Britannia 6d block of 4. SG60b. Fresh unused imperf block. £80/£90 1873 37
Seal of Colony, set of 11 SG105/115. Fresh mint Cat. £250. £80/£90 1892 38
Specimen ovpt's. 2d, 2/6d with addition Ultramar on the 2d. SG108s, 115s. Fresh mint. £50/£60 1892 39
1920/53 40
Old Pages with better pickings. 1920 Victory set to 2/- (11). 1935 Silver/Jubilee set of 4. 1950 Defin set of 12. A good run of commem's Inc. Silver Wedding, UPU fresh mint. £60/£70
KGV Seal set of 12. SG213/18. mint. £50/£60 1921 41
Cape sitting hope ovpt set fu. Scarce SG 1/8 (8) £150/£160 1885 42
COVERS KGVI (3) Inc. very fine 1953 2/6d single franking at Lobatsi, Airletter etc. £45/£50 * 43
Registered Envelope sent to a POW at Deadwood Camp, St. Helena from Transvaal with St. Helena arrival mark and Censor handstamp. £120/£150
Most attractive cover to FI with 6 stamp combination inc. £1 map all neatly cancelled Argentine Islands CDS. Delightful usage. £60/£70
1977 58
South Georgia new currency ovpt set um plus additional wmk types SG53/66 (17). £30/£35
Specimen perf Silver Jubilee set fine m SG 301S/304S (4) £65/£70
1935 59
KGVI stamp booklet SG sb 9e in superb condition. £65/£70
1945 60
POSTAL STATIONERY Unused QV (12) inc. 5c on 1½d, 2c on 3c, with Reply Card still attached, 2c with Reply Card still attached, Edward (4) in 2c with Reply Card still attached QEII (3) 2c Postal Cards all in fine condition. £40/£50
AN OLDTIME COLLECTION of 1000's in 3 volumes with much of an earlier nature & good pickings, 1849 first imperf issues 10c (3), 20c (3), other early medallions, 1865 1fr imperf brilliant unused (rare), lots of early issues, 1930 BIT ovpt set on cover, 1932 75c wounded soldier m, 1934 5fr anti tb m, 1952 UPU set m (c£475). Lots of later ranges, useful pickings or to expand. £360/£400
ONE PENNY on 1/- SG17, fine mint. £200/£240 1875 45
High value Arms 10/- SG119a, fresh mint. £70/£80 1938 46
BR. I.O.T.
Missing stop after O varieties in positional blocks UM 5c to 25c, 7 blocks all SG listed. £35/£40
1968 62
1968/74 63
Fresh mint collection Cat value £200 inc. 1968 ovpt set of 15. 1968 Marine Life set of 18. 1972 Coral 60c, 1r and 1r 75 wmk to the left. A good lot of stamps + 2 MS, mint or UM. £50/£60
VARIETY KGVI misplaced stop 2 sh 50c SG S19a fm within positional block 4. £80/£85
1948 64
KGVI 12/6d with pairs, blocks shades (63) unchecked for printings, fine used with fiscal cancels. High Cat. value. £260/£300
1938 47
KGVI High Value 10/-. SG119. Fresh mint. £140/£150
1938 48
KGVI high values line perf 2/- (2) 5/-, 10/-. SG116b, 18b, 119b, fine used. £120/£140
1938 49
IMPERIAL pages with QV to 1/- (18) dry dock (11) 1920 tercentenary set of 9 mint, 1921 set of 9 mint a good lot of 87 stamps, mainly mint. Cat £780+ £130/£150
Old Page with a mint range Cat. £195. 1902/8 Dry Dock to 4d (10), War Tax ovpts. (3) QV 4d useful. £60/£70
Old Pages with issues from QV to early QEII, seen defin 5, Commem's Inc. 1935 Silver/Jubilee VFU. 1948 Silver/Wedding mint. 1953 Defin set VFU, 2nd set mint. A good range of 230 stamps, an original collection. £150/£180
Queen Victoria issues fresh mint sideface to 1/(12) Dry Dock (4) STC £295. £120/£150
Overprint errors (4 diff items) all listed in SG Elizabethan inc scarce ½d + 5/- double ovpt, 1d + 10/- double ovpt, one inverted. £100/£110
1968 54
SOVEREIGN ovpt 1/3d Bird SG12 as marginal UM block 4 with requisition number. £75/£80
1968 55
1960 65
Scarce in a large block 1r on 1/6d SG91 as a block of 30 Cat. £1140 fresh UM. £100/£120
1960 66
Scarce in a large block 75np on 1/3d SG90 as a block of 24 Cat. £168, fresh UM. £30/£40
Booklet panes of 4 fresh um 1d to 1/3d set of 7 SG83/91b. £30/£40
1956 67
St. Ursula 4d SG17 as a rare corner block of 9 fine mint, seldom seen in blocks, gum is good for these notorious issues. Impressive multiple. £180/£200
1867 68
Old pages with over 1000 different stamps from early classics to 1979 in need of rehousing with a very good range of stamps, seldom seen collection. £120/£150
Overprint set of 12 SG11/22 fresh mint. £300/£320
1906 70
Japanese Occupation 8c Grey SGJ9 VFU. Signed Rowell. £600/£650
1942 71
Superb collection neatly presented unmounted mint, looks very complete Inc. definitive's note 1964 Ordinary Paper and Glazed Paper sets. 1952 Defin set. 1975 Sultan set with 380 stamps and 15 MS, highly catalogued collection. £280/£300
1949/90 72
1960 114
Imperf strip of 4 (two se-tenant pairs) high dam set fine um. Balian 245/6a. £150/£160
Edward selection - quality group of 11 items inc. 1d + QV 4d FU on piece, 2½d + ½ VFU on piece, 1d block 4 mint, values to 6d mint. £100/£110
1904/12 115
Postal Stationery 1d Lettercard very fine unused. HGA1. £40/£45
1912 116
* 1931 117
Inward Mail - Registered cover ex UK with five stamp PUC franking at 4½d addressed to Falkland Island, South America! Returned to Bracknell. £40/£45
1938/71 118
Stockpage with KGVI/QEII issues Inc. 1938 Defins to 1/3d (13) UPU set of 4. QEII 1968 Flower defin set. 1971 Flower defin set. A range of commem's with sets. 115 stamps fresh mint. Cat. £500. £100/£120
1953/74 119
Fresh mint with many sets on old pages with better pickings, note 1968 Flower inc. Crown damage. 1974 New Currency Flowers set of 13. 1974 New watermark set of 3, Tourism set of 4, UM, Battle of the River plate UM. A very good range of 132 stamps + 1 MS. Cat. £365. £70/£80
1960 120
Bird defin set VFU SG193/207. (15). £40/£45
Watermark to right variety 25p Horse SG394W VFU. RPS Cert. £50/£60 1981 121
KGVI Watermark script ½ to 1/- (ex 6d) and 1935 Silver/Jubilee set of 4, fine used. £40/£50
Ship definitive set of 15. SGG26/40 VFU. £60/£70
1954 123
South Georgia issues with varieties. 1963 Defins to £1 (ex £1 Whale). 1971 New Currency ovpts to 50p. 1972 Shackleton both watermarks. 1972 S/Wedding inc. 5p inv. wmk. (Cat. £90) UM. A very good range of 50 stamps + 1 MS. Cat value £330+. £80/£90
1963/74 124
Provisional first issue 2 ore on 5 ore facit 1 vfu on piece with Thorshavn cds. £150/£170
1919 125
Sage 25c imperforate vfm Yvert 78c cat £360. £75/£80
1876 126
Paris exhibition, Raymond Poincare sheetlets of 20 (4) in different colours on ungummed paper imperf 10c values seldom seen in complete sheetlets. Never hinged. £120/£150
1913 127
Catalogued over £500 Air Stamps with issues from 1973 to 2005 UM, note 1949 to 1000f FU. 1954 set FU. A good range of 61 stamps with many sets. £120/£140
1930/2005 128
1937 129
PEXIP sheet fine mint cat £600 SG ms 581. £100/£120
1937 130
PEXIP sheet fine mint cat £600 SG ms581 £100/£120
1964 131
MISSING COLOUR ERROR postage due 30c BLUE OMITTED vf um with letter from Berch (dealer) and his expert hs on the stamp. VF & spectacular Maury 99a cat 775 euro = £700. £150/£170
Old Pages with 1000+ stamps chiefly mint, odd FU Inc. pairs and blocks, mint with many Fund sets. Inc. 1943 Sheetlets of 5. SG772/5 National Relief Fund strip of 5 SG780/4 UM. £220/£250
1971 132
1976/82 133
Pre-Cancels imperforated pairs listed in Yvert, Coins, Signs of the Zodiac, Mushroom's, Buildings. A very good lot of 25 pairs, 4 strips and 12 singles UM. £150/£170
CANCELLATIONS late 19th century cut from envelopes & around stamps, a remarkable lot of 100's all diff stuck on old ledger pages. £30/£40
INTERESTING mixture inc 1925 45c + 1fr Pasteur ovpt specimen um, 1937 pexip block of 4 stamps & labels unused, 1949 stamp centenary 10fr on special postcard, range of used imperf issues inc sage (Qty). £90/£95
Red cross stamp booklets 1960/80 the complete collection of 21 diff booklets in v/fine condition (SG xsb 10/30) £90/£95
POSTAGE DUES on pages sorted by country and issues. A very good lot of 700+ dues mainly mint inc. UM with sets inc. Fezzan set of six. 1906 and 1928 New Caledonia sets. 1921 Niger ovpt. set of 8 with many complete sets. £250/£300
Dented frame variety ½d SG 57a fu. £60/£65
1905 138
Dented frame variety 5d SG63a. VFM. £300/£320
1905 139
Extra Flagstaff Variety 1/- Jubilee, fine mint. SG146A. £130/£140
1935 140
KGVI fresh mint Coronation 1938 defin set of 16, Victory, Silver Wedding, UPU cat £190+ £50/£60
1937/49 141
1897 142
Yacht with values to 50pf (14) FU with shades Inc. 3pf Grey-Brown SGK1/K6. £160/£180
PO in China ovpts with values to 50pf (16) between SG1/12, 5pf, 10pf, 20pf, 50pf with Tristien or Shanghai cancels. High Cat. value. £160/£180
1898 143
PO in China Chinese Currency mainly Wmk Lozenges Inc. ½d on 1m with Hankow CDS 1d on 2m, 1½d on 3m SG54, 2½d on 5m with Tsintan CDS. A fine range of 21 highly catalogued. £300/£350
1905 144
1900/16 145
Yachts to 2r collected for their postmarks Inc. 1r and 2r with Tabora CDS SG23/24, 2½h with fine Kilossa CDS, 4h pair with fine Lindi CDS. 7½h with Baganogo CDS. A good range of 18 stamps fine used. £180/£200
Old page with (15) stamps Inc. 3pf and 5pf with hyphen. 1898 3pf to 50pf (13) Inc. 3pf to 50pf (5) with cancellation that go across all stamps must have come off the same piece, Swarkopmund CDS. £90/£100
1897/98 146
Yachts on pages with values to 5mk (32) many with fine readable cancels not 1mk wmked, 2nd non wmk, 3mk non wmk, 5mk wmked. A good lot with shade and cancel interest. £420/£450
1900/13 147
Post Office in China. Cover to Munchen franked 2 x 20pf Eagles each tied neat TIENTSIN CDS. £75/£80
Yacht from various territories on a page from Kameroun to Togo, low values with a good variety of cancels and many different stamps (45). fine used each looks different. £60/£70
1933/77 345
Commemorative and Definitive Collection STC £1900 Inc. better early sets. 1938 Geyser. 1939 New York Fair. 1939 Statue Inc. 5k Sepia p 11½. 1940 New York Fair ovpt. st. 1939 Defin set. 1948 Mt Hekla set. 1950 Defin set of 13 mint looks to be UM from 1971. A very good lot of 340+ stamps + 3 MS each different. £350/£400
* 1941/45 346
World War II Censored Mail a scarce collection of 37 covers with some details. 1941 business Env. from Reykjavik to UK with double censor tape. 1940 Inward Mail from Singer Sewing Machines illustr. 1945 Direct Airmail printed Env. sent to USA. 1942 Regd. Env. from Akureyri to Scotland, surface rate. 1941 scarce Meter Maid franked cover sent to the UK. A very interesting lot to write up as a display. £500/£600
* 347
Field Post Office 306 cancels on OAS covers with a variety of censored HS all covers sent in 1941 (12) plus 3 letters. £100/£120
CHMABA for CHAMBA error of ovpt 4a fu. RPS cert. SG10a. £800/£900 1887 348
CAMPIONE rare perf 11½set of 5 fresh UM, Sassone 1A/5A Cat. 1875 euro = £1800+. Exceptional NHM and seldom offered. £400/£450
Old pages with a fine collection of sets from KGVI 1937 to early QEII 1964 Inc. 1938 defins to £1 (41) with different printing and shades, UPU set as blocks of 4. 1948 Silver/Wedding set. QEII 1956. 1962 defin sets, lots of commem sets. A very good lot of 160+ stamps fresh mint. £120/£150
Old Time Pages with QV to KGV collection chiefly fine used, mint mixed in, seen QV 3d SG47a (2) Wmk. Inv. mint, 6d deep Yellow and Orange-Yellow, KGV War Tax. A good range of 130 stamps. An original lot. £60/£70
POSTAL STATIONERY QV 1½D OVPT ON 3D Card unused. 1877 Post Cards with half penny paid CDS unused (11) a range of QV Postal Cards unused inc Cards with Reply Cards still attached, KGV unused 2d + 4½d regd. Env. 3d regd. Env. Unused, a good selection of 60 Stationery unused and 32 used mainly QV period. Inc. Wrappers that have been uprated. £120/£150
1938 349
Good for study 1r (200) 2r (90) SG112/13 fine used. £70/£80
Very scarce complete sheet ½a SG10 Maharaja Holkar III, sheet of 80. Cat. £1280 UM. £200/£250
1904 350
High value 2r block of 4 SG34 fresh mint with large margins. £70/£80 1899 351
INDORE. Old time lot with better pickings 1886 ½a SG1 mint. 1889 ½a VFU. 1927 Plate proof 1r Green and Red, see not below SG30 as a block of six unused. 1943 2r SG42 VFU. A good lot of 83 stamps, mint or FU. £300/£350
* 1902 353
Inward Mail to CORK. Fine cover franked pair ½d NIGER COAST QV issues with fine CORK arrival BS. Unusual. £75/£80
New Year set as plate 2 gutter pairs VFU. Choice SG10/14 (five gutter pairs). £80/£90 1948 354
* 1948 355
New year with tabs on FDC, typed address. 1952 Menorah with tab on FDC. 1949 New year set of 3 with tabs on piece with six covers and one piece, a good lot for fine used. £150/£200
Early years better sets, Catalogue value £3000 1948 postage due set (c£225). 1949 New National Flag with tabs (c£120). Anniversary of postage stamp MS (c£225), Petah Tigwa with tabs (c£200), Coin set with tabs (c£200), Postage due set with tabs (c£1000), Maccabiah with tabs (c£130). 1951 State with tabs (c£90). 1952 Menorah with tabs (c£600) mainly UM. £500/£520
Catalogued over £1700, a fine range of 170 stamps Inc. early ovpt's to 5L. 1893 20L orange mint. 1903 5L VFU. 1922 Somalia ovpts. 1925 Holy Year 1930 National Defence Set. A good lot with much mint. £250/£270
Most unusual Material Parcel Tag franked with 2 x 5c Arms ex Torino with ornated address panel sent to the UK. £60/£70
1966 363
Inverted overprint error 100f space MS fine UM. SG735 var. £70/£80
MOMBASA PROVISIONAL'S ½ Anna on 2A (initials AD) SG20 sound FU, imperf on two sides (from tip left corner of the sheet) Crayon line (ex registered letter). Seldom offered. £500/£550
1891 364
Variety 10c mountain retouch SG135a um in pair with normal (normal is m). £45/£50
1949 365
Old Time Collection, fresh mint with a Cat. value over £760 mainly Edward issues seen 1890 Sun and Crown to 2r (9). 1903 ½a to 4r (12). 1904 ½a to 8a (8), A good range of 34 stamps. £300/£320
Revenue usage of KGV high values 1r (13), 2r (5), 3r (3), 4r (1), 5r (1) Inc. 1r + 2r on piece with very fine standard Bank of S. A CDS. £100/£120
Definitive presentation Packs. Shells and Minerals UM. £30/£35
1971/1977 368
Errors/Varieties unmounted mint 1980's/90's period Inc. Wmk. varieties, double ovpts, imperf pairs, specimen ovpts. seen 25c pair one with ovpt. one without, 12c Ship imperf 1985 Fish Wmk. Inv. Inc. MS. 1983 Gun emplacement Wmk. upright. A good lot of 125 items to enhance your collection. £250/£300
Miniature sheet collection (95) unmounted mint with better sheets 1964 plants. 1965 Korean War. 1968 Olympics, with a Cat. value over £600. A very fine collection. £200/£250
Unmounted mint collection 1970/77 of 440+ different stamps with many sets, superb quality, seldom collected from here. £200/£250
INVERTED OVERPRINTS errors 2a, 3a orange & 3a blue all mint. Clandestine but most unusual. £50/£60
1923 372
Fresh mint with many sets catalogue value £625 with a very good range of commemoratives, 1963 Flag Day, School Games. 1965 Falcon set, Postage due sets. A very good lot of 320 stamps. £100/£120
1885 374
QV 2c to 16c with both shades of the 2c and 8c SG30/33 (6). Cat. £230+ mint. £70/£80
* 1896 375
Registered Envelope with 1c (x3), 2c (x3), 3c (x3) with Labuan CDS. Three different registered handstamps sent to England. £250/£270
QV 4d Watermark sideways FU. SG14A. C£130. £45/£50 1876 376
1884 377
QV 4d SG24 fine mint c£160. £60/£65
SG30/41 Lagos QV set FU. Top values are very fine (12). £200/£220 1887 378
1904 379
Edward 5/- SG52 VFM c£140. £50/£60
Unmounted Mint Collection with many better sets with issue from 1951 to 1980 Inc. 1951 Defin set. 1952 Laotian Women. 1952 UPU. 1953 Buddha set. 1954 Jubilee set. A superb collection of 490 very high catalogue value in the early sets. Scarce UM. £500/£550
INDEPENDENCE sets 1991 Arms surch set plus reprinted set, Liberty set of 6. 1962 Olympics' Statues, Surch set, Christmas. A good lot of 48 stamps UM. £40/£50
1991/92 381
* 1982 382
SERVICE SUSPENDED/RETURN TO SENDER and other cachets applied to business cover posted in the UK. £35/£40
Independence issues fresh mint Cat. value £130+ inc. defin sets. 1973 Butterflies set UM, Kimberlite set UM. A good range of 190 stamps. £30/£40
1966/74 383
Unmounted mint collection of sets. Inc. 1986 Musical Instruments. 1987 Shek Wan Ceramics strip of 4. Fan set of 4. 1985 Museum strip of 4. 1988 Security Forces strip of 4. A fine collection of 116 stamps Cat. £1050+ £200/£220
1981/88 384
A selection of 7 QV 2c Red ovpts all FU with a variety of types of ovpts. £80/£85 385
Official 6c PGS ovpt SGO3 FU £30/£35 1889 386
Tiger set fresh mint SG14/16 (3). £45/£50
1895 387
1900 388
ANTIQUE E IN CENT ovpt varieties mint (3) 1c on 3c, 1c on 5c and 3c on 8c SG81B, 83B and 84A. A good trio. £180/£200
ANTIQUE E IN ONE 1c on 5c variety, fresh mint in pair with normal SG83 + 83A. £60/£65
1900 389
1900 390
NO STOP AFTER CENT 3c on 8c within mint strip of 3 very scarce and nice in a multiple SG84 + 84B. £120/£130
1900 391
ANTIQUE T IN CENTS 3c on 50c SG67A, fine mint. Scarce. £180/£200
1883 392
TWO CENTS on 32c SG60 fresh unused. Two expert handstamps very fine example of this difficult stamp Cat.£1400. £450/£480
Very early inward entire written from Spain to MALTHE super condition. £100/£110
1768 393
MOST UNUSUAL ENTIRE with contents sent to Tunis with only Malta Post Office HS no other postal markings. £120/£140
1845 394
ENTIRE with contents from Rome to Malta with Roma CDS and Red "Imp" HS in Red not Malta receiving marks. £30/£40
1847 395
1935 396
Variety Silver Jubilee 6d positional block of 4 with extra flagstaff variety (R 9/1). SG212a UM £100/£120
KGVI definitive set to 10r with shades and different perf types SG252/63 (29) Cat. £370+, fresh mint. £120/£150
1938 397
KGVI variety 4c OPEN C SG 254a fine m. £100/£110
1938 398
AIRMAILS two round flight covers both ex Port Louis with many backstamps, one with COCOS ISLAND transit cds. Unusual vf (2). £45/£50
KGV definitive set 1913-23 5c to 10r with shades and different dies, Inc. 10r (2) Die I and Die II SG204 and 204d, identified on a page. 15 stamps mint Cat. £380+. £120/£150
Old Pages with better pickings Inc. 1858 Britannia's 6d pair and single mint. 1859 not issued RedBrown and Blue mint, re issued 1d Magenta SG29a used. 1935 Silver/Jubilee set mint KGVI Victory as Cyl. Blocks mint. 1950 defin set of 15. A good range of 430+ stamps to 1966 chiefly fresh mint. £180/£200
National University Postage, set of 10 brilliant never hinged mint exceptional, Scott 698/706 Cat. $7500 US = £5500. Key set and rare UM. £1500/£1800
1934 402
Inverted Watermark 60c weaving VFU. SG326W RPS Cert. £60/£65
Rare usage of 4fr postage due multi franked cover from Vietnam to Noumea, various pmks. £75/£80
Jubilee set FU with Postal Cancels. SG280/281. £120/£130
1897 405
First Pictorial Series SG246/59, A comprehensive FU set (26) with listed shades Inc. both 5d + 6d mostly FU. A good variety of CDS Pmks.. £400/£450
1899/1903 407
1935 518
Variety within a complete sheet Silver/Jubilee 1d plate 3 with Lightning Conductor Flow (R2/5) Ct. £650. A scarce complete sheet with a variety. Fresh UM. £300/£350
Old Time Original Collection with better pickings from 1891 Oscars to 50 ore mint. 1903 GPO 5kr FU. 1910 Gustav defins to 5kr mint. 1924 UPU to 80 ore, many 100;s of stamps chiefly fine used with mint mixed in an original lot. £230/£250
1922 520
Giraffe £1 (32) one with sideways Wmk. with a fine range of shades and with fiscal cancels. A very good lot (SG88) fine used. £400/£500
Bundles of stamps 1922 Giraffe 1/- (90) 2/- (30) KGV 1927 2/- (80). 1961 1/30 (200) very high Cat. value, fine used. £120/£150
1907 522
Fiscal High Value Stamps overprinted for postage - the set of 3 fresh mint ovpt. SPECIMEN. Very rare 10T small surface fault, 20T very fine and 40T fine but creased. Incredible colour's SG106/8 Scott 106/8 normal's Cat. £10,000. £1500/£1800
* Q 1924 523
FIRST FLIGHT cover UBOL to BANGKOK franked pair 3st tied special aircraft type pmk. VF. £40/£45
* Q 1933 524
Imperial Airways stage flight cover to BANDON France 11d v/fine Bangkok and arrival backstamps. Scarce. £45/£50
1915 525
Multiples featuring varieties vfm (5 items) ½d (H34) inc missing hyphen, small F, pair 2d with raised hyphen. Fine lot. £45/£50
KGV ovpt set fu (12) SGh34/46 £130/£140 1915/20 526
Specimens and Photographic proofs (80) Inc. 1993 Map 30c imperf pair, 80c Maul and his Hook imperf pair mainly 1980's/90's. period all UM. £70/£80
Arms set of 12 ½d to 10/ SG175/86 as blocks 4 um vf. £100/£110 1885 528
* 1932 529
NIGERIA to PORT OF SPAIN scarce origin 1½d envelope uprated with ½d tied Lagos CDS. Arrival BS. Fine. £50/£60
1935 530
Varieties Silver Jubilee set as left side corner blocks of 4, each with extra flag staff variety (R9/1) the varieties are UM. SG239a/42a. Scarce in positional blocks. £200/£220
IMPERFORATE CORNER STRIP of 3 of the 1½p on 4d fresh UM. BPA Cert. Only one sheet exists imperforate, believed to be of proof status. £600/£650
1971 531
Old Pages with issues from 1952 to 1965 Inc. KGVI Defin set of 12, QEII 1954. 1960, 1961, 1963, 1964 Defin sets, plus a few early commems sets. A good lot of 89 stamps, fresh mint. Cat.£430+. £150/£170
Extensive collection of many 100's of stamps and MS of UMM AL QUAWAIN with many sets Inc. defin's seen 1964 Defin set of 18, Olympic set + MS. 1965 Official set. 1966 Churchill set + MS, Space MS. A very good collection seldom seen UM. £120/£150
1964/72 533
Double purple error ICY 1d with clear double print fresh um with normal to compare listed in Elizabethan. Scarce SG260 ea £90/£95
1965 534
Specimen overprint first defin set of 15 with the rare 2c being the very first issue SG4 (this is one of the rarest QEII stamps car £1000 without specimen) seldom seen set. £250/£280
1976 535
Illustrated fdc’s each with stamps from 3 different headquarters on each cover inc MS, setenants, a very good lot of 47 covers unaddressed each different. £80/£90
1995/2001 536
Banknote 15c type II vfu quality example Scott 1/9. £90/£95
1869 537
1893 538
Columbus 1c to 30c (10) very fine mint. SG235/44. £400/£450
1893 539
Columbus high value $1. SG246. Fine mint Cat. £1300. £400/£450
1901 540
PAN-AM set of 6. SG300/05. Mint. £120/£140
1937 541
Duck Hunting $1 Scott RW4, NHM. Very fine. £100/£120
1939 542
Duck Hunting $1 UM. Scott RW6. $225. £50/£60
1940 543
Duck hunting $1 Scott RW7 nhm. Imperf at base $225 £40/£50
1944 544
Hunting stamp $1 Geese, Scott RW11, very fine NHM. £40/£45
1945 545
Hunting Stamp $1, Scott RW12, very fine NHM. £30/£35
1958/63 546
Hunting Stamps - The set of six for each year Scott RW25 - RW30 mint. Majority NHM and very fresh, Cat. $605. £120/£140
1964/69 547
Hunting Stamps. The set of six for each year Scott RW31 - RW36, unmounted mint. Very fine. £110/£120
1970/75 548
Hunting Stamps, the set of 6 for each year Scott RW37/42, unmounted mint. £60/£70
1976/2001 549
Miniature Sheet/Sheetlets collection with better sheets Inc. Disney Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Roadrunner, That's all folks, Sylvester without Die Cut, Cat. $265+ seen Trans-Mississippi sheetlets. A very good range of 98 MS/Sheetlets, face value $480 huge Cat. Value. £320/£350
American Military Mail Inc. WWII Covers/Cards (13) and APO covers (17) sent 1944 APO 610 with base 0065 censor handstamp, postal card with APO 610 and boxed 00616 censor handstamp, air Env. with censor 00658 handstamp, 1945 stamped Env. APO 860 and base 0065 censor handstamp. Interesting with many scarce covers, needs writing up for display. £300/£350
COIL STAMPS strips of 5 with plate numbers 1980's paired inc consumer 20c pl 1,3,4 Scott cat $120, a very good lot of 49 strips UM £100/£120
SPACE - USA 1962 project mercury man in space stamp remarkable press photo signed by the stamp designer Charles Chickering together with certificate of authenticy. Exhib item. £100/£110
Flight cover from Sarandi to Montevided. Four stamp combination. An experimental flight. VF. £70/£75 Q 1923 553
FINE SELECTION of mostly um material on cards 1930/54 inc popular coat of arms sets, airmails to 20b fine lot, highly cat. (50+) £100/£110
1884/96 555
Postal fiscal high values used Inc. postally and CTO, 28 unchecked for printings Inc. 4/- pair on piece, 4/-, 6/CTO, 10/- pair on piece with TPO cancel 15/- CTO. A fine lot. £320/£350
1861 556
Swan 4d SG40 with DOUBLE PERFORATION error fine mint. Normal Cat. £475. Very fine. Unusual. £180/£200
1918 557
Postage dues SHS ovpt set of 8 fresh mint plus 1f inverted ovpt and unissued 6f SGD85/92 (11). £40/£50
Varieties/Errors 1918/19 issues Inc. War Fund with ovpt. Inv. 1918 First issue 5h, 90h ovpt. Inv. 5h and 25h First "1" missing from 1918 . An interesting lot of 46 stamps to enhance your collection, fresh mint. £80/£90
* 1895/1959 559
Postal Stationery unused inc. Postal/Reply Card, Postal Cards, Wrappers, Letter Cards, Specimen ovpt (3). A very good lot of 41 items. £180/£200
1899 560
Sultan set of 17 to 5r top value fine used. SG 188/204 £160/£170
* 1953/54 561
Registered envelopes 30c uprated (7) with a variety of frankings sent to USA. Seldom seen. £90/£100