2011 Asia Pacific MPS Conference

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2011 Asia Pacific 2011

31 Oct - 1 Nov Sydney, Australia

The Intercontinental • www.photizogroup.com/asiapacific2011

Welcome Welcome to the 2011 Asia-Pacific MPS Conference. Thank you to all the attendees, sponsors and exhibitors who make each conference possible. With Fuji Xerox and HP leading the way as platinum sponsors, our sponsors and exhibitors have committed themselves as champions of the industry. Industry experts share their insights and stories in interactive sessions, panels and case studies. MPS professionals discover new solutions, ignite new ideas, connect with the MPS community and complete the MPS picture. Your support has been overwhelming and we are very excited to welcome you to the 2011 Asia Pacific MPS Conference. Best regards, Edward Crowley Don’t forget to Tweet! #MPSConf

Live Webcast Know someone who couldn’t make it to the Asia-Pacific MPS Conference? In partnership with Print Audit, Photizo Group is pleased to provide a live webcast of select sessions on the second day of the conference. Sessions will also be archived on MPSConference.com. The live webcast starts on Monday, 31 October at 09:00 EDT. www.photizogroup.com/conference/webcasts/live/

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Edward Crowley CEO & Founder, Photizo Group

Sponsors & Exhibitors Platinum Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Contributing Sponsor

Gold Sponsor Exhibition Layout MPSA

Exhibitors TM

NewField IT Netaphor

Fuji Xerox

Print Audit



Compass Sales

Happen Business

Business Enabled


MPS Insights Photizo


Agenda Monday, 31 October, 2011 Webcasted by

Sponsored by

James Cook Ballroom

Albert Room

8:00 AM


8:15 - 9:00

Continental Breakfast

9:00 - 9:30

Conference Welcome - David Brown, Photizo Group

9:30 - 10:30

Keynote Address: Driving MPS Innovation by Unleashing Collaborative Potential Dom Thurbon, ChangeLabs

10:30 - 11:30

11:30 - 1:00

MPS as Seen Through the Eyes of IT Peter Strohkorb, AIIA

Q&A Dom Thurbon, ChangeLabs

Lunch - Sponsored by

1:00 - 1:50

The Green Machine Matt Jones, MPS 101

Partner Transformation Study: Do You Know Your Challenges and Opportunities in MPS Today? Edward Crowley, Photizo Group

2:00 - 3:00

Asia PaciďŹ c MPS Market Trends Keng Keng Tan, Photizo Group & Mitch Filby, First Rock Consulting

MPS Knowledge: The Critical Element Chris McFarlane, Print Fleet

3:00 - 3:30

Afternoon Break

3:30 - 5:00

Panel Discussion: An Executive View from the Trenches End-User Panel

6:00 - 7:30

Networking Reception in the Harbour Room

Agenda Tuesday, 1 November, 2011

Sponsored by

Sponsored by

James Cook Ballroom

Albert Room

8:15 - 9:00

Continental Breakfast

9:00 - 9:30

Morning Address - David Brown, Photizo Group

9:30 - 10:25

In a World of Zigs, Let’s Zag Greg Walters, The Death of the Copier

10:30 - 11:30


1:00 - 2:00

Deal Crafting Paul Brady, Business Enabled

Understanding the Customer’s Real Requirements: It’s More Than Just Counting Pages Troy Casper, Compass Contact

Lunch - Sponsored by Panel: Things I Wish I Would Have Known When I Started My Program

Let’s Get Personal: Communicating Your MPS Message Misty Hamel Gonzalez, Photizo Group

2:00 - 2:50

An Industry in Transition: Products, Services or Both? Edward Crowley, Photizo Group

2:50 - 3:50

Melbourne Cup Viewing and Celebration

Join us as we celebrate the Melbourne Cup! • Watch the race on plasma screen TVs • Join a fun-filled afternoon tea break • Place bets in the Melbourne Cup sweepstakes pool

Keynote Speaker Dom Thurbon

Chief Creative Officer and Co-Founder, ChangeLabs Dominic Thurbon is Chief Creative Officer and Co-Founder of international behavior change organization ChangeLabs, is a world top-10 speaker and was Head of Research for business strategy consultancy Peter Sheahan Pty Ltd. After graduating from the University of Sydney, Thurbon joined Sheahan and led research for Sheahan’s book Flip: How Counterintuitive Thinking Is Changing Everything, which examines the forces of change currently reshaping the business environment. In his role as Chief Creative Officer of ChangeLabs, Thurbon works with partner organizations to address important social issues in areas such as health, education and skills shortages. He is currently focusing on projects to help companies embrace the potential of Web 2.0 and to adopt new technologies. Thurbon is also a recognized speaker, with a proven track record of successful high profile public speaking. In 2006, at the World Debating Championships in Dublin, Thurbon was ranked the seventh best speaker in the world, and this year was a Grand Finalist at the World Championships in Thailand. Speaking on subjects such as generation change and new business strategy, Thurbon has addressed business conferences in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

Executive End-User Panel Things I Wish I Would Have Known When I Started My Program Panelists Chris Anderson Phillip Hurley

John Duckett

David Richter

Chief Information Officer, Healthe Care

Chief Information Officer, Gibert & Tobin

Senior Commercial Manager, AMP

(AUD$280M - Third largest private health care company in Australia)

(One of the top Australia legal firms)

(Australia’s largest Insurance/bank company)

Director, Well Connected Business Equipment

Andrew Tsiorvas General Manager, PrintSolv

Thomas Dijohn

General Manager Strategic Projects, Fuji Xerox

Les Yong

Managing Director, Australian Managed Services

Speakers Edward Crowley

CEO & Founder, Photizo Group Edward Crowley has more than 20 years of experience in the hardcopy industry, including key leadership positions at QMS, DataProducts and Lexmark. At Photizo Group, Crowley specializes in market trends and the MPS ecosystem. Crowley is a business and economics professor at Midway College, a board member of the Managed Print Services Association and a speaker at conferences worldwide. His areas of expertise are brand strategy, hardcopy markets, and marketing strategy and intelligence.

Paul Brady

David Brown

Vice President of Media and Conferences, Photizo Group David Brown joined Photizo Group in 2010 as Account Executive charged with business development for conference and media. Prior to coming to Photizo Group, he worked as an Advertising Account Executive at the Lexington Herald-Leader for nearly six years and at Ketchum Directory Advertising, helping clients keep pace with the changing media landscape.

Troy Casper


Vice President of Sales, GreenPrint

Paul Brady has enjoyed 35 years of success in the technology and services arena. He is a past national president of BTA Australia, as well as founder and managing director of two highly successful hybrid dealership and managed services businesses. In 2008, Brady founded Business Enabled, a strategic services provider and portal to leading global services for resellers in the document solutions industry. Today, Brady works exclusively as a specialist consultant, trainer and resources partner to independent resellers, helping them successfully execute in a changing business model.

Troy Casper, President of Compass Sales Solutions, has 15 years of MPS industry experience. Following roles as a territory sales representative and sales manager, Casper founded a company that specialized in HP cost-per-print programs. Casper went on to found Compass Sales Solutions, which focuses on sales force automation, fleet management, TCO analysis and proposal generation solutions. Casper, by working with companies such as Sharp, Lexmark, Kyocera and Digital Gateway, has become an expert on the topics of MPS, business assessments and CRM systems.

Mitchell Filby

Misty Hamel Gonzalez

Mitchell Filby, a Photizo Group preferred partner, recognized in May 2009 the need to build an independent and consultative MPS business, resulting in First Rock Consulting. Prior to starting First Rock Consulting, Filby’s 20 years of ICT industry experience allowed him to develop robust insight and practical experience within a changing, technology-driven environment. Filby has worked on a number of projects, including global research and strategy development for Australia’s largest privately-integrated transformation services.

Misty Gonzalez is director of media and publishing at Photizo Group. After graduating from Emerson College with a degree in multimedia journalism, Gonzalez began experimenting with social media as an alternate method to traditional marketing. Joining Photizo Group as editor of the MPS Insights Journal, Gonzalez created the Photizo site MPSInsights.com to help promote awareness of the managed print services industry and Photizo Group. Today, the site has become a key source of industry info and receives more than 50 thousand visitors each year. She continues to track social media and marketing trends, finding new and out-of-the-box strategies.

Managing Director, First Rock Consulting Pty Ltd

Photizo Group

Speakers Matt Jones

Chris McFarlane

Over the last five years, Matt Jones has been among the most active in the international MPS industry. Jones has worked with a major global vendor to develop go-to-market MPS strategies for the European and Australian markets and, over the past two years, has written MPS contracts in excess of $100M. Recently, he has been utilizing his experience to advise corporate organizations on MPS. Jones has encountered most obstacles to MPS implementation, given his exposure to all facets of the industry, and is ready to guide attendees through these lessons.

Chris McFarlane is an experienced change agent who has held board, operational and strategic positions with a number of technology focused businesses. As the treasurer of Spar Aerospace, he helped the company grow its revenues from $200 million to $600 million in three years. He held the position of director of strategic planning and finance for MediaLinx (BCE) as it launched its Internet portal Sympatico. As the CFO and head of operations and technology at InfoWorks, McFarlane successfully led the company through a challenging environment and transformed it to a rapidly growing profitable enterprise within one of the world’s largest communications companies.

Managed Services Consultant, MPS 101

Peter Strohkorb

President and COO, PrintFleet Inc.

Keng Keng Tan

Consulting, Sales and Marketing Professional, B2B

Vice President, Research, Consulting & Information Services, Photizo Group

Peter Strohkorb is a B2B consulting, sales and marketing professional with over 20 years of senior management experience. Through his career, Strohkorb has held strategic roles with Sony, 3M, Canon and CSC Australia, in addition to founding multiple technology services and consulting SMEs. Currently serving as General Manager of Membership Development for the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA), Strohkorb holds a Mini MBA from Macquarie Graduate School of Management.

Keng Keng Tan has over 17 years of experience in the imaging industry, spanning across three major continents. Before joining Photizo Group, Tan lead sales operations for Lexmark’s laser business division and the Alliance business with IBM/IPS in Asia Pacific.

Greg Walters

Owner of Death of the Copier blog and MPS Practice Manager at SIGMAnet Greg Walters is currently a provider of managed print services for a large regional IT VAR in Southern California. Providing high technology business solutions since 1988, Walters first entered the output industry in 2000. Walters participates in many online MPS groups and was recently elected Secretary of the Managed Print Services Association. You can read more at his blog, TheDeathoftheCopier.com.


8:00 Registration

Location: Foyer

8:15 - 9:00 Continental Breakfast

Location: Exhibition Hall

10:30 - 11:30 Q&A

Dom Thurbon, ChangeLabs Location: Albert Room

11:30 - 1:00 Lunch

Location: James Cook Ballroom Sponsored by Fuji Xerox

9:00 - 9:30 Conference Welcome

David Brown, Photizo Group Location: James Cook Ballroom

1:00 - 1:50

9:30 - 10:30

Matt Jones, MPS 101 Location: James Cook Ballroom

Keynote Address: Driving MPS Innovation by Unleashing Collaborative Potential

Dom Thurbon, ChangeLabs Location: James Cook Ballroom Collaboration through emerging technologies.

10:30 - 11:30 MPS As Seen Through the Eyes of IT Peter Strohkorb, AIIA Location: James Cook Ballroom

Join this session as Strohkorb passes along lessons drawn from his vast experiences. He will highlight the different perspectives procurement and IT departments have of MPS and will elaborate on the perceptions of MPS in the eyes of the CIO/IT manager. Underpinned by real-world examples and anecdotes, Strohkorb’s discussion will offer benefit to anyone active in the MPS industry.

The Green Machine

This one hour interactive session is aimed at resellers and dealers looking to take an MPS solution to market and at end-users looking to successfully implement an MPS program.

Partner Transformation Study: Do You Know Your Challenges and Opportunities in MPS Today? Edward Crowley, Photizo Group Location: Albert Room

Photizo Group is launching MPS Partner Transformation Program featuring an integrated and dynamic framework to transform MPS providers around the world. Join Edward Crowley to learn more about this unique opportunity.

2:00 - 3:00 Asia Pacific MPS Market Trends

Keng Keng Tan, Photizo Group Mitch Filby, First Rock Consulting Location: James Cook Ballroom

For the MPS industry, it doesn’t get much hotter than Asia Pacific. Home to six of the 10 fastest growing MPS markets and host to more Global 2000 company headquarters than both Europe and North America, Asia Pacific will soon overtake the United States in economic output. For the MPS professional, these facts have clear implications. Join Keng Keng Tan and Mitchell Filby as they share insights on these exciting market developments. With growth opportunities abound, this session can ensure you don’t fall behind.

MPS Knowledge: The Critical Element Chris McFarlane, PrintFleet Location: Albert Room

Managed print services can add to the bottom line of your business, increase efficiency and decrease frustrations, but only if implemented correctly. As Chris McFarlane, president of PrintFleet, knows, knowledge is key when selecting an MPS program. Join this session for discussion of critical themes and learn what actions to take and the impact they will have when implementing MPS in your organization.

3:00 - 3:30 Afternoon Break

Location: Exhibition Hall

3:30 - 5:00 Panel Discussion: An Executive View from the Trenches End-User Panel Location: James Cook Ballroom

5:00 - 6:30 Networking Reception

Location: Harbour Room

Networking Reception Connect with other MPS professionals in the Harbour Room.


8:15 - 9:00 Continental Breakfast

Location: Exhibition Hall

9:00 - 9:30

David Brown, Photizo Group Location: James Cook Ballroom

Understanding the Customer’s Real Requirements: It’s More Than Just Counting Pages

Troy Casper, Compass Contact Location: Albert Room What is MPS all about? Helping people and businesses, right? In this session, learn how measuring and managing end-user printing can help you and your customers.

9:30 - 10:25

11:30 - 1:00

In a World of Zigs - Let’s Zag


Greg Walters, The Death of the Copier Location: James Cook Ballroom Join Walters as he reflects on two decades of technology and the acceleration of change over the past last three years. Hear his projections for the next decade and learn how innovation, transformation and convergence can lead to full integration. How today’s Zigs are tomorrow’s direction and when the world is ‘zigging’ lets Zag.

10:30 - 11:30 Deal Crafting

Paul Brady, Business Enabled Location: James Cook Ballroom When crafting a deal, art and science merge to provide you with the opportunity to innovate and differentiate. When moving beyond transactional engagements, deal crafting is where you bring compelling value to the table. Join Paul Brady as he discusses this process and learn how to properly present your services to potential clients.

Location: James Cook Ballroom Sponsored by HP

2:00 - 2:50 An Industry in Transition: Products, Services or Both?

Edward Crowley, Photizo Group Location: James Cook Ballroom In this thought provoking presentation, Ed Crowley will address the fundamental change underway in the imaging industry. Will the industry continue to be led by products, move to a services-led model, or both? Profitability and competitive advantage will be addressed and Crowley will ask five critical questions to help identify where your firm is on the services adoption model.

2:50 - 3:50 1:00 - 2:00

Melbourne Cup Viewing and Celebration

Location: James Cook Ballroom

Panel: Things I Wish I Would Have Known When I Started My Program Location: James Cook Ballroom

Let’s Get Personal: Communicating Your MPS Message

Misty Hamel Gonzalez, Photizo Group Location: Albert Room Remember behind the B2B are Ps (people). In this session, Misty Hamel Gonzalez discusses the different touch points for clients or prospective clients, and how to create relationships that translate into customer retention and revenue.

Presentation slide decks will be available for download at photizogroup.com/asiapacific2011/presentations/. Username: only available to registered attendees Password: only available to registered attendees

About Photizo EDWARD CROWLEY Founder, CEO

Market Trends, MPS Ecosystem

Founded in 2006 as a boutique research and consulting firm, Photizo continues to be the only research and consulting firm providing a holistic and thorough view of the MPS marketplace; with cutting-edge research, advanced concepts and thought leadership and define the 3-Stage Customer Adoption Model for the MPS decision-making process. This model has been widely adopted as an industry standard and expanded to include additional stages.


Photizo’s consulting team averages 20 years of individual industry experience with leading firms like IBM, Dell, Ricoh, QMS, Lexmark, Konica Minolta, Kyocera Mita, Sharp and NewField IT. The team speaks at a variety of events and authors articles in many publications as well as being quoted in the Wall Street Journal, on CNN Money and in the Economist.


Research and Consulting


Each of our clients faces a unique set of challenges. Whether it is determining the best growth strategy, identifying acquisition candidates or creating a compelling competitive differentiator through focused marketing programs. Our goal is simple — to bring our industry experience, insight and objectivity in addressing our clients’ challenges.

Advisory Services

Photizo provides a suite of advisory services to keep you and your company at the forefront of the industry. Each advisory service is specially packaged to include materials relevant to your challenges, such as key studies, industry publications and personalized guidance with experienced Photizo consultants. To learn more, visit photizogroup.com/research/services/.


In the spring of 2009, Photizo introduced the first conference dedicated to managed print services. So successful was the first conference, it has now become a global affair. More than a trade show, Photizo brings every aspect of the industry together under a banner of education and networking. To learn more about MPS Conferences, visit photizogroup.com/conference.

Publications Identifying a need for information and insight into this industry, Photizo began to publish the first publication dedicated solely to managed print services — the MPS Insights Journal in 2007. Today, Photizo’s MPS Insights media has expanded across different platforms, reaching a global audience of MPS decision makers and influencers. Learn more at mpsinsights.com.


Vice President, Research, Consulting & Information Services Asian MPS Market, Market Forecasting and Measurement ASIA PACIFIC OFFICE

Senior Consultant

Asia-Pacific Markets TOKYO OFFICE

Senior Consultant, Senior Industry Analyst MPS Market Analysis, MPS Purchase and Brand Dynamics HEADQUARTERS


Senior Consultant Market Trends and Infrastructure Providers NEW YORK OFFICE


Senior Consultant, Client Advisor MPS Channels and Programs SOUTH CAROLINA OFFICE


MPS Channel Program Management & End-User Consulting NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE


Senior Consultant European MPS Market, End-User Implementation LONDON OFFICE

JEAN-LOUIS DE LA SALLE Senior Consultant

European MPS, Sales Transformation, Future of Business Dynamics PARIS OFFICE







Your Guide For Business Re-Invention and Change A leading transformation firm, Photizo Group assists clients in transforming to a services-led business model. Utilizing industry research, market intelligence, education and media, Photizo assists organizations in understanding and building successful services businesses.

“Our goal is to excel at addressing our customers’ challenges by providing the greatest level of clarity, insight and depth in the MPS market.” - Edward Crowley, CEO and founder

How to Achieve Success With Photizo

1 2 3

EXPERIENCE AN MPS CONFERENCE. Congratulations - you’re here. Take the opportunity to experience the excitement around an evolving industry. With a focus on education, interactive sessions, panels and case studies provide innovative solutions for transforming business. Engage with industry leaders and connect with strategic partners. BOOKMARK MPSINSIGHTS.COM. MPS Insights publications are the go-to source for the managed print professional. Stay ahead of breaking industry news with the free Daily MPS Insights - subscribe at www. mpsinsights.com/sign-up/. Expand your knowledge, stay on top of trends and discover solutions for your challenges. MPS Insights PRO is an expertly crafted suite of resources that keep you on top of the industry. Upgrade to PRO at www.mpsinsights.com/ membership-benefits/. DON’T JUST ASK FOR DATA, DEMAND INSIGHT. Each year, Photizo provides research reports and information services to clients interested in topics from MPS brand metrics to software tool evaluations. Buy individual reports from Photizo’s storefront at www.photizogroup.com/research/ or subscribe to an advisory service package, including: MarketWatch - On-going market tracking and monitoring for tactical MPS planning MarketMetrics - In-depth market research and analysis for building MPS market strategy Decision Makers Tracking - Objective decision maker insight; including demographics, purchase and brand metrics.


PartnerTranformation - Practical solutions for transforming an hardware-centric dealers and resellers. GET A CUSTOM SOLUTION. With more than 150 years of operational industry experience, Photizo’s senior consulting team bring extensive insight and objectivity in addressing your challenges. Proprietary research and consulting provides you with the opportunity to ask questions and receive personalized data and analysis.

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