, you should take the supplements to fill in the CoQ10 left by the food sources. However, as you plan to buy coenzyme Q10 supplements, it is worth bearing in mind that one kind of Q10 supplement might differ from another in terms of absorbability, quality and sourcing of ingredients. Therefore, it is important to involve your health specialist to guide you on how to buy coenzyme Q10 supplements that address your needs the best. People can buy coenzyme Q10 supplements or bulk coenzyme Q10 303-98-0 from a physical drug store in your locality or a reputable, licensed online drug store. 21


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Is there any risks after we take CoQ10 supplements? Coenzyme Q10 supplements are likely safe for the majority of adult users. This means that CoQ10 risks are minimal. However, although most people don’t experience any issue at all with the supplementation, others can experience some mild effects. Fortunately, these effects usually disappear on their own after a few hours or days. Some of the most common CoQ10 risks include stomach upset, appetite loss, diarrhea, skin rashes, low blood pressure, nausea and/or vomiting. To avoid these risks or reduce their severity, medical experts recommend that you take smaller amounts of the supplements instead of high amounts of them at once. For the 100mg daily dose, you can divide it into three or two and take these smaller doses at different times of the day.

More questions about COENZYME Q10(CoQ10): (1) Can CoQ10 supplements fight aging? As earlier mentioned, the level of CoQ10 in a person’s body normally reduces with age. Insufficient levels of the compound leads to age-related signs and symptoms such as wrinkling and susceptibility to age-related health conditions like memory loss. 22


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Fortunately, researchers have collected enough evidence to prove that proper supplementation with CoQ10 can counteract age-related CoQ10 depletion and the associated aging signs and symptoms. According to research, a daily CoQ10 dose ranging from 100 milligrams 200 milligrams can be effective in fighting aging signs and age-related diseases. With consistent adherence to the dosage recommendation, CoQ10 supplements can boost muscle strength, enhance vitality and improve physical performance in an older adult.

(2) Does CoQ10 supplements can help us to lose weight? Being an oxidant, CoQ10 neutralizes free radicals in your body, preventing them from damaging your body cells. When your cells are in good shape, they are able to perform their respective responsibilities effectively. One of the positive effects of healthy and effective cells is the increased ability of your body to metabolize and burn fats effectively. However, there are mixed research results concerning Coenzyme Q10 weight loss effectiveness. The majority of the proponents of the claim that the supplements can assist in weight loss are animal studies.



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For instance, a mouse study conducted to establish Coenzyme Q10 weight loss ability showed that Coq10 supplementation contributed to remarkable obesity prevention linked to fat cell hypertrophy. A significant weight loss was observed in obese and diabetic mice after they were placed in CoQ10 supplementation program. This could be an indication that the supplements can also support weight loss among humans. However, a few human studies concluded that CoQ10 supplements don’t help in weight management. Therefore, further studies are required to confirm if, indeed, people can benefit from coenzyme Q10 weight loss ability noticed in the mouse study.

(3) Can I take COENZYME Q10 supplements during pregnancy? Yes, you can take coenzyme Q10 supplement while expectant. However, it is highly advisable that you talk to your health specialist first before commencing the supplementation if you are pregnant or planning to conceive in the near future. Research shows that the supplements are possibly safe for oral use by a pregnant woman, as long as they are used correctly. Expectant women are advised to start taking the supplements at week 20 of their pregnancies until they deliver.



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One randomized study was recently done to investigate if Coenzyme Q10 can minimize pre-eclampsia risk among pregnant women. Pre-eclampsia refers to pregnancy condition that’s characterized by liver or kidney damage symptoms and high blood pressure. Women who had high vulnerability to pre-eclampsia were used as subjects of the study. Some of them were put on a Coenzyme Q10 program while the rest were the placebo group. Each member of the supplementation group was given 200 mg of CoQ10 every day from the 20th week to the last day of pregnancy. Upon the end of the trial, researchers observed that 25.6% of the women in the placebo group developed the pregnancy condition. On the other hand, 15% of the CoQ10 group’s women developed the condition. There were no CoQ10 side effects observed in the latter group. Following the research findings, the researchers indicate that daily use of CoQ10 supplements in the right dosage amount can reduce pre-eclampsia risk among pregnant women. Therefore, if you want to use the supplements during your pregnancy period, a daily dose of 200 milligrams from the 20th week of your pregnancy will be safe for you and your baby. In fact, besides the other aforementioned benefits, you’ll also be at a reduced pre-eclampsia risk.



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(4) Is CoQ10 approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t have the mandate to approve dietary supplements, including CoQ10 supplements, for purity, efficacy or labeling accuracy. It is the responsibility of the supplement manufacturers to ensure that their products are safe and true to their label content. However, professional and caring manufactures subject their CoQ10 supplements to independent lab tests to ascertain their efficacy and safety. This is to ensure that they sell genuine products to their customers. Because of lack of standard guidelines and approval from the agency, CoQ10 supplements from one brand might differ from another brand’s. Therefore, as you plan to buy CoQ10 supplement for sale or own use, it is advisable that you consider only those that have undergone independent laboratory tests. This will give you confidence in the authenticity of the supplements.

(5) How is CoQ10 given? CoQ10 is available in different including tablets, oral spray as well as capsules (hard-shell and soft-shell). It can also be an active ingredient in skincare formulas for topical administration. However, its administration is mostly oral.



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For oral admiration, is mostly given in two or three doses a day. CoQ10 oral supplements are supposed to be taken with a meal containing because food aids the absorption of CoQ10 in the body. Remember that CoQ10 is fat-soluble and so, food with fat is a necessary accompaniment.

(6) When should you take CoQ10? As earlier mentioned, CoQ10 minimizes pre-eclampsia risks among pregnant women. The antioxidant improves the health of an expectant mother and her unborn child. Therefore, you can consider taking it when expectant. However, you should start the supplementation from the 20th week of the pregnancy. You should also consider taking CoQ10 supplements if have insufficient amount of CoQ10 due to old age or an existing health condition. CoQ10 will help you fight aging signs and it restores the health of your body cells and neutralizes free radicals that can cause cell-damaging oxidative stress. When it comes to health conditions, researchers noted that increased CoQ10 intake can help be an effective remedy for heart attack. Heart attack patients who took CoQ10 supplements within three days of having a heart attack had reduced risks to a recurrence of the condition and were less likely to develop chest pain. Therefore, if you have a heart attack, it is advisable that you start taking daily CoQ10 supplements before the fourth day of the attack. 27


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You also need to bear in mind that you are likely to experience insomnia if you take CoQ10 very close to bedtime. Therefore, it’s recommended that you take it earlier in the day, preferably in the morning or afternoon.

(7) How long does it take for COENZYME Q10 to work? In most cases, the results of coenzyme Q10 don’t manifest immediately. CoQ10 works gradually Numerous clinical studies show that CoQ10 may take four to 12 weeks to present any significant change. So, if you are dealing with CoQ10 supplement for sale, you need to let your customers know that the supplement will not give them the desired results immediately. They should patiently give it time to work.

Conclusion From heart and brain health to blood sugar control improvement, CoQ10 offers a wide array of health benefits. Better still, there are minimal CoQ10 risks, making it a safe supplement to use for many people. However, you need to be quite careful while buying CoQ10 (303-98-0)



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for sale or CoQ10 supplement for own use because the products, just like any other dietary supplement, don’t have FDA approval. Ensure you get them from a licensed and trusted source.

References Abuhandan, M., Demir, N., Guzel, B., Almaz, V., Koca, B., Tuncer, O., & Cakmak, A. (2015). An Evaluation of Oxidative Status in Serum and Breast Milk of Mothers Giving Birth Prematurely and at Full-Term. Iranian Journal Of Pediatrics, 25(4), e2363. From lake sumter state college Deichmann, R., Lavie, C., & Andrews, S. (2010). Coenzyme q10 and statin-induced mitochondrial dysfunction. Ochsner Journal, 10(1), 16-21. Hidaka, T., Fujii, K., Funahashi, I., Fukutomi, N., & Hosoe, K. (2008). Safety assessment of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Biofactors (Oxford, England), 32(1–4), 199–208. Littarru, G. P., Tiano, L., Belardinelli, R., & Watts, G. F. (2011). Coenzyme Q10 , endothelial function, and cardiovascular disease. Biofactors (Oxford, England), 37(5), 366–373. Madmani, M. E., Solaiman, A. Y., Agha, K. T., Madmani, Y., Shahrour, Y., Essali, A., & Kadro, W. (2014). Coenzyme Q10 for heart failure. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (6).


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