2018 PHM Publishing Catalogue

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© Copyright 2002 by The Wilfred Heaton Trust

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Published by PHM Publishing Paul Hindmarsh Music Productions Ltd. www.paulhindmarsh.com

WELCOME I established PHM Publishing in 2012 to promote and distribute the music of the distinguished composer of brass music, Wilfred Heaton (1918 – 2000), editions and realisations of my own and also music that I have commissioned or promoted. When Heaton died in 2000, he left behind a substantial library of music in manuscript and sketch form. His family invited me to prepare performing editions of the completed works and appropriate realisations of sketches and drafts. The works range from marches and concert works, some originally intended for The Salvation Army, to the series of major pieces that form the peak of his creativity. In December 2012, PHM Publishing entered into a sales and marketing agreement with the Wilfred Heaton Trust to promote all titles in The Wilfred Heaton Edition. This includes titles formerly distributed by Kirklees Music. PHM Publishing has also acquired the publishing rights to a number previously unpublished band pieces by leading British composers from the 20th century, including Granville Bantock and Imogen Holst. The catalogue also includes two unique brass band 'collectives' devised to celebrate the centenaries of the birth of Michael Tippett (2006) and Benjamin Britten (2013), together with a haunting arrangement for euphonium of the well loved hymn Abide with Me by the innovative composer for brass, Paul McGhee. This 2018 catalogue, with revised prices, includes a number of new choral and vocal releases. All Wilfred Heaton Edition and PHM Publishing titles are available direct from www.paulhindmarsh.com and through from Just Music www.justmusicuk.com or World of Brass www.worldofbrass.co.uk. Paul Hindmarsh, May 2018

Paul Hindmarsh Music Productions Ltd

1 Clumber Close, Poynton, Cheshire, SK12 1PG +44 (0)7860 707780 phmpublishing@btinternet.com www.paulhindmarsh.com Registered Limited Company No. 587354

PHM Publishing 2018 Catalogue

The Wilfred Heaton Edition
 Published in association with The Wilfred Heaton Trust

INTRODUCTION Wilfred Heaton (1918 – 2000) composer, conductor and teacher, was born in Sheffield on 2 December 1918, the younger of two children of John, a cutler, and Miriam Heaton. The Heaton family were members of the Sheffield Park Corps of The Salvation Army. John Heaton was the bandmaster and his wife had a fine singing voice. It was natural therefore for young Wilfred’s musical talents to be nurtured through The Salvation Army. He began piano lessons at the age of eight and soon after was learning the cornet and composing music of his own. His long life in music was underpinned by wide-ranging interests in the arts, in philosophy, and by his strong religious background and faith. At times during, however, this creative impulse was often tested and questioned. Heaton left school at 14 to become an apprentice in a small brass instrument repair business in Sheffield, Cocking and Pace, where, apart from war service in the RAF, he remained until he closed the business in 1963. At 18 he gained his LRAM in piano, but was largely self-taught in composition. Heaton noted on a page of his last work, the autobiographical Variations, “I got help initially from a crippled SA musician [George Marshall], who had a very sound harmonic instinct, but who stressed contrapuntal studies above all; then from a local music master who initiated me into the wider world of chamber and orchestral music; and finally, a lot later [the 1950’s] Matyas Seiber, whose instruction on Bach studies was invaluable. These are three with whom I had personal contact, but along with other inspiring composers – the scores of the 18th century German giants and the 20th century masters”. It was expected that Wilfred would dedicate his musical talents to the Salvation Army, and in his own words, he continued to “do a good job” for the 'Army' throughout his life. A number of pre-war pieces, like the March Praise and the Meditation Just as I am, have become favourites throughout the brass band world. Others, like the Toccata, eventually found their way into print many years later. In his 20’s and early 30’s, Wilfred’s musical ambitions extended beyond the brass band to orchestral, vocal and chamber music. By the 1950’s, Heaton's life began to take a different course. He had taken up the french horn and had begun to work as a peripatetic brass teacher, a move which in 1963 took the Heaton family to Harrogate. Much of the day-to-day work of instrument repair was left in the hands of Herbert Cocking, son of the former owner. When Cocking moved to the United States in 1964, the Sheffield business was closed. Wilfred played in a number of teachers’ orchestras and ensembles. He was a founding conductor of the Dales Sinfonia. He formed and conducted the local schools youth orchestra. Between 1962 and 1969 he was Musical Director of the Leeds Symphony Orchestra. In 1970 he spent some months as resident Musical Director of the Black Dyke Mills Band. However, as his professional activities increased, Heaton’s own creativity went into decline. He continued to arrange music for all the performing groups with which he was involved, but he composed very little. Another note on the score of Variations offers further explanation: “…all compositional ambitions were brought to a halt through my contact with Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposphical movement. Involvement in this seemed to dry me up. I lost the impulse to compose. Such an activity seemed unimportant compared with the spiritual impulses provided by Steiner.” Most of his spare time was now dedicated to a systematic exploration of the philosophical and spiritual disciplines postulated by Steiner in his prolific writings. Heaton came to an understanding of Steiner’s approach to life, spirituality, reincarnation and karma through the influence of Arnold Freeman, professor of English Literature at Sheffield University and Warden of the Sheffield Educational Settlement, where from 1947 Heaton had enrolled for and later taught on courses on the arts, humanities and music. Steiner advocated techniques 1

PHM Publishing 2018 Catalogue for the development of awareness to nature's cycles, of daily meditation, reading and clear critical thinking, leading in the fullness of time to higher levels of spiritual consciousness and clairvoyance. Heaton followed this path systematically for over half his life. However, from time to time he was persuaded out of this creative semi-retirement, most notably in 1973, when he completed Contest Music, his only nonSalvation Army work published in his life-time. In his later years Wilfred was pleased, but always appeared surprised, at the appreciative reception his music was by then receiving. Although he never re-gained his old fluency, he was encouraged by family and friends – particularly the conductor Howard Snell - to take up his composing pen once again. After the death of his wife and his own retirement from teaching, there was a welcome “Indian summer” - including Partita, two substantial concertos and two marches which, like Contest Music, were re-worked from earlier works, and his final Variations, the only brand new work of his later years that was almost finished when he died. Wilfred Heaton once said to a colleague there would be some surprise at what would emerge from his “unregarded corner”. He was quite right. Most of this music has been realised for performance by Howard Snell and Paul Hindmarsh. It is testimony to Heaton’s integrity, his strength of creative spirit and his acquired skills that he was able so successfully to re-cast his youthful musical off-spring some forty years or more after their conception.
 In a draft but undelivered letter from his last years, Heaton commented on the ephemeral nature of brass band repertoire, expressing a wish that in the future his music might be made available for other performing ensembles by suitably experienced arrangers. After Heaton's death in 2000, his family approached Paul Hindmarsh to see what could be made of his unpublished work. Hindmarsh has edited or realised from sketches much of that music for its original forces. A number of these editions and some of Heaton's much loved works published by The Salvation Army are now being made available for wind orchestra, with the permission of the Heaton's Estate. Alastair Wheeler's fine arrangement for wind orchestra of Le Tricot Rouge is based on the published brass band edition.

BRASS BAND MUSIC WH01 Aberystwyth, Meditation for brass band

This is Heaton's earliest surviving extended work for brass band, probably dating from the late 1930s. The treatment of this famous Welsh hymn tune is on a large scale, leading to a majestic concluding verse. The music is influenced by the Salvationist composer and arranger George
 Marshall, but Heaton's distinctive voice shines through at times.
 Grade 4/5
 Duration: 11 mins
 Score and parts: £55 plus postage and packing Score: £10

WH02 Annie Laurie, Variations for cornet (or euphonium) and band A virtuoso work in the tradition of the Erik Leidzen air varies, based on a familiar melody. Heaton composed it before the Second World War and updated many decades later.
 Grade 6 (soloist)
 Duration: 9 mins
 Score and parts: £40 plus postage and packing Score: £10

WH06 The Children's Friend (In Memoriam) Variations for brass band

Composed in the 1940s for The Salvation Army's Triumph Series, this charming work is
 characteristic of its composer in the crisp rhythms and broad melodies, but written within the scope of youth bands and revised by the composer towards the end of his life. Grade 3
 Duration: 7 mins
 Score and parts: £40 plus postage and packing Score: £10


PHM Publishing 2018 Catalogue

WH07 Concerto for Trombone and brass band One of Heaton's most ambitious major works, this concerto was produced in 1991 for Nicholas Hudson and the Britannia Building Society Band (Howard Snell). It is a reworking of a Rhapsody for Oboe and Strings composed in 1954.
 Grade 6 (soloist)
 Duration: 26 mins
 Score and parts: £95 plus postage and packing Score: £15

WH68 Dance of the Tumblers (Rimsky-Korsakov, arr. Heaton) A colourful arrangement of Rimsky-Korsakov's popular item for Black Dyke Band. Grade 4
 Duration: 4 mins
 Score and parts £35 plus postage and packing Score: £10

WH09 Five Little Pieces

realised by Paul Hindmarsh

Composed as a Little Suite for recorder and piano probably in the early 1950s, Heaton reworked it on at least three later occasions, for flute and strings, brass quintet (Five Bagatelles), cornet and brass band and this version sketched but not scored in about 1990. The five vignettes encapsulate the range of the Heaton style combining brilliant fanfares, energetic dances, moments of tongue in cheek humour and tender lyricism.
 Grade 5
 Duration: 9 mins
 Score and parts: £50 plus postage and packing Score: £10

WH11 Full Salvation (Concert March)

realised by Paul Hindmarsh

A realisation from the composer's sketches of an exciting concert march from the composer of Praise and Le Tricot Rouge. Full Salvation is based on an old Salvation Army song, and begins like a traditional minor key march, before Heaton's typical humour takes over in the trio section. Grade 4
 Duration: 4 mins
 Score and parts: £35 plus postage and packing Score: £10

performing edition by Paul Hindmarsh
 This lively March-Fantasy has been prepared from a full score sketch, without dynamic and performance instructions. Based on a children's actions chorus, 'I've touched my finger on the golden pen', it probably dates from the late 1940s, and although submitted for publication in
 Salvation Army Journals was not released. The submitted score is presumed lost. Grade 4
 Duration: 4 mins
 Score and parts: £35 plus postage and packing Score: £10

WH11 The Golden Pen

WH13 Glory! Glory! (Concert March) Originally composed around 1947 or 48, this substantial march was re-composed from memory 40 years later for Dr. Peter Graham and the Regent Hall Band of The Salvation Army. The middle section includes a humorous 'battle of the bands', SA versus Boys' Brigade.
 Grade 5
 Duration: 7 mins Score and parts: £45 plus postage and packing Score: £10


PHM Publishing 2018 Catalogue

WH15 Le Tricot Rouge (Concert March) Probably intended for Salvation Army publication after WW2, this bright and breezy march has proved popular since it was published in 2002. The red jersey of the title could refer to the colour of the traditional Salvation Army jersey worn by junior band members in the mid 20th century, but it also acknowledges the red shirts of the Tewit Youth Band, Harrogate, for whom Heaton prepared this version, Heaton's musical joke in this march occurs towards the end, where the drummers’ over exuberance threatens to bring the march to a stop. Grade 4
 Duration: 3 mins
 Score and parts: £35 plus postage and packing Score: £10

WH32b Little Suite arranged for Trumpet (or Cornet) and brass band by Paul Hindmarsh Composed for recorder and piano probably in the early 1950s, Heaton reworked Little Suite on at least three later occasions, for flute and strings, brass quintet (Five Bagatelles) and brass band (Five Little Pieces). He left some pages of sketch with the solo part for cornet written out but the scoring beneath empty. Paul Hindmarsh has arranged the accompaniment, taking into account all three versions, to provide a short, but deceptively challenging concert suite for trumpet (or cornet) and brass band. Grade 5
 Duration 9 mins
 Score and parts: £50 plus postage and packing Score: £10

WH20 Partita for band Prelude – Scherzo – Canzona - Rondo
 In the late 1940’s. after returning from war service in the RAF, Heaton composed his first major work intended for performance by brass band outside The Salvation Army. This was a
 four movement Suite of test-piece scale, which Heaton dedicated to Eric Ball, to whom he sent the manuscript. The work has never been performed in this version or in the extended orchestral version completed in 1950. After the success of Contest Music in 1982, this recasting as Partita was prepared for Howard Snell and the Desford Colliery Band. The short scherzo was replaced by the modern orchestral movement. Grade 6
 Duration: 25 mins
 Score and parts: £95 plus postage and packing Score: £15

WH55a Pilgrim's Song (Suite of Incidental Music with narrator) arr. Hindmarsh This suite has been drawn from Wilfred Heaton's incidental music for a Salvation Army production of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress that took place in South Africa in the early 1950s. The original music was performed by a four-part choir, small brass group and pianist. The optional narration is taken from Bunyan's text. Heaton based the music on the hymn tune Monksgate. [Scoring: sop.cnt, 1st cnts, 2nd cnts, flugel, 2 hns, 2 bars , 2 tn.trbs, bass trb, euph(s), Eflat & Bflat bass(es).] Grade 3 / 4
 Duration: 13 mins Score and parts: £55 plus postage and packing Score: £10


PHM Publishing 2018 Catalogue

WH43a Scherzo for brass band arr. Hindmarsh

This lively movement, without percussion, is a full band scoring of the Scherzo for brass quartet of 1937. Heaton revised the main section as the short original Scherzo of Suite for brass band (1947), and this has been used in its entirety together with a full scoring of the hymn like Trio section to create a concert piece similar in design and technical challenge to Toccata. Grade 5
 Duration: 8 mins
 Score and parts: £45 plus postage and packing Score: £10

WH23 Sinfonia Concertante for cornet (trumpet) and brass band One of the most demanding of all cornet concertos, the Sinfonia Concertante was prepared for Martin Winter and the Britannia Building Society Band in 1990 at the request of Howard Snell. Based on material originally sketched in the early 1950s, around the time of Partita, the music is lyrical and virtuosic by turns and is among Heaton's most ambitious works.
 Grade 6
 Duration: 26 mins
 Facsimile Score and parts: £95 plus postage and packing Score: £15

WH35a Sweet Hour of Prayer (arr. for trombone and brass band)

orch. Hindmarsh

Heaton made this touching arrangement of this well-known American devotional song for his son-in-law Bryan Stobart. This straightforward scoring for brass band makes a perfect slow melody 'moment' in any concert. Grade 4(soloist), 3(band)
 Duration: 3 mins
 Score and parts: £35 plus postage and packing Score: £10

WH25 Variations for brass band

realised by Howard Snell

Heaton's final and longest brass band composition was some eight years in the making. It is the sole example of an original composition from the last decades of Heaton's life. He completed the first four variations in full score and most of the remainder in short score. Howard Snell, to whom the work is dedicated, prepared the complete full score shortly after Heaton's death. Heaton considered this to be more of an autobiographical document than a work for contest performance. However, the Heaton Trust has authorised various performing options which make this unique work more practical for band concerts and contests.
 Grade 6
 Duration: 30 mins (18 mins or 9 mins with authorised cuts)
 Score and parts: £95 plus postage and packing Score: £15


PHM Publishing 2018 Catalogue

CHORAL MUSIC WH29a Babe born this day for unaccompanied mixed choir, adapted by Paul Hindmarsh
 Words by Kenneth Tout

This Christmas Song is adapted from a short piece for clarinet and piano, Berceuse Elegiaque, which Heaton composed for his granddaughter. The poem was written especially to fit the music by Heaton's friend and colleague from the 1940s and 50s.
 Duration: 5 mins £2.50 plus postage and packing

WH41 Eternal Decision for unaccompanied mixed choir
 Words by Kenneth Tout
 This Easter Song was the third collaboration between Heaton and Tout, the others being Intercede O Lord and A City Prayer. When asked in 2004, Kenneth Tout could not recall having ever completed more than the first verse, which Heaton set. Dr. Tout wrote two complementary verses prior to publication. Duration: 5 mins £3.00 plus postage and packing

WH47 Safe in the Promised Land for male voice chorus and brass ensemble
 and/or piano
 This is a lively song in call and response spiritual style includes parts for two cornets, three trombones, tubas and piano. The published edition can also be played with piano alone.
 Duration: 4 mins Choral score: £2.50 Full score and instrumental parts: £15.00, plus postage and packing

WH47a Safe in the Promised Land ensemble and/or piano

arr. Hindmarsh for mixed voice chorus and brass

Duration: 4 mins Choral score: £2.50 Full score and instrumental parts: £15.00, plus postage and packing

WH52a A Shepherds’ Carol arr. Hindmarsh from incidental music to The King’s Threshold text: trad. (Sheffield)

This lively carol for unaccompanied red mixed choir has been arranged from a folk-song style melody which Heaton composed for a Christmas production in 1949 staged by an amateur theatre company based at Sheffield University’s Education Settlement. The Settlement Players performed W.B.Yeats' play The King’s Threshold as part of a double bill for which Heaton provided several short single lines of instrumental and vocal music. It is presumed that he improvised piano accompaniments for some of the items. Heaton’s melody has been given various harmonic treatments and paired with a Sheffield version of a traditional village carol, popular in South Yorkshire and the East Midlands in the 19th century. Some sources attribute its authorship to F.W.Sherwin. Duration: 5 mins £2.50 plus postage and packing

WH55b Three Hymns from Incidental Music to The Pilgrim's Progress These three hymns for unaccompanied choir (SATB) are drawn from Wilfred Heaton's incidental music for a Salvation Army production of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress that took place in South Africa in the early 1950s. The original music was performed by a four-part choir, small brass group and pianist. Heaton composed four choral settings, of which the three published here are the most substantial. The third hymn sets part of Longfellow's translation of the Spanish epic poem Coplas de Manrique.
 Duration: 7 mins £3.00 plus postage and packing 6

PHM Publishing 2018 Catalogue

CHAMBER MUSIC WH30 Five Bagatelles for brass quintet

Heaton completed this brass quintet in 1989 following a request from Fine Arts Brass. It is a re-working of Little Suite for recorder and piano. INSTRUMENTATION: 2 trumpets in C or Bb (1st doubling piccolo trumpet and trumpet in A optional), horn in F, tenor trombone, tuba Duration: 9 mins Score and parts: £40 plus postage and packing

WH32 Little Suite for recorder (or flute) and piano

In the 1950s Wilfred Heaton composed a suite for recorder and piano for fellow Sheffordian Philip Rodgers. Three character vignettes, influenced by Bartok and Hindemith, are rated by a fanfare and related finale. The work’s brevity belies its technical and musical challenges. Duration: 9 min £12 plus postage and packing

WH32c Little Suite for trumpet (or cornet) and piano

Heaton’s recorder(flute) part has been adapted and the piano part revised to bring it within the compass of trumpet (or cornet) Duration: 9 min £12 plus postage and packing

WH34 Scherzo for brass quartet

This delightful example of early Heaton dates from 1937, when the 18 year old composer played the cornet in a quartet made up of friends from the Sheffield Park Corps of The Salvation Army. The work was first performed by Royal Danish Brass and has also been performed and recorded in a version for conventional brass quartet. INSTRUMENTATION: 2 cornets (or trumpets )and 2 trombones, or horn (in F or Eb) and euphonium
 Duration: 8 mins Score and parts: £35 plus postage and packing

WH35 Sweet Hour of Prayer arr. for trombone and piano

The words of the American devotional song Sweet Hour of Prayer were written by Rev. William Walford in 1845. The tune, published in 1869, is the work of William B. Bradbury, a celebrated New England hymn tune writer. Heaton made this touching arrangement of this well-known American devotional song for his son-in-law Bryan Stobart. This straightforward scoring for brass band makes a perfect slow melody 'moment' in any concert. Duration 3 mins £9.50 plus postage and packing

WH33 Toccata (Music for brass sextet)

This is the original version of one of Wilfred Heaton's most well-known works, which he was invite to compose in 1939. It was never performed at that time. He prepared the brass band version in the late 1940s and it was eventually published in 1973. INSTRUMENTATION: 2 cornet (or trumpets) in Bb, horn in Eb, baritone in Bb, euphonium and tuba. Alternative parts for horn in F and two tenor trombones in bass clef are included.
 Duration: 6 mins Score and parts: £35 plus postage and packing


PHM Publishing 2018 Catalogue

ORCHESTRAL MUSIC WH07a Concerto for Trombone and string orchestra (ed. Hindmarsh)
 One of Heaton's most ambitious major works, this concerto was produced in 1991 for Nicholas Hudson and the Britannia Building Society Band (Howard Snell). It is a reworking of an as yet unpublished Rhapsody for Oboe and Strings composed in 1954.
 Grade 6 (soloist)
 Duration: 26 mins
 Score and parts: £95 plus postage and packing Score: £15
 Also available for rental (www.paulhindmarsh.com)

WH32a Little Suite for flute (or recorder) and string orchestra (orch. Hindmarsh) Composed in the early 1950s for the noted recorder player Philip Rogers, Heaton is known to have orchestrated it for flute and strings for his colleagues in the West Riding Music Service to perform. His material was destroyed in a fire and has been reconstructed by Paul Hindmarsh. Duration: 9 mins. Score and parts: £50 plus postage and packing

MUSIC FOR WIND BAND WH12a The Golden Pen, arranged by Alastair Wheeler

This lively March-Fantasy has been prepared from a full score sketch, without dynamic and performance instructions. Based on a children's actions chorus, 'I've touched my finger on the golden pen', it probably dates from the late 1940s, and although submitted for publication in
 Salvation Army Journals was not released. The submitted score is presumed lost. Grade 4
 Duration: 4 mins
 Score and parts: £55 plus postage and packing Score: £10

WH13a Glory! Glory! (Concert March) arr. Alastair Wheeler

Originally composed around 1947 or 48, the march was re-composed from memory 40 years later for Dr. Peter Graham and the Regent Hall Band of The Salvation Army. The middle section
 includes a humorous 'battle of the bands', SA versus Boys' Brigade.
 Grade 5
 Duration: 7 mins Score and parts: £65 plus postage and packing Score: £10

WH15 Le Tricot Rouge (Concert March) arr. Alastair Wheeler

Probably intended for Salvation Army publication after WW2, this bright and breezy march has
 proved popular since it was published in 2002. The red jersey of the title could refer to the colour of the traditional Salvation Army jersey worn by junior band members in the mid 20th century, but it also acknowledges the red shirts of the Tewit Youth Band, Harrogate, for whom Heaton prepared this version, Heaton's musical joke in this march occurs towards the end, where the drummer’s over exuberance threatens to bring the march to a stop. Grade 4
 Duration: 3 mins
 Score and parts: £55 plus postage and packing Score: £10

WH20 Partita for symphonic wind orchestra

arr. Hindmarsh

Prelude – Scherzo – Canzona - Rondo Grade 6
 Duration: 25 mins
 Score and parts: £120 plus postage and packing Release date expected Autumn 2018 8

Score: £15

PHM Publishing 2018 Catalogue

PHM music for band PHM001 IMOGEN HOLST The Unfortunate Traveller (ed. Hindmarsh) Introduction – Scherzo – Interlude – March
 Imogen Holst was inspired to write this suite after the success of her father's Moorside Suite at the National Brass band Championships in 1928. She submitted it as part of her 1930 portfolio at the Royal College of Music. The title was taken from Thomas Nashe's 1594 romance. Imogen Holst conducted the work with the Carlisle St. Stephen's Band in 1933, after which it remained unperformed until revived in this new performing edition by Zone One Brass in Ulverston in 2011. The new performing edition of this lively and tuneful work gives the music more variety of colour. The suite is a valuable addition to the repertoire from a golden period of brass band composition and is ideal for youth and community bands to perform in concert or contest. Grade 4
 Duration: 10 mins
 Published in association with G & I Holst Ltd.
 Score and parts: £55 plus postage and packing. Score: £10

PHM002 Variations on a Theme of Michael Tippett Processional MICHAEL TIPPETT (arr. Hindmarsh) Danse des Amis BRAMWELL TOVEY EDWARD GREGSON Midsummer Song Scherzettino MICHAEL BALL Collage ELGAR HOWARTH
 Birthday Fugue – Finale PHILIP WILBY
 Devised by Paul Hindmarsh to celebrate the centenary of Sir Michael Tippet in 2006, this unique collaboration between five leading creative voices in brass band music of recent years also celebrated the 60th and 70th birthdays of two of its contributors, Edward Gregson and Elgar Howarth. Philip Wilby pays birthday tributes in his dramatic fugal finale. The theme is taken from Tippett's opera The Midsummer Marriage, and it also appears in his Birthday Suite for Prince Charles (1948), scored predominantly for wind. The work was written for Foden's Band and Bramwell Tovey to perform at the 2006 RNCM Festival of Brass in Manchester (UK). The same artists have also recorded it for NMC. Variations on a theme of Michael Tippett is a demanding work that has technical and musical challenges appropriate to Championship Section brass band competitions, while also possessing considerable audience appeal.
 It was selected as the set-test for the 2017 Norwegian Brass Band Championships.
 Grade 6
 Duration: 13 mins
 Score and parts £85 plus postage and packing Score £15.00

PHM003 Diversions after Benjamin Britten

Aria – His Depth


Scherzo – His Vitality SIMON DOBSON
 March – His Sympathy PAUL McGHEE
 Toccata – His Skill GAVIN HIGGINS Diversions after Benjamin Britten was devised by Paul Hindmarsh as a centenary tribute.At its première, these virtuoso inspirations were prefaced and separated by the four strains of Britten's ceremonial Fanfare for St. Edmundsbury. This design is recommended as an optional means of 9

PHM Publishing 2018 Catalogue presenting the four contrasting movements. The fanfare is published by Boosey & Hawkes, but is not part of this edition. Grade 6
 Duration: 14 mins (18 mins including Britten's Fanfare)
 Score and parts £85 plus postage and packing, extra scores £15.00
 Separate items £35 each

King Lear Symphonic Poem


Thought to be lost for many years, King Lear was composed in 1932 for Callendar's Cable Works Band. When this band closed, its unique library was moved to Prescot Cable Works in Lancashire and it has since transferred to the Haydock Band. The work has been recorded by the Salford University Brass Band, conducted by Roy Newsome. This edition is based on the composer's original manuscript. Based on Shakespeare's masterpiece, the work is dramatic and romantically lyrical by turns.
 It would make an ideal traditional style test-piece for lower section bands .

Grade 4
 Duration: 13 mins
 Published in association with The Bantock Trust
 Score and parts: £65 plus postage and packing


Two Aquarelles

Score: £10

arr. for brass band by Paul Hindmarsh

Late in the Spring of 1917, Frederick Delius composed two short choruses (without words) for eight-part unaccompanied chorus. The first is an evocative song without words, while the second, a lilting dance, includes a part for solo tenor, scored here for euphonium. The title is taken from the version for strings by Eric Fenby.
 Grade 4
 Duration: 4 mins
 Score and parts: £35 plus postage and packing. Score: £5

PHM006 W.H. Monk arr. PAUL McGHEE Abide with me for euphonium and brass band Paul McGhee made this haunting arrangement of W.H. Monk's famous hymn tune for the Belgian euphoniumist Glenn Van Looy, who performed it on 27 January 2013 at the Royal Northern College of Music Festival of Brass, with the Leyland Band conducted by Michael Bach. Surrounding the three verses of the solo line are wisps of texture, irregular rhythms and colours from brass and percussion, giving the music an unsettled feel. Abide with Me is a favourite of Paul McGhee, who says “When watching the film 28 Days Later I thought it would make a rather striking arrangement for brass band. This was confirmed further when the hymn was used at the 2012 opening ceremony of the London Olympics. The contrast between the static, slow moving melody and the rhythmic effects of the dancers was something that I thought could be captured in an arrangement.” Grade 4 (soloist 5)
 Duration 4 mins
 Score and parts £35 plus postage and packing



(arr. Hindmarsh)

English composer Frank Bridge (1879 – 1941) composed Lament on 14 June 1915, in memory of Catherine Crompton, who drowned with her family when the Cunard liner Lusitania was torpedoed by a German submarine on 7 May, 1915 off the coast of Ireland. How Bridge’s dedication came about is uncertain. One contemporary source says that Bridge knew the family, but it is also possible that he came across the family photograph which was published in many newspapers in the wake of the sinking. His response to this personal tragedy was characteristically spontaneous and utterly sincere. It is one of his most effective miniatures, poignant yet restrained in its lyrical beauty, with compelling directness and simplicity.
 This arrangement was made for performance at the 2015 RNCM Festival of Brass where it was performed by Cory Band under Philip Harper.

PHM Publishing 2018 Catalogue Grade 4
 Duration: 5 mins Score and parts: £35.00, plus postage and packing


Score: £10.00

A Wartime Sketchbook for brass band (arr. Hindmarsh)

During World War II, William Walton, one of the most eminent of British composers, provided music for several films deemed to be of 'national importance'. In 1941 and 42 he contributed to The Foreman Went to France, Next of Kin, Went the day Well? and The First of the Few, extracting the most substantial portions of the latter as the popular Spitfire Prelude and Fugue for orchestra. The remaining music remained unpublished until 1990, when Christopher Palmer assembled highlights from the soundtracks into A Wartime Sketchbook, six numbers of which were arranged into a colourful suite for Besses o' th' Barn and Black Dyke Mills bands in the 1990s. 1. Prologue (Went the day Well? ), 2. Bicycle Chase (The Foreman went to France). 3. Refugees (The Foreman went to France), 4. Young Siegfrieds (The Battle of Britain), 5. Romance (Next of Kin), 6. Epilogue (The Foreman went to France). Grade 5
 Duration: 14 mins Published by arrangement with Oxford University Press. Score and parts: £65, plus postage and packing Score: £15.00

PHM009 ARTHUR BLISS Greetings to a City adapted Hindmarsh Sir Arthur Bliss (1891 - 1975) was a significant composer and pillar of the British musical establishment. Although Born in London, his father was from the United States and both countries were important in his life and career. In 1953 Sir Arthur was appointed Master of the Queen’s Musick, after which he added a steady stream of fanfares and ceremonial works to his list of works. In 1960 he was commissioned by the American Wind Symphony of Pittsburgh, which requested for festive work to feature on an extensive European tour, including a performance in London.
 Bliss scored Greetings to a City for two brass choirs each of 2 trumpets, 2 horns and three trombones, with tuba and percussion. This adaptation for brass band instruments retains an element of antiphony by emphasing the contrast between the fanfare instruments (cornets and trombones) and the horns and tubas. Greetings to a City is cast in three connected sections, with extended fanfare episodes separated by a short lyrical interlude.
 Grade 5
 © 1969 Robert King Music. Rights transferred to Alphonse Leduc Editions Musicales.
 This arrangement published under license © 2018 Robert King Music. Duration: 6 mins 30 secs
 Score and Parts £45.00; score only £10.00

Also arranged or edited by Paul Hindmarsh

The Flowers of the Forest by Richard Rodney Bennett [revised edition, Novello/Studio]
 The Pageant of London, Suite for Military band by Frank Bridge [ed. Faber Music]
 American Overture by Benjamin Britten [arr., MS]
 Fanfare for DW by Benjamin Britten [adpt. MS]
 King Arthur (Scenes from a Radio Drama) [arr., Faber Music]
 Occasional Overture by Benjamin Britten [arr., Faber Music]
 Capriccio by Gustav Holst [arr. MS]
 The Gallant Weaver by James MacMillan [arr., Boosey, Studio]
 Suite for Brass Band by Alan Rawsthorne [revised edition, Novello/Studio]
 Prelude on Rhosymedre by Ralph Vaughan Williams [arr., Stainer & Bell]


To Howard Snell in admiration and gratitude

Full Score

VARIATIONS ° 8 in Eb & 8 ‰

Legatissimo e = 96

Soprano Cornet



œ bœ nœ œ #œ œ 8 œ J #œ ™ & 8 œj œ

Solo Cornets in Bb

WILFRED HEATON realised by Howard Snell



‰ œJ #œ ™




œ nœ bœ bœ J œ ™ œj bœ œ #œ #œ bœ J #œ ™

bœ J œ™

œ bœ nœ #œ œJ œ nœ #œ œ J J

#œ ™

bœ J œ™

bœ ™ ‰ Ó J œ

‰ nœJ

8 &8 ‰ Ó


Cornet 2 in Bb

8 &8 ‰





‰ œœ ‰ ‰ #œœ p

Cornet 3 in Bb

8 ¢& 8 ‰





‰ œ p

‰ ‰ bœ -





8 &8 ‰





Œ ‰ œj œj œ

j j œ œ œ

8 &8 ‰





j j Œ ‰ œ œ œ

j j œ œ #œ

8 ¢& 8 ‰





j j Œ ‰ œ œ œ

j j œ œ bœ

Repiano Cornet in Bb

Flugelhorn in Bb

° 8 ‰ &8

Horn 1 in Eb

Horn 2 in Eb

Horn 3 in Eb

Baritone 1 in Bb

Baritone 2 in Bb

Trombone 1 in Bb

Euphonium in Bb

Bass in Eb

Bass in Bb








° 8 ‰ Ó &8


‰ œ œ™ J

œ œ™ ‰ Ó J


‰ œj nœ bœ œ œ™

œ œ™ J

œ œ™ J

œ J

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‰ œj nœ bœ œ œ™

œ œ™ J

œ œ™ J

œ J



° 8 ‰ &8






8 &8 ‰






? 88 ‰






Trombone 2 in Bb

Bass Trombone




° 8 &8 ‰ Ó

8 &8 ‰ Ó 8 ¢& 8 ‰


‰ Ó ‰ #œj nœj bœ j œ œ™


‰ j b œ œ™

j œ œ™


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© Copyright 2006 by The Wilfred Heaton Trust WH25

Published 2012 by PHM Publishing, Paul Hindmarsh Music Productions Ltd. www.paulhindmarsh.com

To buy or to find out more about the full range of PHM Publishing titles contact:

Paul Hindmarsh Music Productions Ltd. 1 Clumber Close
 Cheshire SK12 1PG UK Telephone: 0044 (0)7860 707780 Email: phmpublishing@binternet.com Online shop: www.paulhindmarsh.com

Selected titles are also available from


JUST MUSIC +44 (0)1355 245674 www.justmusicuk.com

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