Philippine Muslim Today

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The Muslim National Digital Newspaper | Bearer of Glad Tidings. Vol. I, No. 49 | May 21-27, 2021 (Shawwal 9-15, 1442) | 14 Pages | Online Issue



ne of the pioneer-columnists of the Philippine Muslim Today who was suffering from Covid19 illness has passed away due to his blood oxy-


t can be considered as a good textbook case of visitors overstaying their welcome, or squatters stubbornly holding on to land that is not theirs in the first place. But Israel is no visitor, and much less a squatter. It has acted


Full Story on Page C1


PALESTINE: The Muslim World's Fiasco


New bus routes seen to Bangsamoro Parliament boost Mindanao economy approves education code

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY— The opening of new bus routes in Mindanao will further reopen economic activities in the island’s regions, the chief of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board-in Region 10 (LTFRB-10) said Wednesday.

gen level had lowered to 60 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) while aboard a commercial boat.

COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Parliament approved on Tuesday the Bangsamoro Education Code, a measure that will provide for the establishment, management, and support of a complete and integrated quality education system in the Bangsamoro region.

the part of usurper and oppressor for several decades, thanks to the Zionist ideology which has clouded many a mind in Israel and has spread to much of the Western powers.


Israel agrees on ceasefire with Hamas

ANKARA — Israel has agreed on a cease-fire with Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza, Israeli media and Hamas officials confirmed on Thursday evening. According to Hamas and Israeli sources, the Egyptian-brokered cease-fire will go into effect as of 2 a.m. Friday morning (2300GMT Thursday).

Full Story on Page A2



It was a ghastly sight, a scene that had etched itself deep in my memory, and one that I will never forget. I ran and climbed the steps as fast as I could. My panic abated when I saw my cousin at the edge of the wharf. Both of us were entrusted by her mother to look after the jewelry she hadpacked in two small bandoliers which we tied around our waist.



Vol. I, No. 49 | May 21-27, 2021 (Shawwal 9-15, 1442)

Philippine Muslim Today Inc. Co. Reg. No. 2021030008913-02 DATU YUSOPH B. MAMA Chairman, Board of Directors MASIDING NOOR YAHYA President/CEO JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL Vice President for Internal Affairs ALI G. MACABALANG Vice President for External Affairs ROCAYA SUMNDAD OTICAL Treasurer MACOD D. RASCAL Secretary CASAN C. CANA Auditor AMANODING ESMAIL Chairman, Special Committee on Administration & Finance

PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY MASIDING NOOR YAHYA Editor-In-Chief and Publisher JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL Managing Editor Bureau Chief for NCR & CALABARZON Regions ALI G. MACABALANG News Editor Bureau Chief for Bangsamoro & Central Mindanao Regions ROCAYA SUMNDAD OTICAL Bureau Chief for Northern Mindanao & CARAGA Regions JOHNNY R. LEE Bureau Chief for Western Mindanao Region FATIMA ORTIL-JANNARAL Advertising Sales Director for NCR NUR-ALI A. MACABALANG Correspondent AMIR HUSSEIN ABBAS Correspondent COLUMNISTS | WRITERS: ATTY. HOMOBONO A. ADAZA IMADODIN BASAR DIMAO ATTY. JUAN PONCE ENRILE GAMSON JR MAWALLIL QUIJANO JOHNNY R. LEE, Ph.D ATTY. MEHOL K. SADAIN MA. FHEBIE ORTIL DISCLAIMER: Opinion of the writer expressed herein is not necessarily the opinion of Philippine Muslim Today nor of its management. TEMPORARY BUSINESS OFFICE:


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Front page of PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY previous issue.

PALESTINE: The Muslim World's Fiasco


ne of the pioneer-columnists of the Philippine Muslim Today has passed away due to the loss of oxygen aboard a commercial boat. He was suffering from Covid-19 illness. It can be EDITORIAL considered as a good textbook case of visitors overstaying their welcome, or squatters stubbornly holding on to land that is not theirs in the first place. But Israel is no visitor, and much less a squatter. It has acted the part of usurper and oppressor for several decades, thanks to the Zionist ideology which has clouded many a mind in Israel and has spread to much of the Western powers. The bombs falling down on Gaza and the West Bank have yet again sparked a carnage, a humanitarian crisis, and outrage. For how long will the Palestinian people suffer from this flagrant violation of their right to

exist, their right to be? For how long will the world wait till the superpowers, both Muslim and non-Muslim nations decide once and for all to teach a major human rights violator that it can no longer hide anymore behind the Holocaust as an excuse to oppress the people who tolerated them and co-existed with them before? When will Israel be punished for its misdeeds against Palestine and her people? As the world grapples with these questions, the bombs have not stopped dropping, the killings have not stopped from happening. How many more lives would need to be destroyed before something could be done to at least cease the hostilities? As long as the oppressor is backed by the powers that be, there will be no end in sight for the debacle. It does not take a genius to recognize that what is happening is not just a failure to keep Israel in check, it is also a failure for the Muslim World and the world at large.



e have been saying so many “inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un”, “rest in peace” and “condolences” on social media lately, that these words have become like a habit --- a weary, melancholic habit. One friend said that it seems death is getting too close for comfort. So many people you know are dying; and it’s not just because you are growing older. The culprit seems to be the covid 19 pandemic, whether or not the death is directly attributable to the virus. Somehow, even if people are not afflicted by the virus itself, the severe lockdowns and health protocols forced on them have adverse impact on their health and wellness. Hence, people die, with a dying that attract so much attention this era of the social media. Ironically enough, as the fatalities increase in frequency, death becomes a common occurrence, its essence lost in trivial redundance. We tend to forget that death is a certainty. As the Noble Qur’an says: “Kullu nafsin dhaa’iqatu l-mawti, thumma ilaynaa turja’un.” (Every soul

shall taste death, then to Us shall ye be brought back.) [29:57] We also tend to take for granted that death is a transition, and like all transitions, it is preg-

Ijtihad MEHOL K. SADAIN nant with trials and changes, thus: “Alladhii khalaqa l-mawta wa l-hayaata li yabluwakum ‘ayyukum ahsanu ‘amalaa; wa Huwa l-Aziizu lGhafur.” (He created death and life, that He may try which of you is best in deed; and He is the Exalted in Might, the Oft Forgiving.”) [67:2] However, no matter the current trivialization of the certainty of death, there is one thing that ALLAH stresses in the Noble Qur’an: “Yaaa ayyuha l-ladhiina ‘aamanu t-taqullaaha haqqa tuqaatihi wa laa tamuutunna ‘illaa wa antum Muslimuun.” (O ye who believe, reverence ALLAH as He should be reverenced, and die not except in a state of submission [to Him]) [3:102] SADAIN | A12


Diliman Way

ommunist leader Xi Jinping, the President of Communist China, is the acknowledged source and spreader of the corona virus throughout the world – infecting tens of millions of human beings, killing millions of people, devastating lives and demolishing economies throughout the world. He is to us, Filipinos, the evil genius but to Communist China and China lovers within our midst, he is their modern day hero deserving of admiration and worship. Sun Tzu warrior: Like Lee Kwan Yew of Singapore, Xi must have read Sun Tzu’s Art of War no less than twenty-six times. In his artful management of the invasion of the corona virus throughout the world and the West Philippine Sea (WPS), indubitably he must have mastered Sun Tzu’s book. If this is in the world of music, he must be the Arturo Toscanini of Communist China’s symphony orchestra. Why this encomium for Xi, Communist China’s magician? This is neither theory nor speculation – it is based on hard facts. Our national

bully, President Digong, met for the first time communist Chinese magician Xi sometime ago at the earliest stage of his incumbency. It was reported the meeting was cordial which is an understatement because when Xi opened his mouth and threatened our bully that if he messes with the West Philippine Sea, he would have a war in his hands – which President Digong could not win even with his obsequiously obedient military and police. Terrified and outgunned, President Digong behaved like a wet chick which fell into a can of swine food, a residue of the family’s meal. (In Cebuano Visayan – maorag piso nga nahulug sa pasawan) and like a chastened dog lying down at his master’s feet with his tail between his legs (Again in Cebuano Visayan – maorag iro nga gikuyapan nga naghigda sa tiilan sa iyang amo nga ang ikug gibahag sa taliwala sa iyang mga tiil.) It is scandalous and behavior for a President of a country

– dishonoring her citizens and the country in the process. Excuses: President Digong has offered several excuses why he allowed Communist China to invade, occupy and build artificial islands with military installations in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) – he said he cannot risk a war with Communist China because we surely will be defeated, he does not want to waste Filipino lives in the event of war, Communist China is in possession of the area; it will result to a joint venture with China for development of oil and gas deposits resulting to the Philippines making a lot of money and Xi Jinping, the Communist China leader, is our friend – a man of his word and an honorable man, and we should be grateful to China for its donation of Sinovac. Analysis: Will Communist China wage a war against the Philippines on the issue of the West Philippine Sea? It will not. The history of China in the world stage shows – it is a great bluffer from

Southern Frontier


s a concerned Muslim and a peace loving human being, I am deeply and conscientiously affected by the excessive force used by Israel against worshippers inside Masjid Al-Aqsa, the first Qibla and third holiest masjid of Islam and bombardments of Palestinian enclaves in the thickly populated Gaza Strip and barbaric and open dispossession of Pales-

tinian homes and lands in East and West Jerusalem coupled with the continuous construction of illegal settlements for non-Middle Eastern Europeans and Americans. It’s pure and shameless land grabbing! The Zionists comprising of Askhenazi and Khazaris from Europe and their American counterpart, who are not true Jews and



“All warfare is based on deception…Know yourself, know your enemy, a hundred battles a hundred victories…The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” ― Sun Tzu, Art of War


Vol. I, No. 49 | May 21-27, 2021 (Shawwal 9-15, 1442)

are neither descendants of the Prophets, are the sources and causes of the problem between Palestinians and the true Jews. But the bigger problem is the unconditional support and continuing use of its veto power in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) by the US which derailed or rendered any and all Resolutions for Palestine null and void in the

Mao Tse Tung to Xi Jinping First, Taiwan: This is the greatest challenge to China’s sovereign power. When Mao and the communists took over China in 1949, Chiang Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang retreated to Formosa, a part of China, which they later renamed Taiwan. Chiang and the Kuomintang never surrendered to Mao. The Communist Party (CCP) and People’s Republic of China (PRC) leaders always threatened to invade Taiwan. They never did it for seventy (70) years. CPP and PRC leaders engaged from year to year to saber tattling and brinkmanship. It is just all that. Why? It is plain and simple – the PRC leaders have mastered Sun Tzu and the art of political bluff. They continue to bluff Taiwan but the Taiwanese leaders also know Sun Tzu and are even better experts in the art of the bluff. Taiwanese are better political poker players than the Communist Chinese leaders. Xi Jinping and his predecessors always blinked in the confrontation. He who blinks loses. Why do Xi and his communist comrades continue to blink? They are deadly scared of America and the informal democratic coali-

tion of countries from the West and the East. While it may be true that Communist China can defeat the Philippines in the event of a bilateral war between the two countries but with the entry of the United States of American forces into the fray, the US can demolish the Chinese military and political forces in no time.. Xi and his comrades cannot risk the probability of military and political demolition and revive the old days of China being divided into spheres of influence by foreign powers. President Digong, sounding like galunggong and gunggong, should have known this. It does not take a lawyer to know all these. It only takes a little reading and review of contemporary events as well as plain and simple common sense. Second, the others: Communist China has seventeen maritime and land disputes with countries in the Pacific basin – none has ballooned into a war. The most recent attempt is the surreptitious border attack against India. The Indian forces roundly defeated the communist Chinese. The surreptitious attackers were badly routed and repulsed. Communist lord and master, corona virus Xi Jinping, should

have learned his lesson by now. He was not only defeated, he got a resounding bash by the international community. Good for him and his corona virus. Third, sacrificing Filipinos lives: If the great Filipino comedian, Dolphy, were alive today, President Digong would get a ribbing from him with this famous comment – Dassa lot of nonsense! Why? By his actions, President Digong does not give a hoot to Filipinos? Has he improved the lives of Filipinos as he promised? He has not and his police killed more than twenty thousand Filipinos who are claimed to be illegal drug violators extrajudicially – most of them young and belonging to poor families? Of course, his police did the killings on President Digong’s orders and protection. President Digong’s publicly declared fear of losing Filipino lives in the WPS is a lot of hallucination possibly induced by a Chinese addictive element which continues to be introduced into his body. No war will erupt in the area as shown by precedents in the border conflicts of China with other countries and communist China’s morbid fear of the entry of ADAZA | A12

Siege of Palestine by Israel past. The international community must call upon the United States to reign on Israel and support and spearhead the initiative to resolve the Palestinian issue once and for all. The US must not miss the opportunity to have “a date with history” by using the “force of diplomacy,” together with the four other permanent members of the UNSC, i.e. UK, Russia, China and France.

As a start, the UN must declare a cessation of hostilities from both sides and send UN International Peacekeeping Force to prevent any farther violence. We also would like to call on our beloved President Duterte as the chief architect of Philippine foreign policy to tell the UN that our government is ready to send a peacekeeping contingent with other peace loving UN Member countries, compris-

ing of the veteran and courageous Bangsamoro Forces from Basilan, Sulu, TawiTawi (BASULTA) Islands as part of the Philippine peacekeeping contingent. In that way, we can show to the world that while our people are fearless in war, they are also dedicated peacemakers. The author, ABDULGHANI “GERRY” A. SALAPUDDIN is the Administrator/CEO of Southern Philippines Development Authority



Batanes to Tawi-Tawi


ow that President Rodrigo R. Duterte bravely had himself inoculated with Sinopharm vaccine and there was no adverse effect that he experienced, it is about time that we have to be inoculated too. But I have some doubt if not an amount of fear after the two of vaccines the Sinovac and AstraZeneca produced an adverse effects.

The Sinovac was injected on the late Dr Amy Malbun, the retired Sulu DepEd Schools Division Superintendent who died after 10 days. While for Dr. Filemon G. Romero, he died a few days after he was vaccinated with AstraZeneca. But in the absence of scientific findings like an autopsy, it is not yet conclusive whether Sinovac and AstraZeneca are the


culprits of the two deaths. But in the case of Dr. Romero he has comorbidity being diabetic. Accordingly he passed away due to his blood oxygen level had lowered to 60 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). According to medical journal that I came accross, the normal level of oxygen is usually 95% or higher. Some people with chronic lung disease or sleep apnea can



ecently, the social media has been shocked by the joint confirmation of Bill and Melinda Gates, informing the public of their decision: they are ending their 27 years of amazing marriage blessed with three incredible children. I understand you guys might say: So what? Is it our business, or does this affect us? Well, you are right one way and wrong the other, because Bill Gates has tremendously changed and made our work so convenient since the creation of Windows and Microsoft up to present. I’m quite sure 97% of us are still using it, and even those who shifted and upgraded into Apple certainly started from Windows too. Besides, the couple are championing philanthropic works, donating billions of their wealth for the welfare of the poorest of the poor around the globe – I couldn’t imagine how tough it would be to handle and manage our tied-up days filled with urgent tasks required to be completed on-time without Microsoft Office as we know that we are racing against endless

deadlines, precisely because responsibilities are always more than our time. Undeniably, the problem is that the number of the estimated divorces in our community is increasing every single year, and yet it’s ignored in a sense that it’s nowhere discussed amidst countless seminars and symposiums be it Islamic or civil physically or virtually. Needless to specify there are also various statistics from Arab countries alarming the public about the escalating reports of divorce in Arab world annually. In light of this communal cancer that slowly yet painfully destroying our community, I can see there are two kinds of divorce in my own personal perspective: First, Destined or pre-ordained Before we were born, every series of happenings in our lives till death has been already sealed, but we neither know nor remember it. And among those is divorce among many, unfortunately. Nevertheless, some of the Muslim scholars has agreed this might

Vol. I, No. 49 | May 21-27, 2021 (Shawwal 9-15, 1442)

have normal levels around 90%. The “SpO2” reading on a pulse oximeter shows the percentage of oxygen in someone's blood. If your home SpO2 reading is lower than 95%, call your health care providers, the medical journal advised. It says also many people with COVID-19 have low levels of oxygen in their blood, even when they feel well. Low oxygen levels can be an early

warning sign that medical care is needed. A pulse oximeter measures how much oxygen is in someone’s blood. It is a small device that clips onto a finger, or another part of the body. They are used often in hospitals and clinics and can be bought to be used at home. Many people consider oxygen level an important sign of how well a body is working, just like a person’s blood pressure

or body temperature. People who have a lung or heart condition may use a pulse oximeter at home to check how they are doing, as directed by their health care provider. People can buy pulse oximeters without a prescription at some pharmacies and stores, according to this medical journal. —————— For those who have Comments/Suggestions please send an email to:

Understanding the cause of divorce (1)

be somehow altered through prayer or charity. So, keep praying; don’t lose hope. Second, Abandoned or curable This is the point I want to shed lights on – help me my Lord address it. If we thoroughly examine the root causes behind this, we can surely concur with the following factors: CULTURE Ironically, there were few marriages that were almost on the brink of divorce before they were finally solemnized, because of the so-called “arranged marriage” that has been part of our culture for a long time, especially in us Mranaw, where unfortunate marriages were built on. In fact, this practice is not even accepted in Islam as both groom and bride were not alike given an absolute freedom to voice out their willingness and readiness in this crucial transformation of their lives. POLITICS I believe it’s fair enough to say that politics or our practice of politics rather is to us how cancer is dangerous to the human body. I have seen it myself at

an early age: close relatives, best friends, or even father and sons ended up as the worst enemy because of politics. And the saddest part is that it also became the foundation of marriage sporadically among us Bangsamoro. Meaning the wisdom is all about politics, not to see the spread of good boys and girls in the community, or awla’don sa’lihin wa bana’ton sa’lihat. It hurts, doesn’t? The truth hurts, indeed. MEN In this case, if we are not man enough to head and lead our family, then its direction towards the future is not that strong to withstand challenges ahead. If we go back to the wisdom of marriage when the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) called upon us, it’s about responsibility and capability as He said “Oh group of youth! Who among you is capable physically, emotionally, and financially or BA’AH; then get married…” It’s just regrettable that our unparalleled love for our wives sometimes causes negative consequences when they fully take over to drive life into its direction rather than the men as captain. Don’t get me wrong, my dear

sisters; it’s still a shared effort towards success. In fact, it should be that way; the only point is that the man should lead. WOMEN Psychologically, I prefer to use the words: Men and Women rather than husbands and wives, for the former seems stronger than the latter. With all due respect, women were worthless before until Islam came giving their value and importance in building strong community, modelling by no other than Khadija bint Al-Kuwailid and Aishah bint Abebakr, both are the Prophet’s wives. However, this doesn’t mean that the nature of men will be overtaken; they should always be men leading, and you sisters have to follow and support. In short, you are co-actors and co-pilots in life. POVERTY This is another cancer of every society that almost leads into disbelief. Even the Prophet (PBUH) had regularly sought refuge in Allah from poverty; it’s poisonous towards well-being. In reality, if wealth can’t guarantee a successful marriage, then undying poverty contributes to divorce. Some might logically argue that it

was rather worse during the Prophet era along with his companions. That is correct, but our time is totally different as it turns into a digital world, so every family member wants to have a gadget for instance that may trigger frustration in the end. PARENTAL GUIDANCE Parental guidance should continue particularly when their sons or daughters get married. They have to proactively monitor them regularly, because they are the experts when it comes to family disputes; however they, parents, are doing the opposite for the sake of privacy and adulthood or they might want to literally unload their burdens. It’s so sad; isn’t it? LACK OF COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY It’s astonishing that despite our struggles with so many societal issues that have to be emotionally and mentally cured, we can hardly find an office or agency that specializes in Counseling Psychology in the whole Bangsamoro Region. In fact we Marawas trust hospitals and therefore we have many doctors, and we have many lawyers because it’s the DIMAO | A11

Across The Nation

NCMF official lambasts Israel for flagrant violations of Palestinian rights

Vol. I, No. 49 | May 21-27, 2021 (Shawwal 9-15, 1442)


Duterte warns of Stricter Lockdowns if COVID-19 cases spike up again By MUSLIMEDIA


ANILA – If COVID-19 cases surge again due to the health protocol violations and amid the existence of more variants of the said virus, President Rodrigo Duterte stated that he will be compelled to impose a

NCMF Commissioner Yusoph B. Mando QUEZON CITY – National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) Commissioner Yusoph J. Mando on Tuesday lambasted Israel’s “flagrant violations” of Palestinian rights and called on the international community to act urgently to put an end to military operations. In an exclusive interview with the Philippine Muslim Today, Commissioner Mando condemned what he called the violation of the sanctity of Masjid Al Aqsa, Islam’s 3rd holiest site, by “forcible” eviction of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem. He emphasized that he is also deeply disturbed by the Israeli airstrike that destroyed a high -rise building in Gaza City housing offices of several international media organizations and residential apartments, and is dismayed by the increasing number of civilian casualties. Mando reminds all sides that any indiscriminate targeting of civilian and media structures violates international law and must be avoided at all costs. Earlier Saturday, an Israeli airstrike pulverized a high-rise building that housed the Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other media outfits after warning that the Israel Defense Forces was going to target the said building. He said the NCMF as a government agency that caters to the welfare of Muslim Filipinos and the rest of the Muslim Ummah (communities) throughout the world is calling for an end to the violence, which has seen more than 200 Palestinians killed along with six Israelis since Monday. Mando also said according to news reports of wire agencies, there is a felt need “to protect the lives of civilians that are now dying in totally unacceptable circumstances.” “We are very concerned by the growing civilian casualties in both Gaza and Israel and deeply saddened by reported deaths of children in Gaza,” said Commissioner Mando, adding he believes that “Israeli Forces and other militants’ indiscriminate launching of rockets and mortars towards highly populated civilian neighborhoods violates international humanitarian law, and it is unacceptable and has to stop immediately.” It can be recalled that the clashes all began at the start of Ramadan, when Israeli police placed barriers outside the Old City’s Damascus Gate, a popular gathering place after the evening prayers during the holy month when Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. The Commissioner said that the Israeli authorities must “abide by their responsibilities under international law and that Israeli security forces should exercise maximum restraint, calibrate their use of force to spare civilians and civilian objects in the conduct of military operations.” NCMF| A11

He also said that people’s obedience will be the key to ending the pandemic in the Philippines. “Alam mo ang pagasa natin is really the obedience. If I am strict at kung may improvement sa ngayon sa larangan ng ating mga syudad there’s a sharp drop in cases, it’s because they followed the protocols. Kasi kapag hindi, mapipilitan ako na to impose a lockdown and everything at magstrikto ang gobyerno.” He added that he’s just following the recommendation of the Government’s task force regarding what steps to take on. “Pag sinabi nila na lockdown, it’s not because I want to do it. Ayaw ko. Sabihin ko

under other circumstances, ayaw ko. It will work hardships on the people, but these things are for your own good.” Duterte also reminded Filipinos to be careful even if they already got vaccinated–it does not guarantee total immunity from the virus.

stricter lockdown. During his pre-recorded national address on May 18, Duterte explained that he doesn’t want to impose lockdowns, but to contain the spread of the virus, he may have to do so.

“It does not follow that because you have the COVID-19 vaccine, it does not follow that you cannot be sick again because you can get reinfected pati mga bagong variants ngayon which makes our job doubly hard to do.” As of writing, NCR

Plus (Metro Manila, Rizal, Bulacan, Cavite, and Laguna) is set to general community quarantine (GCQ) with heightened restrictions after the cases went down in the past weeks. AGENCY

PNP gets 17,314 new officers MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) will get only “the best and most qualified” as its chief, Gen. Guillermo Eleazar, on Thursday hailed the recruitment of more than 17,000 new police officers this year by the National Police Commission (Napolcom). Napolcom approved the recruitment of 17,314 new officers to enable the PNP to replenish personnel losses, increase strength, enhance visibility, and improve the police-topopulation ratio. "We will only get the best and most qualified people for the PNP,” Eleazar said in a news release posted in the PNP’s official Facebook account “Gaya ng ipinangako ko sa aking pag-upo bilang CPNP (Chief PNP), gagamitan natin ng quick re-

sponse o QR codes ang mga application ng mga gustong mag-pulis. Walang pangalan o mukha. Panay QR code, sa buong application process. (Like what I promised when I assumed as CPNP, we will use the quick response or QR codes on the appli-

cations of those who want to be police officers. There will be no names or faces. Just QR codes for the entire application process)," Eleazar said. The QR code system, Eleazar said, will do away with the “padrino” (patronage) system that influences hiring and guarantee

the anonymity of applicants, making it difficult for anybody to interfere. The Napolcom also reminded members of the Screening and Selection Committee to strictly follow rules on the recruitment process as well as the safety guidelines of the InterAgency Task Force. (PR)


Banner Story



ANILA — One of the pioneercolumnists of the Philippine Muslim Today who was suffering from Covid-19 illness has passed away due to his blood oxygen level had lowered to 60 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) while aboard a commercial boat. Dr. Romero was accompanied by his youngest son Phil Monsour Romero, a member of the faculty of College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) of the Mindanao State UniversityTawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography (MSU-TCTO) in Sanga-Sanga, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi. They were on their way to Zamboanga City to seek further medication since the father and son were both tested positive of COVID-19 virus and they were advised by the Tawi-Tawi Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) to seek further medication in Zamboanga City with a tertiary hospital that

ROMERO FAMILY: Dr. Filemon G. Romero and his wife Dr. Jumelita B. Romero with their children who are all boys. (Contributed Photo) ther was due to the lack of oxygen supply was not true since the TawiTawi Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) had provided

PHIL MONSOUR: A close-up photo of Phil Monsour Romero, the youngest son who accompanied his father Dr. Mon Romero until his last breath on May 16, 2021 while on-board the ship MV Kristel Jane. (Contributed Photo) has advanced equipment. In a cellphone interview with Phil Monsour from his hospital bed at the Zamboanga Peninsula (ZamPen) Medical Center along PanPhilippine Hiway in Zamboanga City, he said the information that the death of his fa-

Dr. Filemon G. Romero, writing a column for Philippine Muslim Today on eco-tourism, died on Sunday morning, May 16, 2021, while on board MV Kristel Jane, a commercial boat coming from Bongao, Tawi-Tawi bound to Zamboanga City via Jolo.

them with one tank of oxygen. In fact the Sulu IPHO was even willing to bring on board the ship additional supply of oxygen if the supply was not enough. “But as I have said the oxygen supply at that time was enough,” Phil Monsour said. “So there was

enough supply of oxygen, kaya lang noong bumaba na ng 60 mm Hg ang blood oxygen level ni Papa hindi na kinaya ng kaniyang katawan,” the younger Romero said. Phil Monsour said “had the Sulu Inter Agency Task Force (IATF) allowed my father to be brought to their COVID-19 facility at the Sulu Sanitarium Hospital in Upper San Raymundo in downtown Jolo, my father In God’s Will could have survived the ordeal from this pandemic,” Phil Monsour lamented. Although the MV Kristel Jane, one of the fleet of Aleson Shipping Lines was a few nautical miles away from the Port of Jolo, the boat Captain was directed by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) to directly sail to Zamboanga City although Jolo was the next port of call for the boat to disembark the Jolo passengers. But since it was learned that there was a passenger who was a COVID-19 positive and dying and urgently needed a medical evacuation, still in the absence of clearance that was not granted by the Sulu-IATF, Dr. Romero the unfortunate patient was left to die gasping for his much needed oxygen level. According to the

medical journal of the Medical News Today, a blood oxygen level below 60 mm Hg like in the case of Dr. Romero is considered low and may require oxygen supplementation, depending on a doctor’s decision and the individual case. Hence, the medical journal also emphasized that a normal blood oxygen level varies between 75 and 100 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). “When blood oxygen is too low compared to the average level of a healthy person, it can be a sign of

Vol. I, No. 49 | May 21-27, 2021 (Shawwal 9-15, 1442)

cording to the medical journal. Meanwhile, according to his son Phil Monsour, Dr. Romero was already injected with AstraZeneca Vaccine sometime on April 17, 2021 as his first dose at Datu Halun Sakilan Memorial Hospital. “Had it not been due to the untimely demise of my Dad, he was supposedly to get another jab of AstraZeneca last May 15, 2021 at the same hospital, Phil Monsour said. AstraZeneca is the same vaccine inoculated on Vice President Leni Robredo as her first COVID-19 vaccine shot. She belongs to the A3 priority group comprising of persons with comorbidities, AstraZeneca is a British-Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company with its headquarters at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus in Cambridge, England. When the MV Kris-

Dr. Filemon G. Romero with Dr. Joyce Z. Guinto-Sali, chancelloro of MSU-TCTO. This is their last photo together during the MANGgagawa Awards: Gabi ng Parangal last March 10, 2021. (Contributed Photo) a condition known as hypoxemia. This means that the body has difficulty delivering oxygen to all of its cells, tissues, and organs,” ac-

tel Jane arrived at midnight in Zamboanga City Port, the cadaver of Dr. Romero was taken in the morning by the Funenaria Villa with

the supervision of Zamboanga IATF. While his son Phil Monsour was fetched by the ambulance of Zamboanga Peninsula Medical Center for confinement as he was also affected by the menace of the pandemic. As endorsed by Tawi -Tawi IPHO both father and son were supposed to be confined together at ZamPen Medical Center, but Dr.Romero failed to survive when his blood oxygen level as mentioned earlier was reduced to 60 mm Hg. As of this writing, Phil Monsour is still confined at the said hospital. In a cellphone interview with the Philippine Muslim Today he said his health is improving and his attending physician told him that although he was afflicted with COVID-19 his health condition is now moderate. He said based on what his doctor at ZamPen said his antibodies have to be checked first and once he is okay to be discharged in one week time he needs to be isolated first to make sure that the coronavirus were totally eradicated from his body. Aside from being a columnist for Philippine Muslim Today, where he writes weekly on EcoTourism, Dr. Filemon G. Romero who is also dubbed by many as “Mr. Environment” used to work with the Foundation for the Philippine Environment and in fact he was the TawiTawi Site Coordinator Protect Wildlife. At the same time he was also a Consultant at Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines. At the same time he was also with the Philippine Eagle Foundation. In the heart warming tribute of WWF-Philippines, it says “ We pay homage to an inspiring and deeply passionate Panda, who dedicated his life towards the protection of the ocean, and conservation of its inhabitants. Dr. Filemon Romero was unrivaled in his knowledge and experience, which he used and shared to improve the marine conditions surrounding his home province of TawiTawi. The world of Philippine ROMERO| A11

(ABOVE) PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY (PMT-19): The issue of Philippine Muslim Today where the Eco-Tourism Column of Dr. Filemon G. Romero is published online weekly. In this issue is his topic entitled “Mobulid Ray Fisheries and Trade in TawiTawi.” Photo by JULMUNIR I.JANNARAL

Across Mindanao

Vol. I, No. 49 | May 21-27, 2021 (Shawwal 9-15, 1442)


SMI company, barangay leaders cleanup river in Tampakan

New bus routes seen to boost Mindanao economy By JIGGER JERUSALEM


AGAYAN DE ORO CITY— The opening of new bus routes in Mindanao will further reopen economic activities in the island’s Among the newest opened to the riding public was the Cagayan de Oro-Cotabato City route that passes through some parts of Bukidnon, Lanao del Sur, Cotabato, and Maguindanao, said Aminoden Guro, LTFRB -10 director. “The opening of the new route and launching of PUBs will also contribute to the gradual recovery of the economy in the region,” Guro said, adding that it also gives inter-regional access to public commuters in Northern Mindanao, Soccsksargen, and the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. LTFRB-10 granted a provisional authority supported with a special permit to Rural Transit Mindanao Inc. (RTMI)

for 15 bus units to ply the new route, passing through Talakag town in Bukidnon, Wao town in Lanao del Sur, the municipalities of Banisilan, Alamada, Libungan, Pigcawayan in Cotabato; and Sultan Kudarat in Maguindanao. Guro said the LTFRB-10 can grant

regions, the chief of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board-in Region 10 (LTFRB-10) said Wednesday.

RTMI another permit for additional bus units that will ply the same route if there is a need, such as an increase in population. “They can still file a petition for additional units if there is an increase in demand from the riding public,” he said.

Celer Estologa, Yanson Group of Bus Companies (YGBC) legal and media relations manager, said this new route will not only benefit the riding public “but would also boost the economic activities and tourism of the local government unit”. Estologa said the new route is three hours shorter than the usual Cagayan de OroCotabato City via the Kabacan trail, which takes five to six hours of travel time. “We look forward to the coming years of providing reliable and safe transportation to the riding public and our continuing commitment to improve the quality of life of our workforce as well as of the community,” he said. PNA

NoCot mayor becomes 1st Covid-19 case in town


OTABATO CITY – The mayor of upland Alamada town in North Cotabato has been infected with the coronavirus disease 2109 (Covid-19). “Ako po ay naging positibo sa Covid-19 (I am positive for Covid19),” Mayor Jesus Sacdalan bared in a Facebook post on Wednesday. Based on records of the provincial epidemiology surveillance unit,

The Facebook post of Alamada, North Cotabato Mayor Jesus Sacdalan, announcing he has contracted the coronavirus disease. He is the first recorded Covid19 patient in the town. Sacdalan is the first Covid-19 case in the municipality.

Sacdalan said he might have acquired the virus in a recent gather-

ing where he was the guest speaker. However, he said he is only manifesting mild symptoms of the virus since has had his first dose of the Covid19 vaccine recently. He is currently under quarantine at a local isolation facility. Sacdalan called on individuals he had in close contact with since May 12 to undergo selfquarantine to prevent the spread of the virus. Noel Punzalan/ PNA

Mass gatherings blamed for Caraga's Covid-19 surge


UTUAN CITY – The surge in coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases in the Caraga region can be attributed largely to

the mass gathering of people, the regional health department said. In a report on Wednesday, the Department of Health (DOH) 13 (Caraga) noted that from May 2 to 8, at least 682 new cases were recorded; 743 cases on May 9 to 15; and 530 cases from May 16 to 19. This prompted the chief of the Regional Task Force on Covid-2019 (RTF Covid-19) to call on local government units (LGUs) to strictly implement minimum health standards to contain the rise in infections. MASS | A8

400 KILOS OF WASTES COLLECTED: Almost 400 kilos of wastes were collected from the Altayan River in Tampakan, South Cotabato. (Contributed Photo)


ORONADAL CITY — Officials of Barangay Liberty in the upland Tampakan town in South Cotabato and employees of the Sagittarius Mines Incorporated (SMI) together collected non-biodegradable wastes on the bowels and banks of the Altayan River during a cleanup drive on April 30. This was stated in reports obtained Tuesday from community leaders in the municipality. The activity was led by Barangay Chairperson Noli Jalagat and his constituent-barangay officials. SMI employees and the group of Punong Barangay Jalagat had collected almost 400 kilos of wastes during the activity. Barangay officials in Tampakan, their municipal government and the SMI have joint environment-protection projects, including reforestation, to sustain biodiversity in the surroundings of the mineral-rich municipality. The SMI, local government units, the indigenous and settler communities in Tampakan and in the nearby towns of Columbio in Sultan Kudarat, Malungon in Sarangani and in Kiblawan in Davao del Sur together planted no fewer than a million trees in recent years in deforested areas in support of the reforestation program of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. In 2019, the SMI was cited by the Environmental Management Bureau in Region 12 for its extensive support to the government’s “adopt an estero program.” The EMB-12 also acknowledged then SMI’ sustained commitment to the protection of the Altayan River that straddles through ancestral lands of the ethnic Blaan communities whose leaders are vocal in expressing approval for the company’s planned extraction of copper in their municipality. Not a single barangay and municipal official in Tampakan has ever expressed opposition to any mining activity in the municipality. While the SMI has not even operated yet since its inception in 1995, it has spent huge sums of money, amounting to hundreds of millions in Philippine currency, for humanitarian programs in Tampakan, in Columbio, in Malungon and in Kiblawan.



Across BARMM

Bangsamoro Parliament approves education code

Vol. I, No. 49 | May 21-27, 2021 (Shawwal 9-15, 1442)

1 killed, 15 nabbed in joint law enforcement operations in Lanao Sur



OTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Parliament approved on Tuesday the Bangsamoro Education Code, a measure that will provide for the establishment, manageBy nominal voting, 61 Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) members voted in favor of the Cabinet Bill No. 70 or Bangsamoro Education Code. “As we continue our journey for peace and development, I don’t think there can be any landmark accomplishment that is worth celebrating than being able to establish the Bangsamoro Education Code,” BTA Speaker lawyer Pangalian Balindong said. “It is about time that we have the kind of education we have always aspired for as Bangsamoro people. One that is comprehensive as it is integrated into an Education system in Bangsamoro,” he added. BARMM Education Minister Mohagher Iqbal and Deputy Minority Leader lawyer Rasol Mitmug Jr. defended the proposed bill in the plenary. MP Iqbal said that the education code “is an embodiment of our aspiration for the Bangsamoro children to have a bright future.”

ment, and support of a complete and integrated quality education system in the Bangsamoro region.

JOINT AFP-PNP OPERATIONS: Members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) have apprehended 15 persons in three separate operations in Lanao del Sur with several firearms and illegal drugs suspected to be shabu in Lanao del Sur. The arrested personalities were turned over to PNP-CIDG for appropriate filing of cases. (Contributed Photo)


Bangsamoro Chief Minister Ahod Ebrahim (left) and Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Parliament Speaker lawyer Pangalian Balindong (right) on Tuesday evening signed into law the Bangsamoro Education Code, one of the priority codes that shall be passed during the transition period. (BIO Photo) The bill upholds the Ministry’s advocacy of ‘No Bangsamoro child shall be left behind’, which aspires to embody the hopes and ideals of the Bangsamoro people for an inclusive, culture-based, effective, and sustainable education framework. In crafting the code, he said, “we want a version that includes significant provisions that will enhance the Bangsamoro education system, protect the wellbeing and rights of our teachers, non-teaching staff, parents, and learners.”

The Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education (MBHTE), under the code, is in charge of formulating, planning, implementing, and coordinating policies, plans, programs, and projects in all learning systems within the Bangsamoro region such as formal and non-formal as well as supervising all public and private educational institutions. Minister Iqbal emphasized that the code will allow the Ministry to effectively govern the education system in the Bangsamoro and set the

strategic direction towards a balanced, accessible, and high standard educational structure. The education code was introduced to the plenary in October last year. It is one of the six priority codes the interim government needed to pass during the transition period. The electoral, local government, and revenue codes are among the remaining codes on the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL), which the BTA hopes to pass this year. JIJ

MASS | from Page A7

Mass gatherings blamed for Caraga's Covid-19 surge “Let us be more stringent in the implementation of the minimum health standards to control the transmission of Covid-19 virus,” Office of Civil Defense (OCD) 13 Director Liza Mazo, who chairs the RTF Covid19, said during a virtual meeting with regional officials on Thursday. According to DOH13, at least three cases of B.1.1.7 VOC, or the variant first reported in the United Kingdom, have already been rec-

orded in the region as of Wednesday, particularly in Bislig City, Surigao del Sur, the Agusan del Norte town of Buenavista, and Cabadbaran City. In the same period, 10 cases of the B.1.351 VOC (South Africa) were recorded in Butuan City, Surigao del Sur, and Dinagat Islands. The DOH-13 also reported two cases of the mutations with potential clinical significance (MPCS) N501Y and E484K recorded in Bislig City and Bue-

navista town “Bislig City and Butuan City are now classified as high-risk areas, having recorded a daily attack rate of 10.59 percent and 7.08 percent, respectively, in the past two weeks,” it said. The department said the total recoveries from Covid-19 in the region stood at 9,976 as of Wednesday, with 106 newly recovered patients. Caraga's active cases stood at 1,683 in the same period, with 397 Covid-19 related deaths since the pandemic be-

gan last year. Meanwhile, the DOH -13 reported that 26,076, or 12.38 percent, of the 210,616 master-listed senior citizens have been vaccinated. The vaccination of the A1 priority group, or the health care workers, continues in the region, with 43,554 having received their first shot. A total of 18,204 A1 priority group have completed their two doses of the vaccine, the DOH13 said. PNA

OTABATO CITY — At least 15 persons were apprehended and 1 killed in a combined military operations of the elements of the AFP and the PNP that conducted law enforcement operations in Lanao del Sur on Friday. WestMinCom Commander, Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, Jr. in a statement said, “Operating troops conducted three consecutive operations at Sitio Kabaturan, Barangay Miculabo, Picong, Lanao del Sur to serve search warrants against the Armed Lawless Group (ALG) personalities identified as Kareem Usop Abedin, Camar Mauyag, and Emen Parte.” Vinluan said while troops were approaching the location of the first target at around 10:25in the morning, Friday, the group of Kareem Usop Abedin opened fire thereby resulting in a heavy firefight that lasted for 30 minutes. The said firefight resulted in the instantaneous death of Kareem Usop Abedin, apprehension of his seven cohorts, wounding of three PNP personalities, and recovery of assorted valuable evidence. Another operation followed targeting Emen Parte but the target was able to evade the operating troops. Eight personalities believed to be his cohorts were apprehended and assorted valuable pieces of evidence were seized. The third operation was conducted to neutralize Camar Mauyag but the target managed to escape but valuable pieces of evidence were seized in the area. According to Joint Task Force Central Commander Maj. Gen. Juvymax Uy, overall, the operations were successfully executed and it is attributable to the strengthened interagency collaboration. Maj. Gen. Uy identified the apprehended personalities as Ansano Salic Ampuan, a.k.a. Ans; Amrudin Dimaukom Sarid, a.k.a. Macky; Aminudin Saripad Ditukalan, a.k.a. Amin; Samsudin Itao, a.k.a. Mansok; Lbot Sarif Dimaampao, a.k.a. Naim; Liya Sarif Dimaampao, a.k.a. Liya; Jerry Paco Toma, a.k.a. Hadji Imran; Gorbani Bitucalan; Jomar Pagayawan; Samen Abdillah; Alioden Buale; Bokari Dagu; Asrap Dimampa; Jasser Dumaraya Baguan; and Jomar Abdul. Seized from the 1st target’s possession are the following items: one cal. 56 Colt M16A1 rifle, one Elisco M16A1 rifle, three motorcycles, 23 heatsealed transparent plastic sachets containing undetermined weight and amount of white crystalline substance believed to be “Shabu”, one improvised all-weather tooter, two lighters, one bamboo seater, one container box containing several pieces of used aluminum foil, and one black belt bag. 1 KILLED | A12

Foreign News BARMM to grant special eligibility for Madaris teachers in new education code

Vol. I, No. 48 | May 14-20, 2021 (Shawwal 2-8, 1442)


After 10 days of attacks, Israel agrees on cease-fire with Hamas ANKARA — Israel has agreed on a cease-fire with Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza, Israeli media and Hamas officials confirmed on Thursday evening.

According to Hamas and Israeli sources, the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire will go into effect as of 2 a.m. Friday morning (2300GMT Thursday).


OTABATO CITY — Asatidz/Mudarris or those who teach in Madaris (Islamic schools) in the Bangsamoro region can now hold permanent positions in The Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education (MBHTE) will grant special eligibility for Muddaris or for those who teach in Madaris or Islamic schools in the Bangsamoro region once they pass the ministry’s special eligibility examinations. Mohagher Iqbal, MBHTE minister on Thursday said the Islamic school teachers will be given permanent positions. Iqbal said this is one of the salient provisions of the recently approved Bangsamoro Education Code (BEC). Section 104 of the BEC provides that the MBHTE shall develop and administer special qualifying examinations for permanent appointment to Mudarris positions in the ministry. In coordination with the Civil Service Commission for BARMM, the MBHTE shall grant special license to those who passed the exam, provided that the granted eligibility shall only qualify the appointee to permanent appointment to Mudarris and shall not be considered as a substitute to second level eligibility, unless authorized by the national Civil Service Commission (CSC). Graduates with high honors from a recognized university or institution of higher learning in Arabic and/or Islamic Studies, whether local or international, may be exempted from the special qualifying exams and shall be deemed to have met the eligibility requirement for permanent appointment to Mudarris positions subject to applicable civil service rules on granting honor graduate eligibility. “This is a test of autonomy given to the BARMM that on the issue of Mudarris, we can now decide on our own,” said Education Minister and Member of Parliament Iqbal. “Consultation with the CSC revealed the possibility of granting of special eligibility for as long as there is a law or legal basis allowing it, thus the provision on the BEC,” added Iqbal. He emphasized that Asatidz/Mudarris is not one of the professions being regulated by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and is not covered by Republic Act No. 1080 or the act declaring the bar and board examinations as civil service examinations. He further said that Section 18, Article IX of the Bangsamoro Organic Law mandates the promulgation of qualification standards for Madaris teachers, and for this purpose the MBHTE shall propose QS subject to the approval of the CSC. Under the BEC, the MBHTE “shall provide for the qualifications of Asatidz/Mudarris taking into consideration the relevant educational background such as but not limited to Tarbiyyah (Bachelor’s Degree in Education) and other relevant bachelor’s degree, eligibility, and proficiency in Arabic language and/or Islamic Studies of applicants together with their ability to read and write in English and Filipino.” Moreover, all Madrasah school teachers in the Bangsamoro must “have subject mastery and pedagogical competence and must possess good personality and social and interpersonal skills. Further, teachers must have the capacity to address the needs of learners with special needs.” JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL

"Israel failed to achieve any goals of its aggression and fled from battle with the Palestinian resistance," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told Anadolu Agency in a first official reaction to the cease-fire. For more than 10 days, Israel has been launching attacks on the blockaded Gaza Strip. At least 232 Palestinians have been killed, including 65 children and 39 women, and over 1,700 others injured in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip since May 10, according to the Gaza-based Health Ministry. Health centers, media offices and residential neighborhoods have been targeted. Recent tensions that started in East Jerusalem during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan spread to Gaza as a result of Israeli assaults on worshippers in the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. Israel occupied East Jerusalem, where AlAqsa is located, during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. In 1980 it annexed the entire city, a move never recognized by the international community. Meanwhile, Turkey's communications direc-

tor on Thursday said Israel’s continued war crimes against Palestinians must be brought to an immediate halt. “Israel, which is solely responsible for war crimes in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, should be stopped immediately,” Fahrettin Altun said on Twitter. “Turkey's attitude towards Israel's terrorist acts and occupation policy is clear,” he added. An international protection mechanism should be established for Palestinians, with military and financial contributions, he said. Earlier, he said on Twitter that Turkey has long stood by the oppressed against the subjugation of tyrants. Turkey “took on the responsibility to speak up for what is fair and true on all platforms. Justice must be universal,” he added. In Islamabad, Pakistan on Thursday joined Turkey in urging the UN to deploy an international protection force in occupied Palestinian territories to protect innocents there from Israeli violence. Speaking at a UN General Assembly special meeting on Palestine, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said Gaza has plunged in darkness, literally and

metaphorically, while the only light is that of Israeli explosions. "The General Assembly should call for concrete steps to protect the Palestinians. We should deploy an international protection force, as was called for in General Assembly Resolution ES-10/20 and as demanded by the Islamic Summit Conference on 18 May 2018," Qureshi said. "If the Security Council cannot agree to send a protection force, a ‘coalition of the willing’ can be formed to provide at least civilian observers to monitor a cessation of the hostilities and supervise the provision of humanitarian help to the Palestinians," he suggested. The meeting in New York chaired by Volkan Bozkir, the Turkish diplomat who heads the UN General Assembly, was also attended by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and foreign ministers from such countries as Palestine, Turkey, Qatar, Jordan, Algeria, Pakistan, Indonesia, Kuwait, Maldives, Tunisia, and Saudi Arabia. This was also the first in-person participation at the ministerial level at UN headquarters since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, according to Bozkir.

Qureshi also called on Guterres and the UN high commissioner for human rights to offer protection to Israel’s Arab citizens who are being lynched and murdered by fascist Israeli gangs. Accountable for war crimes Qureshi also urged Israel be held accountable for its war crimes and asked the UN to activate the Human Rights Council, International Criminal Court, International Court of Justice, and other avenues to ensure this. "Israel’s crimes against humanity should not escape accountability. There should be no impunity for violation of international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention and other human rights conventions," he said. Qureshi said that so far over 250 Palestinians have been killed and thousands other injured, one-third of them women and children. "Death echoes in every home in Gaza. The Israeli airstrikes are responsible for the taking of every single life of the Abu Hatab family. Two were women and eight children," he said, adding that so far over 50,000 Palestinian have fled their homes in Gaza. He added that Israeli 10 DAYS | A11


Rhyme & Others

Special Feature:


Vol. I, No. 49 | May 21-27, 2021 (Shawwal 9-15, 1442)

12 Best Halal Restaurants in Metro Manila, and 1 in Davao City, Philippines BANGSAMORO HALAL DISH With Maria Fhebie Ortil



Continued From Last Issue


t was a ghastly sight, a scene that had etched itself deep in my memory, and one that I will never forget. I ran and climbed the steps as fast as I could. My panic abated when I saw my cousin at the edge of the wharf. Both of us were entrusted by her mother to look after the jewelry she hadpacked in two small bandoliers which we tied around our waist. We managed to hold on to the jewelry despite having passed through many checkpoints and coming face-to-face with soldiers -turned-looters. Dark thick clouds had started to form above the horizon and cold wind blew in from the north. It seemed to strike through my wet shirt and send shivers down my spine. Hunger pangs crept in. With a few cents in my pocket, I bought a slice of native hotcakes baked by an old woman across the muddy sidewalk. I ate with gusto — it was the sweetest food I had eaten in the past few days. A swarm of evacuees had now filled every available space in the wharf, distraught parents looking for their children, family members shouting the names of their siblings, young children crying out loud, and frightened elderlies walking aimlessly. Commotion was everywhere, like all hell breaking loose. As night fell, it started to drizzle. Many fell asleep alongside the dock with their belongings piled up, all damp from the steady downpour.Only a few evacuees walked around, aware of the curfew that had been imposed by the military. A baby’s cry woke me out of deep sleep. At the break of dawn, people started to gather their things, hearts filled with hope that they can finally escape the chaos. The streets seemed strangely quiet. The smell of death lingered but was mixed with the intoxicating scent of native hot cake freshly baked by some enterprising womenin the neighborhood. “A naval LST is leaving for Zamboanga this afternoon!” a friend informed us. People rushed to the old wharf where a navy boat was docked. A big crowd gathered around a chaplain who started to distribute pass numbers to the evacuees. A queue formed near the gangplank as early as 12noon and many more evacuees from the town came in droves. I went back to the old wharf in search of my parents and relatives and informed them about the family pass I had received. In the late afternoon, we were still at the far end of the line, and my father, who clung onto me desperately, seemed to get heavier by the minute. People pushed each other towards the gangplank, afraid to be left behind. To control the growing frustration and fear emanating from the panicked crowd, a group of security men arrived and instilled order. Before dusk settled everyone had covered their heads with clothes as the cold February rain began to fall. Mothers carried their hungry babies,children shivered from the cold wind and rain, and others scampered away to seek cover. I felt my father’s body shaking uncontrollably, and his arms stiffened from cold. I was afraid that he couldn’t hold on to me any longer. I felt relief when my family and I boarded the naval ship. Though it was still in the wharf, the vessel provided the safety that we had searched for since the evening of February 6. Upon embarking the ship, I noticed that a

group of families, children, and elders huddled together for warmth trying to get much-needed sleep. As my own family settled down, exhaustion swept over me like a wave and I was glad to finally get some rest without any fear of getting killed by a stray bullet or a rogue soldier. The boat set sail at dusk. Farther north, one could see the white, pristine shorelines of Maubuh and Tanduh beaches where the people of Jolo went for picnics. Behind me, across the horizon, was the smoldering remains of the catastrophic conflagration, still flickering with the burning embers of the battle. In the aftermath of the fierce battle, my devastated hometown lingered in the dark as the ship headed for the open sea. Beside me, an old man expressed his sorrow of leaving home, and as we both marveled at the sea, a new hope burning in our hearts, I also felt a deep fury within me because a great injustice had been inflicted upon our town and our lives had been changed. But what choice did we have? What power did we hold? We could only leave behind the horrors of the days past. And so, we should begin to let go. As we headed farther away from the shore, the silhouette of the majestic Mount Tumantangis slowly faded into the darkness. The diaspora had just began. ***** There was no announcement from the captain as to where the ship was heading. But for us, the surviving civilians who have made every nook and cranny of the steel beast their temporary shelter, the destination did not matter as long as we had put enough distance between us and the raging war in our homeland. Survival was our utmost concern. Sleep evaded me after we embarked the vessel. There was nothing much to do except wait – to forget the horrors of what we had seen; to grieve for the people and the promising lives that we had lost; to hope that there will be something for us after the trip. I eventually felt the exhaustion of the last few days overwhelm me, and so after finding a place to nap, tossing and turning in search of a comfortable position, I closed my eyes and slept. I woke up after half an hour of deep sleep. A cold wind swept through the main upper deck of the LST and from the bridge wing, one could watch the turbulent waters at the side of the lower deck as the ship continued cutting through the waves. With my shirt and short pants still damp from the rain and no food to eat, I went down to the tank deck where parents cuddled their young ones to sleep. It was almost midnight then. I leaned my back at the side of the deck’s compartment, massive iron beams above my head that made the ship sturdy for military use. My mind wandered into the bleak future ahead and I slowly dozed off again. 5:45 AM, February 9,1974 Hurried footsteps and confusion greeted me when I awoke the next morning. The ship had docked. As I stood up, my vision bleary, my mind discombobulated, I could only manage to utter the only question that mattered then, “where are we?” “Bongao Island, Tawi-Tawi”, an old man sighed. “But why are we here? We were supposed to go to Zamboanga!”


hen everything is back to normal after this pandemic and you happen to visit Metro Manila for a holiday, you can visit many beautiful places and experience new things! You will also find many great eateries especially the many halal restaurants in the Philippines that you can visit and dine in. Hence, for the 49th issue of the Philippine Muslim Today, while I have shared with you many of the halal cuisines or recipes, it is now about time that I have to share with you the good halal restaurants in Metro Manila and in Davao City. While this is not an endorsement but our aim is to give you some guide where you can dine some of the delicious halal foods. Not only are they halal, but they are also popular, delicious, and mostly within Metro Manila. It is at the center of everything! Wondering where to find these restaurants? We show you our top 12 picks on the best halal restaurants around the Philippines! TOP 12 BEST HALAL RESTAURANTS IN PHILIPPINES Based on customer reviews and food trips, here are our top 12 picks for the best halal restaurants in the Philippines: 1. New Bombay Restaurant in Makati City New Bombay is perfect for any occasion. Maybe you are craving fast food takeout or a nice sitdown dinner with the family. They’ve got vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, as well as delicious desserts. You can find a lot of branches around Metro Manila, with the one in Makati being one of the most popular Halal restaurants in Philippines. Address: G/F Glorietta 3, Ayala Center, Makati City Phone Number: (02) 986-8622

2. Moud Halal Restaurant in Manila This is a small restaurant that is one of the most recommended halal places to eat in. They offer a combination of Saudi and Filipino food, as well as Chinese. The most popular would be their roasted chicken and Kabsa rice! Address: 829 Globo De Oro Street, Quiapo, City of Manila Phone Number: (02) 488-5006 3. Martabak Cafe in Mall of Asia, Pasay City Martabak Cafe is also one of the best Halal restaurants in Philippines that you can try. It has an Indo-Malay cuisine, giving flavors to fast food options. They offer set meals and a good place to eat in, set in one of the biggest malls in the Philippines the MOA or Mall of Asia. Address: Ground Floor, 131 North Parking Building, SM Mall of Asia, Bay Boulevard Phone Number: (02) 442-0387 4. Al Batra Restaurant and Coffee Shop in Makati City ORTIL | A12

Rhyme & Others

Vol. I, No. 49 | May 21-27, 2021 (Shawwal 9-15, 1442)



THE BATTLE OF JOLO My cousin named Ping and I disembarked in search of food. We also wanted to stretch our legs and escape the crowds of people and the smell of sweat. ”Ping, over here!” A man called out from a distance. Ping’s face brightened and a smile spread across his tired face, “It’s my friend, Siu Lay!” he exclaimed. After a short introduction, we went straight to Siu Lay’s house which was a short walking distance away from the wharf. It was a modest home, and we made ourselves comfortable and settled down on the small stretch of open space made of wooden floors and bamboo — a pantan — situated right outside the main door. Siu Lay, who eventually became one of Bongao’s most popular mayors years later, offered us hot milk and mongo bread, our first hot meal after days on the run. We ate ravenously as our host intently watched us, his face contorted with anxiety and worry. We listened to him curiously as he talked about the news that he heard from the radio. News traveled fast even then, and Siu Lay relayed his concerns about the ramifications of the war that displaced hundreds of families and killed hundreds more. With thankful hearts, we waved him goodbye and boarded the naval ship. Once again, there was no announcement from

the ship’s captain about our next destination. After stocks of military supplies were unloaded, the boat was ready to leave, and even before noon struck, the ship had already sailed away from Bongao’s dock. 5 AM, February 10,1974 The next day at dawn, the ship was back in Jolo. Many more evacuees came on board and after a couple of hours of chaos in the wharf, the LST left for Zamboanga. As we sailed out to sea, I took a moment to get just one more glimpse of the disappearing peak of Bud Tumantangis. At that moment, I didn’t know whether or not I would ever set foot on my homeland again. Beside me was the old man, weeping and looking at the familiar mountain, as if beckoning him to go back home. Afterword The conflict in my homeland started hundreds of years ago. In the past, colonizers of different races with unmatched firepower made numerous futile attempts to subjugate the people of Sulu, the Bangsa Sug. The Dutch, British, Spaniards, Japanese, and Americans came, and they had continued to besiege our sacred land in the centuries that passed. Gunboat diplomacy became a tool that might best implement their evil plans. Hearts corrupted with greed, today's colonizers will suffer a fate similar to their predecessors — shame and dis-

honor await them. Sulu’s history is written in blood, and the bloody chapters depicting its struggle continue to unfold to this day. The stalemate of unfair accusations of blame and fighting by all these different players prevails despite many attempts at peace deals and ceasefires. As in any war, many still believe diplomacy will be the only way to put an end to the nightmare in our homeland. The people from my past, childhood friends and surviving family members, who were witnesses to the war that ensued on February 7,1974, have all moved on. We are spread out across the world and have found new homes and have built new lives. But our hearts continue to grieve for our homeland, and we continue to hope against hope that justice may be served for the Bangsa Sug, so that we may all once more make the journey back home. Acknowledgement To Brod Atty. Mehol Sadain and my daughter Kim Jamila Lee,in your wonderful ways, you have each been instrumental in helping me bring this memorable personal account of the Battle of Jolo to life. Jazakallahu Khair. PMT

NCMF | from Page A5

NCMF official lambasts Israel for flagrant violations of Palestinian rights It can be noted that Palestine, is recognized officially as the State of Palestine by the United Nations and other entities, is a de jure sovereign state in Western Asia claiming the West Bank and Gaza Strip with Jerusalem as the designated capital, alt-

hough its administrative center is currently located in Ramallah. Commissioner Mando added the NCMF is “particularly appalled that children continue to be victims of violence”, adding that youngsters needed to be given special pro-

tection. “I am calling on the international community to take action to enable the parties to step back from the brink and return to the previous understandings that have maintained a relative calm in Gaza and avoid a descent into chaos,

with the massive casualties and immense damage to civilian infrastructure that would result,” added the NCMF Commissioner. He reminded that it is the civilian population on both sides, that bears the burden of war and that the most vul-

nerable are the ones at greatest risk of suffering. “The situation is at a dangerous tipping point. The level of violence and its impact on children is devastating. We are on the brink of a full-scale war. In any war, children – all chil-

dren – suffer first and suffer most.” He urged all sides to “protect all civilians, especially children, to spare essential civilian infrastructure from attacks, and to end violations against children.” JIJ

ther say NO to it, and we gradually become what we watch, read and listen to. And this will definitely reshape our perspective in life that we might even demand or look for something not attainable in real life, but our envi-

ronment told us different direction that constitutes misunderstanding in our then happy family. In short, we have to be cautious and mindful with what we watch, read, and listen to.

unable to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. The Security Council has failed even to demand a cessation of hostilities." "Those preventing the council from doing so bear a heavy responsibility," he

added, referring to the US blocking Security Council statements demanding an immediate cease-fire. Qureshi ended his speech with a verse from his country's resistance poet saying: "O Land of Palestine! I too, am there for you." AGENCIES

The real Legend of TawiTawi. The great achievements you have shared for the good of our people not only in the field of Science but in almost all aspects of life in your own simple way. Nong Mon my good friend, forever you will be missed but you will always be lovingly remembered. “ Likewise, Dr. Romero who was proud to be called Jama Mapun who hails from Mapun Municipality (Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi) is described by one of his neighbors as a very intelligent and humble scientist. “We are neighbors with Dr. Mon in Tanah Mapun, and he was very kind to all of us among his neighbors,” said Hadji Fadz Hussin Jukni. Dr. Romero who is popularly known as “Brod Mon” to his fraternal brothers and

sisters in the Alpha Sigma Phi-1845, is also a lifetime member of the said fraternity. He also served as President of Lupah TawiTawi ASP Alumni Association. As he was laid to his final resting place at the Lund Cemetery in Upper Calarian, Zamboanga City, some of his brothers in the Alpha Sigma Phi accompanied his remains as he transferred to the Omega Chapter at around 4:00 p.m. on the 17th of May 2021. Notably Edmund Ekong, the Chairman of Zamboanga City ASP-1845 Alumni Association and Alumni Member Zheng Anam were among those who accompanied the fallen brother to his long journey to the Omega Chapter of the Alpha Sigma Phi-1845. JIJ

DIMAO | from Page A4

Understanding the cause of divorce (1) pride of the family but the whole community to have attorneys who would stand for the rights. To be straight, I wish that someday we can have Ulama that are also trained in

modern Psychology, for surely Islam can accommodate it. Other Muslim countries like UAE have established and institutionalized this. I firmly trust, if we have this where strug-

gling couples can seek needed assistance and remedy, many divorces could have been saved. SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCE Living in our gener-

ation is certainly complicated, provided that social media is destroying our souls and mindsets piece by piece except those few who understand it. The dilemma is that we can’t ei-

10 DAYS | from Page A9

After 10 days of attacks, Israel agrees on cease-fire... airstrikes destroyed entire buildings to kill and terrorize innocent Palestinians and even silence the media.

"It is time to say ‘Enough!’" he said. He underlined his country's full support for the Palestinian people, saying, “The voice of the

Palestinian people cannot and will not be silenced. We, the representatives of the Islamic world, are here to speak with them and for them."

Qureshi also expressed regret over the Security Council’s failure to halt Israeli attacks, saying: "It is appalling that the Security Council has been

ROMERO | from Page A6

DR. FILEMON GUERZON ROMERO WRITES 30 conservation would not be what it is today without him. As a friend and mentor to many in WWFPhilippines, he will be sorely missed.” Likewise, Environment Officer Cidur Julsadjiri of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in Region IX, said Dr. Romero was one of the pillars of conservation of Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary. Julsadjiri said the environmentalist also worked hard for the proclamation of Turtle Islands as a Protected Area way back in 1998. Dr. Romero who is a Doctor of Philoso-

phy (Ph.D.) also studied Environmental Science at the University of the Philippines (UP) in Diliman, Quezon City. A professional Scuba Diver, he also studied Oceanography at UPDiliman. Dr. Romero was also the former Chancellor of the Mindanao State University- Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography (MSUTCTO) in Bongao, TawiTawi. Incumbent MSUTCTO Chancellor Dr, Mary Joyce Z. Guinto-Sali said with the demise of Dr. Filemon G. Romero, the people in the universi-

ty will miss him a lot since he was the first MSUTCTO Chancellor and Professor Emeritus. “Thank you for everything! I am glad that we were able to share happy memories when we visited Turkey in 2018. My sincerest condolences to Dr. Jumelita “Mely” Romero and their children,” Dr. Joyce Sali wrote in her Facebook page. She likewise asked for prayer for the speedy recovery of Phil Monsour Romero who was also afflicted with the dreaded disease of this pandemic but as of this writing is now on the way to full recovery but still confined at the

ZamPen Medical Center. Meanwhile, aside from the academe, the people of Tawi-Tawi have mourned also on the death of Dr. Romero. Dr. George R. Lee, a medical doctor and former OIC-Mayor of the Municipality of Bongao and one of the assemblymen of Tawi-Tawi in the defunct Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) said in his eulogy to the fallen environmentalist, “Tawi-Tawi just lost one of its best human assets.” Likewise, Teresita LeeCalo in her eulogy said, “Farewell our beloved fellow Tawi-Tawian Dr. Filemon G. Romero.

(To be continued)



Vol. I, No. 49 | May 21-27, 2021 (Shawwal 9-15, 1442)

ADAZA | from Page A3

PRESIDENT DIGONG DUTERTE, COMMUNIST CHINA AND XI JINPING America into the fray leading to the inevitable defeat of communist Chinese forces. Fourth, China’s possession of the area: It is not correct to say that Communist China is in possession of the whole area because it is not. The whole area started to be occupied by Communist China when President Digong allowed corona virus Xi Jinping to occupy the area – allowing the forces of corona virus Xi to build islands equipped with military installations with nuclear capability, drove away our fishermen unprotected in our exclusive economic zones and traditional fishing grounds. And what is weird is President Digong’s claim that he entered into an oral fishing agreement with corona virus Xi to explain the presence of a flotilla of more than two hundred communist China ships in the area. Is there such legal concept in international law as an

oral agreement? And he keeps on stressing that he is as much a lawyer as former Supreme Court Justice Antonio Carpio. Susmariaejosep! It gets wilder now every time President Digong opens his mouth. Four days ago, a Manila daily came out with this headline – COAST GUARD DRIVES AWAY CHINESE FROM PH SHOAL” The first two paragraphs follow the headline stating – “The Philippines on Wednesday said its maritime patrols had twice driven Chinese vessels away from a shoal within the country’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ). “It was the first time since President Duterte took office in 2016 that the government disclosed such a move of Philippine ships against Chinese vessels.” If this is true, one is constrained to ask a number of questions. Since the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) is a unit attached to the De-

partment of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) is a bureau in the Department of Agriculture, and their ships were the ones who drove away the Chinese vessels, who issued the order to drive away Communist Chinese vessels from the area? Was it President Digong or the heads of the PCG and the BFAR?. Whether it is Duterte or the heads of the units did it, it shows that the Philippines has the capability to drive away the invading Chinese vessels in the area. Then, why did our government do it only now? It should have done it the first time the Chinese invaded the area before it could build islands with military installations. Why should civilian components do the job when the military is mandated by the Constitution to secure the sover-

eignty of the State and the integrity of the national territory under section 3, Article II of the Constitution? Something stinks here and the native word sounds like the family name of the President. President Digong has a lot of answering to do here. He should do better than merely offering us a kilo of galunggong which sounds like gunggong. Fifth, joint venture: Why accept a joint venture from an invader and an oppressor – Communist China? It is like congratulating and rewarding a criminal for its crime. That is plain and simple common sense. But since when was President Digong ever common? He is not normal and, therefore, not common. And ever since, when did President Digong ever make sense? From the presidential campaign until now, the only sense I’ve heard from President Digong – is a

lot of nonsense. Sixth, China is our friend: Since when was an invader, robber and rapist been our friend? By invading and occupying our exclusive economic zone (EEZ), is that a show of friendship? Is that not robbing us of billions of US dollars of our natural resources – amounting to trillions of pesos? Is that not raping our country? If this conduct of China is friendship – I do not know what criminality is. True, President Digong’s lord and master, communist corona virus Xi Jinping, is his friend. But is Xi a friend of our country and our people? Of course, not! Does not the conduct of Xi in the West Philippine Sea, among others, make him an enemy of our country and our people? Of course, it does! Anyone who adheres to our enemy or gives it aid and comfort commits treason under Article 114 of the Revised Penal Code. President Digong must be consulting a different English dictionary because his definition of a friend is the exact standard dictionary meaning of an enemy. But his erroneous definition of a friend is understanda-

ble. Why? It is due to his not being common and normal – that is how President Digong defines himself by his words and actions. Seventh, gratitude for Sinovac donation: For heaven’s sake, President Digong has another distorted understanding of the meaning of gratitude. Why be grateful to an enemy giving gifts? Does he not remember the story of the Trojan Horse which resulted to the saying – Beware of the enemy giving gifts? Of course, he probably has not read it. After all, he is not common and normal. The way he speaks and behaves – he must think he is god or a demigod. That is narcissism – at its highest! Thanking communist China and corona virus Xi Jinping for donation of Sinovac is just absurd and nonsensical in exchange for continuous occupation of the West Philippine Sea by Communist China and exploitation of our resources estimated at hundreds of billions worth in US dollars – in violation of the decision of the UN Arbitral tribunal in our favor. (TO BE CONTINUED)

1 KILLED | from Page A8

1 killed, 15 nabbed in joint law enforcement operations in Lanao Sur On the second target’s haven, troops recovered one fragmented hand grenade, more or less 15 grams of “Shabu”, two cigarette boxes containing 58 heat-sealed transparent plastic sachets, seven lighters, one bamboo sealer, one bundle of transparent plastic sa-

chet, three improvised all -weather tooters, one rolled aluminum foil, one container box containing several used aluminum foil, and one identification card of Emen Parte. Also seized on the third target’s place are the following items: one Barret rifle, one black belt bag, five heat-

sealed transparent plastic sachet, more or less 15 grams of white crystalline substance believed to be “Shabu”, one improvised allweather tooter, seven lighters, two rolled aluminum foils, one bundle transparent plastic sachet, one container box containing several piec-

es of used aluminum foil, two pairs of scissors, and one violet plastic container containing several pieces of aluminum foil. The apprehended personalities and seized items were placed under the custody of PDEA-BARMM and CIDG-BARMM for filing

of appropriate criminal charges and proper disposition. “Intensified pursuit and intelligence operations are continuously being conducted to track down the targets who managed to elude the arrest,” said Lt. Gen. Vinluan, Jr. “Congratulations to

the troops of the Joint Task Force Central, PDEA-BARMM, CIDGBARMM, and other police units for the successful operations,” he added. “Indeed, if we will work as one, we will win as one,” the Commander concluded. JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL

of ages; by the seekers and the repentant; by men of different persuasions; and by babies as they are born, and the elderly as they lay dying. It is a road of realization, and a realization of what is Reality. That Reality is about One Supreme Being, without beginning or

ending, and without comparison to anything else, creating everything from nothing, regenerating it, then bringing everything back to His Oneness: “ALLAHu yabda ulkhalqa, thumma yu’eeduhu, thumma ilayhi turja’uun.” (It is ALLAH who begins cre-

ation; then repeats it. Then shall ye be brought back to Him.) [30:11] Shall we then mourn death as a farewell to love ones, or shall be celebrate it as a triumphant return to our Creator? The answer lies in how we have fulfilled our duties of submission. MKS

SADAIN | from Page A2

“AND TO HIM WE SHALL RETURN” Here is the meaning of “returning to ALLAH”. The real return to ALLAH is by way of submitting to Him, and death is not just a return; it is a return in full submission! This is the reason for the tests that we go through and the changes that we experience, in life and at the

point of death. It is all about submission to ALLAH’s Will. For as ALLAH says in the Qur’an: “Inna d-Diina indallaahi lIslaam!” (Truly the religion before ALLAH is Submission!) [3:19] The spiritual road from our createdness, through our short life on earth, and on into our death and

resurrection, is the road of submission to ALLAH. It is a road that is obvious in its simplicity, yet many among us do not immediately see it. It is not a road “less traveled by” as Robert Frost says in one of his poems. It is in fact, a road most taken, by Prophets and holy men

ORTIL | from Page A10

12 Best Halal Restaurants in Metro Manila, and 1 in Davao City, Philippines What’s awesome about this restaurant isn’t just the fact that they serve set meals and buffets with delicious Arabic or Turkish meals but because

they are open 24 hours in normal time. You can get your fix of delicious pies or coffee any time of the day. Address: 2nd floor, A.M Flores Building,

Makati Avenue corner Constellation Street, Makati Phone Number: (02) 403-5552 5. Kashmir in Makati City

Kashmir is one of the oldest Indian Halal restaurants in Philippines. The stall is popular among office workers during their breaks, and for a good reason! They

have delicious shawarma and lamb curry. And since it’s in the center of Makati, it’s very accessible. Address: Ground Floor, Rustan’s, Gloriet-

ta, West Drive, Glorietta Complex, Makati Phone Number: (+63) 917-531-6023 (TO BE CONTINUED)

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