PALS: Standardized Testing Applications

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Information about Standardized Testing for High School Applications

Testing website

High School Placement Test (HSPT)

Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT)

Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) gistration/static/boston.php /isee-overview

Length of time 2 hours, 30 minutes to 3 hours Verbal Skills Mathematics Subjects covered Quantitative Skills Reading Language 298 questions Verbal Skills- 60 Mathematics - 64 Quantitative Skills - 52 Number of questions Reading - 62 Language – 60 (Mechanical Aptitude, Science, and Catholic Religion may also be tested) Cost of exam $40 Percentile Scoring Scaled score ranging from 200800 No penalty for wrong answers Calculators are not allowed All multiple choice Retaking the test is strongly discouraged Other information

3 hours, 10 minutes

2 hours, 50 minutes

Verbal Quantitative (Math) Experimental (not scored) Reading Writing

Verbal Reasoning Mathematics Achievement Quantitative Reasoning Reading Comprehension

105 questions Verbal - 60 Quantitative Math - 50 Experimental - 16 Reading - 40 Writing – 1 prompt (not scored, but used by schools to assess writing skills)

160 questions Verbal Reasoning – 40 Mathematics Achievement – 47 Quantitative Reasoning - 37 Reading Comprehension - 36 Essay – 1 prompt


Online Registration - $140 Phone Registration - $170

Percentile Percentile Scaled scoring from 1500 to 9 percentile ranges (stanines) 2400 Scaled from 3040 to 3760 Penalty for wrong answers: ¼ No penalty for wrong answers point Calculators are not allowed, Calculators are not allowed. unless approved with specific accommodations Available in both online and paper testing Available in both online and paper testing formats (depends SSAT at Home is now an on location) option; students take test via a secure browser ISEE at Home is now an option; students take test via a secure Experimental section is not testing application scored Does not encourage multiple Do not lose points for testing, but allows the test to be skipping a question taken up to 3 times per school year

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