Andover Astronomy

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Astronomy at Andover

Community Open Houses

Children’s Open Houses • Open Houses for Faculty and Staff Children: 9/21, 10/28, 12/1, 1//12, 2/15, 4/12, 5/24 • Open House for Pike School 12/18

The Roaming Meade • A 10” Meade will be travelling around to the Cluster Deans’ homes this year, to be used for fun at cluster events.

Classes • Physics 440

– A one-term survey elective, this course meets every Tuesday night in the observatory (in place of Wednesday’s class).

• Physics 530

– Offered in the winter term only, students taking this new research elective will make extensive use of the observatory to conduct original scientific research.

Extracurricular Astronomy • You don’t have to be in a class to enjoy the observatory, or even to be involved in research projects. • I am willing to take on additional work duty students if there is interest (and if I can work it out with the Dean of Students).


Research Page

Using Archived Images • Variable star search • Moving object search

NITARP – what’s left?

•Paper •Detecting exoplanet transits?

All Sky Meteor Camera •New System, installed in July 2012 •Video capture of meteors is pretty “cutting edge” in amateur astronomy •System will measure oTime oPosition oBrightness oAngular Velocity oOrbital Characteristics Meteor Maps

Automation • Ongoing project to control telescope with Astronomical Control Program • Allows for acquisition of multiple targets each night • Telescope may be controlled remotely through a web connection

Remote Observatory Study • Andover Alumnus wants to research the cost of installing a remote observatory on Mount Hopkins in Arizona. Looking for a student willing to put together a proposal for a remote site. • We may have a chance to be involved with using that facility in the future.

Trip to Maria Mitchell Observatory?!?

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