By Dr Tony Talburt
On the evening of 14 June 2017, the nation was shocked to witness one of its worst modern disasters. What started as a small kitchen fire in a fourth floor flat, quickly spread and resultedinthesubsequentdeathsof72 people. The most horrifying aspect of the disaster was the speed with which thefirespread.Althoughmuchofthe buildingwasflattenedorguttedbythe fire, it now seems there is to be a second and final fall of Grenfell Tower. Some survivors and friends of the families who died oppose this move, while others agree that the buildingmustcomedown.Theredoes notseemtobeacompromiseposition. Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner, who is also Housing Secretary,recentlyannouncedthatthe Grenfell Tower will be ‘carefully’ demolished in a process that would startsometimeinJuneandlikelytake two years. Many people reacted angrilytothisannouncementclaiming the government is ignoring the voices oftheirbereavedandonthefutureof theirlovedones’gravesite.Theyclaim thisisdisgracefulandunforgivable.To make matters worse, it has also been suggested that the whole Grenfell fire disasteroccurredprimarilybecauseof the race and ethnicity of many of the residentswholivedinthebuilding.On thefaceofit,thismightsoundalittle alarmist, but according to a BBC report in July 2020, Leslie Thomas KC, who was representing the bereaved families, said the fire was ‘inextricably linked with race’. He believed there were ‘parallel themes’ betweentheGrenfellfire,thekillingof GeorgeFloydintheUSandthe
‘disproportionate’ number of deaths caused by the coronavirus among people from minority ethnic backgrounds. Furthermore, the same report by the BBC claimed that in 2017-2018, some 40% of people living in high-rise buildings in the social rented sector are Black, Asian or other,whichisthreetimeshigherthan the majority white population. Once again,itseems,theviewsofthepoor, many of whom are from ethnic minority backgrounds, are being ignored. Despite the obvious feelings of pain on the part of the survivors and relatives and friends of the bereaved,therearemanyreasonswhy the existing building must be demolished.Thebottomlineisthatthe currentbuildingisnotsafe.Thecynic could obviously ask why safety concerns were not top of the agenda when the building was constructed aboutfiftyyearsago.However,
following years of debate since the disaster,betweengovernmentofficials, engineersandresidents’groups,itwas decided to demolish the building. Therewillhavetobecarefulmeasures to contain hazardous material including asbestos from spreading to surrounding areas. To ensure deaths andmemoriesareneverforgotten,the governmenthaspromisedtousesome material from the original building to create a memorial structure where, presumably, people would be able to come and commemorate those who werelostinthisdisaster.Althoughthis isaverysensitiveanddifficultissue,a fewoftherelativesofthosewhodied, agree that the existing building is a serious health hazard and needs to come down. Therefore, as painful as thismightbe,itseemsGrenfellTower willexperienceasecondandfinalfall.
Award-winningjournalist, editorandpublisherDr ChristopherJohnsonwrites hismonthlycolumninThe Phoenixaimingtoinform, educateandentertain.
By: Dr. Christopher A. Johnson
On March 8 and 10 of this year, International Women’s Day (IWD) and Commonwealth Day will be observed by millions. These observances are symbolic, reflecting the nature of disparate cultural, ethnic, and social identities. However,theseeventsaretimely,as ourpeacefulcoexistenceisseemingly being undermined by spheres of influence.
IWDwasfirstproposedinFebruary 1909,afterwhichtheUnitedNations proclaimed it a vital segment of its annual calendar in 1975. The UN declaration stated, "to proclaim in accordance with their historical and nationaltraditionsandcustoms,any day of the year as United Nations Day for Women's Rights and InternationalPeace."Withmorethan 4 billion women globally, this occasion celebrates gender equality, reproductive rights, and the fight against violence and abuse toward women, as well as other women’s rights.
Since1958,CommonwealthDayhas been celebrated by former British colonies, including those in Africa, Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, the Indian subcontinent/South Asia, and New Zealand. This influential group comprises 56 countries, including33smallstatesand25small island developing states, with an estimated population of 2.5 billion. As we reflect on these annual observations and engage in their respective festivities, what can we learn from Planet Earth? A 2024
‘Global Wealth Report’ suggested that global wealth was nearly $9 trillion, yet there remains an inequitable distribution of material resources worldwide. There are 2 billionwomenlivinginpovertywith noaccesstosocialprotection.About 700 million people, or 8.5% of the world’s population, live in extreme poverty(onlessthan$2.15perday).
An estimated 566 million children (or18%oftheglobalpopulation)live in multidimensional poverty. Approximately1.3billionpeople,or 16%oftheworld’spopulation,have disabilities and face health inequalities due to avoidable and unfairtreatmentinhealthandsocial care services. How can collective actionhelpreducerisinginequalities acrosstheglobe?
Wemustunderstandandidentifythe root causes of human suffering and analyzehowandwherecollaboration is possible with like-minded parties. We should re-examine our institutions to determine the right governance to address changing realities on the ground. Groups, communities, and nations must be empowered to collaborate or cultivate partnerships. Resources must be identified and accessed to initiate projects that can impact underservedorunderinvestedurban, suburban, and rural communities. Wemustalsomobilizethetalentsof women and youth entrepreneurs, whose contributions to local economies are often understated in economicpolicyinitiatives. Finally,wemustre-evaluatepolicies and their decision-makers to ascertaintheirefficacy.Wemustpose critical questions: “How will this policy impact gender rights?” “Why are there fewer resources for minorities when budgetary allocationsaresufficient?”“Whyare community healthcare education programsnon-existentinvillagesand townships?” “How can nongovernmentalorganizationsaccessan open procurement system to deliver essentialservices?”
These questions and more are fundamental to the debate on whetherInternationalWomen’sDay and Commonwealth Day hold significanceamongtoday’scollective voices
was recently stopped from busking in the southern Indian city of Bengaluru, with police saying he didn't have the necessarypermissions.
A video showing a local police officer unplugging Sheeran's microphone on Bengaluru's Church Street - a crowded shopping and entertainment area - has since gone viral. Officials said that a request from Mr Sheeran's team to busk on the road was rejected to avoid congestioninthearea.
But Sheeran insisted on Instagram that "we had permission to busk, by the way. Hence, us playing in that exact spotwasplannedoutbefore.
“It wasn't just us randomly turningup.Allgoodthough.See youattheshowtonight."
Theincidenttookplaceaheadof his scheduled Mathematics Tour concert at NICE Grounds in Bengaluru. Fans criticised the police intervention online, with one saying: "We live in an uncleocracy.
“And there's nothing uncles love more than to stop young people fromhavingfun,"referringtothe number of vague rules that governtheuseofpublicspacesin India.
However,PCMohan,alocalMP from the ruling BJP party, said: "Even global stars must follow local rules - no permit, no performance!"SheeranisinIndia forthesecondyearinarowona 15-day tour, having already played in Pune Hyderabad and Chennai and with more concerts scheduled for Shillong in India's north-eastandthecapitalDelhi.
At his Bengaluru
fans by singing
local songs in the Telugu language with singer
Rao on stage. He previously collaborated with Indian singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh during thelatter'sconcertinBirmingham lastyear.
While in India he has also collaborated with sitar musician Megha Rawoot on a version of his hit song Shape of You. Demand for live music concerts hasbeenincreasinginIndia,with Sheeran'sbiggest-evertourofthe countrycomingcloseontheheels ofDuaLipa'srecentperformance inMumbaiandColdplay'smulticitytour.
As a common and complex clinical syndrome that results from any functional or structural heart disorder, heart failure can impair ventricular filling or ejection of blood to thesystemiccirculationtomeet the body's needs, which can be caused by several different diseases. Most patients with heart failure have symptoms duetoimpairedleftventricular myocardialfunction,withmany usually present with dyspnea, fatigue, decreased exercise tolerance, and fluid retention. Heart failure is due to left ventricular dysfunction is categorized according to left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)intoheartfailure
with reduced ejection fraction, known as HFrEF, and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (LVEF greater than 40%);knownasHFpEF.When thesymptomsandsignsofheart failure occur with a preserved ejectionfraction(EF),theterm HFpEF or heart failure with preserved EF, is used. An EF under 40% is considered reduced (HFrEF), and over 40% is considered a preserved EF (HFpEF). Many patients will have an EF between 4049%whichisconsideredmildly reduced. More recently, this mild reduction in EF has been termed HFmrEF or heart failurewithamid-
rangeEF.Withthatinmind,to help maintain the health and wellbeing of sufferers, the much-sought Heart Failure Nurse is on the ‘front line’ to help overcome the trials and travailsofpatients.Andoneof whomisIsobelBlake.Working under the Sandwell & West Birmingham Trust, she is part of a dedicated team, she has beenaHeartFailureNursefor 8 years: “I’ve always loved community nursing,” she recalls. “And with all the team havingadifferentskillmixand bringingyearsofknowledge,we work really well togetherespecially with my community work experience.” For Birmingham-bornIsobel,itwas
always meant to be: “I was always drawn to patients with heart issues,” she recalls.“As a District Nurse – She was destined to being a Heart Failure Nurse. And she was determined to reach her ‘goal’ “I took up and passed the AccesstoNursingcoursebefore taking up a seat at the then known as university of Central England(nowBirminghamCity University). As a communityled district nurse, I wanted to domore!”Aspositionsbecame available in the then-relatively smallCommunityHeartFailure Team, Isobel was a Band 5 HeartFailureNurse butis
currentlyworkingasband6for 5 years “I’ve loved teaching people since being with the team. Now, two members of staffaremymembersofstaffthat’s one Health Care Assistant and one Band 5 Nurse. “I have always been drawn to patients with heart issues!Heartfailureisnota‘life sentence’, it’s a condition and I’m focussed in on learning muchmore” Always incredibly proud of workingfortheNHS,Isobelis now looking to do Band 7whichismoremanagement-led. “However,” she says: “I would also like to keep doing the clinicalsideofthings!“Overall, Ijustlovethecut-and-thrustof my
job… as I do when working with the team I work with.” Happy in her hugely fulfilling role as a Heart Failure Nurse, Isobel’sadvicetoanyonewho’s lookingforacareerinthisfield, she advises: “Read, read, read, and then… do more reading!“And then, whatever you do, you have to be 110% involved. Always give your patients the very best outcome youpossiblycan!”
A Punjabi farmer has said he set out to spread joy and positivity by creating a short documentary during what he described as a turbulent time for the industry.
Bal Padda's family grow strawberries at theirfarminWorcestershireandarefrom thePunjabregioninnorthIndia,known for its farming heritage. He said his father's journey from the area known as the"India'sbreadbasket"-becauseofits grain production - to the Vale of Eveshamwas"quiteunique". Hisfilm,inspiredbyworkersonthefarm, is being shown at Evesham's Regal Cinema in a sold-out show for an audienceof240.Thedocumentarycalled "It's a Punjabi Farm Innit - A Story of Strawberries,FaithandFarming"ismade of two parts, each 13 minutes long, with aninterval.
The story is about the love, talent and faithofworkersonthefarmandincludes a soundtrack sung in Punjabi by one of theworkers."ThePunjabiwayisfarming, it's family, it's food, it's music, it's togethernessaswellandit'sthestruggles thatwefaceandweovercomethem,"Mr Paddasaid.
"Farmersareheroesandpeopledon'tsee that. There's eight billion people in the world.
"FarmersarefeedingthoseeightbillionnotjustfromthiscountryintheUKbut aroundtheworld.They'reheroessolet's appreciatewhattheydo."
Laughing, Mr Padda explained how he cameupwiththetitleofthefilmandsaid:
"It's Punjabi because we're Punjabi and 'innit' because we're Brummies. "So it's gotthatBrummietouchaswell."
MrPaddasaidhewantedtoshowinthe filmhowdiversityonthefarmhadunited communities and also tackled unrest in the industry. Farmers in the UK have recently staged tractor protests over a range of issues including the impact of inheritance tax changes “Farming at the momenthasbeenattacked,"hesaid,"not onlyhereintheUKwiththeinheritance tax but back home in Punjab as well so farmingneedssomepositivity."Jaswinder Singh, a technical expert on the farm addedthatworkersatthefarmwerefrom all over the world including Europe, Pakistan,IndiaandIndonesia. "All these different nationalities work together and we welcome them as a family,"hesaid.Whilethemessageofthe filmislargelypositive,it
KingstonUponThameshasbeenrated asoneofthemostquintessentialmarket townsinEngland.
When you picture England, your mind mightwandertofamouslandmarkslike theTowerofLondonorthewhitecliffs ofDover,andyou’llprobablythinkof hearty staples like Yorkshire pudding andtheclassicSundayroast.Butthere’s a quieter, equally enchanting side of Englandthatoftencapturestheheart–theidylliccountryside,withitssweeping meadows,cosyvillagepubs,andendless trailsforexploration. Nestledwithinthisserenelandscapeare England's market towns, where the essence of rural charm truly shines. Thesetowns,withtheircobbledstreets, lively farmers’ markets, and historic buildings,representtheperfectblendof traditionandmodernlife.
Independent Cottages has released the toptenratedmostquintessentialmarket towns in England for 2025. Kingston UponThamesisonesuchmarkettown that captures the essence of English charm, nestled alongside the River Thames, offering a unique blend of history, modernity, and stunning riversideviews.
Asoneoftheoldestsettlementsinthe country,Kingston’smarketdatestothe early 1200’s, a testament to its deeprooted history and enduring character. Kingston Upon Thames was ranked number 8 on the list, with Bridport taking the first spot just in front of Stockport. While England’s market towns are often a treasure trove of independent businesses and museums, KingstonUponThamesstandsoutwith a vibrant array of 936 independent businesses, reflecting a thriving local economy and unique shopping experiences. The town’s market itself holds a strong reputation with an impressive 4.5-star rating on Google, showcasingitspopularityandappeal. Inaddition,Kingstonboastsawealthof historic buildings and cultural landmarks,makingitnotjustaplacefor shoppinganddiningbutatownrichin historyandarchitecturalbeauty.While KingstonUponThamesstandsoutasa prime example of a classic English market town, here’s how other towns ranked by Independent Cottages: t1. Bridport (est. 1086) – 5 museums, 510 listed buildings, 229 independent businesses,4.6Googlerating.2.
Stockport(est.1170)–4museums,403 listed buildings, 3,816 independentbusinesses, 4.5 Google rating.3.Devizes(est.1141)–1museum, 355 listed buildings, 243 independent businesses,4.5Googlerating.4.Beverley (12th century) – 1 museum, 465 listed buildings, 515 independentbusinesses, 4.4Googlerating.5.Bromley(est.1158) –2museums,430listedbuildings,1,443 independentbusinesses, 4.2 Google rating.6. Faversham (est. 1086) – 1 museum, 349 listed buildings, 240 independentbusinesses, 4.3 Google rating.7. Romsey (est. 1268) – 2 museums, 255 listed buildings, 346 independent businesses,5.0 Google rating.8. Kingston upon Thames (est. 1208)–2museums,170listedbuildings, 936independent businesses, 4.5 Google rating.9.Bolton(est.1251)–5museums, 367 listed buildings, an incredible 6,297independentbusinesses,4.2Google rating.10.SaffronWalden(est.1295)–1 museum, 383 listed buildings, 394 independentbusinesses, 4.6 Google rating.
Volunteers from Network Rail are working with theButterflyConservationinBuckinghamshireto helpprotectararespeciesofbutterfly.
Over two volunteer days, the collaborative work includesatransformationofanareaoflandnear therailwayinHighWycombeaspartofongoing efforts to create a suitable environment for the beautiful Duke of Burgundy butterfly. The work between the charity, the conservation group Chiltern Rangers, and Network Rail builds on previous conservation work to create a suitable environmentforthebutterfly’ssurvivalandispart of Network Rail’s ongoing work to protect and enhancetheenvironmentalongtherailway.
OfficiallyknownasHamearislucina,theDukeof Burgundy is a rapidly declining species, and in 2010 the number of separate Duke of Burgundy butterfly colonies in the Chilterns area of Buckinghamshire was only two. But thanks to collaborative work from the Upper Thames branchoftheButterflyConservationcharity,who, overthelasttenyearshavebeenworkingwitha numberoflandownersincludingNetworkRailto preparesuitablehostsites,thathasbeenexpanded toNetworkRailland.
Ifthisadditionalworkissuccessful,thenthatwill be another colony, doubling the total to 4 colonies.Theaimnowistojointhosepocketsof Duke of Burgundy butterfly sites up with one another along the area of the West Coast Main Line.
Thefirstvolunteerdaywasthisweekwhichsaw volunteers planting 1250 shelter belt trees and 2400cowslipwildflowersalongsidethemarginof Long Orchard's chalk grassland meadow in Buckinghamshire.TheprojectispartofNetwork
Rail’s ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability and diversity. iJude Ward, environment manager for Network Rail’s North West and Central Region, said: “It’s great to continueworkingwiththeButterflyConservation to strengthen the population of the Duke of Burgundy butterfly and increase the number of coloniesinBuckinghamshire.
"Thisworkhighlightstheabilityofourrailwayto actasawildlifecorridorbyconnectingscattered habitat and animal species throughout the country.Workingwithexternalpartnerstoalign our conservation objectives allows us to create a networkofhabitatthat’sbigger,betterandmore connected."
Nick Bowls, a volunteer from The Butterfly Conservation, said: "Butterfly Conservation are very grateful to Network Rail for their help in securing access to create habitat on some additional land around a colony of the Duke of BurgundyinBuckinghamshire.
"It is allowing work that has seen the butterfly, whichistheonesufferingthebiggestcontraction inrangeintheUK,toexpandintonewareas.In many parts of England, the Duke has been lost fromentirelandscapesbutthecolonynearPrinces Risboroughisnowstableandexpanding."
The work is being done ahead of spring so that adultscanfindthishabitat,layeggsandexpand theirrange.
TheStPatrick'sParadeorganisershaveannounced that this year's event in Birmingham has been cancelled.
It had been due to take place in Digbeth on 16 March, but Chief Executive at Birmingham Irish Association and head of the organising team, Maurice Malone, said that the decision had been taken "with a heavy heart". He confirmed: "This decision has not been made lightly, and we deeply regret any disappointment this may cause to our incrediblecommunity,participants,andsupporters."
The event, which first took place in 1952, returned tothecitylastyearforthefirsttimeinfiveyears.It has previously been known to attract up to 80,000 peopleandhasbeenthoughttobeoneofthebiggest StPatrick'sDayeventsintheworld. Afterthe2020paradewascalledoffbecauseofthe Covidpandemic,subsequentonescouldnotbeheld becauseofroadworksandregenerationinthearea.
MrMalonesaidhewas"immenselygrateful"forthe supportshownbythethousandsofpeoplewhohad attended over the years. "Our primary goal has always been to deliver a safe, enjoyable, and memorable parade that celebrates the vibrant Irish communityinBirmingham,"headded.
"However, safety is paramount, and as organisers, we are not prepared to compromise on this fundamental principle. Despite countless hours of planning and the unwavering dedication of our volunteers, partners, and supporters, the gap betweenwhatwecandeliverwiththeresourcesand finances available and the requirements to host a safe and successful parade has proven too wide to bridgeatthistime.
"Wearecommittedtokeepingthecelebrationofthe parade alive in our city and look forward to celebratingwithyouallinthenearfuture.Together, wewillkeepthespiritoftheIrishcommunityalive inBirmingham."
Residents and team members at Care UK’s Metchley Manor,onChurchRoad,putonaspecialcelebrationto markthebeginningoftheYearoftheSnake.Ontheday, residents enjoyed a special tasting menu of traditional Chinesecuisine,createdbythehome’sHeadChef,based ontheresident’sfavouritedishes.
Thehomewasalsodecoratedwithlargeornatefansand redandgoldballoons.TheteamalsoorganisedaChineseinspired craft session, where residents created their own lanternswhilelearningmoreaboutthecultureand
Birmingham Airport has announced planstointroduceabarrierlesssystemfor vehicles dropping off passengers at its Premium Set Down and drop off areas. The changes, which will be rolled out in phasesbeginningwiththeElmdonmultistorey in February, and the drop off facilities following in Spring 2025. The removalofbarrierswillassisttheflowof vehicles in the relevant areas and reduce congestionduringbusiertimes.
The new system will use Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology and eliminate the need for parkingbarriers,ensuringvehicleswillbe able to exit seamlessly, helping to ease congestionandenhancetrafficflow
aroundtheairport.Driversmustpaythe relevant parking/drop-off tariff due within 24 hours of leaving the car park, andforaddedconveniencecustomerswill have various payment options including via an AutoPay account, post-pay at homeorattheexistingpaymachinesonsite.
The reduction of queues within the Premium Set Down and drop off area will reduce carbon emissions and air qualityimpacts.Thisfurthersupportsthe airport’s drive to become Net Zero Carbonby2033anditsexistingplansto manageandreduceairqualityimpacts. NikkiBains,HeadofPlanning,
Transport and Strategy at Birmingham Airport said: "Scheduled to launch this Spring, the new barrier-free system will simplify passenger drop-offs, enhance vehicular surface access by offering a smootherandfasterexperience.
“Byminimisingwaitingtimesfordrivers, it will enhance traffic flow and improve efficiency across the area." Further informationabouttheproject,aswellas howtoregisterforAutoPay,willbemade availabletocustomerssoon.
background of Chinese New Year. Residents were alsotreatedtoaperformancebyprofessionaldancers, Wan Sheung Chinese Cultural Dancers. 91-year-old resident, Margaret O’Conner, said: “It was such a lovely day. I enjoyed tucking into all the different foodsandthedancerswereincredibletowatch!”
Kim Marie Newton, General Manager at Metchley Manor,said:“Everyonehadafantastictimemarking theChineseNewYear.HereatMetchleyManor,we enjoy celebrating and learning about different cultures, and residents are always keen to try new foods and share their own experiences of different countriesandtheirtraditions.
“Thelunchtimemenuwasarealhit–Ithinkwe’llbe having a few more Chinese-inspired dishes on our menu in the coming weeks.” Designed to enable residents to live active and fulfilled lives, while also promoting independence, Metchley Manor, which remains open to potential residents, incorporates spaceforhobbyandleisureactivities.
TheWindrushAnchorFestival incollaborationwithLet’sTalk Under the Reggae Tree Foundation, USA takes place inJamaicabetween17thMay–7thJune2025.
TheWindrushAnchorFestival catalysed the national committee organising the Windrush 75 celebrations in Jamaica and has evolved into an international event held in Jamaica every May. This festival includes a variety of initiatives such as cultural heritage, educational enrichment, dialogues on memories from England and legal status, health and wellbeing awareness, space pathways ecosystem and sustainable development activities within the UK, JamaicaandtheUSA.
There is a genuine interest, particularly from people who have close family members livingandstudyingabroadand those who have managed to return after a lifetime abroad and investment in Jamaica. Whilesomemaynotfullygrasp the depth of the contributions of their relatives and friends, theseeventsencouragedialogue and provide educational and knowledge-sharingplatformst
o increase awareness and shared cultural and historical understandingofthechallenges t These activities are a unique collaboration between descendants with professional experience and families (UK, Jamaica and USA) to honour the legacy of the Windrush generations, emphasising their significant contributions to society and fostering a deeper understanding of their generational journey. The Windrush Anchor Festival (WAF) is an extension of the Windrush Anchor Heritage Education Programme (WAHEP). Its goal is to promote cultural heritage education, foster institutional partnerships, and uphold the anchor as a significant metaphor for the period spanning 100 years (1948–2048).
This symbolises the Hope, Strength,andBelongingofthe Windrush Generations and their descendants. Central to this is the concept of 'Passing the Baton, representing a generationalmissiontotransfer collective responsibilities and preserve a shared heritage through leadership connectivity, resource management, and sustainability.
ANominationsareopenforthe2025Black BritishBusinessAwards(BBBAwards).
The BBBAwards honour the exceptional performance,innovation,andoutstanding achievements of Black professionals and entrepreneursacrossvarioussectorsinthe UK. For over a decade, the BBBAwards haschampionedmeaningfulchangeacross Britain’s industries, and supports the advancement of Black professionals into seniorleadershippositions.
Through the celebration of the achievements of Black talent, the BBBAwards advocates for equitable representationofBlacktalentinbusiness.
The BBBAwards will recognise Senior Leaders and Rising Stars across six categories:ArtsandMedia;Consumerand Luxury;Entrepreneur;FinancialServices;
Professional Services; and STEM. The themeofthe2025BBBAwardsis#Elevate, showcasingtheprogression,contributions, achievements and potential of Black professionalsandentrepreneursintheUK.
#Elevate spotlights the journeys of those who continue to break barriers and redefine excellence in their fields despite systemicchallenges.
This year’s theme underscores the importance of creating environments whereBlacktalentcannotonlythrivebut lead.Dr.SophieChandaukaMBE,Chair andExecutiveFounderoftheBBBAwards said: “2025 marks the 12th year of the BlackBritishBusinessAwards.
“Our campaign works with some of the most prestigious and systemically importantbrandsintheworld,with
JPMorganChase as our key partner. This demonstratestheenduring commitmentof key business leaders striving for racial equityinbusiness.
“This year’s theme is #ELEVATE – a celebration of influencers and innovators shapingindustries,definingexcellence,and elevating the profile of Black talent in business.Welookforwardtoacohortof worldclassnominees!” CecilPeters,HeadofDiversity,Equity& Inclusion in EMEA at JPMorganChase said:“Wewishallthenomineesthebestof luck for this year’s campaign as they continuetoinspireandpavenewpathways for future entrepreneurs and professionals.”
J.P.MorganwillreturnastheKeyPartner of the BBBAwards for the sixth year running, and for the eighth consecutive year,theTelegraphwillcontinueitsroleas national Media Partner. Other significant sponsors of the BBBAwards include AlixPartners, Baker McKenzie, Barclays, Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, MSCI, Oliver Wyman, Ralph Lauren, S&P Global, Wellington Management,WellsFargo. Nominations can be made online via https://thebbbawards.com/nominate2025.
The Student Energy Group (TSEG) has been crowned the best 'Medium Business (51-250employees)’intheregionforatthe highlyanticipatedWestMidlandsBusiness oftheYearAwards2025.
The annual awards, which are led by The BusinessDesk,arededicatedtocelebrating theverybestbusinesssuccessesintheWest Midlands, showcasing companies who are pioneering innovation in the region and supporting the Midlands to thrive. TSEG, a tech-led energy business based in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter, was highlighted from a strong selection of finalists,beatingimpressivecompetitionto
receivetheprestigiousaccoladeatablacktie awards ceremony held at the MacdonaldBurlington.
The judging panel was wowed by TSEG’s commitment to ‘simply do the right thing’ for its team, partners and customers. Aiming to revolutionise the PropTech industry TSEG has leveraged data and technology to create a new piece of software offering the ability for all household bills to be merged into one simple monthly statement, making utility transactions within the student housing marketplaceeasierandquicker. Thecompany’sremarkablegrowthand
impact, particularly during challenging periods like the UK energy crisis, underlinesitsresilienceforsuccess.Witha missiontodisruptandimprovetheutilities sector, enhance user experience and build technologythataddstangiblevalue,TSEG achievedanimpressiveturnoverof£23.5m in 2024 is poised for continued expansion andsuccess.
Alex Back, Managing Director and one of the founders of TSEG, commented: “The whole team is absolutely delighted to have been crowned winners at the West MidlandsBusinessoftheYearAwards–it trulyisatestamenttothehardworkofthe
“This is our second time winning this accolade, and we’re thrilled to see the growth of TSEG over the past year be recognisedinsuchawayaswecontinueto evolve the business to align with the needs of the market and our customers. I’d like toextendahugecongratulationstoallthe fantastic companies nominated and thank everyoneforafantasticnight.
“We’re looking forward to another fantasticyearahead!”
Wolverhampton Art Gallery will be showcasing a new acquisition, an installationbyartistRheaStorrwhich isherfirstinstitutionalsolo-exhibition.
A two-part film shot on 16mm, ‘SubjectsofState,LaboursofLove’is an intimate portrait of the Caribbean community in Wolverhampton, from the 1980s onwards, by SADACCA (Sheffield African and Caribbean CommunityAssociation).Presentedas an immersive video installation and exhibition that captures the shared joys, celebrations, struggles, oppressions and complexities experienced by Caribbean heritage communities, the film is a discussion among key people involved in Black/Caribbean community organisations during the 1980s - a turbulenttimemarkedbyraceriotsin majorBritish
cities and the rise of far-right groups liketheNationalFront.
Against this backdrop, Black/Caribbean organisers provided vitalcommunityspacesatatimewhen
Black people faced widespread discrimination and inequality in education, housing, and the job market. In the conversation, the members share their experiences of organising, the challenges they encountered, particularly related to British politician Enoch Powell’s lasting racist rhetoric, and the joys of solidarityandcommunity.Thesecond chapterofthefilmisanobservational portrait of present-day Sheffield and DistrictAfricanCaribbeanCommunity Association, SADACCA. The work highlights how SADACCA, which usedtobeamanufacturingsite,now
serves as a valuable resource for the community and a central part of the socialfabricofthecity.
It also looks at the importance of archivingfromtheperspectiveofwhat future generations of Black people livingintheUKmightneed,andhow their changing position in UK society influences the viability of the space.
Councillor Chris Burden, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for City Development, Jobs and Skills, said: "Subjects of State, Labours of Love is a stunning exploration of Caribbean heritage and communityresilience.
“Through Rhea Storr's evocative 16mmfilminstallation,visitorswillbe able to uncover the power of shared stories,celebrations,andstrugglesthat shapeidentityandinspireconnection.
It is a must-see journey through memory,history,andculturalpride."
Jenny Waldman, Art Fund Director, said:"RheaStorr’spowerfulnewwork, Subjects of State, Labours of Love, shedsnewlightontherichhistoryand important contributions of Caribbean communities in the UK.
Commissioning contemporary artists tocreatenewworkhelpskeepmuseum collections dynamic and engaging.
“We're delighted to support the commissioningofthisnewworkandits acquisition for Wolverhampton Art Gallery'scollection."Commissionedby FilmandVideoUmbrella,SiteGallery and Wolverhampton Art Gallery, the commission and its acquisition by WolverhamptonArtGalleryaremade possible with Art Fund support. It is supportedusingpublicfundingbyArts
CouncilEngland. TheexhibitionisopenfromSaturday 8MarchuntilSunday8June2025and entry is free. Wolverhampton Art Gallery is open Monday to Saturday from 10.30am to 4.30pm and Sunday from11amto4pm.
When it comes to giving back to support the future, there’s no stopping Angela Christian, who, for the past 14-years, has been going, above, beyond, and further still, to “give back” to the institutionsandpeoplesheismore thangratefulfor.
As creator of the highly respected ‘Angel Foundation’, Ms. Christian has been leading projects and raising much-needed funds for schools,hospitals,andthelikes,in her native St. Annes, in Jamaica. That said, though, such is her prominence, during her relentless drive,herworkisnowcountrywide ontheCaribbeanIsland.
Aninitiativeshetookupafterher two daughters – then 16-year-old Petraa and Holly, who was 12 at thetime–almostcametoafatality, when nearly drowning in a swimming pool, Angela’s nonprofit UK-registered organisation set out to improve healthcare, education and the lives of the children and young people that means so much to her. “That experience led me start the ‘Foundation - to help the hospital who helped my daughters,” she recalls.
“ItwastheveryleastIcoulddo.” Angelahas,todate,facilitatedthe acquisition of 200 beds, 40 wheelchairs, 200 seats, 2 defibrillators and a mobile blood unit,afterstartingattheStAnnes BayHospital.
She goes on: “From then, I began by helping to donate two ambulancesasastarter.”Then,on theeducationfront,shewasequally relentless, where she helped build an IT room at the Salt Springs Primary School. “I was there in June with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,aspartofmy‘Kindnessin Action’ initiative,” she recalls. “And I also brought out costumes for the children and created a special room at Greater Portmore HighSchool.Infact,togofurther, in last 10 years Angel Foundation has delivered IT suites to several schoolsacrossJamaica.”
For some children there, the only time they are happy is when they areinschools.Andforthat,Angel Foundationisahavenforthem.
Recently Ms. Christian went to 4 schools in Montego Bay to carry out projects in co-operation with Jamaica’s Ministry of Education.
“The Ministers are excited about theprojectsIamdoing,”shesaid,
“and the Guidance Councillors thereareverypro-activeonthis.”
In 2017 Angel Foundation UKJA undertookastrategyofsupporting the Minster of Education Youth Information Service to launch IT Suite Computers Technology IT Suites-anewenvironmentseveral schools across rural areas of Jamaica - who include Lawrence Tavern High School, Bensonton Primary School, Free hill Primary school, Mount Pleasant Primary School, Lethe Primary School, StoneyHillTechnicalhighSchool, GreaterPortmoreHighSchooland SaltSpringPrimarySchools.
‘Jamaica Love’, is set to host the Expo, and will be having a table theretoo.
She had a psychology themed Christmas Fare in Tottenham, to highlight much-needed therapeutic education in Jamaica, and is looking forward to her next event there: “The diverse Tottenham community is really behind this freeevent,withthelikesofChaser, Sean Wallace and Paralympics champion, Kadeena Cox have amongstthebig-namesupporters.
School, Haile Selasi High School and Stoney Hill Technical High School)atrisk.
In the last 6 years Angela has created an Afro Caribbean Exposupported by the likes of Grace Foods,VMBS,PortRoyalPatties, withtheJamaicaHighCommission (UK) having a stand, with local schools being involved. This year, Allison Mason, who wowed audienceswithherperformancesin
“And, by the time its ready, I’ll have 100-plus stalls this time around.” Working tirelessly, both in the UK and Jamaica, Ms. Christian is also working in partnership with NHS CEO and ChiefConsultant,MartinDay,and theyhaveateamofpeoplewhoare allonboardwiththeprogramme.
Angela’s ‘Kindness in Action’ programme is getting massive reviewsbothinJamaicaandthe
UK and she’s getting ongoing support from the likes of Transpack Shipping and Grace Foods – to name two. There’s a group of over 100 businesses backing her, she says: “I’m just enjoying ‘giving back’ to my communityandmycountry!”
In June 2024 Angel Foundation UK was part of the Jamaica Diaspora Conference Community Day of Service, in Montego Bay, with the Project Kindness in ActionSaltSpringPrimaryschool. The organisation is also seeing a team of five Britons Psychologist Specialistofferingtwo-dayprojects in4school(GraterPortmoreHigh School,DenhamTownHigh
Come this September, Angel FoundationUKJAisheadingback to Jamaica to work in five High Schoolsatriskwithviolence, acrossSt.James,inMontegoBay. They include Cambridge High School, Anchovy High Schools, Spot Valley High Schools and GreenPondHighSchools. A relentless philanthropist, with thebiggestheartever–isthereany stoppingAngelaChristian?Notas longasthere’sbreathinherbody!
A Rokesly Junior School in Hornsey is celebrating a significant milestone as their recentOfstedinspectionhighlightsremarkable resultsacrossallareas.
The school has raised standards since its previous "Good" inspection, showcasing their commitment to creating a nurturing and inclusiveenvironmentwherepupilscanthrive.
The school's dynamic and challenging curriculum ensures that pupils excel at every stage.
Teachers create a lively learning atmosphere, sparkingdiscussionsandempoweringstudents to confidently share their ideas. With an emphasis on communication and language development, Rokesly Junior School nurtures bothknowledgeandtheabilitytoexplainand debateeffectively.
Thesupportforpupilswithspecialeducational needsand/ordisabilities(SEND)stoodoutasa keystrength.Thesepupilsworkalongsidetheir peers, receiving the necessary support to help themsucceed.
The inspection also noted that teachers and teachingassistantscollaboratecloselytoensure full inclusion, utilising resources like picture icons and visuals to enhance language development. When pupils face learning challenges, they benefit from well-structured additionalsupporttocatchup,promotinghigh expectationsandfosteringindependenceforall.
Councillor Zena Brabazon, Cabinet Member for Children, Schools, and Families, said: “Anotherfantasticachievementforafantastic school.
“We are immensely proud of the progress Rokesly Junior School has made and the positiveimpactithashadonouryoungpeople.
Our goal is to ensure every young person in Haringeygetsthebestpossiblestartinlife,and withschoolslikeRokesly,we'remakingthisa reality.
“A big thank you to everyone who has been partofthisjourney.”AnnGraham,Directorof Children Services at Haringey Council, said: “Fostering an inclusive environment for our young people is crucial to their development, and we are committed to ensuring that every schoolinHaringeyachievesthisgoal.
“Schools like Rokesly Junior exemplify this dedication,andweareincrediblyproudoftheir efforts. This success wouldn't have been possible without the unwavering support of teachers, families, and of course, our young people.
“Theirdedicationisdeeplyappreciated.Thank you to each and every one of you.” Bola Soneye-Thomas, Headteacher at Rokesly Junior School, said: “I am delighted with the report, which really captures the spirit of our unique school and our high ambition for all pupils.
“Itisapublicendorsementofthehardwork, energy and commitment of our pupils, staff team, parents and carers and entire school community,forwhichIamdeeplygrateful.It is pleasing to see that, within a transforming educationallandscape,thereissuchconfidence in the attainment, progress, vision and future directionofourschool.”
Over600students,teachersandparents attendedthethirdeditionofanawardwinning careers fair for children and young people with special educational needsordisabilities(SEND)lastweek –themostever.
The City of Wolverhampton Council, with support from Tettenhall Wood School, staged the free Moving into Adulthood Careers Fair at Wolverhampton Racecourse, aimed at young people in Year 9 and above, parents,carersandstaffwhosupport
the children in their current educational setting. They were invited tofindoutabouttheoptionsavailable for further education, training and employment from exhibitors including colleges, providers, supported employers, social care settings and community groups Councillor Jacqui Coogan, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education, said: "We want to ensure thatchildrenandyoungpeoplewith
specialeducationalneedsordisabilities areabletolivetheirlivestothefull.
"This was our third Moving into Adulthood Careers Fair and the biggest and best yet, with more children and young people, more parents and carers, and more exhibitors, and we hope it gave everyone involved plenty of information and advice about the many opportunities that are out there forourchildrenandyoungpeoplewith SEND as they move into adulthood. Feedbackwasoverwhelminglypositive
with attendees praising the range of careers showcased and the engaging nature of the activities, and I would like to thank everyone who attended and who organised this year's very successful event." The second Moving into Adulthood SEND Careers Fair, staged at Wolverhampton Racecourse in November 2023, won the Careers Intervention category at last summer's West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA)AdultLearningAwards.
Stakeholders calling for responsible use of AI tools among Kwara students
Stakeholders in education in Kwara State have been charged to educate and guide students on the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence(AI)anditsethicalimplications. Speaking at a campaign to promote the responsibleuseofAIamongstudentsinthe state, tagged ‘Logic Over Code’, an educationist and executive director of Pristine SACC Education and Technology Initiative,AishaUmar,notedtherapidrise in the adoption of AI tools by students. Umar, who said that the project was supported by other creative digital literacy interventions,addedthatitwasdesignedto cultivatethecapacityofyoungpeopletoask critical questions about how technology impactstheirlives,theircommunities,and
the planet, and to guide them on how to navigatethedigitalworld.
“Our goal is to ensure that the next generationofleadersunderstandsnotonly the capabilities of AI but also its ethical implications,”shesaid.
“The organisation remains committed to promoting an educational environment where students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate the evolving technological landscape responsibly and ethically.” She mentioned thatateamhadvisitedsevenschoolswithin Ilorin after the launch of the programme, where it engaged and equipped over 500 students with the knowledge and skills to harnessAIresponsibly.“Someteachers
across the seven schools expressed support for the initiative as they highlighted their concerns about students’ increasing dependenceonAItoolsforcompletingtheir school assignments,” one of the teachers said.
“Withthisintervention,studentswillnow understandtheimportanceofbalancingAI use with their efforts.” Mr Abdullah AbdulRahman, the organisation’s Partnerships Manager, said during the outreach:“Thestudentswereintroducedto thefundamentalsofAIanditsgrowingrole ineverydaylife.”
By Narinder Purewal (Multicultural Family Coach & Maths Teacher)
Diversity within the teaching workforce is crucial for the success of students, schools, andsociety.
However, underrepresentation remains a significantissueinUKschools,particularly for African and other ethnic groups, disabledindividuals,LGBTQI+individuals, women,andyoungteachers.Addressingthis challenge is essential to ensuring equal opportunities and fostering a diverse educationsystemwhereinclusivecurriculum activities are prevalent. Educators from different backgrounds bring unique perspectives, enriching the curriculum and making it more inclusive. Teachers from underrepresented groups often face numerous challenges, including racial bias, discrimination, microaggressions, limited leadership opportunities, stereotyping, barrierstocareerprogression,andalackof accessibility.
Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) plays a crucial role in supporting members from underrepresented groups, such as the West Midlands Black Teachers' Network (WMBTN). AdNASUWT uses the term ‘Black’ to include teachers of African, Caribbean,orAsianheritageandotherswho shareexperiencesofracism,oppression,and limited opportunities. The Trades Union Congress (TUC) and other progressive organizationshaveadoptedthisterminology to promote solidarity among communities withsimilarexperiences.Establishedin2021 by four dedicated African and Caribbean teachers, the WMBTN aims to promote greaterinvolvementamongethniceducators intheWestMidlands.Thenetworkprovides memberswithasafespacetovoiceconcerns, attendtraining
programs, and advocate for equal opportunities. Its mission is to encourage ‘Black’ members to engage with their local associations and the broader labor union movement. Dr. Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT and Chair of the TUCAnti-RacismCommittee,supportsthe WMBTN.The network provides members with a safe space to voice concerns, attend training programs, and advocate for equal opportunities. Its mission is to encourage ‘Black’ members to engage with their local associations and the broader labour union movement. Dr. Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT and Chair of the TUCAnti-RacismCommittee,supportsthe WMBTN.
As one of the teachers who attended the inaugural meeting of the West Midlands BlackTeachers'Networkin2022,Ireceived valuablesupportthatenabled
me to take on leadership roles, such as becoming a representative at my Special Education Needs (SEN) school, a trained uniontutor,andamemberoftheWMBTN committee. Some members have become schoolrepresentativesandhealthandsafety representatives, contributed to drafting proposed motions for annual trade union conferences, addressed conferences, and participated in a delegation to Germany to discusspoliticalandsocialissues.AdSeveral have joined executive committees within theirlocalteachers'unionassociations.With effortsfromNASUWTandothernetworks, theteachingprofessioncanbetterreflectthe diversity of society. Equal representation is vitalforfosteringafairerandmoreinclusive educationsystemintheUKandbeyond. Diversitywithinschoolsisvaluablein
fostering social cohesion and, most importantly, in supporting pupils to grow anddevelopinanenvironmentwithvisible, diverse role models. The Education and SkillsFundingAgency(2024)highlightspay disparities between ethnic minority and ‘White’teachers.
Ethnic Minority educators comprise 12% (7,206) of the Further Education (FE) teaching workforce, while ‘White’ teachers accountfor77%(44,553),withtheremaining 12%preferringnottodisclosetheirethnicity.
Mightilyconsciousofthehealthand wellbeing of himself, and his community, Dr. Tony Kelly has remained relentless in highlighting, and creating, huge awareness of diabetes – a condition that causes a person'sbloodsugarleveltobecome toohigh.
Otherwise known as a noncommunicabledisease,auto-immune disease, acute disease, or chronic disease, it was, however, when Dr. Kelly was informed by his personal doctor that his (anyone’s) diabetes wasnota‘disease’,itisa‘condition’.
“It was from that basis that he said thatIdo‘diabetesawarenessraising’ herecalls.
At the start, Diabetes UK emphasised that “you don’t tell anybody you have a disease – you have a medical condition that you can manage through a healthy diet, physical activities and just keeping your muscles, joints and bones active.”
“Ido,however,alwaysspeakwitha ‘health disclaimer’ - that I’m not medically qualified, I share my reality with people. Things like walkingupanddownstairs,walking totheshops,orsomethingassimple as using canned or sealed food as dumbbells or weights when you’re sittingdownandwatchingtelevision isadequatephysicalactivity.”
With Type-1 said to affect 8% of people – when the pancreas (just behind the navel) packs in all together,becauseofalackofinsulin, 90%sufferwithType-2–whichtends to be due to a sedentary or ‘couch potato’lifestyleandpoordiet.In
other cases, as with Dr. Kelly, it’s hereditary. And that’s what Dr. Kellyhas:“Whichiswhenyourbody stopsrespondingproperlytoinsulin.
“You may also not be able to produceenoughinsulinandtheseare thethingsthatcouldleadtostrokes and heart attacks, blindness, lower limbamputationandkidneyfailure–andprematuredeath!”
Thepancreasproducesthehormone insolence which regulates the food weeatanddrink.”TheDiabetesUK websitehasagreatguideonthebest things to cook – and how best to cookit.
“You can’t beat fresh food,” Dr. Kelly emphasised. “It’s about burning up the calories - It’s about thebestwaysto‘manage’diabetes.”
London-born and raised in St. Thomas, Jamaica, he was trained as a‘communitychampion’byDiabetes UK’s Shaleen Sandhu. And, for 13years, hence, he has put himself out there - going to multiple businesses, organisations and events, to let people know how they can best managetheirhealthandwellbeing.
He also went on: “The one thing I will be using this extended platform foristoletpeopleknowthattheyare not ‘suffering’ with diabetes – I’m showing people the best ways to ‘manage’ the condition - without medication,ifpossible!
Dr.KellyisnowmentoringEleanor Hoverd who is doing a doctoral research project at Warwick University based on why Black Caribbean and African people are beingleftoutofresearch.Shewas
overwhelmedattheamountofwork Kellyhasbeendoingtodate–andit was she who put his name to the University’s Awards Panel, before declaredhisdoctorate.
Getting awards and recognition for over the past 10-years - “I was chuffed,” he acknowledged. “It was anemotionalgraduationceremony.
“Receiving the doctorate in front of mywife,daughterandson-in-lawhas got to be the most memorable of days.
“I’mnotdoingthisforrecognition–it’sapassion,driveandcommitment to make people aware of this condition. Awards a bonus and I’m fullyappreciative.
“Gettingthedoctoratetakesyouup to another sphere – which opens moredoorsformetospeaktomore people and help them to be able to managetheirconditions.
Dr. Tony regularly visits schools, Churches, Gurdwaras, Mosques, Temples, offices, community centres and sports clubs, amongst others.
Dr. Kelly recalls: “My journey started nearly 13-years ago, when I was sent to Wolverhampton (which, at the time, was the diabetes capital oftheUK–nowitsBirmingham).
“I do over 150 talks per-year in the UK, and have also spoken in Dominica, Barbados, Canada, and Jamaica (twice).” He goes on: “Caribbean people call diabetes as “havingatouchofsugar.”
“So,duringthisyear,I’mduetovisit Monserrat, It’s about letting people with
diabetes know that some are sufferers –whilst other are able to manage it without medication.I’mjustmakingpeopleaware!
Andhere’stoyouforthat,Dr.TonyKelly, who can be contacted at tonykellydiabetes@hotmail.com
Since the Commonwealth was established in 1949 (not 1958), there has been a growingtrendoffemaleleadershipacross several member states. From 1960 to the present,morethan30womenhaveserved asPresidentsorPrimeMinistersinAfrica, Australia, the Caribbean, the Indian subcontinent, and New Zealand. Many assumed offices during post-independence periodswhentheircountriesfacedpolitical andcivilupheavals,includingBangladesh, Ethiopia, Guyana, India, Liberia, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Their commitment to gender equality policies— oftenincontrasttomainstreamagendas— hasinspiredtheirsuccessors.
Women parliamentarians held their first official gathering in 1989 at the 35th CommonwealthParliamentaryConference in Barbados, initiated by Senator Norma CoxAstwoodofBermuda.
Seven years later, in 1996, the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP)gainedformalrecognition.Beyond building the capacity of women in leadership,thisnetworkseekstotransform parliaments into gender-sensitive institutions by incorporating both male and female perspectives in legislation, oversight, and representation. Today, the organizationrepresentsover3,000women legislatorsacross180Commonwealth
national and sub-national parliaments, spanning nine regions of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA). In March 2024, outgoing Commonwealth SecretaryGeneral, Caribbean-born Baroness Patricia Scotland, QC, underscored the critical role of women in shaping global affairs. “The evidence is all around us: from the classroom to the boardroom, from courtrooms to parliaments, women arenotonlyincreasinginnumbersbutalso in influence, power, and their ability to shapetheworld.
Today,acrossAfrica,theCaribbean,Asia, andthePacific,womenarenotjustleading Commonwealth nations—they are transforming the world and redefining leadership itself.” On Sunday, 9 March 2025, the CWP will host a consultation bringing together representatives from women’saffairsministriesandcivilsociety organizations to discuss challenges and opportunities related to the Commonwealth’s four gender equality priorities and relevant Sustainable DevelopmentGoals(SDGs).
As the CWP welcomes its second female Commonwealth Secretary-General, Ghanaian Foreign Minister, the Rt Hon ShirleyAyorkorBotchwey,whobeginsher tenure on 1 April 2025, members will reflectonkeygender-related priorities,including:
Female Representation: Ensuring women’s presence in all sectors of society.
EqualRights:Advancingwomen’sand girls’rightsinemployment,healthcare, andpubliclife.
Gender Policies: Strengthening efforts to combat discrimination, domestic abuse,andinequality.
Role Models: Increasing female representation in leadership across publicandprivateinstitutions.
Accountability: Strengthening monitoring and evaluation of genderbasedpolicies.
SDG Commitments: Ensuring that genderequalitytargetsoutlinedbythe UnitedNationsSDGsaremet.
Emaar Hospitality Group opened Vida Dubai Mall, a vibrant addition to the city's everevolvingskyline.
Situated in Downtown Dubai, this 195-key property, plus 620 residence units, is ideal for urban explorers, leisure seekers, and business travellers.BoastingdirectaccesstoDubaiMall, one of the world's largest retail and entertainment hubs, and breathtaking views of BurjKhalifa,thisrepresentsanewchapterfor the Vida brand in Dubai's most iconic destination.
The hotel's location offers unparalleled convenienceandconnectivity,beingadjacentto Dubai's top attractions, including the worldrenowned Burj Khalifa, the Dubai Fountain, andseveralculturalhotspots.Withdirectaccess to Dubai Mall and a link to China Town in DubaiMall,guestscanenjoyadynamicmixof shopping,dining,andentertainment.
ToweringabovetheDubaiskyline,VidaDubai Mall blends modern architecture with rich cultural influences, making every stay memorable. The hotel's sleek, stylish interiors providecomfortandelegance,andeachroomis meticulously designed, showcasing Vida's signature style with soothing colour palettes, trendy furnishings, and thoughtfully curated details.AdVidaDubaiMallisn'tjustahotel;it's
alifestyledestination.Guestscanenjoyanarray ofamenities,includingafullyequippedgym,a stunning pool with majestic vistas, a dedicated kids'club,andanexpansiveterraceperfectfor eventsandweddings.
DiningatVidaDubaiMallisanexperiencein itself. Origins, the hotel's all-day dining restaurant, serves wholesome meals with outdoor seating, while FLO, the poolside lounge, is great to unwind with a refreshing beveragewhiletakinginviewsofBurjKhalifa.
NicolasBellaton,HeadofHospitalityatEmaar Hospitality Group, commented: "Vida Dubai Mallisasignificantadditiontothehospitality landscapeofDowntownDubai.
“This property stands out for its exceptional locationandembodiestheuniquelifestyleethos that defines the Vida brand. Vida Dubai Mall willbecometheultimatedestinationforvisitors seeking a dynamic yet relaxing environment at theheartofthecity."
VidaDubaiMallistheultimatechoiceforthose seeking a lively and cosmopolitan atmosphere.
With its strategic location, exceptional service, and world-class amenities, Vida Dubai Mall is more than just a hotel — it's a gateway to experiencingDubailikeneverbefore.
Jamaica have announced that Avelo Airlines will launch its second internationalroutetoJamaica’sSangster International Airport (MBJ) from Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU).
StartingFebruary12,Avelowilloperate thisroutetwiceweeklyonWednesdays andSaturdays.“SinceAvelo’sinaugural flight to Jamaica this November, we havebeenabletoexpandourreacheven furthertoadditionalU.S.markets,”said the Hon. Edmund Bartlett, Jamaica’s MinisterofTourism.
“Thelaunchofthisadditionalgateway duringourkeywinterseasonreflectsthe confidence placed in Jamaica by our partners. This year, we’re poised to welcome an unprecedented number of visitorstotheisland,whichwillcontinue to strengthen Jamaica’s economy and create opportunities for its people.”
Since taking flight in 2021, Avelo Airlines
has flown over five million customers across23U.S.states,PuertoRicoand two international countries – one of which includes Jamaica with the November2024launchofitsfirstroute betweenMBJandBradleyInternational Airport(BDL),NewEngland’ssecondlargest airport and a direct line to Connecticut,hometooneofthelargest Jamaican communities in the world. DonovanWhite,Jamaica’sDirectorof Tourism, added: “With additional infrastructure expansions across the island,we’remakingiteasierthanever to experience all that Jamaica has to offer.
“Wefirmlybelievethatthejourneyitself ispartofthevacation,andbyoffering more convenient travel options, we’re ensuring that every step of the experienceisincrediblyseamless.”For moreinformationaboutJamaica,visit theirwebsite.
This past weekend, the Caribbean proudly celebratedtherichhistoriesandachievements of two distinguished nations – St. Lucia, marking its 46th Independence Day on February 22, and Guyana, marking its 55th RepublicDayonFebruary23.
St. Lucia, a nation of remarkable cultural and intellectual contributions, has given the world two Nobel Laureates – Sir Arthur Lewis and Derek Walcott – and now the fastest woman on the planet, Julien Alfred. Guyanahasalsoshapedglobalthoughtand leadership, producing renowned political figuressuchasDr.WalterRodney,Dr.
CheddiJagan,andForbesBurnham,aswell as cultural and sporting icons including musicianDaveMartinsandtwo-timeWorld Cup-winning cricket captain Sir Clive Lloyd.With its vast natural wealth, Guyana continues to make transformative strides in national development, as it aims to elevate thequalityoflifeforitspeoplefollowingits recent oil discoveries. Beyond their distinct identities,St.LuciaandGuyanashareadeep bondrootedinhistory,cultureandregional collaboration, exemplifying the broader Caribbean spirit – one of unity, resilience, andsharedprosperity.
SevernTrentisencouraginganyoneto applyfortheirapprenticeshipsduring National Apprenticeship Week, no matter their age or stage of career, with just over four weeks left before thedeadlinecloses.
Over 90 apprenticeships are available to anyone across the Midlands. Experience isn’t necessary as Severn Trentwillprovidefulltrainingandthe company is looking for people who are open to learning new skills and bringingtheirownexperiencesandthe rightattitudetokickstarttheircareers
at the business. From HR to Project Management, there are a number of roles supporting Severn Trent’s business functions as well as a whole host of roles within our field-based teams, from a water network technician who looks after the huge network of underground pipes, to maintenance technicians who are responsible for maintaining equipment.22yearsonfromstartinga careerasapostman,AntonyKent,44, is trying his hand at something completelynewasanapprenticeat
Severn Trent. Leaving behind his 20year career, Antony started as an Apprentice Assistant Water Network Technician in September 2023 at the age of 42. Not an easy decision to make, Antony decided he wanted something a bit more from his job:
“I’m obviously a slightly more maturer apprentice, but that doesn’t mean I’m not as hungry.“I had been looking at different opportunities before I came here, and wanted to haveagoatsomethingwhereIcould getaqualificationatthesametime.”
Jade Pearson, New Talent Lead at SevernTrent,said:“It’sbeengreatto see so many people interested in our apprenticeshipscheme.
“Our apprentices have a real opportunity to make a difference in their work and bring new ideas and approaches to how we do things. Many of them have gone on to have successful careers within the business and we hope to see more flourish in thefuture.”
applicationwindowisopenuntil14th March, with apprentices starting in September2025.
IwasborninDelhi,India,intoa traditional Indian family with strongvalues.However,myparents and elders perceived the roles and responsibilities of children differently. My maternal grandfather(Nana)believedinme, and today, I have honoured his wish.
IcametotheUKwithmyparents whenIwassixyearsold.Icouldn't speak Hindi, but I gradually learnedtospeakandwriteEnglish. I was intrigued by different cultures, but I realised I had to adapt my lifestyle to suit British society.
How did you adapt to British society?
My mum, who is a well-known Rangoliartist,broughtupmytwo siblings and me almost singlehandedly. She taught us to maintain our identity while being respectful of British values. After completing my General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams, I earned a BA degree in Tourism Management. I later pursued an MSc in Leadership of Policing.
How did you become a Police Officer?
WhileworkingasaCarersAdvisor at the University of Warwick, I attended a Police Careers Fair. I wasimpressedbytheirrecruitment campaign and decided to join the Force,followinginthefootstepsof relatives who served in similar institutionsinAfricaandIndia.
What challenges do Senior Police Officersface?
As Detective Superintendent, I coordinate the Criminal Investigations Department, Major Investigations Unit, Fraud, Economic Crime, the Forensic Collision Unit, Digital Investigations,andCriminal
Justice Teams. I manage and supervise over 100 rank-and-file officers,includingPoliceStaffand Volunteers. You must manage responsiblyandwithoutprejudice.
As an Asian woman, people sometimes make uncalled-for comments about me, even though theydon’tknowme.
I am grateful to my husband, Kevin, for his devoted support in raising our young son, Hari. My husbandtakescareofthedomestic choreswhenIworklonghours.His support enables me to fulfil my goals.Itisimportantthatspouses support each other to achieve the bestfortheirfamilies.
For nearly 20 years, I've worked withcolleaguesandcommunitiesto promote public safety. Communication, diplomacy, negotiation, cultural fluency, legal knowledge, and other skills are essential to resolving conflicts. Communities should attend local policing meetings to learn more aboutthePolice.IjoinedtheForce tomakeapositivedifference,andI amgratefultomygrandfather,who believedinme.Youhave"tobethe change" to make an impact. It is heartening to see the delight in communities when they see police officersintheirneighbourhoods.
I plan to contribute more to institutionalreformsincommunity policing.Iamhonouredtobepart of a public institution that fosters socialcohesionandculturalkinship through exemplary service. I hope that my dedication to law enforcement will inspire young people to consider careers in the Policeorrelatedpublicinstitutions inBritain.
By Donald Campbell
Friday, January 31, 2025, Prince Albert Jacob, Kenneth Straun, Donald Campbell RonaldLisk-Carew,AlvinSalmonandMike Seaman, members of The Forgotten Generations CIC https//theforgottengenerations.com attended the funeral and paraded Standards for a Comrade,andWW2VeteranJohnDesmond Crawfordwhichtookplaceat13:30,atShay
Grange Crematorium in Shipley, Bradford.Also, in attendance were Standard BearersfromtheRoyalAirForceandRoyal British Legion (RBL). The 101 year' old Royal Air Force Veteran John Desmond Crawford 'Jack' was of Caribbean Heritage; *JACK'S BIBLIOGRAPHY* http://bit.ly/43cO7hl
Jack was born in 1923. He was raised in Lucea, Jamaica, where he and his younger brother, enjoyed an idyllic childhood by the sea.In 1944 he volunteered to join the RAF andwassenttoRAFHunmanby
Moor, Filey for his initial training. Jack returnedtoJamaicaafterthewarandin1948 married his wife, Gloria. Jack rejoined the RAFin1955,whereheeventuallybecamea Chief Technician and was awarded a BEM forhisservicetotheRAF.
AfterGloria’sdeathin1996,Jackcontinued to live in Chester, before moving to Shipley tolivewithhisdaughter,Heather.
HewasakindandlovingDadandGrandad whowillbegreatlymissedbyhis5children, 6grandchildrenand3greatgrandchildren.
“On behalf of our family, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to yourself, Mr Jacob and the wonderful Standard Bearers, who attended our Dad's funeral on Friday. Your presence was very much appreciated and made our Dad's final farewell very specialindeed”.LESTWEFORGET
Jennifer Hudson confirmed in first wave of artists announced for the 2025 St.Kitts Music Festival
TheSt.KittsMusicFestivalhasunveiledthe first batch of artists slated to perform at itshighlyanticipated27thannualfestival,26-28 June2025.Theinitiallineupfeaturesadynamic mixofexcitingmusicaltalentsfromacross theCaribbean and beyond. Featured artists include: Jennifer Hudson, AkaiiUSweet & Tobap,AyraStarr,Dejour,KesTheBand, Kollision Band, Shenseea, Vybz KartelAdditionaltalentwillbeunveiledinthe comingmonths.Festival-goerscanlookforward toanelectrifyingmixoflivemusicspanning genressuchasSoca,HipHop,R&B,Reggae andmore.“TheSt.KittsMusicFestivalisa cornerstone of our island’s cultural and economiclandscape,” said the Minister of Tourism, Marsha T. Henderson.“As we welcomevisitorstoourshores,weaimto connect them not just with worldclassperformancesbutwiththeheartofSt.Kitts through music, culinary experiences, traditionsandhospitality.Thefestivalisavital partofoursummertourismprogramme,andwe arethrilled to usher in another incredible year.”TheSt.KittsMusicFestivaliswidely regardedasoneoftheCaribbean'spremier musicalcelebrations. Held at Warner Park Stadium,thefestivaldrawsmusicloversfrom aroundtheglobeforacelebrationofdiverse musicalstyles.Thefestivalcontinuestogrowin size and excitement, offering a variety of additionalactivities including lunchtime concerts,beachparties,boatrides,andmuch
more."We’reexcitedtokickoffSummerofFun withoneoftheCaribbean'smostanticipated musicalevents,”saidKellyFontenelle,CEOof theSt.KittsTourismAuthority.“TheSt.Kitts MusicFestivalismorethanjustaconcert—it’sa celebrationofeverythingthatmakestheisland special.Aswecontinuetogrowourtourism offerings,welookforwardtoseeingvisitors return to the island for this unforgettable experience."Ticketsareavailableforpurchaseat https://bit.ly/4fAu3buandmoreinformationon thefestival can be found by visiting www.stkittsmusicfestival.com. UK travellers seekingtosoakuptheactioncanbookaholiday toSt.Kitts,includingticketstotheMusic Festival,withSackvilleTravel(02072742242/ www.sackvilletravel.com).The Caribbean specialistoffersarangeofpackagesoverthe datesofthefestival,including: 7nights,roomonlyatSugarBayClubSuites&Hotelfrom £1,330pp, departing24 June 2025. Includes returnflightswithBritishAirwaysfromLondon Gatwick,transfers, and a three-day Music Festivalticket. 7nights,bedandbreakfastat KOIResortSt.Kittsfrom£1,755pp,departing 24June2025.IncludesreturnflightswithBritish AirwaysfromLondonGatwick,transfersanda three-dayMusicFestivalticket.St.Kittscanbe easilyreachedfromtheUKviatwice-weekly, directflightsfromLondonGatwickwithBritish Airways.FormoreinformationonSt.Kitts, visitwww.visitstkitts.com
CentralCee,Bashy,Darkoo,AyraStarr and Dess Dior were among the big winners at the ceremony as the MOBO Awards shone bright in Newcastle on Tuesdaynight.
The 27th edition of the annual awards ceremony celebrating music of Black origin, which took place at the city’s Utilita Arena, was hosted by comedian Eddie Kadi and Love Island star, Indiyah Polack (both in pic), and was streamed live on YouTube. Attracting national and international stars alike, the event featured performances by the likes of Spice, Krept & Konan, Odeal, Darkoo, Nova Twins, Bashy, DJ AG (with Pozer and LeoStayTrill), and there was a special celebration of UK R&BbyDJAce,JazKaris,Nao,Sasha Keable, Shae Universe and the evereffervescentSholaAma.
For this year’s star-studded affair, it saw the afore-mentioned (Ayra) Starr join Wizkid and Burna Boy as the only Nigerian artists to have won at the stellar event for Best International Act. Meanwhile, Jamaican DJ, Vybez Kartel,receivedcommendationwiththe ‘ImpactAward’,withthedancehallstar beingnotedbyMOBOFounder&CEO Kanya King CBE as having an "immeasurable impact on music" and, Olympic gold medal-winning hero, Dame Denise Lewis, was awarded the specialist‘PavingtheWayAward’,in
recognitionofherworkinchampioning diversityinsportandmedia.
The list of MOBO Award winners included:
Album Of The Year: Bashy – ‘Being PoorIsExpensive’
Song Of The Year: Darkoo (ft. Dess Dior)–‘FavouriteGirl’
Best Performance In A TV Show/Film: Jacob Anderson in Interview With The Vampire
Best Electronic/Dance Music Act: TSHA
Best Alternative Music Act: ALT BLK ERA
Tickets for Black Sabbath's final show at Villa Park sold out in minutes, as the historic ‘Back to the Beginning’concertmarkthefirsttimein20yearsthat the original lineup of Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler and Bill Ward have performed together.
The one-day festival in Birmingham, on July 5, will feature dozens of bands influenced by the Heavy Metal pioneers, including Metallica, Pantera and Slayer, with proceeds from the charity concert being split equally between Birmingham Children's Hospital, Acorn Children's Hospice and Cure Parkinson's - a cause close to Osbourne, who has livedwiththeconditionsince2020.
Thestar-studdedlineupforthehistoricshowwillalso include performances from Gojira, Alice in Chains, and Anthrax, with additional appearances set to feature Smashing Pumpkins' Billy Corgan, Slash and Duff McKagan of Guns N' Roses, and KoRn. Rage Against the Machine's Tom Morello will serve as musical director for the event, overseeing the various collaborationsplannedfortheday.
Ozzy will perform a short solo set before joining his original formed-in-Aston Black Sabbath bandmates onstageforthereunionperformance,aswife,Sharon Osbourne, revealed: "It's an endless amount of people.
little groups will be coming on, but they're all icons."
“They'regoingtobedoingsomeSabbathsongs,some Ozzysongs,andthey'llallmixtogether.Different
Sharon Osbourne told reporters that Ozzy is thrilled about the reunion: "He's doing great. He's doing really great. He's so excited about this, about being with the guys again and all hisfriends."
SheexplainedthatOzzyneededproperclosure with
Beyoncé finally won for Best Album at the 67th Grammy Awards in Los Angeles after thestarwasrecognisedforhereighthalbum, ‘Cowboy Carter’, which celebrates the Black rootsofcountrymusic.
She dedicated her award to Linda Martell, oneofthepioneersfortheBlackinfluencein the genre and the first Black woman to perform solo at the Grand Ole Opry. She also features on several of Cowboy Carter's songs. "I feel very full and very honoured," shesaidinheracceptancespeech.
"I hope we just keep pushing forward and opening doors," she continued. What was previouslyseenasanhistoricwrong,
Beyoncé was previously passed over for the ceremony's main prize on four separate occasions. The 43-year-old's victory comes 25 years after her first Grammy nomination, as part of the R&B group Destiny's Child, before she went on to become the mostawarded artist in Grammys history –winning 35 trophies. Beyond the glitz and glam at the star-studded show, though, the impact of the wildfires was the main theme of the ceremony, where fund-raising of over $7mforthoseaffectedwasamainhighlight. Squads of firefighters were invited to the awardstohonourtheirefforts.
the band, saying: "He didn't have a chance to say goodbye to his friends, to his fans, and he feels there's been no full stop. This is his full stop."
AnexcitedOzzysaid:"It'smytimetogoBack totheBeginning....timeformetogivebackto theplacewhereIwasborn.
"How blessed am I to do it with the help of people whom I love. Birmingham is the true homeofmetal. “BirminghamForever!"
Bob Marley’s 80th birthday celebrations havebeenrunningworldwide,astheReggae legend was celebrated under the theme of ‘Uprising’.
Anniversary activities kicked off ‘Bob MarleyDay’,withanexclusivepreviewofa digital tribute concert live on Tuff Gong Radio. This heads an exciting list of activities for audiences in Jamaica - at Bob Marley Museum - and via a livestream on TuffGongTV’sYouTubechannel.
The digital concert will feature some of the country’s biggest names today like Mortimer, Bugle, Kumar Fyah, Naomi Cowan,QuanDajai,KellyShane,andAlexx A-Game – some of whom featured in the much-celebrated ‘Bob Marley: One Love’ movie.
Other features included in the livestream includeateaserofanewBobMarleymusic video,acountdownofthebestperformances frompastbirthdays,selectednewanimations about Bob Marley, school choirs from around the globe, standalone performances paying tribute, and a showcase of the ongoing impact of his charitable organisationBobMarleyFoundation.
Cedella Marley, CEO of the Bob Marley Group of Companies, said: “Celebrating Daddy’s 80th birthday under the theme Uprisingisaspecialmomentforourfamily andfansworldwide.
“Thisalbumrepresentssomuchofhisspirit, with powerful songs like ‘Forever Loving Jah’, ‘Coming In From The Cold’, ‘Could You Be Loved’, and ‘Redemption Song’, whichcontinuetoinspiregenerations.“This 80th milestone is a reminder of Bob’s timeless call for love, resilience, and freedom.”
The Bob Marley Museum will see a day full of festivities,andcomenoon,‘LiveAtBob’s’willsee a series of intimate acoustic performances on the deckofthenewMarleyNaturalDispensaryatthe backoftheBobMarleyMuseum.Performerswill showcase Bob Marley’s grandchildren Yohan Marley and Mystic Marley, and highlight performances from Ras I, Hezron, Christopher Ellis, Janeel Mills, Lymie Murray, Runkus, Amanyea, Hailie Celestial, Black Am I, Shandre Music, Jay Summa, and the Wake Up Jamaica choir.
In an unprecedented fusion of Bob’s timeless legacy and cutting-edge innovation, the museum will unveil a revolutionary experience of exhibits andmuralsthat‘cometolife’andbringfanscloser tothelegendthaneverbefore.And,therewillalso be a Bob Marley experience exhibition, featuring the talents of internationally celebrated artist, Mr Brainwash (who has mounted similar exhibitions in honour of Marvel comics legend the late Stan LeeaswellasinthecityofLosAngeles)andmovie nightsoneveryThursdayduringthismonth.
To wrap up the day of celebrations, the Government of Jamaica, through the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, presentedaBobMarleytributeconcert,livefrom Emancipation Park, beginning on February 6which was also broadcasted live on Tuff Gong TV’sYouTubechannel.
Clays introduces weekend experiences with Night Play and Sunday Funday
Shaping attitudes and behaviors within and Shaping attitudes and behaviors within beyondtheircommunities. beyondtheircommunities.
Facilitating collaboration between public, Facilitating collaboration between public, private,andcivicsectors. private,andcivicsectors. PublicPerceptionofReligion PublicPerceptionofReligion
A May 2024 survey by the Institute for the
A May 2024 survey by the Institute for the Impact of Faith in Life uncovered thought- Impact of Faith in Life uncovered thoughtprovokingperspectivesonreligionintheUK: provokingperspectivesonreligionintheUK: 55%ofrespondentsagreedthat“religionisa 55%ofrespondentsagreedthat“religionisa forceforgoodinsociety.” forceforgoodinsociety.”
42%believed“religionintheworkplacehasa 42%believed“religionintheworkplacehasa positiveinfluence.” positiveinfluence.”
71% expressed “low trust in media coverage 71% expressed “low in media ofreligion.” ofreligion.”
49% were “not in favor of religious media 49% were “not in favor of religious media coverage.” coverage.”
62%feltthat“religionremainsanimportant 62%feltthat“religionremainsanimportant partoflifeintheUK.” partoflifeintheUK.”
www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/religion www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/religion
36% saw religion as “a positive force in
36% saw religion as “a positive force in communities.” communities.”
53% believed that “religion contributes to 53% believed that “religion contributes to compassionandequalityinWesternsocieties.” compassionandequalityinWesternsocieties.”
Conclusion Conclusion
In the 1990s, the late Lord Nolan—a respected In the 1990s, the late Lord Nolan—a respected British judge and devout Catholic—played a British judge and devout Catholic—played a pivotal role in reinforcing ethical standards in pivotal role in reinforcing ethical standards in public life. He emphasized that accountability, life. He emphasized that accountability, honesty, integrity, leadership, objectivity, honesty, integrity, leadership, objectivity, openness, and selflessness should guide public openness, and selflessness should guide public servants.TheNolanPrinciples(establishedinMay servants.TheNolanPrinciples(establishedinMay 1995)continuetoreflecttheenduringinfluenceof 1995)continuetoreflecttheenduringinfluenceof faith in shaping societal values and public faith in shaping societal values and public governance. governance.
Faithremainsapowerfulforce,shapingidentities, Faithremainsapowerfulforce,shapingidentities, guiding moral compasses, and influencing social moral compasses, influencing social and economic justice. While perspectives on and economic justice. While perspectives on religion may differ, its role in British society religion may differ, its role in British society remains significant—both as a source of personal remains significant—both as a source of personal belief and as a driver of collective action for the belief and as for the commongood. commongood.
(by Dr Christopher A. Johnson)
When turbulence hits mass markets, businessandcivicleadersoftenhesitateto invest in new products or services. How can they counteract this uncertainty? Many directors adopt a cautious ‘waitand-see’ stance instead of taking bold risks. However, policy shifts—both national and global—can cause chaos in consumer,financial,labor,andtechnology markets. These so-called ‘mass markets’ serve as crucial levers for boosting productionandeconomicproductivity. Butcancompanydirectorstrulyinfluence trading arrangements shaped by vested interests? How can small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) negotiate with distributors and suppliers without losing market share? How can trade investors safeguardtheirinvestments?Andhowcan companies shield themselves from unexpected capital deficits or financial losses? Having financial or product leverage is beneficial—but only if firms have strong capital reserves. They may also rely on loans, debentures, or government bonds to offset lost investment capital that would otherwise comefromcompanyprofits.
SMEs play a vital role in economic and socialdevelopment.Theirleanstructures and agility make them well-suited for rapidadaptationtopolicychanges.These businesses drive job creation, industry expansion, product and service diversification,aswellasinnovationand creativity. Their cross-sectoral collaborations and skilled workforce further enhance their impact. Yet, they face significant challenges, including volatile exchange rates, inflation, and increasing market competition (See Table).
AsregionalSMEsnavigatechallengesintheir domestic markets, they must adopt viable strategiestoattractcapitalinvestment,enhance their brand image, expand market share, and increaseprofits.Toachievethis,theyshould:
Engage in regional trade agreements to expand market access while minimizing tradebarriers.
Leverage financial support and procurement strategies to improve credit accessforgrowth.
Embrace digital solutions to boost efficiencyandmarketreach.
Prioritize innovation and sustainabilitytodrivebusinessgrowth andstandoutinthemarket.
Utilize business intelligence to guide strategicdecision-making.
Advocate for a supportive business environment with policies that foster SMEgrowth.
By adopting these strategies, SMEs can strengthen their resilience and capitalize onopportunitieseveninuncertainglobal markets.
Vegan Business Tribe is once again offering up-and-coming plant-based food anddrinkbrandsthechancetopitchfora free delegate place at veg-net, the leading networking and growth platform for plant-basedbrands.
Taking place on 4th June 2025 at Radisson Blu London Stansted Airport, veg-net 2025 connects challenger brands withkeyUKandEuropeanretailbuyers, this includes Ocado, GreenPro International, Suma, and The Vegan Wholesaler. The Battle of the Brands competition provides one plant-based business with an unmissable opportunity to secure 10 pre-arranged buyer meetings atveg-net(worth£1,750).
Last year's winner, Louisa Mitchell from Wildly Tasty, attended the event and received a free coaching session with industryexperts,shesays:“Itwassuchan excitingexperiencepitchingtothedragons atVBT!
“I was blown away to have won the competitionandthefreeplaceatVeg-Net - such an incredible opportunity to meet withsomanybuyersface-to-face,network withfoodfoundersandraiseawarenessof WildlyTasty!Itwasanabsolutebonusto receive a coaching session from Andy Shoveltoo.
“This is an opportunity not to be missed by a vegan business owner - whatever stageofthejourneytheyareat.”Founder of Vegan Business Tribe, David Pannell, says: “Battle of the Brands gives an excitingchallengerbrandadirectrouteto buyers, with the backing of a panel of industry experts who see them as 'one to watch.'
“Plus,the'Dragon'sDen'stylefinalmakes surethateventhebrandsthatdonotwin getsome fantastic visibility.” Joe Hill, returning as a judge, says:"We are especiallylookingforbrandsthatnotonly taste great but also bring clear healthbenefits, feature functional ingredients, or tap into current consumer trends.“We want to find brands that will make retailers take notice—products that standoutfortheirtaste,nutritionalvalue, convenience, or ability to meet the growing demand for healthierplant-based swaps." Plant-based food and beverage brandslookingtobreakintoretailorscale beyond their first listings can enter by submitting a 60-second video and entry form viathe Vegan Business Tribe website.Applications close on 3rd March 2025, with finalists announced in early March. Threefinalists will compete in a live 'Dragon's Den'-style final on 18th March 2025, pitching to apanel of industry experts: Joe Hill (One Planet Pizza), Mirrin Lewis (The Vegan SocietyTrademark), Chris Kong (Better NatureTempeh),andKeithLesser(Vegan Accountants).The winner receives a free delegate place at veg-net 2025 (worth £1,750)andaone-on-onecoachingsession with a judge. Two runners-up get a halfprice ticket to the event plus a freecoaching session. All entrants gain accesstoearlybirdpricingforveg-net.No membershipwithVeganBusinessTribeis required, and videos don't need to beprofessionallyproduced.
Conchord Singers and Southampton Choral Societybroughtaneveningofspecialmusicmaking to Chandler's Ford Methodist Church.
Under the baton of maestro Craig Lawton, accompanied by an excellent 30-strong orchestra, they produced a memorable performance of Haydn's Oratorio, 'The Creation', in aid of local charity Yellow Door, which provides practical support across Southampton, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight, aimed at reducing domestic violence and its impact. With professional soloistsLucyBraga,soprano,AdrianGreen, tenor,andAlexWallace,bass,theythrilleda packed audience, which included the Mayor of Eastleigh, Councillor Dave Pragnell (himselfasinger),hiswifeJean,andtheLord Mayor of Southampton, Councillor Dave Shields. Both Mayors support the arts and inclusionintheeventstheyattendandtheir chosencharities.
The oratorio sets words from Genesis, Milton's'ParadiseLost'andthePsalms,sung in English. The clarity of diction of the soloistsandchoirwasexemplary.
The choir announced their presence at the outset with a fortissimo "LET THERE BE LIGHT!!"which,from80massedvoices,was spectacular.Haydnwrotetheoratorioatthe heightofhispowers.
It has drama, humour, light, and shade and providesopportunitiesforeachpartofthe
Conchord Singers and Southampton Choral Societybroughtaneveningofspecialmusicmaking to Chandler's Ford Methodist Church.
Under the baton of maestro Craig Lawton, accompanied by an excellent 30-strong orchestra, they produced a memorable performance of Haydn's Oratorio, 'The Creation', in aid of local charity Yellow Door, which provides practical support across Southampton, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight, aimed at reducing domestic violence and its impact. With professional soloistsLucyBraga,soprano,AdrianGreen, tenor,andAlexWallace,bass,theythrilleda packed audience, which included the Mayor of Eastleigh, Councillor Dave Pragnell (himselfasinger),hiswifeJean,andtheLord Mayor of Southampton, Councillor Dave Shields. Both Mayors support the arts and inclusionintheeventstheyattendandtheir chosencharities.
The oratorio sets words from Genesis, Milton's'ParadiseLost'andthePsalms,sung in English. The clarity of diction of the soloistsandchoirwasexemplary.
The choir announced their presence at the outset with a fortissimo "LET THERE BE LIGHT!!"which,from80massedvoices,was spectacular.Haydnwrotetheoratorioatthe heightofhispowers.
It has drama, humour, light, and shade and providesopportunitiesforeachpartofthe
A new chapter in interfaith inclusion has begun at the University of Bath with the opening of a Hindu temple, whichiscateringtoitsgrowingcommunityoncampus.
The sacred space at Claverton Down, now officially inaugurated, marks a milestone in the institution’s commitment to providing a welcoming environment for students and staff to practise their faith. The event was attendedbyseveraldignitaries,includingNigelRawlinson, projectleadfortheUniversityofBathinterfaithcommunity; Professor Jane White, vice-president for community and inclusion; Kusumadhar Pandey, religious adviser to the Hinducommunity;DrYukteshwarKumar,formerdeputy mayorofBath;andNathanHartley,directoroftheB&NES FaithFoundation.
Speakingattheevent,MrRawlinsonsaid:“It’ssopleasing tobeheretodaytotakepartinthisspecialevent.
“TheproposalforanewfaithspaceforourHindustudents at the university has been in the making for the last 18 months. I’m grateful to the Hindu Society and various membersofstaffwhohaveworkedsohardbehindthescenes toensurethisnewHindutemplecanopenoncampus.
“Theuniversity’sdrivetoopenaHindutemplehasbeena partofourwiderinterfaithprogramme,wherewealready caterforourlargenumberofChristianandMuslimstudents too. The University of Bath is an inclusive environment wherestudentsandstafffromawiderangeofbackgrounds arewelcome.”
ThenewtempleisonlythesecondofitskindinBath,the otherbeinglocatedatRushHill.Hinduism,thethird-largest religion globally, has over a billion followers, with an increasingpresenceinWesterncommunitiesoverthepast60 years. Nathan Hartley, director of the B&NES Faith Foundation,alsowelcomedthetemple’sopening,notingits significanceforthecity’sdiversereligiouslandscape:“This new Hindu temple reflects the growing diversity of our populationhereinBathandNorthEastSomerset.
“AswellasalargenumberofChristianchurches,fromat least13denominations,wehavealargemosqueinthecentre ofBathandnowtwoHindutemples.Followersofother faiths,suchasJudaismandBuddhism,alsomeetregularlyin variouscommunityhallsforworshipandfellowship.
“Aspartofournewsocialintegrationproject,theFaith FoundationwillbeworkingwiththeUniversityofBathover thenextyeartocreatestrongerlinksbetweenstudentunion groups and wider civic society across the district.” The initiativeformspartofabroaderefforttofosterinterfaith connections and ensure that the university remains an inclusivespaceforallfaiths.
The Hindu temple’s opening signals a step forward in enhancing religious representation and strengthening communitytiesinBath.
In Nigeria, in a bid to In Nigeria, in a bid to mitigate the negative effects mitigate the negative effects of vehicle emission to the of vehicle emission to the society and human health, society and health, the Ogun State the Ogun State Environmental Protection Environmental Protection Agency, OGEPA, has Agency, OGEPA, has concluded arrangement for concluded arrangement for the take-off of vehicle the take-off of vehicle emissioncontrolinthestate. emissioncontrolinthestate.
Special Adviser to the Special Adviser the Governor on Ogun State Governor on Ogun State Environmental Protection Environmental Protection Agency, OGEPA, Farouk Agency, Farouk Akintunde stated this during Akintunde stated this during a stakeholder meeting with a stakeholder meeting with the transportation industry, the transportation industry, held at Oke-Mosan, held at Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta. Akintunde stated Abeokuta. Akintunde stated thatthetestwouldcommence thatthetestwouldcommence acrosstheStateby1stMarch acrosstheStateby1stMarch 2025. 2025.
According to the Special According to the Special Adviser, there would be Adviser, there would be designated centres within the designated within the State,wheretheemissiontest State,wheretheemissiontest would be conducted for all would be conducted for all types of vehicles to include types of vehicles to include cars, trucks, motorbikes, cars, trucks, motorbikes, buses and tricycles. He said: buses and tricycles. said: “This meeting is to inform “This meeting is to inform you and ask for your you and ask your cooperationforthesuccessof cooperationforthesuccessof thescheme,aseffortswerein thescheme,aseffortswerein placeforitscommencement”. placeforitscommencement”.
Contributing, the Contributing, the Commandant, Ogun State Commandant, Ogun State Traffic Compliance and Traffic Compliance and Enforcement Agency, Enforcement TRACE, Commander Seni TRACE, Commander Seni Ogunyemi, called on the Ogunyemi, called on the transportation unions in the transportation unions in the State to embrace the scheme State to embrace the scheme which is for the good of all which is for the good of all citizens of the State. In his citizens of the State. In his remarks, Ogun State remarks, Ogun State Commander, Vehicle Commander, Vehicle Inspection Office, Ademehin Inspection Office, Ademehin Olugboyegasaidvehiclesthat Olugboyegasaidvehiclesthat fail the emission test would fail the emission test would be referred to the Vehicle be referred to the Vehicle Inspection office, VIO, for Inspection office, VIO, for furthertest. furthertest.
Speaking on behalf of other Speaking on behalf of other transportation unions in the transportation unions in the State, Secretary of Road State, Secretary of Road Transport Employers Transport Employers Association of Nigeria, Association of RTEAN, Tiwalade RTEAN, Tiwalade Akingbade, declared their Akingbade, declared their unalloyed support for the unalloyed support for the success of the scheme, while success of the scheme, while appealing to the government appealing to the government tosupportthetransportation tosupportthetransportation unionsinconvertingtoCNG unionsinconvertingtoCNG enabledvehicles. enabledvehicles.
The development of Aurora continues at pace for Zenvo Automotive, with confirmation of Ricardo as transmission partnerfortheprogramme.
The gearbox specialists will work in conjunctionwiththeZenvoengineeringteam tobringtheAuroramodeltolife,withthe first prototypes scheduled to run later this spring.HeadquarteredinShoreham-by-Sea, England,Ricardoholdsextensiveexperience of delivering high performance gearboxes and transmissions for some of the world’s highestperformingsuperandhypercars.
The combination of this expertise will be crucial in delivering the most engaging driving experiences, at any speed, on both roadandcircuit.“Ricardohasbeenintegral to the performance of some of the world’s most high performing and exciting cars in recent years,” explains Jon Gunner, Zenvo Automotive,ChiefTechnicalOfficer.
“They understand exactly what it takes to deliver engineering precision and driver engagement. The Aurora programme gains momentumeachweekandisnowenteringa criticalphase.
partnerisamajormilestoneaswecontinue topushtheenvelopeofperformance.From here, we will continue to challenge convention as the development programme gears up, ahead of first engine fire up.”
Deliveringpowerthroughbothafour-wheeldrive or rear-wheel-drive setup, the Aurora transmission will be a key integrated component, mated to the bespoke 6.6-litre quad turbo V12 ‘Mjølner’ power unit. The seven-speed hybridised system will seamlessly work to deliver up to 1,850bhp and1,500Nmoftorque.
“We are delighted to have been named as transmission partner for the Zenvo Aurora programme,”addsRichardGuest,Ricardo, ManagingDirector–PerformanceProducts.
“Like Zenvo Automotive, Ricardo takes a no compromise approach to delivering performance for our clients and so we are thrilled to be able to bring Ricardo’s extensive experience in transmission and drivelineinnovationtothisprogramme.We look forward to supporting in the development of Zenvo’s lightest and most powerfulroadcaryet.”
FWe’re excited to announce the launch of the new Adoption Support Plan (ASP) England (2025),developedbyCoramBAAFtostrengthen adoptionsupport.
Thisupdatedplan,alongwithguidanceforsocial workers, Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs), and adopters, builds on previous work and reflects valuable input from the sector. The new ASP has been shaped by real-world feedback, including pilot testing with five RAAs (Regional Adoption Agencies) throughout 2024, consultations with Adoption UK, and insights fromCoramBAAFforums.
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed and helped refine this important resource.
Strategic Lead, Sarah Johal MBE, said: “An adoption support plan is so important for childrenandtheirfamilies.
“This plan has been developed across the sector withviewsfromfamiliesandAdoptionEngland, and I’m really delighted to see this being available for practitioners, with briefings to supportitsimplementation.”TheupdatedASPis fully compliant with legal and statutory requirements and is designed to be used at key stagesoftheadoptionjourney:
When reviewing the placement before the AdoptionOrder
As a foundation for future adoption assessmentspost-order
Foster carers will receive a 16% average increase in fees to match the rate of inflation, Essex County Councilhassaid.
Thelocalauthorityalsosaidnewhouseholdssigning upin2025-includingthosewhofosteredlastyearwould get a one-off £2,000 bonus. Foster carers receiveallowancesthatcovertheexpensesoflooking after a child, whilst fees are a recognition of their timeandeffort.
John Spence, the Conservative cabinet member for children'sservices,said:"Weareproudtoannounce these increases in recognition of the vital role that foster carers play in children and young people's lives." The council said it had also committed fundingtowell-beingsupport,includingprojectslike The Oasis Network, external, which provided peer support and organised social events between foster families.
Essex County Council works with households, who apply to be foster families, for 12 weeks as part of the assessment process. A social worker prepares a reportandtakesittoafosteringpanelattheendof theprocess.
Foster carers receive £537.12 per week, per childthe council says - based on looking after an 11-15year-old. Fees can rise to £1,317.12 per week for childrenwithcomplexneeds.
The Foster East initiative was set up last year to address a shortage in foster carers coming forward. Itwasestimatedthatmorethan7,000childrenwere already in care in the East of England, with 150 morechildrengoingintocareeverymonth.
Hundreds of children and young people in, or leaving, care in Wolverhampton were recognised for their resilience, hard work and achievementsataninspirationalawardscelebration.
The City of Wolverhampton Council’s annual I Awards, held at Grand Station, saw children and young people receive awards in recognition of their achievements in three categories - individual, intellectual and independence. There were also special awards for an inspirational child in care and inspirational care leaver who really showcase children and young people’stalentsandpotential.
Councillor Jacqui Coogan, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People andEducation,said:"TheIAwardsisoneofthemostimportanteventsof the year, allowing the council as their corporate parent to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our children and young people in care, and careleavers.
"Weareextremelyproudofeachandeveryoneofthem.Manyhavenothad theeasieststartinlife,andtheIAwardsareagreatwayofencouragingour childrenandyoungpeopletoaimhighandrewardthemfortheirhardwork. Weheardsomeveryupliftingstoriesofachievementwhich,coupledwiththe invaluable support from their foster parents, has enabled our children and youngpeopletoachieveinmanydifferentways.
"Weareveryluckytohavesomanydedicatedindividualsandfamilieswho haveopenedtheirhomestoourchildrenandyoungpeopleasfosterparents, andtheIAwardswasourchancetosaythankyoutothem,too."Theevent, attendedbyover300peopleincludingDirectorofChildren’sServicesAlison Hinds and the Mayor of Wolverhampton Councillor Linda Leach, also featured a djembe drum performance by young people from Wolverhampton Music Service and the Virtual School, a range of attractions including a chocolate fountain, sweet cart, face paints, photo boothandaballoonstall,andculminatedwithadisco.
At the 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados, an agreement was signed by the Prime Minister of Barbados, the Hon.MiaMottley,inhercapacityas Chairman of the regional organization,andthePresidentofthe TerritorialCollectivityofMartinique (CTM), Serge Letchimy, for Martinique’s accession to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
This signing marks a historic milestone in Martinique’s long journeytowardregionalintegration,
following its official request to join CARICOM over a decade ago.
However, the final stage of ratification – the approval of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities by the French National Assembly – must still be completed before Martinique can officially become an Associate Member.
Martinique’s accession presents a unique opportunity to strengthen exchanges between the French territory, as an integral part of the European Union, and the 21 CARICOMcountriesandterritories
(both Members and Associate Members), encompassing approximately 18 million people. Withitsnewstatus,Martiniquewill be positioned to develop joint projects in key economic sectors, including health care, education, transport, and disaster risk management, further establishing itselfasastrategicbridgebetweenthe CaribbeanandEurope.Becomingan AssociateMemberofCARICOMis a key step in Martinique’s broader ambition for regional integration. TheFrenchterritoryhaspreviously
attained Associate Member status with the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and theCaribbean(ECLAC)in2012,the Association of Caribbean States (ACS)in2014,andtheOrganization ofEasternCaribbeanStates(OECS) in2015.
Martinique’s accession to CARICOMbringsseveralsignificant benefitsfortheregion:
Economic development: Expanding access to Caribbean and Europeanmarkets while diversifying business opportunities.
Enhanced cooperation: Strengthening collaboration in key areas such as health care, education, security, and crisis management.
Mobility and employment: Facilitating professional and academic exchangesfor Caribbean consultants and students.
Tourism, sports and culture: Boosting exchanges with neighbouringterritories to reinforce Caribbean culture, sports,andregionaltourism.
Through this accession, Martinique reaffirms its deep Caribbean identity and commitment to fostering development and innovation within CARICOM.
The Territorial Collectivity of Martinique (CTM) is the single local authority of the French Overseas TerritoryofMartinique,incorporating the Departmental Council and the Regional Council of Martinique. Created by law in 2011, its executive bodyistheexecutivecouncilcomposed ofnineexecutivedirectors,chairedby itspresident,SergeLetchimy.
As the spring travel season approaches, travellers are prioritizingadventuremorethan ever.AsurveybySquaremouth,a leading travel insurance marketplace,foundthatover60% oftravellers listed adventure as theirprimarytripgoal—upfrom 42%in2024.Thisshifthighlightsa growing trend of thrill-seekers optingforexciting,experiencedrivenvacations.
Warm-weather activities are dominatingtheseason,withsales of adventure travel insurancepolicies increasing by 18% compared to last year. Travelers are favouring activitieslike hiking, safaris, snorkelling, scuba diving, and horsebackridingovertraditional wintersports.
Notably,safarishavesurgedin popularity,witha28%increasein bookingstodestinationslikeSouth Africa,Tanzania,Botswana,and Kenya.Foradventureenthusiasts, choosingtherighttravelinsurance iscrucial.Policiesshouldinclude
Sports & Activities medical coverage,aswellasprotectionfor sportsequipmentlossordelayand weather-relatedcancellations. With adventure travel oftencarryinghighertripcosts, comprehensive cancellation coverage can safeguard significantinvestments.Withspring travelspendingatanall-timehigh, travellers are advised to use pricecomparisontoolstosecure the best deals on flights, accommodations,andactivities. Flexibilitywithtraveldatescan also help reduce costs while maximizingexperiences.As2025 unfolds,adventuretravelcontinues toredefinevacationtrends,with more travellersopting for memorable, high-energy experiences in warm-weather destinations. Whether it’strekking through exoticlandscapesordivinginto vibrantmarinelife,thisseasonis settobeoneofthemostthrillseekingyet.
TheAssociationforCruiseTourism(ACT)intheCayman Islandsiscelebratingahard-foughtvictoryfollowinga parliamentaryvotetomoveforwardwithapublicreferendum oncruiseberthinginfrastructureintheupcomingelectioncycle.
For months, ACT has been at the forefront of efforts to bring this issue directly to the Caymanian people, and Executive Program Manager Ellio Solomon made it clear that the association’srelentlessadvocacytogivetheCaymanianpeoplea voice was instrumental in securing this milestone. “This is exactly the outcome ACT has worked tirelessly to achieve,” Solomonsaid.
“ItisamajorsteptowardaligningCayman’scruiseberthing infrastructurewithmodernstandards,andweareproudthat oureffortshaveensuredthevoicesofCaymanianswillbeheard onthiscriticalissue.”TheCaymanIslandsgeneralelections,in whichthereferendumwillbedecided,aresetforApril30,2025.
Some festivals are about the music. Others about the spectacle however Island Soul Festival was about something more profound—a reawakening of the senses, a reconnectiontoselfandacelebration of life in its purest form. The inaugural edition wasn’t just a gatheringoranevent;itwasachange of position, heart and soul – an experiencethatleftanindeliblemark onallwhoattended.
At the helm of this groundbreaking festival was a woman of substance, resilience and transformation – the lovely Kieri Dornan. Kieri’s whose personal journey inspired an entire community to embrace joy, wellness and creativity. Her journey, from high-poweredcorporateburnouttoa life of clarity, purpose, and vibrant energy was not just a story of reinvention,butacalltothoseseeking a new way of celebrating life, free from the crutches of alcohol and old habits.
She created IslandSoul Festival as a space where people could dance, breathe, and connect without inhibition or the need for external substances—aspacewherethepower ofmovement,music,andmindfulness could fuel the soul. But what was it like to bring this vision to life? And what did she hope festival attendees took away from it? Let’s hear from Kieriherself.
Having embraced sobriety, she now lives with determination and clarity, embodying the power of selfreinvention.Herodysseywasmarked by personal challenges that have shaped her into the person of depth and solidity. She no longer defines herself by her past but rather her courage to rise above anything life throwsather.Kieri’sconfidenceand unwavering commitment to selfgrowth,self-loveandthepursuittoa moremeaningfullife.
personaltransformation.Afewyears ago,Idecidedtogiveupalcohol,and thatopenedupawholenewworldfor me.Irealisedhowmuchofmysocial life had revolved around drinking, and I wanted to create experiences where people could feel free, connected,andalive—withoutrelying on alcohol to have a good time. IslandSoul Festival was born from that desire: a space for people to experience pure joy, wellness, and creativity in a way that truly nourishesthem."
Q2: How did your own journey influence the structure of the festival?
than a retreat. There were no rigid schedules or strict rules—just a beautifulspacetomove,breathe,and beyourself."
Q4: How do you see the festival evolvinginthefuture?
"I see IslandSoul growing into a globally recognised event where people travel from all over to experience the magic. I want it to become a yearly pilgrimage for those seeking an alternative way to celebrate life—one that’s focused on real connection, vibrant energy, and personalgrowth."
Q5: For those who attended for the first time, what did you hope they took awayfromtheexperience?
"Ihopedtheyfeltseen,energised,and inspired. Whether they came for fun, relaxation,orself-discovery,Iwanted them to leave knowing that they had experiencedsomethingtrulyspecial."
The first edition of IslandSoul Festivalwasabreathoffreshairand washeldatthestunningHolidayInn Resort, Grand Cayman. It was more thanjustadayofactivities—itwasa sensoryawakening,acalltoreturnto joy,movementandpresence. Attendeesfoundthemselvesimmersed in an atmosphere where music met mindfulness,dancemetself-discovery, and creativity met connection. From the very first session to the final embraceasthesunsetovertheocean, itwasclear—somethingextraordinary hadunfolded.
Soul Sanctuary: A tranquil space for sound healing, breathwork, and nervoussystemresets—aplacewhere attendeescouldtrulyexhale.
many,sheusedalcoholasameansto unwind, to fit in, and to escape. But the turning point came when she realiseditwasholdingherbackfrom theclarity,purpose,andvibrancyshe craved.
Quitting alcohol was a radical act of self-love—onethatledhertoexplore alternative forms of joy, connection, and celebration. She began travelling the world, immersing herself in wellness retreats, dance workshops, and transformational experiences.
The deeper she went into her own healing,themoresheknewshehadto shareitwithothers.
IslandSoulFestivalwasborn—notas anescape,butasareturn.Areturnto oneself, to community, and to the kind of uninhibited joy that doesn’t requireadrinkinhand.
As the last notes of music faded and thefinalguestslingeredinthegolden dusk, one thing was certain— IslandSoul Festival was more than just an event; it was a movement. It wasaplacewherepeopleremembered howtobefullypresent,howtomove without inhibition, how to connect beyondthesurface.
Forthosewhohadbeensearchingfor something different, something meaningful,somethingsoul-stirring— theyfoundithere. Thisisjustthebeginning!!
As the echoes of IslandSoul’s first edition settle into memories, one can only imagine what’s next. But one thing is for sure—the soul of this festival is alive and thriving, and its energy will continue to ripple far beyondtheshoreswhereitallbegan.
"Everyelementofthefestivalreflected something that had been part of my own growth. Whether it was breathwork, movement, or creative expression, these were all things that hadhelpedmereconnectwithmyself.
Flow Zone: Aseamlessfusionofyoga, pilates, and movement practices, where people found stillness and strengthinequalmeasure.
Creative Cove: Avibrantcornerfilled with art, music, and expression, proving that creativity is one of the purestformsofself-care.
Live Performances: Music, aerial silk displays,andsynchronisedswimming createdanawe-inspiringspectacle.
It was about making wellness accessible and enjoyable rather than something that felt like a chore. I wanted to bring people together in a waythatfeltnatural,vibrant,andfull of life—just as I had experienced in myownjourney."
Q3: What kind of atmosphere did attendeesexperienceatthefestival?
"It was all about energy, connection, andfreedom.Wehaddifferentzones where people could explore various activities at their own pace—whether that was yoga, dancing, or simply soaking up the positive vibes. It was designedtobeacelebrationrather
Wellness Marketplace: Acollectionof holisticvendors,nourishingfood,and handcraftedartisangoods,eachstalla discoveryofitsown.
Kieri’s path to creating IslandSoul Festival was not a straight road—it was a winding journey of selfdiscovery, breaking old patterns, and embracinganewwayofliving.
Once deeply ingrained in the highpressure corporate world, she found herself caught in a cycle of stress, socialdrinking,andburnout.Like
It has been a long time coming, but it has It has been a long time coming, but it has finally happened. Former president of the finally happened. Former president of the UnitedStatesofAmerica,JosephBidenhas UnitedStatesofAmerica,JosephBidenhas done what many before him failed to do- done what many before him failed to dopardon Jamaica’s National Hero, Marcus pardon Jamaica’s National Hero, Marcus Garvey. Thanks in part to the throng of Garvey. Thanks in part to the throng of activists,blackleadersacrossthediaspora, activists,blackleadersacrossthediaspora, and unrelenting campaigners, including and unrelenting campaigners, including CongresswomanYvetteD.Clarke(D-NY). CongresswomanYvetteD.Clarke(D-NY).
Garvey, our premier Pan African Activist Garvey, our premier Pan African Activist andthinkerinhistimedaredtospeakout andthinkerinhistimedaredtospeakout to all descendants of Africa about their to all descendants of Africa about their great value, their power, self-worth and great value, their power, self-worth and indeedtheirplaceinthisworld.Hedidnot indeedtheirplaceinthisworld.Hedidnot cower under the discriminatory oppressive cower under the discriminatory oppressive attemptstokeephimsilentbutinsteadhad attemptstokeephimsilentbutinsteadhad his focus dead set on inspiring the entire his focus dead set on inspiring the entire global Negro population to get up, be global Negro population to get up, be proud, intentional, laser focused, work proud, intentional, laser focused, work hard,worktogetherandbesuccessful. hard,worktogetherandbesuccessful.
Theracistpowerbrokersofthedayinstead tried repeatedly to entrap Garvey, who tried repeatedly to entrap Garvey, who outwitted them numerous times. They outwitted them numerous times. They finally managed to have him charged for finally managed to have him charged for mail fraud in 1922 and convicted in 1923. mail fraud in 1922 and convicted in 1923. Hewaspresidentoftheshippingcompany Hewaspresidentoftheshippingcompany
The Black Star Line and was wrongly The Black Star Line and was wrongly accusedofusingmailtodefraudpeopleinto accusedofusingmailtodefraudpeopleinto buying stocks in this company. Garvey buying stocks in this company. Garvey received the maximum punishment - five received the maximum punishment - five yearsimprisonmentanda$1,000fine. yearsimprisonmentanda$1,000fine.
The Garvey family
“Ifweasapeoplerealizedthegreatness “Ifweasapeoplerealizedthegreatness from which we came we would be less from which we came we would be less likelytodisrespectourselves.” likelytodisrespectourselves.”
“Itrustthatyouwillsolivetodayasto “Itrustthatyouwillsolivetodayasto realizethatyouaremastersofyourown realizethatyouaremastersofyourown destiny,mastersofyourfate;ifthereis destiny,mastersofyourfate;ifthereis anything you want in this world, it is anything you want in this world, it is for you to strike out with confidence for you to strike out with confidence andfaithinselfandreachforit.” andfaithinselfandreachforit.”
So, we are relieved that this posthumous So, we are relieved that this posthumous pardon became a reality, and though we pardon became a reality, and though we hadhopedforanexoneration,wecelebratehadhopedforanexoneration,wecelebrateall over the world! But what shall we do all over the world! But what shall we do with Garvey’s teachings? This fearless, with Garvey’s teachings? This fearless, motivational figure, who inspired the likes motivational figure, who inspired the likes ofNelsonMandela,MartinLutherKingII, ofNelsonMandela,MartinLutherKingII, Bob Marley, the entire African continent Bob Marley, the entire African continent and and diaspora-doesheinspireustoday?Dowe diaspora-doesheinspireustoday?Dowe even tell our children and our next even tell our children and our next generationsabouthisteachings? generationsabouthisteachings? There are many recorded versions of There are many recorded versions of Marcus Garvey’s quotes, which are Marcus Garvey’s quotes, which are instructional.Ilikethecompilationoffered instructional.Ilikethecompilationoffered on https://shoppeblack.us/marcus-garvey- on https://shoppeblack.us/marcus-garveyquotes/ quotes/ MarcusGarveyQuotes MarcusGarveyQuotes
“Emancipate yourselves from mental “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery,nonebutourselvescanfreeour slavery,nonebutourselvescanfreeour minds.” minds.”
“A people without the knowledge of their
“A people without the knowledge of their pasthistory,originandcultureislikeatree pasthistory,originandcultureislikeatree withoutroots.” withoutroots.”
“Take advantage of every opportunity; “Take advantage of every opportunity; wherethereisnone,makeitforyourself.” wherethereisnone,makeitforyourself.”
“I have no desire to take all black people “I have no desire to take all black people backtoAfrica;thereareblackswhoareno backtoAfrica;thereareblackswhoareno good here and will likewise be no good good here and will likewise be no good there.” there.”
“Ifyouhavenoconfidenceinself,youare “Ifyouhavenoconfidenceinself,youare twicedefeatedintheraceoflife.” twicedefeatedintheraceoflife.”
“Liberatethemindsofmenandultimately “Liberatethemindsofmenandultimately youwillliberatethebodiesofmen.” youwillliberatethebodiesofmen.”
“The Black skin is not a badge of shame, “The Black skin is not a badge of shame, but rather a glorious symbol of national but rather a glorious symbol of national greatness.” greatness.”
“With confidence, you have won before “With confidence, you have won before youhavestarted.” youhavestarted.”
I beg of you, speak to your youngsters about I beg of you, speak to your youngsters about Garveyandhisteachings. Garveyandhisteachings.
PromoterFrankWarrenhasinsistedthatIBF heavyweight champion Daniel Dubois remains on track for a rematch against OleksandrUsyk.
The 27-year-old Briton was forced to withdrawfromhisworldtitledefenceagainst NewZealand'sJosephParkerinSaudiArabia on Saturday because of illness, but a unification bout against Usyk, the WBO, WBA(Super)andWBOtitleholder,isstilla strongpossibility,accordingtoWarren,who said:"Youhavetolookatthenextmoveand IthinkthatwillbeeitherUsykinanall-belt affair for the four belts or maybe AJ [AnthonyJoshua].
“We will have to work that out in the next weekorso.Wewilltalkthroughtheoptions as a team and make a decision. Everyone's viewisimportantbutthemostimportantview isDaniel'sbecauseheistheonegettinginto theringandhemakestheultimatedecision." DuboisandUsyk,38,foughtinAugust2023 withtheUkrainianwinningviaaninth-round
stoppage. Dubois was promoted to IBF champion after Usyk vacated the belt last June shortly after beating Tyson Fury to become the first undisputed heavyweight boxingchampionin25years.
TheBritonwashopingtoaddtohis22pro fight wins against Parker, having made the firstdefenceofhisbeltbystoppingJoshuain five rounds at Wembley Stadium in September. But he was withdrawn from the bout on Thursday after being medically evaluated, with his place taken by Martin Bakole, who was dispatched by the Kiwi withintworounds.
"Danielthoughthewouldprobablyhavedone thesamethingtoParker,"saidWarren."He's verydownanddisappointedandhefeelshis momentwasrobbed.
“It happened at the wrong moment for him andcosthimalotofmoneyandcostthefans areallygoodfight."
Tour de France winner and two-time Olympic gold medal cyclist, Geraint Thomas, has announcedhisretirementattheendofthecurrent season.
MakinghisTour’debutin2007,andwinningthe classic gruelling race in 2018, the Welsh man claimedgoldforBritainintheteampursuitinthe 2008and2012OlympicsGames,aswellasalso beingpartoftheGBteampursuittriowhowon three golds in the Track Cycling World Championships between 2007 and 2012. The Cardiff-bornchampionalsoearnedthreetopthree finishesthereinFrance,includingsecondoverall in 2019 and third overall in 2022, as well as winning four medals at three Commonwealth Games.
The 38-year-old did, however, narrowly missed outonaGirod'Italiatitlein2023,finishing14 secondsbehindchampionPrimozRoglic,aswell asfinishingthirdtherein2024.HepostedonX: "Thoughtitwastimewemadeitofficial.Yes,this willbemylastyearinthepeloton.
"It'snotbeenabadrun,eh?Neverinmywildest dreamsdidIimaginebeingaprofor19years."
Thomas was part of one of the first intakes of BritishCycling'sAcademyprogrammein2004.He andothers,includingMarkCavendish,benefited fromimprovedtrainingmethodsinManchester's
Velodromeaswellasthecamaraderieofshared accommodationnearthecitycentre.
Atthe2007TrackWorldChampionships,hewas part of the team pursuit squad who won gold.
Beginning his full-time participation with the Barloworldteamduringthe2009season,whenhe brokehispelvisandfracturedhisnoseinafall,he stillsetthefastestpursuittimeundercurrentrules, when he completed 4 kilometres (2.5 miles) in 4:15.105 at the first round of the 2009–10 UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics at the ManchesterVelodrome.
"Beijing was massive, my first Olympics and winninggoldthere,"saysThomas."ButtheTour's whatchangedmylife,beingrecognisedalloverthe place.
"IwasinAlcatrazandsomeduderecognisedme.I thinkthat'swhenyouknowitwentupalevel.And theyellowjerseyisiconic-youcangoanywherein theworldandpeoplewillalwaysknowtheyellow jersey.
“Tobeapartofthathistoryandtowinit,Istill pinchmyself."Thomasisnowlookingforwardto is spending more time with wife Sara and fiveyear-oldsonMacs.
"That's the main thing right now - just being aroundmoreandnotmissingout.”
It has been announced by the Ladies European Tour that three-time major winner Anna Nordqvist is set to succeed Suzann Pettersen as TeamEuropecaptaininthe2026SolheimCup. Sweden's Nordqvist, 37, was a playing vicecaptainforTeamEuropeinthelasttwoeditions of the biennial golf tournament played between EuropeandtheUnitedStates.The2026edition willmarkher10thappearanceinthecompetition. Inastatement,Nordqvistsaid:"Iamsohonoured to be appointed as the 2026 European Solheim CupCaptain.
“Whetherwewerewinningorlosing,theSolheim Cuphasplayedsuchahugepartinmycareerever sinceImademydebutin2009inChicago."The Solheim Cup will take place in September next yearatBernardusGolfintheNetherlands,with theUnitedStateslookingtodefendthetitle.
Olympic shooter Manu Bhaker has been namedBBCIndianSportswomanoftheYear for2024afteraglobalpublicvote.
The22-year-oldwasrecognisedforherhistoric achievement in becoming the first Indian womantowintwomedalsatasingleOlympic Games.BhakerbecamethefirstIndianwoman towinanOIympicmedalinshootingwhenshe wonbronzeinthewomen's10mairpistolin Paris.
Two days later she won a second bronzealongsideSarabjotSinghinthemixed10mair pistol. Bhaker has previously won the BBC's ISWOTY Emerging Athlete of the Year award.
Onacceptingherlatestaward,Bhakersaid:"I havehadajourneyofupsanddowns,andI hope I can inspire women, all athletes and peoplewithbigdreams.
"Your journey doesn't end if you are struggling.Youwriteyourownstory."
Her fellow shooter, Avani Lekhara, was presented with the BBC ISWOTY ParasportswomanoftheYearaward.The23-yearold is the first Indian woman to win three Paralympic medals, with gold in Paris followingagoldandbronzeatTokyo2020.
Indian President Droupadi Murmu said: "I appreciatetheentireteamoftheBBCfor
thepraiseworthyinitiativeoforganisingBBC IndianSportswomanoftheYear.
"The extraordinary athletes who have been recognisedthroughthisinitiativehavenotonly excelledintheirsportsbuthavealsoinspired young women to pursue their dreams fearlessly." BBC director general Tim Davie, whohostedtheawardsceremony,said:"Manu Bhaker's historic Olympic performance is a definingmomentforIndiansports.
“Her resilience and record-breaking success continuetopavethewayforgreaterinclusion andexcellenceinPara-sports.Weareproudto celebratetheachievementsofIndia'sincredible sportswomen."
ArcherSheetalDeviwontheEmergingAthlete Award after becoming India's youngest Paralympicmedallist.The18-year-oldaddeda bronzemedalattheParisGamestotwogolds andonesilveratthe2022AsianParaGames, and a silver at the World Para Archery Championships.
Mithali Raj was given the Lifetime Achievement Award for her record 18-year captaincyoftheIndianwomen'scricketteam. Raj,42,ledtheteamfrom2004to2022andis the longest-serving captain in international crickethistory.
George Mills and Neil Gourley both set new Championshiprecordsonthewaytoimpressive gold medals at the Microplus UK Athletics IndoorChampionshipsinBirminghamasGB& NIathletesbookedtheirplaceatnextmonth’s continentalshowdown.
Millswasthefirstathleteofthedaytobooka trip to the European Indoors, bettering the Championship record in the men’s 3000m by nearlytensecondsto7:40.16minutesforhisfirst nationaltitle.JamesWestalsoreapedthebenefit assilversecuredhisplaceontheBritishteamfor Apeldoorn.
Gourleymeanwhileshowedhisclassinthemen’s 1500mfinal,clockingaChampionshiprecordof 3:38.84toregainhistitle.Thatguaranteedatrip totheNetherlandswithThomasKeensimilarly benefittinginsilver,althoughheneededadiveat thelinetogetit.
Day1.oftwo-daysofactionsawBiancaWilliams and Jeremiah Azu achieving PBs, as Williams clocked7.19secs.towinthewomen's60mtitlefor thefirsttime,whilstAzumatchedhispersonal best time in retaining his British indoor men's 60mtitleinatimeof6.56."I'vehadsomanyups anddownsinmyjourney,”Ms.Williamssaid, beforeadding:"It'ssonicetobenumberone,and IknowI'mingreatshape.
"Itwasamazing,”saidAzu. “I'mawinneratheart,”hewenton,“and, whatmyheartwants,itgets.NowIcan't waitfortheEuropeanChampionships.”
Elsewhere,AbigailPawlettranapersonal best8.09towinthewomen's60mhurdles, whilstDanielGoriolawonthemen'sevent.
In other headline performances, Zac Shaw wonthemen'spara60mrace,withSophie Hahn coming out on top in the women's encounter.
There was also double success in the women’s 400m final as Amber Anning stormed to gold in 51.40 seconds, pulling Lina Nielsen to a personal best of 51.77, with the same occurring in the women’s 1500m - as Olympic bronze medallist GeorgiaHunterBellcruisedtovictorywith ReveeWalcottNolansecond.Allfourare nowguaranteedfortheEuropeanindoors. HannahNuttallwoninthewomen’s3000m, whiletheChampionshipsendedwithJustin DaviesandIsabelleBoffeywinsinthemen’s andwomen’s800mrespectively.Atotal11 athletessecuredtheirtriptoApeldoornover theweekend.