The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2024

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When one thinks of states in the modern world whose governments engage in full-scale coverups, corruption, and provision of misleading information, the UK is not normally one that would come to mind. Afterall, the UK is famous, the world over, for its traditions and customs such as fish and chips, the unpredictably changeable weather, stable parliamentary system, the monarchy and, of course, the National Health Service (NHS). In recent weeks, however, the NHS and the various governments from the 1970s and until now, have come under severe criticism.

At a time when political apathy is low and many people do not trust politicians, the scandal and controversy over the use of contaminated blood have raised serious questions especially about the medical profession and the NHS, and the government silence and dismissal over serious mal practices. The main question is how we move forward and develop trust between the people on the one hand and the NHS and government on the other. Today, the NHS is regarded by many as one of the most trusted and longstanding British institutions. Everyone has access to its services in one way or another. When it was established in 1948, the idea was, and still is, that this would be a totally government funded healthcare service providing universal access to a range of healthcare services for residents of the UK. Its stated core principles are:

• Work together for patients. Patients come first in everything we do

• Respect and dignity. ...

• Commitment to quality of care. ...

• Compassion. ...

• Improving lives. ...

• Everyone counts.

However, at the heart of this controversy and scandal is the official confirmation of something many people already knew but could not prove but were eventually vindicated some fifty years later. In sum, the Infected

Blood Inquiry, chaired by former judge Sir Brian Langstaff, accused doctors, government, and the NHS of letting patients catch HIV and hepatitis.

In the 1970s and 1980s, thousands of people who needed blood transfusions, for example after childbirth or surgery, became exposed to blood tainted with hepatitis, and HIV. According to the Haemophilia Society

governments and medical professionals were responsible for ‘a catalogue of failures.’

The report found that the government misled people and family members of patients. It is as though the officials wished the problems would simply go away and be forgotten.

This great national institution and its medical staff experienced a great fall from grace in a series

reserved apologies for the decades of disasters. This is a major turning point in this controversy as the government pledged to move quickly to compensate those affected by this as well as those who were infected.

Despite the shame, pain and humiliation suffered by thousands of people all over the country, the government apology and compensation will not solve all

around 1,250 people were infected with HIV, including 380 children.

Less than 250 are still alive.

Since the Infected Blood Inquiry was announced in July 2017, they claim that at least a further 710 people infected and affected by this scandal would have died by the time of the final report in May 2024.

This scandal has been regarded as the deadliest disaster in the history of Britain’s state-run NHS since its inception in 1948.

Sir Brian Langstaff, was damning in his verdict and strongly condemned the way successive

of practices which, from as early as the mid-1980s seemed to ignore medical evidence from the USA and elsewhere that certain diseases could be spread through blood transfusion. It also seems that arrogance took priority over professionalism and the service users were not listened to.

Successive governments refused to take the issue seriously, despite complaints from patients.

Finally, in May 2024, the people were vindicated when the formal inquiry more or less ruled in their favour.

Both the prime minister and the leader of the opposition gave un-

the problems. It is, however, a step in the right direction. Lessons must be learned. Professionals in whatever field they work in must always respect their service users. The very first principle of the NHS that is mentioned above, places emphasis on the point that patients must come first.

Perhaps if the patients were put first in everything, we would not have found ourselves in this predicament. This is not the end of the NHS, but all of us must ensure we never see a repeat of this controversy.

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The Dispute Resolution team at a leading legal firm has been named as a finalist in the Northern Law Awards.

The team from Cartmell Shepherd Solicitors has been shortlisted in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution category of the prestigious regional awards. The specialist legal team supports clients across Cartmell Shepherd’s offices in Cumbria and Northumberland, as well as nationally, and covers all aspects of civil litigation while specializing in advice on disputes over wills and inheritance, agricultural matters, and disputes and concerns related to people lacking mental capacity and care funding challenges.

Mark Aspin, who leads Cartmell Shepherd’s Dispute Resolution team and is a director at the legal firm, said: “We are delighted to have been named as a finalist for this award. It is a testament to the hard work, expertise and dedication of the entire team.

“Our priority is to find the right solutions for our clients, and our commitment to building trusted relationships with our clients while drawing on the specialisms of individuals helps us achieve that. We understand that facing difficult situations such as disputing a will can be an emotional and

upsetting process so it’s our role to support clients with advice and guidance to help them through it.

“The feedback we get from our clients reflects the positive impact this type of approach has on the parties involved.” The team of 15 has a breadth of experience from solicitors with more than 20 years of experience to apprentices starting their legal career, including a dedicated support team.

The vast majority of the team commenced their legal training at Cartmell Shepherd. “We’re really proud of the opportunities we are able to offer our team in terms of career development, and how we are able to draw upon the expertise of colleagues across the wider Cartmell Shepherd team.”

The Northern Law Awards 2024 take place on Thursday, June 27 at St James’ Park in Newcastle. The event celebrates legal talent and success in the legal industry across the region in 20 categories.

Cartmell Shepherd Solicitors’ employs more than 120 people across five offices in Cumbria at Carlisle (two locations), Brampton, Penrith and Cockermouth, and two offices in Northumberland at Haltwhistle and Hexham.

The firm acquired Hexham-based solicitors Nicholson Portnell in April 2024.

l PIC - Cartmell Shepherd Solicitors' Dispute Resolution team which has been shortlisted in the Northern Law Awards


New research from My Pension Expert has revealed Britons’ attitudes towards pension transfers.

The UK’s leading at-retirement adviser commissioned an independent survey of 2,000 UK adults, finding that of those with a pension:

• Just 29% made a pension transfer in the past five years, with 33% saying they did sovwithout first seeking independent financial advice.

• 58% would consider a pension transfer if the process was simpler.

• 43% value convenience over performance when it comes to their pensions.

Less than only three in ten (29%) have made a pension transfer in the past five years, twice the number of respondents (58%) would consider

making one if the process was simpler. Meanwhile, 65% also say they would consider making a transfer if it made the overall process of managing their retirement finances simpler – nearly half (43%) say they value convenience over performance when it comes to their pensions.

30% stated that their pension provider would impose exit charges if they tried to transfer their pension.

The research comes as My Pension Expert’s annual Retirement Fairness Index found that in 2023, on average, consumers had to wait almost a month (29 days) for ceding companies to transfer their pension funds to a new provider.

Lily Megson, Policy Director at My Pension Expert said: “The UK’s pension transfers system is warped. “This research demonstrates that UK consumers are deterred from making

pension transfers by the slow, complicated and opaque processes involved, as well as concerns about the fees that could be charged. The result is that millions of people are left with pensions pots that aren’t working hard enough for them, opting for the convenience of staying with their current provider rather than considering transferring to a more suitable option.

“This is an unacceptable situation for the industry, and action must be taken to rectify it. The only path to regaining customers’ trust is through greater transparency. It’s vital that it is easier and faster for people to transfer pensions between providers – for all the focus on the Mansion House reforms and wider tinkering with pension policy, we need the government to engage with this issue as a priority.”

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Parents, carers, children and young people in the west of the borough will have access to a wide range of universal and targeted services, support and activities following the opening of a new Family Hub.

Haringey Council opened its second Family Hub which will operate from Muswell Hill Centre.

This follows on from the successful launch of its first at The Triangle, located in the east of the borough in Tottenham as part of a £3.4m programme over three years.

The Family Hubs bring together

invaluable resources including parenting support, feeding advice, support with wellbeing, mental health, language development, as well as stay and play sessions and services for older children and young people.

Housing, debt and welfare advice are also on offer to support early intervention and help reduce inequalities as part of this one-stopshop for families. Two further hubs are expected to be in place by March 2025.

Haringey Council’s Cabinet Member for Children, Schools & Families, Cllr Zena Brabazon, said: “Every child in our borough

deserves the very best start in life, and we're committed to doing everything we can throughout their journey.

“Our approach has always been collaborative, involving stakeholders every step of the way. From one-to-one support to engaging activities, we prioritise listening to our residents and empowering them to enhance their lives and nurture their loved ones.

“By combining these services from within the Family Hub, we aim to ensure that every family has timely access to the information and support they require as and when they need it. We are

immensely proud of the positive impact our first family hub has made on our community this far, and we will continue to place families at the forefront of our efforts, ensuring that this new hub is no different.”

What started as a local project is now being delivered as part of a national programme jointly funded, supported and overseen by the Department for Health (DfE) and Social Care and the Department of Education (restricted to 75 top-tier local authorities).

Mom gets upset after teacher combs out her daughter’s locs

Micaela Varlack, an African American mom from Columbus, Georgia, is upset after discovering her 4-year-old daughter Londyn’s locs were combed out by her teacher without asking for her permission.

Varlack had her daughter’s hair styled into locs. She spent $150 on the service, which included washing, detangling, conditioning, starting the locs, and blow-drying. But 3 weeks later, Londyn came home from her pre-kindergarten at Childcare Network with braids instead of locs.

“Monday, on May the 6, I go to pick her up from the daycare,” it was said she recounted. “There’s a little child who looks like my child with her hair braided.”

Varlack said she was shocked in knowing her daughter’s hair was rebraided without her knowing. She said: “Why would you comb 32 locs out of a child’s hair, to sit down and braid them, part them…

“You didn’t call me, and her literal response was, ‘I just didn’t.'” Locs specialist Victoria Sunmola said the teacher crossed the line by acting without parental permission.

She said: “It’s very disrespectful because she did not have the parent’s permission to do it. The mother spent money on this service, and she crossed the line… more than anything it wasn’t her place.” After the incident, Micaela had to take Londyn to Urgent Care for possible scalp irritation. Sunmola noted that removing locs and tight braiding could cause such issues. “So here we are and now there is inflammation in the baby’s head,” Sunmola said.

“All of this could have been avoided if she had consulted the parent.” Moreover, Varlack asked the school for a refund for the money spent on Londyn’s hair but was denied. The Childcare Network corporate office responded with a statement, saying, “On Monday, May 6, a currently enrolled child asked a teacher to braid her hair.

“After speaking with her mother at pick-up, our staff immediately offered to reimburse the family. Please know that the physical and mental well-being of the children and families we care for is of utmost importance to us, and we are sorry that this was upsetting to the family as it was not our intent.”


Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster, has declared the Government lacks the urgency needed to get a grip on prioritising road safety. It comes after the Department for Transport’s decision to continue to retain money collected from fixed penalty notices – as opposed to speeding fines, issued in the West Midlands, being spent on improving road safety across the region. Last summer, the PCC launched a fourweek public consultation on road safety and received overwhelming backing to have money raised from speeding fines spent on road safety schemes right here in the West Midlands.

The PCC campaigned to have the funds ringfenced, for use by both West Midlands Police and the seven local authorities, in the delivery of aims to improve road safety, as set out in the West Midlands Regional Road Safety Strategy 2023-2030. Currently, fines and penalty receipts – such as speeding fines – are paid into the Government’s general bank account, The Consolidated Fund, which supports general expenditure on public services across England and Wales.

An average of 16,654 fixed penalty tickets are processed by West Midlands Police per year which, in turn, generates £1.6m in income for HM Treasury. In January, the PCC hand delivered the results of his public consultation to the Department for Transport (DfT) offices in Birmingham.

More than 1,300 people took part in the consultation, with 94 per cent saying they had personally witnessed cars driving at inappropriate or excessive speeds, while the same number said more needs to be done to tackle speeding on our roads. A total of 77 per cent said they felt

either unsafe or very unsafe. However, despite results clearly backing the PCC’s campaign to retain funds to be spent on improving road safety locally, the DfT have shutdown the proposals, citing that ‘fines being paid into the Consolidated Fund avoids creating incentives for the sake of generating revenues, rather than for the purpose of enforcement and road safety’.

In response, PCC Simon Foster said: “I am deeply disappointed with the response from the Department for Transport. It appears to show a real lack of urgency on the part of a government that is not pre-

pared to grip the need to prioritise road safety.

“As Police and Crime Commissioner and, as Chair of the West Midlands Road Safety Strategic Group, reducing the number of people tragically and avoidably killed and seriously injured on our roads will always be of paramount importance. That is because the consequences of road traffic collisions are catastrophic and devastating.

The consultation I launched last year gave a clear endorsement for my view that money raised by fixed penalty fines in the West Midlands should be retained here and invest-

ed in making our roads safer.” The PCC added: “The Government’s stance is not cost neutral to the police or to the local authorities who own the cameras, which enable excessive speed activations and the tickets to be generated.

“The money generated through the enforcement of unlawful speeding on West Midlands roads should be spent in our region, on roads policing and local authority road safety activities. It should be used to fund further enforcement and improve safety on the road network for all road users.”

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Business & Finance


Acoalition of campaigners delivered a petition with over 1800 signatures to the head office of the West Midlands Combined Authority calling on the next Mayor to bring the bus network back under public control through franchising.

Campaigners from TUC Midlands Pensioner Network, Unison retired members, West Midlands Pensioner Convention and the

The CISI have announce that Jonathan Gibson, CFP Chartered FCSI, and Shaid Moughal ACSI are the new co-presidents for the CISI Scotland committee, taking over from Dorothy Hamilton MCSI.

Jonathan - the managing director of Wells Gibson Limited – an independent and boutique, family-owned business in Dundee - is the Institute’s first president from the financial planning community in Scotland. He said: “I am humbled by the decision to leverage my knowledge and experience in the financial planning sector, and I am very grateful Shaid will focus on strengthening our relationships across operations, compliance, and risk.

“I am eagerly anticipating the exciting times ahead and the continued growth of the CISI in Scotland under our collaborative leadership.” Shaid (pic) has over 25 years of experience in the institutional and retail sectors and has been a

community campaigning union Acorn delivered the petition to the West Midlands Combined Authority afternoon. Yvonne Washbourne, Chair of TUC Midlands Pensioner Network said: "The bus network is vital to the future economic success of our region, in the fight against climate change and in supporting isolated and vulnerable communities.

"Instead of the wild west failing system we have today, we need

to see buses brought back under public control. Introducing franchising would enable local government to determine the details of the services to be provided –where they run, when they run and the standards of the services.

"Franchising has been used in London for many years and has now been adopted in Greater Manchester. What's good enough for London and Manchester is good enough for the West Midlands.”

New co-presidents appointed to CISI Scotland committee

leading industry commentator on the Financial Conduct Authority’s Client Assets Sourcebook (CASS) rules and was a founding member of the Scottish CASS Forum.

He said: “It’s a great honour to take over alongside Jonathan, who I know will be brilliant in engaging the financial planning sector.

“Together, we can add to the growth and momentum of CISI Scotland. I think this offers us a unique opportunity to focus on the major areas within Scotland’s financial sector and extend our reach even further, engaging more people and building on the successes of the excellent work that’s already been done.”

Outgoing committee president Dorothy Hamilton MCSI said:

“The decision to opt for co-presidents this year is driven by our collective goal to continue to grow CISI Scotland even further.

“We believe that leveraging Jonathan's extensive experience and network within the financial planning sector will enable us to enhance our engagement with financial planners and wealth managers in Scotland. Simultaneously, Shaid will focus on strengthening our relationships across operations and compliance/risk.

“Representing the CISI in Scotland has been a truly amazing experi-

ence and I have loved every minute.” CISI chief executive, Tracy Vegro OBE, said: “We are delighted to welcome Jonathan and Shaid as the CISI’s first-ever co-presidents of the Scotland committee.

“We all look forward to supporting them and the committee in developing their strategy for boosting awareness of CISI and growing our membership network in Scotland over the year ahead. We must also extend a big thank you to Dorothy Hamilton for her leadership and vision as the immediate past president.”

The CISI’s mission is to help members attain, maintain and develop their knowledge and skills and to promote the highest standards of ethics and integrity in the securities and investment profession. Based in the City of London, with origins in the London Stock Exchange, the CISI is a charity with global reach through its representative offices in financial centres such as Colombo, Dubai, Dublin, Glasgow, London, Manila, Mumbai and Nairobi. They work in close co-operation with regulators, firms and other professional bodies worldwide and over 44,000 examinations were taken in 81 countries in the last twelve months.

AThe inspirational Olivier Tsemo

In the middle of the Wicker Street in the city of Sheffield, England, an unheralded enterprise tradition has blossomed almost unnoticed.

The generation-old Sheffield and District African Caribbean Community Association (SADACCA) which emerged from the West Indies Association in the early 1950s, faced closure nearly a decade ago. However, in 2015, directors risked personal financial ruination when they took on the responsibility of ‘gifting-back’ the association to the community to save it from closure.

Mathematician, lecturer and President of Bantu Leadership in the UK, Olivier Tsemo, was appointed chief executive officer of SADACCA in 2015. Using his ‘Bantu’ principle of ‘human of humans’, he endowed the organisation with a collective visionary leadership style that won the pride and admiration of staff and volunteers who were previously disenchanted by the financial worries of the association.

His vast experience in the implementation of cost transformation and performance improvement programs, were invaluable credentials as well as assets that he brought into SADACCA. He regularly advises

politicians and is a contributor in the media, the Parliamentary Review and attends conferences convened by the Leaders Council of Great Britian and Northern Ireland.

The association is housed in a multi-functional centre that facilitates health and wellbeing, music and arts, youth work, employment and enterprise, homework clubs, men and women’s welfare groups, culture and sports as well as archival history projects. These initiatives reflect the cross-generational ethos that informs and guides corporate and social responsibility goals.

The association has a track record of delivering capacity building support to diverse communities – both permanent and [more] recent migrants.

Tsemo explained that managing an organisation in a cost-of-living crisis especially, demands diligence, tact, will and functional co-operation across cultural, political, and socio-economic lines.

“We were given five years to return the centre to a viable and going concern. We recruited the brightest minds, committed volunteers and ardent supporters to support the nobility of community service to thousands of user-visitors who frequent our centre which is a popular venue for many.

“The operational team members exude confidence and renewal in hosting high-powered meetings for government officials, professional networks, business associations and a wide ranging of community-led events. These interactions have enhanced and improved the public image and reputation of the organisation.

“A core competence of the centre is the valuable information, guidance and support offered to disengage, disadvantaged, excluded and/or ‘at risk’ children and young people who are unable to access opportunities that are conducive to their learning, interests and general concerns. Can SADACCA therefore, survive past misfortunes and glean a new chapter in civic duty amid increasing local, regional, national and international disruptions?

“We must imbue a desire for constant change, prepare ourselves for the unexpected, remain vigilant in our communal duty and learn from veritable history lessons of time, place and identity. I believe that infusing our Bantu tradition was vital towards energising, crystallising and eventually securing committed and dedicated personnel to help deliver our promise”.

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Maximising the ‘Bantu’ Tradition to Leverage Social
w a r d - w I n n I n g
journalist, editor and publisher Dr Christopher Johnson writes his monthly column in The Phoenix aiming to inform, educate and entertain. by Dr. Christo- pher A. Johnson


Ecolab and HeiQ

Chrisal have teamed up to launch the revolutionary Maxx Synbiotic cleaning range at Interclean in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Ecolab, a global sustainability leader offering water, hygiene, and infection prevention solutions and services, and HeiQ Chrisal, a leading biotech innovator, are proudly collaborating to introduce advanced synbiotic cleaning products to the European cleaning industry. At Inter-

clean in Amsterdam, May 14-17, the Maxx Synbiotic range will be introduced to the professional cleaning industry throughout Europe.

Harnessing the power of pre- and probiotics, the 50 billion probiotics per litre of Maxx Synbiotic deliver immediate, continuous, and microscopic-level cleaning, highly efficient odour reduction, long-lasting efficacy, and support for a well-balanced microbiome on surfaces. HeiQ's synbiotic cleaning technology

The Impact Facility for Sustainable Mining Communities have announce the appointment of Lewis Temple as its new Chief Executive Officer.

TIF founder and current CEO Assheton Stewart Carter is stepping into a new role leading the organisation's strategy and advocacy efforts from his position on the

board of trustees. With more than 25 years of leadership experience in global development, Temple is poised to lead The Impact Facility into its next phase of growth and impact.

He joins TIF from BRAC – the pioneering Bangladeshi global NGO, where he led the European affiliate, BRAC UK, as CEO for nine years. With a focus on build-

was validated in several scientific studies, e.g. the landmark study published in May 2023 in The Lancet by renowned Charité University Hospital Berlin.

You will be invited to visit Ecolab's and HeiQ's booths at Interclean 2024 in Amsterdam from May 14-17.

• Ecolab: Hall 7, booth 402 & 404 (book an appointment)

• HeiQ: Hall 12, booth 409 (book an appointment)

On Thursday, May 16, 13:0013:45, you can grab the opportu-

nity to listen to an eye-opening presentation by Thomas Hansen, Vice President RD&E Institutional Europe at Ecolab, and Dr. Robin Temmerman, Head of Business Unit Life Sciences at HeiQ and CEO of HeiQ Chrisal, about "The future of cleaning technologies – a shared look into the crystal ball".

You can join them on their synbiotic journey towards a cleaner, safer, more sustainable and powerful future!


ing business and private sector solutions to challenges of poverty and exclusion, his commitment to improving resilience and sustainability aligns perfectly with The Impact Facility's mission to create lasting positive change for artisanal and small-scale miners and their communities.

Outgoing TIF CEO Assheton Stewart Carter expressed his enthusiasm for Temple's appointment, stating: "Lewis brings a wealth of experience and a deep passion for sustainable development to this role.

“His leadership will undoubtedly propel The Impact Facility forward, ensuring that we continue to make meaningful and lasting contributions to the well-being of mining communities. I am looking forward to actively partnering with Lewis and supporting the team in making our vision a reality."

"On behalf of everyone at TIF, I would like to welcome Lewis to the organisation, and thank Assheton for his tireless dedication over the past six years" said Da-

vid Sturmes, Co-Founder and Director of Business Innovation and Fundraising.

"We all look forward to continuing to work with Assheton in his new role and are excited about the experience and enthusiasm that Lewis is bringing to our organisation." The innovative nature of TIF's Lake Victoria 2030 Leasing Programme for artisanal gold miners in Kenya and Tanzania, and the organisation's role in setting up and managing the Fair Cobalt Alliance, were what drew Temple to the role at TIF.

"I am honoured to join The Impact Facility and work alongside its dedicated and expert team" he said. "Together we will build upon TIF's ground-breaking work and impressive recent growth to realise our ambition to drive meaningful change for mining communities worldwide."

The Impact Facility for Sustainable Mining Communities is a global organisation that seeks to bring economic and environmental empowerment to artisanal and small-scale mining communities.

Barrick (GOLD) announces partnership with Geophysx Jamaica

Barrick Gold Corporation (GOLD) recently announced that its subsidiary, Barrick Gold (International Holdings) Ltd., has entered into an exploratory earnin agreement with Geophysx Jamaica Ltd. for certain assets in Jamaica.

The agreement initially grants Barrick access to about 4,000 square kilometres of consolidated land positions across the country, with a favourable geological setting similar to the Dominican Republic, where Barrick runs the Pueblo Viejo mine. Barrick will be able to collaborate with Geophysx to gain up to an 80% joint venture interest in specific properties after meeting specified spending commitments and study-deliverable milestones.

Barrick will serve as the operator in collaboration with Geophysx, utilizing the latter’s existing personnel, experience, facilities and equipment. Geophysx has conducted high-quality early-stage exploratory work such as geochemical sampling, geological mapping and industry-leading airborne geophysical surveys.

These datasets allow the two organizations to quickly move to target definition and boost oppor-

tunities for discovering additional resources. GOLD looks to advance the partnership by combining and using Geophysx's expertise and presence on the island, as well as the outstanding dataset they have built, with Barrick's technical and financial resources to deliver fresh, world-class discoveries. The company intends to collaborate with Jamaica’s government on projects that will benefit both the country and local populations. Shares of GOLD have lost 15.4% over the past year compared with a 6% decline of its industry.

For 2024, Barrick anticipates attributable gold production to be in the range of 3.9-4.3 million ounces. AISC is projected to be $1,320-$1,420 per ounce. Cash costs per ounce are forecast to be $940-$1,020.

The company expects a cost of sales of $1,320-$1,420 per ounce. GOLD expects a copper production of 180,000-210,000 tons at an AISC of $3.10-$3.40 per pound, cash costs per pound of $2-$2.30 and cost of sales of $2.65-$2.95 per pound.

Capital expenditures are projected in the range of $2,500-$2,900 million for 2024. GOLD currently carries a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold).

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As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting the positive and inspirational individuals and organisations in our communities, The Phoenix Newspaper presents Promoting Excellence - a closer look at our role models, entrepreneurs, community figures and success stories.


One of Birmingham’s top-rated secondary schools, rated Outstanding by Ofsted, is one of the toughest to gain admission into for pupils.

Nishkam High School, part of the Nishkam Schools Multi-Academy Trust multi-academy trust of schools create a unique and unfiltered atmosphere, which stems from its deeply rooted Sikh faith ethos. With that in mind, though, it does embrace a multi-faith approach and encourages its pupils to practise their own faith while learning about other major religions.

There are approximately 650 students at the school, with an average of 25-26 pupils per classroom. Its small size allows for a more personalised and attentive educational experience, with

every teacher able to offer more personalised opportunities for further education – ongoing.

The school strives to continually develop their expertise, which allows them to bring fresh perspectives and innovative teaching methods into each classroom.

A point made stridently clear by Co-Principal, Mrs. Emma Wilks, who points out: “Unlike some single faith schools, Nishkam welcomes all faiths.

“Its distinctive multi-faith and virtues-led approach positively nurtures children from diverse backgrounds, whilst emphasising collective learning from varied faith experiences.” Fellow-Co-Principal, Mr Chris Deeks, highlighted the school’s commitment to student wellbeing, adding: “We firmly believes in the wellbeing of our students here at

Nishkam High School.

“It’s a crucial part of the ethos of their academic achievements, as our nurturing environment is crafted to make our students feel supported and appreciated, fostering a passion for learning and a drive for excellence.” And they offer ongoing support to their students as GCSE exams gets underway, with the school providing comprehensive wellbeing advice to ensure students remain stressfree - which includes a range of extracurricular activities designed to help to prepare for exams beyond the classroom.

This commitment to professional growth is one of the many factors that sets Nishkam High School apart. Its ‘Outstanding’ rating by Ofsted enhances its reputation as one of the toughest schools in Birmingham to gain admission into.

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Schools across Haringey are celebrating exceptionally low rates of suspensions and permanent exclusions.

In the Spring Term of 2022/23, both primary and secondary schools scored well-below national average as well as neighbouring boroughs Hackney, Islington and Enfield. In February 2020, Haringey Council launched 'Model for Change' which was designed to implement a more robust multiagency strategy as well as improve schools’ ability to effectively support students who are at risk

With many A level students planning their next steps in life, those starting university in September can ‘tap the app’ to get National Insurance and tax information they need to

complete their student finance applications, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has said.

Anyone applying for a student loan for the 2024/25 academic year is encouraged to start their application now and to get the essential details they need, in-

cluding their National Insurance (NI) number, quickly and easily via the HMRC app. HMRC data shows that in the 12 months to March 2024, more than 112,000

customers called the National Insurance Helpline asking for a lost or forgotten NI number of which

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of exclusion.

The north London council conducted a comprehensive review of all alternative provisions for both primary and secondary students and this led to the development of the Haringey Learning Partnership and the Primary Nurture Hub. These efforts have strengthened the support available to children, young people, and their families. By establishing various inhouse provisions and services, the council have been able to offer outreach support and early intervention to assist schools. Collaborating with schools has

also played a vital role as it has enhanced support systems and in time prevented children and young people from being at risk.

Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families, Councillor Zena Brabazon, said: “Over the past couple of years, we have worked really hard to support our schools and provide our children with the best possible education and implement our ‘Model for Change’.

“This has focused on reshaping alternative provision, with the central aim of ensuring our young people remain in an educational setting. We know this is

key to their future and this highlights our unwavering dedication to invest in every child and give them the tools they need to flourish.

“The reduction in exclusions vindicates our approach. It is a great step in the right direction but of course, the work in on-going.

“Working with our schools, families and other agencies, we will continue to develop a more inclusive education system for our most vulnerable children and young people.”


nearly 50% were from customers aged between 16 and 20.

It also shows May was the busiest month with more than 6,400 young people calling the helpline for their NI number, coinciding with students applying for their student loans. HMRC is encouraging students to save time by downloading the free and easy to use HMRC app for instant access to the details they need.

Suzanne Newton, HMRC's Director General for Change Delivery said: “Getting your NI number is simple with a tap of HMRC’s app and young people should take advantage of it.

“Download the HMRC app today straight from your phone’s app store to get all the info you need quickly and easily.”

As well as their NI number, stu-

dents applying for finance will also need:

• a working email address

• a bank account in their own name

• a valid UK passport

• course details

Students can also apply for finance to help with cost-of-living expenses. How much they receive is dependent on household income – as well as where they live while they study.

Parents or the partner of students will also need to have their NI number to hand. Visit GOV.UK for more information. Any details missing from an application could cause a delay and may mean a delay in receiving any loan payments in time for the start of the students’ course so it’s important to keep essential details to hand.

Bill Watkin, Chief Executive of the Sixth Form Colleges Association said: “Downloading details from the HMRC app will speed up the process of applying for a student loan.

“Preparing for higher education can be a time-consuming process for sixth form students so we are pleased this will help to reduce the administrative burden on young people.” Searching for NI information is one of the most popular searches on the HMRC app with almost 900,000 views in the last year and more than 430,000 National Insurance card downloads to customers’ digital wallets.

It is available and easy to access whenever they need it.

0208 865 1922


Black theology has long been about oppression and liberation. But is there a different story to tell? Can the black story be one about a quest for flourishing through agency and self-determination and not only an existence of nihilistic struggle?

Drawing on a fresh reading of Jeremiah’s letter to Jewish exiles, and his own Pentecostal tradition, Joe Aldred offers a fresh understanding of the Black British experience which draws on a realised eschatology rooted in identity, empowerment and an agenda. In a contested diasporan context in the shadow of empire there exists opportunity to fully flourish without apology – or as Jeremiah puts it to those in exile, to ‘settle, build and grow’.

Dr Joe Aldred is an ecumenist and community organiser, as well as a broadcaster, speaker and writer.

“Joe challenges those of us who are black to come to terms with our own agency, humanity and understanding of our divine image bearers as co-stewards and co-inhabitors of the earth— fundamentals conferred by God. The core of his beliefs is the springboard for the letter written by the Old Testament Prophet Jeremiah to the Jewish exiles as a template to discuss the concept of flourishing. Joe’s work offers a plea for greater self-agency and self-determination for black British constituents to flourish and is a must read!”


“This book uses Jeremiah’s letter to exiles, to explore the correlation, similarities, challenges, and possibilities for black British people, grappling with the effects and impact of living under oppressive, racist , unjust systems... It does not shy away from engaging with subjects and issues that are sometimes sanitised, overly spiritualised and disconnected from the lived realities of those living in hostile environments. The book informs, inspires, and challenges...”


“Bishop Joe Aldred, one of the foremost voices in the black Pentecostal church, has penned a poignant and necessary reminder, that the black church remains a powerful medium to aid the success of the black community. Using the writings of the Prophet Jeremiah as its inspiration, this book makes clear, it’s possible for black people in Britain to achieve greatly, despite the political, social and personal challenges they encounter but to do so, self-agency, self-determinism and faith in God and themselves is a must.”




Black theology has long been about oppression and liberation. But is there a different story to tell? Can the black story be one about a quest for flourishing through agency and self-determination and not only an existence of nihilistic struggle? Drawing on a fresh reading of Jeremiah’s letter to Jewish exiles, and his own Pentecostal tradition, Joe Aldred offers a fresh understanding of the Black British


experience which draws on a realised eschatology rooted in identity, empowerment and an agenda. In a contested diasporan context in the shadow of empire there exists opportunity to fully flourish without apology – or as Jeremiah

puts it to those in exile, to ‘settle, build and grow'.

Flourishing in Babylon is available from publisher SCM Press, online booksellers Amazon, WH Smith, Waterstones, and other online booksellers and bookshops.




FLOURISHING IN Also available as an ebook Cover design by
Azealia /streetcredmagazine BANKS adds extraLondon date to her biggest ever UK tour see page 23


Yes Street Credders, how are you all! Have to say 2023 is looking amazing for the world of entertainment as the big old skool artists are coming over to UK and of course we are well in to get the exclusives.

We celebrate 25 years of Street Cred a true Birmingham legacy, a magazine that has been the eye of entertainment and letting you know whats hot and not whats not because that doesnt matter, if its in Street Cred you know its the top flavour. Look out for the best places to go right here from Restaurants, to Bars and Concerts.

This is the lifestyle Always cutting edge and representing the street culture positively! Mark Dwayne

Get ready for an extraordinary music experience as the Solihull Summer Fest returns to Tudor Grange Park this July for its eighth annual celebration.

This year, the festival is set to outshine previous years with a lineup featuring some of the most celebrated acts in music history. The festival kicks off on Saturday, July 20, 2024, with Irish music legend Ronan Keating headlining the stage.

With a career spanning over two decades and numerous hits, Keating is poised to deliver a captivating performance. The Saturday line up also includes popular acts

such as Scouting for Girls, The Feeling, The Wailers, and a unique DJ set by Denise Van Outen. Not to mention, attendees can look forward to performances by A1, Isaac Stuart, and a surprise special guest.

The excitement peaks on Sunday, July 21, 2024, with a historic performance by The Jacksons on their 50th Anniversary Tour. Known for their profound impact on pop music, The Jacksons will take festival-goers on a nostalgic journey through their hits.

The Sunday bill is further bolstered by performances from Haircut One Hundred, Heaven 17, Five Star, T Pau,

COTA welcomes Eminem and Sting for USGP headlining concerts

The Wurzels, Rick Parfitt Jnr & The RPJ Band, and local talent Brad O’Neill. "The Solihull Summer Fest has grown to become a cornerstone event for music lovers not just in the UK, but from around the world," said Ian Rogers, Festival Founder and spokesperson.

"This year’s lineup, featuring both Ronan Keating (pic) and The Jacksons, represents our commitment to bringing unparalleled entertainment to Solihull. We invite everyone to join us for a weekend that promises unforgettable music and lasting memories."

Tickets for Solihull Summer Fest are now available.

performance honouring his tremendous impact on hip hop and the music industry during the past two decades. 2024 is a special year for the Detroit

“My Name Is”. Eminem just announced his new album "The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grace)" which will be released this summer.

Eminem hasn’t played a headlining show in 5 years making this appearance a can’t-miss opportunity to see a living legend perform. Tickets to the USGP include access to these headlining concerts after the on-track action ends for the day, making for a weekend of nonstop entertainment at The Circuit.

In 2023, Formula One organizers awarded COTA with the Event Spectacle Award in honour of the incomparable fan experience during USGP weekend.



Organised by the London Okinawa Sanshinkai, Okinawa Day will return to the city this month, celebrating the unique music, food and culture of Japan's sub-tropical southernmost prefecture. Now in its 11th year, the family-friendly event will showcase an array of exciting entertainment alongside workshops, food, and craft stalls. The festivities will take place on Saturday 22 June 2024 in Bermondsey's The Blue Market from 11 am – 5 pm, with over 8,000 visitors expected to attend. Just three hours by air from To-

kyo, Okinawa is comprised of 160 islands boasting more than 1,000 kilometres of stunning coastline, lush green forests, and coral-rich waters. Its year-round warm climate comparable to Hawaii, Miami and Cancun makes it a popular destination for sun-seekers and its unique Ryukyu heritage provides an abundance of fascinating culture and history. Okinawa is also well-known as one of only five blue zones in the world recognised for the longevity of its people and is the birthplace of the martial art karate. During the event, a main stage will host a variety of performances throughout the day showcasing Okinawa's

culture and heritage, from elegant Ryukyu Classical Music and energetic sanshin performances of Okinawan Folk Songs to traditional Eisa dance workshops and demonstrations of Ryukyu Karate. Performers will be travelling from around the world, with acts from Japan, Switzerland, and France. There will be plenty to whet the appetites too, with food stalls offering a taste of the delicious Okinawan cuisine alongside further stalls showcasing Japanese crafts from the London Okinawa Sanshinkai and independent retailers. Page 17 - The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2024 CELEBRATING 13 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS ENTERTAINMENT THE HOTTEST ENTERTAINMENT SUPPLEMENT /streetcredmagazine /streetcredmagazine Send your stories in to
UP Circuit of The Americas is thrilled to announce musical icons Sting and Eminem as headliners at the Germania Insurance Super Stage during the Formula One Pirelli United States Grand Prix. On Friday, October 18, Sting will perform fan favourites such as “Roxanne,” “Every Breath You Take,” “Message in a Bottle,” among many others. The rock icon has sold over 100 million albums worldwide and boasts 17 Grammy Awards from his combined work with The Police and as a solo artist. Sting’s performance at the USGP will be the only visit to Texas amid his “Sting 3.0” tour. Eminem will take over Saturday, October 19 for a rollicking
LP –
rapper – it marks the 25th anniversary of his epic Slim Shady
which made him famous with the



Around 50 people took to the streets of Sheffield, in South Yorkshire, to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who works tirelessly across the city as a foster carer to look after vulnerable youngsters.

The Council’s foster care teams organised the Foster Care Walk –which started at the bottom of The Moor, before weaving its way up to the musical instruments outside Light Cinema on Charter Row. It then crossed to Pound’s Park, before heading along Division

Street towards the Town Hall and Peace Gardens.

The event to mark Foster Care Fortnight 2024 was met alongside the fountains by the new Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Councillor Jayne Dunn, before heading into the Town Hall for a reception in the Mayor’s Parlour. Sheffield City Council believes the city should be a place where all children belong, are safe and all young people can build a successful future. Our foster carers help that become a reality. The event was organised to say

Councils in the Humber region recently held a series of drop-in sessions to encourage more people to take up fostering.

East Riding of Yorkshire and North East Lincolnshire councils ran the events during Foster Care Fortnight which took place from 13 to 26 May. Foster carers, along with people who have been

fostered, were able to share their experiences to encourage people to consider fostering, with the authorities saying anyone wished to take up fostering would receive "comprehensive support".

East Riding of Yorkshire Council's cabinet member for children, families and education, Victoria Aitken (pic), said: "Sometimes

a big ‘thank you’ to those who open up their homes to a youngster who needs their help, while also encouraging those who may have been considering becoming a Sheffield Foster Carer to find out how. Councillor Dawn Dale, Chair of the Education, Children’s and Families Committee, attended the Foster Care Walk and said: “It was an absolute honour for me to be with some of our foster carers to celebrate Foster Care Fortnight.

“I’d like to say a massive ‘thank you’ to our foster carers in Shef-

children are unable to live with their own family.

“This may be due to a crisis in the family, ill health, relationship difficulty, bereavement or because the child needs to be protected. This is where foster carers come in, providing a safe, secure, and loving home.”

Paul, a foster carer for many years said, there is a particular shortage of male foster carers. “There are young people who have female role models in their lives, but real-

Champion, Simmonds, urging more adoption of disabled people following Bafta win

Paralympic champion Ellie Simmonds highlighted the need for more people to be adopted, saying there’s a need for love, and a need for a family.

field. If you are interested in becoming a foster carer, please contact somebody.”

Assistant Director of Children’s Services at Sheffield City Council, Isobel Fisher, said: “They provide loving, stable homes for our Sheffield children so that they can remain in our city and enjoy all that our city has to offer.”

Spearheaded by The Fostering Network, Foster Care Fortnight is an annual campaign to raise the profile of fostering and show how foster care transforms lives.

ly benefit from care and guidance from a male foster carer,” he said. Jacqueline Mills, specialist lead in children's services at North East Lincolnshire Council, said: “It is important that we hold information events because our children need loving and safe homes.

“There is no pressure on anyone to sign up to anything, simply drop by for a chat if you are curious and would like to know more.”

As she collected a Bafta at the recent TV awards show, Simmonds, who was born with a form of dwarfism, won best single documentary for her 2023 film titled Ellie Simmonds: Finding My Secret Family –which saw the athlete track down her birth mother.

At the star-studded event the Paralympics gold-medal champion said: “I want to thank my parents, my mum and dad.

“I wouldn’t be here without them adopting me and my four other siblings – plus their fostering as well. I love you.

“Also, my birth mum, who met me at the end and was able to have all the answers… I was so, so lucky that I had to have that ending of meeting my birth mum. But there’s so many people who sadly don’t get that ending.”

In her acceptance speech, Simmonds spoke about fostering and adopting, which she described as “incredible”.

“I’ve got my family and my extra family now.” Walsall-born Simmonds described filming the TV documentary as an “emotional roller coaster and a journey.

The 29-year-old went on: “People have reached out to me in the streets who have said, ‘I’m adopted, or I know someone who’s adopted’.

“Adoption is a subject that touches a lot of people.” The retired swimmer said she is unable to look back at the part where she was writing a letter to her birth mother, adding: “I can’t watch it now or think about it because it definitely makes me emotional because you’ve got all these questions that you’ve had in your head for so many years and finally you get the chance to ask them.”

Simmonds won two gold medals at the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing, when she was 13-yearsold. She was awarded the BBC’s Young Sports Personality Of The Year that same year and won another two gold medals at the 2012 Paralympics in London and one more at Rio in 2016.

“If you want to adopt, adopt people with different disabilities,” she said. “There are so many people out there who need adoption, and need love, and need families. Page 18 - The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2024 CELEBRATING 13 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS To Advertise 0208 865 1922
Appeal made for more foster carers to come forward

Global electric mobility technology brand Zeekr celebrated its third anniversary by revealing the all-new Zeekr MIX based on the new SEA-M electric vehicle architecture.

With sliding front and rear doors offering ‘walk-in’ access, the cabin space of vehicles from the seg-

ment above thanks to a 3-metre wheelbase, and front seats that rotate through 270°, the Zeekr MIX offers unrivalled comfort and flexibility: it is an intelligent “living room” on wheels. The Zeekr Mix was developed from the new SEA-M architecture to deliver exceptional space efficiency, safety, and agility.

eekr is proud to announce that the all-electric (EV) Zeekr 007 luxury sedan won the prestigious Red Dot Award for its exceptional

design in the category Product Design.

The “Red Dot” is the world's most renowned design competition award for high design quality. The international jury only

An evolution of the SEA architecture used for models including the Zeekr 001 and Zeekr X, SEA-M supports a wide range of applications, including robotaxis and commercial vehicles, and features technical innovations such as steer-by-wire. Alongside the Zeekr Mix, visitors to the show stand could also experience the

awards this sought-after seal of quality to products that feature an outstanding design.

Designed by the Zeekr Design Team at the Global Geely Design Centre in Gothenburg, in Sweden, under the leadership of renowned designer Stefan Sielaff, the Zeekr 007* blends innovation with emotion. At the heart of Zeekr's philosophy is a customer-first design approach, which includes not only visual elegance but also pragmatic and intelligent solutions that meet consumer demands.

A prime example of this philosophy in action is the "Zeekr Stargate," an Interactive Social Display (ISD) integrated into the vehicle's front facade. This Stargate lighting feature is multipurpose, enhancing the vehicle's visual personalization, communication, and safety.

Stefan Sielaff, Design Director at Zeekr, expressed his joy, saying: "Winning the Red Dot Award is something we’re incredibly proud of.

“It shows that our team's hard work and dedication convinced the international Red Dot Jury of the Zeekr’s 007’s outstanding quality and design. We're honoured to be recognized on a global stage."

Zeekr X, Zeekr 001, Zeekr 001 FR, Zeekr 007, Zeekr 009 and the Zeekr 009 Grand – a new four-seater ultra-luxury flagship MPV.

The Zeekr 001 and Zeekr X spearhead the brand’s presence in Europe, which began in 2023 with Sweden and the Netherlands. In these key EV markets, Zeekr

has opened luxury showrooms and forged strong partnerships to deliver customers the most integrated and convenient ownership experience, from finance and servicing to insurance and charging.

As part of its strategic roll-out, Zeekr plans to offer its desirable – yet attainable – luxury EVs in seven European countries by the

end of 2024. (Zeekr 001: Combined power consumption in kWh/100km: 17.3-18.5 (WLTP). Combined CO2 emissions in g/ km: 0. Zeekr X: Combined power consumption in kWh/100km: 16.4-17.3 (WLTP). Combined CO2 emissions in g/km: 0).

@PhoenixNewsUK The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2024 - Page 19 CELEBRATING 13 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS MOTORS



100,000 YOUTUBE




Urban Automotive, the bespoke modifier of luxury automotive brands, is celebrating a significant milestone in its digital presence after reaching 100,000 subscribers on its YouTube channel.

The company’s weekly ‘Urban Uncut’ video series has grown increasingly popular over the last 12 months, taking viewers behind the scenes at Urban Automotive’s vehicle workshop, featuring exclusive road tests of the latest luxury vehicles, and with design previews and insights on future build projects. From bespoke vehicle

builds for popstars Olly Murs and Jesy Nelson, to deep dives into Urban’s inhouse carbon fibre manufacturing capabilities, the Urban Automotive YouTube channel has become a go-to destination for car customisation enthusiasts worldwide.

Urban Automotive’s top 5 most popular videos to date:

• Scott Disick’s 40th birthday gift to himself: Delivering a 1 of 1 forged carbon RollsRoyce by Urban: TV personality and car enthusiast Scott Disick entrusts Platinum Motorsport and Urban Automotive to transform his Rolls-Royce Cullinan into a truly unique

vehicle. Viewers are taken on the Urban Automotive journey from start to finish, with insights into the creation of the specialised carbon fibre body kit and cinematic footage of the vehicle delivery across LA to Scott’s home in Calabasas.

• First modified INEOS Grenadier - Is it a Defender beater? | Urban Uncut S2 Ep10: Another first for Urban Automotive, as the team get their hands on the INEOS Grenadier to give the 4x4 a complete Urban makeover. Simon takes the viewers through the rendering process and how this translates to real life application with the help of his team of expert technicians.

• The Cars Featured In The Gentlemen Netflix Series by Guy Ritchie - Our Take…: Guy Ritchie’s latest Netflix series

• First 2023 Range Rover Sport modified | Urban Uncut Ep70: In this episode, Urban Automotive becomes the first company in the world to modify the 2023 Range Rover Sport. Company founder Simon Dearn takes a hands-on approach in the workshop, testing new 24” wheels and giving a behind the scenes peek into the design and development of the custom build.

The Gentleman has his signature sharp style and wit, with impeccably dressed actors and some interesting car casting. Here, Lenny takes a closer look at the cars that were used on set and how they might have looked if Urban had got their hands on them first.

• Dushane from Top Boy's Land Rover Defender by Urban | Urus Wide Body? | Urban Uncut S2 Ep36: The art director for the hugely popular TV crime drama Top Boy approaches Urban with an exciting project for a Defender 110. Lenny and the team set about adding the signature Urban style to the car for the show’s lead character Dushane (Ashley Walters). Simon Dearn, founder at Urban Automotive, said: “We are very grateful to our loyal subscribers and supporters for helping us reach this milestone. Our YouTube channel has been instrumental in helping us connect with our audience, sharing our passion for automotive craftmanship and showcasing the creativity and expertise of our team.”

Send your stories in to Page 20 - The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2024 CELEBRATING 13 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS

Food & Fine Dining

Fun88, a leading online betting platform, understands that a thrilling IPL match often goes hand-in-hand with enjoying refreshing beverages.

To elevate the viewing experience for the customers in Maharashtra, Fun88 has announced a unique offer with 12th Man Brewery. Get ready to raise a toast with Fun88! This exciting collaboration allows bettors to enjoy their favourite cricketing season with a complimentary sip of FUN88 beer. An exclusive offer along with 12th

Man Brewery, FUN88 perfectly captures the celebratory atmosphere surrounding the IPL (Indian Premier League).

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Bert's Kitchen Garden, the eco-campsite on Wales's little-visited Llyn Peninsula, has re-opened for the season.

The campsite's pitches - mown from wild flower meadows, bespoke shepherd's huts and a snug holiday cottage, have long attracted families and adventurous campers but, for the new season, Bert's has opened 'Beachside', a new dining space on the campsite's private beach to tempt both guests and also day-trippers.

Beachside is a 40ft converted shipping container on wheels that sits on Trefor beach.

Converted by the acclaimed design firm, Eunice Aubert Designs, it will be a creative space and dining area, with seating inside for 20 and plenty more dining space outside, too. Funded by a grant from Gwynedd Council, it will serve a menu of delicious

name/mobile number, address details, and mention 'Fun88 Free Beer' in the message.

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cakes and sandwiches, showcasing the best of the region's produce and flourishing food scene.

Coffee is roasted by Heartland Coffee Roasters, and with its cosy wood-burning stove, Beachside will be the perfect place to warm up after a bracing sea swim or a wander along the Llyn's Coastal Path. On set evenings across the season, Beachside will host supper club events with local chefs such as Andrew Tabberner and Bryn Williams, and in partnership with Wild Horse Brewery.

Accessible only by foot, it is set to be a remarkable space with the container's windows filled with the views of the Llyn's coastline and, to the other side, the distant peaks of Eyri National Park. Bert's is a simple, back-to-nature campsite that offers guests the chance to relax and unwind. There are 20 camping pitches, mowed out from wildflower

Bake restocks 100,000 patties after Aldi’s Next Big Thing sell out

slots, or simply someone who enjoys a friendly game of poker, Fun88 has something for everyone. With a focus on providing a safe and secure gaming environment, Fun88 is a trusted destination for millions of players globally.

From exhilarating sports betting to captivating live casino experiences, Fun88 offers it all. Don't forget to download the Fun88 app for iOS and Android for gaming on the go.

Flake Bake, the pioneering handmade Jamaican patty brand rooted in Caribbean flavours, has restocked over 100,000 patties after selling out in 48 hours after their big win on ‘Aldi's Next Big Thing’.

meadows perfumed with the scent of meadowsweet or tucked into a riverside paddock, while there are four pitches for campervans and two pre-erected glamping safari tents. The site has no electric hook-ups, no Wi-Fi and is car free with guests transferring their gear by wheelbarrow.

Facilities include shower blocks, where eco-friendly toiletries are provided, composting toilets, BBQs to hire, and a small kitchen with washing up facilities and fridges. Alongside the camping pitches, there's a family hut sleeping four, two other huts, each sleeping two with an en suite shower, and a beautiful holiday cottage for rent, The Piggery, with a master bedroom, huge en suite, log burner and coffee making facilities.

All guests are welcome to enjoy the on-site restaurant set in the middle of a kitchen garden.

The small, family business, has made a sterling effort to increase the production following the success of the show and was back on shelves in May. They left Aldi's shelves bare as fans of the show hurried to get their hands on their delicious, authentic, flaky pastries, causing the store to quadruple their original order.

Flake Bake's journey took a meteoric leap into the spotlight after a visit from social media influencer

Eating With Tod. With over 2 million views in just 5 days, Eating With Tod's visit catapulted Flake Bake into the realm of virality, with its social media following increasing by 1000 followers every day since.

Under the visionary leadership of Mike Williams and his father Paul, the family business is dedicated to establishing a reputable, values-driven business while fostering a more positive environment for all Caribbean-led enterprises in the UK. With a strong emphasis on community, responsibility, commitment, resilience, and the freedom to express individuality, Flake Bake is poised to make a lasting impression with supermarkets and consumers.

Its Director, Mike Williams, said: "Winning Aldi's Next Big Thing and gaining a national supermarket listing has been a game changer. “It not only allowed us to showcase our unique flavours and values, but also provided a platform to redefine the perception of Caribbean cuisine in the UK. We are thrilled to blend our cultural heritage with the diverse culinary landscape, offering innovative products and fresh perspectives to Aldi's consumers."

Flake Bake's journey began in South London serving foodservice, where it quickly became renowned for its Jamaican patties boasting the flakiest golden crusts, distinguished by its use of simple, fresh ingredients and a commitment to quality. With a diverse audience including young urbanites, adventurous food enthusiasts, and multicultural communities the business sells over 20,000 patties at Notting Hill Carnival and has earned its reputation as the number one choice in South London. The business now aims to create, expand, and invest in multiple Caribbean brands while supporting entrepreneurs and serving the community through entrepreneurship. Flake Bake's journey transcends mere food; it is a tale of resilience, ambition, and cultural identity.

The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2024 - Page 21 CELEBRATING 13 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS To Advertise 0208 865 1922


Birmingham-based pho-

tographer Johnathan

Williams will showcase the iconic images he’s captured of artists performing in front of massive audiences alongside intimate behind-thescenes moments in his debut exhibition at Grosvenor Road Studios.

Johnathan Williams graduated from Birmingham City University in 2019. Since then, he has covered major awards ceremonies like the MOBO Awards, as well as photographing music icons at the likes of Wireless, Parklife, All Points East and Reading and Leeds festival. Over 20 photographs will be on display at Grosvenor Road Studios from Friday 24 May 2024.

The famous Birmingham music studios boasts one of the largest recording studios in the West Midlands as well as a workspace of seven offices, a centre for arts training and development, a hub for arts and community development, and a woodland garden for

local children and their families.

Johnathan said: "The past five years as a freelance photographer have been extraordinary.

“It's been a rollercoaster journey filled with so many achievements, challenges, and memorable moments, resulting in an extensive catalogue of photos I'm finally ready to exhibit. I genuinely can’t believe I’m saying this, but you can see my work at the iconic Grosvenor Road studios for six months from May!

“Whether it's intimate, discrete shots captured backstage at festivals or staged portraits at award ceremonies, these photos capture a significant moment in time.” Carol Pemberton MBE, Founder and Managing Director of Black Voices, said: “Grosvenor Road Studios is a creative, cultural and community hub and this free exhibition of live music photography by an incredible Birmingham talent offers another reason for local residents to step through our doors.

“We hope to inspire the young

This show is a music competition as well as international cultural exchange platform, featuring accomplished females from worldwide.

In it, 36 international female stars from France, the United States, Russia, China and other countries were invited. Their wonderful performances have been loved by


many audiences, making ‘Ride the Wind 2024’ outstanding among the likes.

The show explores to integrate traditional Chinese cultural elements and a variety of other cultural styles, presented by the brilliant stage performances of the 36 contestants. Joyce Jonathan is a French pop singer and songwriter. Her music style is mainly pop and folk.

She released her first album ‘Sur Mes Gardes’ in 2009 and gained great success and popularity from it. On the stage themed traditional Chinese twenty-four solar terms, Joyce Jonathan made her debut with the classic French folk song ‘Les Champs-Elysées’, showcasing the charm of French music to the Chinese audience.

In the latest episode of the show,

Joyce challenged a newly adapted Chinese song. Her performance was greatly enjoyed by the audiences.

In addition, she tried a new music style, learning a traditional Chinese drama, Yue Opera, from the guests of ‘Ride the Wind 2024’. Joyce commented: "The Chinese artists, or sisters, and crew members, in the show are really open-minded and inclusive. “They make me feel that China is like home." When talking about the reasons for her participation in this show, she said: "China and France have developed a friendship lasting as long as 60 years. “I hope that my participation will bring more possibilities for French-China cultural exchanges."

people entering our studios and highlight another one of the possible careers they could pursue in the music and creative industry.”

Grosvenor Road Studios, formerly the renowned Hollick & Taylor Studios, has been operating as recording studios since the late 1940s and during that time many firsts have been recorded there including all the original sound effects for Gerry Anderson’s Thunderbirds and Stingray, the fabulous brass band rendition of Brighouse and Ratrick’s The Floral Dance and the first Brum Beat album, Jasper Carrott’s Funky Moped.

It was acquired by the all-female a cappella quintet Black Voices in 2001, who continue to bring their diverse skills and knowledge of the music industry and community development to the studios. Johnathan Williams debut exhibition is free to view and on display until October 2024.

ENTERTAINMENT Send your stories in to @PhoenixNewsUK The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2024 - Page 22 CELEBRATING 13 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS




Globally renowned for her bold, uncompromising kick-arse approach, US rapper/singer/ song-writer, Azealia Banks, responds to public demand as she announced a second London date to her UK tour this autumn; now kicking off her tour a day earlier than planned at Brixton's O2 Academy on Friday 13 September. Her first time back to the UK in 5-years, and her biggest UK tour to date, the highly anticipated ‘Back To The Union Jack Tour' sees Azealia perform live across x8 UK dates including Bristol, Leeds, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, x2 dates in London, plus a venue upgrade in Glasgow to the O2 Academy, releasing increased tickets for the Glasgow date. "UK I'm coming,” yells Azealia.

“This is my first time back to the UK in over five years, and I'm making it the biggest and best tour yet. I'm flying the flag for Great Britain with my ‘Back To The Union Jack Tour' this fall, and I'm holding

notop';1hing back - UK this is a rap attack as Azealia is back!

“This is gonna be one hell of a tour, tracks old and new, and we'll be ramping up the vibe to energy busting heights. And London it's a double whammy for you as I'm adding a second date in Brixton. UK - I'll see you there!"

As well known for her music as her propensity for the provocative, Azealia Banks makes genre-noncompliant tracks that bend rap, house, indie, and whichever other styles she approaches around her uncompromising star presence. She broke through in 2012 with her amped-up track ‘212' while still unsigned. Her debut album, Broke with Expensive Taste, arrived in 2014, and Banks continued down a chaotic path of public relations while consistently delivering artistically bold mixtapes and attention-grabbing singles like 2023's ‘Dilemma'. It's been five years since this force of nature stormed UK shores, and she's back with her biggest ever UK tour to date, kicking off early with an added London date - Azealia Banks is flying the flag and her ‘Back To The Union Jack Tour' is one not to be missed! Page 23 - The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2024 CELEBRATING 13 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS ENTERTAINMENT


Secretary praises GPs as “perfect example” at London practises

UK Health Secretary, Victoria Atkins, has praised the work of GPs in Mill Hill, in London, following a recent visit to a surgery in the area. Atkins, who was visiting the surgery with Conservative candidate for Hendon Ameet Jogia, spoke to doctors, nurses and administrative workers at the practice. Jogia described the practice as a “fantastic example of an integrated care system that works for the local community through GP’s, clinicians and a range of various medical practitioners”.

During this visit, they also had the opportunity to visit local businesses on Mill Hill Broadway, including a coffee shop and a local pharmacy.

Reflecting on the visit, Atkins said: “Mill Hill is a perfect example of an area that works hard for its community and reaps the rewards.

“The GP practices in the area have provided dedicated care for over 50 years and are admired by local residents here.”


Law firm Lime Solicitors has reinforced its dedication to supporting the Child Brain Injury Trust (CBIT) through a strategic partnership with the national charity.

As part of the year-long partnership, Lime Solicitors will fund four families to go through counselling sessions, facilitate CBIT-organised family experience days out, and enable the charity to provide its vital support service to families in hospital throughout the year.

CBIT was established in 1991 by a group of health professionals to research and provide information regarding the effects of traumatic injury on a child’s developing brain. Today, the charity provides emotional and practical support, information and learn-

ing opportunities for families and professionals affected by childhood-acquired brain injury across the UK.

Amelia Larard, head of marketing and fundraising at CBIT, said: “We are thrilled to have Lime Solicitors as a strategic partner. Our strategic partnerships programme highlights our connection to organisations with likeminded values and outcomes for children with acquired brain injuries.

“Our strategic partnership with Lime Solicitors will help to support key elements in the delivery of our service, and it will help us to make a difference in the everyday lives of the families we support at the Child Brain Injury Trust. We are really proud of this meaningful collaboration.”

The partnership builds upon

Lime Solicitors’ long-standing support of CBIT. For the third consecutive year, the firm will be a headline sponsor and take a leading role in the organisation of The CBIT Games 2024 as it continues to grow year on year. Additionally, for the second year running, Lime Solicitors will support the charity’s casino night, Licence to Spin and host a Bollywood dance evening later in the year. The firm is committed to continue fundraising for the charity, raising its profile and encouraging collaboration in order to do so.

Vicky Blodwell, serious injury partner at Lime Solicitors, said: “It is a privilege to have strengthened our partnership with CBIT. Through this collaboration, we aim to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children

living with brain injury and their families, helping them to navigate the challenges they face and empowering them to build brighter futures.

“As specialists in brain injury claims, we are always looking to partner with like-minded organisations and charities that provide invaluable support to those affected by this type of traumatic injury. We truly believe that better outcomes can be achieved for everyone when we all work together.”

This collaboration adds to Lime Solicitors’ partnerships and close work with other charities, including The Katie Piper Foundation, Spinal Injuries Association, RoadPeace and Derbyshire Blood Bikes.

Midlands Air Ambulance Charity has announced Sunday 1st September 2024 for its rescheduled 2024 Bike4Life Ride Out and Festival.

Following one of the wettest winters on record, the difficult decision to postpone the annual Bike4Life Ride Out and Festival was made due to safety concerns. Organisers of the annual event including Midlands Air Ambulance Charity, National Highways and West Mercia Police’s Safer Roads Partnership, along with event sponsor, The Bike Insurer, have selected 1st September 2024.

Tickets purchased for the original event in April will automatically be transferred to the new date of Sunday 1st September 2024. For those not able to attend the revised date, other options will be provided, with ticket holders being urged to look out for an email from Midlands Air Ambulance Charity.

Emma Wood, head of fundraising and engagement for Midlands Air Ambulance Charity said: “We are happy to have found a new date for our much-anticipated Bike4Live event. We want to thank everyone for their patience and their continued support for one of our biggest fundraising events that helps us deliver our lifesaving service.

“As the original Ride Out was sold out, any tickets that are returned to us will be made available to purchase for the new date via The Ticket Factory in due course. We urge everyone to be vigilant when buying tickets for the new date as we are aware of accounts online attempting to sell fake tickets.

“Tickets will only be available via the official website” Ed Bevis, commercial and marketing director for The Bike Insurer, added: “Following the postponement of the April event, The Bike Insurer is proud to continue its support of Midlands Air Ambulance Charity’s 2024 Bike4Life Ride Out and Festival.

“We look forward to the event returning on the new date of 1st September 2024.” For more on Midlands Air Ambulance Charity’s lifesaving service visit: and follow the lifesaving service on social media.

New date announced for 2024 Bike4Life To Advertise 0208 865 1922 @PhoenixNewsUK The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2024 - Page 24
l PIC - Victoria Atkins (second from left), with Ameet Jogia (second from right) – (Credit – Ameet Jogia for Hendon)



With over 20 affordable housing developments under construction across the Midlands, and more to come this year, Morro Partnerships has underlined its commitment to improve social value and early careers with a key appointment Abdul Mozzamdar, 42, from Solihull, joined Morro Partnerships as Head of Social Value and Early Careers, earlier this year to support the vision in becoming better community makers and better people makers. With over 20 years’ experience, Abdul brings an extensive amount of expertise

working within the social value space and construction industry, operating from the developer’s Cannock office.

Since his appointment, Abdul has been an integral part of Morro’s operations, making significant progress to ensure new homes projects are delivering on social value through meaningful employment and training opportunities, community engagement, staff volunteering and more. He has produced strategic design and operational delivery of corporate social responsibility targets for several clients and key stakeholder partners, while providing future generations with career opportuni-

ties on site and in the office environment at Morro.

Abdul said: “To deliver on social value and give back to the places we work and play in, we must be approachable, personable and empathetic.

“From my first meetings with Morro, I knew I was walking into a culture that embodied exactly that, one that would allow me to thrive. Looking at other employees and the happiness within the workforce helped me to understand that and knowing that Morro is not just about building houses, but improving communities too, was incredible.”

In the last two months, Abdul has

helped accelerate two of Morro’s apprentices, one of which is progressing into a clear career path into site management, with the other set to be a qualified carpenter in the company’s supply chain. With Abdul’s support and guidance, all Morro apprentices are now projected to complete their apprenticeship standards by Summer 2024, with an emphasis placed on recruiting the next cohort for the following academic

year through a clear strategy with defined progression routes across site, technical and corporate areas of the business.

On the impact of targeting social value and early career as a business, Abdul went on, continuing: “Education is key – the industry has an aging workforce, with many highly-skilled workers retiring and those skills not being replaced, so emphasising early careers routes into employment is


“In recent years, we have been deprived of a significant portion of talent supply from overseas, so bringing as many people as possible into that pool of excellence in the industry is incredibly rewarding. Diversifying our personnel can help bring fresh perspectives to tasks, fill vital skills gaps, and bring people into the industry who may otherwise end up elsewhere.”


and HeiQ introduce synbiotic cleaning products at Interclean

Ecolab and HeiQ Chrisal have teamed up to launch the revolutionary Maxx Synbiotic cleaning range at Interclean in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Ecolab, a global sustainability leader offering water, hygiene, and infection prevention solutions and services, and HeiQ Chrisal, a leading biotech innovator, are proudly collaborating to introduce advanced synbiotic cleaning products to the European cleaning industry. At Interclean in Amsterdam, May 14-17, the Maxx Synbiotic range will be introduced to the professional cleaning industry throughout Europe.

Harnessing the power of pre- and probiotics, the 50 billion probiotics per litre of Maxx Synbiotic deliver immediate, continuous, and microscopic-level cleaning, highly efficient odour reduction, long-lasting efficacy, and support for a well-balanced microbiome on surfaces. HeiQ's synbiotic cleaning technology was validated in several scientific studies, e.g. the landmark study published in May 2023 in The Lancet by renowned Charité University Hospital Berlin. You will be invited to visit Ecolab's and HeiQ's booths at Interclean 2024 in Amsterdam from May 14-17.

• Ecolab: Hall 7, booth 402 & 404 (book an appointment)

• HeiQ: Hall 12, booth 409 (book an appointment)

On Thursday, May 16, 13:0013:45, you can grab the opportunity to listen to an eye-opening presentation by Thomas Hansen, Vice President RD&E Institutional Europe at Ecolab, and Dr. Robin Temmerman, Head of Business Unit Life Sciences at HeiQ and CEO of HeiQ Chrisal, about "The future of cleaning technologies – a shared look into the crystal ball". You can join them on their synbiotic journey towards a cleaner, safer, more sustainable and powerful future! Page 26 - The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2024 CELEBRATING 13 YEARS OF POSITIVE NEWS Send your stories in to
l PIC - Abdul Mozzamdar (right) at a speed meeting event connecting students directly to employers

In conversation with Dee Burrowes

Mental Health in the Workplace: Creating Supportive Environment for the work force.

In celebration of Mental Health Awareness Month in May, this is a critical time to focus on breaking the stigma surrounding mental health and fostering open dialogue.

This effort is essential because stigma significantly impedes in-

Mental health issues are prevailing in the workplace which can negatively influence output, morale, and overall organisational success. When employees are grappling with mental health challenges, their work quality and productivity can experience real agony.

Employers can consider flexible work schedules to promote a healthy and sustainable work-life balance. Mental health is an integral part of our overall health, affecting how we think, feel, and act in our daily lives.

This month, we focus on the significance of understanding men-

dividuals from seeking support and receiving the much-needed help. Mental Health is frequently overlooked, leading to increased stress, burnout, and decreased in productivity.

It is imperative for employers to

As a result, promoting mental health in the workplace is pivotal for employee well-being and overall business success. The stigma surrounding mental health often prevents individuals from seeking the help they need.

tal health, reducing stigma, and promoting resources and support systems. Such dedicated time is crucial to raising awareness about the importance of mental well-being and advocating for better mental health for all.

such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder, helps in fostering a more compassionate and supportive environment.

Knowledge breaks down barriers, dispels myths, and encourages individuals to seek help without fear of judgment. Reducing stigma is another vital goal.

Stigma can prevent people from seeking the help they need, leading to unnecessary suffering. Open conversations about mental health, both in personal and public spheres, are essential in normalizing the experiences of

acknowledge the significance of mental health in the workplace and adopt strategies that foster a supportive and healthy environment. As mainstream point of view towards mental health continue to make headway, conversations surrounding this once-taboo topic have gained momentum, moderately breaking down long-held stigmas. There are still barriers that exist somewhat in the workplace. Employees are reserved to spill the bean about their mental health obstacles for the horror of prejudice or judgment.


This month of May aims to break down these barriers by promoting open conversations and educating the public about mental health disorders. Resources such as therapy, support groups, and hotlines play an important role in offering support yet they remain underutilized due to societal misconceptions.

Giving promotion to work-life balance is an excellent strategy for supporting mental health in the workplace. Employees must be encouraged to take breaks and disconnect from work to reduce stress and prevent burnout.

Employers and policymakers must collaborate to improve mental health services. This includes integrating mental health education into schools, enhancing workplace mental health programs, and expanding affordable access to care.

Individuals can contribute by fostering environments that encourage open dialogue about mental health, supporting friends and family, and practicing selfcare. One of the main aspects of Mental Health Month should be education. Understanding the various mental health conditions,

those who struggle with mental health issues.

By sharing stories and experiences, we can build a community of support and acceptance. Access to resources is crucial for those facing mental health challenges. This month is an opportunity to highlight the availability of

If you Like, follow, and share on instagram – @ThePhoenixNewspaper and @dee_burrowes you could win a 30 minute complimentary coaching

mental health services, including counselling, hotlines, support groups, and online resources. Ensuring that people know where and how to get help can make a significant difference in their journey toward recovery.

Moreover, Mental Health Month emphasizes self-care and proactive measures to maintain mental well-being. Activities such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, healthy eating, and mindfulness practices can significantly improve one's mental health.

Encouraging these habits helps individuals build resilience and better cope with stress, if this isn’t control it can lead to marginalisation, reduced opportunities in employment and education, and inadequate access to care. Consequently, individuals may suffer in silence, exacerbating their conditions.

Tips to promoting Mental Health in the workplace:

• Education and Awareness: Enhancing public knowledge about mental health conditions is crucial. Providing accurate information about the prevalence, causes, and treatment of mental illnesses can dispel myths. Initiatives such as workshops, public lectures, and social media campaigns can play a vital role.

• Personal Stories and Testimonials: Sharing personal experiences of those who have navigated mental health challenges can humanise the issue and reduce stigma. It helps others feel less isolated and more understood.

• Media Representation: The media plays a powerful role in shaping perceptions. Positive and nuanced portrayals of mental health in films, TV shows, and news stories can challenge stereotypes and foster empathy.

• Supportive Environments: Creating supportive environments in workplaces, schools, and communities is vital. Policies that promote mental well-being, such as providing access to

counselling services and promoting work-life balance, can make a significant difference.

• Language Matters: Encouraging the use of respectful and non-stigmatising language when discussing mental health can change the conversation. Terms like "person with depression" instead of "depressed person" emphasize the individual's humanity over their condition.

• Train Managers and Leaders: Managers and leaders should be trained to recognize signs of mental health issues and to respond empathetically. Leadership should be equipped with the skills to provide appropriate support or direct employees to professional help when necessary.

In conclusion, Mental Health Awareness Month is an opportunity to challenge stigma and promote understanding. Through education, personal stories, responsible media representation, supportive environments, and respectful language, we can create a culture where mental health is openly discussed, and Mental Health Month is a reminder of the importance of mental well-being and the collective responsibility to support those around us. By educating ourselves, reducing stigma, and promoting accessible resources, we can create a more understanding and supportive society. Let's use this month as a catalyst for lasting change in the way we view and address mental health.

Mental Health Month is not just a period of awareness but a call for action. As we acknowledge the profound impact of mental health on our overall well-being, let us commit to a future where mental health care is prioritized and accessible to all. By embracing empathy, education, and proactive support, we can pave the way for a healthier, more understanding society.

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” —Princess Diana.

session with Dee!
Contributor’s BioDee Burrowes, Certified Professional Coach, NLP Practitioner, Speaker, Trained Teacher, International Awards Judge, Associate Governor, Mental Health and Behavioural Disorder Coach. In 2020, Dee was featured in global publications, awarded for her work in Life Coaching and Hotel, Tourism Education 2022. Newly awarded winner in the Caribbean Global Awards in the category of Journalism and Literary September 2023.

Holiday Traveland

The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) congratulates Brittany Brathwaite, Chief People and Development Strategist of Ocean Hotels Group Barbados and Chickmont Foods Ltd, on being recognized as the Caribbean Rising Star at the recent Caribbean Hotel & Resort Investment Summit (CHRIS). Brathwaite’s exceptional achievements and dedication to the industry exemplify the talent and potential within the CHTA community. She joined the Ocean Hotels team in 2019 and has remained committed to her foundational principles of adding value, driving innovation, and enhancing efficiency while developing members of her human resources team.

Her path into tourism, strategy and people management, includes a labour advisory role with Barbados’ Employers’ Confederation and subsequently, a regional role with the Caribbean Employers’ Confederation. She is a member of the CHTA’s People Development Committee.

Nicola Madden-Greig, President of CHTA, expressed her admiration for Brathwaite’s accomplishments, stating: “Brittany Brathwaite’s recognition as a Rising Star highlights the incredible talent and passion present within the Caribbean tourism industry.

“Her commitment to excellence serves as an inspiration to young professionals aspiring to make their mark in the field.”


CHTA Past President and CEO and Group General Manager of Ocean Hotels Group Barbados, Patricia Affonso-Dass, commended Brathwaite’s dedication. She said: “Brittany’s achievement is a testament to her hard work, determination and leadership. “As her colleague and mentor, I am immensely proud of her contributions to our organization and the wider tourism community.” The Rising Star Award Caribbean is a key feature of CHRIS, as it shines a spotlight on the future of the tourism industry.

This is the 14th year CHRIS and the International Society of Hospitality Consultants have collaborated to recognize young, talented leadership in the Caribbean region. Sanovnik Destang, CHTA President-elect and Executive Director of Bay Gardens Resorts in St. Lucia, who himself was a former recipient of the Rising Star award, emphasized the importance of nurturing young talent in the industry. He stated: “Brittany Brathwaite’s success underscores the immense potential of young professionals

in shaping the future of Caribbean tourism. It is crucial that we continue to support and empower the next generation of leaders to drive innovation and growth.” Respected executives from across the Caribbean reviewed a shortlist of outstanding candidates before voting on the winner. CHRIS, produced by Northstar Travel Group in association with The BHN Group, is one of the Caribbean’s leading hotel and tourism investment conferences.

Rising star, Brittany Brathwaite, honoured at CHRIS Conference

Seafaring travellers are being encouraged to embark on a voyage of discovery to Argyll and the Isles on the west coast of Scotland, as the region launches its bid to become Scotland's Sustainable Sailing Capital.

Seafaring travellers are being encouraged to embark on a voyage of discovery to Argyll and the Isles on the west coast of Scotland, as the region launches its bid to become Scotland's Sustainable Sailing Capital. Guests to the area can find a safe anchorage at The Pierhouse Hotel, which is tucked away in a sheltered bay close to the shores of Loch Linnhe.

New Art Retreat, a stylish getaway at Hope Cove House in Devon

Hope Cove House, the stylish getaway located on the picturesque Devon coast, have just announced their new art retreat with artist, Roz Berkeley-Hill of Tipperlyhill and hosted by Nina Jex, of Magpie Contemporary Art, on Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd September.

Guests and would-be artists can enjoy a relaxed and art filled escape in their veritable home from home overlooking Inner Hope at Hope Cove, Devon in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The retreat comprises of four guides art workshops, learning to paint the Tipperlyhill way.

There will be Roz's signature florals, expressive landscapes inspired by the coastal location (including some loose outdoor sketching if the weather permits), experimental funky portraits and more, all with expert artistic guidance and friendly support from Roz and Nina. The retreat is ideal for those

who love colour, creativity and are open to new techniques and ideas (suitable for any ability – Roz will bring out your inner artist!)

You'll go home with several completed pieces and lots of inspiration and tips for painting more. Hope Cove House is a 9-bedroom restaurant with rooms in the Devon coastal village of Hope Cove.

Rooms are simple yet stylish, with two family rooms available. The Hope Cove House restaurant serves lunch to guests and non-residents 12-2.30pm Wednesday to Saturday, with dinner served for guests only.

Well-behaved small dogs are very welcome, and there are several dog friendly rooms available. The menus are full of locally sourced seasonal produce and seafood launched in the nearby harbour towns. Main plates are available, and a children's menu is offered for both lunch and dinner. The wine list is well thought out with a wide selection available.

The Pierhouse Hotel is located in a spectacular setting with breathtaking views of the islands of Lismore and Mull, the mountains of Morven and the Ardnamurchan peninsula. Nautical visitors can sail to The Pierhouse Hotel and dine in award-winning seafood estaurant, which is led by head chef Michael Leathley. Chef Leathley has created menus filled with local produce, including the freshest langoustines, mussels and lobsters harvested from Loch Linnhe and Loch Etive, as well as fine handpicked oysters from the oyster beds of Loch Creran, just 10 minutes from the hotel. The Pierhouse Hotel & Restaurant was recently crowned the 'National Restaurant of the Year' at the Hotels of the Year Scotland Awards 2023-24, has two AA rosettes and is one of only three Argyll restaurants listed in the Michelin Guide for Great Britain and Ireland 2024. There are seven moorings for use by hotel guests and visitors from April to October. The Pierhouse is part of The Wee Hotel Company, which was founded by international hotelier, Gordon Campbell Gray, and includes the world-famous Three Chimneys on the Isle of Skye.

Complimentary overnight press trips available from September, including 2 nights dinner, B&B and mooring based on two people sharing a double/twin room. Complimentary mooring with dinner, if bringing your own boat. Launching the bid to be named Scotland's Sustainable Sailing Capital, Cathy Craig, CEO of the Argyll and the Isles Tourism Cooperative (AITC - said: “With a huge array of outstanding sailing experiences and a magnificent choice of sheltered anchorages plus many moorings, harbours and marinas – Argyll and the Isles is already Scotland's premier sailing destination, attracting some of the world's top sailors.”

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l PIC - Brittany Brathwaite (centre) is congratulated by Jonathon S. Zink, COO of The BHN Group, and Andrea Belfanti, CEO of the International Society of Hospitality Consultants


l PIC - Adam Stewart of Sandals Resorts International delivered the keynote address.

The Caribbean Tourism Organization’s ‘Sustainable Tourism Conference (STC)’, held between April 22 and 24, at Radisson Grenada Beach Resort, was proved a resounding success.

The conference is the Caribbean’s foremost event for high-level networking and dialogue on sustain-

able tourism, providing a crucial platform for tourism policymakers, private sector stakeholders, thought leaders, and strategic partners to address the challenges and opportunities shaping the future of Caribbean tourism. The meeting highlighted the essential pillars necessary for creating a transformative and regenerative legacy under the theme “The 5 Ps

for a Legacy of Caribbean Tourism Sustainability: People, Planet, Prosperity, Purpose & Partnership”.

Thought-provoking addresses from Grenada’s Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell and Adam Stewart (pic), Executive Chair of Sandals Resorts International, set the stage for discussions about the future of Caribbean tourism.

Prime Minister Mitchell stressed the need to include a broader array of stakeholders in the tourism conversation, while Stewart highlighted the importance of partnerships and unity within the sector.

The conference was marked by authentic displays of Grenadian culture and dynamic panel sessions.

Protests erupt as Venice implements day-trip entry fee

April 25 held a historic significance in Venice, not only marking Italy’s Liberation Day but also the feast day of the city’s patron saint, St. Mark.

However, this year, Venice adds another chapter to its history as it becomes the first city worldwide to levy an entry fee on day-trippers. Protests ensued as locals expressed their frustration, brandishing banners and passports in opposition to the city being treated like a theme park or museum. Images captured police clashes with demonstrators.

The long-awaited "contributo di accesso" — styled as an ‘access contribution’ — began at 8 a.m.

The city council initiated a pilot project, scheduled until mid-July, to test the feasibility of the system.

Effective April 25, day-trippers, excluding Veneto region residents, face a €5 ($5.40) charge between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Overnight visitors are exempted, as they already pay a tourist tax with their accommodation.

However, overnight guests must register to request the fee waiver. Essentially, all visitors on fee-

Landal GreenParks UK sees big growth in inbound holiday market

In an extraordinary display of the strength of our country's tourism sector, The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, Investments & Aviation is proud to announce record-breaking visitor arrivals for 2023, which exceeded the forecasted projections. Surpassing all previous records, the nation welcomed a total of 9,654,838 visitors in 2023, marking a historic milestone in its journey as a leading global tourism destination. Surpassing all previous records, the nation welcomed a total of 9,654,838 visitors in 2023.

charged dates must carry either a ticket or an exemption. Residents and natives are the sole exceptions. Hundreds protested at Piazzale Roma, the road entry point, though the exact turnout remains disputed.

Protestors, led by Ruggero Tallon of anti-cruise ship group No Grandi Navi, criticized the mayor's "closed city" concept, denouncing the fee as medieval and against freedom of movement. Elena Gastaldello, president of Arci Veneto, joined the protest, contending that the fee won't regulate visitor numbers but instead will turn Venice into an amusement park. She criticized the lack of concrete urban development policies, rent controls, and housing solutions. A spokesperson for the mayor's office reported 113,000 registered visitors on the first day, with 80,000 pre-registered. Of these, 15,700 paid the fee. Exemptions included hotel guests, friends/family of residents, commuters, students, and school groups, with credentials inspected for nearly 14,000 individuals.

This figure represents a 38% increase over 2022 and a 33% increase compared to the previous 2019 record. The 2023 result reveals a remarkable 17% percent increase in foreign air arrivals, totalling 1,719,980 visitors, compared to 1,470,244 in 2022.

This significant growth underscores the increasing appeal of The Bahamas as a premier air travel destination. Sea arrivals also saw an unprecedented surge, with 7,934,858 visitors in 2023, up 43.5% percent from the 5,530,462 who visited by sea the previous year. The distribution of visitors across the 16-island destinations further illustrates the widespread appeal of The Bahamas. New Providence attracted 4,441,540 visitors, up 36%, compared to 2022.

Grand Bahama welcomed 559,812 visitors, marking a 44% increase. The Family Islands saw an impressive 40% rise, with 4,653,486 visitors arriving by sea and air.

The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2024 - Page 29 @PhoenixNewsUK HOLIDAY AND TRAVEL
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Tokyo gave a resounding response to Steve Higgins on as he presented a concert featuring authentic Jamaican Folk music to an adoring audience at the Min-On Concert Association theater.

Leading the appreciative capacity audience were Mr. Koji Yamaguchi, President of Min-On Concert Association, Deputy Commissioner of Cultural Affairs, Tetsuo Goda and Jamaica's Ambassador to Japan, His Excellence, Shorna-Kay Richards, who was clearly transported by Higgins' energetic performance. Appearing along with Higgins, Executive Producer of the Jamaica-60 Cultural Tour, were Japanese opera singer, Soprano Yakori Kiyono and pianist Mitsuru Hirose, whose brilliant performances added much delight and splendor to an unforgettable evening of 'Jamaica-Japan' collaboration.

Hosted by MinOn, in association with Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Jamaican Embassy in Tokyo, it commemorated the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries. Greeted by President Yamaguchi, Deputy Commissioner Goda and Ambassador Richards, the matinee performance welcomed a brief lecture by Embassy First Secretary, Sherdan Baugh, who gave a virtual tour of Jamaica, encouraging them to visit there.

Members of the diplomatic core, including Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia, Dražen Hrastić, Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, Gisela García, Ambassa-

dor of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Seiko Ishikawa and Mayra Valle Torres, Minister Counsellor from the Embassy of El Salvador.

The program featured Higgins' delivery of Jamaican folk songs, such as 'Dis Long Time Gyal', 'Fan MI SoljaMan', 'Solas Market' and ‘Island in the Sun’ - a fitting tribute to the late singer and US Civil Rights activist, Harry Belafonte. Kiyono, who was accompanied by Hirose on piano, gave a brilliant performance of selected Japanese favorites, including a medley from ‘Furusato no Shiki’, by Shunichiro Genda and classical pieces including Puccini’s 'O Mio Babbino Caro’.

A highlight of the evening came when Kiyono joined Steve for 'Fi MI Love Have Lion Heart' and 'Banyan Tree', followed by 'All I Ask Of You' from Phantom Of the Opera and 'Time to Say Goodbye'. The concert came to an end with Higgins' rousing rendition of the Frank Sinatra classic, ‘My Way’, which was followed by Bob Marley's ‘One Love’, with the entire audience playing their part as they sang along.

Tenor soloist, musician, public speaker, actor, director and producer, Steve, was then flown to Tottori - a sister-city of Westmoreland, in Jamaica - where he was hosted by chair of the assembly and chair of the Tottori Athletic Association, Shinichi Hamasaki and Director Toshiki Endo, before visiting the Iwami High School, to give a brief talk and mini concert to the student body.

The school's brass band responded with a performance of their


The evening performance at the Tottori City Cultural Center then brought down the curtains on Higgins' Jamaica-Japan Tour.

Ambassador Richards congratulated Higgins on a successful and well received concert Tour. "It has been an absolute honor, and a fantastic experience representing Jamaica in this international setting and specifically in celebrating this Jamaica-Japan milestone,” said Higgins. He (Steve Higgins) was recently awarded with a Proclamation from his hometown of Davie, Florida, as an outstanding Musician. He also received a ‘Special Congressional Recognition’ by the United States Congress for outstanding and invaluable service to Communities.

Performing favorites from Classical, Broadway, Ballads and Jazz, to Folk musical genres, with an infusion of music from his native Jamaica, Steve has four solo albums, including: ‘Sacred,’ ‘All For You,' ‘Dis Long Time’ and ‘Echoes of Jamaica.’ In 2001, Higgins founded the ‘South Florida Caribbean Chorale’ and, for over two decades, he has produced the annual ‘Steve Higgins & Friends’ shows, which included the ‘Dem 3 Jamaican Tenors’ series. He’s also conducted many workshops on Jamaican Folk music - locally and internationallyworking with educational institutions, social and cultural interest groups and places of worship. You can get more on Steve Higgins at Page 30 - The Phoenix Newspaper - June 2024



The launch of Ralph Ottey’s memoir, ‘A Jamaican in Lincolnshire: From the Wartime RAF to a Life in Boston’ (Lincoln Record Society, 2024), took place at The International Bomber Command Centre, Lincoln, in Lincolnshire, breaking new ground as the story of a Black RAF veteran who settled in nearby Boston.

Far from the main communities of Windrush immigrants, he made a successful life there. And it proved a fitting venue as Ralph serviced on 617 Royal Air Force Dam Buster Squadron during the war, which was based in the county at the time. Ralph’s memoir was coordinated and completed by the eminent Professor Heather Hughes, Head at IBCC Digital Archive, who, having met Ralph some years ago, became intrigued by his life’s journey – from, as a young teenager, leaving his native Jamaica homeland, to serve the Commonwealth.

Ralph (right in pic), who returned to Jamaica, in 1948 - on the HMT Empire Windrush, was one of many veterans who served in the

conflict. He’s unique, in this sense, as I believe he is the only person alive, in UK, who travelled to the Caribbean on the Windrush ship.

However, after a short period living in Jamaica, he returned to Boston, where he has lived to date.

The launch of, ‘A Jamaican in Lincolnshire: From the Wartime RAF to a Life in Boston’ - (Available on Amazon) was organised by Heather and her colleagues, and supported by Ralph’s daughter, Lesley, along with her husband, James, plus friends and other RAF veterans. This book is a fitting tribute to one a Caribbean war hero who has served Queen and Country, whilst experiencing a wonderful journey of life.

This is an extract from his interview recording with ‘The Forgotten Generations’, transcribed by RAF AIRMAIL.

It was an honour and immense privilege to have been asked to write the Foreword for Ralph’s memoir, which follows:

When I enlisted in the Royal Air Force, in the early 1970s, I thought I was one of the first young Black men to join the military. How wrong was I, as I later learned of

trailblazers such as Ralph Ottey in the Second World War and even other Caribbean veterans who served before him in the World War I.

It then became my longing ambition to meet as many of these veterans as I could. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Ralph, and dining with him, as he recounted some of his treasured memories. It was ‘surreal’ to spend time with him, and I mentally pinched myself many times during the hours in his presence.

I later recorded a video interview with Ralph. Step by step, he reminisced and reflected on his path through his life. And I consider myself extremely fortunate to have captured these memories - uttered directly by the man himself. The interview will serve as a treasured archival record, which will, hopefully, blend with his delightful memoir to enrich Black history. Richest blessings, Ralph, and I hope your fantastic journey of life will serve to be a shining example to countless others.


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l P PIC - L to R:
Donald Campbell Veteran, James Morrison, Lesley Morrison, Ralph Ottey WW2 Veteran, Prince Albert Jacob WW2 Veteran, and Kenneth Straun Veteran.


Clasford Stirling, from London Elite Sports & Football Academy, Haringey, North London, gave the 2nd Annual Windrush Anchor Heritage Education Programme, Descendants Day Address focusing on 'Attitude, Aspiration and Attainment" in Kingston, Jamaica to students at Papine High School.

He donated sports equipment to August Town Primary School. He led the Academy of Sporting Excellence/Football Futures Coaching Sessions, hosted by August Town Football Club/UWI Bowl, for over 40 young people, selecting (2) players for their outstanding attitude and performance for advanced coaching development. ASE/Football Futures also welcomed new partners Coever Jamaica Sports Academy and Llandewey FC, St Thomas, who have been slated to co-host the 2025

Schools, universities, teachers, youth leaders, and community development and health practitioners from London and Birmingham are

working together to create edu cational and sports programmes. These tasks involve sharing cur riculum knowledge, delivering community development online and face-to-face presentations, and visiting primary and sec ondary schools, universities, and teacher-training colleges.

The immediate strategic goal is to align the delivery systems of the UK, USA, and Canada to support the achievement of Jamaica's Vi sion 2030 National Development Goals:

Goal 1: Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential.

Goal 2: The Jamaican society is safe, cohesive and just Goal 3: Jamaica’s economy is prosperous

Goal 4: Jamaica has a healthy nat ural environment.

WAHEP JAMAICA 2030 will also promote the improvement of provision for community centers, vocational learning and creative skills hubs, and sports fields as "beacons of hope" for long-term infrastructure development for healthy neighborhoods and sus tainable communities.

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We are rallying support for Lloyd Page, tragically found with fatal injuries at an apartment complex in Malaysia and could not be revived by medics. His family and friends, devastated by the loss, are determined to get to the bottom of Lloyd's sudden passing.

Investigations are ongoing into the circumstances surrounding

his departure from Dubai and his time in Malaysia. To navigate this challenging journey, the family has appointed a law firm based in Malaysia to support with the investigations.

We are rallying support in the quest for justice and closure for Lloyd Lewis Page, tragically found with fatal injuries at an apartment complex in Malaysia and could not be revived by medics.

The family, devastated by the loss, is determined to uncover the truth behind Lloyd's untimely passing. Investigations are ongoing into the circumstances surrounding his departure from Dubai and his time in Malaysia. However, in the absence of a comprehensive Police Report, a UK Inquest has been launched into his passing.

To navigate this challenging legal journey, the family has engaged

a law firm based in Malaysia to support with the investigations. By donating to this GoFundMe campaign, you can support in costs of Repatriation to the UK, Funeral arrangements, legal fees, and associated expenses.

Every contribution, no matter how small, brings Lloyd's family one step closer to truly laying Lloyd to rest. Together, let's ensure that Lloyd's memory is honoured, and his families and

friends’ quest for closure and peace is realised.

We are building a memory book of Lloyd Page and if you would like to send any photographs to contribute to this, please contact us through GoFundMe for the email address. By donating to this campaign, you can support in costs of legal representation and associated expenses.

Join us in standing with the Page family during this difficult time.

Every contribution, no matter how small, brings Lloyd's family one step closer to obtaining the answers and justice he deserves. Please donate to: https://www.

Thank you for your compassion, generosity and support. The Page Family

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Everest marks double-world record success

Mount Everest saw two record-breaking climbs on Sunday with a Nepali sherpa making the most ever summits and a British climber setting the record for a foreigner.

Kami Rita Sherpa, 54, scaled the world's tallest mountain for a 29th time while British man Kenton Cool marked his 18th peak. Sherpa, already the world-record holder, beat his own landmark in setting the new standard.

A guide for over two decades, he first climbed the summit in 1994 and has made the peak almost every year since.

The climbing season has just started on Mount Everest, which is expecting hundreds of climbers to make the trek over the coming weeks.

Sherpa reached the 8,849m (29,000ft) summit on Sunday at about 07:30 local time (1:45GMT).

Last week, he had posted to Instagram from Everest base camp saying he was back to try a 29th summit "to the top of the world".

"One man's job, another man/woman's dream", he wrote.

The sherpa has previously told media how his climbs are just work - but he did do the trek twice last year to reclaim his crown from long-time rival and compatriot Pasang Dawa Sherpa.

Local authorities said Mr Cool, from Gloucestershire, had also summited on Sunday.

The British man is also a mountaineering guide and has previously played down his achievements, telling AFP news agency in 2022 that "so many of the Sherpas have so many more ascents".

Lhakpa Sherpa is the woman who has made the most ever climbs of Mount Everest, crowd-funding her world-record 10th climb in 2022. Nepal's government has issued about 400 mountaineering permits to climbers this year for the spring season which runs from April to June. Almost all climbers are accompanied by a local guide meaning about 800 people are expected to make the ascent.

More than 600 people made it to the peak last year. But it was also one of the deadliest climbing seasons- with 18 deaths recorded on the mountain.

menu filled with thoughtful cuisine plucked from the earth and mindful

New Zealand’s Aro-Hā Wellness Retreat joins bitcoin revolution

Taking time out just got a whole lot easier with Aro Hā Wellness Retreat in New Zealand now accepting Bitcoin (BTC) payments. Guests can now eliminate the cost of currency conversion and intermediary fees. For the past ten years the multi award-winning Aro Hā has been providing serious rejuvenation for burnt out global guests from executives to founders, creatives, adventure lovers, mid-lifers, first timers and old timers.

With 20 luxe off grid villas perched on a remote mountainside overlooking Lake Wakatipu on New Zealand’s South Island guests enjoy a transformative daily program of guided yoga and nature hiking, a

moments immersed in water and nature therapy under big day skies and night stars. “Wellness is a global necessity, so it makes sense to accept the borderless transactions that BTC provides,” says Aro Hā co-founder Damian Chaparro. “Bitcoin also allows those in under served regions to partake in the global economy making travel more inclusive and with peer-topeer booking unwanted fees are eliminated, while identity security is ensured with blockchain encryption.” To celebrate the adoption of cryptocurrency as a payment option, retreaters who book using Bitcoin before December 31, 2024 will receive a complimentary treatment worth up to NZD$350.

Hookie Weekend returns to celebrate Caribbean Culture in the DMV

Following a truly successful Jamaica Carnival execution of their famous Breakfast Fete, the team at HookieLife Entertainment looks ahead to bringing forth the 2024 edition of the beloved ‘Hookie Weekend' which is set for the Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia area (DMV). Regarded by many as the premier celebration of Caribbean culture in the DMV region, the highly anticipated Hookie Weekend 2024 promises to be an unforgettable experience filled with vibrant music, delicious cuisine, and colourful festivities. Boasting a unique array of club events, live performance stage shows, J’ouvert and Carnival parade experiences, the annual 5 day, 6 event festival has become a true destination event attracting attendees from within the

continental US, Canada, the Caribbean islands as well as Europe.

The creatively curated 2024 line-up of events kicks off on June 13th with ‘Release Therapy’ featuring Soca artiste Preedy. The festivities continue throughout the weekend with the popular ‘Lion’s Pride J’ouvert’ and the innovative mas experience ‘Riddim & Road’ which bears the 2024 theme ‘Rise of the Phoenix’ and exclusive costumes designed by New York based K. Adoree Entertainment.

Hookie Weekend 2024 also features the fan favourite ‘Shine DC’ which is a collaborative effort of Back to Basics Entertainment and Hookie Life Entertainment and the festival’s official cool down event ‘Oasis’. Of course, never to be omitted is the crown jewel of Hookie Weekend, the coolest Caribbean pool

party on the US east coast i.e. ‘Hookie DC’, which for 2024 is themed ‘Eye Candy’. This year, the promoters have promised a revamped experience for Hookie DC, with new festival features and dynamic mainstage performances from Soca stars Nadia Batson, Nailah Blackman and GBM Nutron. A rep from Hookie Life Entertainment shared, “Hookie is more than just a party brand, it's a celebration of Caribbean culture and creativity. We're proud to provide a platform for artistes, musicians, and performers to showcase their talents and share their artforms with the world.” Hookie Weekend has become synonymous with displaying the rich tapestry of Caribbean culture, and this year’s celebrations aim to exceed all expectations from June 13th to 17th.

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In a new interview with the Independent, Jamaica's foreign minister Alando Terrelonge revealed that Jamaica remains on track to remove King Charles as head of state.

King Charles is not only the monarch of the United Kingdon, but he also serves as head of state of 15 Commonwealth realms.

That number could drop as soon as next year: In a new interview with the Independent, Jamaica's foreign minister Alando Terrelonge revealed that Jamaica remains on track to remove King Charles as head of state. "We remain hopeful that by 2025 we would have completed those reforms and removed the British monarch as the head of our democracy," Terrelonge (pic) said, adding: "notwithstanding it being a figurehead and that real power resides with the government of Jamaica and the people of Jamaica."

This follows with what Jamaica's Prime Minister Andrew Holness told Prince William and Kate Middleton on their visit to the nation in 2022. He said that his country was "moving on" to fulfil our true ambitions and destiny as an independent, developed, prosperous country."

Per the new story in the Independent, Terrelonge added: "I've always maintained that we owe it to our ancestors who fought and died so that we could be free, we owe it to the framers of our constitution, the work done by our national heroes, for Jamaica to

now walk as truly liberated and independent.

“With having a Jamaican head of state, every single young king and young queen in Jamaica can aspire to one day be the head of state of their own country, and we'll no longer have to, figuratively or not, pay respect or swear allegiance to a foreign monarch." In order to remove the British monarch as head of state, Jamaica must pass the Constitution of Jamaica Bill in both houses of parliament with a two-thirds majority vote.

The bill, then, would be followed by a public referendum, on which citizens would vote if Jamaica should become a republic. King Charles has visited Jamaica four times, most recently in 2012.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were the most recent British royals to travel to the country, taking in the global premiere of Bob Marley: One Love in Kingston, Jamaica, while William and Kate were the last British royals to undertake an official tour in the country, in 2022. The last country to remove the British monarch as head of state was Barbados, in 2021; at the time, then-Prince Charles represented Queen Elizabeth in a ceremony.

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Ralph Ottey, age 100, Jamaican WW2 RAF Veteran viewing an exhibit of his life’s journey, at the launch. The launch of Ralph Ottey’s memoir, A Jamaican in Lincolnshire: From the Wartime RAF to a Life in Boston (Lincoln Record Society, 2024), took place at The


Dam Buster Squadron during the War, which was based in Lincolnshire at the time.

Ralph’s memoir was coordinated and completed by the eminent Professor Heather Hughes, Head, IBCC Digital Archive. Having met Ralph some years ago Heather became intrigued with his life’s journey of leaving his Island of Jamaica to serve in the Second

The launch was very well organised by Heather and her colleagues, supported by family Lesley, Ralph’s daughter, and her husband James, friends and other RAF veterans. This book is a fitting tribute to one of our Caribbean war heroes who has served Queen and Country, including experiencing a wonderful journey of life. This is an extract from his interview recording with The Forgotten Generations, transcribed by RAF AIRMAIL:

International Bomber Command Centre, Lincoln, Lincolnshire on Saturday 11th May 2024. It breaks new ground as the story of a black RAF veteran who settled in Boston, far from the main communities of Windrush immigrants and made a successful life there. It was a fitting venue as Ralph serviced on 617 Royal Air Force

World War as a young teenager. Ralph, who returned to Jamaica in 1948, travelling on the Windrush ship, was one of many veterans who served in the War. Ralph is unique in this sense as I believe he is the only person alive in UK who traveled to the Caribbean on the Windrush ship. After a short while of living in Jamaica he returned to Boston Lincolnshire where he has lived to date.

l Left, Donald and Ralph during the launch.

I was indeed honoured and immensely privileged to have been asked to write the Foreword for Ralph’s memoir, which I did as follows:

When I enlisted in the Royal Air Force in the early 1970s, I thought I was one of the first young black men to join the military. How wrong was I, as I later learned of trailblazers such as Ralph Ottey in the Second World War and even other Caribbean veterans who served before him in the First World War.

It then became my longing ambition to meet as many of these veterans as I could. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Ralph and dining with him, as he recounted some of his treasured memories.

It was indeed surreal spending such time with him, and I mentally pinched myself many times during the hours in his presence. I later had the privilege of recording a video interview with Ralph. Step by step, he reminisced and reflected on his path through life. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have captured these memories, uttered directly by the man himself. The interview will serve as a treasured archival record, which will hopefully blend with his delightful memoir to enrich black history.

Richest blessings, Ralph, and I hope your fantastic journey of life will serve to be a shining example to countless others.

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Blog by Donald Campbell 14th May 2024 l Ralph Ottey, age 100, Jamaican WW2 RAF Veteran viewing an exhibit of his life’s journey, at the launch. l L to R: Donald Campbell Veteran, James Morrison, Lesley Morrison, Ralph Ottey WW2 Veteran, Prince Albert Jacob WW2 Veteran, and Kenneth Straun Veteran.

What happened when London’s mayor met The Pontiff

London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, recently led a delegation to the Vatican for a summit on climate change.

He gave Pope Francis a gift of London tea when he had an audience with The Pontiff, meeting ahead of a speech that highlighted his efforts to place the capital in the vanguard of world cities seeking to tackle the global problem, as well as religion and other world issues that are at the forefront, internationally, today.

“I’m a Muslim man,” Khan said of his visit to Rome. “I do God, but I’m also proud that I’m able to reach out to people of other faiths.

“People of different religions need to talk more. And if I can be that bridge, then I’m happy to do so.”

In his capacity of co-chair of the C40 Cities climate change initiative, he led a delegation of global city mayors to the Vatican for the environmental summit with the Pope. He admitted beforehand that he was “nervous” before meeting Pope Francis, who complained that “the path to climate

resilience is impeded by greed”.

Having recently won an unprecedented third term as London’s mayor, following what was a bitter and divisive campaign, some of his opponents were accused of baiting him over his religious affiliation. “Some people tried to use my faith against me,” he said afterwords.

“But I remember that when I was first elected, in 2016, Pope Francis publicly welcomed it. It showed people that, actually, Muslims can integrate.

“I cherished that support from the Holy Father. I will always remember it!”

The Pontiff has previously pitched the fight against climate change as a moral, almost religious battle, a historic responsibility for the current generation.

The Mayor of London said that it doesn’t matter to him where people derive their beliefs from, “whether that be a mosque, temple, synagogue, church or anywhere else” – the fight against climate change is something that should bring people of all faiths and backgrounds together.


People travelling to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages are being urged to make sure they are up to date with their vaccinations in order to travel safely.

Hajj and Umrah fall between 14 and 19 June, 2024, and all travellers should be up to date with routine vaccinations as recommended in the UK such as the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and diphtheria-tetanus-polio vaccine. In addition, Hajj and Umrah pilgrims are also required to show proof of vaccination with the meningococcal ACWY (Men ACWY) vaccine as part of their visa for entry into Saudi Arabia.

Meningococcal disease is a bacte-

rial infection transmitted by inhaling respiratory droplets or direct contact with respiratory secretions from an infected person, usually following prolonged or frequent close contact. The most common forms of meningococcal disease are meningococcal meningitis, or infection of the protective lining around the brain, and septicaemia, or blood poisoning.

The Men ACWY should be given at least 10 days before, and within the last five years of, planned travel. Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing, said: "Large gatherings like Hajj and Umrah are associated with unique health risks and travellers should make sure they are up to date with their vac-

cinations as well as ensuring they practice good general health measures, such as regular hand washing with soap and water, to reduce the spread of infections.

"In particular, it's crucial that pilgrims have had their Men ACWY vaccine within the correct timescales, as they will be at increased risk of this particular infection due to the crowded conditions and possible close contact with people from countries with higher rates of meningococcal disease that they will experience on the pilgrimage. Please follow the guidance to ensure your safety and wellbeing throughout your travels."

Further information on vaccinations, health and travel are available at uk/country/191/saudi-arabia.

Oxford United in the Community are showing how football unites people within their community. The English Football League side run Oxford Phoenix FC, a team for Asylum Seekers many of which are housed close to the Kassam Stadium. This crucial provision, which includes weekly playing opportunities in a fun and safe space, uses football to connect individuals seeking refuge in Oxfordshire, with likeminded people in the local community. As well as developing key life skills, the sessions help refugees integrate into their new community. One player who has benefited from the Oxford Phoenix is Adam Mohammed, who joined in December 2022 having arrived in the UK from Libya the previous year.

The 18-year-old who plays in midfield, said joining the team has helped him adjust to life more than 2,000 miles from home: “It’s allowed me to make friends and settle into my new life,” he said.

“I always played football back home, and when I arrived in the UK I wanted to continue playing and found Oxford Phoenix FC which has been fun”. Oxford Phoenix FC was launched jointly by Oxford United in the Community, Asylum Welcome and Refugee Resource.

As a direct result of the programme, several players have integrated into grassroots football following friendly matches, and one participant is being supported by Oxford United in the Community to qualify as a referee. Youcef El Barhdadi, football manager at Refugee Resource and Inclusion Football Officer at the Oxfordshire FA, said the creation of Oxford Phoenix FC has delivered lasting memories and qualities to its players since the club first launched.

“Providing a safe space for refugees and asylum seekers, who have fled from difficult situations, to play football is our primary objective,” said Youcef.

“Sport and activities help build friendships, confidence and skills that are essential in everyday life. By creating a team, we are enabling refugees to place any anxieties they might have on hold and instead develop positive aspirations for their futures.

“We welcome new faces every week, and seeing players’ confidence develop both on and off the pitch is immensely satisfying.” Mark Thomas, Social Inclusion Lead at Oxford United in the Community, added: “Football holds a tremendous power to connect people and inspire happier, healthier and better-connected communities.

“We often hear about the success stories of our sport on the pitch, but Oxford Phoenix FC is a shining example of what’s possible behind the scenes by making a genuine impact on the lives of people in need.” How an EFL club is supporting asylum seekers in its community

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SALEH & SONS 250 LOZELLS RD, BIRMINGHAM B19 1NP TEL : 0121 551 1736 Fresh Meat & Vegetables Specialising in Caribbean Produce


The luxury resort operator just announced the forthcoming Banyan Tree Bimini Resort & Residences in the Bahamas.

Spearheaded by Rockwell Island Development Group, the highly anticipated property will be located 48 nautical miles outside of Miami and can be reached via seaplane, private jet, helicopter, or boat. When it’s complete, the development will span 750 acres and comprise 50 rooms, an onsite

beach club, in addition to 54 custom waterfront homes. If that wasn’t enough, the idyllic retreat will also offer overwater bungalows—a first for the Caribbean and the brand. Situated on Rockwell Island, a master-planned peninsula, the boutique hotel will have 24 beachfront villas in addition to 26 overwater accommodations. Think something akin to what you’d see in the Maldives. Guests will also have the opportunity to check out the Bonito Beach

Club, which will offer everything from VIP service to private cabanas and yachting and tender services.

“Since beginning work on Banyan Tree Bimini Resort & Residences, we have held true to the philosophy that the architecture should celebrate the island’s spirit of place,” says architect Chad Oppenheim, who was tapped to lead the design. “Our mission has been to celebrate the essence of Bimini through design that becomes hid-

den in the landscape. There is artistry in the change of sky, water, and light, and we translated those qualities into timeless homes and bungalows that celebrate the island’s natural beauty.”

“The Bahamas has always held a special allure for residents of

South Florida,” said Oren Alexander, co-founder of The Alexander Team and OFFICIAL, who’s leading the sales. “Our clients have been hungry for a weekend hideaway that blends refined living, a sense of adventure, and doorto-door ease, and Bimini perfectly encapsulates all. Despite the 20-minute commute from South Florida, Banyan Tree Bimini Resort & Residences feels worlds away with its pristine beaches and turquoise waters.”


Dublin Chamber's latest survey for Q1 2024 shows that the availability of affordable housing remains the greatest concern for Dublin businesses.

About two out of every three firms (62%) have lost employees or had prospective employees not take a job due to lack of affordable housing in Dublin. The lack of affordable housing, in turn, makes it difficult for firms to attract, retain and upskill staff.

Aebhric McGibney, Director of Public and International Affairs, said: “despite the extensive and substantial government supports to promote the construction of affordable housing, the volume of construction is insufficient to meet demand. “Government should

revisit the effective ban on building in certain parts of the Greater Dublin Area, which are based on outdated population figures, and encourage local authorities to provide for more residential zoned land in towns that are well served by public transport options. In addition, transport planning for the region needs to be revised for the region to keep pace with housing and population growth, with a view to bringing forward public transport services and projects that have been placed on the long finger in existing plans.”

The Q1 Business Outlook Survey shows that 30% of firms have temporarily subsidised or provided accommodation for employees to allow them to take a job in Dublin. Flexible and remote work-

Inverclyde is the UK’s property hotspot, according to analysis of official data.

Located in the west central Lowlands of Scotland, which borders the North Ayrshire and Renfrewshire council areas, and sur-

ing remaining the most effective measure in attracting and retaining staff, followed by competitive salaries.

“Housing has long been a simmering issue for businesses, now this has taken a turn into the realms of businesses subsidising housing to retain and attract talent in Dublin,” Mr McGibney concluded. “This should never be the case and will have adverse effects on Dublin being a competitive place to start and indeed grow a business. Dublin Chamber will continue to work closely with key stakeholders in Government, The Civil Service and in our four Local Authorities to ensure that Dublin remains a city where business can thrive”.

rounded by the Firth of Clyde, the average home there cost £124,216 in the last year - up 14.5% - the largest percentage increase in the country. Kensington and Chelsea, meanwhile, is the most expensive place to buy a home. Properties in the London borough sold for an average of £1.19m each in the last 12 months. Meanwhile, Greater Manchester and York are the only places in the north of England where house prices have increased above inflation since the market crash of 2007. House prices have gone up across the UK, according to the latest data from the Office for National Statistics. The average home in the UK cost £283,000 in the 12 months to March 2024. That’s an increase of £5,000 - or 1.8% - compared to the same time last year, when the average home cost £278,000.

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Looking ahead, the resort is already looking to expand its exclusive offerings with plans for a deepwater marina, a private 18-hole golf course, and a members-only clubhouse.


Surrey FA and Chelsea FC Foundation have announced their collaborative effort once again to offer empowering coaching sessions to female refugees in the local community. These sessions will provide an opportunity for women to engage with football in a supportive and inclusive environment, fostering skills, teamwork, and a sense of community. The first session of 2024 for this exciting collaboration kicked off on April 22nd, 2024, and will be followed by sub-

sequent sessions in May and June. Each session is designed to be engaging and impactful, focusing on fun while developing the ethos of team games. One of the key elements of these coaching sessions is the exploration of the question "What can football give you?"

Beyond just the sport itself, football has the power to provide a wide range of benefits to individuals, including physical health, mental well-being, social integration, and empowerment. "We are thrilled to continue our partnership with Chelsea FC Foundation to

bring these coaching sessions to female refugees in our community," said Rob Bryant, Senior Football Development Officer, Surrey FA.

"Football is not just a game; it's a platform for empowerment and social inclusion. Through these sessions, we aim to create a positive impact on the lives of these women and highlight the many valuable aspects that football can offer."

The coaching sessions will be led by experienced coaches from Chelsea FC Foundation, known for their dedication to community en-

gagement and youth development through football. Participants can expect to learn and develop fundamental football skills in a welcoming and supportive atmosphere. This initiative underscores the commitment of Surrey FA, SBHL and Chelsea FC Foundation to use football as a tool for social change and empowerment. By providing these opportunities, the organisations hope to inspire and uplift female refugees, promoting a sense of belonging and resilience.

Out-of-court settlement for sprinter Ellington following life-changing bike crash

Former British sprinter James Ellington has received an out-ofcourt settlement after receiving life-changing injuries during a motorbike accident in 2017.

The 38-year-old, who raced at the 2012 and 2016 Olympics, broke his leg in two places and suffered a broken pelvis in a collision with a car in Tenerife. He made a comeback in 2019 with the hope of competing at the 2020 Olympics but was forced to retire last year.

"While the day of the collision will always live with me, I also know I'm fortunate to have survived it," said Ellington.

"I've always tried to remain up-

beat. Now that I can finally put the legal case behind me, it's time to focus on the future."

Ellington, who was a passenger on the motorbike alongside teammate Nigel Levine, received a six-figure settlement, according to his solicitors Irwin Mitchell. The settlement will help fund rehabilitation and compensate Ellington for the premature end to his athletics career.

The settlement was with Levine's Spanish motor insurance company, which admitted liability in 2022. The claim was not against Levine and he had no role or involvement in the case.

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Manchester City became the first team to win the English league title four seasons in a row after beating West Ham 3-1 at Etihad Stadium.

Needing a win to be sure of holding off Arsenal, who started the final day two points behind but with a better goal difference, their win completed a staggering run of 19 wins and four draws since their last defeat in the league, at Aston Villa on 6 December. England star, Phil Foden, put Pep Guardiola’s side ahead after just two minutes, before adding another just short of the break and, although Mohammed Kudus pulled one back, midfielder Rodri restored the home side's two-goal cushion with a shot from the edge of the area after 59 minutes. Their victory was never serious-

ly in doubt, with the champions surviving a late scare when West Ham had a second goal ruled out by VAR for handball. City have now won six out of the past seven Premier League titles. Last term, they joined Huddersfield, Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United, twice, in winning the topflight three years in a row. Guardiola’s team have now achieved something no other men's side has managed since the English league was formed in 1888, 136 years ago. They now will be aiming to become the first side to complete the domestic double in successive seasons when they face Manchester United in the FA Cup final at Wembley on Saturday. And, for Foden, 23 - who now has six titles to his name - it’s another success, having collected the Football Writers’ Association and Premier

League Player of the Year awards this season, and, for many, is expecting a clean sweep of personal awards when the Professional Footballers' Association eventually confirms theirs.

Guardiola, though, in typical fashion, feels that there is further improvement in the England international to be made. For City, they haven’t lost at home all season, so any home anxiety that exist against West Ham was rapidly swept away - only some bad luck and West Ham keeper Alphonse Areola prevented the Hammers being completely swept away early on.

He has now won 12 league titles in 15 seasons as a manager, 16 years if you include the sabbatical he took when he left Barcelona in 2012.

An ambitious scheme to boost the reach and impact of youth charities in the West Midlands is to be rolled out to other parts of the country after being declared a huge success.

Scotland set to face England in World Cup despite Sri Lanka final loss

Scotland will face England in Women’s T20 World Cup, in the autumn, after losing against Sri Lanka in the final of the ICC qualifier in Abu Dhabi.

The Scots had already secured their first appearance in the tournament by reaching the last two but could not land the silverware as they were defeated by 68 runs. The loss also means they join Group B in the tournament itself and will play the host nation Bangladesh, South Africa and West Indies before facing England in Dhaka on 14 October.

Sri Lanka's reward for winning the final is to be paired with Australia, New Zealand, India and Pakistan in Group A. Scotland were without their captain and star player Kathryn Bryce through injury and could not compete with the match-winning performance from Chamari Athapaththu.

She smashed 102 from just 63 balls - with four sixes and 13 fours - while Rachel Slater picked up two wickets as the Sri Lanka innings finished on 169-5. Without Bryce to lead the chase the Scots reply never got close, subsiding on 101-7 with a top score of 30 from Priyanaz Chatterji.

Thanks to Sport 4 Life UK’s ‘Impact Partnerships’ with The Inspire Group, Sports Key, Pat Benson Boxing Academy, Our Community Foundation and Solihull Moors Foundation, more than 300 youngsters have received transformative support to help them into sustainable education, training or employment.

Based in Digbeth’s Custard Factory, Sport 4 Life UK, which uses sport as a way of aiding personal development among people aged between 11 and 29, is now looking to expand the initiative across the nation.

Under the scheme, Sport 4 Life UK has provided personnel and expertise to enable its five partners to work with even more young people. This has included strategic planning, impact assessments, funding support and governance enhancements. The majority of partners have significantly increased their revenue, and all have benefited from - and implemented - key learnings and developments.

Speaking of Impact Partnerships, CEO Tom Clarke-Forrest said: “The success of the scheme marks a major milestone in Sport 4 Life’s growth and is a key part of our ambition to reach and help more young people nationally, while continuing to support thousands of members of the youth community in Birmingham and West Midlands.

“It’s been fantastic to see the five organisations we have been working with go from strength to strength as a result of the partnership - they’ve really demonstrated that this model of collaboration works. We’re hungry for growth as an organisation and we believe that one of the best ways we can do that is by empowering other like-minded organisations.”

Alex Howard at The Inspire Group said: “There’s a great cultural alignment between The Inspire Group and Sport 4 Life UK and this is built on values and people.

“Over the past year, the partnership has enabled us to evolve our organisational skills in strategy and business development and better understand how to use these skills to serve the people who rely on our support.” Paddy Benson, at Pat Benson Boxing Academy, went on: “Partnering with Sport 4 Life UK has been transformative for us.

“From invaluable guidance on governance to support in various aspects, their collaboration has been instrumental in our journey and we look forward to continuing this partnership and creating meaningful impact together.” Sport 4 Life UK uses sport as a vehicle to achieve sustained education, training and employment outcomes for young people.

Since its inception in 2006, it has grown into the leading sport-for-employability charity across the West Midlands, meaningfully supporting over 2,000 young people towards better futures each year.

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