City of Philadelphia 2021 Apprenticeship Guidebook

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Photo credit: Laborers' District Council of Metropolitan Philadelphia & Vicinity

Future Home of Laborers’ District Council Training and Learning Center Samuel Staten, Jr. Building

Scan code for updated information

1 ................................................................................................ A letter from the Councilmember 2 ................................................................................... A Letter from Ryan Boyer and Pat Eiding 3 ................................................. AFSCME Local 1739 Community and Social Agency Employees 4 ............................................................................... Bricklayers and Craftworkers Local 1 PA/DE 5 .............................................................................. Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship Committee 6 ................................................................................... Cement Masons and Plasterers Local 592 7 ........................................................................ Finishing Trades Institute of Mid-Atlantic Region 8 ........International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, and Reinforcing Ironworkers Local Union #401 9 .............. International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers JAC (LU14) 10 ................................................................. International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local 13 11 ............................................... International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 98 12 ....................................... International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 5 Philadelphia PA 13 .............................................................. International Union of Operating Engineers Local 542 14 ............................................................................................................... Ironworkers Local 405 15 .............................................................. Laborers’ District Council of Philadelphia and Vicinity 16 ................................................................................................ Philadelphia Water Department 17 ............................................................................. Philadelphia Police Explorer Cadet Program 18 ......................................................................................................... Plumbers Local Union 690 19 .............................................. Sheet Metal Workers Local 19 JATF of Philadelphia and Vicinity 20 ...................................................... Sprinkler Fitters Local Union 692 of Philadelphia and Vicinity 21 .................................................................................................... Steamfitters Local Union 420 22 ......................................... United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers & Allied Workers Local 30 23 ................................................................................................................... The Wistar Institute 24 ........................................................................................................................................ Notes

Friends, + CO UQ GZEKVGF VQ UJCTG O[ QHƂEGoU ƂTUV #RRTGPVKEGUJKR $QQM YKVJ [QW It is our goal to help career seekers better understand the apprenticeship process and answer questions about the opportunities available across the %KV[ QH 2JKNCFGNRJKC 6JGTG CTG OCP[ RCVJU VQ HWNƂNNKPI HCOKN[ UWRRQTVKPI and sustaining careers. It is my hope this book will make it easier for you to learn more about the work they offer. More importantly, I wanted to help demystify the application process. Research has shown, unions are the cornerstone of the American middle class. Union participation is correlated with the percentage of the nation’s income going to the middle class. Family sustainKPI YCIGU EQORTGJGPUKXG DGPGƂVU CPF CEEGUU VQ VTCKPKPI CPF ECTGGT FGXGNQROGPV CTG CNN YC[U unions support their members to ensure they have an economically secure future. It is important, now more than ever, that we think about how we are creating skills-based opportunities for work and expanding pathways to the middle class. 6JG %QXKF RCPFGOKE JCU CNUQ ENCTKƂGF JQY KORQTVCPV UKEM NGCXG HCOKN[ NGCXG CPF EJKNFECTG CTG to the economy. Without them, we are not able to safely return to work. A study found public UGEVQT YQTMGTU JCF OQTG YQTM TGNCVGF ƃGZKDKNKV[ NGUU YQTM HCOKN[ EQPƃKEV CPF NGUU FKHƂEWNV[ OCPaging family responsibilities. Public sector workers have much higher rates of union participation. +P KV YCU ƂXG VKOGU JKIJGT VJCP RTKXCVG UGEVQT WPKQP OGODGTUJKR 1XGTCNN KH [QWoTG NQQMKPI HQT C HWNƂNNKPI HCOKN[ UWUVCKPKPI ECTGGT C WPKQP CRRTGPVKEGUJKR RTQITCO ECP IGV [QW VJGTG + JQRG [QW YKNN WUG VJKU TGUQWTEG VQ ƂPF VJG TKIJV ECTGGT HQT [QW #U CNYC[U KH VJGTG KU CP[VJKPI O[ QHƂEG ECP FQ HQT [QW RNGCUG NGV WU MPQY 7PVKN VJGP JCRR[ TGCFKPI In Service, Katherine Gilmore Richardson, Councilmember-At-Large 1


#U NGCFGTU YKVJ UKIPKÆ‚ECPV GZRGTKGPEG YKVJ 2JKNCFGNRJKCoU WPKQPU YG JCXG UGGP JQY VJG VTCFGU have created economic opportunities for a wide variety of communities, and we hope you will


Apprenticeship programs open the door to all of these opportunities and provide you with the training you need to succeed. The average starting salary for an apprentice is $60,000 per year, roughly $20,000 higher than the average salary in Philadelphia. Additionally, workers who start in apprenticeship programs make, on average, $300,000 more over the span of their careers. As [QW ECP UGG VJGTG CTG UKIPKÆ‚ECPV DGPGÆ‚VU VQ EJQQUKPI CRRTGPVKEGUJKR

6JTQWIJQWV VJKU DQQM [QW YKNN Æ‚PF KPHQTOCVKQP QP VJG FKHHGTGPV V[RGU QH RTQITCOU CXCKNCDNG CPF when and how to apply, as well as what types of careers are available within each industry.

9G CTG UQ ITCVGHWN VQ %QWPEKNOGODGT )KNOQTG 4KEJCTFUQP HQT TGEQIPK\KPI VJG KORQTVCPEG QH VJG skilled trades and compiling this resource. We look forward to working with her and her team in the future.


Pat Eiding President

Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO Ryan N. Boyer

Business Manager

Laborers District Council of Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity


AFSCME Local 1739 Community and Social Agency Employees Description of Work: Providing direct service to individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities.



20 years of age or older

Driver’s license preferred

No felony convictions

Application Process


Interested applicants can visit the JEVS Human Services (JEVS) or Special People in Northeast (SPIN) websites for an application.

Phone: (215) 893-3718

JEVs Human Services - Special People in Northeast -

Needs to Succeed Must be a dependable individual Must be able to complete 8 weeks of training

2021 Hourly Wages Starting


Clean drug test



Website: Address: 1606 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

Bricklayers and Craftworkers Bricklayers and Craftworkers Local 1 PA/DE Local 1 PA/DE Description of Work:

Description of Work: Bricklayers construct and

repair walls, partitions, arches, Æ“UHSODFHV FKLPQH\V DQG RWKHU VWUXFWXUHV IURP PDWHULDOV VXFK Bricklayers construct repaircinders, walls, partitions, as brick, structural tile,and concrete gypsum andarches, terra Æ“UHSODFHV FKLPQH\V DQG RWKHU VWUXFWXUHV IURP PDWHULDOV VXFK cotta. as brick, structural tile, concrete cinders, gypsum and terra cotta.

/KPKOWO 3WCNKÆ‚ECVKQPU /KPKOWO 3WCNKÆ‚ECVKQPU 18 years of age or older 18 years of age or older

Driver’s license preferred Driver’s license preferred

High School Diploma or GED High School Diploma or GED

Clean drug test Clean drug test

Application Process Application can be accessedProcess at Application Application can be accessed at

2021 Hourly Wages Starting Hourly Wages $22.23 2021 Full Rate Starting

$44,45 $22.23

Full Rate


Contact Phone: (215) 330-0544 Contact Email: Phone: (215) 330-0544 Website: Email: Address: 2702 Black Lake Place Website: Philadelphia, PA 19154 Address: 2702 Black Lake Place Philadelphia, PA 19154


Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship Committee Description of Work: General carpenters provide the crucial foundation for concrete, exteriors, roofs, infrastructure, and scaffolding, ZKLOH DOVR FUDIWLQJ ƓQH WULP DQG ƓQLVK ZRUN 7KHVH SURIHVVLRQals work with a variety of materials in every kind of structure; they are responsible for bringing blueprints to life. Carpenters are skilled in laying out, measuring, cutting, erecting, and joining materials together.

/KPKOWO 3WCNKƂECVKQPU 18 years of age or older

High School Diploma or GED

Clean drug test

Application Process Prospective applicants can apply in person at the Carpenters Joint $SSUHQWLFHVKLS &RPPLWWHH 7UDLQLQJ &HQWHU

Needs to Succeed Applicants should possess the ability to show up early, ability to do hands on work, reliable transportation, and work well with others.

2021 Hourly Wages Apprentice wage rates are based on percentages of Journeyman rates

Contact Phone: (215) 824-2300 Website: Address: 10401 Decatur Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19154


Cement Masons and Plasterers Local 592 Description of Work: &HPHQW PDVRQV DUH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU SODFLQJ DQG Æ“QLVKLQJ concrete. Cement masons create columns, beams, sidewalks, panels, and other surfaces of concrete, expose aggregate, FRORU VXUIDFHV OHYHO PDWHULDOV DQG XWLOL]H VSHFLÆ“F WRROV IRU spreading. Work is done both indoors and out. Surroundings are usually dirty and dusty or wet. Workers are exposed to extremes of temperature. Work involves considerable standing, stooping, and kneeling.

/KPKOWO 3WCNKÆ‚ECVKQPU 18 years of age or older

Driver’s license preferred

High School Diploma or GED

Clean drug test

Insured Vehicle

Application Process


Applications are accepted between February 1st and March 15th.

Cement Masons


Phone: (215) 468-0235

3ODVWHUHUV DSSOLFDWLRQV FDQ EH WXUQHG LQ DW WKH 3ODVWHUHUV 7UDLQLQJ &HQWHU ÅŠ Cherry Street, Gloucester City, NJ 08030 A $10 non-refundable application fee must be paid when returning the application

Website: Address: 2930 Snyder Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19145 Plasterers

Application can be accessed at

Phone: (215) 468-0235

Along with a completed application submit documentation of:


• Copy of your driver’s license


Address: 713 Cherry Street, Gloucester City, NJ 08030

Needs to Succeed Recommended High School Courses: Math, general science, general shop



/KPKOWO 3WCNKÆ‚ECVKQPU 18 years of age or older

Driver’s license preferred

High School Diploma or GED

Clean drug test

Application Process Application can be accessed at Applications can be dropped off at 2190 Horning Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19116 on Mondays between the hours of 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM. Applicants must follow the procedures and print out the application, sign it, and drop it off in person at the training center along with required documents. Once the application is completed, the applicant will be scheduled for the HQWUDQFH H[DP 7KH :RQGHUOLF WHVW LV XVHG IRU WHVWLQJ 6DPSOH SUDFWLFH WHVWV are available on the Wonderlic website -

Needs to Succeed *OD]LHUV PXVW KDYH PDQXDO GH[WHULW\ H\H KDQG FRRUGLQDWLRQ SK\VLFDO Æ“WQHVV DQG D JRRG VHQVH RI EDODQFH 7KH\ PXVW DOVR EH DEOH WR KDQGOH ZRUNLQJ LQ KLJK SODFHV 7KH DELOLW\ WR VROYH DULWKPHWLF SUREOHPV TXLFNO\ DQG DFFXUDWHO\ also is required. Good interpersonal and communication skills are critical as glaziers work with supervisors, peers, subordinates, and individuals outside their organization. Painting/Wallcovering apprentices should have an eye for detail, the ability to make work plans, dexterity and steady nerves to work in high places 7KH\ VKRXOG QRW EH DOOHUJLF WR SDLQW IXPHV WR[LF PDWHULDOV RU VSUD\ GXVW $Q artistic sense, good eyesight and a sense of color are also necessary to do a Æ“UVW FODVV MRE CAS painters must have manual dexterity and steady nerves to work in high SODFHV 7KH\ VKRXOG QRW EH DOOHUJLF WR SDLQW IXPHV WR[LF PDWHULDOV RU VSUD\ dust. An artistic sense, good eyesight and a sense of color are necessary to do D Æ“UVW FODVV MRE


Drywall Finishers must have an eye for detail, the ability to plan work and GH[WHULW\ 7KH\ VKRXOG QRW EH DOOHUJLF WR SDLQW IXPHV WR[LF PDWHULDOV DQG VSUD\ GXVW 7KH\ PXVW EH FDSDEOH RI WDNLQJ GHWDLOHG LQVWUXFWLRQ RQ WKH MRE VLWH All Apprentices must show up on time and be ready to work.


Contact Phone: (215) 501-0130 x18 Email:

Website: Address: 2190 Horning Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19116

International Association of International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, and Reinforcing Ironworkers and Reinforcing Local Union #401Ironworkers Local Union #401 Description of Work: Description of Work:

Ironworkers are at the heart of many construction projects. Ironworkers who use rebar, projects. cables, Ironworkersare areskilled at the tradespeople heart of many construction and mesh to reinforce thetradespeople concrete in constructing building, Ironworkers are skilled who use rebar, cables, bridges, andtoroadways around Philadelphia. and mesh reinforceallthe concrete in constructing building, bridges, and roadways all around Philadelphia.

/KPKOWO 3WCNKƂECVKQPU /KPKOWO 3WCNKƂECVKQPU 18 years of age olderof 18oryears age or older

Driver’s license Driver’s preferred license


High School Diploma or GED High School Diploma or GED

Clean drug test Clean drug test

Be physically able to perform theable Be physically work of the trade to perform the work of the trade

Application Process Application Process Application can be accessed at the Iron Workers 401 Union Hall –

11602 Norcom Road, Philadelphia, PA 11600 Norcom Rd. PA 19154 Application can bePhiladelphia, accessed at the Iron19154 Workers 401 Union Hall – 11602 Norcom Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154 Applicant must bring a photo ID when applying Applicant must bring a photo ID when applying

Needs to Succeed Needs to Succeed Complete cooperation and willingness to learn

Complete cooperation and willingness to learn Mandatory school attendance Mandatory school attendance Dependability on the job

Dependability on the job 7KH DELOLW\ WR ZRUN DV SDUW RI D WHDP


7KH GHYHORSPHQW RI VDIH ZRUN KDELWV Perform a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay

Perform a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay

Contact Contact Phone: (215) 676-3474

Phone: (215) 676-3474 Email:

Email: Website:

Website: 11600South Norcom Road, Blvd. Address: 1301 Columbus Philadelphia, PA 19154 Philadelphia, PA 19147 Blvd. Address: 1301 South Columbus Philadelphia, PA 19147

8 8

International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers JAC (LU14) Description of Work: 7KH WUDGH FRQVLVWV RI LQVXODWLQJ KHDWLQJ DQG DLU FRQGLWLRQLQJ systems, domestic water and plumbing pipes in commercial buildings, power plants, and sometimes residential developPHQWV 7KH WUDGH LV DOVR LQ WKH DVEHVWRV DEDWHPHQW LQGXVWU\ ,QVXODWRUV DUH WUDLQHG DQG FHUWLÆ“HG LQ DVEHVWRV UHPRYDO DQG Æ“WWHG ZLWK SURSHU VDIHW\ HTXLSPHQW

/KPKOWO 3WCNKÆ‚ECVKQPU 18 years of age or older

High School Diploma or GED

Clean drug test

Good physical condition

Application Process


Application can be accessed at

Phone: (215) 533-0395 ext. 5

Applications are accepted throughout the year and the current deadline can be viewed on the website.


Along with a completed application the following documentation must be submitted:

Ř &RS\ RI ELUWK FHUWLƓFDWH • Copy of high school diploma or GED with accompanying scores Ř 2IƓFLDO KLJK VFKRRO WUDQVFULSW Ř 7ZR OHWWHUV RI UHIHUHQFH • Color passport size photo

Completed applications and required documents may be returned by:

Ř 0DLO Ŋ ,$+),$4: -$& /8 7UDLQLQJ &HQWHU Ŋ 2014 Horning Road, Philadelphia PA 19116 • Email – • Fax – (267) 338-7487

7KH VHOHFWLRQ SURFHGXUH LV FRPSHWLWLYH LQ QDWXUH ZLWK WKH KLJKHVW VFRULQJ persons being offered apprenticeships. First, applicants must qualify on a WKLUG SDUW\ DSWLWXGH WHVW 7KRVH WKDW TXDOLW\ RQ WKH WHVW ZLOO WKHQ EH VFKHGXOHG for an interview. If offered a position the applicant must arrange for a physical examination, x-ray of their lungs and a drug screening. Should an applicant fail to successfully pass these examinations, their apprenticeship offer will be rescinded.


Website: Address: 2014 Horning Road Philadelphia, PA 19116

International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local 13 Description of Work: $ Æ“HOG FRQVWUXFWLRQ ERLOHUPDNHU LV D YLWDO SDUW RI D FRQVWUXFWLRQ project team. Boilermakers erect and repair boilers, pressure vessels, air pollution equipment, blast furnaces, water treatment plants, storage tanks, process tanks, stacks, and liners. Boilermakers work in heavy industrial settings such as SRZHU JHQHUDWLRQ SODQWV RLO UHÆ“QHULHV FKHPLFDO SODQWV DQG paper mills.

/KPKOWO 3WCNKÆ‚ECVKQPU 18 years of age or older

Driver’s license preferred

High School Diploma or GED

Clean drug test

&HUWLÆ“FDWLRQ IURP D ZHOG school is highly recommended

Application Process

2021 Hourly Wages

Applications are handed out once a month on the last Wednesday of the month between 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM at the Union Hall (2300 New Falls Rd. Newportville, PA 19056)





Needs to Succeed Show up early and be ready to work Reliable transportation Have a good attitude Possess a strong work ethic 7KH DELOLW\ WR ZRUN ZHOO ZLWK RWKHUV

Contact Phone: (215) 785-5536 Email: PDWW Æ“QN#ERLOHUPDNHUV RUJ Website: Address: 2300 New Falls Rd., Newportville PA, 19056



International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 98 Description of Work: An electricians’ responsibility includes connecting outside power sources and connecting them to outside power sources RQ MRE VLWHV 7KLV LQFOXGHV LQVWDOOLQJ FRQGXLW UXQQLQJ ZLUH LQVWDOOLQJ RXWOHWV DQG Ɠ[WXUHV 7KLV DOVR LQFOXGHV ZRUN RQ KLJK voltage systems such as power distribution lines. $ 7HOHGDWD 7HFKQLFLDQ LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU DOO RI WKH ORZ YROWDJH V\VWHPV RI WKH EXLOGLQJ 7KH\ LQVWDOO LQWHUQHW FDEOH WHOHSKRQH communications systems and other equipment.

/KPKOWO 3WCNKÆ‚ECVKQPU 18 years of age or older

High School Diploma or GED

3URYLGH DQ RIÆ“FLDO transcript for High School

Clean drug test

Application Process


Applications for the Electrical (Wireman) Program apprenticeship are taken in WKH Æ“UVW WZR IXOO ZHHNV RI $SULO HDFK \HDU $SSOLFDWLRQV FDQ EH DFFHVVHG DQG returned at 1719 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130

Electrical Phone: (215) 567-6405



A $40.00 processing fee must be made in person. Only money orders will be accepted. No cash or personal checks.


Address: 1719 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130 Telecommunications Phone: (215) 339-8316 Email:

Website: Address: 2150 South 3rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148


International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 5 Philadelphia PA Description of Work: Elevator constructors assemble, install, maintain, and replace elevators, escalators, and moving walkways.

/KPKOWO 3WCNKƂECVKQPU 18 years of age or older

Driver’s license preferred but not required

High School Diploma or GED or DD 214

Clean drug test

Application Process


Elevator trade opens for applicants as needed or every 2 years. Applications are completed online.



Interested individuals must apply through an open recruitment and complete the recruitment process which consists of an application, an aptitude test, and an interview. Application can be accessed at

Website: Address: 12273 Townsend Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154

Needs to Succeed Ability to follow instructions as the elevator trade is a very dangerous occupation.

2021 Hourly Wages Starting Probationary Apprentices Mechanic





International Union of Operating Engineers Local 542 Description of Work: Operating Engineers operate and maintain a variety of SRZHUHG HTXLSPHQW 7KHVH UDQJH LQ FRPSOH[LW\ IURP DLU compressors, earth boring machines and bulldozers, to very large power shovels and cranes. Engineers operate this equipment to dig or excavate basements, trenches, post holes and tunnels; to raze obsolete or dilapidated structures; to move, hoist, load and transport sand and gravel; to provide compressed air or electric power for powered hand tools.

/KPKOWO 3WCNKƂECVKQPU 18 years of age or older

Driver’s license preferred

Clean drug test

Application Process $SSOLFDWLRQ FDQ EH DFFHVVHG DW D /RFDO 2IƓFH 1375 Virginia Drive Suite 206, Fort Washington, PA 19034

Needs to Succeed High School knowledge of algebra and geometry Knowledge in blueprint reading, mechanical drawing, and welding helps

Contact Phone: (215) 591-5282 Email:

Website: Address: 1375 Virginia Drive Suite 206, Fort Washington, PA 19034


Ironworkers Local 405

Description of Work: Ironworkers are at the heart of many construction projects. Ironworkers are skilled tradespeople who use rebar, cables, and mesh to reinforce the concrete in constructing building, bridges, and roadways all around Philadelphia.

/KPKOWO 3WCNKĆ‚ECVKQPU 18 years of age or older

Driver’s license preferred

High School Diploma or GED

Clean drug test

Pass a written and dexterity test

Application Process

2021 Hourly Wages

Applications are accepted in the Fall of 2021

Apprentice 1st Year


An application can be picked up and submitted at the Iron Workers Union Hall (2433 Reed Street, Philadelphia, PA

Apprentice 2nd Year


Apprentice 3rd Year


Submit documentation of: • A valid driver’s license Ĺ˜ %LUWK FHUWLĆ“FDWH • Proof of high school diploma or GED CHUWLĆ“FDWH • Signed copy of the application printed from the application website.



Special Foreman (30 days or less)



General Foreman

Needs to Succeed Reliable transportation The ability to show up to work on time The ability to work in a labor intensive environment

Contact Phone:

Website: Address: 2433 Reed Street Philadelphia, PA


Laborers’ District Council of Philadelphia and Vicinity Description of Work: Laborers work in a variety of job settings – from residential to commercial – and perform a broad scope of duties such as preparing the jobsite, loading and unloading material, building scaffolds, operating equipment and assistant other craftworkers. Some laborers work with road crews to assist on infrastructure construction.

/KPKOWO 3WCNKƂECVKQPU 18 years of age or older

High School Diploma or GED

Clean drug test

Application Process


Application can be accessed and submitted at the one of the locations found KHUH KWWSV ZZZ OGF SKLOD YLF RUJ 0HPEHU 7UDLQLQJ DSSUHQWLFHVKLS FIP

Laborers’ Philadelphia and Vicinity Headquarters Phone: (215) 684-2090

Applicants will have to take a general aptitude test and do an in person interview.


Needs to Succeed Applicant should be reliable, work well with others, be on time, and have reliable transportation.

2021 Hourly Wages Apprentices start at 50% of journeyperson wages and receive a 5% increase `after every 500 hours of work.


Website: Address: 665 N. Broad Street – 5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19123 Laborers’ District Council Training Center Phone: (610) 524-0404 Email: Address: 500 E. Lincoln Highway, Exton, PA 19341

Philadelphia Water Department Description of Work: Apprentices are provided with structured, on-the-job learning combined with the potential for classroom training. Under the mentorship and supervision of experienced PWD employees, DSSUHQWLFHV DVVLVW LQ WKH Ć“HOGV RI HOHFWURQLFV LQVWUXPHQWDWLRQ electrical maintenance, HVAC maintenance, grounds/facilities maintenance, etc.

/KPKOWO 3WCNKĆ‚ECVKQPU 18 years of age or older

High School Diploma or GED

Driver’s license preferred

#FFKVKQPCN /KPKOWO 3WCNKƂECVKQPU Needs to Succeed • Be a successful participant of a City of Philadelphia recognized workforce development program OR graduate of a City of Philadelphia School District School

Applicants should be ready and willing to learn and perform hands on work, possess reliable means of getting to and from work, and work well with others.

• A recommendation by an employee or partner of the City of Philadelphia Water Department can substitute the workforce development program or graduate requisites.

2021 Hourly Wages

• Authorized to work in the United States

Application Process Application can be accessed at

Community Apprentice


Contact Phone: (215) 685-6365 Email: or

Website: Address: 1101 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19107


Philadelphia Police Explorer Cadet Program Description of Work: Young adults interested in a career in law enforcement EHWZHHQ WKH DJHV RI WR 7KH 3KLODGHOSKLD 3ROLFH ([SORUHU Cadet Program will provide training, mentorship, discipline, and life skills that will assist those who want to serve.


• 14-20 Years of Age (applicants under the age of 18 must have a signed consent form by a parent/guardian). • Applicant must have no arrests or convictions which would prohibit HPSOR\PHQW DV D SROLFH RIĆ“FHU Ĺ˜ $SSOLFDQWV PXVW EH LQ JRRG SK\VLFDO KHDOWK SDVV D SK\VLFDO Ć“WQHVV WHVW DQG be able to participate in physical activities

• Applicants should maintain a passing behavior or character grade along with a “Câ€? average in High School • Applicants must be able to attend Saturday training sessions

Application Process


Applications are accepted from April – September. A new class starts every November and continues throughout the year.

Phone: (215) 685-8160

Application can be accessed at 2QFH WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ LV Ć“OOHG RXW WKH\ QHHG WR EH PDLOHG LQ WR VWDUW WKH process. $SSOLFDQW ZLOO QHHG WR FRPSOHWH D SK\VLFDO Ć“WQHVV DVVHVVPHQW D ZULWWHQ assessment and two formal interviews. Cadets under the age of 18 will need to have a parent/guardian present throughout all of the steps.

Needs to Succeed Applicants who are accepted into the program must be willing to work as a team, the want to help others and their communities, be able to complete physical and mental tasks quickly, follow directions, and get along with others.

2021 Hourly Wages Cadets enrolled in the program receive volunteer service hours which can be used for School Community Service requirements and training by law HQIRUFHPHQW RIĆ“FHUV 7KLV LV D YROXQWHHU FDUHHU GHYHORSPHQW SURJUDP



Website: Address: 8501 State Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19136

Plumbers Plumbers Local Local Union Union 690 690

Description of Work: Description of Work:

Plumbers install, service, and maintain potable water Plumbers install,systems, service, and andrainwaters. maintain Local potable systems, sanitary Unionwater 690 systems, sanitary systems, and rainwaters. Local Union 690 signatory contractors employ the Local 690 members in many signatory the LocalPlumbers 690 members different contractors constructionemploy applications. workininmany the different construction applications. Plumbers work in the heavy industrial, commercial, and residential sectors of the heavy industrial, commercial, and residential sectors of the FRQVWUXFWLRQ LQGXVWU\ 7KH SOXPEHU ZRUNIRUFH WDNHV SULGH LQ FRQVWUXFWLRQ LQGXVWU\ 7KH ZRUNIRUFH WDNHV SULGH LQ partnering with contractorsSOXPEHU in providing sophisticated piping partnering with contractors in providing sophisticated piping systems to the end user. From underground installation to systems to the end user. From underground installation to

Æ“QDO FRQQHFWLRQV RI Æ“[WXUHV DQG HTXLSPHQW D SOXPEHU LV Æ“QDO FRQQHFWLRQV Æ“[WXUHV DQG HTXLSPHQW D SOXPEHU LV required to have allRI the physical and mental skills needed to required to have all the physical and mental skills needed to JHW WKH MRE GRQH ULJKW WKH Æ“UVW WLPH JHW WKH MRE GRQH ULJKW WKH Æ“UVW WLPH

/KPKOWO 3WCNKÆ‚ECVKQPU /KPKOWO 3WCNKÆ‚ECVKQPU 18 years of 18 years of age or older age or older

High School High School Diploma or GED Diploma or GED

Clean drug Cleantest drug test

Application Process Application Process

Applications are accepted during the second and third weeks of January and Applications are accepted during the second and third weeks of January and DUH W\SLFDOO\ GXH EDFN QR ODWHU WKDQ WKH ƓUVW 0RQGD\ LQ 0DUFK DUH W\SLFDOO\ GXH EDFN QR ODWHU WKDQ WKH ƓUVW 0RQGD\ LQ 0DUFK Applicant must come in person with a photo ID to pick up the application at Applicant must come inUnion personHall with a photo ID to pick up the application at the Plumbers Local 690 – 2791 Southampton Road, Philadelphia, the Plumbers Local 690 Union Hall – 2791 Southampton Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154 PA 19154 Ř 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ DQG DOO UHTXLUHG SDSHUZRUN PXVW EH FRPSOHWHG DQG VLJQHG Ř 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ DQG DOO UHTXLUHG SDSHUZRUN PXVW EH FRPSOHWHG DQG VLJQHG XSRQ VXEPLWWLQJ WR /RFDO DORQJ ZLWK D WHVWLQJ IHH 7KH IHH PD\ EH SDLG XSRQ VXEPLWWLQJ WR /RFDO DORQJ ZLWK D WHVWLQJ IHH 7KH IHH PD\ EH SDLG by check or money order only. by check or money order only. Ř 7KH DSSOLFDQW PD\ VXEPLW WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ LQ SHUVRQ RU E\ PDLO WR /RFDO Ř 7KH DSSOLFDQW PD\ VXEPLW WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ LQ SHUVRQ RU E\ PDLO WR /RFDO – all paperwork and check or money order must be received no later than the –ƓUVW 0RQGD\ LQ 0DUFK all paperwork and check or money order must be received no later than the ƓUVW 0RQGD\ LQ 0DUFK Ř 7HVWLQJ LV W\SLFDOO\ VFKHGXOHG IRU WKH QG ZHHN RI $SULO 7KH DSSOLFDQW ZLOO Ř 7HVWLQJ LV W\SLFDOO\ VFKHGXOHG IRU WKH QG ZHHN RI $SULO 7KH DSSOLFDQW ZLOO EH QRWLƓHG E\ PDLO RI WKHLU VFKHGXOHG WHVWLQJ GDWH WLPH $SSOLFDQWV ZLOO EH EH QRWLƓHG E\ PDLO RI WKHLU VFKHGXOHG WHVWLQJ GDWH WLPH $SSOLFDQWV ZLOO EH QRWLƓHG E\ PDLO RI WKH WHVW UHVXOWV QRWLƓHG E\ PDLO RI WKH WHVW UHVXOWV • If the applicant passes the test they will be invited for an interview. •Ř $SSOLFDQWV ZLOO EH QRWLƓHG E\ PDLO LI WKH\ DUH DFFHSWHG LQWR WKH SURJUDP If the applicant passes the test they will be invited for an interview. Ř $SSOLFDQWV ZLOO EH QRWLƓHG E\ PDLO LI WKH\ DUH DFFHSWHG LQWR WKH SURJUDP

2020 Hourly Wages 2020 Hourly Wages

Apprentices are paid a percentage of journeymen scale Apprentices are paid a percentage of journeymen scale

Contact Contact

Phone: (215) 677-6900 Phone: (215) 677-6900 Website: Website: Address: 2791 Southampton Road, Address: Philadelphia, 2791 Southampton Road, PA 19154 Philadelphia, PA 19154

Needs to Succeed Needs to Succeed

Applicants need the ability to work outside in the heat and cold Applicants need the ability to work outside in the heat and cold Applicants need the willingness to learn, work every day, and be Applicants need the willingness to learn, work every day, and be self-motivated self-motivated $SSOLFDQWV PXVW EH SURÆ“FLHQW LQ PDWK $SSOLFDQWV PXVW EH SURÆ“FLHQW LQ PDWK

18 18

Sheet Metal Workers Local 19 JATF of Philadelphia and Vicinity Description of Work: Sheet metal workers fabricate and install a multitude of products from a variety of metals. Almost all of their work is custom designed and fabricated. Sheet metal workers fabricate anything from HVAC systems to architectural roof and cladding systems, industrial material handling systems, sign work, ornamental work, custom kitchen and food handling equipment, and anything else made of metal. Sheet metal workers fabricate all of these items from galvanized

metal, iron, steel, tern plate, copper and a variety of stainless VWHHOV 7KH\ DUH VNLOOHG LQ DOO PHWDO FUDIWZRUN LQFOXGLQJ FXWWLQJ rolling, bending, mitering, welding, soldering, drafting, UHDGLQJ SODQV DQG VSHFLĆ“FDWLRQV DQG GHVLJQ

/KPKOWO 3WCNKĆ‚ECVKQPU 18 years of age or older

Driver’s license preferred

High School Diploma or GED

Clean drug test

Application Process

Needs to Succeed

Applications are accepted year round

High School knowledge of algebra and geometry

Application can be accessed at

Knowledge in blueprint reading, mechanical drawing, and welding helps

$10.00 application fee is required. (Money orders are the only acceptable legal tender.) 7KH IROORZLQJ SDSHUZRUN PXVW EH WKHQ WXUQHG LQ WKH QG 0RQGD\ RI DQ\ month in person. At that time the applicant will be scheduled for the aptitude test (ASVAB). Submit documentation of: Ĺ˜ 7ZR IRUPV RI LGHQWLĆ“FDWLRQ 'ULYHUĹ?V OLFHQVH 6RFLDO 6HFXULW\ &DUG 0LOLWDU\ ID, or State Non-Driver’s License). One form of ID must have a picture. A birth FHUWLĆ“FDWH LV QRW FRQVLGHUHG DV RQH RI WKRVH WZR IRUPV RI LGHQWLĆ“FDWLRQ DV WKHUH LV D VHSDUDWH UHTXLUHPHQW IRU D ELUWK FHUWLĆ“FDWH Ĺ˜ /HJDO 'RFXPHQW RI %LUWK 2IĆ“FLDO )HGHUDO 6WDWH RU &RXQW\ ELUWK FHUWLĆ“FDWH RU D 3DVVSRUW +RVSLWDO %LUWK 1RWLFHV DQG %DSWLVPDO &HUWLĆ“FDWHV DUH QRW OHJDO documentation of birth.) • A signed copy of Sheet Metal Worker’s Local 19 Consent Form (available on the website) Ĺ˜ &RS\ RI \RXU +LJK 6FKRRO 7UDQVFULSW RU *(' &HUWLĆ“FDWH ZLWK VFRUHV <RX PD\ DOVR SURYLGH FRSLHV RI &ROOHJH WUDQVFULSWV RU 7UDGH 6FKRRO &HUWLĆ“FDWHV IRU classes attended. •Signed copy of the application form printed from the application website.


2021 Hourly Wages Starting Apprentices

$20.82 (5% increase every 6 months)




Medical, Vision, Dental, Pension, and Annuity

Contact Phone: (215) 952-1999 Email:

Website: Address: 1301 South Columbus Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19147

5VGCOÆ‚VVGTU Sprinkler Fitters Local UnionUnion 692 of420 Philadelphia Local and Vicinity Description of Work: 6WHDPÆ“WWHU 3LSHÆ“WWHU %7-

The members of Local 692 provide all fire protection needs. From homes to high rises Local 692 does it all. Our members and contractors specialize in design, new 7KH VFRSH RI ZRUN RI WKH 6WHDPÆ“WWHU 3LSHÆ“WWHU HQFRPSDVVHV installations, retrofits, maintenance,RI emergency inspection, testing7KLV and LQVWDOODWLRQ DQG VHUYLFLQJ V\VWHPV repairs, UHTXLULQJ SLSLQJ service. includes steam and hot water heating systems, air conditioning/refrigeration systems, chemical & petrochemical plants and complete environmental systems in hospitals, schools, FKXUFKHV KLJK ULVH RIÆ“FH DQG DSDUWPHQW EXLOGLQJV 7KH WUDGH includes joining pipe mechanically and metallurgically by

soldering, brazing, or welding. It also includes erecting and working on scaffolding, interpreting blueprints, and writing technical reports. Measuring, cutting, and fabricating piping or tubing using mechanical equipment is also the work of the 6WHDPÆ“WWHU

/KPKOWO 3WCNKƂECVKQPU /KPKOWO 3WCNKƂECVKQPU 18 18 years years of of Driver’s High Clean Driver’s High School School Clean drug drug age age or or older older test license Diploma or GED test license Diploma or GED Vehicle 3URƓFLHQW Clean drug E\ WKH ƓUVW GD\ RI FODVV E\ WKH ƓUVW GD\ RI FODVV Driver’spreferred Social Security license preferredcard or proof of registration in English test February February 1st 1st or or August August 1st 1st (ability to read, legal employment write and status COMPLETED COMPLETED APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS and and transcripts transcripts are are required required to to be be delivered delivered or or Cont.) Applicant must take an aptitude testOctober and obtain the a minimum grade established by post post marked marked by by the the last last Friday Friday in in October for for the February February class class or or by by the the last last (Cont.) the Joint Apprentice Committee. Friday Friday in in April April for for the the August August class. class. Mechanical Equipment Serviceman (MESS) –– HVAC && RR Mechanical Equipment Serviceman (MESS) HVAC Applicant must have the physical ability to perform work and tasks required in • Must be a resident of the area covered by the jurisdiction of Sprinkler Fitters 7KH VFRSH RI WKH 0(66 HQFRPSDVVHV VHUYLFH DQG PDLQWHQDQFH RI FRPPHUFLDO 7KH VFRSH RI WKH 0(66 HQFRPSDVVHV VHUYLFH DQG PDLQWHQDQFH RI FRPPHUFLDO the sprinkler fitting trade. Localconditioning, #692. air air conditioning, refrigeration, refrigeration, ventilation ventilation and and heating heating equipment equipment and and A drug test will be administered at the expense of the Joint Apprentice CommitVLPLODU V\VWHPV (OHFWULF JDV RLO ƓUHG K\GURQLF DQG IRUFHG DLU HTXLSPHQW VLPLODU V\VWHPV (OHFWULF JDV RLO ƓUHG K\GURQLF DQG IRUFHG DLU HTXLSPHQW tee, to the accepted applicant at a future date prior to beginning employment. • Must be acombustion citizen of thecontrols, United States or have filed a declaration of intentare to Recommended associated Recommended High High School School Preparatory Preparatory Courses: Courses: associated combustion controls, and and temperature/humidity temperature/humidity controls controls are become a United States citizen. included. included. Building Building automation automation equipment equipment service service is is also also included. included. English English Composition, Composition, Math, Math, Science, Science, Four Four • Must NOT be a member of any association of group of individuals advocating to Starting Apprentices $17.73 (5% increase every 6 months after the 1st overthrow the government of the United States. year) $SSOLFDWLRQV Journeyperson $59.10 $SSOLFDWLRQV FDQ FDQ EH EH SLFNHG SLFNHG XS XS DW DW WKH WKH 6WHDPƓWWHUV 6WHDPƓWWHUV /RFDO /RFDO 8QLRQ 8QLRQ 7UDLQLQJ 7UDLQLQJ &HQWHU 7RZQVHQG 5RDG 6XLWH & 3KLODGHOSKLD 3$ Apprentices &HQWHU 7RZQVHQG 5RDG 6XLWH & 3KLODGHOSKLD 3$ Apprentices start start at at aa percentage percentage of of the the current current Journeymen Journeymen hourly hourly wage wage 7KH SHULRG H[WHQGV WKURXJKRXW \HDU DQG VWDUW LQ Benefits: Medical, Vision, Dental,each Pension, Application acceptance window is TBD but will beWKH updated theFODVVHV Sprinkler Fitters rate increases year. 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ DSSOLFDWLRQ SHULRG H[WHQGV WKURXJKRXW WKH \HDU on DQG FODVVHV VWDUW LQ rate and and receive receive rate rate increases each year.and Supplemental Pension February and Website - February and August August.. Applicants Applicants must must apply apply in in person person at at the the training training center Friday 7:30 AM Applicants must through apply in person furnish formPM of .identification (signature center Monday Monday through Fridayand 7:30 AM ––a4:00 4:00 PM . and photograph of applicant must be present) when picking up application. Along completed application applicants must documentation of: Application must be returned prior to the deadline established by the Joint Along with with the the completed application applicants must submit submit documentation of: Phone: (267) 350-2610 Phone: (215) (267)673-9565 350-2610ext. 3 Phone: Apprentice Committee at the time of pick-up. Ř &KHFN RU PRQH\ RUGHU PDGH SD\DEOH WR 6WHDPƓWWHUV /8 7UDLQLQJ )XQG Ř &KHFN RU PRQH\ RUGHU PDGH SD\DEOH WR 6WHDPƓWWHUV /8 7UDLQLQJ )XQG in Website: in the the amount amount of of $25.00 $25.00 Email: Submit documentation of: Ř &RS\ RI DSSOLFDQW ELUWK FHUWLƓFDWH Ř &RS\ RI DSSOLFDQW ELUWK FHUWLƓFDWH •••Copy aa valid Birthof Certificate Copy of valid state state issued issued driver’s driver’s license license Address: Address: 7RZQVHQG 5RDG 6XLWH & 7RZQVHQG 5RDG 6XLWH & Website: •• Drug Drug && Alcohol Alcohol Policy Policy Form Form Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA PA 19154 19154 Ř )RUP , (PSOR\PHQW (OLJLELOLW\ 9HULƓFDWLRQ )RUP • High School diploma or equivalent certificate Ř )RUP , (PSOR\PHQW (OLJLELOLW\ 9HULƓFDWLRQ )RUP Address: 14002 McNulty Road, •• Copy Copy of of applicant’s applicant’s high high school school diploma diploma Philadelphia PA 19154 Ř 2IƓFLDO KLJK VFKRRO WUDQVFULSW • Supply to the Joint Apprentice Committee a transcript of high school or Ř 2IƓFLDO KLJK VFKRRO WUDQVFULSW Ř +LJK 6FKRRO (TXLYDOHQF\ *UDGXDWH 5HTXLUHPHQWV Ŋ 7KUHH G.E.D. grades. Transcript must be forwarded to the Joint Apprentice Committee Ř +LJK 6FKRRO (TXLYDOHQF\ *UDGXDWH 5HTXLUHPHQWV Ŋ 7KUHH R &RS\ RI *(' &HUWLƓFDWH directly from the certifying school or state. R &RS\ RI *(' &HUWLƓFDWH R 2IƓFLDO *(' 7HVW 6FRUHV R 2IƓFLDO *(' 7HVW 6FRUHV R 2IƓFLDO +LJK 6FKRRO WUDQVFULSW Ŋ UHJDUGLQJ DOO KLJK VFKRROV DWWHQGHG • Pay a non-refundable $60.00 application fee by check or money order with R 2IƓFLDO +LJK 6FKRRO WUDQVFULSW Ŋ UHJDUGLQJ DOO KLJK VFKRROV DWWHQGHG ••completed Copy Form application. Copy of of Military Military Form DD214 DD214 Discharge/Separation Discharge/Separation Form Form ifif applicable applicable

Description of Work ( Minimum Qualifications



Needs to Succeed

Application Process Application Process

2020 Wages Hourly Wages

2021 Hourly Wages Contact Contact

20 20

United Union of Roofers, 5VGCOĆ‚VVGTU Waterproofers & Allied Local Union 420 Workers Local 30 Description of Work: Description of Work:

Union Roofers and Waterproofers work on a variety of types of 6WHDPĆ“WWHU 3LSHĆ“WWHU %7-

buildings, protecting those facilities against water intrusion 7KH VFRSH RI ZRUN RI WKH 6WHDPĆ“WWHU 3LSHĆ“WWHU HQFRPSDVVHV and ultimate damage to the structure and its contents. LQVWDOODWLRQ DQG VHUYLFLQJ RI V\VWHPV UHTXLULQJ SLSLQJ 7KLV 5RRĆ“QJ LQ WKH FRPPHUFLDO DQG LQGXVWULDO VHFWRU LV JHQHUDOO\ RI includes steamtype and or hotthe water heating systems, the built-up single-ply category.airInconditionbuilt-up ing/refrigeration & petrochemical plants URRĆ“QJ OD\HUV RU systems, SOLHV RI chemical IHOW DUH VHW LQ KRW ELWXPHQ RYHU and complete environmental systems in hospitals, schools, insulation boards to form a waterproof membrane. An aggreFKXUFKHV KLJK ULVH RIĆ“FH DQG DSDUWPHQW EXLOGLQJV 7KH WUDGH JDWH PD\ EH LPEHGGHG LQ D Ć“QDO ELWXPHQ FRDW WR SURWHFW WKH includes joining pipe mechanically metallurgically by membrane from ultraviolet radiationand of the sun and other environmental hazards.

soldering, brazing, or welding. It also includes erecting and working on scaffolding, interpreting blueprints, and writing technical reports. Measuring, cutting, and fabricating piping or tubing using mechanical equipment is also the work of the 6WHDPĆ“WWHU

/KPKOWO 3WCNKƂECVKQPU 18 years of Driver’s Driver’s 18 years of age or older license license age or older E\ WKH ƓUVW GD\ RI FODVV preferred preferred February 1st or August 1st

High School Diploma or GED

Clean Clean drugdrug test test

Description Process Application of Work (Cont.): $SSOLFDWLRQ FDQ EH DFFHVVHG DW 5RRIHUV /RFDO $SSUHQWLFH 7UDLQLQJ &HQWHU ĹŠ Mechanical Equipment Serviceman (MESS) – HVAC & R 2751 East Juniata St. Philadelphia, PA 19137 7KH VFRSH RI WKH 0(66 HQFRPSDVVHV VHUYLFH DQG PDLQWHQDQFH RI FRPPHUFLDO air conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation and heating equipment and Along with a completed applications applicant must submit documentation of: VLPLODU V\VWHPV (OHFWULF JDV RLO Ć“UHG K\GURQLF DQG IRUFHG DLU HTXLSPHQW associated combustion controls, and temperature/humidity controls are Ĺ˜ &RS\ RI DSSOLFDQW ELUWK FHUWLĆ“FDWH included. Building automation equipment service is also included.

Application Process

• Note from family doctor stating applicant can physically perform all duties RI WKH URRƓQJ WUDGH $SSOLFDWLRQV FDQ EH SLFNHG XS DW WKH 6WHDPƓWWHUV /RFDO 8QLRQ 7UDLQLQJ •&HQWHU 7RZQVHQG 5RDG 6XLWH & 3KLODGHOSKLD 3$ Letters of reference 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ SHULRG H[WHQGV WKURXJKRXW WKH \HDU DQG FODVVHV VWDUW LQ • Passed drug test (bring receipt) February and August. Applicants must apply in person at the training center Monday through Friday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM. R &DOO 0HG 7H[ 6HUYLFHV 0DNH DQ DSSRLQWPHQW IRU \RXU GUXJ WHVW DW 215-624-7580, located at 6940 State Rd. Philadelphia PA, 19135 Along with the completed application applicants must submit documentation of:

• Ĺ˜ &KHFN RU PRQH\ RUGHU PDGH SD\DEOH WR 6WHDPĆ“WWHUV /8 7UDLQLQJ )XQG Completion of “OSHA 10 Constructionâ€? which can be completed online in the amount of $25.00 Ĺ˜ &RS\ RI DSSOLFDQW ELUWK FHUWLĆ“FDWH o OSHA approved site: • Copy of a valid state issued driver’s license • Drug & Alcohol Policy Form Ĺ˜ )RUP , (PSOR\PHQW (OLJLELOLW\ 9HULĆ“FDWLRQ )RUP • Copy of applicant’s high school diploma Starting Apprentices $42.86 - $61.93 Ĺ˜ 2IĆ“FLDO KLJK VFKRRO WUDQVFULSW Ĺ˜ +LJK 6FKRRO (TXLYDOHQF\ *UDGXDWH 5HTXLUHPHQWV ĹŠ 7KUHH Journeyperson $71.80 R &RS\ RI *(' &HUWLĆ“FDWH R 2IĆ“FLDO *(' 7HVW 6FRUHV R 2IĆ“FLDO +LJK 6FKRRO WUDQVFULSW ĹŠ UHJDUGLQJ DOO KLJK VFKRROV DWWHQGHG • Copy of Military Form DD214 Discharge/Separation Form if applicable

2021 Hourly Wages


COMPLETED APPLICATIONS and transcripts are required to be delivered or Contact post marked by the last Friday in October for the February class or by the last Friday in April for the August class. Phone: (215) 279-1537

Address: 2751 East St. Needs toJuniata Succeed

Philadelphia, PA 19137 Recommended High School Preparatory Courses: Four years of English Composition, Math, English Composition, Math, Science, Fourand Science

2021 Hourly Wages Apprentices start at a percentage of the current Journeymen hourly wage rate and receive rate increases each year.

Contact Phone: (267) 350-2610 Website: Address: 7RZQVHQG 5RDG 6XLWH & Philadelphia, PA 19154


Steamfitters United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers & Allied Local Union 420 Workers Local 30 Description of Work: Description of Work:

Union Roofers and Waterproofers work on a variety of types of Steamfitter/Pipefitter buildings, protecting (BTJ) those facilities against water intrusion The of work of thetoSteamfitter/Pipefitter and scope ultimate damage the structure and encompasses its contents. installation and servicing of systems requiring piping. This includes steamtype and or hotthe water heating systems, the built-up single-ply category.airInconditionbuilt-up ing/refrigeration systems, chemical & petrochemical plants and complete environmental systems membrane. in hospitals,Anschools, insulation boards to form a waterproof aggrechurches, rise office, apartment The trade gate may high be imbedded inand a final bitumenbuildings. coat to protect the includes joining pipe mechanically metallurgically by membrane from ultraviolet radiationand of the sun and other environmental hazards.

soldering, brazing, or welding. It also includes erecting and working on scaffolding, interpreting blueprints, and writing technical reports. Measuring, cutting, and fabricating piping or tubing using mechanical equipment is also the work of the Steamfitter.

Minimum Qualifications 18 years of Driver’s Driver’s 18 years of age or older license license age or older by the first day of class: preferred preferred February 1st or August 1st

High School Diploma or GED

Clean Clean drugdrug test test

Application Process Description of Work (Cont.): Mechanical Equipment Serviceman (MESS) – HVAC & R 2751scope East Juniata St. Philadelphia, 19137and maintenance of commercial The of the MESS encompassesPAservice air conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation and heating equipment and Along a completed applicant mustand submit documentation of: similarwith systems. Electric,applications gas & oil fired, hydronic forced air equipment, associated combustion controls, and temperature/humidity controls are included. Building automation equipment service is also included.

Application Process

• Note from family doctor stating applicant can physically perform all duties of the roofing trade Applications can be picked up at the Steamfitters Local Union 420 Training • Letters of reference Center - 14420 Townsend Road, Suite C, Philadelphia, PA 19154 The application period extends throughout the year and classes start in • Passed drug test (bring receipt) February and August. Applicants must apply in person at the training center Monday through Friday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM. 215-624-7580, located at 6940 State Rd. Philadelphia PA, 19135 Along with the completed application applicants must submit documentation of:

Check or money order10made payable to: Steamfitters LU 420 Training • •Completion of “OSHA Construction” which can be completed onlineFund in the amount of $25.00 • Copy ofoapplicant birth certificate OSHA approved site: • Copy of a valid state issued driver’s license • Drug & Alcohol Policy Form • Form I9- Employment Eligibility Verification Form • Copy of applicant’s high school diploma Starting Apprentices $20.54 • Official high school transcript • High School Equivalency Graduate Requirements – Three (3): Journeyperson $39.50 o Copy of GED Certificate o Official GED Test Scores o Official High School transcript – regarding all high schools attended • Copy of Military Form DD214 Discharge/Separation Form if applicable

2021 Hourly Wages



COMPLETED APPLICATIONS and transcripts are required to be delivered or post marked by the last Friday in October for the February class or by the last Friday in April for the August class. Phone: (215) 279-1537 Address: 2751 to East Juniata St. Needs Succeed

Philadelphia, PA 19137 Recommended High School Preparatory Courses: English Composition, Math, Science, Four

2021 Hourly Wages Apprentices start at a percentage of the current Journeymen hourly wage rate and receive rate increases each year.

Contact Phone: (267) 350-2610 Website: Address: 14420 Townsend Road, Suite C, Philadelphia, PA 19154


The Wistar Institute

Description of Work: Biomedical Technician Training (BTT) PrH DSSrenticeship and

Biomedical Research Technincian (BRT) apprenticeship programs. Wistar is a world leader in eDUO\ VWDJH discovery science in the areas of cancer, immunology, and infectious disease. Through the Biomedical Research Technician appren manage a laboratory and monitor lab safety, conduct data ticeship, they provide a career pathway in a research laborato analysis on experiments, and other highly skilled techniques ry environment. Through advanced training, apprentices with the goal of supporting a lead scientist. acquire skill sets to facilitate experimental procedures,


PrH requisite courses may be taken at the Community College of Philadelphia.

Application Process


Applications, transcripts, and 2 letters of recommendation can be submitted Phone: between November – February to start a new cohort each May.

Email: Application can be acquired by contacting

Website: Address: 6SUXFH Street,

Needs to Succeed

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Interest in contributing to biomedical research and desire to learn hands on

laboratory techniques and continue leDUQLQJ LQ WKH ELRPHGLFDO Ć“HOG

2021 Hourly Wages

$10/hour in BTT PrH DSSrenticeship Program

KRXU LQ %RT Apprenticeship Program






Office of Katherine Gilmore Richardson Councilmember At-Large | City Hall Room 581 | (215) 686-0454

7KH 2IÆ“FH RI &RXQFLOPHPEHU .DWKHULQH *LOPRUH 5LFKDUGVRQ VWDII FDQ EH UHDFKHG E\ HPDLO DW 2IÆ“FH 0DQDJHU 7D\ORU 'DXNDXV Constituent Services Director, Beth Strain Berry: Policy & Communications Director, Eliza Alford: Budget Analyst/Community Affairs, Dornell Burrell: Administrative Assistant, Venita Green: Special Assistant, James Barkley: Legislative Aide, Santos Ramos:

Councilmember Katherine Gilmore Richardson @CouncilmemberKGR @CouncilwomanKGR

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