By Dr Tony Talburt
In1946astheworldwasenteringanewerafollowing theendofWorldWar2,UKPrimeMinister,Winston Churchill gave a speech in the USA referring to the specialrelationshipbetweenthetwostates.Supposedly, thisrepresentedclosepolitical,economic,historicaland culturaltiesbetweentheUSandUK.DuringPresident Trump’s first term in office, he ignored the strategic importance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO),theUnitedNations(UN)andtheInternational MonetaryFund(IMF).Nowthathehasbeenre-elected, we should consider whether his pronouncements will have adverse impacts on the UK or not. in his inaugurationspeech20January2025,PresidentTrump mademanypromises.Forexample,hereferredtoatwogender America, citing that political correctness was censorship.Hisenergypolicyisinspiredbythepopular phrase,‘drillbabydrill.Onforeignpolicy,hewantsthe UStotakeoverthePanamaCanalandrenametheGulf ofMexico(theGulfofAmerica).Hepromisestariffsand taxes on foreign countries to protect American business.Despiteshort-termbenefitstoAmerica,tariffs, climate change and a tougher stanceon NATO, could possibly have negative impacts on functional cooperationbetweenBritainandtheUSA.In2023the USAwastheUK’slargesttradingpartner(importsand exports respectively). President Trump wants to introduce more tariffs andincreased taxes on many foreign goods entering the USA, although IMF has warnedthis action can disproportionately affect the UK’sexporttrade.TheUKChancellor,RachelReeves, said she will make the case against tariffs with the Trump'steam.
TheChiefSecretarytotheTreasury,DarrenJones, told Sky News, that there is aplan if tariffs are imposed, but couldn’t discuss the details on air. President Trump is also not in favour of global climate change proposals that could result in millions of job losses in America. Although he is not focusing on renewal energy, he is reluctantto support countries like the UK, advocating the green agenda.The President has said repeatedly that NATO member countries should increasetheir national defence budgets to at least 5% of GDP. His argument - the USA shouldnot be the single largest financial contributor of defence. The UK spends about 2% of its GDP on defence and is being asked by the USA to substantially increase its defence budget to better finance NATO. The tough-talking Trump might be forced to moderate some of his policies; his threat against TikTok and failure during his first term in office to build no more than 88 miles of the border wall in the south to curb migrants. Despite the RepubliccontrolledHouse and Senate, the President might also be unable to achieve much successwith his Executive Orders. Such is the predictable/unpredictable nature of US President DonaldJ.Trump.
Overthepastcentury,advertising hasbecomeapowerfultoolfor companies to promote their goods and services and for consumers to make choicedemandsaccordingtochanging trends in tastes, lifestyles and related personal and family circumstances. Advertising involves promoting goods and services, providing businesses with opportunities to showcase their products by appealing to consumers'demands,preferences, and interests. Consumers are interested quality goods, affordable prices/pricing, increasevolume, as well as servicesthatareconsistentandat convenient locations. The evolution ofadvertising; from ancient scrolls, traditional parchment (paper) to modern print,broadcastandsocialmedia channels and platforms, has transformedmarketingstrategies. These changes also impact the way in which messages are received and interpreted by consumersand/ormassmarkets during promotional campaigns. Estimates indicate thatmajor companies spent roughly £19 billion on corporate advertising in 2024, and this isexpected to riseover5%in2025.Overthe past year the beauty, health, manufacturing, motor trade, telecommunications and the travel sectors were among the leadingadvertisersinbroadsheet and tabloid newspapers respectively. Unlike corporate entities,charitiesuseadvertising (space)topromote'socialgood'. Theirobjective is to 'widen audience participation' and involvement in publicly funded projects.Charity advertising increasedby14%duringthelast twoyearsto£762million,with healthcharities dominating with 41%ofnewspaper
Award-winningjournalist, editorandpublisherDr
ChristopherJohnsonwrites hismonthlycolumninThe Phoenixaimingtoinform, educateandentertain.
advertising. Trustees are committed to ensuring that advertisements include donors, funders and related sponsors. Thisapproachisreferredtoas dual, joint or complementary advertising, where allsides are included in special advertising campaigns. Yet,thebenefitsof either corporate orsocial advertising should not be understated.Firstly,corporateor charity advertisers can use the opportunity to introduce goods andservices. Secondly, they can provide useful information on developments in their organisations.Thirdly,theycan attractnewcustomersorservice users who are unable toaccess goods and services.In the newspaper advertising market, the number of readers is anticipatedtoreach7.4musers by 2029. The UK newspaper advertisingmarketisforecasted to reach US$0.89bn in2025. Advertisingremainsavitalpublic relations strategy for new and existing firms as wellas social enterprisesthatareinterestedin growingtheirmarketsingoods andservices.Amidtheongoing cost-of-living crisis, both businesses and charities can benefitfromtargetednewspaper advertising tailored to address diverse customer needs. At ThePhoenixNewspaper,wehave movedtowardsdigitalplatforms, to reflect changing consumer preferences and technological advancements. Despite these changes, we have maintaineda consistent flow of news and features, along with affordable advertising space for businesses andcharitiesfromallsectors.
As challenges to personal health increaseyearly,theNationalLottery Community Fund is investing millions into community well being projectsinvariouspartsofEngland. The state of human ill health has worsened since COVID-19, as millionssufferfromthesideeffectsof the pandemic (known as longCOVID). Emotional and social disorders have become prevalent issues affecting individuals. The Lottery demonstrates its corporate social responsibility by funding initiatives in underserved communities. Faith organisations and other non profit agencies received funding for making compellingcasesforlocalwellbeing support.
In London, My Father's House Prophetic Ministers (MFHPM) received funding for the ‘Family Mentoring Excellence’ project. This initiative provides employment, technology and social provision for 150 families in South London boroughs. One of the charity’s Trustees, Johnson Wamaraihe affirmed that “were it not for the Lottery, we could not start this project. Families with financial difficulties need support, more so, theirchildrenwhoarestrugglingto cope culturally and socially”. Approximately 44% of Londoners belevve that charities are the most effectiveinaddressingchildpoverty
The Wellness Education Limited in Birmingham,securedpublicfunding forits‘YouthParticipationinHealth Awareness (YoPiHA) project. The project aims to deliver training to boost the health capacity of hundreds of under-30 residents in Birmingham and Sandwell.Tammy TakkarwhoisalsofounderofActive Clinics,commendedtheLotteryfor supporting youth health-inspired projects. “Youngsters need holistic advice and guidance for mental andemotionaldisorders.Mostyouth illnessesareeithermisunderstandor misdiagnosed,anditisgood,thatthe Lotteryhassteppedintoassistusin dealingwiththisgrowingproblem”
The Sandwell-based Community Education Academy of Leadership receivedcorefundingforitsHealthy ActivePeople'sProgressiveYearning (HAPPY) project. Its aim is “to enable over 1000 residents, groups and their communities in Sandwell, tolivehappierliveswhilstreducing theirstateofemotional,mentaland physicalunwellnesscompoundedby thecost-of-livingcrisis”.ProjectCoordinator,HarminderKaurBhogal, saidthatthereareplans“tointegrate a community treatment model” to measurekeyperformanceindicators (oftheproject).
“We believe that under-served communities across the West Midlandsareundergoinghardtimes and we need to find appropriate resourcestocomeupwithpractical solutions to the current economic crisis affecting thousands”, she asserted.HarminderKaurBhogalIn 2023, the Lottery funded 14,000 projectswithatotalof£650million. According to the fund, “it is impossibletoproperlydojusticeto the breadth and diversity of these grants –whether smaller or large, first-time or continuation awards, local or national in reach – they reflect inspiring work happening in resilientcommunities”
(www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/new s/press-releases/2024-01-04/welcometo-2024)
The National Lottery Community FundlaunchedanewCorporatePlan (2024),withitsmissionbasedonthe followingpillars:
•Beenvironmentallysustainable. •Help children and young people thrive.
Anew,independentsurveyof2,000 UKadultshasfoundthatoverhalf (52%)ofUKadults,notinlongterm relationships, said that financial pressure to meet retirement goals assingletons, makesthemanxious,newresearch by My Pension Expert has revealedhttps://ifamagazine.com/sin gle-savers-face-extra-costs-andanxiety-in-the-race-toretirement/The UK’s leading atretirementadvisercommissionedan independent survey of 2,000 UKadults. It found that 56% of singlesaversbelieverelyingsolely on their own income andsavings makesitmorechallengingtosave forretirement,withmanyfeeling theweightoftheso-called“singles tax.”Theterm‘singlestax’refersto the financial disadvantages or increasedcoststhatsinglesmayface comparedtothosewhoaremarried
Quobly, a leading French quantum computingstartup,hasreportedthat FD-SOI technologycan serve as a scalable platform for commercial quantum computing, leveraging traditionalsemiconductor manufacturing fabs and CEA-Leti's R&D pilot line.The semiconductor industry has enabled classical computers to scale at cost, with a similartransformative potential for quantum computers, thereby making them commercially scalableand cost competitive. Silicon spin qubits are excellent for achieving fault-tolerant, large-scalequantum computing, registering clock speeds in the µsec range,fidelityabove99%foroneand two-qubit gate operations and incomparablysmallunitcellsizes(in the hundredths of100nm²).In capitalising on decades of semiconductor infrastructure investments, Quobly has adopteda fablessmodelthatfocusesonFD-SOI, a commercially available CMOS technology,manufacturedby
orinlong-termpartnerships.While 59% ofsavers in a long-term relationship say that having a partner makes them feel more secureabout their retirement prospects,53%ofsinglesfeelata disadvantagecomparedtopeoplein relationships when it comes to savingforretirement.Half(50%)of singlesareconcernedthattheymay needtoworklongerthanpeople who aremarried in order to save enoughforretirement.Thatsaid, the research reveals retirement planning challenges for all. Just 38%ofallsaversfeelconfidentthat they will have enoughfunds to enjoy a financially secure retirement. Lily Megson, Policy Director at My Pension Expert, said: “Retirement planning isundoubtedly a challenge for everyone,butourresearch
highlights the unique pressuresfaced by singles, who oftenbearthefullfinancialburden ofsavingalone.“Withouttheability topoolresources,solosaversmust stretch their income further, whichcanleadtoincreasedanxiety and a sense of financial disadvantage. The number of peopleintheUKlivinginsinglepersonhouseholdsisgrowing,so it’s never been more important toaddress the financial shortfall that singles are battling.“Regardless of gender, relationship status, or any other personal circumstances, peopledeserve to feel safe and secureintheirretirementplanning, rather than penalised.Retirement planningiscomplexandrequires thoughtful engagement, yet many remaindisconnected from the process.“For single savers, the challengeisevengreaterasthey
STMicroelectronics,GlobalFoundries, and Samsung, as a platform forquantumcomputing.Quobly'swork, reportedonDecember9th,2024,at IEDM, addresses critical challenges forscaling quantum systems. With CEA-Leti, CEA-IRIG and CNRS, Quoblyhasdemonstratedkeybuilding blocks for a quantum computer leveragingcommercialFD-SOI
Low-temperature operations and characterization of digital and analogueperformances, adhering to circuitdesignguidelines.
Singlequbitoperationsusinghole and electron spin qubits using the CEA-Leti's R&Dpilot line. This ambipolarplatformoptimizessystem performance,leveragingelectrons'long coherencetimesformemory,aswellas theholes'strongspin-orbitinteraction forfastdataprocessing.
ChargecontrolincommercialGF 22FDXtofurtherdefineastandard cell for a two-qubit gate.Key achievementsinclude: Cryogenic Control Electronics: Voltagegainupto75dB,noiselevelsof 10-11V²∙μm²/Hz,and
threshold voltage variability of 1.29mV∙μm.
Am bipolar Spin Qubits: Cointegrationofholeandelectronqubits onFD-SOItechnology,achieving1μs manipulationspeedforholesand40μs coherence time (Hahn echo) for electrons.
Two-Qubit Gate Standard Cell: Demonstrationofdoublequantumdot operationswithcommercialFD-SOI.A StepTowardsCommercialQuantum SystemsThisworkpositionsFD-SOIas essential for scalable quantum processorsandestablishesQuoblyasa leader in cost-efficient, fault-tolerant quantumcomputing.
By co-integrating quantum and classical components on the same platform,Quoblyisshapingscalable QSoCarchitectures.Foundedin2022 inGrenoble,Quoblypioneers’faulttolerant quantum computing withsemiconductorqubits.Combining cutting-edge research with industrial production, Quobly targets scalable systems with millions of qubits.The companyraised€19millionin2023, setting a European quantum sector record.
prepare for their financial futuresindependently. This highlights the need for targeted government initiatives to support thesavingseffortsofthisgrowing demographic,increasingaccessto financial education andadvice for allwillbekeytobridgingsavings gapsamongstall.”
Affordable homes developer
Morro Partnerships has supportedtheAllSaintsAction Network(ASAN) in Wolverhampton, near to its regeneration project at the former Royal Hospital, witha donationofmaterials.ASANisa charityandsocialenterprisewith itsvisiontoimprovethequality oflifeforallpeoplewholiveand work in the All Saints area of Wolverhampton. They runs communityenterprises and delivers initiatives that help improvethelivesoflocalpeople throughdeveloping their skills, increasingthecirculareconomy and reducing the impacts of poverty.As part of Morro’s commitmenttobecomingbetter ‘communitymakers’,andgoing beyondsimply building its affordablehomes,thedeveloper donatedwoodenpallets,chairs, andtables, which went to ASAN’s warehouse to be stripped down and repurposed. Thesematerials will support ASAN in its five strategic objectives when supporting the All Saintscommunity, which consist of working with local peopletoestablishcommunity
managedservices, to work towardsasustainableapproach to the organisation’s activities, and providea route to employment through training, the development of skills, and building localcapacity.Shobha Asar-Paul,chiefexecutiveofficer at All Saints Action Network, said:“IamgratefultoMorrofor theirpartinsupportingASANin theworkwedo.Weappreciate collaborating withpartners who align their efforts with local priorities.” Abdul Mozzamdar, HeadofSocialValueandEarly Careers at Morro Partnerships, said:“It’simportanttoallofus atMorrotoleavealastinglegacy inourcommunities,aswework towardsmakingournewhomes better placesto live “All Saints Action Network do such fantasticcommunityledworkin Wolverhamptonthatwefeltvery strongly about helping to supporttheminsomeway.We hopethattheycontinuethegood workthattheirorganisationhas beendoingandlookforwardto future opportunities tosupport them.”Situated in the heart of Wolverhampton,Morroworked
in partnership with Walsall Housing Group (whg) to refurbishthegrandoldhospital building, breathing new life intoWolverhampton and creating 192 new homes alongsidethebuilding,bringing communitiescloser together.This donation further cements Morro's commitment to recycling, which is strengthenedthrough its partnership with waste management experts, Bakers Environmental Solutions. Allsites have dedicated segregation zones, reducing the number of materials sent to landfillandenablingmaterialsto be recycled back into the environment more quickly and efficiently.Withapipelineofover 2,500plotsacrosstheMidlands, Morro places an emphasis oncommunity, collaborating withsustainablecontractorsand suppliers, to allow for greaterimpactonthecommunity andtheenvironment.
Demolitionworkshavestartedthis week as part of a major redevelopmentofcouncilhousingon the New Park Village estate, in Wolverhampton. Poor quality bungalowsonValleyRoadarethe firstbuildingstobepulleddownby contractorDSMDemolitiontopave the way for new homes. Planning wasapprovedinDecember2024,for the overall scheme, which will see 205out-datedresidentialproperties demolished. Stripping out of the 1960smaisonettesatEllertonWalk, whichsitwithineightlinkeddeckaccess blocks each with integral garages at ground-floor level, has alsobegun,aheadoffulldemolition. Theywillbereplacedwith188new two,threeandfour-bedroomhighly energy-efficient homes for rent, as well as increased car parking and improvedpublicopenspaceatthe heartoftheestate,whichwill
includeachildren’splayarea,green gym and seating.Phase one of the masterplanwillseeprovisionof98 new homes, while phase two willdeliver83newproperties.Asite onLongfordRoadisearmarkedfor seven new bungalows.The demolitionworkswillpavetheway for construction partner, Keon Homes, appointedthrough the council’s new development framework,tobegindevelopmentof thenewhomesinsummer2025The £40million programme will be fundedfromthecouncil’sHousing Revenue Account(HRA) capital budget.ValMcKean(centreinpic), Chair of New Park Village Committee and Resident Steering GroupMember,said:“It’samassive achievement to see the demolition worksstarting.Alotofpeopleon theestatearesoexcited.“Ihopeit’s goingtobringthe
communitybacktowhereitwasmany years ago - like a family.It’s a new beginningandIthinkit’sgoingtobe amazing.” Councillor Steve Evans (rightinpic),CityofWolverhampton CouncilDeputyLeaderandCabinet MemberforCityHousing,said:“We arecontinuingtoinvestheavilyinnew andreplacementcouncilhousingand thesedemolitionworksmarkthestart ofdeliveryonaschemethatwillmake amajordifferencetotheresidentsof New Park Village.“It forms part of our commitment to deliver good homes in well-connected neighbourhood s across the city. In thelong-term,theredevelopmentwill contribute to the improvement of tenants living conditions with the provision of highly energy-efficient new homes, better play areas and green space creating an environmentally friendly estate.”The redevelopmentschemewillbephased over several years to minimise disruptiontoresidents.
Councillor Obaida Ahmed, the City of Wolverhampton council’s Cabinet Member for Digitaland Community, said: “This is a great opportunity to celebratetherichhistoryofthe areaandbringpeopletogether.”
The Know Your Neighbourhoodprojectinvolves fundingofupto£30millionand is designed to widen participation in volunteering and tackle loneliness in 27 disadvantaged areas across England.The funding comes from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and has beendistributedbyArtsCouncil England (ACE) in partnership with national charity Libraries Connected. Wolverhampton Libraries was awarded £86,000 which is being used to create arange of social activities in libraries across the city includingbereavement
social groups, walking groups, arts and crafts sessions, menopause cafes, Diwali celebrations, and severallocal history groups focusing on distinctareasofthecity,suchas Low Hill. People's stories, memories and photos are being collected for an exhibition to mark thecentenary of Low Hill Estate.It is the result of a memories group set up at Low Hill Library, as part of the wider Know Your Neighbourhood project, which, withthehelpofvolunteersfrom the Friends ofWolverhampton Archives, discovered that the first houses on the estate were built around 100 years ago. To celebrate the centenary, an exhibition in the Low Hill libraryisbeingplannedlaterthis year, tracing the life of the estate through photos, maps andstoriesfromlocal
people.This will include memories of working in factories, like Goodyear and Guy Motors, leisuretime spent at the Bushbury Arms, the Clifton Cinema and the Penny Bike Park, shopping inShowell Circus and attending local schoolsandchurches.JenLees, Wolverhampton Libraries’ project lead for Know Your Neighbourhood, said: “We already have some veryinteresting material from the Archives and from people coming to group meetings at thelibrary, but we are keen to hear more memories of living on the estate and to see photos oftheareafromfamilyalbums.”
New homes provider Bromford is assuring children settling into its West Midlands new homes that Father Christmas is aware of their change of address.The housing association has supported a diverse range of home seekers in securing theirdream Shared Ownership home across the county and is spreading festive cheer byconfirming Santa Claus will visit all of its thriving new communities in 2024. Bromford iscelebrating the magic of the festive season by helpingeverychildembracetheirfirstChristmasin their new home and putting concerns that Santa may not know they havemoved to bed.Catherine Jarrett, Director of Sales and Marketing at Bromford,said:“TheChristmasfestivitiesarewell underway, and it’s important that we comfort familieslivinginourbrand-newhomesthatSanta is aware that they have changed address.“We’ve seen incredible progress at our developments in West Midlands this year, with letting children know that they’re on Santa’s radar an important step in making them feel truly athome this Christmas.”Bromfordhasbeenakeycontributor to the increased accessibility ofShared Ownership homesandeducationaroundtheaffordableroute ontothepropertyladder.SharedOwnershipgives those who do not currently own a property the chancetosecureanewbuildhomewithBromford. Homebuyers pay a mortgage on the share they ownandpayrentontheremainingshare,meaning a smaller deposit is required.Bromford is one of the largest housing associations (HA) in the country. Providing both open-market property and affordable homes for people who are unable toaccessmarkethousing,theHAownsmorethan 45,000 homes spread across Central and South WestEngland.
Nick Bayliss, CEO of Greets Green Community Enterprises (GGCE), believer of‘ThrivingSelf-ReliantSocialEnterprises ’Whatwasthemainreasonforyoutaking upthepositionofCEOatGGCE?Iwas purpose-drivenwhenIjoinedtheGGCE. A few years ago, I struggled significantly withmymentalhealth;mycounsellorand faithtaughtmethateverythingIdoshould havepurpose.AtGGCE,wefocusentirely onthecommunity.Whileweoperateasa business,itbenefitsothers;itisanot-forprofit concern. Indeed, supporting others gives me a REAL purpose What knowledge, skills, and experience do you bring to this role? My career includesworkingasamechanic,renovating properties, setting up companies, and volunteering. In SouthAfrica, I managed youthcentresandcommunityspaceswith government and corporatesupport. As CEO, I need to be a businessperson, landlord, youth leader, trusted figure, andapproachable individual, all at the same time. Being involved in the community—whetherit’srunningprograms
ormakingtea—iskeytothevarious‘hats’ that I wear as leader.How would you describeyourleadershipandmanagement styles? I empower my team,trusting their knowledge and capabilities while holding themaccountable.Iaimtobeapproachable but can make tough decisions when needed.How many Board Directors and staffmembersdoyouoversee?Wehavesix boardmembers, eleven staff, and two volunteers.What services do you offer to the public? We provide affordable spaces for smallbusinesses, including salons, earwax removal services, charity offices, andtherapists.Weoffertrainingroomsfor ESOL classes, digital skills sessions, workshops,socialcarecourses,churchand meditation groups, and more. Our community hall hosts events like parties, toddlersessions, dance classes, weight loss groups, weddings, youth clubs, NHS events,andothers.Wealsooperateanonsite children’s nursery.Who are your specific clients or service users? We welcome everyone. Our closeknitcommunity fosters lasting friendships whileremainingopentonewcomers.How
many incubators or clients are housed in the center? We currently support about 15clients.What major issues face your clients or service users? Funding is a significantchallenge.Mostofoureventsare free,sowerelyondiversefundingsources to sustain these essentialactivities.What type of partners or partnerships do you collaborate with? We collaborate withorganizations that share a social purpose.AtGGCE,wevaluepartnerships over control,working with experts to enhance the community.What is your overallstrategyforGGCEoverthenext5 to 10 years? Create more self-sufficient community spaces. Ensure spaces enrich peopleofallages,races,andabilities.What advicewouldyougivetoothercenterslike yours? Money is essential, andDirectors/Trusteesmustalwaysaimfor self-sufficiency to remain true to their centre’s mission.How many Board Directors and staff members do you oversee? We have six boardmembers, eleven staff, and two volunteers.What services do you offer to the public? We provide affordable spaces for smallbusinesses,includingsalons,
earwax removal services, charity offices, andtherapists.Weoffertrainingroomsfor ESOL classes, digital skills sessions, workshops,socialcarecourses,churchand meditation groups, and more. Our community hall hosts events like parties, toddlersessions, dance classes, weight loss groups, weddings, youth clubs, NHS events,andothers.Wealsooperateanonsite children’s nursery.Who are your specific clients or service users? We welcome everyone. Our closeknitcommunity fosters lasting friendships while remaining open to newcomers.How many incubators or clients are housed in the center? We currently support about 15clients. What major issues face your clients or service users? Funding is a significantchallenge.Mostofoureventsare free,sowerelyondiversefundingsources to sustain these essentialactivities.What type of partners or partnerships do you collaborate with? We collaborate withorganizations that share a social purpose.AtGGCE,wevaluepartnerships overcontrol,workingwithexpertsto
enhance the community.What is your overallstrategyforGGCEoverthenext5 to 10 years? Create more self-sufficient community spaces. Ensure spaces enrich peopleofallages,races,andabilities.What advicewouldyougivetoothercenterslike yours? Money is essential, andDirectors/Trusteesmustalwaysaimfor self-sufficiency to remain true to their centre’s mission.uThey should also work withtheiroperationalteamtousefunding wisely and charge for serviceswhere appropriatebutnotdependingentirelyon externalsupport.
A large number of Chinese women are breakingtheglassceilingtoenterprofessions thatwere previously dominated by men.The first female pilot recruited by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force in China'sXizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region has attracted wide attention. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of China, the labour force participationrateofChinesewomenhasrisen from 7.5 percent in 1949 to 61.1 percent in 2023.In recent years, a large number of women have played important roles in manufacturing,service, high-tech, and green industries, etc. They not only promote economicdevelopmentintraditionalfieldsbut arealsodoing"malejobs",withthenumber offemalepilots,academicians,entrepreneurs, anddiplomatsontherise.KelsangPedron,a woman of the post-2000 generation, i.e., youthsbornfrom2000to2009inChina,isthe first female pilot from Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region recruited by thePLA Air Force. She has had a dream of "flying intothebluesky"sincechildhood.InKelsang Pedron'seyes,genderisnolongeranobstacle ontheroadforwomentopursuedreams.She wentthroughthesamerigorousselectionand training as her male classmatesbefore becomingaqualifiedfighterpilot."Ihad
undergone an entire selection process and procedures to get this far, and I wasdetermined to excel and not to be eliminated,soIstudiedveryhard,"shesaid. KelsangPedron has successfully completed a single test flight for a fighter aircraft, deliveringexcellent results in this stage of training.She said that flying has become a goal from merely a passion at the very beginning. "Ishould train hard to become a fighterpilottoprotecttheblueskiesofour motherland,"saidKelsangPedron.Atpresent, there are more and more female college graduates like Kelsang Pedron. Fortheir diverse employment needs, the Chinese government has also put forward manysupport measures. In September 2024, the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Councilunveiled a setofguidelinestopromotehigh-qualityand sufficient employment byimplementing the employment-firststrategy,whichproposedto safeguardthelegitimaterightsandinterestsof womeninemploymentandentrepreneurship, career development, skills training, occupational health, and safety, etc., and build a birth friendly employment e nvironment. The issuer is solely responsible forthecontentofthisannouncement.
Birmingham Chinese Festival Committee and Birmingham Hippodrome have announced the return of the city’s annual Chinese New Year celebrations in February.Festivities will start in the city centre on Saturday 1 February with lion anddragonprocessionsinpartnershipwith Bullring & Grand Central. Celebrations continue on Sunday 2February with the UberEatsFestivalStageattheheartofthe festival on Hippodrome Squarea nd throughout Chinatown.The packed programmewillshowcasethetalentwithin thelocalChinesecommunityandincludea range of traditional and modern music, dance and theatre performances for all to enjoy. Across the weekend, Southside will comealivewithcraftmarkets,foodstalls, family activities and more.The city will welcome in the Year of the Snake on Sunday with a spectacular firework finale.Jeffrey Yap, Chair of the Birmingham Chinese Festival Committee said: "Last year’sfestivities in Southside were incredible – over 38,000 people attended,makingitthebiggesteverdayin Southside for Chinese New Year celebrations.“Weareexcitedtoco-produce thisyear’sfestival,whichwillnotonlysee thereturnofthetraditionalwakingofthe
Lion‘DimJing’,DragondancesandPom Pom, our ten-foot giantPanda, but showcase brilliant performances from artists within our region. It’s going to be afantastic weekend! Chris Sudworth, Creative Director at Birmingham Hippodrome added: “Chinese New Year Festival 2025 is all about giving local performersandcommunitiesaplatformto shine. Weare delighted to celebrate our neighboursinChinatown;Chinese&East Asianculture;andproudofthesupportthe festival brings for local businesses.“Alongside activities here in Southside, we look forward to festivities making a welcomedreturn to Bullring & Grand Central, bringing more people together to welcome in the Year ofthe Snake.” Chinese New Year 2025 is coproducedbyBirminghamChineseFestival Committee and Birmingham Hippodrome.This year’s festival is sponsoredbyUberEatsandsupportedby SouthsideDistrict,TheArcadian,WingYip and Brothers Foundation and The BirminghamChineseSchool.TheSaturday programmeisinpartnershipwithBullring & Grand Central. The full Chinese New Year2025programmewillbeannouncedin January.
Caerphilly County Borough Council is thrilled to announce the upgrade of Abercarn PrimarySchool’s sports facility, funded by the Welsh Government’s Community Focused SchoolsGrant.This project is being delivered in partnership with Abercarn Primary School and localcommunity groups, as part of the Council’s wider Sport and Active Recreation Strategy. Theproject has seen the installation of a state-of-the-art 3G surface with floodlighting, providingan enhanced space for both school and community use.The facility will offer a highquality venue for local sports clubs and organisations to train andhost activities, supporting the Council’s commitment to increasing opportunities for physicalactivity and engagement.
Councillor Chris Morgan, Cabinet Member for Leisure, said:“Thisupgradewillprovidea fantasticresourceforboththe
school and the local community,supporting healthier and more active lifestyles.” Cllr Carol Andrews, Cabinet Member for Education and Communities, emphasisedthebenefitsfor education, saying:“Upgradingtoa3Gfacilityat Abercarn Primary School willsignificantlyenhanceopportunities for pupils to engage in high-quality physical education.“This modern surface will support their physical development, encourage teamwork andprovide a space where they can thrive both during lessons and extracurricular activities. It’sa wonderfuladditionthatalsobenefits the wider community.” Clubs interested in booking theupgraded facility are invited to submit their interest directly to the school by Thursday23rdJanuary.Bookingswill be allocated in line with the authority’s Artificial pitch allocation criteria, with confirmations provided by the end of January. Clubs that have already contacted the schooldo notneedtoreapply.Thisprojectisa key element of the Council’s Sport and Active Recreation Strategy, whichaims to improve access to modern, sustainable facilities that encourage healthier and moreactive lifestylesacrosstheborough.
CORE City Academy in Birmingham has been ranked as one of the most improved schoolsin the UK for student progress, according to the latest rankings published by The ExcellenceHub.CORE City Academy was ranked as the 12th most improved school in the country. These rankings showcase CORECityAcademy'sdedication to ensuring every student can succeed.
The rankings judged schools by their ‘progress 8 gain’. Progress 8 (P8)isavalue-addedmeasurethat compares a pupil's progress from the end of primary school to the endofyear11tootherpupilswith similar starting points. Rebecca Bakewell,headteacheratthe
CORE City Academy, said:
“Being named the 12thmost improved school in the UK is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion ofour staff, students, and the entire school community,""We are immensely proud of the progress our students have made and remain committed toproviding them with the highest standard of education, ensuring they are fully preparedfortheopportunitiesthat lie ahead." The Excellence Hub, a platform for educationalimprovement, tracks progress and improvements in schools nationwide, providing a clearpicture of where schools are excelling.CORE City Academy's performanceintheserankings
underscores the effectiveness of itstailored approach to teaching, an inclusive school culture, and a focus on equipping studentswith the skills needed for success in both academic and personal development. Jo Tyler, CEO of the CORE Education Trust, commented: “It’s brilliant to see the huge strides that have been made at CORE City Academy be recognised in this way. “Strong leadership at the Academy is drivingimprovementbyleapsand bounds. I look forward to seeing the Academy continue to go from strengthtostrength”.
The Government’s plan to introduce artificial intelligenceinclassroomsmustbedonewiththe help of school support staff, the GMB Union has said.The AI Opportunities Action Plan, announced yesterday (Monday January 13) by Ministers“anticipatethatAIwillbeausefultool for assessment in the education sector...helping someteachers cut down the 15+ hours a week they spend on lesson planning and marking.”The GMB union is concerned that schoolsupportstaffareleftoutofconversations aroundnew technology. A recent survey of GMB’s tens of thousands of school support staffmembers, only six per cent said their employers consult them before new technology isintroduced in schools Meanwhile 60 per cent wereworriedtechnologicalprogressesmightbe usedtoreducestaffinglevelsduringthenextfive years. Stacey Booth (pic), GMB National Officer,said:“Manysupportstaffwillbeworried about what the Government’s plans mean for theirwork day-to-day.“GMB members cannot be left out of the conversation. Automation is nothing new ineducation and some of our members already use new technologies in their jobs.“Well-designed forms of new technology can improve education but there are natural limitsanditcannotreplacethoserelieduponto educate our children. It is crucial that schoolsupportstaffarenotleftabsentfromthe Government’s understanding and ambition.“They must have a say over any proposals that affect their work; the reinstated SchoolSupport Staff Negotiating Body is the placetohavethatconversationwhenitisupand running.”
EngineeringUK is partnering with The Royal Air Force Charitable Trust (RAFCT) to expandthe reach ofitsBigBangatSchoolBlueprintprogramme,where secondary schools can hosttheir own exciting science andengineeringdays.Withaskillsandlabourshortage in the engineering and technology sector, and Engineering UK and Royal Society research showing some girls are switching off from science, the partnershipwithRAFCTaimstosupportupto47,000 young people to enjoy their own Big Bang at School day with amazing science and engineering activities, workshops and projects and spark a passion and curiosity for all things STEM. The fundingwill enable BigBangatSchoolBlueprint,whichaimstobringthe same fun, excitement andinteractive learning experienceasTheBigBangFair,heldeachyearatthe NEC,totheclassroomtobenefit11to14year-oldsand bringtolifescience,engineeringandtechnologycareers throughshows,workshopsandactivities.RAFCTaims to inspire young people to consider careers in Science TechnologyEngineeringandMathematics(STEM)and is powered by the proceeds of the Royal International AirTattoo. Dr Kevin P Stenson, Director of RAFCT, said:“TheRAFCharitableTrust,poweredbyRIAT,is
delighted to support Engineering UK’s Big Bang School at School Blueprint programme “This new partnership, part of our aim to be able to support an annual National STEM programmes for 500,000 youngpeopleaged5–25years,representsahugeleap forwardforusbyenablingnearly50,00011to14-yearolds to be inspired to fulfil their potential in air,space and technology. This secondary school programme builds upon existing programmes we enable with primaryschools.”BursariesfortheBigBangatSchool Blueprint are available for priority schools to help teachershosttheirownSTEMprojectandworkshops. Engineering UK Chief Executive, DrHilary Leevers said: “It’s fantastic to be partnering with the RAF Charitable Trust to help spread the reach of the Big BangatSchoolBlueprint.“Moreyoungpeoplefromall backgrounds across the UK need to know about the exciting and impactful jobs to be had in science, technology and engineering. We greatly appreciatethe support of the RAF Charitable Trust to help us make thathappenthroughtheBigBangatSchoolBlueprintand we'll make sure children have some fun along the way!”.
A species of predatory plant that has captivated scientists for centuries is more sensitivethan previously thought, new researchbyUniversityofGloucestershirehas revealed.The great 19th century naturalist CharlesDarwin–authorofOntheOriginof Species – wasso fascinated by sundews (scientificnameDroserarotundifolia)thathe once remarked: “Atthis present moment I caremoreaboutDroserathantheoriginofall the species in theworld.” The carnivorous round-leavedsundew–adeadlycousinofthe Venusflytrap–isrenownedforcapturingand digestingsmallinsectsthatareattractedtothe sticky, sugarysubstance on the hair-like tentaclesonitsleaves.Oncethehelplessinsect istrappedbythestickysubstance,theleafof the sundew curls upto engulf and digest its victim, which provides the plant with vital nutrientsthataren’talwaysreadilyavailablein the bogs where it typically lives. But a groundbreaking study by Universityof Gloucestershire’s Dr Chris Hatcher has cast fresh light on sundews’ sensitivity to theirsurroundings after finding that they modifytheircarnivoroustraitsinresponseto changestotheirlocalenvironment.
Dr Hatcher and Dr Jonathan Millett (Loughborough University) studied how sundewsresponded to differences in sunlight and the availability of nitrogen through rainfall – bothvital for plant life – by measuring the density of tentacles on their leavesandtheproportionofnutrientsderived from prey, noting that the balance of water through rainfall andevaporation alters where nutrientsaccumulateinbogs.Akeyfindingof the research is thatsundews are more carnivorous in high-sunlight bog microhabitats that are not rich innutrients.Where rainfall is higher, nitrogen accumulates in low-lying hollows and thereforethesundews’relianceoncarnivoryis reduced. In areas where rainfall and evaporation are morebalanced, sundews are theoretically able to gain nutrients through their roots across hollowsand hummocks (raisedareas)inequalmeasure.Butthestudy foundthatinthesesameconditions,sundews are in fact more carnivorouswhen they grow inhollows,withtheirleaveshaving50%more sticky tentacles to capturetheir luckless prey. This is because hollows gain more sunlight thanhummocks,whichshadethesundews.Dr Hatcher, from the University’s School of Education and Science, said: “The resilience andadaptability of sundews that we have discovered could be key to their survival in changingenvironmentalconditions,whichisa fantasticbreakthroughforalladmirersofthis popularpredatory plant.“By exploring these adaptivepatternsinrainfallandsunlight,we have demonstrated howcarnivorous plants can persist in nutrient-poor environments by responding flexibly to localconditions. This adaptability might allow sundews to survive in specific microhabitats byeating more prey where it is most advantageous, which is an important discovery forunderstanding how species can survive in a changing environment.”
Park High School, in Stanmore Greater London, has copped the ‘Artsmark Gold Award’ forintegrating arts and cultural provisioninitscurriculum.Theprovisionwas delivered in theschool for almost two years with professional support from Goldsmiths, UniversityofLondon.Artsmarkisthecreative qualitystandardforschools,accreditedbyArts CouncilEngland.Itsupportsteachingthrough creativity and helps improve pupil outcomes and wellbeing.The Artsmark Assessor praised the school for its “emphasis on the strengthening ofcommunity through the arts (which)isadmirableandwasmuchinevidence inyourwholeschool‘ArtsFestival’”and“the contribution of the arts to wider learning (which has been)developed through CPD on thecreativityandtheuseofDramatosupport oracy”. Theassessor also noted the “strong support for arts leadership” and the school’s “commitment toEDI (which) is a real and admirable strength of the school”.Colette O’Dwyer said: “We are extremely proud of achievingourArtsmarkGoldAward.Weare
committedtodeliveringahigh-qualityartsand culturaleducation.“OurArtsmarkjourneyhas transformed Park High by providing opportunities for culturalcapital in which our studentshavebeenabletoparticipateaswellas attending a rich rangeof workshops, masterclasses and performances. This reflects the undoubted commitment ofour Performing ArtsFaculty”.DrDarrenHenleyOBE,Chief Executive of Arts Council England, said: “I would like tocongratulate Park High on their Artsmark Award. Creative activities and culturalexperienceseEnrichourlives,openour minds to new possibilities and help us make senseoftheworldaroundus.“Asanawarded Artsmarkschool,you’redemonstratingthatby offering a broad, ambitious and creative curriculum, your young people will develop character and resilience, increasing their knowledge,curiosityandskillsthatwillremain withthemthroughtoadultlife.”
FarmersinJamaicahavejustrecentlysetoutfor anewlifeinCanadaundertheSAWP(Seasonal Agricultural Workers Programme).They programmewillseeninety-sixfarmworkers-12 of whom are first-timers - work inOntario and New Brunswick to support agricultural operations in Leamington, West Lorne,Thedford, Brantford, Northampton, ArkonaandDelhi,inthecountry’sprovinces.In hisaddress at the send-off ceremony at the Ministry of Labour and Social Security's OverseasEmployment Centre in Kingston, PortfolioMinister,PearnelCharlesJr.,advised that theLNOB (Leave No One Behind) policy was introduced during the recruitment process forfarmworkers for the 2025 season.“The mandate is that anyone who is chosen to be interviewed for this opportunity will get anopportunity if they so seek it,” the Minister said.“Thousandsofpotentialworkerscameto beevaluated.“Allofthemwentthroughthenew process which included assessments for numeracy,literacyandpsychometrictestingand they were interviewed under this policy.” Successfulcandidates were approved for the SAWP while those who had challenges with reading andnumeracy were referred to the HEART/NSTATrustforremedialtraining.Mr. CharlesJr.said:“Ourgoalistomake
sure that we're not sending back persons into thesame situation. A“We want everyone who receivesafarmworkcardopportunitytobeable to improve in oneway or the other. If it is that aftertheinterview,wedeterminethattheperson perhapsmaynotbefitforfarmwork,butwould be fit to start a business, they were diverted foremploymentreadinesstrainingordivertedto receiveabusinessgrant.”Hewentontosaythat these diversions are a positive step in ensuring that Jamaica createsa stronger pool of workers. This year marks the 59th anniversary of the Jamaica-Canada partnership, with Senior Trade Commissioner, Michael Lazaruk, who was representing the High Commissioner of Canada to Jamaica, Mark Berman, who highlighted Jamaicanswhohavelongbeenvitalcontributors to Canada's agricultural and domestic food security.He said the Canadian government is committed to working with the Jamaican government and Canadian employers to ensure that the programme operates fairly, safely and efficiently.“Tothealmost100workersdeparting for Canada today and the thousands more that willsoon follow, I would like to say Canada greatly values your hard work and the importantcontributionsthatyoumakeyearafter year to our farms and, by extension to, our economyandoursociety,”Lazaruksaid.
Do state-run grain terminals perform better than private ones?
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced plansrecently,toconstructalargegrainterminal in Gdańsk, a port city in northern Poland.This terminal will serve two primary purposes: facilitatingtheexportofPolishandforeigngrain and enhancing Poland's food security during emergencies. The investment is expectedto cost 500 million zlotys (approximately 117 million euros).Once operational in 2026, the terminal is anticipated to have an initial handling capacity oftwo million tons of grain, which will later be increased to three million tons. Currently, thegrainterminalsinotherportcitieshavemore handling capacity than they can utilize, but thenew terminal will be allocated to companies fully dependent on the government.The Prime Minister mentioned that the Polish government attemptedtoregaincontrolofthegrainterminals in Szczecin and Gdynia but faced legal and ownershipchallenges.Theconstructionofthenew terminalwillbecarriedoutbyconstruction
companiesthatareentirelygovernment-controlledIn Gdynia, a large grain terminal struggled for a long timetochooseitsoperatorbecausethetenderswere awardedtoacompanythatdidnotreceiveapproval from politicians andagricultural organizations. For the second time, the tender was won by the same privatecompany affiliated with the global grainhandling giant Viterra.Simultaneously, the stateownedNationalFoodIndustryGroupfailed,anda decisionispending,astotheleaseapprovalfromthe Ministry of Infrastructure.Poland’s food security does not rely on building the terminal or grain storage facilities but onestablishing clear and transparent regulations and ensuring efficient spendingofpublicfundsformandatoryreserves.This situationreflectsatypicaltrendinacentralisedstate thatpromotes the saving role of government while exerting political influence over the economy.A subsequent step in Poland could be the revival of state-ownedfarms,asonlystateentitieswillbeableto producegrain,whichwillthenbetransportedbystate railroadstostate-ownedwarehouses.
A glance at the Council for Education in the Commonwealth(CEC)TheCouncilforEducationin the Commonwealth (CEC), is a parliament-based non-governmental organisation (NGO), established 1959 in London, to provide a forumfor education advocacy and policy across the 56 Commonwealth MembersStates.Itorganisesannualactivitiessuchas lectures, debates and other programs to create awareness of the role of the Commonwealth in national and international affairs. The Council is governedbyPatronsandaBoardofTrustees.There is a large Membership, and the CEC has strong parliamentarylinkswithconnectionstootherpartner Commonwealth organisations. The current Patrons areBaronessUshaPrasharofRunnymede,LordLuce ofAdurandLordMcNallyofBlackpool.Thepresent Directors/Trustees are: Chair, Stephen Twigg; Secretary,DrAlbaDeSouza;MembershipSecretary, Rita Odumosu; Prof Lynn Ang, Prof. Chris Chang, Dr NeilKemp, MBE, OBE; Ruth Dorrell; Richard Grubb;NasirKazmi;AnjaNielsen;DrColinRiordan; andDrSueDaleTunnicliffe.TheCEC’smissionis“to address global inequities in education, ensuring that everychildhastheopportunitytothrive”.Itbelieves that by advocating for children's rights,educators, communities,andgovernments,wouldbeempowered tomakealastingimpactoneducationaldevelopment. Theorganisation’skeyprioritiesare:
Education in Emergencies. About 224 million (2023 estimates) school aged children globally, were affected by crisis that impacted on their education.Nearly 50% of refugee children are unabletoaccessschoolingbecausetheystruggleto achieveproficientlevelsoflearning.
ClimateResilientEducation.Theclimatecrisisis devastating the lives ofyoung people in the Commonwealth, including Small Island DevelopingStates.
TheCECbelievesthatnationaleducationsystems mustworkwithotherstateandnon-stateagencies to create awareness of the dangers ofclimate change.
*EarlyYearsEducationandFoundationalLearning. The Council considersearly childhood education as critical period in children’s development forfuture learning.Itconcedesthatgovernmentsmustprioritise investment inlifelong learning for children since foundation learning can improve basicliteracy and numeracy skills.The CEC is interested in young people, particularly Commonwealth scholars, to joinits affiliated network, so that members can contribute towards education and trainingprograms withinUKandabroad.Forfurtherinformation,visit thewebsite,www.cecomm.org.uk
Commenting on the publication of the Programme for Government, Dublin ChamberCEOMaryRoseBurkestated: "This is an ambitious policy framework that aligns with many of thepriorities Dublin Chamber has long advocated for “Weparticularlywelcometheinclusionof recommendationsfromtherecentDublin Taskforce, which highlight critical issues suchascleanerstreets,astrongerGarda presence, and a more attractive, liveable city. These priorities are not new, and aswe have previously emphasised, their realvalueliesindeliveryBy
embedding these commitments into the ProgrammeforGovernment,westrongly urgethe Government to ensure their full implementation within its term." Ms Burkestressedtheimportanceofstrategic investment in infrastructure, noting: "Housing, water, and transporti nfrastructure feature prominently in the programme,andwecallontheincoming Ministers to act with urgency. With the Greater Dublin Area experiencing rapid growth, investment in key projects— suchas DART+, LUAS expansions, MetroLink,BusConnects—is
more critical than ever. Theseinitiatives, alongside the acceleration of new and affordable housing developments andessential water infrastructure and a Grid to support renewable ambitions, must be prioritisedto secure Dublin’s futureandensureitremainsacompetitive andattractiveglobalcity.Mary(pic)also highlighted the broader geopolitical and technological context: "ThisProgramme forGovernmentmustbedeliveredagainst a backdrop of geopoliticaluncertainty, rapidtechnologicaladvancements,andthe transformativeimpactofAI.Asglobal
competition intensifies, Dublin and Ireland must position as leaders in innovation,digital infrastructure, and sustainable urban development Ensuring the right policies and investments are in place will be essential to maintainingIreland’s economic resilience and global competitiveness."Concluding, Ms Burke emphasised the need for clear commitments, crossdepartmentalcoordination, and long-term vision:"This Government has a unique opportunitytoshapeDublinintoaworldclasscapitalthatdrivesIreland’seconomic
success. However, ambition must be matchedwithurgency.Deliveringonthese commitments requires clear deadlines, cross-departmental collaboration,and a bold vision that embraces technological change while addressing pressinginfrastructure and societal needs. A thriving, well-connected, and resilient capitalisessential—notjustforthosewho liveandworkhere,butfortheprosperity oftheentirecountry.Nowisthetimefor decisiveaction."
AArishGlobalServices,theallin-one solution for web lead generation based in the UK,announced today its partnership with Vertex Global Services, a prominent entityintheBPMindustry.This collaborationaimstoenhance industry growth in both countries by sharing revenuesand improving workforce management processes. Furthermore, the companies willexchange best practices and expand their innovativesolutions,aimingto transform the BPM,Telecom, Utilities, and Energy sectors together.Additionally, this partnership is projected to increase business revenue by 27% over the nextyear by leveragingcostefficienciesand
outsourcing services, reinforcing its position as areliable supplier in the UK lead generation market. In 2023,theInternationalEnergy Agencyannounced that global investments in renewable energy soared to an unprecedented $1.7trillion As the industry transitions from fossil fuels, the pressure to adapt to these changes rapidlyand effectively is also increasing. Meanwhile, the telecoms sector experienced fluctuations inits gross value added (GVA), rebounding to approximately£34.6billionin 2023 after facing adecline in 2022.Asthesesectorsnavigate these shifts, this partnership emergesasavitaltoolthatcan helporganizationsadapttothe
evolving demands of the market, ultimately supporting sustainedgrowthandimproved service delivery in these transformative industries. "I am thrilled toannounce our partnershipwithArishGlobal Services," says Mr. Gagan Arora, Founder ofVertex Global Services "By pooling ourresourcesandsharingbest practices I believe this collaboration will play akey role in driving the industry's growthinbothcountries.This will further enhance ouroperationalefficienciesand help us deliver exceptional value to our regional customers," hefurther added.Sunny Kwatra, Global Director, Arish Global Servicessaid:"Ourworldis
facinganunprecedentedrisein energy demand, which is anticipatedtoincrease100,000 terawatthours by 2050.“This partnership aims to navigate this complex transition by tackling challenges likefluctuating prices and regulatory pressures by providing solutions and sharingrevenues.Together,we willpavethewayforamore sustainable future." 0.“This partnership aims to navigate this complex transition by tackling challenges likefluctuating prices and regulatory pressures by providing solutions and sharingrevenues.Together,we willpavethewayforamore sustainable future."Arish GlobalServiceshasemerged
asoneoftheleadingproviders in web lead generation, offeringacomprehensivesuite of solutions tailored to meet businesses'diverseneeds.With a team of seasoned experts boasting extensive global experience, the company has completed hundreds of projects,earningthetrustofa wide-ranging clientele.Times SquareHeadquartered,Vertex Global Services boasts a robust presence acrosss even countries, including UK, US, UAE, India, Nepal, Nigeria, andPhilippines,withavision to revolutionize the BPM sector through exceptional customerexperienceservices.
The popular slogan "Here for You" encapsulatesthemissionoftheSohoRoad Business Improvement District (BID), establishedin2014andledbybusinessesand stakeholders. Thecurrent Board Members include Chair; Bob Balu; Rav Singh, Vice Chair;AndeepMangal,CompanySecretary; PashChort,Treasurer;JagrutiDuggal;Mani Gill; Arihant Parekh; andAmrick Singh Ubhi DL. Co-opted Board Members are BirminghamCityCouncil(CllrChamanLal) and the West Midlands Police.Covering 49 streets and representing approximately 700 businesses,predominantlyinretailandfood, theBIDisauniqueminorityethnicgrouping where 185 languages are spoken. It operateson a five-year plan shaped by businessfeedback.Theplanfocusesonfive
*Marketing the BID area to attract more shoppersandvisitors.
*Lobbying for regeneration projects to enhancethearea.
*Strengthening the BID team to provide advice,guidance,andbusinesssupport.
This organization has garnered significant recognition, including the Queen's Award forVoluntaryService(2020),accoladesinthe Britain in Bloom competition, and the BirminghamLord Mayor's Award for BusinessImprovementDistrictoftheYear.
EventsliketheannualDiwalistreetfestival, drawing30,000attendees,andtheChristmas
light switch-on highlight its ability tounite diverse communities, promote local businesses, and foster pride in the Soho Road area. Despite socio-economic challenges, the BID has made a positive impact on businesses andvisitors. Local representatives have lauded its efforts. Cllr Sybil Spence (Soho and JewelleryQuarter Ward) praised the “huge improvements in the area,” while Cllr Rinkal Shergill (HolyheadWard) commended the BID for supporting local traders. Cllr Hendrina Quinnen (HandsworthWard) noted that its activities complement those of Birmingham CityCouncilandWestMidlandsPolice Councilor Waseem Zaffar MBE (Lozells Ward) expressed admiration for the determinationoftheboard,staff,and
volunteers, stating: “I have worked closely withthemsincetheprojectbegan.”Similarly, Cllr Chaman Lal, the Birmingham City Council representative on the BID board, highlighted its crucial contributions.By addressing safety, cleanliness, and business growth, the BID continues to demonstrate itsdedicationtotheprosperityofSohoRoad and its diverse communities. Through innovativeprojects, strategic investments, andcommunity-focusedinitiatives,theSoho Road BID exemplifies a collaborative approachtolocaleconomicdevelopment.
The UK government recently announceda£740millionofcapital funding to create moreSpecial Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) places within mainstream schools.This funding will allow schools to physically adapt their environments to better supportchildren and young people withSEND,creatingmoreinclusive andaccessiblelearningspaces.While this investment is a welcome step, experts emphasise that physical changesalone are insufficient.Effective SEND
provision requires not only a supportive environment but also highly trainedstaff. This is where qualifications like the new AIM Qualifications Level 3
TechnicalOccupational Entry for Teaching Assistants focusing on Special Educational Needs andDisabilities (Diploma) become vital.This diploma, developed in collaborationwithemployers,offers a non-apprenticeshippathway for aspiring and existing Teaching Assistants.
What are the drivers behind your successful environmental public health career? I have dedicated my life to global environmental public health, combiningacademicexcellence, multidisciplinaryresearch,and community engagement to contribute towards lasting change.Ihavebeeninspiredby mentors Professor John NgangafromtheUniversityof Nairobi, Dr.Alan Clarke at LeedsUniversity,andthelate Dr. Michael Burr of the University of Wales. Iwas always curious about the intersection of environment andhumanhealth.Iwasborn inKenyaandattendedMang’u Primary School, where disciplineandperseverance
shaped myearly approach to challenges and learning.Walking over three milestoschooldailydeveloped my resilience and a love for learning.Mysecondaryschool years in Mombasa, 372 miles from home, influenced my devotiontocommunityservice, thankstomyguardian,thelate Councilor Njaramba, who instilledvolunteeringandcivic responsibility.What are your professional contributions to PolicyResearch?Ihavemade significant contributions to shaping environmental public health policy globally in key areas such as waste management, air quality, and chemical hazard response I servedasamemberoftheVale
HealthBoardinWales(20032009),chairedthePrimaryCare Working Group, and played important roles in the Environment Protection AdvisoryCommittee (20022008)andtheNationalFocus for Chemical Incidents (19972000). In2000, the World Health Organization (WHO) appointed me to investigate a chemical incidentin Ukraine, resulting in actionable recommendations that influenced policy.What major research projects have you conducted that impacted on science? Myresearch spans continents, addressing housing’simpactonhealth,air pollution, and diseasepreventionMyworkon
the Warm Homes Fund and Home-Grown Homes Project in Wales,demonstrated how energy-efficient housing can improve public health outcomes, particularlyby addressing thermal comfort and reducing energy costs for residents. My involvement inthe Cardiff-Makerere malaria project (2011), highlighted the value of collaborative health solutions Through the Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarship initiatives (2010-2020), I was abletoassessthermalcomfort and air quality in retrofitted homes,showcasingthebenefits of environmental interventions.Could you tell ourreadersaboutyourglobal
collaboration and advocacy work?In2014,Ihelpeddevelop Oman’s National Field Research Centre for EnvironmentalConservation’s 2016-2020 plan. I delivered keynote presentations at the GreaterHornofAfricaClimate Outlook Forum (2014) and conferences in Kenya (2023), Nigeria (2022), and Qatar (2016) How have you influenced others with your brilliantscientificinitiatives?I mentor andempower students and professionals worldwide. HomeworkclubsinWalesand schoolpartnerships
inKenya,exemplifymybelief ineducation as a transformational tool. During COVID-19, I organised webinars (2020-2021) addressingglobalresponsesto the crisis. My work with diverse stakeholders has impactedpollution, climate change, and public health issues.Through interdisciplinary collaboration and championing innovative solutions, I am helping to advance environmental public healthglobally,whilstinspiring groups, communities and nations to improve their qualityoflife.
John Henry Smythe hailed from Sierra Leone and joined the RAF in 1941 to help fight thewar against Nazi Germany. He was promoted an officer and qualified as a navigator in theBomber Command. He was shot, wounded and captured and spent 18 months inaprisoner-of-warcamp,Barth,EastGermany
SmythequalifiedasabarristerattheInnsofCourtbeforereturningto SierraLeone,wherehebecameSolicitorGeneralandlaterAttorney General.HeretiredtotheUKandlivedinThameinOxfordshireuntilhis deathin1996.
on display in the museumHis
worked with the museum to create the exhibition and together withstaff of the museum and thedeputyMayor,theyensuredtheday wasanincrediblysuccessfulone.
On liberation, he returned to Britain where he remainedintheRAFbutwassecondedtotheColonial Office in London. The role of this department was to lookafterthemainlyCaribbeanmenandwomenliving in the country who were still in the RAF even though the war had ended. He was required to board the Empire Windrush that had a contingent of demobilisedCaribbean men back home. He made a crucialdecisionwhichledtomanymenreturningtothe UK, which was the inception of the Windrush Generation.
InOctoberlastyear,ThameMuseumhonouredhimwithapermanentexhibitionofhislife.Theopeningceremonywas attended by guests, including representatives from the RAF,International Bomber Command, a black barrister and AldermanoftheCityofLondon,HeadofSecondWorldWarfromImperialWarMuseumandthemayoranddeputy mayorofThame.CelebrityChefandbusinessmanLeviRoots,cuttheribbonandpaidaninsightfulandglowingtribute to John Smythe. The event was covered by news outlets with the localTV, giving the event prominence in its news program
The museum is located at: 79 High Street, Thame, Oxfordshire, OX9 3AE.Opening times: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday –10am to 4pm. Sunday – 1pm to 4pm
Blog by Eddy Smythe Director of The Forgotten Generations CIC
PandaBearreleaseshisnewsingle “Ferry Lady,” off his forthcoming newfull-lengthSinisterGrift,dueout February28thviaDomino. The track comes via a video by DannyPerez.‘FerryLady’follows the previously releasedsingle ‘Defense,’whichfeaturesCindyLee on guitar and was hailed as “an inspiredmeetingofthemindsanda thrilling teaser for Lennox’s forthcoming album” by Pitchfork.Two decades since debuting as the masked-andnicknameddrummerandvocalistof AnimalCollective,NoahLennoxhas ledsomanycreativelives,navigated so many different styles,and been partofsomanybelovedrecordings, thatitcanbeeasytooverlookjust howconsistenthiscreativevisionhas remained. From landmark solo albumslike2007’s‘PersonPitch’and
2015’s‘PandaBearMeetstheGrim Reaper’, to breakthroughs with AnimalCollective like 2004’s ‘Sung Tongs’ and 2009’s ‘Merriweather Post Pavilion’, to his boundarypushing collaborations with Daft Punk, Solange, Dean Blunt, Paramore and Jamie xx, all ofhis work followed an instantly identifiable emotional throughline while influencing multiplegenerations and genres of artists.On‘SinisterGrift’, Lennox’s first solo album in five years, he has returned with anotherstatement that feels equally cumulativeandunprecedentedinhis catalogue. While his solorecords have ranged from starkly intimate expressions of grief to colourful, electronicopuses,hismusichasnever before sounded so warm and immediate.WorkinginhisLisbon,
PortugalhomestudiowithAnimal Collective bandmate Josh “Deakin”Dibb, Lennox transforms Panda Bear into something resembling an old-school rockensemble,playingnearlyallthe instruments himself and inviting kindredspiritsintotheprocesssuch asCindyLee,SpiritoftheBeehive’s Rivka Ravede, and—for the first timeonaPandaBearsoloalbum— each of his Animal Collective bandmates.PandaBearkicksoffhis 2025 North American tour, including dates with Toro y Moi, nextmonthinMinneapolis.Hewill alsotourEuropeandtheUK.
People in Jamaica were invited to join the late Bob Marley’s Tuff Gong Radio to celebratewhat would have been the late icon’s 80th birthday.With a concert blending experienced performers and up-and-coming acts, live from the TuffGong Studio in Kingston, the “Uprising 80” tribute concert was led by musical guests, which included Naomi Cowan (pic), Kumar Fyah, Mortimer, Alexx A-Game, Kelly Shane, Quan Dajai and Bugleallofwhomfeaturedinthe‘BobMarley:OneLove’biopicwhich wasreleased in 2024. Listeners to Sirius XM were able to hear an exclusive preview of the show, which was broadcasted live, January 12 at 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm EST.In addition to that, an encore presentation was set to be aired on Marley’s birthday –February6..
By: Mandip Taunque
RuPaul’sDragConUK,presentedbyWorld of Wonder, kicked off 2025 with unparalleledglamour and flair, welcoming 200DragRacequeensfromacrosstheglobe, thousands ofelated fans, and a glittering array of celebrities to ExCeL London.The weekendofJanuary10thand11thwasfilled with a vibrant display of style, talent, andinclusivity, showcasing the crème de la crèmeofthedragworldfromNorthAmerica, SouthAmerica,Europe,Asia,andAustralia. DayOneofthespectacularconventionsaw bothRuPaul’s Drag Race Emmy - multiple award-winningHeadJudgeandProducerof RuPaul’sDrag Race, RuPaul and RuPaul’s Drag Race Emmy-nominated judge and ExecutiveProducer, Michelle Visage, ceremonially cutting the coveted pink ribbon.Inapoignantmomenttheypausedto rememberthelategreatRuPaul’sDragRace UKseason1winnerTheViviene,realname JamesLeeWilliams,whosadlypassedaway onJanuary5,2025.Thehottestqueensfrom the global franchise then strutted down the pinkcarpet, officially opening a weekend bursting with drag-tastic entertainment.Winningqueenstakingtothe pink carpet for the iconic Queen’s Walk includedfanfavouritesfromvariousseasons withthelikesofAlyssaEdwards(pic),Danny Beard, Kylie SoniqueLove and Priyanka stealing the show. RuPaul’s DragCon UK hostedanamazing100MainStage
performances throughout the weekend including a special Girls Group ‘RuUnited’show hosted by Canada’s Drag Race Season 1 winner Priyanka, bringing all the charisma,uniqueness, nerve, and talent to enthralled attendee Iconic Main Stage performancesfromtopqueenscaptivatedfans, leavingtheminawe.Fanswerealsotreatedtoa special DJ Set by RuPaul himself! Fans delighted in exclusive merchandise, signings, andmeet&greetswiththeirbelovedqueensat theirbooths,plusaplethoraoffamily-friendly activities in the Kids Zone, includingmeeting theTeletubbies.T.S.Madisonreturnedtofilm anewseriesof'BringBackMyGirls',reuniting castsfromaroundtheglobetoreflectontheir seasonsandsharethegoings-onbackstage.The weekend'sfestivitiesalsoincludedanepicAfter Hours party with unforgettable performances bysomeofthemostcelebratedqueensinthe drag community includingSasha Velour, Priyanka,LemonandwinnerofStrictlyCome Dancing’sChristmasSpecial,Tayce.Thisyear's DragCon proved to be an unmissable celebration of creativity, self-expression, and community.Forthosewhocouldn’tattendin person, Series 17 of RuPaul’sDrag Race is available exclusively in the UK via the dragcentric streamer, WOW Presents Plus.Stay tunedformoreexclusivechatswithlegendary drag queens from around the world infuture editionsofThePhoenixNewspaper.
Singer Burna Boy apparently walks the talk as he has given a substantial cash gift to BethelOkechukwu, a phone repairer from Alaba Market, in Lagos, Nigeria, who says he is socialiteCubana Chief Priest’s brother.Burna Boy and Cubana Chief Priest trended on social media during the weekend after theironline feud went viral. Burna, who posted a video of Okechukwu’s struggles, promised togive him $30,000.The latter, on theotherhand,disclosedplanstoopena
shop with the money and update theartiste. An Instagram post shows that the Grammy winner has kept his promise, eliciting joyand gratitude from the beneficiary.Okechukwu is captured on Instagram thanking Burna Boy for the kind gesture, stating thatthe latter helped him escape poverty. The post reads: “God is real, Odogwu@burnaboygram, God has used you to pull me out fm poverty.“I will be forever grateful. Please, people, help methankhimforme.”
Steamforged Games, award-winning tabletopgamesstudioandpublisher,will release a new retail edition of the acclaimed street fighting board game, Street Masters: Tide of the Dragon, to retailthismonth.StreetMasters:Tideof theDragonisasoloandcooperative1-4 player board game thatcombines the actionofretroside-scrollingbeat‘emup video games with the strategic depth of tactical,card-drivencombat.Playerstake control of unique miniature fighters to take downvillainous organisations in thrilling scenarios and lightning-fast combat in either Arcade orStory Mode. Pricedat$49.99/£49.99,StreetMasters: TideoftheDragonincludes: 4Fighter miniatures 54 Standees representing enemies,terrain,andadditionalfighters 560Cards 405Tokens
ForthosewhoalreadyownotherStreet Mastersgames,TideoftheDragonalso worksasanexpansion,introducingnew fighters,enemies,stages,andterrain.Now availabletopre-order,theretaileditionof Street Masters: Tide of the Dragon willreleaseinFebruary2025.Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, Steamforged Games isone of the UK’s leading developers and publishers of tabletop games, with an awardwinninglibrary of both original and licensedIP.Ledbyamissiontodeliver compelling tabletop experiences that capture emotions andinspire imaginations, the Steamforged team is made up of tabletop gamers who lovehangingoutwiththecommunityand can often be found in their official Discord.
Getreadytoleadanddevelopyour civilization through 8000 years of history: Ares Games announces the releaseofthenewciv-buildinggame line Mega Empires, an epic gameseriesfor3to18players.Mega Empires: The West and Mega Empires: The East are two standalone games, compatible with each other, capturing the development of ancientcivilizations,fromtheAtlantic Ocean to India. They are now arriving in stores, alongside several items to increasethe gameplay experience.MegaEmpiresisthenew version of the legendary Mega Civilization board game, created byColossusGamesandpublishedby Ares Games. It builds on that epic foundation, makingthe system accessibletoplayerscountsfrom3to 18 players, from shorter 3-hour scenariosto legendary day-long sessionsInMegaEmpires:TheWest, 5to9playersleadcivilizationsfrom theAtlanticOceantotheMiddleEast, whileinMegaEmpires:TheEast3to 9 players develop their civilizations fromtheMiddleEasttoIndia.In
Mega Empires, players lead their civilizations by trade, conflict,and cultural advancement, as they expand fromtheStoneAge,throughtheBronze Age tothe end of the Iron Age, to accumulatethemostvictorypoints.Afull game guarantees hours of enjoyment to playerswholoveepicboardgameswith astronghistoricalcontext.Inadditionto thetwobasegames,thegamelinedebuts in stores with items to increase the players’ experience.The Deluxe Game Mats The West and The East offer an enlarged playing area and high-quality design for easier and more immersive gameplay. The expansion Special Buildings allows to construct a special buildingandreceivebenefitsinplayand additionalVictory Points at the end of the game.The Identifier Cards Bonus Pack features 18 high-quality cards designed to manage Civilization advances,andtheUpgrade&3-4Players Packallowstoupdatethefirsteditionof the Mega Empires system with new componentsandtosupportgameplayfor 3-4 players.These two accessories are availablethroughdirectsales.
Gospel superstar, Kirk Franklin, has apologized to the Christian community forhisoutfitanddancemovesduringa performanceataJamaicanconcert.Ina YouTube video posted this past December, the singer addressed the controversies thatsparked reactions duringhis2024performances.Franklin performed at the ‘Fun in the Sun’concertinJamaicalastApril,where his outfit drew criticism from local ministers.In his recent 16-minute YouTube video, he explained that he andhisteamchosetheoutfittosuitthe weather but didn’t realize it would be viewed as disrespectful, according to outlets.Franklin also addressed backlash over his dance moves, particularly during a performancewith Bishop Marvin Sapp. He shared clips fromtheperformanceandclarifiedthat theenergeticchoreographywashisidea, with Sapp joining in willingly.Add a littlebitofbodytext“I’vespentmostof my career dancing and moving around andjumpingonstagethatIdidn’tknow that I would ever do anything that would ever offend anyone in any community, but itdid.” Franklin said.“And because it did, I sincerely apologize,” he went on. Franklin, 54, expressed regret overoffending anyone, emphasizing his commitment to personal growth and humility.The highlyawardedgospelartist,Franklinwith32Grammynominations,20wins, andseveral other accolades, including BETandGMADoveAwards,saidthat heremainsopentolearningfromothers andwantshisactionstoreflecthisfaith. “It doesn’t matter what mygoal and intentis,ifI’mlouderthanthemessage ofJesus,thenIfailed,”hecontinued.
Leicestershire house hunters are invited to discover the unique advantagesofthree-storeyhomes, whichprovidebothversatileliving spaces and excellent long-term investment potential.With remote and hybrid working becoming morecommoninrecenttimes,the demandfortheseadaptablehomes hassurged,offeringsolutionsfor modern buyers at developments likeDavidWilsonHomes’Grange View in Hugglescote and Thorpebury in the Limes in Thorpebury.DavidWilsonHomes is showcasing how three-storey livingcanbeagreatfitforanyone seekingaspaciousandflexiblenew property.Three-storey homes are perfect for designating distinct areas, such as home offices, gyms,orplayrooms.Eachlevelcan be purpose-built to create dedicated spaces that cater totoday’s lifestyle needs.With an additional floor, three-storey homes allow for separate living areas for parents,children, and guests.Thisarrangementoffersa blend of family togetherness and privacy,allowing parents to unwindononelevelwhilechildren enjoy their own space on another.Aslifestylesevolve,socan the spaces within a three-storey home. This flexibility enablesfamiliestoavoidtheneed forupsizingormovingbysimply adapting their home to suit theirchanging needs over time, making it a valuable long-term investment.Three-storeyhomesare ideal for families wishing to accommodate multiple generationsunder one roof. With the ability to create independent spaces on each floor, these homesofferpracticalsolutionsfor housingelderlyrelatives,children,
or young adults According to a 2024studybyLegalandGeneral, 30%ofUKhouseholdscurrently live inmulti-generational homes, with53%ofGenZ(ages18to24) choosingthisarrangement.Threestorey homes allow residents to customisethedesignofeachlevel, from colours andmaterials to overallthemes,creatingavisually engaging and functional living space thatreflects their personal style.Rachael Harrison, Sales DirectoratDavidWilsonHomes East Midlands, said: “A threestoreyhomeisn’tjustaboutextra room.“It’s a lifestyle transformation that works for families, professionals, and anyone seekingmore flexibility. By opting for a three-storey home, our customers can shape their spaces tomeet their current and future needs.“We encourage anyone interested to visit our developments in Leicestershire and explorehow this living style canelevatetheirlifestyle.”David Wilson Homes offers a range of three-storey homes in Leicestershire’s communities, idealforthoselookingtoinvestin ahomethatwillgrowwiththem. Currently,atGrangeView,apair of three bedroom Cannington style homes are available which have a three-storey layout. On eachofthecurrentpropertiesfor sale,thedeveloperiscontributing £15,000towardsthehomebuyer’s deposit as partof an exclusive offer.There is also a couple of three-storey, three bedroom Kennett style homes for sale atThorpeburyintheLimes,which arereadytomoveintoandcome withsavingsworth£27,500.
Themuch-anticipatedRenters’RightsBillislikely to become law this spring, based on itsrapid progress through Parliament.As such, the Bill is expected to define and shape 2025’s key rental sector trends, according to UK rental services provider Housing Hand. “Everyone within the rental sector, fromindividual landlords to substantive corporate operators, will need to comply with the Renters’Rights Bill once it becomeslaw,”explainsJamesMaguire,Salesand Business DevelopmentDirector at Housing Hand.“Alignment with the Bill will therefore be top of mind for all those in the sector over thecomingyear.”Landlordsofhousesinmultiple occupation(HMOs)andBtR(BuildtoRent)are someofthoseanticipatedtobemostimpactedby the Renters’ Rights Bill.With the Bill set to end fixed term tenancies, many of those who house students areconcerned about potential void periods. Students will be able to leave their accommodationwith two months’ notice at any point.However,landlordswillbechallengedtobe able to replace the departed renter with anotherstudent until the next academic year –hence the concern around long void periods. AccordingtoHousingHand’sdata,2.91%ofthe totaltenanciesthatthecompany
hasguaranteed since July 2022 have ended early, butthiswasonthebasisofafixedtermwithlittle opportunity to give notice or leave without liability. Finding solutions to issues such as this will be at the heart of many accommodationproviders’successin2025,asthey learntonavigatetherequirementsoftheRenters’ RightsBill. Housing Hand, as the UK leading guarantorservice,isoneofthebusinessesthatwill bethere to support them in their endeavours.Graham Hayward, Managing Director, Housing Hand, said: “Housing Hand providesarangeofservicesdesignedtosupportthe UK rental sector, from guarantor services to helpingrentersfindaccommodation.“Asthesector evolves in line with the Bill, so will our offering. We are also working closelywith landlords of HMOs, as well as purpose-built student accommodation and Build to Rentoperators, to keep on top of the changes to the Bill as it progresses through Parliament.“Our goal is to supporttherentalsectortobeaspreparedforthe Billaspossible.”HousingHand’slatestwebinaron the Renters’ Rights Bill is available to watch online,whilethefirmalsoregularlypostsupdates abouttheBill’songoinglegislativejourney.
British artisan ham producer DukesHill is proud to announce that it has been awarded a Royal Warrant by HM King Charles III to supply ham to the Royal Household.DukesHillwasfirstbestoweda Royal Warrant by Queen Elizabeth II in 2003 for itsproduction of traditional artisan hams. Mark Gallagher, DukesHill's CEO, said: “We areincredibly proud and truly honoured to receive the Royal Warrant from His Majesty The King.“As an artisan ham producer focusedonworkingwiththeverybest
expertqualitymanager,ensuringeveryproduct meetsthehigheststandardsofexcellence.The renewal of the Royal Warrant reflects DukesHill's dedication to the values championedby HM King Charles III, such as
Give the gift of French elegance this Valentine's Day with Champagne Drappier, asumptuous present for your partner, loved one, or yourself.Presented in an exquisite giftboxwithglassesfordatenight, Champagne Drappier bringstimeless sophistication to any celebration. Crafted with passion for over two centuries, eightgenerations of the Drappier familyhavelovinglycaredforthe Pinot Noir grape variety.The Cuvée Carte d'Or embodies the Drappier House's identity: a champagne of greataromatic richness with notes of vineyard peaches,quincejelly,andatouch ofspice.Idealasanaperitiforas anaccompanimenttowhitemeat or Chaource cheese, it is a true testamentto the artistry of this celebrated Champagne house.Legend has it, Carte d'Or creator,AndréDrappierhasbeen enjoying it every day since 1952andcontinuestodosotoday attheremarkableageof98!For those looking to set aromantic scene,theDrappierCarted'Or
Brut Champagne Gift Set is the ultimate indulgence.This elegant gift box includes two delicate Drappier champagne glasses, offering a gatewayto an unforgettableeveningathomeor under the stars. And if you're dreaming of a romanticescape in the French countryside, Champagne Drappier welcomes youtoitsestateinUrville,justtwo hours from Paris.Visitors can explore the domain, savour signature cuvées, and enjoy an overnightstayatLaMontagnein Colombey-les-Deux-Églises, the historic village where Charles de Gaulle oncelived. Whether at home or away, Champagne Drappierpromisesacelebrationto remember.ChampagneDrappieris a family-owned Champagne HousebasedintheUrvilleregion ofChampagne. Founded in 1808, Drappier produces both vintage andnon-vintagecuvéeaswellasa prestige wine known as Grande Sandrée.It is distributed by BerkmannWineCellarsintheUK and available in a variety of restaurantsandoff-tradevenues.
By: Dr Mustafa Megrahi, Environmental Health Scientist who is a specialist in waste management
Wastemanagementisofincreasing concerntotheenvironment,andin thisarticle,Iwillfocusonhowthis issueaffectsthecateringsectorand the solutions needed to address thisgrowingproblem.Accordingto industry reports (2024 estimates), the UK catering sectormade a significant contribution to food waste, with some striking indicators, showing thefollowing: The UK hospitality sector, which includes catering, generated approximately1.1milliontonnesof food waste. 18% of all food purchased by the hospitality industryiswasted,with13%stillfit forconsumption.
The primary sources of food waste in the catering sector are preparation (45%),spoilage (21%), andcustomerleftovers(34%)
The total food waste costs the UKhospitalitysectoraround£3.2 billionannually,witheachbusiness spendinganaverageof£50,000per yearonwastemanagement.
Over320millionmealsarethrown awayeachyearbyUKrestaurants, whichhighlights the scale of food waste in the catering sector. contend that waste management reduction in catering would help generate revenue forbusinesses in theformofcardboard,plastic,fat aswellasusedoil,allofwhichcan bereused in different ways. For example, cardboard can be recycled and reused to make eggtrays.Used oil and fats can be usedintheproductionofbiodiesel and cosmetics while plastic canbe segregated and used for plastic bags. Recycling these materials reduces landfill wastehazards, therebyprotectingtheenvironment and eliminating carbon emissions and flytipping in communities.Waste management techniques can also contribute towards public health by reducing thewaiting time of patients in the healthcare sector. For years, industry experts have beenexaminingmechanismstodeal
with efficient waste management systems as they relate tothe food andalliedservicesindustriesWaste management techniques can also contribute towards public health by reducing thewaiting time of patients in the healthcare sector. For years, industry experts have beenexaminingmechanismstodeal with efficient waste management systems as they relate tothe food andalliedservicesindustries.Some ofthepopularsolutionsincludethe followingbusinesses/ New regulations for businesses producing more than 5kg of food wasteperweek.
Businesses should collaborate with licensed food waste carriers that specialise incollecting and processingorganicwaste Businesses must improve their reporting on the amount of food wastegeneratedanditsdisposal.
The producer responsibility scheme that holds businesses accountableforwastegeneration Enhanced digitisation to help firms monitor food waste, track inventory, and streamline waste managementprocesses.
Provide staff training in waste disposal with clear signage to reinforcebestpractice.
Increased collaboration between companies, charities and organisations thatredistribute surplus food to the needy. This approach can significantly reduce food waste while supporting communitywelfareprograms.
: In2024,theUKcateringsector generated 1.1 million tonnes of waste.18%of all purchased food is wasted.
£3.2billioncanbesavediffirms have sound waste management controls.
Over 320 million meals are dumpedyearlybeeateries.
Cardboard,plasticsandoilscan be recycled to reduce carbon emissions.
Zeekrisproudtoannouncethatthe Zeekr X compact luxury SUV has been awarded EuroNCAP’s prestigiousBestinClassAwardfor Small SUV and Pure Electric Vehicles.This recognises the Zeekr X’s position not only as the safest vehicleinitssegmenttestedbyEuro NCAP in 2024, but also the safest EVofallthosetestedthatyear.The ‘Best in Class’award is determined bytheweightedsumofthescoresin each of the four areas of EuroNCAP’sassessment.TheZeekr Xexcelledinallofthese,achieving 91% for Adult Occupant Protection,90%forChildOccupant Protection, 84% for Vulnerable RoadUserProtection,and83%for SafetyAssist. In May 2024, the ZeekrXwasawardedthemaximum five-star Euro NCAP safetyrating, thanks to its advanced engineering and
Developed using the Sustainable Experience Architecture (SEA) platform for pure electricvehicles, theZeekrXfeaturesarobustbody structure that provides exceptional crashprotection, complemented by acomprehensivesuiteofAdvanced Driver Assistance Systems(ADAS). These ADAS technologies include Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB),aDriverMonitoringSystem (DMS) to alert drivers showing signs of fatigue or distraction, ChildPresence Detection (CPD) designed to warn drivers of the presence of children or petsinadvertently left in the rear seats,andaPost-CollisionBraking System that can reduce therisk of secondarycollisionsbyapplyingthe brakesafteraninitialimpact
modelsperforming notably well for the brand.MG, which celebratedits100thanniversaryin 2024, reached two notable milestones achieving record UK salesof81,536*unitsinaddition tobeingranked10thintermsof totalUK vehicle registrations for the first time. Total UK market share for MG was 4.18% with27.2%ofallMGsalesbeing electricvehicles.Salesinformation released by Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT)underlined the strong performance of key MG models. The award-winning MG4 EV hatchbackwastheUK’s4thbestsellingelectricvehicleandwasthe 2nd best-selling model with private buyers.Additionally, MG HS
performers for the marque includedanall-newsupermini,the MG3Hybrid+, which achieved over6,000salesafteritslaunchin Spring 2024 In addition to introducing an all-new HS SUV and the MG3 Hybrid+, MG Motor UK alsolaunched the ZS Hybrid+(acompactSUV)aswell astheCyberster,astylishEVtwoseatconvertible GT with the dramatic exterior created at the company’s Marylebone DesignStudio. Guy Pigounakis, Commercial Director for MG Motor UK, commented: “Last year sawMG make encouraging progress, with new and current products, like the MG4 EV, bothperformingwellwithbusiness and private customers.“MG will continueto
whilst always introducing new models and technology. We will alsosupportcustomersbyoffering a choice of affordable petrol, advanced hybrid and electric vehicles.”He added that in 2025, MGMotorUKwillembarkupon an ambitious new model programme, introducing several new cars and in different segments.*Allfiguresprovidedby SMMT and correct at time of publication.
North Six, the global production agency for fashion, beauty, luxury and lifestyle, whose clientportfolio includes LVMH, Estée Lauder, Graff and Chanel, unveiled a division on experientialretail activations and influencer marketing.Former Executive Director of Dazed Studio, Liam Osbourne, and former Global Head ofStrategy of FLUX at Monks, Duncan Gowers, have been recruited to North Six as GlobalSVP Clients & Growth and Global SVP Strategy. They will work closely with US VP ofExperiential Andrew Barlow, and UK-based Head of Experiential Liam Leslie, alongwith Mikey O'Brien, North Six VP of Consumer Influence.Jointly,theteamwillleadthegrowth of the new business in the UK and US. North Six is partof Together Group, a curated collective of creative consultancies, marketing, technology andproduction studios crafting the future of luxury and lifestyle.The new agency reflects significant growth in experiential marketingatNorthSix."Havingworkedwiththe world'sleadingbrandsandcreativeagenciesfor more than 25 years, NorthSix is known as a trustedpartnerforexceptionalstillsandmotion production,"saidOliverHicks,founderandCEO of North Six "Our fastest growing service division, however, are our experiential and influencer marketingservices, achieving high double-digit growth rates in the US this year. Thisnewdivisionmarksourambitiontofurther accelerate this growth internationally in 2025."Working for brands including Bvlgari, Montblanc, Clinique and Byredo, this division delivers awide range of experiential retail activation projects for brands and creative agencies,fromsmallerdinnersandeventssuchas Sol de Janeiro's ‘After Hours Perfume Mist’ productlaunchevent,topop-upinstallations
such as Pleasing's recent Selfridges concession. Otherclient work includes Zara's summer retail activation in the Hamptons and fashion shows andinfluencer trips for Jean Paul Gaultier, Jimmy Choo and Burberry.Last month, North Six was awarded the "Best Retail Pop-up Award"2024byBeautyMatterforaninteractive consumer production for the Dr.Jart+ skincare brand."Unliketraditionalsiloedapproaches,we offer clients a seamless integration of state-ofthe-art experientialproduction, influencer marketing and content production", explains LiamOsbourne,NorthSixGlobalSVPClients& Growth."By collaborating with our Together Group sister agency PURPLE, we can also integratestrategic PR support, VIP 'Front-ofHouse' and digital social media marketing services,resultinginsuperiorreachandimpact", continues Duncan Gowers, North Six Global SVP ofStrategy. PURPLE and North Six were acquired by Together Group in 2021 and 2023,respectively.Christian Kurtzke, Global CEO of Together Group, comments: "North Six's new divisioncaptures a growing demand fromourclientsacrosstheGroupforenhancing consumerengagementthroughexperientialretail activation in beauty, fashion, luxury and lifestyle.“Collaborating with its sister agency PURPLE, North Six can offer an integrated service thatcreates higher value for clients. PURPLE's unique media relationships and culturalconnectedness, combined with North Six's first-class production capabilities, haveacceleratedthegrowthofTogetherGroup's experiential and influencer offering this year.Amidst a challenging global luxury and lifestyle market environment, we continue to expandourmarketshareinthesegmentin2025."
46th birthday
TheAaliyahBarbiedoll,releasedonwhatwouldhavebeenthe late singer’s 46th birthday,quickly sold out on launch day.The collectible, part of Barbie’s Music Series, honours Aaliyah’s lastinglegacyinmusicandstyle.TheInstagramBarbiepostsaid: “Today on Aaliyah’s birthday, Barbie honours thePrincess of R&B’s unmatched legacy as a once-in-a-generation talent.“A rising star who left an unforgettable mark on pop culture, the Aaliyah Barbie dollremembers her iconic style, keeping her influence alive across generations.” According tonews outlets, the doll, inspired by Aaliyah’s ‘One in a Million’ music video outfit, features asleeveless faux leather vest, a black crop top, silver-studded pants, and her signature blackaviator sunglasses.Aaliyah’s brother, Rashad Haughton, collaborated with Mattel and praised the doll’s edgydesign, reflecting his sister’sloveforall-blackensembles.Hesaid:“Iwasblownaway byit.“It’sstill
tight-fitting; it’s still a little bit sexy. But it’s pants,soitbringsthatpowerandthatconfidence and expression. “It really just checked all the boxesofwhatmysisterrepresentsandalsowhat Barbierepresents, which is empowerment and expression.” Initially priced at $55 for Barbie Club 59members, the doll will be available at Target for $55.99 starting January 26, giving fansanother chance to purchase.Aaliyah joins othermusicallegends,includingGloriaEstefan, Tina Turner, and Stevie Nicksin the Barbie MusicSeries.Knownforhitslike‘AreYouThat Somebody’ and ‘Try Again,’ sheleft an unforgettable legacy before her tragic death at age22ina2001planecrash.Heralbum‘Oneina Million’ went double platinum within a year of its release in 1996, withher receiving multiple Grammy nominations. Mattel’s listing states, “Aaliyah’s smooth vocalsand innovative sound helped shape ’90s R&B, and her influence on music and fashioncontinues to be felt today.“Ourtributeto‘Babygirl’s’lifeandsound willtakeanycollectiontothetopofthecharts.”
Filmdirector,JackSpring,hasbeenworkingwiththe council to create an impactfulcommercial aimed at recruitingfostercarersinNortEastLincolnshire.Local actor,TommyTurgoose,hasbeenworkingwithJack in contributing to the voice-over.After recently being named as local fostering ambassadors, the duo was approached by NortEast Lincolnshire Council to contributetoourfosteringrecruitmentcampaignwith a missionto encourage more people to become foster carers. The advert, which runs to just over aminutelong, will be shared over social media by Nort East LincolnshireCouncil.Itfollowsayoungchildasshe’s toldtoleavehomeandtraveloutsideoftheareatobe withhernewfostercarerswhocamefromaway.The advert sets a retro feel with footage ofGrimsby and Cleethorpesinthe1990s.Astheyoungchildtravelsout ofGrimsbyinacar,it’srevealedthataround18,000 childrenacross England must live away from home everyyearduetoashortageoflocalfostercarers.The journeystartedwhenNortEastLincolnshireCouncil announced TommyTurgoose as the first fostering ambassador in the area.Shortly after, explained Children’s Services Director, Ann-Marie Matson, conversationsbegunwithJackSpringaboutrecordinga commercialforthecause.“WemetJackatourannual SEND awards ceremony in Grimsby, and I immediately spoke to him about fostercarer recruitment,andwhatthatmeantforchildreninour care.“Theaimofthiscommercialistoreallygetacross theneedfornewfostercarers,andtovoicethosewords togetacrosstheneed,Tommywasanaturalfit.”Jack Spring, known forhis role as director of ‘Three Day Millionaire’and‘AllTownAren’tWe?’saidworking on thepiece was an eye-opening experience.Speaking afterrecordingthevoiceoverfortheadvert,Tommy Turgoose,knownforhisrolein‘ThisisEngland’,said: “It was a real honour to be asked to become a fosteringambassador earlier this year, so when the opportunitycameuptodothevoiceoverandhavea realimpactonthenumbersofpeopleconsideringfoster care,Icouldn’tturnitdown.“I’mreallypleasedwith howthecommerciallooksandfeels.Ihopeitwillmake peoplethinkaboutfosteringandconsiderhowtheycan makeadifferencetoalocalchild.”Portfolioholderfor Children and Education, Councillor Margaret Cracknell,saidshewasthrilledwiththeresult:“Jack, Tommy, and the rest of the cast and crew have not onlymanagedtotransfertothescreentheexperienceof achildleavinghomebuthavedonesoinasensitiveand sympatheticway,”shesaid.“Ihopethat,whenpeople watchthis,theywillbecompelledtopickupthephone andgiveusacalltodiscussbecomingafostercarer.” ThevideocanbefoundonYouTube.
Brianna Cry recently surprised her grandparents with a trip to Paris.A video capturing their emotional reaction has since gone viral, touching thousands online. Inthe video posted on TikTok, Briannafirsthandshergrandparentsacardwitha heartfeltmessage.Hergrandfatherwept,evenbefore her grandmother finished reading the note. When theyrealised the surprise was a trip to Paris, they were visibly overwhelmed with emotion.The video has garnered over 600,000 views. Brianna said she planned the trip was anappreciation to her grandparents, who adopted and raised her.After yearsofschoolingandfinallyearninganincome,she decidedtomakeherfirstbigpurchaseameaningful giftforhergrandparentstogivebacktothem.“My grandparentshave done so much for me over the years, and I knew when I began working that my firstbigpurchasewouldbeforthem,”Briannasaid recently.Paris was a particularly special choice for hergrandmother,whohadlongdreamedofvisiting the city. Coincidentally, just a day before the surprise, her grandmother mentionedplans to visit thecityin2026,unawarethatBriannahadalready bookedthetrip.Briannasaid:“Iambeyondblessed and grateful to them for providing me with the love,support, education, and experiences that can even allow for me to give back in this way.”Their itineraryincludesiconiclandmarksliketheLouvre and the Palace of Versailles.Brianna and her grandmotheralsosharealoveforthearts,sothey will attend a ballet at thePalais Garnier. “I am so excitedforthistrip,andIknowit’llbethebestone yetbecauseIgettospenditwiththem,”sheadded.
Two adopted brothers and their school friends donated their presents to childreninneedinWolverhampton,duringlastChristmas.Theboys-aged eight and five - who are both adopted via Adoption@Heart, the adoptionagencyfortheBlackCountry,cameupwiththeideaafterhearing about how many childrenwould normally go without presents over the festiveperiod.Thechildrensaid:“Weareluckyaswehavesomanytoys, andwewanttomakeotherchildrensmiletoo.”Theboy’smothersaid:“We believe every child deserves joy and love, no matter theircircumstances.“Thesetoysweredonatedtobringsmilestothefacesof less fortunate children, spreadinghope and kindness to those who need it most.”Thefamily,whoalsodonatedtothechildrenofWolverhamptonlast year, were once again touched by the generosity of their boys andgot in touchwiththeirsocialworkeratAdoption@Hearttoseehowtheycould coordinate thedonation.On speaking to their friends about the children’s offer,threeotherfamiliesalsodecidedtogetinvolved,providingsacksfulof presents for children across Wolverhampton. The boys’mother said: “As adoptiveparents,wefeelincrediblyblessedtosharesmilesandjoywithour sonseveryday.“Eachyear,alongsideotherschoolparents,wehonourthe memoryofoursons’dearfriendwhopassedawayin2021bygivingbackin thismeaningfulway.Equally,weallwantedtoinstallthesevalueswithour boys.”ThegiftsweredonatedtoGraiseleyFamilyHubfordistributionto childreninneed.TheHubprovidessupportandactivitiesforfamilieswith children0-18years,includingsupportsuchasparenting,housing,benefits, training and employment. Councillor Jacqui Coogan, the Cityof Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Children, Young People andEducation,said:“Iwastouchedbythissimpleactofkindness,notjust because of the gifts themselves,but because of the selfless nature of the young people and families who donatied gifts.“I would like to take this opportunity to send them a heartfelt thank you from all at our FamilyHubs.”Thefamilydecidedtostarttheiradoptionjourney10years ago after being unable tohave children.The boy’s mother said: “The adoptionprocesswassmooth,andweneverreallyhadanyissues.“It’sthe bestthingweeverdid,givingusourperfectfamily.”Adoption@Heartisthe regionaladoptionagencyfortheBlackCountry,providingadoptionservices for the City ofWolverhampton Council, Walsall Council, Dudley MetropolitanBoroughCouncilandSandwellChildren’sTrust.
Pope Francis starts new year with call for peace and debt forgiveness
In his message for World Day of Peace on 1 January, the Pope lamented the "devastation"seeninmuchoftheearthand"the conflicts that presently plague our human family".ThePontiffsaidthatcertainchallenges werewreaking"havoc"intheworld,including "theinhumantreatmentmetedouttomigrants, environmental decay, the confusion wilfullycreatedbydisinformation,therefusalto engage in any form of dialogue and the immenseresources spent on the industry of war". "All these, taken together, represent a threattotheexistenceofhumanityasawhole," hesaid."Atthebeginningofthisyear,then,we desiretoheedthepleaofsufferinghumankind inorder to feel called, together and as individuals,tobreakthebondsofinjusticeand toproclaim God's justice. Sporadic acts of philanthropy are not enough. Cultural and structuralchanges are necessary, so that enduringchangemaycomeabout."Theheadof theCatholicchurchsaidhesaidhewanted2025 to"beayearinwhichpeaceflourishes"."Atrue and lasting peace that goes beyond quibbling over the details of agreements andhuman compromises,"hesaid.ThePopealsocalledfor international debt forgivenessduring the Catholic Church's Jubilee year, which is being marked throughout 2025."I have repeatedly statedthatforeigndebthasbecomeameansof control whereby certaingovernments and private financial institutions of the richer countries unscrupulously andindiscriminately exploit the human and natural resources of poorercountries,simplytosatisfythedemands of their own markets," he said. "In addition, different peoples, already burdened by internationaldebt,findthemselvesalsoforcedto
beartheburdenofthe'ecologicaldebt'incurred by the more developed countries.Foreign debt and ecological debt are two sides of the same coin,namelythemindsetofexploitationthathas culminatedinthedebtcrisis."Inthespiritofthis JubileeYear,Iurgetheinternationalcommunity to work towards forgivingforeign debt in recognition of the ecological debt existing between the North and the South ofthis world. Thisisanappealforsolidarity,butaboveallfor justice."He continued: "The cultural and structuralchangeneededtosurmountthiscrisis willcomeaboutwhenwefinallyrecognisethatwe are all sons and daughters of the one Father, thatweareallinhisdebtbutalsothatweneed one another, in a spirit of shared and diversifiedresponsibility.“We will be able to 'rediscoveronceforallthatweneedoneanother' and are indebted oneto another." The Catholic ChurchholdsaJubileeonceevery25yearsasa timeforCatholicstofocusonrenewingtheirfaith and spiritual life.The 2025 Jubilee of Hope was officially inaugurated by Pope Francis when he openedtheHolyDoorofSaintPeter'sBasilicaon Christmas Eve. In his final homily for 2024, Francissaid that all people were welcome to Rome during the Jubilee year as he invited not onlyCatholicsbut"otherChristians;believersin every religion, and seekers of truth, freedom,justice,andpeace–allpilgrimsofhope and fraternity"."The hope of the world lies in fraternity,"hesaid.TheJubileeyearwillconclude on6January2026whenthesameHolyDoorof Saint Peter's Basilica is closed.Inaugurating the year, the Pope prayed, "May the light of Christianhopeillumineeverymanandwoman,as amessageofGod'sloveaddressedtoall."
Hollywood superstar, Denzel Washington, was recently baptizedinaceremonyataNewYorkchurchafewdaysbefore hecelebratedhis70thbirthday.Hewasalsograntedaminister’s license,allowinghimtoofficiateatreligiousservicesandpursue ordination in the future. The Oscar-winning actor, currently starring in ‘Gladiator II’,was baptized at Kelly Temple Church ofGodinChristinHarlem,NewYork,intheU.S.A.,according to news outlets.The service, streamed on Facebook, showed Washington in a white robe being immersed inthe church’s ritual pool, where he received his baptism certificate. His early life was shapedby his strong Christian upbringing, with his father serving as a Pentecostal minister.Though he attended churchasachild,Washington’spersonalfaithgrewlaterinlife. He nowattends the West Angeles Church of God in Christ in Los Angeles. He called the baptism his“greatest accomplishment,”andsharedanemotionalmessageaboutfaith during theservice. “It took a while, but I’m finally here… If God can do this for me, there’s nothing Hecan’t do for you. The sky literally is the limit,” he said.Meanwhile, the event gained attention on social media, with many praising his decision tohold the ceremony in a modest church, while some questioned the speed at which celebrityministers are granted suchresponsibilities.Addalittlebitofbodytext
The Caribbean Tourism Organization(CTO)hasunveiledits theme for 2025:“Caribbean Resilience: Crafting Tomorrow’s Tourism.”This timely and forwardthinking theme underscores the region’s commitment toembracing its strengths, addressing challenges, and creating a future-ready tourismsector that continues to thrive in an ever-changing global landscape. CTO Chair, IanGooding-Edghill (pic), Barbados’MinisterofTourismand International Transport,emphasized the transformative potential of the theme: “‘Caribbean Resilience: CraftingTomorrow’s Tourism’ challenges us to think innovatively and act collaboratively. “It is a rallyingcalltostrengthen
partnerships, invest in our people, and prioritizesustainability while harnessing technology and innovation to redefine how theCaribbean engages with global travellers. We must commit to building a tourism sectorthat not onlymeetstoday’sdemandsbutalso anticipates tomorrow’s opportunities.” This year’s theme invites regional governments, tourism departments, private sectorpartners, and local communities to work together to address priorities such as climateadaptation, digital transformation, workforce development, and diversification oftourism products. Alongside the ongoing CTO Reimagine exercise, thethemereflectsarenewedfocuson
sustainable tourism practices that preserve the region’s naturaland cultural heritage for future generations. Highlighting the significance of the theme, the chairman continued, “Resilience is atthe core of the Caribbean’s identity, and this year’s theme acknowledgesourabilitytonavigate challenges while emphasizing our proactive approach to building asustainableandinnovativetourism industry. It inspires us to think beyond recovery,focusing on transformation and long-term success for the region. The Caribbean,celebratedworldwidefor its diverse cultures, breathtaking landscapes and warm hospitality, has consistently demonstrated its resilienceinthefaceof
naturaldisasters, economic shifts, and global disruptions. The 2025 theme calls on allstakeholders to embrace this spirit of resilience to ensuretheregion’scontinuedgrowth and competitiveness.As part of its 2025 vision, CTO will host events, workshops and initiatives designed toempower stakeholders and foster innovation across the Caribbean. The organizationis committed to ensuring that the region remains a leader in global tourism, offeringunique, enriching experiences to visitors while providing economic benefits to itspeople “This theme is an invitationtocelebrateourcollective resilience and to take bold stepstowardafuturewherethe
Caribbean continues to shine as a centre of innovation,sustainability and unmatched hospitality,” said Gooding-Edghill.“Together,wewill crafta tourism industry that embodies the true spirit of the Caribbean.”CTO encourages all stakeholdersandpartnerstojoinin celebrating this themethroughout 2025,workingcollectivelytoshapea resilient,sustainableandprosperous futureforCaribbeantourism.
Ahe Curaçao Tourism Board has proudly announced a historic milestone, with the islandwelcoming700,249stay-overvisitorsin2024,settinganewtourismrecord.Thisachievement reflectsasignificant20%growthcomparedto2023,whentheislandreceived117,844fewervisitors. Curaçao'srobusttourismgrowthunderscoresthesuccessofitsstrategicmarketingeffortsandits positioningasapremierdestinationwheretravellerscan"feelitforthemselves."Inadditiontostayovervisitors,theislandhosted35,499day-trippersand834,922cruisepassengersthroughoutthe year, bringing the total number of arrivals to an impressive1,570,670. This surge highlights Curaçao's ability to attract diverse types of travellers.December 2024 marked a particularly noteworthymonth,with73,669visitorsstayingovernight,a16%increasecomparedtoDecember 2023.TheNetherlands,theUSA,andColombiaemergedaskeymarketsdrivingthissuccess,aided byexpandedairserviceandnewroutes.TheNetherlandsretaineditspositionasCuraçao'sprimary source market, contributing 25,255 visitors in December 2024, up 9%from 23,111 in December 2023.Dutchvisitorsstayedanaverageof13.9nights,highlightingtheirstrongengagementwiththe destination.Meanwhile,theUnitedStatesdemonstratedremarkablegrowth,witharrivalsup30% year-over-year,reaching19,069visitorsinDecember2024.UStravellersaveraged6.4-nightstays, withkeyfeederstatesincludingNewYork,Florida,andTexas.Colombia,Curaçao’sthird-largest sourcemarket,experiencedaslightdeclineinDecember2024,with5,330visitors,down1%from 5,405inDecember2023.
Spainwelcomedanunprecedented94millioninternationaltravellersin2024,markingthebest yearfortourisminthecountry'shistory.ThismilestonewasannouncedbySpain’sIndustryand TourismMinisterJordiHereu.Therecord-breakingfigurerepresentsa10%increasecomparedto 2023,when83.5millionvisitorsexploredthecountry,andsurpassesSpain’spreviousrecordin 2019,justbeforetheglobalpandemic.Thetourismboomcamealongsideasignificanteconomic boost,withforeignvisitorsgenerating126billioneuros($129.8billion)inrevenueoverthepast 12 months. Thisrepresents a 16% increase compared to the 108.7 billion euros ($117 billion) spent in 2023.Tourism remains a vital pillar of Spain’s economy, contributing 12.3% to the nation’sgrossdomesticproduct.Spain’senduringpopularityasatraveldestinationisreflectedin itspositionasthesecondmostvisitedcountryintheworld,accordingtotheU.N.WorldTourism Barometer.tAWhile its sun-and-beach appeal continues to draw millions, 2024 saw a notable shift intourist preferences. Cultural tourism increased by 32%, and culinary travel surged by 28%comparedtopre-pandemiclevelsin2019,asreportedbytheTourismMinistry.Therisein international visitors also extends beyond Spain’s traditional hotspots likeBarcelona, the Mediterranean,andtheCanaryIslands.Inlanddestinationsandoff-seasontravelhavegrownin popularity, demonstrating a diversification in the country’s tourismofferings.In addition to Europeantravellers,SpainsawanuptickinarrivalsfromtheUnitedStates,LatinAmerica,and Asia, highlighting its expanding global appeal. This surge in tourismcoincides with broader trends of global travel recovery.According to the U.N., international arrivals worldwide in January–September2024reached98%of2019levels.
As the world opens up with renewed vigour, travellers are seeking unique and unforgettableexperiences in 2025.This year’s most sought-after destinations range from idyllic islands to bustling metropolises,each offering something exceptional. Let’s explore the top five destinations captivatingwanderlust-stricken hearts worldwide.1. Kyoto,Japan:Kyotocontinuestoenchanttravellers with its blend of ancient traditionsand modern elegance. Famous for its timeless temples, vibrant geishadistricts,andlushbambooforests,Kyotoisa culturalhaven.In2025,thecityissettohostaseries ofartandculturalfestivals,offeringvisitorsadeeper connection to Japanese heritage. Don’t miss thecherry blossoms in spring or the spectacular autumn foliage that turns Kyoto into a painter’smasterpiece.2. Lisbon, Portugal: Lisbon (pic)hasemergedasamust-visitdestinationthanks toitssun-kissedclimate,delectablecuisine,andrich history.In2025,thecitywillhostnewmusicfestivals and exhibitions highlighting Portuguese maritime heritage. Wander through theAlfama district, take in breathtaking views from the Miradouros, and savour pastéis de natain a café overlooking the Tagus Ri Lisbon’s charm lies in its ability to combine old-worldallure with contemporary vibrancy.3.CapeTown,SouthAfrica:CapeTownis captivating travellers with its stunninglandscapes, diverse
cultures, and adventure opportunities. In 2025, the city’s eco-tourisminitiatives are drawing attention, from sustainable safaris to marine conservation tours.TableMountain,theCapeWinelands,andthe historic Robben Island are just a few highlights.Whether you seek relaxation or adrenaline, Cape Town offers an unparalleled experience.4. Patagonia, Argentina and Chile: For those yearning for untouched wilderness,Patagonia is the ultimate destination in 2025. This region, shared by Argentina and Chile,offers dramatic glaciers, jagged peaks, and sprawling grasslands. New eco-lodges andguided expeditions make Patagonia more accessible while preserving its natural beauty.Explore Torres del Paine National Park,trektothePeritoMorenoGlacier,orembark on awildlife safari to spot guanacos and Andean condors.5.Maldives:TheMaldivescontinuestotop travelwishlistswithitsturquoisewaters,overwater bungalows, and unparalleled luxury. In 2025, the islands are spotlightingsustainable tourism, with eco-friendly resorts and marine conservation programs. Snorkelamong vibrant coral reefs, indulge in world-class spa treatments, or simply relax on pristinebeaches. The Maldives promises a sliceofparadiselikenoother.
TheCaymanIslandsareata critical juncture, navigating economic growth whilesafeguarding sustainability.OnJanuary17th, the Chamber of Commerce hostedanEconomicForumat the KimptonSeafire Hotel assembling policymakers, business leaders and thought influencers to exploreactionablestrategiesfor fosteringlong-termprosperity. The forum underscored the urgencyof addressing challengessuchascruiseport resilience, economic diversification and therising costoflivingforCaymanians while ensuring that sustainability remains at the heart ofthe Islands' development agenda. With renowned economist Marla Dukharan delivering a compelling keynote address, theeventexploredstrategiesto navigate global uncertainties, leverage emerging opportunitiesand ensure a sustainable future for the islands. Under the theme “Future-Proofing theCayman Islands,”theforumconfronted complex issues such as mass immigration,theenvironmental and economic impact of the cruise industry and the diversification of theCayman Islands’ economy As the islands grappled with these challenges,theforum’spurpose wascleartochartacoursefor
prosperityandresiliencewhile preservingtheuniqueidentity of the CaymanIslands. The Cayman 2035 Economic Forumwasdesignedtotackle critical questions aboutthe islands’ future, focusing on building an economy and society that can withstand global disruptions while thriving in an interconnected worldby:1.AddressingMass Immigration: Developing policiestomanagethegrowing influx ofexpatriates while balancingtheneedsofthelocal population and protecting Caymanianculture.2. SustainableTourismPractices: Examiningthecruiseindustry’s long-term impact on theenvironmentandeconomy, with a focus on sustainable growth.3. Economic Diversification: Reducing relianceonthetwinpillarsof finance and tourism byfosteringemergingindustries suchastechnology,renewable energy, and healthcare.4. Workforce Empowerment: Equipping Caymanians with the skills and opportunities neededtosucceedinarapidly evolving job market. Marla Dukharanurgedpolicymakers andbusinessleaderstoaddress the delicate balancebetween economic growth and social cohesion. “Mass immigration hasbeenbothablessinganda challenge for the Cayman Islands,”sheremarked.“While
it has fuelled economic expansion, it also places pressure on infrastructure, housingandthepreservationof Caymanianidentity.Managing this dynamic requires robust,inclusive policies.” On thecruiseindustry,Dukharan highlighted the environmental andeconomic risks of overtourism.She advocated for a shift toward sustainable tourismmodelsthatprioritize high-value,low-impactvisitors oversheervolume.“Thegoal mustbequalityoverquantity,” she stated, “toprotect the fragilemarineecosystemsand culturalheritagethatmakethe Cayman Islandsunique.” The forum featured lively panel discussions on critical topics, fostering meaningfuldialogue and collaboration. The panel discussion from policymakers bridging the gap between inclusive growth which isdesiredforthecommunity’s well-being for affordable housing.Addressingtherising costoflivingandhousingfor Caymanianstothriveintheir homeland that is gaining momentum.Having affordable healthcare access is another move in enhancing the healthcareservicesandfacilities tomeetinternationalstandards while providing affordable options for residents In creating social equity, it was highlyspokenabouttocreate programmesthatprioritise
theinclusion of underrepresented communities in all spheres of development.Panellists explored the social and economic implications of immigration, emphasising theneedforpoliciesthatprotect Caymanian culture while embracing the diversity that fuelsinnovation.Theydebated thelong-termsustainabilityof the cruise sector, focusing onenvironmental protections, infrastructure upgrades, and strategies to attract higherspendingtourists. These sessions emphasise the interconnected nature of the islands’challenges,emphasizing the need for holistic and collaborative solutions The questionlieswithhowpolicy makerswillcommittoensuring thattheforum’sinsightsleadto tangiblethetimeforboldand visionaryleadershipisnow.In prioritisingpoliciesthatprotect the islands’ unique character while embracing sustainable growth. Address thecomplexitiesofimmigration with empathy and foresight, ensuringthatallresidents
can sharein the benefits of progress.Rethink the cruise industry’s role in the local economy, focusing on sustainability and long-term value.Astheforumconcluded witharenewedcommitmentto actionablechange,theonusnow lies on policymakers to transformthesediscussionsinto beingresilientwhilstmaintaining sustainability. Thought leaders emphasised the importance of collaborationbetweenthepublic and private sectors to ensure long-termsuccess.Thisincludes expandingtrainingprogrammes toequipthelocalworkforcewith future-readyskills. The forum underscored the Cayman Islands’ commitment to becoming a regionalleader in innovationwiththeirecosystem. Bybridgingdiverseperspectives and fosteringcollaboration, the Economic Forum has set a strong foundation for transforming challengesinto opportunities for the Cayman Islands.Letthisforumserveasa clarioncallfordecisiveaction— The Cayman Islands collectivefuturedependsonit.
The curtains went down on what is being described as the best Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE)conferenceever.TheManagingDirectorof the JSE, Dr. Marlene Street-Forest CD, JP, beamed as she proudlyshared her joy at the recordturnoutatthe20thstagingoftheJamaica Stock Exchangeconference, held in Kingston, Jamaica, January 21st-23rd, 2025. Dr. StreetForrestspokeaboutthesolidpresentations,the informative panel discussions and the wide cross-section of support,especially from the business community in Jamaica and the Caribbean. The Stock Exchange’smanaging director was particularly happy about the presence and representation from theJamaican Diaspora,ledbyConsulsGeneralAlsionWilson (NewYork)andOliverMair(Florida),whoalso led in panel discussions, to the delight of the enthusiasticaudience.Shewaspassionateabout promoting the inclusiveness of the stock exchange,toallJamaicans,includingthoseinthe diaspora.
Shepaidtributetoherhard-workingteamatthe StockExchange, whose engagement throughout the conference was quite evident. The JamaicaStock Exchange, twice recognized by Bloomberg News as the best performing Exchange in theworld (2015 and 2018), hosted esteemed speakers including Jamaica’s Prime Minister, Dr TheMost Hon Andrew Holness ON,PC,MP,theMinisterofFinance,theHon. FayvalWilliams,MP,OppositionSpokesmanon Finance, Mr. Julian Robinson, and a host of other well-decoratedleaders from the business community and international agencies, from Jamaica and overseas The theme of the conference was “Safeguarding the Capital Markets: People, Opportunities andProgress”, and the goals were to: Bring together key participantsofthefinancialservicesindustryto present and discussideas on issues pertinent to the development of the capital market Facilitate a forum for the development of strategiesnecessaryforthefuturegrowth
ofthesectorintheregion Assistinthecreation of partnerships and improved understanding between financialinstitutions to allow for the generation of investment opportunities. Provide a showcase for the promotion of industrytrends,productsandservices. Create an awareness of the importance of the capital market to the region’s economicdevelopment andprosperityandtobuildsocialandstrategic alliances. The main sponsors of this milestone eventwereNCBCapitalMarkets,Jeffries,The JamaicaPegasus, Jamaica Observer and TelevisionJamaica(TVJ).Aprogressivepicture waspaintedinspeechesbythePrimeMinisteret al, which boastedJamaica’s upgrade in credit ratingbyStandard&Poor’s,herDebttoGDP ratio moving from$140B in 2016 to $68B in 2025, meaningful downward trends in crime, attention
to a nationalDisaster Risk Resolving policy, boostingofagriculture,miningandenergyand ongoingimprovementsininfrastructure,notonly inroadways,butinbuildingadigitalsocietyand asolidfinancialserviceshub.ThePrimeMinister madehiscommitmenttoembarkonstepsthat will reduce bureaucratic redtape, create more efficiencies and indeed more opportunities for all, not just a privileged few. The conference includedaNetworkingeventandculturalnight at Villa Ronai (Stony Hill),featuring film presentations by two young Jamaican filmmakers and a cultural presentation byJamaicanTenorSteveHiggins.TheMasterof Ceremonies for the conference was Jamaica’scelebrated broadcaster, Michael Anthony Cuffe. An appeal was also made to support theJamaica Social Stock Exchange programs, which will benefit the children of Jamaica.
Muc-Off, the specialists in motorcycle andbicyclecare,havejustannounced its partnershipwith the 2024 MotoGP World Champion, Jorge Martín.“The Martinator”,sonamedforhisfearless racing style and unmatched precision, madehistory in 2024 by clinching the MotoGP World Championship as the firstriderindecadestoachievethisfeat with a satellite team. In 2025, he’s partnering with Muc-Off, a brandsynonymous with highperformance innovation and relentless drive.Muc-OffwillsupportJorgewith
its performance focussed care range, while the twocollaborate on future product development. From bike cleaners to high-performance chainlubesandprotectivesprays,MucOff’s comprehensive portfolio is available to Jorge, whowill benefit fromthe‘RiderCare’range,including Anti-FogTreatmentandHelmetVisor &Goggle Cleaner, ensuring he stays sharp,fresh,andrace-readyonandoff thegrid.
LIV Golf has announced Scott O’Neil as new Chief Executive Officer of the company,effective immediately.O’Neil will drive the strategic vision, business operations, and global growth for the league,its 13 teams and roster of worldclass golfers, and its efforts to drive positive impact. GregNorman, who has been instrumental to the launch of LIV Golf as its first CEO andCommissioner, will hand off day-to-day management but will remain involved with LIV Golf.O’Neil’s appointment represents the reach of LIV Golf’s early success and positions theleague for the next phase of sustainedgrowthasitremainsfocusedon modernizing andsupercharging the sport withafirst-of-its-kindteamcompetition
andexperienceforthenextgenerationgolf fan around the world. “On behalf of the Board of Directors, we welcome Scottto the LIV Golf family, knowing he will capitalize on everything that has been accomplishedover the past three years,” said LIV Golf Board Chair Yasir AlRumayyan.“Scott has the passion, the tenacity, and the vision to continue leveraging LIV Golf’s positionas a preeminent, global sports and entertainment company and to lead our amazing teamsandplayersforyearstocome.When we launched LIV Golf, there was no one that mademore sense to lead the organization other than Greg Norman “I thank him for everything he has done to establish,launchandgrowourleague.He
hasbeen instrumental to LIV’s success.”
Prior to being named CEO of LIV Golf, O’Neil served asCEO of Merlin Entertainments,responsibleforoverseeing the business operations andglobal growth across its 140+ attractions in 23 countries.Before Merlin, O’Neil served as CEO for Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment (HBSE), aportfolio of professional sports, entertainment, and investment properties, where he oversawmorethan$2billionofgrowthin enterprise value centred on bringing innovationtotheindustry.O’Neilhasmore than25yearsofexperienceinleadingand managing global sportsand entertainment brands.With a reputation for innovation, strategicandglobalbranddevelopment
andpartnerships,andapassionforculture and talent development, O’Neil has stewarded some of the sportsand entertainment industry’s most renowned andiconicbrandsandproperties,including theNBA’s New York Knicks and Philadelphia76ers,theNFL’sPhiladelphia Eagles,theNHL’sNewYorkRangersand NewJerseyDevils,andtheinternationally ranked sports andentertainment arenas, Madison Square Garden and Prudential Centre.“I couldn’t be prouder of what we’ve accomplished or more pleased with where the leaguestands today,” says LIV Chair,YasirAl-Rumayyan.”I’mexcitedto passthebatonofday-to-daymanagement andcontinuetohelpdowhatIcantogrow LIVGolf.
Cindy Ngamba will make her professional debut on the undercard of Natasha Jonas'unificationfightagainstLaurenPrice on 7 March in London.The 26-year-old madehistoryatlastyear'sParisOlympicsas the first member of theRefugee Olympic Teamtowinamedal.Ngambawonbronze and the Cameroon fighter hasnow set her sights on becoming world champion in the paidranks."Ihavesharedtheringwiththe bestofthebestintheOlympicsandasan amateur. I want toshare the ring with the bestasaprofessionalandpushmyselfasfar as I can go," Ngambasaid."I'm looking forward to showcasing my skills as a professional for the first time. It is time formetoshowwhatIamcapableofandto continue to represent myself, Great Britain and allthe refugees around the world."Ngamba has signed a "multi-fight" promotionaldealwithBoxxerandpromoter
Ben Shalomdescribed her as an "incredible athlete".Shewillmakeherbowonall-female card headlinedby welterweight champions and domestic rivals Price and Jonas.WBC lightweight world champion Caroline Duboiswillalsofeatureontheundercard,as willKarrissArtingstallandRavenChapman
who face off in a featherweight contest. Super-middleweight champion Savannah Marshallisalsoexpectedtobeaddedtothe undercard.Ngamba is unable to return to Cameroon because of her sexuality - with homosexualityinthecountrypunishablewith uptofiveyearsinprison.However,after15 years in England,she is still fighting to be grantedavisaandUKcitizenship.Fiveyears agoshewasonthevergeofbeingdeported after attending what she thought wasa routinesigning-onprocesstoletauthorities knowshewasstillinthecountry.Ngamba wasarrested,alongwithherbrotherKennet, and sent from Manchester to a detention camp inLondon, before being released the followingday.BeforeParis2024,GBBoxing unsuccessfully tried to add Ngamba to its ranks for theOlympic programme, even writingarequesttotheHomeOfficetogrant her Britishcitizenship. But she then won a scholarshipwiththeIOCrefugeeteamand was the firstfemale boxer to represent the teamataGames.Ngambamadeheramateur debut aged 20 in 2018 and would go on accumulate26winsandjustfivelosses.She won the English national championships threetimesinthatperiod.Addalittlebitof bodytext
Sifan Hassan will return to the London Marathon in 2025 as all four reigning Olympic andParalympic marathon champions take to the streets of the UK capitalinApril.DutchathleteHassanmade historyasthefirstwomantowinOlympic golds over 5,000m,10,000m and the marathon during her career with victory over26.2milesatParis2024.The32-yearold produced a remarkable comeback to take victory in London on her debut overthemarathondistancein2023andalso won the Chicago Marathon that year. "It feelssospecialtocomebacktotheLondon Marathon,"Hassansaid.“ThisiswhereI
ranmyveryfirstmarathonandbeganmy journeyinthisincredibledistance.London isalsowhereIlearnedtobepatient,totrust myself, and to keep pushing even whenit feelsimpossible.“ItisaplacewhereIgrew, not just as an athlete, but as a person."
Hassan will be joined inLondon by Ethiopia's Olympic men's champion Tamirat Tola, and Paralympic championsCatherine Debrunner and Marcel Hug. Two years ago, an inexperiencedHassanlookedlikeshewould have to drop out of hermarathon debut afterstoppingattheroadsidemid-raceto stretchoutahipinjurywhileherrivals
disappeareduptheroad.Instead,shereeled intheTokyoOlympicmarathonchampion Peres Jepchirchir and the 2022 London champion Yalemzerf Yehualaw beforesprinting to glory - but only after almostcollidingwithasupportmotorbike. HassanachievedherOlympictriumphlast summer in similarly dramatic fashion. Havingalreadywonbronzemedalsinboth the5,000mand10,000monthetrack-the eventsshewoninTokyo-sheappearedto befadinginthemarathonbutrecoveredto produceanotherspectacularsprintfinish."I don't think I'm the greatest because, if I thinkthat,I'mnotgoingtoimprove,"
Hassan said.Discussing her future ambitions, she added: "I want to try and runfourmarathonsinoneyearandseehow farIcango.“MaybeclosertoLA,Iwantto see how I can handle that. I want to run personal bests on thetrack too. I have so many things in my head, I'm really crazy."Manyathletesaregoodatonething, but they don't want to go out of their comfortzone.Nobodyisperfect,Ijustwant to try everything and see where I can go."The 2025 London Marathon takes placeonSunday,27April.