March-April 2010

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publisher’s page


“You May Say That I’m a

But I’m Not the Only One.”

Current photo taken February 2010 by Joe Chielli, Church Street Studios

6 I PhillyFIT

There I was, in middle of the dance floor, being twirled about by a dashing, young Travolta. The illuminated color-block floor was keeping time with the sound of the Bee Gees. That’s right. I was a disco diva and my skirt was flared out, my tube top sparkled with sequins and I was “more than a woman.” I was a dancing machine – a force with which to be reckoned. As my hair glistened in the light of the disco ball and onlookers marveled at our perfectly synchronized moves, I felt euphoric (It was a natural high. My dreams are drug free, thank you.) My body was toned and tanned, my skin was radiant and I was the envy of every woman in the joint…or so I thought. We continued to strut our stuff and stun the crowd. We were nearing our jawdropping lift and dip combo finale. We were unstoppable and it felt good. As John lifted me up I felt light, blissful and could see everyone pointing at me below. As my body made its way down for the final dip, I noticed everyone was dumbfounded and gasping. I was thinking, “Yes people, this is a tricky move, but he never drops me.” The pointing and gasping continued for a few moments as I smiled big in the direction of my new adoring fans. Then I realized I was completely naked! Travolta was still clad in classic black and white and I was in the buff – for all to see. The pointing and the gasping were due to my lack of clothes, which magically flew off during the lift, without my realization – WTF! Just then, I awoke a sweaty mess, head spinning, heart beating and with a terrible Night Fever.

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Turns out, dreams in which the dreamer suddenly becomes mortified at realizing he or she is naked often indicate vulnerability or fear. The nakedness in the dream indicates a fear that other people see through you and see how you are truly feeling. In these dreams, clothes represent concealment and hiding, so being stripped of clothes can mean being left defenseless and exposed. This is one of the most common forms of the naked dream. Okay, so what am I hiding you are wondering? Well, nothing really, or that I am aware of. Though, I must say, that I relish and crave that happy state in my dream right before my clothes flew off. I loved feeling elated and fit! And well, 2010 is my year to get back to that “happy place,” (which has started with multiple trips to the gym.) I’m obsessed with reconnecting with the people, places and things that make me float and I’m determined to lasso some happiness with or without Travolta. John Lennon’s dream was different. He dreamt about a peaceful world (a far cry from my disco fantasy gone wrong). He spoke of no need for greed or hunger and a brotherhood of man. His dream was popularized through music and provided a cultural anthem or backdrop for an era of harmony and love. And although the song, some say the best song ever written, debuted in 1971, its sentiment is timeless. For many of us, we continue to hope for a world united, a world of understanding and unity. If he were alive today, I wonder if Lennon would say we’re all a little closer to his vision. Perhaps he’d say we’re further away from it. Although I think the earthquake in Haiti was a reminder that we all do in fact need to come together in times of crisis, in order to make the world a happier place. Could one little song have impacted millions of people across generations? I noticed that they played this song (Dreamer) on New Year’s Eve in Times Square during the big confetti drop. And I’ll tell ya, it sure did seem like the packed-in revelers (strangers) were one as they swayed in time, arm and arm, with the music. They flashed peace sign after peace sign to the cameras that panned a thousand faces a minute. This got me thinking about dreams in general – whether they’re about peace or, as some men might put it, a piece of ass. Some dream about the past, stepping back in time. Some dream about the future as in Lennon’s case. Can dreams actually “will” something to happen in reality? Can you increase the chances of something happening just by thinking about it? Maybe nothing happens until you really think about it, but by imprinting a thought in your mind it may bring you closer to it actually occurring. As Carl Sandburg said, “Nothing happens unless first a dream.” For folks who know me, they already get that I’m a bit of an oddball when it comes to “seeing things, knowing things and feeling things.” I’m not a witch, but I do get FOFs (Flashes of the Future) from time to time. And what’s fortunate, or sometimes unfortunate, I often can’t recall much from my past. In all honesty, the impetus of most of my premonitions can be traced back to a dream that I might have had the night before. Sometimes, the dreams are good, even super sexy (hey, I’m only human), but other times they’re dreadful. I wonder why that is. I have to deal with “things” during my waking day, so

then when I finally get to lie down, in that all-too-comfy bed of mine, can’t I just relish bliss for even a few wee hours? Let’s just say I relate to that TV show “Medium.” I can’t reconstruct a crime scene, but sometimes I do tap into glimpses of occurrences yet to happen in real life. It’s downright eerie! I totally freak myself out. For example, two and a half years ago, I dreamt that I was having a little girl. I saw her image clearly in my mind — curly golden brown locks, light stunning eyes, slightly tanned skin, medium height and weight. I told Lloyd all about her during our New Year’s Eve dinner of 2007. We smiled about that little girl vision. I described how I dreamt all about her and her strong passionate personality. And wouldn’t ya know it, we had already just conceived her, and had no clue when I was telling him about her, that very night! I could have “sensed” it, or maybe the fact that I had dreamt it the night before follows my “typical” scenario — it comes true. The irony of the story is that not in a million years did I ever believe that I was going to have another child. The discussion was more like a realization, “Oh bummer, by the time we wed, we’ll simply be too old to start over with a child of our own.” So we pretty much abandoned the idea of conceiving and were just pleased to be sharing each other’s children, conceived from past relationships. I was in the prime of my magazine launch/career and I had only known Lloyd for nine months. Often my dreams these past several years are near realities of the truth. I recently read that the reason why we seem to remember those “not so good” imaginings, or dreams, in more detail than the bed-rocking hot ones, are because these thoughts carry with them a message or a sign that something needs to be adjusted in our personal waking lives. It’s our body’s way of making us pay attention: Scary dreams are more likely to roust you and make you think! But oddly, it’s usually NOT about the person about whom you are dreaming. It’s just a metaphor and the core of the message can be found in the actions, not the moral fabric of the characters featured in the dream. Not too long ago, I shared with you my struggle having to do with some true downers recently in my life. I mentioned that I was working diligently to deal with them. Needless to say, my dreams have kicked into “high gear” since then. They are almost always powerfully intense. But unfortunately, I remember this one particular reoccurring dream when it comes, and it’s sort of starting to give me the heebie-jeebies. It stems around animals in dire need of rescue. They are hungry, severely neglected and barely hanging on. Most of the animals are beautiful horses, bound in cages (as opposed to stalls), and lined up along the ocean’s coast. Some cats and dogs are always in the background, and sometimes there are even fish in weird, almost empty water tanks. The ocean’s water is about a foot high, and these helpless creatures are in their cages, in the water, left to deal with standing in the water 24/7! Obviously, this is not good, and the water begins to destroy their hooves and bring on hyperthermia. I’m scrambling like a mad woman, trying to put water in the fish tanks, get the horses OUT of those cages, but I can’t seem to make a dent! Then I awake, to

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find sweat pouring down my body and tears rolling down my face. I feel terrible. So, here’s where the next level of freakiness kicks in. As always, some kind of sign comes along, to give me the answers that I long for when trouble overcomes my life. One night, after one of those “horses in cages” nightmares, I flick on the TV, only to find we only have a few working channels (we were waiting for our cable provider to fix the problem.) I’m scrolling through snow channels and nothing seems to be coming in clearly. Then suddenly, I land on a channel that was featuring a show about interpreting dreams! Yes, this is a true story. (All of my Pub Pages are, just an FYI.) I was mesmerized! It was so weird, but it was as if the narrator was talking exclusively to me. A well-known guru from India or some other spiritual third-world country hosted the show. She began to dissect a nightmare for a truth-seeker in need of interpretation. The man described his reoccurring dream and explained that it has to do with “rising water.” The eerie and mystical – yet fascinating, old woman told him that rising water meant that he had a broken soul, sad or damaged by actions that others have caused to him. The man was devastated to learn of her analysis. In his native country, the mantra he followed was that one truly lives by following one’s own soul. A broken soul was making his life painful. Thankfully, the spine-chilling clairvoyant gave him hope that with some soul searching and deep introspection, he could rebuild his life, he could save his soul, and one day when he is “healed” he would have the dream again, only the water will swell and then recede. Of course, the receding water means the damaged soul has been fixed. That vision would be his “sign” that he was once again at peace and whole. Incidentally, upon telling my sister Lori about this dream, turns out she has the same exact reoccurring dream about the horses in cages with rising water. However, the horses are actually cats in her vision. Weird, right? Just another oddity about my big sis and me – like connected twins we are. I am “over” dismissing paying attention to all these “signs” around me, and have vowed to stop brushing them under the rug. I am finally paying attention to my intrinsic gift. How fortunate that I seem to have these foreboding insights. Now the trick is to use them wisely, let them sort of guide you but not let them control or consume you. Could this be a blessing only realized during mid-life? I am now feeling the push and pull of the universe within my life, and I like it. It finally makes sense to me. Man, all those years of “wise old souls” giving me advice – I brushed them away sort of like how people tend to brush off the neighborhood cat lady. But now, I vividly see, hear and feel what is going on around me. Do you? My radar is up for meaning. My heart is open to (supernatural) messages. I am no longer chalking up occurrences to coincidence. I’m connecting with my surroundings and reflecting on what they may mean. How about you? Will it take your own personal “signs and messages” to perhaps make you wake up and take notice of things that need some attention in your life? Perhaps by merely reading this month’s Pub Page, that could be your sign? Maybe reading about my experiences (ups and downs) will potentially 8 I PhillyFIT

inspire you to get your life back on track? If that is the case, I look forward to writing my pages. Paying attention to life’s inner meanings is as important as those outer ones. I was sharing this Publisher’s Page idea with a colleague, and much to my surprise, he shared with me that for many years he used to dream he was being chased, by someone or something. It tormented him. At a certain point in his life, he decided to let out some haunting skeletons in his closet that so many of us often hold on to forever. Since that day, his dreams never re-occurred. Gone…poof! The notion that dreams stem from some sort of guilt or anxiety in one’s waking life is very believable to me. As it turns out, being chased in a dream is directly correlated to running away from one’s own problems in real life or not being able to confront someone with the truth. Some people don’t believe that dreams can be deciphered, but I do to some degree. There’s a pretty comprehensive, free “dream interpreter tool” at Or, there are tons of other sites out there too; most of them are pretty interesting and if nothing else, some good entertainment. The developers of this site believe that “a dream unifies the body, mind, and spirit. It provides you with insight and a means for self-exploration. In understanding your dreams, you will have a better understanding and discovery of your true self.” This idea is intriguing to me. I had a personal trainer once, who believed in the power of private thought. “Jami,” he said, “just imagine yourself at your ideal weight with the physical improvements that you desire (i.e. six pack abs, toned arms and calves, etc.). If you are at rest, you are likely to actually see a vision of the SUPER-YOU in your mind and therefore be one step closer to your vision.” And so that night I went home and pictured myself as a triumphant Olympiad. I was cut, downright ripped! I was full of energy and glowed like a goddess. But as Debbie Gibson put it, “It was only in my dreams.” In reality, I still had a few thousand workouts to log. But he was right about that vision. First the mind has to imagine a new you, then the body can catch up. I played with a few key words and phrases while visiting and found that the interpretations of body image dreams were absolutely fascinating. According to my findings: To dream that you are fat signifies a fortunate change in your life or you may be overindulgent. A more literal interpretation of this dream points to fears of chunking up. You could have a skewed perception of your own body image, stemming from low self-esteem. To dream that others are fat signifies prosperity. (That’s interesting. I am going to dream that everyone I know is fat tonight!) To dream that you are obese denotes lack of self-esteem and overindulgence. It may signify your hopelessness and helplessness to express and assert power and authority in general. This dream may also mean that you are trying to insulate yourself from your surroundings. You want to insulate yourself from any involvement in a situation. To dream that you are underweight implies that you need to

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work harder at something. You may also be way out of your league in some situation. To dream that you are losing weight indicates that you are no longer being weighed down. It is as if something has been lifted off your shoulders. Just for the heck of it, I did poll a few of my close friends— both male and female. My non-scientific survey included mostly professional working people in their late thirties/early forties. I was most interested in finding out if gender had a role in dreamland. I thought for sure that the majority of men dreamt about sex straight through the night. But I was wrong. Turns out, guys dream about money and the benefits that could come with extra cash (boys and their toys). Women were the ones dreaming about sex. Well, more like romance and love – less about the hardcore stuff. Women dreamt about fantasies – like George Clooney knocking on the door one night with roses and chocolate begging for unconditional love! Men were more about relaxing on an island or zipping around James Bond style in a tricked-out speedboat. In real life, generalizations are made that men are dogs who spend every eighth second thinking about a sex act of some sort and women often get a bad wrap for being labeled as gold-diggers – obsessed with money and the “good life.” Go figure! According to the dream dictionary, found at, dreaming about exercise is an omen of good luck if you enjoyed that particular workout in your dream. But if it was tiring or painful workout, the dream can then be perceived as a warning of sorts to avoid forcing any issues. In other words, don’t push or try to get an answer out of someone for a few weeks. Perhaps working out in your dreams releases the same chemicals in your body as an active workout. I’ll tell ya, I could use some of those nightly endorphins. But, in my gut, I think I’ve got to get to the gym for that natural high. I’m no John Lennon, but if I did write a song asking people to imagine, I’d ask them to imagine themselves healthy, fit and well-balanced: Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. I call it the ‘ole PES Circle. In order to feel centered, I know that in my life, I must have all three of these elements in alignment or my world just feels askew. If you imagine yourself in tip-top shape then you are bound to get there. If you imagine that you have inner peace and contentment, you will strive harder and reach that goal sooner. If you dream that life is sweet, full of hope and promise, you will go through your days with optimism and gusto. Remember, getting to “happy” is the goal. Tonight, close your eyes and try to tap into your dreams.


DID YOU KNOW…. • One-third of your lives is spent sleeping.


• In an average lifetime, you would have spent a total of about six years of it dreaming. That’s more than 2,100 days spent in a different realm! • Dreams have been here as long as mankind. Back in the Roman Era, striking and significant dreams were submitted to the Senate for analysis and interpretation. • Everybody dreams. EVERYBODY! Simply because you do not remember your dream does not mean that you do not dream. In fact, you have several dreams during a normal night of sleep. • Dreams are indispensable. A lack of dream activity can mean protein deficiency or a personality disorder. • On average, you can dream anywhere from one or two hours every night. Moreover, you can have four to seven dreams in one night. • Blind people do dream. Whether visual images appear in their dream depends on whether they were blind at birth or became blind later in life. But vision is not the only sense that constitutes a dream. Sounds, tactility, and smell become hypersensitive for the blind and their dreams are based on these senses. • Five minutes after the end of the dream, half the content is forgotten. After ten minutes, ninety percent is lost. • Men tend to dream more about other men, while women dream equally about men and women. • Dreamers who are awakened right after REM sleep, are able to recall their dreams more vividly than those who slept through the night until morning. • People who are giving up smoking have longer and more intense dreams. • If you are snoring, then you cannot be dreaming. • In a poll, sixty-seven percent of Americans have experienced déjà vu in their dreams, occurring more often in females than males.

All the best, • It is very normal for males to experience an erection during the REM stage of sleep, even when they are not dreaming anything of a sexual nature. ** Souce:

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PHILLYFITfamily Published by: Jalynn Concepts, LLC Publisher: Jami Appenzeller Art Design: Buxmont Media Copy Editors: Heather Hoehn, Bev Appenzeller Distribution Manager: Jim Appenzeller Cover Photography: Photo of Kelly Smith by Bill Mason Images. Photo of AJ provided. Action-shot live photographer: Steve Hunn Publishers Page: Photography by Joe Chielli, Church Street Studios Editorial Research: Beverly Appenzeller Ad Sales: Jami Appenzeller Rita Henry Lori Carroll

PhillyFIT, I recently read your two most recent issues, and while I'm not typically inspired to comment, I was impressed with Jami's openness and candor in her Publisher’s Pages. I suppose the sharing of painful experiences serves both the writer and the reader. I guess that's the point isn't it? So...thank you. Jami’s references Dr. Phil and Tony Robbins, both good life coaches. Dr. Stephen R. Covey also offers some profound and straightforward guidance. Thanks for a great magazine. And best of luck to all of you and to Jami too in getting back to a “good place.” Joe McCann

JamiI'm not a commuter but happened to take the Bryn Mawr train to Center City today and mused through a copy of your magazine while aboard. That's some article you wrote about your newly resolved self! Very passionate and equally compelling! Having had a very productive career in the media and as an apostle of exercise, diet and sleep as the basics for a happy life, I identified (to a point) with you and with your message. Michael Colleran

Philly’s Fittest Photographer: Bill Mason All inquires are welcome... Call us NOW! 215-396-0268 Fax: 215-396-0288 Advertising Deadlines: Reservations for the May/June 2010 issue: Ad Copy Due By: April 5, 2010 Payment Due By: April 10, 2010

PhillyFIT Magazine is a news magazine with emphasis on health, fitness and leisure. PhillyFIT Magazine is printed bi-monthly, distributing 50,000 magazines to more than 2,000 locations in the Philadelphia, Bucks, Delaware, Chester and Montgomery Counties. Address all submissions of advertising, calendar entries, photos, inquiries and letters to the above address. PhillyFIT Magazine does not assume responsibility for unsolicited materials. PhillyFIT Magazine will assume that all unsolicited materials are being submitted for possible publication and should the material be published, no fee is due to the submitting party. It is our understanding that the submitting party holds models' releases on photographs submitted. Physicians' Pages are paid advertisements. PhillyFIT Magazine does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising or editorial content, nor does the Publisher assume responsibility should such advertising or editorial appear. PhillyFIT Magazine reserves the right to edit letters to the editor and other submissions for clarity and space availability, and to determine suitability of all materials submitted for publication. Before implementing any exercise or diet modification mentioned in PhillyFIT Magazine, readers are advised to consult with their physicians. No reproductions of printed material are permitted without the consent of the Publisher. All rights reserved.

Jami, I read the Jan/Feb Publisher’s Page and was really sorry to see the events that had taken place. I can truly relate to your son and his situation with his BF. I had the same thing happen to me that I still deal with every day. When I was 20, my BF got killed in a car crash, 21 years to the day of his birth. It had a profound effect on my life, from that day on. I, at one point was unable to deal with the reality of death. It took a long time before anyone, as close as him to me, to die, especially tragically. I can remember things being exactly how you described in the Page. I just want to stress keeping your guidance and instilling in him the things that you believe in. This was the problem for me. My parents thought that, because I was so busy, with work and school, I would be able to cope. They were wrong. Those two elements of my life only helped me to mask what pain I was really feeling. That was where outside influences can come in and ruin everything, no matter how positive it may seem, from the outside looking in. Be sure to take time to find out how he is feeling, from time to time. He will appreciate it and

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Claudine Ascher

Cathy McCarthy Susan McInerney

you, as his BF, will feel more secure in knowing that he is okay. I know you are probably in touch with his feelings, but I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't share this with you. Peace and Love, Ron Johnson Jami, Your Jan/Feb Publisher’s Page blew me away. I believe you will find that so many readers will relate to what you shared as well as take the time to lift your spirits. I'll think of you as I continue to take action in being healthy in spirit, mind and body. Keep your head up Jami. Thank you for the reminder that life is so precious. Including our own! " Kristin Dodd Thompson Jami, When I read your letter just now in the new issue...I could not believe it, it sounded like my roller coaster year....I could not seem to get off! I buried my Mom this year and one thing or another was thrown my way. I don't have the time to grieve her, I have no choice but to keep going...but your letter this month made me realize its not just me. Hey Jami, my dearest friend Mary and I kind of went our own way, she was to me the same kind of friend you mentioned in your letter...I could not believe just how much I missed her! I spent every day hoping we could work things out! Just like you, this is a rare friendship and we Miss it! No Secrets. Marlene Zeno Jami, Now, THAT was an inspiring article. (Jan/Feb pub page, "Who needs New Years Resolutions.") Steven Hunn Hey JamiI love the article that I read of yours, the Jan/Feb Publisher’s Page, and now I will start clicking on the back issues to read more! Fitness has really changed my life, I can relate so many positive outcomes in my life to a physical exercise. It does so much for me! The part that I identified with most, was the part “What you put in is what you get out, if you aren't saying positive things to other people, maybe it's because you have a negative perception of yourself; therefore, the idea of offering praise to others just confirms your own

Jami, I love the article you wrote this month, and my deepest sympathy to your son’s friends family, I am truly sorry to have read that! As usual, you are always inspiring me to be and do better, thank you!! Shabana Steen Jami, I can relate very well with your Pub Page in the last issue (New Year’s Resolutions, who needs ‘em anyway.) Your strength is contagious!! Ed McIlvaine Jami, I just got back from the Doctors office because my son is sick with strep. I saw a copy of your Jan/Feb PhillyFIT and grabbed it. I read your article and was so moved and proud! You have the guts to write so honestly, that you are only human and are going through such a difficult time. It makes me so proud to know you and to have gone through school with you. It doesn't even feel like 25 years have passed since I have seen you. You are so talented and moved me so much with your pain. Jami, I wish you the time it takes to heal speedy but we are all diffferent. God Bless you and your family. Lisa Glace Davis

to challenge us!

Kristine Labhart Lloyd Yancey

lowly self-image." I can't tell you how important seeing this in black and white meant to me! A few years back, I was at a pretty low point in my life, one of my best friends had gotten married, bought a house, and was at a great place in her life. I couldn't even be happy for her, or be there to share those happy times because I had such a bad perception of myself. I'm not in that place anymore and our relationship is back on track. But when I see her I'm going to apologize because now I can see why I acted that way. So thank you, sometimes you have to be in that bad place, or experience that not-so perfect behavior in order to really “get it.” Also, the Sex and the City reference was great! I can relate many of my life experiences to a SATC episode. Frequent phone calls start off with, "You know that time when Miranda...!" I'm really looking forward to meeting you! Iris Magid The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Rebecca Ritter Charles Peeples

Heather Hoehn Julius King

Michael Volpicelli

The PhillyFIT Magazine Challenge Team is throwing down the gauntlet, and accepting any and all challenge offers. If you have something new and unique in the world of health and fitness, and would like our Challenge Team to put it to the test, tell us about it. We'll take your challenge. Our team knows no limits. If you have something related to health, fitness, nutrition, healthy dining... whatever, invite us to take your challenge. We'll send our crew to your location to test your product or service and our experience and results will be written up in an upcoming edition of PhillyFIT Magazine. You might beat us... we might beat you. Either way, you can expect great exposure --- and FUN for all. Our team brings to the table a wealth of experience and wide range of backgrounds. We are available in teams of three or as a large as our entire group. (Some team members are not featured in this photo). Call 215-396-0268 or contact for pricing details and to schedule a CHALLENGE.

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BORDERS ZUMBA® FITNESS ON THE FRONT LINES, HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS in the U.S. and BEYOND By David Topel, Licensed Zumba® Fitness Instructor

Among the biggest challenges in today’s American youth population is childhood obesity. There’s no denying it – US children have staggering numbers of health and psychological problems due to a lack of exercise, poor diets and accessibility to fast food restaurants that have only recently been forced to take consumer health into consideration.

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According to the CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) more than one third of U.S. adults – more than seventy-two million people – and sixteen percent of U.S. children are obese. Since 1980, obesity rates for adults have doubled and rates for children have tripled. These obesity rates are among all groups in society, irrespective of age, sex, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status or education. Add to that the unprecedented crisis in the U.S. Healthcare system and systems around the world, which cannot meet the needs of a significant portion of the world’s population.

Many health problems in adults are the direct result of a lack of physical fitness. Illnesses related to obesity, poor circulation and lack of mobility have created an overwhelming burden upon already ineffective health care systems worldwide.

Zumba® Fitness is part of the solution

Created by celebrity fitness trainer, “Beto” Perez, the Zumba program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that can feel more like a night out on the town than a workout at the gym. The goal is simple: To inspire people to want to workout, to love working out and to get hooked on fitness. And those who do can achieve exceptional long-term benefits while expe-

riencing an absolute blast in one exciting hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life!

The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt the body while burning fat. Add some Latin flavor and international zest into the mix and you’ve got a Zumba Fitness class!

While Zumba Fitness instructors are not conducting surgery or dropping supplies into foreign lands – our message is much more subtle than that. We carry the tools for improved health and attitudes hidden within the fun and excitement of a one hour, interval training fitness party. The result is that Zumba Fitness is on the front lines of a movement that is chipping away at the problem of childhood obesity and adult illnesses directly related to a lack of exercise and physical fitness. And, we are doing it on a world stage. Our message and the essence of Zumba Fitness itself transcends political philosophies, borders, race, ethnicity, culture, age and even physical disability. With the expansion of Zumba Fitness into over seventy-five countries, an approximate five million people taking a Zumba class every week and a specific emphasis on children through Zumbatomic® and the deconditioned through Zumba Gold® and Aqua Zumba®, it has become clear that the message of fun and effective fitness is here to stay. Members of the Zumba Instructors Network (ZIN) have global discussions about everything from how

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

to accommodate different climates, skill levels, ages, physical challenges, safety to the selection of all inclusive international music. Our conversations enlighten, educate and transform a world of fitness instructors into an intimate community. During the recent holiday season ZIN members attempted a shout out from around the world on our international Internet Forum to wish all a happy and healthy holiday and within hours instructors from eighteen countries, including forty-six US states were among that heartfelt conversation – a strong sign of community among the global network of licensed instructors currently exceeding sixty thousand in number.


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with or without medications by a board certified physician LIPODISSOLVE/ MESOTHERAPY Safe and effective non-surgical fat/cellulite dissolving procedure

The Zumba Fitness party is FUN – but don’t let the fun fool you. The effect of Zumba Fitness is creating profound changes in the health and quality of life of millions. Sure, we’ll continue to focus on the fun but in the meantime, every so often it’s good for every Zumba Fitness instructor to stop and let ourselves feel the change that we are creating, that we are part of and the enormity of good that we are helping to carry into the world with each person who returns to their path of health and vitality.


Illnesses relating to childhood obesity and the staggering lack of fitness among adults are serious matters indeed. The irony is that we Zumba Fitness instructors can just keep those deadly statistics to ourselves as we continue to show up and bring on one of the best fitness parties in town! For more information:


Peace Love Zumba!


DAVID TOPEL, INSTRUCTOR Certifications in Basic, Basic 2, Zumba Toning, Zumba Gold Presenter 2009 International Zumba Instructors Convention. As seen on CBS Television, The EARLY Show Co-Founder, Annual New Hope Zumba Festival Contact Dave at

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March/April I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 13



5 6 DAY to

Meals a

hrow away that preconceived notion that three square meals a day is the best dietary prototype when it comes to eating. As Americans, we usually like to think of how we do things as best, but just take a look around at the world’s waistlines and you’ll see that our eating patterns are not ideal. Having lived in Spain and Argentina for extended periods of time, I was left perplexed to why people stayed so skinny in cultures punctuated by hanging salted pig legs and fried bread pockets stuffed with meats and cheeses. These people’s success lays in the fact that they move. People in foreign cities may not be as avid gym members, but they walk many miles a day. This paired with an eating pattern allotting for portion control and more frequent meals keeps their metabolism constantly moving and more balanced. Try splitting your total caloric intake for the day between five to six meals instead of your usual three. By doing so you will help thwart those extreme hunger urges that force you to grab the closest thing to eat, usually being an unhealthy snack that will add empty calories to your diet. By eating every two to three hours, you will help keep your blood sugar levels balanced and stop you from overeating. Another benefit to eating more often is that you have a much better opportunity to take in all the nutrients and RDA’s (recommended daily allowance) of carbs, proteins, and fats. A basic guideline that will work for most people minus athletes and the obese is a daily caloric intake of 20-30 percent fats, 50-65 percent carbohydrates, and 20-25 percent protein. Try to eat as varied as possible taking in lots of fruits and vegetables that have many bodily benefits from getting rid of pimples to improving vision. When eating more often, you will even burn a few extra calories by keeping your digestive tract in motion all day long!

Jeremy is a CPT through the American Counsel on Exercise and works in Miami personal training and running Boot Camps. He writes for various publications on fitness and travel. Contact Jeremy at

14 I PhillyFIT

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

By Jeremy Albelda



Above: Samuel Dalembert watching his shot go in the basket

Left: Elton Brand boxing out Tim Duncan for position to get a rebound

Above: Thaddeus Young going up to block a shot while Rodney Carney and Samuel Dalembert look on.

Left: 76ers fan “Jeff Lustig” and friends cheering during the game

Above: Andrew Black and friends enjoying the 76ers game.

Above: Hip-Hop (76ers mascot) attempting to keep a fan (dressed in a sumo costume) from getting a basketballin the trash can during a time-out.

Above: Lou Williams catching a breath during a stoppage of play.

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PhillyFIT I 15



Move to

By Jeremy Albelda

With the ever-present research on the importance of physical activity, how can we not get moving? The hardest part of starting any workout regiment is always, you guessed it, getting started! Don’t let the notion of sweat and pounding music at your local gym get your blood pressure up before even touching a weight. Getting fit doesn’t necessitate a gym membership to an exclusive fitness center. You can get into great shape in your own home and in the beautiful backdrop of our backyard. All it takes is a little dedication, positive outlook, and of course maybe just a couple beads upon the forehead.

If you’re a complete beginner to the world of physical activity, then take it slowly. The power of walking is under praised. You actually burn around the same amount of calories in traveling from point A to point B, regardless if you walked, jogged, or sprinted. The only difference is when moving faster you will be positively stressing your cardiovascular system more (a good thing), and of course getting to where you’re going faster. This all might be hard to believe, but remember back to your high school physics days when you learned all the equations that somehow govern our universe: W(work)= F (force) x D(distance). This formula signifies that it takes the same amount of energy to move a certain weight a particular distance, regardless of how fast you’re going or how hard you’re huffing and puffing. The faster the better because you will end up burning more calories after the exercise bout in bringing your metabolic state back to a baseline level, as well as strengthening your heart and slew of other physiological advantages. This should be good news for those of you with bad knees or who are just getting started with your new workout protocols and thought the only way to get fit was through intense exercise. It is possible to get just as lean by walking, it will just take longer. Our friend Isaac Newton gave us the gift of gravity, and in addition with the weight of our own bodies, almost every muscle can 16 I PhillyFIT

be worked. Pushups, crunches, sitting in a chair and standing up, and walking the stairs, are all great power building exercises that will prepare your body for more strenuous exercises. You can buy a couple gallon water jugs with handles and use them as a source of resistance. With these two practically costless items you can perform an infinite amount of exercises from bicep curls, to bent over rows, to lunges. Be creative and think of your body anatomically. When is it normal to upwardly pull a heavy weight with your arms completely behind your back? Never! Functionality is the key to building practical power that you can you use in everyday activities as well as extend your longevity. Get creative and think about every exercise you perform and whether it makes sense in your daily life. The human body was designed to work as a unit, meaning multi muscle movements are the most ideal in improving lean tissue ratio to fat, coordination, and overall strength. Bodybuilding is for body builders so don’t get caught up in the idea that this is the only way to resistance train. Train to live!

Jeremy is a CPT through the American Counsel on Exercise and works in Miami personal training and running Boot Camps. He writes for various publications on fitness and travel. Contact Jeremy at

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

800-960-6294 •

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 17

St. Patty’s Style Healthy Chicken Stew


Tried and Tested by John Fairchild • Healthy Cooking Concepts •

Nourishes: 4

Pan Seared Halibut with Artichoke and Tomatoes Tried and Tested by John Fairchild • Healthy Cooking Concepts •

Nourishes: 4

Ingredients 3 cups cooked chicken, cubed 2 T vegetable oil

1/8 cup white/wheat flour mixed ¾ cup sliced mushrooms

1 cup chopped white onion 1 ½ cups carrots, cubed


4 cups reduced sodium chicken stock 3 garlic cloves

4 (4-6 oz.) fillets

1–2 T Vegetable oil plus 1 T for sauce

2 shallots (have slight garlic flavor) or use sweet onion with

1 cup shredded cabbage (1/4 head)

a clove of garlic

2 cups cooked cubed red potatoes

9 ounce bag of frozen artichoke hearts, thawed

½ cup diced celery

¼ cup white wine

1 green bell pepper

1 tsp. each (dried) or 1 T fresh – sage, basil, parsley Handful of fresh spinach

1 cup low sodium chicken stock 1 cup diced tomatoes

½ green pepper, diced

1 tsp. fresh thyme or tarragon (I prefer thyme)

Salt and cracked pepper to taste

Sea salt and cracked black pepper



Cook chicken and potatoes ahead of time. Cool and cut. In a large sauce pan over medium heat, sauté carrots, onions, cabbage and mushrooms in oil for 35 minutes. Stir in flour and cook for 1 minute stirring continuously. Add stock, celery, garlic, peppers and simmer for 10 minutes or until carrots are tender.

Heat pan with oil over a moderate flame. Pat dry fillets, salt and pepper to liking. Gently place fillets in heated pan and cook about 4-6 minutes each side depending on thickness. Remove when fish flakes easily or reaches 145 degrees (very dry if overcooked).

Add chicken, spinach, potatoes and herbs until heated through. About 5 minutes. Season to taste and serve in thick stew bowl. Don’t forget the lager or the stout. The darker the beer – the higher the antioxidants.

Quickly sauté onion/garlic and pepper in the same pan using the remaining oil. Add wine and cook for one minute while scraping bottom of pan. Add tomatoes, artichokes, thyme and stock. Simmer for about 3 minutes. Spoon mixture over fillets and serve.

Nutritional Profile per serving: Cal. 320, Protein 32g, Fat 8b, Carbohydrate 34g

Nutritional Profile per 4 oz. serving:

Cabbage: very good source of fiber, Vitamin A, C, K, B6, folate, magnesium, potassium and manganese.

Cal. 310, Protein 29g, Fat 13g, Low Carbohydrates


Buy small to medium size heavy cabbage with crisp tightly closed leaves. Brown spot free. PURCHASING TIPS

Store in plastic bag, crisper section, in the refrigerator. STORAGE TIPS

18 I PhillyFIT

Halibut: great source of potassium, selenium, protein, magnesium, omega 3’s and B vitamins. FEATURED INGREDIENT

Halibut is coming into season (March) – look for bright firm flesh and fillets should not have a fishy odor. PURCHASING TIPS

Cover with ice, refrigerate covered for up to 2 days. STORAGE TIPS

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

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March/April I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 19

By Jani Actman

For Alyson Rosenfeld, finishing her first marathon in Philadelphia was an arduous task. As Rosenfeld approached the mile thirteen marker, she felt a sense of impending dread as she saw the hill that stretched before her. Feeling the nagging urge to quit and the pain of her persistently aching legs, she suddenly felt an unexpected surge of energy. With renewed vigor, Rosenfeld ran up the hill and did not think about quitting again until she crossed the finish line and finally succumbed to the buckling of her defeated legs. As a member of Team in Training, an endurance sports training program whose participants raise funds to help support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Rosenfeld attributed her newfound strength to the people who she was running for: the leukemia and lymphoma cancer patients and survivors.

“It almost felt like some spiritual force was behind me giving me a gentle push up that hill,” Rosenfeld says. “It felt like it was the presence of someone I was running in memory of, or maybe it was mere coincidence, but I reminded myself that the hill I was facing was a metaphor, on a very minor scale, for the challenges that the people I was running on behalf of were facing during their leukemia and lymphoma diagnoses and treatments.”

20 I PhillyFIT

While not every runner will have a spiritual experience such as Rosenfeld’s, it is well settled that running, particularly the grueling 26.2 miles of a marathon, is a feat that drives not only one’s body to the utmost level of human endurance, but even more so, one’s mind. According to Warren Kay, Villanova University graduate and professor of the course “The Spirituality of Running” at Merrimack College, it is this “mind over matter” quality of running, along with the natural and simplistic nature of the sport, that allows it to be an opportunity for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

In his book, “Running – The Sacred Art: Preparing to Practice,” Kay writes that, “Running encourages simplicity—a principle that tends to foster spiritual growth.” Kay believes that this simplicity helps one experience feelings of freedom and joy while running, feelings that he believes are different from any other that one experiences through purely human activity.

To Kay, who has completed three full marathons and various shorter distance runs, running is one of the most spiritual activities in which one can engage. He finds that running provides him with the time to appreciate the more simple things that life has to offer – such as the splendor of a beautiful sunset, or the beauty of a friendship blossomed during a marathon. “Friendship can be a spiritual thing,” Kay says. “Too often we meet people and we are always worried about what we look like and competing with others, but during a marathon everyone is dressed the same and it is kind of a leveler; we interact as runners and that is spiritual.” Philadelphia native and distance runner, Melissa Wilf, finds running to be a spiritual experience because it gives her time for reflection and self-fulfillment. “If I am having a bad day or feeling down, a long run cures my mind, body, and soul,” says Wilf. “I also find that when I run, I have time to reflect on my life choices and the suffering of others.”

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

But perhaps the most extreme example of the quest for spiritual enlightenment through running comes from the “Marathon Monks,” a group of Buddhists who run 26.2 miles for one hundred consecutive days beginning at 1:30 a.m. each morning. Throughout the night they run and pray, dressed in a white robe and straw sandals.

While for the “Marathon Monks” the quest for spirituality through running is undoubtedly infused with religion, Kay, who is a practicing Christian, believes that one does not need to be religious to find spirituality while running. To her, the concepts are distinguishable.

“While running, people get to take a break from their lives and see the beauty in the world, and they are with themselves, nature, and others,” Kay said. “All barriers are down, and one does not have to believe in God to get in touch with oneself and nature; anyone can do that.” Carly Brodsky, who considers herself a non-practicing Jew, looks to running as a spiritual outlet, rather than engaging in Judaic activities or visiting a synagogue. To me, running is my sanctuary,” Brodsky says. “I do not need to go somewhere to feel spiritual, when I can run and be solitary and completely peaceful.”

Brodsky compares her experiences while running to the spirituality she feels during yoga, an exercise technique that stresses breathing and meditation as a way to gain control of the body and mind. In fact, the comparison between yoga and running is not a new revelation. In his book, Kay notes that yoga and running are similar because they are both a means to “spiritual enlightenment of fulfillment.” When it comes to running, Rosenfeld agrees. Now a Team in Training mentor, Rosenfeld still relies on leukemia and lymphoma cancer patients and survivors to help her endure through her distance runs. “When I think of the cancer patients, I regain the strength and drive to push a little bit harder, even when the physical pain is more than what I thought I could tolerate,” Rosenfeld says. “It is my connection with their spirits that gets me through.”


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PhillyFIT I 21


SARA Y E E L D R Does It Everywhere Interview With A Wrestler with Charles Peeples

I first encountered Sara one night a few years back in the weight-room of the local YMCA. This was before the renovations which brought about its current palatial dimensions; the weight room then was a cramped, overheated, basement lair where few women ventured. She was at the rack doing front-squats--- an awkward, uncomfortable movement which few guys even do--- and using some pretty respectable poundage. “I’m a wrestler, “she answered my inevitable query, “look for Sara Del Rey on YouTube.” I did. And I winced. No matter what you think about Pro Wrestling, there’s no pretending these aren’t highly-skilled and tough athletes. And if you can’t accept the validity of the outcomes, you have to respect the effort, pain and risk involved in the best of these spectacles. It’s one thing to see Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler or his real-life counterparts brutally pounding and slamming each other silly; as enlightened on distaff physicality as I considered myself, seeing women do this took some getting used to… Give us a little about your background, previous athletic pursuits, and the way you got into wrestling. I grew up being a tom-boy; my dad really wanted a boy and I was the best he got, so he got me started in softball when I was young. I played throughout high school but after graduating, I became more interested in Professional Wrestling. Watching a local independent wrestling show I was blown away! I did some research and signed up to be trained, with no idea what I was getting into. I knew it would be hard and I would be no good at first, but I figured if I keep showing up and doing my best one day I was bound to make it. Practice, patience and determination will get you through anything. What’s your typical weight-training workout? I try to change my workouts every month. Every week I vary the reps, sets and weights. A typical lifting day will have all the major groups---back, chest, legs and shoulders. One week I may just do two sets of twenty-five reps with a medium weight. Then the next week, the same exercises with maybe four sets of eight to ten with heavy weights. I found my body responds better to constant changes. Can you give us some details on your eating, supplements, etc, and how has it changed since you started? When I first started training about nine years ago I just ate what I thought was healthy---like carrots! I didn’t pay attention to calories or portion size. I’d heard you should eat every two to three hours, so I was stoked because I love food! Now I am much stricter; I only eat natural foods and weigh everything. I also record everything I eat and the time I eat it. The only supplement I take is a multi-vitamin. Nothing else. 22 I PhillyFIT

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

Those falls, throws, holds and strikes, even though they’re controlled, still look painful and dangerous… tell us about some of your injuries/mishaps. It is really dangerous. I’ve dislocated both my shoulders and knee caps. Broken and chipped a few teeth and broken a few toes. Not to mention countless bumps, bruises and black eyes. The film The Wrestler – how well does it portray the things you’ve observed in the business? It was a very real account of the wrestling business, minus the steroid stuff---I’ve never seen any of that. I’m sure you get tired of hearing people say “it’s all fake” when it’s pretty obvious you have to be a superb athlete to do those stunts. What else would you like the public to know about this sport? I think it’s obvious to most people, especially athletes, that while what we’re doing is just an exhibition, it’s still a very real sport. It takes a lot of hard work and practice. If I could clear up one thing about wrestling or what people know about wrestling I would encourage them to watch ROH on HDNET or go to a CHIKARA live event. Each group has appeal for different reason. CHIKARA is a family-friendly fun group that has the feeling of a live-acted comic series instead of your average wrestling show. ROH is a fast-paced action-packed show. Either is a good alternative to the current televised product and will change your perception of what Pro wrestling is. Tell us about the places you’ve been, your projects, famous people you’ve met, invitations you’ve received, etc, and where you hope to take this. I’ve been really lucky to have been flown to Australia, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Germany, England and all over the US to perform. I was invited to live and train in both Mexico and Japan which were opportunities many would kill for. I’ve been able to meet all my Japanese idols and inspirations, and countless American wrestling stars such as Ric Flair, the Rock, Chris Jericho, Bret Hart and many others. I also got to be an extra in The Wrestler and meet Mickey Rourke when he was training with Jack Black during the filming of Nacho Libre a few years back. I currently wrestle and train with CHIKARA PRO in Philadelphia. I’m Women’s Champion for Jersey All Pro Wrestling in New Jersey and am featured on ROH on HDNET.

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Any advice for others looking to break into pro wrestling? Do lots of research! Look for a school and trainers with good reputations. Unfortunately anyone can claim to be a professional. When you do find a school, ask if you can sit in and watch a class. Wrestling is an extremely physical sport so you have to be tough and willing to sacrifice a lot to be successful. Just as with any other sport or training, anything less than one hundred percent isn’t enough. Charles Peeples, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, NCTMB, whose articles have appeared in numerous fitness and bodybuilding magazines, is a well-known proponent for girls’ and women’s physical advancement ( In addition to being a Nationally-Certified Personal Trainer, he is a Nationally-Certified Massage Therapist ( Contact him at

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PhillyFIT I 23



Would Love to Stretch -

If Only Someone Else Could Do It For Me!” By Nita Keesler

Thai Massage is a blend of passive stretching and massage movements such as rocking, jostling and compression, which can be deeply meditative. Many people cannot believe how much more flexible they are when a practitioner assists with their stretching. This is a great introduction to yoga or any other stretching routine to allow your muscles to loosen up first. While it is important to stretch on our own, Thai Massage and other assisted stretching techniques can help to one get past the point of inflexibility or provide assistance if one is recovering from an injury. Often when we begin any exercise program including stretching, we tend to get caught up in performing the moves perfectly or quickly. Additionally in class, we may get competitive which can risk injury if our bodies are not ready for the movement.

Thai Massage has been called “Lazy Man’s Yoga.” Essentially, you kick back and relax while the therapist stretches your body for you, which helps improve your flexibility even more since your muscles are already relaxed.

Regular Thai Massage sessions reduce accumulated stress and tension in your body and mind. It improves flexibility and mobility while relieving pain. An ancient “folk art” with roots in traditional yoga and Buddhist spiritual practice with elements of Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, it stimulates and balances the flow of healing energy, clearing the energy pathways/meridians that are blocked (similar premise as reflexology, acupressure and acupuncture). It improves circulation, opens up the hips and keeps the spine aligned. The rocking and jostling movements loosen up the body, giving it no alternative but to let go and relax. Nita working on a patient

24 I PhillyFIT

Thai Massage may be performed on a large comfortable mat on the floor or on a massage table. Depending on the practitioner, it may also be combined with Swedish or deep tissue massage techniques as well. No oil is used and client remains fully dressed in comfortable clothing during the session. Some practitioners also begin the session with a foot soak or heated towels on the feet. This varies from one practitioner to another. The session may have a calming and relaxing effect, or it may be stimulating and invigorating, or perhaps, a blend of both. Practitioners do not diagnose or treat, but facilitate wellness by bringing your body into a balanced state to release deep restrictions. Because of the nature of some of the movements and individual muscular restrictions, there’s also a level of trust developed between the client and practitioner. It’s a good idea to ask potential practitioners where they have trained and how long they’ve been practicing. Most are very happy to answer any questions you may have about his/her work. As with any bodywork style or exercise program, whenever in doubt with specific medical issues, always consult your physician prior to making your appointment.

It’s beneficial to learn a basic 15–20 minute routine that you can share with your partner or friend to continue benefits between the sessions by your therapist. This is also a wonderful way to build trust between you and your loved one and to give each other a unique gift of your time.

After your session, it is recommended to drink some water and do something relaxing to continue the benefits such as a warm bath, meditation, take a nap or a leisurely walk (but not a form of exercise that will make your muscles tight again such as intense cardio or weight training). As with any form of holistic care or exercise regimen, each session builds off the one before. One session will feel amazing and certainly will relax and energize you, but consistency and self-care between sessions is what will bring your body back into balance. Nita Keesler is the owner of Back In Balance ~Massage & Wellness. She has been a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist for 15 years and is an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor. She has had the honor of being voted “Best of Phila” in Philadelphia Magazine and now practices in Bucks County. She has an integrated approach with a focus on helping each person achieve a sense of empowerment in their own health and well-being by creating awareness and balance in their body and their life. She offers Therapeutic Massage, Thai Massage/Assisted Stretching, and Wellness Workshops on Posture & Flexibility, Stress Relief, Couple’s Massage, Thai/Assisted Stretching and Zumba classes. Contact Nita at

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

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March/April I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 25


Living with Your

Choices By Solomon Brenner

It may be a scary thought for some, but there will come a day in every parent’s life when they realize that their child can make decisions on his or her own. It might be a few years or more before that time will come, but giving your child the tools he needs to make good decisions will be useful to him when it does. By far one of the hardest parts about making a decision is being confident in your choice. Whether it’s what to wear to an important event or occasion or what college to attend, having confidence in his decisions can help your child become a successful adult. That, of course, is easier said than done. Few of us feel truly confident in all of our decisions. One way to help your child gain confidence in his decisions is to help him think through his choices before he makes them. Talk about the desired outcome he wants and then discuss which of his possible choices would most likely lead to that desired outcome.

One simple example of this strategy is the decision to study versus hanging out with friends. If your child’s desired outcome is to do well in school but still spend time with friends on the weeknights, ask him questions that could lead to a possible decision. Is there a way he can have both? Could he study first and then go out to play when he is finished? While sometimes your child won’t have a choice in the

matter, when he does it’s important to let him at least try to come to a good decision by himself. Carol Merchiore’s son, David, learns to make good decisions through his martial arts training. “David has developed a maturity in making choices,” she said. “He has the confidence to make a decision and live with it.”

David has already learned one of the hardest parts of decision making: living with the results. Everyone makes “bad decisions” at some point or another, but what’s more important is how you handle the consequences. Since you can’t go back and change the past, the only thing you can do is make the best out of your situation, which could even work in your child’s favor. One of the most difficult times for your child to do this may be when you decide that his actions warrant punishment. Most of the time your child will probably think it is radically unfair for him to be grounded. You, however, know that sometimes it is necessary so that he can learn from his bad decisions not to make the same mistake twice. He has to live with the consequences of his actions and learn to make the best out of them. This also applies to the things that are out of our control. While having the right information to make a good decision is usually important, sometimes we are not even given a choice. For example, if your child has a test on something that he is struggling with, he can’t choose to take the test later. He has to take it on the day assigned; however, he can make the best out of an unfavorable situation by using the time he has to study, prepare, and ask a teacher, tutor or parent for extra help. The added pressure of the test could even be the extra push he needs to help him understand the material.

While there are many decisions that you will make for your child until he is mature enough to make the right choice himself, letting him handle smaller decisions now will be good practice for when his decisions carry more weight. It will teach him that he is in control of his own fate. Contributed by Solomon Brenner Author of Black Belt Parenting "The Art of Raising Your Child for Success," Master Instructor of Action Karate. Contact Solomon at

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March/April I 215-396-0268 I



Congratulations Philly - you survived record breaking snowfalls and one of the harshest winter seasons on record! PhillyFIT Magazine thought you may need some help getting the kinks out of your body and a jump start to bring back the spring in your step. So, we went on a mission to find some of the top chiropractors and the best "bootcamp" style workouts in the Philadelphia area. We are confident that our guides will provide you with someone or something to motivate you to get up and/or get movin'!


LET US ROCK YOUR BODY At Bodyrock Bootcamp we take the traditional fitness boot camp and remix it like a DJ, for a workout experience you'll never forget! Here, we practice "Old school" time tested training - classic calisthenics seamlessly blended with elements of gymnastics, yoga, strength training, martial arts, and yes... even breakdance. We believe that before you master heavy weights or machines, you must first master your body.

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Urban Athlete's Bootcamps are uniquely designed to integrate scalable, functional movements and exercises so people of all fitness levels can enjoy and participate. The Urban Athlete Bootcamps are a 45 minute highintensity blend of bodyweight exercise, kettlebell and dumbbell exercises, speed & agility plus much more. Your weight loss goals are guaranteed.

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 27


BOOTCAMPS Extreme Fitness Personal Training is the areas premiere life changing facility. Our programs are goal and assessment based to produce results that are fast, safe and most of all, fun. Our experienced trainers use functional, core and stability training, as well as strength and 169 Lincoln Highway Fairless Hills, PA cardiovascular conditioning to attack body fat and preserve muscle. All nutritional guidance 215-269-1852 is offered at no additional cost.

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Get a group of friends, family, or co-workers together for a backyard boot camp! All programs come to you so there is no excuse for missing a workout! The goal of Balance Fitness, LLC is to enhance fitness performance, healthy lifestyle, and overall quality of life through a balanced approach to physical fitness. Balance Fitness Boot Camp program focuses on balancing the body through cardio conditioning, strength training, and flexibility. The program also uses exercise as a tool to help people change their lives both physically and mentally.

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28 I PhillyFIT

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Call Donna Monaghan

March/April I 215-396-0268 I


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At Performance Chiropractic and Wellness Center, we offer multiple methods of treatment in order to cater to each of our patient's needs. Our office staff emphasizes patient comfort in a friendly environment. Dr. John Krisciunas is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of New York Chiropractic College and is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician. We accept almost all forms of insurance. Our acupuncturist, Harris Gibson, is in network for Aetna, Cigna, and BCBS. The practice also has an onsite massage therapist as well, Sharice Sloan El. Please visit for more information or feel free to call us at (856) 401-9550. We are located in Washington Township just off Route 42 South.

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Call To Schedule Your Next


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March/April I 215-396-0268 I

Dr. Ted is a 7-time Boston Marathon Qualifier, Super League Rugby Champion, Triathlete and Ultramarathoner with 20 years of fitness and athletic conditioning experience. He knows athletes and caters to their unique demands. Why see a Doctor who tells you not to run? See one who lives your lifestyle.

PhillyFIT I 29



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PENNRIDGE WELLNESS CENTER Dr. J. Leah Garlan • Dr. Heidi B. Bencsik 1281 Rt. 113, Unit B, Blooming Glen, PA 18911 215-257-3938 • We invite you to experience the Pennridge Wellness Center, a 2,000 square foot state of the art Wellness Center. We proudly serve the Bucks County area by offering Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, Reflexology, Nutrition, Erchonia Cold Laser and much more. Director, Dr. J. Leah Garlan, specializes in Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Animal Chiropractic care. Dr. Heidi Bencsik's niche lies in wellness care for pregnant women and children. Together, their mission is to provide excellence in wellness care while being a catalyst for change in the lives of as many people and animals as possible.

4700 CHIROPRACTIC & BACK-MOBILE is a general practice with special emphasis in forensic chiropractic (auto and work injuries), chiropractic pediatrics, chiropractic neurology, and clinical nutrition and weight management. Chiropractic patients will attest that they feel better and are more productive when they are receiving care. We feel our service is an absolute win-win for all involved. Dr. Peter S. Sottile - Fellowship in Chiropractic Pediatrics Schedule an appointment at our Drexel Hill office or schedule our mobile office to come to you!

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IN TODAY'S NON-STOP ENVIRONMENT IT IS OUR GOAL TO TREAT ALL OF OUR PATIENTS AS A WHOLE INDIVIDUAL. This includes three factors that contribute to optimal health; Structural-Physical, Chemical-Nutritional and Emotional-Mental. We address the " Triangle of Health " with the following services at our office: Functional Fitness Training, Nutritional Counseling and Bio-mechanical Analysis. Achieving and maintaining optimal health requires a multifaceted approach that will combat the various underlying factors that can be detrimental to one's health and lifestyle.


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Dr. Mike Burak has dedicated his life’s work to enhancing the health and well being of every patient. This process starts with a healthy spine and ends with a healthy you. Some of the services offered in his practice are: Spinal adjustments, Non surgical spinal disc decompression, therapeutic massages, custom orthotics, nutritional supplements and animal chiropractic care for your dog, cat or horse. Dr. Burak accepts most medical Dr. Burak accepts most medical insurance insurance and all auto and workers’ comp and all auto and workers' comp insurance insurance plans. Call for an appointment plans. Call for an appointment today and today and start your journey to better health. start your journey to better health.

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30 I PhillyFIT

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

To help as many people as possible lead healthier and happier lives through a natural and holistic approach to their health and well being. Our office looks at the whole person. The structural-physical, the nutritionalchemical and the emotional-mental aspects.We call these three factors "The Triangle of Health" because they are the basic underlying factors which are responsible for any health problems. So, we get to the heart of your health. 200 E. State St., Ste.104 Media, PA 19063 610-566-9040 Email:


GUIDE TO CHIROPRACTORS WALKER WELLNESS & CHIROPRACTIC 166 E Butler Ave • Chalfont, PA 18914 215.997.8786 • We are the premier provider of Chiropractic services including nutrition counseling, supplementation, therapeutic masage, detoxification foot bath treatments, custom foot orthotics, neck pillows, chromatherapy, and craniosacral therapy. Walker Wellness & Chiropractic has also received the Five Star Award. Our office supports many charities to help our community and reach our goal of $10,000 of charitable contributions. We specialize in stubborn, chronic health conditions where people have been to many different doctors. We tie everything together under one roof to get results where people didn't think they would be able to. For more info visit our website for our upcoming talks. Dr. Michael A. Gorman

Chiropractic Physician/Applied Kinesiologist

Gorman Optimal Health Solutions, Inc. 333 North Oxford Valley Rd. Suite 402 Fairless Hills, PA 19030 P: 215-9-HEALTH (943-2584) F: 215-943-3514


ME!!!! STRESSED!!!!!

Dr. McGlynn utilizes traditional chiropractic techniques integrated into a unique sequence that utilizes the lightest possible force that is appropriate at the right time and in the right place. Structural adjustments are used selectively and then ONLY when the body is at ease able to accept that form of therapy to repair itself.


AMAZING WELLNESS CENTER 7017 CALVERT ST (IN REAR) PHILADELPHIA PA 19149 Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. 10-11:30 AM Mon., Wed., Fri. 2:30- 6:30 PM


Summit Spine and Wellness Center Dr. Lenny Roberts Email:

Dr. Lenny Roberts, the owner of Summit Spine and Wellness Center, was born and raised in Roxborough and is a board member for the Roxborough YMCA. He is the founder and president of Fight Autism Now Supporters group and has been a chiropractic consultant with the Philadelphia 76ers since 2009. Dr. Roberts is the only certified full bodied Active Release Technique (ART) practitioner in the city limits of Philadelphia. ART, an elite deep tissue system technique, used by the NFL, MLB and NHL, has helped countless athletes and weekend warriors in the area improve performance and recover from injuries faster. In addition to chiropractic and ART, the wellness center offers massage therapy, nutritional counseling with a registered dietitian, physical training, non-surgical spinal decompression with VaxD and oxygen therapy.

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Wellness Center

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Offering family chiropractic and holistic services at an affordable price, Iannelli Wellness Center looks to bring an alternative experience to its patients that is unmatched in the Turnersville area. Along with Chiropractic, we offer cash services in Reiki, Feng Shui consultation, and massage techniques such as; swedish, intergrated, deep tissue, hot stone and reflexology. Seasonally we also offer Beginner Yoga, Tai-Chi, Total Body Modification, and Natural Weight Loss classes. We accept walk-ins so if you're in the area, come check out what you've been missing!

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Local GREEN Businesses & Local Group Exercise Classes TWO SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTIONS! (Ad space cost is a nominal $200.)

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What you do today will determine where you are tomorrow. Are you moving forward or standing still? ~Tom Hopkins

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 33



Autism on the

Connor McCann 14, Newtown, PA

Fourteen-year-old Connor bends over the elliptical trainer as his workout takes him up a steep incline. “You’re doing great ,” his mom encourages as she counts off “clicks” on a hand held tally counter. “Only five minutes to go!” Connor presses on, knowing that eighty clicks on the counter will earn him his favorite Shania Twain DVD when he gets home.

Unusual motivation perhaps, but Connor has autism – a serious neurological disorder that impacts cognition, speech, communication skills and behavior. Autism currently impacts 1 in 110 children in the United States and 1 in 70 boys. Children with autism tend to be sedentary, but research shows that vigorous physical exercise reduces aggressive and disruptive behavior for these children. It Connor Feeney (12), Mom: Patty Feeney, Chalfont PA also increases attention span and work performance.

“When we started, Connor wanted no part of a physical fitness regimen,” his mother explains. “We gradually worked him up to a forty-minute workout combining the elliptical, rowing and the treadmill. The endorphins must have eventually kicked in, because now he really enjoys it and asks to go.” Many students at Connor’s school, The Comprehensive Learning Center (CLC) in Southampton, enjoy fitness as part of their curriculum. The school for children with autism recently added a small gym equipped with treadmills and an elliptical trainer. “The exercise machines work well for our students because they are repetitive and predictable, and it’s easy to regulate the workout,” explains Education Co-Director Amanda Flavell. “Like all children, our students need regular exercise, and once they get into a routine, they really like it.”

AJ Corless (20), Wycombe PA

Some of the students use the treadmills to prepare for running real races, including the AJ Foundation For Children with Autism’s Best “Dam” Run for Autism, which will be held at Peace Valley Park in Chalfont, Bucks County, on May 22nd this year. The race raises funds for the AJ Foundation and Comprehensive Learning Center. The school’s two oldest students, AJ (20) and Danny (17) ran the 5K race last year. “It’s really fun,” AJ comments. “The medal I won is awesome.” Participating students run right along with the general public in the 1 mile, 5K and 10K events which circle Lake Galena. The race offers one of the few 10K runs in the area. “You couldn’t ask for a more scenic route, and it raises money for a great cause,” 2009 participant Kristin Stewart shares. “I run it every year.”


For more information and registration for the May 22nd Best “Dam” Run for Autism, visit www.ajfoundation. org or call (215) 598-8175.

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A Casual Captivating Crisis by Kate Wright

A fifty-six-year-old woman struggles to understand why her children and their friends cannot carry out lasting relationships. She complains, “They are too casual about everything. They’re casual about relationships, casual about employment; they’re even casual about sex. They don’t take anything seriously!” The truth? The large majority of generations X and Y expect to have sex with no strings attached. The consensus says – while searching for that earthshattering relationship, why not have some fun in the meantime? From housewife Harriets to sinful Sallies, Philadelphia culture has altered greatly over the past sixty years. “An individual’s sexual choices result from a complex interaction of biology, cultural norms, and the social networks and institutions in which she participates.” In 2010, society exudes sexuality. Television speaks it, billboards scream it, music sings it, and the streets stink of it. Sex saturates the mind of everyone even slightly involved with pop culture. Casual sex is applauded as opposed to scorned.

Men and women agree (finally) that they are happy to have sex whenever and with whomever they please. The most common difference in sexual opinion now seems to exist between citydwellers and those who are not. The city, seeping with sexuality, naturally creates a breed of people who adore the act of sex. Outside of the city, not yet seeping but merely freckled with sexuality, people enjoy sex but not enough to reduce their moral standards below one sexual partner at a time. Dr. Kimberly Flemke, sex therapist at the Institute for Sex Therapy of Council for Relationships (, states that regional differences in sexual opinion are expected. Urban settings create a more, shall we say, liberal mindset when it comes to sex because there is a higher proportion of singletons than is available in the less condensed suburbia. This type of lifestyle hands people the playing cards for a more relaxed sex life. Dr. Flemke

has found that most single people seek a true “partnership” that includes equality and valid give and take. They want, “…sex to be a good fit with their partner so they try it out to see if they are compatible.” She has not noticed any outstanding detriments to having sex early on, although couples that do wait are sometimes unpleasantly surprised by sexual dysfunctions or by a lack of comfort as sexual partners. Such revelations late in a relationship may cause more emotional and physical damage than recognizing these dilemmas from the beginning. Perhaps the sinful Sallies have it right. Alexandria, a thirty-year-old artist living in the city, keeps her eyes peeled for a cat that will catch her heart, but until he comes around she continues to have fun on her own time. Although she is not into one-night stands, she enjoys turning to safe, close friends for some fun romping in the sack. She differentiates between “passionate, loving sex vs. wild, crazy spin move, rock-

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in’ sex.” Of course sex means more when love is involved, but until love shows up, simply sex satisfies her sensual cravings.

Maison, a thirty-two-year-old businessman and city-dweller, agrees. “Sex involving emotions always feels better (inside and out) than just bangin’ someone, but…sex is fun regardless.” If he is not in a relationship, Maison has a crisply defined twentyfour hour waiting period between sexual partners that he refuses to break – lest he feel whorish. He does have a history of serious relationships and has not found any significant differences between those in which sexual interaction began instantly and those in which they waited. The vitality of the relationship depends more on the emotional connection between him and his partner than on the urgency of their sex life.

On the safer side, suburbanite, thirty-year-old graphic designer, Jules, is looking to share her life with someone, “You know married with kids and all.” As she gets older and desires a family, she cares more about monogamy and less about sex just to have sex. Experience has taught her that having sex with a man early on urges him to respect her less as the relationship progresses. She generally likes to wait between one and two months before having sex with someone; she wants to know about his past and what risks she might be taking “before diving in head first.” Not opposed to casual sex, she carefully chooses her partners and solidifies the casual nature of her relationships until she finds her lifelong mate.


• • • • • • • • • • •



New Jersey



Suite 790, 111 South Independence Mall East Phila., PA 19106 215-440-7612

Suite 305 1415 Route 70 East Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 856-482-2488 36 I PhillyFIT

R.P., a “thirty-something” commercial insurance broker, born and raised in the suburbs, craves that “relationship to last the rest of [his] life.” Now that he is older and, naturally, more mature, his interests lie far from casual sex. Unlike his past opinions, he will not even consider the idea of non-monogamy, not even for fun. His sexual intentions require a permanent partner, not a fling for one night, one month, or even one year. Although regional differences exist when talking casual sex, man, woman, city-dweller, and suburbanite stand together when talking sexual time frames. “It depends on the person”…“All depends on the woman”…“When it feels right is when it happens.” Rules do not apply in Philadelphia 2010. Some might say these attitudes denote an ethical crisis, yet others could argue that there is nothing wrong with the sexual drive that surrounds society today. Sigmund Freud, the well-known sexual expert, demands that sex is “a basic biological drive, a natural human impulse.” Indeed, a person left alone for weeks with no food or personal contact will choose sex over nutrition every time when offered one or the other. Perhaps the current sexual revolution – the constant casual sex until the compatible ones find each other – should not confound and concern those housewife Harriets as much as it does. Of course, they may be right. But how will we know unless we try. Kate Wright is a freelance writer/editor and a DONA-trained doula. She lives on a tree-lined street in Philadelphia with her husband, their son, and their kooky dog, Delia. Contact Kate at

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

By Jami Slotnick


Chew on This


What’s the number one reason to move into the luxurious Symphony House on Broad Street? Well, there are great views, the location is fabulous if you’re a theater zealot and the finishes are top notch. There’s 24/7 doorman/concierge service, spacious residences, plenty of common area amenities like a wonderful pool and sundeck area, meeting and clubrooms, and wine cellars. But the number one reason to move into Carl Dranoff’s Center City building is the unbelievable restaurant at its base – Chew Man Chu (440 S. Broad Street at Pine / 215.735.8107). When I feel like getting my dumpling on, I don’t like to wait. I want choices, I want tasty payoff in spades and I want ample dipping sauces (and hey, there are four different ones on the tables – including a house-made sweet soy!) And I know I’m not alone in my quest.

What’s the number one reason to move into the luxurious Symphony House on Broad Street? Well, there are great views, the location is fabulous if you’re a theater zealot and the finishes are top notch. There’s 24/7 doorman/concierge service, spacious residences, plenty of common area amenities like a wonderful pool and sundeck area, meeting and clubrooms, and wine cellars. But the number one reason to move into Carl Dranoff’s Center City building is the unbelievable restaurant at its base – Chew Man Chu (440 S. Broad Street at Pine / 215.735.8107). When I feel like getting my dumpling on, I don’t like to wait. I want choices, I want tasty payoff in spades and I want ample dipping sauces (and hey, there are four different ones on the tables – including a house-made sweet soy!) And I know I’m not alone in my quest.

Here’s the thing --- Chew Man Chu is billed as a dumpling, noodle and wok restaurant, but honestly, that doesn’t do it justice. It’s hip, it’s modern and when I went, I ordered a Chilean Sea Bass special that blew me away (and I don’t blow away easily). The fish was cooked perfectly and lightly glazed with a mild sweet and tangy Asian barbeque sauce, served atop of a warm apple and cabbage concoction that when paired with the fish, was a foodgasmic experience on the palate. All of the flavors sang! For only $22.00 it was not only delish, but quite a value and could have easily commanded upwards of $40.00 at other chic, neighboring dining institutions. Under Chef Tyson Wong Ophaso (my new BFF), you will experience an authentic take on classic Asian cuisine that won’t make you feel guilty for days. Yep, that’s right PhillyFIT readers; this is a guilt-free spot that is sure to satisfy. The authentici-

ty and deliciousness of the food is further enhanced by the open wok kitchen visible from the entire restaurant and a chef counter where Chef Ophaso will happily treat a lucky few diners to a personalized tasting upon request. The front of the house is led by restaurant veteran David Madison whose past experiences includes opening General Manager for Jean-George Vongerichten’s Spice Market in New York; Tom Colicchio’s Craft Restaurants in Dallas and Los Angeles; Jeffrey Chodorow’s China Grill Management in New York and General Manager for Stephen Starr’s Striped Bass.

You won’t fill up on those traditional, nasty fried noodles because they don’t hit your table (or your stomach.) I don’t know about you, but I hate myself after the twentieth one of those crunchy no-good critters. My advice? Start with Vegetable Steamed Dumplings with carrots, celery, Shitake mushroom and spinach. Also tasty are two salads: The Vietnamese Vegetable Salad – crispy tofu, Shitake mushroom, hisami, broccoli, pickled cucumber, red curry, coconut milk, fish sauce, palm sugar and peanut; or the Singapore Chicken Satay Salad – turmeric, coconut milk, cucumber, red onion, chili, cilantro, mint, and peanut sauce. Both salads are completely sharable and do a good job at waking up your taste buds for the main course. In fact, all of the dishes at Chew Man Chu are served family style so you can experiences many different flavor combinations. Move onto the Steamed Salmon with black bean, ginger, green vegetables and red pepper or try the Moo Shu Tofu & Vegetable with cabbage, black mushroom, lily bud bamboo shoot, celery, carrot, scallion, steamed pancake and Hoisin sauce. We also loved the Thai Basil Chicken with

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garlic, chili, pepper and oyster sauce served with steamed jasmine rice. Again, all of the dishes are meant for sharing. So whether it’s one of the twenty different tasty curry dishes or a wok stir fry noodles selection, don’t get territorial about your eats.

Chew Man Chu offers up an impressive cocktail/wine/beer menu, but being that this is PhillyFIT Magazine, my advice is to forgo the spirits and opt for one of the inventive sorbets come dessert time. The day we went, flavors included Blood Orange, Mango-Lime and PineappleBasil. Um…yum! Tempting Gelato was also offered; Chocolate-Mocha, Pistachio and Bananas Foster. Wow! Stay away from the homemade donuts at all costs. They taste more like something you’d encounter at the Texas State Fair. I mean who doesn’t like greasy little munchkin-like fried dough with powdered sugar? Stay away. You’ve been warned.

In addition to the creative menu offered at Chew Man Chu, the atmosphere sets the restaurant apart from others. Featuring a contemporary ambiance with an urban flair, Chew Man Chu features a visually stunning noodle bowl wall with floating Koi fish, high-back red leather chairs, overstuffed banquets and warm and vibrant tones of purple, orange and red (this ain’t your father’s Chinese Restaurant). In addition to the bold and eclectic design, Warholian-esque portraits of Pu Yi, The Last Emperor of China, flank the restaurant at the entry way and on the enormous Lucite “Emperors Table” table which seats twenty. Asian-inspired graphics cover the walls and windows and are accented in the large round, bright orange lighting fixtures hanging from the artistically designed ceiling. It’s all quite beautiful and semi-misleading from the outside. Chew Man Chu is open Monday through Friday for lunch and dinner (11:30 am-11:00 pm). Don’t miss the amazing Dim Sum Brunch on Saturday-Sunday starting at 11:30 am. To enhance your experience ask for server “Jacky,” who could not be more friendly or informative. He truly made our meal memorable.

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*Prices are per person, double occupancy, cruise only and in U.S. dollars. Government departure taxes and fees are additional. All itineraries and prices are current at the time of printing and subject to change without notice. Certain restrictions may apply. © 2010 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Ships registered in the Bahamas. 09015934 • 01/07/2010. Royal Caribbean International® reserves the right to impose a fuel supplement on all guests if the price of West Texas Intermediate fuel exceeds $65.00 per barrel. The fuel supplement for 1st and 2nd guests would be no more than $10 per guest per day, to a maximum of $140 per cruise; and for additional guests would be no more than $5 per person per day, to a maximum of $70 per cruise.


Mention this ad when you call to book and receive a nice bottle of wine in your stateroom.

Another great thing to note is that neither my dining guest nor myself felt hunger pangs twenty minutes after we consumed our feast. The meal was truly satisfying and we’ll definitely be back!

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distribution point? Send your information to


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Jones of Mount St. L Kelsey Joseph Academy in Flourtown


Misra at Delaware Valley L Kelsey Dance Academy in Hatfield


Bob Quinn with daughters Julia and Erin, of Collegeville, at Spring Mountain in Schwenksville

John Grim, independent trainer, at Aquatic and Fitness Center in Jenkintown

Borodaeff, 58 works out at L Ted Bally's in King of Prussia. Photo by Michael Damien Jicha

Anika Falcon abs instructor at Fit Gym in Philadelphia



Severoni at Rocky L Alessandra Run YMCA in Media

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RJ Carswell of North Penn High School at Montgomery County Gymnastics and Cheer Center in Hatfield

and Sharon Derby of L Thomas Valley Forge at Center Ice in Oaks

Jeannine Roach of Philadelphia's Archbishop Ryan High School Ragdoll Rugby




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40 I PhillyFIT

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CHOOSE ONE OR BOTH WEEKS: July 12th and 19th!



Be Careful What You Wish For:

Steps for

Goal Fulfillment By Julie Fuimano, Personal Development Expert & Success Coach

You want a promotion. You want to develop your leadership skills. You want to eliminate the clutter from your desk – your life. You wish you could eliminate your debt.

Be careful for what you wish. Too often we choose goals that: • we aren’t committed to, • we aren’t ready for, • we don’t know how to achieve, And we set ourselves up for failure.

To be successful at your goals, you need to be careful how you choose your goals. For example, you never want to set a goal that focuses you on “losing” anything.

What you think about you bring about.

Whatever you think about all day long is what you are going to bring into your life. If you want to “lose” weight, what do you think about? That’s right. Your weight.

The same thing occurs with anything else you want to eliminate from your life. The brain cannot grasp the concept of “not” or “don’t”. It does not acknowledge the pejorative.

First Rule of Thumb: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT TO MOVE TOWARDS --- not what you are moving away from. Write a new story and repeat that new story about who you are and who you are becoming. Focus on that every day all day and you’ll become it.

You might have heard this referred to as “fake it until you make it.” Well, it’s not really about “faking” but rather projecting yourself into the future. The more you think about it, talk about it, and dream about it, the more you want it, and the more willing you are to do what it takes to get it.

For example, if you want to lose weight, then consider your reasons why this is so important to you. What will losing weight do for you? You want to gain health, increase strength and endurance. Perhaps you want to live to see your grandkids graduate or get married. Whatever it is you want to gain, that’s what you focus on.

Second Rule of Thumb: FOCUS ON THE PROCESS rather than the outcome. For example, if your goal is to get promoted with your current employer or hired at a higher-level elsewhere, then focus on the person you need to become in order to succeed in the new position. Be honest with yourself about your current skill level and what you might need to develop or improve.

Identify the qualities and characteristics needed for the new job and focus on developing your leadership and assertiveness skills. Address any other areas that will be necessary for you to excel in this new role. When you focus your energies on the process --- what you need to do and who you need to be --- then the outcomes take care of

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themselves. Consider weight loss – the most common goal at the start of a new year. If you focus on improving your health by eating right and increasing your activity level, you will naturally lose weight without thinking about it. It will happen as a result of doing what is best for your body. As you start to value your health and make it a priority, you take tiny action steps that help you move towards wellness. By increasing your activity and eating healthier, you will start to see results over time. You become a new person who enjoys a new lifestyle. Miraculously, the weight will come off. Nothing happens overnight and often we become overwhelmed when we try to take on a huge goal without chunking it down into tiny steps.

Third Rule of Thumb: TAKE BABY STEPS. What is one thing you can do today or this week that will add value and move you toward your goal? Start to take tiny action steps. If promotion is your goal, take an informal assessment of how other people see you and your leadership ability right now. If people don’t think of you as a leader or as being capable of a higher level, you might need to look elsewhere. Most of the time, however, you will receive valuable information that can serve to help you in your climb. It also plants the seed in people’s minds that you are interested in moving up. Don’t assume they know your aspirations. You need to tell them.

If you want to lose weight, what one thing might you do differently this week, this month, this year? It can be as simple as eating whole grain bread and cutting back on sugar. See your doctor for a check up. Find little ways to increase your activity level such as parking at a distance from the building, taking a walk after work with your spouse or during lunch with a colleague. Then increase your activity even more by choosing an activity to do for thirty minutes most days of the week. Prepare meals rather than choosing fast food. Sometimes it is just being conscious of your choices that make a huge difference. Changes take place over time. You can waste time beating yourself up for not having achieved your goal yet, or you can focus your efforts on what you want to achieve and, with each new step, you get a little closer to your dream becoming reality. The choice is yours. Julie Fuimano, RN, MBA, CSAC is a Masterful Coach whose passion is coaching and teaching you strategies and coaching people just like YOU to be your best, speak up for yourself, and create amazing relationships - at work and at home. Clients experience dramatic and profound results in their productivity, level of confidence, and a reduction in stress and anxiety. Named one of the top 100 thought leaders in personal leadership development, Julie is an accomplished writer with over 100 published articles and is author of the book The Journey Called YOU: A Roadmap to Self-Discovery and Acceptance.

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Eat Raw for

Energy By Sally Andersen

A little coffee here and there certainly isn’t bad for you – and some even argue that it can enhance your fitness routine – but there is no denying that caffeine is addictive and that a little can quickly turn into a lot. When it comes to increasing energy without getting the jitters, there is one group of eaters that is a step ahead of caffeine addicts: raw vegans.

Raw vegans, or raw aaaaaa”foodies,” follow the standard vegan diet of no animal products but also avoid any food cooked or processed above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Cutting out all animal and cooked products may sound restricting, but raw foodies incorporate foods that most Americans have never heard of, let alone tried, such as the protein-dense chia seeds and hemp products that contain essential amino and fatty acids. Raw foodies have also learned to prepare common foods in unique, interesting ways, such as turning vegetables into filling pates. Part of the philosophy behind eating raw vegan food has to do with your body’s ability to absorb and use the food that you eat. Enzymes, a requirement for digestion, are killed when food is cooked. Your body must compensate by providing enzymes to help with digestion. Unfortunately, your enzyme-producing organs – the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines – get worn down with use, especially with a standard American diet. Although a healthy body can continue to make enzymes throughout its lifetime, the more it has to make, the faster it wears down.

Enzymes are what make food live. Sprouts, for example, are one of the richest forms of enzymes. Because they are essentially life, science cannot duplicate them and put them into pill form. Eating raw food is the only way to give your organs a break. By giving your organs this much needed break, you save energy. Thus, raw food helps maintain your stored energy levels. Even if you have never heard of someone eating only raw food, you can probably think of a few examples of what they might eat

such as fruits and vegetables. But there are so many more options out there. Raw vegans also incorporate non-roasted nuts, seeds, seaweeds and soaked grains and beans. As a raw food diet becomes more popular, there are also more options available that mimic cooked food. You can buy or prepare raw crackers, breads, soups, desserts and more. You may have to expand your grocery store repertoire to include a natural foods store, but the energy that these raw foods supply you with will be worth the extra trip.

Try adding some energy to your diet by incorporating more raw foods, especially complete raw meals. Make smoothies with fresh fruits and vegetables (spinach blends well and doesn’t add flavor), adding a protein source such as raw nuts or hemp seeds, for a delicious, healthy post-workout snack. For a filling pastalike dish, shred zucchini into spaghetti noodle-shaped pieces and toss with diced tomatoes, peppers, onions, spices and oil. And don’t forget dessert – most raw desserts are healthy enough to be eaten as a meal! Use a food processor or blender to combine raisins, coconut, carob chips and nuts for surprisingly sweet raw cookie dough. For more great raw food recipes and ideas, check out online, or “The Complete Book of Raw Food” by Lori Baird and Julie Rodwell, available through the Philadelphia Free Library. Contact Julie at

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calendar of events


PUSHUPS FOR CHARITY MAIN LINE The Pushups for Charity Challenge is a community-wide charitable fundraising event hosted by Performance Fitness, LLC to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project. PUC is a simple way for Del Val residents to “get fit, have fun and make a difference.” It’s not a competition; all you do is as many pushups as you can in 90 seconds at our event in Wynnewood. No matter if you can only do 10 - every pushup raises money to help severely injured men and women of our Armed Services. Your age & fitness level do NOT matter...only your willingness to help the wounded warriors! Time: 9:30 a.m. (please arrive 15 minutes early) Place: All Saints’ Church, 1325 Montgomery Ave, Wynnewood PA Contact: Michelle Collier, 610-636-6977, Web – APRIL 10

GREATER PHILADELPHIA COALITION AGAINST HUNGER, Saturday, April 10, we will be holding our 14th annual Walk Against Hunger to benefit food pantries and soup kitchens right here in the area. This year, we decided to add a 5K run to the event and we’re very excited about this new opportunity! It’s one of the first 5Ks in Philly for the season and should be a great training run for people of all different skill levels.

STROEHMANN BAKERIES WALK AGAINST HUNGER (and 5K Run) Saturday, April 10, 2010 Time: Run kick-off at 8:30 AM Location: Along MLK Drive, race starts and ends at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Registration: Online at $20 in advance, $30 day-of. Includes Walk/Run Against Hunger t-shirt. Additional Details: Professionally chip-timed along USATF certified 5K course. Free food, awards and entertainment. Website: (Facebook: APRIL 18


organization for cancer survivors, has an important mission: to help people diagnosed with cancer become as physically and emotionally strong as they can be through fitness and nutrition. Surviving Strong members meet for group runs, fitness sessions, nutrition seminars and variety of fun events. On April 18th, Surviving Strong will be bringing over 40 people, their biggest group yet, to participate in the Unite Half Marathon in New Brunswick, NJ. For more information about Surviving Strong and joining the team, go to MAY 15

BROAD STREET RERUN 5 mile run and ½ mile kid run 2nd annual Broad Street Rerun is a 5 mile run and ½ mile kid run starting at the Pavilion Shopping Plaza on South Broad Street in Lansdale. Check out the website at to register. We promise no wait for Port-a-Potties and it won’t take you 15 minutes to get across the starting line! This Broad street is first class all the way! T-shirts, medals to top finishers and medals to all kids and tons of food! Don’t delay register today at! MAY 29

ODDYSSEY HALF MARATHON May 29, 2010 Start time - 7:00AM Philadelphia, PA Half Marathon Road Race - 13.1 miles Brief description of the race: Well Philadelphia, here it is. Perfectly timed to transition you from the 10 mile Broad Street Run into your first or four hundreth half marathon, the ODDyssey is the race you have been clamoring for. But, it is so much more than that. The ODDyssey remembers that running is fun. Though a serious race, this half marathon is coupled with optional twists throughout the course including costume contests and unique obstacles to make it a race you will never forget. The course takes in the beauty of Fairmount Park, beginning on the Memorial Hall Green and winding around the tranquil Belmont Plateau before touring the stunning Schuylkill River Loop . Runners will finish back at Memorial Hall for a post race bash. This race is sure to become a favorite staple in the Philadelphia running community. For more information or to register visit JUNE 6

RUN THE GATES 5 MILER AND 1 MILE FUN RUN OR WALK Surviving Strong team members during a recent group training run. Surviving Strong, a Yardley-based nonprofit

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a Bucks County Roadrunners event Sunday, June 6, 2010 5 Mile: 9:00 AM 1 Mile: 9:10 AM Forsythia Crossing Park

Forsythia and Snowball Drives Levittown, PA 19056 Contact: Phil Miele Phone: 215-752-8066 215-752-8066 EMail: Website: Online Registration: JUNE 20

8TH ANNUAL FATHER’S DAY PROSTATE RUN THE “GARY PAPA RUN 4 YOUR LIFE,” SUNDAY, JUNE 20 Prostate Health International’s 5K Run, 5K Walk and 1 Mile Fun Walk WHO: Join Prostate Health International (PHI) and co-chairs John Dougherty, President of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and 6 ABC Sportscaster Jamie Apody for the 8th Annual Father’s Day Prostate Run, now known as the “Gary Papa Run 4 Your Life” in honor of 6 ABC’s former Sports Director and longtime PHI supporter, Gary Papa, who lost his battle to prostate cancer in 2009. WHAT: Make a difference this Father’s Day by participating in the Prostate Health International “Gary Papa Run 4 Your Life,” which promotes awareness and brings recognition to the severity of prostate cancer. The “Gary Papa Run 4 Your Life” draws incredible support from the community each year uniting survivors, families, medical practitioners and runners in the fight against prostate cancer. Registration is $25 per person. To register, visit or call 215-7322300. WHERE: Eakins Oval at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

26TH STREET AND BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PARKWAY Philadelphia, PA WHEN: Sunday, June 20, 2010 8:00 AM - Opening Ceremony 8:00 AM 8:30 AM - 5K Run begins 8:40 AM - 5K Walk begins 8:45 AM - 1 Mile Fun Walk begins WHY: Each year, over 200,000 American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and an estimated 29,000 will lose their battles with the disease. To increase awareness and raise funds to combat prostate cancer, Prostate Health International, a division of the Foundation for Breast and Prostate Health, hosts the annual “Gary Papa Run 4 Your Life” each Father’s Day. Last year’s prostrate run raised over $200,000 for research, prevention education and free prostate screenings, which was double the funds raised in 2008. For more information about Prostate Health International and the Foundation for Breast and Prostate Health, please visit

March/April I 215-396-0268 I


Upper Respiratory Emergencies in




By James Winkler, DVM, DACVS and Dr. Baratz

pper respiratory disease, problems associated with the mouth, nasal cavity, pharynx, and cervical trachea (throat), is common in cats and dogs. Unfortunately, the symptoms may go unrecognized by owners. An understanding of certain respiratory conditions is important, however, as they can lead to emergency situations that threaten the life of a beloved pet. Below we will discuss a few key diseases, their recognition and treatment, and potential preventative measures. One of the most common upper respiratory diseases we see in dogs is brachycephalic syndrome. This affects brachycephalic breeds (short-faced dogs) and is most common and severe in English Bulldogs, although any brachycephalic dog (i.e. pug, French bulldog, Shih Tzu, Pekinese) may be affected. The syndrome is comprised of three abnormalities: stenotic nares (abnormally small nasal openings), small diameter of the trachea, and elongated soft palate. The most significant and treatable aspect of this disease is the elongated soft palate. The palate in these dogs hangs down and covers the opening to the larynx (voice box). This usually starts out as a mild disease, characterized by excessive snoring, which is often deemed normal for brachycephalic dogs. However, as time goes on the palate tends to stretch out and swell until it causes severe difficulty breathing. These changes are often subtle until the dog exercises excessively or is exposed to a hot environment (i.e. long walk during a hot, summer day). Under these conditions, the palate swells suddenly and obstructs the entry to the airway, resulting in a life-threatening emergency. Other secondary

changes can also occur which may be irreversible. In some cases the larynx will collapse due to severe negative pressure caused by the chronic increase in effort needed to move air through an anatomically abnormal upper airway. This effect can be compared to using a straw in a thick milkshake. If a person sucks hard on the straw, it will collapse.

The good news is if brachycephalic syndrome is detected early, surgery to shorten the palate is usually simple, quick, and very effective. If the disease is caught too late and chronic changes have occurred, the risks of surgery increase markedly. In some severe cases, the only effective option is a permanent tracheostomy (creation of a hole in the neck to breathe through). The tracheostomy allows the dog to bypass the abnormal, collapsed upper airway. For this reason, we recommend an upper respiratory exam in all brachycephalic breeds between six months and one year of age. This is a simple test in which the animal is given a short acting anesthetic and the back of the throat is visualized using a laryngoscope. In most cases this can be done at the time of the pet’s spay/neuter. If it is a breeding animal, the procedure may be done on an outpatient basis. Another common upper respiratory disease of dogs is laryngeal paralysis. This disease is most common in the retriever breeds, but it can affect almost any dog and rarely cats. In a normal animal the larynx opens during inspiration and closes during expiration. Animals with laryngeal paralysis lose the ability to open one or both sides of their larynx during inspiration. The onset of this disease is usually gradual. Two classic symptoms of this disease is a marked change in the sound of the bark and a loud inspiration. Similar to brachycephalic syndrome, most dogs do not have severe difficulty breathing when resting in a cool environment. However, when the patient is exercising in a warm environment or becomes

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overly excited, breathing becomes more difficult. These dogs will start to pant as they normally would, but they cannot move air through their abnormal larynx. This requires them to breathe with an increased effort, which can lead to further swelling, a need for an even greater respiratory effort, and thus starts a life threatening cycle. Since dogs regulate their temperature through panting, these patients often develop a dangerously high temperature. Furthermore, these patients can develop potentially fatal fluid accumulations in the lungs from increased negative pressure during breathing.

Surgery can also be performed to correct this disorder in most patients. Again, if this disease is left too long without treatment, the chances for a successful surgery decrease markedly. Surgery is not recommended during the very early stages of this disease when the patient is doing well with a slightly increased noise during breathing. These patients can often be treated by strict management of their environment --- keeping them cool in the summer, avoiding exercise during the hottest times of the day, and minimizing overexcitement. However, surgery is recommended if the patient has a loud breathing pattern which limits their exercise tolerance, or if they are seen on an emergency basis due to a respiratory crisis. The disease is diagnosed by clinical signs in combination with an upper respiratory exam, which is performed under a short acting anesthetic. As is the case with many disease processes in veterinary medicine, cats may have more subtle signs of respiratory disease than dogs. Cats are often quiet even while they are in the midst of a respiratory crisis. Their breathing pattern tends to be rapid, and they tend to breathe with the mouth open. Open mouth breathing is never normal in a cat.

One upper respiratory disease that can lead to an emergency in cats is nasopharyngeal polyps. Some cats will develop a benign mass on a stalk in the back of their throat, which is usually secondary to chronic respiratory infections. These polyps often originate in the middle ear cavity. The most commonly seen symptom is a pronounced snore. This is diagnosed by an upper respiratory exam under a short acting anesthetic. In addition, an open mouth skull radiograph or CT is recommended to determine if the polyp extends into the middle ear cavity. Surgery can be performed to remove the polyp through the mouth; however, if the polyp originates in the middle ear cavity, an additional surgery (bulla osteoto-

my) will be required to open the middle ear cavity to completely remove the tumor. The prognosis after surgery is generally good.

There are many other diseases, which can occur in dogs and cats resulting in an upper respiratory emergency. These include foreign bodies in the back of the throat or trachea, severe trauma to the neck, tumors, tracheal collapse, or a severe allergic reaction. If you think your pet might be having an upper respiratory emergency, take your pet to a veterinarian immediately. Helpful hints to determine if your pet has difficulty breathing include a markedly increased effort during inspiration, a pant that becomes loud, inability to rest and stop panting in a cool environment, or any cat that is breathing with its mouth open for more than sixty seconds. When resting in a cool environment, most dogs and cats have a respiration rate of less than thirty breaths per minute. You may also notice your pet using his or her abdominal muscles to help breathe in circumstances that require an increased respiratory effort. These are not diseases, which can wait until tomorrow as clinical symptoms can progress rapidly.

Veterinarians can take steps to help save your pet’s life in the midst of an upper respiratory crisis. In most cases, your veterinarian will place your pet on oxygen supplementation immediately. Your vet may also sedate your pet to help relieve the panic associated with these upper airway crises. This is very important even though it seems confusing and a bit scary. Respiratory difficulty usually excites animals, which leads to more difficulty breathing and a vicious cycle of progressive respiratory distress. Sedation calms them down and allows them to breathe better. Your pet will also usually have an IV catheter placed. Many animals with upper respiratory difficulty will develop a high temperature, which can be treated with intravenous fluids. In addition, emergency medications may be given through an intravenous catheter if needed. If your pet cannot be stabilized with sedation and oxygen supplementation, complete anesthesia and intubation may be necessary (placing a tube down the animal’s trachea). If your pet cannot be intubated because the airway is blocked, a temporary tracheostomy may be necessary. Once your pet is stabilized, further treatment including surgery may be discussed. In most cases, a definitive surgical procedure is not appropriate until the patient is stabilized. In summary, it is important for owners to become aware of symptoms of respiratory distress in dogs and cats since they can be more difficult to detect than in humans. If you think your pet is having difficulty breathing, this should be evaluated quickly as it may progress into a true emergency crisis. Lastly, earlier surgical intervention to correct upper respiratory problems, especially in the case of brachycephalic syndrome, has a much higher success rate and may avoid a life-threatening emergency for your pet. James Winkler, DVM, DACVS is a board certified veterinary surgeon offering soft tissue, orthopedic, and neurosurgical procedures. He is the first veterinarian to offer total knee replacement surgery in the greater Philadelphia area. Dr. Baratz is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and has dedicated her career specifically to small animal emergency and trauma care.

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Both practice at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital Cherry Hill, a 24-hour emergency and specialty care hospital located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. RBVH Cherry Hill is part of the RBVH Veterinary Healthcare Network, which has locations in Tinton Falls, Red Bank, Hillsborough, and Linwood.

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

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What should I feed

The wet versus dry food dilemma By Erik Ask

It seems everyone has an opinion on what to feed your cat these days. A trip to your local pet store can become overwhelming as one is bombarded with the pet food industry’s latest marketing strategies. With all of these options, even the simplest choice, wet versus dry food, often conjures up confusion, strong opinions and uncertainty. If we cannot even agree on the type of food, how are we to choose among the plethora of diets on the shelves?

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Conventional thought on feline diets is changing. We are moving from a dry food recommendation to more wet/can food diets. The main argument stems from the fact that cats are obligate carnivores and we should strive to feed our feline friends more protein and less carbohydrates. Let us briefly entertain some commonly held thoughts about wet and dry diets to see if they can help us decide what to feed our cats.

Misconception: Dry food helps protect my cat’s teeth from plaque and tartar. Wet food will rot my cat’s teeth. False. These are the most common arguments for feeding your cat a dry food. However, there is no evidence to support these claims. Many cat’s mouths have severe dental disease and are eating a one hundred percent dry diet. To help illustrate this point, I often draw parallels to human dentistry. We brush our teeth many times a day, floss daily and visit our dentist every six months. To assume that the dry diet you are feeding your cat will encompass all of these preventatives is a bit optimistic. In other words, I would argue against the assumption that a dry cat diet will be equivalent to brushing, flossing and professionally cleaning your cat’s teeth. Additionally, a group of veterinary dentists know as the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) evaluates dry diets and their effectiveness on reducing plaque and tartar. They have approved four dry diets and zero treats for

cats. You can visit their website at Genetics play a much more important role in the dental health of your cat than the type of food you are feeding your cat.

Misconception: Wet food will make my cat fat. False. Have you ever looked at the calorie content of your cat’s diet and compared the calories in a can of wet food versus the calories in a cup of dry food? If you have, you will have learned that there are far fewer calories in a can of wet food (three ounce or five-to-six ounce can) than a cup of dry food. Most cats gain weight and become overweight by eating a high calorie dry food that is left out all day to nibble on. What about “lite” and “weight control” diets? Again, look at the calories per cup and compare to any wet food. Dry diets will always have more calories than a can of wet food. Don’t get me wrong, cats can still become overweight eating wet/can food. However, my experience has been that the vast majority of overweight cats are enjoying a dry diet left out all day. Misconception: Dry food is cheaper. Can food smells. I can leave dry food out all day while wet food goes bad after a while. True. True. True. Most humans would prefer a cat diet that was cheaper, did not have an offensive odor, and had a longer shelf life. However, these are human preferences and say nothing about which type of food is more appropriate for your cat. Each family’s lifestyle and financial position will determine what options you have for your cat. However, we should attempt to leave out the human convenience aspect in choosing wet versus

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dry food and think more about the potential health benefits for your cat.

So which type of diet is better for my cat, wet or dry? The real answer is we probably do not know as both have advantages and disadvantages. Currently, we are leaning towards feeding our feline friends more wet/can food and less dry food. I personally recommend feeding your cat primarily wet/can food for a number of reasons:

Dry food has more carbohydrates while wet food has more protein. Since cats are carnivores, the “less carbohydrate and more protein” argument seems appropriate. As many people have experienced, cats can utilize carbohydrates very well (i.e. 100% dry food) even though their bodies are designed to process a large amount of protein and minimal amounts of carbohydrates. I try to feed my cats based on their unique metabolism. Watch those calories! Feeding a high-calorie-dry diet and leaving it out all day will pretty much ensure your cat will gain weight on their next visit to the veterinarian. Some argue that free feeding your cat is appropriate because a cat should eat multiple meals a day as they do in the wild. Leaving a large bowl of dry food out all day is more equivalent to ordering fast food meals from the drive through window than chasing low calorie rodents outside. The latter requires a cat to use energy (chasing would be prey) to gain energy (a meal). The first scenario does not require a cat to use energy to obtain a high calorie meal. Your cat can simply roll over or jump down from a couch to gain a tasty treat. Wet food has much fewer calories than a cup of dry food and you have to feed in meals (you cannot leave wet food out all day). Wet food has more water. Cats are not drinkers by nature and typically acquire most of their water from their prey. Cats that are only fed dry diets are forced to drink water. Many cat owners see their cats drinking water if primarily fed a dry diet, while cat owners that feed mainly wet diets typically do not see their cats drinking water. Your cat’s water consumption can also play a significant role with certain diseases (i.e., kidney disease, bladder crystals/stones, etc.).

Despite all of this talk about diets, your cat will ultimately decide what they will eat. If you have a finicky senior, you may not have a choice. However, if you have just adopted a kitten or have a young cat, hopefully this discussion will help you decide what is best for your pet. Most cat owners feed both wet and dry diets and I feel this is a good approach. In general, cats do well on a hundred percent dry diet. Is this the best approach? I would argue no. I would encourage cat owners to feed more wet/can food and limit the amount of dry food. Your cat and their carnivore ancestors will thank you. Erik Ask is a feline-exclusive veterinarian and the owner of Cats Only Veterinary Hospital located in Norristown, PA. His website is 50 I PhillyFIT

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

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The New Moon in PISCES on March 15th brings strong focus to the Ides of March and inner, dangerous secrets. Confusion, stress, and frustration keep popping up. Hang in there, things will not resolve until the end of April.

By Elizabeth


March 2010

The Full Moon in LIBRA on March 29th brings a time to draft proposals, contracts, and bring legal matters to termination. Time to close on agreements and bring personal partnerships to a successful conclusion. The New Moon in ARIES on April 14th brings a time to start something or move up with a competitive edge. The Full Moon in SCORPIO on April 28th brings a time to deal with your darker feelings. Hidden resentment, a bruised ego, or deeply buried hurt is likely to surface now. Mercury retrogrades on April 18th for three weeks.

The Personal Signs Aries

(3/21 – 4/20)

The career-related stresses of January return in March and April. Keeping a low profile will be tough this time, so mentally prepare yourself to go with the flow. A coworker or supervisor could push you to the limit, and it’s possible that downsizing could affect your job. Be sure you deliver every project on time and try to exceed expectations. If your job is secure, there could be a change of expectations, or a new boss could prompt you to look elsewhere. Hang in there! Find a stress reliever.



March and April will be a time when you need to be sure to get plenty of rest. This will help to prevent a cold or the flu, which you are especially prone to now, because of your heavy workload. Promise yourself at least thirty minutes each evening where you can unwind, enjoy quiet time with yourself, a loved one, or a best seller. A dating relationship could end mid-April. Either one or both of you are unwilling to adapt or commit. If you’re a parent, get to know your children’s friends, especially if you have a teen. Peer pressure could overcome their common sense.



As March opens, friendships go through a rough period. Money may be the issue, or a co-worker could try to undermine your progress. Group activities are also stressful and it will be difficult to bring people into agreement. Be cautious if you are asked to take on a leadership role. Changes involving your career and home are possible, including relocating or job downsizing. It will be difficult to sell property now, at least at a fair price. Be sure to postpone any house purchase until the fall months. You may have to deal

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with challenges concerning a family member, or need major home repair.



You will have some career stress and conflicts. A power play is likely and personality conflicts will disrupt progress. Be very cautious on the job. A clash with the boss could bring unwanted consequences. Stand your ground, but with finesse, and be sure to document all conversations and actions at the office. If your company has an employee dating policy, be sure to follow it rather than put yourself at risk. This is a positive time if you are completing a course of study. If not, then you still have time to gain extra knowledge that can benefit your career. Mechanical problems with a vehicle, computer, or appliance could manifest in the spring. Any on-going legal matters will take a step towards resolution.



Don’t feel like you are spinning your wheels and caught in a holding pattern. This could make you frustrated. This won’t begin to change until midApril, Leo. Take advantage at this time to complete the tasks you began as 2010 opened. Talk over your plans for the year with a trusted friend who has an objective outlook. Avoid travel over the Easter and Passover holiday if you can. Mercury retrogrades on April 18th, and you could experience lost luggage and cancellations. Business travel is especially unfavorable, so keep this in mind as you are arranging your spring calendar. Emphasize the positive and use this time for research and get the knowledge you need.



Investments, wills, insurance, loans, and other people’s money are the focus for you Virgo’s. It

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

will be difficult for you to get credit now, and it is wise to check out yours and your family’s credit reports for possible errors. Insurance coverage could be reduced, or premiums rise, and it’s possible that your partner could experience a decrease in income. Review your finances and develop a thrifty budget plan as well as a debt reduction plan. Strained relationships make you feel a push-pull of the past and future, the status quo and the unknown. A close tie may end because of changing interests and goals. Try to compromise and postpone any decisions until May.



Strained family relationships are the norm over the next few weeks, Libra. Keeping your cool is the main challenge, and you’ll have more success at the end of April. Until then, egos and personalities will clash. It is also possible that an elderly family member may require some help. This is the time to switch over to a healthier lifestyle, especially because stress on the job is on the rise. Make it a point to listen to the grapevine because you could pick up advanced information about work-place changes. If you have a pet, take the animal in for a check-up.


(10/ 23-11/22)

You can expect on-going stress and strain at the work place, as well as potential strain with coworkers or supervisors. Try not to make snap decisions or act in haste, and do your best to steer clear of office power plays. Be alert for anyone who could try to play the blame game at your expense. A strained friendship or dating relationship could end, and you could cut ties with a group or organization you have been involved with. If a parent, keep a close watch on your children, especially if you have teens asserting their independence. While Mercury is retrograde, give yourself a “work checkup.” Evaluate, review and revise your progress towards personal goals you have set in motion early in the year.



A dating relationship could end; values could be the issue, or you might simply decide that it’s far too confining for your lifestyle. If you have teenage children be prepared, because they could test you to the limits over the next few weeks. A career change is on the horizon and downsizing is as possible as a step up. You’ll want to be alert as to what’s happening in your environment and position yourself for a positive outcome. Relocation could be a possibility, but this is not the time to purchase property or to welcome a new roommate. There is a possibility of a positive advancement in your career, and if you’re job hunting, put networking on your priority list.



Expect domestic and family tension over the next few weeks, Capricorn. Your home could need some major repair; be sure to get several estimates. Relocation could also be a part of the family tensions, and you may find it necessary to manage an elder family member’s affairs. In addition, this is not the time to invite anyone to share your space, whether it’s a roommate or romantic interest. Avoid legal matters if possible, especially with elders. Communication and travel will be strained after April 18th when Mercury retrogrades. Drive with care, and catch a ride whenever you can, especially when you’re out socializing.



In March and April you could have conflicts with the neighbors and family members, especially your oldest son. Avoid conflicts if possible. If necessary, end the call or walk away. Be very careful behind the wheel, and don’t speed, even if you’re late. Take time out when pressure builds, and look within to identify the underlying issues that upset and aggravate you. Finances are not so positive in April; you could have some increased expenses, a decrease in income or investments, and a mix-up with credit cards and loans, especially around April 18th, when Mercury retrogrades. Check all financial statements as well as your credit report for errors. Try to avoid any major purchases. Your career is important so aim to achieve and showcase your talents and skills at every opportunity. The challenge over the spring months is to manage career and family responsibilities. Strive for a balanced lifestyle.



Although expenses will rise through April, favorable contacts will help bridge the gap if you’re careful to tighten your budget. Deal with challenges as they come up rather than avoiding reality, and take time to check your credit report. Curb your generosity when socializing and let friends pay their own way. There may be stress and strain with relationships when the desire for change clashes with the status quo. You could either push things to the breaking point, or compromise. Try to appreciate the other person’s

viewpoint and learn from it—whether you maintain or dissolve the tie.

Psychically gifted since birth, Elizabeth is a professional astrologer, spiritual counselor, medium and clairvoyant who interprets dreams and utilizes the Tarot as well as astrology in readings. Named one of the World's Greatest Psychics, she is a spiritual healer and gives personal readings worldwide. Her TV Appearances include Unsolved Mysteries, Beyond Chance, and The Psychic Detectives. Ms. Joyce’s first book Psychic Attack –Are You A Victim was released in October ’07. Her second book, Ascension— Accessing The Fifth Dimension, will be released in February ‘10. Named into Who’s Who In Metaphysics 2010, her website— has hit 1,000,000 and is one of the top-rated in her field. Elizabeth is a reconnective healer. She is located in Doylestown, PA and Bergen County, New Jersey. For an appointment call 201-934-8986.


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March/April I 215-396-0268 I

If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from Lower back or neck pain, you know how debilitating it can be. Burning, shooting nerve pains and muscles in constant spasm make even the simplest movement an ordeal. Often, just finding a comfortable position is virtually impossible.

Traditional treatment starts with medication and bed rest and ends with the prospect of surgery – a painful, expensive, frightening experience. Treatments such as acupuncture, epidural injections, hot/cold therapy, massage and other "therapeutic" techniques may offer limited relief. Considerable research has produced a relatively new therapy that is highly effective in treating intervertebral disc problems. This treatment, known as Decompression Therapy, has opened the floodgates of new patients to Tri County Pain Management and Precision Pain Management Centers.

Decompression Therapy is a traction-based procedure that can relieve pain associated with disc herniation, degenerative discs, posterior facet and compression-related syndromes. It also enhances the healing process and renders quick, effective and amazing pain relief that enables most patients to return to a more active lifestyle! It is an FDA-cleared procedure, and most insurances cover traction therapy. Decompression occurs as a result of an improved understanding of how to reliably cause the spine to "unload." The vertebral separation causes a vacuum or a centripetal force in the disc, which results in a "phasic change in pressure." This "vacuum effect" helps in the retraction (pulling in) of the extruded disc material.

When the disc retracts it can stop putting pressure on the spinal nerve or spinal cord. Thus the term "Decompression." Once the nerve is decompressed, a significant amount of patients will notice a decrease in arm/leg pain.

Someone who has previously not found relief through other treatments is a perfect candidate for this treatment. Decompression Therapy may also be useful in determining the overall prognosis of passive care and expediting the phase-in of rehab protocols. Clinical findings suggest Decompression will create a relatively quick initial response. Patients who do well tend to feel a sense of relief (which can be direct pain cessation or a centralization of pain and/or reduction to an ache or stiffness) within six sessions. Full relief, if attainable through this passive treatment, can be in as soon as a few weeks. (Occasionally a "stubborn" pain syndrome may continue to improve slowly over 15 sessions, though this is not the norm.) Often, patients will be treated in 4-6 sessions and notice enough relief to allow active rehab to begin. Their Decompression may continue (pre- or post-rehab depending on the methods chosen) for 4-6 further sessions before discontinuing or reducing the frequency. Typical frequency is 3-5 times per week. The extent and seriousness of the symptoms will determine if more than 3 sessions per week should be used. Treatments only take about 25-30 minutes, and again, most insurance companies cover them. For more information on how you can benefit from the Dynamic Traction System (DTS), call Tri County Pain Management Center 215-957-5400 or the Precision Pain Management Center at 215-657-9393.

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PhillyFIT I 55

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