Getting Rid of Your Craniofacial Pain When you experience craniofacial pain it can be very frustrating and even debilitating. This article describes how you can take time to recognize the pain and do all that you can to get rid of it. There are many people that experience craniofacial pain that do not realize what they are experiencing. When you are in pain it is important that you take time to identify what is causing the pain and how you will be able to fix it.
Locate the Pain First, you want to pin point where the pain is coming from. When you are feeling pain on a consistent basis you should take time to really focus in on the pain and write down what you are feeling and when you are feeling it. As you continue to document your pain you may find that you have a much easier time understanding how you can avoid it. If you find that you cannot avoid this pain it is important that you learn how you can fix it.
Determine the Cause First, you should make sure that you know that the most common cause of this pain is TMJ. There are a lot of people that do not realize that Trigeminal neuralgia is a pain syndrome that was identified over fifty years ago. The syndrome is not very common, but it is important that you take the time to understand how you can deal with it. There have been a wide variety of treatments and an equally wide variety of success rates. Be sure that you take the time to have the syndrome properly diagnosed. There are a lot of people that believe they have TMJ that may not necessarily be suffering from this specific symptom and you want to be sure that you properly identify your pain so you can fix it. There have been a lot of people that have tried to figure out what the causes of this syndrome are. Although there has not been a specific cause found, it is known that the vascular compression of a nerve root is common throughout all TMJ patients.
Understand Your Options Although this craniofacial pain can be frustrating, you should take the time to understand what you can do with your pain. When you are attempting to figure out your pain there are a few symptoms that you can start looking for. When you start to feel ‘electric-like shocks’ throughout your jaw, you want to make sure that you measure the time that you are feeling them. These will be intense and you want to make sure that you identify where you are feeling this pain. Be sure that you take the time that you need to concentrate on your pain while you are feeling it. The pain that you experience will more than likely be only on one side of your face and will start on the upper cheek and spread down to the jaw. If you are feeling an odd sensation throughout your entire face and through your eyes and even teeth, you may be experiencing the symptoms of TMJ. These muscles will also control the mastication process and can make it impossible, or very difficult to chew.
Discovering the Cause More than likely, you will find that you have a trigger area in your jaw. You want to make sure that you try to pinpoint your trigger area so that you are able to talk about this with your doctor and understand how you can fix your pain. Some people experience a trigger area in their eyebrow while other people will experience a trigger area in their lower teeth. No matter where your trigger area is, you may find that your TMJ pain is sparked by touch, cold, wind or even talking and chewing. This can be very frustrating to deal with and you may find that you get very frustrated very easily. The majority of patients also point out that their attacks stop while they are sleeping and then continue after they wake up in the morning. When you are looking for a cure, you may find that your doctor first turns to a prescription drug. There are a lot of people that do not realize the relief they can feel through taking a pill on a consistent basis. You want to make sure that you find a drug that will work for you and give you the minimal number of side effects. This may be a difficult process, but with some time you will find that you can identify the pros and cons of the different drugs. When you start to experience craniofacial pain, take time to deal with it as promptly as possible. This way, you can be sure that you have minimized the amount of pain you experience on a daily basis.