InterPlay Super Rat Saves the Day

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A SHOCKING TALE! It was an unsettling time...

A deep silence had descended across the land. no deep breaths, no long sighs, no babbling, no made-up languages; nEITHER wordless Nor worded songs were to be heard. The hands of the people lay limply in their laps, unable to do the simplest onehand dance.




ISOLAYSHUNNER They filled THE ATMOSPHERE with their dead energy.

and all around the land THE PEOPLE were sad. so very, very sad.

FUNBLUNDERER TheY had forgotten how to move, tell stories, sing, be together and they didn’t even...

But this dreadful silence was like a


clarion call to --


can it be,


oh, is

it?, I think so,



l ay P r e t In a t! R r e p Su

And in their astonishment, each person drew in a quick breath which of course led to that magically deep sigh and they remembered! All across the land the people began to

ell stories da t nc e is ng And they reclaimed the

stillness d n i f t c m a k e co nta

wisdom of their bodies.

And what of the SINISTER ONES? In the face of all that joy, creativity, grace and connection, they puddled, devolved and schmooshed into a harmless mess and a jumble of googly eyes. They looked like a mutant pizza. And who’s afraid of a mutant pizza?

A NEW DAWN BROKE And the world was once again filled with color…


Dear Super Heroines and Super Heroes,

2273 Telegraph Avenue

We wish that this redemptive story about InterPlay Super Rat were true much more often than it is.

Oakland, CA 94612 510/465-2797 CO-DIRECTORS Cynthia Winton-Henry Phil Porter ADMINISTRATOR Stephanie Pile DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Theron Shaw

“Untensive” Retreats InterPlay Life Practice Program

Over the course of 24 years, InterPlay has spread to a lot of places all over the world, but there are still so many who have forgotten how to have ease, fullness, creativity and connection. Look around your own world—don’t you see people and places that could use a little or a lot of InterPlay? Will you help spread InterPlay further and wider? Will you help fuel the vision of a world where art, community and ease win the day? Don’t you want to help send FunBlunderer, StressProd and all their icky pals packing?!? Our goal is to raise $50,000 by December 31. The end of the year is always an important time for InterPlay to raise financial support for key initiatives and important outreach that tuitions and fees just can’t cover — things like the InterPlay Evaluation Project, the Millennial Program, InterPlay Service Projects, and Online InterPlay programs that are accessible to anyone in the world. Like Super Rat, InterPlay is a powerful and positive force in the world. We hope you will join in this noble cause. We’re committed to this long and faithful journey and we hope you will be, too.

InterPlay Leader Training Program

Please take a moment to respond with the enclosed card.

InterPlay Classes

Your grateful Chief Super Hero and Super Heroine,

Wing It! Performance Ensemble

Body Wisdom, Inc. is a California notfor-profit organization that oversees all InterPlay activity. It is also registered in several other states.

Phil Porter

Cynthia Winton-Henry

P.S. When we get to $50,000, InterPlay Super Rat will do a special happy dance video. Please take a few minutes to send your gift today!

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