Semester 1 Portfolio

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Phil Brown Photography

Semester 1



1. 1/60, F5.6, ISO 400 With this shot i used the flash on the camera to illuminate the foreground of the scene to contrast the back lighting on the chimney creating a silhouette. I think using the mixture of natural and artificial light works well in this photograph with central composition. 2. 1/13, F5.6, ISO 400 I used a small aperture to create a shallow depth of field to focus on the destructive part of abandonment. I chose to compose this with the chimney in the right side of photograph but keeping the cracked concrete the focal point of photograph. I think that this is slightly over exposed but once again I feel that it does work in the sense it gives a very cold desolate feel to the image. 3. 1/13, F4, ISO 400 Using the natural light from the side of this shot i have attempted to get the water in the tank illuminated and show in detail what is in there. I feel it was success. I chose to compose it in this way to lead the eye from the large rock in the left corner through the photograph to the top right.



1. 1/60, F.5.6, ISO400 This photograph for me was an attempt to use aperture to get the exposure perfect which i think was successful. I also wanted to use depth of field to lead up to the focal point of photograph which is the bowl. I am really happy with composition of this scenen and how all the colours work together and keep the scene alive. 2. 1/5, F5.6, 400 With this image i was experimenting with using a wide lens with a wide aperture and how it can warp the perception of an object. I used the central candle this by getting very close and taking it out of focus slightly whilst still keeping the background in focus, I feel that i have achieved the outcome i wanted from this. I used the basic rule of thirds whilst composing this photography and feel that this was successful in what i was trying to do with the photograph. 3. 1/20, F5.6, ISO400 This photograph is my personal favourite out of my shoot and is exactly what i had planned from my previous sketches taken during my previous visit to the market. I feel that my plan of this shot was a complete success because the use of such a shallow depth of field leads the eye right through the photograph, due to the way I have composed this shot I feel that te brown and white colours work really well.





1. This is a panoramic shot taken from a series of shots I took from the balcony of a bar in Leeds. I used a wide angle lens and a tripod once with a pano head once again to help keep the same level in each shot. I really like the symmetry of this image how the railing converges in the centre of the image and having the focal point of the town just off centre.


2. This is an attempt at a more realistic High Dynamic Range image. Once again I used 3 different shots of this boat and combine them. I was very careful not to over do the adjustments and keep the image realist. I do feel that this could have benefited from more intense sky but sadly this was not possible this day. I chose to have the boat as the central focal point because of the interesting mechanics and colours on it.

ANDSCAPE 3. 2. With this shot I explored the possibilities using the tilt shift technique. I took the original image from the balcony of a bar in Leeds and uploaded this to photoshop and by using a the mask tool and the lens blur effect create this tilt shift image.


TROPICAL WORLD 1. 1/160, 5.6, ISO1600

I used a fast shutter speed to freeze the motion of the water in this shot and I used a high ISO to aid the the exposure of the shot and keep the colours bright. I chose to compose this photograph by using the rule of thirds giving equal focus on the two streams of water. I also chose to have plants bleeding in from the right to add some colour and life to the shot. 2. 1/60, 5.6, ISO800 This is also one of my favourite photographs from this shoot. It's the composition I like, I chose to have the leaf entering from the bottom right as the focal with a shallow depth of field. I also like frozen motion of the waterfall is the background I like the intresting texture created at the bottom of the waterfall. I used the fast shutter speed to freeze the motion and combination of a high ISO and wide aperture to correctly expose the image. 3. 1/160, 5.6, ISO800 This is one of my favourite photographs from this shoot. I chose to use a fast shutter speed to freeze the waterfall. I used a high ISO and wide aperture to get the correct exposure. I chose to compose this photograph by having the waterfall entering the from the top right, making it the focal point by freezing it.








1. 1/13, F5.6, ISO400, Lens 70mm - 300mm This is shot of my personal favourites from this shoot. I used a 300mm lens to get an extremely shallow depth of field. I used the composition of the white ball just off centre to lead the eye diagonally to the completely out of focus blue ball. I also chose to get very low down to catch the light reflecting off the top of the white ball showing all the imperfections on the ball. 2. 1/50, F5.6, ISO400, Lens 70mm - 300mm I used a telephoto lens for this shot from distance to experiment with the various distances that I could shoot from with a lens with such a long focal length. I chose to under expose this shot slightly as part of the composition. This was the only ball left on the table after the white had been potted and the game lost, so I used a shallow depth of field to focas on the ball and get the light reflecting off it whilst keeping the background dark. I chose to position the ball of centre in the shot to add interest and draw the eye to it rather than having it simply just central and in my opinion uninteresting. 3. 1/13, F4.5, ISO400, Lens 10mm-20mm With this shot I was experimenting with he different effects that can be gain from various lenses. For this shot I used wide angle lens and got as close as possible to the balls with a wide aperture to get a shallow depth of field. My goal was to warp the rack which was successful. I chose to compose it with 8 ball being the focal point and having the rack entering from the bottom left leading the eye right through the shot.

Phil Brown Photography


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