Identifying Foods that Strengthen Your Teeth It’s amazing how much a good diet can help you. Have you ever noticed how many diet plans require you to eat less junk and consume more good food?
Bad and Good Foods for Your Teeth Sugary substances and fatty foods are outlawed. Fruits and vegetables are your new best friend. They all operate off of the idea that human bodies are made to operate off of more natural foods. It seems to be true too, because diets actually work, when they are adhered to. Natural foods have the nutrients needed to keep the body strong and healthy. This works for bringing bodies down to a normal weight, and fighting diseases. It makes sense then that the natural resources are the best ones for the teeth and gums. The following is a list of natural foods that will upkeep your oral hygiene. Milk builds strong bones. Luckily your teeth are made of the same stuff your bones are. When you drink milk, you keep your jaw and teeth healthy. You aren’t limited to just milk. The point to it is getting calcium into you. Any dairy or calcium supplement can give you similar results. Eat your fruits and vegetables. They give you essential fiber. Fiber maintains a constant saliva flow, which helps create a mineral defense against tooth decay while washing away some of the cavity creating plaque. Be sure to eat a healthy amount of fruits and vegetables every day.
Vitamins and Minerals that Enrich Your Teeth More specifically, strawberries are great for giving you vitamin C. Vitamin C help build up your gums. They make them strong, they make them useful. Eat a half cup of fresh strawberries to get 70 percent of your daily value. You can get Vitamin C from other fruits as well. It comes in cherries, citrus fruits, papayas, kiwis, guavas, melons, amalaki, and tomatoes. Grains are vitamin rich. Choosing to eat a large amount of grains everyday will help you reach your daily recommended value of vitamins.
They are filled with B vitamins and iron. Both of these help maintain healthy gums. Grains also contain helpful levels of magnesium. Magnesium will help keep bones and teeth strong and working properly for a long time to come. Examples of grains include brown rice, whole-grain cereals, bread, etc. They don’t get you every vitamin though. Wild salmon is effective at getting vitamin D to the body. Vitamin D strengthens your body’s ability to absorb and use the calcium you give it.
Analogies to Get a Better Picture The process is like opening the pores to receive lotion, or unclogging a pipe to allow more water to pass through. You are making your bones better able to receive what you’re giving it. Your teeth and jaw are directly benefited by a healthy amount of vitamin D in your diet. If you’re not a fan of salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, catfish, tuna, eggs, shiitake and button mushrooms, and sunshine are also helpful sources of Vitamin D. When you eat healthy foods, your body works the way it should. When you eat unhealthy foods, it begins to deteriorate. Out of This World Dentistry is a Draper dentist that is dedicated to helping you have the best oral health possible. The more you keep healthy teeth, the more effective your visits to the Draper dentist will become. Photo Credit: Sergiu Bacioiu via photopin cc Photo Credit: Aylanah via photopin cc