HApI P P OP OL I T AN ri l2014 Vol .2,I ssue1
CNH|D21|Pat r i ckHenr yKeyCl ub
Inthi sIssue... Awordfrom our...
Ti errasantaEgghunt
Dai l ardEl ementarySpi rng
MarchofDi mes&Apri lDCM
Upcomi ngServi ceEvents
FutureDi vi si on&Di stri ctEvents
Whati sel i Mi NaTe?!
Awordfrom our... PHHS’s2014-2015Term Webmaster Hel l omyl ovel yPatri otHi ppos! Mynamei sLi zaLe,i fyouhaven’tmetmeyet! Iam extremel yhonoredtobeservi ngasPatri ck Henry' s2014-2015Webmaster ,Icanal readyfeel how amazi ngthi sterm i sgoi ngtobe.Myj obi sto createmonthl ynewsl etters,updateourwebsi te, andkeepupwi thyouhi ppos!Mygoal sforthi s term i stoi ncl udeeveryoneofourPatri otHi ppos, andtomakeyoual lfeell oved,wel comed, wanted,andappreci atedforal ltheservi ceyou havedone,byi ncl udi ngyoui ntoournewsl etters, recogni zi ngyouforyourhardworkorsi mpl yj usta photoonourwebsi te.Ial sowanttokeepupthe l egacyourI PWebmasterJenni ferNguyenhascreatedandworkedhardon.Pl easefeelfreetomessagemeonFacebookoremai lmewi thphotos from events(orourwonderfulHi stori anAnnTran!), arti cl esforournewsl etter ,yourKeyCl ubmoment orsi mpl yi fyouj ustwanttobei ncl uded!Iwoul d l ovetomeetal lyouPatri otHi ppos! Ican' twai tto seewhatwecanaccompl i shi nthenext11 months:)
AndhereIpresenttoyou... Theveryfi rstnewsl etterforThe2014-2015Term!
Patri ckHenry’s2014-2015
President DereckLau
“Heyguys!I ' m DereckLau,your20142015Presi dent.Wow,thenew term i sal ready starti ng,i t' sso surreal .Wi th the new year,I promi se to pourmyheartand souli nto thi s cl ubandhopethati nreturn,youasal oyal member,wi l lconti nuetosti ckwi thusandful fi l lyourdutyasa KeyCl ubber,toserveour communi ty,ourohana,ourfami l y”.
"HeyKeyCl ub!I ’m Bri annaPi nto,andI ’m thri l l ed tobethecl ub’snew secretary.I ’vebeeni nvol ved wi th Ki wani s si nce Iwas i n fourth grade—I ’ve gai ned a l oveforservi ngmycommuni tythrough bei ng a K-Ki d,Bui l dersCl ub presi dent,and D21 Hi ppo!Youmi ghtnotseeawhol el otofmycontri buti onsto the cl ub,butbehi nd the scenesI ’m ckHenry' sKeyCl ub and i ts keepi ng trackofPatri memberstoreportourprogresstotherestofthe di stri ct.Thi si sdone throughthe compl eti onofa Monthl yReportForm,whi chshowsthe i ndi vi dual achi evementsofeach memberand the col l ecti veprogressofthecl ub.I t' sthesecretary' sj obto i annaPi nto recordeverymember' si ndi vi dualcontri buti onsto Br eachevent. Feelfree to contactme wi thhours, questi ons,orotherconcerns Ican’twai tto put that2,015th houri ntoourbooks!”
Executi veOffi cers Vi c e Pr e s i d e nt “Heyhi ppos,mynamei sJonathanChauandI
am extremel y exci ted to serve as2014-2015 Cl ub Vi cePresi dent!Al ongwi ththerestoftheexecuti ve board,weareheretoi mproveuponourhomecl ub andmakei tevenbetterthenwhati ti snow.Through outthi sterm,someofmypersonalgoal saretohel p peopl efi ndthei rl ove;forservi ce,gi vi ngbacktothe communi ty,and forKeyCl ub.Iwantto make an i mpactonyourl i ves,sowi l lyouwi l lunderstand my l ove Key Cl ub,butal so wantto conti nue servi ng afterhi ghschool .Anothergoalofmi nei stohel pal l ofyou achi eve yourgoal si n becomi ng a better l eaderand publ i cspeaker.Iam herei fanyofyou everhaveanyquesti ons,comments,orj ustwantto tal k;I ' m hereasaresource.Ihopetomeetal lofyou thi sterm!”
Jonathan Chau
Genovese Le
“Hel l o,myfel l ow Patri otHi ppos!Iam honoredtobeservi ngastheTreasurerofPatri ckHenry' sKeyCl ubfrom 2014to2015.Nextyearwi l lbe mythi rdyearasamemberofKeyCl ub,andIam absol utel yexci ted to be onthe board.Icannot wai tunti lthenew schoolyearstartsandtomeet al lthe new KeyCl ubbers!Astreasurer,Ivow to staycommi ttedtomyduti es,dedi catemyti meto hel pi ngothers,and togi vebacktothecommuni ty.D21!Munch,munch!”
PHHS’s2014-2015Chai rs Service Chair
AnnaLang “Hel l ol ovel ypatri othi ppos! I ' m superexci ted to be your hi stori an for the 2014-2015 term!Ifel li nl ovewi thkeycl ub eversi ncemyfi rstexperi ence wi thi ti nmyfreshmanyear ,so I ' m real l yhappythatIgetthe opportuni ty to capture al lof thefuneventswewi l lembark i ntogetheri nthefuture:)”
Fundraising Chair
“Hel l o Patri ot Hi ppos! My name i sAnna Lang and Iam honored/exci tedtoserveyouas your 2014-2015 servi ce chai r . Whati saservi cechai randwhat doIdo?Myj obi stoseekfarand wi de foranyservi ce,no matter whati ti sforal lmyfel l ow hi ppos. I fyouhaveanyquesti onsorsuggesti onsoneventspl easefi l lfree total ktomeoranyofourother l ovel yboardmembers”.
Historian AnnTran
“HiPatri otHi ppos,I ' m Kathy Ha and I ' m the appoi nted Patri ck Henry' s Fundrai si ng Chai r , there wi l lbe manygreatfundrai sersi n store formembersto enj oyand hopeful l ywe surpass andgobeyondoursetgoal sof the 2014-2015 term.Getready toparti ci patei nthemanyfundrai sersthi supcomi ngterm!”
Di vi si on21Di vi si onalBoard Lieutenant Governor
KaiSampadi an
“Hel l o,Patri otHi ppos! Mynamei sKai Sampadi anandIwi l lbeservi ngasDi vi si on21' sLi eutenantGovernorforthe 2014-2015Term.Thi si smy2ndyeari nKey Cl ubatSerraHi ghSchoolandIl ookforwardtoservi ngthi sterm.I bel i evethatwi theveryone’scontri buti on wecanhel pi nnovatethi sdi vi si on.Ican’t wai ttomeetal lofyouanderstartthi s term wi thabl astandhel pspreadKey Cl ubawarenessaroundtheworl d! ”
Executive Assistant Al exDoan
“Hel l oPatri otHi ppos!Mynamei s Al exDoanandIwi l lbeservi ngas yourExecuti veAssi stantforthi sterm.I am asophomoreatScri ppsRanch Hi ghschool .AsEA,Iwi l lbeai di ngour LTG KaiSampadi anal ongsi dethe othertwoEA' sandDNEtomakeour di vi si onbetter .Forthi supcomi ng term,Iam exci tedtoseemoremembersl i keyouj oi nusatnotonl ydi vi si on events,butal soservi ceandcl ub events.Iwoul dl i ketohavethemembersbemorei nvol vedi nourdi vi si on andmakesurethateveryonei s havi ngani ceti meservi ng.I fyouever havequesti ons,donotbeafrai dto ask!”
Executive Assistant Ei l eenVedar
“HiPatri otHi ppos!I fwehaven’tal readymet,I am Ei l eenVedarandIwi l lbeservi ngasoneofthe threeExecuti veAssi stantsforDi vi si on21’s2014-2015 term. Ihavebeeni nKeyCl ubatUni versi tyCi tyHi gh Schoolforthreeyearsnow.Throughoutthi sterm,I wi l lworkal ongsi dePatri othi ppo,KathyHa,and Scri ppsRanch’sAl exDoani nhopesofbenefi ti ng thedi vi si onandyourexperi encei nKeyCl ub.Asa personalgoalformyterm,I ’dl i keforyoual ltorecogni zemenotonl yasyourEA,butasyourpeerand fri end.Iencourageeveryonetonotonl yusemeas aresourcei nregardstoKeyCl ub,butotherthi ngs aswel l .Iam exci tedtoserveal lofyouagreatterm, andhopetoseeyoual lsoonatfutureevents!”
Division News Editor FrankTo
“Hel l oPatri otHi ppos.Myname i sFrankToandIwasyourI mmedi atePastDi vi si on21Executi veAssi stantandnow Iam theDi vi si on21 NewsEdi torforthe2014-2015 schoolyear .Iwi l lbemaki ngnewsl etterseachmonthtoupdateyou onwhati shappeni ng.Mynewsl etterswi l li ncl udepastevents,anydi vi si onalevents,andal otmore.I am happytobeapartofthedi vi si onl eadershi pteam agai nand defi ni tel yreadytoservemydi vi si on!Bei ngabl etoexpressmyc ati vi tyi swhatIam exci tedabout, butwhatIam mostexci tedabout i sbei ngabl etoservemydi vi si on.”
Executive Assistant KathyHa
“Greeti ngsPatri ot Hi ppos,mynamei sKathy HaandI ' m honoredto serveonthe2014-2015Di vi si onLeadershi pTeam as anExecuti veAssi stant.As EA,I ' l ltrywi ththebestof myabi l i tytobeagreat assettothemanyschool s andmembers. I ' ml ooki ng forwardtoahi ppo-tasti c yearfi l l edwi thservi ce andspi ri twi thmyfel l ow hi ppos!Keepmunchi ng! “
TierrsantaEasterEgghunt “Hundredsofpeopl egatheratTi errsanta' sRecreati onCenterandParkeveryApri l forthei rannualEasterEgghunt.Thi syear, Patri ckHenryHi ghSchool ' sKeyCl ubj oi ned one ofournei ghbori ng school s;Juni pero Serra' sKey Cl ub atthei revent.Worki ng hand i nhand,hel pi ng chi l drensafel yget offbounce houses,hi di ng Eastereggs, ai di ng chi l dren,and even dressi ng up as EasterBunni esforpi ctures,thi seventwas veryentertai ni ngandful lofj oy.Wewi l ldefi ni tel yj oi n Serra' sKey Cl ub nextyear! ”AnnaLang(11)
“On March 19th,Key cl ubbers had the chance to vol unteeratThe 2014Dai l ard El ementarySpri ngFl i ng,whi chwassuchafantasti c event.The Spri ng Fl i ng i shosted every year ,byDai l ardEl ementaryandhel danoutdoorscarni val ,hol di ngmanyboothsandcarni valgamesdesi gned forki ds.The carni val broughtthecommuni tytogetherandkeycl ub had the chance to parti ci pate i nthe event. Eachshi ftl asted30mi nutesl ong,andwewere abl e to change from booth to booth!Key cl ubbershad the exci tementofvol unteeri ng andassi sti ngatdunki ngbooths,i nfl atabl eobstacl ecourses,hai randfacepai nti ngbooths, games,andevenaponyri de.�-Yi yaTai ng(9)
MarchofDimes& AprilDCM “OnSaturday,Apri l26th,Di vi si on21KeyCl ubbersmetatBal boaParktosupportKi wani ssponsoredMarchofDi mes.MarchofDi mesi sanorgani zati onsthat“fundsl i fesavi ngresearchandprogramsandworkstoendprematurebi rth,bi rthdefectsand i nfantmortal i ty.”Key Cl ubbersgatheredearl yi nthemorni ngtohandoutwater tl esand snackswhi l e the mal e KeyCl ubbersi n parti cul ar ,spearheaded the cheersdi rected towardsi ncomi ngrunnerssuchas“S-U-P-E-RSuper stari swhatyouare!”Wi ththatmuchspi ri t,i tdefi ni tel ywokeusal lupi nti meforourfi rsteverApri l DCM oftheterm.OurLTG KaiSampadi anl edthe DCM andwi thmuchzeal ,announcedtheresul ts ofthehi ghl yanti ci patedExecuti veAssi stantand Di stri ctTech Edi torposi ti ons.Congratul ati onsto new EA’s:Al exDoan,Ei l een Vedar ,and Patri ck Henry’sown KathyHa aswel lasthe new DNE FrankTo!Wi thspi ri tedcheers,freetacos,andD21 Hi ppos,theMarchofDi meswal kwoul dbeconsi deredacompl etesuccess!”-DereckLau(11)
When:May17th,2014 Where:Qualcomm Stadium
Rockn’RollMarathon Sunday,June1st
Whati stheel i Mi NaTeProject?! Wi th The El i mi nate Proj ect,Ki wani s I nternati onaland UNI CEFhave j oi ned forcestoel i mi natematernaland neonataltetanus.Thi sdeadl ydi seasesteal s the l i ves of nearl y 60,000 i nnocent babi es and a si gni fi cantnumberof women each year .The effectsofthe di sease are excruci ati ng — ti nynewbornssufferrepeated,pai nfulconvul si ons and extreme sensi ti vi ty to l i ght andtouch. To el i mi nate MNT from the Earth, morethan100mi l l i onmothersandthei r future babi esmustbe i mmuni zed.Thi s requi resvacci nes,syri nges,safe storage, transportati on, thousands of ski l l edstaffandmore.I twi l ltakeUS$110 mi l l i on — and the dedi cated workof UNI CEFand everymemberofthe Ki wani sfami l y. Wi th El i mi nate weekbei ng l l astweek I ’’m extremel yhonored tosaythatwi thi n thel astthreedaysoffundrai si ngPHHSKey Cl ub hasrai sed $67.68savi ng 37mothers andthei rfuturebabi es! And al so,wehel ped GAG Ki wani ssel l MothersDaycardsforEl i mi nateWeek,we sol dover30cardsand rai sedover$100!
Patri ckHenryHi ghSchoolKeyCl ub Di vi si on21|Regi on2|CNH www.cnhkeycl ub.org/|www.phhskc.webs.com/