INFORMEDICAL - vol.7 iss.2

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PHCF leaders Grace, Linda & Miriam together with the participants of the GLS 2014.

indful of how to effectively respond to the crucial challenges of our times, the Healthcare Christian Fellowship International (HCFI) initiated a Global Leadership Summit (GLS) of its leaders worldwide to communicate to the Regional/National fellowships the important call of the HCFI from the “old land” to the “new land”. The historic GLS held in Pretoria, South Africa on May 3-8, 2014 was attended by 115 leaders from 55 countries. PHCF was represented by Dr. Grace Ramirez, Ms. Linda Cambia and Ms. Miriam Salas, members of its National Action Team. Expounding on the GLS’ theme, “Leading Like Moses, Building Like Nehemiah,” HCFI leaders declared that our 78 old ministry is entering into a “new land” means moving into new levels of leadership, management and the development of a culture of excellence to make a lasting impact on our generation, specifically on the global health fields. In his stirring message based on the Book of Nehemiah, Dr. Chris Steyn, HCFI Coordinator said: “We were deeply stirred by the prayerful, careful and masterful way in which Nehemiah led his people to build the walls that were broken down in his city/nation”. Hence we too must declare: ‘Let us arise and build.’ (Nehemiah 2: 17-18). He emphasized the tremendous results of planning and working together as a team, of valuing and pooling of God-given resources and abilities to accomplish God’s purpose in our respective countries (Refer to Table 1). Turn to Page 8

In this issue... Dear Readers, We are living in a fast- paced generation. Advances in technology are rapid and trends change fast. It can be very dizzying, we can hardly cope up. Our ministry is also on the move— from the old land to the new land.

What is important about moving is not just the destination but the journey itself. The temptation to remain in the old ways, habits and pattern of thinking is very real. But God has called us to overcome, to be victorious, to finish our journey and finish well. In this issue, we give you a glimpse of the PHCF’s continuing journey into the new land. Together let’s celebrate the unchanging character of God— He who makes all things new.

- Gem A. Adao -

“Go therefore and make difficult to bring to salvation, that backsliders are difficult to disciples of all nations…” — Matthew 28:19 reclaim, or that there is a barrier of callous indifference. Jesus Christ did not say, “ No, the challenge comes from Go and save souls” (the the perspective of the salvation of souls is the missionary’s own personal with Jesus supernatural work of God), but relationship He said, “Go… make disciples Christ— “Do you believe that I of all nations…” Yet you cannot am able to do this?” (Matthew make disciples unless you are a 9:28). Our Lord unwaveringly disciple yourself. When the asks us that question, and it disciples returned from their confronts us in every individufirst mission, they were filled al situation we encounter. The with joy because even the one great challenge to us is— demons were subject to them. do I know my risen Lord? Do I But Jesus said, in effect, “Don’t know the power of His rejoice in successful service— indwelling Spirit? Am I wise the great secret of joy is that enough in God’s sight, but you have the right relationship foolish enough according to with Me” (see Luke 10:17-20). the wisdom of the world, to The missionary’s great trust in what Jesus Christ has essential is remaining true to said? Or am I abandoning the the call of God, and realizes great supernatural position of that his one purpose is to limitless confidence in Christ disciple men and women to Jesus, which is really God’s Jesus. There is a passion for only call for a missionary? If I souls that does not spring from follow any other method, I God, but from the desire to depart altogether from the make converts to our point of methods prescribed by our Lord— “All authority has been view. given to Me. Go therefore.” The challenge to the missionary does not come -From “My Utmost For His from the fact that people are Highest” by Oswald Chambers

INFORMedical EDITORIAL STAFF Gem Adao - Managing Editor/Layout Artist -

FEED US BACK THROUGH... Philippine HCF Hebronmanila

Dr. Sharon Cosalan Kris Tabula Noy Seguiente Jundel Apas - Contributing Editors -

This INFORMedical is the triannual newsletter of the Philippine Healthcare Christian Fellowship published in the Philippines with Editorial Office at 280 N. Romualdez St. Mandaluyong City with Contact Number: (+632)533-0325.

Bishop Jovie Galaraga Linda Cambia - Editorial Consultant -

INFORMedical has no subscription price; it is supported completely through contributions. To help support this publication, contact PHCF for details.

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- Dr. Sharon B. Cosalan art of our mandate as Christians is to be good stewards of our environment. Thus, we also need to contribute to its care. Baguio City has a population that is greater than its water can supply. The water catch basin on the mountain needs trees around it to hold water from the rains. So there is a need to plant more trees. To this end, the Baguio-Benguet Chapter of the Philippine Academy of Family Physicians (PAFP) celebrated World Family Physicians' Day on May 18 by a tree-planting activity and a medical mission in Kabuyao, Mt. Sto. Tomas, Tuba, Benguet, around the water catch basin. Among the more than 40 members of the Chapter, four of us from PHCF Bible study group joined the Chapter President, Dr. Alunes, to help reforest the area and give free medical services to farmers' families: Nurse Angie Belgica, Dr. Nina Aluyen, Dr. Silva Tsuchiya and Dr. Sharon Cosalan. The activity gave us exciting opportunities to share the gospel, one-on-one to the patients. We "raised our flag " by asking Dr. Nina Aluyen, to pray for the food before we ate lunch together with some teachers and the head of the farmers' association. INFORMedical 3

- Gem A. Adao & Jundel V. Apas To pursue the goals and visions set in January this year, God generously opened new doors for PHCF’s hospital ministry.

The Medical City After almost four years of praying, the Lord finally opened the way to minister in this hospital, one of the most modern in the country. Through the partnership of Ms. Gem Adao, a PHCF staff, and Ms. Marjorie Remulta, Housekeeping Supervisor, three Bible study groups started in May and attended by the staff from the Housekeeping Department. Housekeepers have one of the biggest opportunities to share the gospel in hospitals. They don’t just take care of the cleanliness of the place, but they have unlimited access inside. Thus, they can have an influence not only on their co– workers, but also on patients and their relatives. As they get to know the Lord more and more, they also begin to recognize their big role for the gospel. Another highlight was the sharing of “God’s Vision for the Health Field” to the Christians in July. Ms. Mio Hosokawa from the Pharmacy Department was touched when she realized that her prayers can have a big impact in her area. Mr. Buddy Paranas, a Christian supervisor inquired for further training on Prayer Triplet. This encouraging developments indicates that God is moving mightily in this hospital and it is indeed ripe for harvest. We are confident that with faith and hope in God, a real spiritual breakthrough will take place.

1.PRAY 4 INFORMedical

for the Health field Workers, Missionaries, Leaders of the Hospital, and the Sick People


National Kidney & Transplant Institute A Christian employee has a vital and unique role in influencing people and making a difference in the workplace. PHCF is now back at the NKTI to set new goals. When the PHCF Vision/Mission was shared to Ms. Marichu C. Escober, Chief of the Purchasing Division by Ms. Shinette Banua, PHCF staff, she caught the vision, gladly opened her heart and expressed willingness to help in the ministry. Her leadership role was strategic and as a result, a Bible Study has started in her department in April 11. She is very receptive and when she learned about “God’s Plan for the Health Field”, she decided to implement it right away. We are trusting and believing for God’s mighty things in this hospital as Christians embrace and exercise their God– given authority and responsibility in their workplace.

Philippine Heart Center “Wait for the Lord and keep His way. He will exalt you to inherit the land;” - Psalms 37:34.

After several years of praying, the Lord has opened this cardiac hospital for God’s work through the PHCF ministry. Mr. Julius Calpe, Respiratory Therapist came to PHCF last January this year to learn how to seek God’s kingdom in his hospital and in his own life. We started praying for the hospital to be an altar of offering to God. When Mr. Calpe heard “God’s Vision for the Health Field”, in April, he became aware of his role in building God’s Kingdom in his hospital. As a result, he identified some Christians who like him, can be a part in transforming the lives of patients, caregivers and colleagues as well. At present, Mr. Melchor Seguiente and Mr. Jundel Apas, both PHCF staff, meet with him every week in his workplace. PHC’s facade always reminds us how God loves this hospital and we are excited to see how He will soon revive the hearts of all the workers for His glory.


It could be Time, Talent or Money


Hospital Visitations Encourage the Health field Workers Trainings and Seminars INFORMedical 5

Table 1. This table will give a better perspective and understanding of HCFI minis

Pioneering 1936-1989

Transition 199

Strategic concept

Ministers to healthcare staff & in turn reach patients & colleagues with the Gospel = indirect ministry to patients

Both indirect (mostl patients in collabor

Target Group

Initially nurses, then healthcare staff, strong student ministry

Ministry to healthc ministry


Mostly volunteers/full time workers/young single nurses /under national committees

Mostly volunteers / 150 national wor married staff; Staff

Leadership style

Directive partnerships were not actively sought

Transition towar partnership actively

Role of churches

Share HCF vision to mobilize prayer & financial support, identify Christian healthcare workers

Not much done with


Modular staff training courses in one training center in the Netherlands

Modular staff train Philippines, modu directors & training


A movement of like-minded people & of national organizations (for the most part relatively small) in an increasing number of countries who were inspired by the vision & the leadership of HCFI. A sense of being a worldwide family was actively nurtured, HCFI was strongly centralized in this.

HCFI is still a movem International Team key element in br organization, worldw actively furthered.

6 INFORMedical

stry from the beginning, present and the future.


Future 2011-2020

ly) & direct (some) ministry to ration with the local churches

Continue with indirect ministry to patients & colleagues via Christian workers, do direct outreach ministry with emphasis on local churches/communities

care staff but weak student

Healthcare workers/students, especially those in local churches

/ elderly staff 50 intl. team, rkers, part-time staff; more Management Policy in place

Many new workers needed of all age groups & in all categories

rds servant y sought

Servant leadership synergistic partnership networks


h the churches

Key for church health ministries, community health evangelism, equipping workers in the health field

ing courses in South Africa & ular training for national coordinators

Additional HCFI & partners collaborate in equipping the Body of Christ to express God’s love in the community through workplace & community health ministries

ment, but more structured in m, Strategic Planning Process ringing transformation in the wide family relationships is still

Streamlined God obedient family of Fellowships served by an international team that create partnership synergy for the coming of God’s kingdom among the sick in local communities & in healthcare. The family culture is now extended to include both the interpersonal as well as the corporate relationships among the respective National Fellowships with one another and with the international team.

INFORMedical 7

Guus Keilmal giving an outdoor lecture to the GLS participants

Dr. Chris Steyn, HCF International Coordinator

...Continued from Page 1 Other HCFI leaders, Dr. George Mc Donald, President of HCFI and Rev. Dalby Halms, International Board Member through their powerful messages based on Matthew 14:22-33 and Ezekiel 22:30 called on the GLS participants to be strong testimonials and practitioners of what Jesus Christ taught as the two greatest commandments: "Loving God with all your heart and loving your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 66:77 -39) and this, according to Dr. Chris Steyn should be the HCF’s strategy. Table 2. OLD LAND TRANSITION NEW LAND Leave behind:

 Autocratic leadership and passive followers

Dangers: Overreacting against old

 Individualistic pioneering orientation

 Old seven-fold ministries in

Take with:

and active co-servants

 Team work everywhere  New seven-fold ministries  Medical Outreaches (partially new)

Action Team

 Ministry to healthcare staff


 Servant leadership

 Community Health Ministry Helpers: Partners


 Mutually enhancing goals and activities

 Good communication within and between teams Obstacles/holding back:

 Fear of change  Lack of faith in what God can do

 Lack of vision; incomplete vision

- Linda B. Cambia 8 INFORMedical


- Kris I. Tabula Ciudad Medical Zamboanga

Zamboanga City Medical Center

Brent Hospital

raise God for new opportunities here in Zamboanga City! Since July 2013, three hospitals have already availed from the PHCF ministry in equipping healthcare workers. Ciudad Medical Zamboanga (CMZ) is a private hospital. I started meeting with Tessa Plagata and then eventually, Tina Lachica joined in. Both are nurses in this hospital and I meet with them every week. I was able to share the Prayer Triplet with them and we are strengthening it during our regular meeting. Every Tuesday, I conduct a Bible study with Tonette Escandar, a psychologist, Dr. Yolly Johan, a pulmo-specialist, Dr. Daisy Sembrano, a dentist, and Sarah Rosari, another full-time missionary at Zamboanga City Medical Center (ZCMC), a government hospital. Great things are happening to this group such that Tonette is now in the process of putting a private psyche assessment center that will have a vast opportunity to reach the lost. We are also looking forward to an established weekly fellowship that has prayer, worship, and Word of God and where healthcare workers can gather for a time of refreshing and equipping. We believe that the Lord will grant the desires of our hearts in due time! Recently, Brent Hospital opened its door for Bible Study! Through the help of Ms. Carol Bisquera, Chief Nurse (retired), I had the chance to cast the vision to Irene Vega and Karen Adjarani, who are both nurses and I thank God for their receptive hearts! We hope that someday God’s glory will be restored in this hospital for which it was built! We believe that He will raise more healthcare workers to advance His kingdom in this city! Though the work appears overwhelming, we are inspired and committed to keep on. As long as there are opportunities, we will go, conquer and plant the banner of Jesus Christ in these places. We believe that several healthcare workers in all hospitals here will envision themselves as answers to this prayer, accept the challenge to go and build God’s kingdom in their respective hospital. INFORMedical 9



“For God so Loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” - Romans 3:23

“By bearing your sins”- Isaiah 53:5,6



“By His death”- Romans 5:8 “He is the only way”- John 14:6

“But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” - John 1:12

“Heavenly Father, I believe the Lord Jesus died on the cross in my place, taking the punishment for my sins. I agree with You that I am a sinner. I confess my sins and ask for Your forgiveness. Thank You for Jesus’ blood which takes away my sins. By faith I open my heart and receive Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour. From now on, You take control of my life. Thank You Father for hearing me and giving me eternal life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.” If you have decided to trust Jesus Christ as your Savior after reading this “4 Steps to God”, please let us know. 10 INFORMedical

- Noy S. Seguiente od’s plan for this world is to establish His kingdom, a kingdom of righteousness, love, light and power. (Rom. 14:17; 1 Cor. 4:20). It starts in the hearts of individual men and women when they make Jesus the King of their lives. Because of man’s rebellion against God, the whole human race was plunged into sin, the result of which is eternal death (Rom. 5:12; John 8:34). Every Christian is commanded by our Saviour and Lord Jesus to share the Good News of His salvation to others. We call this “evangelism” and the Bible gives overwhelming evidence of its high priority:

The Example of Jesus The Lord Jesus Christ showed us the example when He was here on earth, reaching the lost. Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost”. “But He said: ‘I must preach the good news of the Kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” Luke 4:43

The Yearning Heart of God 2 Pet. 3:9b says, “. . . not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

God’s heart is grieving for every lost sinner. From the beginning He had only loving plans for man, the crown of His creation (Jer. 29:11). His heart’s desire is that all men will be saved.

The Great Commission Christ gave this command to His followers because He understood the deepest need of mankind – to be saved: “He said to them: ‘Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.’ “ (Mark 16:15) God’s command

requires wholehearted, unconditional obedience (John 20:21). Sharing the Gospel is not an optional extra. God has no other way to reach the lost than through redeemed men and women. He has entrusted His message of salvation not to angels, but to us. LET US DO IT.

THE OPPORTUNITY IN THE HEALTH FIELD As health field workers we have been presented with unequalled opportunities to reach men and women for Christ. Hospitals remain open even when churches are forcibly closed. People come to us from all backgrounds and levels of society; young and old, boys and girls, rich and poor, the educated and the illiterate, the religious and the atheist. They are in need of help and care. Being confined to a hospital bed, patients have more time to think. Taken out of their normal routine into an unfamiliar situation, they need support and are more receptive to the Gospel.

Health professions provide many opportunities for the practical demonstration of Christ’s compassionate care. This also creates a natural opening to speak about Him. The lives of people are entrusted to us. Their need is far greater than only for medicine, dressings or operations. We are in the strategic position to present to them Eternal Life through Jesus Christ!

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Prayer Points for Hebron:  Monthly needs of the staff and maintenance of the building  Be used for seminars & accommodation  God’s provision for Hebron building extension  God’s wisdom as we implement our goals individually and as a ministry  Hiring a new Office Secretary

 Regional Leadership Summit Sept. 14-25, 2015 (Thailand)

 Global Prayer Summit Nov. 2015 (Israel)

By the grace of God and undergirded by its supporters, PHCF will become a prayerful, evangelical movement with trained people implementing Christ’s great commission within the healthcare field.

 Asia Pacific Conference 2016 (Indonesia)

PHCF strives to Inspire and Equip all Christians serving in healthcare to manifest Jesus Christ in their daily life and work. PHCF NATIONAL ACTION TEAM Dr. Lourdes D. Ramirez - National Coordinator Ms. Erlinda B. Cambia - National Secretary Dr. Arlyn Grace V. Guico - National Treasurer Dr. Sharon B. Cosalan Ms. Lolita T. Lim Ms. Asuncion “Mary” C. Mangosing Ms. Remedios U. Ramos Ms. Cecilia “ Miriam” S. Salas Bishop Jovie A. Galaraga - Spiritual Adviser

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