9-10 October | London, Great Britain
The leading market intelligence firm in the imaging industry.
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Transform Europe is the premier event for the imaging industry. Hosted by Photizo
Group, this event covers topics from the early stages of managed print services adoption to advanced Hybrid Provider issues. Experts will discuss the current state of managed print services in the market as well as reveal data and trends about where the European imaging market is headed and what the future opportunities will be. Content will include a range of panels, success stories, case studies and tactical information that will help you be successful in this changing market.
Want more in-depth instruction?
Date: 9-10 October, 2012
Venue: Twickenham Rugby Stadium
Arrive early and attend Photizo’s MPS Provider Workshop led by Ken Stewart.
Hotel: London Marriott Twickenham More info at:
Date: Monday, 8 October, 2012
Time: 13.00-17.00
or contact Terri Crowley tcrowley@photizogroup.com +1 859 846 9830 ext. 107 with questions
Cost: €195.00
Monday, 8 October
13:00 - 14:30
14:45 - 17:00
Measures of Success: A Candid Look Inside Champion MPS Providers
Perfect MPS Assessment: Building Your MPSAssessment Practice to Be Structured And Repeatable
Ken Stewart, Photizo Group
West McDonald, FocusMPS
Intended Audience: Management in MPS Practices from basic to advanced. Successful leaders understand that measures of success are critical to effective execution. Learn what “good” looks like and what typically trips providers up in delivering managed print services (MPS). The Hybrid Provider Index provides a research-driven reference point for providers to realistically benchmark their performance and confidently set goals.
Intended Audience: Management in MPS Practices. Join West McDonald for a foundational session as he steps through the critical elements of building an Assessment Methodology and use the information to build a practice that will set your MPS business ahead of the competition.
Tuesday, 9 October
Keynote: Creating Champions Sir Clive Woodward OBE
Director of Sports, British Olympic Association
Clive enjoyed a highly successful business career while playing international rugby as an amateur. After retiring as a player, he began his remarkable coaching career. After success at the club level and England U21’s, Clive became the first-ever full-time professional head coach for England’s rugby team. In 2006, he joined the British Olympic Association and, as director of sport, partners all key stakeholders in British sport in support of its national coaches, athletes, and players to maximize their success for the London Olympics in 2012 and beyond.
TRACK 1 10:45 - 11:25
11:30 - 12:10
12:15 - 12:55
MPS and Beyond: Defining Success in Services Business
EMEA Imaging Market: Here We Are, What Now?
Robert Palmer, Photizo Group
Achieving Efficient MPS Adoption and Customer Transformation
In this session, Palmer will discuss tracking the migration from hardware to services; transitioning to a new revenue base and identifying opportunities; and taking advantage of the changing workforce and content explosion. He will also discuss what happens to the channel and aligning the product road map.
The presentation outlines the issues faced by the customer as they initially attempted to deploy managed print service. The reasons behind the issues are outlined and how, by using an external resource, they could identify and overcome the key change blockers.
Join us while we discuss the current state of the imaging market, the trends impacting your business, and your opportunities of growth.
10:45 - 11:25
11:30 - 12:10
12:15 - 12:55
Assessments for the SMB Market. Should You Do Them? Can They Be Done?
The Importance of Mobility in the MPS as a Cloud-based SaaS Future of Print Sascha Kellert, ezeep Jared Hansen, Breezy A holistic look at disruptive power of
Keith Houghton, transcend 360
Ann Priede and Scott Hornbuckle, Photizo Group
Dennis Kramer, perform IT Attendees of this session will gain insight into MPS sales methodologies that will help their sales force to be successful with SMBs. They will learn how MPS engagements for SMBs can be effective, during a time the sales person can afford.
Mobility is revolutionizing the workplace (again), and workflows are changing. As businesses move to support greater employee mobility, what must the print industry do to remain relevant? Hansen shares his insight into what forwardlooking companies are doing to stay ahead of the mobile curve. 4
the cloud and the software-as-service model on managed print services. An analysis of trends that most other industries have gone through, particularly consumerisation of software, cloudification and appification and how these can affect the printing industry and the underlying technology that will make these shifts possible.
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10:30 - 10:45
Registration/Breakfast Break
12:55 - 14:30
16:00 - 18:00
Photizo’s Transform Events are a hub of activity and opportunity, especially in our solutions showcase where exhibitors present the latest services, technology and solutions in managed print services and digital workflow to attendees. This year’s solutions showcase includes: TM
14:30 - 15:10
15:15 - 16:00
Products to Services Transformation in B2B Electronics: Past, Present and Future
Risk Management: Lessons from the Energy Services Sector
Paul Brody, IBM Brody has spent more than 15 years in the electronics industry doing extensive consulting work across supply chain, operations, and business strategy. He currently leads IBM’s global electronics industry services organization.
Kent Dunn, Vice President of GreenPrint Technologies MPS engagements are increasingly characterized by risk. Those who proactively identify and manage risk factors will inevitably be better positioned to win To learn more about exhibiting or spon‘good’ business and let ‘bad’ business soring contact Hannah Smith, hsmith@ pass by. photizogroup.com, +1 859 846 9830 ext. 117 or visit http://www.photizogroup. com/europe2012/join-our-partners/
18:00 14:30 - 15:10
15:15 - 16:00
Small is Beautiful – MPS for SMB Customers | Marco Castellano, Sistema Azienda
Exciting session is in the works!
Marco Castellano, Sistema Azienda
Reception at Hampton Court Palace
In this case study you will be introduced to Sistema Azienda followed by reasons for taking the road to MPS. Castellano will also cover MPS success in practice, lessons learned and recommendations to dealers working in the SMB segment.
NewField IT and Nuance will host a royal reception at the Hampton Court Palace. Located in the King’s Guard Chamber, attendees will dine and network among a breathtaking display of weaponry dating back to 1699. 5
Wednesday, 10 October
10:00 - 10:40
11:30 - 12:15
Europe is Transforming ... to What?
Exciting session is in the works!
Edward Crowley
Founder and CEO, Photizo Group
Edward Crowley, Photizo Group’s CEO, will take a look at the future European imaging market: changing channels, changing offerings, and– most importantly – changing customers! 10:40 - 11:30
Executive Panel
11:30 - 12:15
Industry Leaders Speak Out
Edward Crowley, CEO of Photizo Group, will moderate a panel session that will feature executives from industry-leading OEMs. This panel will focus on topics relevant to the future of business and managed print services. Questions will be taken from the audience.
Fight or Flight: Staying Relevant for Tomorrow’s Customer Ann Priede and Ken Stewart, Photizo Group Join us for a discussion on how technology and consumer trends are impacting your business today. You’ll learn what’s hot and what’s not, providing key insights in positioning your business to survive today and thrive tomorrow.
1. Visit photizogroup.com/ europe2012 and download the Sponsor and Exhibitor Guide. 2. Determine your level of participation – there’s options from table top exhibitor to platinum sponsor.
Terrie Campbell and Darren Cassidy Executive Panelists, Transform 2012 Global Orlando, Florida
3. Contact Hannah Smith to reserve your package. 4. Complete your contract, select marketing optimization activities and prepare for a successful event. 6
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13:30 - 14:10
14:15 - 14:55
15:15 - 15:55
Case Study: Working with Partnerships for Mutual Gain in MPS
Maximising Benefit in the Maturity Model
Dealer Panel Discussion
Stephen Pye, Acert Associates Ltd
M2 is the UK’s leading independent managed print and document services company.
Stephen Pye brings his personal perspective and a few lessons learned along the path to enlightenment, specifically around the transform maturity model. This sessions is primarily died at dealers and providers but client-side attendees should gain some benefit from insight into supply chain thinking.
13:30 - 14:10
14:15 - 14:55
15:15 - 15:55
Business Intelligence: The New Hidden Goldmine!
Rule Breakers: Getting Customers On-Board with Print Rules
The Next Step – Printer Asset Management
Robert Newry, Newfield IT
Ori Eizenberg, Preton
Why disparate sources of data in every managed print service provider can be linked to provide important business insight on contract performance.
Print rules reduce unnecessary printing and lower printing-related costs, but successfully implementing them is a constant battle. Customers are passionate about print, try taking away color printing or a personal printer, you could lose a hand.
James Lothian, CTMS CTMS outlines how printer management can benefit from utilising enterprise technology asset management solutions. Printer management is often seen as a specific area of responsibility, but adopting joined up thinking to integrate multiple systems and data sources can provide substantial efficiency gains and cost savings for all technology management.
16:00 - 17:00
Roundtable 1 Managed Print Services
Roundtable 2
Roundtable 3
Future of Imaging
What does the channel look like in 2013?
Roundtable 4
Biggest issues affecting industries today