Phoebe Giannisi "Kernos: A Plate For All" [03 Dialogue du Miel et du Tabac]

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Dialogue du Miel et du Tabac


εἷσεν δ᾽ εἰσαγαγοῦσα κατὰ κλισμούς τε θρόνους τε Homer Odyssey 10.234

she brought them in and made them sit on chairs and seats Homer Odyssey 10.234: Translated by A.T. Murray


Bezüglich des Kernos, handelt es sich um eine Vase aus Ton, die viele Kotyliskoi, also kleine Näpfchen auf sich trägt. In diesen, befinden sich Salbei, weiße Mohnsamen, Gerstenkorn, Erbsen, Hülsenfrüchte, Okra, Linsen, Bohnen, Weizen, Hafer, Obstkuchen, Honig, Olivenöl, Wein, Milch, ungewaschene Schafswolle (Wollflocken). Athenaeus, Die gelehrte Tischgesellschaft XI, 478d

Kernos is an earthenware vessel, holding within it a large number of small cups cemented together, And in them are sage, white poppy-seeds, grains of wheat And barley, peas, vetches, okra-seeds, lentils, beans, rice-wheat, oats, compressed fruit, honey, oil, wine, milk, And sheep’s wool unwashed. The man who carries it, resembling the bearer of the sacred winnowing-fan, tastes these articles. Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists XI, 478d


Le miel et le tabac sont des substances comestibles, mais ni l’un ni l’autre ne relèvent à proprement parler de la cuisine. Car le miel est élaboré par des êtres non humains, les abeilles, qui le livrent tout prêt pour la consommation, tandis que la manière la plus commune de consommer le tabac met celui-ci, à la différence du miel, non pas en deçà mais au delà de la cuisine. On ne s’absorbe pas à l’etat cru, comme le miel, ou préalablement exposé au feu pour le cuire, ainsi qu’on fait de la viande. On l’incinère, afin d’aspirer sa fumée. On commencera par noter qu’avec le miel les Indiens sud-américains rangent le tabac au nombre des “nourritures”. Claude Levi-Straus, Du Miel aux Cendres

Honey and tobacco are edible substances, but neither one nor the other are in fact within the jurisdiction of the kitchen. And that because honey is produced by non-human beings, bees, who deliver it all ready for consumption, while the most common way to consume tobacco, puts it, unlike honey, not beneath but beyond the kithcen. It is not absorbed in a raw state, like honey, or previously exposed to fire in order to be cooked, as we do with meat. It is incinerated to inhale its smoke. We will begin by noting that with honey, the SouthAmerican Indians rank tobacco among “foods”.

Claude Levi-Straus, Ηoney to Αshes


οἴνῳ Πραμνείῳ ἐκύκα: ἀνέμισγε δὲ σίτῳ φάρμακα λυγρά Homer Odyssey 10.235

Un Indien avait plusieurs femmes dont l’une vivait dans un autre village où il allait souvent la visiter. Il arriva une fois à ce village alors que tous les hommes étaient absents. Le voyageur se rendit dans la maison des hommes où, par hasard, se trouvait un petit garçon à qui il demanda du feu pour allumer une cigarette. Le garçon refusa insolemment, en prétextant que les cigarettes n’étaient pas de la nourriture. Le voyageur entreprit de lui expliquer que, pour les hommes, les cigarettes étaient bel et bien une nourriture, mais le garçon persista dans son refus. L’homme se mit en colère, ramassa une pierre et la lança sur le garçon qui fut tué sur le coup. Claude Levi-Straus, Du Miel aux Cendres

mixed with Pramnian wine; but in the bread she mixed baneful drugs Homer Odyssey 10.235: Translated by A.T. Murray

An Indian had several women of which one lived in another village where he often went to visit. Once he arrived at that village while all the men were absent. The traveler went into the men’s house, where, by chance, there was a little boy whom he asked for fire in order to light a cigarette. The boy refused insolently, claiming that cigarettes were not food. The traveler began to explain that, for men, cigarettes were a food indeed, but the boy persisted in his refusal. The man became angry, picked up a stone and threw it at the boy who was killed instantly.

Claude Levi-Straus, Ηoney to Αshes 9

εἷσεν δ᾽ εἰσαγαγοῦσα κατὰ κλισμούς τε θρόνους τε, ἐν δέ σφιν τυρόν τε καὶ ἄλφιτα καὶ μέλι χλωρὸν οἴνῳ Πραμνείῳ ἐκύκα: ἀνέμισγε δὲ σίτῳ φάρμακα λύγρ᾽, ἵνα πάγχυ λαθοίατο πατρίδος αἴης. Homer Odyssey 10.234-235

She brought them in and made them sit on chairs and seats, and made for them a potion of cheese and barley meal and yellow honey with Pramnian wine; but in the bread she mixed baneful drugs, that they might utterly forget their native land. Homer Odyssey 10.234-235: Translated by A.T. Murray


αλησμονώ και χαίρομαι θυμούμαι και λυπούμαι θυμήθηκα την ξενιτιά και θέλω να πηγαίνω σήκω μάνα και ζύμωσε καθάριο παξιμάδι Acapella singing from Hepeiros

I forget and I am gladdened I remember and grow sad the foreign land I did remember and I want now to get going mother, get up, start kneading dough for twice baked bread Acapella singing from Hepeiros: Translated by Konstantinos Matsoukas



Dialogue between Honey and Tοbacco


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