
Volume 9, No. 7
2 Legends On and Off Of The Course
Introducing the newest inductees into our Hall of Fame
3 Coe Assists Team U.S.A. In Retaining Women’s PGA Cup
Joanna Coe, PGA, played in her third consecutive Women’s PGA Cup
4 NewJerseyWinsInauguralDistrict PGA HOPE Cup
Veterans competed in a two-person scramble against other veterans from other PGA Sections
5 Philadelphia PGA Captures The 32nd Philadelphia Challenge Matches
This annual event showcased the best professional and amateur golfers in the area
6 Honoring the Section’s Best Players
Several PGA Golf Professionals recieved awards at our Fall Membership Meeting
7 Playing Through: Kelly Sanderson, S1E10
Kelly Sanderson, PGA, answers 18 questions about herself

Jeff Kiddie, PGA
John Pillar, PGA
LegendsOnandOffOf TheCourse
The Philadelphia PGA Section and its Hall of Fame Committee have inducted PGA of America Golf Professionals Jeff Kiddie and John Pillar into its Hall of Fame as the class of 2024. They are the 47th and 48th Philadelphia PGA Hall of Fame members.
Jeff Kiddie, PGA, the head golf professional at Aronimink Golf Club in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, was the recipient of the 2023 PGA of America Golf Professional of the Year award, which is the highest annual honor given to a PGA of America Golf Professional, awarded for leadership, strong moral character and a substantial record of service to the Association and the game of golf. He was the Section’s first national Golf Professional of the Year.
John Pillar, PGA, the PGA director of golf at the Country Club at Woodloch Springs in Hawley, Pa., has consistently been one of the Philadelphia PGA Section’s best players for years, and was named a Section Playing Legend in 2022. In addition to his playing accomplishments, Pillar has served the Association and Section in various capacities.
The section is very proud to induct these two members who are still accomplishing great feats in their careers currently. To read more about each of the inductees, click here.


The Section’s own Joanna Coe, from fellow teammates from the United from the 2024 Women’s PGA Cup, impressive team score of 14-under-par. biennial international competition, founded the U.S., Australia, Canada, Great Britain Sweden. The United States has now retained year’s competion took place at the Sunriver
During her three rounds of play, Coe managed of even-par, including an imessive opening round. Coe’s participation in already impressive golf resume, which this year at the Philadelphia Women Championship.

from Merion Golf Club, and her States came home victorious Cup, after finishing with an The Women’s PGA Cup is a founded in 2019, among teams from & Ireland, South Africa and retained the cup every year. This Sunriver Resort, in Sunriver, Oregon.
managed an impressive score bogey-free, 68, during the this event strengthens her which includes a victory early Women’s PGA Professional

NewJerseyWinsInaugural DistrictPGAHOPE

Inaugural HOPECup

The Philadelphia, New Jersey and Metropolitan PGA Sections hosted the first PGA District HOPE Cup where veterans from all three sections competed at the C.C. of Woodloch Springs in a two-man scramble format. After a wonderful day filled with comradrey, competition and great golf shots, New Jersey came out victorious. Watch a recap of this memorable event below!
PhiladelphiaPGACaptures PhiladelphiaChallenge
The Philadelphia PGA Section’s team of 12 PGA of America amateur team 12.5 points to 6.5 points to capture the 32nd
The Philadelphia PGA Professionals battled all day, with momentum well, winning 8.5 of the 12 Singles points and 4 of the six has seen improved results in recent years, the Philadelphia
The team of Philadelphia PGA Professionals was led by Captain C.C.; Brian Bergstol, Shawnee Inn & Golf Resort; Brian Kelly, Titleist Little, Clubhouse 54; Zac Oakley, Bidermann G.C.; John Pillar, C.C. Sebastianelli, Rolling Green G.C.; Mark Sheftic, Sunnybrook G.C.;

CapturesThe32nd ChallengeMatches
Golf Professionals defeated the Golf Association of Philadelphia’s 32nd Philadelphia Challenge Matches at Saucon Valley Country Club.
momentum changing seemingly with each hole, but finished six Four-Ball points. While the Golf Association of Philadelphia PGA Section retains the better overall record, now, at 27-5.
Captain Braden Shattuck, Rolling Green G.C.; Trevor Bensel, Sandy Run
Titleist Fit Crew; Danny Lewis, Philadelphia Cricket Club; Michael C.C. at Woodloch Springs; Dave Quinn, Laurel Creek C.C.; Anthony G.C.; and Brett Walker, Chester Valley G.C. To read more, click here.

Honoringthe Section’sBest Players
PGA of America Golf Professionals Braden Shattuck of Rolling Green Golf Club in Springfield, Pa., and Joanna Coe of Merion Golf Club in Ardmore, Pa., have earned the titles of Philadelphia PGA Rolex / Haverford Trust PlayeroftheYear andWomen’sPlayeroftheYear, respectively, and were recognized at the Section’s Fall Membership Meeting at Medford Village Country Club. These are both Shattuck and Coe’s thirdconsecutivePlayeroftheYeartitles. Shattuck also recieved the F. Edward DeBaufre Trophy for Scoring Average, and his scoringaverage of 68.42 over 12 rounds is the lowest since the trophy was commissioned in 1964. Coe’s performance this season is just as impressive, because despite becoming a new mother this past June, she never lost her competitive edge. To read more about the other end of the year award winners and the Fall Membership meeting, click here.
PlayingThrough: KellySanderson,S1E10


Welcome to the latest episode of the Philadelphia PGA Section’s new web series, “Playing Through,” where PGA of America Golf Professionals, Section staff, Section partners, and other industry professionals are asked 18 questions about their lives and careers.
This episode features PGA of America Member Kelly Sanderson, the PGA director of instruction at Huntingdon Valley (Pa.) Country Club. To watch the episode, click on the video below.