Blue Guidon - Fall 2020

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The Blue Guidon The Newsletter of Andover and the Military

Fall 2020

Our Military Today: A New Generation Speaks To Serve—and To Be Tested By Capt. Taylor Perkins, USAF, ’12

I have found in my short career that personnel recovery is an oft unknown mission across the services. While every component is required to provide their own personnel recovery forces down range, every component fills this need differently. For the Air Force, this takes the form of the Guardian Angel Weapon system—a combination of enlisted Pararescuemen and Survival Evasion Resistance Escape (SERE) specialists, led by Combat Rescue Officers (CROs). The Guardian Angel Weapon system fields teams of operators who are rescue and recovery specialists trained in advanced insertion and extraction methods as well as rescuing personnel from almost any situation. After graduating from the Air Force Academy in summer 2016, I commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant and began the two-year training pipeline to become a CRO. The pipeline consisted of 10 different schools and trained me in open- and closed-circuit diving; static line and free fall parachuting; basic and advanced survival techniques; high angle/mountain, confined space, and collapsed structure rescue; small unit tactics; and weapons proficiency.

Upon graduating the pipeline, I earned the coveted maroon beret and returned to my unit to begin my team commander upgrade, which is an additional six months of training to prepare me to lead a pararescue team in personnel recovery operations in combat. Since then, I have deployed to the Bahamas to conduct civil search and rescue missions after Hurricane Dorian and to Afghanistan to conduct personnel recovery operations in the United States Central Command Area of Responsibility. On my deployment to Afghanistan I had time to think about why I joined, and where that path was leading me. I joined to serve, as I imagine most did. I saw service as an opportunity to be tested, to deploy and fight, and to be weighed and measured. Simply put, I desired to go to war, to be in the thick of it, and to truly know combat. I never saw this urge as morbid but understood it as a desire to determine my worth in the ultimate crucible. I saw combat as a chance to understand how I would act and react—which is to say I wanted to find out what I was made of. Perhaps it is A New Generation Speaks continued on page 2

U.S Air Force Capt. Taylor Perkins ’12 (fourth from left) stands with his team on the flight line at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, prior to a training jump operation.

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Blue Guidon - Fall 2020 by Phillips Academy - Issuu