The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020

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Inspiring A New Generation

shaping the next generation The Duchess of Cambridge releases #5BigInsights in the biggest ever study on the early years


he Duchess of Cambridge unveiled the findings of the biggest ever UK study on the early years at the end of October, in a milestone moment for her work on the importance of early childhood in shaping the rest of our lives and broader societal outcomes. For the last nine years, The Duchess of Cambridge has spent time looking into how experiences in early childhood are often the root cause of today’s hardest social challenges

such as addiction, family breakdown, poor mental health, suicide and homelessness with the cost of late intervention estimated to be around £17 billion per year in England and Wales. Ipsos MORI conducted the landmark research, gaining important insight into the UK’s thoughts about early years, as well as the impact of COVID-19 on experiences and perceptions of parents and carers of under-fives.

Continued on Page 8

Inside This Month

Christmas GIFT GUIDE Check out some of our great present picks! - Centre Pages

Celebrating the return of the Panto! - Page 30

Karen Celebrates Education Journey - Page 14

Love And Respect To All Of Our Hardworking

2020 Vision Of Hope

Page 2 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


Contact Us If you want to showcase your business, here’s how

By Dr Tony Talburt



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sually, by the middle of November following a USA presidential election, there is a sense of direction in terms of which way the country is likely to go for the next four years, and also what this might mean for the rest of the world. However, we are not in usual times. As of the middle of November 2020, President Trump has not conceded nor showed any signs of relinquishing his grip on power. While the president appears to be prevaricating, the rest of the world is holding its breath and watching the political drama unfold. The only thing that seems certain, is more uncertainty. Of course, there is a simple solution that could provide some degree finality and clarity. That is, a President Trump acceptance of the current election results. Trump could experience a Damascus Road-like conversion and unexpectedly concede and simply accept defeat, thereby formally handing over the keys of the White House to Joe Biden. However, one thing we have learned about President Trump over the last four years is that he is not only unorthodox, but also unlikely to change his mind even in the face of compelling and convincing evidence. Despite USA election officials stating that the 2020 elections were the most secure in American history’ the Trump team claims that the elections were rigged. The Trump team has been making a number of claims to mount a legal challenge against the election process and its eventual outcome. One claim by the Trump team is that communists, aligned with Russia, China, and possibly networks associated with the late Hugo Chavis of Venezuela, are alleged to have interfered in

The World Holds its Collective Breath As Trump Prevaricates

the recent presidential elections. They also claim that the poll watchers in Pennsylvania were not allowed to observe the counting of some 680,000 votes, thereby preventing transparency. There seems to be an issue about the counting of votes in some states after election day. Perhaps, as has been claimed by some observers, President Trump is depending on getting his case to the Supreme Court where there is a significant Republican majority of judges. This, in theory, could help President Trump win vital states and the elections by, according to Trump’s lawyers, ‘a landslide’. Even if the Trump team were to over turn one or two states, would this be enough to flip the

Biden leads in the other states? It seems like a long shot, but if that is the only option left, it will be taken by Trump’s teams. Another uncertain issue is, what would happen if President Trump decides to ignore the election results and try to stay on in the White House. Although this has not happened before, if Trump were to refuse to leave the White House, he could be forced out by the secret service. On January 20 2021 (assuming that Biden’s projected wins are formalised) President Trump would cease to be the Commander in Chief, and he would no longer have access to privileged modes of transportation such as on the Air

To Millicent and Family By Michael Willis

I am honoured and truly blessed to have known you Jeffrey Broomes, you were an awesome blessing in my life. I will miss our monthly lunch meetings “Gentleman’s Club “ with Carlyle Calder and others

and our daily “ one to ones”. I am at a loss to express my sadness but I know you are safe in the arms of Jesus., and we will meet again. I alongside my wife Patricia and Michelle Hemmings “Lungs for Life” we will carry on Campaigning for BAME

Community knowing that your support was always behind us and we will always remember you. Rest In Eternal Peace Gentle Giant and My Brother. Till We Meet Again. Michael Willis and Family

Force One aircraft. It might be too humiliating for Donald Trump to stand the ignominy of being evicted from 1660 Pennsylvania Avenue or perhaps even attend the inauguration in January 2020. On a national and global scale, there are also other uncertainties. The longer we go without a Trump acceptance of the election result, the more it could make America more unstable not only internally, but also on the international arena. At the national or domestic level, the Trump government has not said anything about the rising number of Covid 19 infection rates and deaths across the country. This situation is not going away any time soon. On the global scale, many world leaders are waiting to see what the final outcome will be, especially because of President Trump’s isolationist policies, measures and rhetoric. These include issues such as the withdrawal from the Paris climate accord that had been ratified by 190 countries, as well as the fall out over the Iran Nuclear deal, and the undermining of such international organisations as the World Health Organisation (WHO) the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). While Trump fights for his political life, even though the elections are supposedly over, many Americans and world leaders wait to see what will happen on 20 January 2020 at 1660 Pennsylvania Avenue.


The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 3


Virtual Santa Visits as grottos cancelled S

anta will be visiting children virtually this year, as grottos close and Christmas events are cancelled because of coronavirus. Businesses have switched from planning physical meetings to arranging video calls "to the North Pole" with Mr Claus. Socially distanced events

have also been planned but those in England will have to wait until lockdown is lifted. And in the meantime, Santa will be available online. One children's events company is hosting a virtual Santa experience through Facebook, rather than at its normal physical venue. Santa will interact with people on the video chat and children can also book to

complete reindeer training, a virtual sleigh-ride or an elfthemed treasure hunt. "We didn't want to take the risk of planning our usual live Christmas events, in case of a second lockdown, and we were right," said Helen Nurse, who runs Wonder Adventures with her husband, Brett (who coincidentally, looks a lot like Santa).

"It will be safe and personalised - you don't have to queue, you can dress up, with a hot chocolate in the comfort of your own home. There's always been a pressure on parents at Christmas but it's even bigger this year." When actor James Bartlett lost work in the pandemic, he saw a gap in the market for unemployed

Santas and set up With the recent changes allowing grottos to take place in establishments that are allowed to be open once the nationwide lockdown ends, there is some hope for the Santas, however with a large number of grottos already cancelled for 2020, this will be too little too late for many.

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Page 4 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020



S Cllr Ian Ward Leader of Birmingham City Council Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

andwell Council Deputy Leader Councillor Maria Crompton has joined with the Safer Sandwell Partnership in signing up to an anti-hate crime pledge to 'Say No To Hate' as part of the annual Safer 6 campaign. Speaking about the pledge Councillor Crompton said: “There’s no excuse whatsoever for being violent towards someone just because they are perceived to be ‘different’. That’s why I’m backing the Hate Crime Pledge. “It’s important that if someone feels they have been the victim of a hate crime, that there are proper ways to report that and tackle it in an appropriate manner, quickly and effectively, as well as giving them the support they need. “There is strength in unity and we should be coming together to celebrate our differences, and not tolerate those that use them as an excuse for violence and hate.”

What is hate crime?

A hate crime is hostility against a person or a group of people where they have been targeted because of or their perceived: • Race • Faith

l Deputy Leader of Sandwell Council, Councillor Maria Crompton with the hate crime pledge • Sexual Orientation • Gender • Disability • Any other characteristic that is different to that of the perpetrator's or that

which the perpetrator thinks is different The council’s dedicated Hate Crime webpage at w w w. s a n d w e l l . g o v. u k / hatecrime provides more

information on what kind of crimes are hate crimes and what you can do to help victims of hate. There are many ways for victims and witnesses to

report a hate crime, for further information visit the council's Hate Crime webpage at: w w w. s a n d w e l l . g o v. u k / hatecrime

B Caney Grocers Fresh Caribbean Fruit and Veg Chop & Wok Feed The Homeless With Charity Let’s Feed Brum l Chop and Wok Birmingham with their food donations for the homeless

Soho road/boulton road, handsorth Call for more info - 07835271725

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Birmingham City centre based, Pan-Asian noodle bar chain, Chop and Wok, have struck a successful partnership with local charity ‘Let’s Feed Brum’, donating 30 freshly cooked meals on a weekly basis. Chop and Wok, located on Suffolk Street have been assisting Let’s Feed Brum since its conception in 2015. The Charity provides food, drink, essential supplies & friendship to those living on the streets of Birmingham. With 10 million tonnes of food being thrown away every year in the UK, Let’s Feed Brum brings Birmingham’s cafés, bars and restaurants together to help feed people in these unfortunate circumstances. Every Saturday evening for the past 5 years Chop and Wok have been preparing, cooking and delivering 30 meals to the Charity. These actions have been particularly meaningful for the team at Chop and Wok as the owners of the branch are themselves, Birmingham born and bred.

Ben Rafiqi – Let’s Feed Brum – ‘We are truly grateful for Chop and Wok’s donations. These hot meals on cold nights gives a person on the streets hope and reassurance that they have not been forgotten about by society. Chop and Wok is one of Birmingham’s most exciting eateries. It is a Pan-Asian wok-based takeaway and restaurant set in a modern and conceptual environment, with an Asian fusion menu, cooked in a live 'food theatre' where all is visible, served in a striking electric-coloured customer area. Andy Dulay – Chop and Wok – ‘We've worked on and off with LFB for some years now and it was by chance during lockdown that Ben and I reconnected. It's been an absolute pleasure providing the meals knowing that someone, somewhere is getting a hot meal for the night. I hope and look forward to being able to provide more hands-on help in the months to come. Keep up the humble work Ben and the LFB team!'

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 5

Why not try Yakult Light this winter?

The little bottle with billions of Yakult’s unique bacteria scientifically proven to reach the gut alive and enriched with vitamins D & E. *Yakult Light contains vitamin D which supports the maintenance of normal bone and muscle function, plus vitamin E which contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Page 6 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


HS2: Government must pledge to grow rail freight


Bhai Sahib Bhai Dr Mohinder Singh OBE KSG Chairman, Nishkam Group Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

he logistics sector’s support of HS2 is conditional on the government pledging unequivocal support to grow rail freight, according to Logistics UK. The business group launched a new report into how freight capacity will be released following the construction of HS2. Zoe McLernon, Multimodal Policy Manager at Logistics UK comments: “Logistics UK needs government to secure the future of rail freight in the UK and provide a cast-iron guarantee that freight services will have sufficient access to the released capacity that HS2 will provide. The conventional rail network is bursting at the seams; there are almost half as many freight trains using the network as there were 15 years ago as passenger services, which continue to grow steadily, take the lion’s share of the network. We are concerned that the process to allocate released capacity may favour passenger operators, because it will be

“The Sojourner” of Textiles Heritage Enterprise in the Midlands A with Dr Christopher Johnson

ward-wInnIng journalist, editor and publisher Dr Christopher Johnson writes his monthly column in The Phoenix aiming to inform, educate and entertain.

T run by the incumbent passenger operator (West Coast Partnership) and there is no guarantee that capacity will be provided for freight. “HS2 presents a once-in-ageneration opportunity to make Britain’s transport network more sustainable, and the opportunity for freight via released capacity from HS2 is substantial. “HS2’s development will

Firm Raises £25,000 To Help Hospital In Covid-19 Fight

free-up space on the existing rail network for up to 144 extra freight trains per day, potentially removing 10,944 HGVs from the UK’s congested roads every day. “However, there is no policy or legal requirement that a proportion of released capacity must be allocated to freight; Logistics UK urges government to reconsider its principles and provide clear and unequivocal support to grow rail freight.” The report focuses on how Phases One and 2a of HS2 will release capacity on the West Coast Main Line and proposes ways to enhance the role of freight across the project.

Nearly half of businesses feel more vulnerable to cyber-attack since home working increase

o say that Harminder Kaur Bhogal is the epitome of textiles heritage, might be perceived an understatement although she has been working tirelessly over a decade, to showcase the unsung efforts of migrants to textiles manufacturing in the West Midlands, England particularly. As project manager of the charity, Community Education Academy of Leadership (CEAL), Bhogal has initiated the successful delivery of events; namely exhibitions, conferences and training, funded by the public purse, to enable wider public access to this vital sector of the UK economy. Bhogal’s idea of celebrating migrants’ contribution to the heritage of textiles, has its genesis in her Indian Punjabiborn roots and collaboration with ethnic and mainstream communities along with providers. “I could not understand why people from my community and others, weren’t willing to talk about the jobs they did in textiles. While some worked in factories, others choose to work from home with their industrial sewing machines due to their family lifestyle. “Factory owners, machinists, fitters, stylists and cutters who worked in so-called ‘sweat shops’ (textile factories), needed to eke out a living to maintain their families.” Bhogal opined that a major reason for migrants’ unwillingness to discuss their work in textiles was due to the ‘lack of formal recognition’, though many of them earned social status in their local communities and elsewhere. “Their general offerings to this industry, are yet to be publicised by mass media institutions” Thousands of migrant workers have helped to sustain clothing retail giants whilst inputting into local regeneration schemes. These sterling efforts are seldom featured in British economic literature, more so, the annals of Commonwealth history. Since the latter part of the

l Harminder Kaur Bhogal

20th century to the present, generations of textile owners have emerged with a passion for greater creativity and inventiveness to meet the demands and satisfy niche markets; viz., fashion designing, fabric culture and related couture business segments. Bhogal feels that CEAL’s heritage events can bring to the forefront this vital history. “Our exhibitions offer diverse audiences, the opportunity to honour the phenomenal labours of African, Caribbean and South Asian communities to textiles production and coproduction over the past 60 years. After a long time, residents are enjoying and savouring slices of textiles heritage enterprise that were hidden from them over the last two generations”. There are encouraging signs of public support for this campaign of creating textiles heritage, as a ‘traditional art form’. This involves a ‘creative’ legacy that is central to business synergy. Undoubtedly, by encouraging and supporting the benefaction of migrants to textiles heritage, Bhogal and CEAL are reinforcing the impact of the ethnic dividend on the creative enterprise landscape. According to citizens and groups in the Black Country, “you have brought back the memories, we couldn’t wait to start”. “Textiles is part and parcel of our culture; it comes naturally to us”. In the face of a global pandemic, this venture represents a showcase, highlighting partnership working across the cultural divide, at its illuminating best.

tonnes of PPE equipment ready to be sent to New Cross Hospital Wolverhampton. Image courtesy of Rachel Robinson – Community and Events Fundraiser, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust W o l v e r h a m p t o n the general public who came Mr Dale said: “After seeing business was praised together to support the NHS.” the amount of PPE that was used after raising more The scaffolding fitting daily by the staff, I wanted to than £25,000 to manufacturer supplies see if I could help. At that point support the city’s NHS Trust equipment to construction sites I felt it was my duty using our tackle the Covid-19 pandemic. across the globe. But following UK connections to source the SCP Forgeco Ltd, based in a family bereavement in April necessary PPE and this led to Bilston, used the money it raised for SCP Forgeco’s Managing our very successful just giving to source PPE, coveralls and Director, Ranjit Dale, and fundraiser. hand sanitiser for New Cross witnessing the huge demand “I would like to personally say Hospital to help NHS staff on the for PPE at New Cross Hospital, thank you to everyone in my frontline. The donation has been he launched a fundraising company, associated companies, praised by Councillor Stephen campaign. family, friends and everyone that Simkins, City of Wolverhampton His family kickstarted it with donated to our cause.” Council Cabinet Member for a £10,000 donation and many Rachel Robinson, Community City Economy, who said: “This of the company’s customers in and Events Fundraiser at The is a remarkable achievement the construction industry, plus Royal Wolverhampton NHS and demonstrates the spirit of the general public, donated Trust, said: “We are very grateful generosity shown throughout generously to reach the bumper for SCP Group’s generosity Wolverhampton. figure of £25,755. The company and wonderful donation. Our “It underlines the ‘One City’ then secured an agreement with staff are doing a fantastic job approach taken to tackling the a UK supplier to provide large in exceptionally challenging pandemic and I’d like to thank numbers of PPE equipment circumstances and this donation the SCP Group, other businesses suitable for NHS staff at New will help keep them and the in the construction industry and Cross Hospital. people they are caring for safe.”

Research conducted by NFU Mutual, a significant commercial insurer, has shown that 47% of businesses feel more vulnerable to cyber-attack since the increase of remote working. Despite increased concerns, 45% of businesses have not taken any action to protect themselves from cyber-crime. Of those who have not taken action, 79% think that because their business is small, the threat of cyber-attack is low. The remaining 21% were not aware of, or did not understand, the protection measures available to them. Recognising the risks facing its small business and small farm customers, NFU Mutual introduced a free three-month cyber helpline in June of this year to provide additional support. Following the latest research findings, the service has been extended to the end of the year to help protect against the ongoing threat of online crime and to support businesses feeling vulnerable to cyber-attack.

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l (L-R): SCP Group’s Ranjit Dale, Managing Director, and Rikki Dale, Finance Director, with 10



The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 7

Page 8 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


#5BigInsights on Early Years

Continued from Front Page

This survey received over 500,000 responses, making it the largest ever survey of its kind, and the ‘5 Big Questions on the Under Fives’ has now generated #5BigInsights. The research published includes the findings of the 5 Big Questions as well as further qualitative and ethnographic research, a nationally representative survey conducted before the pandemic, and a survey on the impact of COVID-19 on families.

People overwhelmingly believe that a child’s future is not predetermined at birth. However, most people don’t understand the specific importance of the early years

98% of people believe nurture is essential to lifelong outcomes, but just one in four recognise the specific importance of the first five years of a child’s life.

The reality of life makes it hard for parents to prioritise their wellbeing

90% of people see parental mental health and wellbeing as being critical to a child’s development, but in reality people do very little to prioritise themselves. Only 10% of parents mentioned taking the time to look after their own wellbeing when asked how


BA legend and business titan Earvin ‘Magic’ Johnson has donated up to $100 million in capital to minority-owned small business owners who are in dire need; with the loans being offered through a partnership between EquiTrust Life Insurance Company, which Magic is a majority owner of, and MBE Capital Partners, a non-bank lender. With the future of small businesses in urban communities in the USA at risk, the former LA Lakers great has stepped in to offer assistance. Johnson, the CEO of Magic Johnson Enterprises, collaborated with MBE Capital Partners to offer the loans to minorities and women-owned businesses hurt by stay-at-home orders due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The loans were funded through Johnson’s EquiTrust Life Insurance Company and will be provided through the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program. “This will allow them to keep their employees and keep their doors open,” Johnson said. American Congress set aside $349 billion for PPP funds in April as part of a $2 trillion stimulus package, but the money depleted quickly, forcing another round of aid. New funds include $60 billion set aside for small businesses. But even with new money available, African-American and Latino-owned businesses have been left out of the new PPP funds due to a lack of relationships with bigger banks. He added: “We have to remember that these businesses have been in urban communities for a long time. “They’ve been doing great things, and they probably didn’t have a relationship with the banks when the stimulus package went out. So now, we’re able to say, ‘Hey, you can have a relationship with us.'

they had prepared for the arrival of their baby. Worryingly, over a third of all parents (37%) expect the COVID-19 pandemic to have a negative impact on their long-term mental wellbeing.

Feeling judged by others can make a bad situation worse

70% of parents feel judged by others and among these parents, nearly half feel this negatively impacts their mental health.

People have been separated from family and friends during the pandemic and at the same time parental loneliness has dramatically increased. Disturbingly, people are also less willing to seek help for how they’re feeling.

The increase in loneliness for parents is more apparent in the most deprived areas. These parents are more than twice as likely as those living in the least deprived areas to say they feel lonely often or always (13% compared with 5%). Compounding this, it seems there has been a rise in the proportion of parents who feel uncomfortable seeking help for how they are feeling from 18% before the pandemic to 34%during it.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, support from local communities has substantially increased for many – but not for all.

Across the UK, communities have united powerfully to meet the challenge of unprecedented times. 40% of parents feel that community support has grown. However, parents in the most deprived areas are less likely to have experienced this increased support (33%) than elsewhere. These insights highlight the need to help people understand the importance of the early years and suggest that parents and carers need more support and advice to ensure good mental health and wellbeing as they raise young children. Her Royal Highness is committed to this crucial cause, but only by working together can we bring about positive, lasting change for generations to come. “We all have a part to play in building the right foundations for our children in the early years,” Kate said. “By linking up all the amazing work, research, knowledge and passion that is already out there we can create a space where we can all explore the importance of early childhood and how it shapes the world around us.”

NBA legend donates $100m to help suffering businesses during crisis “Financially, this has really hurt our community as well as health-wise it’s hurt our community, too.” Magic, 60, who helped the Lakers win five NBA titles through the 1980s, attributes much of his success to a willingness to work hard. He said: “Basketball was a tremendous platform for me to start my brand, to understand winning, and be a competitor.” After retiring from the National Basketball Association in 1991, he said he needed to start his own business but lacked the knowledge. The key, he added, was getting mentors. “I cold-called 20 CEOs and asked them to lunch, and I was able to pick their brains. I knew from basketball that

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preparation was key; I’m focused and I’m driven and I’m one of the most disciplined people you will ever meet. So when I was picking their brains to start a business, I discovered self-evaluation is key.” Johnson says that he started off by leveraging on the spending power of African Americans who spend a trillion dollars a year. His first venture, after putting up Magic Johnson Enterprises, was investing in cinema theatres. “Our first movie theatre ended up topping revenue for its opening weekend and was one of the highest grossing in the business.”

0208 865 1922 (London)


The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 9

Page 10 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


memorial plaque of first Black officer killed in WWI sold

John Crabtree OBE Lord-Lieutenant of the West Midlands Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!


recently discovered Great War Memorial Plaque that rewrites Black History in World War One sold for a total of £10,540 (£8,500 hammer price) – 13 times its presale estimate – and achieved a world record price for a WWI memorial plaque at Dix Noonan Webb in auction of Orders, Decorations, Medals and Militaria. The plaque, which was estimated to fetch £600-800, related to Lieutenant Euan Lucie-Smith, 1st Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, who is believed to have been the first black officer commissioned into a British army regiment during the Great War and is also believed to have been the first Black officer casualty of the

Great War, when he was killed in action on April 25, 1915, at the Second Battle of Ypres. After much interest on the telephones, it was bought by The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum (Royal Warwickshire) due to substantial fundraising. Lt Col (Ret’d) John Rice, Chair of Trustees, commented: “I am absolutely thrilled that we have been able to acquire this plaque of national importance and to be able to display it in our regimental museum in Warwick for the benefit of the general public. It will help us to showcase the contribution of Commonwealth soldiers in our Regiment.” Discovered by former Member of the European Parliament, James Carver, who is a keen collector of medals relating to West African soldiers of the Victorian and Edwardian era. He said: “The greatest wish of any medal collector or amateur historian, is to discover an item of genuine historical importance which challenges the accepted narrative. I am thrilled with the result of today’s sale, but it’s not the price that’s important to me, it’s the story of Euan LucieSmith and Black soldiers like him, who, despite being largely overlooked, played an important part in our military heritage. I really hope my find inspires more people to explore the role played by British serviceman, from all backgrounds, to secure the freedoms that we

enjoy today, and often take for granted. I am very pleased that it has been bought by a museum and will now be seen by future generations.” Following the sale Christopher Mellor-Hill, Head of Client Liaison (Associate Director) of Dix, Noonan, Webb noted: “This is a phenomenal result that highlights the role of Black soldiers from the Commonwealth who fought on The Western Front let alone in the campaigns of East & West Africa but also Mesopotamia and throughout World War One. “We hope very much that this will help advance further the knowledge and respect of their role in British Military History generally and not just World War One.” Like Walter Tull, Euan LucieSmith hailed from a mixed heritage background. He was

Boy Spreads Drive-Thru Kindness At Mcdonald’s A six-year-old boy who paid for another person's meal at a McDonald's drivethru sparked a chain of kindness when everyone in the queue followed suit. Blake Durham was ordering breakfast at the fast food chain in Stockton-on-Tees, in County Durham, when he told his mum he wanted to "do something kind". He told his server he would buy food for the man in the car behind. The youngster's act of kindness then spread - with car after car paying for the meal of

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those next in line. Blake said he had wanted to make the first recipient "happy and let them have a good day." Amy Durham said her son's "main focus is making other people happy, that's all he ever wants to do". She added: "I could see the man behind and the smile on his face and I said, 'look how happy you've made that man,' he was beaming. "It's amazing just a little boy's positivity like that can just cause a reaction like that. "It was just so lovely, such a lovely feeling."

l Blake Durham

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born at Crossroads, St. Andrew, Jamaica, on December 14, 1889 to John Barkley Lucie-Smith, (the Postmaster of Jamaica), and Catherine “Katie” Lucie-Smith (nee Peynado Burke). His father hailed from a line of distinguished white colonial civil servants. His mother was a daughter of the distinguished lawyer and politician Samuel Constantine Burke, who campaigned for Jamaican constitutional reform in the late 19th century through his desire for Jamaica to have greater control over her own affairs than Whitehall. His advocacy on behalf of both the Black and ‘coloured’ populations of Jamaica, helped create a reputation that even led him to later be referred to, by name, in an essay of the renowned Black activist, Marcus Garvey.


The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 11

Congratulations to his Imperial Majesty The Ooni of Ife on the birth and naming of his son ‘Prince Tadenikawo, Adesoji, Aderemi, Eri-Ifeoluwasimi, Adeiwa, Inioluwa, Ademide, Adegbite, Diekoloreoluwa Ogunwusi Ojaja II’

national recognition FOR Leading law firm T


l Sukie Shemar and Stephen Nixon, Enoch Evans LLP

wo practice areas of West Midlands and Black Country law firm Enoch Evans LLP have been included in the Legal 500 UK 2020 rankings, with its company and commercial department making the cut for the fourth year and its commercial litigation expertise recognised for the second time. The national guide ranks the world’s best practices and is used as a point of reference by millions of people in search of

legal advice each year. The Legal 500 also includes a Hall of Fame in recognition of individuals that receive consistent praise from clients and have honed a high level of skill and knowledge within their specific area of expertise. Sukie Shemar was named

for corporate and commercial services for the fourth time and partner Stephen Nixon was also named for the second time in relation to commercial litigation. Partner and head of company and commercial, Sukie, said: “It’s great to have been mentioned specifically and receive some

lovely comments from clients. I’m thrilled to have been named in 2020’s cohort.” Head of commercial litigation, Mr Nixon said: “I am very proud of the whole team for the high quality of service that we have continually offered to our clients. “The comments and testimonials that we have received are testaments to the team’s dedication and hard work and we look forward to building on that.”

Andy Street CBE Mayor of the West Midlands Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

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Page 12 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


What does the US Presidency mean for the World? by Dr Christopher Johnson

Davinder Prasad General Secretary BOPA Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!


t the time of penning this article, America’s democratic tenets were moving towards a semblance of normality with the election of a new Administration, led by Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, Presidentelect, and Senator Kamala Devi Harris, Vice President-elect. Despite the intransigence of the incumbency, the Biden Team recognises its mandate not only to govern for the American electorate, but to ‘reset’ an exemplary model of political statecraft to the rest of the world. The election of the current Democratic Party to office, is hailed by commentators as a return to a sense of decency, honour, pride and respect for democratic ideals. So, what does this new development signal to the

world in the midst of a raging pandemic? The combination of vast experience and immense talent of both elected legislators who believe in the ‘Rule of Law’, has enthused millions across the globe. This is evidenced by the volume of laudation involving leaders across Africa, Asia, Britain, the Caribbean, Europe and elsewhere. These commendations also reflect the reassurance of norms-stability in areas of cultural kinship, economic progress, political confluence, social interaction and a greater tolerance for ideological differences. The weight of the global pandemic is perhaps the most crucial of all agendas the US Democratic Presidency will have to manage [as it is doing presently]. The situation will demand encouraging and supporting foremost collaboration between the World Health Organisation

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(WHO) and national governments’ health, social care and welfare entities. The notion of an imminent vaccine is not likely to solve the protracted effects of this virus since millions of infected-citizens including those at the recovery or rehabilitation stage(s), are facing emotional, physiological, psychological trauma. In other instances, the economic and social costs implications are too much to reconcile. Equally, these burdens may have far-reaching consequences for continual efforts to devise a global bioenvironmental/public health strategy to remedy and help reduce, if not alleviate altogether, levels of pathogenic illness affecting immune systems of humans in particular. Moreover, the Biden-Harris Administration will have to ‘deploy’ America’s resurgent ethical leadership to forge a universal economic and social partnership to counter the

downside of the pandemic. The growing lack of confidence and trust by citizens in business, industry, the professions and civic affairs, can have a negative impact on the duality of representative and participative democracy. When citizens feel disenfranchised or are conceived to be voiceless, their desire to support institutional governance can also appear suspect and it doesn’t augur well for the very essence of human freedom(s). The World Economic Forum

has cited several factors that are likely to disrupt the ecosystem of the globe. They include the fragility of economies, vanquishing of industries and the fiscal susceptibility of nationsates. As the conflict of the global pandemic recedes, challenges will resurface. Yet, in this sea of travail, there is much hope for optimism as more opportunities and prospects for renewal, avail themselves.

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 13


Black Plaque Initiative Launched As blue plaques are put up in places of historic note serve as a permanent tribute to Britain’s notable men and women throughout the UK, one community organisation has joined forces with a creative agency to pay likewise homage to distinguished figures of African and Caribbean dissent who have made an equally telling contribution to the United Kingdom.

Nubian Jak and Havas London has teamed up to create ‘The Black Plaque Project’: a new initiative which commemorates the rich and diverse contribution of Black people throughout history through a series of black plaques across London. The Project sees specially designed black plaques temporarily installed on buildings across the capital to celebrate the lives of its notable Black

residents — who, despite their achievements, continue to be officially overlooked. The first plaque installed recognises the contributions of musician Winifred Atwell – who, in 1954, became the first Black person to go to the top of the UK singles chart with ‘Let’s Have Another Party’ – her plaque going up in Brixton, where she lived throughout her early years.

Jam N Vibez ‘Giving Back’ To Their Community


ith no chance of celebrating its two full, productive years in operation, renowned Caribbean restaurant Jam N Vibez decided to let people know exactly what they are really all about by ‘giving back’, quite literally, for the huge support they have had since opening-shop back in 2018. And, with the coronavirus pandemic taking such a massive and lasting hold on businesses, lives and lifestyles throughout the world, the fast-influential food outlet in Birmingham is not resting on its laurels. They are ‘GIVING BACK’ – literally – by setting up a free take-away food hub for homeless people in and around their Slade Road, Erdington base. Under the auspice of its leading partners – Don James and Horace McLeod - international guest celebrity chef Chef Kano and with support from neighbouring businesses, the local constabulary, and other charitable organisations, they are giving away free food to the most needy in their area – so that they “can eat” and have a chance of some sort of a ‘tomorrow’. “Because of the relentless plight

of this pandemic,” Don says, “you have to realise that there are people without a roof over their head and no idea of where their next meal is coming from. “So, with the fantastic help of neighbouring businesses and other organisations, we decided to give people the chance to, probably, have their first full meal for a long time. “Under the circumstances it seemed the ‘obvious’ thing to do.” It’s a gesture that speaks volumes of the ethos of Don and Horace individually and Jam N Vibez in particularly. With the help given by the likes of Family Butcher, City Supermarket, Warma Heating and Plumbing Suppliers, plus the Stockland Green Community Police Unit and for Jam N Vibez to continue this amazing gesture during these unprecedented dire times, James says: “We are determined to continue providing a food haven for the homeless, and locally-based homeless shelters. “So, the one thing we are looking for…is more help, from more businesses and organisations, so that the too often ‘forgotten’ members of our society have an equal chance during these tragic times”.

The Victoria Mutual Building Society UK Representative Office extends warm wishes and good cheer to our valued Members, Jamaicans and friends of Jamaica for a Merry Christmas and bountiful blessings for the New Year. This year came with challenges, no doubt, but amidst that, it also brought on new opportunities for financial inclusion to positively impact more lives. Together, the future is bright and as the curtains come down on another year, we look forward to continuing our thrust of being your financial partner, enabling you, to live your best financial life

Have a Peaceful and Safe Holiday Season.

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Page 14 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


g n i t o Prom xcellence E

As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting the positive and inspirational individuals and organisations in our communities, The Phoenix Newspaper presents Promoting Excellence - a closer look at our role models, entrepreneurs, community figures and success stories.

Karen’s inspiring learning journey celebrated

A ality u q h Hig rom f e r ld ca child e years o iv f o t irth


woman who moved to the UK to seek urgent treatment for her son has been recognised for transforming her life through learning with Adult Education Wolverhampton. Karen Hanley-Brooks was a finalist at this year’s Festival of Learning, the biggest celebration of lifelong learning in England. She grew up on the Caribbean island of St Kitts, but dropped out of school early because she wanted to work. She said: “Little did I know that education was the foundation I needed to build on. “In 2016 my children and I had to move to the UK because my son needed urgent medical support for his autism. “Being a single mother of two without any family living here

was very challenging, and I saw that going back to learning was the only way to better myself and to have a brighter future.” Karen’s learning journey began with an Entry Level 3 Functional Skills English course with Adult Education Wolverhampton where she quickly progressed to a GCSE course and volunteered with the Talk English programme to help others improve their English language skills. She said: “Learning has given me hope and confidence and built my self-esteem. Both my experience of dealing with my non-verbal son and the English language skills I have gained here have allowed me to help other people whose first language is not English. “My greatest motivators are my children, especially my son who

never allows his disabilities to discourage him from being the best he can be. Through learning, I have not only developed knowledge and skills for myself but am able to use these to help my children develop their own lives.” Tutor Craig Watkiss said: “Karen’s dedication to her children shines through when she talks about her improvements in class and she is rightly proud that her skills enable her to better support them. “She is a credit to herself, her children and to Adult Education Wolverhampton.” Also nominated for this year’s Festival of Learning were BSL (British Sign Language) student Jay Portman, who said: “This course has really helped me focus and forge a career pathway as a counsellor, which fits perfectly with my life goal.”

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Universities to offer places using actual grades Universities in England are to switch to offering degree places on the basis of actual grades rather than predicted ones, the government has announced. Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson, said the present system held bright but disadvantaged pupils back. He said he wanted all students to be able to choose the best university they can go to once they know their grades. Universities have just backed such a change following a review. Currently, pupils are offered places from universities ahead

of their results, so decisions are based on predictions made by their teachers. Once A-level, BTEC and other exam results are issued in August, candidates then accept or refuse offers they have received. A consultation will be carried out but it is expected the change to what is known as a postqualification admissions system will take place before the next general election. The current system relies heavily on predicted grades which puts academically high achieving pupils from poorer areas at a disadvantage.

RecruitmentRevolution, the company that pioneered the online recruitment agency fifteen years ago, has launched a new full service brand, Remoteably, to help companies to benefit from the shift to remote-working and attract the most talented individuals, irrespective of location. Over the past decade, recruitment veteran, Jamie Mistlin, has been tracking the growing trend towards remote working flexibility, which has been accelerated by social distancing during the pandemic. He co-founded Remoteably to provide a service to help employers to identify where they can adapt roles to offer flexible working, enabling them to look further afield for the best employees, focussing on helping sectors which have significant skills shortages, including cyber security, software engineering, IT, digital operations, digital marketing, and business growth roles.

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 15

EDUCATION, TRAINING AND RECRUITMENT Consultation set up for people to have their say on education vision The City of Wolverhampton Council is consulting on a vision which will help guide the future development of educational provision in the city - and is seeking comments and feedback. The ‘Vision for School Organisation in the City of Wolverhampton 2020-2022’ outlines the framework for decision making regarding primary and secondary school places across the city; highlighting the impact of increasing demand for school places and the need to develop appropriate solutions to cater for further increases in demand in the years ahead. Councillor Dr Mike Hardacre, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said: "This Vision seeks to ensure there are sufficient highquality school places to improve educational outcomes for all pupils across the city. "I would encourage all stakeholders, including parents and carers, to take the time to give us their thoughts on the Vision.”

Lecturer writes poetic love song in ode to the Black Country


University of Wolverhampton academic has used research gained from his doctorate to write a book of poetry about the post-industrial Black Country landscape. R.M.Francis, a lecturer in Creative and Professional Writing in the University’s School of Humanities, will see his poetry collection, Subsidence, published on 1st December 2020 with Smokestack Books. Rob is the author of five poetry pamphlet collections and his novel, Bella, was published by Wild Pressed Books. In 2019 he was the David Bradshaw Writer in Residence at the University of Oxford and is currently Poet in Residence for the Black Country Geological Society. Subsidence takes its name from the Black Country's history of homes and buildings sinking into old mines standing as a metaphor for the often overlooked and neglected environs of Dudley. Written one year prior to and one year after the 2016 Brexit referendum, these poems use

the landscape, dialect and culture of the Black Country to examine post-industrial, working-class communities. Rob said: “My new collection of poetry has been described as a love song to the post-industrial Black Country landscape, where houses sink into old mines and the present collapses into the past beneath our feet. In a way, these poems are odes to working-class communities, and laments for the unwanted, the strange and the offkilter. “The collection has been informed by my research conducted during my PhD here at the University as well as research projects I’ve been involved in like Snidge Scrumpin' and Black Country Unscene undertaken on behalf of the Being Human Festival.” Roy McFarlane, the Tipton based and nationally celebrated poet, said: “Subsidence is a love letter spoken in Rob’s mother tongue, refusing to be a second language, a vernacular ripe with the heart and soul of everyday people.”

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Page 16 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


Finland’s youngest ever Prime Minister, Sanna Marin is the ultimate Woman of Excellence


he leads a coalition of five female party leaders, and is also the world’s youngest woman Prime Minister. And, as she heads a list of the world’s 100 most influential and inspiring women, Sanna Marin is launching an ambitious new equality plan, as she claims that more needs to be done to truly represent the population she leads. The Prime Minister of Finland since December 2019, at 35, she is the world's fourth-youngest serving state leader, the youngest female state leader, and Finland's youngest-ever prime minister.

A member of the Social Democratic Party, she has been a member of the Parliament of Finland since 2015, and has also served as the Minister of Transport and Communications, lawmaker, as well as Antti Rinne’s deputy prime minister. Born in the country’s capital city of Helsinki, in 1985, the married mother of one, at 35-years-old, who graduated from the University of Tampere with a Master of Administrative Sciences, is the youngest prime minister in the world; joining the recently elected prime ministers of New Zealand, Salvador and Ukraine in the under 40 years-old

group. And the Social Democratic coalition government is formed with all five party leaders being women - the majority of whom being under 40-years of age too. Finland has continued to rank high on the World Economic Forum’s Annual Gender Gap Report Index as, in 2018, the Scandinavian country occupied place number 4 of 149 ranked countries. Notable are the country’s overall high - and also genderequal - achievements in health and education that have contributed to women’s high economic and political participation.

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With almost half of the country’s parliamentarians being women, Finland is joined by European parliaments in Belgium, Spain and Sweden which the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) considers to be genderbalanced - that is at least 40% of each gender. Finland’s youngest ever prime minister and Finland’s 3rd female leader, PM Marin - the ultimate Woman of Ecellence - has good reason to celebrate an overall impressive pipeline of female politicians with the potential to continue to advance to top political (and business) leadership.

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 17

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Weblox and siobhan drop more fire content

Page 18 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020





Melanie C Spices up the Top 10 after 17 years


t is hard to believe that it has been 24 years since the world-wide phenomena of the Spice Girls’ debut single ‘Wannabe’ hit number one on charts all around the world. Throughout the Spice Girls reign in the late 90s, it was Sporty Spice Melanie C who stood out the most with her distinctive vocals. Now in 2020 Melanie C releases her eighth (yes eighth!) solo studio album to critical acclaim and a top 10 position in the official UK album charts and an impressive number one in the UK official independent albums chart. The self-titled album ‘Melanie C’ is, simply put, a perfect dancepop album. This album takes ‘girl

power’ to a whole new level. It is all about empowerment, honesty and being kind to yourself. The tone is set with the dance album opener, the honest ‘Who I Am’ where Mel professes “I was building my amour so I could fit in. To avoid any drama I would shut my mouth, I hid…” The song builds to selfacceptance and Mel tells us that she is not going to apologise for who she is. This is followed by a blast of dark electroncica, ‘Blame It On Me’. The lyrics tells a story of an emotionally abusive relationship “Turns out you were the poison, Said I'm hearing voices, Said it's paranoia…” Despite these difficult lyrics the album as a whole is both

positive and empowering. A highlight is the stunning ‘Fearless’ featuring Nadia Rose where we are encouraged to “Learn to be fearless, take a dive to the deepest.” They make us believe in ourselves and as you hear the song you feel your confidence and selfbelief growing. Melanie C has cowritten every track on the album which is why we invest in every word she sings. This is a personal and reflective album with an excellent blend of pop, dance and electronic and a mix of high energy tracks and ballads. The album takes us on a musical journey and when the final track ‘End of Everything’ arrives you can’t quite believe it is

the end of the album which is why, very cleverly, the deluxe album also comes with a bonus disc. The clear highlight is the cover of Rui Da Silva’s track ‘Touch Me’. A firm fan favourite, this is a great club track and shows us a side to Melanie C that we haven’t seen before. The bonus disc contains an extra six tracks comprising two remixes, one cover version and three original tracks including the party anthem ‘High Heels’ featuring the hugely talented LGBTQ+ collective ‘Sink The Pink’ which closes the album. Giving this album 5 out of 5 is a no brainer. Back in the 90s it was The Spice Girls who spiced up our lives but nearly 25 years later

it is Melanie C who is giving us well needed positivity which is so apt at this time. Welcome back Melanie C – we can’t wait to see what you come out with next. Melanie C by Mel C gets 5/5

With this being Melanie C’s eighth studio album (11th if we include the Spice Girls) my top 3 Melanie C solo albums to (re)visit are: Northern Star (1999) -5/5 The Sea (2011) – 4/5 Melanie C (2020) - 5/5

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 19


Lady Leshurr The UK’s Queen of Grime, Lady Leshurr, says it’s “absolutely huge” to be starring in a nationwide campaign for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, and that “Brum is always gonna be in my blood”. The Solihull-born, MOBO Award winning rapper, singer, songwriter and producer said it was an honour to represent her home city in the build up to the Commonwealth Games, the biggest sporting event in the UK since the London 2012 Olympics: “This is absolutely huge! I just didn’t think I’d ever be asked to do anything like this. I’m just really happy they chose me to be at the forefront and representing it. Obviously, Brum is always gonna be in my blood, in my veins. I scream it everywhere I go, no matter where I am in the world. I always do a song and say I’m from Birmingham.” Lady Leshurr brings her energy to Birmingham 2022’s most significant campaign to date, where she features alongside elite athletes from the West Midlands.

The Specials playing live in hometown Coventry in 2021


ollowing the release of their eighth studio album Encore, last year to critical acclaim, the band comprising Terry Hall, Lynval Golding and Horace Panter, hit the road again. The genius of the Specials is that they are observers, not commentators and they know that pop music is influential, important and exhilarating. They are a band embedded in this country's DNA, and especially in the DNA of Coventry, City of Culture 2021. It is impossible to envisage the musical landscape without them, from the startling, angular Gangsters in 1979, to their swan song, the epoch-making Ghost Town in 1981. They infuse ska with punk and homegrown political anxiety with wider issues. The skill of re-contextualising what has gone before and writing new songs that fuse this

Saleh Shaibi Owner of Saleh & Sons

heritage with all that is current. Throughout the decades the Special's influence has never gone away. And we need it. "I'm aware our work has been out there for forty years and I'm so grateful for what we've done, I pinch myself sometimes," says Lynval.

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"I can pat myself on the back now, and say 'Well done,' because that what my father says to me. As a band, making this record, it was the closest we'd ever been." "That's the thing with the Specials," says Horace. "We are three very different people, but you put us together

and we become the greatest rock 'n' roll band in the world, as far as I'm concerned. Something remarkable happens." Something remarkable will happen in 2021, when The Specials walk out onto the stage at the Ricoh Indoor Arena, Coventry on September 11th.

Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

0121 339 5885 (Birmingham) l The Stereophonics return to Arena Birmingham on February 29th

Page 20 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


The Sights and Sounds of ‘Minute Taker’ Who Is The Mystery Behind The Name? By Mandip Singh Taunque a cool artist name.


thereal, mysterious and haunting are some of the words I use to describe the massive talent of British singer-songwriter and producer ‘Minute Taker’ otherwise known as Ben McGarvey. Taking inspiration from artists such as Kate Bush, Tori Amos and David Bowie, Minute Taker’s music is both nostalgic and current blending synths with electronica with vocals that causes your heart to skip a beat and give you shivers and tears to match. You can’t help but be transported to another time and space when you listen to his music. Even the name ‘Minute Taker’ seems cryptic. The Phoenix is pleased to interview the man behind the artistry, Ben McGarvey, to discuss this and his music.

I describe your music ethereal, mysterious and haunting and Time Out describes your music as having “haunting melodies, electronic beats and soulful singing" how would you describe your music to our Phoenix readers?

I’ve always found it difficult to describe my music. When people ask me what kind of music I make I still go blank to this day haha. I think it’s very hard to hear your own music objectively. When I’m marketing my music I tend to use the words that other people use, like some of the ones you mentioned; “ethereal”, “otherworldly”, etc, as those words do seem to come up a lot so that must be how people perceive it. My music has never really comfortably fitted into a genre so it’s always been a challenge for me to describe it really, although my more recent music is more synth-pop orientated, which helps. Quite often I just tell people who I’m inspired by, such as Kate Bush, David Bowie, etc, in the hope that that might give some idea of the type of music I do, but of course they are very eclectic also!

Where does the name ‘Minute Taker’ come from?

I released my first album in 2008 under my own name but I soon realised I didn’t like using it and would prefer to use a pseudonym. It took me quite a while to find a name I liked that wasn’t already taken. I was working as a Minute Taker in an office at the time, taking minutes for meetings, and it struck me that it could be

I liked the way it could be interpreted in different ways, how to me it kind of sounded mundane and otherworldly at the same time! I used to daydream a lot at work, dreaming up ideas for songs, and I had visions of an almighty time lord reaching down from the clouds to steal the minutes, haha! So the name stuck and I’ve used it ever since.

You have produced several audio-visual shows over the years and in 2019 you produced ‘Wolf Hours’ exploring the psyches of several gay men at different points in time over the past century. What have been the inspirations behind shows such as these?

Well, when writing songs, I always start with wanting to express my own experiences and interests really. My first audiovisual show ‘To Love Somebody Melancholy’ back in 2015 explored the link between depression and creativity for artists, and looked at the impact their behaviours had on those closest to them. I’ve suffered from depression at different points in my life and that project really allowed me to explore a lot of those feelings, and to see things from the perspective of others around me. Similarly with my latest audiovisual show ‘Wolf Hours’, I’ve always been interested in hearing about the lives and experiences of other gay people, particualry at different pionts in time; the clandestine lifestyles they led, the relationships they had and the way they were affected by the attitudes and political climate of their time. It gave me an opportunity to not just reflect on my own experiences but to delve into autobiographies, documentaries and even personal accounts from volunteers I interviewed, with the aim of portraying people’s unheard stories and giving a sense of their inner worlds. I think there’s still a lot of stereotypes surrounding gay people and gay culture due to the way we are portrayed in the media. Growing up in the 80s and 90s I struggled to find a gay role model in the public eye who I could really relate to and look up to.

I’ve always been interested in putting forward different, real-life perspectives on what it means to be gay, without resorting to cliches. So I guess that was really what inspired the show, along with a fascination with time travel and visiting the world at different points in time!

For me what makes you an interesting artist to follow is your ‘Secret Songs’ subscription service, how exactly does it work?

‘Secret Songs’ is a series of albums I make that aren’t on general release. They feature unreleased songs, mixes and cover versions and I make each CD box and leaflet by hand to give them more of a personal touch. People subscribe to the series and get a new album 2-3 times a year. A lot of independent artists are doing similar things now with Patreon, Bandcamp, etc, offering fan clubs which feature exclusive content in exchange for monthly or yearly contributions from fans. It’s a great way for us artists to have a regular income so we can pay the bills while we develop new work, which is always the big challenge! It’s also great for the fans as they get lots of exclusive stuff and get to directly contribute to the artists they like, so it works well all round really. It’s been a godsend for me this year, given the current situation. I don’t know what I would have done without that support from my fans. They’re awesome.

If you could record with another artist who would you choose?

Kate Bush!

How easy or hard is it to establish yourself as a musical artist without the backing of a major record label?

Well, fortunately these days it’s much easier than it ever was for independent artists as we can use the internet to con-

nect with potential new fans all around the world. Until 10 or 15 years ago it seems it really was a case of getting a record deal or remaining unheard, but now lots of independent artists are thriving by learning how to promote themselves online and build their audiences. It also allows us to have full control over all aspects of our art too, rather than being at the mercy of label executives who only really care about getting a return on their investment. I count myself very lucky to be making music in this day and age.

Kylie Minogue has recently talked about recording the majority of her new album in lockdown, how has the pandemic and recent lockdown impacted you?

Well luckily, because I do all my stuff from home anyway in my home studio, and all of my sales and promotion too, lockdown hasn’t really affected me much. Aside from not being able to play any live shows that is, although I didn’t have any planned fortunately. It’s a real shame for all the musicians who rely on playing live for their main source of income.

What projects are you working on right now?

I’ve been busy finishing off my new album ‘Wolf Hours’ which I’m hoping to release early next year. I’ve also been demoing some new songs including a couple of collaborations with someone over in Costa Rica which I’m very excited about! I’m soon going to be recording and planning the next volume of my ‘Secret Songs’ series too which I’m hoping to put out before the end of the year.

What are your aspirations for the future?

Really all I’ve ever wanted is to make my albums and share them with people, so I just want to continue to be able to do that and hopefully build my audience more along the way so there’s more people to share the songs with. I’d love to do more collaborating too and continue to get better at making music videos which has become a big passion of mine. You can follow Minute Taker across all social media platforms including MinuteTakerMusic on Facebook or visit

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 21



The Return of Talking Shakespeare


ollowing the success of the first series of ‘Talking Shakespeare’ earlier this year, the RSC is delighted to confirm the return of the popular online conversation. Hosted by RSC Artistic Director, Gregory Doran, guests confirmed for the new series of Talking Shakespeare include David Oyelowo, Ian McKellen, Helen Mirren, Roger Allam, and Jane Lapotaire with further dates and names to be announced. The live, online event series runs weekly on a Monday from 6-7pm from 16 November – 14 December and is open to Subscribers, Members and Patrons of the Royal Shakespeare Company. The events are free as a thank you for the ongoing support given to the Company during the pandemic, but with a suggested donation of £10. Those interested

can become subscribers for as little as £20 per year. Further details of how to support can be found at: become-a-member-supporter All donations received will go towards the Keep Your RSC campaign to help secure the future of the RSC and its mission to transform lives through amazing experiences of Shakespeare and great theatre. The previous series of Talking Shakespeare, which ran over twelve weeks, attracted supporters from seventeen countries and raised over £50,000 in donations and with 400 new members joining in order to access the events. Members of the RSC’s Lead Associate School network and Next Generation participants were also able to join the events for free. RSC Members, Patrons and Subscribers can also

take advantage of a series of online talks and events which delve deeper into the RSC’s programme. On Wednesday 20 January, RSC Artistic Director Gregory Doran will be joined by John Wyver, broadcast historian and producer of ‘RSC Live from Stratfordupon-Avon’ series to discuss the highlights and challenges of adapting Shakespeare for the screen. This will be followed by an exclusive screening of ‘Julius Caesar’ on Thursday 21 January. Directed by Gregory Doran, this seminal 2012 production by the RSC relocates Shakespeare’s political thriller to contemporary Africa. The screening will be available to subscribers, members and patrons from Thursday 21 January for a limited time only.

Ninder Johal DL Nachural Records/Events/ Publisher Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

I’m Lovin’ It Live Both Lewis Capaldi and Stormzy ensured the UK was able to forget about the outside world for a few hours, with two of the best performances of 2020. The weekend of music opened on with highly anticipated performances featuring top UK artists Becky Hill and Jess Glynne, plus Kaiser Chiefs, Olly Murs and Craig David brought Saturday night entertainment to the masses British chart-topping rapper Stormzy was on top-form for his last remaining live appearance in 2020. Whether singing or rapping, Stormzy who dubbed himself ‘big Michael’ throughout the 45 minute set, had audiences captivated. The grime star connected with viewers at-home, requesting everyone joined in and danced – bringing a lift to the UK at a time when people needed it most. Bringing more than just the music, Capaldi did not

disappoint with unique moments of pure joy from the Scottish singer-songwriter. Whether it was his powerful, raw voice belting out his ‘Somebody You Loved’ favourite, or just his love for McNuggets or “nuggies” as Lewis lovingly calls them, he kept audiences enthralled with his talent. Highlights included a heartfelt rendition of ‘Bruises’ as well as his light-hearted banter to home crowds. Michelle Graham-Clare, Vice President, Marketing and Menu, McDonald’s UK and Ireland said: “We wanted to host the I’m Lovin’ It Live weekend to thank crew and reward customers during this difficult year and we’ve been absolutely blown away by the response. “This weekend was hard for many reasons, so hopefully a few hours of free, topclass entertainment from the UK’s biggest artists allowed audiences to escape and bring a smile to their faces.”

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0121 339 5885 (Birmingham) l The Stereophonics return to Arena Birmingham on February 29th

Page 22 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


Dream of Turning Loss into Legacy Comes True During Lockdown

l Elaine with Vie’s Jamaican Rum Cakes by Sheenah Alcock


amaicans are a passionate people, so perhaps it’s no real surprise that one of their most remarkable contributions to world cuisine is a bold, full-bodied cake that leaves you wanting more. Rum cake is a delicacy with deep cultural and historical roots: the sugar, molasses and rum which make the cake so unique, rich and enjoyable are also a reminder of hundreds of years of Jamaican history, rooted in the island’s colonial past. Vie’s Jamaican Rum Cakes are no different, made to a secret family recipe passed down from generation to generation, mother

“Vie was such a lovely sister-in-law and I really miss her. I’m very happy to see my niece doing something positive to keep her memory alive. I wish you all the best hun.”

- Elaine’s Aunt Lolita who has lived in Edgbaston for over 40 years to daughter, brim full of juicy fruits and real Jamaican rum. Agnes Viola Henry, aka “Vie”, was a strong, kind Jamaican woman, a descendent of slaves whose ancestors worked the island’s sugar cane fields. Like many who travelled to Britain in the 1960’s hoping for a better life, she settled and worked hard for her family, but never forgot her Jamaican heritage, becoming

renowned for her very rummy rum cakes. Sadly, Vie is no longer with us. However, her youngest daughter Elaine was determined to mark her passing with a fitting tribute to her inspirational mother and Jamaican heritage. The idea of Vie’s Jamaican Rum Cakes was born. Elaine was

born in Aldershot, Hampshire, spent most of her adolescent years in Ash Vale, Surrey and lived in

France for over 20 years of her adult life. When she moved to the tranquil surroundings of the Lake District in 2019, she certainly wasn’t expecting to find one of the key ingredients for Vie’s cakes right under her nose, let alone a whole host of links to her Jamaican roots.

l Vie’s Jamaican Rum Cakes - Flower by Stuart Turner

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l Agnes Viola Henry aka Vie

Exploring her new home, Elaine took a visit to the coastal Georgian town of Whitehaven, discovering The Rum Story and Jefferson’s. Founded in 1785, Jefferson’s is a family wine and spirits business. The company plied its trade across the globe until 1998. Like many merchants from Cumberland and Westmorland, including the Lutwidge’s (of Lewis Carroll fame), Jefferson’s had interests in the Caribbean, interests with deep-seated links to the ‘Triangular Trade’ (slaves, sugar and rum). Jefferson’s 1785 Dark Rum bears testament to that. Jamaica and Cumbria have a shared heritage which links them indelibly, even to this day, with references across the island to these deep-seated connections: Westmoreland,

Vie’s Jamaican Rum Cakes are no different, made to a secret family recipe passed down from generation to generation

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 23



Check out the full range of Vie’s Jamaican Rum Cakes, including Gluten-Free versions!

Rummy - £11.95 Golden cakes made with a 35% spiced gold Jamaican rum, just the thing for any occasion.

Kendal, Carlisle Bay and Cumberland. Inspired by her journey of discovery, Elaine set about working with expert cake maker Lisa Smith from Ginger Bakers, to craft a superlative range of cakes - some made with Jefferson’s rum - to honour her mother Vie, her roots and Cumbria’s shared heritage with Jamaica. Vie’s Jamaican Rum Cakes launched a crowdfunding campaign in July to raise £5000 to buy a van for the blossoming company. Company founder Elaine Rémy chose the 6th July as it is her

parents’ wedding anniversary and the secret rummy recipe that inspired the business was her mother Vie’s. Elaine explained further: “My parent’s were married for 54 years and gave me so much in their lifetime, their wedding anniversary just felt like the right day to launch. “In all I do, I want to honour them and in particular my mother, Agnes Viola Henry, aka “Vie”. “Her family recipe passed down from generation to generation is now being enjoyed by so many people and I’m sure if mum was still here she’d be very proud.”

Rummier - £12.95 Delectably mysterious cakes made with a 40% dark Jamaican rum. A special edition Christmas cake will be made using Jefferson’s 1785 Extra Fine Dark Rum. The campaign was successful with 131 backers raising over £6,000. This was matched by NatWest Back Her Business who donated a further £5,000 bringing the grand total to over £11,000. Elaine adds: “It’s an amazingly uplifting feeling to be supported by people who want to see Vie’s Jamaican Rum Cakes succeed, especially as many of these people are strangers. “I am incredibly grateful to all who have supported me so far.” Vie’s Jamaican Rum Cakes are baked in The Lake District, Cumbria in an award-winning

Rummiest - £13.95 Boozy celebration cakes made with a 63% white over-proof Jamaican rum.

bakery which has achieved “green certification”. They are hand wrapped and sustainably packaged using biodegradable, compostable, cellulose (cellophane) food grade bags, raffia and card. Box filler is shredded paper. The cakes have a shelf life of 6 months from production and the 600g fruit cakes come whole and are best cut into 6 100g slices using a cake knife. Packaging Designs above by Claire Steele - Lil’ Creative

l Photo by Stuart Turner

COMPETITION First Prize : Any 3 Cakes Second Prize : Any 2 Cakes Third Prize : Any Cake

For your chance to win one of 3 prizes of Vie’s Jamaican Rum Cakes just answer the very simple question below!

What is the name of the family owned Wine and Spirit company that Elaine found when she moved to the Lake District? a) Jefferson’s b) Murphy’s c) Henry’s

l Photo by Victoria Sedgwick

Just email your answer, with your name, address and contact number to with the subject “Vie’s Rum Cake Competition”. Competition closes at 23.59 on 18th December 2020. There is no cash alternative. | |

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Page 24 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


Christmas GIFT Chris Kamara - And A Happy New Year - £9.99 His irreverent style and infectious enthusiasm in analysing matches for Sky Sports’ Gillette Soccer Special on Saturday afternoons reporting live from matches has seen the nation take Chris Kamara to their heart as a national treasure. ‘…And A Happy New Year’ continues Kammy’s swing and

big band sound from his surprise top 10 hit album last year, featuring Xmas standards such as ‘White Christmas’, ‘In The Bleak Midwinter’, and ‘Blue Christmas’; alongside a swing cover of Wizard’s classic ‘ I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday’. Available online incl at Amazon.

Guylian Belgian Chocolate Bars - from £2.00 each Four individually wrapped Belgian Chocolate bars, hermetically sealed for deliciously fresh chocolate everytime. Popular flavours including Milk, Dark, Hazelnut and Salted

Caramel made with top quality Belgian chocolate and premium ingredients including 100% cocoa butter. Available up and down the high street, and online.

Beluga Vodka Celebration £39.99 Made in the heart of Siberia, Beluga Noble Vodka is an exceptionally smooth, full-bodied vodka. Beluga Vodka Celebration will bring a touch of gold to any festive celebrations. Available from Master of Malt, Selfridges and independent retailers

World Of Sport Top Trumps Quiz £9.99 Test your knowledge on all things Sports with 500 questions on a variety of sports from cycling to football and rugby to swimming. Comes in a cool, plastic portable case, 500 questions on everything Sports related Age 8+, Available on Amazon.

Virtual Birmingham Christmas Gifts Market Birmingham Museums has created The Virtual Birmingham Christmas Gifts Market for those missing the Christmas Markets this year! This online event takes place until the 13th December and supports local businesses from across Birmingham. There are over 80 stalls and 1700 members in the group with both numbers growing. Check it out at

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T GUIDE Black Tower Wines - £5


uch-loved wine brand Black Tower has the perfect offering for Christmas with their Smooth Red wine, soft, fruity and bursting with red berry flavours. Easy on the palate, the wine has notes of blackberries and a subtle spice, making it perfect for the colder months. Smooth Red is now available to buy in Tesco supermarkets nationwide, along with Fruity White, priced at £5. ASDA, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s also stock a range of Black Tower wines. Black Tower white and rosé wines can be served cold or lightly chilled for the most refreshing glass to satisfy your taste buds, while the red should be served at room temperature. Enjoy a glass of Black Tower on its own or with your favourite food

COMPETITION For your chance to win one of many bottles of Black Tower Smooth Red wine, just answer the simple question below.

What flavour notes does the Smooth Red wine have? a) Strawberries & cinnamon b) Blackberries & subtle spice c) Cherries & lemon Just email your answer, with your name, address and contact number to with the subject “Black Tower Competition”. Competition closes at 23.59 on 18th December 2020. There is no cash alternative.

Saturday Club Story Subscription Box from £19.99 Support Midlands Air Ambulance £1.50 - £20.00 Midlands Air Ambulance Charity is ensuring Christmas shoppers get their stockingfiller needs fulfilled with its brand-new range of festive merchandise, and in turn is encouraging supporters to help make Christmas missions possible.

The new extended range includes: Charity branded face coverings, Limited edition mugs, Pet bandanas, Christmas cards, Beanie hats, Teddy bears and more.Available at midlandsairambulance. com

This Christmas surprise your little ones with a Saturday Club Story box which aims to nurture empathy, introduce mindfulness and develop an emotional toolkit for kids aged 3 - 7years old. The subscription box is available as a one-time monthly purchase or as a 6 month and annual subscription from from £19.99

Truckle Cheese 14” Classic Hamper - £45.00

This 14” classic hamper contains: 200G farmhouse mature cheddar truckle, 200G Wensleydale with lemon and honey truckle, Cornish charcuterie

Dress the Birmingham Bull Christmas Card £2.40 Get crafty this Christmas and send a card that can be transformed into a fun desktop decoration. ‘Dress the Birmingham Bull’ Christmas cards feature four of the Bullring Bull’s Christmas outfits. Simply cut around the dotted line and dress the bull in your favourite. 10% of sales donated to University Hospitals Birmingham Charity Young Patients with Cancer. Available online at

rillette pate, 200G spicy strawberry and caramelised onion chutney and a Packet of 15 Orkney caramelised onion biscuits. Available at

hexxas Wall Art from £14.99 Create a unique collage with CEWE hexagonal wall tiles, hexxas. The magnetic hanging system means they can reposition their pictures and rearrange the display whenever they fancy! This stylish statement piece will add a personal touch to any room in their home. This and more available from

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Page 26 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


IT’S CRIIISPMAAS! Richard Loftus Director of Sales & Marketing at THSH Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

Walkers and LadBaby raise money for the Trussell Trust


alkers unveiled its muchanticipated Christmas ad, starring sausage-roll-loving social media star, LadBaby – real name Mark Hoyle. Created in partnership with charity the Trussell Trust, which supports a network of food banks across the UK, the ad forms part of Walkers’ pledge to help LadBaby raise more money than ever before at Christmas for the charity – building on the £1 million support already pledged by the brand earlier in the year. Indeed, in a year like no other, the much-loved crisp brand has

opted for its first ever social-first festive ad campaign in a bid to spark an online conversation about the Trussell Trust and the work that they do. Walkers opted to throw its support behind the charity after new figures revealed that the need for UK food banks soared to record levels this year, with fears it could worsen in the lead up to Christmas following the start of a second national lockdown. During the first lockdown in March, demand soared by 89%, with the charity recording its busiest week on record, and food banks in the Trussell Trust’s network are now forecast to give

out one parcel every 9 seconds this winter. Shot with trademark Walkers humour, the commercial - titled ‘A Sausage CaRoll’ - features several festive tropes from past and present, including celebrity cameos from the likes of Aled Jones, East 17 star Tony Mortimer, Carol Smillie and long-standing face of Walkers, Gary Lineker. The ad – which is badged as a joint production from Walkers and the Trussell Trust - opens with LadBaby pulling into a festively decorated residential street in his red ‘Sausage Rolls Are Coming’ adorned transit van. The unlikely star is clad in a sausage roll emblazoned Santa suit, and sack packed with Walkers’ new sausage-roll-flavour crisps. The YouTuber then proceeds to tour the close, singing a sausage roll-inspired carol with a team of carol singers, all called Carol – including former Changing Rooms presenter Carol Smillie. The group are then joined by Welsh singer and festive favourite Aled Jones and his snowman, and LadBaby’s wife, Rox, clad in a green elf outfit. Next, LadBaby is joined by East 17 singer, Tony Mortimer – best known for the band’s much-loved 1994 Christmas no. 1 single, ‘Stay Another Day’. The singer, who is clad in the same outfit featured in the song’s iconic music video, enjoys a playful exchange with Hoyle about who’s had more Christmas number ones. The ad ends with an appearance from long-standing face of Walkers, Gary Lineker, clad in a ‘Bah Humbug’ adorned Christmas jumper. With trademark humour, as LadBaby exclaims that Christmas is for sharing, Gary exclaims “… well maybe not your crisps’, while stuffing as many of the newly launched flavour as he can up his jumper.



ive the gift of adventure this Christmas with Escape Hunt’s newlook gift cards and gift boxes for the festive season. Available to redeem at any of Escape Hunt’s 5 star escape room venues and on outdoor adventures, the gift cards are the perfect gift for those looking for postlockdown adventures. With a 12 month validity, Escape Hunt’s gift cards allow plenty of time for the recipient to decide when and which adventure they want to take. And, if purchased in a gift box, the gift card will be accompanied by a personalised message hidden in a puzzle to solve. The value of the gift cards and gift boxes is up to the purchaser and can suit any budget. Escape Hunt’s gift cards and gift boxes are available to purchase through

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 27


What’s Going On? Weblox and siobhan continue with their fire collaborations


onovan Webley also known as Weblox and record label owner to Webley Records has many astonishing accreditations to mention and yet still has the hunger of achieving even with many years of professional experience. His love for music started at age 17, he began to develop interests in creating beats and always had a feel and great rhythm

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in dancing. His nickname till this day has always been Michael Jackson. 25 years ago, a record with Rose Capri called ‘Passion’ was released and did very successfully on the Reggae charts. This was when Webley Records was created and started its footsteps in Jamaica and beyond. In 2016, Donovan built an in-house studio and released five singles between Bobby Woods, Tia Stuart and Peter Spence. He also released three songs with Ozzie Gad from the Naturalites which went on to do amazing. By this time, the name Webley was a household name in Jamaica. Last year (2019), Weblox released his first single in a while ‘Songbird’, featuring his daughter Siobhan, another extra-ordinary talented singer who is a rising star in the making with a history of X Factor and The Voice UK under her belt. Siobhan studied Performing Arts as a student, then went onto train as a professional

dancer featuring in multiple music videos. Siobhan was also one of the leading backing Dancers for Lethal Bizzle at the Mobo Awards 2015. With the success from ‘Songbird’, Weblox and Siobhan have teamed up again on this immense record ‘What’s Going On’, a Marvin Gaye original with Webloxs’ exceptional production skills with a Reggae sound. Siobhan describes ‘What’s Going On’ as a sign choice that seemed obvious for what the whole world is going through right now. Recording this song as a cover, “I wanted to try and put a little bit of myself into the song, to let people know it’s okay to go through tough times, but always look forward to tomorrow.” The song and its lyrics bring much joy in the crazy times we are facing. Weblox is an absolute genius when it comes to his music ear and feel for production, however, Siobhan literally has a voice than can only be described as nothing less than angelic. Siobhan also works closely alongside charities such as The Haven and the YMCA that help to support women fleeing from domestic abuse, homeless or are young and vulnerable. ‘What’s Going On’ is sure to propel Siobhan to new heights with her vocals, sexy looks and an ambition

to conquer anything and everything. Weblox and Siobhan are undoubtedly a duo to watch out for next year in 2021 with an EP that has been put on hold due to COVID-19, that is set to be released by next summer and will be available via Siobhan & Weblox have been in the studio day-in day-out preparing themselves for the biggest year of their lives, with performances, collaborations and a whole promotional campaign that’s set to change the reggae scene. A tour is also soon to follow. The single is going to be released and will be available only on the website. There is a competition to win a Christmas goodie bag from Siobhan. It has a signed t-shirt and edible goodies to lift a lucky fan up during Christmas. The competition will be to subscribe and purchase ‘WHAT’S GOING ON’ on webleyrecords website, follow Weblox and Siobhan on IG, tag them in a video of you singing the song and hashtag #SHIVWHATSGOINGON. Siobhan will be choosing the best and repost onto her IG page. Catch Siobhan at: Instragram: iamsiobhanofficialmusic Twitter: iamsiobhanoffic Catch Weblox at: Instagram: webloxjaofficial Facebook:

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Page 28 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


THE JAGUAR CLASSIC CHALLENGE JOINS MOTOR RACING LEGENDS Peter Waite Optomestrist P.E.Waite & K.G.Miles Opticians Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

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otor Racing Legends is honoured to have been appointed by Jaguar Classic to run the Jaguar Classic Challenge for the 2021 season. Open to Pre-‘66 E-types, C and D-types, XKs and Mk 1 and Mk 2 saloons - the highly regarded series, founded by Jaguar Classic in 2015, is looking towards its seventh season with renewed vigour as it joins the Motor Racing Legends stable of historic race series. The 2021 season will feature UK races at Donington Historic Festival, Thruxton Historic, the new Motor Racing Legends endof-season soiree on Silverstone Grand Prix circuit; and into Europe for the Spa Six Hours Meeting in Belgium, the ‘must do’ event for the Autumn season. Further details and additions this calendar will be announced in the coming weeks. Motor Racing Legends is a natural home for racing Jaguars with many of our series already catering for the marque. The addition of the Jaguar Classic Challenge will now see nine historic race series on their books following the well-received announcement of the Amon Cup exclusively for Ford GT40s earlier this week. Owners of eligible Jaguar racing cars are requested to register with Motor Racing Legends through the Jaguar Classic Challenge page on

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 29


It’s All In A Name DVLA Personalised Registrations has ensured a large number of name-related personalised registrations are featured in its final online auction of 2020. And with Christmas on the horizon, the 10-day sale which commences on Wednesday, November 18 featuring 1,250 lots – more than a quarter of which reflect either a first or surname could well provide a solution to the annual dilemma of what to buy a loved one for the big day. From AH12 MED, which has a reserve of £400, BA11 RNY (£400) and D144 ANA (£250) which clearly correlate to Ahmed, Barney and Diana, through to DAN 141L (£250), E110 OTT (£250) and FO55 TER (£750) resembling Danial, Elliot and Foster. Popular names such as Lara, Lexie, and Meg are catered for with LAR 41A (£300), LEX 31E (£300) and 25 MEG (£1,200) meanwhile at the opposite end of the alphabet, the sale includes SAM 7P (£350), S133 ENA (£250) and SYE 33D, perfect for a Sam, Sienna or Sayeed.



ince the market launch in 2015, around 60,000 examples of the Mercedes-Maybach S-Class have been delivered worldwide. In 2019, with around 12,000 units, more Mercedes-Maybach S-Class cars were sold than ever before. The growth rate in China was in double figures. Alongside China, the main sales markets in recent years have been Russia, South Korea, the USA and Germany. The new Mercedes-Maybach S-Class is set to continue this success story. It combines the perfection and high-tech solutions of the only recently presented Mercedes-Benz flagship model with the exclusivity and tradition of Maybach. The 18 cm longer wheelbase


Garry Peal Events Team Birmingham City Council Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

compared to the long variant of the MercedesBenz S-Class entirely benefits the rear. In the USA and China, the first customers will receive their vehicles in April 2021. The first examples will reach dealer showrooms in Europe in summer 2021.

UK Police Forces Ready For Action

The all-new Octavia vRS is now available for blue-light fleets. ŠKODA’s performance model has been an integral part of the brand’s line-up since 2001 and the fourth-generation vRS is the latest in a longline of ŠKODA cars expertly converted for the emergency services. Equipped with a powerful 2.0-litre TSI engine that delivers 245PS to the front wheels via a seven-speed DSG

gearbox, the new ŠKODA Octavia vRS is capable of sprinting from 0-62mph in just 6.7 seconds. This performance ensures that police officers, particularly those operating in rapid response teams, can respond quickly and effectively to any incident. The bespoke conversion for the police service includes 360-degree visibility thanks to powerful LED signal lights built into the front screen,

grille, tailgate and number plate – all complemented by a three tone siren. The all-new Octavia vRS features a plethora of ŠKODA’s latest technology and connectivity systems. Ergonomics have been enhanced with selected onetouch keys for important vehicle functions and a 10-inch central display that features a touch control slider below the screen for ease of use.

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Page 30 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


The Panto Must Go On!


i r m i n g h a m Hippodrome and Qdos Entertainment, producers of the city’s annual festive production, have announced that pantomime will be going ahead with an all-new production of ‘Robin Hood’ staged, for the first time in 20 years, at the nearby Alexandra. Starring the Strictly Come Dancing judge the nation loves to hate, the fab-u-lous Craig Revel Horwood as The Sheriff of Nottingham, alongside the Hippodrome’s pantomime superstar Matt Slack, the legendary pairing of Richard Cadell & Sooty and the Black Country’s funniest matriarch Doreen Tipton, Robin Hood will

play from 15 to 31 January 2021 for a Strictly limited run. The socially distanced, one-act production will temporarily change venues due to Birmingham Hippodrome’s hosting of the critically acclaimed Van Gogh Alive experience. The Christmas production is being staged as a result of an initiative between The National Lottery and Qdos Entertainment which is providing financial support for theatres to stage socially distanced, live pantomimes this festive season. Fresh from the ballroom, Craig will star as the villainous Sheriff of Nottingham and show Birmingham his real mettle as he tries to outwit Robin Hood and win the hand of the beautiful

Maid Marion. He will be joined by hilarious Hippodrome funny man, multiaward winning Matt Slack as Robin Hood; whose television credits include ‘Casualty’, ‘Doctors,’ ‘EastEnders’ ‘Law and Order’ and the feature film ‘The Rise of the Krays’. On stage he has appeared in ‘Boogie Nights’ and ‘Hot Flush’ on their UK tours, and in ‘Blood Brothers’ in London’s West End. Craig and Matt will be joined by television icons Richard Cadell as Will Scarlet, with his mischievous sidekick, Sooty and, as Mrs Tuck, will be Doreen Tipton, back for her second consecutive Hippodrome pantomime, following her star turn in ‘Snow White and the

Seven Dwarfs’ last year. In her own inimitable style, the Black Country star will showcase her dry wit, penchant for doing as little as possible and helping Robin and his Merry Men as they rob from the rich and give to the poor. And joining them will be hilarious pantomime dame and Hippodrome regular Andrew Ryan and West End musical leading ladies Landi Oshinowo, Nicola Meehan and Lauren Chia. Artistic Director and Chief Executive of Birmingham Hippodrome, Fiona Allan and Managing Director of Qdos Entertainment Michael Harrison, who has directed the Hippodrome pantomime for the past 10 years, said: “We’re delighted

to be working together to make sure that our loyal audiences in Birmingham don’t miss out on the magic of pantomime this year. “Presenting Robin Hood at The Alexandra allows us to see two of the city’s key cultural institutions open with social distancing in place. “Although on a different stage, this year’s show will be designed and created by the usual Hippodrome panto creative team, and will feature all the comedy and laughter our audiences have come to expect”. This new production will be packed full of comedy routines, audience-safe participation and all the unmissable magic that Hippodrome audiences know

and love from their annual festive pantomime in their temporary theatrical home at The Alexandra for this year only. Lisa Mart, Theatre Director at The Alexandra added: “Words can’t quite express how thrilled we are to be working with Qdos Entertainment and our friends at Birmingham Hippodrome to bring this much loved annual tradition back to the city this festive season! “This cross-venue collaboration is one of many examples of cultural organisations working together to provide audiences with entertainment during what has been a challenging time for the sector.”

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was determined this month that my article goes with a bang and is as vibrant as a flashing firework that will be going off up and down the country. For it is that time of the year, when everybody can get together and celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on the 5th November. But unfortunately this year things will go not so much as a bang but more of a fizz because of the Covid-19 Global Pandemic. So this year’s celebrations will have to be on hold until we can all have a World Party Day when (Cirus The Virus as I call it ) has been beaten and lockdowns as we know it, are no more. We will get through this together if we all remain positive, because these words are so important in our lives today. Which reminds me of an old African proverb I once heard. ‘If You Want To Go Fast - Go Alone’ / ‘If You Want To Go Far - Go Together’ Positivity is having a strong belief and confidence in someone or something. This positive mindset is what helps us get through the tough days and the major obstacles we all experience in life. So if you are facing any issues and you are feeling helpless and lost because


of problems, just really concentrate believing there is a solution to be found if you look hard enough. Most importantly talk with others who can offer support, help and guidance to you. Talk, talk, talk, and have a Never Give Up and have a Never Say Can’t attitude in life. My life as a world strength athlete and

my knowledge of health & well-being and nutrition is something I am able to pass on but what makes me who I am and my ability in achieving what I have done throughout my career, is my mindstrength and ability to manage the mindmonkeys. As I have said so many times and I will keep on saying it, ‘Your Mind / My Mind Is The Highest Level Of Strength’. As Walt Disney is renowned for saying ‘If You Can Think It, You Can Do It’ Positive thinking can help in so many ways, especially when all doors are shut, just keep thinking those words ‘The mind is the highest level of strength, your mind is the highest level of strength’. As hard and as difficult as it is now in this negative climate do not let the mindmonkeys take over, in your mind say to yourself the following: • Never say can’t, say I can do • Things may be bad now but will only get better. • I will not let the mind-monkeys beat me. • I am strong and not weak • I can get through this dilemma • I need to stay positive and not have negative thoughts • I must go to war on myself and not on others • I am stronger than I think • I will never give up The one mantra that helps me so much is ‘‘Whatever the mind of man can conceive, he can achieve” in other words if it’s Thinkable it is Doable. You have to have an unshakeable belief in yourself, because if you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect other people to believe in you. Because if you believe in yourself you can achieve great things and positive outcomes are within your grasp. Spread the Love and Stay Safe.




The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 31

Mind, Body & Soul


he word Angel comes from the Greek word Angelos meaning ‘messenger’. To study angels is called Angelology. Angels are here to guide, protect and inspire us throughout our daily lives and our entire time on Earth. They give us a deep sense of peace and love. It would seem that every religion believes in the existence of Angels and Archangels. Angels have always been depicted throughout time as celestial beings with wings , they do not always appear as large, winged Messengers, but as pure white light, brightly Coloured lights or it has been said that they have appeared in ‘human’ form whilst helping someone in need and then just mysteriously’ disappearing’ into thin air. There are many people who have encountered or had an experience with an Angel and I don’t just mean spiritual people! Angels have no desire to frighten us, they come with pure love and a desire

to expand our consciousness. There are many, many angels and they all have different roles to play. They are just waiting to be invited into our lives to help us. Archangel Michael is probably the most well known Archangel. He protects us physically, emotionally and psychically. You can call upon Archangel Michael at anytime to protect you in any situation that you feel uncomfortable or threatened and he will be there for you . Angels are not allowed to interfere in our lives, we have to ask them. For instance, when you are out and about in the car and you need a parking space, ask the Parking Angels to find you a parking space and it will be done. I do it all the time and they’ve never let me down, - try it the next time you need a parking space. Have you ever found a feather in an unusual place? Feathers are Angels calling cards. It is their way of showing us they are around and watching over us. So next time you find a feather , keep it safe and be sure that the angels are looking after you. Before you go to sleep ask your angels to surround you, your home and your loved ones with their loving protection. Visualise your Angels protecting your children going off to school. When you’re out travelling always ask the angels to surround and protect you and your family on the journey. Angels are ALWAYS by your side . So next time you feel vulnerable, need a parking space or just in need of some calm in your life - call upon your Angels and experience their pure love and devotion.

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Page 32 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


Apache Indian AIM Academy @ SCCB

A musical tribute to members of the Black and Asian communities who are more likely to die from Covid-19

Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!


s lockdowns returned and Europe confronted the second wave of Covid-19, some of Birmingham's biggest and most respected artists got together to release a music track which raises awareness of the disproportionate impact of the Covid-19 on Black and Asian communities. The ‘Hidden Hands’ track

features a number of leading singers and stellar musicians; from Grammy-award winning Selwyn Brown (Steel Pulse), to chart-topping Errol Reed (China Black), and one of the most prominent Bhangra vocalists in the UK, Shin (DCS), to young up-and-coming Janel Antoneshia. Conceived and directed by Mukhtar Dar on behalf of the Simmer Down Festival, Hidden

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Hands is part of a music project funded by the Arts Council England, Emergency Fund. He said: “This project came out of a traumatic set of personal circumstances which have been echoed by many others in our communities. Within a week of the UK national lock-down, my father lost his sight and his hearing; he couldn’t walk and was rushed into hospital. We couldn’t visit him, he couldn’t call us and we lost all contact with him. At the same time, my sister in-law’s father died in the back of an ambulance, she is a doctor and her father was a doctor – he died from Covid-19.” Steel Pulse’s Selwyn said: “During the lock-down my family members put their own personal safety at risk, working in challenging circumstances to support all of us and so for me this was an opportunity to highlight their sacrifice and say thank you to all the key workers and to the NHS frontline staff” Councillor Paulette Hamilton, who is part of The West Midlands Enquiry into COVID-19 Fatalities in the Black and Asian Community said: “It speaks truthfully to power without compromise and has the potential to reach people that we as politicians can’t.” Hidden Hands’ was officially released on November 13 for download.

Phoenix Point: Year 1 Edition Comes To PC Phoenix Point, the turn-based strategy game from X-COM creator Julian Gollop and Snapshot Games, announced that the upcoming “Year One Edition”, which collects the game with all previously released DLC and digital extras, is set for release for Windows PC and Mac - one week earlier from its previously announced. Phoenix Point: Year One Edition is available from most PC digital retailers, including Steam and the Epic Game Store. Snapshot Games Head of Marketing, Eric Neigher said: “We know a lot of fans were eagerly waiting for Year One Edition since we announced it earlier this year, and that’s why we’re extremely pleased to be able to bring it to them a week

earlier than planned.” Phoenix Point: Year One Edition includes all previously released content: 3 DLC Packs (“Blood & Titanium”, “Legacy of the Ancients”, and the “Living Weapons Pack”) and a slew of updates, upgrades, fixes and new content suggested by the community. “Year One Edition is the best, most complete version of Phoenix Point yet released, and we’re excited for players to dive into new campaigns with new challenges,” said Julian Gollop, CEO of Snapshot Games and Lead Designer for Phoenix Point. “The team has worked extremely hard to get Year One Edition ready to go, and we know players are going to appreciate that hard work when they play the game.”

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 33


Diego Maradona Theresa Stewart O T ne of the greatest footballers of all time, the Argentinian was captain when they won the 1986 World Cup He starting his career with Argentinos Juniors, played for Boca Juniors and Newell's Old Boys in his homeland, Barcelona and Sevilla, in Spain and Napoli (where he won two Serie A titles) in Italy - scoring 34 goals in 91 appearances for his country, representing them in four World Cups. A former national team manager, he also managed teams in the UAE and Mexico. Struggling with cocaine addiction, he was banned for 15 months after testing positive in 1991. In 2019, he underwent surgery after a hernia caused

internal bleeding and was recently admitted to hospital for psychological reasons undergoing emergency brain surgery to treat a subdural hematoma. Recently dying of a heart attack at his home, he was 60.

he Leeds-born politician is the first and only female leader of Birmingham City Council. A member of the Labour Party for 72 years, she was elected as councillor for Billesley ward in 1970 and held the seat for 31 years - becoming council leader between 1993 and 1999. As one of the most influential women in politics, she led campaigns on women's rights - like finding the Birmingham Pregnancy Advisory Service - and making sure family allowance was paid directly to mothers. She was Lord Mayor of Birmingham from 2000 to 2001. She hosted the G8 in 1998,

Jerry Rawlings A

welcoming Tony Blair, Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin to the city. A photograph she took with Nelson Mandela sat proudly on her mantelpiece. Described as a political icon, she died, leaving a husband and four children age 90.

charismatic figure, he led two coups before twice being elected president in multiparty polls. Rallying against corruption and mismanagement when he first seized power, he was a champion of the poor, but criticised for alleged human rights abuses. The son of a Scottish farmer and a Ghanaian mother, he entered the Ghana Air Force, graduating in 1969 before becoming a senior officer. He overthrew a military government, handing over power to a civilian leader and introduced multi-party elections before stepping down in 2001 after serving two terms. Beginning his time in power as a committed socialist, he introduced free-market before campaigned for African nations to have their

international debts written off. Dying after a short illness, there will never be another like him. He was 73.

John Sessions Des O'Connor Leena Acharya


orn in Largs, Scotland the Rada-trained star’s first one-man 1976 theatre show ‘The Life of Napoleon’ transferred to the West End.

Best known as a panellist on improvisation TV show ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway?’, plus ‘Stella Street’, ‘Spitting Image’ and ‘QI’, his acting credits included TV dramas ‘Porterhouse Blue’ and ‘Victoria’ plus Kenneth Branagh's 1989 film of Henry V. Other credits included ‘The Loch’, ‘Just William’, ‘Tom Jones’ and ‘Gormenghast’, plus films include; ‘The Good Shepherd’, ‘The Merchant of Venice’ and ‘The Bounty’. He played former Prime Minister Edward Heath in ‘The Iron Lady’, Harold Wilson in ‘Made in Dagenham’ and former Chancellor, Geoffrey Howe in ‘Margaret’. Recently, he narrated a radio adaptation of children's book ‘The Adventures of Captain Bobo’. He died of a heart condition, age 67.


at Northampton Town, he married four times, had four daughters and a son. He died following a fall at his home, age 88.

Eric Hall

Robert Lue researcher and academic, he was born in Jamaica of Chinese and Romanian descent. He graduated from St. George's College, Kingston, and then the College of the Holy Cross. After taking a year off to paint at Brandeis University, he went to Harvard University to complete a Ph.D in cellular biology becoming the inaugural Richard L. Menschel Faculty Director of the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning.



he London-born comedian, singer and TV host, he’s best-known for presenting his own chat show, and others, after completing his national service in the Royal Air Force. Appearing on stages around the world including shows at the London Palladium, his friendship with legendary comedy duo Morecambe and Wise saw him mocked in sketches despite a successful career which included four Top 10 hits and more than 30 albums. The Des O'Connor Show ran on ITV from 1963 to 1971. In 1977 he began hosting Des O'Connor Tonight, which started on BBC Two before moving to ITV, where it stayed until it ended in 2002 and was made a CBE for his services to entertainment and broadcasting in 2008. A former schoolboy footballer

He was formerly a Professor of the Practice of Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Director of Life Sciences Education before becoming the Faculty Director of the Harvard-Allston Education Portal. Founder of and HarvardX, edtech visionary and a firm advocate of open source and scientific education, he was recognised for his contributions to molecular animation. He died of cancer, age 56.


orn in London, the former football agent, A&R man and DJ known for his trademark cigar, represented several Premier League players in the 1990s, including Neil Ruddock, John Fashanu, Robbie Savage and former England team manager Terry Venables, was once a teaboy alongside a young Elton John. Famed for his "monster monster" catchphrase, he promoted records for stars including Frank Sinatra

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and the Bay City Rollers, was claimed to have launched the careers of Queen and Cockney Rebel and was the agent who booked the Sex Pistols for the TV programme on which they had their infamous four-letter outburst at presenter Bill Grundy in 1976. He became critically ill with E. coli and septicaemia in 1997 but recovered and went on to work on radio, presenting for stations. After battling Covid-19 he died, age 73.

orn in New Delhi, she is an actress known for work in Bollywood movie Hichki and online streaming platform Alt Balaji web series Gandi Baat. A hugely famous and popular actress, her debut movie was ‘Hichki’ in 2018. She worked in many television series and films, appearing in many web series and TV series like Seth Ji, Aap Ke Aa Jaane Se, and Meri Hanikarak Biwi. She also performed many roles in Gandi Baat and Riti Riwaz-Tijarat web series on Ullu App. She was diagnosed with Kidney disease for the past 18 months. Her mother donated her kidney to her when she reported kidney failure. She lived in Mumbai, but passed away in Delhi due to a kidney problem – age 30.

Bishop Dr Joshua Emanuel Brooks


much-loved Bishop, pioneer and community leader, he was born in St Catherine, Jamaica before arriving in Dudley, in the West Midlands, then becoming a landlord to immigrants from countries such as his native homeland, Ghana, Nigeria and other countries, and setting up services such as feeding the homeless and teaching people to drive for free. He then opened Mount Peniel Church of God in Christ Apostolic. He also lectured at schools and

colleges in Stafford and acted as minister for Drake Hall Prison Eccleshall, Stafford Prison and Winson Green Prison Birmingham serving the Christian community for more than 60 years whilst helping to establish churches in Wolverhampton, Birmingham, London and the USA. Married for 62 years to his wife Catherine, he is survived by nine of his children, who have taken up roles as pastors, church ministers and entrepreneurs. He was 91.

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Page 34 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


NU:GEN CARE CIC developing a new generation of care


hanging the landscape of Care for our Black Elders’ is the strap line adopted by NU:GEN CARE CIC, an ambitious vision and a mission that Sherril Donaldson and Venessa Callum have created and embraced. The two women were brought together through their employment at a Birmingham based domiciliary care company. They have forged, what appears to be, a lifelong friendship and partnership based on shared values and a shared mission. The Phoenix went to visit them to find out how, when and why they decided to embark on, what most people would describe as, a long and hard journey. When they met, Venessa, despite being a marketing graduate, was employed as a part time administrative assistant and Sherril joined the business as the Business Manager coming from a background of Training and Business Development Venessa recalls Sherril’s arrival “It was totally unexpected, but, as the company was going through some turbulent times I was hopeful that maybe things would settle down and there would be some consistency and positive changes for the business. Little did she know that within a few months Sherril would have persuaded her to take on a Deputy Manager role

and become a full time employee. Sherril reported being really surprised and pleased to be working with two other black women, but with a mischievous smile she said, “I was a little wary of the ‘black woman sideways’ looks I received!” The two women and their colleague worked hard and diligently for eighteen months before being made redundant in November 2018. It was during those eighteen months of working to change the culture and the outcomes of that business that they were both made acutely aware of the challenges and pitfalls faced by the Black Elders and their families. Implementing the many necessary changes involved dealing with complaints from staff and service users alike but it was all worthwhile as their efforts were rewarded when the CQC Inspection graded the company as ‘Good’ after two previous inspection grades of ‘In need of Improvement’. They both recall being disappointed to be made redundant but happy at the same time as their hard work had made a significant difference to the lives of both the staff and service users. Faced with the option of finding alternative employment or starting their own company they both decided there was really no option but to continue to make changes in the Health and Social Care arena for the community that


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Venessa Callum and Sherril Donaldson, the Founders of NU:GEN CARE CIC

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 35


lives of the Black Elders in the community. Both Sherril and Venessa have vowed to continue to ‘Carryit Come’ until the elders feel safe enough to return to doing their own shopping so they can cook their own meals again. I have been struck by the drive and determination shown by these two women as they have already made a stand to “change the landscape of care for our elders” by challenging the those in charge of providing a service to all in an equitable manner and I am sure they will continue on their journey to make those changes a reality. If you want to learn more about the business or get involved they would love to hear from you. Visit their website They can be contacted on Tel: 0121 724 0980 or email Support their ‘Carryit Come’ Project at

l Venessa Callum appeared to be most disadvantaged, namely the Black Community. Thus, NU:GEN CARE CIC was born. To make sure they were not mistaken in their belief there was a need for their service, they spent the first six months talking to various people in focus groups, community groups and, according to Venessa, anybody and everybody they met. The resounding conclusion from those encounters was confirmation of their belief that there was a need for the service. So their vision was formulated, as an unapologetic Black Company, to deliver a culturally sensitive service through training, employment, domiciliary care and residential care for Black Elders. Since starting the business they have made inroads to achieving their objectives by creating the

Nu:Gen Care Ambassador Training Programme. However, the pandemic focused their attention on the Black Elders forced to remain in their homes to safeguard them from contracting the virus. In April, they had to scale back on their day to day operation, but felt they could not sit at home and do nothing about the lack of culturally sensitive emergency food being supplied. So, the project ‘Carryit Come’ was born. Sherril said, “The food parcels being sent to the elders was so eurocentric it made me wonder whether black people had really been in this country for decades. It was really infuriating, so I decided to do something about it in a practical sense and on a political level.

“In partnership with Negrills, a local takeaway and restaurant in Rugby, we started a service of meal and shopping delivery. “The service started in April and since then more than 1300 meals have been delivered to the elders along with endless shopping trips to ensure the green bananas, cho cho, yam, dasheen, plantain and much more has been bought and delivered. “I was not surprised to hear they had also fulfilled all sorts of other requests such as filling out forms, collecting and delivering parcels, sorting out energy bills and the list goes on. It appears the service has been a lifeline for many as NU:GEN CARE CIC was nominated on 3 separate occasions for their contribution to improving the


Sherril Donaldson

Carryit Come

Shopping & Food Delivery Service Telephone Orders Only

0121 724 0980 A community partnership. Hot meals provided by l

Out delivering food as part of their Carryit Come service

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Page 36 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


Leighton Smith Victoria Mutual Building Society Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

Imposed restrictions To Be lifted for Christmas festivities T here are many famous and ancient traditions associated with Christmas. It is the season to be merry and after a hard, gruelling and trying year, everyone is ready, more than ever, for this festive season. As some families get ready for the Christmas day feast and festive decorations are ready to be decked in anticipation for Christmas day, From Kwanzaa to Catholicism, Islam to Wicca, Krishna to

Hanukkah, Mithra and beyond the season to reflect, digest and move forward is fast approaching. Restrictions on places of worship are set to be lifted to allow services on Christmas Day, at least, to be held. Currently, churches remain open for private prayer only. World leaders are laying out their festive plans in preparation for a coronavirus-affected Christmas will limit gatherings, curfew on 'sober' celebrations, gift-giving will remain the order of the day

with regular, annual expectations due to be dampen this year. Cases of coronavirus infections have started to fall in places, especially across Europe, after lockdowns were introduced to head off a second wave - with leaders now laying out plans for the festive period. But as families are set for a week of freedom in a Christmas easing of Covid restrictions (in the UK in particular), warnings have been made that restrictions will remain in order in many places.

Having a happy and safe Diwali – virtually!

Also known as the Festival of Lights, Diwali is one of the biggest celebrations in the Sikh, Hindu and Jain calendar where fireworks, candles and oil lamps, as well as special meals with family and friends, usually add to the festive mood. This year, however, restrictions on social gatherings, because of the pandemic, means that many public events were cancelled. Diwali celebrations went ahead for 2020 - but with a technological twist. And as one of the annual events caught up in the

nationwide lockdown, Diwali could not go ahead as normal, but organisers of the usual city centre festivities came up with an alternative. Normally the mass Festival of Lights event is held on Victoria Square in Birmingham city centre, but due to Covid-19 restrictions, this year’s celebrations were held virtually via social media. ‘Diwali on the Screen’ featured new and traditional singing, folk dance and performances from established and up and coming acts. The Consul General of India, Birmingham, Dr Shashank

Vikram, said: "Diwali is a perfect example of community cohesion and these joint celebrations was a perfect representation of how darkness continues to be defeated and UK’s multiculturalism is celebrated. "At a time of great national and international difficulty, the need for festivals that brings light into our world was never more important. "I hope that, even though celebrated virtually this year, the message of light, hope and joy resonated the same feeling.”

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 37


l Comedian Al Murray

Chithra Ramakrishnan Founder of ShruthiUK

Walking Home For Christmas Comedian Al Murray and WW2 Historian James Holland have challenged the UK public to supply their best military jokes and banter to help the Walking With The Wounded’s ‘Walking Home For Christmas’ campaign – to support ex-military facing mental health battles. The major fundraising drive is the charity’s only event this year. It challenges the general public to step out of their comfort zone and to walk somewhere important to them in support of Britain’s exmilitary. The challenge is the perfect way to beat lockdown blues while obeying local Covid-19 restrictions. The pair who run the ‘We Have Ways of Making You Talk’ podcast (which discusses all things Second World War), have both come on-board this year to support those who served and to lend a hand in overcoming the new Covid-19 battlefield that is adding extra pressure mentally and physically throughout the UK. They will be taking on their own epic walk that will involve one of the most therapeutic remedies for mental health - banter! Walking and talking is good for the soul, but add a bit of military banter into the mix and you are laughing!

Become a hairy hero!


owel Cancer UK is calling on men from all over England to become hairy heroes by growing a beard for charity this month. Taking part in Decembeard is really simple. All you need to do is shave on November 30 and get sponsored to let your facial fuzz grow throughout the following month. Already the proud owner of a beard? No problem. Dye, ditch or decorate your beard and get fundraising. More than 23,000 men are diagnosed with bowel cancer in the UK each year, making it the third most common cancer in men. It’s also the nation’s second biggest cancer killer but it shouldn’t be as it’s treatable and curable, especially if diagnosed early. All money raised will help save lives and improve the quality of life of everyone affected by bowel cancer. Vicky Martin, Community

Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

l Grow your facial fuzz for Decembeard! Fundraising Manager at Bowel Cancer UK, says: “Gather your fathers, sons, granddads and uncles and do something amazing this festive season and become a hairy hero. The money you raise will help fund vital services and lifesaving research. “It’s been a difficult year for us and for people with bowel cancer, who are among the many affected by cancelled or delayed surgery or treatment due to the coronavirus pandemic. We’re determined to be here for everyone with bowel cancer, and your sponsored beards will help ensure that we can continue to support those with the disease and their loved ones, today and in the future. “Taking part in Decembeard couldn’t be easier. Ditch the razor, let your beard grow and raise money to help stop people dying of bowel cancer.” Become a hairy hero and sign up to Decembeard: decembeard

Student Nurse of the Year pays tribute to fellow healthcare workers after scooping top award A trauma nursing student paid tribute to healthcare workers after scooping a top industry accolade. Corporal Isaac Bekoe, in his third year at Birmingham City University, was given the ‘Student Nurse of the Year: Adult’ award at a virtual ceremony. Hailed as ‘special, humble and inspiring’ by a panel of top education and healthcare figures including previous winners, the 37-year-old from Chippenham said the experience of his father’s premature passing away a decade ago provided the motivation to embark on a career in nursing “One reason which led to my father’s death was said to be

the delay in seeking medical treatment. Due to the lack of skillset I felt I could not determine that his health was deteriorating early enough for me to seek urgent medical intervention for him. “This fuelled my passion to take up a career in nursing to acquire the right knowledge and skillset to offer the care that I could not give to my father, to others in need. “I am humbled and honoured to be awarded the Adult Nursing Student of the year. However, I believe the hard work and dedication displayed by my fellow colleagues who were nominated, makes us all winners.”

l Corporal Isaac Bekoe

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Page 38 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


Keith Stokes-Smith Chairman of Birmingham Commonwealth Association Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

Health workers urge MPs to back early pay rise for exhausted staff


ealth staff across the West Midlands – including nurses, paramedics, cleaners, domestics and porters – are writing to the region’s 59 MPs asking them to back UNISON’s call for NHS staff to get an early pay rise in time for Christmas. Staff employed in hospitals, clinics and ambulance stations across the West Midlands are urging local politicians to put their case to the government for a significant pay rise of at least £2,000 for every worker across the NHS. The NHS pay rise is due next April, but health workers, already worn out from the early stages of the pandemic, say bringing the increase forward would help staff feel more valued as the second

wave surges. Bringing the planned wage rise forward a few months would also place the NHS in a better position to face the future, say West Midlands health workers.

The pandemic has affected staff profoundly and many may choose to leave the NHS, such are the levels of exhaustion says UNISON. Raising pay this year could persuade staff to change their minds and make the NHS more attractive to thousands of much-needed recruits, adds the union. With the arrival of winter, the second virus wave and the increasing rates of infection, UNISON believes now is the perfect time for the government to show the high regard in which ministers say they hold NHS staff.

UNISON West Midlands regional head of health Franco Buonaguro said: “Health workers are exhausted from the first virus peak. They’re now dealing with the second wave and a backlog of cancelled treatments. “We can rely on them as always to protect and care for us all. But staff are fearful and anxious because they know what lies ahead. “Now is the time for a significant pay rise from the government. Workers doing the job would then feel valued, and an increase could attract muchneeded new recruits.”

Football 'must address scandal of dementia' The family of 1966 World Cup winner Nobby Stiles says football needs to "address the scandal" of dementia in the game. And they criticised the Professional Footballers' Association, saying there had been a lack of support for players. The ex-Manchester United and England midfielder died in October, aged 78. He had dementia and prostate cancer - and is the fifth member of England's World Cup-winning squad to have been diagnosed with dementia. Previous research has shown

that ex-footballers are three and a half times more likely to die of dementia than the general population. Stiles' family said they were proud of "what he achieved, but more importantly, the man he was". But they added: "There is a need for urgent action. "These older players have largely been forgotten and many are in ill health, like dad. "How can it be that these players are left needing help when their own union has tens of millions of pounds available today? "How can it be that these

l Prof Ugur Sahin

Normal life back next winter, says vaccine creator The impact of a new Covid vaccine will kick in significantly over summer and life should be back to normal by next winter, one of its creators has said. Professor Ugur Sahin, BioNTech co-founder, also raised hopes the jab could halve transmission of the virus, resulting in a "dramatic reduction in cases". BioNTech and co-developers Pfizer said preliminary analysis showed their vaccine could prevent more than 90% of people from getting Covid-19. About 43,000 people took part in tests. Prof Sahin said he expected further analysis to show the vaccine would reduce transmission between people as well as stop symptoms developing in someone who has had the vaccine. “I’m very confident that transmission between people will be reduced by such a highly effective vaccine - maybe not 90% but maybe 50% - but we should not forget that even that could result in a dramatic reduction of the pandemic spread,” he said. players are struggling when the Premier League receives £3bn a year? "The modern player will never need the help required by the older lads. How can it be right that some of the heroes of 1966 had to sell their medals to provide for the families? The PFA said: "The PFA Charity offers a range of support to former professional footballers and their families/ carers. The support we provide is always confidential and as each family's circumstance will vary, we try to ensure that the support provided is suitable to their individual needs”. In a statement, the Football Association said: "We continue to work closely with the Alzheimer's Society and, alongside other sport governing bodies, we are pleased to be a part of their Sport United Against Dementia campaign to help raise awareness and gain support for their valuable work. The Premier League says it contributes £23m a year to the PFA, which goes to several charitable and development causes, including the recent study. It also has its own head injury advisory group, and is awaiting more details on concussion substitutions from IFAB, which are set to be trialled across the game from January 2021 onwards.

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Bag a piece of original world class art - For Charity! National charity Heart Research UK launched the ‘anonymous heART project’ 2020, an online fundraising campaign that saw hundreds of anonymous one-of-a-kind masterpieces created by huge names from the worlds of art and entertainment, go under eBay’s virtual hammer raising over £80,000 for life-saving research. Robert Smith (The Cure), Ralph Steadman, Joe Lycett, and Ashley Jackson are just a few of the hundreds of international stars and artists who created stunning original A5 pieces. Their pieces were auctioned alongside over 450 others, created by a host celebrities and international artists on eBay. The twist? Though the list of artists was available to all bidders, the artist of each individual piece was kept anonymous, only being revealed once the auction was over. All the money raised will fund Heart Research UK’s vital medical research into the prevention, treatment and cure of heart disease.

The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 39

First life-saving bleed control cabinet installed IN BIRMINGHAM

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kit to control bleeding has been placed at the scene of a stabbing. The bleed-control kit, mounted in a cabinet on a wall, was installed on Hurst Street, Birmingham where a woman was critically injured in a series of stabbings in the city in September. It follows a campaign by Lynne Baird, whose son Daniel, 26, was killed in a dispute outside a pub in the city in 2017. The bleed control cabinet, which contains a tourniquet, bandages, scissors and gloves which can be used by members of the public, and is accessed through a code provided by the ambulance service, is designed to prevent a catastrophic bleed


while paramedics travel to the scene of a stabbing. Working in partnership with the Daniel Baird Foundation, Turtle Engineering designed and built the cabinet in the UK and have worked closely with West Midlands Police on the location of the first installation. Mrs Baird said she believes the kits could save lives and hopes they will be installed around the country. “We were delighted with this joint collaboration with Turtle Engineering”, she said. “These public access kits are a vital tool in saving lives, so we are very excited that the UK’s first cabinet containing these kits is now installed in Birmingham. “We hope this will be the first of many and look forward to seeing more of them nationwide soon.” West Midlands Ambulance Service chief executive Anthony Marsh said: "When I met Lynne last year, I was moved by her determination not to let other mothers go through what she has had to bear. "As we see in cardiac arrest cases, every second counts, so the more bleed kits we can get on our city centre streets the better." Designed to prevent a catastrophic bleed before an ambulance arrives, the bleedcontrol kit costs £500 fully installed.

Anita Bhalla OBE Chair of Performances Birmingham Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

0121 339 5885 (Birmingham)

Page 40 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


l Malik Sinegal

Lloyd Blake Father of the Community Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

St. Croix's Christmas Festival to be virtual
























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n light of the COVID-19 pandemic, St. Croix is taking its Crucian Christmas Festival online this year. Given the government of the U.S. Virgin Islands' moratorium on large crowds, and in an effort to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, the popular annual event will take place virtually from December 11, 2020 to January 6, 2021, with a robust lineup of music, entertainment and online group events. "2020 has been a year full of surprises," said Ian Turnbull, Director of the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Tourism's Division of Festivals. "But we have to adapt. We know how much joy the Crucian Christmas Festival brings to Virgin Islanders and our visitors, so even though we can't dance and revel in person this year, we can still enjoy the festival virtually and be together in spirit." The month-long celebration, organized by the Division of Festivals in collaboration with

the Crucian Cultural Group, will showcase St. Croix's culture and heritage with events such as a dialogue about the history of masquerade and mocko jumbies (Virgin Islands stiltwalkers) presented by renowned stilt-dancer Willard John, and Chalana Brown, Director of the Division of Virgin Islands Cultural Education, on December 18. On December 29, a virtual Crucian Culinary Showcase will bring a taste of St. Croix to online viewers. Music is also an integral part of the Crucian Christmas Festival, and this year is no exception. Highlights include performances by the island's legendary quelbe band Stanley and the ‘Ten Sleepless Knights’ on December 23 and 24, and three virtual ‘Village Nights – Cultural’ (December 25), Reggae (January 1) and Calypso (January 2). For early-bird revelers, there will be a virtual version of J'ouvert, the traditional dawn parade, dubbed ‘Jou'Virtual’, on December 30.

23-year old becomes youngest to be certified as a Boeing 777 pilot Malik Sinegal, a 23year old from Mississippi, in the USA, has made history as the youngest African American to be certified as a Boeing 777 pilot in the world. He himself did not initially realize just how significant his accomplishment is! Malik says that he found out about the recordbreaking news only when a representative from Boeing contacted him to inform about it. “The Triple 7 is one of the airplanes that people usually don’t touch until they’re around their forties or fifties or they’ve been at the airlines for a very long time,” he said. “And I came down with the opportunity where — a scholarship opportunity where — I was able to get into the airplane.” Malik shared that he has always wanted to fly Boeing 777, which is known as the world’s largest twinjet. “The biggest reason for me is that I’ve always wanted to fly this airplane. I was able to get in it for my first time in 2004 going to Anchorage, Alaska, which is my favourite place in the world.”

Prime Minister Of Mauritius Calls For Fair Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth has called for Covid-19 vaccines to be ‘distributed fairly’ amid fears that some parts of the world might be left behind in the dash for coronavirus immunity. Mr Jugnauth calls on world leaders to ensure that no countries miss out on the crucial vaccines once they are approved for use and for governments to continue coordination efforts the World Health Organisation. “The Covid-19 pandemic has

laid bare the inequalities that exist amongst nations and this is nowhere more evident than in the area of having fair and equal access to safe, effective, and affordable vaccines,” he said. “Access is key to changing the course of the pandemic and help those countries experiencing catastrophic economic and fiscal impacts to move toward a resilient recovery. “We call for global leadership and coordinated response to ensure that any approved vaccine

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is distributed equitably.” Around 150 vaccines against Covid-19 are currently in development around the world but three have emerged as the front runners in the race for immunisation: Pfizer/BioNtech, Oxford University/AstraZeneca and Moderna Initial trials for all three have shown promising results but there is still a long way to go before they are given the green light.


The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 41




hat a year we have all experienced. On every corner of the world so many unexpected challenges, scary situations, almost unimaginable losses of life, businesses, hopes, dreams, aspirations. I must admit that I struggled to decide what to write as we get to the Heart of the Matter and enter the last month of the year, a time that is usually set aside for holidays, family gatherings, sharing of presents, jingle bells, ho, ho, ho, travel and fun. And here we are, yet another month of the Pandemic that has upended our lives. We are all battle fatigued. We are weary, sad, sorrowful and frightened, and yes many of us are angry and confused about what is going on and for how much longer. We feel that it is no time to be jolly or spread holiday cheer. So, what did I want to talk about as my final epistle of the year? I want to talk about hope, as I bring our attention to the power of choice and how we have it and how to use it. As much as others have tried and succeeded this year in far too many cases to rule our lives, to make choices for us even against our better judgement, I believe we still have our own power to choose well. And, believe it or not, God is pro-choice, it’s just that God wants us to choose wisely and that skill in the face of the pandemic, vaccines and the like, is now more than ever is so very important. The incredible gift of free will that makes us the highest of the created earthly beings allows us to make choices about what it is we will do, be or have or allow others to do with us or to us. While I know there are many, especially under the current circumstances, who believe that God is a God of punishment and judgment, even vicious, however, as I take a closer examination of what God actually considers the perfect model for life, I have found that God has an "If and Then” modality. This is a model that has been established as a model of choices and consequences. Choose well and it becomes a seed of goodness, choose badly and it becomes a seed for destruction. We are presently living in a world where our leaders and many of us have chosen badly and we can see the seeds of destruction that are

by Dr Toni Luck

prevailing. So how do we know the difference and make the right choice? Well before I tell you what I know to be the truth about all of this, please let me share this little story. One of my favorite movies is the Indian Jones series. In The Last Crusade, there is a line that will live on into eternity. Long and short of the story, there is a quest for the holy grail – good guys are looking for it and bad guys are looking for it. When they finally get to where the grail has been hidden, they find that there are hundreds of them to choose from. Getting that choice right is the difference between life and death. The bad guy goes first, of course, and experiences the results of his greedy, ill-informed and misguided choice. The old man who has been in the cave for millennium waiting, says “he chose poorly!” The understatement of the century. His choice, much like many of the ill informed and ill advised, greedy, selfish choices made in the past which created the environment for this pandemic with its negative consequences that we see being played out today for which millions are suffering. As we continue to spiral down into an abyss of despair, surely one could say of our choices: “they have chosen poorly” So the question is, is there another way of learning how to choose wisely as Indiana Jones finally did? I believe there is. Through inspiration, the Great law giver Moses penned these immortal words “I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's

blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life and live” Learning of and living in peace, harmony, consideration and love leads to choices that bring life, while ignoring those ways lead to choices of death. This is not a threat, but a reality that we see around us every day, everywhere. It is clear to me that choices that make for success begin with the true and living God, not with false gods of independence, materialism, greed, fame or power. And definitely not with religion but relationship, a relationship borne of love and trust. Choosing to have a life that has its foundation in God, especially in the season when the entire world, no matter what or who they believe in, does recognize the advent of Immanuel (GOD WITH US, in a body); a life based on goodness, in love which supports a life of good choices, while having a life that is not, well we see the consequences of suffering and pain that is all around. As we come to the end of the Julian calendar for 2020, with all its drama, ups downs, turmoil and trouble, I do see many opportunities to live better, love better, care for others and ourselves better. I know it is a difficult time and a different December that we have every experienced, but there are so many prospects for us to reach out across the air ways to ensure that someone who loves you hears your voice with a Merry Christmas, Happy Channukah, or Blessings for Kwanza. Reaching out and touching, even virtual touching, can go a long way to ensure wellbeing in the heart of those we love. We CAN choose to make the best of these challenging situations by spreading love. We CAN choose to have gratitude for whatever we have and whomever we have. We CAN choose to be happy in the face of trials, despair and tribulations. I know it may be hard, but we can do it. We CAN choose to share what we have with those who have little or none. Oh yes, I am confident that we can choose life and live and we can choose to share that life with others and as you do, please remember that LOVE is the reason for the season. God Bless You now and forever.

Adrian de Redman The Birmingham Society Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

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Page 42 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


Spectacular Staffordshire Sparkles This Winter Paul Harrison Community Brand Ambassador Tropical Sun

Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!


taffordshire is set to light up this winter offering some much-needed sparkle with a host of after dark illuminated treats. While many festive light switchon events have, by necessity, been cancelled winter is still set to shine, thanks to outdoor illuminations and winter light walking trails. Among treats set to brighten up the dark nights are stunning illuminations at England's only medieval three-spired cathedral; a kaleidoscope of colour at the UK's year-round national site of remembrance, and a popup Enchanted Village in the Capability Brown landscaped parkland of a grand country estate home. Over the last few years Lichfield Cathedral has become a mustvisit destination in the run-up

to Christmas thanks to awardwinning spectacular winter light and sound shows. For 2020, England's only medieval cathedral with three spires will again be transformed using stunning sound and light projections, but for 2020 it will be outdoor only, with reduced capacity and a one-way system to ensure social distancing. This year's ticket-only 'The Cathedral Illuminated, The Manger' (16-22 December), is composed of imagery depicting everything 'Christmassy'. And to mark the 150th anniversary of Charles Dickens' The Christmas Carol, a special piece has been created in collaboration with the Dickens Museum London to kick off the illuminations, created by the artistic collaboration Luxmuralis. Dazzling light displays will also

create a very special atmosphere at the UK's year-round national site of remembrance, set in 150 acres of gardens and woodland and home to 350 thought-provoking memorials. Illuminated Arboretum at the National Memorial Arboretum (919 December 2020) gives visitors a chance to see the Arboretum and some of its memorials 'in another light'. With a new route for 2020, and with social distancing measures in place, the illuminated trail will wind through the gardens and woodlands. Tickets must be booked in advance for the experiences, which have limited capacity. Please check individual websites for the latest updates and any restrictions.

Virgin Atlantic Holidays Now Offering A “Caribbean Roulette” Virgin Atlantic Holidays is to offer passengers a version of travel roulette this winter, sending customers to whichever Caribbean islands remain quarantine free. Branded as an ‘Escape Pass,’ the service will see holidaymakers answer a few questions on their preferences, sit back and get ready for the sun. The tour operator will decide if they are headed to Barbados, Antigua, Grenada or Tobago, depending on which islands stay on the UK travel safe list. There are also plans to add Jamaica and further Caribbean destinations as Covid-19 cases

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fall. Virgin argues a key challenge for consumers during the pandemic has been the complexity of dynamic quarantine restrictions both in holiday destinations and the UK. The organisation seeks to get

around this by offering an ATOLprotected trip, guaranteed to be quarantine-free. Customers will be notified of their destination and holiday details two weeks before their departure date, offering time to read up on the local culture and pack all the essentials.

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 43


Americans set their travel sights on the U.S. Virgin Islands


ata from a leading travel insurance comparison site confirm that demand from U.S.-based travellers for visiting the U.S. Virgin Islands has increased significantly. Based on all travel insurance policies purchased through between March 12 and October 19, 2020, for all future travel, the USVI experienced an increase of more than 200 percent compared to the same period in 2019. Joseph Boschulte, Commissioner of the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Tourism, said: “The analysis from

corroborates not only the findings of Travelzoo’s survey of American travellers in August, which showed that the Territory is the destination those travellers would most like to visit in the Caribbean over the next two years, but it also lines up with our observations and key indicators of exceptionally strong demand from the U.S. mainland for travel to the USVI.” Heading into the winter season, as public health concerns and travel restrictions coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to impact international travel, Americans are increasingly seeking options for exploring and experiencing

domestic destinations, especially those that demonstrate a commitment to comprehensive health and safety protocols and guidelines. According to Squaremouth. com, the year-over-year change in purchases of travel insurance policies for the U.S. was 319%, while the U.S. Virgin Islands registered an increase of 207%. “This is the first time the U.S. Virgin Islands has been identified as among the most popular destinations by this award-winning company, and we are deeply grateful to all our partners in the Territory’s tourism ecosystem - from hotel and

tour operators to taxi drivers and the many entities engaged in our diverse marine tourism sector,” said Commissioner Boschulte. The Commissioner also attributed the positive findings of the data analysis to the Department of Tourism’s

coordinated marketing, public relations and communications initiatives, which include promoting and supporting the Territory’s COVID-19 public health practices widely to both residents and visitors.

Deborah Leary OBE Commonwealth Businesswomen’s Network Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

CV Villas Introduces Sri Lanka To Its Luxury Villa Collection Known for its exceptional collection of holiday villas in beautiful settings across Europe - particularly the Greek islands, Italian countryside and French Riviera, as well as the Caribbean, Morocco and USA - luxury holiday home specialist CV Villas has now added the idyllic island of Sri Lanka to its list of inspiring destinations. At just over a quarter of the size of the UK, Sri Lanka packs a powerful punch – from the splendour of elephants roaming wild across National

Parks and tiers of lush green tea plantations, to blissful sandy beaches with rolling surf and fascinating ancient ruins and temples. With 15 villas currently in the collection, and more in the pipeline, these outstanding properties across the south and southwest coasts boast features such as private boats and jetties, poolside yoga shalas, surf break access, paddy field views, roof terraces and tennis courts. All offer a daily cook service included in the price (ingredients extra), as well as

airport transfers, and several have been designed by notable architects. The vision is that guests will wish to incorporate an element of cultural touring, either before their villa stay or as a day's sightseeing excursion from their villa. To cater for this, CV Villas has put together a range of itineraries which can be booked as a comprehensive package with flights, transfers, accommodation, excursions and in-villa cook service.

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Page 44 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020


Rupert Phillips Man of the People Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!



eading contractor Clegg Construction has completed a new state-of-the-art £26m student accommodation facility on Upper Dean Street in Birmingham in time for students moving in. The project, which continued on-site throughout lockdown in order to complete for the start of term, comprises of ten floors with a mixture of 398 selfcontained studio bedrooms and cluster room apartments, amenity spaces, ancillary facilities, and approximately 862sqm of commercial space. Matt Maisey, contract manager at Clegg Construction, said: “Working safely onsite, in line with the UK government’s coronavirus guidelines, we are thrilled to have handed over the keys for this spectacular student

accommodation on time for students returning for the start of the new academic year. This amazing new development is a testament to our hardworking Clegg Construction team and valued partnership with true. “Prior to regenerating this brownfield site, whilst clearing existing buildings and car park, we also had to carefully consider retaining the listed building adjacent to the new entrance area. Work then commenced on installing the hot rolled steel frame to provide a transfer deck at first floor upon which the lightweight structure was constructed.” Alexander Farrell, development manager at Bricks Capital developers of the true brand, a property group specialising in student living – said: “This will be a fantastic new home to hundreds of students, so completion in time

for them returning to university remained our top priority. To have finished as planned, despite the obstacles faced across the whole construction industry, is a testimony to solid teamwork and resilience of everybody who has been involved in this superb project.” In addition to the main development work, there are four retail units on the ground floor. Matt added: “We very much enjoyed working alongside Bricks Capital and true to deliver this project and look forward to working with them in the future.” Clegg Construction, established in the 1930s, works across a number of sectors including residential, education, and healthcare with a solution-focused approach to ensure every project is a success.

Saleh & Sons

Specialising in Caribbean Produce Fresh Meat & Vegetables Tel : 0121 551 1736 250 Lozells Rd, Birmingham B19 1NP

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 45


increase in demand for homes in rural areas due to pandemic


ultidisciplinary architecture and planning firm Urbanist Architecture has reported a surge in enquiries for homes in the countryside, a trend seen as a direct result of the COVID-19 crisis, with the practice seeing a 65 per cent increase compared to Q4 of 2019. The London-based practice is renowned for helping its clients achieve remarkable extensions, conversions and new build homes in the capital, and specialises in handling projects on constrained urban sites, listed buildings or those set within the green belt. But with the UK population confined to their homes for the majority of 2020, lockdown has caused an increasing number of city dwellers to rethink their current surroundings and yearn for greener pastures and open spaces. Ufuk Bahar, Managing Director at Urbanist Architecture, comments: “Prior to COVID-19, around two-thirds of our projects were focused in highly desirable London boroughs such as Westminster, Islington, Camden and Greenwich, with work ranging from extensions to new build homes. “More and more clients are coming to us looking for large plots of land in truly rural locations, with many deciding to ditch city life and the daily commute for good in the wake of the pandemic.”

Paul Ramsey McDonald’s Franchisee Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

What The Three-Tier System Means For The Property Market During Lockdown 2 As UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced plans for England to return to a threetier system to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, speaking to Parliament via video link, he said: “While the previous local tiers did cut the R number, they were not quite enough to reduce it below 1. “The good news is that under the government’s new advice, the housing market remains open for business, whether you’re buying, selling, renting or letting”. Across the board, estate agents remain open and physical property viewings are allowed, with comprehensive advice on how to follow social distancing guidelines inside homes. And others in the housing market, such as conveyancers, tradespeople, and professional movers, can continue to operate too. It means that portals are open 24/7. That means property searched can be done online, from exploring news, guides and

insights, and checking out the prices of recently sold properties, to registering to get instant alerts for exactly the right type of property - and save as many searches needed Richard Donnell, Research and Insight Director at Zoopla, said: “We’ve already seen how the first lockdown led to people carrying out a once-in-a-lifetime re-evaluation of their homes and lifestyles, with a focus on prioritising space. And the latest restrictions will continue to support this trend – particularly for those who are more financially secure.” Meanwhile, the stamp duty holiday is continuing to act as an incentive for buyers to complete a purchase before the tax break ends on 31 March 2021. However, with different regions in different tiers, it’s a good idea to find out how your local housing market is operating in a Covid-19secure way.

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Page 46 - The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020



Alistair Soyode Founder of BEN Television Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

he resignation of Greg Clarke as Chair is not going to improve diversity at the Football Association, says former England defender Joleon Lescott. Clarke resigned after he used "unacceptable" language when referring to Black players. Former Manchester City, Everton and Aston Villa player described Clarke's comments as "very disturbing" and said even thinking about them made him "emotional". "One hundred percent of black players want to see change, but that's not going to happen," he said. He believes Clarke's comments hint at structural problems within the FA and says any successor may be unable to instigate real change. "I don't think a 63-year-old man in 2020 is using that phrase for the first time, and that's the problem," he said. "So we now expect the next person in line will have heard this and have been a part of this. Now he's going to step up and we expect that person to take us forward. "How do you expect change if the people who are in charge have the same - or similar mind-set?"

Lescott Says Clarke Resignation Will Not Change A Thing At FA l Patrice Motsepe

Motsepe CAF bid announced

Clarke made the comments while speaking to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) select committee via video link using the term as he was talking about the racist abuse of players by trolls on social media. He received further criticism

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for comments he made referring to gay players making a "life choice", about the different career choices of people from Black and Asian communities, and about a coach telling him young female players did not like having the ball hit hard at them.

Match of the Day presenter and former England striker Gary Lineker said the organisation was full of "lots of old white men" and said he believes real change can only be implemented if the FA, English Football League and Premier League work together.

South African Patrice Motsepe, one of Africa's richest men, has announced his intention to become the next president of the Confederation of African Football (Caf). The chair of 2016 African club champions Mamelodi Sundowns becomes the third person to bid for the role, after incumbent Ahmad and Jacques Anouma of Ivory Coast. Motsepe is Africa's tenth richest man, according to Forbes magazine which estimates his wealth at $2.4 billion. South Africa FA president Danny Jordaan said: "Caf must improve its global standing. "He is the most appropriate person we could offer for the leadership of Caf. We do not want any compromise on governance or ethics in football."

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The Phoenix Newspaper - December 2020 - Page 47


Sports Camp returns to help young people Sport-Wide Commitment To Address Racial Inequality UK Athletics’ ‘Let’s Talk About Race’ programme has culminated in a sport-wide commitment to tackle issues of racial inequality endorsed jointly by UKA and the Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAFs). Launched to review all issues related to race within the sport following the murder of George Floyd, CEO Joanna Coates appealed to the sport to let UKA know how it could better support ethnically diverse communities in the long term and not just in the immediate aftermath of the killing. The programme, launched with a series of roundtables, brings together voices from across the athletics community to discuss race and, followed by a series of focus groups that identified priorities which have enabled UKA to finalise the actions to be taken forward as part of the 20212024 Diversity Action Plan – set to be published in January. The headline actions agreed by the CEO forum include: • A sport-wide commitment to address racial inequality in athletics • Embedding ED&I in UKA & HCAF strategies • Diverse representation at all levels of athletics e.g. Developing a Club ED & I toolkit for use • Development & Education e.g. Mandatory unconscious bias/ED&I training in coaching, officials and workforce qualifications • Develop mentoring/shadowing programmes • Policies e.g. Develop and implement a Race Equality Code of Conduct agreement for officials Joanna said: “Following the impact of the murder of George Floyd, UKA felt it essential to take positive action against racism by delivering the ‘Let’s talk about Race’ programme in line with our commitments to the Race at Work Charter. “Agreeing the plan is only the first step.” Equality, Diversity and Engagement Lead at UK Athletics, Donna Fraser, said: “The murder of George Floyd sparked positive and negative conversations about race around the world and although a heartbreaking experience, we took the time to reach out to the athletics community to understand the true feelings and experiences within our sport.”


h u g e l y successful half-term s p o r t s themed community programme which provided dozens of West Midlands youngsters with access to a range of physical activities and muchneeded food parcels is to be repeated in the run-up to Christmas. Sport 4 Life UK’s

October Sports Camp took place at Hodge Hill College in Birmingham during the autumn half-term break and attracted as many as 35 people a day aged between 11 and 29 from diverse backgrounds. And following the initiative run by the charity which uses sport to improve the life chances of young people not in

education, employment or training, a number of the participants are set to complete virtual sports leader qualifications. The event will return at the start of the Festive school holiday for a Winter Sports Camp, but with the format to be dictated by relevant coronavirus restrictions at the time.

Ian Reid CEO Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Celebrating our Community Leaders this Christmas!

Hollywood Stars To Take Over Welsh Minnows

Hollywood stars Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney are preparing to give Christmas cheers in North Wales as they are set to be the new owners of National League club Wrexham. Wrexham Supporters Trust (WST) members voted overwhelmingly to back the takeover with 98.6% of those who responded backing the bid. Out of more than 2,000 trust members eligible to vote, 1,809 approved, 26 were against and nine abstained. The trust wished the pair "the very best of luck in charge" and "look forward to what the future brings". In a statement, the trust added: "Subject to final agreement, league and FA confirmation the RR McReynolds Company, LLC will take 100% control of Wrexham Football Club Limited from the WST. "Both parties will now proceed with finalising the details of the takeover, and we will update Wrexham

supporters as soon as we can." Reynolds and fellow actor McElhenney had told trust members they want to turn Wrexham into a "global force". The takeover could lead to £2m being invested in the club, which has been in fan ownership since 2011. Board director Spencer Harris previously said he expected the club to be in Reynolds' and McElhenney's hands within a few weeks of the vote going their way. They presented their vision to trust members at a virtual meeting with voting starting the following day and ending on Sunday. The duo also issued a mission statement and have said they intend to attend games when work commitments allow. The pair set out their plans for the club at the virtual meeting after trust members voted 95% in favour of holding talks with the pair. They also answered fans' questions during the online gathering.

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Hollywood Stars To Take Over Welsh Minnows - Page 47

Motsepe CAF Bid Announced - Page 46

Children's Grassroots Sport To Be Halted C

hildren's grassroots sport played outside of school was suspended during England's fourweek lockdown, after calls for youth sport to be exempt when the restrictions came into effect from. But Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden confirmed it would only be permitted in school as elite sport continued behind closed doors. "Unfortunately we needed to pause grassroots sport outside school to reduce the transmission risk from households mixing," he tweeted. Former Wales midfielder Robbie Savage, who coaches a junior team,

Karachi Win Their First As Mumbai Claims Fifth Trophy


s Mumbai Indians secured a fifth Indian Premier League title with a five-wicket win over Delhi Capitals, Karachi Kings won their first Pakistan Super League with a five-wicket victory over Lahore Qalandars. Babar Azam hit an unbeaten 63 off 49 balls as a Karachi side featuring England's Alex Hales comfortably chased their target of 135 with eight balls to spare on their home ground.

Earlier, Lahore collapsed from 68-0 to 81-4 as they posted a modest 134-7. They finished bottom of the table in every previous tournament. Karachi were playing in their first final, having reached the playoffs on all four occasions since the competition launched in 2016. In the Indian Premier League Delhi were 22-3 before captain Shreyas Iyer made 65 not out - he added 96 with Rishabh Pant - but Mumbai ensured their total was never enough. Held

criticised the decision to suspend children's sport in a series of tweets. Quoting Dowden's tweet, he said: "Have you or any of your senior government officials been to a grassroots game since lockdown? “Do you have any idea what it's like for thousands of grassroots volunteers? Do you know the impact of this decision on youngsters' mental and physical wellbeing?" Youth Sports Trust chief executive Ali Oliver said under a quarter of secondary schools do not offer physical education. "To lose some grassroots clubs will leave us with a legacy of a generation who are

inactive and unable to find a way into sport," she said. Former Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select committee chair Damian Collins had written to Dowden asking the government to allow youth sport to continue in England after November 5. He called on the government to extend the definition of elite sport to include academy players at Premier League clubs and those in development centres such as the England Rugby developing player programme and Sport England's talented athlete scholarship scheme.

in the United Arab Emirates because of the coronavirus pandemic, the most successful team in IPL history chased 157 with eight balls to spare as captain, Rohit Sharma, hit 68. The defending champions were always in control of their chase after Rohit and Quinton de Kock plundered 45 from the first four overs. It follows their wins in 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019 and means they have won the world's premier domestic Twenty20 competition at least twice more than any other team. Sharma said: "I'm pretty happy. We couldn't have asked for much more." England pace bowler Jofra Archer was named as the Most Valuable Player taking 20 wickets and scored 113 runs, including 10 sixes, for Rajasthan Royals.

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