Purge the undesirables from the BTA or let us elect our representatives
Masiding Noor Yahya | A2
Homobono A. Adaza | A3
Kudos to 6 Tausug Physician borad passers
Is COVID-19 real or reel?
Julmunir I. Jannaral | A3
Gamson Mawallil Quijano | A11
Muslim today PHILIPPINE
Save the Earth
The Muslim National Digital Newspaper | Bearer of Glad Tidings.
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442) | 14 Pages | Online Issue
Vaccinations Do Not Mean the End of Caution
ecently the BARMM has had its vaccine rollout and vaccinations have begun in some places, the most recently notable being the one recently held at the Provincial Capitol of Lanao del Sur. It even had neighboring areas expressing “sana all” in social media. Yet this was not spared its own trouble. The lack of transparency in the national government regarding the loans ostensibly taken to pay for the vaccines and the circus that accompanied the vaccines’ selection and procurement, as well as the issue of who should get it first, have greatly affected public trust. (Full Story on Page A2)
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Sulu political giants finally find the elusive peace, resolve feud By JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL, Managing Editor and SONNY Y. ABING III, Correspondent
Sulu 2nd Dist. Rep. Munir M. Arbison (left) cordially welcomes Sulu Gov. Abdusakur M. Tan (right) upon thelatter’s arrival at the pier of Tanduh Batu, Luuk, Sulu for their Grand Reunion and Amicable Settlement dubbed as friendship, stronger ties, and together as one Tausug Family. Full Story on Page A4
Marawi landfill project site BARMM signs MOA for 3.7shift to lakeshore village dims B Infra projects with Lanao as jurisdiction issue surfaces Sur LGUs
CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY — Chance of expanding the proposed P300-million Marawi sanitary landfill project to a lakeshore village remains dim with the renewed objection by the provincial leadership to a risky shift, even as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) admitted possible jurisdiction issue over the project.
CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY — The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) officialdom through the Ministry of Public Works (MPWH) has contracted all local government units (LGUs) in Lanao del Sur to carry out this year some P3.7-billion infrastructure projects expected to bring the province to greater heights.
Over P300-M cash aid for 50K workers still unclaimed
The Chinese Entrepreneurs of Bongao (Part VI)
MANILA – Over PHP300 million in cash benefits have yet to be claimed by around 50,000 workers affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said on Thursday.
The steady increase of population in Bongao, ostensively triggered by the trading activity of the Chinese pioneering spirit of entrepreneurships, had a tremendous impact and shaped the social, economic and political landscape of the province.
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April 1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
Philippine Muslim Today Inc. Co. Reg. No. 2021030008913-02 DATU YUSOPH B. MAMA Chairman, Board of Directors MASIDING NOOR YAHYA President/CEO JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL Vice President for Internal Affairs
ALI G. MACABALANG Vice President for External Affairs ROCAYA SUMNDAD OTICAL Treasurer MACOD D. RASCAL Secretary CASAN C. CANA Auditor
JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL Managing Editor Bureau Chief for National Capital Region ALI G. MACABALANG News Editor Bureau Chief for Bangsamoro & Central Mindanao Regions ROCAYA SUMNDAD OTICAL Bureau Chief for Northern Mindanao Region JOHNNY R. LEE Bureau Chief for Western Mindanao Region PHIL MUSLIM Layout Artist
Cor. Mercury & Pluto Streets, Rabago Subd., Villa Verde, Iligan City, 9200 Phone: 09152184388 | +63 2283454 Email: muslimtoday2020@gmail.com Https://philmuslim.today
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Front page of PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY previous issue.
Vaccinations Do Not Mean the End of Caution
n the face of the surge in Covid-19 infections, the country is scrambling to buy time, and vaccines. The National Capital Region and some of its adjacent provinces have been put into a “plus bubble” to curb the spread. Meanwhile, vaccines have arrived in the country and have arrived in their destinations. Recently the BARMM has had its vaccine rollout and vaccinations have begun in some places, the most recently notable being the one recently held at the Provincial Capitol of Lanao del Sur. It even had neighboring areas expressing “sana all” in social media. Yet this was not spared its own trouble. The lack of transparency in the national government regarding the loans ostensibly taken to pay for the vaccines and the circus that accompanied the vaccines’ selection and procurement, as well as the issue of who should get it first, have greatly affected public trust. However, the initial round of vaccinations are timely, given that the cases have started to surge nationwide and as the region and country are still being dragged down by the effects of the pandemic which has already stretched for more than a year. And yet, as the numbers soar, so have the number of people who have let their guard down and are risking infection (or reinfection) by not wearing masks, conducting/attending social events, among others. There are still those who have yet to believe that the virus exists and that the vaccines are of help in preventing the spread, if not lessen the adverse effects of the infection. The BARMM residents’ experiences with the numerous community quarantines have not been easy. The fact that many have already lost their livelihoods due to pandemic restrictions, tat many have had infections, and that the supply chain of vital supplies has been affected points out that they cannot afford another ECQ. Yet, many people are acting and going about as though they could afford to lose everything or even get locked down again Even if everyone in the entire region and country were vaccinated, people should not rest easy and assume that Covid-19 will just run away. Protection boils down ultimately to protecting one’s self, that everyone has a role in preventing the spread of the virus. Given that some of the premier hospitals in the country are now overwhelmed and patients are fighting for space, medicines, and physicians, it is not right that we compound the problem even further. It is the duty of every Bangsamoro to help curtail the spread of Covid-19 and contribute to the worldwide effort to end the pandemic. PMT
Purge the undesirables from the BTA or let the Bangsamoro elect their representatives ‘[…] consult them [i.e. the Muslims] in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him].’ Qur’an 3:159
‘Taxation without representation is tyranny.’ – James Otis about 1761
would rather say, such an institution as the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) is good so far. It is the only political settlement available for our people, at least, in the time being. Calling for a replacement in the pursuit of the welfare of the Bangsamoro people and for lasting peace in Mindanao is a poor call. It may even appear as a premature judgement. We must not forget it took difficult times, decades of hard work, sacrifices and struggles of the Bangsamoro people, brilliant minds from all stakeholders, international intervention and a President Duterte to produce Republic Act No. 11054, the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) which created BARMM. YAHYA | A13
Diliman Way
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
“Despite the deaths of thousands of Filipinos and the embarrassment of the country before the world community, the government’s war on drugs has been an utter failure. “Let us not pretend anymore, the drug war really failed because the drugs are still there. If it succeeded, then there should be a significant dent on the drug syndicates.” - Senator Panfilo Lacson
t does not take extraordinary intelligence to say what Senator Panfilo “Ping” Lacson has said about the drug war of President Rodrigo “Digong” Duterte. It does not take courage either to say that the drug war has failed. Many intelligent, objective and nonpartisan individuals have said it more than three years ago. As a matter of fact, Digong’s drug war failed six months after he assumed office. Why? Six months was the timeline he gave when he could finish the drug war. He did not finish it in his designated timeline – so he failed. Worse, after the lapse of his timeline, he admitted the problem will not be solved even until the end of his term. So in law, he made an admission against interest – he failed in his drug
war. Ping is correct – the drug war has utterly failed. The head of government is Digong, therefore, Digong is a failure in so far as the drug war is concerned. All Ping did is to ping he didn’t even have to pong. Game of pretenders: This comment of Senator Ping on the drug war is, to say the least, surprising. In the past four years, he has been seen as an ally of President Digong. With this recent outburst, he is not an ally after all. If he is not, he has just been pretending. If he sings or hums a tune, he must be singing or humming Nat “King” Cole’s Pretend – pretending these past four years to be happy when he is blue. Senator Ping has charged the government of President Digong that it is pretending to have
succeeded in the drug war when it has not. While it is a direct stab at the government, it is an indirect stab at President Digong. And the stab is fatal on the drug war. Senator Ping is right because – it takes one to know one. A pretender knows another pretender, so they say. On President Digong’s part, since he said the Christian God is stupid, he must be telling himself, Pastor Quiboloy, selfacclaimed appointed son of God – Help me with my friends, I can take care of my enemies. But President Digong has only thus far took care of more than twenty-thousand supposed drug addicts, most of them young, poor and destitute, and a political pygmy like Senator Leila but he could not take care of
Batanes to Tawi-Tawi
inally the COVID-19 vaccines the Sinovac and AstraZeneca have rolled out in the Philippine Islands from Batanes to Tawi-Tawi. The far-flung TawiTawi island municipalities of Mapun and Turtle Islands have received already their shares of the vaccines after these were personally delivered by Dr. Sangkula Laja, the Chief of TawiTawi Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) with the help of Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, Jr., Commander of the Western Mindanao Command (WestMinCom)
and Rear Admiral Toribio Adaci, Jr., Commander of the Naval Forces Western Mindanao (NFWM). SPDA administrator and chief executive officer (CEO) Gerry Salapuddin said last week he came to Manila purposely for a meeting with some agencies. Unfortunately, due to reported upsurge of COVID infections in Metro Manila, with some employees of the offices that he intended to see were infected by the virus, meeting was cancelled as they were on a lockdown. “This pandemic, whether it is real or reel,
is really affecting us all in every way,” Salapuddin said. He divulged that back in his home province in Basilan, it was known by the people that in the 3 hospitals in the capital town of Isabela, attending physicians tried to manipulate the diagnosis of the patients wherein they tried to write in the medical bulletin of the patients as afflicted with COVID19 even they are not. Hence, the 3 hospitals he failed to identify are now having a very few patients because people are afraid to go on medical check-up for they might be falsely diag-
other political pygmies like former Senator Trillanes and Senators Gordon, Hontiveros, Lacson and Pangilinan. President Digong, who is, on his own, a credible singer must be singing the Platters’ Great Pretender. Why: What is the possible reason of Senator Ping’s criticism? Is he playing a positioning game? Is he considering running for President or Vice-President in 2022? Does he think President Digong is beginning to lose credibility and support among our people? Has Senator Ping become familiar with the deluge of negativity against President Digong – even calling him the worst of names in social media? Is this the parting of the ways? Is he trying to prove to everyone he can do better than President Digong? Is he telling our people he is the best among the presidential contenders in 2022? So many questions! So many possible answers! So many imponderables! One thing is certain Senator Ping is in the game in 2022. As
they say in chess, he has made his opening gambit. Winnable: Can the drug war be won in the remaining months of President Digong’s term? Most will say – it is impossible! I say – it is not only possible, it is highly probable! Why? It is simple - because in the words of Napoleon, “The word impossible appears only in the dictionary of fools.” In my words – the impossible is only in the mind. So what is the formula? President Digong should appoint a Secretary of Justice who knows the law and who has an unfailing formula to solve the problem. What are the powers of this particular appointee? He should have all powers of the President on evolving and implementing the solution on the drug problem without any intervention from the President or from anyone in a six months timeline. The solution is in the hands of President Digong. But will he do it? I doubt whether he will.. Why? President Digong is afraid. He is
afraid that someone will be able to do it and he will be proved incompetent for the past four years. Imagine if someone could do it. The people would think that the man should be the leader of the country. That would mean the bloated ego of President Digong will be blown into a thousand fragments. That would be a calamity for him – bringing his self-respect to planet Pluto and his followers to planet Saturn. Saving the day: President Digong could still save his sagging popularity by appointing the man subject to these conditions – that if he could not do the job in six months time from the day of assumption of office, he should commit hara-kiri in public witnessed by all existing televisions beaming the scene throughout the world or if he could do it, he shall immediately resign as Secretary of Justice and promise in public, under oath and also witnessed by all television stations - that he will not run for President in 2022 . ADAZA | A13
Is COVID-19 real or reel? nosed with COVID-19 even though their sickness are not due to Coronavirus. As this developed, this Columnist tried to get the pulse of the netizens here and abroad about the efficacy of the COVID-19 Vaccines. The first netizen is Conrad Calpito, a US Navy from Norfolk, Virginia, USA. According to Calpito, the Vaccines have side effects and reactions on him. He said at first the Vaccine has a mild effect on him after three weeks. Then after he got the 2nd booster shot of the vaccine he experienced low grade fever, light headed and lose
his appetite to eat. Then another netizen is a Filipino female nurse who identified as Zian Park. She works also as US Navy nurse in California, USA. She accused the US government of making money out of COVID-19. She said the rapid test in America costs $185 if done urgently. If you buy wholesale or in a box containing 20 pieces that costs $5 each only. She became COVID19 positive but only a home remedy. After 17 days she became negative of the Coronavirus. Another Filipino nurse is Myls Houser who is married to USA man. Houser said Vaccine
is equivalent to a game of chance where there is no assurance you are safe or not. She said even though medical experts cannot confirm the efficacy of Vaccines. She said there is still on -going experiment on Vaccines. Hence, it is up to you if you want to be inoculated or not. Now, if you are unlucky enough and met a fatal effect, then you must be really unlucky. Hence, she said “as for me Final Conclusion “No to Vaccine.” She said she is more safe without having been vaccinated. For your Comments/Suggestions please send an email to munir1845media@g mail.com, man-
The Community
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
Sulu political giants finally found the elusive peace, amicably settled By JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL, Managing Editor and SONNY Y. ABING III, Correspondent
ANDUH BATO, Luuk, Sulu — Two of the known Sulu “political giants” have finally made an amicable settlement and settled their decades of misunderstanding due to Sulu Governor Abdusakur M. Tan, as a sign of his utmost sincerity to have a lasting peace for the entire province of Sulu personally went to the hometown of his most adverse political rival for decades Sulu 2nd District Representative Munir M. Arbison where for the sake of tranquility and harmony lowered his pride to bring back the elusive peace to all his Tausug constituents in Sulu. Journey of a Man of Peace In his journey for peace, Gov. Tan tagged along some members of his immediate family if only to show to the world that he is indeed a peacemaker and a true political leader serving as guiding light of all his people in Sulu in order to bring the message to them he is indeed a “Man of Peace and Not a Man of War.” Thus he brought along with him his amiable and lovely wife the former Sulu Vice Gov. Nurunisah Abubakar Tan; his approachable and man of the masses eldest son, Vice Governor Toto Tan. As living testimony and witness to his historical meeting with the honorable legislator and kingpin of the 2nd Congressional District of Sulu, Congressman Arbison, Gov. Tan was also accompanied by some of the Municipal Local Chief Executives,
Education should be insulated from politics, says Sulu governor By JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL Managing Editor and SONNY Y. ABING III Correspondent
political and personal differences and at last found the elusive peace that every Tausug has been longing for quite so long.
MBHTE-BARMM WITH SULU GOVERNOR: Gov. Abdusakur M. Tan in a meeting with education officials from the Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (MBHTEBARMM) led by Assistant Secretary Alfhadar Pajiji at extreme left. Accompanying the Assistant Secretary is Mushashim Abulla (2nd from left) and Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Kiram Irilis. Tan asks the MBHTE officials to visit the different educational institutions in Sulu to know what are their priority needs. (Contributed Photo)
SHAKE AND HUG: Rep. Munir M. Arbison (blue T-Shirt at left) cordially welcomes Sulu Gov. Abdusakur M. Tan (White T-Shirt) upon the arrival of the latter at the pier of Tanduh Batu, Luuk, Sulu for their Grand Reunion and Amicable Settlement dubbed as friendship, stronger ties, and together as one Tausug Family. (Contributed Photo)
Board Members, Vice Mayors and other local officials in his visit to Rep. Arbison and his wife, former representative of Sulu 2nd District Maryam Arbison and family at their Rest House in Tanduh Bato, Luuk , Sulu. Luuk has shown significant progress and improved accessbilty via its infrastructure projects. Upon entering the municipality, noticeable are the solar street lights installed along the middle Island stretch of its wide and paved main thoroughfare. Another is the ongoing construction of the Luuk Airport, It is a fact that you cannot miss the tangible infrastructure projects
TOGETHER AS ONE TAUSUG FAMILY: The Arbisons and Tans are now United as One Tausug Family. Sitting from left: Rep. Munir M. Arbison of the 2nd Congressional District of Sulu; Vice Gov. Toto A. Tan; former Congresswoman Maryam Arbison, the wife of Rep. Arbison; former Sulu Vice Gov. Nurunisah Abubakar-Tan; and at extreme right is Gov. Abdusakur M. Tan. Looking on are their relatives who are happy to witness the reunion of Sulu’s political leaders who have been estranged from one another for decades. (Contributed Photo)
even if you are moving at 80 km/hour, just beside the Ministry of Public Works (MPW), BARMM Building. Congressman Arbison, his family, and Luuk officials cordially greeted Governor Tan and his party upon arriving at the municipality’s premises. Creation of Provincial Tourism Council. Governor Tan told officials in the gathering his plans for the creation of a Provincial Tourism Council. He is optimistic that in the process, Tourism in the near future, would be a game changer in the progress and development of Sulu. “We have to make sure and prepare the necessary, when the proper time comes, we are ready.” Tan said It was also during the conversation that Cong. Arbison revealed a plan of connecting the Island of Tulayan to the mainland via causeway starting in Kanhadili. Friendship, stronger ties, and together as one Tausug Family was the theme in the afternoon’s gathering. The fact that everyone is connected by blood or affinity in someway made it all more profound and a
grand reunion as observed by many of the constituents of the two political leaders who were formerly at odds. Be that as it may, Nahdin Jubaira, who is among the closest capitol employees to Governor Tan has this to say upon seeing the pictures of Tan and Arbison who showed not only a hug of friendship but just like bosom brothers who have been estranged for so long. Pictures Paint A Thousand Words “If pictures paint a thousand words, these images denote more than it depict. In this time of the pandemic, the people should not be burdened further with anxieties that are politically-based. Just looking at these images of political giants, Governor Abdusakur M. Tan and 2nd District Congressman Munir M. Arbison together, sitting down and talking, are reassuring, and that all will be well for Sulu even amidst the pandemic. In Shaa Allah. Thank you Sirs!,“ Jubaira jubilantly exclaimed. SPDA Administrator/CEO Nice Observations on the Amicable Settlement SULU | A12
SULU Provincial Capitol: Sulu Governor Abdusakur M. Tan emphasized that education should be insulated from politics. “This is education, we need to expand, strengthen these institutions.,” Tan said. Gov. Tan was visited last week at the Sulu Provincial Capitol by education officials coming from the Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education (MBHTE-BARMM) headed by Asst. Secretary Afhadar Pajiji, Schools Division Superintendent Dr Kiram Irilis and Protected Area Management Office (PAMO)- MBHTE Chief Consultant Mushashim Abdulla and other MBHTE officials, discussing the Operationalization of Hadji Butu School of Arts and Trades (HBSAT) and identification of relocation site for its unauthorized dwellers or squatters living inside the school premises. Tan also enjoined MBHTE-BARMM Officials to make rounds of the different educational institutions/schools under their jurisdiction to see first hand the needed assistance for its functional operation.
28 Ex-BIFF rebels get aid, livelihood package from gov’t COTABATO CITY — The Army’s 40th Infantry Battalion (40IB) and the provincial government of Maguindanao jointly facilitated the distribution on Sunday afternoon of livelihood assistance to 28 former Moro rebels who opted to surrender to live normal lives. Lt. Col. Edwin Alburo, the 40IB commander, and Nor-eimman K. Balayman, secretary of Maguindanao Governor Bai Mariam Sangki Mangudadatu, led the program held at the battalion headquarters in neighboring Barangay Tual of President Quirino town in Sultan Kudarat province. Balayman lauded the former members of Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) for choosing the right path so they can live peacefully with their families. “In the past years you have experienced sorrowful circumstances and hardships while fighting against the government forces and now, this is your good opportunity to return to your respective families,” Balayman told the 28 former BIFF members. Balayman said they are fortunate because the province of Maguindanao has always been committed to providing government services to its constituents, particularly in facilitating livelihood assistance suitable to the needs of former rebels. EX-BIFF | A13
MSU System bares accomplishments in 2016-2020 (1)
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
Marawi landfill project site shift to lakeshore village dims as jurisdiction issue surfaces By Ali G. Macabalang
AGAYAN DE ORO CITY — Chance of expanding the proposed P300-million Marawi sanitary landfill project to a lakeshore village remains dim with the renewed objection
by the provincial leadership to a risky shift, even as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) admitted possible jurisdiction issue over the project.
MSU System President Dr. Habib W. Macaayong. (The Ranao STar File Photo)
ARAWI CITY — Nothing much has been said in praise of the present administration of the Mindanao State University (MSU) System but Dr. Habib W. Macaayong, the MSU System president, has a lot to show. After all, actions speak louder than words. When he took over the MSU leadership in 2016, Macaayong had assumed from the former university president about 27 projects. These are: 1. CIT Bldg. started on May 23, 2013 with a cost of P52,600,739 and funded by CHED DAP which is 100 percent completed. 2. 2-Storey, Farm Machinery Bldg. started on May 5,2012 with a cost of P4,606,237.99 and funded by CHED DAP which is 100 percent completed. 3. Water Works, Phase 1 started on February 7, 2014 with a cost of P13,694,869.86 and is funded by CHED DAP which is 96.95 percent completed. 4. 3-Storey, CSSH I Bldg. started on July 8, 2013 with a cost of P33,937,392.19 and is funded by CHED DAP which is 100 percent completed. 5. 3-Storey, CHS I Bldg. started on December 29, 2013 with a cost of P14,014,827.76 and is funded by CHED DAP which is 100 percent completed. 6. 3-Storey Medicine Bldg. Phase I started on January 6, 2014 with a cost of P17,555,559.80 and is funded by CHED DAP which is 100 percent completed. 7. 3-Storey, College of Fish. Acad. Bldg. started on September 25,2013 with a cost of P14,023,008.21 and is funded by CHED DAP which is 100 percent completed. 8. 2-Storey, CBAA Bldg. started on December 14, 2013 with a cost of P13,283,024.25 and is funded by CHED DAP which is 100 percent completed. 9. 2-Storey, College of Forestry Bldg. started on September 25,2013 with a cost of P21,022,2017.56 and is funded by CHED DAP which is 100 percent completed. 10. 3-Storey, College of Aggie Bldg. started on September 30, 2013 with a cost of P29,987,105.20 and is funded by CHED DAP which is 100 percent completed. 11. 2-Storey, Dormitory Bldg. started on August 30,2012 with a cost of P32,338,501.75 and is funded by CHED DAP which is 100 percent completed. 12. 2-Storey CHARM Bldg. started on December 2,2013 with a cost of P19,893,769.63 and is funded by CHED DAP which is 100 percent completed. 13. 3-Storey, CNSM Bldg. started on July 13,2013 with a cost of P87,045,103.22 and is funded by CHED DAP which is 100 percent completed. SPECIAL REPORT | A12
MARAWI SANITARY LANDFILL CONTROVERSY: Attached photos show the interviews of this writer with Lanao del Sur Bombit Adiong (center) and Marawi City Mayor Majul Gandamra (left) on March 21. The gloom unfolded in separate interviews by the Philippine Muslim Today news concerned officials – Lanao del Sur Gov. Mamintal “Bombit” Alonto-Adiong Jr., City Mayor Majul Gandamra and Rey Digamon, OIC-Director of the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of DENR-Region 10. In a hotel here on March 21, Gov. Adiong and Mayor Gandamra were seated in separate tables when interviewed one after another, while Director Digamo was interviewed by phone on
Wednesday, March 24. For the third time, Adiong pointed out his support for the establishment of a waste disposal management facility in Marawi City because in entire Lanao del Sur, only the towns of Wao and Amai Manabilang have such facilities. “Hindi ho tayo tumututol diyan (pagtatayo ng sanitary landfill). Ang gusto natin ay magkaroon ng konsultasyon kung saan lugar or barangay ilalagay ang dump site,” … But presently, he added: “Hindi ho tayo
sangayon na ilagay sa Barangay Sugod dahil maraming magiging epekto sa ating mga kababayan.” He said one adverse effect is foreseen on existing springs in Barangay Sugod serving as source of drinking water for residents and those of 11 adjacent villages, including Barangays Pugaan and Patani. Protest messages posted on Facebook pages asserted that Barangay Sugod lies on the shore of Lake Lanao and that many residents rely on fishing
and farming for subsistence. These drew flak from former Lanao del Sur Rep. Jun Macarambon, who urged Gov. Adiong to “put the weight of the provincial government and the provincial board on the issue (because) Marawi is a component city of the province.” Mayor Gandamra, for his part, backtracked from his earlier stance that he “will not allow” any impeding protest from Barangay Sugod, especially from vested interests. This time, he said, he and the goverMARAWI| A14
Lake Lanao Development Authority creation stridden in BTA parliament, Senate
AGAYAN DE ORO CITY — Long-stalled efforts for the creation of Lake Lanao Development Authority (LLDA) have been revived in the Bangsamoro parliament and the Senate, rekindling the hope among long-clamoring people living around the Mindanao’s largest freshwater body. The interim parliament of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) has a pending bill seeking the establishment of the LLDA, while the Senate through Senator Richard ”Dick” Gordon is pursuing his bill pushing the same purpose, Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji urad” Ebrahim told the Philippine Muslim Today (PMT) news in an exclusive interview here on March 21. Lanao del Sur Gov. Mamintal “Bombit”
Alonto-Adiong Jr. corroborated the chief minister’s in the same interview here at the sideline of the mass ceremonial signing of memorandums of agreement (MOAs) between the Bangsamoro’s Ministry of Public Works and all municipal and city local government units on the grant of P3.7-billion worth of infra projects in his province. The chief minister, who is also a member of the 80-seat parliament, said his office has received an official letter from the Senate asking the regional government to submit its opinion about Senator Gordon’s bill. In response, he said, the regional leadership asked the Senate to consider first the passage by the BTA of its bill for the creation of LLDA before legislating the national version for
purposes harmonizing mutual intents and concerns on the management, preservation and development of Lake Lanao. Ebrahim hinted that apart from the authority granted under R.A. 11054 (Bangsamoro Organic Law) over the “inland waters” within the area of autonomy, the state of Lake Lanao is more proximate and important to the wellbeing of the regional populace, particularly the dominant Meranao tribe in the Lanao region. The term “Meranao” literally means “the people living around the lake.” Except for the hydroelectricity-generating facet of Lake Lanao that calls for “comanagement” between the regional and national governments, such freshwater body is under the “sole” jurisdiction
of the BARMM bureaucracy, Chief Minister Ebrahim said, citing their legal luminaries’ interpretation of relevant provisions in R.A. 11054. In a separate interview with Mayor Majul Gandamra of Marawi City, which also partly lies on a big segment of the lake’s shore, said his office and the Sangguniang Panglungsod also received a similar Senate communiqué asking for their opinion. Gandmra said their official response was still being deliberated by city legal minds, Gandamra said. Ebrahim said the autonomous governance is not opposed to the eventual passage of a national law creating LLDA, provided however that such edict would not diminish the parameters to be stipulated in the regional measure. LAKE LANAO| A11
Bangsamoro News
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
BARMM signs MOA for 3.7-B Infra projects with Lanao Sur LGUs By Ali G. Macabalang
AGAYAN DE ORO CITY — The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) officialdom through the Ministry of Public Works (MPWH) has contracted all local government units (LGUs) in Lanao del Sur to carry out this year some P3.7-billion infrastructure projects expected to bring the province to greater heights. BARMM Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim accompanied by Local Government Minister Naguib Sinarimbo and Public Works Minister Eduard Guerra graced at a posh hotel here on Sunday the grand signing of memorandums of agreement (MoAs) between the two engineering districts in Lanao del Sur and Gov. Mamintal “Bombit” Alonto-Adiong Jr. alongside all mayors of 39 component municipalities and Marawi City. District Engineers Abolcair Langilao and Maldamin Decampong of the first and second districts, respectively, signed the MOAs for the MPW, assuring full responsibility in the monitoring via physical and modern technology of all stages in the projects’ implementation. ICM Ibrahim, Minister
LAKE LANAO DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PUSHED: An interview on March 21 in Cagayan de Oro City by the author with BARMM Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim and Lanao del Sur Gov. Mamintal “Bombit” Adiong Jr. on a proposal to create a Lake Lanao Development Authority. (Photo by PMT photo-journalist Nur-Ali Macabalang.) BARMM. Sinarimbo and MPW jor jihad He described the Minister Guerra delivEbrahim explained initial successes of the ered separate messag- anew that the decades revolutionary fronts as es to prod the provin- of Bangsamoro strugfruits of minor struggle cial, city and municipal gle for selfor “jihad asgar,” pointchief executives to fully determination led by ing out that the bigger harness all government the Moro National Libstruggle or “jihad akbar” projects and supports in eration Front (MNLF) has just begun with the narrowing the gap be- and the Moro Islamic BARMM governance in tween the ideals of Liberation Front (MILF) replacement of the 29good governance and did not end with their year old Autonomous the realities in their re- forging of major peace Region in Muslim Minspective localities, in accords that brought danao (ARMM) adminparticular, and the re- about the regional auistrations. gion, in general. tonomous government, BARMM| A12 From minor to ma- the latest being the
MSU kicks-off ICT Modernization Phase 1 M
SU MAIN CAMPUS, Marawi City — The Mindanao State University (MSU) Marawi main campus has kicked off the modernization of its Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Phase 1 with a budget of P1 billion. MSU System President Habib W. Macaayong led the launching ceremony held on March 12 in front of Senator Domocao Alonto Sr. Hall here and in the presence of university officials, faculty and staff. The project is ICT Modernization Program. Macaayong said the project is very significant to the University as it has been facing problems with regards to the steadiness of internet connection and wifi connections. “This program aims to put fiber optics, hub, database, and CCTVs to all the establishments of MSU Marawi,” said the
By Rocaya Sumndad Otical
MSU President Dr. Habib Macaayong. (File)
MSU president. Aside from that, they will also distribute 15 thousand laptops to the faculties and students of MSU Main campus as part of the project, he added. President Macaayong expressed his warm gratitude to congressman Alvarado and the House of Representatives for giving the MSU a priority for the project. He said there are so many universities aspir-
ing for this project but “We are the one given the opportunity.” Macaayong said, “The said project is a living legacy of Congress and the officials of the university who are part of the project implementation.” He also gave assurance to fully support the project. President Macaayong said he was dismayed over those posting in social media asking “Where are the laptops?” He quipped, “How could you distribute them
without the project itself yet?” Macaayong enjoined everyone to stop saying nonsense on social media without knowing what is really happening in MSU. “We are doing our best for the welfare of the MSU, the constituents, the clients who are our students, and those living in the community. We are doing what we can for the constituents of MSU. “DAPAT MAGTULUNGAN TAYO, ‘WAG TAYONG MAGSIRAAN,” he added. The president of the university is hoping for us to reform and work together for our betterment. Meanwhile, an official of the Mindanao State University said this project is one of the visions of Macaayong, to transform MSU Marawi as a world class university with a state-of-the-art ICT capability. MSU law school dean Zed Abantas said, “When this project is complete, MSU will be one of the most, if not the most, advanced in terms of ICT capability,” said Abantas. (RSOY)
Notorious Abu-Sayyaf Group leader captured in Tawi-Tawi By JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL
AMP NAVARRO, Calarian, Zamboanga City — A notorious Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) leader who was already wounded was captured by the operating troops of the military’s Joint Task Force Tawi-Tawi in Barangay Kalupag Island, Languyan, Tawi-Tawi last week. “The troops of the Marine Battalion Landing Team-6 under Lt. Col. Venjie Pendon acted on a report regarding the presence of suspicious fully-armed men in Barangay Kalupag Island. Onboard PS 35 headed by Col. Nestor Narag, Jr., the Deputy Brigade Commander of the 2nd Marine Brigade, the troops proceeded to the area but upon their arrival, the terrorists opened fire,” said Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, Jr., Commander of the Western Mindanao Command. A firefight ensued which resulted in the severe wounding of Sulu-based ASG/kidnap-for-ransom group notorious leader Majan Sahidjuan, a.k.a. Apo Mike. “He was abandoned by his two comrades who fled bringing along the remaining Indonesian kidnap victim with them,” said Lt. Col. Pendon. A hot pursuit operation is currently being conducted to rescue the kidnap victims and apprehend his abductors. “We executed prompt military action following the receipt of information. We are anticipating reports from the communities that is why we made sure that our assets are at high readiness. Moreover, the availability of the Philippine Navy surface assets like PS 35 and 3 MPACs was crucial,” said Brig. Gen. Arturo Rojas, commander of the JTF Tawi-Tawi. “We attribute this success to the strengthened collaboration with our partner agencies including 1st SOU, PNP maritime. We also acknowledge the support of the local government units and cooperation of the peaceloving people of Tawi-Tawi,” Brig. Gen. Rojas added. Meanwhile, Lt. Gen. Vinluan, Jr. urged the people to stay calm and trust in the authorities. “Rest assured that we will sustain heightened alert and intensify our operations to expedite the rescue of the kidnap victims and the arrest of the ASG members,” said Lt. Gen. Vinluan, Jr. JIJ
Top 3 drug personalities in Lanao Sur arrested MARAWI CITY — Authorities have arrested recently top three drug personalities in Lanao del Sur in a buybust operation inside an eatery at Rapasun village within the premises of Mindanao State University main campus here, police said. In a statement, PCol. Rex O. Derilo, provincial director of Lanao del Sur Police Provincial Office (LDSPPO), said arrested by LDSPPO joint units were Asraf Moluc aka Sowair, Mindalano Lantong aka Paul, Patty Benito Paloma, and Mahid Macabato “The One suspect identified as Mahid Pumbaya, the alleged maintainer of the place defined as drug den, eluded arrest during the operation,” added Derilo. PMaj. Christopher Cabugwang led the operation, under the direct supervision of Derilo and in coordination with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA). Seized were one (1) unit pistol Colt Cal .45; One (1) magazine loaded with live ammunitions; a small heatsealed transparent plastic sachet containing white crystalline substance believed to be shabu; the marked money used in the poseur transaction; and two (2) pieces Ziplock plastic bag containing white crystalline substance believed to be shabu weighing about 350 grams with an estimated DDB market value of Php 2.38M. The suspects were brought to LDSPPO for documentation procedures and the pieces of evidence were brought to the PNP Provincial Crime Laboratory for forensics examination. Appropriate charges in relation to Republic Act (RA) 9165 or the Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 and RA 10591 for Illegal Possession of Firearms are set to be filed against the suspects. ASRAF GANI, 36 years old, is No. 3 in the list of the drug personalities operating in the province and has a standing warrant of arrest for robbery. PATTY BENITO, 49 years old, is a junior process server in one of the municipal courts of Lanao del Sur. MAHID MACABATO, 35 years old, is a private security guard posted in a government establishment. Further investigation also revealed that the said restaurant has rooms for rent in the first floor as well as in the second floor. Visitors, mostly students of the university allegedly frequent the place, despite of the pandemic and no face-to-face classes being offered. Derilo said “We will continue to intensify our operations against the same illegal activity in any particular locations, giving relentless focus on high value target individuals, in line with directives of our Regional Director, PRO BAR, PBEGN SAMUEL P RODRIGUEZ.” MASIDING NOOR YAHYA
Across Mindanao
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
BARMM chief upbeat about BTA term extension approval
Two military personnel arrested for gun smuggling By Julmunir I. Jannaral
By Ali G. Macabalang CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY — Interim Bangsamoro Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim is confident about passage by congress of pending bills seeking to extend the lifespan of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) by postponing the election for regular parliament members set to be synchronized with local and national polls in 2022. Ebrahim expressed the optimism in an exclusive interview by the Philippine Muslim Today (PMT) news on Sunday at the sidelight here of the ceremonial signing of contracts for P3.7-billion infra projects with all local government units (LGUs) in Lanao del Sur, particularly Governor Mamintal “Bombit” A. Adiong and his 39 town mayors and one city mayor. He also aired a positive view for possible “urgent” certification by President Rodrigo Duterte of one of six bills (two in the Senate and four in the House) that all propose the regional poll’s postponement to 2025 in order to extend the three-year term of the BTA, the interim ruling body of the two-year old Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). Ebrahim, chair of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) now momentarily steering the
GUN RUNNER IN THE AFP: Capt. Christopher Galvez Eslava, 41 years old, and a resident of Cabilao, Makilala, North Cotabato (extreme left) and Corporal Ryan Laure Larot, (2nd from left) 35 years old and a resident Pagadian City are arrested for alleged gunrunning from the AFP arsenal. (Contributed Photo)
BANGSAMORO CHIEF CONFIDENT ON BTA EXTENSION: BARMM Interim Chief Minister Ahod B. Ebrahim tells Philippine Muslim Today news editor Ali G. Macabalang he is confident BTA will be extended in an interview in Cagayan de Oro City on March 21. (PMT Photo) BARMM governance, cited the latest of meetings by BARMM officials he led with the President, whom he described as “100 percent supportive” of the call for BTA term extension. “Actually, the president is very supportive naman starting from the day na kinausap namin siya… hindi na kami nakapag paliwanag nang mahaba, sabi niya: I really understand na kailangan
ninyo (kasi) very short ang three years na transisyon. So kausapin niya (ang kongreso na) 100% na supportado (siya),” Ebrahim said. He said the President advised the BARMM entourage to “reach out” to the legislature and help persuade lawmakers into committing the passage of a synchronized version of the six bills. For lobby efforts before Congress, Ebrahim quoted the President as
saying: “Kung ano ang kailangan na supporta ready ako, nasa likod (ako) para sa inyo.” Majority of five governors and 118 mayors as well as Congress members from BARMM have officially manifested full support for the term extension call, with Christian leaders led by Cardinal Orlando Quevedo and North Cotabato Gov. issuing statements endorsing Congressional approval. BARMM| A11
Navy facilitates transport of COVID-19 vaccines to far-flung island towns in Tawi-Tawi
AMP NAVARRO, Calarian, Zamboanga City — The Philippine Navy’s PS-19 facilitated the transport of the COVID -19 vaccines and medical team to the island municipalities of Mapun Island and Turtle Islands both in TawiTawi province recently. “The Western Mindanao Command through the Naval Forces Western Mindanao and the Joint Task Force TawiTawi successfully transported the Sinovac and Astrazeneca vaccines to Mapun Island that benefitted more or less 200 healthcare workers of the municipalities of Mapun and Turtle Islands,” said Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, Jr., commander of the Western Mindanao Command (WestMinCom) on Wednesday. The vaccines were administered by the
By Julmunir I. Jannaral
CAMP NAVARRO, Calarian, Zamboanga City — Western Mindanao Command Chief Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, Jr. said due process will be observed in relation to the arrest of a military officer and a young soldier due to gun smuggling. “We do not tolerate any illegal activity perpetrated by anyone from the organization. They are the stains that should be removed to maintain the clean reputation of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,” said Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, Jr., Commander of the Western Mindanao Command. “Nevertheless, the AFP will still conduct our investigation and observe due process. Once proven guilty, the two will subsequently be discharged from the regular service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and will face the appropriate charges under the rule of law,” Lt. Gen. Vinluan, Jr further stated. This came after the arrest of Captain Christopher Galvez Eslava, 41 years old, and a resident of Cabilao, Makilala, North Cotabato, and Corporal Ryan Laure Larot, 35 years old and a resident of Purok Gemelina, Barangay Banali, Pagadian City. The two were apprehended for gun smuggling activities during an entrapment operation conducted by combined elements of the PNP and AFP at Purok Gemelina, Sanito, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay Province at 12:15 in the morning last March 23. Seized from their possession were one Cal. 5.56 M4 Carbine, make Daniel Defense; one 5.56mm M4, make Colt Carbine; one Cal. 5.56 M4, make TRIARC System; two 9mm Pistol, make Glock 19; one rifle grenade; three 40 mm grenade; six M16 magazines; three Cal 40. Magazines; and 1.2 million boodle money. The two were accused to have perpetrated gun -running and gun smuggling activities and are temporarily detained at the Ipil Municipal Police Station. JIJ
READY TO INOCULATE: Frontline Health Workers from the Integrated Provincial Health Office of Tawi-Tawi on-board the Navy boat PS-19 while on voyage bound for Turtle Islands and Mapun Municipalities in Tawi-Tawi Province. (Contributed Photo)
medical team from the Integrated Provincial Health Office of TawiTawi headed by Dr. Sangkula Laja at the District Hospital of Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi in Barangay Lupa Pula, Mapun. “We are happy to be of service to the people
especially during this crucial time when we are all battling against an invisible foe, the Coronavirus, which has claimed lives and afflicted many,” said Brig. Gen. Arturo Rojas, commander of the Joint Task Force Tawi-Tawi. Additionally, person-
nel of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Development also embarked the navy vessel on the same voyage to distribute 4Ps grants and deliver other essential government services and supplies to the indigent people. LAKE LANAO| A11
ASSORTED HIGH POWERED FIREARMS: Several assorted high powered firearms were confiscated from the suspected gunrunners said to be an AFP officer and a corporal who were arrested by combined elements of PNP and AFP in Zamboanga Sibugay Province. (Contributed Photo)
Across Philippines
BARMM to observe March 6 as Bud Daho Day Tuboh Panabuan members, massacred descendants thank the BTA for the passage of the bill By JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL COTABATO CITY: A bill declaring March 6, 1906 Bud Daho Day in honor of the Tausug’s resistance to United States’ colonization has been filed in the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Parliament. Member of Parliament Amilbahar S. Mawallil introduced BTA Bill No. 88 entitled “An act declaring March 6 of every year as Bud Daho Day in commemoration of the Tausug’s resistance to foreign occupation and their continuing quest for peace and self-determination.” According to Mawallil, around 800 – 1,000 Tausug villagers were massacred on said date inside the 50-foot crater of Bud Dajo – a dormant volcano six to seven kilometers away from Jolo, Sulu. The victims were a community of Tausugs who fled to the volcano in defiance of the United States’ occupation of Mindanao. “Despite being out-gunned and overpowered, the freedom-loving Tausugs chose to fight, and sacrifice their lives, rather than submit to American rule by paying taxes or surrendering their weapons,” Mawallil stated on the bill’s explanatory note. Under the bill, Bangsamoro Government’s different ministries, offices, and agencies shall organize and implement annual activities designed to raise public awareness on the events in Bud Daho. The Bangsamoro Commission for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (BCPCH) and the Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education (MBHTE), in partnership with non-governmental organizations advocating for human rights, shall lead public and private school communities at all levels in the BARMM in organizing consciousness -raising activities on Bud Daho Day. “Mr. Speaker it was a story that needs to be retold over the next generation, so that the next generation will never forget the sacrifices of our ancestors to resist US colonial domination,” said MP Mawallil during his sponsorship speech on Wednesday, March 24. The bill was also authored by MP Engr. Don Mustapha Loong, with co-authors including Minority Floor Leader Atty. Laisa M. ALamia, Deputy Minority Floor Leaders Engr. Baintan A. Ampatuan, Atty. Suharto M. Ambolodto, Atty. Rasol Y. Mitmug Jr., and MP Rasul E. Ismael. Tuboh Panabuan/Descendants of Massacred Victims As this developed, the members of Tuboh Panabuan/descendants of the victims in Bud Daho Massacre thanked the members of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority for the passage of the bill BTA Bill 88 a bill that would commemorate March 6, 1906 as Bud Daho Day. According to narratives, Datu Sahid being the cousin of Datu Amirul is also the most trusted lieutenant of Datu Amirul who was later on crowned as Sultan Jamalul Kiram II. The First Battle of Bud Daho, also known as the Moro Crater Massacre, was according to the version of the American soldiers was merely a counter insurgency-action fought by the United States Army against Moros in March 1906, during the Moro Rebellion in the southwestern Philippines. Whether the occupants of Bud Daho were hostile to U.S. forces is disputed, as inhabitants of Jolo Island had previously used the crater as a place of refuge during Spanish assaults. However, even Major Hugh Scott, the District Governor of Sulu Province, where the incident occurred, recounted that those who fled to the BUD DAHO| A12
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
Over P300-M cash aid for 50K workers still unclaimed By Ferdinand Patinio
ANILA – Over PHP300 million in cash benefits have yet to be claimed by around 50,000 workers affected by the coronaCiting latest data, DOLE Information and Publication Service (IPS) director Rolly Francia said a total of PHP302,800,844 in cash assistance are still waiting to be claimed by a total of 49,598 beneficiaries consisting of local workers and overseas workers who have returned to the country. He said the unclaimed cash aid is from the funds under the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act (Bayanihan 1) and Bayanihan to Recover as One Act (Bayanihan 2). The financial aid is under the Covid-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP), Abot Kamay Ang Pagtulong (AKAP) Program and Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Disadvantaged/Displaced Workers (TUPAD) Program. Under Bayanihan 1, the unclaimed cash assistance amounting to PHP23,230,620 is allotted for 3,798 beneficiaries. The breakdown is as follows -CAMP, PHP4.25 million for 850 workers; AKAP, PHP14.1 million for 1,410 workers and TUPAD, PHP4,880,620 for 1,538 workers. Meanwhile, the unclaimed financial aid from the Bayanihan 2 amounts to PHP279,570,223 with a total of 45,800 recipients. This consists of TUPAD with
virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said on Thursday.
PHP76,905,304 for 15,572 beneficiaries; AKAP with PHP95,110,000 for 9,511 beneficiaries; CAMP with PHP90,635,000 for 18,127 beneficiaries; CAMP (Tourism sector) with PHP15,429,920 for 2,292 beneficiaries and CAMP (Education sector) with PHP1.490 million for 298 beneficiaries. Francia urged all those who applied for the assistance and have not received their cash aid to coordinate with DOLE’s field offices or remittance centers in their areas. CAMP program is a one-time PHP5,000 cash aid provided by the government to affected workers in private establishments. Under AKAP, Filipino workers on
site or those that have been repatriated back to the country due to the pandemic are given a one-time financial aid amounting to PHP10,000 (UDS200). Informal sector workers displaced by the pandemic are given emergency employment for two weeks under TUPAD. The workers’ salary is based on the current minimum wage in the area where they are employed. PNA
Manila village chiefs authorized to declare lockdowns MANILA – The city government of Manila has authorized village chiefs to impose localized lockdowns as part of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) containment strategies. To effectively contain the resurgence and spread of Covid-19, Manila Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso signed late Wednesday Executive Order (EO) No. 12. “Akin na pong pinirmahan ang (I have already signed) Executive Order No. 12, authorizing Punong Barangay (village chief) to declare, subject to certain conditions, their barangay or portion thereof, as critical zone per zoning containment strategy in order to provide immediate, rapid response operation to contain the resurgence and spread of Covid-19 within their respective territorial jurisdiction,” he said. Domagoso said the EO will empower barangay officials to speed up
decision-making and avoid bureaucracy. It will also allow officials to closely monitor community members. However, the authority to place a village or a portion of it under lockdown should be used only if there are at least Covid-19 infections as verified by the Manila Health Department (MHD). A two-day prior notice must be given to the residents as well as businesses that will be affected by the lockdown. “Within three hours
from its issuance, the order placing the barangay or portion thereof under Critical Zone Containment shall be forwarded to the City Mayor for his confirmation,” the EO read. The EO directed anew police station commanders to deploy officers and personnel for the effective implementation of lockdowns. Twenty-nine villages, one cluster and one street are under a fourday lockdown this week, beginning 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday
until 11:59 p.m. on Saturday. As of Wednesday, there were 3,667 active Covid-19 cases recorded by the MHD, with 587 from Tondo 1 and 551 from Sampaloc. A total of 31,383 have recovered (291 on Wednesday) and 866 died. Commission on Elections offices in Manila are also closed for disinfection from Wednesday to Sunday. Registration will resume on Monday, March 29. Marita Moaje/PNA
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
The Chinese Entrepreneurs of Bongao (Part VII)
he steady increase of population in Bongao, ostensively triggered by the trading activity of the Chinese pioneering spirit of entrepreneurships, had a tremendous impact and shaped the social, economic and political landscape of the province. People’s lifestyle and simple ways of living became more complicated. A simple necessity or needs has turned into ‘wants’. The streams of goods, materials and services coming in from external sources brought about by the trade and commerce activities of Chinese businesses has opened a floodgate of demands for modern day lifestyles. People had begun to demand for mechanized transport facilities both for sea and land to speed-up transactions. Prior to the establishment of power sources like electricity, private individuals and businesses obtained their own portable ‘gensets’ to sustain their operation on food preservation, marine products refrigeration and ice-making to supply the small vendors whose numbers grew up and became a ‘force’ for the so called underground economies. This business ‘dynamics resulted in more demands for luxury items like electrical appliances, radio and television sets, modern living home-decorative items, and etc. This dynamic has put the Chinese entrepreneurs at the center of practically every inch of the dramatic transformation of Bongao into what it is today.
One of the many small juice vendors that requires block of ice to cool the drinks.
or the 40th Issue of Philippine Muslim Today, I would like to introduce to my readers in this Culinary Column the modified and authentic Chinese Fried Rice, but just the same all the ingredients are Halal in nature. For the 41st Issue of Philippine Muslim Today, I would like to introduce to my Culinary Readers another Halal Food which is the Crispy Fried Shrimp whose raw ingredients can be easily bought in any wet market. Hence, to cook the Halal Crispy Fried Shrimp, may I refer you to the following Ingredients and easy to follow Instructions. INGREDIENTS: • 1 lb. jumbo shrimps peeled, deveined, tail on • 1 cup pan breadcrumbs • 2 eggs • 1 tbsp. water • 1/3 cup all-purpose flour • 1/3 cup cornstarch • 1 1/2 tsp. Old Bay Seasoning • 1/2 tsp. salt • oil for frying about 1/2 cup INSTRUCTIONS: • In a shallow bowl, whisk the eggs together with 1 tablespoon of water. • In a second bowl, mix together the flour, cornstarch, seasoning, and salt. Add the breadcrumbs into the third bowl. • Coat the shrimp in flour, dip them in egg, and then press them into the bread crumb mixture, thoroughly coating them. • Heat a heavy-bottomed skillet over medium -high heat and add about 1/2 cup of oil. Working in batches, cook the shrimp, turning once, until golden, about 1 to 2 minutes per side. Transfer to a baking sheet and place them in the oven to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining shrimp.
Caraga braces for influx of summer visitors
(To be continued on the next issue)
COTABATO CITY — The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) in Region 12 said it is fast-tracking the completion of a major road network that would connect the provinces of Maguindanao and Sultan Kudarat to Davao del Sur. DPWH-12 Director Basir M. Ibrahim said Monday the Datu Paglas-ColumbioMatanao road project connecting the provinces of Maguinda-
Road linking Maguindanao, S. Kudarat, Davao Sur nears completion nao, Sultan Kudarat, and Davao del Sur is already 91.2 percent complete. “It is composed of a 23.2-kilometer road opening and concreting which also includes two bridges with a total length of 240 meters,” Ibrahim said. He said road concreting that started a few years back in Barangay Poblacion, Datu Paglas, Maguindanao, is now nearing Matanao town in Davao del Sur.
Ibrahim said the coronavirus disease pandemic slowed down the project, which seeks to promote fast and safe inter-regional linkage and trade between Regions 11 (Southern Mindanao) and 12 (Soccsksargen). Ibrahim said that with improved mobility, people would have access to better economic opportunities and government services, thus, alleviate the lives of those living in the once considered far-flung communi-
ties. Once the road project is completed, travel time from Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat to Matanao, Davao del Sur would be reduced from four hours and 10 minutes to only two hours and 20 minutes, Ibrahim said of the PHP1.1 billion project. “With the directive of DPWH Secretary Mark A. Villar, we are doing our best to expedite construction activities and keep up from construction suspension due to the effect of the pandemic last year,” he said. Edwin Fernandez/ PNA
BUTUAN CITY: The Police Regional Office in Caraga Region (PRO-13) is fielding around 6,519 personnel to secure the area during the summer vacation period. Amid the continued threat of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), local and even foreign tourists are still expected to arrive as tourist and vacation sites in the region were already opened by the local government units (LGUs). The deployment of the more than 6,000 police officers will enable the conduct of intensified checkpoint operations, mobile and beat patrolling, and ensure police presence in all places of convergence, and route safety marshals to preempt possible plans and activities of criminal elements and threat groups, PRO13 director Brig. Gen. Romeo M. Caramat Jr. said in a statement on Sunday. PANGARUNGAN | A12
World Round-Up
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
Religion or an education? How British Muslims are forced to decide By CHRISTOPHER HAMILL-STEWART
ONDON: A member of the UK’s House of Lords has challenged the government over its “shameful” disregard for British Muslims, who he said are being systematically In a debate this week, Lord Sharkey highlighted a sevenyear-old promise made by former UK Prime Minister David Cameron: “Never again should a Muslim in Britain feel unable to go to university because they cannot get a student loan — simply because of their religion,” which he told a World Economic Forum conference in Davos in 2013. But Lord Sharkey said this promise has gone unfulfilled, and the government’s failure to act is excluding British Muslims. “Lords will know that Islam forbids interestbearing loans. This prohibition can be and is a barrier to Muslim students going on to attend our universities,” Lord Sharkey said. The UK provides interest-bearing loans to help students pay for university. In 2014, the government committed to providing an alternative that would allow Muslims to take loans that do not compromise their religion. Specifically, they pledged “the introduction of a Shariacompliant Takaful Alternative Finance product” available to everyone. “That was six years ago … there is still no Sharia compliant student product available,” Lord Sharkey said. “It is shameful that the government have allowed so much time to elapse and that they display such a casual neglect of and disregard for our Muslim community.” A senior British politi-
deprived of a university education because of a refusal to introduce a student loan system that Muslims can access.
Lord Sharkey slammed a “shameful” disregard for British Muslims, who are systematically deprived of university education because of a refusal to introduce a student loan system that Muslims can access he said. (Shutterstock/File Photo)
cian with direct knowledge of the issue told Arab News that the government’s failure to introduce an alternative financing system was, in his view, inexplicable. “I genuinely do not understand why the government has taken seven years to do something about this. Six years ago the government not only recognized a problem, but recognized a solution: Takaful,” they said. Takaful is a common Islamic finance mechanism that allows lenders to provide credit in a Sharia-compliant manner. The government, the politician told Arab News, has already introduced a Takaful system to assist with buying houses — and that was rolled out in under a year. “I have no idea how we got ourselves into this mess in the first place — it’s obviously discrimination. I remain very unhappy, but also completely bewildered as to why they would choose to treat the Muslim communtiy in this way.”
Estelle Clarke, a student finance campaigner, told Arab News that she attributes the government’s failure to it being “indifferent” to the plight of students. “Further, and unfortunately, their inaction does suggest a systemic discrimination against certain students on the grounds of their religion, and that the government is indifferent to this discrimination,” she added. As it stands, Clarke explained, the astronomical price of university education in the UK means that British Muslims have no good options when it comes to deciding their future after finishing school. “When you look at the cost of a university education, as a rough figure, every year costs you around £20,000 ($27,800) — which student can afford to come up with £60,000 upfront to pay for their degree without taking loans? “On the assumption that you will not compromise your religion — and nobody should be forced to — a Muslim student has the choice
between paying for the entirety of their education up front, or not going to university.” She added: “That’s no choice at all.” This is the predicament that thousands of young and ambitious Muslims have suddenly been confronted with, with teenagers across the UK preparing their university applications,. Four years ago Ayesha Dar was one of those students. She told Arab News: “I knew I had to fund university in some way, and that the standard method is to take a loan. “For our non-Muslim peers there’s no other implications of taking those loans for them,” Dar said. “That was a big eye-opener as to how stark the difference might be for me growing up in the UK, as opposed to a Muslim country. That was a turning point for me. “I knew that in order to succeed in this country I needed a degree — but the loan presented a huge obstacle to my progress if I didn’t go for it.” In the end Dar decided to take the loan, but explained that she is now committed to paying it off in full as soon as possible. “For myself and most of my Muslim friends, getting rid of that debt is the number one priority — we want to get rid of it as quickly as we can,” she said. “We’re very focused on getting rid of that debt, put simply: We find it sinful. It’s horrible, to be honest.” ARAB NEWS
Yemen coronavirus committee calls for ‘state of emergency’ DUBAI: Yemen’s coronavirus committee urged the government Tuesday to declare a public health “state of emergency” after a surge in infections in the war-torn country. Six years of civil war has left Yemen’s weak health care system in ruins, and this week the country reported more than 100 cases in a day, much higher than figures at the beginning of the year. It has officially recorded some 3,500 cases of
COVID-19 including 771 deaths since the pandemic began, but testing is scant. Most clinics are ill-equipped to determine causes of death, and many fear the real toll is far higher. The Supreme National Emergency Committee for Coronavirus is linked to the Saudibacked internationally recognized government, which has been battling Iran-backed Houthi militia since 2014. YEMEN| A13
Hong Kong, Macau suspend Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine over packaging flaw HONG KONG: Hong Kong suspended the use of Pfizer/BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine on Wednesday after being informed some vials from a recent batch had “defective caps” — although authorities said none of the problematic containers were used on residents. The stoppage, which was also announced by neighboring Macau, is the latest blow in efforts to role out mass vaccination programs against a deadly virus that has killed more than 2.7 million people around the world and hammered the global economy. Both Chinese cities said their decision came after they were contacted about the issue by Fosun, the Chinese pharmaceutical company that is distributing the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in China. Some vials with the lot number 210102 were found to have defective caps, authorities said. “The pharmaceutical company said they don’t have any reason to believe that this batch of vaccines has safety risks,” Hong Kong health chief Sophia Chan told reporters. “The vaccines which we have found to have vial defects prior to injection were dumped. They were not used on residents,” she added. Many vaccines are shipped in concentrated form inside vials and are then diluted before being administered. Bottles found to have problematic caps, cracks or other defects were dumped and therefore not used, Hong Kong officials said, adding they decided to suspend the program out of an abundance of caution until their investigation is concluded. Some Hong Kongers took to social media to say their appointments that day had been canceled and that some vaccination centers were closed. “I haven’t lost confidence in the vaccine but I’m quite disappointed as I took the day off,” one man, who gave his surname as Wong, told AFP as he arrived at a taped-off center. Hong Kong authorities said another batch of vaccines with lot number 210104 would be put to one side until the investigation is concluded. The city had planned to administer second doses within 21 days of the first, but Pfizer’s guidelines allow for a 42-day space between shots giving authorities more time to trace any issues. Despite being a notoriously packed city, Hong Kong has kept infections low thanks to some of the most stringent quarantine measures in the world, recording just 11,000 infections and 200 deaths since the pandemic began. Hong Kong began its vaccination drive last month but the public take-up has been slow and ensnared by roiling political unrest. The city was upended by huge and often violent democracy protests in 2019 that Beijing has responded to with a sweeping crackdown on dissent. As a result, public trust in Hong Kong’s government is low. A recent poll said only 37 percent of Hong Kong adults planned to get vaccinated. As of Tuesday, 403,000 people — about five percent of the city’s population — have had their first shot. Authorities currently offer China’s Sinovac and the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Sinovac received fast-track approval despite not publishing peer-reviewed clinical data. The data available points to an efficacy rate of between 50-80 percent, depending on the studies. Pfizer says its efficacy rate is 94-95 percent. The vaccination scheme was opened to anyone above the age of 30 last week after officials struggled to attract enough elderly people and those in priority groups. Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam has previously lamented the tepid enthusiasm for vaccination and accused critics of “smearing” the Chinese vaccine. On Tuesday, health authorities banned a local clinic from supplying vaccines after one of its doctors publicly said he would choose Pfizer’s vaccine over Sinovac. ARAB NEWS
News Round Up
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
A Congratulatory Message for 6 Tausug who pass Physician Licensure Examinations given by PRC Gulf News Today By Gamson Jr Mawallil Quijano
n March 19, 2021, the results of the much awaited March 2021 Physician Licensure Examination were released by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). Out of 1,927 examinees, 1,234 passed the said exam. The PRC conducted the first regular Physician board exam this year on March 7, 8, 14 and 15, 2021 in Manila, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Legazpi, Lucena, Tacloban, Tuguegarao and Zamboanga. Praise is to Allāh Who by His blessings all good things are perfected. Six (6) examinees who were included in the roll of successful examinees hailed from the beautiful province of Sulu. Their names and the name of secondary schools in Sulu where they were admitted are as follows: 1.) EDIENBURGH BIROWA ABUBAKAR, MD, Mindanao State University, Sulu; 2.) RASHID-ALI BANGAHAN HAMIS, MD, Sulu State College Laboratory High School, Sulu; 3.) AIZHAR ANIK KARAY, MD Mindanao State University, Sulu; 4.) SOPHIA MARIE SUAREZ CHIONG, MD, Notre Dame of Jolo High School - Kasulutan, Jolo, Sulu; 5.) AHMED BRYLE IRAHAM INDANAN, MD, Mindanao State University, Sulu; 6.) DARWANA ADIN IBBANG, MD, Notre Dame of Jolo for Girls, Sulu. All of them studied and graduated from medicine at Ateneo de Zamboanga University-School of Medicine. To all the passers of the March 2021 Physician Licensure Examination, congratulations! Especially to all my brethren Fillāh, and to all my fellow Tausug who have sacrificed so much for this noble dream to become a reality, a dream of helping the sick people especially those ailing indigent citizens. You guys made us all proud and honored! May Allāh continue to bless and guide you as you embark on a new crucial role in our ailing society, especially amid this health crisis. Bāraka Allāhu Fīykum! The intensive battle against the unseen enemies that continue to surge and agonize the world in many aspects is still ON! Many have fought and sacrificed their precious lives in order to protect and safeguard the human beings from being endangered by these nemesis. For those who have perished during the fight, I hail the great sacrifices they have rendered till the last breath of their lives. Thank you so much for everything! Hence, for those who are still here and still at the forefront of this battle, let’s continue the fight with fortitude till victory triumphs us! Recently, the soldiers who will be fighting for in this noble battle have been augmented. We are grateful for this because the many soldiers who will fight, the more chances of victory, in shā Allāh! However, everyone has to do their most humble share in order or us to win this battle. During these trying times, we need to unite and extend our utmost support to the people at the forefront of
this struggle. How? By simply adhering to the minimum standard health guidelines set by our health experts and leaders in our place. These are for us! These are crucial tools for our victory! Likewise, let us always offer a sincere dua to Allāh that may our beloved families, loved ones, as well as ourselves, and all those at the forefront of this battle be protected and safeguarded by Him at all times from the harm of COVID-19 and any natural or man-made catastrophes wherever we may be. For as long as the battle against our unseen enemy that agonizes the world is not yet officially declared over, DO NOT BE COMPLACENT. Let’s continue to be cautious at all times by heeding the guidelines set by the authorities. May Allāh keep us all in de best of health & well-being, āmin. Gamson Jr Mawallil Quijano
EDIENBURGH BIROWA ABUBAKAR, MD Mindanao State University, Sulu
RASHID-ALI BANGAHAN HAMIS, MD Sulu State College Laboratory High School, Sulu
AIZHAR ANIK KARAY, MD Mindanao State University, Sulu
SOPHIA MARIE SUAREZ CHIONG, MD Notre Dame of Jolo High School - Kasulutan, Jolo, Sulu.
AHMED BRYLE IRAHAM INDANAN Mindanao State University, Sulu
DARWANA ADIN IBBANG, MD Notre Dame of Jolo for Girls, Sulu
BUD DAHO | from Page A2
BARMM to observe March 6 as Bud Daho Day crater "declared they had no intention of fighting, ran up there only in fright, had some crops planted and desired to cultivate them.” Panabuan Royalty At this juncture, some of the descendants of Bud Daho Massacred Victims are now members of Tuboh Panabuan, which is a barangay in Indanan, Sulu. Based on the Tarsila or narratives to the Committee on Genealogy Chaired by Datu Hadji Ahiyal Ameer Sappayani, a Retired Philippine Army Colonel and Co-Chaired by Engr. Nelson Tapsirul, Tuboh Panabuan has more or less 500 Cardbearing members of different professions from Medical Doctors, Educators, and Engineers. Since the war in Bud Daho was sensed by Datu Sahid as inevitable and in order to save the lives of his offsprings he tried to secure the safety of his children and brought his 2 boys, Datu Putoh 13, and Datu Hambuyong 12, and a girl named Dayang-Dayang Hammasiya 10, to the care of his sister Addawiya who is married to a Panglima in Panabuan with the advice not to reveal their true identity being children of a Datu as a precaution to the said rumors being spread in the province especially the impending war that may erupt in Bud Daho. Upon his return to Pigih Daho where he is a resident, the confrontation began with the Tausug forces occupying the top of the mountain on a crater left by volcanic eruption (1640) and American forces on all planks at the mountain side. Going back to the 3 children, they've never seen again their father Datu Sahid and their mother as well as other close relatives in Bud Daho because they were all massacred by the American colonial forces. And till now, few know their royal identity, according to Datu Hadji Ahiyal Ameer Sappayani, who has kept the genealogy or Tarsila leading to the descendants of Datu Sahid. Hence, since the real, legitimate and true identity of the three offsprings of Datu Sahid was kept confidential, now it can be told who are their present generations in Panabuan, Indanan as based on narratives or Tarsila. This is now a matter of “Struggle for Royal Identity” and could be classified as a historical injustice if this will not bare out the real history. Again as it is not because the present generations just wanted to affix the royalty into their names, but all they want is the truth and nothing but the truth. First, we will bare who are the present generations that belonged to the offsprings of Datu Putoh. With all modesty, we can name some of the present generations. They are the families of Maharajah Jannaral Nassaie, and Akmad Lakibul, and several other descendants like Julmunir I. Jannaral with his sons Nagreeb-Khan A. Jannaral and Nizzar Khan A. Jannaral. Then another brother is Abdulhan Nassaie Jannaral and his son Ahmad Jhann Shaeid Jannaral. Julmunir is also related as a second degree cousin to Embrayda Tapsirul, who is the wife of Engr. Nelson Tapsirul. Then Akmad Lakibul is the first cousin of Maharajah Jannaral. The sons of Akmad are Ahmar, Al Hussien, and Darimar Green Lakibul. Second, from the present generations that belonged to the Datu Hambuyong clan, we have Sappayani and whose son is Datu Hadji Ahiyal Ameer Sappayani. The daughters of Datu Ahiyal Ameer’s sister are Dayang-Dayang Patricia Rej Sampang and DayangDayang Wisa Sappayani Sampang. Third, and the next clan is the clan of DayangDayang Hammasiya. Noteworthy among the descendants are Jillahani, Hadji Tapsirul. Then followed by sons Colonel Julmin Tapsirul and Engr. Nelson Tapsirul. Likewise, other present generations belonging to this clan, notably is the former Congresswoman of the 2nd Congressional District of Sulu, Rep. Lady Ann Sahidulla and etc. The son of Lady Ann is Hadji Whajid Sahidulla, the incumbent mayor of the Municipality of Banguingui (Tongkil) in Sulu.
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
SULU | from Page A4
Sulu political giants finally found the elusive peace, amicably settled On the other hand, Abdulghani “Gerry” Salapuddin, the administrator and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Southern Philippines Development Authority (SPDA) based in Davao City has also some nice observations on the amicable settlement of Gov. Tan and Congressman Arbison.
Salapuddin who was the former governor of Basilan Province, and at the same also the former House Deputy Speaker for Mindanao and Representative of the Lone District of Basilan, said “this is what I can say on the reinstatement of friendship between Gov. Abdusakur M. Tan and Deputy Speaker and Representative of
the 2nd District of Sulu Munir M. Arbison. I congratulate both leaders in their openness and realization to break the barrier of estrangement due to their contrasting political agenda. As Muslims, our leaders must not allow themselves to be devoured by the evil designs of politics. Instead of power control-
ling them, they must rein on power and use it to promote good governance, brotherhood, friendship and the socio-economic upliftment of their people. They must not forget that wealth and power are trusts from Allah SWT. Between two feuding Muslims, whoever makes the first to move restore trust and friendship will be given
more blessings by Allah. For all Muslims are brothers unto each other,” Salapuddin said. Tan who is also known as Datu Shahbandar in the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo under the legitimate leadership of His Majesty, Sultan Muedzul-Lail Tan Kiram, has a brand of leadership that can bring enduring
peace, development, and lasting unity of the people of Sulu. “I wish their leadership together can bring enduring peace and development, the unity of their people, with the end in view of restoring the glory and majesty of the Sultanate of Sulu,” the SPDA administrator/CEO further said. JIJ
SPECIAL REPORT: MSU System bares accomplishments in 2016-2020 14. Convention Center started on March 3, 2014 with a cost of P45,289,812.62 and is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent completed. 15. 3-Storey, College of Education Bldg. started on July 10, 2014 with a cost of P28,821,228.53 and is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent completed. 16. Grandstand Repair started on March 5, 2014 with a cost of P6,738,490.36 and
is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent completed. 17. Water Works, Phase II started on March 24, 2014 with a cost of P7,944,765.20 and is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent completed. 18. E-Library Bldg. started on January 30, 2014 with a cost of P14,955,454.90 and is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent
completed. 19. 3-Storey CHS II Bldg. started on June 9, 2014 with a cost of P27,454,330.73 and is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent completed. 20. 3-Storey Medicine Bldg, Phase II started on June 29,2015 with a cost of P22,356,343.33 and is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent completed. 21. Rehab of College
Fisheries started on August 23, 2013 with a cost of P4,947,001.64 and is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent completed. 22. Retaining Wall/ Slope Protection started on March 29,2015 with a cost of P2,984,574.84 and is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent completed. 23. 2-Storey,College of Engr. Bldg. started on March 5, 2014 with a cost of
P20,013,793.78 and is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent completed. 24. 3-Storey, College of Public Affairs started on March 17, 2015 with a cost of P34,878,585.70 and is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent completed. 25. Drainage System started on May 1,2014 with a cost of P15,717,762.10 and is funded by GAA 2013 which
is 100 percent completed. 26. Rehab of Dimaporo Gym started on June 1,2013 with a cost of P9,344,466.24 and is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent completed. 27. Student Center Bldg. started on July 13,2013 with a cost of P78,082,710.65 and is funded by GAA 2013 which is 100 percent completed. (to be continued)
BARMM| from Page A6
BARMM signs MOA for 3.7-B Infra projects with Lanao Sur LGUs He clarified that the government was “not the enemy per se” of the fighters in the armed struggle but the “oppression, injustices and exploitations” against the Bangsamoro. “It just happened that the government (through its past administrations) acted to be the instrument of oppressive and unjust treatment of the Bangsamoro,” Ebrahim said in mixed Pilipino and local vernaculars. Ebrahim said the advent of the BARMM governance in 2019 came with a “bigger challenge” for its administrators and workforces initially led by the MILF to face with greater resolve. “How we can translate into reality our visions for betterment (R.A. 11054 brought about by the MILF peace accords with the government) now requires another jihad,” he said. “This time, the struggle is of higher degree or major jihad because our enemy now is ourselves,” said Ebrahim, who still heads the MILF as chairman of its central committee. Islamic values for moral governance Ebrahim hinted that the acts of pulling the trigger of guns or drawing words as characteristics of minor jihad in fighting adversaries will no longer apply in the major jihad because “our own enemies are our-
selves.” “Jihad akbar” requires utmost self-renewal in mindset and behavior, he added without elaboration. Asked of a layman’s definition of “jihad akbar,” Dr. Anshari Ali, incumbent chancellor of the Mindanao State University (MSU)-General Santos City (GSC) campus, defined it as a struggle for self-cleansing from whims, greed and egoism, and imbibing moral values in planning and implementing activities that involve people in a community or organization. The Philippine Muslim Today news chanced upon Ali, a Shariah lawyer with doctorate in Islamic studies, as he and other MSU officials led by University system president Dr. Habib Macaayong were holding board of regents’ meetings at the same hotel-venue of the BARMM event. Morality vs. legality In his speech, Ebrahim cited as example his administration’s decision to return to the national coffer some P3-billion fund the current regional bureaucracy has saved from unspent money of the defunct ARMM government in 2020. “We could have opted to keep for ourselves the money by easily coming up with usual required documentations. It’s easy,
I was told, to make things legal. But we deemed such an option as immoral. So, we decided to return the money,” Ebrahim revealed. Unprecedented infra projects’ awarding For his part, Minister Sinarimbo said Sunday’s event here was “first” of its kind in the history of regional autonomy as far as the volume or projects and MoAs sealing are concerned. “This is the first time for the regional government to award all LGUs in one province with big volume of infrastructure projects at one time,” Sinarimbo said, adding that Chief Minister Ebrahim has ordered the conduct of similar event for the four other provinces in BARMM – Maguindanao, Basilan, Sulu and TawiTawi. Last March 15, Ministers Guerra and Sinarimbo launched works for concreting of 63-kilometer road networks worth P1.008-billion for the 63 barangays in six towns of North Cotabato that had opted for inclusion in BARMM territory via the Feb. 6, 2019 s plebiscite. The two regional executives also broke the ground for the construction of two-floor three barangay halls worth P3.6-million in three villages located in Pigcawayan town. The funds for modern barangay halls would come from
MILG, Sinarimbo said. North Cotabato Gov. Nancy Catamco, who joined Guerra and Sinarimbo in both groundbreaking events, expressed utmost elation over the unprecedented influx of huge road projects in the 63 villages, even as she reiterated her “full endorsement” of the massive call for an extension in the three-year lifespan of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA), the interim ruling body of BARMM, that will cease operation after the 2022 elections. Similar holistic approach Sunday’s holistic signing MoAs for massive infra projects will be replicated tentatively in Basilan on March 25-28, in Tawi-Tawi on March 30-April 2, and in Sulu on April 3-6, in time with the conduct of trainings on road mapping among engineers and planners of the engineering districts in the island provinces, it was learned. (Read separate story.) Minister Guerra said the infra projects earmarked for the three island provinces will include road concreting and ports building or expansion as requested earlier by recipient -LGUs. Those awarded on Sunday to Lanao del Sur were also requested by the constituent-LGUs, he added. Offsetting duplicity
At Sunday’s event here, Lanao del Sur Governor Adiong expressed gratitude to Chief Minister Ebrahim, especially Minister Guerra for making the LGUs as “direct players” in the planning and implementation of vital infra projects – an arrangement allowed under the Local Government Code but never done in the history of regional autonomy. Gov. Adiong said such a record-setting approach will prevent duplication of infrastructure projects in constituent LGUs as experienced in the past for projects funded by the national government, members of Congress and the regional government. “Duplicity (in projects) had proven not only as a source of jurisdictional conflicts but also a factor for corruption,” said the governor, who is a civil engineer by profession. Simplified responsibility scope Gov. Adiong said the BARMM government’s innovative approach of allowing LGUs to carry out their own vital infra projects would limit the scope of determining responsibility in the success or failure of undertakings. “Funding institutions like the BARMM government can now single out a project-recipient LGU in case of a failure in the implementation process.
They no longer need to run after contractors, not the LGUs this time,” he said. Increased preliminary funding Since the LGUs have been entrusted in infra projects implementation, Adiong said appealed to the Chief Minister and Minister Guerra to innovate as well the usual practice of releasing just 15 per cent mobilization or preliminary funds by increasing it to 50 per cent. “This (increased initial funding) will make the difference in capacitating the LGUs in carrying out fully and successfully their respective projects,” Adiong said. After a brief huddle with CM Ebrahim, Minister Guerra, an architect by profession, responded to Adiong’s request: “We are announcing that we will release forty (40) per cent.” Sunday’s event here was attended by over 80 regional, provincial and municipal officials including BARMM Deputy Chief Minister Ali Solaiman; lawyer Dimnatang Pansar, incumbent mayor of Butig and president of Lanao del Sur mayors’ league; and MPW Deputy Minister Abdul Maomit Tomawis, who also delivered messages. AGM
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
YAHYA | from Page A2
Purge the undesirables from the BTA or let the Bangsamoro elect... It didn’t come through a silver platter. Rather, it was nurtured by the blood of the Bangsamoro martyrs shed in asserting our right for selfdetermination and freedom, especially to be free from injustices committed either historically or at present. To replace it may take another century or more to realize. If there’s a problem in the new BARMM, it’s those who presently sit at its helm, Could they be true to their words vis Moral Governance? And many people believe ‘Moral Governance’ is more of an advocacy covered with cotton floss easily said than done. Apparently, more and more people are seeing promises yet to be fulfilled by these
officials. And to me, lies definitely can’t make a “Moral Governance.” Nevertheless, doubt against doubt, I’d wait until the end of their term in 2022 if they mean what they say or at least could be close to its fulfilment, such as fulfilling their promises. Is there a need to extend the BTA term? If you ask me if there is a need to extend the term of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) from 2022 to 2025 as the present interim Bangsamoro authorities are working hard to the max, I’d say, “It depends.” It would entail big amount of money to hold the 2022 elections for Bangsamoro Parliament and it would be better to spend such amount for the
immediate need of the Bangsamoro people who are still suffering from cruel circumstances brought about by the dreaded pandemic not to mention other natural and man-made calamities that befell them like the Marawi Siege of 2017, the skirmishes and fighting among armed Moro groups which the BTA has yet to show if they could tackle to resolve, and many others. So better postpone it even if it be until 2028 as proposed by Rep. Khalid Dimaporo. The Lanao del Norte congressman through House Bill 8222 seeks to extend the transition period allowing the first regular election for the Bangsamoro Parliament to be synchronized with
the 2028 National Elections. This is to complete the peace agreement and fulfill the annex on normalization, according to him. The bill also seeks to reintegrate the MILF combatants back to mainstream society provided that the financial commitment of 1 million pesos per combatant would first come to completion. “So moving forward, we are proposing for a clear trace of further financial requirements and for all other needed appropriations and/or agreements to be charged to the Bangsamoro Block Grant,” Dimaporo pointed out. Replace the undesirables If ever, the BTA term be extended, I ask
Heaven above to endow wisdom to the appointing authorities to replace those who are non-performing and/or with questionable reputation. We have heard how some people got appointed in the BTA by grease money or gifts to whoever had helped them. Others may say it’s a heresy or hearsay. Well, I know at least one who does not deserve to be at the Bangsamoro Parliament for questionable character. So, if they couldn’t get rid of the undesirables in the BTA and appoint more competent heads of offices and officials, then there is no need to postpone the Bangsamoro
in the judgment of many – “Anyone who becomes President but does not know how to be President on the first day of office will never learn till the end of his term.” Many of my friends insist that the living example of the Kissinger statement is President Digong. I am not ready to concede that yet. Why? I am a Mindanaoan and a Catholic. President Digong was mayor of a city in Mindanao, Davao, for about twenty years while I was Provincial
Governor of Misamis Oriental, a province in Northern Mindanao, and a Member of Parliament, elected as one of the leaders of the political Opposition during the Marcos martial law. While I criticize him when he is wrong, I praise him when he is right – all because we are both from Mindanao. As Catholic, I believe in miracles – and a miracle comes in its own season as immortalized by Ecclesiastes that for everything there is a season. Who knows?
Parliament elections in 2022. In this case, it is noblier and commendable to let the people decide for their future through an election of their representatives to the regular Bangsamoro Parliament. That is more Islamic and democratic. MNY —————Masiding Noor Yahya is an independent Maranao thinker acclaimed “Dean of Mranaw Journalists.” Before he founded and edited Philippine Muslim Today, he used to write for The Manila Times and the defunct Brunei Times. He was the protem secretary general of the Organizing Committee of the World Federation of Muslim Journalists in Kuala Lumpur. This article is his personal view and not of PMT’s.
ADAZA| from Page A3
CONTROVERSIAL DRUG PROBLEM Will President Digong appoint a new Secretary of Justice tasked to eliminate the drug problem in six months under the conditions set forth in the preceding paragraph? I have my serious doubts. Why? The last time he made the juicy offer to Vice-President Leni Robredo dangling full presidential powers without interference, everyone thought President Digong was serious. He was not as he walked backed on his promise when VP Leni
accepted the job of becoming the Drug Czar with the dangled offer of full presidential powers without presidential intervention in the exercise of her duties. President Digong had to reneged on his promise because the offer was made thinking VP Leni would not accept the offer as she could not do the job. When she accepted the offer, President Digong had to withdraw the offer of full powers without intervention because he was afraid VP
Leni will succeed on the job. President Digong was afraid with VP Leni then, he is morbidly afraid now of a Secretary of Justice who could solve the drug problem in six months from the date of assumption of office. Learning: In the light of all these, one cannot help being reminded by the statement of Henry Kissinger, President Nixon’s Secretary of State and one of the best who occupied that office in modern times,
Even though President Digong said my God is stupid but it cannot be denied that like me, he too is God’s creation and my God is caring and forgiving.
Even in this late hour of his term, President Digong may finally learn how to be President and not stay as mayor forever. And in so learning, he can finish the drug problem to the delight and appreciation of our people. What a legacy that would be! HAA
YEMEN | from Page A10 has warned that the coronavirus pandemic could exacerbate the already dire humanitarian situation in Yemen, which has been pushed
to the brink of famine. Tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced in Yemen’s war, which the UN calls the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. ARAB NEWS
General Salipada K. Pendatun, Sultan Sa Barongis, Paglat, and Pagalungan, all in Maguindanao.
Each received one sack of rice and a livelihood package to make them productive citizens in their respective communities. Edwin Fernandez/PNA
Yemen coronavirus committee calls for ‘state of emergency’ The committee called on the government to “declare a (public) health state of emergency in all provinces, prepare health centers and hos-
pital, and provide medical staff with personal protective equipment.” The committee called for the implementation of a “partial cur-
few” and for the closure of wedding halls, shopping centers and mosques outside of prayer times. The Houthis, who
control much of the north including the capital Sanaa, do not report any cases from areas under their control. The United Nations
EX-BIFF | from Page A4
28 Ex-BIFF rebels get aid, livelihood package from gov’t Alburo also lauded the provincial government for its commitment to bring about peace in conflict-afflicted commu-
nities. “With this kind of program, I am expecting that more extremist fighters will lay down
their firearms and surrender to the government,” he said. Of the 28 former combatants, 12 surren-
dered to the 40IB and 16 to the 7IB during the past two weeks. The former BIFF members operated in the towns of
Vol. I, No. 41 | March 26 — April1, 2021 (Shaban 13 — 19, 1442)
MARAWI | from Page A5
Marawi landfill project site shift to lakeshore village... nor have “discussed” the issue, reached an “agreement” about the importance of the project, and on the need for popular consultation. “We have an agreement with governor… Hindi niya sinabi na he is against the establishment of SLF… Ang sinasabi niya magkaroon ng dialogue with different stakeholders … hindi lang dun sa barangay Sugod kundi mga adjacent barangay. So yan ho ay dapat pinaguusapan. Dapat tingnan natin ang kabuoan niya hindi lang sa
isang tao kundi ang buong constituent ng Marawi City,” he said. He added: “I’d like to appeal to the people na palawakin natin ang pagiisip at magdialogue. Kung yon ay makakabuti sa ating mga kababayan then let’s proceed. Kung yan ay makakasira (sa) environment ay di natin itutuloy definitely.” Mayor Gandamra lamented why only now that some people are protesting when the project started in 2019. “Nobody raised concern why the project has remained unimple-
mented in three years. The LGU (city government) is intervening by scouting for land suitable for the project and the process will undergo dialogues. We are assisting the DENR to get the project implemented to benefit not only Marawi City but possibly nearby municipalities,” he said in Pilipino. Gandamra claimed that the DENR as project implementing agency sought the city government’s assistance allegedly after discovery that a substantial part of the 31.7-hectare it purchased at Barangay
Malimono belongs to the territory of Kapai town in Lanao del Sur. Conflicting information The DENR bought the 31.7 hectares in Barangay Malimono from the Tanggote family in 2019 for P60million at P200 per hectare, with the extra 1.7 hectares given as “gift” to the government, according to Aisah Tanggote-Mangoda, Mangoda refuted the mayor’s claim, saying family-owned property is all located in Marawi City as evidenced by past payments of real
property taxes made in the city treasury, not in Kapai town. Citing information from retired DENR-10 Director Sabdullah Abubakar that the SLF project would need 50 hectares, Mangoda said her family offered 20 more hectares and manifestly declared that part of the offer is located in Kapai. The EMB-DENR-10 through its bids and awards committee rejected the offer, Mangoda said, though pointing out that their new offer “qualified” under the agency’s criteria for being “adjacent” to the purchased property. On the basis of the alleged DENR request and rejection of the 20hectare offer, Gandamra said the Sangguniang Panglungsod passed a resolution authorizing the transfer of the scope of land scouting to Barangay Sugod. The SP resolution was received by the EMB-DENR last January 14 and was approved by DENR Undersecretary Jim Sampulna on January 19, official data showed. In Wednesday’s interview, EMB-10 OICDirector Digamo said his office negotiated with the city hall for the purchase of a new 20hectare offer in Barangay Sugod by a seller named Al-Muhder Gandamra Cader. Digamo admitted that the design was meant for the project to make Malimono as base area, and that the city hall interceded to transfer the project base to Barangay Sugod, with Malimono village armarked as “extension” site. Asked about the
mayor’s claim that the Tanggote family’s property belonged largely to Kapai town, Digamo said the 31.7-hectare constituted “seven titles” and that one of such titles covered a portion that stretched to Kapai. Digamo gave no exact figure on the size of the land that lies in Kapai, estimating it only at some four hectares. Jurisdiction issue Digamo clarified that no payment has been made yet on the 20hectare land in Barangay Sugod pending issuance of an environment clearance certificate (EEC) on the property amid snowballing protests about the village’s abundance creeks and springs serving as drinking water sources for residents in at least three barangays. He admitted that his office has recently turned over official documents to counterpart EMB office under the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Energy (MENRE) of the Bangsamoro autonomous government. On the basis of the turnover, Digamo said, it would be the EMBMENRE that is supposed to issue the EEC on the SLF project, which forms part of the rehabilitation efforts for the war-torn Marawi City. In an event of failure to start the SLF project at Barangay Sugod, which lies on the shore of Lake Lanao – a nationally protected freshwater body, the DENR will be compelled to scout for another area in the city and may shift the project base back to Barangay Malimono, impartial sources said. AGM
For Reliable Info, Read Philippine Muslim Today