July-August 2013

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Results will unfold over the course of 2-3 months and some patients have reported continued improvement for up to six months, including lifting and tightening of the skin on the neck, under the chin, along the jawline, and on the brow. While ultrasound does not duplicate the results of surgery, Ultherapy has proven to be an inviting alternative for those who are not yet ready for surgery. Typical results should last anywhere from 18 months to 3 years - with maintenance once every other year there after.


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Go ahead and laugh. This feisty blonde has decided to press the pause button, at least for a little while.

I can’t be the only one relishing in a little bit of soulful peace and quiet. There’s just something about those lazy days of summer–not having much to say, or even much to do for that matter! I really am ‘Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay.’ Welcomed, warm breezes smell a little sweeter, my eyes hold the sunset’s beauty a bit longer and my skin seems almost thirsty for delicious perfumed moisturizer. It’s as if everything just slows down a bit in order for everyone to relax and be in the moment. Whether you’re holding a Mojito or lifting a kettle bell, to me summer is all about enjoying a reprieve from horrific weather and spending extra quality time with loved ones. It’s not that I am claiming my coveted seat in the quiet car on life’s train by any means, but I must admit taking off my active hat and opting for a more passive one sure has me thinking. All this introspection has opened me up to finding some new good habits and has literally forced me to slow down and perhaps to be a better listener. As I watch the clouds roll away, a palpable calmness comes over me and I know things are going to be okay. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • For those of you who know me personally, or even those whom I have met through the pages of this magazine, your giggles are justified. I’ve never been quiet a day in my life and ya’ll know it. Honestly, I’m snickering right along with you. When you think, “Jami,” the last thing you think of is quiet. In fact, I’m the antithesis. I’m opinionated – sue me. It’s not that I love hearing my own voice drone on and on; it’s that I’m easily excitable, I love to talk and I love to contribute my two cents which is more like twenty-two cents. For some reason, I always thought it mattered, but now I’m realizing that in fact, everyone’s voice matters.

So what’s up with me? Why the sudden silence? Well, I’m not really sure. What I do know is that when one is busy talking, one can’t be thinking, contemplating, planning or making sense of things. In short, when you’re as fluid as water you can’t also be a sponge. Know what I mean? And being a sponge has its advantages – the main one is that you tend to learn much more about yourself and the world around you. Being quiet means that you’re tuned in to others and also the voice within you. Listening becomes a lot more challenging when you’re also talking or distracted by what you just said or are about to say. The impetus of my newfound silence can be one of two things, no, maybe three. First, I am simply getting old. Hmmm, I’m so not liking that choice

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(who says all old folks are quiet anyway)? Scratching that idea. Second, I’m just getting tired. Yeah, that’s it! Or, at least for this past month that’s certainly been the case, considering I’ve slacked off on my workouts too (don’t tell anyone) and no longer coasting on that beloved endorphin high. Deep in the pit of my belly, I know that fatigue still couldn’t really be to blame for this noticeable hush. The third reason is likely the cause. It’s just time for me to acknowledge and accept some things.

Contentment. There, I said it. I’m going out on a limb and even saying I’m – wait for it – happy again. Now don’t get me wrong, I didn’t go from ‘Debbie Downer’ to ‘Jammin’ Jami’ overnight. Something peaceful and indescribable inside of me just sort of organically “happened.” Maybe it’s because I willed it by just merely relaxing. I haven’t stopped caring; I just care to stop the endless worrying. I stopped obsessing about the craziness that I couldn’t control. I accepted the fact that life (good or bad) just happens. I’m rollin’ with it this time – not fighting it. No more putting on the brakes and overanalyzing the what-ifs, and the OMFG’s. Never again will I willingly ride shotgun to anyone else’s plans for me. I’m riding solo, sort of where I have always felt most comfortable. And this time, it’s really okay. I will take pangs of loneliness over blows of deception any day. And, my mom finally agreed to move in with me, so, we’re all here together and that’s feeling pretty good too. Yes, you are right, I AM a people person and I am sure I always will be an extrovert in that sense. But admittedly, I’m just a little tired of being consumed whole by crazed ‘people eaters’ a.k.a. identity thieves. And somehow, it feels good to realize that life isn’t about what you eat (well, taken in context that is. We DO expect you to eat healthy of course), it’s about what’s eating away at you and how you process this. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I have realized that by and large, people mistake a quiet state for something entirely else, especially in my case, when it’s so out of character. Here are a few comments that I’ve gotten from friends, family and constituents about my sudden hushed display. I have to chuckle at some and even play along at times. “What’s wrong Jami? Are you sick? Do you want some chicken soup? ” (Who knew that just being quiet fetched instant empathy!)

“Jami, I just can’t stand it when you give me the silent treatment. I promise I’ll never do “X” again!” (Love this one. Was never one for passive-aggressive, but hey…) “Jami does this dress make me look fat? Is that why you’re not talking to me?” (So funny.)

“OK, you got me. I haven’t worked out in three months. But that’s no reason to give me the cold shoulder!” (Aren’t people hilarious? Guilt will get you every time!) “Mom, I’m sorry. I’ll never blow off my homework again. I miss

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you telling me a hundred times to DO MY HOMEWORK!” (Love this one)

Susan Cain, NY Times Bestselling Author of “Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking” (Crown, 2012) says it best:

“Today we make room for a remarkably narrow range of personality styles. We’re told that to be great is to be bold; to be happy is to be sociable. We see ourselves as a nation of extroverts - which means that we’ve lost sight of who we really are. Depending on which study you consult, one third to one half of Americans are introverts—in other words, one out of every two or three people you know. If you’re not an introvert yourself, you are surely raising, managing, married to, or coupled with one. If these statistics surprise you, that’s probably because so many people pretend to be extroverts. Closet introverts pass undetected on playgrounds, in high school locker rooms, and in the corridors of corporate America. Some fool even themselves, until some life event—a layoff, an empty nest, an inheritance that frees them to spend time as they like— jolts them into taking stock of their true natures. You have only to raise the subject of this book with your friends and acquaintances to find that the most unlikely people consider themselves introverts.

It makes sense that so many introverts hide even from themselves. We live with a value system that I call the Extrovert Ideal—the omnipresent belief that the ideal self is gregarious, alpha, and comfortable in the spotlight. The archetypal extrovert prefers action to contemplation, risk- taking to heed-taking, certainty to doubt. He favors quick decisions, even at the risk of being wrong. She works well in teams and socializes in groups. We like to think that we value individuality, but all too often we admire one type of individual—the kind who is comfortable “putting himself out there.” Sure, we allow technologically gifted loners who launch companies in garages to have any personality they please, but they are the exceptions, not the rule, and our tolerance extends mainly to those who get fabulously wealthy or hold the promise of doing so.” • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Being quiet may not mean one is shy or even aloof. My kind of “quiet” enjoys being in my own world, my own space, and to know that when I leave home in the morning, I don’t have to worry about a damned thing. When I arrive back to my safe haven, everything is just the way I left it. And no, I am not talking about “stuff.” I am totally talking about my life, and the people and happenings within it. I love the reassuring complacency of knowing that whatever condition I chose to leave my life is very likely in the same condition when I return. To me, “quiet” simply means being tuned in – radar’s up – ready and prepared to take on challenges and hurdles. Maybe that’s why so many people are focused and pensive when they work out! Ever notice how quiet body builders are when they’re training? Well, okay, not the big dogs from back in Arnold’s day, but you know what I mean. Their grunts and groans often drove many newcomers as far away from the gym as possible, and now gym owners have curbed this.

July/August I 267-767-4205 I www.phillyfit.com

(Gotta love those commercials that ran from a local chain of gyms last year, poking fun at those days!) The concentration of the modern day workout nut is unreal. The focus and the sheer sense of task/mission are palpable. It’s almost as if these people have DND signs around their necks. Does this help build muscle? Hmmmm, I don’t know really. What I do know is that it helps with discipline and self-control. And many of them are walking around with smokin’ hot, totally fit bodies. It’s likely their mind and soul are also healthy too. Hey, maybe it’s a form of meditation of sorts for them, or at least it has the same affect. I get it now too. And I like it. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • So, now I’m going to SHOUT. (We all knew I couldn’t stay quiet for long!) It’s summer! It’s glorious summer people! The world is your gym! I’m promising to get back on the workout wagon and take a daydream walk (or run). Summer is the perfect time to try something new that gives you pleasure, freedom or maybe even get back to a past love like bike riding or jumping rope. All of my hushed behavior has led me to one thing—everyone needs to be PhillyFIT and excuses are for babies! Will you join me? If your quiet place leads you to your happy place, then think about stepping outside your comfort zone, to a quiet zone. Email me and let me know what activities you’re enjoying this summer and what’s happened in your life as a result of your quiet moments. I want to hear from you! Hey, maybe they’ll motivate me even more! And you know you’ll see them gracing the next issues pages! Please email me at jami@phillyfit.com! Sunny skies ahead!

“The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.” Anne Frank

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Give your head a break – it’s the first step on the road to optimum productivity. It's the quiet mind that produces the best insights. But it's almost impossible to take that sort of time off in the middle of a busy day. According to Matthew E. May of the The Harvard Business Review, here are three ways to force yourself to take a break and just “be.” •••••••••••••••• 1. Flash Meditation New research from the UCLA Laboratory of neuro imaging suggests that people who meditate show more gray matter in certain regions of the brain, show stronger connections between brain regions and show less age-related brain atrophy. In other words, meditation might make your brain bigger, faster, and younger. As lead researcher Eileen Luders explains, "It appears to be a powerful mental exercise with the potential to change the physical structure of the brain." Tip: If you commute via public transportation (or even if you're a passenger in a car pool) use the time to close your eyes for ten minutes. If you drive, leave a little early, park, and spend ten minutes in the car before you walk into work. Choose a very specific image, such as a waterfall, beach, or tree, and try to focus on it alone. If other thoughts get in the way, gently push them aside. Do this once or twice per day. The goal is to let your mind achieve a sense of relaxed awareness. 2. Pulsing Psychologist K. Anders Ericsson, renown for his research and theories on expertise, points out that top performers in fields ranging from music to science to sports tend to work in approximately ninetyminute cycles and then take a break. We are designed to pulse, to move between spending and renewing energy. Pulsing is the simplest, easiest, most immediate way to build breaks into your day. Tip: Download a "break-reminder" utility, such as Scirocco or Healthy Hints, and set it to ping you every ninety minutes. Focus hard on a particular task until that cue. And then take a walk, talk to a colleague, doodle, or listen to music. Do anything that renews you and gives you a second wind, even if you think you don't need it. You do. Five minutes later, get back to work. 3. Daydream Walks Most people have heard the story about how 3M's, Arthur Fry, came up with the idea for the Post-it note: he was daydreaming in church. Jonathan Schooler, a researcher at UC Santa Barbara, has repeatedly shown that people like Fry, who daydream and let their minds wander, score higher on creativity tests. What separates this from meditation is that instead of emptying your mind, you're letting it fill up with random thoughts. The trick is to remain aware enough to recognize a sudden insight when it comes. Tip: Start by taking twenty minutes, two days a week during your lunch break to take a stroll and daydream. Think about anything you want besides work—a beach vacation, building your dream house, playing shortstop for the Yankees, whatever. Ramp it up to three or four days a week. The next time someone catches you daydreaming on the job and asks you why you're not working, tell them that in fact you're tapping into your creative brain (grin).

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Published by: Jalynn concepts, llc Publisher: Jami Appenzeller Copy Editors: heather hoehn, Bev Appenzeller Cover Photography: Photos by Sean Gomes Publishers Page: Photo of Jami by Joe chielli, church Street Studios Calendar Of Events: John Beeler Ad Sales: Jami Appenzeller - jami@phillyfitmagazine.com Rita henry - rjhenry659@aol.com Distribution Manager: R.I.P. Jim Appenzeller All inquires are welcome... call us NoW! (267) 767-4205 www.phillyfitmagazine.com Jami@phillyfitmagazine.com Advertising Deadlines: Reservations for the Spectember/october 2013 issue: Ad Reservation Due By: Aug 5, 2013 - Ad copy Due By: Aug 10, 2013 PhillyFIT Magazine is a news magazine with emphasis on health, fitness and leisure. PhillyFIT Magazine is printed bi-monthly, distributing magazines to more than 800 locations in the Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties. Address all submissions of advertising, calendar entries, photos, inquiries and letters to the above address. PhillyFIT Magazine does not assume responsibility for unsolicited materials. PhillyFIT Magazine will assume that all unsolicited materials are being submitted for possible publication and should the material be published, no fee is due to the submitting party. It is our understanding that the submitting party holds models' releases on photographs submitted. PhillyFIT Magazine does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising or editorial content, nor does the Publisher assume responsibility should such advertising or editorial appear. PhillyFIT Magazine reserves the right to edit letters to the editor and other submissions for clarity and space availability, and to determine suitability of all materials submitted for publication. Before implementing any exercise or diet modification mentioned in PhillyFIT Magazine, readers are advised to consult with their physicians. No reproductions of printed material are permitted without the consent of the Publisher. All rights reserved. plus.google.com/u/0/104869413385959199641/posts www.facebook.com/PhillyFITMagazine


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Just wanted to send a long overdue message to Jami and all who are behind the scenes at PhillyFIT magazine. ThANKS to all of you who have a hand in producing it! I first picked it up over 2 years ago when I worked for a gym in Philadelphia. I've since moved to Abington, but still make it a point to pick up PhillyFIT whenever I notice new ones have arrived. Jami, you (and your other writers!) always come up with some good articles and insights, and the photos of everyday people from around the area are a good encouragement to keep fitness in mind! I know the magazine's animal emphasis strikes a chord with many of your readers, too. I wish you continued success with PhillyFIT! Thanks for all your good work! Keep it up. Earl Weldon Design, Printing & Promotion Good Day! I love this magazine. It's very informative and it's in alignment with our goals this year with our residents and neighbors. This year our goal is to encourage better nutrition, fitness for healthy living and wellness. Kevin Cox Computer Facilitator West Poplar Apartments Just wanted to say I think you do an awesome job with PhillyFIT keep up the great work and enjoy your day!! George Mazzacano Owner, Beyond Bronze Tanning Salon

I wanted to let you know that I always enjoy reading PhillyFIT magazine and I wish you continued success. I would love to help out with such a great publication! Jason Kilderry Owner ETA Coach LLC Dear Jami, hi, Jami! you probably don’t know me very much, so here goes! my name is Jessica melson and I go to Action

July/August I 267-767-4205 I www.phillyfit.com

Karate in New Britain. I am just about to test for my 1st Degree Black Belt, and I have been training with Action Karate since I was 5 years old. I am working on a project called ‘’Black Belt link Program”, where I share my amazing journey of karate with everyone. It’s really cool! What I do is learn multiple drills of combinations (of kicks & punches & blocks) of protecting myself from an attacker. Also, there’s self-defense, which comes in numerous attacks that are given & I respond to. I have also learned several katas, even some katas with nun-chucks and a bo staff, involved by doing this opportunity. Karate is so cool and I am so happy that I was given a chance to choose this in my daily life. Thank you, Jami, for letting me write this letter and spread some recognition to Action Karate in New Britain. hey PhIllyFIT!!

 my name is Jason lesnevec and I just did a photo shoot with Sean Gomes this morning for your next edition! First of all I just wanted to thank you so much for this opportunity and your consideration for my body transformation. It took a lot of work dieting down over the past couple of months but today I can truly say that it was all worth it! I am an avid reader of your work and just wanted to say that if it wasn’t for all of the issues of PhillyFIT that I picked up while getting gas, I don’t know if I could have found the motivation to accomplish my fitness goals. Working with Sean today was an unforgettable experience and his hospitality/work is unmatched. my friends, family, and I can not wait to pick up the July/August edition!

 Thank you once again for all you do,

 Jason hi Jami, I just read your latest article in PhillyFIT and found it truly inspiring especially considering I'm in a similar situation. Thanks for letting us know we are not alone. Sincerely, Jaime Carrigan

More Reasons to Juice!


By Martin McLoughlin

There are so many health benefits to juicing and emulsifying. In these busy times, we are always on the go and need a quick and healthy way to increase the amounts of beneficial foods we put into our bodies every day. Juicing and emulsifying are simple solutions to increase fiber intake, speed up motility, improve mental clarity and focus, intensify energy levels, detoxify the blood, increase satiety and alkalize and possibly starve cancer cells. My personal favorite reason to consume raw organic fruits and vegetables in awesome tasting drinks is receiving the natural anti-inflammatory effect from certain foods. I suffer from both RA (rheumatoid arthritis) and OA (osteoarthritis). My career keeps me on the move, training some of the area’s top athletes and I have a very intense daily workout regimen of my own. My joints can be in a constant state of pain. I choose not to take prescriptions in lieu of homeopathic remedies like juicing and emulsifying foods that have been shown to reduce and prevent inflammation. Certainly I am not suggesting that if you have joint pain that you should not go to see a medical professional to get a proper diagnosis, nor am I suggesting that you dispose of the prescription medications you are currently taking to deal with inflammation, degenerative joint disease or other medical issues. I am suggesting however, that you have nothing to lose by adding foods that current medical research has shown to reduce or prevent inflammation, while increasing your intake of natural fiber and vital nutrients. According to the World Health Organization the top 10 inflammatory foods are:

1. Sugars 2. Common cooking oils (vegetable oil, sunflower oil) 3. Trans fats (fried foods, hydrogenated oils, margarine, vegetable shortening) 4. Dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, bread, yogurt) 5. Feedlot raised meat (any animal protein that is NOT freerange, vegetarian fed and antibiotic/hormone free 6. Red meat and processed meat (beef, lamb, pork, ham, sausage and salami) 7. Alcohol (beer, liquor and wine) 8. Refined grains (pasta, rice, white flour, white bread, pastries, boxed cereals) 9. Artificial food additives (MSG) 10. Individual food allergies (gluten, milk, nuts, eggs and night-

shade vegetables) Nightshade vegetables trigger arthritis flare-ups. (potatoes, tomatoes, ground cherries, tomatillos, pimentos, eggplant, all peppers, paprika, cayenne and tabasco)

Armed with this information, you can begin to make a selective reduction of these foods to see if you may be triggering an inflammatory response by ingesting them. Symptoms of arthritis, colitis, fibromyalgia, bursitis, and tendonitis may be lessened by avoiding these foods. Clinical research has linked heart disease to inflammation. Chronic inflammation has been shown to contribute to the growth of tumor and cancer cells. Arthritis has always been linked to inflammation. Weight gain and obesity complicates all the above-mentioned issues and is caused by over eating certain foods. Obesity triggers inflammation throughout the body by piling pressure on the joints. Anti-inflammatory foods to add into your diet and organic smoothies, juices and emulsifications are: 1. Kelp 2. Turmeric and ginger 3. Wild- caught salmon, anchovies, mackerel (high in Omega-3 and 6 fats) 4. Flax seeds 5. Walnuts 6. Shitake mushrooms 7. Green tea 8. Papaya 9. Blueberries 10. Extra virgin olive oil 11. Broccoli 12. Sweet potato 13. Spinach 14. Cauliflower 15. Avocados 16. Blackberries 17. Cranberries 18. Strawberries

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19. Raspberries 20. Coconut 21. Kale

Obviously salmon will not taste very good in your organic drinks, but you get the point. Wild caught cold water fish should be in your diet, along with free-range poultry and organic tofu more than red meats and feedlot meats to avoid inflammatory Omega 9 fats in high levels. Clients that I work with who suffer from chronic inflammation enjoy lessened pain, fewer flare ups and more mobility when following these nutritional guidelines. This method of eating is by no means a cure. A rainy day can still cause a severe inflammatory response. Simply being more aware of all the specific ingredients of the foods you are consuming can help you feel better, become healthier and perform at a higher level. So, need a couple of tasty recipes for your juicer or emulsifier, containing the above ingredients? Your wish is my command! Green Goddess 2 cups chopped Kale (increase to 4 cups if juicing) 5 strawberries 1 cup chopped broccoli 1 granny smith apple (cored) Âź cup walnuts ½ avocado (emulsifier only) ½ banana (emulsifier only) Orange Sunrise 1 large sweet potato 2 cups chopped cauliflower 1 inch piece of ginger ½ papaya Âź cup walnuts 2 large carrots ½ cup shitake mushrooms (if emulsifying, use coconut water or fresh green tea as the liquid additive) Martin McLoughlin is a Certified Master Trainer and Nutritionist and Owner of Extreme Fitness Personal Training, home of CrossFit in Fallsington, PA. For fifteen years he has worked as a trainer transforming lives with functional training as the emphasis. Martin is the two-time winner of Philly’s Hottest Workout, Best Fat Burning Workout, and Best Muscle Building Workout by PhillyFIT Magazine. As an experienced personal trainer, group class instructor, and nutritionist, he enables people of all ages and all fitness levels to participate with confidence knowing they are achieving their health and fitness goals. He is a sought-after motivational speaker and offers a home-exercise DVD to enhance understanding of proper form of exercise.

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Ice Dreams By Charles Peeples

As we slide from an Olympics season into the ice-hockey season, here’s a little girl who seems to meld the glory and elegance of one with the unceremonious wham-bam of the other. Twelve year-old Alexa Lamplugh is goalie for Philadelphia Little Flyers hockey team (00' AAA), now ranked number seven in the nation. Her team finished third in the Nation’s Cup in Detroit against the best teams in USA and Canada, and she’s the only girl on it. Thus she’s in the mix with ninety-nine percent of the best boy players in the nation.

Her entry into ice hockey, much less goalkeeping, was less than pre-ordained. Her dad, George, who’d been coaching a boys’ team himself at the time found himself in need of a goalie, and asked her to fill in. “No way,” she said. “Please. No!” But somehow, he talked her into putting Alexa clearly relishes all this, on the pads and trying to block Where does Alexa want to go, declining offers from girls’ some of his shots. And somehow teams (“Boys shoot harder she got hooked. Must’ve been some the NHL or Olympic Figure? Both. and more accurately- I want session- that doesn’t even happen in to be challenged,” she comthe movies! ments.), and finding business cards from school scouts thrust into her bag. For those of us who’ve seen the kinetic smash of ice hockey contact up close and live -even in practice- you have to marvel Meanwhile, she’s also a figure skater, focusing on layback and at the toughness of a little girl like this who can dive unabashed Beilman spins along with her double toe-loop. In July, she took straight into the mouth of it. That deceptive appearance also fifth place in the Liberty competition and is looking to compete caused many boys on her team to find themselves losing armin national competition in 2013. Her placing in the Liberty was wrestling contests with her. But lest players from any opposing remarkable considering that she’d only been training one day a teams attempt to bulldozer her, they’ll find, as her dad points week because of other commitments. Not real pleased about out, they’ll be dealing with a dozen ‘big brothers’ real fast! that restriction, “She yelled at me,” her dad says, indicating little of the vicarious alpha-press of hockey dad-ness. “But I didn't want to burn her out. And summer is for family and beach.” Where does Alexa want to go, the NHL or Olympic Figure? Both.

Charles Peeples, LMT, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, NCTMB, whose articles have appeared in numerous fitness and bodybuilding magazines, is a well-known proponent for girls’ and women’s physical advancement (www.teamvalkyries.org). In addition to being a Nationally-Certified Personal Trainer, he is a Nationally-Certified Massage Therapist (www.chesterspringsmassage.com). Contact him at Charles@PhillyFitMagazine.com

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BENEFITS OF YOGA for Eating Disorders By Nita Keesler

Yoga integrates, reconnects and balances body-mind-spirit while opening our heart space. It helps us to let go of perfection and create a deeper awareness of our body. Yoga helps us to get in touch with our body and what it can do. When we develop respect for our body by creating good habits to improve over all well being, we learn genuine self-love and awareness. Yoga creates relaxation, removes tension from muscles and organs, releases stress from all body systems and helps balance emotions. Yoga is truly a Mind-Body-Spirit approach for eating disorders.


Many times eating disorders are caused initially from a trauma, often in childhood. These traumas can be large or seemingly small, real or interpreted, verbal, witnessed or possibly even from a dream that seemed real to such a young person. Yoga helps underlying causes such as fear, anxiety, perfectionism, lack of control, lack of self-acceptance, and lack of ‘meaning’. Eating disorders are a form of self-abuse (no love for self). To a certain extent, all eating disorders are separation or isolation strategies, which are ultimately compensation strategies to cope with life. Because eating disorders come with issues of control, lack of control or self-hatred, needing self- nurturing, or craving a feeling of fullness or contentment to fill spiritual or emotional void, yoga classes help one to unify/connect to others and discover what our body really wants when it is aching.

Eating disorders are triggered during stress. Always ‘recovering’ like any addiction, these strategies will return in times of stress because it is a familiar method of self-control. Unresolved, suppressed rage from original wound or trauma is an issue that must be addressed for successful recovery. It needs a constructive outlet to dissipate these locked up emotions. Yoga releases stress but also gives an alternative behavior in times of stress. In essence, it creates a healthier ‘ritual’ that provides numerous benefits. 12 I PhillyFIT

Breath also helps us to be focused, in control and in the moment to handle problems more easily and effectively. Introspection is good, but not too soon. Because of compulsive nature, meditation may not be as good as guided relaxation, exercise or even a hobby or craft for someone first addressing their eating disorder.


Those with eating disorders tend to reject embodiment; dissociate or become numb to help them survive original traumatic event. They are not feeling their body or emotions. This protects them from emotional entanglements to produce less pain. But the pain is still stick in their bodies and manifests in different ways. In general, we tend to have a habitual stress response, or coping strategy. Physically, these responses can create postural distortions, which perpetuate us living in a state of stress, which equals wasted energy. In turn this can cause chronic fatigue or illness. Creating better posture will have a positive effect on self-esteem, breathing, energy level, digestion and elimination, and will decrease body tension and stressful mind.

The biggest influence on hormones/mood is the nervous system. The biggest influence on the nervous system is posture. Which means: mood effects posture and posture effects mood - therefore, confidence, self-esteem and overall well being.

Yoga postures can unlock habituated and inefficient ways of posture that locks in original trauma/event. Normal resting tone is affected and shaped by one’s posture, muscle tone, ideas, attitude, habits, tendencies and thoughts. Yoga helps us to stand and walk tall with confidence and grace. Our organs aren’t so compressed so they function more optimally. Hips store a lot of emotion, and the chest and abdomen get compressed from poor posture. So it is good to focus on hip openers and open collapsed ribcage. Twists cleanse the body of toxins and tones abs. Yoga also provides challenging, strengthening and endurance training.

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We will also begin to sense how each body part relates to each other and feel a sense of harmony in our body. We tend to only feel our body, or pay attention to it, when we have intense pain or pleasure. Yoga helps us to ‘get back into our body’ joyfully to experience life more fully.


Our body is with us from the time we’re born until we die. Yoga helps us to realize we are a soul mate with our own body and foster a positive relationship with it, to treat it with honor and respect. Yoga helps us to be more aware of the person we are, and the person we want to become. Conscious breathing helps us to be centered and in the moment, fully present and alive. We learn to be ourselves and comfortable in our own skin, to love ourselves; open our heart to uncover our true spirit and inner wisdom, and to bring peace to ourselves and those around us. When we are calm and relaxed we tend to be more open to our intuitive guidance in all aspects of our lives. We learn that compassion heals the anger that is so toxic to us, and are able to forgive more easily. More energy creates enthusiasm, and we get a sense of fullness and connectedness, and generosity of spirit. Yoga is a gift for the person practicing it as well as those in their lives to receive the best of them. A peaceful world begins with creating peace within ourselves.

Tips and Suggestions:  If one has an eating disorder it would be advisable to check with a health care professional. Very fragile anorexics may need to wait before beginning a yoga program.  Be sure to start with a qualified and caring yoga teacher. Try a few until you find one that resonates with you. Videos can be very convenient and helpful, but a good teacher can help you to make sure you are doing the postures safely and effectively.  There are a variety of yoga styles to choose from. If you try one that doesn’t suit you, try another. Some styles have you ‘holding’ a pose, some have you go from pose to pose in a sequence, and some have more movement. There are styles that are gentler, and some that are more vigorous.  Send love to your body while you are doing your practice. Remember the art of ‘wabi sabi’ or the ‘the perfection in the imperfection’. Nothing is perfect, so embrace your imperfection as a valuable part of you!  Send forgiveness. Remember that forgiveness does not condone what happened. It is a gift of peace we give to ourselves, especially if we cannot say it to the person/event. Releasing it will release its hold on us.  Remember that confidence is not arrogance, and self-love is not conceit. They are gifts we give to ourselves, which helps us to make better choices; this is a gift we give to those around us. It gives them permission to do the same, and we are more of a joy to be around!  If we feel too tight or tense to start a yoga program, it may be helpful to start with partner yoga, Thai Yoga/assisted stretches, or even to do some simple stretches in a pool, in a chair or while still in bed. During yoga class modifications are usually shown, or perhaps start with a Restorative Yoga class.

Suggested Poses to Begin Child’s Pose -- a relaxing ‘counter-pose’ to each of the other poses below. Pigeon Camel Seated Partner Twist Meditation: Close your eyes, and place one hand on your heart, the other hand on your belly. Feel your breath, feel your heart. Feel safe in the space we are creating. Take a deep breath in, and release. Take another deep breath in and when you release your breath, release something that you want to let go of. Take another deep breath in and fill yourself with love, light and abundance. Release. Feel the kindness, support and encouragement from everyone in the room (if practicing alone, feel it from the people in your life, or feel the possibility of this support coming to you). Now feel it. Really FEEL it, shining out from your own heart to everyone else in the room/your life and more importantly, radiating inside you as well.

Quotes: Be mindful of your thoughts~ They become your actions Be mindful of your actions~ They become your habits Take notice of your habits~ They shape your character Be aware of your character~ for your character determines your destiny. (Paraphrased from Lao Tse and Mahatma Gandhi) It all begins with a thought, and you have the power within you to choose your thoughts. Change your thoughts, and you change your world. Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile. Sometimes your smile is the source of your joy.-Thich Nhat Hanh Nita Keesler, LMT the owner of Back In Balance ~Massage & Wellness, has been a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist for since 1994 and is an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor. She has had the honor of being voted “Best of Phila” in Philadelphia Magazine and now practices in Bucks County. She has an integrated approach with a focus on helping each person achieve a sense of empowerment in their own health and well-being by creating awareness and balance in their body and their life. She offers Thai Massage/Assisted Stretching with a Deep Tissue ‘flair’, Reiki and Canine Massage, On-site Corporate Massage and Wellness Workshops on Posture and Flexibility, Stress Relief, Couple’s Massage, Thai/Assisted and YogaDance.

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Read how these inspiring people made it happen! Photography by Sean Gomes

Eric Richardson - Philadelphia, PA

I have always been pretty thin. And short. One night I couldn't sleep (this is how most of my epiphanies come about) and I began to explore YouTube. I somehow stumbled upon a video of Ronnie Coleman. I couldn't stop watching it. I had never seen a human being that looked like a comic book character. My mind was made up. That Christmas, all I wanted was every single supplement I saw Ronnie taking in his videos. My parents got them for me, plus Arnold's Encyclopedia. I started lifting on a 3 days on,1 day off push-pull-legs routine, ate every two hours and had 3 protein shakes a day. My meals consisted of grits and eggs for breakfast, chicken breast and rice the next two meals, and dinner was usually whatever my mom cooked. In three months I began to see changes. People were asking me Eric what I was doing, actually referring Richardson to me as big. ME!! Looking back, there was nothing special or magical about the lifting routine I did or the supplements I took. My goal was to gain 20 lbs. of lean muscle and I made it up in my mind that I would reach my goal no matter what. I am now a personal trainer and powerlifter, and have set WNPF world records in the squat and deadlift. I am looking forward to doing some modeling and hopefully being on the cover of a magazine in the very near future!

14 I PhillyFIT

Jason Lesnevec - Bensalem, PA

Loosing 20 pounds of fat while retaining my muscle mass made the last three months of my life painful yet rewarding to say the least! Working-out over the past couple of years without a solid diet made me go to extreme lengths in order to naturally cut down before the start of summer. I was intrigued by the famous ketogenic diet used in the field of medicine to treat epilepsy in children and believed that this was my calling to shed some serious fat. The ketogenic diet calls for minimal amounts of carbohydrates each day (no more than 50 grams), high amounts of fat, and a moderate amount of protein. It allows the body to stop burning carbohydrates for energy and instead forces it to burn fat. After the body burns the fat that you eat each day, it burns excess body fat. I made sure to Jason exercise 5 days a week, an hour each Lesnevec day, working a single muscle group each time. Cardio was not necessary to loose 20 pounds of fat in three months with the ketogenic diet and my body was burning plenty of fat solely due to intense weight training. My workout routine changed every single week but always hit the same five muscle groups: chest, back, arms, legs, and shoulders. In order to keep as much muscle as possible, I trained with heavy weight performing repetitions of 8-10 for 4-5 sets. I would work each muscle group on a different day every week and never trained for longer than an hour. I rarely performed the

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same exercise two weeks in a row so that my body could never adapt. More important than which exercises I performed was sticking to my daily routine.

My daily nutritional intake was made up of 200 grams of protein, 208 grams of natural fat, a maximum of 50 grams of carbohydrates, and 2500 calories. I kept my protein intake at about 1 gram per pound of body fat so that I could retain my muscle. Low calorie proteins such as fish and egg whites allowed for high doses of protein while staying in the perimeter of my diet. My fat intake was derived solely from all natural peanut butter, numerous amounts of cheeses, and vegetable oil. As far as fluids, I only consumed water, green tea, or black coffee and I always drank at least a gallon of water each day. I split my meals into 6 servings per day at about 2.5 – 3 hours apart from each other. I always waited about an hour after I woke up to consume my first meal as this was a perfect time to kick start my metabolism with green tea and black coffee. My sixth meal was always a shake made up of seven egg whites, a scoop of whey protein, and four tablespoons of natural peanut butter. The reason for the egg whites was because of how long it takes the body to break them down, allowing my metabolism to burn all night while I slept. All in all, I have to say that hard work pays off. Anyone and everyone with the motivation to set and achieve their weightloss goals can do it, and they can do it all natural without even

stepping foot on a treadmill. Do your research; get to know your body and how it reacts to different diets. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends and family at home and in the gym. Let the haters hate, I can’t even count how many times I was told I wouldn’t make it. Without my family helping me prepare six meals a day and my friend Corey pushing me in the gym and to keep dieting, I wouldn’t have. But guess what… we’re all going to make it.

Allegra Labar - Malvern, PA

With my college career coming to an end I looked in the mirror and was so disappointed in myself. I was unhappy, unmotivated, and unhealthy. I had spent the last four years overindulging in extremely unhealthy habits, and it slowly but surely caught up with me. Worst of all, I felt helpless because the hours of cardio I was doing every week weren’t helping at all. It was then that I looked to my boyfriend for guidance. I saw the changes he was making in his life, and the amazing results he was achieving. I decided to fight for myself and follow in his footsteps! I slowly cut out alcohol, taught myself healthier eating habits by way of 100's of articles and videos online, and with the help of my boyfriend I learned my way around the gym. The changes I made at first were minor. I started weight training 5 days a week with moderate cardio, and I began to eat 5-6 clean meals a day. It wasn’t long before I too began to see significant changes in my body and my outlook. Not only was my waistline shrinking, but my confidence was soaring! The more goals I set for myself, the more goals I was achieving. I

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Rebecca Garrabrant - Flemington, NJ

was hooked. This lifestyle has given me so much more than the just the body of my dreams, it’s given me the confidence and drive to pursue things I once was too afraid of. I continue to train 4-5 days a week while eating a balanced diet of healthy carbs, fats, and plenty of protein. I am currently 10 weeks out from my first figure competition in August. Before I began my fitness journey, the shear thought of stepping on stage in heals and a bikini would have terrified me. Now, I crave it! I believe in the quote: “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” I’m so thankful that I was strong enough to choose to accept the responsibility for changing my circumstance, and I look forward to inspiring others to believe that they are strong enough to do the same!

Allegra Labor

I was always athletic; I spent the majority of my youth (ages 4-17) playing competitive softball year round, as well as basketball for several years. Although I was always a star athlete, I struggled with major body image issues and in high school I developed an eating disorder that haunted me well through my college years. Cycles of starving, bingeing and purging were normal behaviors for me for the better part of 7 years. I first found strength training in college but because of a busy schedule and lots of partying, I didn't take my health very seriously. After I graduated, I was in a bad relationship and ended up gaining the weight back that I had fought to lose during my last year of college. After that relationship ended, I started on the path to better health

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and, although I improved my eating and amped up my training, I was still partying way too much and not seeing results. About 8 months ago, I hit my breaking point. I set a goal when I was 19, around the same time that I picked up my first edition of Oxygen Magazine, that I wanted to be a fitness model one day. After years of wanting for it but not working for it, I decided to start. I registered for my first WBFF competition (fast approaching in June!) and never looked back. In mid-February, I decided to push myself even further and register for an OCB bodybuilding show at the end of April. I competed in the bikini division and placed 4th in the Novice division. All of the hard work I had put in was paying off! My transformation is so much more than physical; nutrition and fitness saved me from a path of destructive behaviors and self-hatred. I love the person I am now and I have so much to look forward to in life. My passion is working as a holistic health coach and fitness trainer; I have clients who keep me motivated and seeing the change in someone else's life is such an amazing feeling.





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The Best Medicine and a Great Exercise!

There’s a new exercise in town! Want an exercise that is good for your mind, body and spirit? Then give Laughter Yoga a try. Laughter Yoga is a relatively new exercise (about fifteen years old), which was created by Dr. Madan Kataria in India. Laughter Yoga is based on the principle that your body does not know the difference between “real” laughter such as laughing at a joke and “fake” laughter, which we can also call unconditional laughter. Anyone can laugh for no reason, without relying on humor, jokes or comedy. In Laughter Yoga, we do laughter exercises, which simulate laughing, and it usually turns into real laughter. Sometimes we laugh so much it’s hard to stop. The beautiful thing is that you receive the health benefits of laughter after laughing for about ten minutes. Laughter Yoga sessions are usually forty-five minutes to an hour. In addition to laughter exercises, we do deep breathing with some gentle stretching, incorporate child-like playfulness, clapping, and a guided relaxation at the end.

Studies Have Proven the Benefits of Laughter Dr. William Fry, a well-known research scientist from Stanford University, scientifically proved that ten minutes of laughter is equal to thirty minutes on the rowing machine. He confirmed that twenty seconds of intense laughter can double the heart rate for three to five minutes. As an exercise, laughter has similar benefits to any other aerobic activity, like jogging, swimming and cycling.

18 I PhillyFIT

Laughing stimulates blood flow and helps to oxygenate the body. People have commented that their cheeks and stomach hurt from laughing so much. These are muscles we quickly strengthen, so never fear, the soreness does not last long.

Laughing is good for you, because laughter reduces mental stress and strengthens the immune system. Laughing also increases the oxygenation of your body, is a natural pain killer, increases blood flow and decreases blood pressure.

Writer, Norman Cousins, wrote in his book Anatomy of an Illness that, “…ten minutes of laughter gave him two hours of pain-free sleep after his diagnosis with a potentially fatal disease.” Dr. Lee Berk performed a study of heart attack patients where half of his patients watched funny videos for thirty minutes a day, while the others did not. The “humor” group had fewer arrhythmias, lower blood pressure, lower levels of stress hormones, and required lower doses of medications one year later. The non-humor group had 2.5 times more recurrent heart attacks than the humor group. You may have seen the movie, Patch Adams, about a doctor who used humor to help his patients heal. Dr. Daniel Amen wrote in Change Your Brain, Change Your Body that, “…

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laughter counteracts stress by lowering stress hormones, eases digestions, soothes stomach aches and is good for the immune system.”

Laughing together also builds community. The unconditional laughter of Laughter Yoga creates strong bonds between people who laugh together. This is very beneficial in corporate or other work environments, at retreats, or in community living facilities like nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Dr. Kataria created Laughter Yoga in the hopes of connecting people with one another at the heart level without judgment. To him, that is the true meaning of yoga. Remember the Mind-Body Connection Regular laughing or participation in Laughter Yoga can create changes in your mental attitude. You may find yourself feeling more positive, more likely to laugh at things that previously would have caused anger or stress, and more likely to forgive. The inner spirit of laughter helps promote appreciation and forgiveness. Some people even find they have increased empathy and compassion.

This all sounds great, but what if you are a person who doesn’t laugh easily, or is depressed? Remember feeling joy as a child, for no particular reason? Most children tend to be happy for no reason and laugh hundreds of times a day. As we get older, we can clog up our ability to laugh with the seriousness of life and laugh only a dozen times per day. But developing the ability to laugh is like cleaning the clog out of a pipe. Once you clear away the gunk, the laughter flows naturally. Years of negative programming are cleared away, and our natural laughter bubbles up inside of us and begins to flow. Our bodies are very willing to learn how to laugh easily again. That’s what makes Laughter Yoga so much fun. When we make changes to our mind, we make changes to our body, and vice versa. Ever notice how a person who is depressed seems to be folded in upon themselves, while a person who is happy is very upright and open? In Laughter Yoga, when we do the exercises, clapping and breathing, we use our bodies to send a signal to our brains that we are happy now. This happiness continues after the class into your regular life.

Incorporating More Laughter Into Your Life Now that you know how good laughter is for you, you can intentionally incorporate more laughter in your life. How can you do that? Spend more time being silly with friends or children. Watch funny movies or comedy shows. Laugh while you drive. Will you get mad at that person who cuts you off if you’re sitting behind the wheel laughing? You can buy CDs to laugh along with in your car, or you can substitute laughter for the words of your favorite songs. Sing, “HA HA HO HO HEE HEE,” instead of the words. Since your body won’t know you’re faking, you’ll feel great when you reach your destination. Or go to a Laughter Yoga class. Spreading the “Joy Cocktail”

Laughing and Laughter Yoga cause the release of ‘feel good’ brain chemicals and hormones. When these feel good chemicals and hormones enter your blood stream, you experience happiness, warmth, unconditional love, bonding, tolerance, forgiveness, generosity, and compassion. Dr. Kataria calls this a “joy cocktail”. This joy cocktail inhibits the production of hormones and neuro-peptides related to hatred, fear, violence, jealousy, and aggression.

Dr. Kataria’s vision is world peace through laughter. How will that work? When you leave a Laughter Yoga session, you are in a powerful emotional state of joy, from your joy cocktail. When you interact with people, the person with the strongest energy wins and joy is much stronger than most other emotions. Therefore, you will be spreading your joy cocktail to everyone you meet after your Laughter Yoga class. If enough people in the world were laughing each day, the world would become a joyful place, through the effect we have on each other. So, do the world a favor and laugh for ten minutes today!

Kim Ruch-Alegant is a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader and teaches Laughter Yoga. Several years ago, Kim discovered Laughter Yoga at the Mind, Body, Spirit Expo. She enjoys bringing Laughter Yoga to yoga studios, nursing homes, independent living facilities, and anyone else who will have her. Kim also works as a life coach and a personal injury lawyer, just to balance out her serious side. She can be reached at (215) 354-0057.

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Cutting Corners, Incorporating Exercise Into Your Every Day Life By Jason Raffensperger

I have lived in the suburbs of Philadelphia all my life and have struggled most of it with "bad habits" like smoking, anorexia, binge eating and obesity. As a child I would over eat constantly. I would pour extra sugar on my cereal and even add Sweet’N Low® to my diet soda. I really enjoyed the snack stand at my little league games since I could get cheese fries with a side of Swedish Fish®. As a child, the only thing that helped keep my weight at a moderate level was my Karate lessons. At that age, I enjoyed everything I ate and never worried about what I looked like or how I felt until I started noticing girls. Once that happened, my appearance was everything. I had to have the best clothes, newest shoes and lots of gel for my hair. As a teen, I started lifting weights with a local body builder. I learned a lot about weight lifting, but never changed my eating habits. I soon realized cardio was the way to go, so I started running. Being overweight, it took me a few months before I could run continuously without stopping for a break. Once my body was conditioned to running, I was able to run ten miles every day, regardless of the weather. The only problem with all the running was I picked up two more "bad habits": smoking and anorexia. Looking back now, I see it very clearly and know it all went hand and hand. However, I was blessed to meet my wife a few years later and was able to overcome anorexia with healthy eating habits. She taught me to love food again and it is not only ok to eat, but to eat on a regular schedule. She taught me how to cook, or more accurately, she taught me how to read directions and feel more comfortable preparing food. Eating is a big part of our lives and my wife taught me to embrace it and not feel guilty about eating. Around the same time that I met my wife, my knees were starting to suffer from all of the running. I met with multiple doctors and trainers for physical therapy. It helped my knees, but I am unable to run like I used to and gained back all my weight I had lost, plus some.

A few years later I was blessed with the news that my wife and I would be having a daughter. A month before she was born, I decided that I smoked my last cigarette. I went cold turkey and the first month was tough, but once I held my little girl I knew I would never smoke again. A few months after she was born I lost my job and the gym my office offered. I had to find a new way to exercise. After getting a new job, I didn't really have the money or the time to join a gym, but knew I wanted to be in better shape to live a longer and healthier life for my girls. I started with what I knew most, Karate and basic stretching, eventually combining them into my own unique stretching routine. Next, I added my weight lifting and physical therapy experiences to create the rest of my exercises. In a single day I do a minimum of three thousand repetitions. Most days I spread them out evenly to not lose time from work, home and most importantly family. However, there are times where I may have an hour to kill and can challenge myself to complete as many repetitions as I can. These daily exercises have become my “healthy habits.” I eat well and exercise and have not missed a day in three years. My daughter continues to inspire me every day to form more "healthy habits”. She inspired me to write down my exercise program and also have it published as an e-Book. My e-book is called: Cutting Corners, Incorporating Exercise into Your Every Day Life. The idea of my program is about creating a healthy habit and using it on a daily basis to live a happier and healthier life.

When that happened, I started using the small gym that my office offered and would go every day on lunch, only missing one or two days a month. I never lost weight, but was able to maintain my weight and feel healthier.

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Jason Raffensperger is a father and husband who uses his life experiences from being an overweight youth to an anorexic young man in "Cutting Corners". Now a healthy and fit adult, Jason shares his secrets in Cutting Corners to help you balance a healthy lifestyle and a family. He created many of the innovative and unique exercises from a loose blend of his martial arts, weight training, and physical therapy.

Pulled Pork with Avocado Slaw

Nourishes: 6 Pork Ingredients: 1 boneless pork shoulder or Boston butt (approx. 4lbs.) 4 tbsps. kosher salt 1 tbsp. ground black pepper 1 tbsp. onion powder 1 1/2 cups light brown sugar or Splenda brown sugar 1/4 cup paprika (Spanish preferred) 1 tsp. thyme leaves 4 cloves garlic minced 1/4 cup red wine vinegar 2 tsps. cayenne pepper 3 tbsps. canola oil

For the Sauce: 1 cup non-high fructose ketchup ½ cup cider vinegar ¼ cup brown sugar 1 tsp. whole ground mustard 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp. garlic powder 1 tsp. salt Franks Hot Sauce to taste

For the Slaw: 1/4 small red cabbage 1/2 small green cabbage 1/2 carrot, shredded 1 ripe avocado 2 T. cider vinegar 2 T. brown mustard 2 T. lime juice 1/4 cup olive oil 1 tsp. honey 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 tsp. black pepper Nutritional Profile per serving: Calories: 390, Protein: 31g, Fat: 15g, Carb: 35g (depending on roll and size of each sandwich)

Created and Tested by John Fairchild, Chef/Nutritionist, Healthy Cooking Concepts/www.weightlosscoaching.org 267-273-6552 kickaerobox@yahoo.com

By John Fairchild

Purée, in a blender or hand whisk well, all ingredients except cabbage and carrot. In a large bowl pour dressing over cabbage and carrot tossing to coat. Cover and refrigerate until serving.

Methodology: Place pork on a roasting rack, fat side up. Mix the salt, pepper, sugar, paprika, thyme, garlic, vinegar, olive oil into a paste and rub over entire pork. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate 2 hours or overnight. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Allow the meat to sit at room temperature for 20-30 minutes before cooking. Roast the pork for 3-4 hours, uncovered, until the internal temperature reaches 175 degrees. Remove from oven and let the meat rest 20-30 minutes before removing excess fat, then separate meat with forks or slice very thinly. Coat the pork thoroughly with the BBQ sauce mixture. While the pork is cooking, prepare the slaw and mix the BBQ sauce ingredients together. Place finished pork on a roll and top with slaw.


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PhillyFIT I 21


The By Charles Peeples

you either stupid or egotistical, and probably a sissy.”

If you’re a Boomer, particularly an active one, perhaps you can relate to this. If that activity includes regular bouts with the weights, you’ll definitely relate.

My elbow and shoulder joints are protesting, not just about the indignities they’ve endured in the gym this morning, but possibly against decades of similar abuse, not to mention the mere toll of decades themselves. Conventional wisdom dictates that I stop or back off. So does the orthopedic doc, who says my days of overhead lifts (not that they were ever considerable) are over. So I back off, sort of, and I seek reassurance, guidance. But not from these nay-saying emaciated wisps in white tunics. No, it’s from someone who’s been there - a guy with a light, a limp, and a legend. And he’d been hoisting barbells in the early sixties, long before it was cool. “I was just a kid and virtually nobody was pushing iron. Weightlifting and muscle building didn't have wide public appeal or approval and ninety-nine out of a hundred athletic coaches gave it the thumbs down. There wasn't a whole bunch of encouragement or inspiration from a society that considered 22 I PhillyFIT

It was in August of 1967, in the Cape May Theater, as a scrawny runt of thirteen, that I first saw real muscle, in the form of Dave Draper. The film was minor, a “forgettable” Tony Curtis vehicle called Don’t Make Waves, and Dave had a minor role as the bodybuilding boyfriend of a beach-beauty played by Sharon Tate (whose unfortunate demise at the hands of the Manson family would be enshrined in Helter Skelter). Blond, tanned and outrageously muscled for that era, Dave could’ve been scary, but he wasn’t. He had a gentle boyish face, and when he spoke, the voice was the shy kid, not the bulging behemoth. The audience giggled audibly at the disparity. But in that moment when Sharon, insanely desirable in her bikini, launched herself from the trampoline and into his huge casually, waiting arms… if you were a guy, he was where you wanted to be, and there were forces at work to exploit that.”

A decade before Ahhhnold became the face of muscledom, it was this big kid with surf-dude blond hair and tan, “The Blonde Bomber” posing with the requisite southern California props, a pair of beach-babes and a Bear board who spelled it out. The more important props, the protein shake and the exercise device, were his real reason for being in that photo, suggesting to us that they were the ticket to the fun he was having. What was different then- like in much else of the world- was the pure innocence, the sense of fun, the complete lack of menace. Dave and his smile were shy and happy, not like the oversized, veiny,

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lab experiments glaring and grimacing joylessly in today’s muscle-magazines, trying to out-bad-ass each other.

But he’d be eclipsed, forgotten even, in the wave launched by the soon-to be Governator, having already become disenchanted with and abandoning the competitive aspect of bodybuilding just as it was emerging from the netherworld. Dave lived solely for the life, the process. And decades later, into the new millennium when the functionalistas, kettlebellers and crossfitters decreed the whole bodybuilding thing passé, Dave would still be living the life, and extolling its virtues in his bulletins with self-deprecating wit that assures us that it’s ok to be struggling with weights we’d have snickered at in younger years, or completely avoiding some of those gym-stud rituals like the big bench press if it means saving your joints. Do what you can do, do it hard, but above all, be there: Lift weights for fame, glory and money and you miss the point entirely. Those of us long in the tooth, feeling those same aches, but yearning for more of the lore and celebration of newly-discovered self that attracted us to the gym in the first place, can handle that. Conditioning for some competitive sport has nothing to do with it. “

“You’ve heard enough about this sanctuary in recent Bomber stories: endless cracks in wide floors, high ceilings and tall walls; long narrow wooden staircases condemned by the unseen management, yet frequently negotiated by brutes; rusting iron and splintered wood equipment in the dim light of night and day; passion and knowledge and understanding dripping down the walls and from the ceiling like the warm beer escaping the taps of the bar overhead; entry doors hanging askew by their remaining twisted hinges. The place was perfect in every way.” The great irony here is that Dave’s wife Laree runs a publishing business specializing in media not about bodybuilding, but about that very functional strength and conditioning realm whose denizens ridicule Dave’s craft. And these are heavy hitters, mind you -gurus like Michael Boyle, Dan John, and Gray Cook, whose wisdom and innovation have made them absolute demigods in the strength and conditioning (S & C) world. I can’t help but wonder how this dichotomy works out domestically. But in all fairness, while they share mostly the same tools, there’s no overlap of purpose between bodybuilding and sports conditioning (a bodybuilder might counter the functionalista’s scorn by paraphrasing an old song:”Don’t care what you do… wouldn’t wanna look like you!”). I was never much of an athlete, and now, only a year or two from the big sixty, I’m kinda glad about that; more and more it’s evident that the odd forces and shocks of most competitive sports manifest themselves with a vengeance later on. A knee or elbow, for instance, is like a hinge, meant to bend in one plane only, but not many sports will make that allowance. Bodybuilding is one of the few

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that does (you read that here first!), and done properly, it’s one of the few you can do until the end. As a lifestyle it provides an anchor of constancy, of satisfaction, connecting us to rituals, childish even, to contend with the deadly, ever-encroaching virus of inertia:

“It's a sad thing to witness folks in decline due to lack of will, discipline and courage. Ignorance is an unkind companion. Irresponsibility and disrespect reside where understanding and gratitude, joy and love do not. Alas! Gee, I hate missing a workout, don't you? I miss the stupid workout and feel like crap till my next bout with the iron, which becomes some sort of monster battle between my miserable self and the stinkin' metal. How is it possible? All that precious, hard-earned muscle and strength lost in one frigging forgone workout‌ if for no other reason, this is why I train unfailingly after nearly sixty years: to escape the callous self-inflicted pain and personal ridicule I merciless heap upon myself for having spinelessly evaded a brutal match with the ever-ready iron.â€?

If there’s nothing especially revolutionary in Dave’s philosophical exhortations, delivered in Jami-like unabashed bearing of the soul, we can take delight in their cheerful resoluteness, connecting the man in the sunset to the boy in the sunshine. “It was the doing it that was good. And it’s the doing it that continues to be good. None of us would change much if we were to do it all again. The smiles came when they weren’t expected, and they’ve lasted a long, long time.� Be sure to check out Dave’s site and newsletter: http://www.davedraper.com

Charles Peeples, LMT, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, NCTMB, whose articles have appeared in numerous fitness and bodybuilding magazines, is a well-known proponent for girls’ and women’s physical advancement (www.teamvalkyries.org). In addition to being a nationally Certified Personal Trainer, he is a nationally Certified Massage Therapist (www.chesterspringsmassage.com). Contact him at Charles@phillyfitmagazine.com



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PHILLYFITTEST Send us your pictures! jami@phillyfit.com Christian Biscardi, 23 Washington Township, NJ Photo by Les Byerley Photography

Christina Hess, 19 Southampton, PA Photo by Reg Bradford

Jenna Farnen, 20 Mr. and Ms. Natural Philadelphia first place figure competitor. Personal trainer at Optimal Sport, Newtown.

Justin Gostkowski

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Leon Budrow, 22 Aspiring fitness model and actor Just competed in his first ever NGA Physique Competition for the Natural Philadelphia Show - placing 2nd.

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Alassane Ndiaye, MS-CPT-PES-CES Owner at Ellite Health Inc., Philadelphia Photo by Zaya Photography www.zayaphotography.com



Nick Morell West Chester, PA Photo by Les Byerley Photography

Robb and Dani West Chester, PA Photo by Reg Bradford

Jon Walka Product specialist at Conigent/Wodify in Haddonfield and CrossFit 1 Force coach, lifts 245 pounds in a CrossFit workout. By Stavra Photography

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Hoop Dance Class South Philadelphia, at the Torrent Collective Studio (938 S. 8th Street). South Philly Spin Coalition (SPinCo) Class every Monday from 8:30 to 10pm. Photo sent by Hoop Dancer Tara Adelizzi, "Bikini Hooper"

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Cancer is No Different in Dogs, Cats or People By Dr. Craig Clifford, Dr. Siobhan Haney and Dr. Kate Vickery

Cancer in Pets

Cancer touches all of us whether through a family member, a close friend, a teacher or a beloved pet. There are approximately 165 million dogs and cats at risk for cancer in the United States. This translates into nearly four million dogs and four million cats developing cancer each year. It is estimated that nearly fifty percent of all dogs and thirty-two percent of all cats over the age of ten will develop cancer. In other words, approximately one in four dogs and one in three cats will, at some stage in their life, develop a cancer. This means cancer is the leading cause of death in our pets. The term cancer describes a large number of diseases with the common feature of uncontrolled cell growth. The development of cancer is multifactorial in nature and often a result of accumulated errors in the cell leading to this uncontrolled growth. Environmental factors and genetic factors, such as breed and gender, all play a role in the development of cancer.

Who Treats Pets with Cancer?

Upon completion of an undergraduate degree program, a person interested in becoming a veterinarian must apply to veterinary school. There are currently twenty-nine veterinary schools throughout the country so the application process is very competitive. Veterinary school is a four-year professional degree program, which upon completion allows the veterinarian to practice in a clinical setting, private industry (pharmaceuticals or government), or compete for a residency in a specialty program such as oncology. Most oncology residency programs are three-year clinical programs combined with a master’s degree in cancer biology. In total, the veterinary oncologist is in school for an average of eleven years from the time of starting their undergraduate degree to the time of completing their residency program.

Once the veterinary oncologist completes their residency program, they must qualify to become board-certified by passing a stringent board exam and having a research paper accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The individual is consid30 I PhillyFIT

ered board-certified or a ‘diplomate’ through the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (DACVIM, for Medical Oncologists) or through the American College of Veterinary Radiologists (DACVR, for Radiation Oncol-ogists) once these qualifications have been met. A board-certified veterinary oncologist is considered an expert in the biology of cancer and specializes in the use of chemotherapy, radiation and biological therapies for the treatment of cancer. Veter-inary oncologists determine the most appropriate course of treatment and coordinate the treatment program for pets with cancer. It is also important to note that the oncologist will work closely with the patient’s primary veterinarian, to create a “team approach” to the treatment program. Cancer in pets is treated in a multi-modality approach in many cases, including surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation oncologists primarily use radiation in the treatment of pets with cancer while Medical oncologists primarily use chemotherapy, immunologic therapies and alternative medicines in the treatment of pets with cancer.

The goal of treatment for pets with cancer is focused on improving their quality of life as well as curing the disease. Slowing down the progression of the cancer, decreasing pain related to the cancer, and improving the overall well-being of the pet is paramount. Since many cancers in dogs and cats are nearly identical to their counterpart in humans, we are on the forefront of access to many new agents that are targeted to the cancer while sparing normal tissue. The information gained through research and clinical trials in pets has made this a possibility. The National Cancer Institute has created a specific branch focused on evaluating cancer in companion animals as a model for cancer in humans. As a result, many novel therapies are entering the veterinary market that offer the possibility of making cancer a chronic diseases, no different than diseases of the heart, kidneys, etc, yet maintaining a good quality of life. Pets undergoing radiation and chemotherapy do not experience the severity of side effects often seen in their human counterpart undergoing the same treatments. The majority of pet-owners agree that their dog or cat improved once treated was started.

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The Use of Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy to Treat Cancer in Pets

Radiation therapy (RT) is the use of beams of radiation, or highenergy, to kill cancer cells. Typically, RT is used for localized forms of cancer, such as skin cancer or nasal cancer, but other treatable types of cancer include bone cancer, brain tumors and thyroid tumors. Depending on the type of cancer that is diagnosed, RT will be prescribed accordingly by a board-certified veterinary radiation oncologist. There are some cancers that are treated with four to six once-weekly doses of radiation, and there are others that are treated more aggressively by using daily doses of radiation for a total of four weeks. Sometimes, RT will be combined with chemotherapy in order to best combat the cancer, but this is determined by the type of cancer and where it is located within the body. Often, radiation is also combined with surgery, either before RT or following it, in order to rid the body of as many cancer cells as possible. There are some types of chemotherapeutic drugs that have been proven to be even more effective when given in conjunction with radiation therapy, so this is a strategy that is frequently employed by oncologists in order to help pets best fight their cancer.

The types of radiation therapy equipment used for treating pets with cancer, is the same as that which is used to treat humans. State-of-the-art linear accelerators, which produce the radiation, 3-dimensional treatment planning equipment and highly-trained specialized medical physicists, veterinary technicians and doctors are all used to formulate the best possible treatment plans.

Chemotherapy helps control the cancer cells by preventing their growth and ability to divide and spread. Unlike humans, the side effects of chemotherapy in pets are relatively mild and most pets maintain an excellent quality of life. Some drugs must be given intravenously; others may be given under the skin, or orally. Doses of drugs and treatment schedules are calculated by the oncologist to effectively fight off the cancer but minimize discomfort to the pet. Many chemotherapy protocols involve a series of treatments, followed by a monitoring period with defined recheck examinations with your oncologist. The top priority in any cancer treatment regimen is a pet’s quality of life. Dr. Craig Clifford, Dr. Siobhan Haney and Dr. Kate Vickery make up the Cancer Care group at Hope Veterinary Specialists in Malvern, PA. Doctors Clifford and Vickery are both board-certified medical oncologists. Dr. Haney is a board-certified radiation oncologist. Our group strives to provide the highest quality patient care through a multidisciplinary approach using surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Consultation, diagnosis and treatment planning for all cancer types is available. Our team has extensive training and over twenty years combined clinical experience in cancer biology, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and novel therapeutics. We can continue to provide cutting-edge, advanced diagnostic and therapeutic options through our commitment to continuing education and participation in novel clinical trials. Our medical and radiation oncologists participate in clinical trials sponsored by various pharmaceutical companies, veterinary universities and the Animal Clinical Investigations Network, a co-operative clinical trials oncology group. Our Cancer Care group is supported by veterinary nurses who have years of extensive training in chemotherapy and caring for patients with cancer. Our primary goal for treatment is to improve the quality of life of your pet with cancer. You may learn more about Hope Veterinary Specialists Cancer Care Group by visiting www.hopevs.com.

WARNING SIGNS of Cancer in Pets

10. Lumps and Bumps Not all lumps and bumps on or under the skin are cancerous. A needle aspirate or biopsy are routine procedures to help determine this. 9. Abnormal Odors Offensive odors from your pet’s mouth, ears, or any other part of your pet’s body, should be checked out. Oftentimes cancers of these regions can cause such foul odors. 8. Abnormal Discharges Any abnormal fluid being discharged from any part of your pet’s body should be checked out by your veterinarian. 7. Non-Healing Wounds If your pet has wounds or sores that are not healing, it could be a sign of infection, skin disease, or cancer and should be evaluated. 6. Weight Loss Cancer can cause weight loss in a pet. If sudden weight loss is noted in your pet this should be evaluated. 5. Changes in Appetite Pets generally do stop eating without an underlying reason. A recent lack of appetite could be a result of an underlying cancer and should be evaluated. 4. Coughing or Difficulty Breathing Coughing or changes in breathing can be a result of heart disease, lung disease, and cancer. If this is noted your pet should be evaluated by your veterinarian. 3. Lethargy or Depression If you notice your pet is less active, sleeping more and less interactive this can be a sign of cancer and should be evaluated. 2. Changes in Bathroom Habits Changes in your pet’s urinary or bowel habits such difficulty or frequent defecating or urinating or blood in urine or stool may be potential signs of cancer. 1. Evidence of Pain Limping or other evidence of pain is generally more likely associated with arthritis or muscular injury, but it can also be a sign of cancer (especially cancer of the bone) and should be evaluated by your veterinarian.


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Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease When urinating can be life or death for cats By Dora Connelly, VMD

Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is one of the most common problems of pet cats. Symptoms of FLUTD can include urinating outside of the box, straining to urinate, bloody urine, frequent urination, and small volume urination. However, while the symptoms are common, there can be many different causes.


This is an inflammation of the bladder that is not caused by infection. It is a very common cause of urinary signs in cats. There is discomfort, urgency, and often blood in the urine. However there is no bacterial infection. There is no known cause of sterile cystitis, and symptoms may last for several days and resolve on their own. Anti-inflammatory pain medication may also be helpful.


There are several types of crystals and stones that may form in urine. The most common types seen in cats are calcium oxalate and struvite (magnesium/ammonium/phosphate). While crystals are diagnosed with a urinalysis, stones are diagnosed with a radiograph or ultrasound exam of the bladder. The formation of these crystals and stones may be influenced by diet, urine pH, and a cat's individual metabolism. There are many diets on the market designed to help minimize crystal and stone formation. Depending on the circumstances, a prescription diet may be recommended by your veterinarian.



While most cats presenting with symptoms of FLUTD do not have tumors, it is a possibility, particularly in our older pets. Transitional cell carcinoma is the most common type of bladder cancer that is diagnosed, although other types are possible. Often, evidence of the tumor may be seen with an ultrasound exam. An identification of the tumor cells by cytology, biopsy or other technique is needed to confirm the diagnosis. Depending on the location of the tumor, these masses may not be easily removed, and can carry a guarded to poor long term prognosis. Treatment with anti-inflammatory pain medication is often helpful in temporarily alleviating symptoms.


This typically occurs in males (only rarely in females). The obstruction may be caused by blood clots, mucus, white blood cells, crystals, and/or stones. A cat with a urethral obstruction is unable to urinate, which can rapidly progress to a life threatening problem. These cats are typically painful, yowling, not eating, may be vomiting, lethargic, or collapsed. They are often seen to be straining repetitively in the litter box with no urine produced, and may be obsessively licking at their penis.

When a cat is unable to eliminate urine, life threatening heart arrhythmias or cardiac arrest may occur. Additionally, as the bladder continues to fill, there is a risk of bladder rupture. It is these complications that make urethral obstruction a true medical emergency.

This is often what people assume is the cause of their cats symptoms. However, urinary tract infection is an uncommon cause of FLUTD in younger cats. It is more common in females than males due to anatomical differences such as the shorter, wider urethra in the female. Typically these are bacterial infections that respond well to broad spectrum antibiotics. A urine culture may be performed to determine which type of bacteria is present, and which is the best antibiotic.

Treatment for urethral obstruction generally requires several days in the hospital. A urethral catheter needs to be placed to clear the obstruction and allow for the bladder to empty. After urine flow has been re-established, the animal is placed on IV fluids and medications to treat pain, urethral spasm, and infection if indicated. Bloodwork, radiographs, urinalysis and urine culture are performed to evaluate for causes and complications of obstruction. These results will assist in choosing a proper prescription diet and medications. Occasionally an ultrasound of the bladder is needed.

When the urine flowing through the catheter appears

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PhillyFIT I 33

relatively clear and free of debris, the catheter is removed. If stones were diagnosed during the initial stage of the visit, a bladder surgery will be needed to remove the stones from the bladder, prior to removal of the urinary catheter. Otherwise, if the stones remain in the bladder, the likelihood of repeat obstruction is extremely high.


Sometimes, despite all efforts, cats have repeat events of urinary obstruction. A urethral surgery may be recommended for our repeat offenders. This surgery is termed a perineal urethrostomy, and is performed to shorten and widen the urethra of the male, to minimize the risk of further obstruction.


Home care for cats with FLUTD or urethral obstructions involves special diet changes for the rest of their lives. Also increasing the amount of water intake can be very helpful. Water fountains and feeding canned instead of dry food can both help improve water intake. Periodic urinalysis is also recommended to monitor urine pH, crystal formation, and for other problems, even if the cats are no longer symptomatic. Most cats will do well when these lifestyle changes are implemented. Dr. Dora L. Connelly is an emergency clinician at the Veterinary Specialty Center of Delaware (VSCD), a full service veterinary emergency and referral center offering multiple specialties and specialized diagnostic technologies. A graduate of Georgetown University, Dr. Connelly received her VMD (doctor of veterinary medicine degree) from the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine in 2004 and has worked at VSCD since 2010. VSCD is located on Churchmans Road in New Castle, Delaware, off of the I-95 highway, and sees patients from all over the region. Directions and more information are located at www.vscdel.com.

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Internal Medicine*

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The Benefits of a Healthy Mouth Why Your Pet Needs Preventive Dental Care

By Dr. Laura Weis

Dental health is vital to your pet’s overall health and quality of life. Without preventive care, pets can experience tooth and bone loss, gum inflammation, infection and pain, which may go unnoticed because they cannot tell us when something is wrong. Preventive care may also contribute to your pet’s longevity. A 2010 study conducted by Purdue University looked at the health records of 120,000 dogs. The study results demonstrated that dogs affected by dental disease had higher rates of heart disease. Focusing on pet oral health is at the forefront of improving the quality of life for dogs and cats. As veterinarians we are advocates for our patients. Keeping a pet’s mouth healthy involves an active partnership between the home care each pet receives and professional cleaning and treatment. Good dental health care is no different for our pets than it is for us: brush teeth daily and see a professional for exams and cleanings. One without the other does not guarantee a problem-free mouth. No matter how stellar our daily dental hygiene routine is, cavities happen and tartar scraping at the gum line is necessary. Professional exams, dental x-rays and cleanings on dogs and cats must be performed by a veterinarian. Care should be introduced when your pet is young because dental disease is diagnosed by age three in eighty percent of dogs and cats. It’s understandable how pet owners might think that three years old is young for a dog or cat to have dental disease, so it’s important to look at it in human terms. Imagine if you didn’t brush your teeth until you were over thirty. That’s how old your cat is in human years by the time it reaches three. GUIDE TO BRUSHING Daily teeth brushing should start around eight to twelve weeks old so it quickly becomes part of your pet’s routine, but you may need to suspend cleanings or use a gentle brush as their permanent teeth emerge. Brushing every day is best, but even a couple times a week is better than not brushing at all. • Begin when your pet is calm and quiet, gently lifting up her lips and rubbing your finger tip along the outside surface of her gums. • Use gentle praise and offer a reward of a tiny dollop of pet toothpaste for calm acceptance, but don’t treat brushing as a game. • Spend only a few seconds in the mouth, gradually increasing the time to a minute or more. • Never use human toothpaste! Transition to using your finger wrapped in a thin washcloth or a soft veterinary toothbrush with pet toothpaste, which comes in a variety of flavors like chicken, liver and tuna. • Angle your finger or the brush at forty-five degrees to the teeth and gently massage from the tip of the tooth to the crown in circular motions. 36 I PhillyFIT

Plaque and tartar can also be reduced by feeding your pet food that’s specifically formulated to promote dental health like Hill’s Prescription Diet t/d, Science Diet Oral Care or Eukanuba Adult Maintenance Diet. There are also a variety of dental treats and oral gels and sprays to complement brushing. Cost is another reason to start preventive care early. The cost of prophylactic dental care spread over the lifetime of your pet is less expensive than the costly expense of extractions, gum surgery, treating infection and other associated problems in an older pet with severe dental disease. Taking preventive steps over the lifetime of your pet may reduce the impact of bad oral health and the costs associated with managing acute dental disease.

If you’ve adopted a young or adult pet, it’s never too late to begin a preventive dental program. At Doylestown Veterinary Hospital, annual exams include inspection of your pet’s mouth; this is a great time to discuss daily care and the benefits of a professional dental cleaning. Also, if you notice a change in the odor of your pet’s breath, a cracked or loose tooth, or a change in behavior or eating habits, call your veterinarian to schedule an exam. A comprehensive oral health assessment and treatment should include: • Thorough patient history and review of diet and home dental health • General physical examination • Pre-anesthetic diagnostics (such as blood work, urine testing and a cardiac evaluation—as indicated by age and health issues) • Awake oral examination • Discussion of known and suspected dental problems and development of a treatment plan • Oral examination under anesthesia • Removal of heavy plaque and tartar • Measuring depths around teeth and recording on a dental chart • Examination of tooth crowns for wear, fractures, discoloration • Intra-oral x-rays • Revision of treatment plan • Scaling of all teeth above and below the gum line • Oral surgical procedures as needed (such as extractions, endodontics and biopsies)

July/August I 267-767-4205 I www.phillyfit.com

• Polishing of all teeth above and below the gum line • Rinsing and flushing of mouth followed by fluoride treatment • Recovery from anesthesia • Review of detailed discharge instructions and guidance for diet and home dental care • 10-14 day follow-up to assess healing and answer questions WHY IS ANESTHESIA NECESSARY?

Anesthesia is vital to performing a complete dental exam because most dogs and cats are not going to willingly open their mouths wide and let someone poke around in there with tiny, sharp instruments. The well-being of the dog or cat and the safety of the animal and medical professionals are the primary reasons why anesthesia is necessary. The use of anesthesia always carries a risk so it’s understandable that pet owners are wary about the need for anesthesia and the expense of dental procedures that require sedation. However, veterinarians are trained in sedation and the administration and monitoring of anesthetic drugs. Risks are reduced when used properly in a hospital setting. While anesthesia is never one hundred percent risk free, modern anesthetics and patient evaluation procedures minimize those risks. Millions of pets are anesthetized safely every year in veterinary hospitals across the United States. There’s a growing trend in performing dental procedures on animals without anesthesia. While you may think this is a safe and inexpensive alternative, it’s definitely not. These procedures are nothing more than a glorified teeth brushing because proper tartar removal requires the use of ultrasonic and sonic power

instruments, and the removal of tartar from under the gum line. Without examining areas behind the teeth and under the tongue, problems will go unnoticed. Anesthesia provides pain management and removes the risk of accidental inhalation of plaque and debris dislodged during the cleaning process. All dental procedures involve the use of sharp instruments. Even a slight head movement by the patient could result in significant damage to the patient’s mouth. General anesthesia is absolutely essential in veterinary dentistry. The use of anesthesia is necessary to perform a complete periodic dental examination, including a thorough cleaning and surgical procedures, while ensuring the comfort of your pet and safety of the animal and medical staff. Taking preventative steps over the lifetime of your pet may reduce the impact of bad oral health and the costs associated with managing acute dental disease. Dr. Laura Weis and her husband Dr. Randy Weis are the owners of Doylestown Veterinary Hospital and Holiday House Pet Resort in Doylestown. Laura is a graduate of Cornell University and the VirginiaMaryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine. She started Partnership for Planned Pets in 2011 to provide medical care and foster homes for pregnant rescues referred by other organizations. Her staff also works closely with several area rescues and adoption agencies, including Lulu’s Rescue, Animal Alliance of NJ, Animal Lifeline, Bucks County SPCA and Kitty Junction, providing necessary care, fostering and support. Laura has a passion for health and fitness issues and the interconnection of human and animal health. She is the pet blogger for Fig Doylestown and her articles about pet nutrition, pet obesity and allergy management in pets have appeared in past issues of PhillyFIT Magazine. Laura and Randy have three sons and their family includes two dogs, two cats, four goats, a flock of chickens and several colonies of honey bees.

“Modern Medicine, Old-Fashioned Care” Laura Weis, DVM Ransome Weis, DVM Lois Palin, VMD Ashlea Erk, VMD

Comprehensive personalized health plans for every stage of your pet’s life. We provide: • Nutrition Counseling • Diagnostic Testing • Medical and Surgical Services • Acupuncture • Dentistry Specializing in keeping pets healthy and fit! Individual weight loss programs for every pet. Exercise camp and fitness plans available at our lodging and daycare facility, Holiday House Pet Resort.


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calendar of events


July 3

Swarthmore lions Independence Eve 8K and 2½ Mile Walk Time: Registration 5:30 pm; race 7 pm Place: 121 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, PA Phone: (610) 909-3217

July 4

2013 Firecracker 5K Time: Registration 8 am; race 9:30 am Place: West Chester Pike across from Broomall Fire Co., Broomall, PA Email: Firecracker5KRun@gmail.com

Pray for America 5K Time: Registration 8am; race 9:30am Place: North Park Drive and McClellan Boulevard, Pennsauken, NJ Phone: (719) 559-9569

July 10

Tribal Challenge Time: 6:30 pm Place: Power Line Trail, Horsham, PA Phone: (215) 674-4545, ext. 1104

July 11 And Aug. 15

Midsummer night 5K Series Time: Registration 5:30 pm; 7 pm Place: 1498 S. Sussex Road, Wynnewood, PA Phone: (610) 527-5510 Triple Threat Relay 3-person relay/individual 5-miler. Time: Registration 5 pm; race 6:30 pm Place: Church and Market Streets, West Chester, PA Phone: (610) 696-0115 Web: runccrs.com

July 13

Fighter Jet 5K Time: Registration 6:30 am; race 8 am Place: Valley Forge Military Academy, 1001 Eagle Road, Wayne, PA Phone: (443) 538-0804

July 13 And Aug. 10

33rd Annual Avalon 5 Miler Time: 8 am Place: Avalon Community Hall, 30th and Avalon Avenue, Avalon, NJ

Marathon Training Program Fleet Feet will train you for 18 weeks for the Philadelphia Marathon Nov. 17. Time: 7 pm Cost: $150 Place: 1210 Bethlehem Pike, North Wales, PA Phone: (215) 646-8510

July 16 And Aug. 20

Pottstown in the Park 5K Series & Kids Fun Run Tuesday in the Park series. Time: Registration, 5:30 pm; race, 7 pm Place: Pottstown Riverfront Park, 140 College Drive, Pottstown, PA Phone: (610) 327-4843 Web: runccrs.com

July 17

Phil’s Tavern 5K Time: Registration 6 pm; race 7 pm Place: 351 W. Skippack Pike, Blue Bell, PA Phone: (484) 919-8138

July 20

Chasin’ for Chalfin Time: 8 am Place: 200 Runnymede Road, Coatesville, PA

42 I PhillyFIT

July 21

Karakung Kids Triathlon Ages 7-14: 50- to 100-meter pool swim; 1 to 1.7 miles on bikes; ½-mile run. Time: 8:30 am Place: Karakung Swim Club, Karakung Drive, Havertown, PA Email: mhayes@phillypark.net

July 27

Millard Shuffle 5K Time: Registration 7:15 am; race 8 am Place: Twin Valley High School, Elverson, PA Phone: (215) 869-1887

Aug. 17

Joe Mcginnis Scholarship 5K Run/Walk Time: 9 am Place: Mill Dam Picnic Area, Tyler State Park, Newtown, PA


Run now for Autism Speaks Time: Registration 7 am; race 8 am Place: 4900 Ocean Ave., Wildwood, NJ Phone: (856) 858-5400

Holy Child Academy 5K Run/Walk Time: Registration 7:30 am; race 8:30 am Place: 475 Shadeland Ave., Drexel Hill, PA Phone: (610) 259-2712


Mushroom Run Walk 5K and 2-mile walk. Time: 8:30 am Place: Kennett Square High School, 100 E. South St., Kennett Square, PA Phone: (610) 925-3373

SEPT. 14

Caron’s 5K Run and Sober Q Time: Registration 9 am; race 10 am Place: Ridley Creek State Park Section 17, 351 Gradyville Road, Newtown Square, PA Phone: (610) 328-3979

SEPT. 17

great Valley Corporate Center 5K Time: Registration 4:30 pm; race 6 pm Place: 16 Great Valley Parkway, Malvern, PA Phone: (610) 647-7725 Web: www.gvcc5k.com

SEPT. 21

TAlK 5K Trail Run and 1 Mile Family Fun Walk Time: Registration 8:45 am; race 10 am Place: 395 H Bishop Hollow Road, Newtown Square, PA Phone: (404) 293-4084 Rob Massaroni Memorial 5K Time: Registration 7:30 am; race 9 am Place: Robert K. Shafer Middle School, Bensalem, PA Phone: (267) 614-4950

Conshohocken FunFest 5K and 1-mile fun walk. Time: Registration 9 am; race 10 am Place: Sutcliffe Park, 9th & Freedley Streets, Conshohocken, PA Phone: (610) 322-4826 Web: conshyfunfest.com

5K4K9S Time: 9 am Place: 420 Militia Hill Rd., Fort Washington, PA Phone: (215) 654-8219

SEPT. 22

Main line Run Time: Registration 7 am; race 8:30 am Place: Main Line Chamber of Commerce, 175 Strafford Ave., Wayne, PA Phone: (610) 449-5037 Ouimet For life 5K and 1-mile fun walk. Time: Registration 11 am; race 1 pm Place: Wilson Farm Park, 500 Lee Road Wayne, PA Phone: (610) 256-6517

SEPT. 28

Variety’s 4-Mile dash ’n’ Bash Time: Registration 2 pm; race 3 pm Place: 2950 Potshop Road, Worcester, PA Phone: (610) 584-4366

Miss Pat 5K Run With Heart and 1-Mile Tricia Trot Fun Walk Time: Registration 8 am; race 9 am Place: Country Day School of the Sacred Heart, 480 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, PA Phone: (610) 527-3915 Manayunk Tomato Trot 5K Time: Registration, 2:30 pm; race 4:30 pm Place: 102 Rector Street, Philadelphia, PA Phone: (267) 971-4351

SEPT. 29

Race for the Bottom line 5K/1-mile walk. Time: Registration 7:30 am; race 9 am Place: Manor College, Jenkintown, PA Phone: (215) 887-5122

OCT. 26 And nOV. 28

AHA! Ambler, Hatboro, Abington y 5K Race Series 5K and walk. Dates and Places: Oct. 26: Hatboro YMCA, Hatboro, PA Nov. 28: Abington YMCA, Abington, PA Cost: Adults, all three, $90; $60 if you register by June 15 Phone: (215) 884-9622


South Philly Striders Running Club Yo! Get in Shape! Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6am at Geno’s Steaks, Ninth St. & Passyunk Ave., Philadelphia, PA Meets Saturdays, 8 am, Front & South Sts., Philadelphia, PA Email: info@southphillystriders.com Web: www.southphillystriders.com

Highroad Cycles Saturday Morning Ride Average speed is 16 mph. You should be able to comfortably ride within this average speed, including some challenging hills, over 30 to 40 miles. Ride is weather permitting. Time: 9 am Place: Highroad Cycles Doylestown, 73 Old Dublin Pike, Suite 4, Doylestown, PA Phone: (215) 348-8015 Web: www.highroadcycles.com

Keswick Cycle Cherry Hill Road Rides Saturdays, 7:45 am Distance: About 40 miles. Return to shop no later than 11:30 am. Helmets are mandatory! This is an unsupported ride. Please carry at least one tube and pump/CO2. Food and water are highly recommended. “No rider left behind on a shop ride.” Place: Keswick Cycle Cherry Hill, 305 E. Rt. 70, Cherry Hill, NJ Email: salesstaff@keswickcycle.com Phone: (856) 795-0079 Web: www.keswickcycle.com Bikesport Mountain Bike Ride Distance: 2 loops. For all levels. Mountain bike required. Time: Saturdays, 9 am Place: Green Lane (Knight Road) parking lot, Green Lane, PA Email: Ginny Politz, ginny@bikesportbikes.com Web: www.bikesportbikes.com

MTB on the Pennypack Trails Meet at the Pine Road entrance to Pennypack Park, Philadelphia, PA, Tuesdays at 6:30 pm and ride till about 8 pm. Come enjoy the great outdoors (without cars) after dark! Lights and a trail permit are required (go to www.fairmountpark.org/TrailPermits.asp to buy a permit). Depending on the predicted weather and/or trail conditions, the ride may be canceled or rescheduled for another evening. Call or email to confirm that the ride is on or with questions. Phone: (215) 740-0973 Email: ride_with_cb@rocketmail.com Web: www.phillybikeclub.org

July/August I 267-767-4205 I www.phillyfit.com

Weekly Tuesday Runs With the Manayunk Running Club. Time: 6:30-9 pm Place: Sports Works, 4320 Main St., Manayunk, Philadelphia, PA Email: info@manayunkrunning.com Web: www.manayunkrunning.com

Weekly Wednesday group Runs Time: 6 pm Place: Jenkintown Running Club, 416 Old York Rd., Jenkintown, PA Phone: (215) 887-2848 Email: bob@jenkrun.com Web: www.jenkrun.com

Thursday night group Runs Finish at Lululemon for a yoga stretch! Time: 6 pm Place: Philadelphia Runner, 1601 Sansom St., Philadelphia, PA Weekly Phone: Laura, (215) 972-8333 Email: laura@philadelphiarunner.com Web: www.philadelphiarunner.com/

Saturday Support group for Adults With diabetes All adults with diabetes are invited to an intelligent discussion about diabetes, weight control and healthy living. Free. Time: First Saturday of the month, 11am-noon Place: Integrated Diabetes Services, 333 E. Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, PA Phone: (610) 642-6055 Web: www.integrateddiabetes.com

Asperger Syndrome Family/Caregiver Support Meetings All parents and other adult family members or caregivers of children with Asperger syndrome and similar diagnoses are welcome. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every other month. The group's mission is to raise public awareness, advocate for improved education and services, and provide support and information. There is no fee for the meetings. Call for information. Time: Second Tuesday of every other month, 7:30 pm Place: Grace Chapel, Darby and Eagle roads, Havertown, PA Time: Third Tuesday of every other month, 7 pm Place: Avon Grove Charter School, 110 E. State Road, West Grove, PA Time: Third Thursday every other month, 7-9pm Place: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 132 E. Valley Forge Road, King of Prussia, PA Phone: (610) 449-6776 Asperger Adults Family/Caregiver Support Meetings Time: First Saturday of the month, 10 am-noon Place: Montgomery County Human Services Building, 1430 DeKalb St., Norristown, PA Phone: (610) 449-6776

nAMI NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness) holds monthly NAMI Connection (peer-run) support groups for family members and caregivers of persons with mental illness (i.e. schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, OCD etc.). For more information please call (215) 8860350 or email namipottstown@verizon.net. The first Friday of the month, 10:30 am at Norristown Public Library, 1001 Powell St., Norristown, PA The second Wednesday of the month, 12 pm at Pottstown Public Library, 500 High St., Pottstown, PA The third Wednesday of the month, 1 pm at Lansdale Library, 301 Vine St., Lansdale, PA. The fourth Tuesday of the month, 2 pm at Abington Presbyterian Church, 1982 Old York Road, Abington, PA The second Thursday of the month, 7:30 pm at 100 S. Keswick Ave., Glenside.

Better Breathers Support group The Lung Center at Paoli Hospital is hosting a free support group for patients with respiratory disorders and chronic lung diseases the second Tuesday of every month. Registration is required. Call to register. Time: Second Tuesday of the month, 2-3 pm Place: Paoli Hospital, Paoli, PA Phone: (610) 648-1651

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