Philippine Muslim Today

Page 1

True or Fake News hounds the Vaccines Efficacy

President Digong Duterte, Communist China and Xi Jinping (2)

Homobono A. Adaza | A3

Save the Earth

Julmunir I. Jannaral | A4

Defiance of Islamic, Constitutional mandates

Why Divorce is in men’s hands in Islam (2)

Imadodin Basar Dimao | A4

Ali G. Macabalang | A5

3 Cotabato priests succumb to COVID-19 in 4 days

The Muslim National Digital Newspaper | Bearer of Glad Tidings. Vol. I, No. 50 | May 28-June 3, 2021 (Shawwal 16-22, 1442) | 12 Pages | Online Issue

- Page A6

MNLF leaders hold indignation rally vs Senate Bill No. 2214 in Basilan By JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL


group of Basilan-based Senior Leaders of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) held an indignation rally where they were protesting the substitute Senate Bill No. 2214 that deleted the participation of the MNLF in the Bangsamoro governance.



roponents of unimpeded importation and market liberalization, especially on rice, have always argued that the interest of consumers, by their greater number, should be paramount over that of local farmers “This is a No-Brainer, 105-million


Guest Column:

Massive importation poses socio-economic dangers By MANNY F. PIÑOL, Ph.D. MinDA Chairman


consumers versus 5-million farmers,” was the line often repeated when we clashed on the issue of the unimpeded importation of rice when I was the Agriculture Secretary.

Full Story on Page A6



MinDA mulls short-course BARMM takes up cohesive Malaysia PM declares drive against violent for guvs, mayors on lockdown extremism ’fertigation’

KIDAPAWAN CITY — The Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA) wants to sponsor a shortcourse for governors and mayors in the south on the essence and mechanics of implementing combined technologies on irrigation and fertilization called “fertigation” befitting elevated lands for planting of upland rice to ensure their own food security.

COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) officialdom has stepped up cohesion with military, police and local government units in addressing unabated threats of violent extremism, notably in the component province of Maguindanao.


A renowned journalist leader in the Malay world said on Tuesday that conditions in Malaysia are getting worse with the number of covid-19 infections surging to 7289, the highest number of new daily infections in the country since the start of the pandemic.

Get your green in with this Sautéed Broccoli recipe! This is a quick and simple way to give broccoli incredible flavor and a satisfying crunch that even picky eaters will agree is pretty good. Ingredients in Sautéed Broccoli This recipe only requires a couple ingredients!

COVID-19 pandemic in Metro Manila (NCR Plus bubble) SPECIAL REPORT: Page A10


Opinion Philippine Muslim Today Inc. Co. Reg. No. 2021030008913-02 DATU YUSOPH B. MAMA Chairman, Board of Directors MASIDING NOOR YAHYA President/CEO JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL Vice President for Internal Affairs ALI G. MACABALANG Vice President for External Affairs

ROCAYA SUMNDAD OTICAL Treasurer MACOD D. RASCAL Secretary CASAN C. CANA Auditor AMANODING ESMAIL Chairman, Special Committee on Administration & Finance

PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY MASIDING NOOR YAHYA Editor-In-Chief and Publisher JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL Managing Editor Bureau Chief for NCR & CALABARZON Regions ALI G. MACABALANG News Editor Bureau Chief for Bangsamoro & Central Mindanao Regions ROCAYA SUMNDAD OTICAL Bureau Chief for Northern Mindanao & CARAGA Regions JOHNNY R. LEE Bureau Chief for Western Mindanao Region FATIMA ORTIL-JANNARAL Advertising Sales Director for NCR NUR-ALI A. MACABALANG Correspondent AMIR HUSSEIN ABBAS Correspondent COLUMNISTS | WRITERS: ATTY. HOMOBONO A. ADAZA IMADODIN BASAR DIMAO ATTY. JUAN PONCE ENRILE JOHNNY R. LEE, Ph.D ATTY. MEHOL K. SADAIN MA. FHEBIE ORTIL DISCLAIMER: Opinion of the writer expressed herein is not necessarily the opinion of Philippine Muslim Today nor of its management. TEMPORARY BUSINESS OFFICE:


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Front page of PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY previous issue.

Vol. I, No. 50 | May 28-June 3, 2021 (Shawwal 16-22, 1442)



ll praise belong to God, Whose Name is Most Exalted, the Creator, Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds. May He bless our Prophet Mohammad and his progeny and guided companions. “In the name ADOPTED EDITORIAL of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.” “Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds; Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. Show us the straight way, The way of those on whom Thou has bestowed Thy Grace, Those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.” (I:1-7) “Say: O ye that reject Faith ! I worship not that which ye worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. To you be your Way, and to me mine.” (CIX: 1-6) Allah has addressed the Muslims as the “Khairah Ummah” (Best Community) because they enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong and believe in Him. (III:110). He tells them to invoke His Name and beseech what is good in this world and what is good in the hereafter and to be saved from the pangs of fire as their recompense from their Lord. As Khairah Ummah, the Muslims, individually or collectively, are obliged to pray for the Right Path and God’s blessings, not only for himself, nor for the Muslims alone, but for all men and women who are willing to believe and follow Him. This is what Muslims ask God at least five times a day when they stand in ‘salah’ (prayer) and say “Guide us the Straight Way — the way of those upon whom thou has bestowed Thy Grace…” (I:6 -7) A Muslim thinker Muhammad Asad said, “...this amounts to praying for guidance not merely in spiritual or ethical concerns but also in everything that pertains to the community’s practical ways — that is to say, its social configuration and political behavior.” It is thus clear that Islam aims for the welfare of all humanity, in all aspects of life. It is far from being, and contrary to ’terror school of thought’ as is accused by the West and the rest that believe in such baseless denunciation. Islam means Peace and the Muslims believe in Peace which belief is also demonstrated by their way of greetings: Salaamon ‘aleikom wa rahmatullaahe wa barakaatoh (Peace be upon you and the blessings of Allaah and [your] prosperity.) The terrors sowed by a group or groups of so-called Muslim radicals and extremists are not really the doing of Islam and the Muslims. How can a Muslim terrorize his fellow men when he is asking God at least five times a day to bless them, guide them to the Straight Path with peace and prosperity? A Muslim will never do that as it

is the foundation of his faith, of his being a Muslim. If one hence included in the prayer refuses to go to the Straight Path, that is another story, for he is not compelled to do so. “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error…” (II:256); and “To you is your way and to me mine…” (CIX:6) But, it must not be forgotten, that as always, in every action of man, there is a corresponding prize or penalty. Such prize or penalty may be replicated by the governments on earth or God will impose it in the Hereafter. The truth is that the terrorism happening everyday in our midst is no less than an organized crime against humanity. It does not need to dig deeper to understand; it only needs to use common sense on what the media tells us: The United States and Israel (and their cohort-governments in the world) are behind these terrors: recruiting them, funding them, and training them, and supporting them with resources, military or otherwise, in behalf of what is tagged as “The Deep State,” aimed at dominating the world. “The Deep State” may be interpreted as the deeper meaning of the Zionist’s “New World Order.” This is a universal government ultimately planned by the Jewish Zionists to rule the world with all other governments subservient to it so that it reigns by proxy that has begun quite sometime ago. The west is already under its wings and some so-called Muslim countries, consciously or not, are also carrying out Zionist’s plots. The problem is many Muslims, even those who accept this reality, do not care to do anything to help in the suppression of this crime. They do not care or care less whether they will suffer like that of their brothers in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia and other parts of the world where Muslims are subjected to savagery, their villages and homes bombed, their properties looted or destroyed, and who are killed or tortured. We cannot help but conclude that the “2017 Marawi Tragedy” is likewise an indirect Zionist plot using terror groups recruited from the community, trained and funded by their proxy and who are brainwashed with blind beliefs that what these terror groups are doing are for God, for humanity and to have a place in paradise. I will be in high spirits if this is a wrong deduce but heartbroken if it is true. The only solution to the Muslims’ present torments is for them to be united and collectively do something to resist the imposition of aggression, injustice, tyranny, poverty and other forms of oppression. When necessary, they have to fight back as God has commanded them: “And fight them on until there is no more tumult and oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God altogether and everywhere…” (VIII:39) It is not yet too late for us to do our part. Let us beseech God of clarity of our hearts and let us do something for the savior of mankind from these evil destructions: the lest we can do is our prayers from the heart. Let us beseech too for the forgiveness of God for our shortcoming and mistake. And let us beseech that He forgive us and grant prosperity to our people in this world and Jannah Firdaus in the next world. Ameen.



nomic zone (EEZ), is that a show of friendship? Is that not robbing us of billions of US dollars of our natural resources – amounting to trillions of pesos? Is that not raping our country? If this conduct of China is friendship – I do not know what criminality is. True, President Digong’s lord and master, communist corona virus Xi Jinping, is his friend. But is Xi a friend of our country and our people? Of course, not! Does not the conduct of Xi in the West Philippine Sea, among others, make him an enemy of our country and our people? Of course, it does! Anyone who adheres to our enemy or gives it aid and com-

fort commits treason under Article 114 of the Revised Penal Code. President Digong must be consulting a different English dictionary because his definition of a friend is the exact standard dictionary meaning of an enemy. But his erroneous definition of a friend is understandable. Why? It is due to his not being common and normal – that is how President Digong defines himself by his words and actions. Seventh, gratitude for Sinovac donation: For heaven’s sake, President Digong has another distorted understanding of the meaning of gratitude. Why be grateful to an enemy giving gifts?

Southern Frontier

esterday that was Thursday May 27, my being with the revolution for several decades as one of the top commanders of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) in my home province here in Basilan, once again I have responded to the call of duty not as a member of the revolution with my old self as used to be known as “MNLF Commander Gerry,” but rather as a peacemaker in the present time. That is when I attended the peace rally of the MNLF Basilan Chapter at the Municipal Sports Center of Tuburan Municipality last Thursday. The MNLF is trying to get the ears of the lawmakers to allocate at least 15 seats for the

MNLF and one seat for the City of Lamitan. However, the sad thing is that the Reports of the Senate Committee on Local Government chaired by the Honorable Senator Francis Tolentino, the participation of the MNLF supposedly to be allocated with 15 seats for MNLF was deleted, including the one seat for the City of Lamitan. If you may recall, in the R.A. 11054: The Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL), it states: “The Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) shall be MILFled, without prejudice to the participation of the MNLF.” Before the approval into law of the BOL, the two Moro Fronts, MILF and MNLF signed a Covenant for Convergence at Camp Darapanan, Sultan

Does he not remember the story of the Trojan Horse which resulted to the saying – Beware of the enemy giving gifts? Of course, he probably has not read it. After all, he is not common and normal. The way he speaks and behaves – he must think he is god or a demigod. That is narcissism – at its highest! Thanking communist China and corona virus Xi Jinping for donation of Sinovac is just absurd and nonsensical in exchange for continuous occupation of the West Philippine Sea by Communist China and exploitation of our resources estimated at hundreds of billions worth in US dollars – in violation of the decision of the UN Arbitral tribunal in our favor.

Moreover, whatever happened to the EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTYSEVEN BILLION (P887,000,000,000.00) PESOS of foreign borrowings for the fight against the Xi Jinpiing communist Chinese corona virus? Learning curve: Since Rodrigo Roa Duterte became President of the country his learning curve has gone drastically down as shown by his words and actions. In contrast, the Xi Jinping sponsored communist Chinese corona virus curve has been going consistently up in the country. Why doesn’t President Digong stop harping about having been Mayor of Davao City for twenty years? Why does he not learn how to be President? He has

had almost five years of on the job training (OJT), why has he not learned? I do not know whether he has asked his psychiatrist, if any. If he doesn’t have any, I have a simple shock treatment for him. He should read this oft-quoted statement of the late US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy – “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your.” It is very simple and understandable English. It needs no translation to Cebuano Visayan to be understood. In so reading, maybe President Digong will finally learn that Communist China and its President, corona virus Xi Jinping, are not our country and people’s friends. They are our enemies. HAA

MNLF Indignation Rally is a rally for Peace

They say once a revolutionary is always a revolutionary although there is no more revolution to wage on.




Diliman Way

ifth, joint venture: Why accept a joint venture from an invader and an oppressor – Communist China? It is like congratulating and rewarding a criminal for its crime. That is plain and simple common sense. But since when was President Digong ever common? He is not normal and, therefore, not common. And ever since, when did President Digong ever make sense? From the presidential campaign until now, the only sense I’ve heard from President Digong – is a lot of nonsense. Sixth, China is our friend: Since when was an invader, robber and rapist been our friend? By invading and occupying our exclusive eco-

Vol. I, No. 50 | May 28-June 3, 2021 (Shawwal 16-22, 1442)

Kudarat Municipality represented by Chairman Hadji Murad Ebrahim for the MILF and Muslimin Sema for the MNLF. They both agreed to work as partners for peace. The MNLF campaigned for the ratification of the BOL during the campaign period. And I was one of the MNLF leaders that strongly campaigned for it too in Basilan. The MNLF is also lobbying for the deferment of the election of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) until 2025. However, as cited earlier in the Senate Committee on Local Government chaired by Sen. Francis Tolentino, the participation of the MNLF was deleted and no fixed number of seats were allocated for them.

It can be recalled, the MNLF is the mother revolutionary movement, hence, deserving seats in the BTA. In the Senate Committee Reports, from its present simple majority of 41 seats for the MILF, an additional 6 seats was given to the MILF, making it 47. The 68 barangays of North Cotabato that joined the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) will be alloted 3 seats and 2 seats for Indigenous People (IP) also allied with the MILF, giving the MILF a super majority bloc in the new BTA. That is why we in the MNLF is protesting about the allocation of seats in the BTA. Through MNLF Vice Chairman and BTA Deputy Speaker Hatimil E. Hassan, they are formally requesting at least 15 seats for the MNLF and 1 seat for the City of Lamitan,

Basilan, like Marawi and Cotabato Cities. However, as I have said in the Senate Committee Reports the City of Lamitan was deleted. The MNLF is also asking for 1 seat for the Sama Dilaut of Tawi-Tawi. The MNLF is threatening to withdraw from the peace agreement if they are not given fixed number of seats in the BTA. They consider the deletion of the MNLF participation in the Committee Reports of the Senate as abrogation of the peace covenant. Today, in different provinces and cities, the MNLF leaders and their supporters conducted an indignation rally to amplify their objection to Senate Committee Reports. The 5 Provinces of Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi are entitled 4 seats to be nominated by the Sangguniang

Panlalawigan of each province to the Office of the President. Congress will only have 4 more session days next week then they will go on a two month long recess and will resume session in second week of August for the last or Farewell SONA of President Rodrigo Duterte. Since the House Committee on Electoral Reforms hadn’t wrap up yet its Committee Reports, the chance of the bill to defer the election of the BTA is impossible to pass next week. Congress has less than two months to act on it because the scheduled filing of candidacy set by the COMELEC for the synchronized national and local elections of 2022 are on October 16, 2021. The author, ABDULGHANI “Gerry” A. SALAPUDDIN is the Administrator/CEO of Southern Philippines Development Authority (SPDA).



Batanes to Tawi-Tawi


t least despite the Pandemic going on with the dreaded COVID-19, still the PMT-19 now on its 50th Digital Online Edition is now about to reach the Finishing Line with 2 more Issues on queue. However my real concern now I have not yet committed myself for vaccination since as a journalist I need to classify the true from the fake news. In other words it is incumbent upon me to conduct a facts check, lest according to the Media lingo if I will not verify the veracity of the information I am receiving every day in my Facebook Messenger, I

will end up “na kuryente,” or electrocuted by the fake news. Take for instance this piece of information which accordingly the “US Supreme Court has cancelled universal vaccination.” Accordingly, if this is true the lawsuit was filed by a group of scientists led by Senator Robert F. Kennedy,Jr., where he said, “The new COVID vaccine should be avoided at all costs.” There are important issues related to the vaccination against Covid-19 that one has to pay attention whether it is true or merely a



t’s worthmentioning, and it should be at all time that real life is quite far from what we have seen in the movies fictionally that shows us no matter what happens, the whole universe has destined ways for us to live happily ever after effortlessly. If that is the case in life generally, it’s so much in marriage because it’s not what exactly young men did expect and fantasize about when they were still bachelors: it’s about peace of mind and happiness; exactly no, it’s rather complicated. In fact, marriage is not like having popcorn in your hands while Netflixing the whole day or while rooting for your favorite NBA team. It’s rather quite the opposite flavored with ups and

downs however the financial status in life. Arguments in married life are sometimes going off the rails, so the couple have to do necessary repairs and have to avoid you-versus-me thinking better during misunderstanding. It’s therefore important to keep in mind that love and compassion – the driver to successful marriage or Mawaddat wa Rahmah – is not only sensed in happy moments, but also appreciated more deeply when challenges are overcome. Divorce is indeed considered as one of the expensive and yet easy to break in Islam. It’s paperless and may take only a few words to be expressed directly or by mere implications, that are mostly from

Vol. I, No. 50 | May 28-June 3, 2021 (Shawwal 16-22, 1442)

True or Fake News hounds the Vaccines Efficacy

fake information. There is an allegation that “the Coronavirus Vaccine is not really a VACCINE. Then another allegation is that “Vaccinated people will have to come to terms with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured by simply removing toxins from the human body, as in a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic heart failure, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc.), because the genetic defect is forever!”

Another thing that needs further verification is that “Vaccination - weapons of genocide of the 21st century.” In fact, former Pfizer Chief Scientist Mike Yeedon has once again expressed his position that it is too late now to save those who have been injected with a substance publicly called "the Covid-19 vaccine." He encourages those who have not yet received the “lethal injection” to fight for their lives, those around them and the lives of their children. The internationally renowned immunologist goes on to describe a process that he says will kill the vast majority

of people: "Immediately after the first vaccination, about 0.8% of people die within two weeks.” The worst part of this revelation whether it is “True or False” is the prediction of average life expectancy of survivors will be a maximum of two years, but it also decreases with each new "injection." Yeedon if he is telling the truth emphasized that additional vaccines are still being developed to cause deterioration in certain organs, including the heart, lungs and brain. "Billions of people have already been sentenced to certain, inevitable and

painful death. Anyone who receives the injection will die prematurely, and three years is a generous estimate of how long they can survive." Be that as it may, Health Undersecretary Dr. Maria Rosario S. Vergeire, spokesperson of the Department of Health has advised the Filipino citizens not to believe in these allegations about the bad news regarding Vaccines since she said “these are but just “Fake News” that need further verification.” —————— For your Comments/ Suggestions please send an email to:

Why Divorce is in men’s hands in Islam (2)

men’s sides, and it will be in effect and be counted towards three maximum counts immediately based on Sharia law. Of Course, women are also given the rights to request for it, but not to pronounce it herself as man does, through her guardians or WALI if staying in marriage might destroy or affect badly their welfare, for “there should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm” – one of Islamic Fundamentals. However, those “readers in bad faith” have taken advantage of this and come up with stereotypes against Islam, specifically Sharia law: that it has unjustly treated women what is supposedly due for them, in which we have read a

lot of reading materials campaigning for this or even heard various gatherings in the name of Gender Equity attacking the unparalleled respect and care of Islam towards women and to equivocate its heavenly sources of law: The holy Quran and the noble Hadeeth. However, the truth always prevails in the end. So, why Divorce is mostly in man’s hands in Islam? First, to understand the wisdom behind this, we have to revisit the moment when he was about to get married that the first thing he was required is to be financially, physically, and mentally capable of the obligations awaits for a husband or husband-to-be, while it’s not the case for a lady as she was only asked to say YES after having

pleased with the guy. This process doesn’t, however, discount the fact in our society that most women are financially capable; it only states the truth that men are conditionally tasked to shoulder the responsibilities in marriage. Dowry itself is a starting point of the burdens for every groom. Second, this part has just proven the stereotype mentioned earlier about Islam are not that true, because Psychology has agreed that most women are rightbrain thinkers in decision making with their personal matters. They are more emotiondriven that may cause unfavorable outcomes – that is the reason why tears come from ladies more than from men, though they also get hurt and feel pain emotionally. That being said, if ladies were given ab-

solute rights to declare divorce themselves as what were for men, then there should have been a few marriages that lasted based on Shariah, provided the possible consequences. Again, this doesn’t coincide with the intelligence of women in our society. They are indeed epitome of the brain in every institution whether in government or private sectors. However, the emotion and feeling is different, for it’s about nature in which we were created as men and women. In conclusion, Islam is complete and splendid religion that has made corresponding laws in every aspect of life its followers have to live on. And in following and devoting our entire life to it is the only way to real happiness and well-being here and hereafter.

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efore assuming their respective offices, appointed and elected officials in the countryside are required to undergo oath-taking to abide by the Constitution, which clearly mandates them to serve their people or clientele “without any mental reservation,” promote public welfare, and protect them from any form of harm and injustice. They cannot renege on their expressed vows in formal pledging rites. To me, their failure to perform their vows in the form of advertent defiance or complacency consti-

tutes a violation of their oaths of office and entitles the public to call for their dismissal from service. In the case of the Muslim-dominated Bangsamoro region, appointed and elected countryside (municipal and village) leaders have additional duties as far as their being believers of Islam is concerned. Islam requires every Muslim leader to teach and lead their people from doing away from what is unjust and evil. Shortly after some 100 violent extremism -bound combatants of the Bangsamoro Is-

Vol. I, No. 50 | May 28-June 3, 2021 (Shawwal 16-22, 1442)


Defiance of Islamic, Constitutional mandates

lamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) occupied the market area of Datu Paglas, Maguindanao on May 8 and sowed panic among residents, Grand Mufti Mohammad “Abuhuraira” Udasan posted a message citing one or more Qur’an verses that oblige Muslims to “shun” people fomenting hatred or violence. Udasan’s came almost simultaneously with the visit of President Duterte in Maguindanao’s 6th Infantry Headquarters on May 11, during which the Chief Executive prodded leaders in BARMM to resolve the

BIFF unabated atrocities or else he would order a full-scale military action on areas having BIFF enclaves. The Presidential warning was stern. Elected and appointed leaders in Maguindanao, particularly the towns or villages having BIFF enclaves should not take the warning lightly. The still painstaking vestiges of 2017 “full-scale” war used against extremist combatants of the Dawla Islamiya (Maute) and Abu Sayyaf groups should suffice for local leaders to do their dutiful works. For years, I have advocated for village leaders and their wellmeaning constituents

to secure their communities from entry by lawless elements, especially the militarytagged “local terrorist” men from the BIFF, Abe Sayyaf or Dawla Islamiya. The advocacy remains a byword, entailing no positive response. The President, through the Department of Interior and Local Government, and the Office of the Chief Minister in the case of the Bangsamoro region should exemplify true leadership in dealing with local leaders inattentive to duties. I have maintained the belief that the presence of BIFF enclaves

or combatants in some villages of Maguindanao is known to at least the barangay officials and their mayors. President Duterte and Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim should dismiss from service all barangay or town officials in areas with continued presence of terror-fomenting rebels. National and regional officials tolerating LGUs’ adamant attitude towards terror groups can also be blamed if they, too, fail to give an example of purging one or more mayors and barangays leaders who fail inreporting out the presence of BIFF combatants. AGM


Malaysia PM declares lockdown A renowned journalist leader in the Malay world said on Tuesday that conditions in Malaysia are getting worse with the number of covid19 infections surging to 7289, the highest number of new daily infections in the country since the start of the pandemic. In a message, Datuk Yazid Othman, the president-emeritus of Wartawan Melayu Malaysia (Association of Malay Journalists Malaysia) told the Philippine Muslim Today that due to the high surge, the Prime Minister immediately accepted suggestions for a ‘Total Lockdown’ without exception. Datuk Yazid is the lead organizer of the World Federation of Muslim Journalists (WFMJ) with Masiding Noor Yahya as protem secretary general. He was also past president of the Con-


Medical personnel at a quarantine centre at the Malaysia Agro Exposition Park in Serdang, as seen in this photo published on May 20, 2021. (Photo: Twitter/ KKMPutrajaya) federation of ASEAN Journalists (CAJ), an aggrupation of all national organizations of journalists in the ASEAN-member countries including the National Press Club of the Philippines and National Union of Journalists Malaysia. Based in Jakarta. CAJ is one of the oldest and most active regional media organizations in Southeast Asia. It was estab-

lished as a forum for cooperation among ASEAN journalists in 1975, eight years after the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was set up. New cases breach 7,000 mark Quoting media reports, Datu Yazid said this is the first time the number of new cases in the country has breached the 7,000 mark. Malaysia’s previous daily

record was two days ago, when it reported 6,976 new infections. The country has logged more than 6,000 new cases daily for seven consecutive days as it struggles to contain a third wave of COVID-19, he added. The surge has left hospitals low on intensive care unit (ICU) beds with health authorities repeatedly warning about surging ICU occupancy

rates and strained medical staff members. The Klang Valley area accounted for more than a third of the new cases: Selangor had 2,642 while Kuala Lumpur reported 604. Neighbouring states Negeri Sembilan and Pahang had 410 and 211 respectively. Johor reported 664 new cases while Penang had 380. There were also 60 more COVID-19 deaths, a day after Malaysia logged a daily record 61 fatalities. The victims comprise 59 citizens and one foreigner, aged three to 93. The youngest fatality, a girl from Sabah, also suffered from leukaemia. Many of the others had a medical history of high blood pressure and diabetes. Four of them were only taken to hospital after they had died,

the health ministry said in its daily report. The national death toll now stands at 2,369. A total of 726 patients are in the intensive care unit, another record figure. Of these, 373 require respiratory support. Fifteen more clusters were also identified, taking the total number of active clusters in the country to 577. Health directorgeneral Noor Hisham Abdullah warned that Malaysia’s daily COVID-19 cases are following an “exponential trend”. “The rise of cases started from Apr 1, 2021 and could trigger a vertical surge. We need to prepare for the worst,” he said in a tweet on Tuesday afternoon. He also urged members of the public to stay home in order to break the chain of infection. MNY


Across the nation

MinDA mulls short-course for guvs, mayors on ‘fertigation’ By ALI G. MACABALANG

Massive importation poses socio-economic dangers


IDAPAWAN CITY — The Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA) wants to sponsor a short-course for governors and mayors in the south on the essence and mechanics of implementing combined technologies on irrigation and fertilization called “fertigation” befitting elevated lands for planting of upland rice to ensure their own food security. The short court will be done online and cover orientation on the modern Solar-Powered Irrigation Technology and the “Fertigation” System, a fertilization method which mixes fertilizer with irrigation water, MinDA Chairman Manny Piñol said in Facebook post Thursday. “I believe that this Short-Course is critical in opening the minds of local executives to the importance of managing and conserving run-off water during the rainy season through the establishment of catchment basins, small impounding dikes and dams,” Secretary Piñol said. Sec. Piñol tackled some highlights of the “fertigation” system at the latest leg of his revived weekly (Mondays) radio slot over the Catholic-run dxND station here, alongside technical people from his agency and Dr. Sailila Abdula of the PhilRice. “Fertigation” is a modern system effectively carried out in Israel for years in achieving high crop yields from barren lands, it was learned. In his post, Piñol said the MinDA “will formally ask the Israel Government through its Embassy in Manila for support for its Water Supply Conservation and Management Program by conducting an on-line course for Mindanao Governors, Mayors and other local Government Officials.” He posted the text of his proposed letter to the Department of Foreign Affairs for transmittal to the Israeli Embassy in Manila, notably Israeli Ambassador to the Philippines, Rafael Harpaz, viz: “Dear Amb Harpaz, One of the major programs of the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA) in Mindanao is the Mindanao Water Supply Program which seeks to enhance awareness on the importance of water for agriculture and human consumption. In pursuit of this advocacy, MinDA is engaging Local Government Units by introducing the concept of Water Management and Conservation, which involves the establishment of small dams and water catchments, and the non-conventional systems of irrigation like the Solar-Powered irrigation System and others. Knowing of the advancements of Israel in these fields, MinDA would like to request for technical support from the Israeli Agriculture Agency, Mashav, through you for the conduct of a Short Course on Water Management and Conservation, Solar Powered Irrigation and Fertigation, for local chief executives of Mindanao. The Short-Course could be conducted virtually via ZOOM or Google Meet and the participants would include Governors, Mayors and Village Chiefs, along with the heads of their planning and agriculture office. I believe the Short Course would broaden the understanding of our local officials on the importance of Water Conservation and Irrigation for Agriculture and human health and well-being. With the allocation by the national government of bigger development funds for local government units, I believe that these programs could be very well implemented by the LGUs with your government’s technical support. I hope this request would merit a positive response from your end. Thank you very much. Sec. Emmanuel F. Piñol, PhD Chairman, Mindanao Development Authority”

Vol. I, No. 50 | May 28-June 3, 2021 (Shawwal 16-22, 1442)

By MANNY F. PIÑOL, Ph.D. MinDA Chairman


roponents of unimpeded importation and market liberalization, especially on rice, have always argued that the interest of consumers, by their greater number, should be paramount over that of local farmers Flooding the market with imported commodities to stabilize consumer prices and address inflation actually inflicts serious socio-economic injuries on Filipino food producers, especially poor farming families. While imported food items such as rice, pork and chicken may indeed cost less for the consumers, massive and unimpeded importation deprives local producers of benefits from activities involved in the whole production chain. It has serious social and economic implications. During the distribution of land titles to former militant sugarcane workers in Sagay, Negros Occidental in 2018, I brought up to President Duterte the proposal of the economic managers to allow the unimpeded importation of sugar. I told the President that liberalizing the sugar industry just to bring down the prices of candies and other sweet-

ened products would adversely affect the livelihood of former militant farmers who owned land for the first time. Without a viable income, the former militant farmers could sell their farm lots again to the former owners and the social unrest could start all over again. Wala pa akong narinig na consumer who took up an M-14 rifle to go to the mountains to rebel dahil tumaas ng P20 ang kilo ng karne ng baboy. Pero ang karamihan sa mga nag rebelde ay

“This is a No-Brainer, 105-million consumers versus 5-million farmers,” was the line often repeated when we clashed on the issue of the unimpeded importation of rice when I was the Agriculture Secretary.

dating mga magsasaka at manggagawa who because of the lack of support from government and difficulties in life joined the New People’s Army. Rebellion and social unrest require massive resources of government to address and result in the loss of countless lives. Importing agricultural goods is an accepted market practice to stabilize consumer prices but it should only be enough to fill up a production shortfall. Government, in-

stead, should provide interventions to increase local production because the benefits would be felt by everybody involved in the whole production chain. With the country’s economy in a very bad shape because of the COVID 19 Pandemic, the wisest thing that our economic policy makers could do is to focus on local production to create economic activities, open income opportunities and provide jobs for millions of families in the rural areas. MFP

3 Cotabato priests succumb to COVID-19 in 4 days


OTABATO CITY — Three Catholic priests in Cotabato region have succumbed one after another to complications attributed to COVID-19, prompting local authorities to call for more vigilance among residents in the pandemic. Fr. Eliseo Mercado, Jr. of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) expired around 3:25 p.m. Sunday, May 23, at the Cotabato Regional Medical Center (CRMC) here where attending physicians confirmed him positive of Coronavirus symptoms last May 8, it was learned. Mercado, former president of the Notre Dame University here and executive director


Fr. Eliseo Mercado, Jr. of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI), Loreto Sanoy and Rex Bacero, both of the Diocesan Clergy of Cotabato, succumb to Covid-19 in four days. He was the third of the Institute of Au- 19 symptoms led to his fatal cardiac arrest, col- Catholic priest in the tonomy and Governleagues in the OMI Cotabato region to have ance (IAG), was brought earlier this were cited as saying in succumbed to COVID19 in four days this month to CRMC for his reports. Mercado, who would month. lingering heart ailment Two other priests beturn 73 years old this purportedly triggered in longing to the Diocesan May 29, was credited an accident five years Clergy of Cotabato, Lorefor his role in the Mindaago. Known locally as nao peace process, to Sanoy and Rex Bac“Father Jun,” Mercado notably in the talks be- ero, expired one after had earlier shown signs tween the national gov- another Friday, May 21 of recovery from his ernment and the Moro also due to COVID-19 National Liberation complications. heart ailment but complications from COVID- Front (MNLF). PRIESTS | A11

Across BARMM

Vol. I, No. 50 | May 28-June 3, 2021 (Shawwal 16-22, 1442)

Bill splitting Maguindanao into 2 provinces signed into law By ALI G. MACABALANG


roponents of unimpeded importation and market liberalization, especially on rice, have always argued that the interest of consumers, by their greater number, should be paramount over that of local farmers Maguindanao is now officially divided into two provinces, with President Duterte signing into law the enabling bill on Thursday, proponent lawmakers announced on the same day. The new law, docketed as R. A. 11550, divides the 36-town province into Maguindanao del Norte and Maguindanao del Sur in what initiating officials envisioned as a vital step to expedite growth and foster peace in the so-called “land of the flooded plain.” Maguindanao 2nd District Rep. Esmael “Toto” Mangudadatu, a principal proponent, echoed Thursday afternoon via social media the confirmation from Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea about the enactment of the law. The post was coupled with an image of the transmittal letter of Sec. Medialdea to Senate President Tito Sotto and the Presidential Legislative Liaison Office for the official dissemination of related information.

Rep. Mangudadatu expressed gratitude to the President and to the Senate, particularly Senators Francis To-

“This is a No-Brainer, 105-million consumers versus 5-million farmers,” was the line often repeated when we clashed on the issue of the unimpeded importation of rice when I was the Agriculture Secretary.

vealed a powerful political clique allegedly opposed to the provincial split.

Of the existing 36 constituent towns in the mother province, Maguindanao del Norte shall comprise 12, namely: Datu Blah Sinsuat, Barira, Buldon, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Kabuntalan, Matanog, North Upi, Parang, Northern Kabuntalan, Sultan Kudarat, Sultan Mastura, and Talitay. Datu Odin Sinsuat will serve as the northern capital town. Maguindanao del Sur will comprise Ampatuan, Buluan, Datu Abdulla Sangki, Datu Anggal, Datu Hofer Ampatuan, Midtimbang, Datu Montawal, Datu Paglas, Datu Piang, Datu Salibo, Satu Saudi Ampatuan, Datu Unsay, Gen. Salipada K. Pendatun, Guindulungan, Mamasapano, Mangudadatu, Pagalungan, Paglat, Pandag, Rajah Buayan, Shariff Aguak, Shariff Saydona Mustafa, Sultan sa Barongis, Talayan, and South Upi. The current provincial Buluan capital is retained as seat of Maguindanao del Sur, the signed law showed. R.A. 11550 will be officially effective upon

Security sector, LGU intensify collaboration for peace in Basilan


AMITAN CITY, Basilan — Top security officers and local government officials signed last week a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to intensify the implementation of the small arms and light weapons (SALW) program in Basilan Province. Joint Task Force Basilan Commander Brig. Gen. Domingo Gobway together with Basilan Governor Jim Hataman-Salliman, Basilan Provincial Police Office Director Police Col. Rodrigo Maramo, and 4th Special Forces Battalion Commanding Officer Lt. Col. Alex Ampati spearheaded the signing of Memorandum of Understanding on SALW Program held at Barangay Buton, Hadji Mohammad Ajul municipality in Basilan Province. According to Gov. Hataman, the SALW program was initiated by the provincial government of Basilan in partnership with the Joint Normalization Committee (JNC) led by Ariel Hernandez. The said program was initiated for the reduction and management of small arms and light weapons of individuals and groups creating havoc in the communities. In his message, Brig. Gen. Gobway said, “Joint Task Force Basilan will continue to support our partners and stakeholders in all their endeavors for the attainment of our common goal that is to sustain peace in all the municipalities of Basilan”. The elected municipal and barangay officials of Hadji Mohammad Ajul (HMA) led by Mayor Ibrahim Hadji Ballaho took part in the momentous event. Meanwhile, Capt. Sherwin Latiera, commanding officer of 15th Special Forces Company, presented the 23 assorted loose firearms to Brig. Gen. Gobway and Gov. Hataman during the event. The said firearms were voluntarily surrendered by civilians from the different barangays of the HMA. Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, Jr., commander of the Western Mindanao Command, extended his full support to the SALW program. “Let us continue to work together to win lasting peace and progress in our respective community”. JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL

Maguindanao 2nd Dist. Rep. Esmael Mangudadatu lentino, Bong Go and Migz Zubiri who he described as key players in the immediate adoption in the upper Chamber of the House Bill No. 6314. “Maraming salamat po sa inyong pakikinig at pagpanig sa boses ng nakakarami sa amin sa Maguindanao,” said Rep. Mangudadatu, who had earlier re-


publication in the Official gazette, after which the Commission on Elections shall be announcing the conduct of a referendum in the two new provinces for its ratification by the electorate. Earlier, Rep. Mangudadatu and First District Rep. Ronnie Sinsuat, also a bill proponent, told the Philippine Muslim Today news about their optimism for ratification of the law before October this year, during which the Comelec will start receiving certificates of candidacies for national and local positions in the May 2022 polls. (AGM) AGM

Lots for sale • Location: Iligan and Marawi. • Payment: Installment/Contract To Sell. • Direct buyer kindly PM Paramata Zisimalawn at FB

Military’s drive against loose firearms nets 27 guns in Tawi-Tawi


AMP NAVARRO, Calarian, Zamboanga City — The military’s campaign against loose firearms has produced 27 guns in TawiTawi from the civilian sector in the first five months of 2021, according to Col. Alaric Avelino delos Santos, military spokesman. “Through the combined efforts of the Joint Task Force Tawi-Tawi and the local government units, the campaign against loose firearms yielded to the surrender of a total of 27 high-powered and low-powered firearms by residents of the island province of Tawi-Tawi,” said Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, Jr., commander, Western Mindanao Command (WestMinCom). Of the 27, one was handed over by a resident of Barangay Panglima Alari, Sitangkai, Tawi-Tawi on Wednesday. “Through the series of negotiations and dialogues with local officials and other stakeholders, a 52-year old man turned over his Springfield M1 Garand rifle with seven rounds of live ammunition and one magazine clip to the troops of the 312th Marine Company stationed in Barangay Poblacion of the municipality of Sitangkai,” said Lt. Col. Aladdin Caluza, commanding officer of Marine Battalion Landing Team 12. The said firearm is temporarily kept at the 312MC headquarters while waiting for the scheduled turnover to higher headquarters. “We continue to conduct mobile security forum/ dialogue to local government units and barangay officials to encourage others to hand over their undocumented firearms,” said Brig. Gen. Arturo Rojas, Commander of JTF Tawi-Tawi. “This is an initiative of the armed forces to assist local government units in keeping the peace and order in the province,” Brig. Gen. Rojas added. Meanwhile, Lt. Gen. Vinluan, Jr. commended the troops of JTF Tawi-Tawi for this significant accomplishment. “In the long run, we expect to achieve more as we receive more support from the different organizations and the people,” Lt. Gen. Vinluan Jr. stated. JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL


Across the nation

BARMM adopts education code befitting local traits By ALI G. MACABALANG

Vol. I, No. 50 | May 28-June 3, 2021 (Shawwal 16-22, 1442)

Basilan senior MNLF leaders hold indignation rally vs Senate Bill No. 2214 “But It’s Fake News,” said Sen. Zubiri By JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL


ELCOME, Tuburan, Basilan: A group of Basilan-based Senior Leaders of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) held an indignation rally where they were protesting the substitute Senate Bill No. 2214 that deleted the participation of the MNLF in the Bangsamo-

BARMM EDUCATION CODE. BARMM Interim Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim and BTA Parliament Speaker Pangalian Balindong display copies of the just-enacted Bangsamoro Education Code. (Bangsamoro Government Photo)


OTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) has finally acquired its own Education Code expected to squarely address unique traits of constituents professing full government support for madaris (Islamic and Arabic schools) and indigenous people’s (IP) learning systems. BARMM Chief Minister Ahod “Hadji Murad” Ebrahim promptly signed Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Bill No. 70 into law on the same night the interim regional parliament passed it on May 18. Ebrahim and BTA Parliament Speaker Pangalian Balindong showcased copies of the enacted code in a pose before spectators and some media workers covering the long-awaited legislation finale. The measure titled – “An Act providing for the establishment, maintenance, and support of a complete and integrated system of quality education in the Bangsamoro” – is one of basic codes or laws required under R.A. 11054 and the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) during the transition of the new autonomous governance. R.A. 11054, also known as Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL), was enacted in July 2018 as a legal translation of the CAB, which Malacañang and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) forged in 2014. The BOL and CAB prescribe for the BARMM governance to have its own codes on education, civil service, administrative system, revenue, local government Education Minister MP Mohagher Iqbal and BTA Deputy Minority Floor Leader MP Atty. Rasol Mitmug, chair and vice-chairperson of BTA’s committee on education, defended the bill during interpellation and amendments times. Iqbal filed the bill in October last year, saying the legislation is “an embodiment of our aspiration of Bangsamoro children to have a bright future which is an upshot of a quality education.” He said the Bangsamoro education code is not “perfect”, but it includes significant provisions that will enhance the region’s education system, and will protect the well-being and rights of the teachers and non-teaching staff, parents, and learners. The Code mandates the Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education (MBHTE), which Iqbal presently heads, to formulate plans, implement, and coordinate all efforts required in upgrading programs and projects on formal and nonformal education at all levels in the region, and supervise all educational institutions therein. Special eligibility for Madrasah teachers Under the BEC, the MBHTE, in coordination with the Civil Service Commission for BARMM, shall develop and administer special qualifying exams for permanent appointment of Madrasah teachers or those who teach Islamic studies and Arabic literacy in schools. This is to provide them with the security of tenure. BARMM| A11

The participants of the rally had carefully observed minimum health standards or protocols mandated by the local government units (LGUs) and the Inter Agency Task Force (IATF) on COVID -19. Accordingly, in the deliberation of Senate Bill No. 2214 last May 24, the vital participation of the MNLF and other sectors as provided for under Republic Act No. 11054, otherwise known as the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) has been obliterated by the new proposed Senate bill. Basilan MNLF Revolutionary State Chairman Jann Jakilan, who is also an incumbent member of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Parliament described the said Senate substitute bill during the rally not only in violation of the signed peace agreement between Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the MNLF but also a blatant violation of the BOL in general and the rights of other sectors were also being sidelined. Another Member of Parliament (MP), Ustadz Abdulmuhmin A. Mujahid, who is currently the Chairman of the Bangsamoro Party (BaPa) in the Province of Basilan lamented that the said Senate Bill No. 2214 scrapping the vital participation of the MNLF during the BTA extension to year 2025 clearly violates Article XVI of Republic Act No. 11054, which states that the BTA shall be lead by the MILF but without prejudice to vital participation of the MNLF. Mujahid further pointed out that under the new Senate measure, the participation of

ro governance. The MNLF leaders during the indignation rally were supported by representatives of various sectors coming from the different municipalities.

INDIGNANT RALLY: MNLF Senior Leaders and Supporters hold indignation rally protesting substitute Senate Bill No. 2214 that deleted the participation of the MNLF in the Bangsamoro governance. The rally was held at Welcome, Tuburan Municipality in Basilan Province. (Contributed)

other sectors such as the Ulama, the Youth and the Women as well as traditional leaders were already ambiguous and or unspoken. He opined that the Senate could only amend the BOL provisions concerning the schedule in the conduct of the first parliamentary sessional election of the set of officials of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) and the allocations during the extension for member of the BTA parliament of the Cities of Marawi, Cotabato an d Lamitan in Basilan as well as the 63 barangays of North Cotabato who voted in favor of joining the BARMM. For his part, former House of Repre-

sentatives Deputy Speaker Abdulghani “Gerry” Salapuddin, who is also the Administrator and CEO of the Southern Philippines Development Authority (SPDA), said during the rally that to make it safer and just for the MNLF, the new law must provide specific number of allocations for them in the BTA-BARMM, considering that the MNLF is the founding revolutionary organization in defending the rights of the Bangsamoro Peopl e in Mindanao and the whole country as well. Meanwhile, a Press Release forwarded by the BTA Publications and Media Relations to the Philippine Muslim Today, it says that if the proposed Senate Bill 2214 is passed into law, “there will be eq-

uitable distribution of positions in the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA).” Senate Majority Leader Miguel Zubiri and Senator Francis Tolentino, sponsor of the bill, made this clarification after receiving concerns from some individuals that the representation of settler communities and other sectors will be removed from the BTA. Before the plenary debates on Thursday, Senator Zubiri read a text message from some groups telling that Senator Tolentino “removed the representation of settler communities to the transitory government, paving the way for absolute Muslim authority in the region and leaving the Christians without a voice.” BASILAN | A11

Vol. I, No. 50 | May 28-June 3, 2021 (Shawwal 16-22, 1442)

BARMM takes up cohesive drive against violent extremism


Bangsamoro Cultural heritage commissioners installed By NOROLAIN M. GUNDUL



OTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) officialdom has stepped up cohesion with military, police and local government The BARMM government hosted here on May 24 its peace and security summit, during which national and regional officials from the civilian, military and police quarters took turns in recommending a convergent approach against the sporadic atrocities of the Bangsamor Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) in isolated areas of Maguindanao. The summit came after President Duterte visited the headquarters of the Army’s 6th Infantry Division in Awang, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao on May 11 and called on leaders within BARMM to contain the BIFF atrocities, or else he would order an “all-out offensive” that observers feared to be similar to the 2017 full-scale operations in Marawi City. Duterte was ostensibly irked by the occupation by some 100 BIFF combatants of the market area of Datu Paglas in Maguindanao on May 8 for at least six hours. The rebels, reportedly belonging to the ISIinspired faction of Mohiden Animbang alias “Kumander Karialan, left the area only after the military responded and fought them in running firefights. Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana and BARMM Chief Minister Ahod “Hajdi Murad” Ebrahim, alongside other local and national officials addressed the peace summit virtually. They have reportedly agreed for the Ministry of Interior and Local Government (MILG) to serve as focal agency in the formulation and implementation of convergent efforts in Maguindanao. MILG Minister Naguib Sinarimbo, in a Facebook post, said: “We successfully conducted (on May 24) a

units in addressing unabated threats of violent extremism, notably in the component province of Maguindanao.

The newly installed commissioners of the Bangsamoro Commission for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (BCPCH) unveiled the new seal on Wednesday, May 26, 2021. (BIO)


A Facebook-generated frame of photos taken from the BARMM Peace and Security Summit on May 24. Bangsamoro Peace and Security Summit to decisively address the conflict in Maguindanao and quickly transition to rehabilitation and development.” The BARMM;s Bangsamoro Information Office (BIO) said that summit was attended by key national officials, senior officials of the AFP and PNP, 34 of the 36 mayors in Maguindanao. The Maguindanao mayors have promised to take bolder actions against BIFF operations in their respective towns, local medoa reports said. In a press conference following the summit, Minister Sinarimbo bared an agreed establishment of a regional “Joint-Operation Center” wherein representatives of the military, police, International Monitoring Team (IMT), and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) “will be working tightly” to quell the BIFF atrocities, the BIO said. Sinarimbo reportedly mentioned Secretary Lorenzana and Maj. Gen Juvymax Uy, 6ID chief, having recommended for a speedy building of partnership

between military and MILF forces in addressing community security pursuant to the intents of Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) and the MILF’s accords with the government. The proposed military-MILF forces convergence is spelled out in the Normalization Track prescribed both in the BOL and the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) of 2014. Such a track requires the decommissioning of the MILF’s 40,000 members and their firearms. Due to the advent of the Coronavirus pandemic that stunted social movements and forced the national government to divert funds to fighting the viral disease, some 12,000 of the MILF members have been decommissioned. Those decommissioned ex-combatants have reportedly been still waiting for the payout of 90 percent of the P1-million socioeconomic fund package committed by the state to each of them to transform into peaceful and productive civilian life. But before the advent of the pandemic, the government backed

by an Independent Third Party team had already formed dozens of Joint Peace and Security Teams (JPSTs) composed of highly trained soldiers, cops and MILF excombatants to secure identified communities. On May 19, the World Bank alongside the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace Process (OPAPP) and the BARMM leadership launched the so-called Bangsamoro Normalization Trust Fund in what was believed to be a bold step to complete the decommissioning of the entire MILF membership. Down in Maguindanao, Minister Sinarimbo has reportedly required LGUs in the province to also intensify the carrying out of life-enhancing projects amid assurance of funding support from the BARMM government as a longranged step to quell violent extremism. Ideologues and leaders of the BIFF as well as the Abu Sayyaf usually recruit members in poor villages, with the use of persuasive narratives about mass poverty in the countryside.

ARAWI CITY — The Bangsamoro Commission for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (BCPCH) has installed commissioners for the provinces of the Bangsamoro autonomous region, according to the region’s information arm. The Bangsamoro Information Office (BIO) reported in the official website of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) on Thursday that BCPCH officially presented on Wednesday, May 26, its newly installed commissioners for the BARMM provinces. The newly installed commissioners are BCPCH Chairperson Dr. Salem Y. Lingasa for Maguindanao, Robert Maulana Alonto for Lanao del Sur, Ardan D. Sali for Sulu, Elmasia L. Madjilon for Tawi-Tawi, and Guiamal B. Abdulrahman, representing Indigenous Peoples (as ex-officio), said the BIO. Representative for settler communities and the commissioner for the province of Basilan are yet to be identified, the BIO added. Also, on May 25 to 26, the BCPCH conducted its first en banc meeting to review its mandates, powers, and functions as newly created commission. “We found out that this mandate is quite huge […] the primary mandate is to write the Bangsamoro history, its preservation and promotion of culture,” BIO quoted Chairperson Salem as saying. With the enormous task the Commission will be undertaking, the BCPCH will be partnering with other agencies, particularly with the Development Academy of Bangsamoro (DAB) to conduct series of trainings. During the two-day meeting, presentation of budget proposal for this year and the new seal were also presented. BIO said the commissioners shall take their oath before the month of May ends. NMG In earlier huddles with the Philippine Muslim Today news, Minister Sinarimbo has admitted that “military action alone cannot solve violent extremism” and that massive infrastructure development in socio-economic concerns “must be done simultaneously.” AGM


Across BARMM


Vol. I, No. 50 | May 28-June 3, 2021 (Shawwal 16-22, 1442)

Special Report:

COVID-19 pandemic in Metro Manila (NCR Plus bubble) By JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL


et your green in with this Sautéed Broccoli recipe! This is a quick and simple way to give broccoli incredible flavor and a satisfying crunch that even picky eaters will agree is pretty good. Ingredients in Sautéed Broccoli This recipe only requires a couple ingredients!

INGREDIENTS IN SAUTÉED BROCCOLI This recipe only requires a couple ingredients! I almost always have these on hand so I can make this quick broccoli whenever I’m craving something fresh. • Butter • Garlic • Fresh broccoli • Fresh Parmesan Cheese (go for the higher-quality stuff for best flavor!) • Salt and pepper • A squeeze of lemon HOW TO MAKE SAUTEED BROCCOLI Making Sauteed Broccoli only requires a couple of minutes at the stovetop! It’s a really easy side dish that pairs great with some favorite main dishes like Honey Garlic Salmon, or Chicken Parmesan. Start by heating a little butter in a skillet. Add fresh garlic and sauté it for 10 seconds, until it gets just a little browned. Add in the broccoli and cook, turning occasionally, until the florets are fork-tender and the edges begin to brown a little bit. This will only take a couple of minutes! Remove it from the heat and finish it with a squeeze of lemon and fresh Parmesan! HEALTH BENEFITS OF BROCCOLI Broccoli is high in fiber, vitamins C and filled with antioxidants. Making Sautéed Broccoli for dinner is a great way to get this nutrition and health benefits into your diet! Sprinkling cheese on top helps kids who might be unsure about eating greens to give it a try. MFO SUBSCRIBE TO PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TODAY E-PAPER. CALL +63 63 2290965


he COVID-19 pandemic in Metro Manila is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARSCoV-2). According to the Medical Bulletin from the Department of Health (DOH) the virus reached Metro Manila on January 30, 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 reached the Philippines in Manila. Metro Manila is the worst affected region in the Philippines, where most cases are recorded, and is considered as the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. A state of calamity and community quarantine have been in place in the region since March 15. Hence, Metro Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna and Rizal which is now known as NCR Plus bubble were placed under a stricter general community quarantine (GCQ) to control the surge in coronavirus cases in the country. Now what do you mean by bubble? A bubble setup applies to a cluster of people restricted from going in and out of a covered area unless they are authorized to do so. NCR Plus Bubble The term “NCR Plus” is a shortcut name for Metro Manila, which was previously under general community quarantine (GCQ), and the surrounding provinces which were under modified community quarantine. Therefore, Metro Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal — also known as the “NCR plus” — are placed under one bubble setup from March 22 to April 4, 2021 which means only authorized persons can do essential travel into and out of these areas. Essential travel between these provinces is also allowed. It can be noted also that COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. GCQ Bubble Metro Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal, have now been placed under a “GCQ Bubble” starting today, March 22 until April 4. And with the new adjustments in place, it looks like we’re getting a whole new name as well: “NCR Plus.” DOH COVID-19 Situationer No. 393 As of May 24, 2021 the DOH recorded 49,917 active cases with the majority of the patients exhibiting mild symptoms (48,458 or 92.9 %) while 765 patients are in critical condition (1.9%). COMMON SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC What are the most common symptoms when a person is affected by COVID-19 in this pandemic? The most common symptoms are the following: fever; dry cough; and tiredness. On the other hand, the less common symptoms are the following: aches and pains; sore throat; diarrhea; loss of taste or smell; and a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes. 1st Case of COVID-19 in the Philippines After a month of no new cases in the country, the first case of someone without travel history abroad was confirmed on March 5, 2020 on a 62year-old male who frequented a Masjid (a Muslim Prayer Hall) in Greenhills Shopping Center in San Juan, Metro Manila. For confidentiality and with due respect to the bereaved family we cannot divulge his identity. But he was a close family friend being a fraternity brother of this writer.

This has raised suspicions that a community transmission of COVID-19 was already underway in the Philippines since last year. The man’s wife was also confirmed to have been afflicted with COVID-19 on March 7, 2020 and later on succumbed to this pandemic disease. Indeed, this has confirmed the suspicion that there was already local transmission of the dreaded Coronavirus. NCR Plus GCQ with Heightened Restrictions from May 15 to 31, 2021 In a taped meeting with President Rodrigo Duterte, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque however noted that this is going to be General Community Quarantine (GCQ) “with heightened restrictions” from May 15-31, 2021. The so-called NCR Plus comprising Metro Manila, Rizal, Bulacan, Cavite, and Laguna is now downgraded to General Community Quarantine (GCQ) that started last May 15 until May 30, Malacanang announced. Meanwhile, Santiago City in Quirino province, Ifugao province, and Zamboanga City will remain under the stricter Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) until May 31, 2021. All other areas will be under the most lenient modified GCQ until May 31. GCQ ‘with heightened restrictions’ Religious gatherings, necrological services, wakes, internment, and funerals for those who died of causes other than COVID-19 in NCR Plus are allowed only at 10% of the venue capacity. Roque said individuals aged 18 to 65 are allowed to leave their places of residence in GCQ areas with heightened restrictions. The NCR Plus already underwent a two-week enhanced community quarantine from March 29 until April 11 following a surge in new COVID-19 cases. It was later downgraded to MECQ from April 12 to April 30 and extended until May 14. Statistics of COVID-19 The National Capital Region (NCR) has been identified anew as the epicenter of the latest surge in new COVID-19 cases in the Philippines. This rise in infections has prompted the InterAgency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infections Diseases (IATF) to place Metro Manila and nearby provinces of Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal – or the so-called NCR Plus, back under enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) bubble, to prevent COVID-19 transmissions from spilling over to adjacent areas. But how serious and widespread is this current surge, and how are the cases distributed per region or local government unit (LGU)? A list of active COVID-19 cases in every LGU within the “NCR Plus” bubble was collated from the Department of Health (DOH). SPECIAL REPORT | A11


Vol. I, No. 50 | May 28-June 3, 2021 (Shawwal 16-22, 1442)

Pro-Moro OMI priest of Cotabato City dies of COVID-19


MOTC-BARMM minister pays tribute to the fallen Bangsamoro peace activist



OTABATO CITY — Father Eliseo Mercado, Jr. of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) congregation died Sunday afternoon at the Cotabato Regional Medical Center(CRMC) here, a government COVID-19 treatment facility. Father Jun as he is popularly known is a native of Cotabato City and he felt the pandemic symptoms while he was at his residence at the OMI Novitiate in Tamontaka. He was confined at the CRMC last May 8 after he was tested positive for COVID-19 and thus the 3rd Cotabato priest succumbed to COVID-19 complications. His colleagues in the Oblate congregation, whose pontifical base is in Rome, said there were signs he would recover but his heart stopped beating Sunday afternoon. Father Jun as mentioned earlier is the third priest to have died from complications due to COVID-19, in just 36 hours. Two other priests belonging to the Diocesan Clergy of Cotabato (DCC) Loreto Sanoy and Rex Bacero, died one after another last Friday and Saturday respectively also due to COVID-19 complications. Sanoy was assistant parish priest in Cotabato City’s Rosary Heights Parish. Bacero was president of the Notre Dame of Salaman College in the seaside Lebak town in Sultan Kudarat province. They tested positive for coronavirus last week and, subsequently, got hospitalized due to breathing problems and fever. However, according to his fellow OMI priests, Mercado had also a lingering heart condition. He also had a head injury due to an accident about five years ago and nearly died from blood clots around his brain that doctors removed via surgery. Unfortunately, on May 23, his heart stopped due to heart attack. Emergency Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) was administered to him several times by the hospital staff of CRMC until his body finally gave up and was not responding anymore to any of the medical intervention being given to him. He was finally declared dead at 3:25 p.m. last Sunday, May 23. Mercado, a known “pro-Moro priest,” was popu-

1ST DOSE AND LAST JAB: Father Eliseo Mercado, Jr., OMI received his 1st dose of Sinovac vaccine and unknowingly his last jab as he succumbed finally due to COVID-19 complications at the CRMC hospital in Cotabato City. (Contributed Photo) lar in Mindanao for having supported the crafting of the Sept. 2, 1996 Final Peace Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) chaired by Nur Misuari. He also supported the peace process between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) that paved the way for the setting up in 2019 of the MILF-led Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao now headed by Chief Minister Ahod “Al Hajj Murad” Ebrahim. As of this writing, the remains of Fr. Mercado lie in state at the Archbishop Mongeau Chapel inside the Notre Dame University campus here in Cotabato City. Finally, he will be brought to his final resting place in Tamontaka also in this city where he will be buried at the OMI Cemetery on Saturday, May 29 with Archbishop Angelito Lampon, OMI who will lead the funeral mass. JIJ

NEWS IN PHOTO: 2nd Jabs Vaccination for NCMF top officials

SECRETARY AND COMMISSIONER TANDEM: National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) Secretary Saidamen B. Pangarungan (right) shows off his biceps brachii where he was inoculated with

COVID-19 2nd dose of Sinovac vaccine in Quezon City. In the same manner NCMF Commissioner Yusoph J. Mando (left) got his 2nd dose also of the COVID-19 Sinovac vaccine. (All photos are contributed)

Aga Khan “Bin Laden sa Ranao” Sharief, a Maranao peace activist. (FB photo) COTABATO CITY — Minister Dickson P. Hermoso, chief of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (MOTC-BARMM) has paid tribute to the fallen Bangsamoro peace activist Ustadz Aga Khan “Bin Laden” Sharief of Marawi City and Lanao del Sur. Hermoso said “I would like to pay tribute to my friend, Uztadz Aga Khan Sharief of Marawi City to his service to God and to the people.” “Bin Laden,” as Aga Khan is popularly known, died recently and many of his relatives and friends have mourned his demise because of his socio civic activities that helped a lot of people not only in his native Marawi City but as well as to other people in the Bangsamoro region. According to Hermoso, “Bin Laden was our Local Monitoring Team (LMT) member in the Lanao del Sur (LDS) area who closely monitored the implemetation of the Government of the Philippines and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (GPH-MILF) ceasefire agreement from year 2000 onwards.” Hermoso recalled that “Bin Laden played a vital role as our catalyst to the Maute brothers in informing them of the military’s unilateral ceasefire (2-4 hours) for reciprocity so that the “GPH-MILF Peace Corridor” can recover trapped civilians in ground zero during the Marawi seige.” He said as a result, 255 trapped civilians were brought to safety who were mostly weak and some were already wounded. “Thank you Uztadz Aga Khan Sharief a.k.a. Osama bin Laden for your service to God and the people of Marawi City and Lanao del Sur,” the minister said. “My sincerest condolences to the bereaved family. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un,” Hermoso condoled. JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL


Across BARMM

Vol. I, No. 50 | May 28-June 3, 2021 (Shawwal 16-22, 1442)

SPECIAL REPORT | from Page A10

COVID-19 pandemic in Metro Manila (NCR Plus bubble) Based on the DOH’s COVID-19 tracker data as of April 1, the Philippines has 138,948 active infections, with the “NCR Plus” bubble accounting for 72 percent or 100,298 of the cases. Metro Manila has a total of 76,440 active COVID-19 cases. Quezon City, based on the DOH data, has the most number of active COVID-19 cases with with 15,593, followed by the City of Manila (11,790), Makati City (5,548), Caloocan City (5,303) and Taguig City (4,979). The 12 other NCR cities and town logged the following number of active COVID-19 cases: Pasig (4,796) Pasay (4,679) Parañaque (4,183) Marikina (3,654) Mandaluyong (3,521) Las Piñas (2,464) Valenzuela (2,296) Malabon (2,007)

Navotas (1,821) Muntinlupa (1,545) San Juan (1,306) Pateros (521) Unknown city of origin (434) Outside Metro Manila, most of the active cases are in Cavite with 8,254, followed by Rizal (6,759), Laguna (4,427) and Bulacan (4,418). Vaccines Now Used in the Philippines The Philippines received the first COVID19 vaccine delivery from Sinovac. The arrival of donated Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines from China paves the way for the start of the Philippines’ inoculation campaign among the last to start in Southeast Asia. Thus the Philippines’ first batch of coronavirus vaccines arrived in the country on Sunday, February 28, paving the way for the start of its mass inoculation cam-

paign with shots developed by China’s Sinovac Biotech. “There is light at the end of the tunnel. That is light at the end of the tunnel,” Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said in an interview with staterun network PTV. “At least nagsimula na po tayo. At tuluy-tuloy na po.” (At least we have started. And this will continue.) The delivery of 600,000 doses of Sinovac’s CoronaVac – a donation from the Chinese government – was witnessed by President Rodrigo Duterte, Health Secretary Francisco Duque III, and vaccine czar Carlito Galvez Jr at the Villamor Air Base in Pasay City. Meanwhile, the Department of Health says it will no longer allow local governments to announce which brand of coronavirus vaccines

will be available at inoculation sites. The move comes after hundreds of people this week lined up at a site in Manila when they found out the Pfizer vaccine would be given out there. The DOH said only people already in line at a vaccination site will be told which shot they’ll get and “if they do not like the vaccines that are given during that time, then they go to the end of the line.” The residents of Manila have lined up outside the Manila Prince Hotel as early as 2 a.m. for a chance to get one of the 900 Pfizer jabs that the local government announced could be given to walkins. VACCINE ROLLOUT UPDATE: As of 25 May 2021, 6:00 p.m. a total of 4,495,375 doses have

already been administered. Of this, 3,466,314 are 1st doses, and 1,029,061 are 2nd doses. Over 1 million people have also been fully vaccinated. On the 12th week of the national vaccination campaign, the DOH sees steady increase in weekly vaccination output, the highest since it was launched in March 2021. The government enjoins all Filipinos belonging to priority groups A1 to A3 to register, get vaccinated and complete the required number of doses as scheduled. All vaccinated individuals are also reminded to continue practicing the minimum public health standards. Vaccines Interval of Doses The COVID-19 vac-

cines like the Sinovac CoronaVac and Oxford -AstraZeneca are being given with two (2) doses. One should get equal amount of doses so that patients can get the highest level of protection from COVID-19. The number of doses are the following: Oxford AstraZeneca: 2 doses, 4-12 weeks interval. Sinovac CoronaVac: 2 doses, 28 days (4 weeks interval). Pfizer: 12 years of age and above. 2-dose series separated by 21 days. A series started with COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer) should be completed with this product. The other vaccines are the following: Gamaleya Sputnik; Johnson & Johnson’s Jannsen; Bharat BioTech; and Moderna vaccine. JIJ

next generations,” said Minister Iqbal. “Through quality, inclusive, and balanced education, we hope our learners will thrive in their selected professional endeavors and effectively contribute to the well-being of their families, communities, and the Bangsamoro region,” he added. The Education Code is the third basic law enacted so far by the

BTA legislature as required in its transition period. The two other basic edicts earlier enacted were the Bangsamoro Administrative Code and Civil Service Code. The parliament has yet to pass the codes on taxation, local government, and regional electoral system, among others. AGM

BARMM | from Page A8

BARMM adopts education code befitting local traits Tribal University System for IPs Section 145 of the BEC provides that, in accordance with the Bangsamoro Organic Law, the MBHTE shall initiate the creation of a tribal university system to address the higher educational needs of indigenous peoples (IP). The tribal university system will provide a school system where

the IPs’ language, culture, and traditional knowledge of their elders are incorporated in the curricular and extracurricular activities of the students, Minister Iqbal said. The Code also prescribes for the establishment of a tribal university founded upon Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSP). The university shall endeavor to in-

spire young IPs to learn and become key payers in bringing their ancestral domains and indigenous communities to greater heights, he said. Peace Education Peace education shall be a core component of the Bangsamoro education system and integrated into the curriculum of all educational levels. The MBHTE shall

adopt a peace education curriculum designed to instill the culture of non-violence, social justice and respect for human rights, freedom, and inclusivity. “Education is vital not only because it is a priority of the Bangsamoro Government’s development plans, but it is the bedrock on which we build on the hope and future of the

BASILAN | from Page A8

Basilan senior MNLF leaders hold indignation rally vs Senate Bill No. 2214 “Mr. President, this is fake news,” Senator Zubiri said after reading the message to his colleagues in the chamber. “I know the good sponsor (Senator Tolentino) will never do that. I just want to put that on record because I feel bad for him. He is

now subject of viral messages and attacks and it is not fair to the gentleman because as a matter of fact it is in his eagerness to show equitable distribution of positions in the interim BTA if we do extend the measure,” he said. He said that Senator Tolentino included set-

tler communities, Christians, Lumads, women’s organizations, nongovernment organizations, Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), youth, and Ulama. “The good gentlemen wanted to make sure that it was equita-

ble na hindi lamang po isang province lang ang mauupo dyan sa BTA and sustainable. He wanted to make sure that every district of every province, whether small or large will be represented, including the Christian settlers,” he said. Senator Tolentino

emphasized that the reserved seats include settler communities. “Definitely fake news, Mr. President, because if you will scrutinize the transcript of yesterday’s interpellation, I mentioned settler communities more than five times and the bill, as cleaned and amended, will defi-

nitely include settler communities,” he reiterated. Senate Bill 2214 is a substitute bill to SBs 2019 and 2025 introduced by Senator Aquilino Pimentel and Senator Richard Gordon. The measure seeks to postpone the region’s first regular election from 2022. JIJ

It was not immediately known how the three local Catholic leaders contracted the Coronavirus disease, even as local civilian authorities

led by the city government called on residents to strictly observe minimum health protocols. (AGM)

PRIESTS | from Page A7

3 Cotabato priests succumb to COVID-19 in 4 days Fr. Sanoy, 77, was assistant priest in the Rosary Heights Parish here, while Fr. Bacero ,

52, was president of the Notre Dame of Salaman College in the seaside Lebak town in

Sultan Kudarat. They tested positive for coronavirus a few days earlier and, subse-

quently, got hospitalized for breathing problems, fever and body malaise, reports said.

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