Andover Bread Loaf 25th Year Annual Report

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2011 Annual Repor t


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f oa



Ph il

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rog P ademy Outreach


Wr iting Around t he Wor ld

Ripples in a Pond The first 16 teachers from Lawrence and Boston, Mass., who attended a small gathering on the Andover campus in 1987 were the tiny stones tossed into the vast pond of developing young minds. It was called Andover Bread Loaf (ABL), after the world-famous graduate level writing program at Middlebury College that had recently graduated a young Phillips Academy English teacher named Lou Bernieri. At PA, Lou had an idea. Since then more than 500 teachers have attended ABL workshops and have returned to their classrooms to inspire more than tens of thousands of youngsters in the joyful and invigorating experience of writing. The ripples from those first stones have broadened and deepened as they spread from teacher to teacher, classroom to classroom, student to student. As you will see in this 25th anniversary report, today they are reaching far corners of the world—Karachi, Nairobi, Mumbai—and deepening their reach into the very identities of cities such as Lawrence, Brooklyn, and New Orleans. Congratulations, ABL! —Peter R. Ramsey Secretary of the Academy Phillips Academy Editorial contributors: Christine Jee, Bread Loaf “Slice”; Richard Gorham, El Puente Academy conference; Mohsin Tejani, Karachi Writing Workshop; Lee Krishnan, Lawrence Student Writers Workshop; Victor Martinez, Community Organization Collaborations; Ummi Modeste, ABLWW for teachers


The Mission The Andover Bread Loaf mission is to promote literacy and educational revitalization in the most economically disadvantaged school systems and communities around the world, particularly in U.S. urban public schools.

Brief History ABL’s first literacy education program was launched in 1987 in Lawrence, Mass., as a site of the Bread Loaf Teacher Network (BLTN)—a professional development network established by Middlebury College’s Bread Loaf School of English. That first ABL program was so successful that it has become a compelling model for similar initiatives across the country and around the world.

Andover Br ead Loaf The Need

The Approach

Public education faces the most severe crisis in its history. Why?

Build communities of learners in urban schools and communities to:

Dramatic underfunding

Inspire student learning and activism

Threadbare teacher support

Enrich school curricula with fresh teaching approaches

Standardized test-driven curricula

Create supplemental educational programs Work for systemic change in policies


Founder and Director Lou Bernieri, instructor in English and former department chair, Phillips Academy

Making Writing as Exciting to Kids as Sports and Video Games What are we trying to do? We are practicing “celebratory pedagogy,” an educational approach that builds and sustains learning communities, that celebrates the intelligence and creativity of youth, that stretches them academically and intellectually, that nurtures their individual and cultural gifts, and that engages them in social justice and civic activism. This is a profoundly democratic methodology that offers students and teachers a useful tool for educational and personal transformation. How does it work? ABL programs are organized and run by teachers, students, and youth workers. Whether they are two- or three-week workshops, one-day conferences, or afterschool clubs, these programs can draw more than 200 youth, grades 1–12, who choose to spend their free time creating, writing, and sharing. They leave these programs with the kind of collective joy usually reserved for concerts and sporting events. This report primarily focuses on ABL’s collaborations with youth organizations and schools in struggling communities around “Expanded Learning Time,” i.e., the time students spend outside of school. Our next report will focus on the innovative classroom projects and curricula of Andover Bread Loaf Writing Workshop (ABLWW) alumni.


As an administrator at the Lawrence Boys and Girls Club said after an ABL Teacher Network writing conference in December 2010: “We’ve only seen this kind of excitement at basketball games.”

How can you help? ABL has an annual budget of approximately $200,000, funded each

Inspir e

Why is this so important? Lawrence is one of the most culturally rich and economically depressed cities in Massachusetts, a multilingual community, with most residents speaking Spanish as a first language. What does it mean that young people who grow up in this context hunger to write? One thing is clear: students’ intrinsic love of writing, storytelling, and self-expression is perhaps the most important educational tool we have.

year through the generosity of alumni and parents of Phillips Academy, and friends of the program. ABL does not have an endowment upon which it can rely. We are totally dependent on fundraising. Join us and become a part of the Andover Bread Loaf revolution. Best regards,

To make your gift, visit:


New N ew Y York ork C City ity Site SSi itte e of of allaall-day al ll-da day cco day conferences on nffer eren e ce en ces su ces such uch ch as as ““W “Word Wor ord Up!” Up!” Up p!” ! aatt EEll Pu P Puente ente en eA Aca Academy c de ca demy my iin nB Br Brooklyn roo ookkllyn yn iin nA Ap April priil 20 2 2011, 011 1, in iinvolving vvo olv olv lvin iin ng more m re than mo th haan 360 360 students 36 sttu ud de en nttss and and nd te eac ache herss ffro rom ro m 5 NY N YC schools. scho sc hoo olls. s. This TThi his conf cconference onffer ere en nce ce teachers from NYC wa as or o orga rga gani nize ze zed ed by b U Umm mm m mi Mo M ode dest ste st te (ABLWW (A ABL BLWW WW was organized Ummi Modeste 1997 19 9 ),, aan nA AB BL di dire rect c or or,, aan nd EEll P Pue ue uent entte teac te eaacche herss 1997), ABL director, and Puente teachers Ca arl rlos os R Ros osel os sel ello lo o ((AB AB A BLW WW 20 008 08) 8) an aand nd An A th hony on on Carlos Rosello (ABLWW 2008) Anthony Mor Mo rraale es (A ABLLWW W2 200 008) 00 008) 8 , wi w th h tthe he h e ssup up ppo p rt o off Morales (ABLWW 2008), with support P Pr rin inci in inci cipa pall He H eccttor C Cal aldé al dé éro ron. n.. n Principal Hector Caldéron.




Vancouver, British Columbia

Amherst, Andover, Boston, Haverhill, Lawrence, Methuen, Springfield, Worcester

South Dakota Pine Ridge

California Oakland


Louisiana Canton, Cleveland New Orleans

Rhode Island Providence Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan

New York


New Jersey

Sierra Vista

East Orange, Newark

Haiti Port-au-Prince


New N ew O Orleans, rleans, L Louisiana ouisiana

Work Working W Wo orkkin ng iin np par partnership aarrttn n ner ersh er ersh ship hip pw wit with itth U Un United nit ited ted TTeachers Te eac ache ache herss o hers off Ne N New e ew w Or O Orleans rle le ean ans aan and nd St SStudents tud tud den e ts ts Att tthe A he h eC Cen Center en nte ter (a ter (a p pow powerful o e ow errfu full ssc school-based cho hool ol-b bas ased sed d organization), ABLWW alumni offer o orga or rga ganiza niza ni zati t on on), n),) A ABL BLWW BL WW W aalu llu um mn ni off o err pr p professional roffessi esssiion es onal d development eve ev ellop pm me entt w wor workshops orks ksho h ps ps aand an nd d sst student tud uden den ent w wr writing ritin rit iting iin ng p pr programs rog rog ograams d ogra dur during urrin i g tth the he ssc school cho hool ol yyea year ear an ea aand d su ssummer. umm mmer er. Th TThey hey eyy aare e re e aalso al lso so b bui building uilld din ng pa p partnerships arttne n rs rshi rshi hip pss w wi with ith tte it ith teachers eac ache he ers and from Port-au-Prince an nd st sstudents tud uden entss ffro rom ro om Po P Port ort rt-a -aau u--Pr Prin ince in c iin ce n ABL AB ABL’s L’s Ha L’s H Haiti ait iti it ti pr proj project. roj o ec ect. t.


6 Port-au-Prince, P ort-au-Prince, H Haiti aiti A gr g grant a t fr an from om A And Andover’s nd dovve err ’ss A Abb Abbot bb b bott A Aca Academy c de ca emy my Association Ass A ssoc ss occiaati tion on n aallows al lo ow wss A ABL BL to BL to bring b ing br in ng Haitian Haittia Ha ian n teachers te eaccherss tto o PA aand nd tto o M Mi Middlebury ddle dd eb bu uryy C ury Col College’s o le ol lege ge’s ’s B Bre Bread r ad LLoa re Loaf oaaf Sc School cho ool ol o off EEn English ngli glis gl ish fo for or su ssummer umm m er mm e w wor workshops o kssho ops ps aand nd g nd graduate raaduat duate du e wo work. orrkk. Go G Goals oal alss al in include ncl clud ude bu ud buil building illdi ding n a ttea ng teacher eaacch her er n network ettwo etwo w rkk iin n Ha H Haiti itti an aand d ccreating cr reaati t ng w wri writing rriiti ting gp projects roje ro oje ect c s be b between twee tw en th the he U U. U.S. .SS.. aand dH Haiti, a ti ai t, and an d betw b be between etw wee en th tthe he eD Do Dominican om miini nica can R Re Republic epubl blic bl ic aand ic nd H nd Ha Haiti. aiti t.

Lawrence, L awrence, Massachusetts Massachusetts


Lawrence La awr wren e ce en ew was as ABL’s ABL A BL’ss sspr springboard pringb in ngboa gboaard gb d aass the th he fi fir first rstt ffoc focus ocus oc cus o off it itss p pr program rog grraam iin n1 198 1987, 9 7, 98 7, aand nd d iiss a ma m majo major ajo j r hub hu ub of the the national nat n a iio at ona n l Bread Brea Br e d Lo Loaf oaf af TTea Teacher e cch ea her er N Ne Netw ettw wor ork. k A Amo mong mo ng g tth he m he mod od de ell iini n tiat ni tiiaattiv ivess d dev evel ev e op el oped ped ed b byy AB BLW WW Network. Among the model initiatives developed ABLWW Lawr La wren wr ence en ce tteachers, ce each ea her ers, s, yyou s, ou uth t workers, wor w orrke kers rs, an rs nd sst tud ude en nts aare re e: cl cclassroom las a srroo om Lawrence youth and students are: cur cu rric rr icul ulla;; o u one n -, ttwo ne w -,, aand wo n tthr nd h ee hr e-w wee ek wo w rkksh hop o s for fo or st sstudents tud tud uden ents ts ts curricula; one-, two-, three-week workshops and te an and teac ache ac h rss; pa he part rtne rt tne ersshi h pss w wit itth co comm mm m mun unit itty o or rga gani gani n za zati tion ti ns an nd teachers; partnerships with community organizations and cult cu ltur lt u aall iinstitutions; ur nsti ns titu ti tu uti t on o s; s; ccit ittyw y id ide e wr w rit iting ing co in onf nfer erren e ce ces; s; W Wri r ttiing aand ri nd n d cultural citywide writing conferences; Writing P Pu ubl blis bl ishiing is g fforr tthe he eC Com ommuni om nity ityy p pro r je ro j ct cts; s; ssla lam la m po poet ettryy p e pro rogr ro g am amss Publishing Community projects; slam poetry programs an and nd op open open e m mic iccs; s; p pen e p en pal al aand al nd ccol olle ol lege ge m men ento en ori ring ng e ffo ffort or s;; aand nd d mics; college mentoring efforts; yo out uth le lleadership eader ad dersh ersh er ship ip p ttra raainin in nin ing g. g. youth training.



Pakistan Karachi

Bangladesh Dhaka

India Mumbai

Kenya Nairobi

Tanzania Dar es Salaam

South Africa Cape Town, Johannesburg

Since its founding, Andover Bread Loaf, with a full-time staff of one, has worked in nine states and 21 cities in the United States, as well as in nine other countries. In every site with a project, ABL is driven and sustained by the enormous amount of sweat equity provided by teachers, youth workers, students, parents/ guardians, and volunteers.

These locations demonstrate the universality and power of ABL’s philosophy and pedagogy—and its ability to connect with teachers and students of all races, nationalities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and academic preparation. The reach of the program expands exponentially: all participants are asked to share their experiences with others in their communities.


Inter national Highlights El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice Conference What magic can come from more than 360 Brooklyn high school kids writing and performing together at the all-day “Word Up!” conference at their school? Here’s the answer: when the 3:30 bell rang to end school, more than half the kids stayed glued to their seats for another hour. Last April, ABL’s big experiment of collaborating with the staff of highly regarded El Puente Academy in Brooklyn, N.Y., for a day was a rocking celebration of writing, performance, music, and mutual affirmation. The applause was thunderous, the dancing spirited, the collaborations powerful. ABL presenters were thrilled by the intensity of intellectual engagement, the levels of mutual support, and the depth of concern for key political issues of equality and justice. Rich Gorham (ABLWW 1998) asks:

“Why can’t this celebration of kids happen in every school in the world on a regular basis?” Why indeed!


Karachi, Pakistan Workshop The same ABL writing and teaching methods that inspire Latino elementary school children in Lawrence create the same impact on high school students in Karachi. Last July, 15 Pakistani high school students experienced a 10-day creative writing workshop at the Karachi School of Writing, organized and directed by Mohsin Tejani (ABLWW 1998). Sessions explored poetry, fiction, art and writing, reading, blogging, the writing process, peer conferencing, and open mic performances for parents. Students took field trips to art museums and galleries, and studied the publishing process with a mission to understand the very real future of the publishing industry in Pakistan, despite the common notion that “book reading is not part of the culture.” The Karachi School is working to influence younger generations with support from ABL.

Nairobi and Mumbai Projects

The Haiti Project A Bread Loaf initiative in Haiti was launched in 2011 with a three-year Abbot Academy Association (AAA) grant that brings nine Haitian teachers to Andover for ABL’s two-week professional development during the summers. The first three Abbot Academy Scholars, teachers from schools in Port-au-Prince, attended last summer. During the year, they are supported by ABL staff, including visits from ABL Haitian Project Director Stephanie Curci, an instructor in English at Phillips Academy. The AAA grant culminates in a weeklong conference in Port-au-Prince in summer 2013 that will reach hundreds of teachers and students.

ABL’s work in Nairobi, Kenya, and Mumbai, India, stretches back to 1998, when teachers from the Aga Khan Development Network joined the ABL network. Despite lack of funding, ABL alumni from these sites continue to play active roles in ABL. In Nairobi in 2009, Patricia Echessa-Kariuki (ABLWW 1999) and David Wandera (ABLWW 1999), ABL alumni who earned master’s degrees at Middlebury’s Bread Loaf, organized and ran a weeklong ABL international conference that drew 12 ABL teachers from the U.S., and 35 teachers and more than 100 students from Nairobi. In Mumbai, Lee Krishnan, an ABL graduate with a master’s degree from Bread Loaf, is known for the great work she does with her students, including such landmark projects as the Child Labor Photojournalism Project. Her middle school students photographed, interviewed, and published articles on child laborers in Mumbai. Lee returns every summer to codirect the ABL Lawrence Student Writers Workshop at PA.


Cor e Activities


The ABL/Bread Loaf Teacher Network Teacher-to-Teacher Professional Development The Bread Loaf Teacher Network, of which ABL is a major hub, is a research-based network that relies on teacher-to-teacher professional development as well as work with university professors. ABL/BLTN provides teachers with year-round support, ongoing professional development, and an organization with the capacity to run conferences and workshops. It is a voluntary, self-perpetuating, and dynamic group of people.



Recent Events Throughout the school year, Lawrence’s chapter of Bread Loaf Teacher Network meets twice a month for professional development focused on teaching writing and reading, developing alternative forms of assessment, and organizing school-wide and citywide student and teacher conferences. BLTN is a network of teachers—many of whom were educated at Bread Loaf and supported during the academic year by Bread Loaf staff and faculty. Its primary goal is to encourage year-round collaboration among teachers, faculty, and their students on innovative online projects designed to promote culturally sensitive and transformative literacy.

Po e t stomed e Unaccu her voic ower of p e h t to ch, ispered r stoma she wh it of he a poet.” p e e b h t o t va in “I want ning. rning la en mea rds chu lt a o o w m r o e H g to sals pt int wantin d g to eru in in t m n r a w you ance in a poet. ughts d o You are h t if t a poe You are gue. our ton ose leaf. time across y f your lo o t every s e e o n p li a the You are ch with ble-dut u o ld d u Yo ter wor of a bet t, s e o m n you a p e , e t r s h Ye e frig eam d r g a d p r u e o h t y of Who in oldness let the c t en o e n r c o D he s low of t g e one. h t t s r a no into e s u m r u turn yo cher, ur lips, o y ge 11), tea t r Pa your sta LWW 20 f B o s (A , N.Y. z n in e a t Brookly Beniqu peak. s the cur e c e s ra u G — your m and let

The exper ience…has been ext raordinar ily inspir ing and emotional; it’s had all t he r ichness, diversity, and discovery of life itself. —Chantal Kenol Desmornes (ABLWW 2011), teacher, Port-au-Prince, Haiti


Cor e Activities


Andover Bread Loaf Writing Workshop (ABLWW) for Teachers The ABLWW is an intensive two-week graduate-level professional development program that uses the Lawrence Student Writers Workshop (LSWW) as its pedagogical laboratory. This workshop is the engine that drives ABL and its projects in various cities. For 25 years, more than 500 teachers have attended ABL’s summer workshop and often have cited their ABL experience as the force that propels them to return to their schools not only to change what they do in their classrooms, but to work with other teachers and students in developing programs that will affect a wider and wider circle of students and teachers. .


Recent Events ABL Writing Workshop for Teachers on the Phillips Academy Campus July 1–16, 2011

The 2011 Andover Bread Loaf Writing Workshop for teachers included educators from Lawrence and Springfield, Mass.; Brooklyn, N.Y.; Washington, D.C.; New Orleans; and Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Sixteen teachers and four youth organization staff participated in the intensive 14-day graduate level professional development session—which included workshops given by writers, actors, artists, teachers, professors, and community activists. In addition to writing every day, the group worked with students in LSWW, read and discussed educational theory and practice, performed a small theatre piece, and completed a e hm live wit o t literature seminar. They also paid a two-day visit to e m a ec until sh skin. m d o n a the Bread Loaf School of English in Vermont, the y M . s b y d e a m G oun bon n’t know r bag ar own to e id d h d g I s l in home of the Bread Loaf Teacher Network, where ie e r m r I fe s ca slim t alway at her u r slowly d e b le h t it u . t w they met a group of ABL alumni studying there, o g n a Is ghin goes e is e ly ever says sh says lau d e d r h a n s a h t ,” e joined classes and presentations, and learned e e Sh up s ther re is in he gets hadow. u S s s . n a n e w r w t o o about the national and international reach of “A her ts it d ts. ened by t she pu he wan n fright s BLTN. Participants who successfully complete e r If I insis h e v . w e d t e er die erwis o wha ays oth my fath s r age to d the ABLWW program receive three graduate e e h ft s a s leep etime in her s g Yet, som credits from Middlebury College’s Bread Loaf in n a t. rted mo rst nigh fi She sta y School of English. r e v or, that ed. it mirr topp I heard n in the never s io it t c w e o fl n e k rr I didn’t es at he s, ” she star , s her eye e r e im of you? gure. t d n At u s le d her fi ecome c n b ir u s c o a acher, k r h r a te a t 011), loose , wha 2 y g b At the d W in a W g G L n B Haiti es (A Adye!* ress ha esmorn erself: “ D h At the d l o g n in e tal K hs, nam —Chan She sig


*My G

od Lord od or Go

n Creole

in Haitia

This wor kshop has provided me wit h a proverbial ‘shot in t he arm’ of powerful pedagogical practices t hat will sustain me as I t ravel back to Cochise College and t he frust rations and joys t hat await….This has been an incr edibly powerful two weeks. My head is full, but my hear t is fuller. —Ceci Lewis (ABLWW 2011), teacher, Sierra Vista, Ariz.


Cor e Activities


ABL Student Programs Middle School and High School Students ABL’s flagship student program is LSWW, a summer writing and arts program offered at Phillips Academy, where teachers and students can practice the ABL approach to learning with an intensity not afforded in their school year regimen. The LSWW, directed by teachers from Lawrence and other ABL staff, offers approximately 100 Lawrence public school students of all academic abilities in grades 5–12 the opportunity to develop writing and artistic skills that will help them succeed in school and ultimately in the workplace. At the heart of these programs is ABL’s emphasis on the joy of learning and its focus on young people’s natural gifts as writers and artists.



Title Events Recent Lawrence Student Writers Writer’sWorkshop Worship on (LSWW) Phillips on Academy the Phillips Campus Academy Campus June 28–July 19 19, 2011 For three weeks of lastsummer, summer,100 100middle middleand andhigh high school students joined 20 high school and college writing leaders teachersfor forintensive an intensive study… writing (60 and words) artsNat et voluptur, program that consequid included eum theatre, harit moluptam singing, dancing, dolupta photography, similique lauteart, accuptatio. sculpture,Otaeperit, film and multimedia tet estiorumet productions. voluptium qui voluptatur, conseri beatisit, cus eos in es aliquam, untis sundae pro vid ma et eaquam excearunt The special focus on social justice, quiatLSWW quas places necumarernatias mi, commolores ipsum civic activism, and self-expression. workshop dolor as qui quae. Ibus excepe eataThe nonsecti odi il culminates in a public exhibition that last year drew magnis volesci musdaes estiandame pelibuscium more than tempedis 200 parents, guardians, teachers, and re quis modi et hit landustiorio volo eum community members. serio

rld f the wo We ildren o h c e h s t ce We are shiny fa ces ave sun h ll ent pla r a e e iff W d m o ome fr es We all c erent siz ces ave diff h t voices ll laces a n s our fa e e r W erent p diffe love fill h iff r it d o , w y m o lk jo , a in me fr We all t rrow, pa ages co . And so s r langu g u o s in e h d t n m A ga erent nd play arn diff songs a t We all le n y e a r d e each ing diff at beat h t We all s s t r a ay ave he some w We all h hurt in e b n a mall We all c tall or s ot be an feel c ll a a hould n e s e m r W s c g s r in o th all cry ut some We can ught. B a t e b y n a a w We all c in some re loved a no t . ll a e W rgets us fraid a fo e t der, t b is o r n n h a , 7th gra sus C have We all c eronica ings or . And Je V h t ld ass. — r e o M v , a w rence f the w o a We all h n L e r d the chil We are

I believe t his exper ience has been mor e t han professional development, it has been life development….I have a new flame in my belly…because of ABL. —Julissa Jerez (ABLWW 2011), Director of Youth Programs, Lawrence CommunityWorks/Movement City Lawrence, Mass.

Cor e Activities

Cr eate

ABL Student Programs Elementary School Students The “Slice of Bread Loaf” For the first time ever, ABL welcomed the youngest group to the “Slice of Bread Loaf” program, modeled after ABL’s Lawrence Student Writers Workshop (LSWW) for middle and high school students. The program ran during the first two weeks of July 2011 at the Lawrence Boys and Girls Club and included students in grades 1–5. Workshops leaders—comprised of favorite guest writers from the local Bread Loaf community—focused on the theme of storytelling. Teen Writing Leaders from the Boys and Girls Club worked with the children and quickly became role models who both fostered and witnessed transformation in our participants. At the program’s conclusion, the little “slices” joined the rest of the 150 older LSWW participants—students and teachers—in the Blackbox Theatre on the Andover campus for a spoken word workshop. ABL Director Lou Bernieri, aware that history was being made, addressed the young writers: “This is an incredible gathering! We have people from the ages of seven to 64 writing together in this room today!” A new generation of writers was on its way.


10 Thing s

I Would

Say To… 1. Thank you for le tting me Two. Wit be myself h creative in a world juices flo thinks th that judg wing, we e same. es. realize no Tres. I am t everyon not who e I used to teen who be. A shy won’t shu -spoken g t her opin irl has be # 4 . Yo u h ions up. come a ave intro duced m on e of y o e , n o , us, to ne ur main ro w people ots. Cinco. I’m . Diversity attached is to you. I’m me. Wha a t happen p a rt o f you as yo s in such Six. I’m h u’re a part little time o o k ed o n of can shoc writing b k us. you still e e c a use of yo xist. u. And be Siete. I a cause of dmire wh us, a t y o u have do 8. I’ve fou nd opport ne. For all unities. Y of us. want to h ou’ve help ug you fo e d r m a e gain co c c goals for omplishin nfidence every yea g that. Isn .I r? ’t that one Nueve. F of y our or the pa st fi v e years, I’ making v ve secretl oices hea y admire rd. For m strangers d you. Fo aking the know eac r m matter. h o ther in su to know F o r letting ch little ti each oth er. (Well, me. For le # One-Ze maybe n tting us g ro. THAN ot secretl et K YO U , B R y admire EAD LOA d .) F For lettin g us do w hat we kid s do . —Jackie, 8th grade r, Lawrence , Mass.

om I Am Fr Where ce m a pla I am fro h a or de t r liberty e h h it t a e it’s or de Where ndence e p c e li d b In repu lack-led b t e s r p fi o ed h rld’s The wo nd gain a ir . a g p in s by d e e mak Broken till in th s e d c n la a map made I am fro History , poverty ades of c e , d n e r io Whe radat tal deg n e ip m h n s ator Enviro nd dict . bility, a a t s mericas in A , e in the n Violenc . io t m a o eed rest n g our fr he poo t in k s a a e t c it y la ft rld b map Have le the wo I am fro e rprised u s e disgrac w But lity is a a n n io t e a k my n ver ta Where ions ne in p o io r , infe r nted ver gra ople, an e e n p t t c a e o b, b entality Resp as dum , and m n d e io t g a li e r e T ,r obody. Culture e as a n m le g ce in S m a pla I am fro y e d lib rt declare e w 4 e 0 r e 18 . Whe om sinc d e e n fr f o aribbea the train of the C l r a Riding r e e p isph e the ink it is est Hem h t W . u e o h y t r m from Whethe oorest in here I a w is r, i Or the p e it h Ha ac 011), te BLWW 2 (A Haiti s e c tu n in -Pri , r Sa Port-au —Esthe

The Wish of Space I had a dream to go to space. I had the dream ever since. I wanted it to happen so I made some moon and planets and dressed up in space clothes. I felt I really was in space. I saw all the planets around me. There is Jupiter. I saw my special wish come true. Thank you my special wish-dream I wanted. —Jaineida, 2nd grader, Lawrence, Mass.


Cor e Activities

Par tner

Collaborations with Community Organizations ABL is actively working to expand its collaborations with community organizations, leading conferences year-round for students outside their regular school regimen. Ranging from one day to three weeks in length, conferences are modeled on the student workshop/laboratories developed and refined each summer. These events attract as many as 300 students at a time and convey the joy of writing and learning. ABL conducts writing conferences at community organizations in Lawrence, Brooklyn, and New Orleans and provides college mentoring, leadership training, and academic tutoring as well. This new initiative eventually will reach thousands of students. Collaborators Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy Community Service Office, Phillips Academy Essex Art Center, Lawrence


Recent Events The Lawrence Boys and Girls Club and Lawrence CommunityWorks/Movement City hosted three citywide conferences last year for grades 1–12. In addition to the performances of visiting poets and performance artists, students attended workshops offered by teachers. Sample workshops Native Tongues—This workshop affirms the voices and native languages of participants by encouraging writing that celebrates their home languages, examines the importance of maintaining proficiency in native tongues, and shares experiences within the group and through social media. Generation Facebook: Are You In It or Of It?—This workshop explores through song, poetry, visuals, and performance art the role Faceook and Twitter play in our lives: social, academic, and literary. Do you express yourself more, less, or differently when in public? Are you the person in your profile or does Facebook free you to be someone else?

Lawrence Boys and Girls Club Lawrence CommunityWorks/Movement City Lawrence Teachers’ Union Office of Community and Multicultural Development, Phillips Academy Youth Development Organization (YDO)


Cultural Memories in Writing—This workshop explores how memories contribute to our writing, the notion of shared memories, and how using the same memory can create very different stories.

Since beginning my car eer as an educator in Lawr ence, I looked to Br ead Loaf to add dept h and br eadt h to my skills. This past summer, t he Andover Br ead Loaf Wr iting Wor kshop inspir ed and encouraged me to self-actualize as a wr iter and to light t hat same fir e wit hin young minds. — Eliana Martinez (ABLWW 2011), teacher, Lawrence, Mass.


Cor e Activities


Graduate School Fellowship Program at the Bread Loaf School of English Andover Bread Loaf has sent more than 50 of its teacher workshop graduates to the Bread Loaf School of English at Middlebury College in Vermont to pursue master’s degrees in English. The majority of these teachers were awarded fellowships by Bread Loaf to fund their studies. When the teachers return from their summer study, they bring back what they learned, enhancing the network’s capability to affect change.

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Title Events Recent The Bread Writing Workshop Loaf School for of Teachers English is Middlebury College’s graduate school of English. A summer study In summer 2011, seven teachers spent five weeks program comprised of aABL world class faculty, Bread Loaf at Middlebury College’s Bread Loaf School of English opened its doors in 1919. Renown poet Robert Frost, a in Vermont toward master’staught degrees in for 42 graduate ofworking Lawrence High School, there English. years. It was just one of the five summers they spend at the college’s bucolic campus—reading, writing, discussing, Last summer’s critiquing—to attendees were: earn their Lorena degrees. Escoto,More Pati than Nunez, 50and ABLJineyda graduates Tapia have from earned Lawrence; master’s Julie degrees in Wedding Englishand andJennifer American Heard literature from at New Bread Orleans; Loaf—all Holly but Ponticello a few on from fullBrooklyn; fellowships—and and David the Wandera great majority from are Nairobi. teachers of color who work in urban public schools. Many of these teachers have won local, regional, and even some national awards. For Lawrence teachers, studying at Bread Loaf where Robert Frost lived and taught for more than 40 years has special meaning: Frost was a Lawrence High graduate.

paint, s & lead e c n fe nk chain li saints, leaning m & candle ,” o s fr n io it I am t s r e s Mio and sup “hay Dio d n a Black-h ” a uchach sticks, “Cono m ce frio” pincho ais si ha d p n e a t s s e le ks, “En en bott ival tric m brok ith carn w ls I am fro a , iv n t to tino Fes Reggae Loud La ata, and h c a B , ue on.” Mereng alchich ck, ta con s le ip ame ba r c t I “Un , b ut e v a le o dt k, on trac I wante t my life o roam, g o y t ll a e . I fin choos y a is home m I er t place s e acher, m Wherev r a 2010), te , the w W d n W e L s. B e z (A In th ce, Mas ia Nuñe Lawren —Patric


As I wor k on my master’s degr ee at t he Middlebury Br ead Loaf School of English, I see how impor tant language is and how much my students r eally need someone to teach t hem how to navigate our global socie ty t hrough language. Through Br ead Loaf I have me t teachers from all types of schools, neighborhoods, and backgrounds. My exper ience is testimony to how impor tant t he ne twor k is t hat keeps us toge t her, in communication, and wor king as a team. —Lorena German (ABLWW 2010), teacher, Lawrence, Mass.


ABL Advisory Board The Andover Bread Loaf Advisory Board’s role is to provide strategic guidance to assure the program is moving in a path consistent with its mission to promote literacy and educational revitalization in the most economically disadvantaged school systems and communities around the world, particularly in U.S. urban public schools. The Advisory Board also assures adequate staffing and financial resources, and supports the director in his role. Abby J. Shuman ’84, Chair Cambridge, Mass.

Richard B. Gorham ’86 Andover, Mass.

Travis R. Metz ’87 Wellesley, Mass.

Michael T. Cahill ’84 New York, N.Y.

Donald M. Kendall ’85 Weston, Conn.

Scobie D. Ward ’84 Hong Kong

José A. Dobles ’98 Brooklyn, N.Y.

Tucker Levy ’88 Charlestown, Mass.

Ricardo Dobles ’85 Holden, Mass.

Wanda Y. Mann ’90 New York, N.Y.

Suppor t

Donors for Program Year 2011 We gratefully acknowledge the following foundations, organizations, and individuals for their support of the mission and work of Andover Bread Loaf. Each year we rely on their generous gifts of nearly $200,000 that allow Andover Bread Loaf to continue to develop, offer, and expand its programs. Foundations and Organizations


Philip J. Bond

Michelle P. Comeau ’05

Kwadwo Acheampong ’02

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Bower ’90

Andrea R. Coravos ’06

Elaine Giblin Adams ’69

Miriam M. Burke

Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens Foundation

Lloyd M. Cuzzo ’02

Fernando R. Alonso

Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston

Sharyn Bahn

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cadarette

Timothy P.F. Davenport ’80

Jacob M. Bean ’08

Michael T. Cahill ’84

Noelle B. Beatty ’50

Michael R. Ciummei ’08

Dr. & Mrs. James Demetroulakos ’78

Amanda C. Belichick ’03

Margaret W. Coffin ’03

Edward S. & Winifred G. Moseley Foundation

Write to Change, Inc.

Nancy Rogal Cohen ’49


Forrest M. Cox ’09

Mr. & Mrs. F. Burke Dempsey ’80

Robert J. DiSabato Jr. ’95

Tyler A. Jennings ’10

Kathryn M. Moore ’03

Esther Morgo Diskin ’84

Wayne T. Jervis III ’87

Kevin J. O’Brien ’92

Lissette A. Duran ’05

Jonathan M. Judson ’02

Nekia Monique Durant ’01

Emily C. Kalkstein ’94

Akosua A. Oforiwaa-Ayim ’07

William D. Sherrill ’07

James F. Kelly III ’06

Nicholas Olmo ’98

Abby J. Shuman ’84

Tenley E. Eakin ’02

Erin M. Kerrison ’02

Robert C. Spang III ’05

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Engstrom ’48

Jonathan P. Kukk ’86

Drs. Kingsley A. & Sophia A. Orraca-Tetteh

Katrina Moiso Lamkin ’83

Sachiko Ozawa ’99 & Samuel Kit Bunn Lai ’00

Jasmine A. Stovall ’10

Scott M. Lattanzio ’85

Louise Parsons Parry ’90

Thuy T. Le ’03

Allison E. Picott ’88

Tucker Levy ’88

Cynthia G. Riley

Anna C.R. Lewis ’00

Samuel S. Robfogel ’91

Malik D. Lewis ’02

Dr. & Mrs. Ernesto Valdesolo

Christopher P. Rokous ’80

Edwin L. Velez ’04

Jonathan D. Ross-Harrington ’00

Scobie D. Ward ’84

William Faulkner ’09 Dean H. Felch ’02 Zachary S. Fine ’11 Todd J. Fletcher ’87 Andre A. Gardner ’90 Martha Abbruzzese Genieser ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Georges Steve Glenn ’83 Michael Gottfried & Maureen Byrne Peter M. Gravallese ’80 Todd A. Harris ’95 Jessica Olans Hausman ’01

Angela S. Lorenz ’83 & Giovanni Figliomeni Aimee Thorpe MacFarlane ’80

Katherine D. & Stephen C. Sherrill ’71 Suzanne E. Sherrill ’80

Michael T. Spiak ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Elwin Sykes Aba N. Temeng ’06 Andrew S. Tonelli ’02

Jed D. Walentas ’92 Taylor B. Washburn ’03

Duncan L. MacFarlane ’80

Daniel B. Rowland ’58 & Wendy Bolton Rowland ’60

Danielle S. Makrauer ’94

Martha C.H. Schnure ’06

Larry Wedding

Jonathan P. Malkiel ’90

Christopher Sheridan Winn Shannon ’07

Christopher A. White ’93

James J. Mangan ’98 Wanda Y. Mann ’90

Jane L. Herzeca ’05

Brenda McCarthy

Alanna H. Hughes ’04

Elizabeth A. McHenry ’83

John M. Hugo ’98

Joshua R. McLaughlin ’02

Oriekose E. Idah ’11

Jadele E. McPherson ’01

Uzoma K. Iheagwara ’04

Travis R. Metz ’87

Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Shannon Masood A. Sheikh George H. Shenk & Georgia Lee, P’12

Nathaniel L. Waters ’95 Juma O. Waugh ’98

Victoria A. Wilmarth ’09 Adam K. Wise ’83 Cecelia C. Worthington ’08 Torrance B. York ’84 Anonymous (6)

Daniel S. Janis III ’79


The Exper ience of My Grandpa’s Deat h When I was watching N C I S , I went back to all t hose memor ies and said to myself, I miss him. N C I S was our favor ite show. It locked me in a dar k close t and gave me all t he memor ies back. I knew t hat in my wor ld he is alive but in a differ ent wor ld he is dead. But t hat’s not r eally t he point. The point is t hat it flashes me back every time I watch t he show. I say my prayers for him, may God bless. Once t he memor ies ar e in my head, t hey do not come out until alone time. I feel bad for my Grandpa because he has been t hrough a lot of pain. He went t hrough cancer surgery, ear infection, broken finger and ot her pain. My Grandpa was a good man he was never in t he st r ee t he never fought someone. He never got into a problem.

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The next day I didn’t r emember anyt hing except my Grandpa was dead. When my Grandpa died I felt like a little tiny baby ant being squashed by t he wor ld’s biggest Giant. I felt lonely watching N C I S alone. I felt sor ry for my Grandpa and I felt devastated. I t hought I was broken into 1,000,000 pieces I t hought I was a nobody. I suffer wit hout him. It’s like being t rapped in a dar k spooky cave. I will never forge t t he time my grandpa told me when he dies he is still gonna be wit h me. Just feel my hear t and he’s inside. —Anthony, 3rd grader, Lawrence, Mass.

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Andover Bread Loaf Phillips Academy 180 Main Street Andover MA 01810-4161 978-884-8452


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