AS A NEW YORK EDUCATOR, you have an exciting opportunity to revolutionize how your teacher’s teach, your student’s learn and your parent’s engage. Pearson’s Schoolnet Data Dashboard will help you significantly enhance teaching and learning in your district by providing you with instant access to instructionallyfocused and standards-aligned student performance data and other teaching tools from the moment you login each morning.
The Schoolnet Data Dashboard is designed to provide quick, “zero-click” access to each user’s most critical and relevant data and tasks, meaning all data is available at-aglance on one clean and user-friendly interface. From here, you can easily dig deep into the data with only a few clicks. All users see role-appropriate dashboards, district and state resources, report banks, and district announcements and alerts. With minimal clicks or via the search feature, easily drill down to the individual student profile level for in-depth student information. The Schoolnet Data Dashboard gives you the information you need to make data-informed decisions every day, so you can work smarter, not harder. Instructionally-Focused Teacher Tool Schoolnet Data Dashboard is an The invaluable tool for teachers. By simply viewing their classroom dashboard, teachers can create student groups based on performance to differentiate instruction. There’s also access to classroom-based reports such as item analysis and standards mastery reports so you can dig deeper into what students understand or struggle with.
Teachers can save time with lesson planning tools linked to an instructional materials and Common Core standards bank. Browse, search, recommend, or save your favorite items. Reporting and Analysis Solution
Our reporting and analysis tools give you three main ways to look at your students’ data:
1. Dashboards with Key Performance Indicators that puts critical school or classroom management data at your fingertips, great for tracking towards your goals on a day-to-day basis. 2. Pre-formatted reports that let you quickly analyze data with the most common formats, like skill-based reports and item analyses, perfect for monthly principal meetings or regular PLC discussions. 3. Custom reports that let you “under the hood” so you can look at data from every possible angle when you need to analyze complex issues.
Role-based views show actionable data to the entire learning community Administrator View Administrators and school leadership view a critical Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dashboard that provides an at-a-glance view of the performance status of their state, district and school. With a single click, administrators can disaggregate KPI information by school, grade, or student subgroups as well.
Teacher View Teachers are shown easy to understand data to make decisions about instruction in the classroom. Search and browse instructional materials, Common Core and NY State Learning Standards, and utilize benchmark assessment data in classroom reports and planning calendars.
Parent View Parents can access their child’s grades, state assessment information, attendance, and standards-based assessment results to stay involved in their child’s education and have a common set of information to reference when engaging the school and teachers.
Student View Students login to check their attendance, grades, and view homework assignments. Or take online assessments with the optional assessment program.
EIGHT REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE THE SCHOOLNET DATA DASHBOARD: 1. Dashboard views are configured and relevant to each user’s role in the system. No searching! 2. Access to a wizard-driven report builder that provides users with maximum flexibility for customized reporting. 3. Numerous pre-formatted reports for the most commonly used data views like test performance by standard. No more recreating the wheel for teachers. 4. Proven Early Warning Indicator Flag (EWIF) gives districts and schools the ability to track student’s progress, and act on it to prevent students from dropping out.
5. Comprehensive student profiles which detail current and historical student information such as course enrollments, grades, local interim/benchmark results, attendance, and discipline. 6. A user-friendly parent view provides families with the timely information they need to monitor and engage in the learning process. 7. Included instructional planning tools to help your teachers and curriculum leaders utilize instructional materials linked with Common Core standards, easing the transition. 8. Schoolnet is a full-feature solution that lets you add-on additional tools when you’re ready to “grow-as-you-go”.
GROW WITH SCHOOLNET With our “grow-as-you-go� philosophy, you have the option to add on additional Schoolnet capabilities to further support teaching and learning, including tools for comprehensive assessment, response to intervention, and educator development.
Educators immediately gain access to student assessment results so they can make real-time adjustments in instruction where needed. And, the system provides maximum flexibility for creating and administering assessments using any combination of off-the-shelf scan forms, plain paper, online testing, and/or via personal response devices.
Districts that combine our full suite of tools will have the most holistic, integrated, and advanced system for driving student achievement ever available, the Schoolnet Instructional Improvement System (IIS). Examples of those growing with Schoolnet include the Kentucky Department of Education, the North Carolina Department of Instruction, and the Florida Department of Education. Optional Growth Opportunity: Our Assessment Solution Is your district ready to do even more? For Schoolnet Data Dashboard districts, you have the option to add powerful tools to implement formative assessment programs, measure progress and propel student performance. By turning on our assessment solution, you have the ability to conduct assessments that are fully integrated with the dashboard tool you already use. Using these tools, educators can create, deploy, and manage a variety of classroom, school, and district-wide assessment initiatives.
Online Assessment View
For Schoolnet Data Dashboard districts, Pearson is offering our award-winning assessment solution at a discounted price. Ask us for details! In addition to our assessment solution, Schoolnet also has tools for response to intervention (RTI) and educator development - so you can make Schoolnet your central hub that consolidates your educator tools and connects the entire learning community.
Sign up for one of our Schoolnet Data Dashboard webinars today at: 1-877-873-1550
GROW WITH SCHOOLNET Attend one of our weekly informational webinars at
To learn more about the EngageNY Portal and why you’re receiving this information, please visit If you have questions about the EngageNY Portal or the Data Dashboard selection process, please call 1-855-252-6900 or email