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The Right Foods To Boost Your Sex Life


You may have heard of pre-workout foods or supplements designed to improve energy and endurance. But what about foods to boost sexual performance? Is there a way to prepare for a night of passion the same way we prepare for a big workout? Amazingly, there are in fact foods that can be eaten prior to sex which have an immediate effect on blood flow and performance.

Potassium also a surefire way to enhance stamina

Potassium-rich foods such as potato, because it improves delivery of oxygen yam, squash, orange, banana, and to muscles. mango are a great choice for a pre- Within two hours of eating nisex meal. Potassium-rich foods make trate-rich foods, subjects had meablood vessels more pliable and increase surably improved arterial function in nitric oxide release shortly after eating research. them. In research, the effects were seen within two hours of eating and lasted for Polyphenols several hours. Cherries, onions, apples, berries, Natural Dietary Nitrates fruits, and celery contain antioxidants

We all know that men need prop- called polyphenols. In research, polyer circulation for strong erections. phenols measurably improved vascular Most people don’t realize though, that function within hours of eating them. females rely on blood flow for arousal kale, broccoli, blueberries, fresh citrus and pleasure. Nitrate-rich foods, such What NOT to Eat Before Sex as spinach, celery, beets, and cab- Don’t go for high-fat or salt before bage, luxuriate blood vessels leading to sex. Scientific research has shown that and from our sex organs for improved a fatty meal makes blood vessels meablood flow. The nitrates in these foods surably stiffer within a couple hours. convert to nitric oxide (NO), which Within thirty minutes of eating a salty promotes vascular health and dilates meal, there is a reduction in nitric-oxide blood vessels. NO also makes arteries release, which reduces blood flow. more elastic, delivering more blood to More pliable blood vessels are better the penis, vagina, and clitoris. This is able to deliver blood to the clitoris, Potassium-rich foods such as potato, yam, squash, orange, banana, and mango are a great choice for a pre-sex meal. “ “ 16 | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 www.PHILLYFIT.com | 267-767-4205 vagina, and penis. More blood means more pleasure and superior performance.

For a night of lovin’, take the time to add these sex-healthy foods to your menu. You can even plan a romantic date-night sex-menu with your partner, incorporating foods from all of these categories. Be creative!

Christine DeLozier, L.Ac., is the author of Diet for Great Sex: Food for Male and Female Sexual Health. As an acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice, Christine specializes in sexual health, treating males, females, and all orientations and identities and helping them to develop dietary habits that support their sexual goals. As a young single mom, Christine worked as a waitress and attended the University of Rochester, studying biology and psychology full-time. She holds master’s degrees in acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, and counseling and is a certified holistic nutritional counselor. With strong interests in diet, nutrition, and natural health, Christine has a philosophy rooted in an evidence-based understanding of the physiological effect of food on the body, while honoring the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine. Learn more at ChristineDelozier.com.

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