Life in Balance issue 1

Page 1

life in balance

your monthly green solution to natural & eco-friendly living w w w. lifeinbal an

ISSUE 1 October/November 20 0 8


news & innovations recycling, your water fo o t pr i nt , m a r i ne week


design & living ga dgets, ca rdboa rd f ur ni t ure, ho l i st i c l a nd m a na gem ent


travel west coa st bi rds, i sl a nd a dvent ures of f M a da ga sca r


food & wine wa ter bl o m m et j i e t a gl i a tel l e, bi o di versi ty wi ne cha m pi o ns


fashion & beauty hydrating beauty, shoes to kno ck yo ur so cks of f


wellness Watsu – water therapy with a di f ference, Yo ga Ni dra


art, books, dvds Dyl a n Lewi s, Water – The Great Mystery revi ew

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