Volume 2 ~Issue 7
July 2016 eMagazine of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM
Health & Healing
Table of Contents 3~Notes from Rebecca 4~PrayerWorks
page 5 Restoration & Renewal
6-7~VerseWorks by Jaime Dills 12-13~BridgeWorks By Juvena McMahan
page 21 Herbs of the Field
18-19~Namesakes page 8 I Am Alive-Wilson Ngobi
20~PPM Expressions 22-23~ScrollWorks page 24 Porch Posts 26-27~ImageWorks 28~NoteWorks
page 14 SleepWorks
29~PPM Expressions Back Cover~Subscribe to Grace Point!
page 16 FruitWorks Š StillWorks Imagery by Rebecca Matthews
page 30 ProjectWorks
Hello to all readers! First, I want to thank you for clicking on the link that brought you to this magazine.
New this issue:
Notes from
The new article to look for this month is called ProjectWorks, where I share my DIY project of making a hard-bound book that I use as a prayer journal. Also, from Juvena Mcmahan, two new pages: BridgeWorks and Porch Posts. Also, in keeping with the theme of this month, I have started a new series called Herbs of the Field. Also included in this issue is PPM Expressions, memes I have made and shared online over the past month. A huge “thank you” goes out to Wilson Ngobi from Uganda, who was in a car accident just a year ago, that almost took his life. We at Grace Point! eMagazine want to thank him immensely for allowing us the honor of sharing his story with you. I am also now including my copyright on my own photos used in the magazine. Each of my photos will have © StillWorks Imagery by Rebecca Matthews at the bottom. Our goal is to be the bridge for people to cross to when desiring to know more about Scripture from the Hebrew perspective, and how it comes alive when studying the language God used to write it. The purpose of this magazine is for help, hope and encouragement toward our fellow man. We are our brother’s keeper! Our prayer is that there will be a blessing for each reader among these pages. God bless each and every one! Shalom. Sincerely, Rebecca Matthews Founder, administrator, and ordained minister at Philippi Prospect Ministries Founder, senior editor, writer, publisher of Grace Point! eMagazine Photographer and curator at StillWorks Imagery Artist at (atelier de) peinture proximité (The opinions and/or beliefs expressed in this magazine by contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions and/or beliefs of James and Rebecca Matthews, founders of Philippi Prospect Ministries, and Grace Point! eMagazine.) © StillWorks Imagery by Rebecca Matthews
Š StillWorks Imagery by Rebecca Matthews
Father, I pray for those venturing into a new way of living after departing from old ways. I pray for healthy lifestyle changes in regard to diet and exercise. I pray for healing in all areas of physical restriction, and that attitudes and perspectives will be be renewed in the process. In the name of Yeshua. 4
PrayerWorks TM a publication of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM
A Journey to
Behold, I will bring it health and healing, and I will heal them; and I will reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth. Jeremiah 22:6 When we think of healing these days, we usually think of medicines prescribed by the doctor, or homeopathy using herbs and natural remedies. Whether it be ointments, salts, teas, elixirs or tinctures, there is an herbal application for most ailments. Some herbal preparations are meant to treat our physical symptoms, but others treat how we feel, and help us We are asked in Scripture (Jeremiah 8:22) Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? to heal emotionally. Why then has not the health of the daughter of my people been restored? In Hebrew, the word “Gilead” literally means “hill of testimony.” While the geographic region itself was known for its spices and aromatic gums and resins, I wonder if our emotional ailments might be better healed by talking out our issues with a Godly source, rather than turning to pills and/or illegal chemical concoctions that does more harm than good. A lot of people live with pain, both physical and emotional. Usually, the physical is apparent. It is not always so with emotional pain. It can be a silent destroyer of our spirit and well-being. Our emotional pain can be healed by The Great Physician, as well as our physical pain, but first we must climb to the top of Mount Gilead and talk to Him about it, and He will gladly soothe our hurts and heal our wounds. a publication of Ruth Ministries-The Virtuous Woman,TM a woman's restoration ministry/a segment of Philippi Prospect Ministries
VerseWorks TM is a trademark of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM
Listen closely to the word of the Lord and freely accept to His teaching, Keep looking ahead, not to the left of right. With outstretched hands He will surely be reaching. With a diligent heart He is always in sight. He is life to those that find Him, for He is the health of man. Remove yourself from evil and frown never again. He has given you a strong mountain on which to stand. The mourning shall stop and you will be healed from within.
inspired by Proverbs 4:20-27 & Psalm 30:2,7
by Jaime Dills 7
Special Guest Article: I Am Alive
Wilson Ngobi
I am a person who has quite a miserable background! Having been born in January, 1976, in Kiwungu Village, Butansi Sub-county, Bugabula County, Kamuli District, and Eastern Uganda at the time when Idi Amin Dada “self-styled life President then” had just seized power. He was a president who had no respect for humanity, especially women, non-Muslims, and Asians in 20th Century. During this period, every woman had a reason to regret her gender. Life was total hell! Rape and defilement of women and girls were some of the qualifications of a royal soldier in Amin’ Army/regime; for women could be raped in bold daylight on a forceful watch of their relatives, sisters, brothers, children and husbands. It was not of any secret to know about your parent or sister’s sexual challenges. During this brutal regime, I was born. I am the 12th born in my family with 27 siblings (25 boys and 2 girls). On the side of my polygamous father, I grew up with a dream of being a caring person. Education itself was too ceremonial since only boys were allowed to attend School. Girls were only regarded as property ready for sale especially when she reaches 16 or 18 years of age. No child could have a dream of being more than the father or mother’s occupation. My father was a hunter and the mother a farmer by occupation. Knowing how to read and write was not a necessity in our community since all our parents never knew the reason of having such a skill. Majority of my Sisters have been lost to HIV/AIDS. 8
At my age of 7, I was adopted by my maternal Uncle was a Scouts Commissioner living in Kampala City. By the time as I was supposed to be starting School, the Civil War that brought the current government in power was in its advanced stages of overthrowing the incumbent government then, which had toppled that of the Dictator Idi Amin. My elder sisters during that time had already been picked up by the out-going army fighters. After the fall of the government, I started School under full sponsorship of my Uncle throughout my Primary level. During my High School period, I was on a Scholarship received from Future World International, a local NGO before becoming a full Boy Scouts trainer belonging to the Venture Class. Due to peer pressure at my young age of 13, I was lured into nightclubbing life instead of the usual night-prayers that were regularly conducted by my Church where my mother was a member. Life in the beginning pretended to be smooth and thought I was on the top of the world. In most cases I would find myself not interested in pursuing my studies, but carried my backpack every morning in a pretext of going for lessons yet only tracing the whereabouts of the newly spotted companions found in the previous night events which included smoking, and attempting to abuse drugs. The devil is a liar! This was my total emptiness that my Lord never wanted me to follow. Because He called me back through dreams, prophecies and intercession. I remember one time when the Pastor together with many Church members used to visit us at home at the time that I least expected them. Hallelujah! They used to fast for my deliverance. It was at this age of 14 when I received Jesus Christ as my Savior during my admission in Kamuli Mission Hospital after getting involved in a car accident while on a Lorry from our Scout’s camp meeting then in Central Uganda. Most of my friends perished on the spot and others died after some time. For those that survived like me, are either lame, or mentally retarded apparently. It was only me who sustained minor injuries and got discharged from the hospital after two days of admission. However, due to the gravity of the incident, many preachers of the Gospel visited the hospital to comfort, counsel and pray for the patients and their caregivers. I accepted Christ to be my personal savior during my time in hospital. However, this didn’t go well with my father! He told me to either denounce salvation or be declared an illegitimate son! During this difficult time, my mother was on my side, she used to inform my father that it was only God who saved me from death and not man; that my choice for Salvation was the best other than drug addiction or rebellion. It was the hand of God fighting for me and really made my life so meaningful.
I attended the most remote and sub-grade Schools near our village throughout my Primary Level I should have shared that earlier. However, even if the Schools I went through were below grades, my passion for education exceeded the status of my School. I performed very well in my Primary Leaving Exams “PLE” that last exams in Primary Level as one joins a High School. Upon scoring the 2nd grade in my PLE, of course, the best candidate of that year, I was adopted by a local Scouts group that pledged to sponsor me during my High School. Though this sponsorship only meant sharing 50% of my tuition. I used to burn charcoal as a means of obtaining the remaining tuition plus other basic needs. For me, during my whole educational life, every success story was a miracle because it only by chance, luck and by Faith that I managed to complete the University and graduate as a High School teacher. I teach dignity (Christian Religious Education), Political Education and Geography. Besides the above profession, I was appointed to serve as an Assistant Pastor of Gulu Community Church since 2007. I am involved in Planting Churches with my Senior Pastor, Chris Gunayaka. In 2009, I started supporting a Children’s Ministry which caters for the girls who have been sexually abused or neglected by their parents and guardians. This Ministry uses music as a tool to tell their stories. These girls, after counseling, are supported to pursue education as one of the reliance means of ensuring sustainable impact—leading to self-reliance. There is a saying that goes “lightning never strikes the same place twice”. Well! I have to check further on its absolute truth. Because, for me, on June 23, 2015, I was involved in another tragic accident while on my way to visit the children of the above Ministry! I spent over 10 months in Hospital after having deadly internal-bleeding! Nobody except those with real Faith had hope living again. Praise God I am living again by His grace.
My white small car which was crashed by the blue one at after they were towed to police station. 10
Part of the Children’s Ministry during their rehearsals (above) and at School (below)
I kindly invite prayer partners, missionaries to Uganda, and retired teachers who are not tired, to come and volunteer with our local teachers in the Children’s Ministry and School. God bless you! Pastor Wilson Ngobi Assistant Pastor, Teacher and Director-The Divine Mission International 11
BridgeWorks TM is a trademark of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM
by Juvena McMahan 44
My Message of Love
I have always had a lot of anger stemming from childhood molestation, rejection and resentment from my father and, later in life, a failed marriage because of a cheating husband. All of those things put a deep-seated anger in me, that only showed up when I was "pushed into a corner." Needless to say, it was hard to be humble, willing and obedient to a Godly calling with all that black mess in my heart.
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My current husband, of almost seven years now, and I was spending time with my cousin in November 2013, helping her with her new business venture. One night I dreamed of a word. One word. Muse. That was it. My husband, for the year previous, had been patiently dealing with my angry outbursts every time a trigger came up that reminded me of some aspect of my past. But, he was getting to the point where he could not handle my anger anymore, and I was at a place where I didn't like myself for reacting to the those triggers. The next morning, after having this word spoken in my ear, I was helping my cousin, who makes stained glass, arrange some of her work. She was playing a song on her computer, the same song over and over. The words began to register, and I felt a prick in my heart. I asked her who sang the song. She said, "Muse." I had never heard of them, but I looked up the lyrics and, although it was the voice of the lead singer that I heard, it was Yeshua speaking the words to me in a very personal way. He was speaking to me how He wanted to heal me of the anger, hate, resentment, and all that had built up over the years. It was so personal. I cried tears from years of pent-up frustration and rejection. For the first time in my whole life, I felt like something was beginning to heal inside of me. I was 47 years old. Today, the 4th of July 2016, I turned 50 years old. I felt it was time to share this dream with the world, to share this small piece of my story of healing. If there is anyone reading this that has had all kinds of evil done to them, listen to words, and know that Yeshua (Jesus for the Christians) is speaking them to you. He wants to heal you, too.
a closer look at the fruits of the Spirit
In Galatians 5:22-23, we are given a list of the fruits of the Spirit. They are the guidelines to which we conduct ourselves in our daily walk. These are nine different aspects of Godliness that we must adhere to in order to live to our fullest spiritual potential. They vary slightly, depending on the translation, but the foundational fruits of the Spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. While at first glance, these all look the same, a closer look reveals small differences in their meanings, which translates to differences in their application and implementation. This article is meant to shed light on each of these nine characteristics of holiness, to explore their nuances and minute differences. Healing falls under the category of peace.
Healing What is it? What does it look like? The modern definition for this word is most often linked to what happens after an illness or sickness. But, what does this word really mean? How do we apply it? And, is there a Scriptural model? The dictionary describes healing in the following way: As an adjective 1. curing or curative; prescribed or helping to heal. 2. growing sound; getting well; mending. As a noun 3. the act or process of regaining health Malachi 4:2-3 But to you who fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in its wings. You will go out, and leap like calves of the stall. You shall tread down the wicked; for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I make," says Yahweh Sabaoth. This verse tells us that if we have reverential fear and respect for Yahweh, then He will bring a healing into our lives so complete that we will dance and frolic like young calves when they play. We will have no cares or burdens ro weigh us down. The Hebrew word for healing is rapha, and is a direct reference to Yeshua HaMashiach being The Great Physician, or Yahweh Rapha. This is spoken to us by the authority of The LORD of Hosts, or Yahweh Sabaoth. When the word “host” is used in Scripture, it means “armies” (as in the military) and not someone who puts on a party and then invites us to it.
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Proverbs 3:5-8 Trust in Yahweh with all your heart, and don't lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Don't be wise in your own eyes. Fear Yahweh, and depart from evil. It will be health to your body, and nourishment to your bones. These verses are self-explanatory, but the emphasis is to be placed on the result of following God’s instructions so that we have have a healthy mind, body and spirit. To continue in obedience will give us increased nourishment in the same areas, so that we live a full and productive life. Just like we get nourishment out of the food we take in, or not if we fill up on junk food, so do we get nourishment in our spiritual body, or not if we feed off of the enemy. 17
Issachar Reward
Our names are more than just what we are called. God gave names, or changed names, in Scripture, in the lives of those whose names were changed. Do up to the character of that name? Or, do you feel
Hebrew Transliteration: Yissaskar Hebrew Spelling: שׂכָר ָ שּׂ ָ ִי Anyone with the name “Issachar” can look very much like his namesake in Scripture. Here are a few examples of the characteristics of the name.
Genesis 30:18 Leah said, "God has given me my hire, because I gave my handmaid to my husband." She named him Issachar. It would seem that Leah’s reasoning for Issachar’s birth had nothing to do with Rachel at all, but rather that she had given her maid to Jacob in order to bear children by her. Yet, she references the fact that she “hired” Jacob for the night, because Rachel had given her that as the price (reward) for the mandrakes.
Genesis 49:14-15 Issachar is a strong donkey, lying down between two sheepfolds. He saw a resting place, that it was good, the land, that it was pleasant. He bows his shoulder to the burden, and becomes a servant doing forced labor.
When Jacob blessed Issachar, he foretold about the tribes’ literal future, but his words also apply to attitudes today. For every person the Lord blesses with a reward, how many ways does the enemy show up to claim a piece of it? 18
They can reveal a lot about our character. When it signified that a change was about to take place you have a Scripture-based name? Are you living a name-change is in order?
Deuteronomy 27:12 These shall stand on Mount Gerizim to bless the people, when you have passed over the Jordan: Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and Joseph, and Benjamin. The tribe of Issachar was chosen to to stand on the mountain, blessing the people as they walked through, because YHVH wants to give rewards to His people for accepting Him as Lord and dedicating their lives to Him.
He causes the grass to grow for the livestock, and herbs for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food out of the earth. TM Psalm 104:14
Come on over. Sit down and have a cup of nice, warm tea. It’s chamomile, so it’s good for you. Why is chamomile tea “good” for us? According to my research into the uses of chamomile, I have found that it treats hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasm, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, gastrointestinal disorder, and hemorrhoids. Chamomile tea is also a digestive relaxant.
German Chamomile has been used for inflammation associated with hemorrhoids when topically applied. There is level B evidence that German chamomile possesses anti-anxiety properties and could be used to treat stress and insomnia.
People who are allergic to ragweed (also in the daisy family) may also be allergic to chamomile. Because chamomile has been known to cause uterine contractions that can invoke miscarriage, the U.S. National Institutes of Health recommends that pregnant and nursing mothers not consume Roman chamomile. Chamomile is frequently added to skin cosmetics to serve as an emollient, and for its antiinflammatory effects. Chamomile is also often used to enhance the color of blonde hair. German chamomile oil is used as a diffuser for aromatherapy benefits; and is also used to treat wounds and be blended with other essential oils such as lavender and rose.
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On each side of the river bank will grow all kinds of trees. Their leaves will not wither and their fruit will not fail. Their water flows from the sanctuary, and their fruit will be for food and their leaves will be for healing.
ScrollWorks TM is a trademark of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM
Ezekiel 47:12
orch TM
Porch Posts TM is a trademark of Bridge of Comfort Ministries TM
by Juvena McMahan 25
ImageWorks TM is a trademark of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM
What does this picture say to you?
Are you taking the “getting healthy” kick just a little too far?
Are you now living by the motto “You are what you eat?”
Does your inside look as healthy as your outside? Do you tend to “overdo it” when beginning something new? Is your transformation from what you were to what you are evident to everyone?
We all can use improvement in our lives, probably in more ways than one. The key is to willing to change; willing to shed “the old man,” meaning who we used to be, and be open to how the Holy Spirit wants to guide us to be unique before God, so that He can bless us “according to His riches in glory,” and not our earthly accomplishments.
We tell others about our past, not to relive it, but to give hope and encouragement to those suffering the same. And, to warn those going down a path of destruction, to show them that they have a choice. Because of YHVH, we have overcome. So then, our health becomes their healing. Rebecca Matthews, Philippi Prospect Ministries
NoteWorks TM is a trademark of Philippi Prospect Ministries TM
29 17
Ministry project DIY’s and how-to’s TM
Step 1. Materials needed: ¼ yard of 2 fabrics, 2 drawing pads (or the equivalent to get 100 pages), 6 scrapbook pages, 1 piece of cardboard slightly heavier in weight than cereal box cardboard. (cost $8)
Step 2. Tools needed: Scissors, darning needle, crochet thread, ruler, box cutter, spray glue. (not pictured: craft glue) I ended up not using the jute for this project. (cost $4-for glue only, I already had the rest)
Step 3. I used drawing pad paper that, when folded, created 6x9 inch pages. I used 50 to get my 100 pages. I folded the 12x12 scrapbook paper so that it was 12x9, then folded it again to make it 6x9, sealed the first fold together with glue to make the page a pocket for holding notes, etc. I put a folded scrapbook page after every 20 pages, plus the front and back, then evenly stacked it. 30
Step 4. I traced a line ½ inch from the spine edge, the drilled through the whole stack with a bit the size of a pencil lead. I secured it all between a stack of heavy books to keep it from slipping while I drilled.
Step 5. I threaded the darning needle with the crochet thread, and sewed the book together, starting at the bottom, in the first hole and out the next until I got to the top. Then, after encircling to top edge, I inserted the needle into the last hole I had come out of and worked my way back to the bottom, and tied it off in a double knot.
Step 6. I bought a specialty piece of scrapbook paper to give the book “wings” that had cloth fibers. But, this can also be achieved with a section of paper grocery bag, or similar. (cost $2)
Step 7. I cut the heavy cardboard into 2 pieces 6x9, and a strip 9x¾” glued the “wings” to the front and back cardboard and the strip to the spine. Then, I put a stack of heavy books on each side and let dry overnight, with the book positioned as it is pictured above.
Step 8. Once it dried, I glued the fabric that I wanted on the inside covers in place. The inside edge of the fabric is folded so that no raw edges show.
Step 9. Next, I turned the fabric from the inside covers and glued them down to the outside.
Step 10. In this step, I used the spray glue (as opposed to the craft glue in the other steps) I cut the fabric ½ bigger all around, sprayed the wrong side with glue, fully opened the book and positioned it on the cloth.
Step 11. Carefully, I closed the book, smoothed out the air bubbles, and stacked on the heavy books until secure.
Step 12. For the ties, I cut 2 strips 18 inches long and 2 inches wide, folded in the edges, glued them together, and secured them between inside and outside covers. (Do this before the glue dries completely.) Place a strip of decorative paper (the same paper as the wings) around the inside cover edges.
The finished book, showing the inside front on the left, and the inside back on the right. The finished book, showing the front and spine views.
If anyone wants to make one of their own, and has any questions or needs more details, please email me at rebecca.matthews@minister.com 33