2020 Andover Bread Loaf Program Report

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2020 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS OUR MISSION Andover Bread Loaf (ABL) promotes literacy and educational revitalization through the lens of social justice in the most under-resourced communities and school systems around the world, particularly in U.S. urban areas and public schools.

WHO WE SERVE ABL collaborates with youth, adults, educators, and local activists to support grassroots, democratic social action movements that enable people to transform themselves, their communities, and their educational systems.


After 33 years, one might think there would be little room for Andover Bread Loaf to evolve. Yet in 2019–2020, in response to the pandemic and racial justice protests, ABL grew in exciting new ways.

 LEADERSHIP—Beginning in fall 2019, almost all of ABL’s K–12 programming was implemented entirely by youth writing leaders.

 PANDEMIC RESPONSE—Within two weeks of the COVID-19 shutdown in March, ABL developed and began to run compelling virtual programming. Youth leadership of these programs immediately became a top priority.

 VIRTUAL PROGRAMMING—ABL’s quick pivot was made possible in part by established year-round communication among network members. Youth and adults alike were relieved to discover the same cherished safe spaces online that they had come to expect in person.

 BLACK LIVES MATTER—ABL’s response to the BLM movement and the ongoing crisis related to racism in this country reflects its long-term commitment to deconstructing oppression. A renewed

Through interactive programs that teach writing, creative

focus on self-care—also vital during the pandemic—was coupled with virtual group discussion and

self-expression, and the arts, ABL ignites a passion

writing workshops focused on identity and social justice.

for learning and empowers youth, educators, and civic organizers to create spaces for emancipatory education and community wellness both inside and outside of schools.

 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT—Yaneris Collado, ABL’s network coordinator, offered new professional development programs to youth leaders—much like the kind routinely attended by teachers. This enabled youth leaders to be prepared, confident, and effective in their virtual programming.

Visit andover.edu/abl to hear directly from our scholars about ABL and its impact on their lives.

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2020 Andover Bread Loaf Program Report by Phillips Academy - Issuu