August 2014 Newsletter

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HI PPOPOL I T AN Vol .2I s s ue3

CNH|D21|Pat r i ckHenr yKeyCl ub


I nt hi si s s ue. . Awor df r om . . . Pas tEvent s I CON

3 4 10

Fut ur eEvent s 12 Ki wani sMeet i ngs 13


HeyPat r i ot s !Jul ybl ew t hr oughpr et t yf as t andi twasourmos tevent f ulmont hyet !We r eachedourELI MI NATEgoal ,al mos t r eachedourPTPgoal ,achi evedmor et han 100hour sofs er vi ce,andmanagedt oget5 member st oI CON.Augus ti ss t i l lboomi ng wi t hevent sandt hel as thour sofours ummer s houl dbes pentons er vi ce.Manyevent sar e avai l abl ebychecki ngoutt henew webs i t e! We' vecomeal ongwayi nas hor tt i me, guys !Thi scl ubwoul dn' tbeal i vewi t houtt he s uppor tofmyexecut i veboar d,ourG. A. G Ki wani ans ,ouradvi s or s ,andofcour s et he cont i nuouss uppor tofyoumember s !Keep upt hegoodwor k;ya' l lmakemepr oud!

Themont hofJul yhast r ul ybeenf ul l ofs er vi ce,f undr ai s i ng,andnumer ous pl eas ants ur pr i s es .Duet ot hef actt hat ourcl ubhasbeenabl et of unct i onas at eam,wehavedones omeamazi ng t hi ngs ,i ncl udi ngr ai s i nghundr edsof dol l ar sf orbot hEl i mi nat eandPedi at r i c T r aumaPr ogr am andvol unt eer i ngat numer ousevent s !Butl et ’ susal lcont i nuet opus hour s el vesevenhar der andcont i nuet hi ss ummerf ul lofs er vi ceandgi vi ngbackt oourcommuni t y.Thankyoual lf oryourhar dwor k!


Mor ni ngAf t erBeachCl eanup Ever yyear ,TheSur f r i derFoundat i on hos t es‘ TheMor ni ngAf t erMes sBeachCl ean up’atmanyl ocalSanDi egoBeaches .Br i ght andear l y onJul y5t h,2014,manyDi vi s i on21 KeyCl ubber ' sj oi nedTheSur f r i derFoundat i on andIl oveacl eanSanDi egoundert hebl azi ngs unt ohel pcl eanupMi s s i onBeach,af t er al loft he4t hofJul yf es t i vi t i est hatoccur r ed ont hebeacht hedaybef or e.


NeonDas h

NeonDas hi st heOr i gi nalNi ght t i me 5kRunandWal kEventt hat ’ sbeen s weepi ngt heCount r ys i nce2011! Becomeapar toft hes how whenyou r un,wal kordancet hi s5kcour s eas you’ r ecover edi nbr i l l i antNeonCol or s ! Addt ot heent i r eexper i encebydr es s i ngi ncos t umesandwear i nganyt hi ng t hatbl i nksand gl ows !Thous andsof gl owi ngPar t i ci pant swi l ll i ghtupt he Af t erDas hBas hf i l l edwi t hUVBl ackl i ght ,Mus i c,andEnt er t ai nment !Neon Das hSanDi ego occur r ed onJul y12t h, 2014atQual comm St adi um,over50 Cal NevHaKeyCl ubber scameoutt o vol unt eer ,i ncl udi ngDi vi s i on21, Di vi s i on 11,Di vi s i on37Sout h,andDi vi s i on37 Eas t .

" NeonDas hwasoneofmyf i r s tcol or r unsandKeyCl ubevent s ,i twasagr eat wayt omeetpeopl eandatt hes ame t i mei twasr eal l yf unvol unt eer i ng.Imet s omepeopl ef r om out s i deoft hedi vi s i on( 37Sout hRedbul l sand11Dol phi ns ) .Wedancedt omus i cwhi l e t hr owi ngneonpowderatt her unner s andhel pcl eanours t at i onaf t er war ds . Af t ert her unwasoverweheadedout t ot heaf t erpar t ywher el i vemus i cwas pl ayi ng.Ther es ul t sofNeonDas hwas ver ymemor abl e! "Bi l l yT r an( 10)


Of f i cerTr ai ni ngConf er ence

OnJul y10t h,2014Di vi s i on21 hel daj oi ntOf f i cerT r ai ni ngConf er ence( OTC)wi t hDi vi s i on37Sout h ( Redbul l s )f ol l owedbyaDi vi s i on Counci lMeet i ng( DCM) .OTC was hel datRanchoBer nar docommuni t yLi br ar y( Redbul lT er r i t or y) ,i t s t ar t edat12: 30pm wi t hagener al wor ks hop,' KeyCl ub101'hel dby ourver yownLi eut enantGover nor KaiSampadi anandDi vi s i on37 Sout h' sLi eut enantGover norMi ke Zhang.I fwasf ol l owedbyani cel y per f or medPubl i cSpeaki ngwor ks hophel dbyLuqmaanBokhar y ( Wes t vi ew Hi ghSchool )OTC t aughtourof f i cer smor eabout t hei rs peci f i cdut i es .


Pas s por tt oLi f e

OnFr i day,Augus t8t h,GAG Ki wani s andKeyCl ubber sf r om Mi r aMes a, Kear ny,andofcour s ePat r i ckHenr y, j oi nedf or cesatt heSanDi egoCi t yCol l egef ort hePas s por tt oLi f eevent .Pas s por tt oLi f ei sani ns pi r at i onalevent whi chpr ovi despr obat i onalt eenager s var i ouswor ks hopsonhow t oi mpr ove t hei rl i f e,educat i on,andf ut ur e. Â



OnSat ur dayAugus t2,Pat r i ck Henr yKeyCl ubber sgat hert oget her atourl ocalAi l edGar densAl ber t s on’ st os uppor tour“PTPBaker y" Thedays t ar t edof fat10: 00AM, member squi ckl yar r i vedwi t hbaked goodsi nhandandhel peds etup ourboot h.Ast i mepas s ,t heamount ofbakegoodsi ncr eas ed,r angi ng f r om decadentcupcakes ,s cr umpt i ouscooki es ,t odel i ci ousbr owni es . Event hr oughr ai n,ourkeycl ubber s s t ayedcement edt oourboot h, want i ngt or ai s emoneyt omakea di f f er ence. Al loft hepr oceeds oft hi sf undr ai s erwentt owar dst he Pedi at r i cT r aumaPr ogr am,whom mi s s i oni st odevel opedl ocalpr oj ect st ol owert henumberofchi l dr en ki l l edori nj ur edbyPedi at r i cT r auma, t hel eadi ngnumberofdeat hf r om chi l dr en14oryounger .Iam ext r emel ypr oudanddel i ght edt o s t at et hatPat r i ckHenr yKeyCl ub hadr ai s ed$347. 43f ort hePedi at r i c t r aumaPr ogr am t hatday!Thank yout oever yonet hatbakeds omet hi ng,hel pedt hr oughoutt heday, andcamet os uppor t .




Fut ur eEvent s



Pat r i ckHenr yHi ghSchoolKeyCl ub Di vi s i on21|Regi on2|CNH www.cnhkeycl|

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