PALS 2020 Annual Report

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2020 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS OUR MISSION Founded in 1988, PALS is an academic-year tutoring and high school preparation program for students from the city of Lawrence, Massachusetts. PALS, which stands for Phillips Academy, Andover, and Lawrence Schools, brings middle schoolers together with tutors from Phillips

In its first year under the leadership of new director Nicole Shadeed, the 2019–2020 PALS program underwent important changes to its overall structure and format:

 HIGH SCHOOL APPLICATION SUPPORT—In fall and winter, on-site, school-based counselors supported nearly 30 8th-grade PALS participants as they navigated the high school application process.

 TUTORS AS TEACHERS—Fifteen Phillips Academy and Andover High School students met weekly in winter and early spring to develop curriculum and deliver their lessons to our middle schoolers.

Academy and Andover High School—for the benefit of all.

 REMOVING BARRIERS—Unlike previous years, PALS was open to all interested 7th- and 8th-graders

WHO WE SERVE PALS works with students beginning in the spring of 6th grade and provides programming through the summer before high school.

in our partner schools during the 2019–2020 academic year. We welcomed 48 different students to our three spring sessions. (Four additional sessions were cancelled due to the pandemic.)

 REMOTE SELF-STUDY SUMMER 2020—Continuing to remove issues of access, every student who requested an application for PALS Summer 2020 was invited to participate in our four-week program in July.


 FOCUS ON MINDFULNESS—Daily meditation videos and guided journals were central to the PALS

Along with academic enrichment, study skills, and

summer experience, helping students learn to better navigate emotions, build resilience, and

learning strategies, PALS provides information about high

cultivate a growth mindset.

school options and support for a successful transition to secondary school.

 DIGITAL RESOURCES—PALS’ redesigned website is now a great resource for local students, families, and school counselors. It offers a high school application video series that includes how to apply for financial aid, plus information and advice for new high school students.

Visit to learn more about the people and impact of PALS.

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