The Baton
Special Holiday Issue 2015
Phi Beta Baton Create. Perform. Serve.
“What is Phi Beta To Me?” by Bernice Franette DuLong TO PARAPHRASE A WELL-KNOWN PATRIOTIC SONG: What is Phi Beta To Me? Well, it goes back a long way – my initiation
at the University of Oregon (U of O) in 1942. I remember that I sang "The Shadow Song" from the opera “Dinorah” by Meyerbeer, for worthiness in this National Fraternity for Music and Speech.
SNEAK PEEK: Convention 2016 It’s almost “SHOWTIME!” Houston is planning a party!!
Pages 3-5
I had attended Marylhurst College in Portland where I had the lead in "The Chimes of Normandy" by Planquette, before moving on to the U of O. When I left the U of O for a summer-course at Mills College, Oakland, California, my most prestigious… Continued on 6
Chapter Highlights
Catch up on the latest about our members active in service and always looking for ways to contribute!
See what has been happening around the country with Phi Beta members!
Pages 8-9
Pages 12-15