INFORMEDICAL - vol.7 iss.1

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he Philippines has experienced various calamities and disasters last year. It is easy to forget those moments, but not their aftermath that destroyed several houses, properties and claimed many lives. Assistance from different parts of the country and the world in various forms poured in a couple of months after the Yolanda (Haiyan) typhoon struck the Visayas region on November 8, 2013. Its victims are still struggling to move forward in life, yet not losing hope in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through our brethren. The 150 families who were temporarily housed at Erlinda’s home before (inset) and after the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Center in Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila were sent back home in Tacloban, Leyte on January this year to start a new life. Erlinda Gonzales and her family are from Guian, Eastern Samar. They have lost their properties and livelihood, but God kept them safe. The Lord made a way for the food supply to reach them after the disaster. Their makeshift roof, which was only made of canvas, kept them from getting wet. But the promised help to rebuild the houses did not come during the last two months. Later, they have received metal sheets and repair kit to complete the damaged roof. “I thank the Lord. Truly, the Lord is alive through you. You are a vessel of a blessing! Thank you so much. I praise the Lord!”, Erlinda said. “Thank you for the great help you gave to my mother in Ormoc City. She is very happy. She always thank God when she wakes up in the morning because she can now sleep peacefully and comfortably. May the Lord God richly bless you now and forever, Amen!”, said Susan Salbalion, whose family in Leyte was also helped in repairing their house. Typhoon Yolanda also made landfall in Estancia, Iloilo badly affecting communities and destroying fishing boats. There was also power outage, unavailability of potable water supply, and more people are getting sick. On March 31, a 2-day medical-dental-ophtha outreach was held in partnership with Compassion in Action and Military Christian Fellowship– Philippines, Inc. The outreach team has served more than 500 cases and shared the Gospel to the people in the area. They were very thankful that an outreach team had arrived and extended help to them. Back in Manila, five ‘Yolanda’ patients were still under medical treatment at the Philippine Orthopedic Medical Center. PHCF took the opportunity of alleviate their sufferings from their daily hospital expenses (food and adult diaper) provisions on April 14. Experts say that it would take more than five years for the calamity-stricken area to rebuild their communities. You can be a channel of blessing. Give help through your praying, giving and volunteering with PHCF letting the victims know that Jesus Christ is alive! However, through these tragic events, God is still at work. He is longing for them to come to know Him and for His children to be used by Him in bringing the message of Hope to those in need, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God! - Jhundell Apas -

From the Director’s desk o you feel tired, discouraged, helpless and overwhelmed by your needs, and of others, that you face every day? Where do you go to find rest and satisfaction or even answer for the perplexities of life? If there is such place, would you just come once in a while or rather stay?

a full salvation and to truly know God as the God of our salvation.

The difficulties that are keeping us back from full salvation have their cause in this one thing: our defective knowledge and inconsistent practice of waiting on God. We must return to our true “Truly my soul waiteth upon God (in place– the place of total and continuous silent unto God): from him cometh my dependence upon God. salvation” Psalms 62:1 (KJV) Our relationship to God is one of Don’t be surprised! Man’s nature was complete poverty and helplessness as that not to have in him a fountain of life or of a babe. We need to begin to see it and strength or happiness. God as the Creator consent to it. We must receive what the formed man to be a vessel in which He Holy Spirit works each moment. Then could show His power and goodness. The waiting on God becomes our brightest ever living God was, each moment, to be hope and joy. God in His infinite love, the communicator to man of all that was delights to impart His own nature to His needed. Man’s glory and blessedness was child as fully as He can. He is not weary in not to be dependent upon himself but on a keeping charge of our life and strength. God of infinite richness and love. Every God unceasingly gives and works as His moment, man was to have the joy of child unceasingly waits and receives. receiving out of fullness of God. This is the blessed life. Even in the regenerate man, there is no power of goodness in oneself. He has and can have nothing that he does not receive each moment. Waiting on God is just as indispensible, continuous and unbroken as breathing that maintains man’s natural life.

In that place of total and continuous dependence upon God we find rest, courage, peace, satisfaction and answer. As we wait on God we are transformed to become like Christ. Moment by moment His Spirit is at work in us bringing light and life to this dying world, ascribing to Him the glory of being If salvation comes from God and is His ALL. May God teach us not only to come work, our just and highest duty is to wait but to stay in that blessed life of waiting on on Him to do the work that pleases Him. Him. Waiting is then the only way to experience INFORMedical EDITORIAL STAFF Gem Adao - Managing Editor/ Layout Artist -

FEED US BACK THROUGH... Philippine HCF Hebronmanila Dr. Sharon Cosalan, Ivy Alcarde, Kris Tabula The INFORMedical is the triannual newsletter of the Philippine Healthcare Christian Fellowship - Contributing Editors Jundel Apas, Melchor Seguiente -Photographers JayPee Policarpio - Editorial Consultant 2 INFORMedical

published in the Philippines with Editorial Office at 280 N. Romualdez St. Mandaluyong City with Contact Number: (+632)533-0325 INFORMedical has no subscription price; it is supported completely through contributions. To help support this publication, contact PHCF for details.


- Dr. Sharon Cosalan -

ebruary 4— I had the opportunity to share God's Vision for the Health Field using the Audio Visual Presentation. Recently, we had a reunion with my batch mates from the Saint Louis University College of Medicine (SLUCM), batch of 1989 . Dr. Sharon (infront,2nd from left) and SLUCM batch ‘89

Few days after the main reunion, a Christian batch mate, Dr. Joy Libao invited us to her residence to continue the reunion, especially for those who did not make it to the main reunion. She also asked me to share an inspiring message. So I took the opportunity to inspire them by sharing the PHCF AVP and also using the brochures. They listened intently and asked questions. Thank you very much for standing with me in prayer. Pray that they will be PHCF members too and that out of this event some will go for trainings.

HCF celebrated with the Philippine General Hospital Christian Fellowship's (PGHCF) Bible Study Group –Accounting Services 3rd Anniversary in Manila on March 3. Ms. Linda Cambia, a former PGH employee and PGHCF member, took the opportunity to share God's Vision for the Health Field among them. In a busy working condition, such as in PGH, it was a blessing that Christians set aside an hour of their lunch break to meeting, fellowshipping, praising and worshipping God together once a month.

Noy Seguiente sharing the vision in Cembo, Makati

- Jhundell Apas -

Linda Cambia (inset) presenting the vision at the Philippine General Hospital, Manila

ome 30 pastors and church workers have gathered together for the 5-Fold Ministry Conference held in Cembo, Makati on February 28. The event was hosted by Ministerial Equipping Global Alliance (MEGA), which is composed of churches from Taguig, Makati, Quezon City, Antipolo, Bulacan, and Tarlac. PHCF National Coordinator, Dr. Grace Ramirez, acts as one of the advisers of MEGA. MEGA Vice Chairman, Pastor Ronnie Vasquez, invited PHCF to share God’s Vision for the Health Field among them. It is our prayer that every Christian health worker and volunteer will be prepared, equipped and mobilized to serve Him in the health field. INFORMedical 3

was thinking of a way how to pray together with my Bible Study (BS) group since the “No Noonbreak” policy for all government offices was implemented. We are only given 30 minutes to have our lunch break and we cannot meet together more than that. I prayed to God and His answer came just in time.” Ms. Leah dela Rosa is an accounting clerk at the Philippine General Hospital, a state hospital with 1, 500 bed-capacity and an average of 3,000 outpatients per day. She not only started one Prayer Triplet (PT) group, but has established six more, meeting at least one PT group per day in a week.

Leah and the PHCF staff at the abandoned room in the Accounting Department

As a Christian, why do you think prayer is important? Prayer is our communication with God and therefore is essential in our Christian growth. No one can claim that he is a Christian and not communicate with the Father in Heaven. He is the source of everything. Prayer is our link to our Creator, wherein we can know His will and whatever He wants us to do or accomplish. Can a busy employee still have time for fellowship or prayers? Yes of course. Even though one says he is busy, he still has time to chat most especially during break time. That is the time when we can relate to others, pray together and have fellowship. How was the PT introduced to you? Last January, Ms. Linda Cambia, then from Personnel Department, gave me the Prayer Triplet brochure. It says that we can gather for 10-15 minutes only. I said “I will try this one, Lord”. And praise God, because it has been two months that we are doing it now. How did you start a PT? I chose Christians who have the passion to pray and show commitment. I asked some of them during our regular gathering if they are willing to meet together for just 1015 minutes of prayer. I gave emphasis on the duration because I do not want them to be out of their offices for too long. I then formed a PT group for Monday. The next day, I asked the Lord again to lead me to the right people. Eventually, I realized that I’ve completed all the days of the week. I am meeting a group every day. What are the challenges? There are moments when I felt lazy to stand up and go to my group members up in the laboratory. There are even times when I wanted to cry out, “Lord, I’m tired”. I’d express those feelings up in prayer, so I won’t be lead to sleepiness or tiredness. Thank God, He lifts me up and holds me firm. Sometimes, it is also a challenge to not quit. I had two members who did not show up after the first meeting. One of them said that she lost the desire (to meet). I told the Lord,” if a Christian will lose appetite, it should not be on learning God’s Word.” I just prayed that the Lord will resolve whatever issues she is going through. Any answered prayers so far? We’ve been praying for one of my member’s husband. They often have conflict. The following meeting, she shared that they were more at peace now. She herself became calm and often in the mood for prayer. She often remember what I said “not to grow tired even though we do not see any result.” She continues because there is hope in her. One was asked to go to church. Another became curious about her faith. Personally, it was an answer when I found 14 committed people whom I can pray with each day. My faith in God also grew deeper. I thought that meeting one small group a week is fine, but I felt that my day was incomplete. It seemed that there was something missing, but the Lord made it complete. He continually gives me joy in doing these things and in glorifying Him. It is God who makes these happen, not me. Where do you meet your PT group? My group meets here in the abandoned room of the accounting department. Another group is from the laboratory so we likewise meet there. There is also a group from Research Department, so I go up there. What advice can you give to those who are starting their own PT? Do not get tired, because at times it may take a year or so for you to see the answers to your prayers. In my 20 years of service, it has only been three years since I started a Bible Study Group. Do not despair nor regret. Just trust in the Lord. Wait on Him because He alone is the answer to everything. It’s all in Him – Christ Jesus! - Jhundell Apas 4 INFORMedical

- Kris Tabula -

HOW TO START Find two other Christians who are willing to get together with you for five to ten minutes at a specific time and location. This can be during lunch, break-time or before or after work. BE SPECIFIC

Kris sharing Prayer Triplet at Victory Center in Bgy. Tumaga, Zamboanga City

fter many months of waiting in prayer, the Prayer Triplet Seminar has finally become a reality. The seminar was done at Victory Center, Barangay Tumaga, on January 11. It was a 3-hour seminar that focused on the importance and impact of prayer, and that introduced the concept of Prayer Triplet. It was attended by around 30 people from different sectors. Part of the seminar was sharing God’s Vision for the Health Field. The role of the healthcare workers and how healthcare affects the entire community were emphasized. Through the sharing of the vision, it created awareness in the participants of the nature of this ministry and the condition of the healthcare system. I was able to engage with some of the healthcare workers who attended during the seminar. In the end, we can all testify that the purpose of the event has been fulfilled in each one of us who were there — organizers and participants alike. We were able to receive what was in store for us that day. All glory is His!

Each person prays specifically for three other people who do not yet know Christ as their Savior. A total of nine people are being prayed for. Pray also for the specific needs of those nine people; for the need and direction of yourself and your two prayer partners. HOW TO KEEP GOING Alone: In your own time, pray daily for the three people you want to see won to Christ. Pray also for your two prayer partners. Together: Take time to share answered prayer. Pray that additional Prayer Triplet groups may start. When the three people you are praying for become Christians, continue to pray for them, but add others to your list.

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hy do missionaries leave the mission field? Why is debriefing important for everybody, and not just when there is a crisis? Fifteen full time staff, National Action Team members and PHCF friends were privileged to know more about debriefing and staff attrition. This seminar was conducted by Brenda Bosch, a South African missionary who served in the Youth With A Mission (YWAM).

- Gem Adao -

Following are the testimonies of the staff: “I have learned the importance of self-care for a young missionary Brenda Bosch like me.” “Debriefing is a lifestyle. It is important for everybody, not just for someone who encountered a traumatic experience.” “I have learned that debriefing is the unpacking of issues, therefore, in the ministry, it means carrying one another’s burden.” Praise God for the success of this seminar!

aving been among the 29 trainee-nurses, we all felt intense spiritual battle as we went through the recent Total Patient Care (TPC) Seminar held at World Citi Medical Center (WCMC) on April 10. It was more intense than what we have experienced in previous seminars. There was a strong lethargic atmosphere at the beginning of the training. As the seminar progressed, there seemed to be something oppressive, that is trying to push me as I talked about God. When I started to talk about the spiritual needs of the patients, I suddenly felt very dizzy, so I have to ask Jundel to continue on his topic. I went out of the room and asked Shinette to pray with me against the spirit of witchcraft that the Lord revealed. Ivy and the trainee-nurses at WCMC

During the second half of the seminar, in obedience to God’s leading, I shared with them something about my past. After I did that, the apathy and oppressive atmosphere disappeared and 10 of the other attendees raised their hands, surrendering their lives to Jesus. They prayed and received the forgiveness of their sin through the finished work of Jesus Christ—the Messiah on the cross. Most of them prayed the prayer audibly. Praise God! - Ivy Alcarde -

Sarah Parohinog

n January 23– 26, a DPS participant, Sarah Parohinog, a nurse from Commonwealth Medical Center testified, “The Divine Plumbline Seminar was my open door to freedom from being a spiritual orphan. I understood myself by knowing more about Jesus. Therefore, I was able to better understand and love the people around me: my family, colleagues at the hospital and patients. As a result, I became more effective at making a difference in the healthfield.” All glory to God for this changed life! - Gem Adao -

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- Gem Adao -

raise God for the successful Planning & Goal-setting done for 2014 during the last week of January. It was attended by the National Action Team (NAT), full time staff, Dr. Sharon Cosalan from Baguio City, and PHCF members, Wilma Castillo and Edith Vasquez. Continue to stand with us in prayer that the Lord will give wisdom and strategies on how the following will be implemented by the responsible persons assigned for each goal.

PHCF NAT, staff and members during the planning

Full-time staff (L-R): Shinette, Kris and Noy

 To inspire and equip 5,000 healthcare workers by the end of 2014  To equip at least 150 healthcare workers starting January 2014  PRAYER: To raise additional 50 intercessors for the Health Field  LITERATURE AND MEDIA: To produce Audio Visual Presentation for the hospitals and campus, and launch PHCF website  CAMPUS:To establish at least 1 Prayer Triplet in each campus where PHCF has contacts by June 2014 (World Citi College-Antipolo, QC, Caloocan, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, University of Santo Tomas)  HOSPITAL: To start HCF work in at least 10 hospitals in the Philippines starting Feb. 2014  LOCAL CHURCHES: To make HCF ministry known to at least 50 churches by the end of 2014  MEDICAL OUTREACH: To come up with a roster of medical professionals  FINANCES: To raise Php 200,000 for monthly expenses  INTERNAL ORGANIZATION: To raise at least three full time staff by the year 2014

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 HCFI Global Leadership Summit South Africa— May 3-8  3-Month HCFI Discipleship Course— July 7-September 27  Divine Plumbline Seminar — August 11-15

Date October 24-26 Venue Christian Development Center, Tagaytay City Theme

“Raising Up An Army of Intercessors in the Healthfield “ For further inquiries call PHCF office (+632)533-0325 or email us at

Prayer Points for Hebron:  Monthly needs of the staff and the building maintenance  Hebron be used for seminars & accommodation  Hebron Extension: God’s provision  God’s wisdom as we implement our goals individually and as a ministry  Hiring a new Office Secretary

By the grace of God and undergirded by its supporters, PHCF will become a prayerful, evangelical movement with trained people implementing Christ’s great commission within the healthcare field

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