The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2013

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Inside this Month JUNE 2013

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Oh look it’s Ryan! - Page 6

Qatar International Food Festival - Page 4

Picture by Tom Cotter

Careers, Training & Education Supplement starts on Page 15

Olympian Visits Four Oaks School


lympic bronze medalist, Laura Unsworth visited her old primary school last month to talk to current pupils and give a hockey lesson to a number of pupils. Unsworth, 25, is originally from the Four Oaks area of Birmingham and attended Coppice Primary School, where she originally started playing hockey in year 10. From there, she went on

by Ryan Sparrow

Features Co-ordinator to play at Sutton Coldfield Hockey Club and eventually managed to play for the Team GB women's hockey team at the 2012 London Olympics, where she and her team won bronze medals. Unsworth, a former pupil of Coppice Primary School, went back to her old school with In-

vestec, who sponsored the Team GB women's hockey team, in partnership with Quicksticks to promote hockey to junior school children, donating hockey equipment to the school, hoping to eventually create the Olympians of tomorrow. She said “I was invited back by Coppice and Investec Quicksticks. Investec are sponsors of the England and GB women's hockey team and are now in

partnership with Quicksticks to get junior school children into hockey.” On the ability of the children she spent time with, she said “they're very good hockey players and at this school they do have a hockey club anyway. So they're all competent players which is a good sign for the future and hopefully, there's going to be some future Olympians training today”

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or 30-years, the Wesleyan Community Day Centre has been providing special care, attention and commitment to the care of the elderly in Birmingham, as a ‘thank you’ for the foundation laid by them as they fought, wholeheartedly, for the benefit of today’s generation. Based at the New Life Wesleyan Church, in Handsworth, the centre provides a range of activities that keeps their minds alive and buzzing to a level that is appreciated by younger peers that look to them for knowledge, wisdom and shared experience. Offering recreational activities, away-day trips, spiritual reflection and much more, it gives support to carers who themselves are looking for that extra hand. Run by Project Coordinator, Alf Grant and Project Manager, Florence Thomas, since 1983, community elders have been attending the Wesleyan Community Centre, from Monday to Friday, for the best service to stimulate and activate, in order that their collective experience will never go amiss. With a focus on issues including dementia and diabetes, programmes are set in place to help improve the quality of life they so deserve. Catering for people in and around the north of the city, its befriending service is said to be the best there is. Despite very limited finance, the first class provision of service, both at the centre and the superb mealson-wheels and home visits is second to none. They do get a level of advocacy service with certain providers. Alf, a trained social worker, says: “We have a commitment to our elders for what they did for us. Our service is fully appreciated by the attendees and we are always looking at ways to raise money to continue and expand.” They get sponsorship funding from Lloyds TSB, but is always looking for extra. Despite that, the Wesleyan Community Day Centre will continue to be that vital haven for a generation who paved the way.

The Phoenix – June 2013

Wesleyan Community Day Centre provides special care for special people

Sax Man!

Your local community entertainer!

Muslims urged to "Tell Mama" about hate crime


fficers in Birmingham have set up an innovative link with a national hate crime organisation to encourage members of the Muslim community to report hate crime. Tell Mama − a website set up for Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks − have been contacted by hate crime co-ordinator Gary Stack as part of a drive to increase third party reporting across the city. Following several meetings with PC Stack, it has begun working with local police teams

across the city to visit Mosques and community centres to raise awareness of hate crime reporting. The online third party reporting centre allows members of the Muslim community to contact the organisation directly to report incidents of concern. Third party reporting centres enable trained staff to take crime reports from community members who may not feel comfortable speaking directly to police. Birmingham now has more than 20 third party reporting centres in places, including the Deaf

Cultural Centre, the Disa b i l ity Resource Centre, Healthy Gay Life, the Birmingham Chinese Society and Mencap. PC Stack said: "We take all incidents involving hate crime extremely seriously and are working extremely hard to increase information around this traditionally under reported form

of crime. By working with specialist third party organisations such as Tell Mama, we hope to provide a helping hand to those suffering from hate crime by enabling them to report incidents at a location or on a website where they feel comfortable."

Have you got a story you think we should feature? Get in touch with newsdesk - 0121 250 3537

The Phoenix - June 2013


special plaque was unveiled in Birmingham in memory of an Oxford graduate whose later life saw him dying a lonely death, after a fire in a disused shed. Lester Kidd was a successful businessman after leaving the world famous seat of learning but, through mental illness, lost it all, with the final straw coming when he lost his flat and he ended up out on the streets with nowhere to live. People saw Jamaican-born Lester as a lovable eccentric riding around on his bicycle and doing odd jobs in his l Lester Kidd local Handsworth area before his death, at the age of 76, with the likelihood of a pauper’s funeral. Led by siblings, Delores and Hector Pinkney, the ‘Lester Kidd

Community Trust Fund,’ was formed to raise the necessary monies to afford him the dignified funeral he deserved, over 500 people paying last respects. The group now also supports people of West Indian and other ethnic backgrounds who have passed away with no next of kin to arrange their funeral. With ongoing help from the likes of local MP Khalid Mahmood, former British army soldier, Lee McDonald, well-respected community leader, Maxi Hales and Bob Balu of Handsworthbased Balu Travel, amongst many more, enough funds were raised for a plaque to be made in his memory. The plaque, which reads: “Handsworth remembers the great Lester Kidd: a man of the community who always gave a helping hand. Gone but not forgotten,” is now in place at Handsworth Library, on Soho Road.

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Community acknowledges plight of Oxford Graduate

Pictures by Tom Cotter

l Supporters of the Trust Fund with the new plaque, including Delores & Hector Pinkney, Lee McDonald, Pastor Bryan Scott and Pauline Ellis.

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Page 4


The Phoenix – June 2013

PCC Concern Over Government Proposals

G l Chef Vineet Bhatia, left, and Chef Ramzi Choueiri, right

World renowned TV Celebrity Chefs display cooking expertise at Qatar International Food Festival


atar Airways welcomed two of its culinary ambassadors back to Doha to tempt the taste buds of local foodies during the fourth Qatar International Food Festival. Award-winning celebrity TV chefs Ramzi Choueiri and Vineet Bhatia were last year appointed as two of the airline’s four new culinary ambassadors – creating the carriers’ new in-flight World Culinary Menu.

They return to cook up a storm at the special Qatar Airways’ Cooking Theatre, which took centre stage at the festival grounds of the Museum of Islamic Art Park. Joining them were German Junior Master Chef, Valentin Krapf, known for his menus featuring healthy snacks and treats aimed at young people interested in learning the art of cookery, and a favourite on the local restaurant scene, Grand Hyatt Doha’s Chef David Okuda.

Qatar Airways Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker said: “Chef Ramzi and Chef Vineet have helped take our inflight cuisine to new heights and we were extremely proud to announce our partnership with them last year,” he said. I know that Ramzi and Vineet are also delighted to be coming back to Qatar, where I’m sure they’ll receive a very warm welcome as they display their special and much-loved style of cooking in front of visitors of all ages.”

overnment proposals on a change to the law relating to anti-social behaviour, announced in the Queen's Speech have come under fire. Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands, Bob Jones, has expressed concern over what he feels are significant weaknesses. The proposals include replacing almost 20 powers to deal with anti-social behaviour with just six and also a new law establishing a 'community trigger', whereby police, councils and agencies would be forced to take action if five households made a complaint about anti-social l behaviour. Jones said “Last night, I met a community where the most significant deterrent from reporting to the police was fear of reprisal. The introduction of anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs) when a police or council officer could appear in court to give evidence rather than the local resident was a significant step forward.” “The new arrangements however have dropped the position where subsequent breach of an order becomes a criminal act with a civil action.”

West Midlands PCC, Bob Jones

The PCC added “This is a much less effective deterrent and is likely to increase the community fears about retaliation for providing information to the police. When this is coupled with previous decisions to force local agencies to have to go to court to deploy cameras for fly tipping and the removing of the legal basis for covert noise surveillance, it means that Community Safety Partners have less tools and a costlier and more bureaucratic, time consuming system when responding to

community needs. “The Community Trigger and new arrangement for Community Remedy also add needless bureaucracy that will mean greater difficulty in responding to the needs of victims and the community.” The PCC also expressed concern over plans to transfer funding for victim support services. He said “Whilst I am happy to take responsibility for commissioning victim support services, I am concerned that this will result in victims and witnesses support funding being split up with victims funding transferring to PCCs and witnesses funding remaining with government." “As victim and witness support services are overwhelmingly provided in an integrated way, usually by the same organisation, it make no sense to split them in the funding arrangements.” “This is likely to add to the bureaucracy with two commissioning structures causing uncertainty for voluntary organisations providing support to victims, having to satisfy two funding regimes rather than one.”

End to End– Review Ryan Sparrow

Features Co-ordinator



nd to End, the theatre production by Nottingham theatre group, The Gramophones, proved a huge success during its showing at the mac birmingham. Telling the story of a group of three girls who travelled from Land’s End to John O’Groats using a number of unconventional methods and not being known for doing anything the easy way, they set themselves the challenge of doing it on as many different forms of transport as they could get their hands on. To add to the difficulty of the trip, the trio had budgeted just one pound per mile for the 18 day, 874 mile journey, so were largely reliant on the kindness of strangers to travel across the country. These meetings form the main focus of the story. Artistic Director, Hannah Stone, said of the experience: “There was a bursary for some writers or theatre makers to go on a journey to make a piece of theatre about and we thought about

Picture by Tom Cotter going to Europe or America but then we realised that we don’t actually know Britain that well.” Addressing the dangers of hitch-hiking, the unsavoury characters met and the inevitable fall-outs through a combination of humour, charm and interactivity, End to End feels very real. You can tell that it is a journey that the performers have actually lived through and they don’t try to gloss over their troubles and strife. Fellow-performer, Ria Ashcroft, said: “We met some really lovely people. People just wanted to help us, which was really nice. We did a lot of hitch-hiking and met a lot of people who were

quite adventurous themselves. We met some really interesting characters along the way.” Kristy Guest, the third in the trio, said “We didn’t want to contrive a story. We wanted to experience it for what it was and then put all our experiences together.” An innovative, thought-provoking production End to End comes highly recommended, with its heart-warming message of trust in your fellow man by evoking the spirit of adventure in its audience. The Gramophones next production is The Smallest Light, which is sure to be just as evocative as the group try to make a difference.

The Phoenix - June 2013

Page 5


l L-R: Tim Venner, David Bucknall, Phil Bennett, JPR Williams, Gary Newbon, Willie Thorne

Lions legends roar out support for local community


ver £2500 was raised at a charity rugby dinner last month, which saw a number of British rugby legends in attendance. The dinner was hosted by financial planning and wealth management business, Jobson James Financial Services at the Botanical Gardens in aid of the regions local charity, Birmingham and Black Country Community Foundation which aims to improve the quality of life for disadvantaged communities in Birmingham and the Black

Country. Charles Stanley Group PLC, who own Jobson James, sponsored the dinner which was also sponsored by a number of leading local businesses, including DAC Beachcroft, Savills, Network Recruitment Partnership, Pertemps and DBS Law. Guests were royally entertained by special guests Welsh and British Lions legends, Phil Bennet and JPR Williams, with their tales of previous Lions tours, thoughts on the current stock of players and the recent win by Wales over England in Cardiff.

Tim Venner, Business Development Director for Jobson James, who organised the event said “Our annual Rugby dinner has become a signature event amongst Rugby supporters like me and this year it was again a great success. We are very pleased to have raised money which will benefit the local community and underprivileged children in the Ladywood area. We believe supporting our local community is a critical step in helping our region to thrive.”


Cheers for a special ‘Round-Robin’


s pubs and clubs are getting the ‘mother’ of all financial squeezes, some are still, steadfastly, keeping their heads safely above water and nowhere more so than in Birmingham and the surrounding West Midlands. For years now a large group of landlords have happily supported each other by way of regular ‘Round-Robin’ events-a given night, weekly-when a designated pub plays

host to fellow-landlords, guests and regulars for a night of drinks, food, music and fun. Come their night, it was a double-celebration for Moneague Wine Bar & Restaurant, in Birmingham. They took the opportunity to also celebrate their 3rd anniversary, with double the entertainment in one very full and unforgettable night. For Moneague, in Aston Cross Business Village in the city, it was typical of the high standard of business they attract, for the other landlords and managers, it’s a case of: “long-live the Round-Robin.” Cheers to that.

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The Phoenix – June 2013

A Unique Connection


ast month, The Phoenix Newspaper was invited to the Black Country Chamber of Commerce's latest table top exhibition and networking event at the Copthorne Hotel at Merry Hill in Dudley. The event, which was sponsored by Renault Wolverhampton, saw a number of local businesses in attendance to make connections and promote their services. As well as Renault Wolverhampton, who were showcasing their new Clio iteration, there were a range of diverse businesses present, from security companies to recruitment agencies. One such security company was Cougar (pictured, left), who offer a

range of security options for both businesses and individuals. Also in attendance were Kerry Collins (pictured, below), who offer recruitment services to businesses and aide them in hiring new staff. Chapman's Electrical (pictured, bottom left), provide a huge range of electrical goods for whatever your need, be it domestic or business. Also on hand, were Village Urban Resorts – Dudley (pictured, right ) who

have resorts throughout the country, where you can find everything you could possibly need for a trip away, including hotels, restaurants, gyms and meeting rooms amongst others. Other exhibitors included Wolverhampton Wanderers health team, who were promoting their health campaign and battle against diabetes; First Choice Promotions, who provide promotional merchandise; Direct Copiers Service, who specialise in the sale, rental and servicing of photocopiers and printers; Sports Plus Scheme, who specialise in delivering high quality sports and P.E. Coaching for schoolchildren; and Crowe Clark Whitehill, accountants offering their services in a range of business sectors.

Pictures by Tom Cotter


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The Phoenix - June 2013

Page 7


Edgbaston secures 4 year partnership with Octopus Investments

l Ed Hall and Clare Bramley from Comux, with Dr David Hardman, CEO of the Innovation Birmingham Campus


arwickshire County Cricket Club has secured Octopus Investments as an official partner for the next four years after confirming a deal for stadium branding and shirt sponsorship in the team’s Friends Life t20 matches. Octopus has taken prominent branding on Edgbaston Stadium’s new £32 million South

Local TV multiplex to operate from Innovation Birmingham Campus

Stand and will sponsor the collar of the Warwickshire Bears’ Friends Life t20 shirt. The firm will also take hospitality at the Bears’ Friends Life t20 fixtures and the tournament Finals Day, which takes place at Edgbaston for the next four years. Gareth Roberts, Commercial Director at Edgbaston Stadium, said: “Octopus Investments is one of the UK’s leading retail investment management firms, and securing the company within our commercial partners portfolio is a great asset to Edgbaston. With Finals Day here for the next four years, we’re delighted that Octopus will be part of this.” Founded in 2000, Octopus currently manages over £3 billion assets on behalf of 50,000 customers, and works closely with more than 3,000 financial advisers and wealth

C l Michael Piddock - Octopus managers across the UK. Michael Piddock, Marketing Director of Octopus Investments, said: “We’re pleased to be partnering with Warwickshire, completing our trio of Twenty20 cricket sponsorships for the upcoming season. Edgbaston is fast becoming the ‘Home of t20’, so this deal will play an important part in establishing Octopus’ support for the game.”

omux UK, the community not-for-profit business selected by Ofcom to build and operate the local TV broadcasting platform, will be located at Birmingham Science Park Aston’s Innovation Birmingham Campus creating 20 new jobs. It will occupy three suites of the Faraday Wharf building totalling 1,665 sq ft. One suite will be dedicated to broadcast operations, one will house the servers required to power the local TV stations that will be operational across the UK, with the third suite being occupied by the operations team. The Ofcom licence has been awarded to Comux for 12 years, selecting the location because of the provision of 2Gbit/s broadband connectivity. It is working with WarwickNet, the specialist Science Park provider of this infrastructure, to install the broadcast capability to each local TV station across the UK that has

been awarded an Ofcom licence. Comux UK Founder Ed Hall said: “Ofcom’s local TV initiative is one of the most exciting changes to the UK’s TV landscape for many years. Basing the Comux operation at the Innovation Birmingham Campus makes absolute business sense. For one, it is an urban location in the centre of the country with very good accessibility, but crucially it is one of the only places that is capable of providing the infrastructure we need to power a UK wide network of local TV stations. The Innovation Birmingham team has bent over

backwards to fulfil our unique requirements and we can’t wait to move in and set everything in place to enable the first 19 channels to commence broadcasting.” Dr David Hardman MBE, CEO of Innovation Birmingham said: “Attracting Comux to Birmingham is a huge coup for the city. Whilst there is much still to be done to enhance digital connectivity across Greater Birmingham, our strategic investment in 2Gbit/s broadband earlier this year has enabled us to meet Comux’s exacting location requirements. I am also delighted that this means 20 high-value jobs are being created here. The local TV initiative aims to create a vibrant network of stations that can serve local communities, improve local democracy and provide an alternative to the BBC’s services.

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The Phoenix – June 2013

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elcome to the June edition of The Phoenix Newspaper's Legal Services section. The next two months, as every law student will know, is training contract season, where thousands of prospective lawyers send in their applications to law firms

Ryan Sparrow

Features Co-ordinator



am a law graduate from Nottingham Trent University, having a particular interest in commercial areas of the law.

up and down the country. We at The Phoenix are here to help, as we have an interview with Wragge & Co's Chloe Lloyd, who discusses the training contract application and also offers a few handy tips. Also this month, we have a piece from the Birmingham Law Society on the changes to personal injury law.

Each month, we will bring you the latest legal news and advice, which is suitable to you with the full backing and support of the Birmingham Law Society. We will present editorial from participating law firms who feel the need to share some advice on the options available to a person in particular situations. It is hoped that this section will help to establish links between the legal profession and the wider public and break down barriers to legal advice for ordinary people.

Talking Training Contract Season with Wragge & Co


his month, I spoke to Chloe Lloyd, Graduate Recruitment Adviser at Wragge & Co, and asked her about training contract season, and for any tips for applicants. What Advice would you give to someone seeking a career in law? I think it’s really important to

think it through really carefully before you start on the path of a career in law. You don’t have to do a law degree; you can do a non law degree and still become a solicitor. I think that's really important because some people still don't know that. So it’s important to go to university and do a degree that you actually enjoy and then try and get as much information as possible by going to

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm Saturday & Sunday Closed

If you have any legal problems that you would like advice on, or if you would like to advertise in the Legal Services section, please email me at ryan.sparrow@ or you can follow us on Twitter: @ThePhoenix_Law.

law fairs, attending firm presentations, attending open days and trying to get vacation schemes to try and find out what it really means to be a solicitor. The solicitor role can be a varied one; it can range from a criminal solicitor in a small high street practice to being a corporate lawyer in a large commercial law firm. The difference between those two roles is significant. So you’ve got to think about what you are interested in doing because a career in law spans a huge variety of roles. You’ve really got to do your thinking at an early stage to understand what it is that you

Education Law Child Care Law Harassment Law

want from your career and what it is about the role that you think you will be good at and why it is attractive to you. It is an expensive process to train as a lawyer, so you don’t want to enter that lightly on the basis that you think you’ve got a vague idea of what this will involve and what the career means. You’ve really got to understand what it is that you want to do. What skills or attributes do you look for in a trainee? I think firms universally will be looking for similar skills in that they want someone who is

very good at team working. Being a solicitor is slightly different to being a barrister, in that a lot of work you do will be in a team, whereas working as a barrister can involve a lot more individual work on something, so you do need to work effectively in a team. You also need to have excellent communication skills. You’ve got to be able to explain difficult legal concepts in simple terms and that’s a skill that not easy to develop and also verbally, you’ve got to be able to build up a rapport with people. Clients will instruct people essentially that they enjoy working with,

so you’ve got to be able to build those relationships with people. Problem solving is another key skill. If clients come in to you with a problem that they want you to help them solve, you need to be able to deal with that. You also need to be identifying potential problems for your client, so proactively problem solving before they even realise For the full interview, visit

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The Phoenix - June 2013


The New Personal & Clinical Negligence Injury Rules


TOP TIPS Be wary of those offering gifts!

If someone is offering an iPad, cash or any other “prize” to sign up with a claims company or lawyer ask yourself who in the end is going to be paying for that? What level of service will you get after that expense has been met? As with lunches, there is no such thing as a free iPad. In fact most referral fee payments to or from lawyers or claims companies are now unlawful. Do you really want someone acting for you who is prepared to flout the rules? Do so at your peril as this firm may not be around for long!

Statistics, statistics and lies:

Don’t fall into the trap of just looking at headline numbers in adverts. Some companies may promise to pay you 90% or 100% of your compensation. However unless they have the skill and resources to win your case, 100% of nothing is nothing! And then beware those who offer the fastest settlement. Generally you only get one opportunity to bring a claim and if your medical condition is not yet resolved or not properly investigated settling too soon could leave you under-compensated. With the new regime there will be firms offering cheap deals. Ordinarily “cheap”come at the expense of service and the value of your award. You may not get a qualified solicitor looking after your interests and advising you about all of the issues. Your compensation may be lower than you are entitled to . In law as in life we generally get what we pay for! If you are unlucky enough to have been injured by someone else’s fault you at least deserve to get yourself independent and expert advice from a qualified lawyer. But you must decide. No-one else will be there to guide you once you sign up with the first claims company to come along. .

Damages based agreements

US style damages based agreements (DBAs) are now allowed. These can involve taking a straight 25 % of your money. Be wary of signing a DBA at any time and particularly straight after the accident. If you sign a DBA with a Claims Management Company, who then pass the actual work involved in your case onto a firm of Solicitors, you could find yourself paying twice - losing 25% of your damages to the Claims Management Company and

then a further payment to the lawyers for the work they do Indeed you may well ask yourself why do I need a middle man? What additional service is this person / agency doing that could not be offered by my going straight to a specialist Personal injury or Clinical Negligence Solicitor? Birmingham Law Society will be able to put you in touch with Solicitors who can deal with all of your claim from the beginning. Why lose more of your damages than necessary and why involve anyone else? There is no need.

Read Carefully

Never sign any document until you read it carefully. Ask yourself what am I signing? If you don’t understand it ask the person you are with to explain it in simple English. If in doubt question and requestion the same until you do. Take time to reflect. Take the document away to read at your leisure. Pressure sales techniques should ring alarm bells. No reputable solicitor will have any problem in addressing your issues.


Never be afraid to ask simple questions: What will you take out of my compensation? Do I have to pay anything up front? Will I have to pay anything if I lose? Who will be acting for me? Are you a qualified Solicitor or is your work supervised by a qualified solicitor and who? Expect simple answers.

es. I believe there should be a right to anonymity at arrest, but there will be circumstances in which the public interest means an arrested suspect should be named.”

give a whole life tariff.

by turning on a mobile phone inside his house.

Abu Qatada, the radical cleric said to be at the heart of al-Qaida linked activities in Britain, has been denied bail by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac). Qatada had been incarcerated in Belmarsh prison since March after breaching bail conditions

David Cameron has backed plans by Theresa May to introduce a 'right of anonymity' for people who are arrested but not charged with an offence. Under the plans, the suspect would then be publicly named when they are charged with an offence. The Home Secretary said “I strongly believe that there should be no right to anonymity at charge apart from in extremely unusual circumstanc-

Who you are instructing?

If you broke your leg would you go to see a qualified Doctor or would you instruct the herbalist down the road? Why treat your claim in any different way. Go to the specialists who have trained and are qualified in dealing with Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence. Experience and qualifications still count and you may be left with a significantly higher award. Never be frightened to ask about the qualifications and experience of the person who is dealing with your claim. Experience does not always mean higher costs. Lack of experience can on the other hand be very costly as to what you recover in the end!

The Marriage (Same Sex) Bill ahs passed through the House of Commons after the governmet managed to come to an agreement with Labour. 56 Tory backbenchers had supported a bill to give heterosexual couples the right to a civil partnership, a bill which would have delayed the same sex marriage bill, but this was defeated by a majority of 370. The bill must now pass through the House of Lords.

Chris Grayling's claims of public disillusionment in the legal aid system have been disproved by a suvey released last month. The ComRes poll shows that 70% of adults fear that the legal aid cuts could lead to innocent people being convicted. 67% believe that legal aid is a price worth paying for living in a fair society and 68% agree that legal aid is a worthwhile expense.

A lawyer in America has been suspended after applying a rather loose definition to the term 'legal services'. Thomas P. Lowe, from Minnesota, engaged in a sexual relationship with one of his clients who came to him seeking a divorce. The lawyer then billed his client for the time they spent having sex, as 'legal services' including 'meetings' and 'drafting memos'.


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hankfully many readers will never need to bring a claim for compensation as a result of an accident. However we suspect that many of you will know someone who has made a claim in the past and, through misfortune, a proportion of us may at some point in the future need to make a claim. On 1st April this year significant changes were introduced by the Government, in the rules under which claims for compensation for personal injury and clinical negligence are dealt with. These have a direct impact on anyone unfortunate enough to have been injured through no fault of their own. Some of the changes are set out in the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO). The rules are complicated and there are key differences for different types of claims , too many of which to mention in this short article. The overall effect of the changes is to make it highly unlikely that Solicitors can continue to guarantee that victims of accidents will receive 100% of their compensation. It is likely that in any claims for compensation started after 1st April claimants could be asked to pay up to 25% of their compensation in legal fees and in addition pay the cost of an insurance premium to cover them against the possible cost of losing the claim. The rules are complicated and open up new potential pitfalls that anyone thinking about bringing a claim should be aware of. You should give very careful thought to deciding who you instruct to deal with your case to ensure that you actually receive the compensation to which you are entitled and only pay out the minimum required:


tuart Hazell has been sentenced to life imprisonment, with a minimum term of 38 years in prison for the murder of his partner's granddaughter, Tia Sharp. Having previously denied the charges, on the fifth day of the trial Hazell changed his plea to one of guilty. Judge Justice Nicol said that there wasn't enough evidence to be certain that the killing was pre-meditated or sexually motivated and therefore couldn't

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The Cosmopolitan Cutting Edge Entertainment Magazine


elcome to the new exciting Street Cred Magazine entertainment and lifestyle section to be featured every month in the Phoenix Newspaper. Myself and assistant editor Daniel Riley will bring you the most funky and glamorous news in the Fashion world, weighty news in the music industry and keeping you in the know with what’s


really hot in gadgets. Street Cred brings to you what we see as the in thing. We are very excited about our collaboration with The Phoenix as we are able to reach more readers every month and of course these pages are only a teaser from our 100 page digital edition which you can view online at our website above. SC is always cutting edge bright and devoted to bringing

elcome to the first John’s Jokes, heres hoping you have a laugh!

John Kain is well known around the Science Park for his quick wit and often hilarious jokes.

positive news to our readers. We also accept editorial contributions and ideas you may have for our section. Street Cred entertainment is one of the biggest and most credible features you will ever find in a newspaper. We are a 16 year established name brand so what we will bring to you will be the very best international news.

Check out the newest edition of Street Cred out now! Mark Dwayne Daniel Riley Ian McLaughlin

Torvill & Dean’s A Free Meal for Dancing On Ice - The Fathers Day Final Tour 2014


We decided it was time to give him an outlet for his humour in the form of his own jokes column!

Mr & Mrs Explorer? It’s Social Services, we’re here to talk about your daughter, Dora... I was so unpopular as a child even my imaginary friend played with the other kids. Whats got 20 faces and 3 teeth? An episode of Jeremy Kyle! I went to the doctors last night complaining for feeling like a deodorant. “Are you Sure?” he said. Exaggerations went up by 1 million percent last year. I lent my mother-in-law £500 6 months ago but have no seen her since... Result! I was having dinner with MC Hammer and Chico and stupidly asked if they had the time. It was absolute carnage...

Johns Jokes

My Missus just found out I have replaced our bed with a trampoline. She hit the roof!

I see George Michael had a crash on the M1 the other day. When asked by the Police what happened he said “I was driving normally, then all of a sudden WHAM” Dec: It all boils down to this one spin of the wheel.Your girlfriend is in the audience tonight and said if you win the million pounds she is expecting a lavish wedding. So for 1 million pounds, is it red, or black? Me: Green. So I was getting my car insurance last week from Go Compare and the woman on the phone asked how I hear about them. I thought are you having a laugh?!

The Phoenix – June 2013

Compliments of


ayne Torvill, Christopher Dean and ITV have announced that Dancing on Ice will end next year and this will be followed by the last ever Dancing on Ice tour - a spectacular live show, that will perform at Birmingham’s NIA from 18-21 April 2014. Tickets are on sale now. Jayne and Chris said: "Next year will be the 30th anniversary of Bolero and our Olympic Gold medal in Sarajevo, so for us, it seemed a fitting time to say goodbye to Dancing on Ice. We wanted to go out on a high!” “But, we will not be retiring or hanging up our skates just yet. We are delighted to announce the last ever Dancing on Ice UK are-

na tour. We can't wait to be back on the road and we're already planning the show. It will be the biggest and best tour we've done to date and there will be some great surprises for the audiences across the country - we hope you will come and see us.” "We have loved every minute of Dancing on Ice, it has been a real pleasure to work on one of the UK¹s most popular entertainment shows. We will miss it hugely and would like to thank all of our fans for their continued support over the years." The 2014 Dancing on Ice tour will star skating legends Torvill & Dean and feature a host of celebrity skaters from the ITV show.


Black Exposure Live 2013 and The Phoenix Newspaper are giving you the chance to win a meal for you and your Father for Fathers Day 2013. All you’ve got to do to have a chance of winning is answer this simple question: Fill in the missing word in this song by Luther Vandross: “Dance with my _________ again” a) Dog b) Father c) Mother To be in with a chance of winning, email your answer along with your full name, address and telephone number to Competition closes at 23.59 on 13th June 2013.

The first 1 name drawn will win a meal for 2 at Deep. There is no cash alternative. Winners will be contacted on the 14th June 2013.

The Phoenix - June 2013

June 01 Miles Kane 07 Toro Y Moi CoN+KwAkE 07 Propaganda 07 Manifest Live 08 Catapult Club 08 We Are Saviours 11 Jurassic 5 12 Todd Rundgren’s Official State Visit 14 Propaganda 14 Catapult Club 15 Emma Scott Presents... 17 Peter Murphy Celebrates 35yrs of Bauhaus 20 Catapult Club 21 Propaganda 22 Orange 28 Propaganda 28 Catapult Club 28 MK1 29 Lovebite


June 01 Keyshia Cole 03 Chapel Club 04 The Family Rain 04 Takeover: Scott Mills + The Wombats 10 Mudhoney + Metz 11 James Skelly & The Intenders 12 Tegan and Sara 14 Mark Owen 14 Danny Brown 15 Summer Session 28 MD7 28 Vince Kidd 29 Salvation

Bass A5 Advert_V2.indd 1


June 08 Moody Blues 11 Neil Young & Crazy Horse 16 Shafqat Amanat Ali 17-18 Rihanna 19-20 Rod Stewart 23 Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons 28 The Who 29 Gateway 2013


June 01 Anglo-Welsh Festival of Male Choirs 03 Town Hall Tour 05 Tamsin plays Beethoven 07 Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells ‘For Two’ 09 Grimethorpe Colliery Band 17 Lunchtime Organ Concert Thomas Trotter Summer Request Concert 17 Ron Sexsmith 21 Premiere Britain 22 Bollywood 100 Memories 23 Sing Live: Stage and Screen 24 Kerry Ellis & Brian May 26 Lucinda Williams 29 2013 Brant International Piano Competition, Birmingham: The Final 30 Phoenix Singers: The Peacemakers by Karl Jenkins


May 25 - June 16 The Orchestra Dream 01 Musical Picnic: Afro Mio 03 Lunchtime Organ Concert Thomas Trotter with Celia Craig 04 Jazzlines Free Gigs: In Memory

of Abram Wilson 07 Jazzlines Free Gigs: Audience Award 2012 Runners Up Steve Ajao and The Blues Giants 07 Bryn Terfel 11 Bonnie Raitt plus special guests 12 Three Phantoms 13 CBSO Schools Concerts: Birmingham History 14 Jazzlines Free Gigs: Tony Woods and Lyric Ensemble 14 2001: A Space Odyssey 14 Earthrise 15 Universe of Sound Family Day 15 Holst’s The Planets 16 Lisa Stansfield 17 Josh Groban 18 Hugh Laurie 20 Symphony Hall Tour 20 Beyond Classical: Chopin Masterpieces and More 20 CBSO Flowers and Fables 21 Jazzlines Free Gigs: Afro Mio 21 CBSO Ol’ Blue Eyes 22 Mid-day Mantra: Sanju Sahai 22 Wagner’s Ring: Siegfried 23 George Thorogood and The Destroyers 27 Folk For Free: Wooden Horse 27 CBSO The Birmingham Beethoven Cycle: Symphonies 8 & 9 28 Jazzlines Free Gigs: Reuben James & Soul Train 28 Jonathan & Charlotte 29 Sax In The City With The Notebenders 30 Bob Brolly and Friends 2013 Charity Concert

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The Cosmopolitan Cutting Edge Entertainment Magazine BIRMINGHAM O2 ACADEMY


May 31-June 02 World Duty Free (Public) 04-06 Total Processing & Packaging (Trade) 04-06 Subcon 2013 (Trade) 04-06 Advanced Manufacturing Show (Trade) 05-06 Logistics Link Live(Trade) 11-13 AVEX 2013 Vending & Water Exhibition (Trade) 12-16 BBC Gardeners’ World Live (Public) 12-16 BBC Good Food Show Summer (Public) 22-23 Rezzed (Public) 26 Commercial Finance Expo


June 01 Jimmy Carr - Gagging Order 2nd date (Civic Hall) 01 Blast Off Clubnight (Wulfrun Hall) 06 Jools Holland and his Rhythm & Blues (Civic Hall) 06-08 Wolverhampton Beer Festival - 38th (Wulfrun Hall) 08 Blast Off Clubnight (Civic Hall) 13 Joe Satriani (Civic Hall) 14-15 Bill Bailey - Qualmpeddler (Civic Hall) 20 Danzig - 25th Anniversary Tour (Civic Hall) 28 ELO Experience - Mr. Blue Sky Tour (Wulfrun Hall) 29 Sickle Cell Charity Fundraiser Gospel Concert (Civic Hall)

Eddie at the NIA and on top form


ast month, Eddie Izzard descended upon Birmingham’s National Indoor Arena for 2 nights to a rapturous welcome. Bringing his iconic blend of observational and sometimes historical comedy, Eddie referenced a number of his past tours in this set which pleased new and long time fans alike. With topics ranging from Dres-

sage Burglary and Musicals, to a return to a Canteen far far away, this time however with God alongside Darth Vader, Izzard produced a hilarious variety of topics that kept everyone laughing from start to finish. Regardless if you chose Cake or Death, or requested the last Penne al'arrabiata at the Death Star canteen, if you have a chance to see Eddie at his remaining June UK dates, get your tickets ASAP before he takes his Force Majeure tour to Russia and South Africa.

20/05/2013 16:18

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The Phoenix – June 2013

The Cosmopolitan Cutting Edge Entertainment Magazine

BIGScreen Edited by Ian McLaughlin

Fast And Furious 6 (12A)*** Starring Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez, Gina Carano, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Ludacris. Directed by Justin Lin


iesel, Walker, Johnson and company race into our cinemas for a sixth time with this latest entry in the increasingly bonkers Fast & Furious franchise, which continues to move away from its street racing origins and create its own car-racing-crimethriller genre. A better term for that is needed! The story here picks up after the events of Rio with the gang all fabulously wealthy and in hiding from Interpol's Agent Hobbs (Johnson). But he soon needs to enlist their help in tracking down a far deadlier criminal gang run by some English bloke named Owen Shaw (Evans) who

is in the process of stealing some hi-tech military hardware. It turns out that this gang includes Dom’s (Diesel) former flame Letty (Rodriguez), who was apparently killed at the end of the fourth instalment. In return for their cooperation they will all receive full-pardons and so they team up with Hobbs which then leads to a lot of driving cars, blowing things up and trading the types of cheesy one-liners that would make even Schwarzenegger blush. Anyone going into this expecting some clever, well-scripted and subtle thriller has almost no chance of finding anything to enjoy here. The action is over the top, and if I am being gener-

ous the dialogue is utterly atrocious and the acting ranges from wooden to cheesy. But for those who want to watch cars perform ridiculous stunts, watch The Rock beat the living crap out of people and wonder whether or not Diesel is capable of playing any other character, this is the perfect film. Now I was not the biggest fan of the franchise but Fast 5 was strangely brilliant and though this doesn’t manage to reach quite the same heights, it is still great fun. Obviously, even if you leave your brain in your other car, there is still plenty to moan about with this film. While cars are speeding down roads or blows are being traded in one of the many well

choreographed fight scenes there is little to complain about, but all too often we are treated to some overly sentimental moments between Brian and Dom, Brian and Mia, Dom and Letty or Dom and Hobbs. Surely it is only a matter of time before Fast & Furious morphs into a ‘heart warming love story’ between these two? There is a 20-odd minute period during the middle of the film where I totally lost interest as the racing/fighting/hilarious one-liners were cast aside and the sen-

timental stuff took centre stage. But for all its horrific dialogue, its predictable plot and the deluded idea that we actually care about these characters, this is a stupendously enjoyable film. I can genuinely say that I have not laughed more at a film this year though I don’t know if all of those laughs were intended by the scriptwriters (I somehow think they weren’t). It is an utterly ridiculous film which, when not entertaining the audience with hilarious dialogue, pulls out

some gloriously stupid set-pieces. At one point during a chase involving a tank, Dom appears to gain the power of flight, while the final set-piece takes place on an apparently never-ending airport runway. Special mention must also go to the very last scene of the film which brought about an almighty cheer from the audience. Stick your brain into neutral and enjoy one of the most enjoyable rides of the summer.

Christopher Nolan in talks to direct Bond 24


umours have bounded across the internet recently that Christopher Nolan has been approached about directing the next instalment in the iconic

ack in 2009, J.J. Abrams rebooted the Star Trek movie franchise with a thrilling mix of emotion, humour and adventure in a parallel universe where this crew have to find their own paths. Four years later and he is taking us into daring and action-packed darkness but also remembering to leave room for these characters to grow. Great visuals, spectacular set design and spiralling starships deliver an immersive high that will leave you buzzing. The dazzling red landscape of Nibiru and the grey, sleek skyline of London 2259.55 are the backdrops to this fast-paced instalment. The story is set into motion with a bold act of terror by John Harrison (Cumberbatch), which leads into the exploration of this malevolent character and the reasons for his despicable actions. Military command and personal responsibility split crew members’ allegiances, just as the viewer's own sympathies alter throughout in reaction to every twist and turn, but to reveal any more would ruin the fun. Overall, it's all a glorious display of technological know-how and cinematic imagination. Apart from the grand set designs, which are stunning and seen through the blue hue of

James Bond franchise. A newspaper report claims “It’s early days, but informal talks have begun between Nolan, his representatives and the powers behind the James Bond pictures, Barbara

Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson.” Nolan has openly expressed his love for the Bond series and is known to be a fan of Daniel Craig, so an interest into the next film wouldn’t be completely out of the

question. It probably is worth remembering that Nolan is about to begin filming INTERSTELLAR, his latest film with Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Matthew McConaughey

and Michael Caine, so he would be heading from one large project to another if he were to take on BOND 24. Here’s hoping he can juggle the workload!

Star Trek Into Darkness (12A)***** lens flare (introduced in the first film and this time turned up to eleven), the characters are the strongest asset here and are brought to life by the stellar cast. The special spark between Spock and Kirk is the emotional core of the film as their bond deepens into friendship. Spock’s emotions and relationships are

Starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Benedict Cumberbatch Directed by J.J. Abrams

brought to the forefront as his amorous affair with Uhura is tested right from the start. Actors Quinto, Saldana and Pine all get time to shine with funny and poignant moments, but Abrams is careful not to dwell too long before interrupting with a big bang or fast-paced action sequence, which again all

three get to have fun with in this sequel. The highly-strung Bones gets some great one-liners and Karl Urban delivers them brilliantly. On the other hand, a baffling scene involving Dr. Carol Marcus (British actor Trevor Eve’s real life daughter, Alice Eve) appearing in her underwear for no apparent reason is

a waste of time. As for Benedict Cumberbatch's villain, he simply oozes intensity as he swoops across planets and collides with his foes. Into Darkness does lack some of the emotional punch of the 2009 Star Trek and it would seem that the writing team of Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman

and Damon Lindelof didn’t have a clear idea of what the sequel would entail from the start of this franchise, but they’re also aware the characters are cherished for their traits and they play with this very well. They examine the blurry line between good and evil, explore the destructive nature of man and tackle the implications involving the creation of intelligent weaponry with some bold moves. That said, the need to entertain with battles, phaser fights and hand-to-hand combat takes over quite quickly. There are also some clever touches such as a tribute to author Ray Bradbury in the naming of a USS vessel and Simon Pegg’s Scotty coming into his own and is clearly having fun. Abrams laid down the foundations and origin stories in the first film, couching them in a full-throttle, high-octane adventure. The sequel is more of a pensive journey of discovery, one that delivers a perilous but ultimately somewhat familiar ride. This works in its favour in that it allows the characters to mature into their iconic roles, but it also results in some loss of freshness and suspense; the amazing action sequences, impressive effects and spectacular starships are sure to bring a beaming smile to your face though.

The Phoenix - June 2013

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The Phoenix takes to the air!



y t i n u O m m Co Slot

rom the airwaves to the print page ‘ We l c o m e to ‘LJ’s Community Slot’. Most of you will have heard of me on the airwaves as I am currently the Breakfast Presenter with Newstyle Radio Birmingham Community Radio Station on 98.7fm, on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday Mornings 7-10am. A little background info on ‘LJ’, my interest in media began whilst writing netball articles, through my love for sports and from watching different sports programmes, mainly football when I discovered that I had a natural flow with the commentary. In 2004 I entered a Radio 5 Competition to win a chance to be a commentator at the Olympics in Athens, and won the regional round, but did not make it to Athens, however the participation left an indelible impression on me. My first break in radio came when I met an old friend who was convinced that I had something to offer. So in August 2003 he invited me to be a co-host on his show at Newstyle radio. It’s been quiet a journey but I love every minute of my learning. This lead to me

becoming a main presenter not on one but two Drive Time Slots weekly. My shows cover all aspects of news, but my main feature is the community and especially the children, and now I am presenting three Breakfast shows a week. I have a specific corner in my Breakfast Show known as the ‘Children’s Corner’ 8.25am-8.40am, where I do a school roll call and run competitions for the children. It is quite simple I love my community, and I am proud of my heritage, you will hear me talk openly about my passion for Jamaica, last year Jamaica 50 was a very special year in my life and I’ve never felt more proud. This has a lot to do with that I spent my early years there and I went to school there, and I truly believe this is what gave me a good grounding of my roots and culture. I also have a lighter side as I love sport, and I am a female serious about her football; I have much love for my team Aston Villa F.C. So look out for some exciting community information in ‘LJ’s Community Slot’! Thank you in advance your welcoming me to be a part of your Phoenix Newspaper.

ne of features of my show is to share the positive things happening in our community, so it was my pleasure to welcome to New Style Radio the CEO of the Phoenix Newspaper, Marcia McLauglin of Birmingham's leading Community Paper The Phoenix to the station. The paper has been in publication just 3 years, but it is growing from strength to strength, they are currently distributing 40,000 copies across the West Midlands, East Midlands, Yorkshire, Worcester, Black Country and to outlets in London, reaching over 400,000 readers monthly with an online readership on top of that. However the Phoenix is now taking on an International feel, covering stories all over the Caribbean as well as other different countries and communities. Fresh from her trip to Trinidad and Tobago where Marcia was invited by the Minster of Tourism who were so impressed with the publication of the paper, they have now opened negotiations to send regular information from Trinidad to across the Atlantic. This is the start of a new horizon and exciting times for The Phoenix, make sure you get your monthly copy from your local outlets.


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OSCAR BIRMINGHAM Sickle Cell Anaemia Relief and Thalassaemia Disorders who may be socially disadvantaged due to social exclusion or lack of support. OSCAR have 3 back to back events to raise funds for this very needy cause. This started on Sunday with a Charity football match between the Santos Old Boys v Rueben King Select 11 which included former professionals like Darius Vassell and Darren Byfield who were delighted to be part of this event to help raise money for a good

cause. Next event will be a Fund raising and Edutainment Evening on Wednesday 5th June 2013 at Copthorne Hotel, to be hosted by Wil Johnson. OSCAR will hold it’s first OSCARthon, where you can come and run, walk, cycle your way around Handsworth Park on Saturday 15th June starting at 11 am,opened up by Councillor Paulette Hamilton. This is all ahead of Sickle Cell Awareness Day which is Wednesday 19th June.

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his months community feature is about OSCAR Birmingham, The Organisation For Sickle Cell Anaemia Relief and Thalassaemia Support. This is a voluntary organisation and registered charity established in 1974 primarily to promote greater awareness of Sickle Cell Anaemia Relief and Thalassaemia Disorder (SCD’s). OSCAR Birmingham aims to support individuals affected by

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The Cosmopolitan Cutting Edge Entertainment Magazine


Android powered Internet TV Box and Mini PC


ake 2 Technology, a leading provider of mobile and wireless computing solutions, today announced the general availability of the DH2 Android 4.2 Internet TV Box & mini PC with 5.0MP Camera and AIR mouse QWERTY keyboard. The DH2 is a Google Android mini PC, internet TV, gaming machine and video conferencing device with a built-in 5.0MP camera and Wi-Fi. This small black box packs a powerful punch and has the support of Google's Android platform offering thousands of downloads from the Android store. The DH2 supports all of the current social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and video conferencing using Skype and the built-in camera via your home TV. The DH2 is Wi-Fi enabled and enables you to log in into your Google account and you can start streaming movies, downloading 3D games or even renting movies from Google Play, Netflix

and other internet film channels, which look great as the device supports up to full HD resolution. Day time terrestrial channels can be viewed by downloading applications like Catch Up TV, BBC iPlayer, ITV Player etc. Browsing the web is easy too, as the HD2 comes with a 2.4GHz wireless AIR mouse QWERTY keyboard that allows you to type web searches, domain names and emails. The DH2 brings the power of your Android smartphone to a mini PC format and offers a mobile experience in a desk top environment with additional

If you’re not aware of the Humble Bundle idea, it’s time you were! The “Pay what you want” System they have in place allows you to pay whatever you feel is an appropriate amount for the games in the bundle. The start of June sees an Indie bundle with a number of Indie titles there for your pleasure. If you pay over the average price, you get extra games for your donation! Depending on how you split it, a portion of your donation goes to Charity. Gaming for Good!


ouse of the Dead: Overkill – The Lost Reels is a happy tappy shooter from SEGA, complete with the blood, guts and extreme overkill you’re used to from the House of the Dead franchise.

The Phoenix – June 2013

From the basic handgun to the obliterating Minigun, there is a large arsenal of buyable and upgradable weapons at your disposal to remove the limbs and heads from your zombie adversaries. With a number of different types of enemies, the game mixes up your playstyle. The only downside to this game is that you only get access to 2 scenes for the £2.99 price tag, to play other scenes you need to purchase via in-app purchases. Overall, good gory fun, shame its over so quickly! 7/10

expansion capabilities through a mini USB, USB host, micro SD, HDMI, AV jack and audio jack ports. The DH2 Android 4.2 Internet TV Box & mini PC is available via and with an SRP £79.00 excl. VAT.

ay 21st saw the unveiling of the next generation Xbox console from Microsoft: The Xbox One. The Xbox Reveal event drove record-breaking viewership – with over 8.45 million people watching the Xbox Reveal event in the first 24 hours, rivaling one of the top-most concurrent streamed events of all time. At Microsoft Headquarters in Redmond, Wash., Interactive Entertainment Business president at Microsoft, Don Mattrick unveiled their vision for the future, an all-in-one gaming and entertainment system created for today and the next generation. The company showcased how Xbox One puts you at the center of all your games, TV, movies, music, sports and Skype. Gaming on Xbox One immerses gamers in cinematic worlds that look like real life, with characters that feel more human than ever before. AAA blockbuster titles unveiled for Xbox One include the following: Call of Duty : Ghosts, FIFA 14, Dark Souls 2, Splinter Cell Black-

list and Quantum Break. The completely redesigned, revolutionary 1080p Kinect is more precise, more responsive and more intuitive. Its unparalleled vision, motion and voice technology let you reach into games and entertainment like never before by dramatically expanding its field of view and fidelity. It works in nearly any lighting condition, recognizes precise motion control from a slight wrist rotation, and dis-

tinguishes your voice even in a noisy room using advanced noise isolation. To create the most advanced Xbox system ever designed for games, TV and entertainment, the Xbox team created a stateof-the-art gaming operating system and fused it with an equally amazing entertainment platform, resulting in no switching inputs to watch TV or play a game. An 8-core x86 processor and over five billion transistors make lag and load times a thing of the past, so you can instantly jump between your games and entertainment at lightning speed or run a host of apps right alongside your game with no loss in performance. How the Xbox One compares to the Playstation 4, and how the fans will react with their wallets will probably only be seen once both consoles are released.

The Phoenix–February 2013

Page 3


The Phoenix - June 2013


Hereward College students team up with The Phoenix Newspaper


tudents from Hereward College looking to move into a career in the Media and Journalism industry are to undertake a work placement at The Phoenix newspaper in Birmingham.

It is hoped that their time at the newspaper will encourage the students to become more confident in their skills and enhance their knowledge.

Some of the things the students will be doing include design work for the paper, writing articles for already established features and starting their very own features.

Working in partnership with the newspaper, Phoenix Managing Director Marcia hopes to help the students develop their knowledge and understanding of the world of media.

A student involved in the partnership, Katy Oakes, said, “I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills. I have already enjoyed the amount of freedom and creativity I have been allowed to have, it’s allowed me to progress quickly!”

Students will be given the chance to work with staff at the magazine to develop their own features which will be featured either in The Phoenix or in our sister publication, Street Cred.

With a diverse range of students, it is hoped that the students will bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the paper and help further promote it within the local community we serve.

The Phoenix Managing Director commented “I am excited to be working with the students of Hereward College to not only help them develop themselves but also to develop this paper. The skills that these students have already shown to us make me confident that big things will be happening in the near future. Watch this space!”


Page 15

who will oversee their work and give them help on how to improve. Students will be given the opportunity to work either from college or they can work in the office and get a feeling for journalistic life. Phoenix Managing Director added “We are looking forward to letting the students into our office and giving them a real taste of what it is like in the world of media work. They will be given the chance to work with our own designers and writers to further their own knowledge.

To support the students, they will be guided and helped by senior staff at the newspaper

I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills.

About us

Hereward College is a general FE College in Coventry providing both day and residential places. We welcome all students including those with diverse and complex support requirements. In addition to residential students, day disabled an non disabled students also attend the college.

College Address:

Hereward College Bramston Crescent Tile Hill Coventry CV4 9SW Tel: 02476 461231 Fax: 02476 694305

Why St. Mathews CoE is amongst Britain’s best


nder the guidance of forward-thinking staff, the future of a thriving multicultural Britain is in safe hands in the guise of St. Mathews Church of England School. Led by Headteacher, Paulette Osborne, the school has proved to be a beacon of hope, expectation and the highest of standards in a sea of league tables and financial cut backs. The two-form school, in Nechells, Birmingham, has created such a stir that parents are applying from far and wide to get their children in. A multi-faith school, St. Mathews has a take-up of 210 pupils, between the age of 4 and 11, with each class provided with a Teachers Assistance, giving each individual pupil the highest attention needed to make their education the best and most enjoyable ever. Ms. Osborne has built an educational environment that is the envy of schools and other seats of learning, throughout. Not simply relying on the LEA,


apper, Jay-Z, has launched a scholarship programme for students in need of financial support to aid their education. The Shawn Carter Scholarship Fund, established by the international rapper, who uses his real name, and his mother, Gloria, offers a unique opportunity to students who have been incarcer-

ated or faced particular life challenges but still want to pursue higher education. The SCSF provides individual grants ranging from $1,500 to $2,500 to every student who qualifies and reapplies yearly, from admission to graduation. Applicable to students up to age 25, the scholarship can be used for tuition, room and board, books, fees and other college-

related expenses. All high school seniors, undergraduate students at two-year or four-year institutions and vocational or trade school students are eligible. The programme gives them a chance that most other programmes do not offer and is a firm believer in helping young people not only reach their career goals but also establish a secure future.

the school has massive support from big business, with international legal firm, Pinsent Masons, offering sponsorship support for educational programmes there, which includes mentoring and special tuition as extra. Senior Mentor, Karen Oram, an equally integral part of St. Mathews’ success, provides her own support to both pupils and parents: “If the parents are happy, their children are happy,” she says. A Birmingham native, Ms. Osborne enthuses: “We re-wrote the curriculum to suit Nechells. An example of that is to incorporate a wider spectrum in history that relates to the racial diversity that makes up the school and the area itself. Our pupils are very much familiar with today’s history too. It’s also important that the children here connect with the wider world-geographically and socially. We do a lot of charity work, with our connection with a school in Gambia and we have also created sustainable living quarters for the local homeless.

The school’s environmental programme is sponsored by HSBC Bank, who has created a playing area that is a joy for the children. They pay for all their musical instruments and, with support from the parents, offer extra tuition to those identified as the best in school. It’s a 96% attendance at St. Mathews C of E and that’s why it’s in the top 100 schools, based on sustained improvement in Level 4+ performance, in Britain. Recognised for the work carried out by Ms. Osborne and her dedicated team, the school has been getting attention from a mass number of media outlets, with them recently being the main focus on NewStyle Radio 98.7fm and its star presenter, LJ- who is also a Phoenix Newspaper columnist- who was at St. Mathews to make sure her listeners were weary of the outstanding achievements by an outstanding school.

The Phoenix–February 2013

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Grand opening for impressive new school


Wo l v e r h a m p t o n School was officially opened last month following a multi-million pound refurbishment to improve learning for its many young pupils. Wednesfield High School, on Lichfield Road, was opened by MP for Wolverhampton, Emma

Future Programme. The first two phases in buildinf the school were finished last September, with the opening last month marking the completion of the project. The project saw a number of new feautures added to the school, including a new Science, Technology, Engineering

Reynolds in an event feauturing music from the Wednesfield School Choir, presentations, a tour of the school and showings of public art. The school has benefited from the investment of £15 million from Wolverhampton City Coucil in the first phase of their £270 million Building Schools for the

and Mathematics (STEM) block, which caters for 900 pupils, as well as new community facilities such as the sports hall, multi-use games area, changing rooms and parking being opened to the public. The STEM block provides necessary skills and learning for young people as they bid to earn

Hereward College students team up with The Phoenix Newspaper


tudents from Hereward College looking to move into a career in the Media and Journalism industry are to undertake a work placement at The Phoenix newspaper in Birmingham.

It is hoped that their time at the newspaper will encourage the students to become more confident in their skills and enhance their knowledge.

Some of the things the students will be doing include design work for the paper, writing articles for already established features and starting their very own features.

Working in partnership with the newspaper, Phoenix Managing Director Marcia hopes to help the students develop their knowledge and understanding of the world of media.

A student involved in the partnership, Katy Oakes, said, “I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills. I have already enjoyed the amount of freedom and creativity I have been allowed to have, it’s allowed me to progress quickly!”

Students will be given the chance to work with staff at the magazine to develop their own features which will be featured either in The Phoenix or in our sister publication, Street Cred.

With a diverse range of students, it is hoped that the students will bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the paper and help further promote it within the local community we serve.

The Phoenix Managing Director commented “I am excited to be working with the students of Hereward College to not only help them develop themselves but also to develop this paper. The skills that these students have already shown to us make me confident that big things will be happening in the near future. Watch this space!”


who will oversee their work and give them help on how to improve. Students will be given the opportunity to work either from college or they can work in the office and get a feeling for journalistic life. Phoenix Managing Director added “We are looking forward to letting the students into our office and giving them a real taste of what it is like in the world of media work. They will be given the chance to work with our own designers and writers to further their own knowledge.

To support the students, they will be guided and helped by senior staff at the newspaper

I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills.

About us

Hereward College is a general FE College in Coventry providing both day and residential places. We welcome all students including those with diverse and complex support requirements. In addition to residential students, day disabled an non disabled students also attend the college.

College Address:

Hereward College Bramston Crescent Tile Hill Coventry CV4 9SW Tel: 02476 461231 Fax: 02476 694305

apprenticeships and jobs in the future as Wolverhampton’s engineering sector continues to grow. Head teacher Claire Evans said “These new facilities are now the start of the journey for the school to provide the highest quality education for our young people.

We will be eternally grateful for the opportunities that have been given to us through the delivery of this fantastic new school and look forward to the exciting times ahead."

The Phoenix – June 2013

Tomorrows engineers shine with award


alented young engineers were honoured by Birmingham Lord Mayor, Councilor John Lines. The Queen’s Silver Jubilee Engineering Award – set up by the City Council – was created to encourage and reward engineering students in higher education who study in the city. The project was approved by Her Majesty the Queen during the Silver Jubilee. Universities involved including Aston University, Birmingham City University and University of Birmingham asked their most promising engineer students to submit nominations in order to be considered for the prestigious award. This year’s winner, Greg Carty, 22, from University of Birmingham, received the Award and also claimed a financial prize of £700, with 23-year-old Mikkel Andersen runners-up. Winner, Greg Carty from Uni-

versity of Birmingham said: “For my work to be recognised by industry professionals is fantastic. I’m thrilled to have won this award, it’s a great opportunity. I’m sure this award, along with the completion of my studies, will put me in a better position to secure a job in design consultancy engineering.” Lord Mayor Councillor John Lines said: “With a background in engineering, I have enjoyed playing my part in helping to nurture the best engineering students in the city. Given the standard of the work presented by the winner and runner-up, I am confident both students have a bright future in their chosen area of the engineering world.” Finalists gave a presentation to the panel which included their ambitions and future aspirations, industrial/business placement or work experience and academic achievement including any innovation.

Looking for a café in Erdington where you can meet friends and get fresh homemade food and drink at reasonable prices? Looking for a room for your group to meet in at an affordable price? Looking for a local venue for your events?

St Barnabas Church Centre in Erdington may be the answer. • • • • •

Located in the heart of Erdington An excellent range of flexible spaces for your meeting or event Our café is open Monday-Saturday 10.00am-4.00pm Homemade cakes, sandwiches, soups A range of drinks including cappuccino, latte & our famous hot chocolate

As the parish church for Erdington you are very welcome to join us at one of our services (Sundays at 10.30am and Wednesdays at 12.00). Call in to see for yourself or contact Paul for more details. Paul Hanna 0121 306 4820 St Barnabas Church Centre High Street Erdington Birmingham B23 6SY

St Barnabas - a hub for all communities


fter suffering devastating fire damage, in 2007, St. Barnabas Church, in Birmingham, has become a vital and much-used hub for a community that thrives on its multicultural spirit and overwhelming powers of unity. An oasis on Erdington High Street, it is now very much more than a place of worship. Its glass facade creating an inviting environment for all, doors are open every day during the day, with its Harbour Café, a spacious, up-to-the-minute welcoming café, catering for young and

old, of any denomination, offering a wide range of good value drinks and home-made food, using locally-sourced ingredients, where possible, throughout. It is a perfect location to meet up with friends for a drink, a meal or just a chat and there’s also excellent wifi facilities as well as ongoing news and information through television monitors throughout. St Barnabas gives you the chance to meet in an iconic and memorable building, offering a great venue for meetings, events and training with a range of flexible and well-appointed spaces

available for hire anytime offering friendly and efficient service, flexible rooms set to your needs, fully integrated AV and a range of reasonably-priced catering options including the ground floor Harbour Café As the Parish Church for Erdington, services of Holy Communion are held on Sundays and Wednesdays with special services at Christmas, Easter and other important times during the year. They will also help you with any celebrations you like. Find out more at

The Phoenix–February 2013

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The Phoenix - June 2013


Hereward College students team up with The Phoenix Newspaper


tudents from Hereward College looking to move into a career in the Media and Journalism industry are to undertake a work placement at The Phoenix newspaper in Birmingham.

It is hoped that their time at the newspaper will encourage the students to become more confident in their skills and enhance their knowledge.

Some of the things the students will be doing include design work for the paper, writing articles for already established features and starting their very own features.

Working in partnership with the newspaper, Phoenix Managing Director Marcia hopes to help the students develop their knowledge and understanding of the world of media.

A student involved in the partnership, Katy Oakes, said, “I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills. I have already enjoyed the amount of freedom and creativity I have been allowed to have, it’s allowed me to progress quickly!”

Students will be given the chance to work with staff at the magazine to develop their own features which will be featured either in The Phoenix or in our sister publication, Street Cred.

With a diverse range of students, it is hoped that the students will bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the paper and help further promote it within the local community we serve.

The Phoenix Managing Director commented “I am excited to be working with the students of Hereward College to not only help them develop themselves but also to develop this paper. The skills that these students have already shown to us make me confident that big things will be happening in the near future. Watch this space!”


Page 17

who will oversee their work and give them help on how to improve. Students will be given the opportunity to work either from college or they can work in the office and get a feeling for journalistic life. Phoenix Managing Director added “We are looking forward to letting the students into our office and giving them a real taste of what it is like in the world of media work. They will be given the chance to work with our own designers and writers to further their own knowledge.

To support the students, they will be guided and helped by senior staff at the newspaper

I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills.

About us

Hereward College is a general FE College in Coventry providing both day and residential places. We welcome all students including those with diverse and complex support requirements. In addition to residential students, day disabled an non disabled students also attend the college.

College Address:

Hereward College Bramston Crescent Tile Hill Coventry CV4 9SW Tel: 02476 461231 Fax: 02476 694305

St Barnabas Church proves successful for jobs fair


he newly restored St Barnabas Church, in Erdington, Birmingham, was the serene, apt venue for the local Jobcentreplus jobs fair which was a great success as job seekers attended in their hundreds. The all day event, last month, saw a number of recruiters and recruitment advisers on hand to help the job seekers gain employment, training opportunities and advice on where best to move forwad. There were also a number of CV workshops available throughout the day, helping people to improve their CVs and increase their chances of gaining future employment. The Church, which recently went through a £5 million renovation after it was devastated by a fire in an arson attack, in 2007, provided greater facilities including a glass fronted cafe and

a community centre, as well as a number of rooms available to hire for the day and future functions and events. Amongst the recruiters there, was Mecury Training, who offer free security training and the possibility of starting your career as a security guard in a matter of eight weeks,, a website dedicated to employment in the construction industry, Synapse, who, in conjunction with Elmfield Training, offer a 4 week course to help build a number of important skills to ultimately help people obtain work. Many people have left the event with a greater chance of obtaining work and may have already signed up to some courses on show at the job fair. Carol Burtford from Sutton Coldfield Training was one of the stallholders: “We managed to fill three courses, including two

teacher training courses and also an eight week social care course. This event proved very successful for us,” she said. There was also a lot of information available regarding apprenticeships, with a number of the recruitment advisers on hand to help out with queries and even offer apprenticeships to certain people on the spot. One successful applicant was 23-year-old Mehnaz Khan, from Erdington: “I managed to obtain an administration apprenticeship with EAT which I’m very happy about 18-year-old Liberty Timmins, who also attended, said: “I managed to apply for voluntary work as well as enquired about the TA, so things are looking up for me.” Overall, the event was a huge success, with people gaining the information and help necessary to gain employment.

The Phoenix–February 2013

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Hereward College students team up with The Phoenix Newspaper


tudents from Hereward College looking to move into a career in the Media and Journalism industry are to undertake a work placement at The Phoenix newspaper in Birmingham.

It is hoped that their time at the newspaper will encourage the students to become more confident in their skills and enhance their knowledge.

Some of the things the students will be doing include design work for the paper, writing articles for already established features and starting their very own features.

Working in partnership with the newspaper, Phoenix Managing Director Marcia hopes to help the students develop their knowledge and understanding of the world of media.

A student involved in the partnership, Katy Oakes, said, “I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills. I have already enjoyed the amount of freedom and creativity I have been allowed to have, it’s allowed me to progress quickly!”

Students will be given the chance to work with staff at the magazine to develop their own features which will be featured either in The Phoenix or in our sister publication, Street Cred.

With a diverse range of students, it is hoped that the students will bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the paper and help further promote it within the local community we serve.

The Phoenix Managing Director commented “I am excited to be working with the students of Hereward College to not only help them develop themselves but also to develop this paper. The skills that these students have already shown to us make me confident that big things will be happening in the near future. Watch this space!”


who will oversee their work and give them help on how to improve. Students will be given the opportunity to work either from college or they can work in the office and get a feeling for journalistic life. Phoenix Managing Director added “We are looking forward to letting the students into our office and giving them a real taste of what it is like in the world of media work. They will be given the chance to work with our own designers and writers to further their own knowledge.

To support the students, they will be guided and helped by senior staff at the newspaper

I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills.

About us

Hereward College is a general FE College in Coventry providing both day and residential places. We welcome all students including those with diverse and complex support requirements. In addition to residential students, day disabled an non disabled students also attend the college.

College Address:

Hereward College Bramston Crescent Tile Hill Coventry CV4 9SW Tel: 02476 461231 Fax: 02476 694305

Outstanding Learner Awards 2013 T

he outstanding effort and commitment of a group of adult learners with Birmingham Adult Education Service was recognised last month at an awards ceremony in Birmingham. The awards were presented by Sharon Lea, Strategic Director, Local Services and Ifor Jones from Birmingham City Council. The BAES Outstanding Learner Awards 2013 took place last month at Brasshouse Language Centre on Broad Street as part of Adult Learners’ Week, which ran from 18th - 24th May. The venue was beautifully decorated by past learners, with Paulette Bennett of Epiphany Designs providing table centre pieces and Ailsa Keogh of The Enchanted Florist providing bouquets of flowers. There are 2.2 million adult learners throughout England. 70,000 of those reside in Birmingham, 25,000 of these learn with the BAES. From those 25,000 people, 23 were nominated to receive an Outstanding Learner Award, with six winners. Each nominee proved to be an inspiration, in fighting against disability, circumstance and the rigours of life to better themselves and learn a new skill. Each of the learners had been nominated by their respective tutors, as recognition of their efforts and achievements. Award winner Shelley Guy, who studies English at Handsworth Fire Station, was nominated by her tutor, Rachel

Watson. Shelley faced difficult circumstances that would see most people give up, but she persevered and her optimistic attitude, unwavering commitment and willingness to help and support her fellow learners saw her win an Outstanding Learner Award. Fellow award winner Ronaldo Francis, who studies Independent Learning Skills at Boldmere Centre, was rewarded for his progress by his Learner Support Manager, Lis Dawson. He went to the centre with his social worker and has greatly

improved his communication skills, has met a lot of new people and has also developed a range of other skill to help him live his life independently. His significant progress and enthusiasm for learning have earned him the recognition he deserves for his efforts. A number of the nominees studied Mandarin Chinese, largely seen as one of the most difficult languages one can learn. From these nominees, two were award winners. Jeff

Brittain, who was nominated by tutor Jenny Williams, suffers from hearing difficulties and recently suffered two strokes. Nevertheless, Jeff has shown great commitment in still attending the two classes a week that he has been going to for the past four years. John Davis, also nominated by Jenny Williams, left school with no formal qualifications, but like Jeff, has been studying Mandarin for the past four years and recently gained an A* in GCSE Mandarin. The pair’s commitment and enthusiasm has resulted in them both receiving an Outstanding Learner Award. Dawn Johnson studied on a Family Learning Course at Woodgate School and was nominated for her hard work in learning a new skill, which has helped to build her relationship with her two grandchildren, of whom, she is sole carer. She took on the course to help her adjust to her new carer role and to meet other people in the same position. The final award winner was Brian Hawtin. Brian is blind and is unable to get out of the house much. He also has a great passion for languages and began his journey by learning Japanese, however, he then decided to take a new direction and started the challenge of learning Italian. Brian finds great enjoyment from the course stating that “it’s the best thing in my life!” Each of these learners’ stories will undoubtedly prove to be an inspiration to us all.

The Phoenix – June 2013

The Phoenix–February 2013

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The Phoenix - June 2013


New students’ leader invited to Lambeth


he newly elected President of the National Union of Students, Toni Pearce was invited to Lambeth to learn more about what the council’s doing to encourage apprenticeships. Deputy Leader of Lambeth Council, Cllr. Jackie Meldrum wrote to Ms Pearce congratulating her on her victory and an election campaign focused on apprenticeships, training and further education. Cllr. Meldrum said: “I was particularly impressed with Toni’s pledge to tackle unemployment and to ensure that everyone has access to high quality apprenticeships. That’s exactly what we’re trying to do in Lambeth through the More Jobs campaign because quite simply, apprenticeships are a smart way to earn while you learn.” Ms Pearce, who won with over 57% of votes is only the second NUS President not to have been to university.

Triumph for Care Student at WorldSkills UK Competition


ealth and Social Care student, Thomas Bampfield, was named the overall winner at the West Midlands heat of the WorldSkills UK 2013 Caring Competition, hosted by South and City College Birmingham. Thomas, from Walsall College, is currently in the first year of a Level 3 National Diploma in Health and Social Care alongside volunteering with St John Ambulance. Organised by the National Skills Academy for Social Care, the WorldSkills UK competitions are part of WorldSkills International; the world’s largest vocational skills competition aims to find the best adult social care workers in the country. Highest scorers go forward to the National finals at the Skills Show, at the NEC in Birmingham this November. Over the course of the day, competitors had to demonstrate

the delivery of excellent care in a mix of written tests and live activities, assessed by a panel of expert judges from across the country. Following his success, Thomas could be selected to represent the college at the UK finals in November, with winners going forward to represent the UK and compete against competitors from around the world at the

WorldSkills finals in Brazil 2014. Surjit Jakhu, Curriculum Manager for Health and Social Care at Walsall College, said: “Our students develop both academic and practical skills in their studies and we believe that competitions help boost their confidence. This competition gave Tom the opportunity to showcase his range of skills and he did an excellent job at the regional heat earning a very high score. He is a great role model to other male

students looking to study Health and Social Care. Thomas, 17, commented: “The competition was a great experience and helped me understand what it is like to be a carer. I feel more confident now about going into the workplace.” The Chief Executive of the National Skills Academy for Social Care, Debbie Sorkin, said: “The expertise and leadership demonstrated by our frontline care workers has once again been a pleasure to observe. To see competitors confidently showing what they can do when supporting people is a privilege. Presenting the awards, Lead Judge Jennifer Bernard said: “WorldSkills just gets better and better as a competition and a real showcase for how well social care is carried out. It was a pleasure to observe such committed competitors taking part in this heat at South and City College Birmingham.

Hereward College students team up with The Phoenix Newspaper


tudents from Hereward College looking to move into a career in the Media and Journalism industry are to undertake a work placement at The Phoenix newspaper in Birmingham.

It is hoped that their time at the newspaper will encourage the students to become more confident in their skills and enhance their knowledge.

Some of the things the students will be doing include design work for the paper, writing articles for already established features and starting their very own features.

Working in partnership with the newspaper, Phoenix Managing Director Marcia hopes to help the students develop their knowledge and understanding of the world of media.

A student involved in the partnership, Katy Oakes, said, “I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills. I have already enjoyed the amount of freedom and creativity I have been allowed to have, it’s allowed me to progress quickly!”

Students will be given the chance to work with staff at the magazine to develop their own features which will be featured either in The Phoenix or in our sister publication, Street Cred.

With a diverse range of students, it is hoped that the students will bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the paper and help further promote it within the local community we serve.

The Phoenix Managing Director commented “I am excited to be working with the students of Hereward College to not only help them develop themselves but also to develop this paper. The skills that these students have already shown to us make me confident that big things will be happening in the near future. Watch this space!”


who will oversee their work and give them help on how to improve. Students will be given the opportunity to work either from college or they can work in the office and get a feeling for journalistic life. Phoenix Managing Director added “We are looking forward to letting the students into our office and giving them a real taste of what it is like in the world of media work. They will be given the chance to work with our own designers and writers to further their own knowledge.

To support the students, they will be guided and helped by senior staff at the newspaper

I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills.

About us

Hereward College is a general FE College in Coventry providing both day and residential places. We welcome all students including those with diverse and complex support requirements. In addition to residential students, day disabled an non disabled students also attend the college.

College Address:

Hereward College Bramston Crescent Tile Hill Coventry CV4 9SW Tel: 02476 461231 Fax: 02476 694305

l Health and Social Care student, Thomas Bampfield

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The Phoenix–February 2013

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Apprenticeships are for all


pprenticeships are for everyone, across every work sector, if you’re an employee looking for an apprenticeship, or an employer looking to find apprentices, go to http://www. for more information. In these hard times, apprenticeships are an option for many unemployed people to get a foothold or even a fresh start in the world of work.

Design student reinvents the racing rulebook with zero-emission car


n automotive design student from Coventry University proposed an ambitious plan to improve motorsport's green credentials as part of his final year Degree Show project. 22 year-old Sam Hare has designed a single seater race car which would be powered by synthetic hydrogen fuel and whose chassis could be adapted for use in different racing categories – reducing costs and boosting the sport's environmental image. Cheltenham-born Sam, who has been involved in motor racing from the age of eleven both as a driver and a mechanic, came up with the idea for his final year project after becoming frustrated with the financial barriers in the sport and its lack of sustainability initiatives. Racing cars in 'feeder' series such as Formula Ford and Formula 3 are currently designed to be used exclusively in one category, making it prohibitively expensive for most young drivers to progress up the career ladder to Formula One.

His new design concept and rulebook would keep costs to a minimum by stipulating that cars' chassis must be designed to be modified easily and 'upgraded' with different bodywork and powertrains for different race series, increasing its lifespan. The cars must also be powered by hydrogen combustion, meaning its normal internal combustion engine would be modified to run on liquid hydrogen fuel as opposed to using expensive and unproven fuel cell technology. In keeping with the car's sustainable credentials, the only tailpipe emission would be water, and owing to the use of internal combustion technology the vehicle would still give off a loud exhaust note – a significant plus point for racing fans across the world. “My sustainable race car project sets out to create a benchmark design which could help reverse that trend and allow more people to take part, while at the same time boosting motor racing's green image.”

Hereward College students team up with The Phoenix Newspaper


tudents from Hereward College looking to move into a career in the Media and Journalism industry are to undertake a work placement at The Phoenix newspaper in Birmingham.

It is hoped that their time at the newspaper will encourage the students to become more confident in their skills and enhance their knowledge.

Some of the things the students will be doing include design work for the paper, writing articles for already established features and starting their very own features.

Working in partnership with the newspaper, Phoenix Managing Director Marcia hopes to help the students develop their knowledge and understanding of the world of media.

A student involved in the partnership, Katy Oakes, said, “I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills. I have already enjoyed the amount of freedom and creativity I have been allowed to have, it’s allowed me to progress quickly!”

Students will be given the chance to work with staff at the magazine to develop their own features which will be featured either in The Phoenix or in our sister publication, Street Cred.

With a diverse range of students, it is hoped that the students will bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the paper and help further promote it within the local community we serve.

The Phoenix Managing Director commented “I am excited to be working with the students of Hereward College to not only help them develop themselves but also to develop this paper. The skills that these students have already shown to us make me confident that big things will be happening in the near future. Watch this space!”


The Phoenix – June 2013

who will oversee their work and give them help on how to improve. Students will be given the opportunity to work either from college or they can work in the office and get a feeling for journalistic life. Phoenix Managing Director added “We are looking forward to letting the students into our office and giving them a real taste of what it is like in the world of media work. They will be given the chance to work with our own designers and writers to further their own knowledge.

To support the students, they will be guided and helped by senior staff at the newspaper

I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills.

About us

Hereward College is a general FE College in Coventry providing both day and residential places. We welcome all students including those with diverse and complex support requirements. In addition to residential students, day disabled an non disabled students also attend the college.

College Address:

Hereward College Bramston Crescent Tile Hill Coventry CV4 9SW Tel: 02476 461231 Fax: 02476 694305


e like long term. We are comforted by things which are constant in a world which is always shifting beneath our feet. Yet in the voluntary sector, it has become increasingly difficult to establish effective long term work.

Charities jump through endless hoops for scraps of funding. If they are lucky, they may get 3 years to complete a project. For something to be going on longer than that would be utter madness, wouldn’t it? The Boys’ Brigade & Girls’ Association work with 5 to 18 year olds all around the UK on a weekly basis. It is not uncommon for their young people to be members for the full 13 years and beyond. Throw in the fact that they have been around since 1883, then

you realise that the amount of positive impact they have had on young people during that time is astounding. And they are growing. In Birmingham alone, in September, groups will be opening in Kitts Green, Billesley, Ladywood, Bartley Green, even HMP Birmingham. Over the next 12 months, they are looking to extend this to 18 new groups, bring the total number in Birmingham up to 61. “The current ‘new’ trend for youth work is relationship building,” said Peter Newton, a national development worker. “But for us, it is a no brainer. We cram in plenty of fun and games, as well

as build in times of participation, empowerment and decision making across all the age ranges.” So do you want to start new work with young people? Do you have a spare hour a week you would like to spend working with young people? Or do you simply want to know where your nearest group is? For all queries, you can contact Peter Newton via email at uk, or call 0121 333 5868. To find out what they are up to nationally, check out their website, or for a look at the exciting ventures going on in Birmingham, go to

The Phoenix–February 2013

Page 3


The Phoenix - June 2013


Hereward College students team up with The Phoenix Newspaper


tudents from Hereward College looking to move into a career in the Media and Journalism industry are to undertake a work placement at The Phoenix newspaper in Birmingham.

It is hoped that their time at the newspaper will encourage the students to become more confident in their skills and enhance their knowledge.

Some of the things the students will be doing include design work for the paper, writing articles for already established features and starting their very own features.

Working in partnership with the newspaper, Phoenix Managing Director Marcia hopes to help the students develop their knowledge and understanding of the world of media.

A student involved in the partnership, Katy Oakes, said, “I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills. I have already enjoyed the amount of freedom and creativity I have been allowed to have, it’s allowed me to progress quickly!”

Students will be given the chance to work with staff at the magazine to develop their own features which will be featured either in The Phoenix or in our sister publication, Street Cred.

With a diverse range of students, it is hoped that the students will bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the paper and help further promote it within the local community we serve.

The Phoenix Managing Director commented “I am excited to be working with the students of Hereward College to not only help them develop themselves but also to develop this paper. The skills that these students have already shown to us make me confident that big things will be happening in the near future. Watch this space!”


who will oversee their work and give them help on how to improve. Students will be given the opportunity to work either from college or they can work in the office and get a feeling for journalistic life. Phoenix Managing Director added “We are looking forward to letting the students into our office and giving them a real taste of what it is like in the world of media work. They will be given the chance to work with our own designers and writers to further their own knowledge.

To support the students, they will be guided and helped by senior staff at the newspaper

I am really looking forward to working here and learning new skills.

About us

Hereward College is a general FE College in Coventry providing both day and residential places. We welcome all students including those with diverse and complex support requirements. In addition to residential students, day disabled an non disabled students also attend the college.

College Address:

Hereward College Bramston Crescent Tile Hill Coventry CV4 9SW Tel: 02476 461231 Fax: 02476 694305


he Town Hall & Symphony Hall’s awardwinning installation, Universe of Sound: The Planets, kicked off in Birmingham last month. Taking place at the disused Municipal Bank, in conjunction with the Philharmonia Orchestra, the installation offers a unique experience of Gustav Holst’s The Planets, conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen. As you walk around the disused bank, opposite the Symphony Hall, which has been decorated specifically for the event, you will find each section of the Philharmonia Orchestra playing on screen or projected onto walls in different rooms. You will also find stewards from the Symphony Hall, who will be able to tell you all about the specific section of the orchestra. It offers a truly unique experience in being able to listen to each section of the orchestra play their part in the piece, individually. You can even bring along an instrument of your own and play along, should you wish to do so.

As you walk from section to section, you will also find a number of interactive elements. In the percussion section, there are a number of tutorials in the various instruments available as you play along with the music guitar-hero style. But rather than playing the guitar, you can play a range of percussion instruments, from the glockenspiel, gong or even the triangle. You will also find a number of ‘conductor pods’ where you can take on the role of Esa-Pekka Salonen, and learn how to conduct a piece of music. This culminates in a planetarium style room where the entire orchestra is playing, their images projected onto the screens high above your head. It is a truly wonderful experience, and one that should be experienced by all. The installation is open every day from 11am until 6.30pm, finishing with a weekend exploration of music and space on the 14th and 15th of June with a number of family activities available. And best of all, admission is free.

Learn and become a part of the Orchestra

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The Phoenix - June 2013

Page 23


Parents warned of dangers of ‘bling dummies’


arents are being urged to beware of ‘bling dummies’ that could pose choking hazards for babies. Trading standards officers have issued the warning due to a growing trend of people buying dummy chains, which have been decorated by people at home and then sold via the internet. While the original individual pieces may adhere to safety regulations, concerns have been raised about the chains once they have been decorated and assembled. They include gem stones becoming detached and swallowed


by children, the glue or paint applied being potentially toxic and hygiene issues with the jewellery. Officers have been visiting children’s centres across the city to highlight the dangers these custom-made dummies could pose to babies and young children. Wolverhampton City Council’s Cabinet Member for City Services, Councillor John Reynolds, said: “While selling custommade ‘dummy chains’ is not illegal we want people to make sure they are safe before they do so. There are genuine concerns that these items could pose a

Supermodel Georgie Badiel at Caribbean Week NY

nternational supermodel, Georgie Badiel, added her grace and charm to one of the most spectacular events for Caribbean Week in New York, the High Fashion Show.

She walked the runway wearing the creations of some of the leading Caribbean fashion designers, demonstrating why she has been one of the most soughtafter models since bursting onto the scene in 2008.

Described as sizzling on the runway, Georgie has strut down the catwalk for world famous designers, including Chado Ralph Rucci, Diane von Furstenberg, Marc Jacobs, Christian Siriano, Oscar de la Renta, and Zang Toi.

Joining Georgie on the runway was Jamaica’s Chantal Clarke - winner of ‘Face Of Fashion Jamaica 2013.’

serious risk to babies and young children, which is why our Trading Standards officers have been out to visit parents at children’s centres to highlight these dangers. “I would urge anyone who does modify these chains to get them checked for safety or contact our Trading Standards team for advice.” Trading Standards also carry out talks to schools and community groups about consumer’s rights and how to deal with faulty and misdescribed goods and services.

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The Phoenix – June 2013

City dignitaries launch new centre in battle against rare disease


ocal TV and radio personality Professor Carl Chinn MBE and the Lord Mayor of Birmingham were on hand to open a new centre that caters for patients with a rare condition. Carl, a professor of Birmingham Community History at the University of Birmingham and the author of scores of books and articles on the social history of the West Midlands, cut the ribbon at the Birmingham Behçet's Syndrome Centre of Excellence, along with Cllr John Lines, Lord Mayor of Birmingham. The centre, based at the Sheldon Block at City Hospital, is one of only three in the UK catering to people with the syndrome, a rare condition that causes inflammation of the blood vessels, with symptoms including mouth and genital ulcers, eye inflam-

mation and skin lesions, and can lead to arthritis, bowel inflammation and meningitis. The event coincided with International Behçet’s Disease Awareness Day. Carl and the Mayor were joined by Chris Philips, Director of the Behçet’s Syndrome Society and Dr Chris Deighton, President of the British Society for Rheumatology, as well as patients and staff from the centre. Clinical lead at the centre, Dr Deva Situnayake, explained: “In Western Europe, Behçet’s syndrome is very rare, with only an estimated 500 people in the UK having a diagnosis. However, while the syndrome is currently incurable, it doesn’t mean it is untreatable, and we were delighted to become host of one of the national centres specialising in the treatment of this disease.” l

Lady Mayoress of Birmingham Mrs Kathleen Lines, Lord Mayor of Birmingham Councillor John Lines, Professor Carl Chinn MBE, Jan Mather, Chair of the Behcet’s Syndrome Society and Dr Deva Situnayake, clinical lead.

All smiles for launch of oral health campaign


he British Dental Health Foundation announced the start of their National Smile Month promoting three key messages for great oral health. The month-long campaign spotlights oral health with as many people as possible urged to take a moment to consider how they can do something to improve their oral health. In its simplest form, it highlights: Brush for two minutes twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, cutting down on how often you

eat sugary foods and drinks and visiting the dentist regularly, as often as they recommend. People up and down the country have the opportunity to get smiling with the icon of this year’s campaign – the ‘smiley.’ Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter OBE, said: “The smileys are a great way for everyone to engage with the campaign. Behind the smiles there are still some important oral health messages to remember. That’s why our smileys have the Foundation’s three key messages to

improve oral health on them. We hope more people than ever before will take part in National Smile Month and help to educate as many people as possible about how to gain and the benefits of great oral health.” National Smile Month finishes on June 20.

The Phoenix - June 2013

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ith a national shortage of Foster carers across the UK, there are more children than ever who need a caring and loving environment, which every child has the right to experience. Whether a crisis in the family, illness or relationship difficulties could be some of the reasons

why a child is placed in care. There are already so many fantastic individuals who foster and adopt children into their families- but we need more ! At the Phoenix, all of our team are committed to raising awareness of fostering and adoption through our campaign not just for the month of May, but for an entire 12 months!

We will be highlighting the inspiring work of current carers, the extensive support and training that is available and the difference that you could be making in a young persons’ life. If you feel that you can offer this, or even if you would like to find out a little bit more – don’t hesitate! It could make the greatest difference to a child’s life.

With support from

Adoption & Fostering Our ongoing campaign to help the children in need in our communities

All about fostering

Support given to F adoptive parents T he Passport to Support, announced last month by the Department for Education has been backed by Adoption UK. The 'passport' attempts to clarify the support available for adoptive parents from local authorities. This support includes free early education, priority access to council housing, Discretionary Housing payments and adoption leave and pay when a child is placed with you. The passport comes as part of wider plans to give parity between adoptive parents and birth parents, with regards to their rights and the support available

to them. The proposals come after a DfE expert working group identified adoption support as a key area for reform as surveys show that adoptive parents are not currently receiving the sup-

port that they need and are being let down by the government. Adoption UK has hailed the plans as 'a positive step towards the provision of much needed aid for adoptive families'. Richard Thornberry, Chief Executive of Adoption UK said “ The research published today

reveals that more than three quarters of families request an assessment for support once they’ve reached a crisis point. The fact that families are waiting to reach this point before asking for help is extremely worrying. Adoptive families should be made aware that support is available at every stage of the adoption journey and feel confident that they can obtain adequate support as and when it is needed. We hope that this piece of research further encourages the Government to give adopters the one thing they want most – a guarantee of the right support.”

ostering is a way of providing a family life for children who cannot live with their own parents. The British Association for Adoption & Fostering (BAAF) provides a simple guide to what fostering is, and how to become a foster carer. Fostering can provide children with temporary care while their parents get support sorting out problems, or to help children or young people through a difficult period in their lives. Often children will return home once the problems have been resolved, and it is clear that their parents are able to look after them safely. Others may need fostering longer term and receive long-term foster care, some may be adopted, and others will move on to live independently. All children in foster care will be ‘looked after’ by a local au-

thority, although they stay in the homes of approved foster carers – or local authorities seek foster carer through Independent Foster Care Providers. The foster carers work in partnership with the local authority and other professionals, such as therapists, teachers or doctors, to support the child to manage their emotional and social wellbeing. All kinds of people become

foster carers. You do not need to be married, gay men and lesbians can become foster carers too. There are no upper age limits for fostering, but fostering agen-

cies expect people to be mature enough to work with the complex needs that children needing fostering are likely to have, and fit enough to perform this very demanding task. Everyone who wants to become a foster carer needs to go through thorough preparation and assessment. This includes attending groups to learn about the needs of children coming into foster care. Alongside this, they receive visits from a social worker. The social worker will then prepare a report that is presented to a fostering panel, which recommends whether this person/ family can become foster carers. Training does not stop when a person becomes a foster carer. All carers have an annual review and any training that's needed to ensure they are suitable to continue fostering. All foster carers receive an allowance to cover the cost of caring for a child in their home. For foster carers working on behalf of an agency, this is set by the individual fostering agency, and is usually dependent on the age of the looked after child. For more information about all aspects of fostering visit www.

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The Phoenix - June 2013

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Culturally exciting weeks ahead for New York

T l The 3 Guyanan winners alongside the other 3 winners at the CTO Sustainable Tourism Awards.

Guyana the big winner again at award ceremony


or the second consecutive year, Guyana was the biggest winners at the 2013 Caribbean Tourism Organisation Sustainable Tourism Awards, winning three of the six awards up for grabs. The awards ceremony, at the STC-14 Conference, in Trinidad, saw Karanambu Lodge Inc., an eco-tourist destination, won the ‘Caribbean Excellence in Sustainable Tourism Award,’ with the Puerto Rico Tourism Company awarded the ‘Destination Stewardship Award.’ Conservation International Guyana receiving special mention in this category. Guadeloupe’s AQUARIUM de la Guadeloupe; Aruba’s Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort; and San-

dals Resorts International were also commended in this category. Winner of the ‘Sustainable Accommodation Award’ was Tryall Club and Villas in Jamaica where members and guests enjoy the beauty of nature in its many forms: from lush hillsides and vibrant seascapes to abundant plant life and local species. Almost Paradise Cottages and Restaurant in Grenada; Community and Tourism Services Ltd., Guyana; and Accra Beach Hotel and Spa in Barbados received special mention. Bowden Pen Farmers’ Association, in the Upper Rio Grande Valley, St. Thomas, Jamaica, won the ‘Community Benefit Award.’ Guyana’s Aranaputa Community Based Tourism and Cape

Eleuthera Island School, in The Bahamas, were also highly commended. National Trust of Guyana took home the ‘Heritage Protection Award’ for its work in preserving and promoting the nation's patrimony so that the present and future generations will access and enjoy the richness of Guyana's heritage. Educulture Bahamas Ltd and the island’s National Art Gallery were both recognised in this category. The ‘Biodiversity Award’ went to the Guyana Marine Turtle Conservation Society with the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust; Atlantis Paradise Island in The Bahamas and the Association Evasion Tropicale Guadeloupe all receiving special mention in the category.

Caribbean tourism rebounding


aribbean tourism is bouncing back to pre-recession levels, with visitors from Canada and the U.S. giving a boost to tourist arrivals. The Caribbean welcomed 25 million tourists last year, a near 5.5 per cent rise over 2011, outpacing the rest of the world, which saw arrivals increase by four per cent. According to CTO Chair and the US Virgin Islands Commission of Tourism, Beverly Nicholson-Doty in the State of the Industry report, region saw its largest number of stay-over visitors in five years, with overall hotel occupancy for the region increasing by more than seven per

cent and total room revenues up nearly nine per cent. This, the CTO Chair said, gives the sector reason to be optimistic: “This optimism is based on the positive signs of growth following earlier down years. We are optimistic because we see arrival numbers rising, particularly out of North America; we see hotel revenues moving in the right direction, albeit with moderate acceleration and we see tourist spend on the increase. All the signs suggest Caribbean tourism is rallying. The region as a whole has regained ground lost in the heat of the global economic depression in 2008/2009,” she said. l

CTO Chair, Beverly Nicholson-Doty

he Caribbean returns to America’s most populous city for its late spring event, Caribbean Week in New York, a week of activities showcasing the warmth, spirit and vibrancy that make the Caribbean the most desirable warm weather destination. Taking place between 1-8 June, it will be a sensational holiday fair at which prospective travellers to the Caribbean can purchase special deals, one of the new elements to the week which has become one of the most important events on the tourism calendar in the “Big Apple”. The One Caribbean Vacation Marketplace, at the New Yorker Hotel, will offer specially priced Caribbean holidays and indigenous Caribbean products at special prices

available only during Caribbean Week. Professional retail travel agents will close the sales in an environment that evokes the colours and energy of the Caribbean. Another thrilling event on the programme is the Gospel Celebration featuring messages interspersed with gospel, dance and other performances by talented and accomplished Caribbean artistes. A number of well-known gospel performers have already confirmed their participation in this celebration of the region’s unity

and diversity, by the Caribbean Diaspora and friends of the Caribbean. Sponsored by Belize, Jamaica and the Empire State Building, Caribbean Week in New York ends with its most exciting signature event, Rum & Rhythm. Rum and food lovers will sample top-shelf, award-winning Caribbean rums and enjoy traditional Caribbean cuisine and rum-infused delicacies prepared by celebrity chefs. Other rousing activities include the fascinating Students’ Colloquium, the Caribbean Diaspora Forum, Caribbean Media Marketplace and the Caribbean Marketing Conference & Awards Luncheon - organized by the CTO Allied members.

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he Festival Management Committee has announced today that Curtis Eustace has been named the Parade Operations Manager for this year’s Scotiabank Toronto Caribbean Carnival Grand Parade. The Parade annually attracts over 1-million spectators and participants. Curtis Eustace is an experience parade organizer, cultural event promoter and participant in Carnival style events in Toronto and throughout the Caribbean. He replaces long-time parade manager Sam Lewis who retired at the end of the 2012 festival. Mr. Eustace is the founder and bandleader of two very successful Mas Bands in Toronto - Carnival Nationz and the All Spice Mas Band. He has been an integral member of the Toronto Mas Band Association for over a decade, and was founding board member of the Festival Management Committee (the non-profit board that oversees the annual Toronto festival). In 2012 Mr. Eustace was named as one of the top 50 persons of Caribbean Heritage living in Canada and promoting Caribbean culture. Mr. Eustace is revered in Trinidad, the birthplace of the Carnival parade. He has won the title of King of Carnival of Trinidad and Tobago a

About Scotiabank Toronto Caribbean Carnival

The Scotiabank Toronto Caribbean Carnival is an exciting three-week cultural explosion of Caribbean music, cuisine, revelry as well as visual and performing arts. Now in its 46th year, it has become a major international event and the largest cultural festival of its kind in North America. As Carnival is an international cultural phenomenon, the great metropolis of Toronto and its environs will come alive as the city explodes with the pulsating rhythms and melodies of Calypso, Soca, Reggae, Chutney, Steel Pan and Brass Bands. The Festival Management Committee oversees the running of North America’s largest outdoor festival.

Experienced hand at the wheel of Toronto’s Carnival record nine times! As well Mr. Eustace has promoted and managed large scale concerts and cultural events in Toronto. “This is a key appointment for the festival,” explained festival

Australian help for Caribbean coral reefs and climate change

CEO Denise Herrera-Jackson. “Curtis responsible for the efficient planning and execution of the Grand Parade for the Scotiabank Toronto Caribbean Carnival and the execution of the

Junior Carnival Parade as well. Curtis will make sure that all of the bands get out on the parade route and that we put on the BEST show that Toronto is ever going to see!”

Collaborating to reduce vulnerability

The Centre’s Senior Programme Development Specialist, Keith Nichols, says the partnership allows for valuable expertise and knowledge to be shared and will make a real difference to the region’s marine environment.

The Junior Parade will be held Saturday July 20th at Downsview Park in North Toronto. The Grand Parade will be held on Saturday August 3 along Toronto’s Lakeshore Blvd.

l Curtis Eustace

A UK initiative: Caribbean Poetry


he Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) have agreed to a two-year program led by Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) to share Australia’s expertise in climate change adaptation and coral reef management. The program will address some of the key challenges identified in Climate Change and the Caribbean: A regional framework for achieving development resilient to Climate Change (2009-2015) (and the associated Implementation Plan), landmark regional documents developed by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC).

The Phoenix – June 2013

He says the program will enable work with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre and CARICOM countries to develop a regional framework for reducing the climate change vulnerability of coral reefs and building the resilience of reef-dependent communities and industries. The program will also support the capacity of coral reef and natural resource managers to deal with the implications of climate change through development of an adaptation toolkit and facilitation of international collaboration. This program follows a successful scoping mission last year and workshops in Belize and Barbados, which identified priority strategies for reducing coral reef vulnerability to climate change, key experts and organi-

zations and mapped other Regional initiatives and programs to optimize the contribution of the AusAID-GBRMPA-CCCCC program.

Coral reefs are important to the Region’s future

Coral reefs provide benefits to the Caribbean valued at over $4 billion annually. The reefs of the Caribbean are of great importance in providing shoreline pro-

tection, habitat for healthy fisheries and an essential attraction for the tourism sector. They are also internationally significant, representing unique biodiversity and totaling approximately 10% of the world’s reef area. However, like all reefs around the world, Caribbean coral reefs are under unprecedented pressure. Local stresses such as unsustainable fishing, pollution and coastal development are combining with the global impacts of climate change and ocean acidification to threaten the range of ecosystem services provided by coral reefs. Understanding these risks, and developing strategies to deal with them, is crucial to the sustainable development of the Caribbean region.


he University of the West Indies (UWI), in collaboration with Cambridge University, United Kingdom (UK) is facilitating a project on Caribbean Poetry. The ultimate aim of the project is to enable teachers of the English language to help students develop a greater appreciation for poetry and engage the poetic texts offered in the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate syllabus. In light of the foregoing, the School of Education, UWI, Cave Hill, with cooperation from the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC), has made available to teachers of English at the secondary level and tertiary level, a short course on The Teaching of Caribbean Poetry. Fifty-five teachers from secondary schools, the Curriculum Development Unit, Cyril Potter College of Education and the University of Guyana will participate in the workshop on -The

Teaching of Caribbean Poetry. According to the Ministry, this course will introduce educators to a wide range of Caribbean poems. It is intended that participants will look at some key issues surrounding Caribbean poetry including choice of texts. Poets will also discuss the placement of Caribbean poetry on the CSEC syllabus and combat the widespread fear of teaching poetry. In addition, the workshop will also attempt to make links with Caribbean poets represented on the online Poetry Archive, explore the theme of environment and sustainability within the poetry, enrich teachers’ understanding and by extension, make Caribbean poetry a rewarding and exciting experience for our students. Overall, participants will engage in discussions, strategies and activities aimed at developing their knowledge, understanding and skill in the teaching of Caribbean poetry.

The Phoenix - June 2013

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U.S. State Department Official for ICN 2013

US Embassy donates Scholastic materials


n an effort to promote educational opportunities to less fortunate youths in Guyana, the U.S Embassy’s Humanitarian Assistance Program (HAP) team donated school supplies and reading materials provided by the Spirit of America and Food for the Poor to various institutions around Guyana. The HAP team distributed scholastic items to children attending the Al Ghazali Islamic Academy, in Georgetown and the Meten Meer Zorg Academy, West Coast. These institutions provide educational programs to orphaned children from different religions, race, and ethnic backgrounds. Sheik Moeenul Hack and Mr. Namdar Goolzar said the donation will greatly benefit the children by providing them with




adequate school supplies and materials to utilize for several months to come. On April 29-30 and May 1, 3013, the HAP team and Mr. Matthew Valkovic from the Spirit of America, donated books and school supplies to the Zeelugt Primary School in West Coast and the Marcie Craig and Wisburg Secondary Schools in Linden. At Zeelugt Primary School, more than 100 students received school supplies. In Linden, school supplies were distributed to the volunteer students who participate in the Community Youth Volunteer Program. Mr. Valkovic expressed his satisfaction in seeing how his organization’s efforts reinforce the U.S. Embassy’s goals in these communities.







he Obama administration is sending a representative to Invest Caribbean Now this June, as the Caribbean Diaspora in the U.S. gears up for Caribbean American Heritage Month and Caribbean Week in New York. Anthony Eterno, of the U.S. State Department's Office of Caribbean Affairs, Western Hemisphere division, will attend the June 5th forum in New York City and speak on the US' views on trade and investment in the Caribbean.

Eterno is a 15-year veteran diplomat with the Department who has worked in the Caribbean for close to two years and whose expertise includes economic affairs. Invest Caribbean Now is organized annually by The Caribbean Tourism Organization and digital media solutions company, Hard Beat Communications, during Caribbean Week in New York. This year it is being presented by marquee sponsor, Avalon Partners in conjunction with the government of The Turks & Caicos Islands and One Caribbean

Literature & Spoken Word




Visual Arts

Television. This year the event is set for the Radisson Martinique hotel in New York City from 7:30- to 11:30 a.m. and will be preceded by an invitation only reception at The Yale Club on June 4th. Other speakers will include Alan Lowenstein of Wedgewood Investment Group; Premier of the Turks & Caicos Islands, Dr. Rufus Ewing; Finance Minister of the Turks & Caicos Islands, Washington Misick and panelists on Development Tourism as well as on China and the Caribbean. Government attendees will in-




clude Governor of the US Virgin Islands, John Percy de Jongh, Jr; Chief Minister of Anguilla, Hubert Hughes; Chairman of the CTO and Commissioner of Tourism For the USVI, Beverly Nicholson Doty; Minister of Tourism & International Transport, International Trade, Industry, Commerce & Consumer Affairs St. Kitts, Ricky Skerritt; Lorne Theophilus, Minister for Tourism, Heritage and Creative Industries, St. Lucia; Stephen Cadiz, Minister of Tourism, Trinidad & Tobago; Orville London, Sec. of the House of Assembly, Tobago; Assemblyman Tracy Davidson-Celestine, Deputy Chief Secretary and Secretary, Division of Tourism and Transportation - Tobago and Secretary General of the Caribbean Tourism Organization, Hugh Riley. Private sector reps will come fromJP Morgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, Nomura, CIBC World Capital, Ibis Investments, Aegis Capital, Portfolio Credit Management Limited, DHL, Marriott International, Spackman Capital, the Lugano Group, Damoola, One Caribbean Television, Avalon Partners, Digicel, TCI and Scotia bank TCI.



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Page 30


The Phoenix – June 2013

Bermuda’s water taxi


ravelling by water is both relaxing, time efficient and beautiful – a moment off from the hustle and bustle of everyday life’ so says, Captain Ashley Simmons in announcing the launch of the Bermuda Water Taxi, which specializes in shuttling passengers from the Royal Naval Dockyard to Hamilton (or anywhere in the Great Sound – west) and the town of St. George. Captain Ashley Simmons states, “After witnessing ferries and buses transporting visitors around Bermuda, the idea came to me about offering an alternative mode of transportation with a difference. With a Water Taxi, tourists and locals can call for the taxi when needed or can make reservations for a pickup. The Water Taxi is for anyone who would like a relaxing ride to their destination, while learning about the history of our beautiful Island.” It is hoped that with the addition of the Water Taxi to Bermuda’s transportation possibilities

that visitors and Bermudian’s alike will have more of a choice on how to get to their final destination. Notably, Tourists will have the opportunity to be educated by the knowledgeable captain on their surroundings, Bermudian culture and history while being transported. They can relax, learn and see Bermuda in a whole new way. The Water Taxi offers Bermudians and tourists another choice in travel on a daily basis and can be booked out for corporate event runs and private party runs, should attendees need transportation to either end of the island. Terry Roberson, General Manager of Bermuda Cablevision, which is The Bermuda Water Taxi’s Lead sponsor states, “Ber-

muda Cablevision is excited to support the launch of Bermuda Water Taxi. Like the new service, which offers residents and tourist a fun and convenient way to get around the island, Bermuda Cablevision’s subscribers stretch the entire length of the island and we hope they find Bermuda Water Taxi a useful addition. I congratulate Captain Ashley Simmons for his entrepreneurialism and wish him every success with this new venture.” The Water Taxi operates between the hours of 8am to 7pm daily with run times of 15 and 25 minutes for a cost of $10 to $20 depending on your destination. With the following daily run schedule, you are sure to get to your destination on time with an experience you won’t forget.

Drop In Centre for Street Children - A Beacon of Hope.


ituated in a small occasions, as they are required two-storey building to attend church on Sundays at Hadfield Street, and are also taken on tours. The Georgetown Guyana, centre caters not only to the the Drop in Centre for Street children's physical needs, but Children is a Ministry of La- sees to their social needs also. bour, Human Services and A number of volunteers visit Social Security-administered the centre daily to assist in programme. teaching the children the baThe centre was established sics - reading, mathematics, on June 1, 1999, in a building grammar, language arts, health at the back of the Sacred Heart education, science, and social Roman Catholic Church, Main studies. The children also have Street, under the auspices of UNICEF. It later moved to its current location and introduced its shelter component about four years ago. True to its name, children are dropped off there by people who find them on the streets, or by the Schools' Welfare Department (SWD), which is attached to the Ministry of Education. Some children drop in l The Centre accepted a donation of goodies. of their own accord. a garden where they practise The majority of these children the practical aspects of agriculare boys, who have run away tural science. This also helps to from home for any of a number provide food for the centre. A of reasons, or who were driven number of other organisations out into the streets. But the assist with the children's moral ones who remain on the street and spiritual upliftment. They are there mostly by choice. For are taught basic etiquette, how those who want to change what to appreciate others and to folmust be a miserable existence, low rules. the Drop in Centre for Street The centre takes responsibilChildren is a beacon of hope. ity for getting the children setThe centre provides a 24-hour tled; this includes finding their service with two night staff and parents and establishing what, a cleaner. if any, schooling they would Upon arrival, each child is have had. In the event that the given a bath, clean clothes, child is an orphan, the next of meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner kin is sought. and snacks) and a bed in which The main source of finance for to sleep. The children are also the centre is the ministry, which given clothes to wear on special is responsible for its adminis-

tration. Additional funding also comes from non-governmental agencies, the business community and interested citizens. Today, the ministry of Human Services and Social Security has grabbed the issue of street Children tightly putting the number of street children at no more than 30. You hardly hear on the streets of Georgetown, "Auntie, please fuh a twenty dollah, nuh?" "Uncle, please fuh a hundred dollah nuh? Ah wan buy someting fuh eat." Naturally, The children who approach with these pleas are not related to the people they are begging. They are street children. They use to loiter outside night clubs and bars sometimes until the wee hours. Then they retire to their cardboard beds on the city's pavements, exhausted and hungry, or full, depending not only on whether luck smiled on them, but also whether they were physically strong enough to hang on to what they had gleaned. For some, the hours of rest are few, as they must rise early if they are blocking store entrances, or want to secure odd jobs at the city's markets or with cart men. In all oneness, the Drop in Centre for Street Children is a beacon of hope for the less fortunate Child. Should you be in Guyana soon, drop by and lend a hand, you could change a life.

Jamaica - Connecting its Diaspora

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rnaldo Brown, Jamaica’s Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the Jamaican Government plans to set up a comprehensive database of its professionals and investors living overseas. He said that the work will be undertaken in conjunction with the Geneva-based inter-governmental body and the International Organization on Migration. His department has been examining successful Diaspora models in countries including India, Ireland and China.

This means that Jamaica might develop a comprehensive database of those connected with Jamaica in strategic places to help address Jamaica’s economic problems. The announcement represents a first serious attempt by any

Caribbean country other than the Dominican Republic, which already has far-reaching Diaspora programs, to recognize that a professional and concerted approach is required if any Caribbean nation to leverage the dormant economic and political power of its community abroad.. Diaspora experts say that whatever strategy Jamaica eventually adopts may provide a guide for other Caribbean nations to realize that their communities overseas might become a political and economic force for good and play a much bigger role in national development.

The Phoenix - June 2013

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Visit the Norfolk Broads for sun and activities

ade up of miles and miles of waterways, visit the Norfolk Broads this summer and meanders through the countryside to create a great place for cottage hire. Many towns offer boat hire where you can take one out for an hour, the morning or the day. You can also paddle along by canoe - a real outdoor adventure. For those who prefer to stay on land you can stride out from your Norfolk Broads cottage to explore miles of boardwalks and paths through the swampy woodland. You can then opt for long-distance trails like the Wherryman's Way. You can tandem, mountain bikes, or go on children's cycles, which are available for rental across the region, with routes ranging from short, circular ones to the more challenging Weavers' Way. Freshwater fish, like pike and perch, can be caught along the river ways, or get close up and personal to encounter a wide range of colourful birds and wildlife. You can explore pretty thatched villages, offering inviting shops and places to eat and drink, or tour castles, gardens, museums, churches, mills and breweries. Or just sit on a bank easel and take in the sun, with paintbrush in hand as you get inspired by the truly special landscape of the Norfolk Broads.

See the Lions in beautiful Australia



olidaying in Australia is always popular for a number of reasons. None so this summer, than to be part of the British & Irish Lions Test series.

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It’s not too late to be part of what could be rugby’s record-breaking contest for Warren Gatland’s boys.


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ICC Champions Trophy Match

Plus, don’t forget to take in the landscapes whilst you’re there which are unforgettable. Beaches and barbeques, kangaroos and koalas, whatever you associate with Australia there is always much more to explore in this vast and exciting destination.


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Page 32


Aston Martin Takes A Vantage To Extremes

ston Martin is taking sports car performance to extremes with the announcement of the new V12 Vantage S. It replaces the outgoing V12 Vantage in markets around the world and, with the exception of the One-77 hypercar, arrives as the fastest road-going Aston Martin yet offered. Equipped with the new 573 PS Aston Martin AM28 6.0-litre V12 engine, featuring latest generation Bosch engine management, deliv-

The Phoenix – June 2013

ering exceptional sporting agility underpinned by admirable long distance refinement, the car is capable of reaching 205 mph. Aston Martin Chief Executive Officer Dr Ulrich Bez said: “The new V12 Vantage S is, simply, pure Aston Martin. It is extreme in its nature yet truly timeless in its design language. Learning from our successes on the track feeds the development of this type of car and I’m proud to launch such an exciting sports car in this, our centenary year.”


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The Phoenix - June 2013

Page 33


car2go launched to aid environment and the pocket

Ford Helps British Gas Make A Big Splash For GOSH


ord has supplied British Gas with an all-new Ford Tourneo Custom that will travel thousands of miles on UK roads this summer, helping to raise £1 million for the Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity. The British Gas “Swims Britain” challenge aims to encourage thousands of the energy company’s staff and their families to take part in swimming challenges across the UK, from Windsor in the South of England, to Edinburgh and Glasgow in Scotland. “It’s a massive challenge,” said British Gas sponsorship manager Matthew Leopold. “We want to get all of the British Gas team involved in this huge charity swimming event, from office and sales staff, to the engineers in the power stations and the people out driving their Ford Transit vans

every day.” The aquatic-themed Ford Tourneo Custom, a long wheelbase model, is powered by a Dagenham-built 125PS 2.2-litre TDCi diesel engine. The vehicle is well-equipped for the UK tour, with nine seats, a 230-volt power converter and Ford’s satellite navigation system. “We wanted a vehicle that British Gas staff could relate to but could provide added comfort and flexibility, and the Ford Tourneo Custom fits the bill perfectly,” said Matthew. Ford of Britain fleet director, Phil Hollins, said: “This is a fantastic challenge to be associated with and Ford is proud to support the charity’s worthy cause. The provision of an all-new, eye-catching Tourneo Custom to British Gas will hopefully help to raise a significant sum of money for Great Ormond Street.”


he future of Urban Mobility is here when car2go, the simpleto-use car sharing service from Daimler and Europcar, was launched in Birmingham. With 250 environmentally friendly smart fortwo vehicles, the idea behind this first fullyflexible and on-demand car sharing is simple – it’s a whole new way of getting around that’s easy to use, easy on the pocket, and easy on the environment. Cabinet Member for Development, Jobs and Skills, Councillor Tahir Ali, launched the 12-month

pilot scheme saying: “We want to develop a range of green transport initiatives, reducing traffic congestion and carbon emissions and encouraging people to think of alternative ways of getting about. I’m pleased to welcome car2go to Birmingham, particularly as they are making the city their UK headquarters, with the associated jobs that will bring.” Stefan Mueller, CEO at car2go Europe GmbH said: “We are proud to launch car2go in Birmingham. car2go gives the ability to go where you want, when you want – and in comfort – but

without all the costs associated with owning, running and insuring a car full-time. We’re confident everyone will find car2go an easy, cost-effective and environmentally responsible way to get around Birmingham.” car2go will start with a fleet of 250 smart coupés in an area of 54 sqkm in Birmingham. The free-floating zone of car2go covers the city area between Oxhill Rd.; Pershore Rd, Vicarage Rd; Highfiled Rd; City Rd., Grove Park; Stratford Rd. and Aston Park where people are allowed to park in any Pay & Display bay without time restrictions and

wherever it is free to park without affecting resident or business parking.

l Councillor Tahir Ali

Page 34


Olympic hero Bushell joins school children to celebrate Sainsbury’s Grand Prix

l Micky Bushell with children from local Birmingham schools celebrating 50 days to go until Junes Sainsbury’s Grand Prix in Birmingham.

The Phoenix – June 2013


ondon 2012 T53 100m gold medalist Mickey Bushell joined over 100 local Birmingham school children to celebrate this month’s Sainsbury’s Grand Prix in Birmingham. The schools, which included the likes of Warren Farm, Brookvale, Timberley and Court Farm, took part in seven event challenges, which included 80m, 200m, 60m hurdles, long jump, javelin, 4x100m relay and chest throw, which was won by St. Lawrence Primary School from Northfield as they secure their place on top of the podium. Telford-born Busheell said: “The reception in Birmingham will be amazing for the athletes, and they’ll all feel welcomed at the Alexander Stadium. The sport is definitely moving forwards, and the competition is getting better and better especially with the Grand Prix series coming in. I hope we can use this to build on and continue the great work that’s been done so far.” The event will host the inaugural IPC Athletics Grand Prix Final and following the sell-out of the Sainsbury’s Anniversary Games at the end of July, this will be another opportunity to see some of the world’s best Paralympic athletes in action on the track and field. Over 140 athletes will compete in the global final across 18 events including London 2012 gold medallists Hannah Cockroft, Jonnie Peacock, David Weir and l Micky Bushell Richard Whitehead.

l Mo Ayub (Front Centre) with other members of the Brat Pak

Brat Pak bringing passion with gusto at Championship Trophy


hilst competition is at its fiercest on the field of play, during the ICC Championship Trophy, it’s the competition off the field that will be grabbing the attention throughout the tournament. As England’s well-established ‘Barmy Army’ make themselves heard, at Edgbaston, Cardiff and the Oval, the ‘Brat Pak,’ Pakistan’s own energetic rebelrousers, will be sharing

their equally fantastic support, win, lose, or draw, as we head to the finals later this month. The Brat Pak come from a variety of professional backgrounds,

all sharing one common theme: “A passion for cricket, in general, and a passion for Pakistan, in particular,” says founding member, business director Mo Ayub. “We will be singing with the loudest, proudest gusto. Just watch out for us and you too will be swept off your feet in a sea of green,” he enthused. Highlight of their Trophy Championship must be the much anticipated Pakistan v. India clash at Warwickshire C.C.C.s Edgbaston ground on June 16.

The Phoenix - June 2013


UK athletics future bright after sportshall final


he best athletes aged 11 to 14 who have competed in Sportshall Athletics events across the country came together for the UK final at Birmingham's NEC. After GB & NI international heptathlete Jade Surman and GB & NI hurdler James Gladman, both former Sportshall participants, kicked off the day, hundreds of under 13 and 15’s competed in a variety of events to score points for counties from

around the UK. The under 13 girls event was won by Hampshire, ahead of runners up Birmingham, while Greater Manchester were just a further point back. Hertfordshire were more comfortable winners of the under 13 boys, ahead of Avon and then Tyne and Wear. In the under 15 girls age group, Norfolk clinched victory ahead of Tyne and Wear and Birmingham. Phoebe White from Birmingham was the in-

dividual winner just two points ahead of Olivia Brough of Tyne and Wear with Jade Simson taking third. Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan narrowly defeated Norfolk in the under 15 boys category, Surrey were third. Norfolk did have the individual all rounder winner as Jack Deardon defeated Kristian Jones (Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan) who was second and his Norfolk teammate Thomas Lake third.

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Page 35


astEnders star, Nicholas Bailey, was at Aldersley Stadium Dome, in Wolverhampton, for a football tournament organised by the young people’s charity Re-Entry and Wolverhampton North East Local Neighbourhood Partnership. Nicholas, who played Dr. Trueman in the BBC1soap, was on hand to present medals to the winners and runners-up of the football competition. Volunteers for Crimestoppers, the only national charity helping to solve crime, were on hand to donate medals and encourage and give valuable advice. Jonathon Nelson of Re-Entry, who offers activities and support to young people who are not in education, said: “This was a fun and hugely successful event that managed to raise awareness for the excellent work that Re-Entry do for young people. It was also important to work with the charity Crimestoppers who help to get criminals off our streets by encouraging people to contact them anonymously. Crimestoppers Regional Manager, Pauline Hadley, said: “We were pleased to be able to help young people in Wolverhampton to have fun and learn about their safety at the same time.” Bill Nicholls MBE said “We were delighted that Nicholas was able to support our event. His appearance provided some added inspiration.”

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EastEnder doctor’s a remedy for charity football tournament

l Ex-EastEnders actor Nicholas Bailey (centre) supported the charity football tournament held at Aldersley Stadium. Nicholas is pictured with co-ordinator Ross Miller (left), Inclusion Officer (Wolves Community Trust) James Lowbridge (right), and three of the youngsters involved: Megan Jones, James Harris, and Daniel Loffke.

Brat Pak Passion - Page 34

Whispering Death Gets Lifetime Award


Travis Chase

ormer West InLondon (UEL) dian cricketer, at its annual News Editor one of the fastest Sports Awards. bowlers ever to “It’s a great play Test cricket, nickhonour to be named "Whispering receiving this Death" by umpires due to award, Holding Michael Holding was presented his quiet approach to the bowl- with a ‘Lifetime Achievement’ told a packed audiing crease. award by the University of East ence at the Emirates Stadium – home of Arsenal Football Club. “It means a lot”. Holding was a key player in the legendary West Indies squad which dominated international cricket at a time of global race riots and apartheid, with an exceptional winning streak that lasted from the mid-Seventies to the early Nineties. “When I was a kid my mother always told me ‘make sure you get a piece of paper behind your name, and now I’m a doctor,” Holding said. “It’s a great feeling to know that the University of East London wants to give

Mixed football raised to u15’s


me this award.” The University of East London, which celebrated an unprecedented year in sports, says it’s aiming to be the number one university in London for sport by 2015. UEL has over 28,000 students from over 120 countries.

l Michael Holding, a.k.a. “Whispering Death”

oys and girls as old as 15 will be able to play football in the same team in England next season following rule changes by the Football Association. FA shareholders unanimously voted to raise the age limit for mixed football from under-14s to under-15s in a bid to increase the number of girls playing football. They say that the change, which will come into effect for the start of the 2013-14 season, will enable them to “conduct further research into mixed football at this older age group”. It will be a third consecutive season that the age limit has been raised. The FA has received positive feedback to the previous changes and has been encouraged to

continue offering more opportunities for young girls to play the game. The rule change aims to support the development of female players by providing greater flexibility for any girl who wants to play football. The resolution to increase the age limit was approved at their Annual General Meeting, having first been passed by the FA Board, FA Executive and FA Council. Kelly Simmons, Director of the National Game and Women’s Football at the F said:. “This is really great news. We are delighted that the FA Shareholders fully supported the rule change to enable boys and girls to play in the same teams if they wish up to the under-15 age limit. The most important thing is to give girls who want to play football the choice.”

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