May-June 2010

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May/June I 215-396-0268 I

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publisher’s page


Forget basketball, softball, football (yes, I played football one year in elementary school) and soccer. It took entirely different balls to work with this coach. This magazine (and my past Publisher’s Pages) talk a lot about staying fit. This is, after all, PhillyFIT Magazine. But if you’ve been a fan of this magazine for a while, you’ll know that my philosophy to staying fit is comprehensive – meaning, mind, body, and spirit. Being physically fit is only PART of the plan. Synching up your life goals with reality is just as critical. And when it comes to feeling completely centered, trips to the gym simply fall short – one must take a trip to his or her inner soul to complete “the workout.” At least that’s my mantra. When the last couple of issues of PhillyFIT hit the streets, the calls and emails started pouring in from kind-hearted readers relating to my “situation,” offering “been there” advice and heartfelt consultations. I was humbled to learn how my personal story had inspired readers to be proactive in their own lives, to start fixing certain things and mending relationships. Then, one by one, I received four “feeler” calls/emails from various different life coaches. Now, I’m not one for new age psychobabble. I’m jaded, a skeptic. Let’s just say that the last eyes-closed, feet up “couch session” I had was with a hypnotist many years ago, and to be honest with you, it simply didn’t work for me. Although I still do believe it can work for most people. My hypnosis session turned out to be yet another reminder of how hard it is for me to quiet my mind and relax. 4 I PhillyFIT

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It’s not that I don’t appreciate life coaches. The idea of a life coach makes sense, just like hiring a personal trainer makes sense. The concept has grown on me since publishing PhillyFIT. I’ve heard so much about their work. It’s just that I always felt that if I wanted someone to be advising me, I’d most likely choose a renowned shrink to bulldoze into my very complex, Type A, no... Type B, well, maybe Type C psyche of mine. That’d be quite a demolition project – they’d need to bring the ultra-heavy equipment! The initial life coach that pitched me chose email, and I thought, "Hmm, that's nice, but no thanks." The second contender also went the electronic route, and I thought, “That's just great. I must’ve sounded like I was uber needy and inept. Perfect. Did I really need someone (a stranger no less) to pick me up off the floor and save me, armed with the same script they probably use on all their other clients! Come on!” I graciously declined. I have to admit, I briefly thought about how nice it would be to let someone else “in” and see what THEY thought of my situation. But who on earth would ever understand? It would take a lifetime to explain it, or so I thought. Onward I went, without accepting this second offer for help. Then, the third life coach called. He was a seemingly charming, older gentleman. Although I told him I would call him back the following day, I actually lost his number (really) and then my nerve within the twenty-four hours of speaking with him. I wrote it off telling myself, "It’s just not for me.” But, I sure did like his attitude (I appreciate good phone voice, being in phone sales for many years.) He preached, "Jami, if you don’t mind, I know you don’t know me, but if I can have one hour of your time, I will surely change your life and how you are thinking. I’ve got some good, honest, sound advice and an actionable path proven time after time to help people just like you.” People “just like me”? Yeah, a pretty big claim, I thought, but the cynic inside of me snuffed out his optimism. Then came the fourth contact, another email. Although I liked the other three coaches that reached out, maybe I wasn’t ready, or perhaps, this one was different. She was peppy, positive and promising. Perfect! Something about the tone of her email and her authenticity immediately clicked with me. She too claimed that she could, "Help me if I gave her a little bit of my time, but I had to be ready to help myself.” I kind-of-sort-of timidly responded, "Sure, if you think you can tackle my “ABC problems" with the goal of getting me to that happy "XYZ place" that I’m longing for, let's get started!" Turns out, it’s really ME that has to tackle it, but with HER help! And we did. That's where my story begins: After our initial phone conversation, I received this refreshing email below from my new coach (her name is Edna Valentino by the way – visit Needless to say, I have kept her around since. She is woven into my life, for now, and often when I make a decision (big or small), I hear her voice in my head asking me, “What do YOU want the end

result to be of this, Jami?” What a phenomenal reminder: my opinion on how my life is going to go does really matter! Get this — l actually look forward to our calls and correspondence now! Below is an excerpt from Edna’s email to me. Thank you for getting in touch with me, Jami. I truly appreciate your trust, especially since other people were available to you. I think you have already begun this amazing journey forward and new and GREAT things are already on their way to you, Jami. Just make sure you open your eyes really wide so you can see them. They are right in front of you on a daily basis. Let's magnify them! Keep reminding yourself of that beautiful, safe place that you have created with your children and your parents. And, go there when you start to feel "unsafe." That is always available to you. YOU created that. Tap into it early and often! Again, Jami, it was a pleasure to finally meet you. (I have followed your magazine for years.) You are driven, loving, creative, hard-working, dedicated, committed (And, these are just a few attributes that I got out of yesterday's conversation.) These qualities will take you where YOU want to go! Let me explain what having Edna in my corner has been doing for me. She constantly reminds me of my weekly goals, which are an important part of my own personal journey toward healing. She doesn't miss a beat, she “hears” me at times when I don’t even hear myself. She easily reads between the lines and pulls stuff out of me that I had subconsciously buried. She underscores that my feelings are there – painful or joyful. She’s a master at decoding my temperament, even when I sound emotionally shut down regarding a particular subject. She says I beam when I talk of my motherhood. I often shout out loud about my pride and joy in being a “two hundred percent committed-type” with my friendships and relationships, and always have been throughout my life. Edna holds my hand through the not-so-fun subject matter. She points out that I all too often set myself up to not be on the receiving end of good things. I sabotage my own happiness. Ugh, who knew? I am a giver – that’s my default – my comfort zone. I give and give and give, far beyond what’s truly necessary and possibly to the point of enabling recipients to jettison reciprocity. After being blindsided in November of 2009, with information that changed my life and how I see the world, I surrendered and admitted that for the very first time in my life, I had begun to feel helpless. I am always "on" for my role as a mother, but I have begun to lose sight of my purpose in so many other aspects of my life. This is NOT ME, never! How did I begin to feel this way and who robbed me of my passions? How could I have even allowed this to start to happen? Was I really so tired of being burned and actually finally feeling the sting, the pain? Admittedly, I’m pleasantly surprised by how much a life coach

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May/June I 215-396-0268 I


has been able to give me the tiny (okay, gigantic whack) of a reminder that I am strong, that I can achieve goals, and get to that happy place. Sometimes having a subjective friend who doesn't want anything from me (okay, except a small fee to cover her time), can be the best friend in the world. No one is judging. You know what I mean?

Edna guides me based on what I say, and how I say it – i.e., semantics and cadence of my voice and through the various wants and needs that I articulate. She is simply the weekly reminder that I need to keep focused. She points out when I seem to be losing sight and/or losing weight! In an odd way, Edna has helped me more than anyone or anything to date! She listens, and then advises, based on common sense and an inherent ability to decipher what she hears; especially, when I’m way too boggled to hear it myself. I’m looking forward to this new journey; it's been the most positive investment I’ve made in myself in years! As I’ve always preached, taking care of your “inside” will manifest a sense of renewed pride, which will be the jet fuel you need to get your saggy butt to the gym. That endorphin-releasing buzz of happiness has been reverberating through my being lately and I’m glad to say that I’ve started to jog/walk daily again. Which is good, because I was not looking forward to renaming this magazine PhillyFAT? My next goal – get back to the gym. I’ve also started weekly Thai massage (which I highly recommend) and I have vowed only to eat California rolls for lunch on days that I don’t work out (less rolls actually and more Miso soup and mixed green salad). I will now forgo my hearty tuna fish and cheese sandwich, which I traditionally gravitate towards. I am consciously making changes and happily reporting back my progress routinely to Edna because now I’m accountable (gulp).

It’s simple. I am just really trying to get my old life back. My motivation? The way I USED to feel. I guess I have to admit, I was pretty toned, hard and fit, but here’s the catch: from the inside out! You could bounce a quarter off my you know what, or you could throw any curve ball at me and I could bounce that off too. I know I can get there again. I just needed a coach. Boy, am I glad I answered that fourth email! Okay, here’s the bottom line – wait for it – I’ve sort of “let myself go” lately, not been committed to my workouts like I should be. Now, I know it’s all relative to where you have been with fitness. You might appear fit to everyone, but not feel it because you truly aren’t. And if you were in peak condition prior to your slump, then you know what you are capable of ascertaining. I’m here to say (in writing) I am going for it again, back to my max! I’m hard on myself in order to get hard again. Care to join me?

My coach recently educated me about cortisol, which is a stress hormone that holds onto fat. Stress raises your cortisol levels, so she suggested as much distressing as I possible. Ommmmmm – Namaste!

Our adrenal glands secret cortisol and when they’re not functioning properly, levels will be low, which may trigger feelings of low energy and even depression. Cortisol is a hormone that’s vital to your good health. Levels are highest in the morning, so that your body is prepared to start the day and has enough energy to do so. Come nightfall, cortisol levels drop to allow you to settle in for a night of restful sleep. Any interruptions in this cycle, may bring on a cortisol deficiency, will cause problems with your energy levels, stamina, and emotional and mental stability. And so, adrenal fatigue, though not immediately life threatening, is a very serious problem that can profoundly affect the quality of your life and your relationships with those close to you. See, we all really should be listening to our body clocks! It’s a known fact that babies get more colicky during day-light savings time adjustments – who knew that cortisol deficiencies were to blame! Anyway, all my effort and energy lately is about one thing – getting back to that Zen-like place that I used to hold near. I cling to it to keep me balanced and focused. The most important thing I have learned through all of my seemingly insurmountable hurdles is how to brush myself off and get myself back on track and never be used as anyone’s punching bag. Well, not literally, but you know what I mean. I have vowed to always stay my course, so that I am healthy for my kids and my future. Somewhere over the rainbow is designed specifically by me and I am determined to fly like “happy little bluebirds.” All the best,

PS: I would like to share with you one of Edna’s recent emails to me (see below). I was deeply touched by her candor and honesty. This basically sums up where we are to date. Though other people were involved, you knew that all you could change was YOU. This has been a dance, however, Jami. Some days you are ready to grab your own vision of the future and run with it! Other times, you can get stuck in wanting others to change so that you can be free of the ache. It would be much easier that way, right? But you need to stay in the Driver’s Seat of your Life! (Something we continue to discuss.) As a coach, I have to hold your vision for you. That vision was discussed early on. You wanted the “Old Jami back,”, the carefree, vibrant, empowered woman you knew yourself to be who loves her kids more than anything in the world. You were the motivated, active woman who was in control and could achieve anything! There were no definite answers right off the bat. Over time, we have shared through email and phone calls that baby steps are working. First, you wanted to feel good physically and get yourself exercising. I challenged you to take a walk with Savannah for two days that week because that was all you thought you could do. And, you did! Other days you looked for ways to be

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more active in general. You went to the pool, started taking Savannah on walks, and are eating great!

We’ve also explored your “Happy Places,” which are places that allow you to recharge, regroup and recommit to what you want for your life. You identified Sundays at your parent’s house with your kids as your #1 Happy Place. And, when times are tough or you need to get away, you know that you can go there.

The bigger picture in all of this is figuring out who you are and who you want to be. Sometimes we get stuck in the details of the day-to-day goings on and forget why we are even doing what we are doing. Other times, we act mindlessly and before you know it your life is off track; perhaps, not in balance. We’re off to a great start Jami. I’m excited to be helping you every step of the way. —EDNA

This issue, I’ve elected to share some Pub Page real estate with Edna Valentino. I know that many of you have questions about engaging with a life coach, so I’ve invited Edna to answer some burning inquiries from our faithful readers:


“Edna, I’m not really sure what a life coach does exactly. How do I know if I need one or not? I’ve been in traditional therapy before and it didn’t work” - Jill, Bryn Mawr, PA

Coaching is a relationship between you and a skilled, trusted individual. As a life coach, my job is to listen and guide you, as your own personal advocate, into a deeper self-awareness, resulting in growth towards who you want to be and how you want your life to be. Coaches use techniques and strategies to get the client to be proactive. All advice is generally actionable, in other words we must motivate and encourage you to do something. We make you accountable! COACHING IS NOT THERAPY! A Life Coach is the architect creating and building a structure as envisioned for the future. A therapist is the archeologist digging into the past looking for the fossils and hidden secrets from history. The difference? Coaching is more future, less past. I needed accountability. I lack discipline at times! Yeah, even me!

“Edna, what should I expect to pay for a good life coach?” Pam, Springfield, PA

Well, I think a minimal investment could be (3) forty-five minute sessions over the phone (about $125) but I’d say a good number would be $250 per month. Typically coaches will provide an incentive of some sort, either a free thirty minute initial consult or buy three sessions and get one free.

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Most coaches will work with you on pricing, structuring a payment plan that works for you!

“Edna, do you come to my house? Do I come to you? How does that work?” – Jack, Center City, Philadelphia Coaching is done in a safe, supportive, collaborative environment. Most is done over the phone, so you can be long distance, out of state or on vacation and still have a coaching session. Personally, I have an office for in-person coaching as well as group coaching through workshops. I talk to Edna exclusively on the phone! We’ve never met and that’s perfectly fine!

“In a nutshell, what do life coaches do exactly? How do I get the most out of my interaction with a life coach?” Brandy, Manayunk, PA - Life coaches actively listen in order to provide you with insight and new perspectives, discuss new possibilities for you. Together, we chart a roadmap and help you stay on track towards obtainable goals. - We also ask powerful questions – to get to the heart of the issue and get you to think more deeply and invoke self-discovery. - Direct communication is essential – no beating around the bush! There are goals to accomplish and dreams to achieve! We are here to empower you to go after what you want, short-term and long-term. “I don’t really believe in life coaches. Honestly, talking to a good girl friend is just as effective, right?” Ann, Huntington Valley, PA

So, you see, a coach's job is to get you to MOVE! We set goals and hold you accountable. Now, your girlfriend might be a good option and hey, I’m always up for a good cosmos, but they’re not as vested in the outcome. And you may creep them out if you get too deep (TMI!). A coach will ask you to do more than you think you can but hold you to your commitments. Follow-through is the key to getting what you want! A coach will partner with you to create a vision, priorities, set goals and help you develop a strategy to get your desired result. We keep you accountable each session so progress is inevitable. And, then we will celebrate with you when you achieve it all! And – we don’t judge or gossip! “How do I know I need a life coach? I’m just not sure it’s for me.” Daniel, Southampton, PA

You know you need a life coach when it’s your desire to. If you answer “yes” to one or more of these, you should try out a partnership with an experienced life coach. - make significant changes - set more specific goals and attain them quickly

May/June I 215-396-0268 I

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters

- become financially successful - reach your body goals - make a bigger impact on the world - simplify your life - become more organized in all areas - decrease stress

By Portia Nelson

I needed help with all eight areas!

What do life coaches look for in new clients? Jan, Oaks, PA

· You have to be motivated to move forward even if you don’t have all the answers on how to do it. · You need to be willing to do the work required for you to move beyond your current situation · You should be open to sharing and being very honest about who you are and what you wanted out of your life · You need to trust your life coach · You need to be open to new perspectives I am working on trusting others. That’s tough for me!

Edna Valentino graduated with a BA in Communications from the University of Scranton in 1998. She worked in television production as a technical director before holding a line producer position for six years at a local television studio in West Chester. Edna developed a passion for fitness after having played team sports all her life. Her hobby grew and she competed in a total of four bodybuilding/fitness competitions over five years. She found a sense of empowerment in being able to shape and work her body the way she needed to in order to win! Her desire to share this knowledge and experience led her to become an ACEcertified Personal Trainer in 2005 which she did part-time.

We challenge you...

Claudine Ascher

Cathy McCarthy Susan McInerney

Chapter 1 I walk down the street There is a deep hole in the sidewalk I fall in. I am lost . . . I am helpless. It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter 2 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don’t see it. I fall in again. I can’t believe I am in the same place. But, it isn’t my fault. It takes a long time to get out. Chapter 3 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk I see it is there. I fall in . . .it’s a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately.

Chapter 4 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. Chapter 5 I walk down another street.

to challenge us!

Kristine Labhart

Rebecca Ritter Charles Peeples

Heather Hoehn Julius King

Michael Volpicelli

The PhillyFIT Magazine Challenge Team is throwing down the gauntlet, and accepting any and all challenge offers. If you have something new and unique in the world of health and fitness, and would like our Challenge Team to put it to the test, tell us about it. We'll take your challenge. Our team knows no limits. If you have something related to health, fitness, nutrition, healthy dining... whatever, invite us to take your challenge. We'll send our crew to your location to test your product or service and our experience and results will be written up in an upcoming edition of PhillyFIT Magazine. You might beat us... we might beat you. Either way, you can expect great exposure --- and FUN for all. Our team brings to the table a wealth of experience and wide range of backgrounds. We are available in teams of three or as a large as our entire group. (Some team members are not featured in this photo). Call 215-396-0268 or contact for pricing details and to schedule a CHALLENGE.

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PhillyFIT I 9


PHILLYFITfamily Published by: Jalynn Concepts, LLC Publisher: Jami Appenzeller

Philly’s Fittest Photographer: Bill Mason

Art Design: Buxmont Media All inquires are welcome... Copy Editors: Heather Hoehn,

Call us NOW! 215-396-0268

Bev Appenzeller

Fax: 215-396-0288

Distribution Manager:

Jim Appenzeller

Cover Photography: Photo of Anny Gruber by Joe Chielli, Church Street Studios. Make-up on Ann By Aleksandra Ambrozy. Photo of Gavin McKay by Christopher Gabello.

Advertising Deadlines:

Publishers Page: Photography: Joe Chielli, Church Street Studios Make-up: Kevin Donlin Hair: Amy Cummings, Fresh Hair Studio Southampton, PA Editorial Research:

Reservations for the July/Aug 2010 issue: Ad Copy Due By: June 5, 2010 Payment Due By: June 10, 2010 PhillyFIT Magazine is a news magazine with emphasis on health, fitness

and leisure. PhillyFIT Magazine is printed bi-monthly, distributing 50,000 magazines to more than 2,000 locations in the Philadelphia, Bucks, Delaware and Montgomery Counties. Address all submissions of adver-

tising, calendar entries, photos, inquiries and letters to the above

address. PhillyFIT Magazine does not assume responsibility for unsolicited materials. PhillyFIT Magazine will assume that all unsolicited materials are being submitted for possible publication and should the

material be published, no fee is due to the submitting party. It is our understanding that the submitting party holds models' releases on pho-

Beverly Appenzeller

tographs submitted. Physicians' Pages are paid advertisements.

Calendar Of Events: John Beeler

tising or editorial content, nor does the Publisher assume responsibility

Ad Sales:

the right to edit letters to the editor and other submissions for clarity and

Jami Appenzeller

for publication. Before implementing any exercise or diet modification

Rita Henry

10 I PhillyFIT

PhillyFIT Magazine does not knowingly accept false or misleading adver-

should such advertising or editorial appear. PhillyFIT Magazine reserves space availability, and to determine suitability of all materials submitted mentioned in PhillyFIT Magazine, readers are advised to consult with

their physicians. No reproductions of printed material are permitted without the consent of the Publisher. All rights reserved.

Ms. Appenzeller, I just wanted to let you know that a reporter from Fox 29 saw the “Autism on the Run” article in PHILLYFIT while working out at his local gym. He called our school to find out more and did a wonderful piece on our fitness program at CLC. It aired today on the morning show and the 5:00 news! This was wonderful exposure for both the school and our upcoming fundraiser run, and I hope inspires other autism programs out there to add fitness to their curriculums. We have you to thank, because if you did not print that article, the opportunity would have never materialized. Thank you for caring about kids with autism. Judy McCann Special Projects Coordinator The Comprehensive Learning Center Jami, Your pub pages are great! I wanted you to know that they are necessary because they are unfiltered and real. Real people want that because real people relate to what’s real. You are real and people need to see that. Your page reflects that well. Keep it going. Stephen Brown Jami, So pschyed that your magazine is online! I have a cousin who lives in Virginia Beach and I brag about your PhillyFit all the time. I am going to take a copy with me to give to her when I visit for Easter. I’m not at my perfect weight nor do I eat perfect everyday, but I really do get a lot of inspiration reading your magazine. Probably wouldn’t eat as well or would not move as much if not for PhillyFit. I also love the fact that the articles are about people from this area, our Philly extended family. I’m a Philly girl born and raised here, now living in Bucks County. Thanks in advance for your next issue, can’t wait! Dawn

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Jami— I am going “FULL FORCE” with my goals to achieving being fit and healthy, and it’s mostly because of you and your magazine. I have been reading it for a long time, but things are finally clicking (you got me into Dr. Drill’s bootcamp.) You offer so much help to many people! You’re somethin' special! (I always thought that even way back when we were in High school too.) THANKS so much, again. Lisa Glace Jami, I have really been enjoying your articles in the last few issues focusing on motivation, emotions, and looking for a positive direction. I have been also doing a lot of reading on those subjects myself and if you’re interested, check out a few of the audio books by Paul Mckenna! Also, check out some of the Bruce Lipton videos on the biology of perception....REALLY, REALLY interesting! Anyway, you’re an inspiration to us all. Keep up the good work! Michael Volpicelli Jami, Your an inspiration to women everywhere! Jane Ann Conbhill Your local FIT Fed-Ex Driver! Dear Jami, My name is Nikiya, I was recently on the cover of your January – February 2010 cover of PhillyFIT. I admit, I wasn't familiar with your publication until working with photographer Bill Mason, but I must say, I really love what you're doing. I think you and your magazine are awesome! Nikiya Palombi



Checking in on Your Exercise Mindset Kelly N. Pedrotty, M.S., R.Y.T Rachel M. Calogero, Ph.D.

What is dysfunctional exercise? Although exercise is considered an important component of health, distorted and confusing messages regarding fitness can lead individuals of all ages to abuse exercise and harm their bodies. It is becoming increasingly difficult to define “healthy” exercise, and the focus is steadfast on weight loss. Dysfunctional exercise can include exercising excessively, rigidly, when sick, in pain, tired, malnourished, dehydrated, disconnected, to regulate emotions, to avoid others, for self-punishment, to give oneself permission to eat, and in all or nothing patterns. Individuals with eating disorders are particularly prone to this abuse. Dysfunctional exercise has been shown to be one of the strongest predictors of relapse in women with eating disorders. A critical component to recovery from an eating disorder is to examine and change your relationship to exercise. How can I reduce my dysfunctional exercise? Creating an Exercise Checklist can be an effective tool for reducing dysfunctional and unhealthy patterns of exercise. The checklist is composed of a list of questions or statements that you generate about your specific exercise issues. Reviewing these questions prior to exercise may help you stay present and connected with your body, and not use exercise for unhealthy reasons. It is important to make the questions as realistic and specific as possible. The key to its effectiveness is answering honestly and following through with behaviors that keep you safe and strong. We suggest using the ‘Four F’s’ as a guide to developing your checklist: Function, Fuel, Feeling, and Fun. These aspects of exercise and checklist examples are described below. Function The purpose of exercise should not be weight loss. When

weight loss drives exercise behavior, it can easily lead to dangerous exercise behaviors. A weight loss mindset is an abusive mindset. Think about the purpose of physical activity in your life. Why we exercise determines and guides how we exercise: I am exercising to burn calories and lose weight.

I feel exhausted, depleted, and overworked after exercise.

Exercise helps me avoid social activities or interactions that make me uncomfortable. I exercise to change my body weight and appearance.

I avoid exercise because I am uncomfortable in my body and with how I look. I only feel good about myself when I exercise.

Exercise alleviates guilt, anxiety, and punishing thoughts.

Calories, minutes, and repetitions determine how long or how hard I exercise.

Fuel The dangers of exercising when the body is not properly fueled, hydrated, or rested can include fatigue, major organ failure, injury, fainting, and even death. Fuel is essential for keeping your body safe: I scheduled today as a rest day, but I am going to exercise anyway.

Am I exercising to burn off what I ate or to allow myself to eat my meals today? Have I given my body enough food and fluids today to safely engage in extra physical activity? Exercise gives me permission to eat.

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Feeling Pay attention to how you feel before, during, and after exercise. Engaging in physical activity that fosters disconnection, ignores physical signs to stop, or feels like punishment is dangerous. It is especially important to check in with feelings of body dissatisfaction, body shame, and comparing oneself to others before exercising, which can all lead to dysfunctional exercise: I often disconnect from my body and zone out during exercise. I feel more stressed and less relaxed when exercising. I never feel like I have exercised enough.

Am I too tired (sick or in pain) to exercise today, but feel like I should anyway? Will I be able to stop exercising if I feel pain?

I try to burn more, go longer, and go faster each time I exercise. I focus on how others look and how much they exercise more than on how I feel while exercising.

Fun Many individuals do not consider exercise to be fun. If you are not enjoying the experience then stop – there is something wrong. Dysfunctional forms of exercise may satisfy the eating disorder and thus may be confused with feeling good or fun. Being able to explore how you like to move your body and what makes you feel healthy and strong can be very empowering and aid in your recovery: I engage in the same type of exercise everyday. I often lie or I am secretive about my exercise.


If you answered yes or true to any of the questions or statements above you may be abusing exercise. Many people abuse exercise to some degree, even people without eating disorders. Be aware that it can and does perpetuate the eating disorder. Below are several key points to reflect on and incorporate into how you view and experience exercise: Enhance your awareness of your relationship with exercise, which includes how it makes you feel and why you do it. Challenge the types of activities you consider exercise. Try playgrounds, dancing, hiking, biking, walks, or yoga to experience your body and exercise differently. Seek out other places for physical activity besides the gym. Take a healthy buddy to make it social and fun. Focus on core strength, not a six-pack. This means building abdominal, lower back, and hip flexors in order to support your body. Focusing on others leads to minimizing your own skills, achievements, and body’s needs. If you find yourself comparing, close your eyes for a minute and focus on your breathing to center yourself. Incorporate physical activity around meals and nutritionist recommendations. Be flexible with how and when you exercise. Healthy exercise allows for the unexpected so you can miss some workouts. Record exercise-related thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a journal. This will help you to identify patterns of healthy and unhealthy exercising. Be critical of sources of fitness information. Avoid triggering material such as “fitness” magazines. Incorporate two or more days of rest each week. Avoid beating the clock. Do not use time or numbers as a guide to tell you when to stop. Practice listening to and trusting your body’s signals. Be careful of your expectations for yourself around exercise. Unrealistic expectations can lead to dysfunctional exercise. Remember you are not training for the Olympics. Remember you are in recovery from an eating disorder. Just because other people are abusing exercise, and consequently their bodies, doesn’t mean you should also.


I almost always exercise alone.

I rarely enjoy myself when I exercise.

I often dread the exercise I have planned.

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Am I wishing I were somewhere else or that I was already done exercising? Is there something else I wanted to do today instead of exercise?

Kelly N. Pedrotty-Stump, M.S., RYT is an exercise consultant to The Renfrew Center of Philadelphia, the nation’s first residential eating disorder facility, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. She is also a high school guidance counselor in the Springfield School District and a certified yoga instructor. Kelly has been published in the Journal of Treatment and Prevention on the topic of dysfunctional exercise and eating disorders. Kelly is an experienced speaker on exercise and the treatment of eating disorders. She has presented at national conferences such as NEDA, AED, MEDA and the New England & New York State College Health Associations Combined Meeting. She has taught workshops on various topics at Jefferson University, West Chester University, Temple University, PCOM, Delaware County Intermediate Unit and Chester County Intermediate Unit. Rachel M. Calogero, Ph.D. is an ESRC post-doctoral research fellow in the School of Psychology at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. Her primary research areas include the role of exercise in eating disorders treatment and recovery, the role of sexual and self-objectification in girls’ and women’s lives, and the perpetuation of sexism and fat prejudice. She has published her research widely in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, and is senior editor of the book, Self-Objectification in Women: Causes, Consequences, and Counteractions (APA, 2010). Dr. Calogero regularly gives talks and workshops on the topics of mindful exercise and the objectification of women in the U.S. and Europe, highlighting the spectrum of socio-cultural factors that influence women’s daily lived experiences.

12 I PhillyFIT

May/June I 215-396-0268 I


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PhillyFIT I 13


Myths About Skin Care

The following are some top myths about skin care which will make your skin care lifestyle choices less confusing! By Sandy Alcide


As fitness minded people it’s common we eat clean and nutritious. However, during holidays and off training times we may want to “live a little” with some forbidden food. Many recent studies have shown eating a high-fat diet, even occasionally, can increase your skin’s sebum output, leaving your skin oilier. Pizza and cookies have a high glycemic index of carbohydrates which quickly convert to glucose, raising the blood sugar level that releases insulin and androgen. This results in the hormones that signal our sebaceous glands to get into high-gear producing more unnecessary oil, thus leading to possible breakouts-regardless of what your age is.


Vitamin D helps to boost the absorption of calcium and new studies shows help with depression and PMS. It is also beneficial for the immune system. You can get plenty of the benefits of vitamin D without going unprotected with sunscreen. The rumors of vitamin D deficiency were proven to be exaggerated where many diagnoses were the result of lab errors!


This statement always bewildered me. You don’t have to wait thirty minutes to head outdoors after applying a sun block. Physical blocks, which contain titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, are almost instantly effective. It is vital to apply your sunscreen before you go outside, even if it is a five-minute walk to your car, the tennis court or a run. In only the five minutes you are unprotected, the rays of the sun can cause damage, and, make a habit of all your unprotected five-minute walks the time adds up for the sun to cause havoc, resulting in pre-mature skin aging and more importantly, skin cancer. Before you get dressed in your workout attire, bathing suit, or clothing, dot your sunscreen on and remember – the sun can penetrate through light colored clothing. Apply sunscreen under your clothes.


A big no, no! Yes, most of us make the effort to combat the low humidity and poor air quality on a plane. But spritzing your face with water in this environment can actually make your face drier! How? The water evaporates and takes with it any moisture that is already on your face. If you like using a water bottle spritzer, be sure to incorporate some aloe vera liquid into the bottle, which will give the moisture its “staying power.” Your key defense against airplane air quality is drinking lots of bottled water and no alcohol beverages during flight. Sandy Alcide is an athlete skin care consultant/esthetician and is solely dedicated to athletic skin care & counseling. Sandy is also the founder of Motion Medica (, a leading skin care choice for fitness lifestyle products. She attended the Aveda Institute School of Esthetics and works closely with physiologists and doctors from St. Luke’s Hospital in New York City.

14 I PhillyFIT

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May/June I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 15


Meditation -Shmeditation I Wonder What’s For Lunch By Mitch Goldfarb

Have you ever noticed those rambling thoughts in your head? You know the type I mean, the little things that drive you absolutely bonkers, like, “I can’t believe I said that!” referring to a conversation you had yesterday. Or, “Oh my gosh, I’ll never have enough time to…” You fill in the blank. And I really love these, “I gotta pick up the kids. Then soccer practice. Dance. And the clothes at the dry cleaners. Oh, the bank. Gotta stop at the bank.” All this is banging around in your head, and it’s only nine-thirty in the morning! These wonderful little thoughts making you crazy are fondly referred to as the “Monkey-Mind” in Buddhism. These incessant Monkey-Mind thoughts have a few things in common that, trust me, do not honor you. First, they bring you out of the present moment. Whether you know it or not, you’re off in the past, replaying yesterday’s events over and over again. “I should have done it differently.” Or, “I could have said it another way.” And the humiliating, “Why didn’t I just keep my big mouth shut?” Or the Monkey-Mind can have the magical power of time travel, transporting you into the future. “What’ll I do if it rains and the game’s cancelled?” “I’ll never pass my midterms next week.” “Will the dentist find another cavity next month?”


Have you ever seen someone who is talking to themselves in public and not on a cell phone? Your initial thought is: that person must be crazy. But the only difference between that person and most people is that he or she is vocalizing their Monkey-Mind. Yours might be just as active, or even more so.


what I’m going to say—meditate! But don’t worry, I’m not going to suggest you should listen to sitar music and burn incense.

“But meditation is hard,” you might think. “I don’t have time in my busy schedule and the kids are always noisy. The phone rings. I’m too tired at the end of the day. How can I ever create a Zen environment to promote peace and serenity?” Can you see what’s happening? You’ve just been attacked by the Ninja Monkeys. Sly little devils, aren’t they? All the excuses those sneaky Ninjas came up with are true, but the little secret is, none of that matters. You can meditate no matter what! Don’t believe it? Then read on and prove me wrong.

The central idea in meditation, if you haven’t already guessed, is stilling the mind, like the surface of a pond reflecting the heavens. Hey, in the past I used to wrap my head with duct tape to keep it from exploding, but then I found meditation. Much easier and it doesn’t muck up your hair.

You get the idea. There’s a restless whirlwind of activity going on upstairs in your head. The monkeys are hard at play. So now that you know you’re going bonkers, what can you do about it? Yeah, that’s right, you know 16 I PhillyFIT

Let’s do an experiment, an investigation if you will. It’s a little game I’d like you to play and it’ll only take sixty seconds. That’s it. Most of you watch TV, so when you do, pick your least favorite commercial, turn off the sound of your television set and you’ll have sixty seconds. Those of you who don’t watch the tube—good for you! You’re already on the right path, but try this experiment anyway. Now during the next commercial break,

May/June I 215-396-0268 I

here’s what I’d like you to do. Hit the mute button on your remote and just sit. You can even keep your eyes open. Simply sit and observe what happens. See what pops into your head. You might have a gazillion thoughts or none at all. Feel the fleeting little aches and/or itches that come and go in your body. Do not resist anything that happens. Just observe. Let your little scientist come out and play and investigate. Now STOP! Do not read on until you’ve tried it. Some of you still have fifty-nine seconds left. Okay, I know a few of you probably cheated. That’s all right. I won’t hold it against you. I cheated myself when I first found this experiment. So here’s the deal, what you were doing was mediation! Yeah, hard to believe. Doesn’t feel like you’re on the road to enlightenment following the wisdom of the ages, does it? But the truth is—you are! So, if that’s meditation, what’s all this mumbo-jumbo about Nirvana? (Not the band—though I think they’re great!) Nirvana isn’t the point of meditation. Zen instructs that if you have an outof-body experience or get that great flash from the heavens, to ignore it and go back to observing. Without getting too metaphysical, the whole point of Zen meditation is to observe the extraordinary in the ordinary, and that’s just what you were doing!

Look at how amazing and creative your mind was, making up all that gobbledygook running around your brain—and all in sixty seconds! You’ve actually tapped into the “Source of creativity.” Now you’re thinking, “This guy’s bananas! He just fell out of the monkey tree.” Well, I might be bananas, but to put it a better way would be to say, “I’m out of my mind!” That’s the point, the exercise has gotten you “out of your mind.” By simply observing your mind, you’ve separated yourself from your thoughts. You’ve observed them. You were no longer the thinker of the thoughts. You became the witness of the infinite creativity of your mind.

As soon as you stop and observe, bringing your mind into your body, you are meditating. It’s that easy! Still too busy in your dayto-day to do this regularly? Well, here’s the perfect solution for those of you who drive. The next time you’re at a red light, put the car in park and observe your thoughts and feelings. “Oh no!” you protest. “What if I drift off and really get into it? I won’t know when the light changes. Then what?” There’s a simple solution for that, too. Trust me when I say this, the person in the car

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behind will gladly let you know when the light has changed. They might even let you know you’ve risen to “number one” in their Monkey-Mind. But guess what? You’ve meditated.

Here’s another little experiment you can do to stop the MonkeyMind. When you hear the familiar gibber-jabbering of your chattering monkeys at play (and you no doubt will), simply take one conscious breath, deep into your abdomen. Feel yourself inhale. Feel your lungs expand. Feel it with every sense of your being. Hear the air rush in, then out. Ask yourself, “How do you feel?”

Now for Part Two. I’ll bet you weren’t able to think of anything when you were paying attention to your breath. Yeah, you’ve successfully stilled your mind for a nanosecond. Try it again. Feel your breath as you inhale and see if you can actually hold a thought while doing this. Also, try this when you’re feeling tense. It’s a great stress reliever.

The thing I found difficult with meditation at first, and most people will experience this, is that if you just sit for twenty minutes and try to still the mind, you can’t. My brain kept asking, “What’s for lunch,” and my belly would answer with a rumble. The thing is, simply by changing your awareness of what’s happening inside is enough. By shifting your consciousness to this wonderful gift we all have, our body, we can change our experience. It’s hard to imagine that by simply sitting for sixty seconds a day, or by taking a deep breath and feeling it a couple of times a day, that one can actually change their life. Meditation can be a life-changing experience. You never know what it might bring. But it will bring more the more you do it. Guaranteed! Now don’t expect miracles when you begin to meditate, although they can happen. My wife says that she learned patience from her practice. That’s because things happen slowly over time, and then one day you realize you are different. You are reacting to the same stress and noise of your day-to-day life in a way that you never thought possible.

If you’re open to trying something new that dates back several thousand years, and you’re ready for a potentially life-changing experience, then I strongly urge you to give it a shot. What have you got to lose? Missing a favorite (or not-so-favorite) TV commercial for something you really didn’t need to buy anyhow? If you miss it that much, you can always catch its rerun, so try meditating. Take that conscious breath. You’ll know in a short time it’s an activity that lifts your Spirit. Along with writing, music, and his wife, teaching T’ai Chi and meditation are Mitch’s great passions in life. Its Taoist philosophy has helped to focus his creativity both in and out of the studio. Mitch has written over 100 songs, is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, Pennwriters, Brandywine Valley Writers Group, and the TriState Literary Society. Mitch is currently a Professor at West Chester University in the Kinesiology Department and has recently finished a non-fiction guided T’ai Chi audio text for his students. He directs the T’ai Chi Arts School and teaches at various yoga studios as well as health and fitness centers in the greater Philadelphia area. His teaching background includes over three decades experience instructing at Philadelphia area colleges and universities. Mitch has been actively involved in writing and producing various healing and meditation recordings, including five CD’s for Dr. Deepak Chopra. His latest CD “Native Path” for T’ai Chi, Yoga and meditation is available on iTunes.

May/June I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 17

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PhillyFIT I 19



Arnold Festival

2010 By Meegan Cameron

It was less than four weeks until the 2010 Arnold Festival in Columbus, OH. I had been planning to attend the event for some time since I agreed to work the booth for PROLAB during the Expo. However, I learned that I was also invited to participate in the competition. Problem was, by the time I had received my acceptance letter, it was only four weeks until the actual event, which didn’t leave me much time to prepare. On average, it takes twelve weeks of pre-contest dieting and training for a figure competitor to come in looking conditioned on stage. I had only four weeks and knew that wasn’t enough time for me to present the best package. This would be my third year competing and I knew all too well what it takes to get to that level of conditioning. I’ve always been a planner and an organizer. I own a goal board if that puts anything in perspective. My lifelong motto has always been, “failing to plan is planning to fail,” and it has served me well throughout the years. Besides, my off-season training was just ending and I had put on a good ten to fifteen pounds since the last time on stage. I remember the suit being on the small side then, I couldn’t imagine what it was going to look like now. Unfortunately, finding a figure suit is another process all in itself, usually taking six to eight weeks for a tailored fit and bead placement. For some of us, it’s also a significant financial investment and choosing something that will last both the abuse of bikini-bite and the newest fashion trends is a key motivation in taking one’s time before making a final decision. Taking everything into consideration, as well as all my other responsibilities at home and work, I decided that there just wasn’t enough time to give it one hundred percent and bring my best to the stage. However, after giving it a day or two, I changed my mind and decided to do it anyway. Instead of worrying about the things that I had no control over, I started focusing on what I had already done. I had just dedicated four months of my time to some hard and heavy training. I had already made the commitment to compete several times in 2010, a promise I had made to myself last year when other priorities came before my own. I had also filled my head with ideas on how I would represent the fitness industry and what sort of positive contributions I would make. So the timing was off for my level of comfort, but the opportunity was there and I wasn’t going to let it pass by. I went back to my goal board to draw up a “To Do” list for the next four weeks. I ordered tanning product on-line, scheduled my waxing 20 I PhillyFIT

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for two weeks out pre-contest and took inventory of my stage make-up and jewelry. I even took my dog for a walk in a pair of stilettos to make sure I was still capable of walking the stage in four-inch heels. Almost immediately I consulted my nutritionist to get my diet into pre-contest mode. I use an on-line service, where I submit weekly photos in exchange for verbal feedback and an updated diet plan. Next was finding a figure suit that I could love for the next couple of years. I searched the web for designers and found a nice variety, but for the amount of money, nothing knocked my socks off. Finally, after looking into a friend’s recommendation, I found my designer. We had a similar style and tastes. She worked with me to create something that I would have myself if given the blessing of creativity. After a hectic couple of days, I had successfully devised a plan to compete at The Arnold Festival and reminded myself that no matter what the outcome, I had the courage to seize an opportunity that came at an inopportune time. For someone who is partial to having control over life, that sense of freedom was like food for the soul. The only rules that I broke were my own. However, when life is all about balance, some rules are made to be broken. In the state of California, there is a wall in Starbucks where someone had scribbled the words, “She pulls together chaos and tries to tell it what to do.” Some may consider that crazy, but I consider that talented.

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March/April I 215-396-0268 I





PhillyFIT I 21

L Chuck and Kay Liverton of West Chester.

Stars 13U team at the Parkwood Rec Center in Philadelphia.



Woods, Erin Garner & L Chelsea Alliya Butts of the Philly Freedom

Tricia Galanti of Douglassville.

L Michael Alarcon, Alix Edwards and Sebastian Hernandez of Penn State Abington Soccer.


May/June I 215-396-0268 I


22 I PhillyFIT

Ben Lockman of Springfield at The Club at Shannondell in Audubon.

Tracey and Dennis Clossin of Collegeville walking Frankie on the Perkiomen Trail in Schwenksville.



L Janel Francis and Luis Sierra in beginner Salsa class at Salsa in the Suburbs in Media.

Genesis Agosto of J Hoop and her Jr. Hoop Troupe at Hancock - St. John's Methodist Church Ministry in Philadelphia.


Steve Boham of Collegeville tests a new bicycle at the Eundurance Sports Expo in Oaks with the help of Trek Bicycle's Todd Fabian of Elkins Park.

Boxer Thomas Velasquez of John Welsh Elementary School at Front Street Gym in Philadelphia.


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May/June I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 23


By Julie Fuimano, Assertiveness Coach & Speaker

“You cannot look at someone’s exterior and know what’s going on inside.”

This quote from the book The Journey Called YOU is a very profound statement because what it means is that looks can be very deceiving; someone who seems to have it all together may in fact be living a life of lies.

Many people live with secrets: A mountain of credit card debt, spouses who are addicts, alcoholics, or gamblers, others who have affairs. The workaholic or timid person who makes excuses to avoid being a parent. Children who are sexually promiscuous. Incest. Physical or verbal abuse – screaming and yelling at others. Men addicted to pornography and the wives who deal with it or deny it. Secrets could be more subtle such as no longer having sex in your marriage but having a “convenience” relationship with your spouse. Pretending to be more successful than you are. Worried that you are not good enough. Or living in ways that are dishonest such as cheating on your taxes. Whatever it is, you know it’s not good for you, you feel uncomfortable, but it’s “easier” to do nothing rather than face it and accept responsibility for changing it.

Any secret you live with that you would be horrified if the world found out is keeping you stressed and is hurting you. Your secrets keep you sick. They don’t have to be big and bad secrets; but by lying to yourself and denying your pain, you live with the stress of being exposed and you waste energy by keeping it hidden. Secrets cause you to hide, to stay isolated, or live a life of pretense. In other words, you put on a happy face, go out into the world and pretend that everything is just fine. But inside, you are hurting and that pain can impact you physically; often it is when the physical pain occurs that you realize life is too short to put up with unhappiness and lies. 24 I PhillyFIT

You Have Choices: There are no easy answers. Often, we make bad choices. It doesn’t make us bad people. But that doesn’t mean it has to continue or that you have to continue to put up with it. Today, you can announce that you want a new life. And today, you will need to learn to make new choices so you can begin to create that new life. Can you imagine living without any secrets? Not that you would want everything in your life to be front page news, but if things in your life were exposed, it would be no big deal. Consider the peace that comes when living without fear of being found out. That is true freedom, and it is possible. But it requires a few key steps to achieve this kind of freedom and peace of mind. You can start living well right now, but you must be willing to do the work. Most people look for an easy way out. There is no easy way; you must face whatever is there to face or live with the lies.

Here are 4 steps to a life of freedom:

1) Choose to live in integrity. Yes, integrity is a choice. This means, doing the right thing for you. Integrity is that fine line between what feels good to you and what feels bad. If you feel as though you will regret it, then it’s probably out of integrity for you. No one can tell you what is best for you. You have to decide this for yourself. Consider that what you are about to do or say will be plastered on the front page of every newspaper and online publication for the entire world to see. Would you be proud of your choice? Is this decision how you want to be known in the world? If yes, then go for it. And if not, then don’t.


Why is integrity first on this list? Because integrity must become your priority. You must believe that honoring yourself by doing what is right for you – what feels good for you – is more important than living a life that is fake and full of makebelieve. Your life might look good but it doesn’t feel good.

May/June I 215-396-0268 I

“To have your life ‘look good’ but not ‘feel good’ is not living; it’s existing. That’s not success and in your heart, you know it. To not honor yourself, to choose not to do what you know is right for you, is a crime against yourself.” ~ Julie Fuimano, The Journey Called YOU

2) Identify your secrets. In what ways are you scared of being found out? Whatever your secrets are, you first must open up to the reality of them so that you can move beyond them and make new choices.


Awareness is crucial to identifying what needs changing. Start with areas in your life that don’t feel good. Where are you most unhappy or frustrated? What keeps you up at night? All of your fears and concerns, all of the areas where you feel like you must pretend or hide, these are clues to your secrets. 3) Face the truth. Being willing to face whatever is there for you. This is hard. It will be hard to change your approach to life and it will be a challenge to accept responsibility for your past behavior. But nothing can be as hard and as self-defeating as living your life as a fraud. Guaranteed you will grow from the process, you will become stronger, and you will create a better life because of the changes you make to live in truth.


4) Take positive actions to create positive change. Each day, you can make little choices that honor you. This can be difficult as you wrestle with questions about what you deserve. You fear change as well as what other people think and how they will react to your new choices. You doubt yourself and your choices.


It will take courage to make choices that are in your best interest, to be honest with yourself and others when you’ve been used to living differently. But with each choice you make to honor and respect yourself and others, you will learn to trust yourself again (or for the first time!) and others will learn to trust you too.

big deal – you might even enjoy it! You are free you to simply be YOU. Are you getting the respect you want? Contact to arrange a free 30-minute coaching session. Julie Fuimano, MBA, RN is a Masterful Coach and Motivational Speaker whose passion is coaching and teaching women in health care and other caring professions to assert yourself in the “right way” so you get the respect you want, the cooperation you need, and create amazing and productive relationships at work and at home. Learn to use your compassion for yourself and empathy with others. An expert in her field, Julie is named one of the top 100 thought leaders in personal leadership development. She has published over 200 articles and is author of the book The Journey Called YOU: A Roadmap to Self-Discovery and Acceptance. Visit to learn more about coaching, sign up for her newsletter, or contact to have her speak at your next meeting or conference.

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Anything new takes time to acclimate and get comfortable. Take baby steps. Each new choice to care for yourself brings you closer to success and to it becoming habit. Giving up a life of secrets – giving up anything, any kind of change – means letting go of the story you’ve been living by for years. Expect to mourn the loss. You’ll need to script a new story to live by which will drive your future thoughts and actions. Take one step at a time and keep the vision of freedom and peacefulness alive as you pursue it. "To be nobody-but-yourself – in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you somebody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." ~ E. E. Cummings Once you face your truth, choose to keep things open and honest. Living your life grounded in truth is easier and healthier in the long run. If someone plasters YOU on the front page, it’s no

May/June I 215-396-0268 I

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PHILLY ELITE By Rhonda Cohen









How different from yours is the life of high profile, championship athletes? Surprisingly, not very much. Maybe they are scheduled to do a full day of surgery or have a trial in the courtroom. Nevertheless, they wake before dawn to work out prior to a long day at their job. Then, like ordinary people, they come home, spend time with their family, tuck the kids in and then it’s back on the bike trainer for another two hours. These are superior athletes. The time, dedication and commitment that it takes to compete at the levels they do could be considered a full time job in itself. Yet they also have full time careers that demand much from them. You may not know of them because their trophies aren’t displayed in their offices, but these high-achieving individuals are all around us. Here are snapshots of a few: On November 29, 2009, John Kenny was the first person to exit the 2.4-mile swim at the inaugural Ironman race at Cozumel. The professional tri-athlete from Atlantic City was ahead of over 2,000 competitors. A few minutes later, his fiancée, Kate Donald from Bridgeport, emerged from the water as the first non-professional female triathlete. After that opening came a 112-mile bike race and then a 26.2mile marathon. This is the normal configuration of a triathlon and it’s all in a day’s work for some of the competitors whose entire career is training for races like this. But John and Kate are ordinary people like most of us. Both are civil engineers who slog to work and sit at desks. Training for these races can mean up to twenty-five hours a week swimming, biking, running, weight training, yoga and Pilates, not to mention trivial things like sleeping and eating. In between, there are massages, chiropractic, doctor’s appointments for injuries, and meeting with sports nutritional experts. Workouts may start well before the sun comes up and end way after the sun goes down. John has won many races around the country, including Bassman and Uberman, and Kate has won the Masters National swim championship. She has also placed in the top three of her age group in many local and national races. One night prior to her last Ironman race, Kate was on her training bike for three hours while John made dinner. A real tagteam! * * * Michelle Bishop has been a professional violinist for twenty years. She is a regular substitute player for the Philadelphia Orchestra and also is a member of the Philly Pops, The Opera 26 I PhillyFIT








Company of Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Ballet, The Delaware Symphony, as well as others. Two years ago, on a dare from a friend, she competed in a sprint triathlon. Much to her friend’s shock, Michelle came in fifth. She says that her detail-oriented practicing for violin crosses over into training for a triathlon. She likes to be good at whatever she does. She accomplished a great 10th-place finish in her age group at the Nation’s Triathlon, which had an overall field of 3,500 people. Her coach realized that cycling was Michelle’s strength and encouraged her to enter bicycle races. She nabbed third place in the Millersburg Criterium Stage race and fourth in the Hillbilly Hustle Cyclocross race in New Jersey. She has competed in about thirty races and was offered a spot on an elite cycling team. Michelle has both the luxury and curse of working crazy hours. While that sometimes gives her time during the day to train, she often arrives home very late at night after a performance. * * * Dr. Todd Schwartz, a general orthopedist with a specialty in hip and knee replacements, doesn’t think twice when he trains in an extremely hard, early morning class at Cadence Cycling and Multisport. He showers, throws on his scrubs and goes to the hospital to perform major surgery. Todd is an elite athlete who competes strongly in cycling. He currently races in road, mountain biking and cyclocross. “My best finishes have to be the Manayunk Wall Climb, which I have won the last two years in my category, and last year (they did not have it this year) I was sixth overall, including the Pro 1, 2, 3,” Schwartz said. Recently he competed in the 18th Maccabia Games in Israel, in the masters division, and led the team to a silver medal in the Time Trial and a Bronze in the Road Race. “The key to juggling a career, family, and cycling is finding the balance in each aspect and have the flexibility to trade one for another,” says Schwartz. His schedule includes five full days of the week with covering calls and emergencies every fifth night. Time for cycling workouts occurs one morning and afternoon a week. He goes on longer rides on the weekends, usually totaling eight to fifteen hours a week. “My remaining time is spent with my family, a wife and two children, ages eleven and seven,” he

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reports. This includes evening soccer practices and helping the kids with their homework. “I am pretty busy. Life seems very chaotic, running from one part of my life to another, but, I love it, and wouldn't have it any other way. Life is too short not to participate.” * * * Cassandra King is a Latina who finds herself as one of the few minority females in the typically male-dominated fields of IT and Web. She works as a web developer and web designer in her role as webmaster for the Widener Law School in Delaware. As for her cycling, not only did she win three state championships this past season; she also was selected to represent Puerto Rico in the 2010 Centro American Games as a member of the Puerto Rican national cycling team. This is a great point of pride for her and her parents who live back on the island. Cass used to power-lift competitively and has been racing at national and international levels for over ten years. * * * Dr. Michael Grossman graduated from the University of Pennsylvania before going to Chicago for podiatry school and his surgical residency in foot and ankle at Crozer Chester Medical Center. You may have seen Michael at Sixers games where he serves as the team’s podiatrist. He also is a prominent figure at several hospitals, including Lankenau where he is the Chief of Podiatry. Besides being busy in two offices, Michael is a hard-driving and competitive cyclist, with three young children, who won a team silver medal in the time-trial and a bronze team medal for the road race at the Maccabia games in Israel. Adding another layer to this elite professional and athlete’s life, he also is an observant Jew who does not drive on the Sabbath. He gets up early each morning to say his daily prayers, sometimes as early as 4:15, and then does training. Michael wears a religious head-covering daily, even under his helmet when he rides. Although he does ride his bike on Saturday, he is on the trainer by 6 a.m. and at the synagogue by 9 a.m. On Sundays, he prays at 5 a.m., rides with a group in the morning, and is home to play with his kids by 11 a.m. He studies Torah at bedtime and starts his routine all over again the next morning. * * * Robert Pugh started doing triathlons in the early eighties after reading an article about the Hawaii Ironman in Time Magazine. Up until that time he was focused on swimming in college and he had run a few marathons. His first move into the field of triathlons was to buy a bike. A few years later, Robert made it to the famous World Championships in Kona that are annually aired on television. He continued to compete in mostly local triathlons until a few years ago when, after turning forty, he started competing in age group nationals at the Olympic distance event and qualified for the age group national team the last two years.

Robert is a busy trial lawyer with a wife and three very young kids. So where does he find the time to train? “When the kids were really little, the Computrainer and treadmill got lots of work when they slept. These days there are bike workouts starting at 4:30 a.m and swim or running at lunch.” An office located next to the courthouse in Norristown offers a surprising array of training possibilities. The Schuylkill Valley trail that runs from Philly through Norristown is just a few steps away from his office or he’ll shoot out to Valley Forge Park for a lunchtime run or ride. * * * Phillip Berman is a lifetime catamaran sailor and racer and was the world Hobie Cat champion from 1979 to 1981. He travels all over the world as the owner of the world’s largest catamaran and a multi-hull yacht brokerage. In fact, we got to interview him for this article as he was just getting off the plane from Tokyo. Berman put himself through college at the University of California at Santa Barbara by writing sailing and windsurfing books while traveling and competing around the world. His next stop was Harvard for graduate school, studying the history of religion. Phil wrote books for fifteen years on the topic of contemporary beliefs and values and partnered with Jane Goodall to write Reason for Hope that landed on the New York Times best seller list. As his life of an author became too solitary and sedentary, he went back to his outdoor activities and founded the Multihall Company ten years ago. Phil began competing in triathlons over the last several years and has won the New Jersey Devilman in 2008, fifth place in his age group at the Philadelphia Triathlon in 2007, and he came in sixth in the New York City Triathlon. A cycling injury took him out of racing for one season as he needed to have shoulder surgery. So how on earth does Phil train for triathlons with such a crazy schedule? He always brings swimming and running gear wherever he goes. He has found that it is too difficult to bring his bike when he is away, although he’s been known to rent a bike when he is in one place for a week or so. He tries to alternate between swimming and running every day, although he doesn’t beat himself over the head if he can’t make a workout. Phil does make a commitment to watch what he eats. Whether it is in Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, between jet lag and business dinners, he fits in enough training not to lose his base. Berman admits that sometimes it’s scary to swim all by himself in unfamiliar places like Perpignan, France, or in Caribbean harbors. At Perpigan the winds from the Pyrenees Mountains were almost fifty miles an hour and Phil was in danger of being blown out to sea. He had a memorable run in Paris making his way from the Luxembourg Palace to Notre Dame to the Louvre, around the Arch du Triomphe and finally past the Eiffel Tower and back. The sun was coming up. There were no tourists and little traffic. Heaven! * * * Abby Dean is a Postdoctoral Fellow in scientific medical research following her Ph.D. She also tried out for the Olympics in marathon running. An elite runner and triathlete, Abby is known around the world. She was a USAT All American runner

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for 2006, 2007, and 2008. She began training for triathlons in 2005. At her first half-distance Iron race, she placed sixth overall and qualified for the halfIronman Championships. That’s a 1.2 mile swim, 56 miles bike race, and 13.1 miles running. Abby was the worst runner on her high school track team. Plagued with asthma, she always came in last. Years later, she was ranked 102nd going into Olympic trials and astounded everyone by coming in 29th. When I asked Abby how she does it all, she told me: “It takes a lot of discipline and a lot of planning too, but I love the training which makes the discipline a lot easier.” Her training involves lots of early morning and late night training (having training partners really helps when it is cold and dark in the early morning). Training with people and having friends that have similar goals also help with the discipline. “I would also bring training clothes with me to the lab and sometimes go out to the track and then come back and work some more,” she says. She’s not much of a TV-watcher either. Her television only gets turned on when she is on her bike trainer at home. The other part of balancing is to have other interests in your life aside from your athletic interests. She finds that when she ends up focusing too much on her athletic goals and accomplishments it can easily consume her. “I seem to do best performance wise and be the happiest when I keep everything in perspective and don’t get obsessed over the training or the outcome.” *** I know and have heard from countless others who fit into this category. Their stories would fill volumes. It seems that these high achieving professionals are also high-achieving athletes. Their dedication and their willingness to work hard, train hard, yet still find time for a personal life is completely admirable.

Rhonda Cohen is a local freelance writer and an Athena triathlete.



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May/June I 215-396-0268 I



Does Your Child Have the

#1 Fear in America?

It isn’t easy to stand up in front of a crowd and take the lead, but at some point we are all called upon to do just that. Whether it is a presentation for school or a class project, you want your child to feel comfortable standing in front of his peers. This confidence is not only important for school, but also for success in his career as an adult. A great way to teach leadership is to let your child take the lead once in a while. Let him teach you something. It could be as simple as asking him to show or tell you how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Antoinette Hinkle’s son, Ryan, likes to bring the leadership skills he learns in karate class home to teach his family. “He loves to show everyone how strong he is and his karate kicks,” Antoinette said. “He even loves to tell people when they are doing it wrong.”

Giving them a leadership role somewhere they are already comfortable will make it easier for them to take the lead in a more challenging situation. As they get older they can take the lead on more complicated tasks. With so much practice as a leader, you child will naturally grow into a confident individual. A big part of being a leader is having confidence, which is why giving them a leadership role at home is a great first step. To help them branch out, get them involved in a group activity where they can make friends and feel comfortable. This will make your child more confident and therefore give him more of the tools he needs to be a leader.

Leadership isn’t easy. There are always going to be obstacles and setbacks. It’s how your child deals with these obstacles that separate the leaders from the followers. The key is to have a positive attitude. For others to believe in and follow him, your child must first believe in himself. He has to have an “I can” attitude that keeps him moving forward no matter what life throws at him. When your child is scared to stand in front of a crowd because he doesn’t want to make a mistake, remind him about the power of a positive attitude. If he goes in believing he will be a great leader, he has already won half the battle. Contributed by Solomon Brenner, author of Black Belt Parenting and Master Instructor of Action Karate. There are new classes forming now for ages 2 and up. 1-888-99-SHARK.

By trying different sports and activities to see what he likes best, your child could discover his passion. We all know how much easier it is be enthusiastic about something we enjoy. This translates into leadership for your child. When he finds something he loves to do, he will want to take on a more active role and be a leader.

Don’t forget that your children watch every move you make. If you are going to preach the values of being a leader, even when that means doing the hard thing because it’s the right thing to do, you’re going to have to live those values yourself. Otherwise, the lectures go in one ear and out the other. Using your own behavior as an example is a great way to show your child little ways you can be a leader every day. Being a leader has greater benefits than being team captain or club president. If your child is a leader, he thinks for himself. A leader doesn’t do something just because all the other kids are doing it. This means he is less likely to submit to peer pressure or fall in with the wrong kind of group and more likely to stand up for himself and others.

May/June I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 29


Is BMI Outdated? BMI = BODY MASS INDEX By Frank Skerlak

Most people have heard of the BMI or Body Mass Index and have calculated it themselves with easy interactive websites. Many doctors still rely on this guideline to determine one’s relative health risks, such as heart disease, diabetes and so on. Because of this, the BMI does not help our cause in promoting healthy weight; it actually gives us a false sense of security. The primary concern is not the actual weight, but the person’s overall body composition of weight, more specifically, the lean to adipose weight ratio. BMI is a statistical measure, which compares a person’s weight


In today’s society of “thin is in,” we must be aware that thin does not necessarily mean healthy. Everywhere you look advertising and marketing is all about being thin and pretty on the outside, but today we are more concerned about the inside because this is where it counts.

and height. However, two people of the same weight and height and therefore the same BMI, can actually have different health risks that the doctor won’t see. Fitness professionals have steered away from using this older method and focused more on utilizing the body fat analysis which are more reliable. Some methods include bioelectrical impedance, bi-fold calipers, and the “gold standard” hydro static weighing. The body fat analysis is used to assess people on a more individual basis, which helps define their risk more appropriately. These methods take a bit more time, but the results are well worth it. Today more and more people understand the importance of implementing a healthy lifestyle. With this in mind, the guidelines by which doctors use to access risk criteria must evolve with the populous. Body fat analysis is a more accurate way of classifying the physical condition of an individual than the height and weight charts associated with BMI.

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Frank Skerlak is an owner of Optimum Health & Fitness, a personal training studio based in Delaware County since 2005. He has earned a BS in Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology at West Chester University. His clientele base has ranged from seniors to Olympic athletes. He was offered the opportunity to intern with the Philadelphia Eagle’s strength and conditioning team. Frank has also had the honor of being on the national championship Marine Fitness Team and has studied the Martial Arts for ten years. He strives to create awareness throughout his community on the benefits of exercise and nutrition.

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PhillyFIT I 31




The best way to identify an emergency is to know what is normal for your pet and to be prepared to recognize when there is an extreme difference. Animals compensate very well which means by the time your pet begins showing signs of sickness, they may already be in an advanced stage of disease.

Know What Is Normal Learn normal temperature, pulse rate, breathing rate and patterns, gum color, and urination and defecation patterns. Learn how to take your pet’s temperature and how to check pulse rate and breathing rate in your pet. Speak with your pet’s veterinarian to learn how to monitor these vital signs and find out what is average for your pet. Be Prepared Some pets may lash out if they are in pain or scared. Observe your pet’s expressions, postures and vocalizations. Always approach slowly and cautiously and speak in a soft soothing voice. Learn how to safely capture and restrain your pet for transport. Have local veterinary emergency hospitals and poison control phone numbers easily accessible.

Emergency Conditions · Birthing problems · Bleeding- prolonged or severe · Breathing difficulty · Burns · Changes in body temperature outside the normal range · Collapse or inability/reluctance to move · Cuts or wounds that expose internal tissue · Depression – severe, may be hiding, unresponsive, refusing to eat · Diarrhea – profuse, large amounts of blood, black coloration

· Electrocution · Enlarged painful abdomen · Inappetance – especially in small mammals (rabbits, ferrets) and birds. Any exotic pet that is not eating and acting lethargic for more than 4–6 hours should be seen by a veterinarian. · Poisoning · Seizures · Shock- very high or low heart rate, high or low body temperature, blue/pale pink mucous membranes, breathing problems, dull · Straining to urinate without producing urine · Straining to defecate · Trauma – hit by a car, falling from heights, any animal bites, drowning · Unconsciousness · Vomiting/retching or gagging – profuse, or non-productive

If you notice any of these problems or if you feel something just isn’t right with your pet, immediately contact you veterinarian or local emergency hospital. Red Bank Veterinary Hospital is a 24-hour emergency, critical care and specialty hospital with the following locations: RBVH (Tinton Falls): 732-747-3636 RBVH Cherry Hill: 856-429-4394 RBVH Hillsborough: 908-359-3161 RBVH Linwood: 609-926-5300

Melissa Marshall, DVM, is board certified in emergency medicine and critical care. She received her veterinary degree from Tufts University and later completed an internship in small animal medicine and surgery at the Animal Specialty Group and a residency in emergency and critical care at Angell Animal Medical Center. She joined Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in 2005.

May is "Walk Your Dog Month"

32 I PhillyFIT

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May/June I 215-396-0268 I


mutt matchers By Meg Boscov, CPDT-KA, and Liz Maslow, CPDT-KA

As professional mutt-matchers, we know that every dog is not ideal for every family. One family's dream dog could be very challenging or dull to another one. We urge you, before your search, to take a good look at your own family to see what qualities in a dog would best suit you. If you're a family whose idea of a great night is lounging on the couch watching American Idol and ordering in, you might

Family of four seeks that special someone to share walks on the beach followed by cuddling by the fire. He/she should be a free spirit, always happy to meet new people and go to new places. Looks are not important; this family knows it's the personality that counts.


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be wise to choose a dog with a low energy level who will happily lie at your feet all evening. Conversely, if yours is the house where all the neighborhood kids gather and there is a constant flow of traffic, then you will be better off adopting a dog who is a social butterfly for whom every stranger is a new best friend. Maybe your family is frequently out with their various activities or work and wants a



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PhillyFIT I 33

dog to be content being home alone for a good portion of the day. The dog happy with this arrangement may be older with an independent nature. Most rescue dogs are a mix of breeds. We suggest you get out a breed book and look up the potential breeds that would be the make up of your ideal dog. Dogs are bred to do different jobs and therefore have different characteristics. You might find, after learning about greyhounds, that you love the calm, laidback nature of the breed. However, if it is important to your family to have a dog who can run off leash in a dog park or at the beach, a retriever or lab mix might be a more satisfying and realistic choice for your family. Greyhounds should never be off leash. They can be long gone in a matter of seconds. These are a few factors to take into consideration when looking for a dog who will enrich you and your family's lives. Some of the other traits to think about are size, grooming needs, drooling, shedding, age, and compatibility with other animals. Being thoughtful and reflective about what your needs are now, before you adopt your new dog, can save you from frustration and heartbreak later. It really is best if everyone in the family is on board about adding a dog to their lives, especially the adults. We all know who ends up doing the hard work of caring for a dog. So, until the entire household is unified about the decision to adopt a dog, it is probably best to wait. After your family has come together and is in agreement about adopting a dog and has an idea of what sort of dog would be best suited for you, it is now time to begin your search. Perusing is a terrific way to find a dog in need of

34 I PhillyFIT

a home, as is visiting your local animal shelters and neighborhood pet supply stores, who often host meet and greets, with rescues, on the weekends. Animal shelter is the common term for Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Humane Society, Animal Care and Control, or any private shelter with a distinctive name. If you are searching shelters for a dog to adopt, there are a few very telling behaviors. When you approach a dog's kennel, you want to see a low wagging tail, a wag which cannot be contained in the tail alone. The whole body wags and wiggles at your approach. The dog's face should be relaxed, mouth open, eyes soft and squinty. Before you talk and make friends, take a few seconds and stand in front of the kennel and stare in the dog's eyes. You want a dog who does not return direct eye contact. The dog should look away, as this is polite doggy etiquette. A dog who stares back might be a challenging dog. Now, it is time to make friends. Talk sweetly to the dog. Some dogs will become super-excited by your attention and bounce around. Some will press their bodies as close to the front of the kennel as possible, trying so hard to reach you. Some will retreat. Some will pay attention but remain still, and you might see the whites of their anxious eyes. These are quick peeks into each dog's personality. The bouncy dog might be a very highenergy dog who is easily over-stimulated. The dog who presses against the kennel seems to love human contact and find people a calming influence. The dog that retreats or holds still may be shy or reserved. When you see a dog who meets your criteria, ask to spend some time with the dog outside of the kennel and inquire if the shelter has done a complete temperament evalua-

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

tion. Such an assessment will give you valuable information about the dog. Another place to get a dog is from a rescue group. Rescue groups do not usually have a facility. They are made up of hard working, caring volunteers who foster dogs in their homes. These dogs would have otherwise ended up in a shelter. Dogs in foster care are usually healthy, and the foster family really gets to know their dogs and can be a wealth of information for you.

Below is a checklist to help you see the “diamond in the ruff” when you are first meeting your potential new family member. The following information applies to dogs in both shelters and foster care, but usually dogs in foster care have been spruced up: · Shelters are often loud, and the dogs may be dirty, matted, may have been newly neutered and/or ill with kennel cough (not contagious to people). · When the dog is brought to you, the dog should go right up to you with a loose wagging body and tail. The dog should be happy to see all members of the family.

As professional dog trainers, we want to do our part to bring shelter dogs and families together. Our satisfaction comes when we make a match, and both family and dog have their happily ever after.

Meg Boscov, CPDTKA, and Liz Maslow, CPDT-KA, founded Mutt Match to bring shelter dogs and families together and also to be there afterwards to answer families' questions about this newest member of the home. Meg currently lives in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania; Liz, in Villanova, Pennsylvania. They can be reached at Above: Meg with Maddie and Theo. Below: Liz with Plato

· Dogs should be more focused on you than the environment. It is natural for dog to be focused on their foster mom or shelter volunteer. This is good information for you, because how dogs interact with their caregiver will be a window into how they will act once they are accustomed to living with you. · Try to get the dog to interact with you in a playful manner, to ensure you like the style of play.

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· Then ask the dog to settle on your lap or near your body. Stroke slow and soothingly down the dog’s back or chest. You should not notice any fearful behavior or shyness towards anyone in your family.

· Take the dog for a short walk. Dogs in rescue usually do not know how to walk politely on leash; they may pull but the dog should not drag you and should pay attention to you. You want the dog to notice that you are at the other end of the leash. If you stop walking, the dog should also. · Male dogs tend to lift their leg on surfaces, but the male should not be so fixated on the behavior that it is all he cares about. He should not lift his leg on you or other people.

Get to know this dog and think of him or her as a member of your family. It is often an emotional decision and that is okay. We founded Mutt Match because we are strong proponents of rescue. We recognize that some people, although they would like to adopt, are wary or just need the extra support. For those families who reach out to us, we get to know your family and then set out, ourselves, on the search for a great match. We do full behavioral evaluations of your potential new family member and, thanks to our wonderful relationships with many rescues and shelters; the adoption is finalized without problems or frustrations. March/April I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 35

36 I PhillyFIT

May/June I 215-396-0268 I

We know how wonderful it is to have a dog to share your life with. We are ready to "find you a find." Let our expertise help you rescue without the worry—by finding a dog that is right for you from local rescues & shelters.

There are many wonderful dogs in need of forever homes.


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PhillyFIT I 37

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38 I PhillyFIT

May/June I 215-396-0268 I

“Raw” Pecan Pie

If you’re looking to get healthy and eat better but aren’t ready to make a commitment to a completely new dietary lifestyle, one recommendation is to make changes slowly. The best change to make is dessert. That’s right, get rid of those sugar-packed after-dinner treats and replace them with raw desserts. There are so many recipes for pies, cookies, fudge, even ice creams made from nothing but fruits, veggies and nuts. Sweet, tasty and one hundred percent healthy! Here’s my own recipe for Raw Pecan Pie. For more tasty desserts visit my blog at

cular motion with your palm and fingers to distribute the crumbs uniformly along the bottom and sides of the pan. There should be a 3/4 inch lip of crumbs along the sides. After the crumbs are evenly distributed press down with your palm on the bottom of the pan, be sure to press firmly where the bottom meets the sides of the pan. Press the crust against the pan's sides, shaping it so that the edges are flush to the rim. Place crust in the freezer for fifteen minutes.

Crust: Makes three cups for a 9-inch pie or tart pan 2 cups raw walnuts, unsoaked 1 cup unsweetened shredded dried coconut 1/4 teaspoon sea salt

1/2 cup pitted medjool dates, unsoaked (if you can't find medjool you may use another kind of date, but medjool are the best)

Place walnuts, coconut and salt in food processor fitted with the S blade and process until finely ground. Add dates and process until mixture resembles coarse crumbs and sticks together. A good test is to pinch a little between your index finger and thumb; if the mixture sticks then you're good to go. Do not over process. If you're not using the mixture right away place in a sealed container for up to one month in the refrigerator or three months in the freezer. Next pour mixture evenly into a 9- inch pie or tart pan. Use a light cir-

if you choose)

Filling: 2 cups dates (soaked 20–30 min.) 1 cup Raisins (Soaked 20–30 min.) 2 cups Pecan 1/2 tsp vanilla 1/2 tsp cinnamon 3 Tbsp. Agave 1/2 cup coconut water (you can also use regular water

Blend the dates, raisins, vanilla, cinnamon, and agave in the blender fitted with the S blade until smooth. Slowly add the water until you get a creamy consistency. Scoop the filling into the piecrust smoothing it out. Evenly spread out the pecans on top. Chill for at least one hour before serving. Enjoy and be healthy! Aaron Van Gossen and his wife Marina have been involved in the raw food movement for over two years now. Aaron is a freelance writer earning his Master's degree in Writing Studies from Saint Joseph's University. He and his wife live in Northeast Philadelphia with their three cats, Knuckles, Bruno and Juju.

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215-396-0268 • • May/June I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 39

PhillyFIT was challenged by the Average Joe’s MMA! Team members who participated: Julius King, Rebecca Ritter, Brahin Bilal, Doreen Murphy, Andrew Otter By Claudine Ascher Average Joe’s Motto, “You don’t have to be a pro to train like one,” definitely hits home. There is nothing “average” about this gym by any stretch. Average Joe’s MMA Instructors, Kevin and Joe warmly greeted the PhillyFIT Challenge Team. I have to be honest, we were a little nervous. The gym is set up with a “fighter in training” feel with an octagonfighting ring as the focal point. As individuals with very little MMA training, the setting was a little intimidating. But not for long! We immediately went into a training session that consisted of jumping rope for five minutes to intense interval drills where we switch from station to station every minute. We did squatting and then slamming a body bag that weighed in about sixty pounds. Next we did do pushups, then straddled a bag and pounded the life out of it! Now keep in mind this was just a warm-up. We then went into a heavy bag workout with five, two-minute drills with various boxing techniques. Let me tell you, after ten minutes everyone was pouring with sweat and our heart rates were through the roof! I haven’t felt an adrenaline rush like this in my life. It was as if we were all in serious combat training. To complete the workout, we calmed the body down with some training in Jiu Jitsu. (If you want to call that calming to the body!) We did No-Gi grappling, basic submissions, sweeps, and escapes. We worked on takedowns and takedown defenses. Our instructors emphasized technique and the importance of maintaining proper form throughout the entire session. The training at Average Joe’s MMA was by far the most informative workout that I have ever done. We experienced a full body workout and acquired skills that we could use in other avenues of life such as cage fighting! On a more serious note, Average Joe’s MMA Gym was a phenomenal experience that taught us valuable tools for self-defense. Average Joe’s MMA Gym is the way to go! Check out what the PhillyFIT Challenge Team had to say about their experience: “Average Joes sets itself apart from most MMA gyms by taking the 40 I PhillyFIT

time to explain technique and correct form. By far the best workout that I’ve ever had!” -Andrew Otter “This is a great way to get a good workout and learn how to defend myself at the same time. Thank you Kevin and Joe for taking the time to train me!” -Doreen Murphy “I would recommend this workout to anyone who is looking to have fun and get a good workout in. I learned that you don’t have to have a desire of becoming a professional MMA fighter to do this workout.” -Becky Ritter; Special Needs Teacher of the Deaf “The group that I worked out with had a wide range of abilities, but Average Joes made sure that each one of us was challenged at our own level. Thanks to Average Joe, I am now able to triangle my fiancé in a much safer manner. I recommend Average Joes for a great change of pace for anyone who is getting tired of their typical gym workout.” -Julius King; Sports Performance Coach, All Fitness Customize Training “I played football at the collegiate level but the MMA workout was nothing like I experienced before. I was able to do this workout with a mixed group of men and women of different ages. It was great to see how everyone was able to do the workout regardless of his or her experience and ability. During the workout everyone was having a great time, but were also serious about making sure they were executing the moves correctly.” -Brahin Bilal; Counselor for At Risk Students Average Joe’s MMA 500 E. Broadway Ave • Building #5 A • Clifton Heights, PA 19018 Phone: 484-257-7439 • E-mail: • To get to know these guys better, check out their upcoming special event, May 15th, featuring former Welterweight Matt Serra hosting a seminar and signing autographs! Visit for more information. WATCH the entire PhillyFIT Challenge at

May/June I 215-396-0268 I


Your Health Doesn’t Participate in the Cash for Clunkers Program! Instead, Invest Long Term for a Higher Return By Michael S. Brady, DC Bucks County Wellness Centre • New Britain, Pennsylvania

Right now, healthcare in America is the number one conversation topic around dinner tables. Many Americans describe our system as riddled with inefficiencies, inflated prices, inappropriate care and fraud. Our current health care system is costing our country more than eighteen percent of the Gross National Product, being the largest component of consumer spending. According to the Congressional Budget Office, this totals $2.8 trillion dollars, or approximately $8,300/person. To put this into perspective, we are spending more money on health care than on Social Security and National Defense combined. The amount is even larger than our spending on housing and food in our country. Many Americans believe that our health care system is broken and needs to be fixed. There seems to be unrelenting talk about the health care crisis, but what are we doing to fix it? The solution is within our reach. The only way we are going to overcome such a damaged system is by understanding that a paradigm shift must occur. Simply put, this shift needs to be out of a sickness care system, and into a system that places emphasis on wellness care. Although the shift seems complicated, it is rather straightforward. It will start with Americans developing a consciousness of wellness. We will have to become more responsible for our own wellbeing. So, what is wellness? In my opinion, Arizona State University has the best definition of wellness stating that: Wellness is an active, life-long process of becoming aware of choices and making decisions towards a more balanced and fulfilling life. Wellness involves choices about our lives and our priorities that determine our lifestyle. The wellness concept is centered on connections and the idea that the mind, body, spirit and community, are all interrelated and interdependent. Applying this definition of wellness to our everyday life will enable us to understand that good health is for the most part, up to us. It’s not just a matter of good genes and certainly not a result of good luck or prescription medication. It is the cultivation and thus, continuation, of good health habits. Good habits are developed by learning the “what to do” (knowledge), the “how to do it” (skill), and most importantly, the “why to do” (attitude). Attitude is the motivation and the desire to achieve health and wellness for vitality and longevity into the future. Remember, it’s not how long we live but rather the quality of life that is important to us. People with better health habits survive longer and disability is compressed into fewer years at the end of life. We all know that the rewards of good health are priceless. But how do you achieve it, and who is going to help you? When was the last time you had a physician sit you down and take the time to explain how to achieve and maintain good health, as opposed to simply trying to rid you of the system that brought you to his/her office in the first place? Were you questioned about your diet? Were you instructed on what type of exercise you should be doing and its necessity? Did you talk about your lifestyle and whether you are constantly stressed, overtired or unhappy? These are the underlying causes of seventyfive percent of most symptoms that people seek treatment for and they are all a direct effect of the choices we make everyday.

before successful health care reform can take place. We must redirect our energy into what should be the number one priority of our life, our health. We need to change gears from a reactive effect driven sickness model to a proactive cause driven health and wellness system. It will take some effort to make the transition because so many of us have been waiting for that magic pill, potion or lotion that is going to make us healthy. It’s not going to happen! Health is not a God-given right, it is an ongoing process. Everyday we wake up we need to do something to make us a healthier person. It has been the education of prevention that has been the missing piece of the national conversation about health care reform. Dr. John Kelly, President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, stated, “… symptomatically treating disease without assessing the patient’s lifestyle or offering them guidance on how to change is irresponsible and bordering on neglect.” The first step in regaining your health is to find yourself a doctor who is going to be your wellness expert, health coach, and cheerleader. Find a doctor who is going to educate and counsel you on taking control of your health. Find someone who is going to help lead you in cultivating good habits with components that can be implemented with rhythm and consistency on a daily basis so lifestyle change can occur. These doctors are out there. We are Eight Weeks to Wellness doctors. We have dedicated ourselves to take the time and energy in coaching people on how to implement the health components necessary for lifestyle change. The number one cause of preventable death is suicide from lifestyle. Are you ready to make a change and live life as opposed to just existing in it? Give us eight weeks and we’ll change the rest of your life. Dr. Michael Brady is a wellness expert and a health coach. His mission is to bring pro-active healthcare to our community by teaching and educating people on better lifestyle habits and making the choices that will bring people to wellness. Dr. Brady earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine and Allied Health at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania – then earned his Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine at Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Brady lives in central Bucks County, Pennsylvania (north of Philadelphia) with his wife Erin and two daughters. Dr. Brady has continued his wellness education with Chiropractic Extremity Adjusting, Sports Physicians, Pediatric Certification, and is an 8 Weeks to Wellness Program expert. He continues to strive for excellence with coaching with “The Master’s Circle.”

The four leading causes of death in this county are health disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. The irony to these diseases is that the medical association classifies them as “lifestyle diseases.” Knowing this makes the equation a nobrainer. If we change our lifestyle by incorporating healthy habits, we will have a great chance at preventing these lifestyle diseases, therefore one-by-one, community-by-community, reducing our health care costs! We as a nation must come to an understanding that self-reform must occur

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May/June I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 43



The approach the public uses to get fit is beginning to change for the better. We are literally in the midst of a fitness revolution thanks to CrossFit. The once underground phenom of CrossFit is quickly becoming part of the mainstream with over 1700 affiliates in the world. These affiliates are small, individually owned operations offering group fitness classes, personal training, and sports performance training. Most range from only 20 – 150 members and operate within a 1000 – 4000 sq ft. space, yet they still manage to offer much more than any “globo” gym could ever aspire to. Most CrossFit gyms do not offer grand locker rooms or fancy juice bars because they were not built by lavish business plans or venture capitalists. John Maguire, the owner of CrossFit Prime in Northeast Philadelphia says, “CrossFit gyms are usually started by fitness enthusiasts that simply fell in love with training hard and being part of a fitness community that is worth something.” CrossFit owners rely on quality instruction, functional results-driven programming, and an inspiring camaraderie to redefine the way we approach fitness.

For decades the public has subscribed to isolation training with large machines and static movements. Bodybuilding figures like Arnold Schwarzenegger popularized bicep curls, bench press, and leg extensions. As a result, commercial gyms have been designed for this style of training ever since. Still, in the past few decades, diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease have only gotten

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worse. More people have gym memberships and are apparently “exercising” more than ever before in history, yet our epidemic only gets worse. Wil Vicinus, owner of CrossFit South Philly says, “Of course our nutritional choices and quality of our food have something to do with this problem, but with all of these gym memberships, shouldn’t we be healthier and leaner? The public has not gotten results for decades, so I think it’s time the country reassesses its approach to fitness.” Boring weekly routines, lack of instruction, and limited results make it hard to stay enthusiastic about training, but that is not an issue at CrossFit. The CrossFit model is unique because much like a personal trainer’s business, their existence and membership depends on results and word of mouth. This is in contrast to large scale commercial gyms that literally count on a large portion of its membership not coming. In the Philadelphia area, CrossFit Love, CrossFit South Philly, and CrossFit Prime actually call their members if they don’t show up for a week or two. John R., a member of CrossFit Prime says, “I am glad they called me, it shows they care.” In a return message, John R. thanked CrossFit Prime for staying on top of him and said he is “going to turn over a new leaf.” “We are a fitness family and we want you here. You become good friends, so you truly care about each member’s success and happiness,” said Mark DiSalvo, owner of CrossFit Prime. In his biography on, Mark indicates that he became a CrossFit affiliate because of the camaraderie he saw on display at CrossFit South Philly and CrossFit Delaware Valley.

There is much to the camaraderie and community offered in a CrossFit facility. Bonds are forged as the members all suffer through mission-like workouts together. It is not uncommon to see people congratulating each other or high fiving afterwards. Often, there are team events that require you to rely on others to get through the workout. CrossFit South Philly members enjoy it so much that they can be found blogging daily after a workout on their site at In addition, CrossFit Love often has member social nights out. The different gyms even display cammaraderie by collaborating on fundraisers or competitions. May/June I 215-396-0268 I

The human psyche depends on interaction with others, something that often fades as responsibilities begin to mount up in adult life. A CrossFit gym provides this, therefore, becomes much more then just a trainer or a workout. They force you to grow by challenging you mentally and physically. They help you maintain or regain your youthfulness by getting you to learn new skills, complete mission like workouts, and interact with others. It is this unique model that has CrossFit members enthusiastic about getting there each day, thus getting results and becoming educated about fitness in the process. Joe Petrusky from CrossFit Love believes that most people are out there guessing and truly don’t know what brings about the best results. He knows that many would benefit from a personal trainer, but may not be able to afford it. He says, “The CrossFit membership makes instruction affordable and happens to also include a fitness community that inspires you.”

The Workouts:

As mentioned above, CrossFit facilities are much different from commercial gyms. They train muscles to function the way they do in real life or sport, thus no machines or cable systems. CrossFit uses varied, high intensity, functional movements to create a complete fitness program. CrossFit Love, South Philly, and Prime prescribe balance. They aspire to give their trainees competency in all fitness domains rather than specializing in just one. CrossFit classes improve speed, agility, power, stamina, strength, endurance, coordination, and balance. It prepares trainees for any physical contingency so well that it has been adopted by the Navy Seals, police forces, and firefighters around the country. Free weights, kettle bells, plyo-metrics, basic gymnastics, running and more are combined in limitless ways to make a trainee as fit as possible while providing variety and fun to the programming. Routine is the enemy! Basic strength, conditioning, and Olympic lifts are blended with high intensity workouts that often include multiple exercises to be completed for time. That’s right; a stopwatch is a part of most CrossFit classes at some point. The CrossFit definition of fitness is based on the formula for power output or one’s ability to do a certain amount of work in a given

time. With the exception of a few squat racks and pull up bars, a CrossFit facility is usually an open space allowing for the trainers to pull out whatever equipment is needed for that day’s class. Much of what CrossFit preaches and prescribes is to simply get us to function better. CrossFit believes that the needs of the general public and an Olympic athlete differ by degree not kind.

Is it for you?

The intensity of a CrossFit class is not as intimidating as it may seem. People hear about Olympic lifts, using gymnastic rings, or see a stop watch and figure it is not for them. It will be challenging, but everything is scalable. PVC pipes may be used for a beginner while the advanced are tossing around plate loaded bars. If you can’t do a pull up, they have bands to assist you. And if you don’t know how to do an exercise, don’t worry, everyone is required to go through a fundamentals class to learn proper technique and safety before ever jumping into a class. So is it for you? If you want to get in the best shape of your life and challenge yourself in new ways, then the answer is yes!

Contact a CrossFit near you:

CrossFit South Philly – South Philadelphia and Center City 860.982.8575 818 Alter Street, Philadelphia PA 19147 CrossFit Love – Center City and Main line 570.640.5440

CrossFit Prime – NE Philadelphia, Bucks & Montgomery County 215.873.4571 220 Geiger Rd. Philadelphia PA. 19115

March/April I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 45

The New Moon in TAURUS on May 13th brings a feeling that you simply cannot stop talking. Also you know that it’s time to put your worries and concerns into the hands of the universal process.

By Elizabeth


May-June 2010

The Full Moon in SAGITTARIUS on May 27th brings a desire to seek meaning in your life in a power higher than ourselves. Time for new movement and new directions on a personal as well as a global scale. The New Moon in GEMINI on June 12th brings a feeling that it’s time to make some new beginnings with a cool head and rational outlook. Time to organize and bring together anything that feel scattered. The Full Moon in CAPRICORN on June 26th brings a Lunar Eclipse so you will need to take precautions. Avoid scheduling any major lifetime changes like a wedding, divorce, a major move or surgery on this date. Mercury remains retrograde until May 18th

The Personal Signs Aries

(3/21 – 4/20)

You will begin to feel a restless urge that will continue throughout the summer months. This initial energy can help you zero in on the new directions that are coming in your future. You may need a break over the Memorial Day weekend, so plan either a day trip or weekend adventure. Between June 6th and 8th you can expect pure luck! At the June 26th Full Moon Eclipse you could experience difficulties with a supervisor, or difficulties with a promotion to a top spot.

from it; resolve regrets, make amends, seek advice. The result will bring optimism and knowledge for your future. In June you’ll feel a restless desire for change. This can be both positive and negative, depending on your timing and decisions. Premature action can backfire and cause difficulties with people close to you. It is also possible that career conditions and relationships could trigger a snap decision. Take a deep breath and walk carefully. All this will be resolved over the summer months.

Leo Taurus

(4/21 – 5/21)

As May opens, you will feel a push-pull with your past and your future. Someone from the past, a former lover or friend, could reappear but the reunion will be bittersweet with little potential for the future. Someone from your past or current circle could disappoint you by failing to keep a promise. If someone asks for a loan, be skeptical. The June 26th Full Moon may trigger a need for travel, or you may need to care for an out-of-town relative. A pleasure trip is not a good idea at this time. Also be very careful on the road and with your driving. Conflicts with people or a power figure is possible.

Virgo Gemini

(5/21 – 6/20)

Your career and family obligations are in conflict, so be cautious. The more your career responsibilities expand, the more distance you’ll create with loved ones. They will tolerate this for only so long. Think again if you desire to quit and begin a home-based business. You may regret this decision down the road. Financial stress and strain surround the June 26th Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. Pending financial issues will reach a peak and it’s possible that you or your partner’s income could decline. Be sure all of your homeowners, auto, and home insurances are paid up.


(6/21 – 7/22)

May brings you travel and study, Cancer. A trip may be necessary to help a relative, possibly an in-law. It’s also time to reflect on your past and learn

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(7/23 – 8/22)

Your financial stability comes into focus as May opens. You may have a change of income, increased expenses, difficulties with taxes, or an inheritance. You may also find that your company benefits have been reduced. Avoid mixing money with friendships. If you are a leader of a group, be sure to get their okay before you spend. Sat, the June 26th eclipse, you may find a problem with co-workers on the job. Someone has a hidden agenda and may attempt to undermine your efforts and then play the blame-game. Walk away! Expect the unexpected with travel.

(8/23 – 9/22)

May continues with relationship adjustments and you could come to a turning point with an even greater chance for compromise. Then again you may decide that you’d rather go it alone than maintain the status quo, and that your future looks brighter if you move on single. Keep in mind though, that what you want now you may regret in the not-too-distant future. In June fresh energy enhances career success but this could be limited by difficult people. Curb your impatience and frustration. Follow instructions, even if you know better, and allow the decision-makers to prevail.


(9/23 – 10/22)

May brings you an optimistic environment. However, be alert at any hint of restructuring or any attempt by a co-worker to undermine your position.

May/June I 215-396-0268 I

You could experience a heavy workload and a boss who keeps the pressure on you. You may begin to look for other job options. June brings stress with your family and career. A career change could affect your domestic life, close relationships, and home related issues. Downsizing or relocation could be the cause, as could another family member. Be sure your home and property are well insured.


(10/23 – 11/22)

May brings many new people in your life, but you may have to distance yourself from a close tie. All these new faces will make you smile and one of them will be your “lucky charm” through the summer. Take your time getting to know these people and don’t tell them any deep dark secrets, no matter how good you may feel. Avoid travel in June if you possibly can. At the June eclipse delays on the road as well as lost luggage is possible. Your popularity is high and you could meet someone significant to your future, either for business or romance.


(11/23 – 12/21)

May brings conflict between career and home life. Luckily, you are more interested in your home life which could prompt you to think about a home based business. Better think again, as this is not good timing and you may regret it down the road. Slow down before you dash into the future. At the June eclipse financial tensions arise. Your income could decrease and you could have a major expense, possibly relating to one of your children. Investments require close watching. You could connect with a terrific career contact who changes your life!


(12/22 – 1/19)

If you travel in early May you may be disappointed, as the trip will not live up to your expectations. Find an alternative for the restlessness you feel. Togetherness and closeness with your sweetheart brings quality time and a rare treat. June brings a family change; someone may be moving out, or a relocation, or expensive remodeling. Hold off with a new roommate or asking a romantic interest to share your home. Someone far away, whom you seldom see could visit. They bring you insights and prompt you to question some long-held beliefs.


Born as one of two sets of identical twins, Elizabeth Joyce has been psychic since birth. Named one of the World's Greatest Psychics (Citadel Press, 2004), she is a spiritual healer and gives personal psychic readings worldwide. She teaches the work of Louise Hay, who was her mentor, as well as Dr. Hans Holzer. Elizabeth Joyce writes a monthly astrology column in several publications. Elizabeth is a professional Astrologer, Spiritual Healer/Counselor, Medium and Clairvoyant who interprets dreams and utilizes the Tarot as well as Astrology in readings. Her TV Appearances include Unsolved Mysteries, Beyond Chance, and The Psychic Detectives. Ms. Joyce’s first book Psychic Attack -Are You A Victim was released in October ’07. Her second book, Ascension—Accessing The Fifth Dimension, was released March 1, 2010. Named into Who’s Who In Metaphysics 2010, her website— has 1,000,000 visitors, and is one of the top-rated in her field. Her life and service is profiled in ten books. Elizabeth studied with Dr. Eric Pearl, and is a Reconnective Healer. On October 3, 2007, Elizabeth Joyce founded and heads the Bucks County Metaphysical Association, ( a non-profit organization to benefit the charities of Bucks County, PA. Besides traveling extensively, Elizabeth facilitates her women's group while teaching Intuitive Awareness classes and Spiritual Intensive workshops. She is on the air at with Bonnie MacDade every Friday evening, on Let's Find Out, at 8:00 EDT. Ms.Joyce is located in Doylestown, PA. and Bergen County, New Jersey. For an appointment call 201-934-8986.


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(1/20 – 2/18)

Spend or don’t spend is your question for May. Ask yourself if you really need whatever it is. You could have an increase with expenses, a decrease in income as well as mix-ups with credit and loans. This is a good month for household projects, clearing closets and clutter. June brings stress and strain in the workplace. Expect power plays and controlling people, which you should do your best to avoid. Be wary, as someone who appears to be a new friend could prove to be the opposite. At month’s end you could meet someone you are drawn to who could change your life!


(2/19 – 3/20)

Money is good in May, but you need to save it for the summer months, as the flow could slow down. Shop only for necessities and don’t be tempted to spend. Time to plant the garden and get your patio in shape. Then move inside to do touch ups and repairs. June brings tensions on the home front, sparked by family and domestic issues. Disagreements over spending, expenses, children, and major purchases are possible. Try to focus on values and practical realities. You enjoy your job more than ever, and your Star is shining, Pisces!

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calendar of events

MAY 1-2 Philadelphia International Cricket Festival Place: Philadelphia Cricket Club Web:

MAY 2 31st Annual Blue Cross Broad Street Run A 10-mile, point-to-point course. The course is a pleasing run past the varied neighborhoods of Philadelphia along Broad Street. It finishes inside the Philadelphia Navy Yard at the end of Broad Street in South Philadelphia. There are 11 water stations, digital clocks at each mile, aid stations, port-a-potties, entertainment and numerous ambulances on the course. The course is traffic-free in the southbound lanes and monitored by police. Time: 8:30am Place: Central High School Athletic Field, Broad Street and Somerville Avenue, Philadelphia, PA Phone: Jim Marino, 215-683-3594 Email: BSRHELP@AIM.COM Web: Memorial Hall Criterium This crit is one of the best attended crits in Pennsylvania, and in 2006 this course was used for the PA BAR elite men’s state championship event. This is a flat and very fast 4corner criterium. Place: Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, PA Email: Norm Morrison, Web: Freedom Steps: 5K Walk/Run for Our Soldiers 2010 There are over 100,000 soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. We as citizens of the United States must show them our support for their personal commitment and sacrifice. We need to recognize their dedication and help them in any way we can. This help can be as small as sending them much needed supplies that we take for granted. The Willow Grove VFW Post 3612 is hosting the 3rd annual Freedom Steps to raise awareness of the needs of our deployed troops. Last year it sent supplies to 200 deployed soldiers. The post would like to continue this effort by collecting supplies that the soldiers need. Funds raised by this event will be used to buy more supplies and to support the shipment of these items to our deployed troops. Thank you for your support in this event. Time: 9:30am Place: 3500 Masons Mill Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA Web:

MAY 15

Fallen Heroes Run Honoring John Redmond REGISTRATION: 7:30AM-8:20AM RACE START: 8:30AM WHERE: LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL PARKING LOT RYAN AVE AND SACKET ST. ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE HERO THRILL SHOW FOR THE EDUCATION OF THE SURVIVORS OF FALLEN POLICE AND FIRE AS WELL AS THE MAYFAIR MEMORIAL PLAYGROUND. "This event is sanctioned by USA Track & Field." Presented by: Mayfair Business Assoc., Mayfair Civic Assoc., Mayfair Community Development Corporation and with Northeast Roadrunners.

48 I PhillyFIT

JUNE 4 Tiger Classic 5K and Fun Run Now in its 19th year, the Tiger Classic is an opportunity for serious runners and a fun run for families. 5K participants are grouped by age. There are trophies for winners in all categories, and a T-shirt, free food, music and prizes for everyone who enters. Proceeds fund Bristol Township School District public schools. Times: 6:30pm Fun Run, 7pm 5K (come early and join the fun) Place: Harry S. Truman High School Stadium, 3001 Green Lane, Levittown, PA 19057 Tickets: $15 for 5K, $10 for Fun Run. Phone: Eileen Kelliher, Bristol Township School District, 215-943-3200, ext. 280

JUNE 5 Lacrest Kugel Ball 5K Run Time: 8:30am Place: Lansdale, PA Phone: Ruth Fricker, 215-368-1526 Email: Cradle of Liberty 24-Hour Adventure Race Welcome to 24 hours of adventure in the city where America began! The Cradle of Liberty is a balance of urban and wilderness challenges, winding through the historic and scenic landscape in and around the City of Brotherly Love. Racing teams will travel the same streets that our forefathers walked on their way to make history. Teams of 2-3 racers will face all that adventure racing has to offer during the most patriotic season in the most patriotic city in America. The sleepless night that the racers will endure will be for the benefit of those who wait every night for the gift of life. 100 miles. 24 hours. By GOALS Adventure Racing Association. Time: 8am Place: Philadelphia area Phone: 866-338-5167 Email: Web:

JUNE 6 2010 Philadelphia Amateur Time Trial Place: Philadelphia, PA Web:

JUNE 12 H.O.P.E. for Haiti 5K Trail Run & 1-Mile Trail Walk/Fun Run This is a fundraiser to benefit the people of Haiti due to recent tragic events. There has been a heightened need for donated new/used prosthetic limbs and orthotic devices. There have been reports of up to 70 amputations in a single day since the earthquake ruined most of Port-au-Prince. All funds will be donated to Healing Hands for Haiti, which is a non-profit organization that collects and donates medical equipment and organizes volunteer trips for medical persons. Time: 8am Place: Anson B. Nixon Park, Kennett Square, PA Web: Brad Schoener Memorial 5K & Music Marathon This is a two-loop run course, (or one-loop walk) in beautiful Arlington Cemetery, the resting place of Upper Darby High School’s beloved band director, Brad Schoener. Along the course, runners and walkers will be treated to live music by some of Brad’s students and friends. After the race enjoy more live music right across the street at the Upper Darby Performing Arts Center at the 2nd annual Music Marathon to benefit the Brad Schoener Fund. Time: 10am Place: Drexel Hill, PA Phone: Steve Brown, 267-496-7866 Email:

Sunshine Foundation’s 8th Annual Walk for Dreams (Rain or Shine) Time: Registration 9 a.m. Walk starts 10 a.m. Place: Tyler State Park 101 Swamp Rd, Newtown, PA18940 Benefitting: Chase, a 5 year old who has water on the brain and Epilepsy Goal: To raise $5,000 to answer his dream to go Disney World For more information, visit our website at or call Kristin at 215-396-4770.

be canceled or rescheduled for another evening. Call or email to confirm that the ride is on or with questions. Phone: 215-740-0973 Email: Web:

Weekly Tuesday Runs With the Manayunk Running Club. Time: 6:30-9pm Place: Sports Works, 4320 Main St., Manayunk, Philadelphia, PA Email: Web:

JUNE 19 12th Annual ALS Express Bike Ride Place: Camden County College, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ Phone: 877-434-7441 Email: Web: p?ievent=304919

Weekly Wednesday Group Runs Time: 6pm Place: Jenkintown Running Club, 416 Old York Rd., Jenkintown, PA Phone: 215-887-2848 Email: Web:


Thursday Night Group Runs Finish at Lululemon for a yoga stretch! Time: 6pm Place: Philadelphia Runner, 1601 Sansom St., Philadelphia, PA Weekly Phone: Laura, 215.972.8333 Email: Web:

Philadelphia Insurance Triathlon (Sprint) The Sprint course will take place almost entirely on the Martin Luther King Drive section of Fairmount Park. It will include many pieces of the popular Olympic course. Like the Olympic Triathlon, its start/finish area and the transition area will be located just off Martin Luther King Drive, near the base of Black Road. Time: 7:30am Phone: 610-687-3955 Place: Fairmount Park, Martin Luther King Drive & Black Road, Philadelphia, PA Email: Web: Skippack Lions 5K & 1M Fun Run Time: 8am Place: Justin’s Carriage House, Skippack, PA Phone: 610-222-9555 Web:

JUNE 27 Philadelphia Insurance Triathlon Olympic distance. This exciting course will travel through some of the most historic and picturesque sections of Philadelphia. The start/finish area and the transition area will be just off of Martin Luther King Drive, near the base of Black Road: it is a beautiful part of Fairmount Park, complete with statues, trees and grassy fields. Time: 7am Place: Fairmount Park, Martin Luther King Drive & Black Road, Philadelphia, PA Phone: 610-687-3955 Email: Web:

JUNE 29 CCRS Tuesday in the Park 5K Pottstown’s “Tuesday in The Park 5k Series.” A fast, very flat, out and back on the paved Schuylkill River Trail. Great place to PR! or use for fast training races. Brought to you by the Chester County Running Store. Time: 7pm Place: 140 College Drive, Pottstown, PA Web:

Saturday Support Group for Adults With Diabetes All adults with diabetes are invited to an intelligent discussion about diabetes, weight control and healthy living. Free. Time: First Saturday of the month, 11am-noon Place: Integrated Diabetes Services, 333 E. Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, PA Phone: 610-642-6055 Web: Asperger Syndrome Family/ Caregiver Support Meetings All parents and other adult family members or caregivers of children with Asperger syndrome and similar diagnoses are welcome. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every other month. The group's mission is to raise public awareness, advocate for improved education and services, and provide support and information. There is no fee for the meetings. Call for information. Time: Second Tuesday of every other month, 7:30pm Place: Grace Chapel, Darby and Eagle Roads, Havertown, PA Time: Third Tuesday of every other month, 7pm Place: Avon Grove Charter School, 110 E. State Road, West Grove, PA Time: Third Thursday of every other month, 79pm Place: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 132 E. Valley Forge Road, King of Prussia, PA Phone: 610-449-6776 Asperger Adults Family/Caregiver Support Meetings Time: First Saturday of the month, 10am-noon Place: Montgomery County Human Services Building, 1430 DeKalb St., Norristown, PA Phone: 610-449-6776

ONGOING Bikesport Mountain Bike Ride Distance: 2 loops. For all levels. Mountain bike required. Time: Saturdays, 9am Place: Green Lane (Knight Road) parking lot, Green Lane, PA Email: Ginny Politz, Web: MTB on the Pennypack Trails Meet at the Pine Road entrance to Pennypack Park, Philadelphia, PA, Tuesdays at 6:30 pm and ride till about 8pm. Come enjoy the great outdoors (without cars) after dark! Lights and a trail permit are required (go to to buy a permit). Depending on the predicted weather and/or trail conditions, the ride may

May/June I 215-396-0268 I

NAMI NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness) holds monthly NAMI Connection (peer-run) support groups for family members and caregivers of persons with mental illness (i.e. schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, OCD etc.) The first Friday of the month, 10:30am at Norristown Public Library, 1001 Powell Street, Norristown, PA. For more information please call 215-886-0350. The second Wednesday of the month, 12pm at Pottstown Public Library, 500 High Street, Pottstown, PA. For more information please call 215-886-0350. The third Wednesday of the month, 1pm at Lansdale Library, 301 Vine Street, Lansdale,

PA. For more information please call 215-8860350. The fourth Tuesday of the month, 2pm at Abington Presbyterian Church, 1982 Old York Road, Abington, PA. For more information please call 215-886-0350.

Better Breathers Support Group The Lung Center at Paoli Hospital is hosting a free support group for patients with respiratory disorders and chronic lung diseases the second Tuesday of every month. Registration is required. Call to register. Time: Second Tuesday of the month, 2-3pm Place: Paoli Hospital, Paoli, PA Phone: 610-648-1651 Comprehensive Breast Center Support and Networking Group For women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Time: Third Tuesday of the month, 7-8:30pm Place: Comprehensive Breast Center, Bryn Mawr Hospital, Bryn Mawr, PA Phone: 610-526-4400 Macular Degeneration Support Group Call for information and/or transportation assistance. Time: Every second Tuesday, 10am-noon Place: Paoli Baptist Church, 33 E. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, PA Phone: 610-644-6316 Support Group for People With Cancer Sponsored by the Wellness Community of Philadelphia. Time: Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm Place: The Cancer Center at Paoli Hospital, 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, PA Phone: 215-879-7733 Divine Bike Church for Adults

Cycling. Dates and Times: Sun., Tu., Th., 6:30-9pm Place: Philadelphia, PA Phone: 215-386-0316 Web: Divine Bike Church for Women and Trans. Cycling. Dates and Times: Wednesdays, 6:30-9pm Place: Philadelphia, PA Phone: 215-386-0316 Web: Cherry Hill Road Bike Ride Date and Time: Saturdays, 8am Place: Keswick Cycle, Cherry Hill, NJ Phone: 856-795-0079 Email: Web: Sunday Morning Mountain Bike Rides Time: 9am Place: Valley Green Inn in the Wissahickon Park, Philadelphia, PA Phone: 215-885-7433 Email: Web: Weekly Indoor Spinning at High Road Cycles Road cycling. Dates, Times and Places: Tuesday, 6pm, Wayne, PA; Wednesday, 6:30pm, Doylestown, PA Phone: Wayne, 610-687-1110; Doylestown, 215-348-8015 Web: Women Only Climbing Clinic Rock/ice climbing. Date and Time: Last Friday, 6:30-8pm Place: Philadelphia, PA Phone: 215-928-1800 Web:

Delco Road Running Club The club has these ongoing weekly fun runs/walks: Harris Elementary School, Collingdale, PA Saturdays, 9am Media Community Center, Media, PA Saturdays, 9am Springfield Library, Springfield, PA Sundays, 7:30am, 9am Ridley Area YMCA, Secane, PA Mondays, 6:30pm. Springfield Library, Springfield, PA Tuesdays, 6:30pm. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, Swarthmore, PA Wednesdays, 6:30pm. Springfield Library, Springfield, PA Thursdays, 6:30pm. Phone: Jason Sevick, 610-476-3722 Address: Delco Road Running Club, P.O. Box

1811, Media, PA 19063 Email: Web:

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May/June I 215-396-0268 I

If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from Lower back or neck pain, you know how debilitating it can be. Burning, shooting nerve pains and muscles in constant spasm make even the simplest movement an ordeal. Often, just finding a comfortable position is virtually impossible.

Traditional treatment starts with medication and bed rest and ends with the prospect of surgery – a painful, expensive, frightening experience. Treatments such as acupuncture, epidural injections, hot/cold therapy, massage and other "therapeutic" techniques may offer limited relief. Considerable research has produced a relatively new therapy that is highly effective in treating intervertebral disc problems. This treatment, known as Decompression Therapy, has opened the floodgates of new patients to Tri County Pain Management and Precision Pain Management Centers.

Decompression Therapy is a traction-based procedure that can relieve pain associated with disc herniation, degenerative discs, posterior facet and compression-related syndromes. It also enhances the healing process and renders quick, effective and amazing pain relief that enables most patients to return to a more active lifestyle! It is an FDA-cleared procedure, and most insurances cover traction therapy. Decompression occurs as a result of an improved understanding of how to reliably cause the spine to "unload." The vertebral separation causes a vacuum or a centripetal force in the disc, which results in a "phasic change in pressure." This "vacuum effect" helps in the retraction (pulling in) of the extruded disc material.

When the disc retracts it can stop putting pressure on the spinal nerve or spinal cord. Thus the term "Decompression." Once the nerve is decompressed, a significant amount of patients will notice a decrease in arm/leg pain.

Someone who has previously not found relief through other treatments is a perfect candidate for this treatment. Decompression Therapy may also be useful in determining the overall prognosis of passive care and expediting the phase-in of rehab protocols. Clinical findings suggest Decompression will create a relatively quick initial response. Patients who do well tend to feel a sense of relief (which can be direct pain cessation or a centralization of pain and/or reduction to an ache or stiffness) within six sessions. Full relief, if attainable through this passive treatment, can be in as soon as a few weeks. (Occasionally a "stubborn" pain syndrome may continue to improve slowly over 15 sessions, though this is not the norm.) Often, patients will be treated in 4-6 sessions and notice enough relief to allow active rehab to begin. Their Decompression may continue (pre- or post-rehab depending on the methods chosen) for 4-6 further sessions before discontinuing or reducing the frequency. Typical frequency is 3-5 times per week. The extent and seriousness of the symptoms will determine if more than 3 sessions per week should be used. Treatments only take about 25-30 minutes, and again, most insurance companies cover them. For more information on how you can benefit from the Dynamic Traction System (DTS), call Tri County Pain Management Center 215-957-5400 or the Precision Pain Management Center at 215-657-9393.

May/June I 215-396-0268 I

PhillyFIT I 51

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