hen Jesus asked, “What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches.”
Success doesn’t depend on the size but the OBJECT of our faith.
CONTENTS Called Not To Be Successful But Faithful
The depth of our faith comes from how well we know the OBJECT of our faith.
A Stroll Down Memory Lane 7 Building Blocks of Shots 9 Historical Timeline
Hebron: Discipling The Nations 14 Faithful ‘Til The Very End of The Age 16 Ministry Programs
Inspire & Equip Disciple-Making Disciples 18 PHCF Schedule of Trainings 20 2
PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
EDITORIAL STAFF Jundel Apas Managing Editor/Layout Ivy Alcarde Contributing Editor Anne Medilo Yvea Latoza Shinette Banua Kristianne Tabula Noy Seguiente
Linda Cambia Bishop Jovie Galaraga Editorial Consultants
Not to us, O Lord,
not to us but to Your name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness. ~ Psalm 115:1 (NIV) ~
By the grace of God and undergirded by its partners, PHCF will become a prayerful evangelical movement with trained people obeying Christ's Great Commission within the healthcare field.
PHCF strives to INSPIRE and EQUIP all Christians serving in the healthcare to demonstrate Jesus Christ in their daily life and work.
Inspire and equip Christian healthcare workers and local churches to minister God’s love.
The unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Godhead The person of our Lord Jesus Christ as very God and very Man, born of the Virgin Mary, His real bodily resurrection and His ascension into Heaven. The Divine Inspiration and supreme authority of the Holy Scripture in all matters of faith and conduct. The guilt and depravity of human nature in consequence of the Fall. The substitutionary death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His resurrection as the only way of salvation from sin through repentance and faith. The necessity for the new birth by the Holy Spirit and His indwelling in the believer for sanctification and service. The personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the judgement to come for the just and the unjust. The resurrection of the body and eternal life. Hell as a place of eternal punishment for all who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. Heaven as a place of everlasting blessedness for all who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray effectively for partners
Lordship of Jesus Filled with the Holy Spirit Filled with the Word Prayer Evangelism Discipleship Holiness & Sacrificial Service Excellence Temperance & Balance
Christ-like medical care touches the well-spring of human response as few things can. Christians in the health field have unequalled opportunities for witness and service through a compassionate ministry to the whole man. PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
Called not to be
Successful FAITHFUL
~ Ivy Alcarde
n his book, “Beyond Hunger: A Biblical Mandate for Social Responsibility, ” Art Beals tells an interesting episode when then US Senator Mark Hatfield toured Calcutta with Mother Teresa visiting the so-called “House of Dying,” where sick children are cared for in their last days, and the dispensary, where the poor line up by the hundreds to receive medical attention. Watching Mother Teresa minister to these people, feeding and nursing those left by others to die, Hatfield was overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the suffering she and her co-workers face daily. “How can you bear the load without being crushed by it?” he asked. Mother Teresa replied, “My dear Senator, I am not called to be successful, I am called to be faithful.”
meetings, key people who were touched and responded to the vision started HCF groups.
In April 1963, Mr. Francis Grim, founder of Healthcare Christian Fellowship International (HCFI) came to the Philippines for the first time. With Dr. Virgilio C. Canlas, a Filipino contact, he visited Mary Johnston Hospital, Emmanuel Cooperative Hospital and the Philippine General Hospital where he shared the HCF vision with healthcare professionals. As a result of this
Soon, other Christians in healthcare, who caught the vision, joined PHCF. They believed that everyone who passes through hospital doors should have the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. They were determined to have a part in fulfilling this exciting vision.
In the HCF International Conference in Wales, United Kingdom in 1978, Uncle Francis (as he was fondly called) met Rev. Virgie Cruz, a well-known Christian leader in the Philippines at that time. When she heard the HCF vision, she became passionate about seeing healthcare professionals in the country as vessels of Christ’s healing ministry to the whole person. She later functioned as the first PHCF National leader. On April 30, 1980, Philippine Hospital Christian Fellowship (PHCF) was registered with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the leadership of Rev. Cruz.
In 1981, Dr. Lourdes “Grace” Ramirez got involved with PHCF through the invitation of Rev. Cruz. Despite the lack of full-time workers at that time, PHCF held many seminars to spread the vision of ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of hospital staff, patients and visitors. Rev. Cruz allowed the PHCF to establish an office in the church where she was then the pastor. Winnie Miscreola, completed the 7-month training in 1982 at Holland. She became
PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
PHCF’s first full-time worker. Likewise, Johnny Cometa and Becky Pascual, who were trained, also joined PHCF as full-time workers in 1983 and 1986 respectively.
Thirty-five years later, we are still experiencing God’s faithfulness to PHCF. This has challenged us, likewise to be faithful. Being faithful in our tasks reminds us of the classic story of the Chinese bamboo. This amazing plant A three-week Asian Leadership Course, held displays no growth at all in the first year after in 1986 in Baguio City, was a turning-point in being planted. Can you imagine how discouraged steering the direction of PHCF. This course was the farmer would be? However, he continues to attended by the PHCF staff and National Action nurture it. In the 2nd year, the same sad story is Team members, as well as representatives from repeated – still no growth. Nothing is happening! Taiwan, Thailand, Myanmar and Youth With A He continues to water and fertilize it. The 3rd and Mission members from both the Philippines and 4th year, is the same - nothing appears to be hapthe USA. pening at all. By now, the farmer is ready to give up! Then suddenly, in the 5th year, The Course was followed the bamboo shoots up to a by two weeks of prayerful height of 90 feet within 60 days! planning, during which time an Through the courses, Amazing! attempt was made to clarify the strategy of PHCF to reach the healthcare workers were God allows unique seasons health fields of the country. It inspired and equipped to in our lives and in the ministry. was facilitated by Leonora van manifest Jesus in their Happy and secure is the worker Tonder, who, later would daily life and work. who takes hold of this truth. There become the Southeast Asian is a time to plant, a time to nurRegional Promoter for HCFI in ture and a time to harvest. From 1987. It was her first visit to the the human perspective, it may country and she was assisted by Nelly Oosterom, a seem as if nothing much is happening. However, nurse from Holland. During this time, Leonora felt God is creatively and silently doing His work. He that the Lord wanted to establish an HCF Training promised in Galatians 6: 9 that we will reap if we Base in the Philippines in the future. don’t give up. Thus, we have every reason to In 1988, Dr. Ramirez, attended the HCFI stand firm, be immovable and faithful, because World Staff Conference in Israel where she heard our labor is never in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthe Lord’s call to serve full-time in PHCF. Later the thians 15:58) His harvest has started to come for same year, she attended a three-month HCF PHCF and we believe it will increase more and Discipleship Course in Holland to prepare her for more in the years ahead. full-time work. Upon her return, Dr. Ramirez, with Leonora and the PHCF team, commenced the challenging work of widening the impact of PHCF. They visited several hospitals in major cities and areas around the country. Through the training courses, healthcare workers were inspired and equipped to manifest Jesus in their daily life and work. PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
NATIONAL ACTION TEAM Dr. Lourdes “Grace” D. Ramirez National Coordinator
Ivy Alcarde
Ms. Erlinda B. Cambia National Secretary
Jhundell Apas
Dr. Arlyn Grace V. Guico Treasurer
Shinette Banua
Ms. Asuncion “Mary” C. Mangosing Prayer Coordinator
Dr. Sharon B. Cosalan Member
Ms. Lolita T. Lim Member
Ms. Remedios U. Ramos Member
Ms. Cecilia “Miriam” S. Salas Training Promoter
Bishop Jovie A. Galaraga Spiritual Adviser
PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
Yvea Rizzy Latoza (Visayas)
Anne Medilo
Melchor ‘Noy’ Seguiente Jr.
Demee Sevilla (Mindanao)
Kristianne Tabula (Mindanao)
“…as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you…“ John 20:21
Memory Lane
I was actively involved in an Evangelical church at V. Luna Hospital where I started a core group with Joy Abrenica of PHCF. It was through this that I got involved in the different activities of the PHCF doing Bible Studies, Medical Mission and International Prayer Day. In 1989, I was reassigned to different places outside V. Luna Hospital in Quezon City to share God’s plan of salvation to every person. I was able to meet staff nurses, patients, employees and conducted Bible Studies in the workplace. From 9-12th of February 2000, I completed the Healthcare Christian Fellowship Children Ministry Basic Training Course at Cagayan de Oro City. This was organized by the Healthcare Christian Fellowship International and it deepened my concern for children and youth. Prior to my compulsory retirement as full service on November 10, 2011, I was assigned to Fort Bonifacio General Hospital. I conducted Interpersonal Relationship seminar in cooperation with PHCF. I am now actively a part of the Military Christian Fellowship and participate in different activities connected with PHCF. I will do this until Jesus comes. To God be the glory! COL. FE MAHOR
My first involvement with PHCF was in 1988. At that time I was recuperating from a mild stroke when my friend, Ptr. Johnny Cometa invited me to be his reliever in his post while he was on HCF training in Holland. Actually, my previous hospital ministry in 1986 while studying at the Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary in
Baguio City has prepared me to accept the challenge to be part of PHCF. My remarkable experience while working at PHCF was, doing the actual ministry - Bible studies and seminars in different hospitals like V. Luna, Philippine Heart Center, National Kidney Institute, Philippine Orthopedic, Philippine Veterans and Perpetual Hospital—Las Piñas. I personally witnessed God’s hands worked in the lives of many staffs and patients and ushered them to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. In my time, PHCF was already actively fulfilling the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 “ Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” and in prayer ministry. Of course, it continues to obey the Lord’s last command until Jesus comes again. PTR. FELIX A. DE RAMOS
I first got involved with PHCF when Sis Mary Mangosing started coming to VMMC (Veterans Memorial Medical Center) to minister to our Christian group. Our activities included prayers, Bible Study (BS), praise and worship, singing, patient visitation, Jericho walk, discipleship, seminars and anniversaries, joining Christian groups (like ‘Doctors In Touch’) Christmas and Holy Week celebrations. I also had the opportunity to attend the HCFI 1st Regional Conference at White Rock, Subic on February 1994. Sisters Mary and Joy Abrenica faithfully prayed and ministered to us - they inspired, coached, helped, motivated us in our Christian walk as well as in our ministry at VMMC. I was then at the peak of my career as a physician and a young Christian. Miracles happened when we prayed before our surgeries, prayed for patients and fellow employees in between our office schedule or after office hours. Through prayers, our Bible studies at VMMC with God bringing a new generation of (Please continue on Page 8) PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
(Continued from Page 7)
consistent and timely provider at all times.
committed health workers.
In my time, PHCF was in its initial stage doing evangelism but somewhat weak in discipleship.
God also blessed us with promotions to higher positions and were given favor and recognition from the Director’s office. As a result, during trainings, seminars and other events, we were able to lead prayers, give opening remarks and other opportunities to honor the Lord. In addition we were able to conduct BS during office hours just like volleyball, bowling and other sports activities. Christian value seminars were also conducted as part of the human resource development. DR. LILIA LORENZANA
I praise God for the privilege and joy of serving Him through the PHCF. Since I am a Pastor’s wife now, my top priority is to focus on pastoral work with my husband, and take care of my family but surely my heart beats for PHCF which is in my prayers regularly. WINNIE DE LA ROSA MISCREOLA
I got involved in PHCF in 1982. I was a junior auditor at Sycip Gorres Velayo CPA’s. I resigned when God called me to work as full time for Him. In search of an avenue for service to my Lord and Master, the Lord clearly impressed in my heart the PHCF vision. “More people pass through the hospitals of the world than through its churches.” I met Rev. Virgie Cruz when she conducted a Total Patient Care Seminar (TPC). The former Rose Gomez (now Lapasaran) and I got the prototype, so we started introducing the PHCF vision and mission in the hospitals of Manila - PGH, Abad Santos Hospital and also outreach ministries to hospitals in Misamis Occidental, Samar and other provinces. As for the achievement, I thank God for the opportunity to have served in the National Action Team (NAT) for several years. During those times, NAT was already very supportive of one another, which was remarkable because each had work and other activities outside PHCF. They continue to serve with passion and enthusiasm in handling the PHCF operations. It has been a challenging experience because the Lord has remained a 8
So after I graduated from my training as required for all fulltime workers, HCFI ministry approaches and strategies were implemented in the Philippines.
PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
I first came to know PHCF in 1988 when I met Solima, Joy Abrenica, Mary Mangosing and Miriam Salas at the Armed Forces of the Philippine Medical Center in V. Luna Road, Quezon City. I was then with the Medical Board of the Center. I knew it was God’s call and time. I remember two remarkable experiences in PHCF: The Prayer Summit and HCF conference in Indonesia. During the divided seminars, I chose the topic “How to Minister to a Dying Patient.” For me, ministering to a dying patient was one of the challenging experiences in my life. First I am not a medical worker and second, it was not my passion. But when God called me to work for His kingdom He gave me the burden to reach out to patients not only for their physical needs but mainly their spiritual needs. I thank God that through the Bible Study group we had at the Center He used me in gathering my friends to join and they received spiritual blessings. HELEN ARANAS
Ground Breaking Prayer for Hebron Bldg.
Digos, Local Action Team (LAT)
General Santos City group
Francis and Erasmia Grim with Miriam Salas
Ptr. Engr. Gerry Valle overseeing Hebron Bldg. construction
Hebron Bldg. Construction
Leonora Van Tonder and Dr. Lourdes “Grace” Ramirez
Dedication of Hebron Bldg.
PHCF Core Group Meeting, 1985
Iloilo Local Action Team (LAT)
LDR Dental Clinic, Mandaluyong City
PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
Philippine Hospital Christian Fellowship registered with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) HCFI founder’s, Francis Grim, first Philippine visit and shared the HCF vision in Mary Johnston Hospital, Emmanuel Cooperative Hospital, and Phil. Gen. Hospital. HCF groups were started.
‘7 0
l i r Ap
3 6 19
Rev. Virgie Cruz met Mr. Grim at the HCFI Conference in Wales, United Kingdom.
The 1st PHCF National leader
The ministry of Jesus Christ was aimed at the whole man: body, soul and spirit, and He commissioned His disciples to continue this ministry in His Name. “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” -Jesus (John 20:21)
PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
Passion Filipin profession Christ’s he the whole person.
th Hebron, the HCFI Asia-Pacific Training Center was built.
First 3 full-time staff: Winnie, Johnny and Becky
0 0 0 2
‘1 5
2020 Diamond Jubilee HCFI 75th Anniversary World Conference Global Prayer Summit
‘ 90 Asian Leadership Course, held in Baguio City, became a turning -point in steering the direction of PHCF
Dr. Lourdes “Grace” Ramirez involved with PHCF through Rev. Cruz.
PHCF’s name was amended to Philippine Healthcare Christian Fellowship Inc. Leonora Van Tonder became the Southeast Asian Regional Promoter for HCFI.
Published the first Prayer Calendar
nate in seeing no healthcare nals as vessels of ealing ministry to e
Timeline PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
HCFI 75th Anniversary, Crowne Plaza, Pasig City with President and Chairman, Dr. George McDonald (inset)
Baguio Leadership Conference
1st HCFI 3-month Discipleship Course 2002 , Hebron Bldg., Mandaluyong City
Retreat at Kalikid, Nueva Ecija
1st Batch HCFI Discipleship Course at Philippine Women’s Medical Association, Quezon
3rd HCFI 3-month Discipleship Course 2002, Hebron Bldg., Mandaluyong City HCFI Board in Korea, 2006
2nd HCFI Discipleship Course, Mandaluyong City 12
PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
1st HCFI Regional Conference Olongapo City, 1994
Quirino Memorial Medical Center Local Action Team (LAT)
Cagayan De Oro group at the 1st HCFI Regional Conference , Olongapo City in 1994
National Kidney & Transplant Institute
OJT Trainees in Baguio Gen Hospital in 2008
2nd HCFI Discipleship Course Cavite City in 1993
HCFI Advance Training Course 2004 Hebron Bldg., Mandaluyong City
Philippine Orthopedic Center
Perpetual Help Medical Ctr. LAT National Action Team 1989
PHCF Seminars at Good News Clinic and Hospital - Banaue, Ifugao
1st HCFI Southeast Asia Conference HCFI Seminars at Siliman University, Dumaguete City
1984 First Board meeting
PHCF Staff & NAT at the 35th Anniversary, 2015
PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
Hebron : Discipling The Nations
o ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you” - Matthew 28:19-20 Since 1986, the Lord confirmed through many Scriptures that the Philippines is indeed His desired place for the Southeast Asian Training Base. He has also prepared His chosen servants to carry out His desire. On January 3, 1999, the Lord showed very clearly that Dr. Lourdes “Grace” Ramirez was His vessel to build “a house for the sanctuary” (1 Chron. 28:10). She offered her lot at the back of her house and dental clinic for the “house” and set her heart to begin the construction of what later would become Hebron, the Asia-Pacific Training Center. In a day of prayer on September 25, 1996, the PHCF’s National Action Team was led to pray for repentance and cleansing of the place in preparation for what God will do. The Lord gave a clear word to the group from Isaiah 44:26-28. …who carries out the words of his servants and fulfills the predictions of his messengers, who says of Jerusalem, 'It shall be inhabited,' of the towns of Judah, 'They shall be built,' and of their ruins, 'I will restore them,' who says to the watery deep, 'Be dry, and I will dry up your streams,' who says of Cyrus, 'He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please; he will say of Jerusalem, "Let it be rebuilt," and of the temple, "Let its foundations be laid." ' In response to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, the Team went up to the roof of the house and proclaimed by faith that the Training base will be established. In 1997, the Lord spoke to Dr. Grace that the “house” will actually be a building – she would construct a building, not just a house. On September 25, 1999, three years after the prophetic word was given, the foundation of Hebron, a 5-story building was laid. As in many cases in the Bible as well as in the experiences of many Christians today, when God’s people declare, “let us rise and build,” the enemy summons his minions and declare, “let us rise and destroy.” This is true in the case of 14
PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
Nehemiah when he was commanded to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2) and in the construction of Hebron. But if a work is truly mandated by God, no obstacle or attack can stop it. God encouraged Dr. Grace through Isaiah 54:4-5 and He miraculously provided the needed resources to complete the construction. “Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. For your Maker is your husband— the Lord Almighty is his name— the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. Hebron was dedicated to the Lord in 2002 – a mighty testimonial to the fruit of nonstop prayers, unwavering faith and persistent dedication of PHCF leadership, staff, partners and friends. In August of that year, the first Training course was held in Hebron. Besides housing the Regional Training Center, the building also serves as the HCFI Regional Office for South East Asia and PHCF National Office. (NOTE: We believe the Lord specifically gave ‘Hebron’ as the building’s name because of its significance in the Bible. It means a community or alliance. It was given first to Caleb as his inheritance then later to the sons of Aaron, the priests who were teachers of God’s law and leaders in worship.) As of this writing, a total of 127 students from 21 countries have been equipped in Hebron to go and make disciples in the health fields. We believe this is part of the fulfillment of a word by Francis Grim, Founder of HCFI at the PHCF National Conference in 1999:
“It seems to me that the Lord has given a
special call to Christians in the Philippines to proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus to many, both inside and outside your borders.” In a larger sense, Hebron is also fulfilling God’s call in Micah 4:2: “Many nations will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his
paths.’ Dr. Grace said, “All who stood with us in prayer, encouragement and with practical contributions and help have a part in the building and the training.”
“Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.” - Malachi 3:16
In 2002, the Lord spoke to us through Genesis 13:14-17 that Hebron building will expand to the North, South, East and West. The Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, “Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted. Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.”
The passage was used by our two speakers on two separate occasions on the same day held at Hebron: one at the building’s Dedication Service, the other at the First Graduation Ceremony. We believe in His due season God will fulfill His Word as He had done faithfully in the past.
The Lord promised in Haggai 2:9 that “The glory of the latter house will be greater than the former.”
TRAINING “As we celebrate our 35 Years of ministry, we rejoice that the Philippines was chosen as one of the two global training centers of HCFI – out of 100 HCFI-affiliated countries. Surely this is beautiful testimony of God’s favor. We believe it is an affirmation that this nation named after Philip, the Evangelist, is especially gifted by the Almighty to gather people from diverse cultures and languages, to be trained in fulfilling the Great Commission of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.”
MEZZANINE PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
hat impassions people like Billy Graham, the world’s greatest evangelist in our time to devote his life to preach the gospel to those who are lost and hell-bound? What impels people like Dr. David Livingstone, missionary hero from Scotland to give up a lucrative medical future and spend 30 years of his life in the deep, unexplored parts of Africa “in an unwearied effort to evangelize the natives?” What urges people like Francis Grim to dedicate almost his entire life to fulfill a global vision of reaching and discipling those involved in the healthcare field? The answer my friend, is not ‘blowing in the wind’ as one popular singing group sang years ago. The answer is pure and plain – these people have discovered the only genuine treasure of life and the treasure’s Giver has commanded them to go share it to every person in every nation. They have found a great cause beyond themselves and they poured out everything they had to obey the Lord Jesus and fulfill His Great Commission. (Matthew 29:18-20) This clearly explains why ministries like Healthcare Christian Fellowship International (HCFI) last for many, many years (even outliving their founders) because they were built to last. The singular reason why we can conclude they were built to last is because these ministries were birthed from the heart of our everlasting God and bequeathed to faithful men and women who are after God’s own heart. So today, we have HCFI, very much alive and fruitful at 80 years, actively pursuing its original call.
PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
~ Bishop Jovie Galaraga
And today, we have its branch work, Philippine Healthcare Christian Fellowship (PHCF) at 35 years, passionately fulfilling its own call to the healthcare field in our country of 101 million.
… they were built to last... because these ministries were birthed from the heart of our everlasting God and bequeathed to faithful men and women who are after God’s own heart. What gives us the confidence that PHCF will be around ministering in the healthcare field, for many more years – in fact, until the return of our Lord Jesus? First, we have a faithful Master who has promised us that when we “go and make disciples of all nations,” He will surely be with us always, “till the very end of the age.” Second, we have an all-powerful Lord who assured us that “ all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me,” and He has given us that same authority to ensure our success in doing His will. Third, we have God’s abiding Spirit who enables us to be faithful in entrusting our vision, message and passion to faithful people who in turn will share the same to other faithful people—till every knee shall bow and every tongue declare that Jesus indeed is Lord!
PHCF is armed with six ministry programs aimed at restoring the healthcare setting and community towards Christ-centered healthcare.
Church Our church program trains and mobilizes local church member and healthcare workers through seminars and workshops such as Hospital Visitation, Snare of Offense, Effects of Emotions on Health, Biblical Healing, Care of the Dying and Interpersonal Relationships.
Healthcare Institutions The objective of this program is to motivate and equip health field staff to care for the spiritual, emotional and psychological needs of their colleagues and patients. To achieve this, PHCF provides in-service training/seminars geared towards its objective.
ICH Integrated Community Health (ICH) is a program in collaboration with local churches in reaching out the community through health education.
Medical Outreach Campus This program seeks to enthuse and prepare future healthcare workers and leaders to reach out and demonstrate God's love to their patients and colleagues.
Medical Outreach program strives to equip and develop the knowledge/skills of volunteers to minister spiritually through seminars such as Trauma Debriefing, Stress Management, Debriefing and Counseling.
We are accomplishing this through healthcarerelated groups and individual Bible studies; seminars workshops on topics such as Love, Courtship and Sex; Why Am I like This?; Care of the Dying; Total Patient Care; Serving God in the Health field; Interpersonal Relationships and other related topics..
Trainings and Conferences
Local/International Training and Conference seeks to inspire, disciple and equip Healthcare workers to promote and practice Biblical Christian healthcare world-wide. This is done through training local and international participants to prepare them for various ministries.
MINISTRY PROGRAMS PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
Inspire and Equip Dis “
nd the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” - 2 Timothy 2:2 Who is a disciple? In the New Testament times, the word 'disciple' (Gk. mathētēs) refers generally to any “student” or “adherent.” It is most often associated with people who were devoted followers of a great religious leader or teacher of philosophy. It is mainly applied to the followers of Christ. A disciple of Christ is one who (1)believes his doctrine, (2)rests on his sacrifice, (3)imbibes his spirit, and (4)imitates his example. We see these in Matthew 10:24; Luke 14:26; Luke 14:27; Luke 14:33; John 6:69 ( Easton's Bible Dictionary) What are Christ's requirements for discipleship? Supreme love for Jesus Christ Sacrificial denial of Self Determined choice of the Cross daily Unreserved following of Christ Total surrender of all I have to Christ Fervent love for all Christians Faithful application of the Word In 1989, the 1st Discipleship Training Course in the country was held at the Philippine Women’S Medical Association, V. Luna Road, Quezon City. Among the graduates and first fruits were Rev. Demee Sevilla, Joy Abrenica, Aleta Paz, Mary Mangosing, Mary Ling from Malaysia and Carol from New Zealand were the first fruits. Then three-month Discipleship Courses for HCF were conducted in Silang, Cavite in 1992 and 1994. The following staff who took the 1992 training: Joie Molina, Yolly Espinelli, Dr. Angie Jularbal, Ric Pamplona and the late Soledad Pasion. Miriam Salas and Nisa Lee from Thailand finished the 1994 training. PHCF also held National and Prayer Conferences to refresh, renew and strengthen the commitment of affiliated healthcare professionals. These conferences are still being done as part of PHCF’s major events yearly.
PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
We had the privilege of hosting the first Asian Regional Conference held at White Rock Hotel, Olongapo City in February 1994 attended by 260 delegates from 21 countries in South and South East Asia, Europe and U.S.A. Then in 2011, we hosted the HCFI 75th Anniversary held at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ortigas Pasig City with 800 delegates from 82 countries around the world. The various discipleship trainings and evangelistic seminars conducted by PHCF resulted in the establishment of PHCF groups and Local Action Teams in many parts of the country.
LIST OF HEALTH INSTITUTIONS & CAMPUSES (visited and/or currently being ministered to)
LUZON Cordillera Baguio City Baguio General Hospital Benguet General Hospital Ilocos—Region 1 Ilocos Norte Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center Zambales James L. Gordon Memorial Hospital - Olongapo NCR-Metro Manila Quezon City 1.Armed Forces of the Philippines Medical Center 2.Commonwealth Hospital and Medical Center 3.Lung Center of the Philippines 4.National Kidney & Transplant Institute 5.Philippine Heart Center 6.Philippine Orthopedic Center 7.Quirino Memorial Medical Center 8.Veterans Memorial Medical Center 9.World Citi Medical Center Manila City 1.Caritas Family College 2.Far Eastern University 3.Philippine General Hospital 4.San Beda College 5.University of Sto. Tomas Mandaluyong City LDR Clinic Makati City Army General Hospital Pasay City Philippine Air Force General Hospital Pasig City The Medical City
ciple-making Disciples Las Piñas City
University of Perpetual Help Dalta Medical Center VISAYAS Metro Cebu Cebu City 1.Cebu Normal University 2.Chong Hua Hospital 3.Visayas Community Medical Center Iloilo Iloilo City 2.Iloilo Doctors Hospital Inc. 3.Iloilo Mission Hospital 4.Jayme Clinic 5.Mallorca Clinic 1.West Visayas State University Medical Center 2.Western Visayas Medical Center Leyte 1.Bethany Hospital (Tacloban) 2.Leyte Baptist Hospital, Inc. MINDANAO CARAGA- Region XIII Surigao del Norte 1.CARAGA Regional Hospital 2.Miranda Family Hospital Butuan City 1.Butuan Doctors Hospital, Inc. 2.Butuan Maternity Hospital and Puericulture 3.Butuan Medical Center 4.Manuel J. Santos Hospital, Inc. Agusan del Sur 1.Agusan del Sur Provincial Hospital 2.San Francisco Doctors Hospital NORTHERN MINDANAO- Region X Cagayan de Oro 1.Cagayan de Oro Maternity & Children’s Hospital 2.Cagayan de Oro Medical Center 3.Camp Evangelista Station Hospital 4.Capitol University Medical Center 5.Madonna & Child Hospital & Puericulture Center 6.Maria Reyna Xavier University Hospital 7.Northern Mindanao Medical Center 8.Polymedic General Hospital 9.Polymedic Medical Plaza Iligan City Gregorio T. Lluch Memorial Hospital
5.The Fortress Center 6.West Metro Medical Center Dipolog City Zamboanga del Norte Medical Center DAVAO REGION- Region XI Davao City 1.Brokenshire Hospital 2.Davao Doctors Hospital 3.Davao Sanitarium and Hospital 4.Ricardo Limso Medical Center 5.San Pedro Hospital of Davao 6.Southern Philippines Medical Center 7.Tebow Cure Hospital Digos City (Davao del Sur) 1.Davao del Sur Provincial Hospital 2.Digos Doctors’ Hospital 3.Dominican Hospital 4.Gonzales Maranan Clinic and Hospital 5.Llanos Medical Clinic and Hospital 6.Medical Center of Digos Cooperative 7.Paulino Hospital 8.Sunga Hospital Bukidnon Laviña General Hospital SOCCSKSARGEN- Region XII Cotabato (or North Cotabato) Kidapawan Medical Specialist Center South Cotabato South Cotabato Provincial Hospital General Santos City 1.General Santos City District Hospital 2.General Santos Doctors Hospital 3.Mindanao Medical Center 4.R.O. Diagan Cooperative Hospital 5.SOCSARGEN County Hospital 6.St. Elizabeth Hospital
God is sovereign and holy. He rules and reigns over all creation and He is calling His people to establish the Lordship of Jesus over all spheres of life and society. He envisions the world to be populated with people who are being changed to be like His Son, Jesus Christ. We rejoice in doing our part in expanding His kingdom to the health field through prayer, evangelism and discipleship.
ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA- Region IX Zamboanga City 1.Brent Hospital and College 2.Cuidad Medical Zamboanga 3.Zamboanga City Medical Center 4.Zamboanga Peninsula Medical Center
PHCF | Celebrating 35 Years of God’s Faithfulness
Schedule of Trainings 1. CHANGE: Restoring The Real You (4 days)
Divine Plumbline - (40 hours) A study on the breakdown and rebuilding of the human personality. This is a video-assisted seminar with small-group and one-to-one discussion and sharing. 2. CONDUCT: Managing Your Assets (5 days) Stewardship - (8 hours) Learn how to be good stewards of God’s gifts Personal Time Management Workshop - (24 hours) Motivates and equips participants with the basic skills, knowledge and tools for becoming good and faithful time stewards in God’s kingdom Money Management - (16 hours) Your Money, Mammon and God! Your money matters to God 3. CARE: Serving The Whole Person (5 days) Biblical View of Suffering - (8 hours) A biblical knowledge and understanding about suffering Total Patient Care Workshop - (16 hours) Teaches basic concepts of total patient care and how to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of healthcare workers in providing such skills Care of the Dying Workshop - (16 hours) Describes the principles in giving total care to dying persons and how to assist others in the health field to prepare them in facing their own death 4. CONNECT!: Win With Others & Yourself (5 days) Interpersonal Relationships – (20 hours) Components of good relationships, forgiveness, handling conflicts in love and dealing with dependency relationships Snare of Offence - Biblical understanding about prevalence of offences amongst believers, examine lives for hidden offences, how to deal with and escape its snares Victorious Living – Understanding Christ’s full provision made to enable every Christian to live in victory and how to apply the principles taught and eventually maintain victory 5.CONQUER!: The Health Field As A Battlefield (5 days) Serving God in the Healthfield – Guidelines in building God’s kingdom in the hearts of people in the healthfield Management of Stress – Know the causes, results and ways to deal with stress Healthfield Ethics – Understand the various world-views, perspective of ethics commonly seen in the healthfield and how to practice biblical medical ethics
HCF INTERNATIONAL TRAININGS 3-Month Discipleship Course (once a year)
Advanced Discipleship Course (every 2 years) - preparing full-time staff applicants
280 N. Romualdez St., Mandaluyong City 1550 Telefax: (63-2)533-0325 • Mobile: (0998)347-3434 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 293 1502 Greenhills, Metro Manila Zamboanga Office G/F Joicel Bldg. Veterans Ave. Ext., Zamboanga City Tel. (63-62)926-3037 • Mobile: (0905)594-6585
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