May 2014 Newsletter

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HI PPOPOLI T AN Vol .2I s s ue2

CNH|D21|Pat r i ckHenr yKeyCl ub


I nt hi si ssue. . . Vol ume2|I ssue2|May2014

Awor d f r om . . . Pas tEvent s Fut ur eEvent s

El i mi nat e Week 2

HeyHi ppos ;wow,t hes ec ondmont hbl ewawayf as t ! Wi t hAPt es t sdomi nat i ngt hemont h,I ' mgl ady ouPat r i ot s s t i l l madeanat t emptt oat t endev ent s ,y ours er v i c emeansa l ott ot hec l ub.I ' ms ur pr i s edbyhowmanyofy ouar es t i l l dedi c at edt hi sl at ei nt hey ear !Ass ummeri sr api dl yappr oac hed,al way sr emembert hatal t houghs c hool s t ops , s er v i c edoes n' t .Youc anc ont i nuemak i ngani mpac tov er t hes ummerbyf ol l owi ngouremai l gr oup!Thank s ,guy sand s t ayhungr yf ors er v i c e!

Hel l oPat r i otHi ppos !Iwoul dl i k et oc ongr at ul at ey oual l ons ur pas s i ngAPt es t i ngwhi l es t i l l bei ngabl et opr ov i de s er v i c et oy ourc ommuni t y .Maywasas uc c es s f ul mont hf ul l ofev ent s ,r angi ngf r omRoc kn’ Rol l Mar at hont ot heOc ean Beac hKi t eFes t i v al andELI MENATEWeek .Thanky ouf or al l y ourhar dwor kandIhopet os eeal l ofy ouatPHHSand D21' sBanquet sandt hatal l ofy ouc ont i nuey ourdes i r est o s er v e.


Mi r acl eMi l eofQuar t er s( MMQ)occur r edonMay3r d,2014atRadyChi l dr en' sHos pi t al ,wher emanyKi wani scl ubs( s uchasKeyCl ub,Ci r cl eK,Bui l der s Cl ub,et c)al loverSanDi egogat her ed.MMQ i saKi wani sor gani zedevent , us i ngt hemoneyt heyr ai s edf orPedi at r i cTr aumaPr ogr am ( PTP)t omake quar t erar t !Ther ewasal s obr unchs er vedandhos pi t alt our s . Â




AtRunorDye,youbecomepar toft her ai nbow!Asyou r un/wal k/dancet hr ought hecour s e,youwi l lgets hower edi n s af e,ecof r i endl y,pl ant bas edpowder eddyeatever y ki l omet er . . . t ur ni ngyoui nt oat echni col orcanvasoff un! RunorDyei soneoft hemos tenj oyedandpopul at edevent s amongSanDi egoyout hs , i t ' sawonder f ulwayt ohavef un whi l es er vi ngyourcommuni t y!OnMay17t h,RunorDyewas hel datQual comm St adi um f ort hes econdt i met hi syear .We had6PHHSKeycl ubber s at t end,andover20Di vi s i on21Key Cl ubber si nt ot al .





Pat r i ckHenr yHi ghSchoolKeyCl ub Di vi s i on21|Regi on2|CNH www.cnhkeycl|

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